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                                   It’s In the Music
                               Technological Thriller / Suspense
                                       29,000 Words

                                  © 2009 Timothy A. Boling

This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places or incidents are either a product of
the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales
or persons, living or dead, is purely coincidence.

This novel is copyrighted material and all rights are reserved. No part of this book may be
reprinted in any medium, in any form, without the author’s consent.

Anyway, happy reading. ☺
It's In the Music
                                          Chapter One

        "You've done this enough times, you won't need my help will you?"
        "No, no I don't think so," I said, really unsure.
        "You're one of my best, Nick. I trust you. I'm gonna take a nap. If you need something,
wake me. If you're about to crash, just let me sleep."
        Without another word, he reclined his seat, pulled his hat down over his head and went
to sleep. He had more faith in me than I did.
        Falling back to what now felt like instinct, I pushed the double-throttle to full, and when
the twin engines reached full power I let off the brake.
        The old 1972 Beechcraft "Twin Beech" H-18 rolled down runway 2R at Willow Run
Airport in Ypsilanti, Michigan. Her twin engines had a low, muffled rumble distinct to the old Twin
Beech. It was a sound that could lull me to sleep if I wasn't careful.
        Her tail wheel lifted off the ground and I eased back on the yoke, sending the yellow-
and-grey bird into the air.
        Jack Noble, the flight instructor for EagleOne Aviation, often slumbered in the seat next
to me. I'd completed the flight class three weeks ago, and we've been up in the Cessna several
dozen times. He told me I could fly the thing blindfolded, but when he actually handed me a
blindfold, I declined it. I was only 68 hours away from getting my pilot's license. I've spent 52
hours in the Cessna, and by now my instructor was feeling pretty useless.
        Today, the Cessna was being overhauled. Jack let me use his own plane today, and
there was no way in hell I'd turn it down. I'd flown this plane on the Microsoft Flight Simulator
many times and I instantly fell in love with the plane's smooth maneuvering and the ghostly
sound of its engines. It's a very easy plane to fly, especially for a Cessna novice.
        Unfortunately, there's enough difference between simulator and real life that it worried
me when my instructor simply strapped in and went to sleep. No instructions, no explanation of
the vast panels of switches, knobs, buttons and lights. No, he just says 'Need help, wake me,'
which's why he has more faith in me than I do in myself. This was only my second time flying
anything but a Cessna.
        This was Jack's part-time job. Full-time, he was Detective Jack Noble, of the Detroit
Police. Jack had been a very laid-back person from the first time I met him, in front of a burning
drug house in Detroit. At 26 years old, he took his job seriously -- when he was at work. Many
cops love to bring their work (and attitude) home with them. Not Jack. He says he's seen too
much blood and gore to take it seriously. Sure, he gets the job done, but he does it without the
over-inflated ego of a rookie working his way up the ladder, and without the depression of a
burnt-out detective with a drinking problem. Nope, Jack reminds himself that people die all the
time, even at the hands of others. And so do cops, so don't get cocky thinking you're invincible.
That can distract you and get you killed, as it has to so many others.
        But right now Jack's full-time work was 3,000 feet below us and 30 miles to the north, as
I followed the smooth outline of the Detroit River, floating over Belle Isle, and along the western
shore of Lake Erie. With the help of the quietly thrumming engines, I let my mind drift off into a
reverie of thoughts...

        Laurie always comes to mind at times like this. Up until a couple months ago, my fiancée
Laurie had just been a smoking buddy. Laurie has, uhh... problems, but please don't tell her I
said that! She'll whoop my ass. She had a troubled childhood, an alcoholic mom that
abandoned her at 16, and a sick and sadistic father that she killed with a cast- iron skillet when
she was eight. I think it's affected her. After I tried to break up with her and she tried to air my

brains out all over the living room wall with the .38 I gave her for her birthday, I started
entertaining the possibility that maybe she really was crazy. That incident made us closer,
though I can't imagine how. I guess I realized that her thoughts of losing me made her snap. I
didn't know she was serious about me, and her attempt to put a hole in my head showed me
how much she loves me, and that I do in fact love her too. Screwed up, huh? We're thinking of
auditioning for the Jerry Springer Show.
         Since then we've smoked a lot of Jane, committed several felonies, bought a new house,
watched it burn down after my best friend kidnapped Laurie, I blew up a casino and highjacked
a Lear Gulfstream IV. Oh, and Nick Stone is about to become faithful husband and father.
         But don't think that'll ever slow me down!
         "Nick. .."
         "Yeah. .." I said, still lost in thought.
         "KayTall, Nick."
         That got my attention. "Huh?"
         "Just wondering if you were going to land at KTOL or just fly till we run outta gas."
         Shit. I banked right, perhaps too hard for the old Beech. Jack either hadn't noticed or
didn't care, because he'd already gone back to sleep. I throttled down, dropped the flaps and
landing gear, and lined up for the approach to Toledo Airport. The wing wheels touched the
runway first, and I cut the throttle. The tailwheel touched the runway and I tapped the brake.
         "Over there," Jack said, pointing to an old steel hangar.
         I taxied over and shut the engines down. In front of the hangar's huge door was a short,
pudgy, grey-haired man, perhaps in his mid-forties. Jack and I got out and met him.
         "Jack! Damn good to see ya boy!" he yelled.
         "You didn't give me much of a choice!" Jack said. "Your message sounded urgent. Oh,
this's my current aeronautical protégé, Nick Stone. Nick, this's Al Pross, retired gun-runner
turned aircraft mechanic, and world-class pain in my ass."
         "Retired, thanks to you Jack!" Al said with a smile.
         "Would you rather I'd brought you in?" Jack asked, then turned to me. "I caught him last
year bringing guns in through Detroit City Airport. I let him go, told him he owed me one.
Besides, the FBI would've taken over anyway. Damn feebies."
         "Good to meet ya Al, and when I'm in the market for an M-16 I know who to call," I said,
only half-joking.
         "So Al," Jack said, "your message said you have something to show me?"
         "Oh, I do!" A little something I bought on eBay," Al said, hitting a button on what looked
line a garage door opener. The hangar door slowly began to rise. As it did, I watched Jack's jaw
slowly begin to drop. "I had it shipped over from Japan in pieces. The Japanese Army's had her
in their possession since they captured it's pilot in 1942."
         "Do you know what this is, Nick?" Jacked asked.
         I knew it was an old WWII plane. Aside from that, I had no specifics. "No Jack, how 'bout
you tell me?"
         "She's a P-22 Lightning. That double fuselage is one-of-a-kind, Nick. You should know
what kind of plane this is!"
         "Sorry to disappoint ya, Jack," I said with a smirk. "Damn she's gorgeous, Al. She fly?"
         "She will. I just got her back together. A lot of the cables are corroded, rubber lines are
rotted, just small stuff from sitting so long. She hasn't flown since she landed in 1942."
         "Any idea what happened to the pilot?" Jack asked.
         "Yeah. His name's written right there under the cockpit window. Alot of WWII pilots did
that. A friend in the Navy looked through some records. Apparently this guy'd been in a bad
dogfight with a Mitsubishi F-Zero. You know the P-22s can't dogfight, so he was escorted by
gunpoint back to Japan. When he landed, he was captured and tortured for two straight weeks.
He refused to give up information. He spit at them, they broke his fingers. He threw up on them,

they broke his legs. He eventually escaped and made his way back into U.S. hands. It's a hell of
a story, Jack. Gave me chills every time I sat in the cockpit."
          Jack's cellphone rang, and he walked off to answer it. It was likely his other job calling
him. While he talked, I walked around the old P-22. It amazed me she was in such great shape.
I didn't fail to notice the bulletholes in her rear left fuselage. She didn't give up without a fight.
          "Nick, we gotta go," Jack said, pocketing his cellphone. "Sorry Al, wish I could stay.
Work calls."
          We quickly reboarded the plane, and I had us in the air in five minutes. He told me to
floor it, so we did 220knots for KDET, Detroit City Airport.
          "I don't have time to drop you at Willow Run, so you're coming with me. I'll give you a
pen and notepad, and tell them you're my assistant."
          "Sure. So what's the scene like?" I asked.
          "They said it's bad. Really bad. Do you have a strong stomach?"
          Aw hell. For a detective who's seen as much death as he has to say it's really bad, I was
sure I'd need to prepare myself for this.
          "I'd have to smoke first," I said.
          "Smoke what ?"
          I stared at him. "You know..."
          "Oh," he said, giving me an understanding nod. "Well, if you're gonna smoke that stuff in
my plane, I have one rule."
          "What's that?"
          "Puff, puff, pass."
          In the tense atmosphere, I couldn't help but to laugh. Damn, I'm really gonna like Jack

Chapter Two

        We landed at Detroit City Airport at 9:30am. We made good time, with the overspeed
buzzer going off the whole trip.
        "Roll your window down," Jack said, rolling his down.
        "That's the first time I've ever clam-baked in a plane before."
        "Yeah? First time for everything," he said, tossing a roach out the window. "C'mon, let's
air out before our ride shows."
        We stepped out just as a dark blue Crown Vic showed up. We got in.
        "Who's the new kid?" the driver asked.
        "My assistant, Nick Stone. Nick, this's Officer Milani."
        Milani sniffed the air in the car, looked at us and shrugged. "Eh, whatever Jack."
        Jack leaned over and whispered, "You're not holdin', are ya?"
        "I left it in the plane," I whispered back, to which he nodded.
        The apartment complex was in the area of Six Mile and Van Dyke. It wasn't a bad area,
but it wasn't great either. At the moment, there were six police cars, two ambulances, over 150
gawkers and roughly 500 feet of police tape strewn about.
        "Ready for this?" Jack asked me.
        "No, but it really doesn't matter. Let's go."
        The apartment was nicely furnished, for being occupied by a teenager fresh out of high
school: a 55" TV, DVD Player and a rack of DVDs, two couches and pictures on the wall. I
followed Jack into a rear bedroom. In the hallway I could already smell the heavy scent of
copper in the air that I knew to be blood, and only got stronger when I reached the bedroom.
        Inside, two cops and a photographer hovered over something I couldn't see on the other
side of the bed.           At the mere sight of Detective Jack Noble, they all fled the room.
        "Good luck with this one," the photographer said on his way out.
        The scene inside the bedroom was not one I'd been prepared for. Nothing could have
prepared me for this scene. In the middle of the floor, 19-year-old Amanda Grace lay on her
stomach in a pool of blood. Her once-blonde hair was now soaked in it. Her arms were tied
behind her with rope. Her ankles had been tied together and pulled behind her, with another
piece of rope attached from her ankles to a noose around her neck. The pressure of her legs,
bent at the knees, was a sick attempt for the killer to make her hang herself.
        But that hadn't been what killed her.
        "What sense do you make of it, Nick?" Jack asked me. It was just us in the bedroom
        "Haven't I seen this before? I mean...I think I saw something like this once."
        Jack nodded. "Ever been to the Detroit Institute of Arts?"
        I thought back, deep into my past. "Some chick took me to the DIA once. Sometimes a
guy'll do anything to get laid."
        "How was it?"
        "The sex?"
        "No, asshole, the museum."
        "Boring! Nothing but a buncha sculptures and paintings and...that's it! It was a painting!"
        "Good job, Sherlock," he said. "Hieronymous Bosch painting. He paints some twisted
        I looked back at the once very beautiful Amanda Grace. "That about describes this. It's
sick fucking twisted torture shit. He couldn't just shoot or stab her. He had to make her suffer
        "I was thinking a jealous boyfriend maybe," Jack speculated.

"No way, dude. No way she'd date someone this fucked up. Maybe some psycho that
asked her out and couldn't handle rejection. I dunno. It'd take alot of anger to make someone do
         Jack then noticed the seventeen stab wounds on the backs of her legs. "That's odd, why
bother stabbing her?"
         "Jack, didn't you once tell me you were a detective?"
         "Yeah yeah, eat me. What're your thoughts?"
         "I think the killer was impatient. Probably nervous and edgy too. He rigged this whole
elaborate thing up and probably sat right there on her bed waiting for her legs to get tired and
choke herself. When he got impatient, he stabbed her legs to speed things up."
         Jack then took note of her throat. It was deeply cut, from ear to ear. He pointed. "Then
why'd he do that?"
         With a deep sigh I said, "She held on to her life with every ounce of willpower she had. I
really admire her for her strength. He got impatient again and cut her throat."
         Without a word Jack left the room, and I followed. I walked into the living room and
studied the pictures on the walls and shelves. She'd been Prom Queen last year at Romulus
High School and had plenty of pictures to show it. She also had several pictures with who I
assumed was her prom date, and more with her parents when she was younger. I found a
senior picture of her and pocketed it. Shh!
         I sat outside on the balcony while Jack wrapped up his investigation. I thought about
Amanda Grace, first in her prom pictures, then lying in two gallons of her own blood. What kind
of person could bring themselves to do that to someone? I also thought about the fact that the
killer had been impatient and didn't get to kill her the way he wanted her to die. With his anger
still unsatisfied, would he strike again?

        Officer Milani dropped Jack and I at City Airport. We sat in the cockpit, engines still off,
smoking Jane and thinking about the scene we'd just left.
        "I've never seen a murder this... bizarre," Jack said, after puffing and passing. "I'd like for
you to continue being my assistant, Nick. I have a feeling I'm going to need all the help I can
        "I figured you might. That's why I boosted this stuff," I said, handing him a photo of
Amanda Grace, her personal phone book, diary and cellphone.
        "Jesus, Nick! You can't just take evidence from a crime scene!"
        "No, you can't, but I can. Besides, it does us more good here than in an evidence
storage room."
        "Alright, but take it home and look through it. If the department found that stuff on me I'd
be out of a job."
        We rolled couple more Lady Janes for the road...err, sky. Whatever.
        "Alright, get us outta here Nick. The stench in this town is overpowering."

Chapter Three

         After landing at Willow Run, Jack wasted no time getting in his 2004 Mercury Marauder
and leaving. He obviously had alot on his mind, and the flight back was quiet. I got in my black
2002 Pontiac Firebird, and made the long trip back home to Farmington Hills. Any other time,
pushing this car over 100mph on 1-94 would make me feel better. Not today. I did five under the
limit while trying to push the images of Amanda Grace from my mind.
         At three p.m. I pulled up in the driveway. Laurie and I live with my dad now, since our
house was torched. Dad's really in no hurry to get rid of us, so we've put house shopping on
hold for a while. I walked in the door, and found Dad toking off a bong I'd made from an old
Chrysler transmission. Laurie was laying on the couch, but she got up when I walked in.
         "Nicky!" she yelled, attacking me and pinning me to the floor. She was three months
pregnant now, and her hormones were kinda outta whack. The pills the doctor gave her didn't
help, but the Jane does miracles for her personality!
         "You're high, Laurie," I said, trying to get up from the floor. I took off my jacket and sat on
the couch.
         "How was the flight?" She asked. "Suck any birds into the engine again?"
         "C'mon, that happened once! What're the odds? Damn pigeon shouldn't have been
flying in an FAA-defined flight path anyway."
         Dad looked up from the bong with bloodshot eyes and a confused look on his face. "Who
the hell are you?"
         "I'm DEA, Dad. You're under arrest," I said sarcastically.
         His eyes went wide. "Shit!" he yelled, crawling quickly to his bedroom on his hands and
knees. "You'll never take me alive, pigs!"
         Ignoring the incident, I went to the kitchen and grabbed a Budweiser from the fridge.
         "Nick," Laurie yelled from the living room, "I wanna go shopping later. Where's your
         "In my jacket, you bloodsucking leech."
         "Hey! It's not for me, it's for our daughter!"
         "Our son, dear. Don't start that daughter stuff again."
         I started my search for food. I knew none would be in the fridge; too much beer to fit
anything else. I settled for some Cap'n Crunch out of the box, washed down with a Budweiser.
         In mid-crunch I saw Laurie run into the kitchen outta the corner of my eye. Before I could
turn to her, she punched me in the side of my head and knocked me to the floor. Ow. Instant
headache. And I spilled my beer.
        "Who is she, Nick?!" she yelled as she towered over me with two lethal fists aimed at me.
I knew the wrong answer would bring more pain.
         "Huh?" I asked stupidly. Wrong answer, but I already knew that. Pow! Another fist, this
one in my stomach.
         "Get up motherfucker! Be a man and tell me who your little bitch is!"
         I decided to shut up. That was the only smart answer. I sat up and rubbed the side of my
head. Blood. Oh yeah, from that damn engagement ring. Nazareth was right. Love hurts.
         Laurie stormed out of the kitchen, and I thought I'd been temporarily reprieved, till she
came back.
         "Who is she, shithead?!" she demanded, throwing the picture of Amanda Grace at me.
         I just shook my head. There was no good answer for this. If I said anything, she may
have kicked me in the teeth. I stood up before she got that idea, and walked to the living room.
         "You're just gonna walk away from me, you piece of shit?" she asked as I turned on the
         "You're just gonna ignore me and watch TV?! You FUCK!!"

