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React Meetup
Full-stack Developer
In a typical React application, data is passed top-down (parent to child) via props, but such usage can be cumbersome for certain types of props (e.g. locale preference, UI theme) that are
required by many components within an application. Context provides a way to share values like these between components without having to explicitly pass a prop through every level of the tree.
When to Use Context Before You Use Context API React.createContext Context.Provider Class.contextType Context.Consumer Context.displayName Examples Dynamic Context Updating Context
from a Nested Component Consuming Multiple Contexts Caveats Legacy API When to Use Context Context is designed to share data that can be considered “global” for a tree of React components,
such as the current authenticated user, theme, or preferred language. For example, in the code below we manually thread through a “theme” prop in order to style the Button component:
Etiam massa nunc, ultricies ac velit nec, dignissim ultrices turpis. Etiam vel sodales justo. Phasellus scelerisque id ante ac fermentum. Curabitur ut vulputate nisl. Vestibulum et lorem
erat. Phasellus at tempus lectus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Fusce rutrum blandit tortor, at congue odio suscipit eget. Nunc felis orci,
fermentum id neque sit amet, tempor volutpat eros.
Before You Use Context Context is primarily used when some data needs to be accessible by many components at different nesting levels. Apply it sparingly because it makes component
reuse more difficult. If you only want to avoid passing some props through many levels, component composition is often a simpler solution than context.
Aliquam eu dapibus sapien. Maecenas eu felis id nibh pellentesque ultrices sed at risus. Vivamus blandit, massa quis tempus convallis, arcu est vehicula sapien, vitae tristique purus
metus sed dui. Curabitur ultricies libero varius accumsan mollis. Nullam venenatis magna lobortis, ornare nisl quis, mollis ligula. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus.
Praesent quis quam et tortor commodo tincidunt.
Creates a Context object. When React renders a component that subscribes to this Context object it will read the current context value from the closest matching Provider above it in the
tree. The defaultValue argument is only used when a component does not have a matching Provider above it in the tree. This default value can be helpful for testing components in isolation
without wrapping them. Note: passing undefined as a Provider value does not cause consuming components to use defaultValue.
Proin non dictum odio. Maecenas mattis augue eu mi pulvinar blandit. Integer iaculis non lacus vitae efficitur. In commodo, nisi ut rutrum rhoncus, massa sapien tempus nulla, et
tincidunt nulla dolor a justo. Aenean euismod metus a varius bibendum. Suspendisse urna sem, auctor in cursus ac, pharetra ut elit. Praesent eget dignissim purus. Nulla eu neque pharetra, facilisis
eros a, luctus turpis. Nullam venenatis, arcu nec condimentum ullamcorper, diam ante efficitur dolor, vitae accumsan nibh purus eget massa. Sed dignissim auctor viverra. Suspendisse placerat
vehicula tortor, ut laoreet urna condimentum interdum. Proin libero diam, eleifend sed felis a, bibendum convallis nibh.
Every Context object comes with a Provider React component that allows consuming components to subscribe to context changes. The Provider component accepts a value prop to be
passed to consuming components that are descendants of this Provider. One Provider can be connected to many consumers. Providers can be nested to override values deeper within the tree. All
consumers that are descendants of a Provider will re-render whenever the Provider’s value prop changes. The propagation from Provider to its descendant consumers (including .contextType and
useContext) is not subject to the shouldComponentUpdate method, so the consumer is updated even when an ancestor component skips an update. Changes are determined by comparing the
new and old values using the same algorithm as
A React component that subscribes to context changes. Using this component lets you subscribe to a context within a function component. Requires a function as a child. The function
receives the current context value and returns a React node. The value argument passed to the function will be equal to the value prop of the closest Provider for this context above in the tree. If
there is no Provider for this context above, the value argument will be equal to the defaultValue that was passed to createContext().
Because context uses reference identity to determine when to re-render, there are some gotchas that could trigger unintentional renders in consumers when a provider’s parent re-
renders. For example, the code below will re-render all consumers every time the Provider re-renders because a new object is always created for value:
What’s Context?
“Context provides a way to pass data through the component tree
without having to pass props down manually at every level.”
“ Another way allowing you to implicitly share data (state) between components ”
What’s Context?
