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using Ben3A_B;
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms;
//Ben Fulker this is project 3A and 3B
//Originally it was just about data structures, but now it’s the main interface
//of my final project. There are 7 tabs the first is the the exception button.
//This button has picture found on and it was resized and raised. All of
//my still photos were edited with I took this project and
//added references from my other projects and they were consumed into this
//project. I have many forms and many buttons with animations throughout the
//project and took a boring GUI interface and made it into an exciting GUI.
//All animations were done with Look to the GUI for
//examples. This project covers everything but the webpage and window service as
//required for the project.
//It is all about data structures and exceptions
// and stepping into and out of breakpoints
namespace Ben3A_B //namespace is used in referencing a form EX.= Ben3A_B.Form1
public partial class Form1 : Form
public Form1() //form1 inherits from the base class form
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
textBox1.Text = "Button was clicked!";
//Change(); // this line would cause unhandled exception
catch (Exception)
textBox1.Text = "Find This Code In button1_Click Event!!";
//this would catch divide by 0 in changeText as long
//as call is in a try since catch in changeText doesn't
//catch the DivideByZeroException
//insert break point by right clicking mouse on line you want
public void changeText()
textBox1.Text = "In changeText1!";
textBox1.Text = "Break Points Annoy me";
int a, b, c;
a = 5;
b = 0;
c = a / b;
//program flows to nearest catch up the call stack
catch (IndexOutOfRangeException)
textBox1.Text = "Catch in changeText!";
private void dataStructure_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)
int[] EmployeeId = new int[5] { 9933, 1909, 9823, 7890, 3394 };
string[] EmployeeName = new string[5] {" - Matt Smith - - ",
" - Joanne Thomas- ", " - Robert Blake- - ",
" - Ben Fulker- - - ", " - Tom Dickens- - "};
string[] Identification = new string[5] { " - ID # ", "ID # ",
" ID # ", " - ID # ", "ID # " };
string[] Title = new string[5] { " Name: ", " Name: ", " Name: ",
" Name: ", " Name: " };
PrintValues(EmployeeId, EmployeeName, Identification, Title);
private void PrintValues(IEnumerable employId, IEnumerable names,
IEnumerable id, IEnumerable title)
// we cast it as an array in or der to for it to the data from the
// array at the begining
int[] EmployeeId = employId.Cast<int>().ToArray();
string[] EmployeeName = names.Cast<string>().ToArray();
string[] Identification = id.Cast<string>().ToArray();
string[] Title = title.Cast<string>().ToArray();
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
listBox1.Items.Add(Title[i] + " - " + EmployeeName[i] + " " +
Identification[i] + " " + EmployeeId[i]);
private void Queue_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Creates and initializes a new Queue.
Queue myQ = new Queue();
myQ.Enqueue(" I am (dequeued)");
myQ.Enqueue("This is also (dequeued)");
myQ.Enqueue(" Ben is ");
myQ.Enqueue(" a fox ");
// all the message boxes below show the process of is being done
// at that time Displays the Queue.
MessageBox.Show("Queue values:" + myQ);
// Removes an element from the Queue.
MessageBox.Show("(Dequeue)t{0}" + myQ.Dequeue());
// Displays the Queue.
MessageBox.Show("Queue values:" + myQ);
// Removes another element from the Queue.
MessageBox.Show("(Dequeue)t{0}" + myQ.Dequeue());
// Displays the Queue.
MessageBox.Show("Queue values:" + myQ);
// Views the first element in the Queue but does not remove it.
MessageBox.Show("(Peek) t{0}" + myQ.Peek());
// Displays the Queue.
