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JULY 21st 2017
Los Amish de América; ¿sociedad modelo?
PĂĄrrafo 1 Eleazar Santos
Las comunidades de Amish Americanas viven un estilo de vida que ha cambiado un poco desde el siglo
18; pero respecto de otras cosas, ellos estĂĄn mostrĂĄndole a otros Americanos el camino para llegar al
siglo 21
La señal de transito es, por decirlo menos, inesperada; al conducir a través de una zona rural muy
prospera del Norte de AmĂ©rica, la Ășltima cosa que esperas ver ademĂĄs de la autopista es una señal de
transito amarilla con forma de diamante con un carruaje y un caballo en la mitad! Cuidado con los
caballos y los carruajes en la vía? Que es esto? Hacen ellos carreras de caballos aquí, o qué?
Tu mantienes los ojos bien abiertos por los caballos, pasan dos millas y ves nada, luego de repente, mira!
Vienen hacia ti, del otro lado de la carretera, dos carruajes negros tirados por caballos! Una vez pasan por
tu lado, tu giras para salir del asombro! Que estå pasando? Estån haciendo una película de América del
siglo 18? Los hombres y mujeres dentro del carruaje lucen como si hubieran salido de una novela de
Fennimore Cooper. Luego otra milla y las cosas se ponen aĂșn mĂĄs extrañas, al lado de una muy hermosa
casa de campo, hay una hilera de carruajes. En la puerta de la casa, media docena de hombres vestidos
de trajes negros y con largas barbas, estĂĄn hablando mientras algunas mujeres vestidas de una moda
antigua muy curiosa estĂĄn sentadas en una banca. Es esto 2015 o 1715?
To me it was not so difficult to translate the document because I have read something about this community
before. But, to get a good translation what I do is to pay close attention to punctuation and capitalization of the
document. The idea is to understand the context sentence after sentence, having a clear mental picture of the
situation and then write it using my known words. Not just translating word by word because it could become
painful at moment of writing the translation. Expressions or collocations should be understood and translated as
they come, not as individual words.
PĂĄrrafo 2 Diana Izquierdo
Usted sigue preguntåndose, ¿qué ha pasado a esta parte de los Estados Unidos de América? Se ha introducido
dentro de un tĂșnel del tiempo, y sin darse cuenta, ha retrocedido 300 años, Âżo es la gente que acaba de ver
quienes estĂĄn atrapados en un tĂșnel del tiempo?
Una rĂĄpida consulta en la bomba de gasolina mĂĄs cercana le da la respuesta; estĂĄ en un paĂ­s Amish, y los hombres
y mujeres que ha acabado de ver son Amish, parte de un extraño grupo religioso que se asentó en América en el
siglo 18, y la mayor parte de su estilo de vida ha cambiado muy poco desde entonces.
Si ha visto la película “Testigo”, ya habría sabido algo sobre los Amish, cómo su comunidad es estrictamente
religiosa y autosuficiente, cĂłmo hace la gente Amish sin las cosas esenciales de la vida moderna como electricidad
y carros, y cĂłmo no se mezclan con gente fuera de su propia comunidad. Es prĂĄcticamente insĂłlito para alguien
convertirse en un Amish, que no haya nacido un Amish.
Esto es todo lo que la mayorĂ­a de los americanos conoce sobre la gente Amish, a menos, eso es, que vivan cerca
de ellos y se encuentren con ellos en su vida diaria. Entonces, ¿quiénes son?
Firstly, I chose the faithful method to translate the whole text. Then, I used the tip of reading the whole text
before translating it, highlighted the difficult expressions for me to translate and started the translation.
On the other hand, I had problems with the following words and expressions: Amish, drive on, time warp and
enquiry. For the word “Amish” I used the borrowing technique because is a cultural term that belongs to United
States and cannot be translated. “Drive on” I know is a phrasal verb so I searched on a context dictionary and used
the reformulation or equivalence technique because it was the way to find a good translation in Spanish for the
readers to understand its meaning. For the idiom “driven into” I used the reformulation or equivalence technique
because I needed another way to make it easy to understand in Spanish; the idiom “virtually unheard of” to “es
prácticamente insólito” with reformulation as well. For the expression “time warp” I used the guessing meaning
strategy; although I searched on a context dictionary to be sure. Now, for the word “enquiry” just searched its
meaning in a dictionary. “And much of whose lifestyle” to “y la mayor parte de su estilo de vida” and “the
essentials” to “las cosas esenciales” was translated with the modulation technique so it did not sound awkward.
