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Who are the Illuminati?
 For the benefit of readers who may not know who the Illuminati are, I shall …
explain that this name meaning “illuminated,” or “enlightened,” was chosen by
the darkly-inclined ones who generation after generation have oppressed your
world and suppressed many truths.
 Also known as the secret government, the dark cabal or the elitists, it is not a
membership society as such, but rather a large group of powerful individuals
around the globe who essentially run governments; legal systems; royal families;
religions; mainstream media; banking; education; medical field; entertainment
venues; international corporations – in short, every business, organization and
institution that profoundly affects life on Earth.
 The scope and tenacity of this dark web is why the peoples have been so easily
controlled for so long.
 Earth, who is a sentient being, no longer is willing to tolerate the suffering of her
human and animal life and her planetary body that is caused by the dark ones’
abuse of free will, and she asked for universal assistance so her residents can
break free of the deeply entrenched deception, corruption, greed and tyranny.
In a nutshell, that freedom process is what is happening in your world.
 Angel Matthew
Who are the Illuminati?
 . I shall add an update, but first I must go backwards to put it within the larger
context. The Illuminati was once a cohesive body made up of numerous groups and
individuals, and combined they controlled the most important facets of life on Earth.
In time, egos, greed, lies and ruthlessness split the group into two factions, each
pursuing the same goal of killing most of the world's population and enslaving the rest
for self-serving purposes. Although one faction's operations were primarily in the
United States and the other's primarily in Europe, finally the power base of each
spanned the globe due to strategic marriages and later the merging of banks and
corporations into multinational behemoths. The enormously profitable illegal drug
industry funds both factions' “black ops,” including terrorist activities blamed on
innocents and vast underground areas where their scientists conduct
unconscionable experiments on humankind and develop spacecraft, weaponry,
surveillance and weather control systems using technology introduced by the “Little
Grays.” In recent years the intense competition between the two factions, which
eroded the power of each, extended to in-fighting within each faction, thus further
weakening all areas of control. With growing distrust of each other within and
between the factions, numerous futile attempts to stage another “9/11,” the
loosening stranglehold on world economy, and defection of lower ranking members,
the once solidly entrenched global foundation of the Illuminati now can be likened to
scattered piles of rubble.
 Angel Matthew
Who are the Illuminati?
 Yet some members are not giving up their dream of world domination, and that
brings us to the update I mentioned. That very brief overview is relevant because
the Clintons, the Bush family and their closest cronies within and out of the current
administration are powerful in the Illuminati faction that influences US politics, and
Hillary is the choice of that clique to continue their control.
 Angel Matthew
Monetary System of the Illuminati -- evil
 Behind the economic clouds is the silver lining of a new better system
 1. With loving greetings to all, this is Matthew to address what we see as uppermost in people's
interests and concerns. Although a great deal of the global economy is being played out on the
public stage – it became far too gigantic to keep hidden any longer – this is not surprising to long-
time readers of these messages. But it is not that we have been “predicting” the bankrupt status of
the United States and its eventual domino effect around the world; rather, we have been seeing the
energy momentum behind that first domino staying the course with such increasing intensity that it
could not be swerved off track by the Illuminati's smoke and mirrors economic manipulations.
However, instead of what they intended – the consolidation of all the world's funds within a few
gargantuan institutions, which they own – they have manifested their “meltdown,” to use your
economists' term. Universally viewed, this is the power of light ending a long era of unimaginable
greed and corruption; as viewed on Earth, it is the implosion of the foundation of the world of
finance. While most people have no idea whatsoever about the existence of the Illuminati, US
taxpayers clearly see that their government is shifting to them the monetary burden of bandaging
the gaping wounds in the national economy.
 2. The ultimate outcome will be wholeheartedly greeted by everyone worldwide except the
corrupters of banking, commerce and investment systems, but there is no denying that now
hardships are befalling many in all affected countries. Especially fearful are those who have no idea
that the collapse of the global economy is making way for the new foundation based in fairness,
honesty and integrity. We can only urge you who do know that the current frenzy is a transitional
stage of world transformation, please do not add to that fear. Most souls at this station have had
lifetimes of extreme deprivation and we can empathize with you who are struggling financially.
Monetary System of the Illuminati -- evil
 The Universal Law of “Like attracts like”
 Remember that the universal law of attraction, “like attracts like,” always is in effect – sharing what you
have with those who have less will bring back to you what you need. The energy of giving from the heart
not only adds to your light, thereby radiating out to all lives you touch, this starts a cycle of upliftment. Just
as your heart feels lighter when you help others, they in turn feel grateful and hopeful, and the energy in
gratitude and hope gives them more light to send out to all lives they touch, and so on and so on.
 “Where can we invest our money so it will be safe?” Return to cashless system
 3. In response to the many requests that basically are, “Where can I invest my money so it will be safe?” I
can only repeat that we are not financial advisers. But we can assure you that after the temporary
tumultuousness, there will be abundance aplenty for all! In the meantime, exchanging goods and services is
an excellent way to deal with money shortages, and it is heartening for us to see how many are benefiting
from a return to the bartering that once served humankind well, until unbridled greed entered a few dark
 Present monetary system evil
 They established a monetary system among tradesmen that included loans at usurious interest rates, and
despite later enactment of laws to prevent that practice, usury continued unabated and expanded to
cover the globe. That played a large part in manifesting today's shattered economy, but deception had a
large role too.
 Tithing and sins’ payment - evil invention of church leaders
 The concept of tithing was developed by self-serving early church leaders along with payment for
absolution of sins; that fed their private coffers then and it continues to this day to add to the Vatican's
untold wealth.
Monetary System of the Illuminati -- evil
 Government taxation also evil. Americans paying income taxes to private group called Illuminati via the IRS-
Federal Reserve!
 Taxation also has played a very heavy part, with royalty exacting tribute from the poorest in their realms; later, the
Federal Reserve System and its tax collection agency, the Internal Revenue Service, was foisted upon unwitting
citizens of the United States, most of whom still believe this is an integral part of the federal government. In fact the
Federal Reserve is a privately owned global banking consortium and all monies paid as income taxes to the IRS go
directly into the hands of the Illuminati.