MessageBox.Show("Queue values:" + myQ);
// this print values populates listbox 2 after it the process
// is shown with message boxes of how or what each commmand
// above indicates
public void PrintValues(IEnumerable myCollection)
foreach (Object obj in myCollection)
//This print values below is an extra one I created to
//populate list box 3, but I have it done another way
// in the myStack button event so I could show differnt
// ways of populating the list and I don't want to comment
// this out incase I ever change it
public void PrintValuesStack(IEnumerable myCollection)
foreach (Object obj in myCollection)
// this populates my listButton event code to DS ListBox
//Tab into listButtonBox4.
public void PrintValuesList(IEnumerable myCollection)
foreach (Object obj in myCollection)
public void PrintValuesLink(IEnumerable myCollection)
foreach (Object obj in myCollection)
private void stackButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// new instance of a stack and de
Stack myStack = new Stack();
bool aBoolean = true;
char aCharacter = '#';
int anInteger = 1;
string aString = " Ben ";
string bString = " is ";
//create objects to store in the stack //use method Push to add items to stack
bool myBoolean = true;
//remove items from stack
int count = 0;
while (myBoolean)
if (myStack.Count >= count)
object removedObject = myStack.Pop();
//populates listBox3 with removed objects and say it
// was popped
listBox3.Items.Add(removedObject + " popped");
// this PrintValues is another way of poputlating
// I created a whole new PrintValueStack in order
// populate list 3 so if I un comment
// PrintValuesStack(myStack) above it will
// populate the list 2 times
else myBoolean = false;
} // end while
} // end try
catch (EmptyListException emptyListException)
//if exception occurs, write stack trace
private void listButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Create a list of strings.
//Creates an instance of a string list Variable
var ben = new List<string>();
ben.Add(" Professor Vanselow ");
ben.Add(" Is A");
ben.Add(" Great ");
ben.Add(" Professor ");
// Iterate through the list.
foreach (var benjamin in ben)
MessageBox.Show(benjamin + " ");
//this message boxs runs through the process
// So someone learning like me it shows us what is
// happening as it goes through the list
// this just outputs or populates the associated listButtonBox4
// it show you the final result of the code
// Output: chinook coho pink sockey
private void linkedListButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
//this is an event handler
LinkedList<int> alist = new LinkedList<int>();
//this is creation of an instance of a list in a linkedlist
//These are all the commands or for what we want the
//list to do
alist.AddFirst(10); // Contents: ->10
alist.AddLast(15); // Contents: ->10->15
alist.AddLast(3); // Contents: ->10->15->3
alist.AddLast(99); // Contents: ->10->15->3->99
alist.AddBefore(alist.Last, 25); // Contents: ->10->15->3->25->99
//this line
foreach (int linklist in alist)
MessageBox.Show(linklist + " ");
//This message box show the user what step the code is
//iterating through its not needed, but useful for a
// beginier
private void project1InitButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
//Form1 proj1 = new Form1();
//proj1.RefToForm1 = this;
//this.Visible = false;
Form frm1 = new Ben_1B.Form1();
//this brings up project 1B's form and allows the user to acess its GUI
private void proj1BInitButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Form frm1 = new Ben_1A.Form2();
//this brings up project 1A's form and allows the user to acess its GUI
private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// this is a button click to close the program
private void dataBaseButton3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Form frm1 = new WindowsFormsApplication1.Main();
private void OOPbutton3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Form frm1 = new Ben_Project_2A.form1();
private void button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Form frm1 = new Ben3A_B.Form2();
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace Ben_1A
//Benjamin Fulker
//Project 1A
// this project was for the GUI interface with many different lines
// of code that had labels, or text boxes that are filled with data
// when you click the established button
public partial class Form2 : Form
public Form2()
private void showInteger_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
//the line above is an event handler it generates automatically
//generated by double clicking the button
//private is an access modifier can only call this file within
//this file
//edit - advanced - format document will fix indentation
int a = 5; //OK click the show int a is assigned a value
//this next line is an example of a basic algorithm declared inside
//of an int variable type and it's answer becomes the actual
//assigned value of the declared variable and it's put in place
//of all instances of the int = b.
int b = a + 2; //Then for int b it take int = a and adds 2 **
// Error. Operator '+' cannot be applied to operands of type 'int'
//and 'bool'.