I chose silence. It was safer. Any word outta my mouth would earn me a kick in a highly
unfavorable place. I turned the channel to Fox2 News. Their late-breaking story was on.
         Amanda's picture was on the screen; the same picture as the one she threw at me. I
pointed at the screen.
         She looked over the screen with some intense scrutiny. "Okay," she finally said, "what'd
this girl do to get on the news?"
         "She died."
         Several quiet moments went by as she stared at the TV.
         "Isn't that you?" she asked.
         I opened my eyes and looked at the TV. They played a close-up video clip of Jack and I
getting out of the Crown Vic and walking into Amanda's apartment.
         "Yep, that's me and my flight instructor." She'd never met Jack before.
        I explained the whole story to her, start to finish. I even told her about the P-22 in Toledo,
even though it had nothing to do with the story.
         She looked thoroughly disgusted with herself. Good! "I'm sorry Nick, I thought...damn, I
didn't hit you hard, did I?"
         I turned and showed her the blood on the other side of my head.
         "Sorry Nick. Those pills don't help much."
         "Don't worry about it..." I said grinning, "I'm use to it."
         "I love you too."

        After Laurie blatantly stole my wallet and carjacked my Firebird to go shopping, I started
going through the stuff I'd taken. I thumbed through Amanda's phone book. Mostly female
names, a few guys. All had Romulus addresses except for one: a Melissa Stahl from Detroit that
lived not far from Amanda. I wrote down the address and number.
        I picked up Amanda's cellphone and flipped through the directory of stored numbers. I
recognized many of the names from her phone book. I took a deep breath and hit Redial.
        "Holy shit! Amanda??" the female voice asked.
        "I'm sorry, no. My nasme is Nick Stone, I'm an assistant detective calling from Miss
Grace's phone."
        A deep sigh on the other end. "Fuck, dude! You scared the hell outta me! The last
number I expected to find on my Caller ID is hers!"
        "Sorry about that. So who is this?"
        "I'm Melissa Stahl. I'm...was, Amanda's friend. How'd you get my number?"
        "I hit Redial on her phone. Evidently you were the last person she called."
        "I was? Oh! Last night, before she left."
        "Left for where?"
        "St. Andrew's Hall. They had a bunch of punk bands playing last night. She wanted me
to go, but I can't stand punk music."
        "She likes punk music?"
        "She's obsessed with it. She doesn't dress the part, but she says she's 'Punk on the
Inside, ' whatever the hell that's suppose to mean."
        "Did anyone else go with her?"
        "Actually, I was suppose to, but I told her no, so I guess she went alone. Oh God! Was it
someone from St. Andrews? Fuck! I knew I shoulda went with her!"
        "No, Miss Stahl, I don't know who it was. I'm just checking out all the leads." Damn, I
was sounding like a real cop! Scary.
        "Amanda was a sweet girl," Melissa said, now referring to Amanda in past-tense, "I can't
imagine anyone wanting to hurt her. She was nice to everyone."
        "She was nice to everyone? Like over-friendly? Did she often bring guys home?"

"Ugh, no, dickhead, she wasn't that kinda girl! She had her guy friends, and they all
adored her, so she didn't feel the need to date."
        "She ever mention anyone trying to give her a hard time?"
        "Nobody ever gave her a hard time. Everyone loved her."
        "Okay Miss Stahl, if you think of anything else that might be of help, call Detective Jack
Noble of the Detroit Police," and I hung up.
        "Another girlfriend?" Laurie asked from behind me.
        I turned around to meet her sarcastic grin. "No dear, I'm still trying to recover from my
current one,"
        "Give it up Nick," she said as she gave me a huge hug, "because you never will."
        "So how much of my money did you blow?"
        "I don't blow money, Nick. I invest."
        "Oh that's right, you don't blow at all," I said, earning me a playful right hook to my arm.
        "So who were you talking to?" she asked.
        I told her about my conversation with Melissa Stahl.
        "Aww, you're playing Sherlock! How cute!"
        "Eat me Laurie."
        "Not without LOTS of Hot Sauce."
        "Funny. When you're not doing standup comedy, how 'bout reading through this?" I
asked, handing her Amanda's diary.
        Her face lit up as if she were just given the Hope Diamond. "Oooh! You're gonna let me
read the dead girl's diary?"
        "I'm sure you can translate a girl's thoughts much better than I can."
        "Oh, this's too cool, Nick!" she yelled, disappearing into our bedroom. I distinctly heard
the click of the lock, and I knew I wouldn't be seeing her again for a while.
        I turned the volume up on the TV, still showing the news, and sparked up a Lady Jane.
The ten-o-clock news had turned into the eleven-o-clock news, and they continued to show clips
of Jack and I walking into the apartment, and the paramedics loading Amanda's covered body
into the ambulance. They hadn't mentioned anything about the crime scene, or the fact that
she'd been tied up like a pig on Thanksgiving. They only said she'd been stabbed. The Detroit
Police thankfully kept the details from leaking to the media.
        I picked up my cellphone and called Jack. He was still at work and starting Amanda
Grace's case file. I told him about my conversation with Melissa Stahl.
        "I think we should talk to Amanda's parents," I added. "Did Amanda have a car?"
        I heard some papers rustling. "She's got an oh-two Pontiac Grand Am. It's here in the
station's garage. The state's forensics guys will be coming down from Lansing in two weeks.
They said they're backlogged. I say they're lazy."
        "Could I take a look at it myself?"
        "I'd have to sneak you in, but sure."
        "Let's set it up for tomorrow. Around noon. I blaze up in the morning."
        I hung up and continued watching the news. I thought about Amanda Grace. Adored by
many friends, and had no enemies. Seemed no one could dislike her. There's no way the killer
could have known her.
        I must have fallen asleep thinking about that, because Laurie came out of the bedroom
and woke me up.
        "Nick, this girl was a 100% sweetheart!" she said. "Too bad she's dead, she'd have been
cool to hang out with."
        "I'm sorry for your loss, dear. Did you find anything that might help?"
        Her face turned to a frown. "She did mention something strange." She opened the, diary
and flipped through some pages. "Here, three days before she died. She starts talking about a
subject as if she already wrote about it before." She handed it to me.

"It still upsets me that they never told me. Why did they keep it a secret? I really wish they
 hadn't told me. I can't stand her! She won't leave me alone! I'd love to tell her to get lost but in
                    my heart I know it'd be wrong. I'll at least try to make it work."

        "So what do you make of that?" I asked. "Who's they and her?" Why doesn't she give
details like that?"
        "Girls sometimes do that, Nick. Someone dropped a major bombshell on her, and she
doesn't want it written down. She herself is the only one who reads it so she doesn't need to
give the details. Also works out so no one else could figure it out if they were to read it."
        "So any idea who it could be?"
        "Could be an old friend she doesn't like, but she feels like she owes her something. I
have no idea about the rest. And that was her last entry."
        "Maybe she told her old friend to piss off and she took it badly."
        "Could be. So what do you want to do tonight?" she asked.
        "Sleep. I'm gonna go to her parent's house with Jack tomorrow."
        She gave me a pout. "Nickyyy..."
        "Ohhh, I guess I can squeeze you in," I said. "Hang on a second." I went to the kitchen
and came back. "I wanna try something," I said, holding a can of whip cream.

Chapter Four

       It was a long drive to Amanda's parents house in Romulus. Jack showed up earlier at my
house in his Mercury Marauder and insisted we leave by nine a.m. We did, despite my heavy
protests. I even tried to take my Firebird instead of his Marauder. It still looked and felt like a cop
car, which made me very uncomfortable. I lost that battle too.
       At least I wasn't riding in the backseat.

         Downtown Romulus is nothing like you might think. Though their city is the location of
the Detroit Metropolitan Airport, their business and residential district look like a small town in
Georgia. A string of tiny shops line both sides of Main Street. No signs of neighborhood decay,
like you might find in urban Detroit. It was Smalltown, U.S.A.
         Amanda's parents' house was a tiny, ranch-style, two-story house. A 2005 Ford
Expedition was parked in their driveway. Since Jack phoned ahead, they were expecting us. An
elderly man in his late forties, grey hair and well dressed, answered the door and invited us in.
         "Good morning Mr. Grace. I'm Detective Jack Noble, this's my assistant Nick Stone."
         He simply nodded and pointed us to the couch in the livingroom. A younger lady,
perhaps in her early forties, sat on the couch. Amanda looked very much like her mother. Jack
and I sat on the couch opposite from Mrs. Grace.
         "Thanks for coming out, Detective Noble," Mrs. Grace began. "The police wouldn't tell us
anything about our daughter."
         "Well, I'm afraid I can't really tell you anything either. The investigation requires us to
keep many of the details away from the public."
         "We're not the public, detective. We're her parents."
         "I understand, but should the details leak to the public, we would have a much less
chance of finding her killer."
         "But...I mean, they won't even let us see her!" Mrs. Grace explained, the tears beginning
to flow.
         "I'm really sorry, Mrs. Grace. We just came here to ask some questions," Jack said.
         Clearing her eyes with her hands, she nodded. "Okay."
         "Can you think of anyone who might have a grudge against her?"
         "No one, detective. Everyone loved her. They all believed the sun rises and sets in her
shadow. I can't imagine she ever had an enemy in her life."
         "Do you know if she had any new friends? Someone she just recently started talking to?"
Jack asked. I read to him the diary entry on the way over.
         She seemed deep in thought. "There was that girl, Melissa. Someone she met after she
moved out there to Detroit. She seemed like a nice girl, though I only met her once."
         I was getting a little bored, so I stood. "Do you mind if I have a look around?"
         "Sure," Mr. Grace said with a dismissive wave. "I don't know what you'll find, but go
         I left Jack to the interview, walking slowly through the kitchen, toward the rear of the
house. I really didn't know what I'd find either, but I knew Mr. Grace was giving off a strange
vibe. He hadn't said a word during the interview, and at no point did he make an attempt to
comfort his wife as she cried for her daughter. His face had not shown an ounce of emotion.
         I quietly slipped out the back door. The single-car garage was detached from the house
and placed toward the rear of the backyard. A glance through the side window, though the
inside was dark, showed what I surmised to be an early-nineties Ford Escort. From the angle of
which I viewed the car, I could see the front fender was dented, and the driver's-side backseat
window had been smashed, and fixed temporarily with duct tape and clear plastic.

The side door of the garage was unlocked, and my natural curiosity forced me inside. I
found an overhead lightswitch and took a closer look at the car.
         The two front tires were bald. The rear were dry-rotted. A glance underneath showed a
tiny patch of oil, only an inch in diameter, so the car hadn't been parked here very long. The
hood was tied down with a rubber tie-strap. In the rear, another tie-strap held up the muffler, and
the left taillight was made completely of red tape, but it was the license plate that grabbed my
attention. I took note of the plate to pass on to Jack.
         I walked over to the driver-side door and looked inside. It only took a second to see it,
and when I did suddenly felt sick. I stood back, tried to slow my breathing and calm down before
returning to the house. I no longer had a desire to play Sherlock Holmes. The situation just
became so much more real. After a few deep breaths I left the garage, closed the door and went
back to the house.
         I sat back on the couch next to Jack. Mrs. Grace was talking about Amanda's academic
achievements. Jack glanced at me but my eyes revealed nothing. I interrupted her verbal
         "Mrs. Grace, who owns that car in the garage?" I asked.
         Her mouth dropped open but no words came out.
         "It's my wife's car," Mr. Grace answered for her.
         I nodded as if it were the answer I was expecting. Jack looked at me but I said nothing.
         Jack stood up. "I think that's all the questions we have. If we need anything else, we'll
         I stood and followed Jack out the front door. Mr. Grace followed and caught up to us
halfway to the car.
         "What are the chances of you finding her killer?" he asked Jack.
         "Honestly, it's a slim chance. We can't find anyone who might've had a reason to harm
         "So what happens to the case?"
         "If we run out of leads, the case gets shelved until something new comes up."
         I thought I saw him breathe a sigh of relief, but it was quickly replaced with a face of
         "And her killer walks away? He just walks up to my little girl, cuts her throat and gets
away with it?"
         Jack and I glanced at each other when we realized what Mr. Grace had just accidently
told us.
         "We're sorry, Mr. Grace," Jack said diplomatically, "we'll do our best to solve it. We
always do." And we turned and left.
         Neither of us said a word to each other during our short trip to the McDonalds by the
airport. We went through the drive-thru.and ate in the parking lot.
         "You realize what he said before we left?" I asked.
         "Yep. He knows her throat was cut. Not even his wife knew that."
         "Lucky guess?" I asked.
         "I doubt it. The news said she was stabbed. That's a pretty big jump."
         "You might have to have him picked up."
         "No. One little crime scene detail isn't enough to hold him."
         "I'm talking about for what I saw in the garage."
         "His wife's car?" he asked.
         "Bullshit. I had a close look."
         "Okay, talk to me Nick."
         "It was a '91 Escort. Beat up like hell. Looked like maybe a $500 car. If it still runs."
         "So? No law against that."

"Dad drives an Expedition, daughter drives an '02 Grand Am, and mom drives a broken-
down piece of crap? It doesn't mesh."
         "You're right, but there's still no law against it."
         I took out my notebook and showed him the license plate. He looked down at it, saying
nothing for a minute, then looked away.
         "So it was a Kentucky plate," he said.
         "Yep. And the tags were current, and there wasn't much oil on the floor. It was parked
there recently."
         Jack turned on the police computer mounted on the dashboard. It was connected via
satellite to the police station's mainframe. He typed in the Escort's plate number and waited. In
seconds, the information came back.
         "Okay. Lindsay Grace. Must be her mom. But according to this, she lives in Lexington
Kentucky. That doesn't make sense, but it's still not grounds for an arrest."
         "It might be when there's blood all over the steering wheel."

Chapter Five

        Three Romulus police cars and one Detroit police car were present to make the arrest.
Jack and I pulled up just before Mr. Grace was brought out in handcuffs. He didn't put up a fight,
but he held a stone-cold look and never said a word as he was read his rights, placed in the
backseat of the Detroit police car and driven away. Mrs. Grace stood speechless in the front
yard, watching the entire spectacle. Jack made a futile attempt to talk to her.
        "I'm sorry Mrs. Grace. We did what we felt we needed to do. You must understand, the
car in the garage; the bloody steering wheel; and your husband has details of the crime scene.
This was our only choice."
        "I'm a good Christian, Detective Noble. But if I wasn't, I'd tell you to go fuck yourself ,"
she said, and went back into the house.
        It was obvious we hadn't made any friends here today. Jack made the right choice, but
something still felt a bit...out of place. I pushed this thought aside as Jack and watched the tow-
truck remove the bloody Escort from the garage, destined for a parking spot next to Amanda's
Grand Am at the Detroit PD's forensics garage.
        "Thanks for your help today, Nick. That car was a big break in the case."
        "So the next flying lesson's free, right?"
        He smiled. "The next three are."