 How the Illuminati put the USA into huge debt
 Also the Fed buys currency from the Treasury Department, paying a few cents on every bill regardless of its face
value, then lends the money at face value to the government, continuously creating an ever-increasing national
 Exploitation of Earth's natural resources, wars – Illuminati’s doing
 Exploitation of Earth's natural resources has been another part of the Illuminati's tightly woven web of economic
control; so has their initiation of civil and international wars, and always the war machine has greatly enriched their
companies that keep it supplied.
 Illuminati – responsible for mass impoverishment
 All of that theft – that is exactly what it has been, and on a mind-boggling scale – has been completely in
accordance with the Illuminati's generations-old plan to attain global domination by creating and spreading
impoverishment, devastation, and death of the masses who are not needed to serve their sinister purposes.
 Mother Earth chooses to end all evil perpetrated by Illuminati
 The massive negativity created by centuries of unconscionable disparity between the “haves” and the “have nots”
could not continue or it would have destroyed Earth's planetary body. As a sentient being, Earth chose not to let
that happen. She chose to regain her viability and vitality, thus the end had to come to the long reign of darkness
behind everything that is divisive, unjust, deceptive, violent and cruel in your world. And that end has come.
 Angel Matthew
“Bad guys” defaulted in their agreement with God
 Both reptilians and humans of dark persuasion are in top positions
within the many sectors under the Illuminati “umbrella.” They are
the ones I have spoken about that agreed to fill “bad guy” roles
until completion of individuals' and Earth's third density karma, when
they would join the light forces but instead defaulted on their
agreements. Like all souls, they have the choice to accept the light
and live within it, or physical death will happen when Earth reaches
the frequencies where only light-filled bodies can survive; then, in
accordance with universal laws, their souls automatically go to
placements where the energy is commensurate with the physical
lifetime energy.
 Angel Matthew
Illuminati use Mother Nature as tool and then as scapegoat
 Two other notes here: It isn't necessary for weather controllers to stir
up a storm – Mother Nature can do that on her own, and when she
does, they take over with their maliciousness. And the refusal to let
residents of Galveston Island return sooner is that the death toll is far
greater than reported and time was needed to find and dispose of
all the bodies. Since depopulation by any means is an Illuminati
goal and the death toll would be attributed to Mother Nature, it is
hard to figure the reason for delaying the residents' return. Still,
causing negativity by any means helps the dark ones' cause, and
they achieved that by keeping thousands in stress by miserable
living conditions and without answers to what happened to their
homes and businesses.
 Angel Matthew
Illuminati use Mother Nature as tool and then as scapegoat
“Depopulation by any means is an
Illuminati goal and the death toll
would be attributed to Mother
 Angel Matthew
Illuminati use Mother Nature as tool and then as scapegoat
 Matthew Ward - April 26, 2010
 More information about the Illuminati
 1. With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew saying: there is cause for elation! After months of research,
documenting evidence and closed-door meetings, the United States Securities and Exchange Commission has taken legal action
against a financial behemoth that deliberately contributed to the financial ruin of millions of that country’s citizens and led to the
international economic chaos. This lawsuit is far more than it may appear to be. The top guns at Goldman Sachs and its offshoots are
among the kingpins of the Illuminati, and this legal claim of fraudulent dealings is a major step toward dismantling the Illuminati’s
worldwide financial network through which they fund their other malevolent global operations.
 2. The Illuminati is not an organization of card-carrying members, but rather the “umbrella” name of disparate groups and a large
number of powerful individuals who have been controlling or heavily influencing the most important aspects of life throughout your
world for centuries. In recent years they also have become known by other designations, such as the secret government, New World
Order, dark cabal or the elitists; and they include the
top figures in financial institutions, investment markets, multinational corporations, religions, education, media, military forces, judicial
systems, entertainment, the medical “establishment,” regulatory and advisory bodies, royal families, Zionists.
 3. They have controlled governments, started civil and international wars, caused famines and widespread impoverishment, created
boom times for industrialists and depressions for the poor, released laboratory-designed viruses, assassinated opposition. They are the
perpetrators of unjust laws, Satanic rituals, chemtrails and other toxic pollution, destruction of animal life on land and in the seas, mind
control, the “illegal” drug industry, erosion of civil rights and denial of God-given freedoms, suppression or misuse of technology,
political and ideological divisiveness. In short, the Illuminati have been profoundly adversely affecting all life on Earth – indeed, the very
life of Earth herself!
 4. It is because of the Illuminati’s long reign of bloodshed, corruption and oppression that about 7 decades back in your linear time
Earth was in death throes. Her cries of despair were a call for help, and God immediately authorized the assistance of spiritually,
intellectually and technologically advanced civilizations to come to her aid. With such a massive infusion of light and technologies that
you cannot even imagine, countless numbers of your universal family stabilized the planet’s orbit and performed other life-saving
measures. Their invaluable assistance is in action this very day, some of it directed toward preventing the plans of the Illuminati from
reaching fruition.
 5. Some persons who are aware of the Illuminati’s existence believe that all of them are reptilians. Indeed some are, especially within
the royal families, which have kept their bloodlines pure to a large extent, but humans also are in the Illuminati’s top ranks. Most
reptilians are far advanced from Earth’s human civilization in intelligence and technological development and they have a strong
warrior mentality; however, it is not the different DNA in the two races, but rather the free will choices made by an individual of any
race that lead to diabolical activities. A soul may have greatly advanced intelligence and be bereft of light except the spark that is its
life force.