//int c = a + test;
demoOutput.Text = b.ToString(); // this calls the int b only
// the the named demoOutput because '+' can be called as a string
//even though it was instantained as an int type
//also in this text box I have an initial set text value of
//My 1A Demo Program and when I call int = b as b = "" it changes
//the initial set text value to the called value from declared variable
//assigned as a string with the value of "7" not 7 because it is now an
//assigned string value "" and not an int value
private void DataDefinition_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string Data = "A data type determines what value a variable can" +
"contain/hold and what operations can be performed by an" +
"instance of that variable";
DatatextBox.Text = Data.ToString(); //this is the command that
//calls the string variable called Data to the text box named
//DatatextBox DataDefinitioin button when clicked activates and
//initiates the method so the string variable Data = "" and makes
//it visible in the in the DatatextBox
private void garbageCollectionDefinition_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string Garbage = "A process for automatic recovery of a" +
"heap in memory";
GarbagetextBox.Text = Garbage.ToString();
//garbageCollectionDefintion button it activates the variable
//Garbage = "" and makes it's contents visible in the in Text box
//titled GarbagetextBox
private void stackDefinition_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string Stack = "A region of reserved memory in which programs store" +
"status data such as a procedures and function calls and " +
" the functions's location or index address, " +
"passed parameters, and sometimes local variables.";
StacktextBox.Text = Stack.ToString();
// stackDefinition button activates the string variable Stack = ""
//and it calls the string to the text box titled StacktextBox
private void heapDefinition_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string Heap = "is a portion of memeory for running programs to" +
"allocate temporary memory for the purpose of storing data" +
"in the form of structures whose existence" +
"or size cannot be determined until the program is running";
HeaptextBox.Text = Heap.ToString();
// heapDefinition button calls the string variable Heap = "" to
// the Heaptextbox in the GUI
private void algorithmDefintion_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string Algorithm = "A finite sequence of steps for solving logical" +
"or mathematical problem or performing a task.";
AlgorithmtextBox.Text = Algorithm.ToString();
// algorithmDefinition button initiates the string variable
//Algorithm = "" and calls the algoritim defintion to the text box
//titled AlgorithmtextBox
private void ParseInteger_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
int Double = 7;
Double value = (Double * Double);
DoublertextBox.Text = value.ToString();
// most of the lines of code below were pulled from w3shools
//and copied So I chould have a local reference of how this is
//done for later with out having open the site later to have an
//example System.Console.WriteLine(array1[x].ToString());
/* NOT
bool result = true;
if (!result)
Console.WriteLine("The condition is true (result is false).");
Console.WriteLine("The condition is false (result is true).");
// Short-circuit AND
int m = 9;
int n = 7;
int p = 5;
if (m >= n && m >= p)
Console.WriteLine("Nothing is larger than m.");
// AND and NOT
if (m >= n && !(p > m))
Console.WriteLine("Nothing is larger than m.");
// Short-circuit OR
if (m > n || m > p)
Console.WriteLine("m isn't the smallest.");
// NOT and OR
m = 4;
if (!(m >= n || m >= p))
Console.WriteLine("Now m is the smallest.");
// Output:
// The condition is false (result is true).
// Nothing is larger than m.
// Nothing is larger than m.
// m isn't the smallest.
// Now m is the smallest. */
// private void ParseInteger_DoubleClick(object sender, EventArgs e);
// int caseSwitch = 1;
// switch (caseSwitch)
// {
// case 1:
// Console.WriteLine("Case 1");
// break;
// case 2:
// Console.WriteLine("Case 2");
// break;
// default:
// Console.WriteLine("Default case");
// break; /*
private void iterateDefinition_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string Iterate = "To execute one statements or a block of statements" +
"repeatedely. its what make a loop go around one loop is one iteration";
IterationtextBox.Text = Iterate.ToString();
// example
// for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
// Console.WriteLine("it iterates or repeats this line 10 times")
// there
private void recursionDefinition_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string Recursion = "Is the ability of a routine to call itself.";
RecursiontextBox.Text = Recursion.ToString();
// the purpose of a recursion is for it to call itself and factor
// out a portion until it get as close to the base case as possible
// base case is base of something like in math (2n, 2n-1) etc.