        We turned into the underground garage of the Detroit Police station at three p.m. Jack
led me to the forensics garage and told me not to touch the Escort till the Homicide guys were
done. In the meantime, I inspected the Grand Am while Jack went to his office to type up reports.
        Donning a pair of talcum-free latex gloves, I opened the driver-side door. The car was
somewhat dirty. Not as bad as my Firebird, but it was obvious Amanda didn't have maid service.
Several granola bar wrappers were on the floor, empty bottles of Aquafina were in the backseat,
and Wrigley's JuicyFruit wrappers were in the glove box.
        Amanda looked to be a health nut. A glance in the trunk confirmed that, when I found a
FitnessUSA membership card and change of clothes in a duffle bag sitting in front of a speaker
box with 12" speakers. Must have a nice stereo system.
        I opened the passenger-side door. Not much difference from the driver-side. The trash
was identical. I looked under the passenger seat and pulled out a small red-and-white box. This
didn't match the rest of the trash. It was an empty pack of cigarettes. Marlboro Reds. I pulled out
my cellphone and dialed Melissa's number from memory.
        "Miss Stahl. This's Nick Stone."
        "Hey! Anything new?"
        "Maybe," I told her, "we have a few leads to chase. I had a couple more questions."
        "Do you smoke?"
        Without hesitation she said, "Hell no! I've never smoked!"
        "How about Amanda?"
        "She's even less likely to smoke. She was into, ya know, healthy things."
        "That's what I figured. Hang on one second," I said and covered the phone and yelled
over to the two detectives collecting evidence from the Escort.
        "Hey, either of you guys a non-smoker?"
        "I am," one of them said.
        "Take a sniff inside the Grand Am and tell me if anyone's smoked in it."
        He walked over, stuck his head in and took a deep breath through his nose. He paused
and came back.

"Yep, someone smoked in it, but only a few times. It's not nearly as bad as the Escort. I
almost gagged when I opened the door! Cigarette packs all over the place."
        "Oh yeah? Would they be Marlboro Reds?" He paused.
        "Yeah. How'd you know?"
        I went back to my cellphone. "Miss Stahl. Did she know anyone who smoked?"
        "I don't know all her friends," she said, "but I seriously doubt it. She can't stand to be
around cigarette smoke."
        "So what are the chances she'd let someone smoke in her car?"
        "Hahaha...not a snowball's chance in hell! She was always real anal about that."
        "Okay. Thanks Miss Stahl. I'll keep ya updated," I said and hung up.
        My phone rang again within seconds.
        "Nick," Jack said, "do me a favor and read me the VIN number from the Escort."
        I looked at the Vehicle Identification Number stamped on a metal plate riveted to the
dashboard at the bottom of the windshield and read the numbers and letters to him. After
hearing keystrokes over the phone, he paused. "Hmm. That can't be right."
        "What's up Jack?"
        "I'll show ya later. Find anything in the Grand Am?"
        I went over the Marlboros and my talk with Melissa Stahl.
        "So Amanda had a new friend," Jack surmised.
        "Maybe her mom smoked in the Grand Am when she rode shotgun? Your Homicide
guys say the Escort reeks of smoke."
        "That theory would work, but there's one problem with it."
        "Which is?"
        "That's not Amanda’s mom's car. I'll be down there in a few. Do me a favor and roll up
the windows on the Grand Am."
        "Sure," I said and hung up.
        I opened the driver-side door on the Grand Am. It had power windows, so I had to turn
the key backwards to roll the windows up. When I turned the key I was assaulted from all sides
by music. The volume was almost all the way up, so I turned it down.
        Those 12" speakers packed a hard punch! The music was coming from a CD, so I hit the
Eject button. The CD was from a local band I'd heard a couple times, called the Modern Idiots.
Punk music. The music really wasn't bad, and I couldn't imagine why Melissa Stahl didn't like it.
I turned the radio back up and waited for Jack.
        Five songs on the Modern Idiots CD played before Jack walked through the doors to the
garage. He stopped and listened to the music.
        "What in hell is that? Sounds like crap."
        "Open your mind a little, Jack. It's punk music."
        "Sure, okay. Kill it, we gotta go."
        "Why? What's wrong?"
        "Another homicide. This one's worse than yesterday."

Chapter Six

        Rush hour in Southeast Michigan could not be described as anything but pure hell.
Especially this summer. Interstate 94 slows down to a crawl during rush hour as a result of
twelve separate construction projects stretching from the I-94/I-75 interchange, all the way to
Detroit Metro Airport. Michigan drivers are well-known for constantly improving upon the
dictionary definition of Road Rage. But this one just went way too far.
        The Dodge minivan was in the ditch on the right side of 1-94 West, just past the Pelham
Rd. exit. The dents and fresh scrapes down the driver-side meant it had been forced off the
road. Both side view mirrors were gone. Every window on the van was smashed out, except the
passenger-side window which had been rolled down. All four tires were flattened by what
seemed to be a two-inch-wide knife. Headlights, taillights and the grill were also smashed.
        But the driver looked much worse. The man's body, or what was left of it, lay on the
grass on the far side of the van, away from the freeway. The top of his head was smashed open
with a tire-iron found not far away. The brain had been removed, and then impaled on the tire
iron, which was stuck in the ground as if to put the man's brain on display. The eyeballs had
been removed with a large pocketknife, and found later in his shirt pocket. The knife was found
deeply embedded in his crotch, which made mine hurt for no apparent reason. The torso was
cut open and the heart, kidneys, pancreas, liver and twenty-seven feet of intestine were
randomly scattered about the area. As if that weren't enough, all eight fingers and both thumbs
had been cut off with wire cutters. The fingers and thumbs were found in his mouth, and the
wire cutters were crudely shoved up his nose. Jack and I surveyed the scene in silence till I
        "Where we goin' for dinner?" I asked, to lighten the atmosphere.
        "This's no road rage case," Jack said, ignoring my question. The dispatcher had used
those words when calling Jack to the scene.
        "Think Amanda's killer struck again?" I asked.
        "If he did, then he's improving on his killing method."
        A state trooper, who'd been first on the scene, approached Jack, notebook in-hand.
"Detective Noble, I'm Lt. Pierce." He looked back at the grisly scene. "I don't envy you for this
        "Any witnesses?" Jack asked.
        "Two motorists pulled over to help when they saw the van leave the road. Apparently
they both sat in their cars and watched this guy get hacked up. Really messed 'em up. Police
psychologists took' em, but not before telling us what they saw. They said a purple two-door
with gold-spoked rims - one of those hoopties you see in the ghetto, ran this van off the road.
The owner of the purple two-door pulled over to the shoulder, got out, removed some tools from
the trunk and pulled the driver from the van into the grass on the other side of the van. That's
when this nutcase started his Roadside Autopsy," he said, allowing himself a chuckle at his own
joke. "When he was done, he beat the crap outta the van, as if that would make any
difference...came back to the body, put the tire iron through the guy's brain and stuck it in the
ground. He stood there for about two minutes, apparently admiring his work. But then...the two
witnesses said he ran screaming to his car and drove off."
        "I don't suppose they thought to look at the plate, did they?"
        "Yup, sure did."
        Jack looked up suddenly. "No shit??"
        "None whatsoever, detective. But here's the good part. Four Taylor Police officers went
to the guy's house...not far, over by Telegraph and Goddard. They said the guy freaked out and
took his wife and kid hostage in his house. The officers haven't gained access to the house yet.
but he's called the Taylor Police and told them he'd kill both of them if they didn't back off."

"So he's still there?" Jack asked.
       "Yup. He's been holding strong for about an hour," Lt. Pierce said, looking at his watch.

        According to Taylor Police, Tyler Donnell was a black 25-year-old male living in a small,
one-story house in Taylor, where he recently moved with his wife and two-year- old son. No
warrants, no prior arrests, a few traffic tickets, all were paid. Now Tyler Donnell had barricaded
himself in his house with his wife and son held at gunpoint, according to the phone call he'd
made to Taylor Police. Another computer check showed no firearms registered to him or his
        Mr. Donnell's purple 1986 Buick Regal, gold rims and all, was parked in his front yard,
where he skidded to a stop, tearing up the grass. The driver's side door was still open, and
covered in blood. More blood was found on the steering wheel, gear-shifter and the seats.
        The entire street was filled with police cars, a few ambulances, news vans with huge
antennas cranked into the air, and hundreds of on-lookers. Jack, being officially employed with
the Detroit Police, was allowed under the police tape that lined the Donnell's front yard. I stayed
back and observed from the street when my phone rang.
        "I spy you Nicky…" Laurie said.
        "Ooooh, are you stalking me?"
        "Modern media, my love. You need to stop showing up on the news. It's bad for... ya
know, business."
        I'd realized then I'd walked in front of a news camera. "It didn't show my face, did it?"
        "Don't worry, you're safe. So what'd that guy do?"
        "He dissected a minivan and its driver on the side of I-94."
        "Hmm. Welcome to Michigan."
        "Hey, could be worse," I said. "We could be in Florida."
        "So how was the interview with Amanda's parents?"
        I told her about Amanda's dad and the bloody Escort.
        "So her dad did it?"
        "I don't know, but he definitely knows something he's not telling anyone." "Figures.
Dads suck. Except yours, of course."
        "Speak of the devil, how is he?"
        "He still thinks the DEA is here. I tried to tell him you were kidding, but he keeps yelling
something about conspiracies, the CIA and two-headed snakes running the oil industry. I
slipped him some Lady Janes under the door, and he quieted down."
        "Alright. That'll hold him till I get home."
        "And when'll that be?"
        "I'd really like to leave now, but my car's not here and Jack's kinda preoccupied."
        "Well, try to hurry. I bought another can of whip cream," she said and hung up. Another
fun night awaited me.
        I looked up at the Donnell's tiny house. Jack stood in the front yard talking to two police
officers, none of whom noticed the front door open and a young black woman standing in the
doorway holding a toddler, until she began yelling at the crowd.
        "You bastards! You all killed my husband, you pricks!'
        In that very instant the media circus snapped to attention, video cameras were trained
on the house, and camera flashes erupted from newspaper photographers.
        Jack and the two Taylor police officers followed the lady into the house. They made a
valiant effort to subdue her as she hurled four-letter words at them.
        A half hour later, Jack came out to the car where I'd been waiting patiently for him, and
gave me an update.
        "I haven't been able to interview her myself yet. You and I will later. But I sat in on an
interview with her and a Taylor PD detective."

"So I guess he blew his brains out, huh?"
         "No, not quite. There was no gun in the house, and according to his wife there never was.
He made up the story about holding his family at gunpoint so the police would back off. Yeah,
that'll happen. She said he never threatened her in any way."
          "But he's dead, right? I mean, she told. the whole world that much."
          "Yep, he's dead. He locked himself in his bathroom with a long kitchen knife. This one
looked like it could be used to slice a watermelon in half. After his wife pleaded with him for two
hours to come out, he used it on himself."
          "I don't suppose he confessed, did he?"
          "Not to killing Amanda, but he did confess to killing the guy on 1-94, in his own sick and
twisted way."
          "Oh? And how'd he do that?"
          Jack took a deep breath. "Laying on his bathroom floor, he sliced his own abdomen
open, exactly the same way. He removed his spleen, kidneys, pancreas and liver and dumped
them in the bathtub. He then started pulling his intestines out, leaving them on the floor. He
finally died When he ripped him own heart out. He died still holding it in his right hand."
          "Jesus, Jack. That's a hell of a way to commit suicide!"
          "After the scene dies down, you and I are gonna go talk to her."
          "Ahh, can't wait," I said sarcastically.
          "Hey Nick? I do appreciate everything you've done. These cases have been kinda
playing with my head. I would’ve had to turn them down otherwise."
          "More free flying lessons?" I asked.
          "And your girl too, if she wants."

        Mrs. Donnell was sitting on her couch in the living room, still crying, with her two- year-
old son Deonté on her lap, who was smiling and drooling, and seemed oblivious to the chaos
around him. I much admired him for that. A few Taylor PD detectives were still in attendance,
but they were outside, looking at the bloodstains in Mr. Donnell's Buick Regal, and, I assumed,
collecting samples. This left Jack and I alone to interview her.
        "First, I'd like to know why you're angry with us," Jack said.
        "Not with you," she said, "with those Taylor cops that showed up after my husband came
home. Those bastards killed him! Why wouldn't they just leave? Tyler would still be alive."
        "They were doing their job."
        "Yeah, bullshit," she said, lighting up a Newport. "They cornered him. He was trapped.
All he asked was for them to back off, give him a chance to tell his side of the story."
        "The police would've given him that opportunity. Would you like to tell us what happened
when he got home?"
        She took a deep drag from the cigarette and talked while exhaling the smoke. "He ran in
through the front door. He had blood allover him. He said some white guy cut him off on the
freeway. He honked at the guy, and the fucker gave Tyler the finger and yelled 'Dumb Nigger'
out the window. Tyler said he went nuts and forced the guy off the road. He said he didn't
remember anything else except standing there with blood all over himself. He knew he'd done it,
but he had no idea why. He's not a violent person! He said something took control of him. He
blacked out, and when he woke up, he'd already killed this guy."
        For several minutes, neither Jack nor Mrs. Donnell spoke. There wasn't much else Jack
could ask. She broke the silence.
        “What Tyler did to the bathroom...was that what he did to that guy on the
        Jack paused to form a response. "It was similar, but what he did to himself was very
much small-scale compared to the other guy."
        "Hmm. No love lost for that bigoted asshole," she said.

She glanced out her front window for a second, then she put her son on the couch and
jumped up. She ran to the front door, opened it and yelled, "Get the fuck away from my
husband's car you blue-suited sons-of-bitches!"
        She walked back to us but didn't sit down. "Tyler wasn't capable of doing those horrible
things. I understand he did them, but he just wasn't capable. He was a great husband and a hell
of a father to Deonté. Something happened to him, like he said. And I believe him."
        There wasn't much else for us to ask. We stood up and thanked her for the interview,
and she walked with us out the door.
        "Could I have a look in the trunk?" I asked, speaking for the first time. "The weapons
used at the scene came from there, and I just wanted to see what else was in there."
        "Sure," she said. She reached into the bloody Buick, and grabbed the keys, still in the
ignition. She walked to the rear and popped the trunk.
        Inside were a couple toolboxes, and piles of loose tools scattered throughout the trunk.
In the back of the trunk was a stereo amp mounted on a carpeted box that housed two 12"
chrome speakers. I'd just seen a similar setup in the trunk of Amanda's car earlier today. My
eyes went back to the tools.
        "What did Tyler do for a living?" I asked.
        “He's...was, an auto mechanic. He worked at a little garage in Detroit, but he kept all his
tools in the trunk because the garage gets broken into a lot."
        I nodded and shut the trunk. Again we thanked her as she got into her husband's Buick
and started it. Immediately Jack and I felt the blast of those 12" speakers playing rap.
        I walked up to the driver-side window. "Who is that? On the radio?"
        "Oh, that's a CD," she said, hitting the Eject button. She took the disc out and held it up.
        "Reign Supreme? I think I've heard of them."
        "I'd hope so. They're a Detroit group. They've had a lot of radio play lately, and they're
building some recognition for themselves."
        "I'll have to go buy their CD. Thanks Mrs. Donnell."
        Jack and I got in his ear and sparked up a couple Lady Janes I'd brought with me. All the
other cops had left, so screw it. We sat there and watched Mrs. Donnell. After reinserting the
CD, she pulled the car out of the front yard and into the driveway. She didn't didn't get out, or
even shut the car off. She just sat there, rap music blasting, as Jack and I watched.
        "She said he wasn't capable. Something took control of him. What do you think, Jack?"
        After letting out a puff of smoke, he said, "It's bullshit Nick. Let me explain something., me, your girl and your unborn child...we're all capable of murder, given the right
circumstances. No one will think themselves capable of anything, till they try it. There always
has to be a first time."
        "So then what?" I asked. "You think this guy was a thread waiting to snap?"
        "It's possible. It's more believable than something taking over her husband's body. I
mean hell, should we be calling in an exorcist on this one?"
        “Alright. Is there any connection to Amanda here?" I asked.
        "I don't see one. Other than the horrific nature of the killings. How about you?"
        "I don't know. I'm too tired to think about it. I just want to get home, get some sex and get
some sleep."
        Jack started the ear and we made our way down the residential street. Waiting at
Telegraph Road to make a right, I just barely caught a glimpse of the purple blur that breezed
past us and out onto Telegraph, narrowly missing three cars. Reign Supreme still blasted from
the trunk.
        “Was that her?" I asked, but I already knew. There was no mistaking the gold rims.
        "Where the hell is she going in such a hurry?" Jack asked.
        A half hour later, we pulled up in my driveway, but I didn't get out. I'd just remembered
something I'd forgotten about all day.