Illuminati use Mother Nature as tool and then as scapegoat
 Matthew Ward - April 26, 2010
 More information about the Illuminati
 1. With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew saying: there is cause for elation! After months of research,
documenting evidence and closed-door meetings, the United States Securities and Exchange Commission has taken legal action
against a financial behemoth that deliberately contributed to the financial ruin of millions of that country’s citizens and led to the
international economic chaos. This lawsuit is far more than it may appear to be. The top guns at Goldman Sachs and its offshoots are
among the kingpins of the Illuminati, and this legal claim of fraudulent dealings is a major step toward dismantling the Illuminati’s
worldwide financial network through which they fund their other malevolent global operations.
 2. The Illuminati is not an organization of card-carrying members, but rather the “umbrella” name of disparate groups and a large
number of powerful individuals who have been controlling or heavily influencing the most important aspects of life throughout your
world for centuries. In recent years they also have become known by other designations, such as the secret government, New World
Order, dark cabal or the elitists; and they include the
top figures in financial institutions, investment markets, multinational corporations, religions, education, media, military forces, judicial
systems, entertainment, the medical “establishment,” regulatory and advisory bodies, royal families, Zionists.
 3. They have controlled governments, started civil and international wars, caused famines and widespread impoverishment, created
boom times for industrialists and depressions for the poor, released laboratory-designed viruses, assassinated opposition. They are the
perpetrators of unjust laws, Satanic rituals, chemtrails and other toxic pollution, destruction of animal life on land and in the seas, mind
control, the “illegal” drug industry, erosion of civil rights and denial of God-given freedoms, suppression or misuse of technology,
political and ideological divisiveness. In short, the Illuminati have been profoundly adversely affecting all life on Earth – indeed, the very
life of Earth herself!
 4. It is because of the Illuminati’s long reign of bloodshed, corruption and oppression that about 7 decades back in your linear time
Earth was in death throes. Her cries of despair were a call for help, and God immediately authorized the assistance of spiritually,
intellectually and technologically advanced civilizations to come to her aid. With such a massive infusion of light and technologies that
you cannot even imagine, countless numbers of your universal family stabilized the planet’s orbit and performed other life-saving
measures. Their invaluable assistance is in action this very day, some of it directed toward preventing the plans of the Illuminati from
reaching fruition.
 5. Some persons who are aware of the Illuminati’s existence believe that all of them are reptilians. Indeed some are, especially within
the royal families, which have kept their bloodlines pure to a large extent, but humans also are in the Illuminati’s top ranks. Most
reptilians are far advanced from Earth’s human civilization in intelligence and technological development and they have a strong
warrior mentality; however, it is not the different DNA in the two races, but rather the free will choices made by an individual of any
race that lead to diabolical activities. A soul may have greatly advanced intelligence and be bereft of light except the spark that is its
life force.
Illuminati use Mother Nature as tool and then as scapegoat
 Matthew Ward - April 26, 2010
 More information about the Illuminati
 1. With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew saying: there is cause for elation! After months of research,
documenting evidence and closed-door meetings, the United States Securities and Exchange Commission has taken legal action
against a financial behemoth that deliberately contributed to the financial ruin of millions of that country’s citizens and led to the
international economic chaos. This lawsuit is far more than it may appear to be. The top guns at Goldman Sachs and its offshoots are
among the kingpins of the Illuminati, and this legal claim of fraudulent dealings is a major step toward dismantling the Illuminati’s
worldwide financial network through which they fund their other malevolent global operations.
 2. The Illuminati is not an organization of card-carrying members, but rather the “umbrella” name of disparate groups and a large
number of powerful individuals who have been controlling or heavily influencing the most important aspects of life throughout your
world for centuries. In recent years they also have become known by other designations, such as the secret government, New World
Order, dark cabal or the elitists; and they include the
top figures in financial institutions, investment markets, multinational corporations, religions, education, media, military forces, judicial
systems, entertainment, the medical “establishment,” regulatory and advisory bodies, royal families, Zionists.
 3. They have controlled governments, started civil and international wars, caused famines and widespread impoverishment, created
boom times for industrialists and depressions for the poor, released laboratory-designed viruses, assassinated opposition. They are the
perpetrators of unjust laws, Satanic rituals, chemtrails and other toxic pollution, destruction of animal life on land and in the seas, mind
control, the “illegal” drug industry, erosion of civil rights and denial of God-given freedoms, suppression or misuse of technology,
political and ideological divisiveness. In short, the Illuminati have been profoundly adversely affecting all life on Earth – indeed, the very
life of Earth herself!
 4. It is because of the Illuminati’s long reign of bloodshed, corruption and oppression that about 7 decades back in your linear time
Earth was in death throes. Her cries of despair were a call for help, and God immediately authorized the assistance of spiritually,
intellectually and technologically advanced civilizations to come to her aid. With such a massive infusion of light and technologies that
you cannot even imagine, countless numbers of your universal family stabilized the planet’s orbit and performed other life-saving
measures. Their invaluable assistance is in action this very day, some of it directed toward preventing the plans of the Illuminati from
reaching fruition.
 5. Some persons who are aware of the Illuminati’s existence believe that all of them are reptilians. Indeed some are, especially within
the royal families, which have kept their bloodlines pure to a large extent, but humans also are in the Illuminati’s top ranks. Most
reptilians are far advanced from Earth’s human civilization in intelligence and technological development and they have a strong
warrior mentality; however, it is not the different DNA in the two races, but rather the free will choices made by an individual of any
race that lead to diabolical activities. A soul may have greatly advanced intelligence and be bereft of light except the spark that is its
life force.
More information about the Illuminati
 Matthew Ward - April 26, 2010
1. With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is
Matthew saying: there is cause for elation! After months of
research, documenting evidence and closed-door meetings,
the United States Securities and Exchange Commission has
taken legal action against a financial behemoth that
deliberately contributed to the financial ruin of millions of that
country’s citizens and led to the international economic
chaos. This lawsuit is far more than it may appear to be. The
top guns at Goldman Sachs and its offshoots are among the
kingpins of the Illuminati, and this legal claim of fraudulent
dealings is a major step toward dismantling the Illuminati’s
worldwide financial network through which they fund their
other malevolent global operations.
