periodontics periodontology dentistry innate immunity statistical significance true endpoints true surrogate end points statistics science clinical significance tangible benefits end points levels of clinical significance treatment epitheial biology gingivitis dequamative gingivitis acquired immunity peri-implant defense gingival epithelium gingival crevicular fluid gcf saliva defense mechanisms of gingiva gingiva defense mechanism causality risk endo-perio prognosis factors affecting prognosis miller mc-entire prognostic score implant prognosis in implant dentistry prognosis cytokines and periodontal diseases tlr in periodontics periodontal vaccine prr toll like receptors adaptive immunity osteoimmunology of periodontal diseases immunology of periodontal diseases basic immunology healing repair of ginigiva nerve supply blood supply applied aspects of gingiva biotype biologic width clinical considerations of gingiva ginigva seminar anatomy of gingiva microscopic features of gingiva development of ginigiva junctional epithelium seminar macroscopic features of gingiva ginigiva bleeding disoders management in periodontics importance of blood in periodontics mechanism of coagulation coagulation blood
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