“Jack...back at the garage, you said the Escort wasn't Mrs. Grace's car. Whose is it?"
        "Oh!" he said, retrieving a folded piece of paper from his pocket. “I ran the VIN on the
Escort, and again it came up as Lindsay Grace, Lexington Kentucky. I pulled up Lindsay
Grace's driver's license, and this's what I got."
        He handed me the folded piece of paper, which I opened.
        The driver's license photo staring back at me sent chills down my spine. It was Amanda
        "Ooh...Miss Honesty had a fake name?" I asked.
        "Looks that way, but Kentucky? I thought maybe Identity Theft, so I sent a copy of our
picture of Amanda to the Lexington Police. They're going to go to the owner of the apartment
building listed on her driver's license and see if it's her. They'll get back to me."
        "So What's Amanda's dad saying about this?"
        "Not a word. Literally. He hasn't spoken a single word since we brought him in. This new
piece of information doesn't get us any closer to finding out if he killed her or not. But he knows
something. Before we left the station I had the team type up a search warrant for his house and
garage. We'll get a judge to sign it and go in early tomorrow morning. Hopefully we'll find
something solid against him."
        I yawned. "Okay Jack, let me know how it all goes," I said, getting out of the car.
        "Nick! You're not coming with us tomorrow?"
        "Sorry Jack. I sleep late. Let me know what you find." I got out before he could stop me. I
couldn't help it, I was exhausted.

        As I've grown accustomed to, Laurie attacked me like a leopard lunging at it's prey, as
soon as I walked in the door.
        "Nicky!" she yelled, pinning me to the floor.
        "Damn Laurie. Miss me?"
        "Not you, so much as your..." she said, grabbing me in a not-unpleasant location.
        "...wallet?" I volunteered.
        "Shithead," she said smiling as she got up from sitting on my legs. "I saw the news. Did
the guy really kill himself the way they said?"
        "Yup. Turned himself into sushi."
        "Light me," she said, with a Lady Jane dangling from her lips. I took out my Zippo and
did as I was told.
        "How's Dad?" I asked. I didn't see him when I came in, so I'd assumed he was still
barricaded in his room.
        "After he smoked, he came out. He's in the backyard shooting squirrels."
        "He's out there firing a gun?" I asked incredulously.
        "No dear. Slingshot. I told you ya shouldn't have given him that thing."
        "Fine, you were right, Your Highness."
        "Damn straight. Anything new about Amanda?"
        "Just that she's a world-class sweetheart with a fake ID."
        "What would she need with a fake ID?" Laurie asked.
        "I don't know, but she registered a car with her fake ID." I elaborated on the events of the
day, and tomorrow's plans.
        "What's Jack expect to find in the Graces' house?"
        “Who knows? Maybe Amanda's blood with Mr. Grace's prints on it? If he even did it. He
doesn't seem the type. It would take a raving psycho to do what was done to her."
        "How come you won't tell me how she was killed?"
        "Jack doesn't want anyone to know, for the simple reason that Mr. Grace does know
how his daughter was killed, and no one else could have told him."

"Nick, how long are you gonna keep playing Sherlock? This's Jack's job. Your job is to
keep me happy,” she said, groping me in my not-unpleasant location again.
        "I'll stop when I find out why these things are happening. Doesn't this whole thing make
you just a little curious?"
        "Alright. But Nick, you're MINE at night, got it? If you're not home by 8pm every night, I
won't think twice about castrating you," she ~aid with an evil grin.
        Dad walked in through the back door, Lady Jane in his mouth, slingshot in his hand.
        "Happy huntin' ?" Laurie asked.
        "We re having sqirrel stew tomorrow night," he said with a smirk.
        "Didn't we have that last night?" I asked, earning myself a slug in the arm from Laurie.
Last night she made home-made pot roast. My stomach swore vehemently for two hours.
        "It's no different than what your grandfather use to make when I was a kid," Dad said.
"We had squirrel, raccoon, beaver, and hell, anything with wings was a delicacy."
        "Sure, but that was before they invented supermarkets," I said. "Hey, how is Grandpa
        "He's fine, last I heard. He's..." Dad paused to do the math, “85 now. Still gets around,
too. Lives in a condo in Orlando."
        "Give him a call and see if you can get him to come up for a visit."
        "I'll try, but he's a miserable old fart”, he said, standing up and walking to his bedroom.
        Laurie stood and walked to the kitchen. Minutes later she emerged. “Nickyyy..." she said,
holding a can of whip cream, a jar of maraschino cherries and a banana. Goodnight, everyone.

Chapter Seven

         "Paydirt, Nick," Jack said after my cellphone woke me up.
         I sat up in bed and looked over at Laurie's nude body laying next to me. "Jack, if you
saw what I had next to me, you wouldn't blame me for hanging up right now."
         "She can wait. I'm at the Graces' house. You really need to see what these guys found
here. Get out here, like right now."
         I reluctantly agreed and hung up. Laurie was awake now, and inserted a Lady Jane in
my mouth and lit it. She knows me too well.
         "Have fun, Sherlock," she said grinning. "Get some more whip cream on your way
         I had to park the Firebird three houses away. The Graces' house was a circus of police.
Romulus police were present, along with a Detroit police van in the Graces' driveway and
several unmarked cars used by detectives. The Ford Expedition wasn't there.
         Jack was standing in the front yard waiting for me.
         "Glad to see you could make it,” he said.
         "You didn't give me much choice," I said with a smirk.
         He leaned over to me, and started sniffing me. I found this to be rude and completely
unacceptable social behavior.
         "Nick...why do you smell like a banana split?"
         " didn't give me a chance to take a shower this morning."
         He shook his head. "Don't wanna know. Anyways, I hated to drag you away from a
naked blonde, but I thought you'd want to see this."
         We walked into the house, and I first noticed several objects laid out on plastic on the
living room floor. Most I didn't recognize, but there was no mistaking the long, jagged-edged
kitchen knife with blood on it's handle.
         "Murder weapon?" I asked, pointing at the knife.
         'Yep. The lab guys in that van out there already tested the blood on it. It matches
Amanda's blood type. A DNA match will take a few weeks."
         "So where'd you find it?"
         He pointed at a white plastic bottle. "It was inside the bottle of bleach, to get rid of the
bloodstains. That's why a little blood was left on the handle; the knife didn't fit all the way down
into the bleach."
         "Someone tried to clean up the evidence. Do we have Dad to thank for that?"
         "Could be. There are prints of a thumb and index finger in the blood. We'll hear back
about that soon."
         I took a closer look at everything else laying on the plastic. A pile of clothing, a set of
keys, and two small white pieces of paper. Jack caught my glance and handed me a pair of
tweezers, which I used to pick up one of the pieces of paper.
         "Concert tickets. For St. Andrew's Hall, to see the Modern Idiots, on the same night she
was killed. The stubs are still attached, so she never went." I picked up the other one, which
turned out to be identical. "So Dad stole her tickets?"
         "I don't think he had them. Those and the keys were found in the pants pocket," he said,
holding up the bloodstained blue jeans.
         "Jack? Those are women's jeans."
         "Yep, and that's a woman's shirt, socks and shoes. All with bloodstains."
         "So Dad didn't kill her," I concluded.
         "Maybe not, but the killer was here, and Mr. Grace knows who the person is. And he still
isn't talking."

"Detective Noble," a man said behind me. "We faxed the prints from the knife to the
station, and they came back a perfect match to Mr. Grace."
        "Good. Have them send everything to the Wayne County D.A.'s office to start the
indictment," Jack said and walked out the door. I followed.
        "So I guess the keys belong to the Escort?" I asked as we stood in the front yard. Jack
stared off into the distance as he spoke. "That's a possibility. There's a set of Ford keys on it.
They look too old to fit the Expedition.”
        "Speaking of which, where's Mrs. Grace?"
        "No idea. She and the truck were gone when we got here this morning."
        Jack's pocket started ringing, and he pulled out his cellphone and answered it.
"Noble...yeah...she what?! When the hell did she... Yesterday?? Fuck, why am I just now finding
this out? Well, thanks anyway," and he hung up.
        "Bad news?" I asked. Nick Stone, Master of the Obvious.
        "You could say that. Yesterday, when Mrs. Donnell tore ass outta the neighborhood in
her husband's purple pimpmobile, she went to the Taylor police station. They said she attacked
two cops with a screwdriver. They arrested her and social services took her son. They say the
two officers will live.”
        I said nothing to this. There was nothing to say.
        “What do you make of this, Nick?" he asked, pointing back at the Graces' house.
        "You're the detective, Jack, but I'd say whoever was wearing those clothes killed her,
and unless Dad's a cross-dresser, it wasn't him. But Dad did try to get rid of the evidence. Try
and find Mom. She may know too, and she looks like the type to crack under pressure. "
        "There's an APB out on the Expedition, and we're checking driveways of family. It'll take
time. Oh, we heard back from the Lexington PD this morning. Our dear Amanda was living there
only a month. She moved out two weeks ago. The owner of the building confirmed her identity
with our photo."
        "Sounds like Amanda had some kinda secret life," I said.
        "Yep. Sounds like if Mr. Grace doesn't talk, and we don't find Mrs. Grace, we're at a
dead-end. We have enough to convict Mr. Grace, but I know there's more to this story."
        I looked back at the Graces' house. How did such a happy family get so incredibly
messed up? Geez, even my own isn't this bad! We may be a family of gun-toting drug addicts
regularly committing felonies, but we're happy. And we don't slice and gut each other.
        "How about Tyler Donnell's wife?” I asked.
        "What about her?"
        "I think I'd like to talk to her."
        “We got what we could from her yesterday. What are you thinking?"
        "I'm thinking she's the only one we can find who's flipped and gone psycho, and lived
        "I like your thinking. Let's go."

Chapter Eight

         After a call to the Taylor PD, we found out Mrs. Donnell had been moved to the
psychiatric ward on the 10th floor of Oakwood Hospital in Dearborn for an evaluation. Since she
tried to kill two cops and was now in police custody, she was heavily guarded.
         "The nurse I talked to on the phone said Mrs. Donnell was sedated for the moment,"
Jack said in the elevator to the 10th floor. “We may not get much from her till the drugs wear
         The elevator stopped and the doors opened to reveal a bulletproof glass enclosure
around us when we stepped off the elevator. We stood there for several seconds watching the
psych ward's foot-traffic. Men and women of all ages walked aimlessly, some carrying cans of
Coke or Pepsi, eyes downcast and staring at the floor. An elderly lady sat on a couch, eyes
transfixed on the TV mounted on the wall and was crying. The TV wasn't on.
         A slightly overweight lady in a white coat came to the door of the glass enclosure, took
out some keys, unlocked it and let us in.
         "Good afternoon Detective Noble, Mr. Stone. I'm Dr. Baum, Mrs. Donnell's evaluating
psychologist. "
         "How is she? Can we talk to her yet?" Jack asked.
         "You can try. Right now she seems to be mumbling incoherently; something about drugs
and women. The sedative still has yet to wear off.”
         Dr. Baum led us down a long hallway. It dead-ended where two police officers stood on
each side of a door. Dr. Baum took out her keys, unlocked the door and the three of us entered.
         Mrs. Donnell was strapped to a hospital bed, bound at her wrists, ankles and forehead.
She was thrashing around a bit as if trying to break free, but she wasn't giving it much effort, to
suggest she'd been doing this a while and wore herself out.             She was mumbling, and Jack
and I stepped closer to hear her..
         "...cruisin' in mah Benz with a joint I'm tokin', mah bizzle next to me and her tits are
smokin'...mah homies can't find me cuz my cellphone's broken!"
         "What's that, Nick?" Jack asked.
         "That's Reign Supreme. That song was playing when she started her husband's car."
         "She was listening to it too on her way to the police station last night," Jack said.
         "Detective Noble?
         We both turned to Mrs. Donnell. She was no longer singing or thrashing around. She
stared with wide eyes at Jack.
         "Mrs. Donnell? How do you feel?" Jack asked.
         "Like shit. Please, call me Penelope."
         "Alright, Penelope. Do you know why you're here?"
         "I snapped. I tried to kill some cops, right? I was so pissed at them. I just wanted them to
die over and over. I don't know why, because those two cops weren't even there at my house."
         Jack looked at me and nodded, a signal for me to continue the interview.
         "Penelope," I said, and she turned her eyes to me, "do you remember what you were
doing when this fit of rage hit you?"
         She rolled her eyes up into her head. I thought she was lapsing back into rap mode, till
she spoke. "I was sitting in the Regal in my driveway after you two left. After sitting there for a
few minutes, I felt this anger burning in me. I don't really remember anything after that. Is that
what happened to Tyler??"
         I looked back at Jack. I didn't have anything else to ask her.
         "Get some rest, Penelope," Jack said. We'll be back later to check on you."

On our way out, Jack exchanged some words with the two officers guarding the door.
They talked the usual shop-talk, and he asked about the two injured officers, who were
coincidentally downstairs on the third floor.
        At the glass enclosure, Jack asked Dr. Baum for a copy of her report when it was
finished, to which she agreed.
        In the parking garage Jack finally spoke. "Any thoughts?"
        "Not really. Just some loose ideas."
        "Think about it some. Go home, play with the little lady, and I'll call you if something
comes up."
        I agreed, found my Firebird and left. On my way home I pushed all my thoughts of
Penelope Donnell and Amanda Grace from my head. My dear lady Jane helped.

        Thankfully I had not been attacked upon entering the house this time. Though it was now
1pm, Laurie was asleep on the living room floor, arms wrapped around the tranny bong in a
huge bear hug. It was a serene and peaceful scene, and I was more than a bit jealous. I went to
the kitchen and grabbed a Budweiser from the fridge. Today's mail was laying on the kitchen
table where I'd left it this morning. All our bills were deducted automatically from several bank
accounts, which left very little in our mailbox each morning. Today was mostly junkmail;
advertisements for nearby grocery stores, pizza shops, and a 'Have You Seen Me?' from the
National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. Today's depicted a young black girl, age six,
along with an age-progression photo. Sorry Mary Lynn Dauber of Houston Texas, I haven't seen
        Under the immense pile was a light brown 9x12 legal envelope I hadn't noticed this
morning. On the front were four 39¢ stamps, and my name and address neatly typed. The
envelope was devoid of a return address.
        My brain suddenly reverted to a crime novel I'd read in which the investigating detective
received a letter bomb in the mail, evidently sent by the bad guys. The envelope contained a
sheet of C-4 plastic explosives, as thin as paper, attached to a watch battery and triggered by a
spring when the envelope was opened. Unfortunately, the detective's wife opened the envelope
when he wasn't home, which ultimately disintegrated the front of his house, not to mention his
        I took the letter into the living room and removed the lampshade from the lamp table
near the front door. I held the envelope to, the light, allowing me to see through it.
        It looked to be empty, except for a lighter outline around the edge, which suggested
there was one sheet of paper inside. I found no outlines of a watch battery or a trigger device.
        "Whatcha lookin' for, Sherlock?" Laurie asked from behind me.
        "A bomb."
        “Have you tried HBO?” she asked, and went back to the bong.
        When I built up the nerve, I finally opened the envelope. I was right. It contained a single
sheet of paper. It was mostly empty, but contained one neatly-typed sentence:

                                       "It's in the music."

        I studied the words on the single sheet of paper for several moments, almost expecting
the words to change. It's in the music? What's in the music? I assumed it had to do with the
Grace and Donnell cases, so I called Jack and told him of the new development, and agreed to
drop it off to him later. I returned the sheet of paper to the envelope and wrapped it in a plastic
        “Nick, I wanna do some more shopping," Laurie demanded.