State sharing by passing props
const Parent = () => {
const state = 1;
return (
<Child state={state} />
<Child state={state} />
<Child state={state} />
Props Drilling 𑁋 Passing prop(s) down multiple levels
Props Drilling
const GrandParent = () => <Parent state={state} />;
const Parent = () => <Child state={state} />;
const Child = () => <GrandChild state={state} />;
const GrandChild = () => <p>{state}</p>;
Props Drilling - The problem
Unnecessary re-renders in component tree
Flashing border == Component re-renders
Creating Context instance
import { createContext } from "react";
const ColorContext = createContext(undefined);
Context Provider
const MainApp = () => {
const [currentColor, setCurrentColor] = useState("");
return (
<ColorContext.Provider value={{ currentColor, setCurrentColor }}>
<SetColorButtons />
<GrandParent />
Consuming Context
import { useContext } from "react";
const SetColorButtons = () => {
const colorContextValue = useContext(ColorContext);
return (
...buttons with onClick={() => colorContextValue.setCurrentShape(color)}
Consuming Context
import { useContext } from "react";
const Color = () => {
const colorContextValue = useContext(ColorContext);
return (
<div style={{ background: colorContextValue.currentColor }}>
Color: {color}
Passing data with Context
[Consumer] useContext(ColorContext)
[Provider] <ColorContext.Provider>
Consuming Context Outside Provider
const MainApp = () => {
const [currentColor, setCurrentColor] = useState("");
return (
<GrandParent />
<ColorContext.Provider value={{ currentColor, setCurrentColor }}>
<SetColorButtons />
<GrandParent />
Default Error Message
Consuming Context Outside Provider
const Color = () => {
const colorContextValue = useContext(ColorContext);
return (
<div style={{ background: colorContextValue.currentColor }}>
Color: {color}
const ColorContext = createContext(undefined);
Consuming Context Outside Provider
const MainApp = () => {
const [currentColor, setCurrentColor] = useState("");
return (
<GrandParent />
<ColorContext.Provider value={{ currentColor, setCurrentColor }}>
<SetColorButtons />
<GrandParent />
Custom Error Message
const Color = ({ color }) => {
const colorContextValue = useContext(ColorContext);
if (!colorContextValue) {
throw new Error("ColorContext must be used within ColorProvider");
return (
<div style={{ background: colorContextValue.currentColor }}>
Color: {color}
const ColorProvider = ({ children }) => {
const [currentColor, setCurrentColor] = useState("");
return (
value={{ currentColor, setCurrentColor }}
const MainApp = () => {
return (
<SetColorButtons />
<GrandParent />
const useColor = () => {
const colorContextValue = useContext(ColorContext);
if (!colorContextValue) {
throw new Error("useColor must be used within ColorProvider");
return useContext(ColorContext);
const Color = () => {
const colorContextValue = useColor();
return (
<div style={{ background: colorContextValue.currentColor }}>
Color: {color}
Simple drawing app!
Global state
const PaintContext = createContext(undefined);
const PaintProvider = ({ children }) => {
const [currentShape, setCurrentShape] = useState("");
const [currentColor, setCurrentColor] = useState("");
const value = {
return <PaintContext.Provider value={value}>{children}</PaintContext.Provider>;
const usePaint = () => {
const paintContextValue = useContext(PaintContext);
if (!paintContextValue) {
throw new Error("usePaint must be used within PaintProvider");
return paintContextValue;
Provider at root level
const App = () => {
return (
<Header />
<LeftPanel />
<RightPanel />
const PaintPreview = () => {
const { currentShape, currentColor } = usePaint();
return <RenderedObject shape={currentShape} color={currentColor} />;
const ShapePreview = () => {
const { currentShape } = usePaint();
return <RenderedObject shape={currentShape} />;
const ColorPreview = () => {
const { currentColor } = usePaint();
return <div>{currentColor}</div>;
const ShapeSelection = () => {
const { setCurrentShape } = usePaint();
return ...buttons with onClick={() => setCurrentShape(shape)}
const ColorSelection = () => {
const { setCurrentColor } = usePaint();
return ...buttons with onClick={() => setCurrentShape(color)}
Global state at root level
[Provider] <PaintContext.Provider>
const { currentShape,currentColor} = usePaint();
const { currentShape } = usePaint();
const { currentColor } = usePaint();
const { setCurrentShape } = usePaint();
const { setCurrentColor } = usePaint();
Move Provider closer to where it’s needed
const App = () => {
return (
<Header />
<LeftPanel />
<RightPanel />
ShapePreview & ShapeSelection does NOT need
to re-render when color changed
Problem with Global State
... Vice Versa
Breaking global state into smaller related states
const PaintContext = createContext(undefined);
const PaintProvider = ({ children }) => {
const [currentShape, setCurrentShape] = useState("");
const [currentColor, setCurrentColor] = useState("");
const value = {
return <PaintContext.Provider value={value}>{children}</PaintContext.Provider>;
const usePaint = () => {
const paintContextValue = useContext(PaintContext);
if (!paintContextValue) {
throw new Error("usePaint must be used within PaintProvider");
return paintContextValue;
Break into 2 Contexts
const ShapeContext = createContext(undefined);
const ShapeProvider = ({ children }) => {
const [currentShape, setCurrentShape] = useState("");
const value = { currentShape, setCurrentShape };
return <ShapeContext.Provider value={value}>{children}</ShapeContext.Provider>;
const useShape = () => {
const shapeContextValue = useContext(ShapeContext);
if (!shapeContextValue)... throw error ...
