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Curriculum vitae
via Torremaggiore 18, 00132 Roma (Italia)
Skype Christian Battistoni (
Sesso Maschile | Data di nascita 10/03/1985 | Nazionalità Italiana
07/01/2012–31/12/2015 Social Media Manager
Bed & Breakfast La Cerasa
Via Ceresola, 19, 60044 Fabriano (Italia)
Gestione della Piattaforma di supporto della clientela per garantire contenuti precisi e l'alta qualità del
servizio, fornire aiuto ai clienti, indagare risolvere problemi;
Rappresentare La Cerasa e il marchio La Cerasa cercando il coinvolgimento della clientela e dei
seguaci de La Cerasa su tutti i social network della società.
Controllo, misura e miglioramento dei servizi offerti allo scopo di garantire una sempre maggiore
soddisfazione del cliente, anche grazie il recepimento dei feedback provenienti dalla comunità.
Analisi quantitative e qualitative, allo scopo di di approfondire le esigenze e le tendenze dei clienti,
necessarie per il miglioramento dei prodotti offerti.
Social Media Marketing.
Risultati raggiunti:
Aumento continuo del fatturato (in media del 30% mensile).
Fidelizzazione della clientela.
Affermazione dell'attività nel panorama locale.
Utilizzo dei principali social, piattaforme di booking, sviluppo del sito.Ottimizzazione dell campagne di
Marketing. Gestione della clientela.
Attività o settore Servizi di alloggio e di ristorazione
09/03/2015–20/05/2015 Export Manager
AM Invest
Viale Parioli, 72, 00197 Roma (Italia)
Consulenza per PMI e Pubblica Amministrazione:
Analisi paese, dei mercati e dei settori di riferimento;
Sviluppo delle strategie di mercato per la penetrazione nei mercati esteri a differenti livelli di
Organizzazione, Gestione e Supporto nella preparazione delle missioni di Business e delle attività di
incoming (eventi B2B, forum e consorzi di imprese, fiere di mercato);
Risultati raggiunti:
Progetto di Export in 24 paesi e internazionalizzazione strategica in 6 di questi per le PMI del settore
farmaceutico italiano.
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Curriculum vitae Battistoni Christian
Project Management; Organizzazione di eventi; risk Analysis, Country e Market Analysis;
internazionalizzazione, Export e Swot Analysis; ICT, IT
Attività o settore Attività amministrative e di servizi di supporto
15/12/2014–15/03/2015 VERO (Volunteer Education Research Outreach)
NATO Defense College
Via Giorgio Pelosi, 1, 00143 Roma (Italia)
Supporto alle attività della Middle East Faculty;
Organizzazione di Meeting e Conferenze;
Pianificazione e Organizzazione del MEF NATO Regional Cooperation Course (NRC);
Gestione dei contatti della MEF;
Preparazione di lettere, comunicati, mail, fax sia per la comunicazione interna che per quella esterna
allo scopo di organizzare Conferenze per il Nato Regional Cooperation Course (NRCC);
Coinvolgimento in progetti di ricerca, preparazione dei corsi Senior ed Eventi VIP e ospiti per le
Relazioni Pubbliche con corsisti esterni, ambasciatori e stakeholders internazionali.
Ricerca, Organizzazione e Pianificazione degli eventi.
Attività o settore Attività di organizzazioni e organismi extraterritoriali
01/04/2014–20/09/2014 Reporter
International Business Times Italia, Roma (Italia)
Articoli, studi e Reportage per le sezioni:
- Politica Internazionale
- Economia e Macroeconomia Internazionale
Ricerca, scrittura, utilizzo dei social Network e della piattaforma di scrittura online di "Wordpress"
07/01/2014–20/05/2014 Consulente commerciale
4 STAR, Roma (Italia)
Consulenza per PMI e Pubblica Amministrazione;
Soluzioni ICT per clienti Business;
Gestione dei clienti;
Relazioni con clienti e stakeholders esteri;
Sales, ICT, IT.
10/06/2013–10/09/2013 Business Analyst
Net 4 Partners
via Marconi, 102, 60015 Falconara Marittima (Italia)
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Curriculum vitae Battistoni Christian
Consulenza per le PMI e la Pubblica Amministrazione nel settore ICT ( creazione di start-up
innovative, partecipazione a bandi europei;
Raccolta e Analisi dei dati;
Partecipazione alle attività per la stesura di progetti all'interno di un team di lavoro;
Sviluppo di analisi quantitative;
Preparazione di presentazioni, creazione di tabelle, grafici e report; Cura gli aspetti logistici per le
riunioni e documentazione dei risultati;
Studi e ricerche per la partecipazione a bandi regionali ed europei;
Analisi dei mercati esteri ( Risk and Development Analysis) per alcuni prodotti di riferimento;
Relazioni con stakeholders esteri;
Project Management; Market e Country Analysis; internazionalizzazione; Swot Analysis; Analisi di
mercato; Europrogettazione; ICT.
Attività o settore Attività amministrative e di servizi di supporto
06/02/2013–06/05/2013 Consulente Junior per l'internazionalizzazione delle imprese
Meccano ScpA
Via G. Cerasani, 1, 60044 Fabriano (Italia)
Consulenza per PMI e Pubblica Amministrazione in servizi quali:
Studi di fattibilità per processi di internazionalizzazione in altri paesi (in particolare mi sono occupato
della stesura di un progetto di internazionalizzazione del settore industriale meccanico ed elettronico
marchigiani in Brasile e ho partecipato alla stesura ed alla realizzazione di un progetto di
internazionalizzazione delle PMI specializzate in settori quali le nuove tecnologie e il risparmio
energetico per lo sviluppo sostenibile in Cina);
Analisi Swot per Progetti Europei (implementazione di una Smart Grid europea);
Partecipazione ad incontri con rappresentanti internazionali ed istituzionali per l'implementazione di
progetti innovativi;
Pratiche per la partecipazione delle imprese a bandi regionali ed europei.
Project Management; Risk Analysis; Market e Country Analysis; Progettazione per
l'internazionalizzazione; Analisi Swot (punti di forza, debolezze, opportunità e minacce); Business
Plan; ICT, IT.
Attività o settore Attività amministrative e di servizi di supporto
10/04/2012–10/11/2012 Assistente Amministrativo
Università degli Studi di Roma Tre
Via Gabriello Chiabrera, 199, 00145 Roma (Italia)
- Assistente alla ricerca
- Tutor per bibliografia e ricerche virtuali
- Controllo prestiti e restituzione dei testi
- Catalogazione delle risorse
- Attività di Back Office e Front Office
L'utilizzo di strumenti informatici appositi, modalità di ricerca, rapporto col cliente, organizzazione
eventi efficienza amministrativa.
Attività o settore Amministrazione pubblica e difesa; assicurazione sociale obbligatoria
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Curriculum vitae Battistoni Christian
10/05/2014–18/12/2015 Master di secondo livello in lingua inglese in Economia dello
Sviluppo e Cooperazione Internazionale
Livello 8 QEQ
Link Campus University
Nomentana, 335, 00162 Roma (Italia)
Teorie, fattori e politiche di sviluppo;
- Politiche internazionali per lo sviluppo e agenda per la cooperazione (Unione Europea e
Cooperazione e politiche per lo sviluppo e politiche per lo sviluppo);
- Politiche per l'internazionalizzazione delle imprese;
- Pianificazione, progettazione e management dei progetti di sviluppo(project cycle management,
monitoraggio, valutazione e raccolti fondi);
10/03/2010–20/11/2012 Laurea Magistrale in relazioni internazionali Livello 7 QEQ
Università degli studi di roma Tre
Gabriello Chiabrera, 199, 00145 Roma (Italia)
Politica internazionale, Diritto Internazionale, Diritto dell'Unione Europea, Geopolitica, Economia
Internazionale, Storia delle relazioni internazionali. Il corso di laurea magistrale poneva il focus sui
principali eventi politici internazionali, le relazioni diplomatiche tra i paesi, l'evolvere dei sistemi politici,
le caratteristiche culturali e le diversità. Profonda conoscenza sul funzionamento delle Organizzazioni
Internazionali oltre che delle istituzioni europee ed internazionali.