"Yes, again. Ya got a problem with that?" she not-very-sweetly asked while grabbing me
in my frequently grabbed location.
        "Laurie, don't expect it to work much longer if you keep grabbing it like that."        "That's
fine," she said, patting her stomach, "I don't need it anymore."
        "Good, then I can use the can of whip cream with my other girlfriend," I said, which
earned me another punch in my already-bruised arm.
        We drove the 14-mile excursion to the Sears Dept. Store in Lincoln Park, whose parking
lot contained, among many other things, an Old Navy, Babies-R-Us, Radio Shack and a
Harmony House. We could have found some place closer to horne, but I had a friend to visit
        After parking the car near Old Navy, Laurie went first to Babies-R-Us while I walked over
to Radio Shack and went in.
        "Afternoon, Gary," I said to the 400+lb. commission-earning salesman behind the
counter. I've been coming here for many years, almost as long as Gary Bowman has been
working here.
        "Anything specific you're looking for?"
        "Oh you know me, I'm always looking for new toys."
        At those words, Gary's eyes lit up like a kid at Christmas as a thought popped into his
head. "Oh! These came in a month ago! You'll love it!" he said, disappearing into the back of the
store. While he was gone I looked around. I took a closer look at the display model of a Tandy
computer. Tandy? Didn't they go out of business in the early 90's? Way to hold on to a lost
        "Check this out, Nick," he said when he returned. He was holding a plain plastic box that
had a couple switches, a phone jack, and a six-inch phone cord hanging out.
        "You plug it into a phone line, and it broadcasts the phone call on a 2.4GHz frequency.
Say your daughter has her own phone line. Plug this in and find out what she talks about with
that guy that picked her up in his '78 Camaro last night."
        "Great analogy, Gary. So what's it run on? How often do you change the batteries?"
        "Never!" Gary said with an evil grin. "That's the beauty of it. It runs off the 45 volts from
the phone line. It broadcasts up to 2500 feet, and you just use a police scanner to listen to it."
        "Sold. Guess I'll need a scanner too huh?" I asked, though he'd already grabbed a box
from under the counter.
        “It's from Uniden. Picks up everything from police to aircraft to cellphones. Might even
pick up little green men from Mars, if you have the right frequency.”
        “You're a hell of a salesman, Gary,” I said, handing him my credit card and topping off
the order with ten rechargeable batteries.

        I left Radio Shack and went next door to Harmony House with a morbid curiosity. It didn't
take long to locate Reign Supreme's' only CD. It was this month's featured group, and was
prominently displayed on a rack near the front entrance. I grabbed one and continued my
        The Modern Idiots CD was a much harder find. I eventually found it falsely categorized
under Rock/Alternative. The shelves were probably stocked by some trendy poseur who
wouldn't know punk if it dropped in his lap and bit his tallywhacker off. And for this horrible
injustice, it just might.
        I made my way back to the front counter, which was armed with a blonde girl of maybe
16. She wore big gold hoop earrings and too much make-up. I interrupted her as she lip-synced
to Blink 182's 'Small Things'. Probably thinks it's punk. She probably stocks these shelves

I took a chance and posed my question to her. I handed her the two CDs and asked,
“What would you say these two CDs have in common?"
         After a good long look, she said, "Hmm. One's rap, one's rock?"
         Slapping my forehead, I said, "Good girl! But no, that's a difference, not a similarity.
Wanna give it one more try?"
         She took another look, longer this time, as if the album covers might've changed in the
last ten seconds. "They're both square?"
         "Ahh, touché my dear," I said, handing her my credit card.
        I hid the Radio Shack bag in the backseat and put the Modern Idiots CD in the CD player.
I went through three songs waiting for Laurie to finish shopping.
         “What in hell is that?” she asked when she got in the car.
         "Modern Idiots. Punk music. It's what Amanda Grace listened to."
         She glared at me. "You wanna fuck her, don't you..."
         I shook my head. That's twice now I've been accused of being a necrophiliac.

       It seemed like a long trip to the Mobil gas station in Dearborn Heights, though it was only
a few miles away. Time seemed to slow down with Laurie's negative comments on punk music.
Girls wouldn't understand anyway.
       The Mobil gas station at the corner of Van Born and Pelham is owned by my old friend,
Hamoud Bazzi. Since I lived only a few blocks from here for many years, Hamoud, or 'Moody'
as everyone called him, was like a second father to me. He was born in Lebanon, moved to
New York in the late 70's then moved to Michigan 15 years ago.
       In my youth, I use to do ‘odd-jobs’ for him. Most of the time, that meant cutting the gas
hoses from the pumps at the other two gas stations occupying that intersection for the purpose
of subduing the competition. Now that I'm older, Moody has become a source for things I can't
normally find anywhere else; anything from cable descramblers to explosives. He also likes to
give me relationship advice, though I never really ask for it.
       "Kaifhalak, habibi! [Welcome, friend!]" I said, walking into the gas station. I walked to the
counter, where Moody stood staring at me. For several seconds he said nothing. He slowly
broke into a smile and yelled at the top of his lungs.
       I'd been ready for one of his usual outbursts, and already had my hands over my ears.
He only does this when there's no one else in the store.
       "Haven't you retired yet?" I asked.
       "I'm never gonna retire. You told me that yourself."
       "Yes I did, but damn, I thought I was kidding."
       "I told you next to you bring Laurie, ah? You makin-a-babies yet?"
       At that moment Laurie walked in. She said she wanted to wait in the car, but I knew she
wouldn't. Moody had always treated her like a daughter, but Laurie wasn't use to having a dad --
not one that actually cared about her anyway.
       With instant recognition, Moody ran from behind the counter and gave Laurie a huge
       Laurie said nothing; just smiled. She wasn't use to this. Arabic people have a fierce
closeness to their family, and since Moody treated us like his own, that also included us.
       "Laurie. When you gonna make bebbies, ah?"
       She looked down and put a hand on her stomach. "In about six months."
       A huge grin took Moody's face. "No shit?? You make-a me grandfather?"
       "Aren't you already a grandfather?" Laurie asked, referring to his three biological

"Yeah! But I be grandfather again!" I'm pretty sure you can only become a grandfather
once, but I knew better than to argue logic with a 50-year-old Lebanese.
        "So, how's the police business, Nick? Moody asked.
        "Eh? How'd you know about that?"
        "The news, Nick! What, you think I don't watch anything but al Jazeera? Who's your
buddy I saw you with?"
        "He's my flight instructor," I said with a grin.
        His face was one of confusion, that quickly turned to an evil grin. "Hey Nicky, you wanna
uhh...take care of something for me?"
        I knew what he meant. Another odd-job. "Sure, Moody. Want something blown up?"
        "Oh nooo, This's bigger! Much bigger!"
        Moody and I went over the plans in private while Laurie smoked a lady in the storage
room and ate frozen pizza and Doritos. In the Arabic culture, women are not included in
conversations of serious business. I didn't agree with it, but I respect the culture.
        "He's here Nick," Moody said, pointing out the window. "Let me know when the job's
done, aight?"
        I looked at him incredulously. "If ya wanna know when it's done, watch the news!" I said
with a smirk as Laurie and I walked out.
        Abdo, one of Moody's many sons-in-law was parked next to my car. I went to his window
and he handed me a dufflebag of the things I would need. I shook his hand and got in the
Firebird, where Laurie was waiting for me, full of questions.
        "What kinda job are you suppose to do for him?" Laurie asked.
        I said nothing. She most likely wouldn't approve.
        "Damnit Nick, are you gonna blow something up? Kill someone??" Still I said nothing. I
really didn't want her to know.

        I called ahead and told Jack I'd be outside the police station in fifteen minutes and to
wait for me outside. I really didn't want to go inside a police station if I didn't have to.
        From my car, I handed Jack the brown envelope, still wrapped in plastic. He looked at
the envelope without taking the letter out.
        “What did they letter say?” Jack asked.
        "It's in the music."
        "What is?"
        "How would I know? I'm not a detective," I said with a smirk.
        "Okay, I'll have it checked for prints, but don't hold your breath. Someone went to a lot of
trouble to put it together, and probably used gloves."
        "I dunno Jack, it sounds like someone's trying to help the investigation. Can't imagine
why they would want to hide their identity from us."
        "Let's hope so. It's a dead-end without prints."
        "What about DNA? They could've licked the envelope."
        "Possibly, but it would have to go to Lansing, and you know how long that takes."
        "Do what you can with it and let me know," I said and left.
        The drive home was a quiet one. Laurie was obviously still mad at me for not telling her
about Moody's request. I'd soon fix that. I had several cans of whip cream at home.
        Tonight would be a great night.

Chapter Nine

       "Nick, I'm in prison."
       I looked at the clock next to my bed. It was noon. "Jack?!" I said into my cellphone. Did
he say 'prison' or did I dream that?
       "Yep, it's me. I'm at the Jackson State Prison."
       "Good God, Jack, what'd you do??"
       "Nothing!, I'm not incarcerated," he said, and took a deep sigh. "We got another
one. A bad one. Feel like a road trip?"
       Ugh. Actually I didn't. I really felt like wrapping myself around Laurie's naked sleeping
body and going back to sleep. But that's not what I said.
       "You owe me, Jack," I said, looking over at my naked Laurie. "You owe me big," and I
hung up.
       I felt Laurie rollover and slide her hand up my back. "Another one?"
       "Yep, another bad one, he says. It's in Jackson."
       "Oooh, can I go??" she asked.
       "Yeah! Sounds like fun!" she giggled as she climbed out of bed.

         The 175-mile stretch of 1-94 between Detroit and Jackson was traveled rather quickly,
despite the freeway construction. Laurie and I argued about baby names, which actually made
the time go faster. It's a fight we always enjoyed.
         I'd passed the entrance to the prison twice before finally finding it. The guard at the main
gate made a phone call when I told him my name. He opened the gate, then directed me to the
visitor's parking lot. I had a creepy feeling passing through the double razorwire fences, and it
almost made me think twice about my felonious habits.
         We were met at the prison's main entrance by Jack, and a very tall, well-dressed black
man, who introduced himself as the JSP Warden, Bernard Tolson. We were led into the building
and through the maze of hallways and stairs, finally emerging outside again.
         "Why's it so quiet?" Laurie asked. "I always imagined prisons to be louder."
         "All the housing units are on lockdown, since it happened this morning," Warden Tolson
         "Since what happened?" I asked.
         "You'll see, Nick," Jack said. "The recreation yard's this way."
         We walked down a long sidewalk past what we were told were housing units. From the
sidewalk we could see several faces staring at us through barred windows. Warden Tolson
noticed us staring back at the faces.
         "Normally you'd see more of them, but 70% of our population was at the yard this
         I still didn't understand what had happened. "Are they still there?"
         The warden looked at me dumbfounded. "Of course they are! They're not going
anywhere. Least not on their own."
         I was beginning to see the picture the warden was painting for me, but it got much
clearer when we entered the recreation yard's main gate. Laurie turned an even paler shade of
white, though I didn't think that was possible. I clenched my stomach and remembered I hadn't
eaten breakfast. Thankfully.
         "How many?" I asked.
         "The count's not in yet. Maybe 800," Jack said.

Laurie and I ventured off on our own, slowly meandering through the field of bloody
corpses. They were everywhere. Thirty or so lay on the basketball courts, and hundreds more
lay in pools of blood wearing soccer and football jerseys; others in shorts and t-shirts. Many
clutched sharp metal objects covered in blood. The weapon-bearing inmates received the least
of the damage. Those without weapons were horribly mutilated: abdomens were torn open,
eyes ripped out, and a few had been completely stripped of flesh and organs, so that all that
remained were blood-covered skeletons.
         Laurie and I hadn't wandered very far before turning back.
         "Nick, is this what those other scenes were like?" Laurie asked.
         "Similar, but not on such a grand scale as this."
         We found our way back to Jack and Warden Tolson, and I posed the question to him
that was burning in my mind. "What were they doing before this happened?"
         "Well, as you can see, some were playing basketball, others played soccer or football,
the rest were walking or running the track. Then, for whatever reason, they all started attacking
each other at the same time."
         "In my short little walk," I said to the warden, "I counted 23 shanks, out of maybe 40
inmates. Are shanks prison-issue now?"
        I saw the warden's eyebrows drop in a frown. "No, Mr. Stone, they are NOT prison-issue.
We do what we can to control the contraband, but we can only do so much."
         Another diplomatically bureaucratically bullshit story. What did he think we were, news
         Within the recreation yard was a small building with a fenced-in patio. Through windows
I could see exercise bikes inside, along with treadmills and weight benches. but What caught
my eye was the mass of audio equipment and musical instruments sitting inside the fenced-in
patio. Guitars lay on the ground, a keyboard was left on a stand, parts of a drum set were
loosely scattered, and two towers of speakers, standing ten feet high, were still buzzing.
         "Live music?" I asked, pointing at the equipment.
         "They call themselves Razorwire. They were playing when all this happened."
        I had already figured that by the disarray of the equipment. But I still had other questions.
         "How long have they been playing outside like this?"
         "They've played five times at the rec yard. Three times at a bar over by the Jackson
         “You let them out for that?" I asked.
         "Sure. They're given furloughs for it. They go out with eight guards, play for a few hours
and come back. They've never given us any trouble."
         "So they're doing pretty well then?" I asked.
         "Oh, they're doing great. They just got signed a month ago."
         "Signed? Forgive me Warden, I'm not up on the lingo."
         He frowned. "They signed a contract with a record label, which got their music
         "So they have their own CDs?"
         "Sure do. First CD off the press was sent to them a week ago."
         I looked at Jack, who shrugged. He knew about as much about what was going on as I
did, which wasn't much.
         "Can we talk to these Razorwire guys?" I asked.
         "Sure, I can arrange that," Warden Tolson said, and went off to say some words into a
         "What are you thinking, Nick?"
         "It's in the music, Jack..."

It's In the Music: A Technological Thriller
It's In the Music: A Technological Thriller
It's In the Music: A Technological Thriller
It's In the Music: A Technological Thriller
It's In the Music: A Technological Thriller
It's In the Music: A Technological Thriller
It's In the Music: A Technological Thriller
It's In the Music: A Technological Thriller
It's In the Music: A Technological Thriller
It's In the Music: A Technological Thriller
It's In the Music: A Technological Thriller
It's In the Music: A Technological Thriller
It's In the Music: A Technological Thriller
It's In the Music: A Technological Thriller
It's In the Music: A Technological Thriller
It's In the Music: A Technological Thriller
It's In the Music: A Technological Thriller
It's In the Music: A Technological Thriller
It's In the Music: A Technological Thriller
It's In the Music: A Technological Thriller
It's In the Music: A Technological Thriller
It's In the Music: A Technological Thriller
It's In the Music: A Technological Thriller
It's In the Music: A Technological Thriller

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It's In the Music: A Technological Thriller

