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.Identify factors affect or alter mobility   

Describe the impact of immobility on physiologic and     
.psychological functioning

Discuss appropriate subjective and objective data to collect   
.to assess mobility status

Demonstrate nursing interventions, such as positioning, 
ambulating, providing range of motion, and using assistive

Plan strategies to avoid musculoskeletal injury to the   
.nurse and client during client care

The musculoskeletal system is the 
.supposing framework for the body
The bones and muscles are involved      
in movement and are responsible for
. the body's form and shape
Central and peripheral nerves 
coordinate the complex activity of
movement posture and balance
against the force of gravity requires
smooth, joints, and nerves and a
.stable center of gravity
Carrying out coordinated
movement is a complex
Even with a framework of bones
held together by ligaments and
covered with soft tissue and
skin, normal function cannot
occur without coordinated
muscle activity and
.neurological integration
Nervous Systems Control
Normal mobility requires the
smooth control of movement
 provided by the nervous system
Any disorder that impairs the
ability of the nervous systems to
control muscular movement and
coordination hinders functional
:Circulation and Oxygenation      

The skeletal muscles need adequate          

amounts   of    oxygen    to     function
                              . optimally
The lungs must provide oxygen to the        

hemoglobin while removing carbon
dioxide, the byproduct of aerobic
            . metabolism in the muscles
The heart must adequately pump blood
to the muscles and supply other body
organs with enough blood to meet
the increased demands imposed by
. exercise
Many chronic disorders limit the supply
of oxygen and nutrients needed for
muscle contraction and movement
such as congestive heart failure or
.peripheral vascular disease
:Energy 
Energy for muscle function is derived    

from using oxygen and the
breakdown products of food to
.produce muscle contraction
Any conditions that strain nutritional   

stores deplete energy necessary for
. movement
:Congenital problems
Some conditions such as bifida or
cerebral palsy, are present at birth
. cannot be cured
Treatment goals are maximal functional
.mobility and minimal complications
:Affective Disorders 
Severe affective disorders can hinder
. mobility
Depression and catatonic states result in
limited mobility, not because of physical
impairments but because the person
. lacks the desire to move
Fear, especially of pain on movement,
may cause some people to restrict their
.movements as well
:Therapeutic Modalities    

Sometimes, limited movement is the        
      .treatment of medical problems
Restrictive devices, such as casts,       

braces, and splints can immobilize
certain areas of the body to promote
                              . healing
Bed rest is another treatment             
whereby motility is restricted for
                 .therapeutic benefits
To promote healing and tissues repair by
.decreasing metabolic needs

.To relive edema

.To reduce the body oxygen requirements

.To decrease pain

To support a weak ,exhausted, or febrile
Decreased muscle strength and
Disused may be accompanied by
muscles atrophy, which is a
.decrease in muscles size
Decrease in muscle strength may
be so sever that the client can
.not support his body weight
Lack of Coordination   

Lack of coordination occurs 
when neurological control and
regulation of movement are
Ataxia: is a general term used to 
.describe defective muscle coordination

Tremor : is a rhythmic repetitive 
movement that can occur at rest or
when movement is initiated. A tremor
usually interferes with fine motor
control, but in Parkinson's disease it
also can interfere with coordinated
. ambulation
Chorea: is spontaneous brief, involuntary
muscle twitching of the limbs or facial
muscles; severe chorea hinders

Athetosis: is movement characterized by
.slow, irregular, twisting motions

Dystonia: is similar to athetosis but 
usually involves larger areas of the
Altered Gait   

Abnormal gait can affect the rhythm.   

steadiness, or speed of walking
An ataxic gait is characterized by 
.staggering and unsteadiness
Decreased Joint Flexibility 
Decreased joint flexibility typically occurs with   
altered mobility because decreased movement
. causes joints to stiffenss
Normal ROM decreases, because fibrosis and 
. fixation affect the joint structures
Muscles atrophy when they do not regularly 
shorten and lengthen during normal muscle
contraction. Initially, decreased flexibility and
altered ROM occur in affected joints, but if the
joints remain immobilized, contractures can
. occur
A contracture: is the progressive shortening of     
a muscle and loss of joint mobility resulting
from fibrotic changes in the tissues
Pain on movement     

Impaired mobility is often caused or         
     . accompanied by pain on movement
Pain can result from physical injury, as     
in sprains, strains, or torn ligaments, or
it may result from degenerative and
                 . inflammatory processes
Osteoarthritis (degeneration of the          
articular surface of weight-bearing
joints) and rheumatoid arthritis (an
inflammatory disorder that affects
joints) are two common disorders that
limit mobility secondary to discomfort/
Activity Intolerance 
Decreased ability to tolerate activity 
. often accompanies impaired mobility
Activity intolerance :is the state in 
which the person has inadequate
physiologic or psychological energy to
. endure or to complete an activity
A balance must occur between the 
. activity and the client's energy
Symptoms associated with activity 
intolerance are dyspnea, tachycardia,
.discomfort, weakness, and fatigue
. Disuse Osteoporosis 
Immobility results in an imbalance 
between osteoblastic and osteoclastic
activity, because normal stress and strain
imposed on bone through movement are an
. important part of osteoblastic processes
In the immobilized client, osteoblasts 
continue to lay down bony matrix, but
osteoclasts, break down bone faster than
osteoblasts can build it. The result is a loss
. of bony matrix
Disuse osteoporosis results in bones that 
are more porous, brittle, and susceptible to
Increased Cardiac Workload 
Cardiac workload is increased in the   