More information about the Illuminati
 Matthew Ward - April 26, 2010
2. The Illuminati is not an organization of card-carrying
members, but rather the “umbrella” name of
disparate groups and a large number of powerful
individuals who have been controlling or heavily
influencing the most important aspects of life
throughout your world for centuries. In recent years
they also have become known by other designations,
such as the secret government, New World Order,
dark cabal or the elitists; and they include the
top figures in financial institutions, investment markets,
multinational corporations, religions, education,
media, military forces, judicial systems, entertainment,
the medical “establishment,” regulatory and advisory
bodies, royal families, Zionists.
More information about the Illuminati
 Matthew Ward - April 26, 2010
3. They have controlled governments, started civil and
international wars, caused famines and widespread
impoverishment, created boom times for industrialists
and depressions for the poor, released laboratory-
designed viruses, assassinated opposition. They are
the perpetrators of unjust laws, Satanic rituals,
chemtrails and other toxic pollution, destruction of
animal life on land and in the seas, mind control, the
“illegal” drug industry, erosion of civil rights and denial
of God-given freedoms, suppression or misuse of
technology, political and ideological divisiveness. In
short, the Illuminati have been profoundly adversely
affecting all life on Earth – indeed, the very life of
Earth herself!
More information about the Illuminati
 Matthew Ward - April 26, 2010
4. It is because of the Illuminati’s long reign of
bloodshed, corruption and oppression that about 7
decades back in your linear time Earth was in death
throes. Her cries of despair were a call for help, and
God immediately authorized the assistance of
spiritually, intellectually and technologically
advanced civilizations to come to her aid. With such a
massive infusion of light and technologies that you
cannot even imagine, countless numbers of your
universal family stabilized the planet’s orbit and
performed other life-saving measures. Their invaluable
assistance is in action this very day, some of it directed
toward preventing the plans of the Illuminati from
reaching fruition.
More information about the Illuminati
 Matthew Ward - April 26, 2010
5. Some persons who are aware of the Illuminati’s
existence believe that all of them are reptilians.
Indeed some are, especially within the royal families,
which have kept their bloodlines pure to a large
extent, but humans also are in the Illuminati’s top
ranks. Most reptilians are far advanced from Earth’s
human civilization in intelligence and technological
development and they have a strong warrior
mentality; however, it is not the different DNA in the
two races, but rather the free will choices made by an
individual of any race that lead to diabolical
activities. A soul may have greatly advanced
intelligence and be bereft of light except the spark
that is its life force.
More information about the Illuminati
 Matthew Ward - April 26, 2010
6. And just as there are light-filled human souls
throughout this universe, so are there light-filled
reptilians. The latter group, who are eager to
dispel the erroneous belief that their race is
synonymous with darkness, are working side by
side with humans and other races to thwart the
efforts of their darkly-inclined siblings wherever
they are wreaking havoc.
Also, as the light has been intensifying on Earth,
both reptilians and humans have left the dark
camp and joined the ranks of the light forces.
More information about the Illuminati
 Matthew Ward - April 26, 2010
7. Do the reptilians on Earth know they are reptilians?
There may be the rare exception, but in our
awareness, the reptilians living among you, whether
within the light or within the darkness, do know their
racial makeup. There are more human-reptilian
hybrids than pure reptilians on the planet, and most
are not consciously aware of their racial ancestry. Nor
does that matter! Race is a difference only of DNA,
and never does that affect free will choices for either
godly deeds or dark workings, or, respectively, spiritual
evolvement or devolvement.
Headquarters of Satanism & Pedophilia is in the Bowels of the
 Matthew Ward - April 26, 2010
 Boy Scout Organization part of Illuminati. HQ of Satanism in Vatican!
 Now then, another recent development in the United States is a multimillion dollar
award by the court to the man who, as a lad, was sexually molested by a Boy Scout
leader. This, too, has implications well beyond that lawsuit. Continuing investigations
into the dark aspect of that huge youth organization alongside pursuing the
Vatican’s long-time cover-up of known pedophile priests ultimately will reach the top
of the Illuminati’s lucrative international sex slave industry as well as reveal that the
headquarters of Satanism is in the bowels of the Vatican.
 Even though those two recent legal battles against darkness are ever so welcome,
we know they are not the dramatic revelations you have been awaiting. All lighted
souls in this universe would love to see the full abundance of truths shooting out like
endless fireworks instead of sporadic arrays of sparklers, but it is imperative for the
creation of a peace-loving, honest global society that the truths emerge through
legal proceedings based on irrefutable evidence. There also is the important issue of
how much shocking information psyches can handle at one time.
 You can expect the Illuminati to fight viciously all along the way, but their dark
activities becoming public cannot be detoured, much less stopped. The door has
opened a crack and nothing they can do will keep it from opening wider and wider
until the vibrations of the in-pouring light are so powerful that they will vanquish every
iota of darkness on the planet. So do not doubt for a moment that the light is winning
– in the continuum, where Earth is rapidly heading, the light already has WON!
Eruption of volcano in Iceland, an Illuminati work
 Matthew Ward - April 26, 2010
 We are delighted to see that the eruption of the volcano in Iceland
has been attributed by some to manmade technology, and
rightfully so. This was not Mother Nature’s doing, nor was the
direction of the winds that disrupted airline traffic, stranding
thousands of travelers and causing untold financial losses in the
many affected nations. Those were the intended effects as the
Illuminati are employing every means they can think of to create
fear, chaos, confusion and diversion to prevent official
acknowledgement of extraterrestrial civilizations’ presence.
Because that disclosure heralds the total uprooting of the
Illuminati’s evil global empire, they will stop at nothing to keep the
televised introduction of our space family from happening.
Illuminati Royal Family behind Princess Diana’s death
 Matthew Ward - April 26, 2010
 In this, there are both a difference and a similarity to the death of
Princess Diana. The vehicle crash and the ambulance’s circuitous
route to the hospital was the work of the peak of the Illuminati,
England’s royal family; and Diana’s physical leave-taking also was
a soul contract provision with two purposes: Not only would many
others be inspired to carry on reforms she espoused to an extent
that she herself could not had she lived; but also the years of the
royal family’s shunning of Diana and their cold reaction to the
world’s outpouring of grief and love for her aroused doubts about
the integrity of British royalty and suspicions about their involvement
in her death – questioning what previously was a given is the first
step toward an open mind.

