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1、 项目确定
a、 项目名称或营销活动
b、 口号
读有故事的人 做有深度的书
To read a man of great worth is the beginning of becoming a man worth reading.
c、 营销项目概述
的形式供大家阅读。自 2013 年 12 月 17 日首次开馆,至今已经举办过 25 期真人图书馆活动,
共有 1783 位读者通过室内、户外、线上、现场直播等多种形式参加。作为公益活动,我们曾在
Content of Our Marketing:
Little Paradise Human Library is a project hosted by the library of Wuhan
University and coordinated by Yuewei Literature Society, a student club in the
campus. We strive to find individuals who have his or her own extraordinary
experiences and present them as “books”, which are worth our reading, in ways of
interviewing them as our guest talkers, “encoding” them with call numbers and
making posters to introduce them to readers. And our philosophy is, and has always
been, that everybody is a book and has his or her story that deserves reading. We’ve
been working on building a platform that enables readers to communicate with these
human books in an equal, reciprocal manner and to this day, our activity has been held
25 times during which 1783 readers in total have joined us in various ways, including
indoor-outdoor gaming and interacting online. Some of our activities are held at
schools for the blind as a part of our public-serving program and we donated for
building reading rooms in poor mountainous regions to bring hope to children who
are in dire need of of love and knowledge.
目标用户: 线下活动以武汉大学在校大学生为主,兼顾华中地区各高校及社会读者;
Target Groups: Our off-line activities are targeted on students of Wuhan University,
who make up the majority of our readers, students from other universities of central
China and all those who may be interested, while our online shows are for readers
from various parts of the world since technology breaks down traditional geographical
barriers and makes cross-regional communication a reality. Take one of our most
recent shows for instance, readers engaged in our interaction are from different parts
of the country, including foreign participators from the University of Memphis and
Purpose: As a new source of reading material, human books help enrich our
archives and avail our readers a good deal in terms of spreading knowledge and
sharing experience. Readers may broaden their horizon and expand knowledge and
skills. It benefits the traditional library as well in terms of bringing new elements to
traditional use of archives, making libraries more appealing to readers and adding
spice to reading. Our ambition is to build an ultimate platform which bridges the gap
between readers and human books, the campus and the outside world.
1. Enabling each reader to gain friendship and to become a better individual
2. Pouring vigor into libraries, bridging the gap between students and libraries
and helping expand the social influence of libraries.
3. Creating opportunities for students to get to know the outside world and
providing a glimpse for outsiders into the culture inside the campus.
d、 如有必要,在这里输入一个网站
e、 您的项目形象或标志
微天堂的 LOGO
微天堂真人图书馆 LOGO,图案是一个跃起的小人托起萌芽的形象,萌芽以书页为设计
亦给予书籍以发展的空间。文字部分,上部分为花体微天堂英文名字 ,下边“微天堂”汉字。
博尔赫斯曾说过:“如果世间有天堂,那一定是图书馆的模样。” 因此我们给真人图书馆取名
The logo of Little Paradise (little paradise), bearing the image of a little man
holding up green buds, symbolizes that books empower teenagers to soar up high into
a sky of hope and the realm of thoughts, and that teenagers in return create space of
development for books. Below is written the name of Little Paradise in fine, round
hand: Little Paradise, along with its Chinese version. “If there is an actual heaven in
this mortal world,” said Jorge Luis Borges, “then it must be a library.” We strive to
create a little world of Human Books and a realm of noble ideas where the gleam of
wisdom enlightens people’s thoughts.
2、 项目信息
a、 请详细说明您的营销项目的目标
1. Enabling each reader to gain friendship and to become a better individual
We choose the human books as our guests, each of them having his or her own
characteristics, with whom our reader can have some free conversation. Scholars,
prolific authors, entrepreneurs, and all sorts of notable figures are on our invitation list
and our readers have equal opportunities to communicate with them. The readers’
confidence may as well get boosted after a face-to-face communication.
In the past three years we have built this family together. Readers have grown
intellectually with the human books. Some of our readers befriended one another;
some became guides of reading; and some, after three years, became new human
2.Pouring vigor into libraries, bridging the gap between students and libraries and
helping expand the social influence of libraries.
A library is not an ivory tower made of iron and concrete where you are
separated from the ordinary world. It thrives only when it gets connected with the
readers. It is more than just a reference room of studying and doing research. It is the
soil out of which seeds sprout, grow and bear the fruit of wisdom. Students may open
their mind, broaden their horizon through our activities and ultimately change their
impression upon libraries. The school library has been for a long time collaborating
with Yuewei Literature Society, the members of it being students from different
majors. Through the very process, we made reading not only accessible for every
student, but intuitive and fun.
3.通过创建真人图书馆平台,让学生了解外面的世界,也让社会读者了解校园文化 。
2016 年微天堂真人图书馆已经获得“武汉大学十佳品牌志愿服务项目”,全年参与读者 1100
3.Creating opportunities for students to get to know the outside world and providing
a glimpse for outsiders into the culture inside the campus.
Little Paradise Human Library, which has won the 2016 Best Public Serving
Projects of Wuhan University and have some 1100 attenders in each of its activities,
has become one of the most influential programs in central China. It creates
opportunities for students to get to know the outside world and providing a glimpse
for outsiders into the culture inside the campus, a campus with a glorious history of
120 years.
b、 项目时间可以属于以下任何时间范围
在每年春季 3~5 月武汉大学读书节和秋季 10~12 月文化活动月中,我们按照主题挑选
比如 2016 年 3 月,我们推出了《一花一世界》,真人图书是植物学的博士,也是一位公
2016 年我们与华中农业大学图书馆、江汉大学图书馆合作,举办了微天堂真人图书馆
的海外志愿者、文学青年骑行作者、教育咨询公司 CEO、互联网达人、世界记忆大师、心外科
2016 年秋季文化活动月,推出了《灿烂千阳》、《来自恒河的声音》主题真人图书馆,来
自阿富汗和印度的 4 本真人图书与在座读者广泛交流,加深了中外读者的友情,也促进了
文化交流。活动期间除现场读者之外,还有 300 余位线上读者通过直播软件全程参与。线上
In 2016, we cooperated with the library of Huazhong Agricultural University and
the library of Jianghan University and we gave touring performances in these
universities. And by that time we delivered 8 human books each time, including
foreign volunteers who raised money for buying a farmland for people who have aids,
a young writer who loves reading, a CEO of an education consulting agency, an
expert of Internet, a grand master of memory, a surgeon of cardiology, an
archaeologist and an artist . We provided such a variety of the human books for
readers to choose from.