immobilized client because the heart
must work harder when the body is
. supine than when it is erect
Orthostatic Hypotension 
Orthostatic hypotension is the deceased 
ability to maintain systemic blood
pressure when changing from a supine to
. an upright position
Immobility decreases the effectiveness 
. of neurovascular reflex
During inactivity, regulatory adjustments 
. are not used and become inactive
Sympathetic stimulation may still occur   

in response to standing up right, but
peripheral vessels do not respond to
this stimulation. Therefore,
vasoconstriction does not occur, and a
.drop in blood pressure results

Another factor that may contribute to 
orthostatic hypotension is the
ineffectiveness of the muscle pump in
promoting venous return. This is
especially true of muscles atrophied by
. immobility
: Thrombus Formation and Embolism        

A thrombus is a blood clot composed of           
platelets, fibrin, and cellular elements that
   . attaches to the wall of an artery or vein
A thrombus most commonly originates in           
the large veins of the legs because of the
 .relatively low velocity of blood flow there
This condition is called deep vein               
                           (. thrombosis (DVT
When the clot breaks away from the               
vessel wall and enters circulating blood, it
                        .is called an embolus
The clot lodges in the circulatory       

system as the diameter of the vessels
decreases.    This    most   commonly
occurs when the thrombus enters the
pulmonary vasculature, where it
interferes with blood flow to the lung
               (. (a pulmonary embolus

Large pulmonary emboli can cause         

immediate death, but small thrombi
   .may produce no clinical symptoms
Immobility promotes venous stasis,          

contributing to the development of

When leg muscles are inactive, venous       

return to the heart decreases with
time the gravitational effect of the
supine    position    results   in    the
redistribution of body fluids, with a net
             . decrease in venous return
Decreased Lung Expansion    

The immobilized client experiences 
greater -than-normal resistance to
breathing, resulting in under inflation of
the lungs and increased work of
The immobile client, breathes less deeply    

and with greater effort. The supine client
must overcome two resistances that do
. not ordinarily work against breathing
First, the diaphragm ,second, the           

pressure of the bed against the chest
wall    limits    the    client's   chest
movement. Together, these factors
result    in   diminished     depth    of
                              . breathing
Because the immobilized client's            

activity level is less than normal, less
carbon dioxide is produced. This
results in a lower level of stimulation
for    breathing,     causing     further
Decreased depth of breathing can result        
in the collapse of alveoli, which in turn,
hinders the exchange of oxygen and
carbon dioxide. This condition causes
alveolar     collapse    is   known      as
                               . atelectasis
In addition to limiting the lungs'ability      
to      exchange     gases,      atelectasis
    . predisposes the client to pneumonia
The client ability to cough deeply is          
often limited; thus, mucus may become
trapped in the lung, providing a rich
            .medium for microbial growth
:Decreased Metabolic Rate 
The basal metabolic rate decreases 
. during immobility
Severely restricted activity affects the   

amount and pattern of production of
thyroid hormone, adrenocorticotropic
hormone, aldosterone, and insulin. It
.also alters drug metabolism
Negative Nitrogen Balance: In an active             
person, a balance exists between protein
              . breakdown and protein synthesis
However, immobility raises the rate of protein      
breakdown, probably because of muscle
atrophy. A negative nitrogen balance results
when nitrogen excretion exceeds dietary
                                         . intake
Anorexia:(loss of appetite) is common in            
                            . immobilized clients
Decreased metabolic rate is accompanied by          
decreased caloric need. Moreover, if the client
is confined to a healthcare facility, the
institutional food, eating in a supine position,
environmental factors, and psychological state
: Impaired Immunity        

The immune system is weakened                 

                      . during immobility
Catabolism   of    immunoglobulin         G   

doubles, significantly decreasing the
normal concentration of circulating
Leukocytes are less able to engulf and        

              . destroy microorganisms
Lymphatic transport may be decreased          

as well when skeletal muscles are
:Pressure Sores     

Pressure sores form when pressure           

exerted over an area of skin or
subcutaneous     tissue   exceeds     the
pressure required for adequate blood
                            . to the area
Cells die because they do not receive       

oxygen and nutrients and because
           . waste products accumulate
Pressure is usually concentrated on         

bony prominences but can occur
      . anywhere that pressure is great
In the supine position, pressure is         

greatest over the back of the skull and
at   the   elbows,    sacrum,     ischial
               . tuberosities, and heels
In the sitting position, the greatest       

pressure is at the ischial tuberosities
                       .and the sacrum
:Urinary Stasis   