I also used these techniques in the rest of the text: literal translation and transposition. Literal translation when
did not change the sentence structure and transposition when I had to change some grammatical structures from
English to Spanish. For example, I used transposition translating “United States” to “Estados Unidos”, “have you”
to “se ha”, “gone back 300 years” to “ha retrocedido 300 años”, “how Amish people do” to “cĂłmo hace la gente
Paragraph 3 Nancy Paez
Brevemente, los Amish son miembros de un movimiento religioso ultra-protestante que primero llegó a América
desde el valle superior Rhine hace casi 300 años y han mantenido sus tradiciones y estilo de vida. Son unos
ciudadanos muy respetuosos de la ley, y su comunidad es una en las que el crimen es casi, no completamente,
inexistente; las familias Amish viven vidas estrictas siguiendo el mismo cĂłdigo moral que sus antepasados. En cierto
sentido, ellos de hecho si estĂĄn atrapados en un tĂșnel del tiempo.
Sin embargo, lo mĂĄs notable de los Amish no es su estilo de vida tan pintoresco ni su ropa hecha en casa, si no la
expansión de su comunidad, su eficiencia, su cohesión social, y su reciente adopción de la tecnología “verde”,
incluida la energĂ­a eĂłlica y la energĂ­a solar.
Y a pesar de que trabajan la tierra usando maquinas tradicionales tiradas por cabellos, y no usan fertilizantes
químicos, su agricultura estå -interesantemente- dentro de las mås productivas en Norte América.
It was a little difficult to translate some words that maybe I didn’t know they existed in Spanish and it was
necessary to use the Loan translation technique, for example in the word: ultra-protestant, in which the translation
was word for word and to better understanding it was necessary to change some link words in the beginning of the
sentences. Overall it wasnÂŽt that difficult to translate this paragraph.
‱ Mientras que la AmĂ©rica blanca es, en general, una poblaciĂłn estable en nĂșmeros, la comunidad Amish
estå creciendo mås råpido que cualquier otra comunidad en los Estados Unidos. En los años 40 de 1950
a 1990, el nĂșmero de Amish en la ciudad de Lancaster Pensilvania, la original y aĂșn mĂĄs grande
comunidad Amish en los EE.UU., creciĂł exactamente el 400%, debido a su crecimiento natural, no por
la afluencia de inmigrantes. Los Amish no guardan estadĂ­sticas, pero es seguro asumir que el total de
población Amish de los Estados Unidos en el año 1900 no era mås de dos mil; Hoy en día, los antiguos
Amish, quienes han mantenido las tradiciones mĂĄs tĂ­picas de su religiĂłn y sociedad, mĂĄs de 100.000
comunidades se extendieron por el norte de EE.UU. y Ontario. El nĂșmero total de Comunidades Amish
que vivieron en los Estados Unidos en 2011 fueron estimadas en mĂĄs de 260.000.
‱ Las Comunidades Amish, quienes rechazan la medicina moderna y todas las formas de control de
natalidad, tienen algunas de las familias mås grandes en América, con un promedio de mås de seis hijos
por familia. Pocos abandonan su comunidad. Los adolescentes Amish tienden a ser tan normalmente
rebeldes como cualquier otro adolescente estadounidense, hasta que son bautizados. Hasta que esto
pasa, no estĂĄn obligados a acogerse a los estrictos cĂłdigos de vestuario, peinado y comportamiento de
la comunidad Amish, y muchos aprovechan esta libertad; Antes del bautismo, los adolescentes Amish se
comportan como otros adolescentes estadounidenses; Hasta el 30% de los mayores no bautizados
adolescentes Amish tienen coches propios, y el 40% tienen licencias de conducir! Los adolescentes de la
comunidad Amish también disfrutan del béisbol, del baile e incluso del alcohol! El bautismo Amish tiene
lugar entre las edades de 16 y 21, a veces incluso mĂĄs tarde.
‱ For me, this exercise was meaningful because I learned new vocabulary, it wasn't so difficult because I
knew most of vocabulary, but when I found unfamiliar words I looked for them in the dictionary where
it give me the option of choosing the meaning that best adjusted to the text. However, I have doubts
in the organization of words, I hope I don't have so many mistakes and have a feedback from my Peers
and tutor.