We delivered the human book series called “A Thousand Splendid Suns” and
“the voice of Ganges” during the Cultural Festival last year. During the activity, we
invited 4 human books who come from Afghanistan and India to build up a platform
for communication between readers and human books. And more than 300 readers
signed up and got engaged in our activity on the Internet. The online human library
show is a brand new form which makes the participators feel less constrained.
Each time we have a book guide whose job is to promote the communication between
the human books and readers. After each activity, we’ll send our book lists to those
who haven’t come to our scene. And our guest human book will advise our readers on
what to read.
2016 年 4 月份举办的《TA 的国》,总共推出了 8 本真人图书,报名截止为 90 人,而现场仍
Data: Readers may sign up on our website. But on most occasions not everyone is
lucky enough to succeed in signing up for the reason that our seats are always limited.
For example, last time we held an activity called Her Land. Although the seats are
limited(90 at most), lots of readers who failed in booking a seat online were still
willing to come.
读者:2016 年 11 月推出的《灿烂千阳》,有四名河北师范大学的读者专程搭乘火车来
反馈:在每期活动结束后,我们会抽取 20%的读者进行反馈,询问读者的满意度和改
Readers: We held a show called “A Thousand Splendid Suns” in November last
year. Four students from Hebei Normal University came here by train and joined us.
After this, we determined to hold our activity on the Internet. Reader had made huge
process in these three years, as well as the human books. Take Liu Wenjia, a guest
human books and a big fan of our show as an instance. She will take part in our
activity as long as she has free time. She told us that it was the not the fame and
wealth of our guests that attracted her.It was the thought of our guests that gave her
inspirations. Liu Wenjia, who is the top of her class when graduatingl, and became a
postgraduate now. She served as a volunteer in the slum in Kenya and raised money
for building a small farmland for people who have aids. That experience made her one
of our human books.
Feedback:After each activity, we’ll choose 20 percent of our readers and ask for
their opinions. Meanwhile, we will ask the readers whether they are satisfied with our
performance. Normally our reader will leave some genuine comments that help us do
better next time.
a. Offline(Reality) shows: Teachers and students from Wuhan University and
other university.
b. Readers who enjoys communicating and reading, fans who love human
books, and people from various parts of the country.
f. 请描述您的营销组合(4P’S)其中包括产品或营销内容的说明,价格(用户成本、总
4、活动宣传品(选书手册、真人图书馆 LOGO 小纪念品、编号牌等等)
按 2016 年标准,推出大型真人图书馆 3 次,每次 2000 元左右;推出小型真人图书
8 次,每次 1200 元左右;推出线上真人图书馆 2 次,每次 300 元左右;全年运营成本
16200,平均每次为 1300 元左右。
告,阅读量 1200 左右;武汉大学图书馆官方微博发送活动预告,阅读量 4000 左右;其他
武汉大学校园新媒体。活动结束推出活动内容推送, 阅读量 1500 左右。
1. Human books (normally voluntary. We’ll send them commemorative
certificate of participation)
2. Poster printing and designing
3.Renting a room (all free except for the coffee house)
4. Ad campaign (booklist of human books,posters of human library with the
logo, coding cards, etc.)
5.Food and drinks (Coffee and tea)
6.Travelling expenses
The total cost:
Take 2016 as an instance, we carried out the human libraries (three grand
shows, each costing 2000 yuan. Eight small ones and each costed 1200yuan; Two
online human library show and each costed 300. The total cost amounted to 16200
yuan and 1300 yuan for each activity.
Publicity means:
Online means: we have the advanced notice post on the website of the Library
of Wuhan university and we send the notice on Wechat. Our notice and blogs generate
1200 page view each time, and our weibos generate some 4000. And the article we
send through wechat each time we finish our activity has some 1500 views.
Budget Content
KT 板
KT board
10 46 368
souvenirs of human
8 100 800
10 25 250
list of human books
100 2.5 250
certification of
human books
25 8 200
Rent of the place
The coffee
hous in the
museum of our
library was free
to be rented
Coffee or tea
100 2 200 自带咖啡或茶
we brought the
coffee and tea
bag on our
合计 2068 元
Total is 2068 yuan
表格 1 8 本左右大型真人图书馆
Table 1 Large scale of human library which contained 8 human books
KT 板
KT board
5 46 230
souvenir of human
3 100 300
5 25 125
certification of
human books
3 8 24
rent of the place
and the drink
50 10 500 武汉大学珞樱咖啡
Luo Ying coffee house
in Wuhan university
合计 1179 元
表格 2 3 本左右小型真人图书馆
Table 2. Small scale of human library which contain 3 human books
KT 板
KT board
2 46 92
souvenirs of
human books
1 100 100
5 25 125
certification of
human boos
1 8 8
合计 325 元
Total: 325 yuan
表格 3 线上真人图书馆
Table 3. Online human library.
以 2016 年为例,平均每次活动开支为 1300 元左右。全年举办活动 13 场;集中在 3~5 月武
汉大学读书节、10~12 月文化活动月之间;大型真人图书馆和小型真人图书馆间隔进行,在
年末举行过 2 次线上真人图书馆。
2017 和 2018 年两年预计举办活动 18 场,时间同样集中在 3 月-5 月,10 月-12 月;
活动策划小组 4 人:确定主题、真人图书的挑选、给每本真人图书分配导读、确定整个活动的
内容中心导读团队 15 人:每位导读负责相对真人图书的采访、撰写真图介绍、准备预告文案;
海报书单制作小组 4 人:每场活动都要制作宣传海报、每本真人图书都有图文版书单;
新媒体运营小组 4 人:整合文案图片,制作推文,与其他新媒体联络;
现场执行组 10 人:负责现场布置,组织读者有序入场;
技术:摄影、视频制作 1 人
Allocation of the resource: Taking the 2016 as an example, we expand 1300 yuan
per time of the activity on average. We hold 13 activities this whole year and mainly
in the reading festival from March to May and the culture months from October to
December. We hold the large scale and the small scale of the human libraries
alternatively. And we hold 2 online human libraries at the end of last year.