The immobilized client may not heed the        
urge to void. Clients in institutional
settings may not want to bother the
nurse by asking for a bedpan. Some
clients try to void when they feel the need
but have difficulty relaxing the perineal
          .muscles from the supine position
Delaying micturition causes urine to           
collect in the bladder. Chronic delay can
lead to overstretching of the detrusor
muscle in the bladder wall, permanent
changes in bladder tone, and long-term
consequences       for   normal      voiding
In the upright position, gravity          

encourages the continual flow of urine
from each renal pelvis into the
ureters, and from the ureters to the
                              . bladder
When a person is supine, the ureters      

are above the level of many renal
calyces, which means that urine must
flow upward against gravity to enter
                           .the ureters
:Urinary retention   

poses significant problems for the            

immobilized      client.   One    problem,
urinary stasis, contributes to urinary
       . tract infections and renal calculi
Bladder distention, another problem,          

leads to overflow incontinence, which is
embarrassing for the client and can
           .contribute to skin breakdown
: Urinary Tract Infection      

Stagnant urine makes a good medium              

                     . for bacterial growth
Bladder distention can cause small tears        

in the delicate bladder mucosa, Which
contributed to the incidence of urinary
                            . tract infection
When the client experiences distention,         

catheterization may be necessary to
empty    the   bladder.      With     an   of
catheterization comes the risk of
introducing pathogen and infection into
: Renal Calculi   

Urinary stasis and an increased serum                 
calcium level promote the formation of renal
                        (. calculi (kidney stones
As serum calcium levels rise (the result of           
calcium loss from the bones ), the kidney
excretes more calcium. This raises urinary
calcium     levels.   Because      calcium     can
precipitate from solution to form crystals and
because stagnant urine encourages the
aggregation of crystals, renal calculi pose a
                            . significant problem
Dehydration, common tit the immobilized               
client, also increases the incidence of calculi
Additionally, infection caused by some urea-          
splitting organisms makes the urine more
alkaline,    which   also     promotes      calculi
:Constipation      

Even in a healthy person, dietary changes,         
activity variations, or emotional stress
              . affect normal bowel patterns
The immobilized client faces additional            
changes. Abdominal and perineal muscles
can be weakened by muscle atrophy,
making it more difficult for the client to
bear down and exert pressure to evacuate
                                         . stool
As stool descends against the rectum, the          
person feels the stimulus to defecate. In an
upright posture, stool descends more
quickly into the rectal area, eliciting a
                            .strong stimulus
In the supine position, rectal filling is slow,    
The defecation reflex also can be affected if     
the person postpones defecation after
recognizing the stimulus to defecate. This
happens frequently in the immobilized client,
who may feel embarrassed or may need
                       . assist to use a bedpan
When a person delays defecation, fecal            
material increases in size and the intestine
absorbs more water from the feces, making
           . stool passage even; more difficult
Dehydration, common in the immobile client,       
also can contribute to constipation. The
result may be fecal impaction (hard stool
contained in the rectum that cannot be
removed naturally by defecation). Often,
 iquid stool seeps around the obstruction
Immobility can interfere with normal            

sleep     patterns.    Normal       activity,
especially physical work, and aerobic
exercise produce a sense of fatigue that
helps the person fall asleep and obtain
                             . restful sleep
The immobilized client may doze                 

frequently during the day, disrupting
       . normal night time sleep patterns
The   immobilized     client     must    be,    

awakened frequently to be turned ,
monitored or given treatment and
Because immobility decreases freedom to             
interact normally with the environment, the
client receives less sensory information,
preoccupation     with  somatic     complaints,
difficulty with time perception difficulty with
un-derstanding     and  following     directions,
crying,    and   other  emotional      outbursts
                             . frequently occur
Contusion is common but reversible it normal        
sensory input returns. In severe cases,
sensory deprivation can occur, causing the
client to experience visual and auditory
Pain may result from physiologic changes that       
occur     with  immobility.   Joint    stiffness,
pneumonia, pressure sores, thrombosis, and
emboli can contribute to discomfort. The
perception of pain also may intensify because
Changes in self-perception and self-concept         
come accompany functional motor impairment
                                 . or immobility
Immobility contributes to a feeling of              
powerlessness, especially when the client
must depend on others. Motor impairment can
alter body image, especially if the impairment
results from loss of a body part. Self-concept
is altered when the client must depend on
devices such as crutches, wheelchairs, or
walkers. Problems with coordination can
cause embarrassment (eg, the client may
worry about appearing awkward or even
                                   (. intoxicated
Altered body image can negatively impact self-      
esteem and lead to a feeling of lowered self-
Loss of mobility is not something the        
client chooses or desires. With trauma,
the loss occurs suddenly. In some
cases, it is permanent, requiring the
client to adapt to different functional
                               . abilities