// on Proj portion 2
private void exceptionsDefinition_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string Exception = "a problem or change in conditions that causes" +
"the microprocessor to stop what it is doing and handle the" +
"situation in a separate routine.";
exceptionTextBox.Text = Exception.ToString();
//This is an Exception which programming language for an Error
// if done right you try a decision statement or loop or if or for
// statement then you use a catch which hopefully catches your
//exception and show a error message and you have a choice how
//that messages is shown to the user. In C# it has 21 library
// functions for exceptions plus you can really type what ever
//message for the error you are catching that you want.
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Hide(); //This button hides this form and takes us back to my
//main project titled Form and project Ben3A-3B
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace Ben_1B
// Ben Fulker
//This is part of my final project its reference was imported to my
//final project
// Project 1B
// This Project was to create GUI interface with a loop, recursion and
// division. Every Instance has more than one method or option
// of coding I left one active so the GUI will run and the commented out
// I have one in each active and the other commented out, They are all
//worked without bugs and were tested. There is a for loop that was converted
//from a while loop. An dandy recursion example with a mean Algorithm it calls
//itself and over and over until the final answer is 79
// in this project I also made some examples of try, catch, throw in terms of
// exception handling
public partial class Form1 : Form
public Form1()
private void ShowLoop_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e)
//for (int x = 0; x < 3; x++)
// listOutput.Items.Add(x);
for (int num = 1; num < 20; num++)
// I chose l because loops
//this for loop was changed from a while loop.
//The condition (num < 20), the iteration is num++, the int and
// counteris (num =1)
//int n = 5;
//while (++n < 6);
//Console.WriteLine("Current value of n is {0}", n);
private void Recursionbutton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
int result2 = negative(-3);
RecursiontextBox.Text = "The Final Answer is " + result2;
//int result = identity(10);
//RecursiontextBox.Text = "The Final Answer is " + result;
public int negative(int num) // negative = identity
if(num >= 20)
return -5;
return negative(num + 4) + 2 * num; // here is where
// the identity = negative calls itself and then calculates the
// the rest algorithm
// I have 2 recursion options in here I chose the more difficult
// of the 2 for my working example
//public int identity(int num)
//if(num < 1)
//return 10;
//return num + identity(num - 2);
private void Divide_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
int num1 = 0;
num1 = Int32.Parse(txtNum1.Text); //this lets you put a number
// in the text box titled txtNum1
//this if statement and messagebox lets you know you know
// if there is an error in num1 box
catch (Exception) // this catches errors like not entering
//a number in the box
MessageBox.Show("Error"); //This brings up a Messagebox
// says error for num1 text box
int num2;
if (Int32.TryParse(txtNum2.Text, out num2) == false) //this lets
// you put a number in the text box titled txtNum2
//this if statement and messagebox lets you know you know
// if there is an error in num2 box
MessageBox.Show("Num 2 Error"); //This brings up a Messagebox
// says error for num2 text box
double result = 0;
// type try then tab tab to create code block for try and catch
result = num1 / num2; //try do divide entered numbers
catch (Exception) //exception if you Num2 box is 0
// you can't divide by 0 it would be undefined.
MessageBox.Show("Cant divide by 0");
//I added this exception so it would catch divided by 0 error
result = Convert.ToDouble(num1) / num2; // this line allows
// decimal answers other wise it would just say 0 if it was an
//answer less than 1 now it gives a decimal answer.
label1.Text = result.ToString();
catch (Exception ex)
// The second argument to Show appears
// at the top of the messagebox.
// Paramater variable ex is an exception object.