Task 3. Chart
Elaborado por Eleazar Santos
Method Strategy Technique
Read the whole
document first to get a
general idea of the
context, detect possible
gaps in meaning
because of new words or
At the end a
translation should result.
In here the entire
document maintains a
defined structure and
To work on complete
sentences, expressions
or collocations.
Avoid to translate words
In general the strategy
refers to the plan I should
use to face my
translation from the
beginning to the end. It
includes the lexical,
grammar and words I will
use through the whole
The culture and other
allusions should be noted
to avoid implications in
the meaning.
After having a complete
mental picture of the
document writing begins.
Use of known words first
and then look up those
which can fit better to get
a translation with
meaning as closer as the
original words as
possible not using a
direct or literal
Final translation should
be readable and
understandable for
almost any reader
because of the language
used in it.
A translation method is
used for a whole text. Some
methods are: word for word
translation, literal
translation, adaptation,
semantic and
communicative translation.
“The techniques change
within the same text
according to each case and
in function of the elements
to be translated” (Mathieu,
There are direct translation
and oblique translation
techniques. The direct ones
are those “when structural
and conceptual elements of
the source language can be
transposed into the tart
language” (Bosco, n.d).
Include borrowing, literal
On the other hand, oblique
translation is when
structural elements of the
original cannot be translated
without altering
grammatical elements of the
target language. Some of
those are: transposition,
equivalence, adaptation.
According to Loescher
(1991) a translation strategy
is “a conscious procedure
for solving a problem in
Strategies are tasks like
choosing the document to
translate and a method to
translate the text.
Ordudari (2007)
acknowledges that product
related strategies can be
global or local (specific
activities for solving a
Elaborado por: Diana Izquierdo
Method Strategy Technique
Is a way something is done.
A way of performing
something systematic,
organized, and structured
based on experience, custom
and personal preferences.
A plan that specifies a series
of steps that have as purpose
an objective, is a plan of
action to achieve something.
Is a set of procedures,
resources, skill that are used
to complete a specific task.
Elaborado por: Andrea Paez
Task 4. Feedback
Diana Izquierdo: about Eleazar’s contribution
Eleazar, this is my point of view about your translation:
I would translate “America®s Amish” in the title and “America's Amish communities” to "Amish de America"
and “Las comunidades Amish de America” instead of “Las comunidades de Amish Americanas” with the
transposition technique because they are saying that community belongs to America and the word “Americanas”
fits better with “Americans”. I also noticed that the initial question and exclamation marks are missing, in English
the initial mark does not exist, but in Spanish we use it. Besides, the rest of the document is easy to read and
makes sense in Spanish.
Diana Izquierdo: about Andrea’s contribution
Now, this is what I think about your translation, Andrea.
I would translate “though not entirely” to “aunque no completamente” instead of “no completamente” because the
literal translation technique in this case can be useful and does not sound awkward. According to Bosco (n.d) the
direct translation techniques like literal translation is used when structural and conceptual elements can be
transposed into the target language. Therefore, I think for this part a word for word translation works. Also, “si no”
is a single word “sino”, and the word “cabellos” I guess was just a typing mistake so it should be “caballos”. That
is all, the rest of the document makes sense to me.
Have a nice weekend.
Task 4. Feedback
Eleazar Santos: about Diana’s contribution
About translation of paragraph two; we can note that you have a clear understanding of readings assigned to
complete our collaborative task, it is evident that you used them to apply in your translation. Your translation is
easily readable and understandable because of language use. In the same way your reflection gives us a
smooth explanation on how you did it, and the criteria applied at every single example. Both tasks make sense
and guide us through the story in a sequence of events that even sounding strange for many of us it becomes
interesting at moment of reading it. Good job. Congrats!
Eleazar Santos: about Nancy Andrea's contribution.
Your translation shows as well an application of information given to us through the suggested readings for
completing our collaborative task. Despite the fact of the reading is about a community that is not well known, we
can understand your paragraph and have an idea of every fact described because the correct use of language.
In your reflection we can find something that could result common for any person at any language, it is to find
new words even in our mother language, that means we are not experts but we are in a process where we are
learning to become better English teachers. The technology and many other tools exist, it is in our hands to use
them in order to present an excellent translation and you are doing so. Good job. Congrats!