return shapeContextValue;
const ColorContext = createContext(undefined);
const ColorProvider = ({ children }) => {
const [currentColor, setCurrentColor] = useState("");
const value = { currentColor, setCurrentColor };
return <ColorContext.Provider value={value}>{children}</ColorContext.Provider>;
const useColor = () => {
const colorContextValue = useContext(ColorContext);
if (!colorContextValue)... throw error ...
return colorContextValue;
Abstraction layer (Optional)
const PaintProvider = ({ children }) => {
return (
Consuming Context separately
const PaintPreview = () => {
const { currentShape } = useShape();
const { currentShape } = useColor();
return <RenderedObject shape={currentShape} color={currentColor} />;
const ShapePreview = () => {
const { currentShape } = useShape();
return <RenderedObject shape={currentShape} />;
const ColorPreview = () => {
const { currentColor } = useColor();
return <div>{currentColor}</div>;
const ShapeSelection = () => {
const { setCurrentShape } = useShape();
return ...buttons with onClick={() => setCurrentShape(shape)}
const ColorSelection = () => {
const { setCurrentColor } = useColor();
return ...buttons with onClick={() => setCurrentShape(color)}
Consuming Context separately
[Provider] <PaintContext.Provider>
const { currentShape } = useShape();
const { currentColor } = useColor();
const { currentShape } = useShape();
const { setCurrentShape } = useShape();
const { currentColor } = useColor();
const { setCurrentColor } = useColor();
Unnecessary re-render
ShapeSelection has no reason to re-render
…Same for ColorSelection
Prevent re-render with React.memo
import { memo } from "react";
const ShapeSelection = memo(() => {
const { setCurrentShape } = useShape();
return ...buttons with onClick={() => setCurrentShape(shape)}
React.memo does not stop component from re-rendering
Prevent re-render with React.memo
import { memo } from "react";
const ShapeSelection = memo(() => {
const { setCurrentShape } = useShape();
return ...buttons with onClick={() => setCurrentShape(shape)}
Unnecessary re-render
Consuming Context
const PaintPreview = () => {
const { currentShape } = useShape();
const { currentShape } = useColor();
return <RenderedObject shape={currentShape} color={currentColor} />;
const ShapePreview = () => {
const { currentShape } = useShape();
return <RenderedObject shape={currentShape} />;
const ColorPreview = () => {
const { currentColor } = useColor();
return <div>{currentColor}</div>;
const ShapeSelection = () => {
const { setCurrentShape } = useShape();
return ...buttons with onClick={() => setCurrentShape(shape)}
const ColorSelection = () => {
const { setCurrentColor } = useColor();
return ...buttons with onClick={() => setCurrentShape(color)}
Split Context
const ShapeProvider = ({ children }) => {
const [currentShape, setCurrentShape] = useState("");
const value = { currentShape, setCurrentShape };
return <ShapeContext.Provider value={value}>{children}</ShapeContext.Provider>;
Split Context
const ShapeGetterContext = createContext(undefined);
const ShapeSetterContext = createContext(undefined);
const ShapeProvider = ({ children }) => {
const [currentShape, setCurrentShape] = useState("");
const getterValue = useMemo(() => ({ currentShape }), [currentShape]);
const setterValue = useMemo(() => ({ setCurrentShape }), []);
return (
<ShapeGetterContext.Provider value={getterValue}>
<ShapeSetterContext.Provider value={setterValue}>{children}</ShapeSetterContext.Provider>
const useShapeGetter = () => {
const shapeGetterContextValue = useContext(ShapeGetterContext);
if (!shapeGetterContextValue) ... throw error ...
