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Architecture As Language MarkusVoelter
About Markus Voelter Independent Consultant
About Markus Voelter Independent Consultant Software Architecture DSLs & MDSD ProductLines
About Markus Voelter Independent Consultant skype: schogglad
Architecture DSLs/MDSD
Architecture DSLs/MDSD ProductLines
Architecture DSLs/MDSD ProductLines This Talk
Architecture Whatever has to be consistent throughout a system to satisfy requirements and -ilities. != granularity evolves over time
DSLs/MDSD Modeling  Language Design Code Generation  UML, SysML or ADLs here: Textual
ProductLines Managing the Variability between a family of related, but not identical products
Based on actualpracticalexperience
Currently in usewithfourofmycustomers
Benchmarkedby suitabilityforuse in today‘sprojects
Part 1 A real-word Story 1.1   		System Background 1.2   		The Starting Point 1.3   		What is a language? 1.4   		Developing the Language …
Part 2 TheoryandConcepts 2.1   		What we did in a Nutshell 2.2   		Domain Specific Languages 2.3 		The Importance of Viewpoints 2.4   		Benefits 2.5   		Why Textual? 2.6   		Model Validation 2.7   		Generating Code 2.8 		Architecture Analysis Tools 2.9    	Standards, UML and ADLs …
Part 2 TheoryandConcepts 2.10    	Why not use a 3GL? 2.11    	My Notion of Components 2.12  	Component Implementation 2.13 	The Role of Patterns 2.14 	Documentation 2.15 	Expressing Variability 2.16		PLE – Big Picture 2.17		Process 2.18 	Underlying Concepts
More Reading: Thispresentationis not suitableforreadingwithoutmetalking in parallel. Youcan find documentsdescribingthecontentat
1 A Real-World Story
Customer Consultant
Requirements Domain Expertise Solution Approach
1.1 A Real-World Story System Background
Flight Management System
Monitors Website Aircraft-Module Data Center
Distributed System
A lotofexperiencewithsystemslikethese
Evolveover 15 – 20 years
Multiple Languages Java C++ C#
Technology Abstraction
Cannot update  everythingatonce
Loose coupling Versioning
Different Installations have different features
Variants ProductLines
1.2 A Real-World Story The Starting Point
Backbone:Messaging [Good]
Technology Evaluated
BusinessObject Model [Not so good]
Problem:Consistence? Big Picture? Technology Abstraction?
Huge & Typical Problem
Formal Language!
1.3 A Real-World Story Whatis a language?
INFORMAL Set of well-definedterms
INFORMAL Stakeholders agree on meaning
FORMAL Metamodel
FORMAL Metamodel Grammar
FORMAL Metamodel Grammar Notation
1.4 A Real-World Story Developingthe Language
Let‘sdefine a formal languagetodescribethesystem‘sarchitecture
Component:SmallestArchitecturally Relevant Building Block
Component:Piece offunctionality
Component:Can beinstantiated
Initial Components: Delay Calculator Info Screen Aircraft Module
componentDelayCalculator{} componentInfoScreen {} componentAircraftModule {}
Language == ConceptualArchitecture
„Program“ == Application Architecture
Conceptual: Component Application: DelayCalculator, InfoScreen, Aircraft Module
DelayCalculator receivesdatafrom Aircraft Module
DelayCalculator forwardsdata to InfoScreens
componentDelayCalculatorimplementsIDelayCalculator {} componentInfoScreenimplementsIInfoScreen {} componentAircraftModuleimplementsIAircraftModule {} interfaceIDelayCalculator {} interfaceIInfoScreen {} interfaceIAircraftModule {}
But wedon‘t express interface requirements!