We decide to hold 18 sessions of activity in 2017 and 2018, and mainly hold in
March to May and October to December.
Allocation of human resource
Event planning group: 4 students: Decide the topic, choose the human books,
allocate the book guide for each human book, decide the scheme of the whole activity
and the procedure of it.
The book guide group from content department: 15 students: We arrange the
interview to each human books by our book guide, prepare the introduction and
correspondence of the human books. We wrote summary in detail after each activity.
Poster and book list making group: 4 students: We designed poster for every
activity and book lists which contained the picture and introduction of each human
New media operation group: 4 students: Arrange the articles and the picture, write
essays, contact with other new media.
Execute group in the site: 10 students: In charge of the decoration of the activity
place and arrange readers come into the site in order.
Technique group: 2 student: Photograph and video making
Repetition of above
每次活动后,会抽取 20%的读者进行反馈调查,询问对活动的满意程度,请读者提出改进
We collected the questions from readers and asked them what they want to
achieve from the activity through the link of our activity on website.
We would like to draw 20% of readers randomly for the feedback survey and
asked them whether they were satisfied with our activity. Meanwhile, we would like
to gather the opinion from readers and discussed them in detailed to see whether it
could be accepted.
We analyzed and summarized the information of readers, including their location,
working places, schools and departments, to see the connection between the human
books and the readers. The aim of this behavior is tending to add more type of human
book and expand the number of the readers from inside or outside of the campus.
“每个人的经历都是一本书”,真人图书馆的概念最早产生于 2000 年的哥本哈根,读者
生社团阅微书社合作,自 2013 年 12 月 17 日首次开馆,至今已经举办过 25 期真人图书馆
活动,共有 1783 位读者参加。2016 年,共举办过 13 期真人图书馆,共有 1167 位读者参加
态。根据每次推出的真人图书本数和种类,确定读者的数量和场地,一本书同时提供给 10
每本书的阅读时间大约为 30 分钟,每位读者每次可以阅读 2~3 本真人图书。
界另一边华人社会的马来西亚女记者”、“经历过三次创业失败的 CEO”、“中学退学,用写作支
音”,还是“我的故乡在阿富汗”,微天堂真人图书馆通过对话,加深了中外同学之间的友情 ,
也促进了文化交流。2016 年,活动期间除现场读者之外,还有 300 余位线上读者通过直播
2016 年微天堂真人图书馆从校内走到校外,从线下走到线上,提供了更加轻松开放的
Everybody is a book and has his or her story that deserves reading. This idea
originated from Copenhagen back in the year 2000. Readers gain the opportunity to
communicate with an actual man and read a human book. And the human book find a
path share his ideas.
Little Paradise Human Library is a project hosted by the library of Wuhan University
and coordinated by Yuewei Literature Society, a student club in the campus. We’ve
been working on building a platform that enables readers to communicate with these
human books in an equal, reciprocal manner and to this day, our activity has been held
25 times during which 1783 readers in total have joined us in various ways, including
indoor-outdoor gaming and interacting online. Some of our activities are held at
schools for the blind as a part of our public-serving program and we donated for
building reading rooms in poor mountainous regions to bring hope to children who
are in dire need of of love and knowledge.
We strive to find individuals who have his or her own extraordinary experiences and
present them as “books”, which are worth our reading, in ways of interviewing them
as our guest talkers, “encoding” them with call numbers and making posters to
introduce them to readers. During annual cultural festivals we’ll choose several
human books and ‘borrow’ them those who may be interested. Each time we will have
a guide whose job is to promote the communication between the human books and
readers. Our activity will be held in places like school libraries, cafes, schools for the
blind, parks and some other universities. The human books are required to give a
presentation which lasts about 30 minutes and thus our readers have to opportunity to
read two or three such human book at one time.
We have been for a long time collaborating with Yuewei Literature Society. And
we’ve made this new form of reading accessible for student inside the campus and
we’ve been working on find more fresh human books and let them present their own
stories. Our previous presenters, including an archaeologist who has a curious
adventure of digging graves, a grand master of memory whose specialty is designing
mind maps, a woman journalist from Malaysia who had probed and researched into
what life in Chinese communities is really like, a CEO who had failed a number of
time before his final success and a free-lance writer who became a cyclist after he got
expelled from school, all generated a lot of buzz after sharing their own stories. We
also selected foreign presenters to be our human books. Our previous editions of such
human books include three Indian presenters(Voice of the Ganges) and one Afghan
presenter (Afghanistan, my Afghanistan). More than three hundred readers had
attended our live web cast. Our online shows are not only prepared for students of our
campus, but are for readers from various parts of the world as well.
As a new source of reading material, human books help enrich our archives and
avail our readers a good deal in terms of spreading knowledge and sharing experience.
Readers may broaden their horizon and expand knowledge and skills. It benefits the
traditional library as well in terms of bringing new elements to traditional use of
archives, making libraries more appealing to readers and adding spice to reading.