  • 1. Note from the author: If you like this story, please feel free to share it with your friends and family. If you would like to order this story in paperback from Amazon or would like to read more of my short novels, please visit my website at It’s In the Music Technological Thriller / Suspense 29,000 Words © 2009 Timothy A. Boling This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places or incidents are either a product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales or persons, living or dead, is purely coincidence. This novel is copyrighted material and all rights are reserved. No part of this book may be reprinted in any medium, in any form, without the author’s consent. Anyway, happy reading. ☺
  • 2. It's In the Music Chapter One "You've done this enough times, you won't need my help will you?" "No, no I don't think so," I said, really unsure. "You're one of my best, Nick. I trust you. I'm gonna take a nap. If you need something, wake me. If you're about to crash, just let me sleep." Without another word, he reclined his seat, pulled his hat down over his head and went to sleep. He had more faith in me than I did. Falling back to what now felt like instinct, I pushed the double-throttle to full, and when the twin engines reached full power I let off the brake. The old 1972 Beechcraft "Twin Beech" H-18 rolled down runway 2R at Willow Run Airport in Ypsilanti, Michigan. Her twin engines had a low, muffled rumble distinct to the old Twin Beech. It was a sound that could lull me to sleep if I wasn't careful. Her tail wheel lifted off the ground and I eased back on the yoke, sending the yellow- and-grey bird into the air. Jack Noble, the flight instructor for EagleOne Aviation, often slumbered in the seat next to me. I'd completed the flight class three weeks ago, and we've been up in the Cessna several dozen times. He told me I could fly the thing blindfolded, but when he actually handed me a blindfold, I declined it. I was only 68 hours away from getting my pilot's license. I've spent 52 hours in the Cessna, and by now my instructor was feeling pretty useless. Today, the Cessna was being overhauled. Jack let me use his own plane today, and there was no way in hell I'd turn it down. I'd flown this plane on the Microsoft Flight Simulator many times and I instantly fell in love with the plane's smooth maneuvering and the ghostly sound of its engines. It's a very easy plane to fly, especially for a Cessna novice. Unfortunately, there's enough difference between simulator and real life that it worried me when my instructor simply strapped in and went to sleep. No instructions, no explanation of the vast panels of switches, knobs, buttons and lights. No, he just says 'Need help, wake me,' which's why he has more faith in me than I do in myself. This was only my second time flying anything but a Cessna. This was Jack's part-time job. Full-time, he was Detective Jack Noble, of the Detroit Police. Jack had been a very laid-back person from the first time I met him, in front of a burning drug house in Detroit. At 26 years old, he took his job seriously -- when he was at work. Many cops love to bring their work (and attitude) home with them. Not Jack. He says he's seen too much blood and gore to take it seriously. Sure, he gets the job done, but he does it without the over-inflated ego of a rookie working his way up the ladder, and without the depression of a burnt-out detective with a drinking problem. Nope, Jack reminds himself that people die all the time, even at the hands of others. And so do cops, so don't get cocky thinking you're invincible. That can distract you and get you killed, as it has to so many others. But right now Jack's full-time work was 3,000 feet below us and 30 miles to the north, as I followed the smooth outline of the Detroit River, floating over Belle Isle, and along the western shore of Lake Erie. With the help of the quietly thrumming engines, I let my mind drift off into a reverie of thoughts... Laurie always comes to mind at times like this. Up until a couple months ago, my fiancée Laurie had just been a smoking buddy. Laurie has, uhh... problems, but please don't tell her I said that! She'll whoop my ass. She had a troubled childhood, an alcoholic mom that abandoned her at 16, and a sick and sadistic father that she killed with a cast- iron skillet when she was eight. I think it's affected her. After I tried to break up with her and she tried to air my 2
  • 3. brains out all over the living room wall with the .38 I gave her for her birthday, I started entertaining the possibility that maybe she really was crazy. That incident made us closer, though I can't imagine how. I guess I realized that her thoughts of losing me made her snap. I didn't know she was serious about me, and her attempt to put a hole in my head showed me how much she loves me, and that I do in fact love her too. Screwed up, huh? We're thinking of auditioning for the Jerry Springer Show. Since then we've smoked a lot of Jane, committed several felonies, bought a new house, watched it burn down after my best friend kidnapped Laurie, I blew up a casino and highjacked a Lear Gulfstream IV. Oh, and Nick Stone is about to become faithful husband and father. But don't think that'll ever slow me down! "Nick. .." "Yeah. .." I said, still lost in thought. "KayTall, Nick." That got my attention. "Huh?" "Just wondering if you were going to land at KTOL or just fly till we run outta gas." Shit. I banked right, perhaps too hard for the old Beech. Jack either hadn't noticed or didn't care, because he'd already gone back to sleep. I throttled down, dropped the flaps and landing gear, and lined up for the approach to Toledo Airport. The wing wheels touched the runway first, and I cut the throttle. The tailwheel touched the runway and I tapped the brake. "Over there," Jack said, pointing to an old steel hangar. I taxied over and shut the engines down. In front of the hangar's huge door was a short, pudgy, grey-haired man, perhaps in his mid-forties. Jack and I got out and met him. "Jack! Damn good to see ya boy!" he yelled. "You didn't give me much of a choice!" Jack said. "Your message sounded urgent. Oh, this's my current aeronautical protégé, Nick Stone. Nick, this's Al Pross, retired gun-runner turned aircraft mechanic, and world-class pain in my ass." "Retired, thanks to you Jack!" Al said with a smile. "Would you rather I'd brought you in?" Jack asked, then turned to me. "I caught him last year bringing guns in through Detroit City Airport. I let him go, told him he owed me one. Besides, the FBI would've taken over anyway. Damn feebies." "Good to meet ya Al, and when I'm in the market for an M-16 I know who to call," I said, only half-joking. "So Al," Jack said, "your message said you have something to show me?" "Oh, I do!" A little something I bought on eBay," Al said, hitting a button on what looked line a garage door opener. The hangar door slowly began to rise. As it did, I watched Jack's jaw slowly begin to drop. "I had it shipped over from Japan in pieces. The Japanese Army's had her in their possession since they captured it's pilot in 1942." "Do you know what this is, Nick?" Jacked asked. I knew it was an old WWII plane. Aside from that, I had no specifics. "No Jack, how 'bout you tell me?" "She's a P-22 Lightning. That double fuselage is one-of-a-kind, Nick. You should know what kind of plane this is!" "Sorry to disappoint ya, Jack," I said with a smirk. "Damn she's gorgeous, Al. She fly?" "She will. I just got her back together. A lot of the cables are corroded, rubber lines are rotted, just small stuff from sitting so long. She hasn't flown since she landed in 1942." "Any idea what happened to the pilot?" Jack asked. "Yeah. His name's written right there under the cockpit window. Alot of WWII pilots did that. A friend in the Navy looked through some records. Apparently this guy'd been in a bad dogfight with a Mitsubishi F-Zero. You know the P-22s can't dogfight, so he was escorted by gunpoint back to Japan. When he landed, he was captured and tortured for two straight weeks. He refused to give up information. He spit at them, they broke his fingers. He threw up on them, 3
  • 4. they broke his legs. He eventually escaped and made his way back into U.S. hands. It's a hell of a story, Jack. Gave me chills every time I sat in the cockpit." Jack's cellphone rang, and he walked off to answer it. It was likely his other job calling him. While he talked, I walked around the old P-22. It amazed me she was in such great shape. I didn't fail to notice the bulletholes in her rear left fuselage. She didn't give up without a fight. "Nick, we gotta go," Jack said, pocketing his cellphone. "Sorry Al, wish I could stay. Work calls." We quickly reboarded the plane, and I had us in the air in five minutes. He told me to floor it, so we did 220knots for KDET, Detroit City Airport. "I don't have time to drop you at Willow Run, so you're coming with me. I'll give you a pen and notepad, and tell them you're my assistant." "Sure. So what's the scene like?" I asked. "They said it's bad. Really bad. Do you have a strong stomach?" Aw hell. For a detective who's seen as much death as he has to say it's really bad, I was sure I'd need to prepare myself for this. "I'd have to smoke first," I said. "Smoke what ?" I stared at him. "You know..." "Oh," he said, giving me an understanding nod. "Well, if you're gonna smoke that stuff in my plane, I have one rule." "What's that?" "Puff, puff, pass." In the tense atmosphere, I couldn't help but to laugh. Damn, I'm really gonna like Jack Noble. 4
  • 5. Chapter Two We landed at Detroit City Airport at 9:30am. We made good time, with the overspeed buzzer going off the whole trip. "Roll your window down," Jack said, rolling his down. "That's the first time I've ever clam-baked in a plane before." "Yeah? First time for everything," he said, tossing a roach out the window. "C'mon, let's air out before our ride shows." We stepped out just as a dark blue Crown Vic showed up. We got in. "Who's the new kid?" the driver asked. "My assistant, Nick Stone. Nick, this's Officer Milani." Milani sniffed the air in the car, looked at us and shrugged. "Eh, whatever Jack." Jack leaned over and whispered, "You're not holdin', are ya?" "I left it in the plane," I whispered back, to which he nodded. The apartment complex was in the area of Six Mile and Van Dyke. It wasn't a bad area, but it wasn't great either. At the moment, there were six police cars, two ambulances, over 150 gawkers and roughly 500 feet of police tape strewn about. "Ready for this?" Jack asked me. "No, but it really doesn't matter. Let's go." The apartment was nicely furnished, for being occupied by a teenager fresh out of high school: a 55" TV, DVD Player and a rack of DVDs, two couches and pictures on the wall. I followed Jack into a rear bedroom. In the hallway I could already smell the heavy scent of copper in the air that I knew to be blood, and only got stronger when I reached the bedroom. Inside, two cops and a photographer hovered over something I couldn't see on the other side of the bed. At the mere sight of Detective Jack Noble, they all fled the room. "Good luck with this one," the photographer said on his way out. The scene inside the bedroom was not one I'd been prepared for. Nothing could have prepared me for this scene. In the middle of the floor, 19-year-old Amanda Grace lay on her stomach in a pool of blood. Her once-blonde hair was now soaked in it. Her arms were tied behind her with rope. Her ankles had been tied together and pulled behind her, with another piece of rope attached from her ankles to a noose around her neck. The pressure of her legs, bent at the knees, was a sick attempt for the killer to make her hang herself. But that hadn't been what killed her. "What sense do you make of it, Nick?" Jack asked me. It was just us in the bedroom now. "Haven't I seen this before? I mean...I think I saw something like this once." Jack nodded. "Ever been to the Detroit Institute of Arts?" I thought back, deep into my past. "Some chick took me to the DIA once. Sometimes a guy'll do anything to get laid." "How was it?" "The sex?" "No, asshole, the museum." "Boring! Nothing but a buncha sculptures and paintings and...that's it! It was a painting!" "Good job, Sherlock," he said. "Hieronymous Bosch painting. He paints some twisted shit." I looked back at the once very beautiful Amanda Grace. "That about describes this. It's sick fucking twisted torture shit. He couldn't just shoot or stab her. He had to make her suffer first." "I was thinking a jealous boyfriend maybe," Jack speculated. 5
  • 6. "No way, dude. No way she'd date someone this fucked up. Maybe some psycho that asked her out and couldn't handle rejection. I dunno. It'd take alot of anger to make someone do this." Jack then noticed the seventeen stab wounds on the backs of her legs. "That's odd, why bother stabbing her?" "Jack, didn't you once tell me you were a detective?" "Yeah yeah, eat me. What're your thoughts?" "I think the killer was impatient. Probably nervous and edgy too. He rigged this whole elaborate thing up and probably sat right there on her bed waiting for her legs to get tired and choke herself. When he got impatient, he stabbed her legs to speed things up." Jack then took note of her throat. It was deeply cut, from ear to ear. He pointed. "Then why'd he do that?" With a deep sigh I said, "She held on to her life with every ounce of willpower she had. I really admire her for her strength. He got impatient again and cut her throat." Without a word Jack left the room, and I followed. I walked into the living room and studied the pictures on the walls and shelves. She'd been Prom Queen last year at Romulus High School and had plenty of pictures to show it. She also had several pictures with who I assumed was her prom date, and more with her parents when she was younger. I found a senior picture of her and pocketed it. Shh! I sat outside on the balcony while Jack wrapped up his investigation. I thought about Amanda Grace, first in her prom pictures, then lying in two gallons of her own blood. What kind of person could bring themselves to do that to someone? I also thought about the fact that the killer had been impatient and didn't get to kill her the way he wanted her to die. With his anger still unsatisfied, would he strike again? Officer Milani dropped Jack and I at City Airport. We sat in the cockpit, engines still off, smoking Jane and thinking about the scene we'd just left. "I've never seen a murder this... bizarre," Jack said, after puffing and passing. "I'd like for you to continue being my assistant, Nick. I have a feeling I'm going to need all the help I can get." "I figured you might. That's why I boosted this stuff," I said, handing him a photo of Amanda Grace, her personal phone book, diary and cellphone. "Jesus, Nick! You can't just take evidence from a crime scene!" "No, you can't, but I can. Besides, it does us more good here than in an evidence storage room." "Alright, but take it home and look through it. If the department found that stuff on me I'd be out of a job." We rolled couple more Lady Janes for the road...err, sky. Whatever. "Alright, get us outta here Nick. The stench in this town is overpowering." 6
  • 7. Chapter Three After landing at Willow Run, Jack wasted no time getting in his 2004 Mercury Marauder and leaving. He obviously had alot on his mind, and the flight back was quiet. I got in my black 2002 Pontiac Firebird, and made the long trip back home to Farmington Hills. Any other time, pushing this car over 100mph on 1-94 would make me feel better. Not today. I did five under the limit while trying to push the images of Amanda Grace from my mind. At three p.m. I pulled up in the driveway. Laurie and I live with my dad now, since our house was torched. Dad's really in no hurry to get rid of us, so we've put house shopping on hold for a while. I walked in the door, and found Dad toking off a bong I'd made from an old Chrysler transmission. Laurie was laying on the couch, but she got up when I walked in. "Nicky!" she yelled, attacking me and pinning me to the floor. She was three months pregnant now, and her hormones were kinda outta whack. The pills the doctor gave her didn't help, but the Jane does miracles for her personality! "You're high, Laurie," I said, trying to get up from the floor. I took off my jacket and sat on the couch. "How was the flight?" She asked. "Suck any birds into the engine again?" "C'mon, that happened once! What're the odds? Damn pigeon shouldn't have been flying in an FAA-defined flight path anyway." Dad looked up from the bong with bloodshot eyes and a confused look on his face. "Who the hell are you?" "I'm DEA, Dad. You're under arrest," I said sarcastically. His eyes went wide. "Shit!" he yelled, crawling quickly to his bedroom on his hands and knees. "You'll never take me alive, pigs!" Ignoring the incident, I went to the kitchen and grabbed a Budweiser from the fridge. "Nick," Laurie yelled from the living room, "I wanna go shopping later. Where's your wallet?" "In my jacket, you bloodsucking leech." "Hey! It's not for me, it's for our daughter!" "Our son, dear. Don't start that daughter stuff again." I started my search for food. I knew none would be in the fridge; too much beer to fit anything else. I settled for some Cap'n Crunch out of the box, washed down with a Budweiser. In mid-crunch I saw Laurie run into the kitchen outta the corner of my eye. Before I could turn to her, she punched me in the side of my head and knocked me to the floor. Ow. Instant headache. And I spilled my beer. "Who is she, Nick?!" she yelled as she towered over me with two lethal fists aimed at me. I knew the wrong answer would bring more pain. "Huh?" I asked stupidly. Wrong answer, but I already knew that. Pow! Another fist, this one in my stomach. "Get up motherfucker! Be a man and tell me who your little bitch is!" I decided to shut up. That was the only smart answer. I sat up and rubbed the side of my head. Blood. Oh yeah, from that damn engagement ring. Nazareth was right. Love hurts. Laurie stormed out of the kitchen, and I thought I'd been temporarily reprieved, till she came back. "Who is she, shithead?!" she demanded, throwing the picture of Amanda Grace at me. I just shook my head. There was no good answer for this. If I said anything, she may have kicked me in the teeth. I stood up before she got that idea, and walked to the living room. "You're just gonna walk away from me, you piece of shit?" she asked as I turned on the TV. "You're just gonna ignore me and watch TV?! You FUCK!!" 7