Interface provision + Interfacerequirement  Dependencygraph
Essentialfor understanding andtool-based Analysis
componentDelayCalculator { providesIDelayCalculator requiresIInfoScreen } componentInfoScreen { providesIInfoScreen } componentAircraftModule { providesIAircraftModule requiresIDelayCalculator } interfaceIDelayCalculator {} interfaceIInfoScreen {} interfaceIAircraftModule {}
Therearemany InfoScreens andAircraftModules
Components needtobeinstantiated
Instantiation: veryimportant conceptwhendefininglanguages
componentInfoScreen { providesIInfoScreen } instance screen1: InfoScreen instance screen2: InfoScreen …
Componets (types) arealreadycompatible viatheirinterfaces.
OneDelayCalculatortypicallytalkstomany InfoScreens
Port: CommunicationEndpoint
Port: OwnedbyComponent
Port: Instantiatedalong withComponent
Port: Can havecardinality
componentDelayCalculator { provides default: IDelayCalculator requires screens[0..n]: IInfoScreen } componentInfoScreen { provides default: IInfoScreen } componentAircraftModule { provides default: IAircraftModule requires calculator[1]: IDelayCalculator }
Weshould separate portsand interfaces byroles!
componentDelayCalculator { provides aircraft: IAircraftStatus providesmanagementConsole: IManagementConsole requires screens[0..n]: IInfoScreen } component Manager { requires backend[1]: IManagementConsole } componentInfoScreen { provides default: IInfoScreen } componentAircraftModule { requires calculator[1]: IAircraftStatus }
Enrichmentof Language   BetterApplicationArchitecture
Howtoactuallyconnectinstances andtheirports?
Connector: Connectstwoormoreportinstances
componentDelayCalculator {   requires screens[0..n]: IInfoScreen   … } componentInfoScreen { provides default: IInfoScreen } instance dc: DelayCalculator instance screen1: InfoScreen instance screen2: InfoScreen   connectdc.screens to (screen1.default, screen2.default)
How do westructure/organizetheoverallsystem?
namespacecom.mycompany { namespace datacenter { componentDelayCalculator { provides aircraft: IAircraftStatus providesmanagementConsole: IManagementConsole requires screens[0..n]: IInfoScreen     } component Manager { requires backend[1]: IManagementConsole     }   } namespace mobile { componentInfoScreen { provides default: IInfoScreen     } componentAircraftModule { requires calculator[1]: IAircraftStatus     }   } }
Systems are a separate viewpoint
namespacecom.mycompany.test { systemtestSystem { instance dc: DelayCalculator instance screen1: InfoScreen instance screen2: InfoScreen connectdc.screens to (screen1.default, screen2.default)   } }
Wedon‘tknowthe InfoScreens statically whenthesystemisdesigned!
Dynamic Connectors
Dynamic Connector:Discovers target(s) atruntimeusing a  naming/trader/registryservice
namespacecom.mycompany.production { instance dc: DelayCalculator   // InfoScreen instances are created and    // started in other configurations  dynamicconnectdc.screensevery 60 query {     type = IInfoScreen     status = active   } }
Dynamic Wiring does not invalidate theoverallapproach
Similar Approach canbeusedfor redundant connectors
Registration Properties forinstances used in lookup
namespacecom.mycompany.datacenter { registeredinstance dc1: DelayCalculator { parameters {role = primary}   } registeredinstance dc2: DelayCalculator { parameters {role = backup}   } }
Interfaces aren‘treallydefinedyet
Interface:setofrelated messages
interfaceIInfoScreen { messageexpectedAircraftArrivalUpdate          (id: ID, time: Time) messageflightCancelled(flightID: ID)   … }
Data Structures
typedef long ID struct Time {   hour: int   min: int   seconds: int }
Different kinds ofmessages: oneway, req/resp
Message Interaction Patterns
interfaceIAircraftStatus { onewaymessagereportPosition                  (aircraft: ID, pos: Position ) request-replymessagereportProblem { request (aircraft: ID, problem: Problem,               comment: String) reply (repairProcedure: ID)    } }
Is itreally Messages?
Status Updates! Flight Plans…!
Messages aretheimplementation, notthearchitecturalintent.