15/04/2012–15/05/2012 Programma internazionale di ricerca tesi all'estero
British Library of London
96 Euston Rd, London NW1 2DB, Regno Unito, Londra (Regno Unito)
Borsa di Studio concessami dalla facoltà di scienze politiche di Roma Tre per finanziare un periodo di
ricerca presso La biblioteca nazionale di Londra, allo scopo di approfondire la mia ricerca per la tesi
magistrale. Tesi incentrata sullo scontro di Civiltà con riferimento specifico al conflitto tra India e
10/10/2004–05/03/2010 Laurea triennale in Scienze Politiche e studi internazionali Livello 6 QEQ
Università degli studi di Roma Tre
via Gabriello Chiabrera, 199, 00145 Roma (Italia)
Economia, storia, relazioni internazionali, diritto pubblico, internazionale ed europeo, inglese
10/09/1999–2005 Livello 5 QEQ
Istituto Tecnico Industriale Giovanni XXIII
via di Tor Sapienza, 160, 00155 Roma (Italia)
Elettronica, Telecomunicazioni, Meccanica, Fisica, Chimica, Disegno Tecnico
Lingua madre italiano
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Curriculum vitae Battistoni Christian
Ascolto Lettura Interazione Produzione orale
inglese C2 C2 C2 C2 C2
francese A1 A1 A1 A1 A1
Livelli:A1 eA2: Utente base - B1 e B2: Utente autonomo - C1 e C2: Utente avanzato
Quadro Comune Europeo di Riferimento delle Lingue
Competenze comunicative - Sono in grado di relazionarmi con persone di diversa nazionalità e cultura grazie all'esperienza
maturata all'estero;
- Sono in grado di comunicare in modo chiaro e preciso, rispondendo a specifiche richieste della
committenza e/o dell'utenza di riferimento. Capacità che ho potuto affinare nel corso dei miei anni di
studio, arricchendola di una forte componente diplomatica, oltre che, naturalmente, nel corso delle
mie esperienze professionali; - Forti motivazione e propensione all'apprendimento, all'ascolto ed alla
crescita professionale e personale.
Competenze organizzative e
- Capacità di lavorare in situazioni di stress, legate soprattutto ai rapporti con il pubblico;
- Capacità e propensione al lavoro di gruppo maturata in molteplici situazioni, lavorative e non, in cui
era indispensabile la collaborazione tra figure diverse e con modalità orarie varie, e dove lo spirito di
gruppo ne risulta una componente essenziale.
Competenza digitale AUTOVALUTAZIONE
Creazione di
Risoluzione di
Utente avanzato Utente avanzato Utente avanzato Utente avanzato Utente avanzato
Competenze digitali - Scheda per l'autovalutazione
- Ottima conoscenza e padronanza del pacchetto di Microsoft Office e del browsing internet, dei
servizi di posta elettronica e di sistemi informatici quali Windows 7 - 8 -10 ed Android Mobile; -
Conoscenza approfondita di Social Network e programmi di messaggeria istantanea quali twitter,
facebook, linkdln, google plus, TumblrSkype, Instantgram; Conoscenza dei sistemi SMM (Es.
Hootsuite, Rignite, Mention etc.. ) - Ottima conoscenza della piattaforma blogging "Wordpress", dove
curo anche un blog personale; - Conoscenza delle nuove tecnologie cloud e storage Sky Drive,
Dropbox, Google Drive e Asus Web Storage.
Padronanza di tutti gli strumenti google (plus, business, admob, adwords, adsense, search console,
analytics etc.. ) oltre che bing;
Capacità di monitoraggio e analisi dei dati online;
Sono in grado di gestire campagne di marketing, specialmente nel settore turistico ma anche in altri,
sui diversi social e con l'utilizzo delle diverse strategie di email marketing, social and digital marketing,
native marketing oltre che naturalmente strumenti SEO per l'ottimizzazione del sito e della ricerca;
Capacità di costruire website e Application Mobile apposite;
So utilizzare strumenti come IrfanView per uso, modifica e adattamento di immagini; audacity per la
creazione e modifica di audio; podcast per i video (naturalmente per la creazione di video; youtube,
vimeo, google ADmob etc. );
Utilizzo di autoresponder come aweber.
Patente di guida B
Progetti "ICT per una migliore e connessa agricoltura. Paese di riferimento: India"
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Curriculum vitae Battistoni Christian
Questo studio vuole dimostrare come l'ICT ( Information and Communication Technology) potrebbe
aiutare a ridurre l'asimmetria nelle informazioni tipica del settore agricolo migliorandone efficienza e
produttività. In particolar modo l'India, ha un presente bisogno di aumentare la produzione di cibo e
quindi la produttività del proprio settore agricolo, per soddisfare il fabbisogno di una popolazione in
crescita enorme. Grazie allo sviluppo e l'implementazione di progetti ICT e al conseguente
miglioramento delle informazioni e dei servizi di pagamento e una migliorata efficienza della catena di
produzione, ci si aspetta una forte crescita della produzione agricola indiana andando così incontro al
suddetto fabbisogno.
Documenti collegati Project Work - ICT in Agriculture. Case Study India.compressed.pdf
Progetti Progetto per l'export e l'internazionalizzazione del settore farmaceutico italiano, rispettivamente in 24 e
6 paesi.
Documenti collegati Pharmerging Countries (Pharmaceutical Sector - prospects and opportunties).pdf
Certificazioni "Hostile Environment Awareness Training"
1st day
- Combat Individual Training
- Operational Training/ troop and squad
.Operational Training/shooting techniques and weapons
2nd day
Operational Training: Recognition IED and C-IED activity;
Operational Training: Key Leader Engagement
Operational Training: Capture and Kidnapping Protocol;
3rd day
- Operational Training: Planning and behavior (movement in convoy and ambush reactions);
Operational Training: Rally Point achieving;
Operational Training: Security Protocol for the approaching a Ceck Point;
Operational Training: Safe Zone Identification;
Operational Training: Correct Use of Ballistic Protection;
Operational Training: Towns Transit.
Documenti collegati Certificate - Hostile Environment Awareness Training.pdf
Certificazioni "Made in Italy: Eccellenze in Digitale
website (build and optimization), google tools, social Media tools, SMM tools, video marketing, digital
marketing, email marketing, export and e-commerce.
Documenti collegati certificazione made in italy - eccellenze in digitale.pdf
Corsi "Diploma ALISON in Social Media Marketing"
Module 1: Introduction to Web sites; Module 2: Introduction to autoresponders and eBooks; Module 3:
Using autoresponders to build a list; Module 4: Affiliate marketing and increasing Web site traffic;
Email and Affiliate Marketing Assessment; Module 5: Introduction to Social Media Marketing; Module
6: How to use Twitter; Module 7 Part 1: Audacity for Recording Podcasts; Module 7 Part 2: Podomatic
- Publish Your Podcasts to the Web; Module 8: WordPress - Blogging on the Web; Module 9:
Facebook - Create your Personal Profile; Module 10: Facebook - Creating your LIKE page; Module
11: Facebook - Increasing traffic to LIKE pages; Marketing with Facebook Assessment
Corsi Corso di lingua e cultura inglese presso la Central School of English di Londra della durata di 3 mesi:
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Curriculum vitae Battistoni Christian
Ottobre - dicembre 2009. Livello: B2
▪ Project Work - ICT in Agriculture. Case Study India.compressed.pdf
▪ Pharmerging Countries (Pharmaceutical Sector - prospects and opportunties).pdf
▪ Certificate - Hostile Environment Awareness Training.pdf
▪ certificazione made in italy - eccellenze in digitale.pdf
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Passaporto europeo delle competenze
Battistoni Christian
Project Work - ICT in Agriculture. Case Study India.compressed.pdf
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ICT (Information and Communication
Technology) for a better and connected
agriculture: Case Study: India.