  • 8. I chose silence. It was safer. Any word outta my mouth would earn me a kick in a highly unfavorable place. I turned the channel to Fox2 News. Their late-breaking story was on. Amanda's picture was on the screen; the same picture as the one she threw at me. I pointed at the screen. She looked over the screen with some intense scrutiny. "Okay," she finally said, "what'd this girl do to get on the news?" "She died." Several quiet moments went by as she stared at the TV. "Isn't that you?" she asked. I opened my eyes and looked at the TV. They played a close-up video clip of Jack and I getting out of the Crown Vic and walking into Amanda's apartment. "Yep, that's me and my flight instructor." She'd never met Jack before. I explained the whole story to her, start to finish. I even told her about the P-22 in Toledo, even though it had nothing to do with the story. She looked thoroughly disgusted with herself. Good! "I'm sorry Nick, I thought...damn, I didn't hit you hard, did I?" I turned and showed her the blood on the other side of my head. "Sorry Nick. Those pills don't help much." "Don't worry about it..." I said grinning, "I'm use to it." "Asshole." "I love you too." After Laurie blatantly stole my wallet and carjacked my Firebird to go shopping, I started going through the stuff I'd taken. I thumbed through Amanda's phone book. Mostly female names, a few guys. All had Romulus addresses except for one: a Melissa Stahl from Detroit that lived not far from Amanda. I wrote down the address and number. I picked up Amanda's cellphone and flipped through the directory of stored numbers. I recognized many of the names from her phone book. I took a deep breath and hit Redial. "Holy shit! Amanda??" the female voice asked. "I'm sorry, no. My nasme is Nick Stone, I'm an assistant detective calling from Miss Grace's phone." A deep sigh on the other end. "Fuck, dude! You scared the hell outta me! The last number I expected to find on my Caller ID is hers!" "Sorry about that. So who is this?" "I'm Melissa Stahl. I'm...was, Amanda's friend. How'd you get my number?" "I hit Redial on her phone. Evidently you were the last person she called." "I was? Oh! Last night, before she left." "Left for where?" "St. Andrew's Hall. They had a bunch of punk bands playing last night. She wanted me to go, but I can't stand punk music." "She likes punk music?" "She's obsessed with it. She doesn't dress the part, but she says she's 'Punk on the Inside, ' whatever the hell that's suppose to mean." "Did anyone else go with her?" "Actually, I was suppose to, but I told her no, so I guess she went alone. Oh God! Was it someone from St. Andrews? Fuck! I knew I shoulda went with her!" "No, Miss Stahl, I don't know who it was. I'm just checking out all the leads." Damn, I was sounding like a real cop! Scary. "Amanda was a sweet girl," Melissa said, now referring to Amanda in past-tense, "I can't imagine anyone wanting to hurt her. She was nice to everyone." "She was nice to everyone? Like over-friendly? Did she often bring guys home?" 8
  • 9. "Ugh, no, dickhead, she wasn't that kinda girl! She had her guy friends, and they all adored her, so she didn't feel the need to date." "She ever mention anyone trying to give her a hard time?" "Nobody ever gave her a hard time. Everyone loved her." "Okay Miss Stahl, if you think of anything else that might be of help, call Detective Jack Noble of the Detroit Police," and I hung up. "Another girlfriend?" Laurie asked from behind me. I turned around to meet her sarcastic grin. "No dear, I'm still trying to recover from my current one," "Give it up Nick," she said as she gave me a huge hug, "because you never will." "So how much of my money did you blow?" "I don't blow money, Nick. I invest." "Oh that's right, you don't blow at all," I said, earning me a playful right hook to my arm. "So who were you talking to?" she asked. I told her about my conversation with Melissa Stahl. "Aww, you're playing Sherlock! How cute!" "Eat me Laurie." "Not without LOTS of Hot Sauce." "Funny. When you're not doing standup comedy, how 'bout reading through this?" I asked, handing her Amanda's diary. Her face lit up as if she were just given the Hope Diamond. "Oooh! You're gonna let me read the dead girl's diary?" "I'm sure you can translate a girl's thoughts much better than I can." "Oh, this's too cool, Nick!" she yelled, disappearing into our bedroom. I distinctly heard the click of the lock, and I knew I wouldn't be seeing her again for a while. I turned the volume up on the TV, still showing the news, and sparked up a Lady Jane. The ten-o-clock news had turned into the eleven-o-clock news, and they continued to show clips of Jack and I walking into the apartment, and the paramedics loading Amanda's covered body into the ambulance. They hadn't mentioned anything about the crime scene, or the fact that she'd been tied up like a pig on Thanksgiving. They only said she'd been stabbed. The Detroit Police thankfully kept the details from leaking to the media. I picked up my cellphone and called Jack. He was still at work and starting Amanda Grace's case file. I told him about my conversation with Melissa Stahl. "I think we should talk to Amanda's parents," I added. "Did Amanda have a car?" I heard some papers rustling. "She's got an oh-two Pontiac Grand Am. It's here in the station's garage. The state's forensics guys will be coming down from Lansing in two weeks. They said they're backlogged. I say they're lazy." "Could I take a look at it myself?" "I'd have to sneak you in, but sure." "Let's set it up for tomorrow. Around noon. I blaze up in the morning." I hung up and continued watching the news. I thought about Amanda Grace. Adored by many friends, and had no enemies. Seemed no one could dislike her. There's no way the killer could have known her. I must have fallen asleep thinking about that, because Laurie came out of the bedroom and woke me up. "Nick, this girl was a 100% sweetheart!" she said. "Too bad she's dead, she'd have been cool to hang out with." "I'm sorry for your loss, dear. Did you find anything that might help?" Her face turned to a frown. "She did mention something strange." She opened the, diary and flipped through some pages. "Here, three days before she died. She starts talking about a subject as if she already wrote about it before." She handed it to me. 9
  • 10. "It still upsets me that they never told me. Why did they keep it a secret? I really wish they hadn't told me. I can't stand her! She won't leave me alone! I'd love to tell her to get lost but in my heart I know it'd be wrong. I'll at least try to make it work." "So what do you make of that?" I asked. "Who's they and her?" Why doesn't she give details like that?" "Girls sometimes do that, Nick. Someone dropped a major bombshell on her, and she doesn't want it written down. She herself is the only one who reads it so she doesn't need to give the details. Also works out so no one else could figure it out if they were to read it." "So any idea who it could be?" "Could be an old friend she doesn't like, but she feels like she owes her something. I have no idea about the rest. And that was her last entry." "Maybe she told her old friend to piss off and she took it badly." "Could be. So what do you want to do tonight?" she asked. "Sleep. I'm gonna go to her parent's house with Jack tomorrow." She gave me a pout. "Nickyyy..." "Ohhh, I guess I can squeeze you in," I said. "Hang on a second." I went to the kitchen and came back. "I wanna try something," I said, holding a can of whip cream. 10
  • 11. Chapter Four It was a long drive to Amanda's parents house in Romulus. Jack showed up earlier at my house in his Mercury Marauder and insisted we leave by nine a.m. We did, despite my heavy protests. I even tried to take my Firebird instead of his Marauder. It still looked and felt like a cop car, which made me very uncomfortable. I lost that battle too. At least I wasn't riding in the backseat. Downtown Romulus is nothing like you might think. Though their city is the location of the Detroit Metropolitan Airport, their business and residential district look like a small town in Georgia. A string of tiny shops line both sides of Main Street. No signs of neighborhood decay, like you might find in urban Detroit. It was Smalltown, U.S.A. Amanda's parents' house was a tiny, ranch-style, two-story house. A 2005 Ford Expedition was parked in their driveway. Since Jack phoned ahead, they were expecting us. An elderly man in his late forties, grey hair and well dressed, answered the door and invited us in. "Good morning Mr. Grace. I'm Detective Jack Noble, this's my assistant Nick Stone." He simply nodded and pointed us to the couch in the livingroom. A younger lady, perhaps in her early forties, sat on the couch. Amanda looked very much like her mother. Jack and I sat on the couch opposite from Mrs. Grace. "Thanks for coming out, Detective Noble," Mrs. Grace began. "The police wouldn't tell us anything about our daughter." "Well, I'm afraid I can't really tell you anything either. The investigation requires us to keep many of the details away from the public." "We're not the public, detective. We're her parents." "I understand, but should the details leak to the public, we would have a much less chance of finding her killer." "But...I mean, they won't even let us see her!" Mrs. Grace explained, the tears beginning to flow. "I'm really sorry, Mrs. Grace. We just came here to ask some questions," Jack said. Clearing her eyes with her hands, she nodded. "Okay." "Can you think of anyone who might have a grudge against her?" "No one, detective. Everyone loved her. They all believed the sun rises and sets in her shadow. I can't imagine she ever had an enemy in her life." "Do you know if she had any new friends? Someone she just recently started talking to?" Jack asked. I read to him the diary entry on the way over. She seemed deep in thought. "There was that girl, Melissa. Someone she met after she moved out there to Detroit. She seemed like a nice girl, though I only met her once." I was getting a little bored, so I stood. "Do you mind if I have a look around?" "Sure," Mr. Grace said with a dismissive wave. "I don't know what you'll find, but go ahead." I left Jack to the interview, walking slowly through the kitchen, toward the rear of the house. I really didn't know what I'd find either, but I knew Mr. Grace was giving off a strange vibe. He hadn't said a word during the interview, and at no point did he make an attempt to comfort his wife as she cried for her daughter. His face had not shown an ounce of emotion. I quietly slipped out the back door. The single-car garage was detached from the house and placed toward the rear of the backyard. A glance through the side window, though the inside was dark, showed what I surmised to be an early-nineties Ford Escort. From the angle of which I viewed the car, I could see the front fender was dented, and the driver's-side backseat window had been smashed, and fixed temporarily with duct tape and clear plastic. 11
  • 12. The side door of the garage was unlocked, and my natural curiosity forced me inside. I found an overhead lightswitch and took a closer look at the car. The two front tires were bald. The rear were dry-rotted. A glance underneath showed a tiny patch of oil, only an inch in diameter, so the car hadn't been parked here very long. The hood was tied down with a rubber tie-strap. In the rear, another tie-strap held up the muffler, and the left taillight was made completely of red tape, but it was the license plate that grabbed my attention. I took note of the plate to pass on to Jack. I walked over to the driver-side door and looked inside. It only took a second to see it, and when I did suddenly felt sick. I stood back, tried to slow my breathing and calm down before returning to the house. I no longer had a desire to play Sherlock Holmes. The situation just became so much more real. After a few deep breaths I left the garage, closed the door and went back to the house. I sat back on the couch next to Jack. Mrs. Grace was talking about Amanda's academic achievements. Jack glanced at me but my eyes revealed nothing. I interrupted her verbal reverie. "Mrs. Grace, who owns that car in the garage?" I asked. Her mouth dropped open but no words came out. "It's my wife's car," Mr. Grace answered for her. I nodded as if it were the answer I was expecting. Jack looked at me but I said nothing. Jack stood up. "I think that's all the questions we have. If we need anything else, we'll call." I stood and followed Jack out the front door. Mr. Grace followed and caught up to us halfway to the car. "What are the chances of you finding her killer?" he asked Jack. "Honestly, it's a slim chance. We can't find anyone who might've had a reason to harm her." "So what happens to the case?" "If we run out of leads, the case gets shelved until something new comes up." I thought I saw him breathe a sigh of relief, but it was quickly replaced with a face of anger. "And her killer walks away? He just walks up to my little girl, cuts her throat and gets away with it?" Jack and I glanced at each other when we realized what Mr. Grace had just accidently told us. "We're sorry, Mr. Grace," Jack said diplomatically, "we'll do our best to solve it. We always do." And we turned and left. Neither of us said a word to each other during our short trip to the McDonalds by the airport. We went through the drive-thru.and ate in the parking lot. "You realize what he said before we left?" I asked. "Yep. He knows her throat was cut. Not even his wife knew that." "Lucky guess?" I asked. "I doubt it. The news said she was stabbed. That's a pretty big jump." "You might have to have him picked up." "No. One little crime scene detail isn't enough to hold him." "I'm talking about for what I saw in the garage." "His wife's car?" he asked. "Bullshit. I had a close look." "Okay, talk to me Nick." "It was a '91 Escort. Beat up like hell. Looked like maybe a $500 car. If it still runs." "So? No law against that." 12
  • 13. "Dad drives an Expedition, daughter drives an '02 Grand Am, and mom drives a broken- down piece of crap? It doesn't mesh." "You're right, but there's still no law against it." I took out my notebook and showed him the license plate. He looked down at it, saying nothing for a minute, then looked away. "So it was a Kentucky plate," he said. "Yep. And the tags were current, and there wasn't much oil on the floor. It was parked there recently." Jack turned on the police computer mounted on the dashboard. It was connected via satellite to the police station's mainframe. He typed in the Escort's plate number and waited. In seconds, the information came back. "Okay. Lindsay Grace. Must be her mom. But according to this, she lives in Lexington Kentucky. That doesn't make sense, but it's still not grounds for an arrest." "It might be when there's blood all over the steering wheel." 13
  • 14. Chapter Five Three Romulus police cars and one Detroit police car were present to make the arrest. Jack and I pulled up just before Mr. Grace was brought out in handcuffs. He didn't put up a fight, but he held a stone-cold look and never said a word as he was read his rights, placed in the backseat of the Detroit police car and driven away. Mrs. Grace stood speechless in the front yard, watching the entire spectacle. Jack made a futile attempt to talk to her. "I'm sorry Mrs. Grace. We did what we felt we needed to do. You must understand, the car in the garage; the bloody steering wheel; and your husband has details of the crime scene. This was our only choice." "I'm a good Christian, Detective Noble. But if I wasn't, I'd tell you to go fuck yourself ," she said, and went back into the house. It was obvious we hadn't made any friends here today. Jack made the right choice, but something still felt a bit...out of place. I pushed this thought aside as Jack and watched the tow- truck remove the bloody Escort from the garage, destined for a parking spot next to Amanda's Grand Am at the Detroit PD's forensics garage. "Thanks for your help today, Nick. That car was a big break in the case." "So the next flying lesson's free, right?" He smiled. "The next three are." We turned into the underground garage of the Detroit Police station at three p.m. Jack led me to the forensics garage and told me not to touch the Escort till the Homicide guys were done. In the meantime, I inspected the Grand Am while Jack went to his office to type up reports. Donning a pair of talcum-free latex gloves, I opened the driver-side door. The car was somewhat dirty. Not as bad as my Firebird, but it was obvious Amanda didn't have maid service. Several granola bar wrappers were on the floor, empty bottles of Aquafina were in the backseat, and Wrigley's JuicyFruit wrappers were in the glove box. Amanda looked to be a health nut. A glance in the trunk confirmed that, when I found a FitnessUSA membership card and change of clothes in a duffle bag sitting in front of a speaker box with 12" speakers. Must have a nice stereo system. I opened the passenger-side door. Not much difference from the driver-side. The trash was identical. I looked under the passenger seat and pulled out a small red-and-white box. This didn't match the rest of the trash. It was an empty pack of cigarettes. Marlboro Reds. I pulled out my cellphone and dialed Melissa's number from memory. "Miss Stahl. This's Nick Stone." "Hey! Anything new?" "Maybe," I told her, "we have a few leads to chase. I had a couple more questions." "Shoot." "Do you smoke?" Without hesitation she said, "Hell no! I've never smoked!" "How about Amanda?" "She's even less likely to smoke. She was into, ya know, healthy things." "That's what I figured. Hang on one second," I said and covered the phone and yelled over to the two detectives collecting evidence from the Escort. "Hey, either of you guys a non-smoker?" "I am," one of them said. "Take a sniff inside the Grand Am and tell me if anyone's smoked in it." He walked over, stuck his head in and took a deep breath through his nose. He paused and came back. 14
  • 15. "Yep, someone smoked in it, but only a few times. It's not nearly as bad as the Escort. I almost gagged when I opened the door! Cigarette packs all over the place." "Oh yeah? Would they be Marlboro Reds?" He paused. "Yeah. How'd you know?" I went back to my cellphone. "Miss Stahl. Did she know anyone who smoked?" "I don't know all her friends," she said, "but I seriously doubt it. She can't stand to be around cigarette smoke." "So what are the chances she'd let someone smoke in her car?" "Hahaha...not a snowball's chance in hell! She was always real anal about that." "Okay. Thanks Miss Stahl. I'll keep ya updated," I said and hung up. My phone rang again within seconds. "Nick," Jack said, "do me a favor and read me the VIN number from the Escort." I looked at the Vehicle Identification Number stamped on a metal plate riveted to the dashboard at the bottom of the windshield and read the numbers and letters to him. After hearing keystrokes over the phone, he paused. "Hmm. That can't be right." "What's up Jack?" "I'll show ya later. Find anything in the Grand Am?" I went over the Marlboros and my talk with Melissa Stahl. "So Amanda had a new friend," Jack surmised. "Maybe her mom smoked in the Grand Am when she rode shotgun? Your Homicide guys say the Escort reeks of smoke." "That theory would work, but there's one problem with it." "Which is?" "That's not Amanda’s mom's car. I'll be down there in a few. Do me a favor and roll up the windows on the Grand Am." "Sure," I said and hung up. I opened the driver-side door on the Grand Am. It had power windows, so I had to turn the key backwards to roll the windows up. When I turned the key I was assaulted from all sides by music. The volume was almost all the way up, so I turned it down. Those 12" speakers packed a hard punch! The music was coming from a CD, so I hit the Eject button. The CD was from a local band I'd heard a couple times, called the Modern Idiots. Punk music. The music really wasn't bad, and I couldn't imagine why Melissa Stahl didn't like it. I turned the radio back up and waited for Jack. Five songs on the Modern Idiots CD played before Jack walked through the doors to the garage. He stopped and listened to the music. "What in hell is that? Sounds like crap." "Open your mind a little, Jack. It's punk music." "Sure, okay. Kill it, we gotta go." "Why? What's wrong?" "Another homicide. This one's worse than yesterday." 15