// The Throw part of a try catch throw block allows you to
//continue on manually with the errors
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
//this hides form 1B and brings you back to Ben3A-3B
// label text erased and I changed border style to fixed 3d; and
//Auto-size dimension changed from true to false so label is visible
final project for C#
final project for C#
final project for C#
final project for C#
final project for C#
final project for C#
final project for C#
final project for C#
final project for C#
final project for C#
final project for C#
final project for C#
final project for C#
final project for C#
final project for C#
final project for C#

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final project for C#

  • 1. using Ben3A_B; using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Drawing; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Windows.Forms; //Ben Fulker this is project 3A and 3B //Originally it was just about data structures, but now it’s the main interface //of my final project. There are 7 tabs the first is the the exception button. //This button has picture found on and it was resized and raised. All of //my still photos were edited with I took this project and //added references from my other projects and they were consumed into this //project. I have many forms and many buttons with animations throughout the //project and took a boring GUI interface and made it into an exciting GUI. //All animations were done with Look to the GUI for //examples. This project covers everything but the webpage and window service as //required for the project. //It is all about data structures and exceptions // and stepping into and out of breakpoints namespace Ben3A_B //namespace is used in referencing a form EX.= Ben3A_B.Form1 { public partial class Form1 : Form { public Form1() //form1 inherits from the base class form { InitializeComponent(); } private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { textBox1.Text = "Button was clicked!"; //Change(); // this line would cause unhandled exception try { changeText(); } catch (Exception) { textBox1.Text = "Find This Code In button1_Click Event!!"; //this would catch divide by 0 in changeText as long //as call is in a try since catch in changeText doesn't //catch the DivideByZeroException } //insert break point by right clicking mouse on line you want } public void changeText() { textBox1.Text = "In changeText1!"; textBox1.Text = "Break Points Annoy me"; int a, b, c; a = 5; b = 0; try { c = a / b; //program flows to nearest catch up the call stack } catch (IndexOutOfRangeException) {
  • 2. textBox1.Text = "Catch in changeText!"; } } private void dataStructure_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e) { int[] EmployeeId = new int[5] { 9933, 1909, 9823, 7890, 3394 }; string[] EmployeeName = new string[5] {" - Matt Smith - - ", " - Joanne Thomas- ", " - Robert Blake- - ", " - Ben Fulker- - - ", " - Tom Dickens- - "}; string[] Identification = new string[5] { " - ID # ", "ID # ", " ID # ", " - ID # ", "ID # " }; string[] Title = new string[5] { " Name: ", " Name: ", " Name: ", " Name: ", " Name: " }; PrintValues(EmployeeId, EmployeeName, Identification, Title); } private void PrintValues(IEnumerable employId, IEnumerable names, IEnumerable id, IEnumerable title) { //listBox1.Items.Clear(); // we cast it as an array in or der to for it to the data from the // array at the begining int[] EmployeeId = employId.Cast<int>().ToArray(); string[] EmployeeName = names.Cast<string>().ToArray(); string[] Identification = id.Cast<string>().ToArray(); string[] Title = title.Cast<string>().ToArray(); for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) listBox1.Items.Add(Title[i] + " - " + EmployeeName[i] + " " + Identification[i] + " " + EmployeeId[i]); } private void Queue_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Creates and initializes a new Queue. Queue myQ = new Queue(); myQ.Enqueue(" I am (dequeued)"); myQ.Enqueue("This is also (dequeued)"); myQ.Enqueue(" Ben is "); myQ.Enqueue(" a fox "); // all the message boxes below show the process of is being done // at that time Displays the Queue. MessageBox.Show("Queue values:" + myQ); // Removes an element from the Queue. MessageBox.Show("(Dequeue)t{0}" + myQ.Dequeue()); // Displays the Queue. MessageBox.Show("Queue values:" + myQ); // Removes another element from the Queue. MessageBox.Show("(Dequeue)t{0}" + myQ.Dequeue()); // Displays the Queue. MessageBox.Show("Queue values:" + myQ); // Views the first element in the Queue but does not remove it. MessageBox.Show("(Peek) t{0}" + myQ.Peek()); // Displays the Queue. MessageBox.Show("Queue values:" + myQ); PrintValues(myQ); } // this print values populates listbox 2 after it the process // is shown with message boxes of how or what each commmand // above indicates public void PrintValues(IEnumerable myCollection) { foreach (Object obj in myCollection) listBox2.Items.Add(obj.ToString()); } //This print values below is an extra one I created to //populate list box 3, but I have it done another way // in the myStack button event so I could show differnt