Data Replication
Data Replication Define Data Updated byfew, readbymany Full update, incremental update,invaldation…
New architecturalabstractionisadded tothelanguage
structFlightInfo {   from: Airport   to: Airport   scheduled: Time   expected: Time   … }   replicatedsingleton flights {   flights: FlightInfo[] }   componentDelayCalculator { publishes flights }   componentInfoScreen { consumes flights }
More Concise
System derives Messages for (full & partial) update, invalidation, etc.
More specifics
componentDelayCalculator { publishes flights { publication = onchange } }   componentInfoScreen { consumes flights { init = all update = every(60) } }
We stillneedmessages.  Semantics?
Pre- and Post- Conditions
interfaceIAircraftStatus { onewaymessagereportPosition(aircraft: ID,                                 pos: Position ) { pre aircraft != null: “aircraft not specified” pre pos != null: “position not specified”   } request-replymessagereportProblem { request (aircraft: ID, problem: Problem,                            comment: String) reply (repairProcedure: ID)  pre aircraft != null: “aircraft not specified” pre problem != null: “problem not specified” postrepairProcedure != null   } }
Common Constraints: Shorter Syntax
interfaceIAircraftStatus { onewaymessagereportPosition(aircraft: ID!,                  pos: Position! )  request-replymessagereportProblem { request (aircraft: ID!, problem: Problem!,              comment: String!) reply (repairProcedure: !ID)    } }
Message Sequences: Protocol State Machines
interfaceIAircraftStatus { onewaymessageregisterAircraft(aircraft: ID! )  onewaymessageunregisterAircraft(aircraft: ID! )  onewaymessagereportPosition(aircraft: ID!,                  pos: Position! )  request-replymessagereportProblem { request (aircraft: ID!, problem: Problem!,              comment: String!) reply (repairProcedure: !ID)    } protocolinitial = new { state new { registerAircraft => registered     } state registered {  unregisterAircraft => new reportPosition reportProblem     }   } }
Invariantsfor Data Structures
struct Time {   hour: int   min: int   seconds: int inv hour >= 0 && hour <= 23: “hour must be 0-23” inv min >= 0 && min <= 59: “min must be 0-59” inv seconds >= 0 && seconds <= 59: “seconds must be 0-59” }
Mark upversionsofcomponents (andotherstuff)
componentDelayCalculator { publishes flights { publication = onchange } } newImplOfcomponentDelayCalculator: DelayCalculatorV2
componentDelayCalculator { publishes flights { publication = onchange } } newVersionOfcomponentDelayCalculator:               DelayCalculatorV3 { publishes flights { publication = onchange } providessomethingElse: ISomething }
TheEnd ! ofthe Story :-)
 None ofthosethingsisnew orunique.
But everything isexpressedexplicitlyandconsistently, all in oneplace.
2 TheoryandConcepts
2.1 TheoryandConcepts Whatwedid in a Nutshell
As you understand anddevelopyour Architecture…
Develop a languageto express it!
Language resemblesarchitecturalconcepts
We express theapplication(s) withthelanguage.
Architecture DSL
2.2 TheoryandConcepts Domain SpecificLanguages
A DSL is a focussed, processablelanguagefor describing a specific concernwhen building a system in a specific domain. Theabstractionsandnotationsused are natural/suitablefor the stakeholderswho specify that particular concern.
internal vs. external
compiled vs. interpreted
customization vs. configuration
graphical vs. textual
2.3 TheoryandConcepts The ImportanceofViewpoints
viewpoint A „perspective“ towardsthesystem
Based on a slideby Steve Cook and IEEE 1471
Type Deployment Composition
2.4 TheoryandConcepts Benefits
Clear Understanding frombuildingthelanguage
Unambigious Vocabulary
Conceptsindependent from Technology
Programming Model canbedefinedbased on ConceptualArcitecture
Architecture„executable“ (i.e. morethanrulesanddocs)
2.4 TheoryandConcepts WhyTextual?
2.4 TheoryandConcepts … or:why not graphical?
Languagesand Editors areeasiertobuild
Languagesand Editors areeasiertobuild Evolve Language and simple editorasyou understand anddiscussthearchitecture, in real time!
