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©	Criminal	Forensics	™	•	
Forensic	&	Clinical	Research	Center	
	Criminal	Forensic	Discovery	
Criminal	Case	Files	
Drug-Facilitated	Sexual	Assault	
Forensic	Regression	Effective	in	Substance-Induced	Amnesia	
In	 a	 groundbreaking	 development	 this	 end	 of	 year,	forensic	regression	 was	 proved	 effective	 in	 enabling	
memory	revivification	following	substance-induced	amnesia.	
Amnesia:	a	common	effect	of	date	rape	drugs	
In	November	2016,	the	subject,	a	5’5”,	100	lbs.	woman	in	her	40s,	was	invited	for	dinner	to	the	home	of	a	man	
she	had	recently	resumed	seeing.	She	had	met	the	unemployed	50	year-old	the	previous	summer.	Her	initial	
lack	of	interest	was	met	by	his	whirlwind	attempts	to	win	her	over.	It	ended	abruptly	in	August,	when	she	
accepted	to	meet	him	at	his	residence	and	found	herself	brutally	pinned,	face	down,	both	wrists	trapped	in	
one	of	his	hands,	while	he	assaulted	her	with	his	other	hand,	deaf	and	oblivious	to	her	repeated	pleads	he	was	
hurting	 her.	 She	 interrupted	 all	 contacts	 with	 him.	 Months	 later,	 the	 50	 year-old	 resumed	 his	 romantic	
attempts	 to	 win	 her	 over,	 stressing	 what	 had	 happened	 over	 the	 summer	 was	 a	 misunderstanding,	 and	
ensuring	 he	 never	 meant	 to	 harm	 her.	 For	 weeks,	 he	 worked	 relentlessly	 at	 regaining	 her	 trust,	 until	 she	
eventually	accepted	to	visit	him	again.		
When	she	arrived	at	his	residence,	a	fire	was	burning	in	the	living	room.	He	invited	her	to	sit	in	front	of	the	
hearth	and	retreated	to	the	kitchen.	Returning	with	a	small	cup	of	warm	sake,	he	indicated	it	would	warm	her	
up,	since	it	was	stormy	and	cold	that	day.	When	she	brought	the	cup	to	her	lips,	the	vapors	emanating	from	it	
and	the	taste	seemed	strong	and	unpleasant.	She	dipped	her	lips	in	the	warm	liquid	and	put	the	cup	down	
without	consuming	it.	He	withdrew	to	the	kitchen	once	again	and	returned	this	time	with	a	glass	of	sparkling	
Italian	red	wine.	She	began	sipping	the	beverage	as	he	stood	watching	her.	
Within	15	minutes,	she	had	lost	all	muscle	function	and	motor	coordination,	along	with	the	ability	to	think	
coherently.	She	later	described	feeling	as	if	she	had	somehow	left	her	body	and	suddenly	found	herself	in	
some	sort	of	dissociated,	dream-like	state.	Confused	and	drowsy,	she	looked	up	at	him	and	asked:	“What	did	
you	put	in	my	glass?	I	can’t	feel	my	body!”	Towering	over	her	from	his	6’5"	height,	he	snapped	back:	“Nothing.	
Just	Lambrusco.”	She	attempted	to	stand	but	found	herself	stumbling,	disoriented	and	dizzy.	This	was	shortly	
after	4	pm.	
She	then	experienced	complete	amnesia	of	the	following	8	hours.	Her	memories	resume	after	midnight,	when	
she	found	herself	naked,	alone	on	her	knees	on	the	bathroom	floor,	vomiting	over	his	toilet.	Freezing	cold,	
shaken,	dizzy	and	violently	nauseous,	she	continued	vomiting	for	hours	as	her	body	desperately	attempted	to	
expel	the	ingested	substances.
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Around	2	am,	when	she	was	finally	able	to	stand,	she	washed	herself	in	the	bathroom	and	made	her	way	to	
the	 bedroom,	 where	 she	 found	 him	 cuddling	 his	 dog,	 his	 back	 turned	 to	 her.	 Cold	 and	 shaken,	 not	
understanding	what	had	happened,	she	curled	into	bed	against	him,	in	an	attempt	to	find	warmth.	When	she	
placed	her	cheek	against	his	chest,	he	head-butted	her	with	his	shoulder	in	a	violent	motion	that	propelled	
her	 away	 from	 him,	 and	 turned	 his	 back	 to	 her	 again.	 Standing	 up	 without	 a	 sound,	 she	 searched	 for	 her	
clothes,	which	she	found	on	the	ground,	kicked	in	a	discarded	lump	in	a	corner	of	the	room.	She	dressed	
silently	and	fled	the	scene.	