  • 3. // ways of populating the list and I don't want to comment // this out incase I ever change it public void PrintValuesStack(IEnumerable myCollection) { foreach (Object obj in myCollection) listBox3.Items.Add(obj.ToString()); } // this populates my listButton event code to DS ListBox //Tab into listButtonBox4. public void PrintValuesList(IEnumerable myCollection) { foreach (Object obj in myCollection) listButtonBox4.Items.Add(obj.ToString()); } public void PrintValuesLink(IEnumerable myCollection) { foreach (Object obj in myCollection) listButtonBox5.Items.Add(obj.ToString()); } private void stackButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // new instance of a stack and de Stack myStack = new Stack(); bool aBoolean = true; char aCharacter = '#'; int anInteger = 1; string aString = " Ben "; string bString = " is "; //create objects to store in the stack //use method Push to add items to stack myStack.Push(aBoolean); myStack.Peek(); myStack.Push(anInteger); myStack.Peek(); myStack.Push(aCharacter); myStack.Peek(); myStack.Push(bString); myStack.Push(aString); myStack.Peek(); bool myBoolean = true; //remove items from stack try { int count = 0; while (myBoolean) { if (myStack.Count >= count) { object removedObject = myStack.Pop(); //populates listBox3 with removed objects and say it // was popped listBox3.Items.Add(removedObject + " popped"); //PrintValuesStack(myStack); // this PrintValues is another way of poputlating // I created a whole new PrintValueStack in order // populate list 3 so if I un comment // PrintValuesStack(myStack) above it will // populate the list 2 times count++; } else myBoolean = false; } // end while } // end try catch (EmptyListException emptyListException) { //if exception occurs, write stack trace
  • 4. MessageBox.Show(emptyListException.StackTrace); } PrintValuesStack(myStack); } private void listButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Create a list of strings. //Creates an instance of a string list Variable var ben = new List<string>(); ben.Add(" Professor Vanselow "); ben.Add(" Is A"); ben.Add(" Great "); ben.Add(" Professor "); // Iterate through the list. foreach (var benjamin in ben) { MessageBox.Show(benjamin + " "); //this message boxs runs through the process // So someone learning like me it shows us what is // happening as it goes through the list } PrintValuesList(ben); // this just outputs or populates the associated listButtonBox4 // it show you the final result of the code // Output: chinook coho pink sockey } private void linkedListButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) //this is an event handler { LinkedList<int> alist = new LinkedList<int>(); //this is creation of an instance of a list in a linkedlist //These are all the commands or for what we want the //list to do alist.AddFirst(10); // Contents: ->10 alist.AddLast(15); // Contents: ->10->15 alist.AddLast(3); // Contents: ->10->15->3 alist.AddLast(99); // Contents: ->10->15->3->99 alist.AddBefore(alist.Last, 25); // Contents: ->10->15->3->25->99 //this line foreach (int linklist in alist) { MessageBox.Show(linklist + " "); //This message box show the user what step the code is //iterating through its not needed, but useful for a // beginier } PrintValuesLink(alist); //listButtonBox5.Items.Add(alist); } private void project1InitButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Form1 proj1 = new Form1(); //proj1.RefToForm1 = this; //this.Visible = false; Form frm1 = new Ben_1B.Form1(); frm1.Show(); //this brings up project 1B's form and allows the user to acess its GUI } private void proj1BInitButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Form frm1 = new Ben_1A.Form2(); frm1.Show(); //this brings up project 1A's form and allows the user to acess its GUI
  • 5. } private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Hide(); // this is a button click to close the program } private void dataBaseButton3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Form frm1 = new WindowsFormsApplication1.Main(); frm1.Show(); } private void OOPbutton3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Form frm1 = new Ben_Project_2A.form1(); frm1.Show(); } private void button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Form frm1 = new Ben3A_B.Form2(); frm1.Show(); } } }
  • 6.
  • 7.
  • 8.