‱ Andrea®s feedback about Eleazar:
‱ Overall I think your translation is adequate and I totally understood it.
‱ I would only change some words:
‱ Line 1: "Que ha cambiado muy poco"
‱ Line 9: Y nos ves nada
‱ Line 15 Comment: very good translation of neat-looking farm-house
‱ Line 18: antigua muy curiosa, sentadas en.....
‱ About your reflection I agree with you, the translation shouldn't be done word by word.
‱ Have a nice day
‱ Marleny Galvis®s feedback about Diana:
‱ Good afternoon Dear Diana: I have read your translation and with respect I did some corrections and suggestions:
‱ ‱ Words are joined and reading is not easy. On the other hand I think it would be better to translate cut off as
aislados and not cortados.
‱ The rest of America = del resto de los Americanos
‱ It would be better El resto de America.
‱ Markets would be better translated by vender u ofrecer no mercados.
‱ “y como muchos otros Americanos están preocupados por muchosdesarrollos modernos”
‱ In this sentence it would be better to replace a "muchos" with another synonym to avoid redundancy in the
‱ These comments are in order to do the best work. Thanks God bless you!
Bonilla, D. (2017, March 22). OVI Translation Tips. Repositorio Institucional UNAD. Retrieved March 22,
2017, from
Bosco, G. (n.d.). Translation Techniques. Retrieved March 22, 2017,
Hampshire, S. (2010, August 31). Retrieved March 22, 2017, from Conference Interpreter Toby Screech
talking about and giving examples reflecting significant differences between interpreting and translation.
Mathieu. (January 2016). 7 técnicas de traducción para facilitar el trabajo. Retrieved from
Ordudari, M. (July 2007). Translation procedures, strategies, and methods. Translation Journal, 11(3).
Retrieved March 22, 2017, from

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Introduction to Nonprofit Accounting: The Basics

Collaborative activity task 3 Translation Techniques

  • 2. Los Amish de AmĂ©rica; Âżsociedad modelo? PĂĄrrafo 1 Eleazar Santos Las comunidades de Amish Americanas viven un estilo de vida que ha cambiado un poco desde el siglo 18; pero respecto de otras cosas, ellos estĂĄn mostrĂĄndole a otros Americanos el camino para llegar al siglo 21
.. La señal de transito es, por decirlo menos, inesperada; al conducir a travĂ©s de una zona rural muy prospera del Norte de AmĂ©rica, la Ășltima cosa que esperas ver ademĂĄs de la autopista es una señal de transito amarilla con forma de diamante con un carruaje y un caballo en la mitad! Cuidado con los caballos y los carruajes en la vĂ­a? Que es esto? Hacen ellos carreras de caballos aquĂ­, o quĂ©? Tu mantienes los ojos bien abiertos por los caballos, pasan dos millas y ves nada, luego de repente, mira! Vienen hacia ti, del otro lado de la carretera, dos carruajes negros tirados por caballos! Una vez pasan por tu lado, tu giras para salir del asombro! Que estĂĄ pasando? EstĂĄn haciendo una pelĂ­cula de AmĂ©rica del siglo 18? Los hombres y mujeres dentro del carruaje lucen como si hubieran salido de una novela de Fennimore Cooper. Luego otra milla y las cosas se ponen aĂșn mĂĄs extrañas, al lado de una muy hermosa casa de campo, hay una hilera de carruajes. En la puerta de la casa, media docena de hombres vestidos de trajes negros y con largas barbas, estĂĄn hablando mientras algunas mujeres vestidas de una moda antigua muy curiosa estĂĄn sentadas en una banca. Es esto 2015 o 1715?