25 sessions of human library hosted by Little Paradise
T 时间 主题名称 真 人
书 数
举办地点 参与人数 隶属
1 2012.12.17 比赛通关达人 2 医学分馆创意活动室 20
2 2013.3.23 路上遇见真实自己 3 26
3 2013.4.30 90 后作家成长录 1 29 2013 读书节
4 2013.11.8 天才是怎样炼成的 1 71
5 2014.4.27 全能学姐 2 47 2014 读书节
6 2014.5.9 李红豪骑行录 1 34
7 2015.4.17 看世界 3 总馆艺术欣赏厅 44 2015 读书节
8 2015.4.26 人生从大学开始不一样 1 总馆 D 栋第三会议室 139
9 2015.5.16 考古那些事儿 2 84
10 2015.10.17 大学的 100 种可能 3 总馆学术报告厅 65 2015 文化月
11 2015.11.25 闺蜜创天涯 2 总馆艺术欣赏厅 42
12 2015.11.29 我的大学 1990 1 医学分馆培训教室 45
13 2016.3.13 一花一世界 1 沙湖公园 53 2016 读书节
14 2016.3.18 一个人的征途 3 落樱咖啡 69
15 2016.3.20 当李尔王遇见摇滚 2 医学分馆创意活动坊 37
16 2016.4.16 TA 的国 8 万林博物馆珞珈咖啡 96
17 2016.4.23 趁年华 3 江大参差咖啡 49
18 2016.5.7 山水又一程 5 华中农业大学图书馆 67
19 2016.10.19 在阿富汗,每一张照片
1 总馆艺术欣赏厅 33 2016 文化活动
20 2016.10.30 从你的全世界路过
2 医学分馆创意活动坊 27
21 2016.11.12 灿烂千阳 3 万林博物馆珞珈咖啡 102
22 2016.12.4 当葱花遇见了油锅 1 线上微信群 21
23 2016.12.8 来自恒河的声音 3 医学分馆创意活动坊 现 场 51
直 播 415
24 2016.12.11 一起认植物 1 锦绣江南 45
25 2016.12.18 她曾梦想穿着高跟鞋走
1 线上微信群 72
部分活动海报 Part of our posters
部分现场图片 Part of our photos
读者反馈:Readers feedback
a、 候选者信息
武汉大学图书馆 Wuhan University Library
b、 候选图书馆的国家
中国 China
c、 图书馆类型
学术图书馆 Academic Library
d、 营销项目/活动协调员
申艳 Shen Yan
e、 地址
湖北省武汉市珞珈山武汉大学 Wuhan Univ, Luo Jiashan, Wuhan, Hubei Province
f、 邮箱

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LittleParadise Human Library - Wuhan University Library - China

  • 1. 1、 项目确定 a、 项目名称或营销活动 微天堂真人图书馆 b、 口号 读有故事的人 做有深度的书 To read a man of great worth is the beginning of becoming a man worth reading. c、 营销项目概述 营销内容:武汉大学微天堂真人图书馆,是由武汉大学图书馆主办,与武汉大学学生 社团阅微书社合作的项目。本着“每个人的经历都是一本书”的理念,我们寻找各种有趣有阅 历的人,通过采访真图、编写索书号、制作海报推文的方式,出版真人图书,通过平等交流 的形式供大家阅读。自 2013 年 12 月 17 日首次开馆,至今已经举办过 25 期真人图书馆活动, 共有 1783 位读者通过室内、户外、线上、现场直播等多种形式参加。作为公益活动,我们曾在 盲校做过真人图书馆,在山区捐建过微图书室,为孩子们带去阅读和希望的光芒。 Content of Our Marketing: Little Paradise Human Library is a project hosted by the library of Wuhan University and coordinated by Yuewei Literature Society, a student club in the campus. We strive to find individuals who have his or her own extraordinary experiences and present them as “books”, which are worth our reading, in ways of interviewing them as our guest talkers, “encoding” them with call numbers and making posters to introduce them to readers. And our philosophy is, and has always been, that everybody is a book and has his or her story that deserves reading. We’ve been working on building a platform that enables readers to communicate with these human books in an equal, reciprocal manner and to this day, our activity has been held 25 times during which 1783 readers in total have joined us in various ways, including indoor-outdoor gaming and interacting online. Some of our activities are held at schools for the blind as a part of our public-serving program and we donated for building reading rooms in poor mountainous regions to bring hope to children who are in dire need of of love and knowledge. 目标用户: 线下活动以武汉大学在校大学生为主,兼顾华中地区各高校及社会读者; 线上真人图书馆活动跨越地区的阻隔,在最近一期的活动中,参与的读者来自全国各地, 甚至有来自美国孟菲斯大学和尼日利亚的读者。 Target Groups: Our off-line activities are targeted on students of Wuhan University, who make up the majority of our readers, students from other universities of central China and all those who may be interested, while our online shows are for readers from various parts of the world since technology breaks down traditional geographical barriers and makes cross-regional communication a reality. Take one of our most recent shows for instance, readers engaged in our interaction are from different parts of the country, including foreign participators from the University of Memphis and Nigeria. 目的:真人图书作为一种新的阅读资源,丰富了馆藏内涵,有利于知识的获取、分享与 传播,读者开拓视野、增长见识,同时也有利于增强图书馆的活力,吸引更多读者走进图书
  • 2. 馆、使用图书馆,营造校园阅读氛围,搭建读者与真人图书、校园与社会沟通的平台。 Purpose: As a new source of reading material, human books help enrich our archives and avail our readers a good deal in terms of spreading knowledge and sharing experience. Readers may broaden their horizon and expand knowledge and skills. It benefits the traditional library as well in terms of bringing new elements to traditional use of archives, making libraries more appealing to readers and adding spice to reading. Our ambition is to build an ultimate platform which bridges the gap between readers and human books, the campus and the outside world. 目标: *读者参加完活动,都能收获友谊和更好的自己; *为图书馆注入活力,丰富读者对图书馆的认知,提高图书馆影响力; *通过创建真人图书馆平台,让学生了解外面的世界,也让社会读者了解校园文化。 Goals: 1. Enabling each reader to gain friendship and to become a better individual 2. Pouring vigor into libraries, bridging the gap between students and libraries and helping expand the social influence of libraries. 3. Creating opportunities for students to get to know the outside world and providing a glimpse for outsiders into the culture inside the campus. d、 如有必要,在这里输入一个网站 e、 您的项目形象或标志 微天堂的 LOGO 微天堂真人图书馆 LOGO,图案是一个跃起的小人托起萌芽的形象,萌芽以书页为设计 元素,小人与流云的蓝色线条又组成了第二个萌芽。象征着书籍给青年以飞翔的力量,青年 亦给予书籍以发展的空间。文字部分,上部分为花体微天堂英文名字 ,下边“微天堂”汉字。 博尔赫斯曾说过:“如果世间有天堂,那一定是图书馆的模样。” 因此我们给真人图书馆取名