Integrateseasilywithcurrentinfrastructure: CVS/SVN diff/merge
Model evolutionistrivial, youcanalwaysusegrep. adaptingexistingmodelsasthe DSL evolves
Many Developers  prefertextualnotations
When a graphical notation isbetter, youcanvisualize.
Via M2M Read-Only Auto-Layout Drill-Down
Textual DSLs        vs.      Graphical          vs.        Visualization
I am aware of the usefulness of graphical notations. I am exaggerating here a little bit. But: We’ve been building software with text only for a long time. We know it works.
2.5 TheoryandConcepts Tooling
Severaltoolsavailable. Example:oAWXtext
Generated Metamodel
Generated Editor
Generated Editor Code Completion
Generated Editor Syntax Coloring Custom KeywordColoring
Generated Editor RealtimeConstraintValidation
Generated Editor Customizable Outlines
Generated Editor Code Folding
Generated Editor Goto Definition  Find References Cross-File References Model as EMF
Generated Editor
GrapVizTrafo Code
Another Tool…? OSLO
Another Tool…? Jetbrains MPS
Another Tool…?
2.6 TheoryandConcepts Model Validation
Grammaris not expressiveenough
More Validation Rules Required:Constraints
Simple Examples: Name-Uniqueness Type Checks Non-Nullness
More ComplexExamples: Version Compatibility Overall completeness Quality of Service
context Interface ERROR"interface names must start "+  "with a capital I": name.startsWith("I"); context Component ERROR"Qualified Name "+qualifiedName()+" must be unique" : allComponents().     select( c | c.qualifiedName() == qualifiedName() )      .size == 1; context Attribute ERROR"no type defined: "+          visibleInstancesOfType(this, DataType)       .contains(type);    context Connector ERROR"target must be provided port": ProvidedPort.isInstance( u);
Precondition I: AlgorithmforConstraint
Precondition II: All Data Available
2.7 TheoryandConcepts Generating Code
Sincewealready have a formal model….
Generate API MapsArchitecturalConceptsto Implementationlanguage (non-trivial!)
Implementation Implementationonlydepends onthegeneratedprogramming model API
Programming Model Generated API + Usage Idioms Completely Technology-Independent
Runtime Infrastructure Select based on fit wrt. toarchitectural conceptsand non-functionalrequirements
Glue Code Aka Technology Mapping Code Maps API toselectedplatform
Glue Code ContainsConfiguration Files forPlatform Mightrequire „mix in models“
SeveralPlatforms Different Platforms, not Languages Support forScaling (non-functionalreq) Testing!
Benefits:More EfficientImpl. Technology Independent Consistence/Quality Architecture-Conformance
Code Gen Sequence 1) Generate API 2) Write Impl Code 3) Select Platform 4) GenerateGlue Code
Separate Models forstuff relevant forthe API vs. system/deploymentstuff
2.8 TheoryandConcepts Architecture Analysis Tools
SoftwareTomographySonarJ Structure 101 … andthelike
How do youdescribe Architecture?
Constraint-Driven: AssemblePackagesinto Components Definelayers/columns Defineand Check valid Dependencies
You do not get a  waytodefineandexpress architectural abstractionsbeyondthose!
Dependency Analysis Anti Pattern Detection Metrics [Trend Analysis] [Visualization]
Police Approach: Detect Problems After thefact!
Anti Pattern Detection Metrics Usefulformanuallywrittenpartsofthesystem
Dependency Analysis Usefulformanuallywrittenpartsofthesystem Constraintsgenerated fromthe model.
2.9 TheoryandConcepts Standards,UML and ADLs
FormalArchitecture Description is not new:                           ADLs, UML
But allofthoseuseexisting, genericlanguages!