Despite supportive social interactions       
with family and friends, immobilized
clients may spend many hours alone
        . and are often bored or/ lonely
Depression, anger, and anxiety are           
Lack of privacy, depression, fatigue,       

and      physical    limitations      can
contribute    to    decreased      sexual
                               . function
immobility may impede grooming              

activities that are often important in
           . maintaining sexual identity
For some clients with long-term             

motor      impairments,      such      as
paraplegia, sexual function may be
permanently altered, requiring the
client to learn new methods of sexual
Impaired mobility can severely restrict      

the client's ability to perform normal
daily activities, either temporarily or
Coordination and muscle Strength are         

necessary for eating, dressing, and
grooming. Usually, the nurse can show
the client ways to function successfully
        . and despite physical limitations
Setting short-term, achievable goals      
and developing a long-range Plan in
collaboration with the healthcare
team    (eg,     physician,   physical
therapist, occupational therapist,
psychologist, social worker) usually
             . achieve the best results
For example, ambulatory physical          
therapy sessions may help the client
with   mobility     problems     regain
          .function and independence
Therapeutic positioning is used to prevent           
complications when mobility is limited. The
client may be placed in specific positions to
facilitate  diagnostic     tests    or    surgical
                                   . intervention
Common positioning postures include prone            
(face on down), supine (lying on back), high
Fowler's (head of the bed elevated 80 to 90
degrees), semi-Fowler's (head of the bed
elevated 30 to 45 degrees), dorsal recumbent
(supine with legs flexed in an elevated
position), knee-chest position, Trendelenburg
(supine with head lower than feet), lateral or
side-lying position, and Sims' (semiprone be a
                 (. prone and side-lying position
Positions most commons used for the                  
immobile client include supine, Fowler's,
Regardless of the specific position,          

general principles of body mechanics
should be used in any position change
                                       : to
Maintain proper body alignment and            

                  . support a body parts
Avoid pressure, especially over body          

prominences, by adequately padding
                             . these areas
Such positioning aids as pillows, splints,    

footboards,   and    foam      rubber    or
       .sheepskin protectors are helpful
Immobile clients should be turned           
and repositioned every 2 hours, More
      . frequent turning may be needed
Significant factors include the amount      
of adipose tissue, skeletal structure,
underlying pathophysiology, comfort
level, skin condition, and level of
                               . mobility
Assessing for skin condition and signs      
of    pressure     is    important     in
determining the turning schedule.
Decreased      capillary    refill  and
blanched or reddened areas indicate
Turning       schedules     should      be   
incorporated in the plan of care and
posted at the bedside whether the
client is receiving care in the home, a
long-term care facility, or a hospital.
This helps ensure consistency of care
between different shifts and different
                              . caregivers
In extended-care facilities, where many      
clients    require    frequent    position
changes, a specific rotation pattern may
be developed to ensure that various
 .positions are used in an orderly fashion
Logrolling technique used for clients         

who have had surgery in injury
               involving the back or spine
Instruct the client to keep his or her        

body as stiff as possible and to avoid
any    sudden      moves       during   the
procedure. A draw sheet can be helpful
in logrolling clients smoothly, especially
                        . if they are obese
When turning a client, place pillow           

between the legs. Leave the pillows in
place if the client remains in the side-
.Assess the client's abilities and limitations      

       .Medicate client to provide optimal pain relief       

Organize environment, and request needed help to             
                                          .ensure safety
Explain what you are going to do and how you                 
                              .expect the client to help
Permit client to do as much as his or her                    
                                      .capabilities allow
Consider safety precautions (eg, lock wheels, use            
                                           (.transfer belt
            .Follow the principles of body mechanics         

             .Keep movements smooth and rhythmic             

Prevent trauma (eg, friction against skin, pulling           
                            (.joints, grabbing muscles
Check client for proper body alignment and                   
comfort, and provide client with call bell before
Increased cardiac workload related to          

                      . prolonged bed rest
Potential   for     injury:    deep    vein    

thrombosis related to venous stasis,
hypecoagulability,       and     decreased
                           . muscle activity
Potential for injury: falls related to         

                . orthostatic hypotension
Activity     intolerance     related    to   

decreased muscle mass, tone, and
Impaired physical mobility related to        

muscle atrophy (contractures) and
     (. limited joint mobility (ankylosis
Potential injury: pathologic fracture        

related       to     excessive        bone
dmeineralizaiton                   (disuse
                          (. osteoporosis
Self-care deficit related to decreased       

muscle      strength   and     decreased
Altered nutrition: less than body              
requirements related to negative
      . nitrogen balance and anorexia
Altered nutrition: more than body              
requirements related to imbalance
between       calories    ingested     and
                              . burned off
Fluid volume excess; dependent                 
edema      related     to   fluid    shifts
(intravascular         to       interstitial
compartments)           secondary         to
            . negative nitrogen balance
Altered         bowel        elimination:   

constipation related to decreased
      . gastric motility and muscle tone

Altered nutrition: more than body           

requirements related to imbalance
between food intake and activity
       (.(decreased energy expenditure
Alterations in comfort: acute pain        

related to inability to pass renal
                            . calculi

Potential for urinary tract infection     

related   to    urinary   stasis   and
          . increase urinary alkalinity
Impaired skin integrity   