  • 3. “微天堂”。与书相伴的我们力图打造一个关于真人图书的小小世界,让那一束束来自心灵的 光芒,因为相聚而辉映出美丽的彩虹,照亮彼此的思想。 The logo of Little Paradise (little paradise), bearing the image of a little man holding up green buds, symbolizes that books empower teenagers to soar up high into a sky of hope and the realm of thoughts, and that teenagers in return create space of development for books. Below is written the name of Little Paradise in fine, round hand: Little Paradise, along with its Chinese version. “If there is an actual heaven in this mortal world,” said Jorge Luis Borges, “then it must be a library.” We strive to create a little world of Human Books and a realm of noble ideas where the gleam of wisdom enlightens people’s thoughts. 2、 项目信息 a、 请详细说明您的营销项目的目标 1.读者参加完活动,都能收获友谊和更好的自己 我们选择各有特色的真人图书,让读者来与他们自由对话。无论是著作等身的学者,还 是在其专业里有所建树的牛人,读者都能与之进行平等的交流,因为距离的拉近,自信心 也随之增强; 三年多的时间,我们营造了真人图书馆的大家庭,读者和真人图书馆一起成长,有些 成为了朋友,有些成为了真人图书馆的导读,有些更成为了我们的真人图书。 1. Enabling each reader to gain friendship and to become a better individual We choose the human books as our guests, each of them having his or her own characteristics, with whom our reader can have some free conversation. Scholars, prolific authors, entrepreneurs, and all sorts of notable figures are on our invitation list and our readers have equal opportunities to communicate with them. The readers’ confidence may as well get boosted after a face-to-face communication. In the past three years we have built this family together. Readers have grown intellectually with the human books. Some of our readers befriended one another; some became guides of reading; and some, after three years, became new human books. 2.为图书馆注入活力,丰富读者对图书馆的认知,提高图书馆影响力。 图书馆不只是一座充满各种资源冷冰冰的建筑,因为读者的参与和互动,这座建筑才 会充满了活力与生命力;这里不仅仅是学习和研究的场所,更是思想交流碰撞的创意孵化 器。真人图书馆通过定期举办真人图书馆等活动,让同学们敞开心扉、拓展视野、通过交流来 完善思想,并转变对图书馆固有看法。图书馆长期与校级社团阅微书社合作,阅微书社的成 员遍布各个学院,通过与社团的合作,让阅读推广更能走进校园,更能贴近同学们的需要。 2.Pouring vigor into libraries, bridging the gap between students and libraries and helping expand the social influence of libraries. A library is not an ivory tower made of iron and concrete where you are separated from the ordinary world. It thrives only when it gets connected with the readers. It is more than just a reference room of studying and doing research. It is the soil out of which seeds sprout, grow and bear the fruit of wisdom. Students may open their mind, broaden their horizon through our activities and ultimately change their impression upon libraries. The school library has been for a long time collaborating with Yuewei Literature Society, the members of it being students from different
  • 4. majors. Through the very process, we made reading not only accessible for every student, but intuitive and fun. 3.通过创建真人图书馆平台,让学生了解外面的世界,也让社会读者了解校园文化 。 2016 年微天堂真人图书馆已经获得“武汉大学十佳品牌志愿服务项目”,全年参与读者 1100 余人,影响力遍布华中地区。同学们通过与来自校外的真人图书对话,了解外面的世界,而 校外读者也通过阅读在校真人图书,感受百廿高校优秀学子风采。 3.Creating opportunities for students to get to know the outside world and providing a glimpse for outsiders into the culture inside the campus. Little Paradise Human Library, which has won the 2016 Best Public Serving Projects of Wuhan University and have some 1100 attenders in each of its activities, has become one of the most influential programs in central China. It creates opportunities for students to get to know the outside world and providing a glimpse for outsiders into the culture inside the campus, a campus with a glorious history of 120 years. b、 项目时间可以属于以下任何时间范围 D、2013/12~~ c、具体的营销内容是什么?(产品、服务、节目、活动等) 在每年春季 3~5 月武汉大学读书节和秋季 10~12 月文化活动月中,我们按照主题挑选 真人图书上架。撰写文案介绍,制作海报,在武汉大学图书馆微信公众号等平台推出活动预 告,读者通过报名链接网上报名参加活动。活动方式分为线上与线下,线下真人图书馆活动 地点有武汉大学图书馆、其他高校图书馆、校内咖啡厅、公园等等。 比如 2016 年 3 月,我们推出了《一花一世界》,真人图书是植物学的博士,也是一位公 益达人,沙湖公园的特邀管理员,带领读者一边赏花观树,讲述植物背后有趣的故事,与 读者讨论与植物相关的美丽诗词; 2016 年我们与华中农业大学图书馆、江汉大学图书馆合作,举办了微天堂真人图书馆 三校巡回活动,其他高校的合作,扩大了真人图书馆的影响力,同时也促进了高校图书馆 间的交流。巡回期间,每次同时推出八本真人图书,有在非洲为艾滋病患者众筹买下小农场 的海外志愿者、文学青年骑行作者、教育咨询公司 CEO、互联网达人、世界记忆大师、心外科 医生、考古队员、手绘画师……真人图书涉及多个领域,为读者提供了丰富的选择空间。 2016 年秋季文化活动月,推出了《灿烂千阳》、《来自恒河的声音》主题真人图书馆,来 自阿富汗和印度的 4 本真人图书与在座读者广泛交流,加深了中外读者的友情,也促进了 文化交流。活动期间除现场读者之外,还有 300 余位线上读者通过直播软件全程参与。线上 真人图书馆打开了一扇新的大门,对于读者不再有空间的局限。 活动中每本书都有一位“导读”陪伴,促进真人图书与读者之间的交流,让两者释放出 最好的互动状态。活动结束后,我们会根据内容发布真图书单,让更多没有时间的读者感受 现场气氛,并且让真人图书推荐自己喜爱的图书,便于读者对于相关主题展开拓展阅读。 In 2016, we cooperated with the library of Huazhong Agricultural University and the library of Jianghan University and we gave touring performances in these universities. And by that time we delivered 8 human books each time, including foreign volunteers who raised money for buying a farmland for people who have aids, a young writer who loves reading, a CEO of an education consulting agency, an