  • 3. Reflection To me it was not so difficult to translate the document because I have read something about this community before. But, to get a good translation what I do is to pay close attention to punctuation and capitalization of the document. The idea is to understand the context sentence after sentence, having a clear mental picture of the situation and then write it using my known words. Not just translating word by word because it could become painful at moment of writing the translation. Expressions or collocations should be understood and translated as they come, not as individual words. PĂĄrrafo 2 Diana Izquierdo Usted sigue preguntĂĄndose, ÂżquĂ© ha pasado a esta parte de los Estados Unidos de AmĂ©rica? Se ha introducido dentro de un tĂșnel del tiempo, y sin darse cuenta, ha retrocedido 300 años, Âżo es la gente que acaba de ver quienes estĂĄn atrapados en un tĂșnel del tiempo? Una rĂĄpida consulta en la bomba de gasolina mĂĄs cercana le da la respuesta; estĂĄ en un paĂ­s Amish, y los hombres y mujeres que ha acabado de ver son Amish, parte de un extraño grupo religioso que se asentĂł en AmĂ©rica en el siglo 18, y la mayor parte de su estilo de vida ha cambiado muy poco desde entonces. Si ha visto la pelĂ­cula “Testigo”, ya habrĂ­a sabido algo sobre los Amish, cĂłmo su comunidad es estrictamente religiosa y autosuficiente, cĂłmo hace la gente Amish sin las cosas esenciales de la vida moderna como electricidad y carros, y cĂłmo no se mezclan con gente fuera de su propia comunidad. Es prĂĄcticamente insĂłlito para alguien convertirse en un Amish, que no haya nacido un Amish. Esto es todo lo que la mayorĂ­a de los americanos conoce sobre la gente Amish, a menos, eso es, que vivan cerca de ellos y se encuentren con ellos en su vida diaria. Entonces, ÂżquiĂ©nes son?
  • 4. Reflection Firstly, I chose the faithful method to translate the whole text. Then, I used the tip of reading the whole text before translating it, highlighted the difficult expressions for me to translate and started the translation. On the other hand, I had problems with the following words and expressions: Amish, drive on, time warp and enquiry. For the word “Amish” I used the borrowing technique because is a cultural term that belongs to United States and cannot be translated. “Drive on” I know is a phrasal verb so I searched on a context dictionary and used the reformulation or equivalence technique because it was the way to find a good translation in Spanish for the readers to understand its meaning. For the idiom “driven into” I used the reformulation or equivalence technique because I needed another way to make it easy to understand in Spanish; the idiom “virtually unheard of” to “es prĂĄcticamente insĂłlito” with reformulation as well. For the expression “time warp” I used the guessing meaning strategy; although I searched on a context dictionary to be sure. Now, for the word “enquiry” just searched its meaning in a dictionary. “And much of whose lifestyle” to “y la mayor parte de su estilo de vida” and “the essentials” to “las cosas esenciales” was translated with the modulation technique so it did not sound awkward. I also used these techniques in the rest of the text: literal translation and transposition. Literal translation when did not change the sentence structure and transposition when I had to change some grammatical structures from English to Spanish. For example, I used transposition translating “United States” to “Estados Unidos”, “have you” to “se ha”, “gone back 300 years” to “ha retrocedido 300 años”, “how Amish people do” to “cĂłmo hace la gente Amish”.
  • 5. Paragraph 3 Nancy Paez Brevemente, los Amish son miembros de un movimiento religioso ultra-protestante que primero llegĂł a AmĂ©rica desde el valle superior Rhine hace casi 300 años y han mantenido sus tradiciones y estilo de vida. Son unos ciudadanos muy respetuosos de la ley, y su comunidad es una en las que el crimen es casi, no completamente, inexistente; las familias Amish viven vidas estrictas siguiendo el mismo cĂłdigo moral que sus antepasados. En cierto sentido, ellos de hecho si estĂĄn atrapados en un tĂșnel del tiempo. Sin embargo, lo mĂĄs notable de los Amish no es su estilo de vida tan pintoresco ni su ropa hecha en casa, si no la expansiĂłn de su comunidad, su eficiencia, su cohesiĂłn social, y su reciente adopciĂłn de la tecnologĂ­a “verde”, incluida la energĂ­a eĂłlica y la energĂ­a solar. Y a pesar de que trabajan la tierra usando maquinas tradicionales tiradas por cabellos, y no usan fertilizantes quĂ­micos, su agricultura estĂĄ -interesantemente- dentro de las mĂĄs productivas en Norte AmĂ©rica. Reflection It was a little difficult to translate some words that maybe I didn’t know they existed in Spanish and it was necessary to use the Loan translation technique, for example in the word: ultra-protestant, in which the translation was word for word and to better understanding it was necessary to change some link words in the beginning of the sentences. Overall it wasnÂŽt that difficult to translate this paragraph.