A cura di Christian Battistoni
Con il patrocinio del
In collaborazione con
I Partner del Master:
Con la partecipazione di:
Passaporto europeo delle competenze
Battistoni Christian
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• Vodafone: About Vodafone Vodafone is one of the world’s largest telecommunications companies and
provides a range of services including voice, messaging, data and fixed communications. Vodafone has
mobile operations in 26 countries, partners with mobile networks in 55 more, and has fixed broadband
operations in 17 markets. At the end of March 2015, Vodafone had approximately 445 million mobile
customers and 12 million fixed broadband customers. Vodafone plays an active role in seeking to address
the challenges faced by today’s emerging economies through the use of technology. This includes working
with enterprise customers, non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and government agencies to develop
mobile services that increase agricultural productivity and efficiency and improve the livelihoods of
smallholder farmers.
• Accenture: Accenture is a global management consulting, technology services and outsourcing company.
Combining unparalleled experience, comprehensive capabilities across all industries and business
functions, and extensive research on the world’s most successful companies, Accenture collaborates with
clients to help them become high-performance businesses and governments. With approximately 215,000
people serving clients in more than 120 countries, the company generated net revenues of US$21.5 billion
for the fiscal year 2010.
• Fao: The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO; French: Organisation des Nations
unies pour l'alimentation et l'agriculture, Italian: Organizzazione delle Nazioni Unite per l'Alimentazione e
l'Agricoltura) is an agency of the United Nations that leads international efforts to defeat hunger.
• World Bank: he World Bank is an international financial institution that provides loans[2] to developing
countries for capital programs. It comprises two institutions: the International Bank for Reconstruction and
Development (IBRD), and the International Development Association (IDA). The World Bank is a
component of the World Bank Group, which is part of the United Nations system.
Passaporto europeo delle competenze
Battistoni Christian
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" This study makes the case for actions that save lives, create
jobs, grow economies and, at the same time, slow the rate of
climate change. We place ourselves and our children at peril if
we ignore these opportunities. "
Rachel Kyte (World Bank Group Vice President & Special Envoy
for Climate Change)
Passaporto europeo delle competenze
Battistoni Christian
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• The world’s climate is changing fast, and will
continue to do so for the foreseeable future,
especially in agriculture, this posing many risk for
food and farming;
• However, the new farming systems can be
adapted to cope with the changes. In this way,
agriculture could contribute to mitigate our
climate impact.
We’re talking about the concept of ‘climate-smart
Passaporto europeo delle competenze
Battistoni Christian
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The Food and Agriculture Organization of the
United Nations (FAO) defines climate-smart
agriculture as consisting of three main pillars:
• sustainably increasing agricultural productivity
and incomes (food security);
• adapting and building resilience to climate
change (adaptation);
• reducing and/or removing greenhouse gas
emissions (mitigation), when and where possible
Passaporto europeo delle competenze
Battistoni Christian
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• In this view, mobile communications and in general M2M solutions,
could surely help to meet the challenge of reduce an estimated 9.2
billion of people who demand for food by 2050. They can also cut
carbon dioxide emissions by approximately 5 mega tonnes (Mt) in
the developing countries, as India, and reduce freshwater
withdrawals for agricultural irrigation by 6%, with enormous savings
in water-stressed regions. These benefits assume there will be
around 549 million mobile connections to relevant services in 2020.
• This project aims to stimulate the necessary “alliance” between
mobile operators, governments, NGOs and businesses to realize
these opportunities and explore others, with reference to the
Indian context, with the specific objective to improve efficiency in
agriculture and increase income for farmers in this country.
Passaporto europeo delle competenze
Battistoni Christian
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• In India live about 1.24 billion people – one-sixth of the world’s population on just 2% of the total
land and its population is anticipated to reach 1.67 billion by 2020. Surely, India is one of the
world’s bigger food producing countries, in view of that about 68% of its large population living in
rural areas. Indeed, 200 million people will be working in agriculture in India in 2020. Therefore,
Agricultural sector will remain a significant contributor at around 10% of GDP by 2020 Indian
economy and, in particular, the agricultural sector face a great transiction creating enromous
opportunities for innovation and growth. Certainly, problems such as historical underinvestment in
agriculture, rural poverty and fragmented properties of land are true obstacles to achieving this
• Within India, the gender gap in income between female and male varied widely across regions in a
range from 90% in Gujarat to 54% in Tamil Nadu in 2004/05.
• more than 60% of all employed women work in the sector and in rural areas and the percentage
of women who depend on agriculture for their livelihood is as high as 84 %.
• Moreover , about 75% of women engaged in agriculture are illiterate yet, this pose other barriers
in improved of their status.
In consideration of that, a fight against the women situation in agriculture, thanks the use of ICT and
M2M Solution in particular, could help to defeat hunger and malnourishment.
Passaporto europeo delle competenze
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The government of India would develop projects in mobile across the country. Given the difficult in tthe
conduct yield verification exercises (CCEs) over millions of very small land holdings across the country,
the use of remote sensing technology would serve to concentrate the exercise in areas where we can
find higher incidence of crop failure. Also the role of domestic and foregin financial institutions,
international organizations, ONG donors in general, can help to finanancing this projects.
There are several stakeholders to take into consideration for the developement of the M2M System.
These are: module vendors, connectivity providers, M2M platform and application providers, device
platform providers, mobile operators, aggregators and mobile virtual network operators (MVNOs).
the importance of public-private partnerships is clear. Partnership is central for the strategy to get scale
and continue to grow. Partnering with both government and NGOs allows us to establish an extension
systems other than, naturally, community networks, domain expertise, and to scale operations.
The role of intermediaries in a model of ICT-based advisory services continues to be controversial.
While intermediaries, from radio announcers to private sector extension agents, are playing a role in
extending reach and addressing human capacity issues, there is disagreement about what role they play
in a sustainable business model. Therefore, will be difficult to describe which could be the future role(s)
of intermediaries in transmitting information within the innovation system.
Passaporto europeo delle competenze
Battistoni Christian
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1. Information Services
Problem: Lack of information is the greater barrier to improve yields and consequently incomes for India’s smallholders
Solution: Thanks the use of this information service Farmers increased their income by an average 5-15%.
2. Receipt Services
Problem: Fraud and losses are one of the major concern on income and efficiency for small farmers due to the lose of
Solution: Receipt services can eliminate fraud previously causing loss of 20% of daily supply.
3. Payment Services
Problem: Many suppliers of service some services and others haven’t a bank accounts but often need a loan and
problem for payment.
Solution: For example, In Tanzania thanks mobile payments, Farmer made about 74000$ in mobile payments and
loans during the pilot project.
4. Field Audit
Problem: In the past the main problems in this case were the impact on enviroment other then the efficiency in the
supply chain
Solution: Thanks our system, auditors can save one day for week by eliminating paper records.
5. Enabling access to local markets
Problem: In many big countries ther are several problem in regard to travel costs and time for payments, in particular
for women.
Solution: Thanks to mobile systems, about 15000 farmers supplying stand to benefit from mobile payment and
6. Smartphone enabled –services
Thanks the use of these devices we can obtain a great growth in production and in annual efficiency saving for farmers.
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Barriers to scale M2M Applications in agriculture
Problem: Cost is the most important barrier for the adoption of Agri M2M applications, particularly in emerging markets.
