evangelism count the cost resurrection of christ burial of christ the gospel spiritual warfare gerasanes those that begged jesus faith humility those that fell at jesus' feet god of miracles jesus is god lord over demons lord over death lord over disease and sickness instant healing healing raised to life raised from the dead demons casted out demon possessed demoniac man possessed by many demons jairus' daughter woman with blood disease fans fade self vs holy spirit man glorified god glorified christ is lord and savior live for christ goats and sheeps wheat and tares tares among wheat true and false conversion faker and posers counterfeits false christian true christian jesus changes you take up your cross deny your self follower of jesus fanatic of jesus things of the devil things of god glory to god exclusivity of christ faith in christ christ alone declaration of the gospel apologetics contend for the faith counterfeit gospels true gospel vs false gospels gospel of salvation gospel of mercy gospel of peace the death of christ jesus christ gospel of grace love growing cold love for christ backslide rebuke confront deaths mentioned restore wanders from the truth love covers apostasy stray backslider wandering james 5:19-20 forgiveness restoration christ crucified gospel is center gospel is the cross gospel center share your faith christian living christ centered the cross is center calvary all roads lead to the cross faith and works separation sanctified sent sacrifice the cross golgotha gospel christ victory over death christ victory over the devil christ victory over sin 1 corinthians 15:3-4 three days third day sin death and devil defeated three persons not three gods godhead trinity death of christ salvation in three stages triadic victory on the cross three in one triune message attributes of god attributes of the gospel three types of death word of god resist the devil repent and believe resist sin what is sin deception of sin world the devil flesh lies in the garden temptations of jesus devil's temptations eve and jesus contrasted empty promises of sin james 1:14-15 genesis 3:1-7 deceitfulness of sin cycle of sin vulnerable are you fight anger issues irritated hurting grieved tired famished wrong response right response initial responses dwelling phase two choices to make jesus and bible examples footholds to the devil open doors to sin vulnerabilities to sin fight acronym state of being put on godly behavior put on new self (new man) death to deeds of the flesh church workplace family marriage colossians 3:1-25 put out (changed life) put in (set mind on above) put on the new self put to death the old self godly influence/god ordained the new way of living the new perspective the new self god ordained order at work god ordained order of family god ordained order of marriage god ordained order of church paul's encouragement 2 timothy 2 timothy 2:3-7 christ our commander in chief christ our lord of harvest christ our champion christ endured suffering faith and suffering three professions in common perseverance model prayer lord's prayer
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