  • 6. PĂĄrrafo 4 MARLENY GALVIS ‱ Mientras que la AmĂ©rica blanca es, en general, una poblaciĂłn estable en nĂșmeros, la comunidad Amish estĂĄ creciendo mĂĄs rĂĄpido que cualquier otra comunidad en los Estados Unidos. En los años 40 de 1950 a 1990, el nĂșmero de Amish en la ciudad de Lancaster Pensilvania, la original y aĂșn mĂĄs grande comunidad Amish en los EE.UU., creciĂł exactamente el 400%, debido a su crecimiento natural, no por la afluencia de inmigrantes. Los Amish no guardan estadĂ­sticas, pero es seguro asumir que el total de poblaciĂłn Amish de los Estados Unidos en el año 1900 no era mĂĄs de dos mil; Hoy en dĂ­a, los antiguos Amish, quienes han mantenido las tradiciones mĂĄs tĂ­picas de su religiĂłn y sociedad, mĂĄs de 100.000 comunidades se extendieron por el norte de EE.UU. y Ontario. El nĂșmero total de Comunidades Amish que vivieron en los Estados Unidos en 2011 fueron estimadas en mĂĄs de 260.000. ‱ Las Comunidades Amish, quienes rechazan la medicina moderna y todas las formas de control de natalidad, tienen algunas de las familias mĂĄs grandes en AmĂ©rica, con un promedio de mĂĄs de seis hijos por familia. Pocos abandonan su comunidad. Los adolescentes Amish tienden a ser tan normalmente rebeldes como cualquier otro adolescente estadounidense, hasta que son bautizados. Hasta que esto pasa, no estĂĄn obligados a acogerse a los estrictos cĂłdigos de vestuario, peinado y comportamiento de la comunidad Amish, y muchos aprovechan esta libertad; Antes del bautismo, los adolescentes Amish se comportan como otros adolescentes estadounidenses; Hasta el 30% de los mayores no bautizados adolescentes Amish tienen coches propios, y el 40% tienen licencias de conducir! Los adolescentes de la comunidad Amish tambiĂ©n disfrutan del bĂ©isbol, del baile e incluso del alcohol! El bautismo Amish tiene lugar entre las edades de 16 y 21, a veces incluso mĂĄs tarde.
  • 7. Reflection ‱ For me, this exercise was meaningful because I learned new vocabulary, it wasn't so difficult because I knew most of vocabulary, but when I found unfamiliar words I looked for them in the dictionary where it give me the option of choosing the meaning that best adjusted to the text. However, I have doubts in the organization of words, I hope I don't have so many mistakes and have a feedback from my Peers and tutor.
  • 8. Task 3. Chart Elaborado por Eleazar Santos Method Strategy Technique Read the whole document first to get a general idea of the context, detect possible gaps in meaning because of new words or expressions. At the end a communicative translation should result. In here the entire document maintains a defined structure and style. To work on complete sentences, expressions or collocations. Avoid to translate words individually. In general the strategy refers to the plan I should use to face my translation from the beginning to the end. It includes the lexical, grammar and words I will use through the whole translation. The culture and other allusions should be noted to avoid implications in the meaning. After having a complete mental picture of the document writing begins. Use of known words first and then look up those which can fit better to get a translation with meaning as closer as the original words as possible not using a direct or literal translation. Final translation should be readable and understandable for almost any reader because of the language used in it.