  • 5. expert of Internet, a grand master of memory, a surgeon of cardiology, an archaeologist and an artist . We provided such a variety of the human books for readers to choose from. We delivered the human book series called “A Thousand Splendid Suns” and “the voice of Ganges” during the Cultural Festival last year. During the activity, we invited 4 human books who come from Afghanistan and India to build up a platform for communication between readers and human books. And more than 300 readers signed up and got engaged in our activity on the Internet. The online human library show is a brand new form which makes the participators feel less constrained. Each time we have a book guide whose job is to promote the communication between the human books and readers. After each activity, we’ll send our book lists to those who haven’t come to our scene. And our guest human book will advise our readers on what to read. d、使用什么信息来确定用户需要此营销内容? 数据:读者会通过报名链接报名,每次活动都会因报名人数过多,需要截止报名。比如 2016 年 4 月份举办的《TA 的国》,总共推出了 8 本真人图书,报名截止为 90 人,而现场仍 然有很多没有报名成功的读者前来。 Data: Readers may sign up on our website. But on most occasions not everyone is lucky enough to succeed in signing up for the reason that our seats are always limited. For example, last time we held an activity called Her Land. Although the seats are limited(90 at most), lots of readers who failed in booking a seat online were still willing to come. 读者:2016 年 11 月推出的《灿烂千阳》,有四名河北师范大学的读者专程搭乘火车来 参加活动,由此,我们决心举办线上真人图书馆和现场直播。三年多时间,很多读者与真人 图书馆一起成长。比如微天堂真人图书馆的忠实粉丝刘文佳,从本科开始,只要有时间几乎 参加了每一次活动。她曾说:“每一本真人图书都让我反思自己,真人图书的最大特点并不 是有多高端,有多少身家背景,而是他们都很有趣,很有意思。所谓有趣,就是有思想,有 判断和激情,跟这样的人一起交谈,能得到新的想法和角度。”三年多过去了,刘文佳已绩 点第一本科毕业,现在是一名研究生。毕业后的一段时间,她去肯尼亚贫民窟做志愿者,为 艾滋病患者众筹捐建了一个小型农场,她也成为了我们的一本真人图书。 反馈:在每期活动结束后,我们会抽取 20%的读者进行反馈,询问读者的满意度和改 进意见。读者普通给予了我们肯定和鼓励。 e.所营销内容的实际或潜在用户(群)有哪些? 实际用户: a.线下图书馆:武汉大学师生,武汉其他高校师生,校外各行各业爱交流、爱读书的读 者;真人图书的好友,从外地专程来参加的读者。 b.线上图书馆:武汉大学图书馆微信公众号粉丝,来自全国甚至国外的对真人图书感 兴趣的读者。 Readers: We held a show called “A Thousand Splendid Suns” in November last year. Four students from Hebei Normal University came here by train and joined us. After this, we determined to hold our activity on the Internet. Reader had made huge process in these three years, as well as the human books. Take Liu Wenjia, a guest human books and a big fan of our show as an instance. She will take part in our
  • 6. activity as long as she has free time. She told us that it was the not the fame and wealth of our guests that attracted her.It was the thought of our guests that gave her inspirations. Liu Wenjia, who is the top of her class when graduatingl, and became a postgraduate now. She served as a volunteer in the slum in Kenya and raised money for building a small farmland for people who have aids. That experience made her one of our human books. Feedback:After each activity, we’ll choose 20 percent of our readers and ask for their opinions. Meanwhile, we will ask the readers whether they are satisfied with our performance. Normally our reader will leave some genuine comments that help us do better next time. Users: a. Offline(Reality) shows: Teachers and students from Wuhan University and other university. b. Readers who enjoys communicating and reading, fans who love human books, and people from various parts of the country. f. 请描述您的营销组合(4P’S)其中包括产品或营销内容的说明,价格(用户成本、总 额),宣传手段和分配点。 内容: 1、真人图书(均为公益志愿者,活动后会颁发真人图书证书和纪念品) 2、海报印刷、宣传板制作 3、场地租用(到目前为止除了咖啡厅,均为免费) 4、活动宣传品(选书手册、真人图书馆 LOGO 小纪念品、编号牌等等) 5、活动饮品(咖啡或茶) 6、去校外活动地点产生的交通费用 总成本: 按 2016 年标准,推出大型真人图书馆 3 次,每次 2000 元左右;推出小型真人图书 8 次,每次 1200 元左右;推出线上真人图书馆 2 次,每次 300 元左右;全年运营成本 16200,平均每次为 1300 元左右。 宣传手段: 线上宣传:武汉大学图书馆官网预告;武汉大学图书馆官方微信公众号推送活动预 告,阅读量 1200 左右;武汉大学图书馆官方微博发送活动预告,阅读量 4000 左右;其他 武汉大学校园新媒体。活动结束推出活动内容推送, 阅读量 1500 左右。 线下宣传:武汉大学总馆、工学分馆、信息科学分馆、医学分馆电子屏同步播放电子海报; 纸质海报张贴于教学区、学生宿舍公告栏。 Content: 1. Human books (normally voluntary. We’ll send them commemorative certificate of participation) 2. Poster printing and designing 3.Renting a room (all free except for the coffee house) 4. Ad campaign (booklist of human books,posters of human library with the
  • 7. logo, coding cards, etc.) 5.Food and drinks (Coffee and tea) 6.Travelling expenses The total cost: Take 2016 as an instance, we carried out the human libraries (three grand shows, each costing 2000 yuan. Eight small ones and each costed 1200yuan; Two online human library show and each costed 300. The total cost amounted to 16200 yuan and 1300 yuan for each activity. Publicity means: Online means: we have the advanced notice post on the website of the Library of Wuhan university and we send the notice on Wechat. Our notice and blogs generate 1200 page view each time, and our weibos generate some 4000. And the article we send through wechat each time we finish our activity has some 1500 views. 分配:Allocation 预算内容 Budget Content 数量 Quantity 单价 (元 ) unit price 总价 (元) total price 备注 comment KT 板 KT board 10 46 368 真人书纪念品 souvenirs of human books 8 100 800 海报 poster 10 25 250 选书手册 list of human books 100 2.5 250 真人图书证书 certification of human books 25 8 200 场地租用 Rent of the place 万林博物馆落 樱咖啡场地免 费 The coffee hous in the museum of our library was free to be rented
