gecv 160190113003 ashishbhadani smitpatel 160190113009 ashishkumar bhadani nirmaldakhara 160190113040 report nirmal dankhara water particulate matter smit patel ashishkumarbhadani ashishkumar types advantages disadvantages preparation framework cycle industries environmentenineering clg project biodegradablematterial textile industry treatment textile industrial effluent treatment by using the disater managment cycle and framewor ngineering awarness disaaster managment environmental engineering health and safety ohs personal protection equipments 160190113005 160190113004 160190113002 sem-5 de-5 design engineering report-2 standards of drinking water es-1 gtu capacity laboratotry instrument plasticware emb effect of the microbs microorganism design engineering-1 bio degradable matter henil butani particulate industry cep hydrolysis furfural pressure work powerpoint heat types of prime mover primemover elements of mechanical engineering definition effective presentation \160190113003 business letter conributors elements of civil engineering measurments classification surveying biochemistry defenation uses fermentation imporatance time importants breakpoints clorination management disaster pipe fluid flow onsite measurements #industries #furfural #hydrolysys #process #ashish rules measurements laboratory plastic ware onlinesensors parameters treatmentplatnts watewater water treatments wastewater online sensors henilbutani nirmaldankhara beh 2018 waterresources #henilbutani #smitpatel #nirmaldankhara #ashishbhadani121
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