(. (pressure ulcer
Disturbance in self concept (body image, self   
esteem, personal identity) related to
. immobility and need to depend on others
Powerlessness related to increasing 
. dependency in basic self-care activities
Impaired social interaction related to 
. immobility
Altered thought processes: disorientation 
related to decreased stimulation to maintain
. orientation
Knowledge deficit related to decreased 
. motivation to learn
Ineffective individual coping related to 
prolonged bed rest and increasing activity
. intolerance
Altered sleep- wake pattern related to 
increased bed time/ napping and decreased

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  • 1.
  • 2. .Identify factors affect or alter mobility  Describe the impact of immobility on physiologic and  .psychological functioning Discuss appropriate subjective and objective data to collect  .to assess mobility status Demonstrate nursing interventions, such as positioning,  ambulating, providing range of motion, and using assistive .devices Plan strategies to avoid musculoskeletal injury to the  .nurse and client during client care  
  • 3. The musculoskeletal system is the  .supposing framework for the body The bones and muscles are involved  in movement and are responsible for . the body's form and shape Central and peripheral nerves  coordinate the complex activity of movement posture and balance against the force of gravity requires smooth, joints, and nerves and a .stable center of gravity
  • 4. Carrying out coordinated movement is a complex .process Even with a framework of bones held together by ligaments and covered with soft tissue and skin, normal function cannot occur without coordinated muscle activity and .neurological integration
  • 5. Nervous Systems Control Normal mobility requires the smooth control of movement provided by the nervous system .  Any disorder that impairs the ability of the nervous systems to control muscular movement and coordination hinders functional mobility
  • 6. :Circulation and Oxygenation  The skeletal muscles need adequate  amounts of oxygen to function . optimally The lungs must provide oxygen to the  hemoglobin while removing carbon dioxide, the byproduct of aerobic . metabolism in the muscles
  • 7. The heart must adequately pump blood to the muscles and supply other body organs with enough blood to meet the increased demands imposed by . exercise Many chronic disorders limit the supply of oxygen and nutrients needed for muscle contraction and movement such as congestive heart failure or .peripheral vascular disease
  • 8. :Energy  Energy for muscle function is derived  from using oxygen and the breakdown products of food to .produce muscle contraction Any conditions that strain nutritional  stores deplete energy necessary for . movement
  • 9. :Congenital problems Some conditions such as bifida or cerebral palsy, are present at birth . cannot be cured Treatment goals are maximal functional .mobility and minimal complications
  • 10. :Affective Disorders  Severe affective disorders can hinder . mobility Depression and catatonic states result in limited mobility, not because of physical impairments but because the person . lacks the desire to move Fear, especially of pain on movement, may cause some people to restrict their .movements as well
  • 11. :Therapeutic Modalities  Sometimes, limited movement is the  .treatment of medical problems Restrictive devices, such as casts,  braces, and splints can immobilize certain areas of the body to promote . healing Bed rest is another treatment  whereby motility is restricted for .therapeutic benefits
  • 12. To promote healing and tissues repair by .decreasing metabolic needs .To relive edema .To reduce the body oxygen requirements .To decrease pain To support a weak ,exhausted, or febrile .client  
  • 13.
  • 14. Decreased muscle strength and tone Disused may be accompanied by muscles atrophy, which is a .decrease in muscles size Decrease in muscle strength may be so sever that the client can .not support his body weight
  • 15. Lack of Coordination  Lack of coordination occurs  when neurological control and regulation of movement are .impaired
  • 16. Ataxia: is a general term used to  .describe defective muscle coordination Tremor : is a rhythmic repetitive  movement that can occur at rest or when movement is initiated. A tremor usually interferes with fine motor control, but in Parkinson's disease it also can interfere with coordinated . ambulation
  • 17. Chorea: is spontaneous brief, involuntary muscle twitching of the limbs or facial muscles; severe chorea hinders .mobility Athetosis: is movement characterized by .slow, irregular, twisting motions Dystonia: is similar to athetosis but  usually involves larger areas of the .body
  • 18. Altered Gait  Abnormal gait can affect the rhythm.  steadiness, or speed of walking   An ataxic gait is characterized by  .staggering and unsteadiness
  • 19. Decreased Joint Flexibility  Decreased joint flexibility typically occurs with  altered mobility because decreased movement . causes joints to stiffenss Normal ROM decreases, because fibrosis and  . fixation affect the joint structures Muscles atrophy when they do not regularly  shorten and lengthen during normal muscle contraction. Initially, decreased flexibility and altered ROM occur in affected joints, but if the joints remain immobilized, contractures can . occur A contracture: is the progressive shortening of  a muscle and loss of joint mobility resulting from fibrotic changes in the tissues
  • 20. Pain on movement  Impaired mobility is often caused or  . accompanied by pain on movement Pain can result from physical injury, as  in sprains, strains, or torn ligaments, or it may result from degenerative and . inflammatory processes Osteoarthritis (degeneration of the  articular surface of weight-bearing joints) and rheumatoid arthritis (an inflammatory disorder that affects joints) are two common disorders that limit mobility secondary to discomfort/