  • 9. METHOD TECHNIQUE STRATEGY A translation method is used for a whole text. Some methods are: word for word translation, literal translation, adaptation, semantic and communicative translation. “The techniques change within the same text according to each case and in function of the elements to be translated” (Mathieu, 2016). There are direct translation and oblique translation techniques. The direct ones are those “when structural and conceptual elements of the source language can be transposed into the tart language” (Bosco, n.d). Include borrowing, literal translation. On the other hand, oblique translation is when structural elements of the original cannot be translated without altering grammatical elements of the target language. Some of those are: transposition, equivalence, adaptation. According to Loescher (1991) a translation strategy is “a conscious procedure for solving a problem in translating. Strategies are tasks like choosing the document to translate and a method to translate the text. Ordudari (2007) acknowledges that product related strategies can be global or local (specific activities for solving a problem). Elaborado por: Diana Izquierdo
  • 10. Method Strategy Technique Is a way something is done. A way of performing something systematic, organized, and structured based on experience, custom and personal preferences. A plan that specifies a series of steps that have as purpose an objective, is a plan of action to achieve something. Is a set of procedures, resources, skill that are used to complete a specific task. Elaborado por: Andrea Paez
  • 11. Task 4. Feedback Diana Izquierdo: about Eleazar’s contribution Eleazar, this is my point of view about your translation: I would translate “AmericaÂŽs Amish” in the title and “America's Amish communities” to "Amish de America" and “Las comunidades Amish de America” instead of “Las comunidades de Amish Americanas” with the transposition technique because they are saying that community belongs to America and the word “Americanas” fits better with “Americans”. I also noticed that the initial question and exclamation marks are missing, in English the initial mark does not exist, but in Spanish we use it. Besides, the rest of the document is easy to read and makes sense in Spanish. Diana Izquierdo: about Andrea’s contribution Now, this is what I think about your translation, Andrea. I would translate “though not entirely” to “aunque no completamente” instead of “no completamente” because the literal translation technique in this case can be useful and does not sound awkward. According to Bosco (n.d) the direct translation techniques like literal translation is used when structural and conceptual elements can be transposed into the target language. Therefore, I think for this part a word for word translation works. Also, “si no” is a single word “sino”, and the word “cabellos” I guess was just a typing mistake so it should be “caballos”. That is all, the rest of the document makes sense to me. Have a nice weekend.
  • 12. Task 4. Feedback Eleazar Santos: about Diana’s contribution About translation of paragraph two; we can note that you have a clear understanding of readings assigned to complete our collaborative task, it is evident that you used them to apply in your translation. Your translation is easily readable and understandable because of language use. In the same way your reflection gives us a smooth explanation on how you did it, and the criteria applied at every single example. Both tasks make sense and guide us through the story in a sequence of events that even sounding strange for many of us it becomes interesting at moment of reading it. Good job. Congrats! Eleazar Santos: about Nancy Andrea's contribution. Your translation shows as well an application of information given to us through the suggested readings for completing our collaborative task. Despite the fact of the reading is about a community that is not well known, we can understand your paragraph and have an idea of every fact described because the correct use of language. In your reflection we can find something that could result common for any person at any language, it is to find new words even in our mother language, that means we are not experts but we are in a process where we are learning to become better English teachers. The technology and many other tools exist, it is in our hands to use them in order to present an excellent translation and you are doing so. Good job. Congrats!
  • 13. ‱ FEEDBACK: ‱ AndreaÂŽs feedback about Eleazar: ‱ Overall I think your translation is adequate and I totally understood it. ‱ I would only change some words: ‱ Line 1: "Que ha cambiado muy poco" ‱ Line 9: Y nos ves nada ‱ Line 15 Comment: very good translation of neat-looking farm-house ‱ Line 18: antigua muy curiosa, sentadas en..... ‱ About your reflection I agree with you, the translation shouldn't be done word by word. ‱ Have a nice day ‱ Marleny GalvisÂŽs feedback about Diana: ‱ Good afternoon Dear Diana: I have read your translation and with respect I did some corrections and suggestions: ‱ ‱ Words are joined and reading is not easy. On the other hand I think it would be better to translate cut off as aislados and not cortados. ‱ The rest of America = del resto de los Americanos ‱ It would be better El resto de America. ‱ Markets would be better translated by vender u ofrecer no mercados. ‱ “y como muchos otros Americanos estĂĄn preocupados por muchosdesarrollos modernos” ‱ In this sentence it would be better to replace a "muchos" with another synonym to avoid redundancy in the translation. ‱ These comments are in order to do the best work. Thanks God bless you!
  • 14. Bibliography Bonilla, D. (2017, March 22). OVI Translation Tips. Repositorio Institucional UNAD. Retrieved March 22, 2017, from Bosco, G. (n.d.). Translation Techniques. Retrieved March 22, 2017, from Hampshire, S. (2010, August 31). Retrieved March 22, 2017, from Conference Interpreter Toby Screech talking about and giving examples reflecting significant differences between interpreting and translation. Mathieu. (January 2016). 7 tĂ©cnicas de traducciĂłn para facilitar el trabajo. Retrieved from Ordudari, M. (July 2007). Translation procedures, strategies, and methods. Translation Journal, 11(3). Retrieved March 22, 2017, from