When	she	awoke	the	next	day,	she	discovered	her	body	was	covered	with	bruises.	Large,	red,	black	and	blue	
contusions	marked	her	breasts,	the	inside	of	both	forearms,	her	gluteus	and	legs.	Without	any	recollections	of	
the	eight-hour	period	of	time	that	extended	between	sipping	the	glass	of	red	wine	downstairs	by	the	fireplace,	
and	finding	herself	naked	on	her	knees	in	the	upstairs	bathroom,	she	struggled	to	make	sense	of	what	had	
Forensic	Regression	
The	medical,	police	and	forensic	teams	that	responded	to	
her	in	the	following	days,	examining	her,	taking	photos	of	
the	 bruising	 and	 documenting	 the	 facts,	 were	 adamant.	
The	partial	consumption	of	a	glass	of	red	wine	is	unlikely	
to	produce	symptoms	of	this	severity	within	15	minutes	
of	 sipping	 it.	 Even	 in	 cases	 of	 alcohol	 intoxication,	 the	
reasonable	 question	 that	 follows	 is	 who	 would	 disrobe	
and	 have	 sex	 for	 the	 first	 time	 with	 a	 partner	 whose	
judgment	 is	 impaired	 and	 who	 might	 even	 be	
unconscious.	The	combination	of	the	complete	amnesia	of	
an	eight-hour	block	of	time	and	total	anesthesia	from	all	
physical	 sensations	 she	 experienced	 indicates	 a	 likely	
benzodiazepines	 poisoning,	 a	 medical	 emergency	 that	
could	have	proved	lethal	for	the	100	lbs.	woman	without	
previous	exposure	to	synthetic	drugs	or	sedatives.	
Amnesia	 is	 a	 common	 side	 effect	 of	 date	 rape	 drugs.	 Benzodiazepines,	 whether	 they	 are	 legal	 like	 Xanax,	
Klonopin	or	Valium,	along	with	a	long	list	of	anti-anxiety,	muscle	relaxants	and	antipsychotic	prescription	
medications	 prescribed	 to	 manage	 psychosis,	 bipolar	 or	 borderline	 symptoms,	 emotional	 or	 mental	
disorders,	 anesthetics	 used	 in	 veterinary	 practices	 like	 Ketamine,	 or	 underground	 drugs	 like	 GHB	 or	
Rohypnol,	 no	 longer	 legal	 in	 the	 United	 States,	 can	 all	 cause	 drowsiness,	 confusion,	 loss	 of	 motor	
coordination,	 dizziness,	 numbness,	 nausea,	 seizures,	 vomiting,	 unconsciousness	 and	 death.	 Rohypnol,	 GHB	
and	Ketamine	are	not	the	only	drugs	used	to	spike	the	drinks	of	unsuspected	victims.	Legal	benzodiazepines	
like	Xanax	and	Klonopin	have	also	been	used	to	facilitate	crimes.	
During	the	forensic	regression,	the	woman	was	brought	back	to	her	last	conscious	memory:	in	front	of	the	
fireplace,	beginning	to	sip	the	glass	of	wine.	To	prevent	the	possibility	of	tainting,	leading	or	influencing	her	
recollection,	she	was	left	to	process	the	unfolding	of	the	events	on	her	own,	without	any	input	or	interference	
from	the	forensic	team.	
From	 the	 safety	 of	 the	 deep,	 physical,	 mental	 and	 emotional	 relaxation	 we	 induce	 during	 a	 regression,	
surrounded	by	the	protective	presence	of	the	team,	the	memories	contained	within	the	depths	of	her	mind	
began	to	unfold	gently,	easily	and	effortlessly.
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Ideomotor	responses	were	established	for	her	to	indicate	when	the	revivification	had	begun,	confirm	it	was	
still	unfolding,	and	signal	when	she	had	reached	the	reconnection	to	her	conscious	recollection	of	being	on	
her	knees	on	the	bathroom	floor.	Among	the	recovered	memories	were:	
His	voice,	as	he	was	towering	over	her	in	front	of	the	fireplace,	
asking	her:	“Would	you	like	to	go	upstairs?”	Her	clear	response:	
“I	wouldn't	be	able	to	stand…	What	did	you	put	in	my	glass?	I	
can’t	feel	my	body!”	These	words	alone	were	alarming	to	her,	as	
she	had	never	before	had	to	ask	this	question.	