Solutions: Exist, however, an opportunity to create innovative business models to help overcome this barrier. Moreover, the Agri M2M
solutions could be developed by cooperatives or agri businesses, who can finance the solution out to the individual farmers.
Problem: Low wages for agricultural workers in emerging world are one of the most important challenge.
Solutions: Until low-income countries can improve their incomes to levels at which they obtain sufficient savings to meet their investment
needs, they will rely on external investments and resources for the sector development.
Problem: Small or not understanding of the benefits of Agri M2M solutions is naturally a barrier. Lack of technical knowledge could also
create a problem for the rollout of services, as the end users would need to know how to set-up, maintain, and use the applications.
Solution: However, knowledge could be improved due to initiatives in educating the end user and other players in the applications and
benefits of Agri M2M.
Problem: 85% of the world’s population is covered by a mobile network. However, coverage is heavily focused on densely populated urban
areas, leaving the rural locations, which are of course primarily where agriculture is based, underserved.
Solution: One way to address this problem is with the use of low frequency spectrum. Moreover, Exist possibilites to use low cost low power
solutions in Agri M2M thanks the use of low power.
Problem: M2M system in the agricultural sector impose new needs on available technology.
Solution:This surely provide an opportunity for mobile operators.
To develop M2M solutions is most important not have a fragmentated market. Therefore partership and strategic solution beteen farmers or
cooperative are the better solution.
Passaporto europeo delle competenze
Battistoni Christian
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The Indian governament issued several policies to increase agricultural production and infrastructure using various ICT projects.
For instance, the Indian Universal Service comprehend a Universal Service Fund that bring to completion the four points below:
1. Arrange for non-discriminatory and widespread access to quality ICT services at reasonably prices to all people in rural and
distant areas.
2. Furnish a powerful and valid connecting to the hinterland to link the populations of rural and remote areas with urban centers.
3. Assure that Universal Services are supplied in an economically efficient way
4. Guarantee that the benefits of inclusive growth lead rapid socio-economic development and an improved standard of living to
unconnected areas
M2M Development
Therefore, The Indian agricultural sector costitutes a fundamental opportunity for operators to develop and deploy M2M
solutions and products.
there would be scenarios that can help mobile operators to get a bigger share of the Agri M2M pie, and create a growth of the
Agri M2M ecosystem:
• Connectivity only: sure the more expanded sector with a big limit for their revenue potential as well as the growth of the
Agri M2M industry
• Partnerships: creation of active partenrship and collaboration with other players across the ecosystem, such as also system
integrators, solution providers, service providers and application developers as well as naturally start-ups and
entrepreneurs, to implement E2E Agri M2M solutions and with a great help for innovation
• Marketing and Partnerships: marketing support, enter partnerships, leveraging brand and other strategies to train the end
users on the use and benefits of Agri M2M
• Vertical integration: develop and deploy end-to-end Agri M2M services
Passaporto europeo delle competenze
Battistoni Christian
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Infrastructure costraints: In india this problems exist above all in some zones,
where small farmers highlighted infrastructure gaps that affected their ability
to realise productivity gains through improved yields and higher prices.
Thanks ITC’s internet service is possible to overcome some of the challenges
presented by inadequate infrastructure.
Other costraints: other issues were also raised over the course of our
a) Access to credit
Non-availability of credit at reasonable rates is a persistent problem for small
farmers. It’s possibile to overcome this problem thank the help of several
domestic and International financial institution, International Organizations
and Donors.
b) Capacity for risk-taking
Farmers, in general, are naturally conservative. However, in order for
information to drive agricultural productivity, farmers must be willing to try
new strategies, which may include new farming techniques.
Passaporto europeo delle competenze
Battistoni Christian
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Even where adequate infrastructure exists, collecting data and creating content requires a huge
investment in human resources and in establishing suitable systems. Yet, both public and
private funding is often limited and, in the case of most development projects, short-lived.
Large donors can play a key role in promoting data sharing, for instance by making it a
requirement. Indeed, in many projects, At the pilot stage of providing these services, the cost
of delivering information to farmers was borne by Intenational Organizations and NGO.
Overall, in this project we have learnt the following from these case study and further:
• 1. The information service model should be able to meet the varied and increasing demands
of farmers;
• 2. accuracy and timeliness of service is an important factor;
• 3. an assessment of the farmer’s need for information should be done at the village level,
and continuous evaluation of needs should be an inbuilt part of the system;
• 4. modern service providers should not compete with other service providers but should
build synergies with existing extension services and fill existing information gaps;
• 5. the service providers should utilize the potential of a two-way communication facility on
mobile phones, and help lines should be created to provide customized solutions and to
enable feedback from farmers; and
• 6. finally the service providers should have an idea of the existing socio-economic situation of
farmers and the prevailing market and infrastructure constraints.
Passaporto europeo delle competenze
Battistoni Christian
28/12/15 © Unione europea, 2002-2015 | Pagina 21 / 29
Waverman suggests that a valid way of measuring the economic value of mobile telephony is by
examining the willingness of the poor to pay for mobile phones. Indicators could also focus on specific
commodities and parts of the value chain . Other suggestions for what to measure include:
• new investments that ICTs have attracted to the community;
• tasks that have become more cost- or time-effective;
• new businesses which were created;
• ICT related policy shifts;
• increased participation by women, youth and marginalized members of the community.
Other Examples of cost-effective ways to measure impact include the Progress out of Poverty Index®
(PPI®) and the Base of Pyramid (BoP) Impact Assessment Framework.
The services for agriculture showed in this project, could create compelling benefits for farmers and
society in India. Indeed, they could positively impact the lives of nearly 70 million farmers in India in
2020 through a range of information and functional services. This is equivalent to 60% of Indian farmers
in 2020. The benefits from these services include:
• Better access to information on, for example, agricultural best practices and weather forecasts
• Better access to information on market prices and the ability to connect more directly with buyers
• Improved communication and efficiency in agricultural supply chains Reductions in fraud and losses
• Easier access to financial services and credit for farmers Reduced travel time and costs
Together these benefits can support increased yields, improved crop quality and access to higher
market prices, as well as reducing losses and inefficiencies for farmers, by generating $9 billion in
additional income for farmers annually in 2020.
Passaporto europeo delle competenze
Battistoni Christian
Pharmerging Countries (Pharmaceutical Sector - prospects and
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Passaporto europeo delle competenze
Battistoni Christian
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Passaporto europeo delle competenze
Battistoni Christian
28/12/15 © Unione europea, 2002-2015 | Pagina 24 / 29
Passaporto europeo delle competenze
Battistoni Christian
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Passaporto europeo delle competenze
Battistoni Christian
28/12/15 © Unione europea, 2002-2015 | Pagina 26 / 29
Passaporto europeo delle competenze
Battistoni Christian
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Create your own Haiku Deck presentation on SlideShare!