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Who are the illuminati

  • 1. Who are the Illuminati?  For the benefit of readers who may not know who the Illuminati are, I shall … explain that this name meaning “illuminated,” or “enlightened,” was chosen by the darkly-inclined ones who generation after generation have oppressed your world and suppressed many truths.  Also known as the secret government, the dark cabal or the elitists, it is not a membership society as such, but rather a large group of powerful individuals around the globe who essentially run governments; legal systems; royal families; religions; mainstream media; banking; education; medical field; entertainment venues; international corporations – in short, every business, organization and institution that profoundly affects life on Earth.  The scope and tenacity of this dark web is why the peoples have been so easily controlled for so long.  Earth, who is a sentient being, no longer is willing to tolerate the suffering of her human and animal life and her planetary body that is caused by the dark ones’ abuse of free will, and she asked for universal assistance so her residents can break free of the deeply entrenched deception, corruption, greed and tyranny. In a nutshell, that freedom process is what is happening in your world.  Angel Matthew
  • 2. Who are the Illuminati?  . I shall add an update, but first I must go backwards to put it within the larger context. The Illuminati was once a cohesive body made up of numerous groups and individuals, and combined they controlled the most important facets of life on Earth. In time, egos, greed, lies and ruthlessness split the group into two factions, each pursuing the same goal of killing most of the world's population and enslaving the rest for self-serving purposes. Although one faction's operations were primarily in the United States and the other's primarily in Europe, finally the power base of each spanned the globe due to strategic marriages and later the merging of banks and corporations into multinational behemoths. The enormously profitable illegal drug industry funds both factions' “black ops,” including terrorist activities blamed on innocents and vast underground areas where their scientists conduct unconscionable experiments on humankind and develop spacecraft, weaponry, surveillance and weather control systems using technology introduced by the “Little Grays.” In recent years the intense competition between the two factions, which eroded the power of each, extended to in-fighting within each faction, thus further weakening all areas of control. With growing distrust of each other within and between the factions, numerous futile attempts to stage another “9/11,” the loosening stranglehold on world economy, and defection of lower ranking members, the once solidly entrenched global foundation of the Illuminati now can be likened to scattered piles of rubble.  Angel Matthew
  • 3. Who are the Illuminati?  Yet some members are not giving up their dream of world domination, and that brings us to the update I mentioned. That very brief overview is relevant because the Clintons, the Bush family and their closest cronies within and out of the current administration are powerful in the Illuminati faction that influences US politics, and Hillary is the choice of that clique to continue their control.  Angel Matthew
  • 4. Monetary System of the Illuminati -- evil  Behind the economic clouds is the silver lining of a new better system  1. With loving greetings to all, this is Matthew to address what we see as uppermost in people's interests and concerns. Although a great deal of the global economy is being played out on the public stage – it became far too gigantic to keep hidden any longer – this is not surprising to long- time readers of these messages. But it is not that we have been “predicting” the bankrupt status of the United States and its eventual domino effect around the world; rather, we have been seeing the energy momentum behind that first domino staying the course with such increasing intensity that it could not be swerved off track by the Illuminati's smoke and mirrors economic manipulations. However, instead of what they intended – the consolidation of all the world's funds within a few gargantuan institutions, which they own – they have manifested their “meltdown,” to use your economists' term. Universally viewed, this is the power of light ending a long era of unimaginable greed and corruption; as viewed on Earth, it is the implosion of the foundation of the world of finance. While most people have no idea whatsoever about the existence of the Illuminati, US taxpayers clearly see that their government is shifting to them the monetary burden of bandaging the gaping wounds in the national economy.  2. The ultimate outcome will be wholeheartedly greeted by everyone worldwide except the corrupters of banking, commerce and investment systems, but there is no denying that now hardships are befalling many in all affected countries. Especially fearful are those who have no idea that the collapse of the global economy is making way for the new foundation based in fairness, honesty and integrity. We can only urge you who do know that the current frenzy is a transitional stage of world transformation, please do not add to that fear. Most souls at this station have had lifetimes of extreme deprivation and we can empathize with you who are struggling financially.
  • 5. Monetary System of the Illuminati -- evil  The Universal Law of “Like attracts like”  Remember that the universal law of attraction, “like attracts like,” always is in effect – sharing what you have with those who have less will bring back to you what you need. The energy of giving from the heart not only adds to your light, thereby radiating out to all lives you touch, this starts a cycle of upliftment. Just as your heart feels lighter when you help others, they in turn feel grateful and hopeful, and the energy in gratitude and hope gives them more light to send out to all lives they touch, and so on and so on.  “Where can we invest our money so it will be safe?” Return to cashless system  3. In response to the many requests that basically are, “Where can I invest my money so it will be safe?” I can only repeat that we are not financial advisers. But we can assure you that after the temporary tumultuousness, there will be abundance aplenty for all! In the meantime, exchanging goods and services is an excellent way to deal with money shortages, and it is heartening for us to see how many are benefiting from a return to the bartering that once served humankind well, until unbridled greed entered a few dark minds.  Present monetary system evil  They established a monetary system among tradesmen that included loans at usurious interest rates, and despite later enactment of laws to prevent that practice, usury continued unabated and expanded to cover the globe. That played a large part in manifesting today's shattered economy, but deception had a large role too.  Tithing and sins’ payment - evil invention of church leaders  The concept of tithing was developed by self-serving early church leaders along with payment for absolution of sins; that fed their private coffers then and it continues to this day to add to the Vatican's untold wealth.