Flashbacks,	images	and	sounds	continued	unfolding	in	her	mind:	
Staring	 at	 his	 open	 closet,	 from	 the	 bed	 upstairs	 where	 she	
found	herself	laying	on	her	back,	noticing	the	rigid	and	clinical	
color	coordinated	alignment	of	clothing,	exclusively	in	shades	of	
black	and	gray.	
Finding	herself	naked,	pinned	down	under	his	naked	body,	while	she	repeated:	“I’m	scared	…	I’m	scared…”	
His	voice	responding:	“Don’t	worry…	I’m	not	going	to	take	you	until	you	relax	some	more…”	Her	own	voice	
stating:	 “I’m	 not	 on	 the	 pill…”	 His	 response:	 “I	 have	 condoms.	 The	 last	 thing	 I	 want	 is	 an	 unplanned	
Physical	Anesthesia	
What	 was	 never	 recovered	 was	 any	 awareness	 whatsoever	 of	 physical	 sensations	 during	 the	 8-hour	
timeframe,	indicating	the	ingested	substances	had	in	fact	produced	a	complete	state	of	physical	anesthesia.	
Among	other	missing	blocks	of	memory	was	the	absence	of	recollection	as	to	how	her	clothing	was	removed	
from	her	body.	This	was	disturbing	to	her	considering	she	was	wearing	multiple	layers:	a	snug	winter	dress	
with	a	full-length	zipper	in	the	back	that	came	all	the	way	up	to	the	nape	of	her	neck,	stockings,	thick	knee-
high	winter	socks	and	boots.	
These	missing	parts	indicate	the	very	real	probability	she	slipped	in	and	out	of	consciousness.	This	is	also	
hinted	by	the	fact	she	remembers	nothing	further	until	she	was	shaken	by	his	loud	screaming	in	her	ear	as	he	
came.	The	loud,	painful	shouts	against	one	of	her	ears,	jolted	her	back	to	consciousness	for	a	moment.	She	
became	aware	only	then,	in	her	dream-like	state,	that	he	was	inside	of	her.	An	observation	she	deducted	from	
the	 positioning	 of	 his	 body	 trapping	 and	 engulfing	 hers	 and	 his	 screaming.	 Yet,	 again,	 there	 were	 still	 no	
physical	sensations	of	any	kind.	Her	body	remained	entirely	numb	through	the	complete	block	of	time.		
The	 degree	 of	 confusion	 and	 distress	 prompted	 by	 amnesia	 is	 difficult	 to	 understand	 without	 having	
experienced	 it.	 The	 mind	 spins	 in	 endless	 loops	 in	 an	 attempt	 to	 recover	 the	 missing	 memories.	 It	 is	
challenging	for	the	mind	to	comprehend	how	a	large	block	of	life	can	somehow	disappear	from	conscious	
awareness.	The	depth	of	relief	provided	by	memory	revivification	is	immensely	therapeutic	and	beneficial	in	
recovering	from	the	debilitating	hold	left	behind	by	traumatic	events.	
This	 was	 groundbreaking	 research	 for	 our	 team.	 It	 is	 often	 assumed	 forensic	 regression	 is	 not	 likely	 to	
facilitate	 results	 in	 cases	 of	 substance-induced	 amnesia.	 Yet,	 we	 consistently	 obtain	 results	 clinically	
regressing	patients	to	experiences	they	had	in	surgery,	while	under	general	anesthesia.	Memories	sometimes	
confirmed	 by	 those	 present	 at	 the	 time.	 If	 part	 of	 the	 mind	 remains	 aware	 while	 in	 a	 controlled	 state	 of	
unconsciousness	 like	 general	 anesthesia,	 we	 should	 expect	 memory	 revivification	 to	 be	 possible	 in	 other	
types	of	drug-induced	amnesia.
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Close	to	75	percent	of	rapists	and	sexual	offenders	are	friends,	family	members	or	partners	of	the	victim.	
Most	 acts	 are	 premeditated	 and	 occur	 behind	 closed	 doors	 as	 an	 attempt	 from	 the	 perpetrator	 at	 gaining	
control.	Perpetrators	are	trained	manipulators,	who	convince	themselves	and	others	that	they	are	never	at	
fault	for	their	actions.	
Drug	Facilitated	Sexual	Assault	(DFSA)	is	a	criminal	act	punishable	by	up	to	20	years	of	imprisonment	and	
fines	 for	 intent	 to	 commit	 a	 crime	 of	 violence	 by	 distributing	 controlled	 substances	 to	 another	 individual	
without	their	knowledge	(Drug-Induced	Rape	Prevention	and	Punishment	Act	of	1996).		