  • 9. using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Drawing; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Windows.Forms; namespace Ben_1A { //Benjamin Fulker //Project 1A // this project was for the GUI interface with many different lines // of code that had labels, or text boxes that are filled with data // when you click the established button public partial class Form2 : Form { public Form2() { InitializeComponent(); } private void showInteger_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) //the line above is an event handler it generates automatically //generated by double clicking the button //private is an access modifier can only call this file within //this file //edit - advanced - format document will fix indentation { int a = 5; //OK click the show int a is assigned a value //this next line is an example of a basic algorithm declared inside //of an int variable type and it's answer becomes the actual
  • 10. //assigned value of the declared variable and it's put in place //of all instances of the int = b. int b = a + 2; //Then for int b it take int = a and adds 2 ** // Error. Operator '+' cannot be applied to operands of type 'int' //and 'bool'. //int c = a + test; demoOutput.Text = b.ToString(); // this calls the int b only // the the named demoOutput because '+' can be called as a string //even though it was instantained as an int type //also in this text box I have an initial set text value of //My 1A Demo Program and when I call int = b as b = "" it changes //the initial set text value to the called value from declared variable //assigned as a string with the value of "7" not 7 because it is now an //assigned string value "" and not an int value } private void DataDefinition_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string Data = "A data type determines what value a variable can" + "contain/hold and what operations can be performed by an" + "instance of that variable"; DatatextBox.Text = Data.ToString(); //this is the command that //calls the string variable called Data to the text box named //DatatextBox DataDefinitioin button when clicked activates and //initiates the method so the string variable Data = "" and makes //it visible in the in the DatatextBox } private void garbageCollectionDefinition_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string Garbage = "A process for automatic recovery of a" + "heap in memory"; GarbagetextBox.Text = Garbage.ToString(); //garbageCollectionDefintion button it activates the variable //Garbage = "" and makes it's contents visible in the in Text box //titled GarbagetextBox } private void stackDefinition_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string Stack = "A region of reserved memory in which programs store" + "status data such as a procedures and function calls and " + " the functions's location or index address, " + "passed parameters, and sometimes local variables."; StacktextBox.Text = Stack.ToString(); // stackDefinition button activates the string variable Stack = "" //and it calls the string to the text box titled StacktextBox } private void heapDefinition_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string Heap = "is a portion of memeory for running programs to" + "allocate temporary memory for the purpose of storing data" + "in the form of structures whose existence" + "or size cannot be determined until the program is running"; HeaptextBox.Text = Heap.ToString(); // heapDefinition button calls the string variable Heap = "" to // the Heaptextbox in the GUI } private void algorithmDefintion_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string Algorithm = "A finite sequence of steps for solving logical" + "or mathematical problem or performing a task."; AlgorithmtextBox.Text = Algorithm.ToString(); // algorithmDefinition button initiates the string variable //Algorithm = "" and calls the algoritim defintion to the text box //titled AlgorithmtextBox }
  • 11. private void ParseInteger_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int Double = 7; { Double value = (Double * Double); DoublertextBox.Text = value.ToString(); // most of the lines of code below were pulled from w3shools //and copied So I chould have a local reference of how this is //done for later with out having open the site later to have an //example System.Console.WriteLine(array1[x].ToString()); //x++; /* NOT bool result = true; if (!result) { Console.WriteLine("The condition is true (result is false)."); } else { Console.WriteLine("The condition is false (result is true)."); } // Short-circuit AND int m = 9; int n = 7; int p = 5; if (m >= n && m >= p) { Console.WriteLine("Nothing is larger than m."); } // AND and NOT if (m >= n && !(p > m)) { Console.WriteLine("Nothing is larger than m."); } // Short-circuit OR if (m > n || m > p) { Console.WriteLine("m isn't the smallest."); } // NOT and OR m = 4; if (!(m >= n || m >= p)) { Console.WriteLine("Now m is the smallest."); } // Output: // The condition is false (result is true). // Nothing is larger than m. // Nothing is larger than m. // m isn't the smallest. // Now m is the smallest. */ } // private void ParseInteger_DoubleClick(object sender, EventArgs e); // int caseSwitch = 1; // switch (caseSwitch) // { // case 1: // Console.WriteLine("Case 1"); // break; // case 2:
  • 12. // Console.WriteLine("Case 2"); // break; // default: // Console.WriteLine("Default case"); // break; /* } private void iterateDefinition_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string Iterate = "To execute one statements or a block of statements" + "repeatedely. its what make a loop go around one loop is one iteration"; IterationtextBox.Text = Iterate.ToString(); // example // for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) // Console.WriteLine("it iterates or repeats this line 10 times") // there } private void recursionDefinition_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string Recursion = "Is the ability of a routine to call itself."; RecursiontextBox.Text = Recursion.ToString(); // the purpose of a recursion is for it to call itself and factor // out a portion until it get as close to the base case as possible // base case is base of something like in math (2n, 2n-1) etc. // on Proj portion 2 } private void exceptionsDefinition_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string Exception = "a problem or change in conditions that causes" + "the microprocessor to stop what it is doing and handle the" + "situation in a separate routine."; exceptionTextBox.Text = Exception.ToString(); //This is an Exception which programming language for an Error // if done right you try a decision statement or loop or if or for // statement then you use a catch which hopefully catches your //exception and show a error message and you have a choice how //that messages is shown to the user. In C# it has 21 library // functions for exceptions plus you can really type what ever //message for the error you are catching that you want. } private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Hide(); //This button hides this form and takes us back to my //main project titled Form and project Ben3A-3B } } }
  • 13.