return shapeGetterContextValue;
const useShapeSetter = () => {
const shapeSetterContextValue = useContext(ShapeSetterContext);
if (!shapeSetterContextValue) ... throw error ...
return shapeSetterContextValue;
Split Context
Context Display Name in DevTool
ShapeGetterContext.displayName = "ShapeGetterContext";
ShapeSetterContext.displayName = "ShapeSetterContext";
ColorGetterContext.displayName = "ColorGetterContext";
ColorSetterContext.displayName = "ColorSetterContext";
Use cases
● Global State
○ ThemeProvider
○ LocaleProvider
● Compound Component [Flexible & Implicitly share state]
○ CollapsiblePanel
Use cases
const PanelGetterContext = createContext(undefined);
const PanelSetterContext = createContext(undefined);
PanelGetterContext.displayName = "PanelGetterContext";
PanelSetterContext.displayName = "PanelSetterContext";
const usePanelState = () => {
const context = useContext(PanelGetterContext);
if (context === undefined) throw new Error("...");
return context;
const usePanelStateToggle = () => {
const context = useContext(PanelSetterContext);
if (!context) throw new Error("...");
return context;
const PanelLabel = ({ children }) => {
const toggle = usePanelStateToggle();
return <div onClick={toggle}>{children}</div>;
const PanelDetails = ({ children }) => {
const open = usePanelState();
return open ? <div>{children}</div> : null;
const Panel = ({ children }) => {
const [open, setOpen] = useState(false);
const toggle = useCallback(() => setOpen((o) => !o), []);
return (
<PanelGetterContext.Provider value={open}>
<PanelSetterContext.Provider value={toggle}>{children}</PanelSetterContext.Provider>
<label>Collapsible Panel</label>
Why… When... What...
Do’s… Dont’s… Optimization...
Global State… Collapsible Panel...
Thank you for listening

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React context

  • 5. In a typical React application, data is passed top-down (parent to child) via props, but such usage can be cumbersome for certain types of props (e.g. locale preference, UI theme) that are required by many components within an application. Context provides a way to share values like these between components without having to explicitly pass a prop through every level of the tree. When to Use Context Before You Use Context API React.createContext Context.Provider Class.contextType Context.Consumer Context.displayName Examples Dynamic Context Updating Context from a Nested Component Consuming Multiple Contexts Caveats Legacy API When to Use Context Context is designed to share data that can be considered “global” for a tree of React components, such as the current authenticated user, theme, or preferred language. For example, in the code below we manually thread through a “theme” prop in order to style the Button component: Etiam massa nunc, ultricies ac velit nec, dignissim ultrices turpis. Etiam vel sodales justo. Phasellus scelerisque id ante ac fermentum. Curabitur ut vulputate nisl. Vestibulum et lorem erat. Phasellus at tempus lectus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Fusce rutrum blandit tortor, at congue odio suscipit eget. Nunc felis orci, fermentum id neque sit amet, tempor volutpat eros. Before You Use Context Context is primarily used when some data needs to be accessible by many components at different nesting levels. Apply it sparingly because it makes component reuse more difficult. If you only want to avoid passing some props through many levels, component composition is often a simpler solution than context. Aliquam eu dapibus sapien. Maecenas eu felis id nibh pellentesque ultrices sed at risus. Vivamus blandit, massa quis tempus convallis, arcu est vehicula sapien, vitae tristique purus metus sed dui. Curabitur ultricies libero varius accumsan mollis. Nullam venenatis magna lobortis, ornare nisl quis, mollis ligula. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Praesent quis quam et tortor commodo tincidunt. Creates a Context object. When React renders a component that subscribes to this Context object it will read the current context value from the closest matching Provider above it in the tree. The defaultValue argument is only used when a component does not have a matching Provider above it in the tree. This default value can be helpful for testing components in isolation without wrapping them. Note: passing undefined as a Provider value does not cause consuming components to use defaultValue. Proin non dictum odio. Maecenas mattis augue eu mi pulvinar blandit. Integer iaculis non lacus vitae efficitur. In commodo, nisi ut rutrum rhoncus, massa sapien tempus nulla, et tincidunt nulla dolor a justo. Aenean euismod metus a varius bibendum. Suspendisse urna sem, auctor in cursus ac, pharetra ut elit. Praesent eget dignissim purus. Nulla eu neque pharetra, facilisis eros a, luctus turpis. Nullam venenatis, arcu nec condimentum ullamcorper, diam ante efficitur dolor, vitae accumsan nibh purus eget massa. Sed dignissim auctor viverra. Suspendisse placerat vehicula tortor, ut laoreet urna condimentum interdum. Proin libero diam, eleifend sed felis a, bibendum convallis nibh. Every Context object comes with a Provider React component that allows consuming components to subscribe to context changes. The Provider component accepts a value prop to be passed to consuming components that are descendants of this Provider. One Provider can