  • 6. Monetary System of the Illuminati -- evil  Government taxation also evil. Americans paying income taxes to private group called Illuminati via the IRS- Federal Reserve!  Taxation also has played a very heavy part, with royalty exacting tribute from the poorest in their realms; later, the Federal Reserve System and its tax collection agency, the Internal Revenue Service, was foisted upon unwitting citizens of the United States, most of whom still believe this is an integral part of the federal government. In fact the Federal Reserve is a privately owned global banking consortium and all monies paid as income taxes to the IRS go directly into the hands of the Illuminati.  How the Illuminati put the USA into huge debt  Also the Fed buys currency from the Treasury Department, paying a few cents on every bill regardless of its face value, then lends the money at face value to the government, continuously creating an ever-increasing national debt.  Exploitation of Earth's natural resources, wars – Illuminati’s doing  Exploitation of Earth's natural resources has been another part of the Illuminati's tightly woven web of economic control; so has their initiation of civil and international wars, and always the war machine has greatly enriched their companies that keep it supplied.  Illuminati – responsible for mass impoverishment  All of that theft – that is exactly what it has been, and on a mind-boggling scale – has been completely in accordance with the Illuminati's generations-old plan to attain global domination by creating and spreading impoverishment, devastation, and death of the masses who are not needed to serve their sinister purposes.  Mother Earth chooses to end all evil perpetrated by Illuminati  The massive negativity created by centuries of unconscionable disparity between the “haves” and the “have nots” could not continue or it would have destroyed Earth's planetary body. As a sentient being, Earth chose not to let that happen. She chose to regain her viability and vitality, thus the end had to come to the long reign of darkness behind everything that is divisive, unjust, deceptive, violent and cruel in your world. And that end has come.  Angel Matthew
  • 7. “Bad guys” defaulted in their agreement with God  Both reptilians and humans of dark persuasion are in top positions within the many sectors under the Illuminati “umbrella.” They are the ones I have spoken about that agreed to fill “bad guy” roles until completion of individuals' and Earth's third density karma, when they would join the light forces but instead defaulted on their agreements. Like all souls, they have the choice to accept the light and live within it, or physical death will happen when Earth reaches the frequencies where only light-filled bodies can survive; then, in accordance with universal laws, their souls automatically go to placements where the energy is commensurate with the physical lifetime energy.  Angel Matthew
  • 8. Illuminati use Mother Nature as tool and then as scapegoat  Two other notes here: It isn't necessary for weather controllers to stir up a storm – Mother Nature can do that on her own, and when she does, they take over with their maliciousness. And the refusal to let residents of Galveston Island return sooner is that the death toll is far greater than reported and time was needed to find and dispose of all the bodies. Since depopulation by any means is an Illuminati goal and the death toll would be attributed to Mother Nature, it is hard to figure the reason for delaying the residents' return. Still, causing negativity by any means helps the dark ones' cause, and they achieved that by keeping thousands in stress by miserable living conditions and without answers to what happened to their homes and businesses.  Angel Matthew
  • 9. Illuminati use Mother Nature as tool and then as scapegoat “Depopulation by any means is an Illuminati goal and the death toll would be attributed to Mother Nature.”  Angel Matthew
  • 10. Illuminati use Mother Nature as tool and then as scapegoat  Matthew Ward - April 26, 2010  More information about the Illuminati  1. With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew saying: there is cause for elation! After months of research, documenting evidence and closed-door meetings, the United States Securities and Exchange Commission has taken legal action against a financial behemoth that deliberately contributed to the financial ruin of millions of that country’s citizens and led to the international economic chaos. This lawsuit is far more than it may appear to be. The top guns at Goldman Sachs and its offshoots are among the kingpins of the Illuminati, and this legal claim of fraudulent dealings is a major step toward dismantling the Illuminati’s worldwide financial network through which they fund their other malevolent global operations.  2. The Illuminati is not an organization of card-carrying members, but rather the “umbrella” name of disparate groups and a large number of powerful individuals who have been controlling or heavily influencing the most important aspects of life throughout your world for centuries. In recent years they also have become known by other designations, such as the secret government, New World Order, dark cabal or the elitists; and they include the top figures in financial institutions, investment markets, multinational corporations, religions, education, media, military forces, judicial systems, entertainment, the medical “establishment,” regulatory and advisory bodies, royal families, Zionists.  3. They have controlled governments, started civil and international wars, caused famines and widespread impoverishment, created boom times for industrialists and depressions for the poor, released laboratory-designed viruses, assassinated opposition. They are the perpetrators of unjust laws, Satanic rituals, chemtrails and other toxic pollution, destruction of animal life on land and in the seas, mind control, the “illegal” drug industry, erosion of civil rights and denial of God-given freedoms, suppression or misuse of technology, political and ideological divisiveness. In short, the Illuminati have been profoundly adversely affecting all life on Earth – indeed, the very life of Earth herself!  4. It is because of the Illuminati’s long reign of bloodshed, corruption and oppression that about 7 decades back in your linear time Earth was in death throes. Her cries of despair were a call for help, and God immediately authorized the assistance of spiritually, intellectually and technologically advanced civilizations to come to her aid. With such a massive infusion of light and technologies that you cannot even imagine, countless numbers of your universal family stabilized the planet’s orbit and performed other life-saving measures. Their invaluable assistance is in action this very day, some of it directed toward preventing the plans of the Illuminati from reaching fruition.  5. Some persons who are aware of the Illuminati’s existence believe that all of them are reptilians. Indeed some are, especially within the royal families, which have kept their bloodlines pure to a large extent, but humans also are in the Illuminati’s top ranks. Most reptilians are far advanced from Earth’s human civilization in intelligence and technological development and they have a strong warrior mentality; however, it is not the different DNA in the two races, but rather the free will choices made by an individual of any race that lead to diabolical activities. A soul may have greatly advanced intelligence and be bereft of light except the spark that is its life force.