Passaporto europeo delle competenze
Battistoni Christian
Certificate - Hostile Environment Awareness Training.pdf
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Passaporto europeo delle competenze
Battistoni Christian
certificazione made in italy - eccellenze in digitale.pdf
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Christian Battistoni

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Christian battistoni cv (ita) completo

  • 1. Curriculum vitae INFORMAZIONI PERSONALI Battistoni Christian via Torremaggiore 18, 00132 Roma (Italia) 3886115507; Skype Christian Battistoni ( Sesso Maschile | Data di nascita 10/03/1985 | Nazionalità Italiana ESPERIENZA PROFESSIONALE 07/01/2012–31/12/2015 Social Media Manager Bed & Breakfast La Cerasa Via Ceresola, 19, 60044 Fabriano (Italia) Gestione della Piattaforma di supporto della clientela per garantire contenuti precisi e l'alta qualità del servizio, fornire aiuto ai clienti, indagare risolvere problemi; Rappresentare La Cerasa e il marchio La Cerasa cercando il coinvolgimento della clientela e dei seguaci de La Cerasa su tutti i social network della società. Controllo, misura e miglioramento dei servizi offerti allo scopo di garantire una sempre maggiore soddisfazione del cliente, anche grazie il recepimento dei feedback provenienti dalla comunità. Analisi quantitative e qualitative, allo scopo di di approfondire le esigenze e le tendenze dei clienti, necessarie per il miglioramento dei prodotti offerti. Social Media Marketing. Risultati raggiunti: Aumento continuo del fatturato (in media del 30% mensile). Fidelizzazione della clientela. Affermazione dell'attività nel panorama locale. Competenze: Utilizzo dei principali social, piattaforme di booking, sviluppo del sito.Ottimizzazione dell campagne di Marketing. Gestione della clientela. Attività o settore Servizi di alloggio e di ristorazione 09/03/2015–20/05/2015 Export Manager AM Invest Viale Parioli, 72, 00197 Roma (Italia) Consulenza per PMI e Pubblica Amministrazione: Analisi paese, dei mercati e dei settori di riferimento; SWOTAnalysis; Sviluppo delle strategie di mercato per la penetrazione nei mercati esteri a differenti livelli di integrazione; Organizzazione, Gestione e Supporto nella preparazione delle missioni di Business e delle attività di incoming (eventi B2B, forum e consorzi di imprese, fiere di mercato); Risultati raggiunti: Progetto di Export in 24 paesi e internazionalizzazione strategica in 6 di questi per le PMI del settore farmaceutico italiano. 28/12/15 © Unione europea, 2002-2015 | Pagina 1 / 29
  • 2. Curriculum vitae Battistoni Christian Competenze: Project Management; Organizzazione di eventi; risk Analysis, Country e Market Analysis; internazionalizzazione, Export e Swot Analysis; ICT, IT Attività o settore Attività amministrative e di servizi di supporto 15/12/2014–15/03/2015 VERO (Volunteer Education Research Outreach) NATO Defense College Via Giorgio Pelosi, 1, 00143 Roma (Italia) Supporto alle attività della Middle East Faculty; Organizzazione di Meeting e Conferenze; Pianificazione e Organizzazione del MEF NATO Regional Cooperation Course (NRC); Gestione dei contatti della MEF; Preparazione di lettere, comunicati, mail, fax sia per la comunicazione interna che per quella esterna allo scopo di organizzare Conferenze per il Nato Regional Cooperation Course (NRCC); Coinvolgimento in progetti di ricerca, preparazione dei corsi Senior ed Eventi VIP e ospiti per le lectures; Relazioni Pubbliche con corsisti esterni, ambasciatori e stakeholders internazionali. Competenze: Ricerca, Organizzazione e Pianificazione degli eventi. Attività o settore Attività di organizzazioni e organismi extraterritoriali 01/04/2014–20/09/2014 Reporter International Business Times Italia, Roma (Italia) Articoli, studi e Reportage per le sezioni: - Politica Internazionale - Economia e Macroeconomia Internazionale Competenze: Ricerca, scrittura, utilizzo dei social Network e della piattaforma di scrittura online di "Wordpress" 07/01/2014–20/05/2014 Consulente commerciale 4 STAR, Roma (Italia) Consulenza per PMI e Pubblica Amministrazione; Soluzioni ICT per clienti Business; Gestione dei clienti; Relazioni con clienti e stakeholders esteri; Competenze: Sales, ICT, IT. 10/06/2013–10/09/2013 Business Analyst Net 4 Partners via Marconi, 102, 60015 Falconara Marittima (Italia) 28/12/15 © Unione europea, 2002-2015 | Pagina 2 / 29
  • 3. Curriculum vitae Battistoni Christian Consulenza per le PMI e la Pubblica Amministrazione nel settore ICT ( creazione di start-up innovative, partecipazione a bandi europei; Raccolta e Analisi dei dati; Partecipazione alle attività per la stesura di progetti all'interno di un team di lavoro; Sviluppo di analisi quantitative; Preparazione di presentazioni, creazione di tabelle, grafici e report; Cura gli aspetti logistici per le riunioni e documentazione dei risultati; Studi e ricerche per la partecipazione a bandi regionali ed europei; Analisi dei mercati esteri ( Risk and Development Analysis) per alcuni prodotti di riferimento; Relazioni con stakeholders esteri; Competenze: Project Management; Market e Country Analysis; internazionalizzazione; Swot Analysis; Analisi di mercato; Europrogettazione; ICT. Attività o settore Attività amministrative e di servizi di supporto 06/02/2013–06/05/2013 Consulente Junior per l'internazionalizzazione delle imprese Meccano ScpA Via G. Cerasani, 1, 60044 Fabriano (Italia) Consulenza per PMI e Pubblica Amministrazione in servizi quali: Studi di fattibilità per processi di internazionalizzazione in altri paesi (in particolare mi sono occupato della stesura di un progetto di internazionalizzazione del settore industriale meccanico ed elettronico marchigiani in Brasile e ho partecipato alla stesura ed alla realizzazione di un progetto di internazionalizzazione delle PMI specializzate in settori quali le nuove tecnologie e il risparmio energetico per lo sviluppo sostenibile in Cina); Analisi Swot per Progetti Europei (implementazione di una Smart Grid europea); Partecipazione ad incontri con rappresentanti internazionali ed istituzionali per l'implementazione di progetti innovativi; Pratiche per la partecipazione delle imprese a bandi regionali ed europei. Competenze: Project Management; Risk Analysis; Market e Country Analysis; Progettazione per l'internazionalizzazione; Analisi Swot (punti di forza, debolezze, opportunità e minacce); Business Plan; ICT, IT. Attività o settore Attività amministrative e di servizi di supporto 10/04/2012–10/11/2012 Assistente Amministrativo Università degli Studi di Roma Tre Via Gabriello Chiabrera, 199, 00145 Roma (Italia) - Assistente alla ricerca - Tutor per bibliografia e ricerche virtuali - Controllo prestiti e restituzione dei testi - Catalogazione delle risorse - Attività di Back Office e Front Office Competenze L'utilizzo di strumenti informatici appositi, modalità di ricerca, rapporto col cliente, organizzazione eventi efficienza amministrativa. Attività o settore Amministrazione pubblica e difesa; assicurazione sociale obbligatoria 28/12/15 © Unione europea, 2002-2015 | Pagina 3 / 29