be connected to many consumers. Providers can be nested to override values deeper within the tree. All consumers that are descendants of a Provider will re-render whenever the Provider’s value prop changes. The propagation from Provider to its descendant consumers (including .contextType and useContext) is not subject to the shouldComponentUpdate method, so the consumer is updated even when an ancestor component skips an update. Changes are determined by comparing the new and old values using the same algorithm as A React component that subscribes to context changes. Using this component lets you subscribe to a context within a function component. Requires a function as a child. The function receives the current context value and returns a React node. The value argument passed to the function will be equal to the value prop of the closest Provider for this context above in the tree. If there is no Provider for this context above, the value argument will be equal to the defaultValue that was passed to createContext(). Because context uses reference identity to determine when to re-render, there are some gotchas that could trigger unintentional renders in consumers when a provider’s parent re- renders. For example, the code below will re-render all consumers every time the Provider re-renders because a new object is always created for value: INTRODUCTION & APIs What’s Context?
  • 6. “Context provides a way to pass data through the component tree without having to pass props down manually at every level.” - “ Another way allowing you to implicitly share data (state) between components ” - me INTRODUCTION & APIs What’s Context?
  • 7. INTRODUCTION & APIs State sharing by passing props const Parent = () => { const state = 1; return ( <> <Child state={state} /> <Child state={state} /> <Child state={state} /> </> ); };
  • 8. Props Drilling 𑁋 Passing prop(s) down multiple levels INTRODUCTION & APIs Props Drilling const GrandParent = () => <Parent state={state} />; const Parent = () => <Child state={state} />; const Child = () => <GrandChild state={state} />; const GrandChild = () => <p>{state}</p>;
  • 9. INTRODUCTION & APIs Props Drilling - The problem Unnecessary re-renders in component tree Flashing border == Component re-renders
  • 10. INTRODUCTION & APIs Creating Context instance import { createContext } from "react"; const ColorContext = createContext(undefined);
  • 11. INTRODUCTION & APIs Context Provider const MainApp = () => { const [currentColor, setCurrentColor] = useState(""); return ( <ColorContext.Provider value={{ currentColor, setCurrentColor }}> <SetColorButtons /> <GrandParent /> </ColorContext.Provider> ); };
  • 12. INTRODUCTION & APIs Consuming Context import { useContext } from "react"; const SetColorButtons = () => { const colorContextValue = useContext(ColorContext); return ( ...buttons with onClick={() => colorContextValue.setCurrentShape(color)} ); };
  • 13. INTRODUCTION & APIs Consuming Context import { useContext } from "react"; const Color = () => { const colorContextValue = useContext(ColorContext); return ( <div style={{ background: colorContextValue.currentColor }}> Color: {color} </div> ); };
  • 14. INTRODUCTION & APIs Passing data with Context [Consumer] useContext(ColorContext) [Provider] <ColorContext.Provider>
  • 16. DIVE DEEPER & TIPS Consuming Context Outside Provider const MainApp = () => { const [currentColor, setCurrentColor] = useState(""); return ( <> <GrandParent /> <ColorContext.Provider value={{ currentColor, setCurrentColor }}> <SetColorButtons /> <GrandParent /> </ColorContext.Provider> </> ); };
  • 17. DIVE DEEPER & TIPS Default Error Message
  • 18. DIVE DEEPER & TIPS Consuming Context Outside Provider const Color = () => { const colorContextValue = useContext(ColorContext); return ( <div style={{ background: colorContextValue.currentColor }}> Color: {color} </div> ); }; const ColorContext = createContext(undefined);
  • 19. DIVE DEEPER & TIPS Consuming Context Outside Provider const MainApp = () => { const [currentColor, setCurrentColor] = useState(""); return ( <> <GrandParent /> <ColorContext.Provider value={{ currentColor, setCurrentColor }}> <SetColorButtons /> <GrandParent /> </ColorContext.Provider> </> ); };
  • 20. DIVE DEEPER & TIPS Custom Error Message const Color = ({ color }) => { const colorContextValue = useContext(ColorContext); if (!colorContextValue) { throw new Error("ColorContext must be used within ColorProvider"); } return ( <div style={{ background: colorContextValue.currentColor }}> Color: {color} </div> ); };
  • 21. DIVE DEEPER & TIPS Abstraction const ColorProvider = ({ children }) => { const [currentColor, setCurrentColor] = useState(""); return ( <ColorContext.Provider value={{ currentColor, setCurrentColor }} > {children} </ColorContext.Provider> ); }; const MainApp = () => { return ( <ColorProvider> <SetColorButtons /> <GrandParent /> </ColorProvider> ); };
  • 22. DIVE DEEPER & TIPS Abstraction const useColor = () => { const colorContextValue = useContext(ColorContext); if (!colorContextValue) { throw new Error("useColor must be used within ColorProvider"); } return useContext(ColorContext); }; const Color = () => { const colorContextValue = useColor(); return ( <div style={{ background: colorContextValue.currentColor }}> Color: {color} </div> ); };
  • 23. DIVE DEEPER & TIPS Simple drawing app!