Tryingto express yourspecificarchitecturewithpredefinedabstractionsis not useful!
Youwanttobuild a languagetocaptureyourownarchitecturalabstractionsasyourlearnthings.
Peoplehavetolearnarchitecturalconcepts anyway.
Is UML with a profilestill a standardlanguage?
On whichmetaleveldo I wanttostandardize? M2 (UML), M3 (MOF)?
Isn‘t a DSLbased on MOFas „standard“ as a profilebased on UML?
UMLProfilesinstead? You‘llthinkmoreabout UML-itiesthanyourownconcepts
UMLProfilesinstead? Tool integrationissues (repository, diff/merge, versioning)
UMLProfilesinstead? Tools areoftencomplex, heavyweight, bloated. Acceptance limited.
UML Generally Useless? No. UML canbeusedfordocu-mentation (sequencediagrams, eg)
NB: Youcando all ofthiswith UML!  However, myexprienceshowsitismuchlessproductiveand agile. Ifyouhave a UML-basedorganization, use UML.
2.10 TheoryandConcepts Why not use a 3GL?
ArchitecturalAbstractionsarenotfirstclasscitizensin 3GLs
Classescanrepresenteverything– especiallywithannotations (metadata)
Problems:shoehorningintoclasses; like UML
Problems:annotations = stereotypes
Problems:limited analyzability(not a model)
Problems:mix architecturalandimplementationconcerns
2.11 TheoryandConcepts My Notion of Components
DefinitionsAbound: A Building Block forsoftwaresystems
DefinitionsAbound: Something withexplicitcontextdependenciesonly
DefinitionsAbound: Something thatcontainsbusinesslogicandruns in a container
My Understanding: Smallestarchitecturally relevant building block
My Understanding: Black Box - Architecturally
My Understanding: All architecturally relevant aspectsspecifieddeclaratively (model)
My Understanding: Analyzable, Composablebytools
My Understanding: Running in container, providestechnicalservicesatcomponentboundary
The specificstructureandmetadataof a componentdefinedspecificallyforeachproject/system/ productline
Thisiswhatwe do withthe … Architecture DSL
2.12 TheoryandConcepts ComponentImplementation
By Default: ManualyProgrammingagainsttheProgMod API
Alternatives: Generate, based on config
Alternatives: Generate, based on config State Machines
Alternatives: Generate, based on config State Machines RuleLanguages + Engines
Alternatives: Generate, based on config State Machines RuleLanguages + Engines Specific DSL
Tointegratebehavior, createspecificabstractionsin thearchitecture DSL. ADD THE CASCADING STUGGF HERE
Note: A lotofimplementationcanbegeneratedautomatically (noconfig) fromthe model (persistence, serialization, …)
2.13 TheoryandConcepts The Roleof Patterns
Pattern: Proven solutions to recurring problems, including their applicability, trade-offs and consequences.
Architecture Patterns: “Blueprint” for a specific architectural style
Architecture Patterns: “Blueprint” for a specific architectural style  Inspires the concepts     for architecture DSL
Design Patterns: More concrete, moreimplementation-relatedthanarch. patterns
Design Patterns: More concrete, moreimplementation-relatedthanarch. patterns Typicallydoes not end up in the DSL, but …
Design Pattern: More concrete, moreimplementation-relatedthanarch. patterns putintothecodegenerator
It‘s not thecodegeneratorwhodecidesabouttheimplementationof a pattern – it‘s still the (generator) developer! A Pattern ismorethanthesolution UML diagram!
2.14 TheoryandConcepts Documentation
The DSL andthe „programs“ aredocumentation.
So I don‘thavetowrite… … moredocs?
      Not quite.
Grammaris a good formal definition, but not a teachingtool.