  • 4. Curriculum vitae Battistoni Christian ISTRUZIONE E FORMAZIONE 10/05/2014–18/12/2015 Master di secondo livello in lingua inglese in Economia dello Sviluppo e Cooperazione Internazionale Livello 8 QEQ Link Campus University Nomentana, 335, 00162 Roma (Italia) Teorie, fattori e politiche di sviluppo; - Politiche internazionali per lo sviluppo e agenda per la cooperazione (Unione Europea e Cooperazione e politiche per lo sviluppo e politiche per lo sviluppo); - Politiche per l'internazionalizzazione delle imprese; - Pianificazione, progettazione e management dei progetti di sviluppo(project cycle management, monitoraggio, valutazione e raccolti fondi); 10/03/2010–20/11/2012 Laurea Magistrale in relazioni internazionali Livello 7 QEQ Università degli studi di roma Tre Gabriello Chiabrera, 199, 00145 Roma (Italia) Politica internazionale, Diritto Internazionale, Diritto dell'Unione Europea, Geopolitica, Economia Internazionale, Storia delle relazioni internazionali. Il corso di laurea magistrale poneva il focus sui principali eventi politici internazionali, le relazioni diplomatiche tra i paesi, l'evolvere dei sistemi politici, le caratteristiche culturali e le diversità. Profonda conoscenza sul funzionamento delle Organizzazioni Internazionali oltre che delle istituzioni europee ed internazionali. 15/04/2012–15/05/2012 Programma internazionale di ricerca tesi all'estero British Library of London 96 Euston Rd, London NW1 2DB, Regno Unito, Londra (Regno Unito) Borsa di Studio concessami dalla facoltà di scienze politiche di Roma Tre per finanziare un periodo di ricerca presso La biblioteca nazionale di Londra, allo scopo di approfondire la mia ricerca per la tesi magistrale. Tesi incentrata sullo scontro di Civiltà con riferimento specifico al conflitto tra India e Pakistan. 10/10/2004–05/03/2010 Laurea triennale in Scienze Politiche e studi internazionali Livello 6 QEQ Università degli studi di Roma Tre via Gabriello Chiabrera, 199, 00145 Roma (Italia) Economia, storia, relazioni internazionali, diritto pubblico, internazionale ed europeo, inglese 10/09/1999–2005 Livello 5 QEQ Istituto Tecnico Industriale Giovanni XXIII via di Tor Sapienza, 160, 00155 Roma (Italia) Elettronica, Telecomunicazioni, Meccanica, Fisica, Chimica, Disegno Tecnico COMPETENZE PERSONALI Lingua madre italiano Altre lingue COMPRENSIONE PARLATO PRODUZIONE SCRITTA 28/12/15 © Unione europea, 2002-2015 | Pagina 4 / 29
  • 5. Curriculum vitae Battistoni Christian Ascolto Lettura Interazione Produzione orale inglese C2 C2 C2 C2 C2 francese A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 Livelli:A1 eA2: Utente base - B1 e B2: Utente autonomo - C1 e C2: Utente avanzato Quadro Comune Europeo di Riferimento delle Lingue Competenze comunicative - Sono in grado di relazionarmi con persone di diversa nazionalità e cultura grazie all'esperienza maturata all'estero; - Sono in grado di comunicare in modo chiaro e preciso, rispondendo a specifiche richieste della committenza e/o dell'utenza di riferimento. Capacità che ho potuto affinare nel corso dei miei anni di studio, arricchendola di una forte componente diplomatica, oltre che, naturalmente, nel corso delle mie esperienze professionali; - Forti motivazione e propensione all'apprendimento, all'ascolto ed alla crescita professionale e personale. Competenze organizzative e gestionali - Capacità di lavorare in situazioni di stress, legate soprattutto ai rapporti con il pubblico; - Capacità e propensione al lavoro di gruppo maturata in molteplici situazioni, lavorative e non, in cui era indispensabile la collaborazione tra figure diverse e con modalità orarie varie, e dove lo spirito di gruppo ne risulta una componente essenziale. Competenza digitale AUTOVALUTAZIONE Elaborazione delle informazioni Comunicazione Creazione di Contenuti Sicurezza Risoluzione di problemi Utente avanzato Utente avanzato Utente avanzato Utente avanzato Utente avanzato Competenze digitali - Scheda per l'autovalutazione - Ottima conoscenza e padronanza del pacchetto di Microsoft Office e del browsing internet, dei servizi di posta elettronica e di sistemi informatici quali Windows 7 - 8 -10 ed Android Mobile; - Conoscenza approfondita di Social Network e programmi di messaggeria istantanea quali twitter, facebook, linkdln, google plus, TumblrSkype, Instantgram; Conoscenza dei sistemi SMM (Es. Hootsuite, Rignite, Mention etc.. ) - Ottima conoscenza della piattaforma blogging "Wordpress", dove curo anche un blog personale; - Conoscenza delle nuove tecnologie cloud e storage Sky Drive, Dropbox, Google Drive e Asus Web Storage. Padronanza di tutti gli strumenti google (plus, business, admob, adwords, adsense, search console, analytics etc.. ) oltre che bing; Capacità di monitoraggio e analisi dei dati online; Sono in grado di gestire campagne di marketing, specialmente nel settore turistico ma anche in altri, sui diversi social e con l'utilizzo delle diverse strategie di email marketing, social and digital marketing, native marketing oltre che naturalmente strumenti SEO per l'ottimizzazione del sito e della ricerca; Capacità di costruire website e Application Mobile apposite; So utilizzare strumenti come IrfanView per uso, modifica e adattamento di immagini; audacity per la creazione e modifica di audio; podcast per i video (naturalmente per la creazione di video; youtube, vimeo, google ADmob etc. ); Utilizzo di autoresponder come aweber. Patente di guida B ULTERIORI INFORMAZIONI Progetti "ICT per una migliore e connessa agricoltura. Paese di riferimento: India" 28/12/15 © Unione europea, 2002-2015 | Pagina 5 / 29
  • 6. Curriculum vitae Battistoni Christian Questo studio vuole dimostrare come l'ICT ( Information and Communication Technology) potrebbe aiutare a ridurre l'asimmetria nelle informazioni tipica del settore agricolo migliorandone efficienza e produttività. In particolar modo l'India, ha un presente bisogno di aumentare la produzione di cibo e quindi la produttività del proprio settore agricolo, per soddisfare il fabbisogno di una popolazione in crescita enorme. Grazie allo sviluppo e l'implementazione di progetti ICT e al conseguente miglioramento delle informazioni e dei servizi di pagamento e una migliorata efficienza della catena di produzione, ci si aspetta una forte crescita della produzione agricola indiana andando così incontro al suddetto fabbisogno. Documenti collegati Project Work - ICT in Agriculture. Case Study India.compressed.pdf Progetti Progetto per l'export e l'internazionalizzazione del settore farmaceutico italiano, rispettivamente in 24 e 6 paesi. Documenti collegati Pharmerging Countries (Pharmaceutical Sector - prospects and opportunties).pdf Certificazioni "Hostile Environment Awareness Training" 1st day - Combat Individual Training - Operational Training/ troop and squad .Operational Training/shooting techniques and weapons 2nd day Operational Training: Recognition IED and C-IED activity; Operational Training: Key Leader Engagement Operational Training: Capture and Kidnapping Protocol; 3rd day - Operational Training: Planning and behavior (movement in convoy and ambush reactions); Operational Training: Rally Point achieving; Operational Training: Security Protocol for the approaching a Ceck Point; Operational Training: Safe Zone Identification; Operational Training: Correct Use of Ballistic Protection; Operational Training: Towns Transit. Documenti collegati Certificate - Hostile Environment Awareness Training.pdf Certificazioni "Made in Italy: Eccellenze in Digitale website (build and optimization), google tools, social Media tools, SMM tools, video marketing, digital marketing, email marketing, export and e-commerce. Documenti collegati certificazione made in italy - eccellenze in digitale.pdf Corsi "Diploma ALISON in Social Media Marketing" Module 1: Introduction to Web sites; Module 2: Introduction to autoresponders and eBooks; Module 3: Using autoresponders to build a list; Module 4: Affiliate marketing and increasing Web site traffic; Email and Affiliate Marketing Assessment; Module 5: Introduction to Social Media Marketing; Module 6: How to use Twitter; Module 7 Part 1: Audacity for Recording Podcasts; Module 7 Part 2: Podomatic - Publish Your Podcasts to the Web; Module 8: WordPress - Blogging on the Web; Module 9: Facebook - Create your Personal Profile; Module 10: Facebook - Creating your LIKE page; Module 11: Facebook - Increasing traffic to LIKE pages; Marketing with Facebook Assessment Corsi Corso di lingua e cultura inglese presso la Central School of English di Londra della durata di 3 mesi: 28/12/15 © Unione europea, 2002-2015 | Pagina 6 / 29
  • 7. Curriculum vitae Battistoni Christian Ottobre - dicembre 2009. Livello: B2 ALLEGATI ▪ Project Work - ICT in Agriculture. Case Study India.compressed.pdf ▪ Pharmerging Countries (Pharmaceutical Sector - prospects and opportunties).pdf ▪ Certificate - Hostile Environment Awareness Training.pdf ▪ certificazione made in italy - eccellenze in digitale.pdf 28/12/15 © Unione europea, 2002-2015 | Pagina 7 / 29
  • 8. Passaporto europeo delle competenze Battistoni Christian Project Work - ICT in Agriculture. Case Study India.compressed.pdf 28/12/15 © Unione europea, 2002-2015 | Pagina 8 / 29 MASTER IN ECONOMIA DELLO SVILUPPO E COOPERAZIONE INTERNAZIONALE ANNO ACCADEMICO 2014 -2015 ICT (Information and Communication Technology) for a better and connected agriculture: Case Study: India. A cura di Christian Battistoni Con il patrocinio del In collaborazione con I Partner del Master: Con la partecipazione di:
  • 9. Passaporto europeo delle competenze Battistoni Christian 28/12/15 © Unione europea, 2002-2015 | Pagina 9 / 29 MAIN SOURCES • Vodafone: About Vodafone Vodafone is one of the world’s largest telecommunications companies and provides a range of services including voice, messaging, data and fixed communications. Vodafone has mobile operations in 26 countries, partners with mobile networks in 55 more, and has fixed broadband operations in 17 markets. At the end of March 2015, Vodafone had approximately 445 million mobile customers and 12 million fixed broadband customers. Vodafone plays an active role in seeking to address the challenges faced by today’s emerging economies through the use of technology. This includes working with enterprise customers, non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and government agencies to develop mobile services that increase agricultural productivity and efficiency and improve the livelihoods of smallholder farmers. • Accenture: Accenture is a global management consulting, technology services and outsourcing company. Combining unparalleled experience, comprehensive capabilities across all industries and business functions, and extensive research on the world’s most successful companies, Accenture collaborates with clients to help them become high-performance businesses and governments. With approximately 215,000 people serving clients in more than 120 countries, the company generated net revenues of US$21.5 billion for the fiscal year 2010. • Fao: The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO; French: Organisation des Nations unies pour l'alimentation et l'agriculture, Italian: Organizzazione delle Nazioni Unite per l'Alimentazione e l'Agricoltura) is an agency of the United Nations that leads international efforts to defeat hunger. • World Bank: he World Bank is an international financial institution that provides loans[2] to developing countries for capital programs. It comprises two institutions: the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), and the International Development Association (IDA). The World Bank is a component of the World Bank Group, which is part of the United Nations system.
  • 10. Passaporto europeo delle competenze Battistoni Christian 28/12/15 © Unione europea, 2002-2015 | Pagina 10 / 29 INCEPTION " This study makes the case for actions that save lives, create jobs, grow economies and, at the same time, slow the rate of climate change. We place ourselves and our children at peril if we ignore these opportunities. " Rachel Kyte (World Bank Group Vice President & Special Envoy for Climate Change)
  • 11. Passaporto europeo delle competenze Battistoni Christian 28/12/15 © Unione europea, 2002-2015 | Pagina 11 / 29 4 WORLD CONTEXT • The world’s climate is changing fast, and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future, especially in agriculture, this posing many risk for food and farming; • However, the new farming systems can be adapted to cope with the changes. In this way, agriculture could contribute to mitigate our climate impact. We’re talking about the concept of ‘climate-smart agriculture’.
  • 12. Passaporto europeo delle competenze Battistoni Christian 28/12/15 © Unione europea, 2002-2015 | Pagina 12 / 29 5 SMART – AGRICULTURE The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) defines climate-smart agriculture as consisting of three main pillars: • sustainably increasing agricultural productivity and incomes (food security); • adapting and building resilience to climate change (adaptation); • reducing and/or removing greenhouse gas emissions (mitigation), when and where possible
  • 13. Passaporto europeo delle competenze Battistoni Christian 28/12/15 © Unione europea, 2002-2015 | Pagina 13 / 29 6 BENEFITS • In this view, mobile communications and in general M2M solutions, could surely help to meet the challenge of reduce an estimated 9.2 billion of people who demand for food by 2050. They can also cut carbon dioxide emissions by approximately 5 mega tonnes (Mt) in the developing countries, as India, and reduce freshwater withdrawals for agricultural irrigation by 6%, with enormous savings in water-stressed regions. These benefits assume there will be around 549 million mobile connections to relevant services in 2020. • This project aims to stimulate the necessary “alliance” between mobile operators, governments, NGOs and businesses to realize these opportunities and explore others, with reference to the Indian context, with the specific objective to improve efficiency in agriculture and increase income for farmers in this country.
  • 14. Passaporto europeo delle competenze Battistoni Christian 28/12/15 © Unione europea, 2002-2015 | Pagina 14 / 29 7 INDIAN CONTEXT • In India live about 1.24 billion people – one-sixth of the world’s population on just 2% of the total land and its population is anticipated to reach 1.67 billion by 2020. Surely, India is one of the world’s bigger food producing countries, in view of that about 68% of its large population living in rural areas. Indeed, 200 million people will be working in agriculture in India in 2020. Therefore, Agricultural sector will remain a significant contributor at around 10% of GDP by 2020 Indian economy and, in particular, the agricultural sector face a great transiction creating enromous opportunities for innovation and growth. Certainly, problems such as historical underinvestment in agriculture, rural poverty and fragmented properties of land are true obstacles to achieving this result. GENDER IN AGRICULTURE • Within India, the gender gap in income between female and male varied widely across regions in a range from 90% in Gujarat to 54% in Tamil Nadu in 2004/05. • more than 60% of all employed women work in the sector and in rural areas and the percentage of women who depend on agriculture for their livelihood is as high as 84 %. • Moreover , about 75% of women engaged in agriculture are illiterate yet, this pose other barriers in improved of their status. In consideration of that, a fight against the women situation in agriculture, thanks the use of ICT and M2M Solution in particular, could help to defeat hunger and malnourishment.
  • 15. Passaporto europeo delle competenze Battistoni Christian 28/12/15 © Unione europea, 2002-2015 | Pagina 15 / 29 8 STAKEHOLDERS PARTNERS The government of India would develop projects in mobile across the country. Given the difficult in tthe conduct yield verification exercises (CCEs) over millions of very small land holdings across the country, the use of remote sensing technology would serve to concentrate the exercise in areas where we can find higher incidence of crop failure. Also the role of domestic and foregin financial institutions, international organizations, ONG donors in general, can help to finanancing this projects. M2M PLAYERS There are several stakeholders to take into consideration for the developement of the M2M System. These are: module vendors, connectivity providers, M2M platform and application providers, device platform providers, mobile operators, aggregators and mobile virtual network operators (MVNOs). PARTNERSHIPS the importance of public-private partnerships is clear. Partnership is central for the strategy to get scale and continue to grow. Partnering with both government and NGOs allows us to establish an extension systems other than, naturally, community networks, domain expertise, and to scale operations. INTERMEDIARIES The role of intermediaries in a model of ICT-based advisory services continues to be controversial. While intermediaries, from radio announcers to private sector extension agents, are playing a role in extending reach and addressing human capacity issues, there is disagreement about what role they play in a sustainable business model. Therefore, will be difficult to describe which could be the future role(s) of intermediaries in transmitting information within the innovation system.