  • 21. Activity Intolerance  Decreased ability to tolerate activity  . often accompanies impaired mobility Activity intolerance :is the state in  which the person has inadequate physiologic or psychological energy to . endure or to complete an activity A balance must occur between the  . activity and the client's energy Symptoms associated with activity  intolerance are dyspnea, tachycardia, .discomfort, weakness, and fatigue
  • 22. . Disuse Osteoporosis  Immobility results in an imbalance  between osteoblastic and osteoclastic activity, because normal stress and strain imposed on bone through movement are an . important part of osteoblastic processes In the immobilized client, osteoblasts  continue to lay down bony matrix, but osteoclasts, break down bone faster than osteoblasts can build it. The result is a loss . of bony matrix Disuse osteoporosis results in bones that  are more porous, brittle, and susceptible to .fractures
  • 23. Increased Cardiac Workload  Cardiac workload is increased in the  immobilized client because the heart must work harder when the body is . supine than when it is erect
  • 24. Orthostatic Hypotension  Orthostatic hypotension is the deceased  ability to maintain systemic blood pressure when changing from a supine to . an upright position Immobility decreases the effectiveness  . of neurovascular reflex During inactivity, regulatory adjustments  . are not used and become inactive
  • 25. Sympathetic stimulation may still occur  in response to standing up right, but peripheral vessels do not respond to this stimulation. Therefore, vasoconstriction does not occur, and a .drop in blood pressure results Another factor that may contribute to  orthostatic hypotension is the ineffectiveness of the muscle pump in promoting venous return. This is especially true of muscles atrophied by . immobility
  • 26. : Thrombus Formation and Embolism  A thrombus is a blood clot composed of  platelets, fibrin, and cellular elements that . attaches to the wall of an artery or vein A thrombus most commonly originates in  the large veins of the legs because of the .relatively low velocity of blood flow there This condition is called deep vein  (. thrombosis (DVT When the clot breaks away from the  vessel wall and enters circulating blood, it .is called an embolus
  • 27. The clot lodges in the circulatory  system as the diameter of the vessels decreases. This most commonly occurs when the thrombus enters the pulmonary vasculature, where it interferes with blood flow to the lung (. (a pulmonary embolus Large pulmonary emboli can cause  immediate death, but small thrombi .may produce no clinical symptoms
  • 28. Immobility promotes venous stasis,  contributing to the development of .DVT When leg muscles are inactive, venous  return to the heart decreases with time the gravitational effect of the supine position results in the redistribution of body fluids, with a net . decrease in venous return
  • 29. Decreased Lung Expansion  The immobilized client experiences  greater -than-normal resistance to breathing, resulting in under inflation of the lungs and increased work of .breathing The immobile client, breathes less deeply  and with greater effort. The supine client must overcome two resistances that do . not ordinarily work against breathing
  • 30. First, the diaphragm ,second, the  pressure of the bed against the chest wall limits the client's chest movement. Together, these factors result in diminished depth of . breathing Because the immobilized client's  activity level is less than normal, less carbon dioxide is produced. This results in a lower level of stimulation for breathing, causing further
  • 31. Decreased depth of breathing can result  in the collapse of alveoli, which in turn, hinders the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide. This condition causes alveolar collapse is known as . atelectasis In addition to limiting the lungs'ability  to exchange gases, atelectasis . predisposes the client to pneumonia The client ability to cough deeply is  often limited; thus, mucus may become trapped in the lung, providing a rich .medium for microbial growth
  • 32. :Decreased Metabolic Rate  The basal metabolic rate decreases  . during immobility Severely restricted activity affects the  amount and pattern of production of thyroid hormone, adrenocorticotropic hormone, aldosterone, and insulin. It .also alters drug metabolism
  • 33. Negative Nitrogen Balance: In an active  person, a balance exists between protein . breakdown and protein synthesis However, immobility raises the rate of protein  breakdown, probably because of muscle atrophy. A negative nitrogen balance results when nitrogen excretion exceeds dietary . intake Anorexia:(loss of appetite) is common in  . immobilized clients Decreased metabolic rate is accompanied by  decreased caloric need. Moreover, if the client is confined to a healthcare facility, the institutional food, eating in a supine position, environmental factors, and psychological state
  • 34. : Impaired Immunity  The immune system is weakened  . during immobility Catabolism of immunoglobulin G  doubles, significantly decreasing the normal concentration of circulating .antibodies Leukocytes are less able to engulf and  . destroy microorganisms Lymphatic transport may be decreased  as well when skeletal muscles are .inactive
  • 35. :Pressure Sores  Pressure sores form when pressure  exerted over an area of skin or subcutaneous tissue exceeds the pressure required for adequate blood . to the area Cells die because they do not receive  oxygen and nutrients and because . waste products accumulate
  • 36. Pressure is usually concentrated on  bony prominences but can occur . anywhere that pressure is great In the supine position, pressure is  greatest over the back of the skull and at the elbows, sacrum, ischial . tuberosities, and heels In the sitting position, the greatest  pressure is at the ischial tuberosities .and the sacrum