  • 24. DIVE DEEPER & TIPS Global state const PaintContext = createContext(undefined); const PaintProvider = ({ children }) => { const [currentShape, setCurrentShape] = useState(""); const [currentColor, setCurrentColor] = useState(""); const value = { currentShape, currentColor, setCurrentShape, setCurrentColor, }; return <PaintContext.Provider value={value}>{children}</PaintContext.Provider>; }; const usePaint = () => { const paintContextValue = useContext(PaintContext); if (!paintContextValue) { throw new Error("usePaint must be used within PaintProvider"); } return paintContextValue; };
  • 25. DIVE DEEPER & TIPS Provider at root level const App = () => { return ( <PaintProvider> <Header /> <MainLayout> <LeftPanel /> <RightPanel /> </MainLayout> </PaintProvider> ); }; const PaintPreview = () => { const { currentShape, currentColor } = usePaint(); return <RenderedObject shape={currentShape} color={currentColor} />; }; const ShapePreview = () => { const { currentShape } = usePaint(); return <RenderedObject shape={currentShape} />; }; const ColorPreview = () => { const { currentColor } = usePaint(); return <div>{currentColor}</div>; }; const ShapeSelection = () => { const { setCurrentShape } = usePaint(); return ...buttons with onClick={() => setCurrentShape(shape)} }; const ColorSelection = () => { const { setCurrentColor } = usePaint(); return ...buttons with onClick={() => setCurrentShape(color)} };
  • 26. DIVE DEEPER & TIPS Global state at root level [Provider] <PaintContext.Provider> [Consumer] const { currentShape,currentColor} = usePaint(); [Consumer] const { currentShape } = usePaint(); [Consumer] const { currentColor } = usePaint(); [Consumer] const { setCurrentShape } = usePaint(); [Consumer] const { setCurrentColor } = usePaint();
  • 27. DIVE DEEPER & TIPS Move Provider closer to where it’s needed const App = () => { return ( <> <Header /> <PaintProvider> <MainLayout> <LeftPanel /> <RightPanel /> </MainLayout> </PaintProvider> </> ); };
  • 28. ShapePreview & ShapeSelection does NOT need to re-render when color changed DIVE DEEPER & TIPS Problem with Global State ... Vice Versa
  • 29. DIVE DEEPER & TIPS Breaking global state into smaller related states const PaintContext = createContext(undefined); const PaintProvider = ({ children }) => { const [currentShape, setCurrentShape] = useState(""); const [currentColor, setCurrentColor] = useState(""); const value = { currentShape, currentColor, setCurrentShape, setCurrentColor, }; return <PaintContext.Provider value={value}>{children}</PaintContext.Provider>; }; const usePaint = () => { const paintContextValue = useContext(PaintContext); if (!paintContextValue) { throw new Error("usePaint must be used within PaintProvider"); } return paintContextValue; };
  • 30. DIVE DEEPER & TIPS Break into 2 Contexts const ShapeContext = createContext(undefined); const ShapeProvider = ({ children }) => { const [currentShape, setCurrentShape] = useState(""); const value = { currentShape, setCurrentShape }; return <ShapeContext.Provider value={value}>{children}</ShapeContext.Provider>; }; const useShape = () => { const shapeContextValue = useContext(ShapeContext); if (!shapeContextValue)... throw error ... return shapeContextValue; }; const ColorContext = createContext(undefined); const ColorProvider = ({ children }) => { const [currentColor, setCurrentColor] = useState(""); const value = { currentColor, setCurrentColor }; return <ColorContext.Provider value={value}>{children}</ColorContext.Provider>; }; const useColor = () => { const colorContextValue = useContext(ColorContext); if (!colorContextValue)... throw error ... return colorContextValue; };
  • 31. DIVE DEEPER & TIPS Abstraction layer (Optional) const PaintProvider = ({ children }) => { return ( <ShapeProvider> <ColorProvider>{children}</ColorProvider> </ShapeProvider> ); };