  • 8. 咖啡或茶 Coffee or tea 100 2 200 自带咖啡或茶 包 we brought the coffee and tea bag on our own 合计 2068 元 Total is 2068 yuan 表格 1 8 本左右大型真人图书馆 Table 1 Large scale of human library which contained 8 human books 预算内容 Budget content 数量 quan tity 单价 (元 ) unit price 总价 (元) total price 备注 comment KT 板 KT board 5 46 230 真人书纪念品 souvenir of human books 3 100 300 海报 poster 5 25 125 真人图书证书 certification of human books 3 8 24 场地租用及饮品 rent of the place and the drink 50 10 500 武汉大学珞樱咖啡 Luo Ying coffee house in Wuhan university 合计 1179 元 表格 2 3 本左右小型真人图书馆 Table 2. Small scale of human library which contain 3 human books 预算内容 Budget content 数量 quan tity 单价 (元 ) unity price 总价 (元) total priced 备注 comment KT 板 KT board 2 46 92 真人书纪念品 souvenirs of human books 1 100 100
  • 9. 海报 poster 5 25 125 真人图书证书 certification of human boos 1 8 8 合计 325 元 Total: 325 yuan 表格 3 线上真人图书馆 Table 3. Online human library. g、资源分配情况,您的实际或预计的总额,例如活动开支、人力物力和时间的分配描述。 以 2016 年为例,平均每次活动开支为 1300 元左右。全年举办活动 13 场;集中在 3~5 月武 汉大学读书节、10~12 月文化活动月之间;大型真人图书馆和小型真人图书馆间隔进行,在 年末举行过 2 次线上真人图书馆。 2017 和 2018 年两年预计举办活动 18 场,时间同样集中在 3 月-5 月,10 月-12 月; 每次活动人力分配: 活动策划小组 4 人:确定主题、真人图书的挑选、给每本真人图书分配导读、确定整个活动的 策划和流程。 内容中心导读团队 15 人:每位导读负责相对真人图书的采访、撰写真图介绍、准备预告文案; 活动结束后,撰写每场活动记录; 海报书单制作小组 4 人:每场活动都要制作宣传海报、每本真人图书都有图文版书单; 新媒体运营小组 4 人:整合文案图片,制作推文,与其他新媒体联络; 现场执行组 10 人:负责现场布置,组织读者有序入场; 技术:摄影、视频制作 1 人 以上人员有所重复。 Allocation of the resource: Taking the 2016 as an example, we expand 1300 yuan per time of the activity on average. We hold 13 activities this whole year and mainly in the reading festival from March to May and the culture months from October to December. We hold the large scale and the small scale of the human libraries alternatively. And we hold 2 online human libraries at the end of last year. We decide to hold 18 sessions of activity in 2017 and 2018, and mainly hold in March to May and October to December. Allocation of human resource Event planning group: 4 students: Decide the topic, choose the human books, allocate the book guide for each human book, decide the scheme of the whole activity and the procedure of it. The book guide group from content department: 15 students: We arrange the interview to each human books by our book guide, prepare the introduction and correspondence of the human books. We wrote summary in detail after each activity. Poster and book list making group: 4 students: We designed poster for every activity and book lists which contained the picture and introduction of each human book. New media operation group: 4 students: Arrange the articles and the picture, write essays, contact with other new media.
  • 10. Execute group in the site: 10 students: In charge of the decoration of the activity place and arrange readers come into the site in order. Technique group: 2 student: Photograph and video making Repetition of above h.描述您已经或者打算如何评估您的营销项目的目标? 每次活动前的报名链接,都会征集读者想要了解的问题,希望有怎样的收获; 每次活动后,会抽取 20%的读者进行反馈调查,询问对活动的满意程度,请读者提出改进 意见;工作人员汇总意见,逐条讨论、筛选并采纳; 我们会对每期读者来自的地区、单位、学校、学院等各种信息进行归纳与统计,分析真人图书 和受众群之间的关系,研究真人图书的增加种类,以及如何扩大校内外读者群体; 每次根据真人图书馆主题推出“真人图书推荐书单”,深度揭示馆藏读物,引导读者拓展阅 读。 We collected the questions from readers and asked them what they want to achieve from the activity through the link of our activity on website. We would like to draw 20% of readers randomly for the feedback survey and asked them whether they were satisfied with our activity. Meanwhile, we would like to gather the opinion from readers and discussed them in detailed to see whether it could be accepted. We analyzed and summarized the information of readers, including their location, working places, schools and departments, to see the connection between the human books and the readers. The aim of this behavior is tending to add more type of human book and expand the number of the readers from inside or outside of the campus. h、给我们发送文件让评审团了解你的项目 “每个人的经历都是一本书”,真人图书馆的概念最早产生于 2000 年的哥本哈根,读者 通过面对面平等的沟通来完成阅读“真人图书”,“真人图书”借此分享经验,让更多的人了解 自己和自己所代表的社会群体;读者通过阅读真人图书,了解不一样的人生经验、丰富见闻、 获得了解社会的机会。武汉大学微天堂真人图书馆,由武汉大学图书馆主办,与武汉大学学 生社团阅微书社合作,自 2013 年 12 月 17 日首次开馆,至今已经举办过 25 期真人图书馆 活动,共有 1783 位读者参加。2016 年,共举办过 13 期真人图书馆,共有 1167 位读者参加 了活动,参与方式有室内、户外、线上、现场直播等多种形式。微天堂真人图书馆同时也是一 个公益组织,我们曾在盲校做过真人图书馆,在山区捐建过微图书室,为孩子们带去阅读 和希望的光芒。微天堂真人图书馆寻找各种有趣有阅历的真人图书,通过采访编写索书号和 真人图书介绍,制作海报、推文,完成每本真人图书的包装,在每年春季武汉大学读书节和 秋季文化活动月中,根据主题,挑选真人图书上架出借,读者通过报名链接来进行借阅。每 本书都有一位“导读”陪伴,促进真人图书与读者之间的交流,让两者释放出最好的互动状 态。根据每次推出的真人图书本数和种类,确定读者的数量和场地,一本书同时提供给 10 位左右读者阅读,场地有图书馆艺术厅、校内咖啡馆、其他高校图书馆、盲人学校、公园等等。 每本书的阅读时间大约为 30 分钟,每位读者每次可以阅读 2~3 本真人图书。 通过与学生社团阅微书社的合作,武汉大学图书馆将“微天堂真人图书馆”这种新型的 阅读方式在校园内外逐步推广,挖掘各具特色的真人图书,比如“在肯尼亚为艾滋病患者捐 建农场的护理专业研究生”、“考古队长的挖墓传奇”、“善于思维导图的世界记忆大师”、“探寻世 界另一边华人社会的马来西亚女记者”、“经历过三次创业失败的 CEO”、“中学退学,用写作支