  • 37. :Urinary Stasis  The immobilized client may not heed the  urge to void. Clients in institutional settings may not want to bother the nurse by asking for a bedpan. Some clients try to void when they feel the need but have difficulty relaxing the perineal .muscles from the supine position Delaying micturition causes urine to  collect in the bladder. Chronic delay can lead to overstretching of the detrusor muscle in the bladder wall, permanent changes in bladder tone, and long-term consequences for normal voiding .patterns
  • 38. In the upright position, gravity  encourages the continual flow of urine from each renal pelvis into the ureters, and from the ureters to the . bladder When a person is supine, the ureters  are above the level of many renal calyces, which means that urine must flow upward against gravity to enter .the ureters
  • 39. :Urinary retention  poses significant problems for the  immobilized client. One problem, urinary stasis, contributes to urinary . tract infections and renal calculi Bladder distention, another problem,  leads to overflow incontinence, which is embarrassing for the client and can .contribute to skin breakdown
  • 40. : Urinary Tract Infection  Stagnant urine makes a good medium  . for bacterial growth Bladder distention can cause small tears  in the delicate bladder mucosa, Which contributed to the incidence of urinary . tract infection When the client experiences distention,  catheterization may be necessary to empty the bladder. With an of catheterization comes the risk of introducing pathogen and infection into
  • 41. : Renal Calculi  Urinary stasis and an increased serum  calcium level promote the formation of renal (. calculi (kidney stones As serum calcium levels rise (the result of  calcium loss from the bones ), the kidney excretes more calcium. This raises urinary calcium levels. Because calcium can precipitate from solution to form crystals and because stagnant urine encourages the aggregation of crystals, renal calculi pose a . significant problem Dehydration, common tit the immobilized  client, also increases the incidence of calculi formation Additionally, infection caused by some urea-  splitting organisms makes the urine more alkaline, which also promotes calculi
  • 42. :Constipation  Even in a healthy person, dietary changes,  activity variations, or emotional stress . affect normal bowel patterns The immobilized client faces additional  changes. Abdominal and perineal muscles can be weakened by muscle atrophy, making it more difficult for the client to bear down and exert pressure to evacuate . stool As stool descends against the rectum, the  person feels the stimulus to defecate. In an upright posture, stool descends more quickly into the rectal area, eliciting a .strong stimulus In the supine position, rectal filling is slow, 
  • 43. The defecation reflex also can be affected if  the person postpones defecation after recognizing the stimulus to defecate. This happens frequently in the immobilized client, who may feel embarrassed or may need . assist to use a bedpan When a person delays defecation, fecal  material increases in size and the intestine absorbs more water from the feces, making . stool passage even; more difficult Dehydration, common in the immobile client,  also can contribute to constipation. The result may be fecal impaction (hard stool contained in the rectum that cannot be removed naturally by defecation). Often, iquid stool seeps around the obstruction
  • 44. Immobility can interfere with normal  sleep patterns. Normal activity, especially physical work, and aerobic exercise produce a sense of fatigue that helps the person fall asleep and obtain . restful sleep The immobilized client may doze  frequently during the day, disrupting . normal night time sleep patterns The immobilized client must be,  awakened frequently to be turned , monitored or given treatment and
  • 45. Because immobility decreases freedom to  interact normally with the environment, the client receives less sensory information, preoccupation with somatic complaints, difficulty with time perception difficulty with un-derstanding and following directions, crying, and other emotional outbursts . frequently occur Contusion is common but reversible it normal  sensory input returns. In severe cases, sensory deprivation can occur, causing the client to experience visual and auditory .hallucinations Pain may result from physiologic changes that  occur with immobility. Joint stiffness, pneumonia, pressure sores, thrombosis, and emboli can contribute to discomfort. The perception of pain also may intensify because
  • 46. Changes in self-perception and self-concept  come accompany functional motor impairment . or immobility Immobility contributes to a feeling of  powerlessness, especially when the client must depend on others. Motor impairment can alter body image, especially if the impairment results from loss of a body part. Self-concept is altered when the client must depend on devices such as crutches, wheelchairs, or walkers. Problems with coordination can cause embarrassment (eg, the client may worry about appearing awkward or even (. intoxicated Altered body image can negatively impact self-  esteem and lead to a feeling of lowered self- .worth
  • 47. Loss of mobility is not something the  client chooses or desires. With trauma, the loss occurs suddenly. In some cases, it is permanent, requiring the client to adapt to different functional . abilities Despite supportive social interactions  with family and friends, immobilized clients may spend many hours alone . and are often bored or/ lonely Depression, anger, and anxiety are  .common
  • 48. Lack of privacy, depression, fatigue,  and physical limitations can contribute to decreased sexual . function immobility may impede grooming  activities that are often important in . maintaining sexual identity For some clients with long-term  motor impairments, such as paraplegia, sexual function may be permanently altered, requiring the client to learn new methods of sexual