  • 32. DIVE DEEPER & TIPS Consuming Context separately const PaintPreview = () => { const { currentShape } = useShape(); const { currentShape } = useColor(); return <RenderedObject shape={currentShape} color={currentColor} />; }; const ShapePreview = () => { const { currentShape } = useShape(); return <RenderedObject shape={currentShape} />; }; const ColorPreview = () => { const { currentColor } = useColor(); return <div>{currentColor}</div>; }; const ShapeSelection = () => { const { setCurrentShape } = useShape(); return ...buttons with onClick={() => setCurrentShape(shape)} }; const ColorSelection = () => { const { setCurrentColor } = useColor(); return ...buttons with onClick={() => setCurrentShape(color)} };
  • 33. DIVE DEEPER & TIPS Consuming Context separately [Provider] <PaintContext.Provider> [Consumer] const { currentShape } = useShape(); const { currentColor } = useColor(); [Consumer] const { currentShape } = useShape(); [Consumer] const { setCurrentShape } = useShape(); [Consumer] const { currentColor } = useColor(); [Consumer] const { setCurrentColor } = useColor();
  • 34. DIVE DEEPER & TIPS Unnecessary re-render ShapeSelection has no reason to re-render …Same for ColorSelection
  • 35. DIVE DEEPER & TIPS Prevent re-render with React.memo import { memo } from "react"; const ShapeSelection = memo(() => { const { setCurrentShape } = useShape(); return ...buttons with onClick={() => setCurrentShape(shape)} });
  • 36. DIVE DEEPER & TIPS React.memo does not stop component from re-rendering
  • 37. DIVE DEEPER & TIPS Prevent re-render with React.memo import { memo } from "react"; const ShapeSelection = memo(() => { const { setCurrentShape } = useShape(); return ...buttons with onClick={() => setCurrentShape(shape)} }); ❌
  • 38. DIVE DEEPER & TIPS Unnecessary re-render
  • 39. DIVE DEEPER & TIPS Consuming Context const PaintPreview = () => { const { currentShape } = useShape(); const { currentShape } = useColor(); return <RenderedObject shape={currentShape} color={currentColor} />; }; const ShapePreview = () => { const { currentShape } = useShape(); return <RenderedObject shape={currentShape} />; }; const ColorPreview = () => { const { currentColor } = useColor(); return <div>{currentColor}</div>; }; const ShapeSelection = () => { const { setCurrentShape } = useShape(); return ...buttons with onClick={() => setCurrentShape(shape)} }; const ColorSelection = () => { const { setCurrentColor } = useColor(); return ...buttons with onClick={() => setCurrentShape(color)} };
  • 40. DIVE DEEPER & TIPS Split Context const ShapeProvider = ({ children }) => { const [currentShape, setCurrentShape] = useState(""); const value = { currentShape, setCurrentShape }; return <ShapeContext.Provider value={value}>{children}</ShapeContext.Provider>; };
  • 41. DIVE DEEPER & TIPS Split Context const ShapeGetterContext = createContext(undefined); const ShapeSetterContext = createContext(undefined); const ShapeProvider = ({ children }) => { const [currentShape, setCurrentShape] = useState(""); const getterValue = useMemo(() => ({ currentShape }), [currentShape]); const setterValue = useMemo(() => ({ setCurrentShape }), []); return ( <ShapeGetterContext.Provider value={getterValue}> <ShapeSetterContext.Provider value={setterValue}>{children}</ShapeSetterContext.Provider> </ShapeGetterContext.Provider> ); }; const useShapeGetter = () => { const shapeGetterContextValue = useContext(ShapeGetterContext); if (!shapeGetterContextValue) ... throw error ... return shapeGetterContextValue; }; const useShapeSetter = () => { const shapeSetterContextValue = useContext(ShapeSetterContext); if (!shapeSetterContextValue) ... throw error ... return shapeSetterContextValue; };
  • 42. DIVE DEEPER & TIPS Split Context
  • 43. DIVE DEEPER & TIPS Context Display Name in DevTool ShapeGetterContext.displayName = "ShapeGetterContext"; ShapeSetterContext.displayName = "ShapeSetterContext"; ColorGetterContext.displayName = "ColorGetterContext"; ColorSetterContext.displayName = "ColorSetterContext";
  • 45. EXAMPLES Use cases ● Global State ○ ThemeProvider ○ LocaleProvider ● Compound Component [Flexible & Implicitly share state] ○ CollapsiblePanel