GENVIÈV	 MARTIN-BERNARD,	 President	 of	 the	 Oregon	
Hypnotherapy	Association,	is	Board	Certified	and	a	Certified	Instructor	
with	 the	 National	 Guild	 of	 Hypnotists,	 a	 Valedictorian	 from	 the	 Ivy	
League	University	of	the	Sorbonne	in	Paris,	and	an	Emergency	Medicine	
First	Responder	with	the	Wilderness	Medicine	Institute.		She	has	decades	
of	 experience	 researching,	 practicing,	 and	 teaching	 the	 concepts	 and	
applications	of	working	with	brain	plasticity	and	forensic	hypnosis	in	the	
U.S.	 and	 overseas.	 With	 specialized	 training	 in	 forensic	 discovery,	 and	
years	of	expertise	in	the	legal	field,	she	acted	as	a	communication	liaison	
in	complex	and	critical	situations,	including	duties	for	the	Department	of	
Homeland	Security	and	the	US	Court	System.	
The	 niece	 of	 Bernard	 de	 Gaulle,	 nephew	 of	 General	 Charles	 de	 Gaulle,	
President	of	France,	and	Leader	of	the	Resistance	Forces	during	WWII,	she	comes	from	a	long	family	tradition	
of	 national	 and	 international	 defense.	 The	 support,	 morale	 and	 wellness	 of	 troops,	 law	 enforcement	 and	
government	officials	are	at	the	core	of	her	personal	and	professional	values.		
According	 to	 Senior	 Special	 Agent	 John	 Kilnapp	 of	 the	 Bureau	 of	 Alcohol,	 Tobacco	 and	 Firearms,	 forensic	
hypnosis	may	be	the	only	way	to	recover	the	details	of	a	traumatic	event	crime	victims	blocked	out	of	their	
mind.	Neuroscientists	studying	electroencephalograms	of	the	alpha	and	theta	brain	cycles	experienced	during	
hypnosis,	 explain	 the	 deep,	 attentive	 physical,	 mental	 and	 emotional	 relaxation	 characteristic	 of	 this	 state	
produces	a	significant	increase	in	endorphin	levels,	our	body's	natural	opiate	system,	as	well	as	in	dopamine	
and	norepinephrine	levels,	enhancing	our	focus	and	attention.		
This	 creates	 an	 ideal	 state	 for	 synthetic	 thought	 and	 creativity,	 functions	 of	 the	 right	 brain	 hemisphere,	
placing	 us	 in	 an	 optimal	 condition	 to	 learn	 new	 information,	 remember	 facts	 and	 data,	 memorize	 new	
languages	 and	 analyze	 complex	 situations.	 Helping	 witnesses	 and	 victims	 enhance	 their	 clarity	 of	 mind,	
enables	us	to	revisit	their	recall,	thereby	providing	law	enforcement	officials	with	vital	information	and	leads.	
When	conducted	properly,	forensic	hypnosis	can	be	an	important	element	in	the	preparation	and	outcome	of	
a	trial.

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This is a Case Formulation dated 22/7/2017

Criminal Case Files Amnesia

  • 1. © Criminal Forensics ™ • GENVIÈV MARTIN BERNARD, DESS, BCH Forensic & Clinical Research Center Criminal Forensic Discovery Criminal Case Files Drug-Facilitated Sexual Assault Forensic Regression Effective in Substance-Induced Amnesia In a groundbreaking development this end of year, forensic regression was proved effective in enabling memory revivification following substance-induced amnesia. Amnesia: a common effect of date rape drugs In November 2016, the subject, a 5’5”, 100 lbs. woman in her 40s, was invited for dinner to the home of a man she had recently resumed seeing. She had met the unemployed 50 year-old the previous summer. Her initial lack of interest was met by his whirlwind attempts to win her over. It ended abruptly in August, when she accepted to meet him at his residence and found herself brutally pinned, face down, both wrists trapped in one of his hands, while he assaulted her with his other hand, deaf and oblivious to her repeated pleads he was hurting her. She interrupted all contacts with him. Months later, the 50 year-old resumed his romantic attempts to win her over, stressing what had happened over the summer was a misunderstanding, and ensuring he never meant to harm her. For weeks, he worked relentlessly at regaining her trust, until she eventually accepted to visit him again. When she arrived at his residence, a fire was burning in the living room. He invited her to sit in front of the hearth and retreated to the kitchen. Returning with a small cup of warm sake, he indicated it would warm her up, since it was stormy and cold that day. When she brought the cup to her lips, the vapors emanating from it and the taste seemed strong and unpleasant. She dipped her lips in the warm liquid and put the cup down without consuming it. He withdrew to the kitchen once again and returned this time with a glass of sparkling Italian red wine. She began sipping the beverage as he stood watching her. Within 15 minutes, she had lost all muscle function and motor coordination, along with the ability to think coherently. She later described feeling as if she had somehow left her body and suddenly found herself in some sort of dissociated, dream-like state. Confused and drowsy, she looked up at him and asked: “What did you put in my glass? I can’t feel my body!” Towering over her from his 6’5" height, he snapped back: “Nothing. Just Lambrusco.” She attempted to stand but found herself stumbling, disoriented and dizzy. This was shortly after 4 pm. She then experienced complete amnesia of the following 8 hours. Her memories resume after midnight, when she found herself naked, alone on her knees on the bathroom floor, vomiting over his toilet. Freezing cold, shaken, dizzy and violently nauseous, she continued vomiting for hours as her body desperately attempted to expel the ingested substances.