Grammaris a good formal definition, but not a teachingtool. Tutorials
Tutorials: ArchitecturalConcepts (Meta Model) Howtousethelanguage Howtousetheprogramming model   (Howtogeneratecode)   (Howtoaddmanualcode)
Tutorials: ArchitecturalConcepts (Meta Model) Howtousethelanguage Howtousetheprogramming model   (Howtogeneratecode)   (Howtoaddmanualcode) ExampleDriven!
Grammardescribeswhatthearchitecturelookslike. But: Whyisitthatway?
Rationales ConceptualArchitecture RelatetoGrammar
Rationales ConceptualArchitecture RelatetoGrammar Technological Decisions Non-Func. Req.
2.15 TheoryandConcepts ExpressingVariability
Different Variants ofthe System for different customers.
How do I  express this in themodels?
Negative Variability: Conditionallytakingsomethingaway
Negative Variability: Conditionallytakingsomethingaway Feature Models
componentDelayCalculator { provides default: IDelayCalculator requires screens[0..n]: IInfoScreen providesmon: IMonitoringfeature monitoring }
componentDelayCalculator { provides default: IDelayCalculator requires screens[0..n]: IInfoScreen providesmon: IMonitoringfeature monitoring }
namespacemonitoringStufffeature monitoring {   componentMonitoringConsole { requires devices:[*]: IMonitor   } instance monitor: MonitoringConsole dynamicconnectmonitor.devicesquery {     type = IMonitor   }   }
Positive Variability:Conditionallyaddingsomethingto a minimal core
Positive Variability:Conditionallyaddingsomethingto a minimal core Aspects
namespacemonitoring {   componentMonitoringConsole … instance monitor: … dynamicconnectmonitor.devices …   aspect (*) component { providesmon: IMonitoring   } }
componentDelayCalculator {   … } componentAircraftModule {   … } componentInfoScreen {   … }
componentDelayCalculator {   … } componentAircraftModule {   … } componentInfoScreen {   … } componentDelayCalculator {   … providesmon: IMonitoring } componentAircraftModule {   … providesmon: IMonitoring } componentInfoScreen {   … providesmon: IMmonitoring } aspect (*) component { providesmon: IMonitoring  }
Weaver isgeneric: workswith all (container) model elements
aspect (*) <type>     all instancesoftype  aspect (tag=bla)<type>   all instanceswith tag bla aspect (name=S*) <type> all instanceswhosenamestartswith S
AO + Features namespacemonitoring feature monitoring {   componentMonitoringConsole … instance monitor: … dynamicconnectmonitor.devices …   aspect (*) component { providesmon: IMonitoring   } }
2.16 TheoryandConcepts PLE – Big Picture
Configuration vs. Customization
Customization vs. Configuration
Customization vs. Configuration
MDSD - Thumbnail
MD-PLE - Thumbnail fewer!
MD-PLE: Models
MD-PLE – Thumbnail II moreoptions
Variability in theprocesschain Transformation AO (oAW)
Variability in theprocesschain Generator AO (oAW)
2.17 TheoryandConcepts Process
Iterate! Concepts
Iterate! Concepts GrammarConstraints
Iterate! Examples Concepts GrammarConstraints
Iterate! Generator Examples Concepts GrammarConstraints
Iterate! Generator Code Completion, etc. Examples Concepts GrammarConstraints
Reviews still necessary!
Reviews still necessary! 	but simplified, becausearchitectureismore explicit
Architect (Team) ArchitecturalConcepts Grammar, Constraints Examples Programming Model
Tool Engineer Editor Customization (API) Code Generator
Platform Expert Glue Code Generator
Application Developer Uses Language Generates Code Writes Manual Code against gen. API Code
New  language foreach system?
Common Base?
Reusable Language Modules?
2.18 TheoryandConcepts Underlying Concepts
Declaration Implementation
Types & Instances
Hierarchical Decomposition
Handle Crosscuts
Go Meta
Don‘t Overspecify
Make Explicit
THE END. Thankyou. Questions?
Architecture As Language

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Fusing Modeling and Programming into Language-Oriented Programming
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