  • 46. EXAMPLES Use cases const PanelGetterContext = createContext(undefined); const PanelSetterContext = createContext(undefined); PanelGetterContext.displayName = "PanelGetterContext"; PanelSetterContext.displayName = "PanelSetterContext"; const usePanelState = () => { const context = useContext(PanelGetterContext); if (context === undefined) throw new Error("..."); return context; }; const usePanelStateToggle = () => { const context = useContext(PanelSetterContext); if (!context) throw new Error("..."); return context; }; const PanelLabel = ({ children }) => { const toggle = usePanelStateToggle(); return <div onClick={toggle}>{children}</div>; }; const PanelDetails = ({ children }) => { const open = usePanelState(); return open ? <div>{children}</div> : null; }; const Panel = ({ children }) => { const [open, setOpen] = useState(false); const toggle = useCallback(() => setOpen((o) => !o), []); return ( <PanelGetterContext.Provider value={open}> <PanelSetterContext.Provider value={toggle}>{children}</PanelSetterContext.Provider> </PanelGetterContext.Provider> ); }; <Panel> <label>Collapsible Panel</label> <PanelLabel> <h1>Label</h1> </PanelLabel> <PanelDetails> <h2>Details...</h2> <p>Details...</p> </PanelDetails> </Panel>
  • 47. INTRODUCTION & APIs Why… When... What... DIVE DEEPER & TIPS Do’s… Dont’s… Optimization... EXAMPLES Global State… Collapsible Panel...
  • 48. Q&A
  • 49. Thank you for listening Credits

Hinweis der Redaktion

  1. This is sharing state. Passing prop to components is fundamentally state sharing Why do we need this context thing What’s a problem with passing props down like this?
  2. It becomes cumbersome, annoying, explicit and pollute to pass down multiples levels. I’m okay with prop drilling. So what’s the problem? It costs you some performance
  3. In this example Have Buttons for selecting color at root level in <MainApp/> Color as state Wanna render color in <Color/> way down in the tree In order to do that, passing down thru GP/P/C/GC When color changes Intermediate components have to re-render Even the color has nothing to do with them Only Color component needs to react to the color change Let’s see how Context will help solve this problem
  4. Use Color as state like previous example Call a function With Param: defaulValue (required in TS) Fallb ack When context can’t find matching provider up in the tree Return Context instance In this instance, it has a Provider component as a property
  5. Provider component requires value prop Value == context value So we pass a value as an object Containing; color and setter Wrap everything inside it like so
  6. useContext hook Passing your context instance Subscribe to change of value The ones that your just pass as a prop And Give you the value as a return value This component consume the context to get the setter function
  7. This component consume the context to get the color value <Color /> doestnot take any prop ===> implicitly share state
  8. That’s it intermediate components are no longer re-render
  9. What’s gonna happen
  10. Talk about defaultValue
  11. Value is undefined
  12. dont
  13. Improvement to error message More meaningful
  14. Cleaner provider
  15. Cleaner consumer Next: more complex example to see some more tips when using context
  16. Explain what is it doing Structure next?
  17. Explain parts We need Shape Value & setter Color Value & setter next?
  18. Wrap everything inside Provider Consume in many parts like so next?
  19. Render nicely? Intermediate comps dont rerender? Why header re-render? next?
  20. Provider doesn’t necessarily have to be at root level Wrap it closest to where it needed next?
  21. This can be consider two different functionality Don’t put unrelated state al together
  22. From what we see herer, We ONLY use shape in one And setter in another
  23. The way we consume it Consume whole object with value & setter Does not need to