  • 2. © Criminal Forensics ™ • Around 2 am, when she was finally able to stand, she washed herself in the bathroom and made her way to the bedroom, where she found him cuddling his dog, his back turned to her. Cold and shaken, not understanding what had happened, she curled into bed against him, in an attempt to find warmth. When she placed her cheek against his chest, he head-butted her with his shoulder in a violent motion that propelled her away from him, and turned his back to her again. Standing up without a sound, she searched for her clothes, which she found on the ground, kicked in a discarded lump in a corner of the room. She dressed silently and fled the scene. When she awoke the next day, she discovered her body was covered with bruises. Large, red, black and blue contusions marked her breasts, the inside of both forearms, her gluteus and legs. Without any recollections of the eight-hour period of time that extended between sipping the glass of red wine downstairs by the fireplace, and finding herself naked on her knees in the upstairs bathroom, she struggled to make sense of what had happened. Forensic Regression The medical, police and forensic teams that responded to her in the following days, examining her, taking photos of the bruising and documenting the facts, were adamant. The partial consumption of a glass of red wine is unlikely to produce symptoms of this severity within 15 minutes of sipping it. Even in cases of alcohol intoxication, the reasonable question that follows is who would disrobe and have sex for the first time with a partner whose judgment is impaired and who might even be unconscious. The combination of the complete amnesia of an eight-hour block of time and total anesthesia from all physical sensations she experienced indicates a likely benzodiazepines poisoning, a medical emergency that could have proved lethal for the 100 lbs. woman without previous exposure to synthetic drugs or sedatives. Amnesia is a common side effect of date rape drugs. Benzodiazepines, whether they are legal like Xanax, Klonopin or Valium, along with a long list of anti-anxiety, muscle relaxants and antipsychotic prescription medications prescribed to manage psychosis, bipolar or borderline symptoms, emotional or mental disorders, anesthetics used in veterinary practices like Ketamine, or underground drugs like GHB or Rohypnol, no longer legal in the United States, can all cause drowsiness, confusion, loss of motor coordination, dizziness, numbness, nausea, seizures, vomiting, unconsciousness and death. Rohypnol, GHB and Ketamine are not the only drugs used to spike the drinks of unsuspected victims. Legal benzodiazepines like Xanax and Klonopin have also been used to facilitate crimes. During the forensic regression, the woman was brought back to her last conscious memory: in front of the fireplace, beginning to sip the glass of wine. To prevent the possibility of tainting, leading or influencing her recollection, she was left to process the unfolding of the events on her own, without any input or interference from the forensic team. From the safety of the deep, physical, mental and emotional relaxation we induce during a regression, surrounded by the protective presence of the team, the memories contained within the depths of her mind began to unfold gently, easily and effortlessly.