  • 16. Passaporto europeo delle competenze Battistoni Christian 28/12/15 © Unione europea, 2002-2015 | Pagina 16 / 29 9 PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS 1. Information Services Problem: Lack of information is the greater barrier to improve yields and consequently incomes for India’s smallholders farmers Solution: Thanks the use of this information service Farmers increased their income by an average 5-15%. 2. Receipt Services Problem: Fraud and losses are one of the major concern on income and efficiency for small farmers due to the lose of productivity. Solution: Receipt services can eliminate fraud previously causing loss of 20% of daily supply. 3. Payment Services Problem: Many suppliers of service some services and others haven’t a bank accounts but often need a loan and problem for payment. Solution: For example, In Tanzania thanks mobile payments, Farmer made about 74000$ in mobile payments and loans during the pilot project. 4. Field Audit Problem: In the past the main problems in this case were the impact on enviroment other then the efficiency in the supply chain Solution: Thanks our system, auditors can save one day for week by eliminating paper records. 5. Enabling access to local markets Problem: In many big countries ther are several problem in regard to travel costs and time for payments, in particular for women. Solution: Thanks to mobile systems, about 15000 farmers supplying stand to benefit from mobile payment and ordering. 6. Smartphone enabled –services Thanks the use of these devices we can obtain a great growth in production and in annual efficiency saving for farmers.
  • 17. Passaporto europeo delle competenze Battistoni Christian 28/12/15 © Unione europea, 2002-2015 | Pagina 17 / 29 10 Barriers to scale M2M Applications in agriculture COSTS Problem: Cost is the most important barrier for the adoption of Agri M2M applications, particularly in emerging markets. Solutions: Exist, however, an opportunity to create innovative business models to help overcome this barrier. Moreover, the Agri M2M solutions could be developed by cooperatives or agri businesses, who can finance the solution out to the individual farmers. LOW WAGES IN EMERGING MARKETS: Problem: Low wages for agricultural workers in emerging world are one of the most important challenge. Solutions: Until low-income countries can improve their incomes to levels at which they obtain sufficient savings to meet their investment needs, they will rely on external investments and resources for the sector development. LIMITED KNOWLEDGE Problem: Small or not understanding of the benefits of Agri M2M solutions is naturally a barrier. Lack of technical knowledge could also create a problem for the rollout of services, as the end users would need to know how to set-up, maintain, and use the applications. Solution: However, knowledge could be improved due to initiatives in educating the end user and other players in the applications and benefits of Agri M2M. NETWORK COVERAGE Problem: 85% of the world’s population is covered by a mobile network. However, coverage is heavily focused on densely populated urban areas, leaving the rural locations, which are of course primarily where agriculture is based, underserved. Solution: One way to address this problem is with the use of low frequency spectrum. Moreover, Exist possibilites to use low cost low power solutions in Agri M2M thanks the use of low power. RELIABILITY OF EQUIPMENT Problem: M2M system in the agricultural sector impose new needs on available technology. Solution:This surely provide an opportunity for mobile operators. MARKET FRAGMENTATION To develop M2M solutions is most important not have a fragmentated market. Therefore partership and strategic solution beteen farmers or cooperative are the better solution.
  • 18. Passaporto europeo delle competenze Battistoni Christian 28/12/15 © Unione europea, 2002-2015 | Pagina 18 / 29 11 GOVERNANCE AND STRATEGY The Indian governament issued several policies to increase agricultural production and infrastructure using various ICT projects. For instance, the Indian Universal Service comprehend a Universal Service Fund that bring to completion the four points below: 1. Arrange for non-discriminatory and widespread access to quality ICT services at reasonably prices to all people in rural and distant areas. 2. Furnish a powerful and valid connecting to the hinterland to link the populations of rural and remote areas with urban centers. 3. Assure that Universal Services are supplied in an economically efficient way 4. Guarantee that the benefits of inclusive growth lead rapid socio-economic development and an improved standard of living to unconnected areas M2M Development Therefore, The Indian agricultural sector costitutes a fundamental opportunity for operators to develop and deploy M2M solutions and products. there would be scenarios that can help mobile operators to get a bigger share of the Agri M2M pie, and create a growth of the Agri M2M ecosystem: • Connectivity only: sure the more expanded sector with a big limit for their revenue potential as well as the growth of the Agri M2M industry • Partnerships: creation of active partenrship and collaboration with other players across the ecosystem, such as also system integrators, solution providers, service providers and application developers as well as naturally start-ups and entrepreneurs, to implement E2E Agri M2M solutions and with a great help for innovation • Marketing and Partnerships: marketing support, enter partnerships, leveraging brand and other strategies to train the end users on the use and benefits of Agri M2M • Vertical integration: develop and deploy end-to-end Agri M2M services
  • 19. Passaporto europeo delle competenze Battistoni Christian 28/12/15 © Unione europea, 2002-2015 | Pagina 19 / 29 COSTRAINTS 12 Infrastructure costraints: In india this problems exist above all in some zones, where small farmers highlighted infrastructure gaps that affected their ability to realise productivity gains through improved yields and higher prices. Thanks ITC’s internet service is possible to overcome some of the challenges presented by inadequate infrastructure. Other costraints: other issues were also raised over the course of our investigation. a) Access to credit Non-availability of credit at reasonable rates is a persistent problem for small farmers. It’s possibile to overcome this problem thank the help of several domestic and International financial institution, International Organizations and Donors. b) Capacity for risk-taking Farmers, in general, are naturally conservative. However, in order for information to drive agricultural productivity, farmers must be willing to try new strategies, which may include new farming techniques.
  • 20. Passaporto europeo delle competenze Battistoni Christian 28/12/15 © Unione europea, 2002-2015 | Pagina 20 / 29 SUSTAINABILITY 13 Even where adequate infrastructure exists, collecting data and creating content requires a huge investment in human resources and in establishing suitable systems. Yet, both public and private funding is often limited and, in the case of most development projects, short-lived. Large donors can play a key role in promoting data sharing, for instance by making it a requirement. Indeed, in many projects, At the pilot stage of providing these services, the cost of delivering information to farmers was borne by Intenational Organizations and NGO. Overall, in this project we have learnt the following from these case study and further: • 1. The information service model should be able to meet the varied and increasing demands of farmers; • 2. accuracy and timeliness of service is an important factor; • 3. an assessment of the farmer’s need for information should be done at the village level, and continuous evaluation of needs should be an inbuilt part of the system; • 4. modern service providers should not compete with other service providers but should build synergies with existing extension services and fill existing information gaps; • 5. the service providers should utilize the potential of a two-way communication facility on mobile phones, and help lines should be created to provide customized solutions and to enable feedback from farmers; and • 6. finally the service providers should have an idea of the existing socio-economic situation of farmers and the prevailing market and infrastructure constraints.
  • 21. Passaporto europeo delle competenze Battistoni Christian 28/12/15 © Unione europea, 2002-2015 | Pagina 21 / 29 MONITOR AND EVALUATION 14 Waverman suggests that a valid way of measuring the economic value of mobile telephony is by examining the willingness of the poor to pay for mobile phones. Indicators could also focus on specific commodities and parts of the value chain . Other suggestions for what to measure include: • new investments that ICTs have attracted to the community; • tasks that have become more cost- or time-effective; • new businesses which were created; • ICT related policy shifts; • increased participation by women, youth and marginalized members of the community. Other Examples of cost-effective ways to measure impact include the Progress out of Poverty Index® (PPI®) and the Base of Pyramid (BoP) Impact Assessment Framework. THE IMPACT IN INDIA The services for agriculture showed in this project, could create compelling benefits for farmers and society in India. Indeed, they could positively impact the lives of nearly 70 million farmers in India in 2020 through a range of information and functional services. This is equivalent to 60% of Indian farmers in 2020. The benefits from these services include: • Better access to information on, for example, agricultural best practices and weather forecasts • Better access to information on market prices and the ability to connect more directly with buyers • Improved communication and efficiency in agricultural supply chains Reductions in fraud and losses • Easier access to financial services and credit for farmers Reduced travel time and costs Together these benefits can support increased yields, improved crop quality and access to higher market prices, as well as reducing losses and inefficiencies for farmers, by generating $9 billion in additional income for farmers annually in 2020.
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