  • 11. 撑生活,在路上完成自我教育的骑行少年”,给校内外读者提供丰富的阅读选择。作为有着 众多留学生的高校,除了中文真人图书,也会推出英文真人图书,无论是“来自恒河的声 音”,还是“我的故乡在阿富汗”,微天堂真人图书馆通过对话,加深了中外同学之间的友情 , 也促进了文化交流。2016 年,活动期间除现场读者之外,还有 300 余位线上读者通过直播 软件全程参与。线上真人图书馆打开了一扇新的大门,活动不再局限于本校读者,而是拓展 到校外乃至全世界的读者。 2016 年微天堂真人图书馆从校内走到校外,从线下走到线上,提供了更加轻松开放的 阅读环境。真人图书作为一种新的阅读资源,丰富了馆藏内涵,有利于知识的获取、分享与 传播,读者开拓视野、增长见识、增强理解,同时也有利于增强图书馆的活力,吸引更多读 者走进图书馆、使用图书馆。 Everybody is a book and has his or her story that deserves reading. This idea originated from Copenhagen back in the year 2000. Readers gain the opportunity to communicate with an actual man and read a human book. And the human book find a path share his ideas. Little Paradise Human Library is a project hosted by the library of Wuhan University and coordinated by Yuewei Literature Society, a student club in the campus. We’ve been working on building a platform that enables readers to communicate with these human books in an equal, reciprocal manner and to this day, our activity has been held 25 times during which 1783 readers in total have joined us in various ways, including indoor-outdoor gaming and interacting online. Some of our activities are held at schools for the blind as a part of our public-serving program and we donated for building reading rooms in poor mountainous regions to bring hope to children who are in dire need of of love and knowledge. We strive to find individuals who have his or her own extraordinary experiences and present them as “books”, which are worth our reading, in ways of interviewing them as our guest talkers, “encoding” them with call numbers and making posters to introduce them to readers. During annual cultural festivals we’ll choose several human books and ‘borrow’ them those who may be interested. Each time we will have a guide whose job is to promote the communication between the human books and readers. Our activity will be held in places like school libraries, cafes, schools for the blind, parks and some other universities. The human books are required to give a presentation which lasts about 30 minutes and thus our readers have to opportunity to read two or three such human book at one time. We have been for a long time collaborating with Yuewei Literature Society. And we’ve made this new form of reading accessible for student inside the campus and we’ve been working on find more fresh human books and let them present their own stories. Our previous presenters, including an archaeologist who has a curious adventure of digging graves, a grand master of memory whose specialty is designing mind maps, a woman journalist from Malaysia who had probed and researched into what life in Chinese communities is really like, a CEO who had failed a number of
  • 12. time before his final success and a free-lance writer who became a cyclist after he got expelled from school, all generated a lot of buzz after sharing their own stories. We also selected foreign presenters to be our human books. Our previous editions of such human books include three Indian presenters(Voice of the Ganges) and one Afghan presenter (Afghanistan, my Afghanistan). More than three hundred readers had attended our live web cast. Our online shows are not only prepared for students of our campus, but are for readers from various parts of the world as well. As a new source of reading material, human books help enrich our archives and avail our readers a good deal in terms of spreading knowledge and sharing experience. Readers may broaden their horizon and expand knowledge and skills. It benefits the traditional library as well in terms of bringing new elements to traditional use of archives, making libraries more appealing to readers and adding spice to reading. 25 sessions of human library hosted by Little Paradise T 时间 主题名称 真 人 书 数 量 举办地点 参与人数 隶属 1 2012.12.17 比赛通关达人 2 医学分馆创意活动室 20 2 2013.3.23 路上遇见真实自己 3 26 3 2013.4.30 90 后作家成长录 1 29 2013 读书节 4 2013.11.8 天才是怎样炼成的 1 71 5 2014.4.27 全能学姐 2 47 2014 读书节 6 2014.5.9 李红豪骑行录 1 34 7 2015.4.17 看世界 3 总馆艺术欣赏厅 44 2015 读书节 8 2015.4.26 人生从大学开始不一样 1 总馆 D 栋第三会议室 139 9 2015.5.16 考古那些事儿 2 84 10 2015.10.17 大学的 100 种可能 3 总馆学术报告厅 65 2015 文化月 11 2015.11.25 闺蜜创天涯 2 总馆艺术欣赏厅 42 12 2015.11.29 我的大学 1990 1 医学分馆培训教室 45 13 2016.3.13 一花一世界 1 沙湖公园 53 2016 读书节 14 2016.3.18 一个人的征途 3 落樱咖啡 69 15 2016.3.20 当李尔王遇见摇滚 2 医学分馆创意活动坊 37 16 2016.4.16 TA 的国 8 万林博物馆珞珈咖啡 96 17 2016.4.23 趁年华 3 江大参差咖啡 49 18 2016.5.7 山水又一程 5 华中农业大学图书馆 67 19 2016.10.19 在阿富汗,每一张照片 都可能是遗像 1 总馆艺术欣赏厅 33 2016 文化活动 月 20 2016.10.30 从你的全世界路过 深海里闪闪发光的鱼 2 医学分馆创意活动坊 27
  • 13. 21 2016.11.12 灿烂千阳 3 万林博物馆珞珈咖啡 102 22 2016.12.4 当葱花遇见了油锅 1 线上微信群 21 23 2016.12.8 来自恒河的声音 3 医学分馆创意活动坊 现 场 51 直 播 415 24 2016.12.11 一起认植物 1 锦绣江南 45 25 2016.12.18 她曾梦想穿着高跟鞋走 遍世界 1 线上微信群 72 部分活动海报 Part of our posters
  • 14.
  • 16.
  • 18.
  • 19. 3、候选者信息 a、 候选者信息 武汉大学图书馆 Wuhan University Library b、 候选图书馆的国家 中国 China c、 图书馆类型 学术图书馆 Academic Library d、 营销项目/活动协调员 申艳 Shen Yan e、 地址 湖北省武汉市珞珈山武汉大学 Wuhan Univ, Luo Jiashan, Wuhan, Hubei Province f、 邮箱