  • 3. © Criminal Forensics ™ • IMR Ideomotor responses were established for her to indicate when the revivification had begun, confirm it was still unfolding, and signal when she had reached the reconnection to her conscious recollection of being on her knees on the bathroom floor. Among the recovered memories were: His voice, as he was towering over her in front of the fireplace, asking her: “Would you like to go upstairs?” Her clear response: “I wouldn't be able to stand… What did you put in my glass? I can’t feel my body!” These words alone were alarming to her, as she had never before had to ask this question. Flashbacks, images and sounds continued unfolding in her mind: Staring at his open closet, from the bed upstairs where she found herself laying on her back, noticing the rigid and clinical color coordinated alignment of clothing, exclusively in shades of black and gray. Finding herself naked, pinned down under his naked body, while she repeated: “I’m scared … I’m scared…” His voice responding: “Don’t worry… I’m not going to take you until you relax some more…” Her own voice stating: “I’m not on the pill…” His response: “I have condoms. The last thing I want is an unplanned pregnancy…” Physical Anesthesia What was never recovered was any awareness whatsoever of physical sensations during the 8-hour timeframe, indicating the ingested substances had in fact produced a complete state of physical anesthesia. Among other missing blocks of memory was the absence of recollection as to how her clothing was removed from her body. This was disturbing to her considering she was wearing multiple layers: a snug winter dress with a full-length zipper in the back that came all the way up to the nape of her neck, stockings, thick knee- high winter socks and boots. These missing parts indicate the very real probability she slipped in and out of consciousness. This is also hinted by the fact she remembers nothing further until she was shaken by his loud screaming in her ear as he came. The loud, painful shouts against one of her ears, jolted her back to consciousness for a moment. She became aware only then, in her dream-like state, that he was inside of her. An observation she deducted from the positioning of his body trapping and engulfing hers and his screaming. Yet, again, there were still no physical sensations of any kind. Her body remained entirely numb through the complete block of time. The degree of confusion and distress prompted by amnesia is difficult to understand without having experienced it. The mind spins in endless loops in an attempt to recover the missing memories. It is challenging for the mind to comprehend how a large block of life can somehow disappear from conscious awareness. The depth of relief provided by memory revivification is immensely therapeutic and beneficial in recovering from the debilitating hold left behind by traumatic events. This was groundbreaking research for our team. It is often assumed forensic regression is not likely to facilitate results in cases of substance-induced amnesia. Yet, we consistently obtain results clinically regressing patients to experiences they had in surgery, while under general anesthesia. Memories sometimes confirmed by those present at the time. If part of the mind remains aware while in a controlled state of unconsciousness like general anesthesia, we should expect memory revivification to be possible in other types of drug-induced amnesia.
  • 4. © Criminal Forensics ™ • Statistics Close to 75 percent of rapists and sexual offenders are friends, family members or partners of the victim. Most acts are premeditated and occur behind closed doors as an attempt from the perpetrator at gaining control. Perpetrators are trained manipulators, who convince themselves and others that they are never at fault for their actions. Drug Facilitated Sexual Assault (DFSA) is a criminal act punishable by up to 20 years of imprisonment and fines for intent to commit a crime of violence by distributing controlled substances to another individual without their knowledge (Drug-Induced Rape Prevention and Punishment Act of 1996). ABOUT THE AUTHOR GENVIÈV MARTIN-BERNARD, President of the Oregon Hypnotherapy Association, is Board Certified and a Certified Instructor with the National Guild of Hypnotists, a Valedictorian from the Ivy League University of the Sorbonne in Paris, and an Emergency Medicine First Responder with the Wilderness Medicine Institute. She has decades of experience researching, practicing, and teaching the concepts and applications of working with brain plasticity and forensic hypnosis in the U.S. and overseas. With specialized training in forensic discovery, and years of expertise in the legal field, she acted as a communication liaison in complex and critical situations, including duties for the Department of Homeland Security and the US Court System. The niece of Bernard de Gaulle, nephew of General Charles de Gaulle, President of France, and Leader of the Resistance Forces during WWII, she comes from a long family tradition of national and international defense. The support, morale and wellness of troops, law enforcement and government officials are at the core of her personal and professional values. According to Senior Special Agent John Kilnapp of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, forensic hypnosis may be the only way to recover the details of a traumatic event crime victims blocked out of their mind. Neuroscientists studying electroencephalograms of the alpha and theta brain cycles experienced during hypnosis, explain the deep, attentive physical, mental and emotional relaxation characteristic of this state produces a significant increase in endorphin levels, our body's natural opiate system, as well as in dopamine and norepinephrine levels, enhancing our focus and attention. This creates an ideal state for synthetic thought and creativity, functions of the right brain hemisphere, placing us in an optimal condition to learn new information, remember facts and data, memorize new languages and analyze complex situations. Helping witnesses and victims enhance their clarity of mind, enables us to revisit their recall, thereby providing law enforcement officials with vital information and leads. When conducted properly, forensic hypnosis can be an important element in the preparation and outcome of a trial.