  • 14. using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Drawing; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Windows.Forms; namespace Ben_1B { // Ben Fulker //This is part of my final project its reference was imported to my //final project // Project 1B // This Project was to create GUI interface with a loop, recursion and // division. Every Instance has more than one method or option // of coding I left one active so the GUI will run and the commented out // I have one in each active and the other commented out, They are all //worked without bugs and were tested. There is a for loop that was converted //from a while loop. An dandy recursion example with a mean Algorithm it calls //itself and over and over until the final answer is 79 // in this project I also made some examples of try, catch, throw in terms of // exception handling public partial class Form1 : Form { public Form1() { InitializeComponent(); } private void ShowLoop_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e) { //for (int x = 0; x < 3; x++) // listOutput.Items.Add(x); for (int num = 1; num < 20; num++) listOutput.Items.Add(num); // I chose l because loops
  • 15. //this for loop was changed from a while loop. //The condition (num < 20), the iteration is num++, the int and // counteris (num =1) //int n = 5; //while (++n < 6); //listOutput.Items.Add(n); //Console.WriteLine("Current value of n is {0}", n); } private void Recursionbutton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int result2 = negative(-3); RecursiontextBox.Text = "The Final Answer is " + result2; //int result = identity(10); //RecursiontextBox.Text = "The Final Answer is " + result; } public int negative(int num) // negative = identity { if(num >= 20) return -5; else return negative(num + 4) + 2 * num; // here is where // the identity = negative calls itself and then calculates the // the rest algorithm // I have 2 recursion options in here I chose the more difficult // of the 2 for my working example //public int identity(int num) //if(num < 1) //return 10; //else //return num + identity(num - 2); } private void Divide_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int num1 = 0; try { num1 = Int32.Parse(txtNum1.Text); //this lets you put a number // in the text box titled txtNum1 //this if statement and messagebox lets you know you know // if there is an error in num1 box } catch (Exception) // this catches errors like not entering //a number in the box { MessageBox.Show("Error"); //This brings up a Messagebox // says error for num1 text box //throw; } int num2; if (Int32.TryParse(txtNum2.Text, out num2) == false) //this lets // you put a number in the text box titled txtNum2 //this if statement and messagebox lets you know you know // if there is an error in num2 box { MessageBox.Show("Num 2 Error"); //This brings up a Messagebox // says error for num2 text box return; } double result = 0; // type try then tab tab to create code block for try and catch try { result = num1 / num2; //try do divide entered numbers }
  • 16. catch (Exception) //exception if you Num2 box is 0 // you can't divide by 0 it would be undefined. { MessageBox.Show("Cant divide by 0"); return; //I added this exception so it would catch divided by 0 error //throw; } try { result = Convert.ToDouble(num1) / num2; // this line allows // decimal answers other wise it would just say 0 if it was an //answer less than 1 now it gives a decimal answer. label1.Text = result.ToString(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); // The second argument to Show appears // at the top of the messagebox. // Paramater variable ex is an exception object. // The Throw part of a try catch throw block allows you to //continue on manually with the errors } } private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Hide(); //this hides form 1B and brings you back to Ben3A-3B } // label text erased and I changed border style to fixed 3d; and //Auto-size dimension changed from true to false so label is visible } }