  • 11. Illuminati use Mother Nature as tool and then as scapegoat  Matthew Ward - April 26, 2010  More information about the Illuminati  1. With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew saying: there is cause for elation! After months of research, documenting evidence and closed-door meetings, the United States Securities and Exchange Commission has taken legal action against a financial behemoth that deliberately contributed to the financial ruin of millions of that country’s citizens and led to the international economic chaos. This lawsuit is far more than it may appear to be. The top guns at Goldman Sachs and its offshoots are among the kingpins of the Illuminati, and this legal claim of fraudulent dealings is a major step toward dismantling the Illuminati’s worldwide financial network through which they fund their other malevolent global operations.  2. The Illuminati is not an organization of card-carrying members, but rather the “umbrella” name of disparate groups and a large number of powerful individuals who have been controlling or heavily influencing the most important aspects of life throughout your world for centuries. In recent years they also have become known by other designations, such as the secret government, New World Order, dark cabal or the elitists; and they include the top figures in financial institutions, investment markets, multinational corporations, religions, education, media, military forces, judicial systems, entertainment, the medical “establishment,” regulatory and advisory bodies, royal families, Zionists.  3. They have controlled governments, started civil and international wars, caused famines and widespread impoverishment, created boom times for industrialists and depressions for the poor, released laboratory-designed viruses, assassinated opposition. They are the perpetrators of unjust laws, Satanic rituals, chemtrails and other toxic pollution, destruction of animal life on land and in the seas, mind control, the “illegal” drug industry, erosion of civil rights and denial of God-given freedoms, suppression or misuse of technology, political and ideological divisiveness. In short, the Illuminati have been profoundly adversely affecting all life on Earth – indeed, the very life of Earth herself!  4. It is because of the Illuminati’s long reign of bloodshed, corruption and oppression that about 7 decades back in your linear time Earth was in death throes. Her cries of despair were a call for help, and God immediately authorized the assistance of spiritually, intellectually and technologically advanced civilizations to come to her aid. With such a massive infusion of light and technologies that you cannot even imagine, countless numbers of your universal family stabilized the planet’s orbit and performed other life-saving measures. Their invaluable assistance is in action this very day, some of it directed toward preventing the plans of the Illuminati from reaching fruition.  5. Some persons who are aware of the Illuminati’s existence believe that all of them are reptilians. Indeed some are, especially within the royal families, which have kept their bloodlines pure to a large extent, but humans also are in the Illuminati’s top ranks. Most reptilians are far advanced from Earth’s human civilization in intelligence and technological development and they have a strong warrior mentality; however, it is not the different DNA in the two races, but rather the free will choices made by an individual of any race that lead to diabolical activities. A soul may have greatly advanced intelligence and be bereft of light except the spark that is its life force.
  • 12. Illuminati use Mother Nature as tool and then as scapegoat  Matthew Ward - April 26, 2010  More information about the Illuminati  1. With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew saying: there is cause for elation! After months of research, documenting evidence and closed-door meetings, the United States Securities and Exchange Commission has taken legal action against a financial behemoth that deliberately contributed to the financial ruin of millions of that country’s citizens and led to the international economic chaos. This lawsuit is far more than it may appear to be. The top guns at Goldman Sachs and its offshoots are among the kingpins of the Illuminati, and this legal claim of fraudulent dealings is a major step toward dismantling the Illuminati’s worldwide financial network through which they fund their other malevolent global operations.  2. The Illuminati is not an organization of card-carrying members, but rather the “umbrella” name of disparate groups and a large number of powerful individuals who have been controlling or heavily influencing the most important aspects of life throughout your world for centuries. In recent years they also have become known by other designations, such as the secret government, New World Order, dark cabal or the elitists; and they include the top figures in financial institutions, investment markets, multinational corporations, religions, education, media, military forces, judicial systems, entertainment, the medical “establishment,” regulatory and advisory bodies, royal families, Zionists.  3. They have controlled governments, started civil and international wars, caused famines and widespread impoverishment, created boom times for industrialists and depressions for the poor, released laboratory-designed viruses, assassinated opposition. They are the perpetrators of unjust laws, Satanic rituals, chemtrails and other toxic pollution, destruction of animal life on land and in the seas, mind control, the “illegal” drug industry, erosion of civil rights and denial of God-given freedoms, suppression or misuse of technology, political and ideological divisiveness. In short, the Illuminati have been profoundly adversely affecting all life on Earth – indeed, the very life of Earth herself!  4. It is because of the Illuminati’s long reign of bloodshed, corruption and oppression that about 7 decades back in your linear time Earth was in death throes. Her cries of despair were a call for help, and God immediately authorized the assistance of spiritually, intellectually and technologically advanced civilizations to come to her aid. With such a massive infusion of light and technologies that you cannot even imagine, countless numbers of your universal family stabilized the planet’s orbit and performed other life-saving measures. Their invaluable assistance is in action this very day, some of it directed toward preventing the plans of the Illuminati from reaching fruition.  5. Some persons who are aware of the Illuminati’s existence believe that all of them are reptilians. Indeed some are, especially within the royal families, which have kept their bloodlines pure to a large extent, but humans also are in the Illuminati’s top ranks. Most reptilians are far advanced from Earth’s human civilization in intelligence and technological development and they have a strong warrior mentality; however, it is not the different DNA in the two races, but rather the free will choices made by an individual of any race that lead to diabolical activities. A soul may have greatly advanced intelligence and be bereft of light except the spark that is its life force.
  • 13. More information about the Illuminati  Matthew Ward - April 26, 2010 1. With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew saying: there is cause for elation! After months of research, documenting evidence and closed-door meetings, the United States Securities and Exchange Commission has taken legal action against a financial behemoth that deliberately contributed to the financial ruin of millions of that country’s citizens and led to the international economic chaos. This lawsuit is far more than it may appear to be. The top guns at Goldman Sachs and its offshoots are among the kingpins of the Illuminati, and this legal claim of fraudulent dealings is a major step toward dismantling the Illuminati’s worldwide financial network through which they fund their other malevolent global operations.