  • 49. Impaired mobility can severely restrict  the client's ability to perform normal daily activities, either temporarily or .Permanently Coordination and muscle Strength are  necessary for eating, dressing, and grooming. Usually, the nurse can show the client ways to function successfully . and despite physical limitations
  • 50. Setting short-term, achievable goals  and developing a long-range Plan in collaboration with the healthcare team (eg, physician, physical therapist, occupational therapist, psychologist, social worker) usually . achieve the best results For example, ambulatory physical  therapy sessions may help the client with mobility problems regain .function and independence
  • 51.
  • 52. Therapeutic positioning is used to prevent  complications when mobility is limited. The client may be placed in specific positions to facilitate diagnostic tests or surgical . intervention Common positioning postures include prone  (face on down), supine (lying on back), high Fowler's (head of the bed elevated 80 to 90 degrees), semi-Fowler's (head of the bed elevated 30 to 45 degrees), dorsal recumbent (supine with legs flexed in an elevated position), knee-chest position, Trendelenburg (supine with head lower than feet), lateral or side-lying position, and Sims' (semiprone be a (. prone and side-lying position Positions most commons used for the  immobile client include supine, Fowler's,
  • 53. Regardless of the specific position,  general principles of body mechanics should be used in any position change : to Maintain proper body alignment and  . support a body parts Avoid pressure, especially over body  prominences, by adequately padding . these areas Such positioning aids as pillows, splints,  footboards, and foam rubber or .sheepskin protectors are helpful
  • 54. Immobile clients should be turned  and repositioned every 2 hours, More . frequent turning may be needed Significant factors include the amount  of adipose tissue, skeletal structure, underlying pathophysiology, comfort level, skin condition, and level of . mobility Assessing for skin condition and signs  of pressure is important in determining the turning schedule. Decreased capillary refill and blanched or reddened areas indicate
  • 55. Turning schedules should be  incorporated in the plan of care and posted at the bedside whether the client is receiving care in the home, a long-term care facility, or a hospital. This helps ensure consistency of care between different shifts and different . caregivers In extended-care facilities, where many  clients require frequent position changes, a specific rotation pattern may be developed to ensure that various .positions are used in an orderly fashion
  • 56. Logrolling technique used for clients  who have had surgery in injury  involving the back or spine Instruct the client to keep his or her  body as stiff as possible and to avoid any sudden moves during the procedure. A draw sheet can be helpful in logrolling clients smoothly, especially . if they are obese When turning a client, place pillow  between the legs. Leave the pillows in place if the client remains in the side-
  • 57. .Assess the client's abilities and limitations  .Medicate client to provide optimal pain relief  Organize environment, and request needed help to  .ensure safety Explain what you are going to do and how you  .expect the client to help Permit client to do as much as his or her  .capabilities allow Consider safety precautions (eg, lock wheels, use  (.transfer belt .Follow the principles of body mechanics  .Keep movements smooth and rhythmic  Prevent trauma (eg, friction against skin, pulling  (.joints, grabbing muscles Check client for proper body alignment and  comfort, and provide client with call bell before .leaving
  • 58.
  • 59. Increased cardiac workload related to  . prolonged bed rest Potential for injury: deep vein  thrombosis related to venous stasis, hypecoagulability, and decreased . muscle activity Potential for injury: falls related to  . orthostatic hypotension
  • 60. Activity intolerance related to  decreased muscle mass, tone, and .strength Impaired physical mobility related to  muscle atrophy (contractures) and (. limited joint mobility (ankylosis Potential injury: pathologic fracture  related to excessive bone dmeineralizaiton (disuse (. osteoporosis Self-care deficit related to decreased  muscle strength and decreased
  • 61. Altered nutrition: less than body  requirements related to negative . nitrogen balance and anorexia Altered nutrition: more than body  requirements related to imbalance between calories ingested and . burned off Fluid volume excess; dependent  edema related to fluid shifts (intravascular to interstitial compartments) secondary to . negative nitrogen balance
  • 62. Altered bowel elimination:  constipation related to decreased . gastric motility and muscle tone Altered nutrition: more than body  requirements related to imbalance between food intake and activity (.(decreased energy expenditure
  • 63. Alterations in comfort: acute pain  related to inability to pass renal . calculi Potential for urinary tract infection  related to urinary stasis and . increase urinary alkalinity
  • 64. Impaired skin integrity  (. (pressure ulcer
  • 65. Disturbance in self concept (body image, self  esteem, personal identity) related to . immobility and need to depend on others Powerlessness related to increasing  . dependency in basic self-care activities Impaired social interaction related to  . immobility Altered thought processes: disorientation  related to decreased stimulation to maintain . orientation Knowledge deficit related to decreased  . motivation to learn Ineffective individual coping related to  prolonged bed rest and increasing activity . intolerance Altered sleep- wake pattern related to  increased bed time/ napping and decreased