  • 14. More information about the Illuminati  Matthew Ward - April 26, 2010 2. The Illuminati is not an organization of card-carrying members, but rather the “umbrella” name of disparate groups and a large number of powerful individuals who have been controlling or heavily influencing the most important aspects of life throughout your world for centuries. In recent years they also have become known by other designations, such as the secret government, New World Order, dark cabal or the elitists; and they include the top figures in financial institutions, investment markets, multinational corporations, religions, education, media, military forces, judicial systems, entertainment, the medical “establishment,” regulatory and advisory bodies, royal families, Zionists.
  • 15. More information about the Illuminati  Matthew Ward - April 26, 2010 3. They have controlled governments, started civil and international wars, caused famines and widespread impoverishment, created boom times for industrialists and depressions for the poor, released laboratory- designed viruses, assassinated opposition. They are the perpetrators of unjust laws, Satanic rituals, chemtrails and other toxic pollution, destruction of animal life on land and in the seas, mind control, the “illegal” drug industry, erosion of civil rights and denial of God-given freedoms, suppression or misuse of technology, political and ideological divisiveness. In short, the Illuminati have been profoundly adversely affecting all life on Earth – indeed, the very life of Earth herself!
  • 16. More information about the Illuminati  Matthew Ward - April 26, 2010 4. It is because of the Illuminati’s long reign of bloodshed, corruption and oppression that about 7 decades back in your linear time Earth was in death throes. Her cries of despair were a call for help, and God immediately authorized the assistance of spiritually, intellectually and technologically advanced civilizations to come to her aid. With such a massive infusion of light and technologies that you cannot even imagine, countless numbers of your universal family stabilized the planet’s orbit and performed other life-saving measures. Their invaluable assistance is in action this very day, some of it directed toward preventing the plans of the Illuminati from reaching fruition.
  • 17. More information about the Illuminati  Matthew Ward - April 26, 2010 5. Some persons who are aware of the Illuminati’s existence believe that all of them are reptilians. Indeed some are, especially within the royal families, which have kept their bloodlines pure to a large extent, but humans also are in the Illuminati’s top ranks. Most reptilians are far advanced from Earth’s human civilization in intelligence and technological development and they have a strong warrior mentality; however, it is not the different DNA in the two races, but rather the free will choices made by an individual of any race that lead to diabolical activities. A soul may have greatly advanced intelligence and be bereft of light except the spark that is its life force.
  • 18. More information about the Illuminati  Matthew Ward - April 26, 2010 6. And just as there are light-filled human souls throughout this universe, so are there light-filled reptilians. The latter group, who are eager to dispel the erroneous belief that their race is synonymous with darkness, are working side by side with humans and other races to thwart the efforts of their darkly-inclined siblings wherever they are wreaking havoc. Also, as the light has been intensifying on Earth, both reptilians and humans have left the dark camp and joined the ranks of the light forces.
  • 19. More information about the Illuminati  Matthew Ward - April 26, 2010 7. Do the reptilians on Earth know they are reptilians? There may be the rare exception, but in our awareness, the reptilians living among you, whether within the light or within the darkness, do know their racial makeup. There are more human-reptilian hybrids than pure reptilians on the planet, and most are not consciously aware of their racial ancestry. Nor does that matter! Race is a difference only of DNA, and never does that affect free will choices for either godly deeds or dark workings, or, respectively, spiritual evolvement or devolvement.
  • 20. Headquarters of Satanism & Pedophilia is in the Bowels of the Vatican  Matthew Ward - April 26, 2010  Boy Scout Organization part of Illuminati. HQ of Satanism in Vatican!  Now then, another recent development in the United States is a multimillion dollar award by the court to the man who, as a lad, was sexually molested by a Boy Scout leader. This, too, has implications well beyond that lawsuit. Continuing investigations into the dark aspect of that huge youth organization alongside pursuing the Vatican’s long-time cover-up of known pedophile priests ultimately will reach the top of the Illuminati’s lucrative international sex slave industry as well as reveal that the headquarters of Satanism is in the bowels of the Vatican.  Even though those two recent legal battles against darkness are ever so welcome, we know they are not the dramatic revelations you have been awaiting. All lighted souls in this universe would love to see the full abundance of truths shooting out like endless fireworks instead of sporadic arrays of sparklers, but it is imperative for the creation of a peace-loving, honest global society that the truths emerge through legal proceedings based on irrefutable evidence. There also is the important issue of how much shocking information psyches can handle at one time.  You can expect the Illuminati to fight viciously all along the way, but their dark activities becoming public cannot be detoured, much less stopped. The door has opened a crack and nothing they can do will keep it from opening wider and wider until the vibrations of the in-pouring light are so powerful that they will vanquish every iota of darkness on the planet. So do not doubt for a moment that the light is winning – in the continuum, where Earth is rapidly heading, the light already has WON!
  • 21. Eruption of volcano in Iceland, an Illuminati work  Matthew Ward - April 26, 2010  We are delighted to see that the eruption of the volcano in Iceland has been attributed by some to manmade technology, and rightfully so. This was not Mother Nature’s doing, nor was the direction of the winds that disrupted airline traffic, stranding thousands of travelers and causing untold financial losses in the many affected nations. Those were the intended effects as the Illuminati are employing every means they can think of to create fear, chaos, confusion and diversion to prevent official acknowledgement of extraterrestrial civilizations’ presence. Because that disclosure heralds the total uprooting of the Illuminati’s evil global empire, they will stop at nothing to keep the televised introduction of our space family from happening.
  • 22. Illuminati Royal Family behind Princess Diana’s death  Matthew Ward - April 26, 2010  In this, there are both a difference and a similarity to the death of Princess Diana. The vehicle crash and the ambulance’s circuitous route to the hospital was the work of the peak of the Illuminati, England’s royal family; and Diana’s physical leave-taking also was a soul contract provision with two purposes: Not only would many others be inspired to carry on reforms she espoused to an extent that she herself could not had she lived; but also the years of the royal family’s shunning of Diana and their cold reaction to the world’s outpouring of grief and love for her aroused doubts about the integrity of British royalty and suspicions about their involvement in her death – questioning what previously was a given is the first step toward an open mind.