  • 16. Chapter Six Rush hour in Southeast Michigan could not be described as anything but pure hell. Especially this summer. Interstate 94 slows down to a crawl during rush hour as a result of twelve separate construction projects stretching from the I-94/I-75 interchange, all the way to Detroit Metro Airport. Michigan drivers are well-known for constantly improving upon the dictionary definition of Road Rage. But this one just went way too far. The Dodge minivan was in the ditch on the right side of 1-94 West, just past the Pelham Rd. exit. The dents and fresh scrapes down the driver-side meant it had been forced off the road. Both side view mirrors were gone. Every window on the van was smashed out, except the passenger-side window which had been rolled down. All four tires were flattened by what seemed to be a two-inch-wide knife. Headlights, taillights and the grill were also smashed. But the driver looked much worse. The man's body, or what was left of it, lay on the grass on the far side of the van, away from the freeway. The top of his head was smashed open with a tire-iron found not far away. The brain had been removed, and then impaled on the tire iron, which was stuck in the ground as if to put the man's brain on display. The eyeballs had been removed with a large pocketknife, and found later in his shirt pocket. The knife was found deeply embedded in his crotch, which made mine hurt for no apparent reason. The torso was cut open and the heart, kidneys, pancreas, liver and twenty-seven feet of intestine were randomly scattered about the area. As if that weren't enough, all eight fingers and both thumbs had been cut off with wire cutters. The fingers and thumbs were found in his mouth, and the wire cutters were crudely shoved up his nose. Jack and I surveyed the scene in silence till I spoke. "Where we goin' for dinner?" I asked, to lighten the atmosphere. "This's no road rage case," Jack said, ignoring my question. The dispatcher had used those words when calling Jack to the scene. "Think Amanda's killer struck again?" I asked. "If he did, then he's improving on his killing method." A state trooper, who'd been first on the scene, approached Jack, notebook in-hand. "Detective Noble, I'm Lt. Pierce." He looked back at the grisly scene. "I don't envy you for this one." "Any witnesses?" Jack asked. "Two motorists pulled over to help when they saw the van leave the road. Apparently they both sat in their cars and watched this guy get hacked up. Really messed 'em up. Police psychologists took' em, but not before telling us what they saw. They said a purple two-door with gold-spoked rims - one of those hoopties you see in the ghetto, ran this van off the road. The owner of the purple two-door pulled over to the shoulder, got out, removed some tools from the trunk and pulled the driver from the van into the grass on the other side of the van. That's when this nutcase started his Roadside Autopsy," he said, allowing himself a chuckle at his own joke. "When he was done, he beat the crap outta the van, as if that would make any difference...came back to the body, put the tire iron through the guy's brain and stuck it in the ground. He stood there for about two minutes, apparently admiring his work. But then...the two witnesses said he ran screaming to his car and drove off." "I don't suppose they thought to look at the plate, did they?" "Yup, sure did." Jack looked up suddenly. "No shit??" "None whatsoever, detective. But here's the good part. Four Taylor Police officers went to the guy's house...not far, over by Telegraph and Goddard. They said the guy freaked out and took his wife and kid hostage in his house. The officers haven't gained access to the house yet. but he's called the Taylor Police and told them he'd kill both of them if they didn't back off." 16
  • 17. "So he's still there?" Jack asked. "Yup. He's been holding strong for about an hour," Lt. Pierce said, looking at his watch. According to Taylor Police, Tyler Donnell was a black 25-year-old male living in a small, one-story house in Taylor, where he recently moved with his wife and two-year- old son. No warrants, no prior arrests, a few traffic tickets, all were paid. Now Tyler Donnell had barricaded himself in his house with his wife and son held at gunpoint, according to the phone call he'd made to Taylor Police. Another computer check showed no firearms registered to him or his wife. Mr. Donnell's purple 1986 Buick Regal, gold rims and all, was parked in his front yard, where he skidded to a stop, tearing up the grass. The driver's side door was still open, and covered in blood. More blood was found on the steering wheel, gear-shifter and the seats. The entire street was filled with police cars, a few ambulances, news vans with huge antennas cranked into the air, and hundreds of on-lookers. Jack, being officially employed with the Detroit Police, was allowed under the police tape that lined the Donnell's front yard. I stayed back and observed from the street when my phone rang. "I spy you Nicky…" Laurie said. "Ooooh, are you stalking me?" "Modern media, my love. You need to stop showing up on the news. It's bad for... ya know, business." I'd realized then I'd walked in front of a news camera. "It didn't show my face, did it?" "Don't worry, you're safe. So what'd that guy do?" "He dissected a minivan and its driver on the side of I-94." "Hmm. Welcome to Michigan." "Hey, could be worse," I said. "We could be in Florida." "So how was the interview with Amanda's parents?" I told her about Amanda's dad and the bloody Escort. "So her dad did it?" "I don't know, but he definitely knows something he's not telling anyone." "Figures. Dads suck. Except yours, of course." "Speak of the devil, how is he?" "He still thinks the DEA is here. I tried to tell him you were kidding, but he keeps yelling something about conspiracies, the CIA and two-headed snakes running the oil industry. I slipped him some Lady Janes under the door, and he quieted down." "Alright. That'll hold him till I get home." "And when'll that be?" "I'd really like to leave now, but my car's not here and Jack's kinda preoccupied." "Well, try to hurry. I bought another can of whip cream," she said and hung up. Another fun night awaited me. I looked up at the Donnell's tiny house. Jack stood in the front yard talking to two police officers, none of whom noticed the front door open and a young black woman standing in the doorway holding a toddler, until she began yelling at the crowd. "You bastards! You all killed my husband, you pricks!' In that very instant the media circus snapped to attention, video cameras were trained on the house, and camera flashes erupted from newspaper photographers. Jack and the two Taylor police officers followed the lady into the house. They made a valiant effort to subdue her as she hurled four-letter words at them. A half hour later, Jack came out to the car where I'd been waiting patiently for him, and gave me an update. "I haven't been able to interview her myself yet. You and I will later. But I sat in on an interview with her and a Taylor PD detective." 17
  • 18. "So I guess he blew his brains out, huh?" "No, not quite. There was no gun in the house, and according to his wife there never was. He made up the story about holding his family at gunpoint so the police would back off. Yeah, that'll happen. She said he never threatened her in any way." "But he's dead, right? I mean, she told. the whole world that much." "Yep, he's dead. He locked himself in his bathroom with a long kitchen knife. This one looked like it could be used to slice a watermelon in half. After his wife pleaded with him for two hours to come out, he used it on himself." "I don't suppose he confessed, did he?" "Not to killing Amanda, but he did confess to killing the guy on 1-94, in his own sick and twisted way." "Oh? And how'd he do that?" Jack took a deep breath. "Laying on his bathroom floor, he sliced his own abdomen open, exactly the same way. He removed his spleen, kidneys, pancreas and liver and dumped them in the bathtub. He then started pulling his intestines out, leaving them on the floor. He finally died When he ripped him own heart out. He died still holding it in his right hand." "Jesus, Jack. That's a hell of a way to commit suicide!" "After the scene dies down, you and I are gonna go talk to her." "Ahh, can't wait," I said sarcastically. "Hey Nick? I do appreciate everything you've done. These cases have been kinda playing with my head. I would’ve had to turn them down otherwise." "More free flying lessons?" I asked. "And your girl too, if she wants." Mrs. Donnell was sitting on her couch in the living room, still crying, with her two- year- old son Deonté on her lap, who was smiling and drooling, and seemed oblivious to the chaos around him. I much admired him for that. A few Taylor PD detectives were still in attendance, but they were outside, looking at the bloodstains in Mr. Donnell's Buick Regal, and, I assumed, collecting samples. This left Jack and I alone to interview her. "First, I'd like to know why you're angry with us," Jack said. "Not with you," she said, "with those Taylor cops that showed up after my husband came home. Those bastards killed him! Why wouldn't they just leave? Tyler would still be alive." "They were doing their job." "Yeah, bullshit," she said, lighting up a Newport. "They cornered him. He was trapped. All he asked was for them to back off, give him a chance to tell his side of the story." "The police would've given him that opportunity. Would you like to tell us what happened when he got home?" She took a deep drag from the cigarette and talked while exhaling the smoke. "He ran in through the front door. He had blood allover him. He said some white guy cut him off on the freeway. He honked at the guy, and the fucker gave Tyler the finger and yelled 'Dumb Nigger' out the window. Tyler said he went nuts and forced the guy off the road. He said he didn't remember anything else except standing there with blood all over himself. He knew he'd done it, but he had no idea why. He's not a violent person! He said something took control of him. He blacked out, and when he woke up, he'd already killed this guy." For several minutes, neither Jack nor Mrs. Donnell spoke. There wasn't much else Jack could ask. She broke the silence. “What Tyler did to the bathroom...was that what he did to that guy on the freeway?" Jack paused to form a response. "It was similar, but what he did to himself was very much small-scale compared to the other guy." "Hmm. No love lost for that bigoted asshole," she said. 18
  • 19. She glanced out her front window for a second, then she put her son on the couch and jumped up. She ran to the front door, opened it and yelled, "Get the fuck away from my husband's car you blue-suited sons-of-bitches!" She walked back to us but didn't sit down. "Tyler wasn't capable of doing those horrible things. I understand he did them, but he just wasn't capable. He was a great husband and a hell of a father to Deonté. Something happened to him, like he said. And I believe him." There wasn't much else for us to ask. We stood up and thanked her for the interview, and she walked with us out the door. "Could I have a look in the trunk?" I asked, speaking for the first time. "The weapons used at the scene came from there, and I just wanted to see what else was in there." "Sure," she said. She reached into the bloody Buick, and grabbed the keys, still in the ignition. She walked to the rear and popped the trunk. Inside were a couple toolboxes, and piles of loose tools scattered throughout the trunk. In the back of the trunk was a stereo amp mounted on a carpeted box that housed two 12" chrome speakers. I'd just seen a similar setup in the trunk of Amanda's car earlier today. My eyes went back to the tools. "What did Tyler do for a living?" I asked. “He's...was, an auto mechanic. He worked at a little garage in Detroit, but he kept all his tools in the trunk because the garage gets broken into a lot." I nodded and shut the trunk. Again we thanked her as she got into her husband's Buick and started it. Immediately Jack and I felt the blast of those 12" speakers playing rap. I walked up to the driver-side window. "Who is that? On the radio?" "Oh, that's a CD," she said, hitting the Eject button. She took the disc out and held it up. "Reign Supreme? I think I've heard of them." "I'd hope so. They're a Detroit group. They've had a lot of radio play lately, and they're building some recognition for themselves." "I'll have to go buy their CD. Thanks Mrs. Donnell." Jack and I got in his ear and sparked up a couple Lady Janes I'd brought with me. All the other cops had left, so screw it. We sat there and watched Mrs. Donnell. After reinserting the CD, she pulled the car out of the front yard and into the driveway. She didn't didn't get out, or even shut the car off. She just sat there, rap music blasting, as Jack and I watched. "She said he wasn't capable. Something took control of him. What do you think, Jack?" After letting out a puff of smoke, he said, "It's bullshit Nick. Let me explain something., me, your girl and your unborn child...we're all capable of murder, given the right circumstances. No one will think themselves capable of anything, till they try it. There always has to be a first time." "So then what?" I asked. "You think this guy was a thread waiting to snap?" "It's possible. It's more believable than something taking over her husband's body. I mean hell, should we be calling in an exorcist on this one?" “Alright. Is there any connection to Amanda here?" I asked. "I don't see one. Other than the horrific nature of the killings. How about you?" "I don't know. I'm too tired to think about it. I just want to get home, get some sex and get some sleep." Jack started the ear and we made our way down the residential street. Waiting at Telegraph Road to make a right, I just barely caught a glimpse of the purple blur that breezed past us and out onto Telegraph, narrowly missing three cars. Reign Supreme still blasted from the trunk. “Was that her?" I asked, but I already knew. There was no mistaking the gold rims. "Where the hell is she going in such a hurry?" Jack asked. A half hour later, we pulled up in my driveway, but I didn't get out. I'd just remembered something I'd forgotten about all day. 19
  • 20. “Jack...back at the garage, you said the Escort wasn't Mrs. Grace's car. Whose is it?" "Oh!" he said, retrieving a folded piece of paper from his pocket. “I ran the VIN on the Escort, and again it came up as Lindsay Grace, Lexington Kentucky. I pulled up Lindsay Grace's driver's license, and this's what I got." He handed me the folded piece of paper, which I opened. The driver's license photo staring back at me sent chills down my spine. It was Amanda Grace. "Ooh...Miss Honesty had a fake name?" I asked. "Looks that way, but Kentucky? I thought maybe Identity Theft, so I sent a copy of our picture of Amanda to the Lexington Police. They're going to go to the owner of the apartment building listed on her driver's license and see if it's her. They'll get back to me." "So What's Amanda's dad saying about this?" "Not a word. Literally. He hasn't spoken a single word since we brought him in. This new piece of information doesn't get us any closer to finding out if he killed her or not. But he knows something. Before we left the station I had the team type up a search warrant for his house and garage. We'll get a judge to sign it and go in early tomorrow morning. Hopefully we'll find something solid against him." I yawned. "Okay Jack, let me know how it all goes," I said, getting out of the car. "Nick! You're not coming with us tomorrow?" "Sorry Jack. I sleep late. Let me know what you find." I got out before he could stop me. I couldn't help it, I was exhausted. As I've grown accustomed to, Laurie attacked me like a leopard lunging at it's prey, as soon as I walked in the door. "Nicky!" she yelled, pinning me to the floor. "Damn Laurie. Miss me?" "Not you, so much as your..." she said, grabbing me in a not-unpleasant location. "...wallet?" I volunteered. "Shithead," she said smiling as she got up from sitting on my legs. "I saw the news. Did the guy really kill himself the way they said?" "Yup. Turned himself into sushi." "Light me," she said, with a Lady Jane dangling from her lips. I took out my Zippo and did as I was told. "How's Dad?" I asked. I didn't see him when I came in, so I'd assumed he was still barricaded in his room. "After he smoked, he came out. He's in the backyard shooting squirrels." "He's out there firing a gun?" I asked incredulously. "No dear. Slingshot. I told you ya shouldn't have given him that thing." "Fine, you were right, Your Highness." "Damn straight. Anything new about Amanda?" "Just that she's a world-class sweetheart with a fake ID." "What would she need with a fake ID?" Laurie asked. "I don't know, but she registered a car with her fake ID." I elaborated on the events of the day, and tomorrow's plans. "What's Jack expect to find in the Graces' house?" “Who knows? Maybe Amanda's blood with Mr. Grace's prints on it? If he even did it. He doesn't seem the type. It would take a raving psycho to do what was done to her." "How come you won't tell me how she was killed?" "Jack doesn't want anyone to know, for the simple reason that Mr. Grace does know how his daughter was killed, and no one else could have told him." 20
  • 21. "Nick, how long are you gonna keep playing Sherlock? This's Jack's job. Your job is to keep me happy,” she said, groping me in my not-unpleasant location again. "I'll stop when I find out why these things are happening. Doesn't this whole thing make you just a little curious?" "Alright. But Nick, you're MINE at night, got it? If you're not home by 8pm every night, I won't think twice about castrating you," she ~aid with an evil grin. Dad walked in through the back door, Lady Jane in his mouth, slingshot in his hand. "Happy huntin' ?" Laurie asked. "We re having sqirrel stew tomorrow night," he said with a smirk. "Didn't we have that last night?" I asked, earning myself a slug in the arm from Laurie. Last night she made home-made pot roast. My stomach swore vehemently for two hours. "It's no different than what your grandfather use to make when I was a kid," Dad said. "We had squirrel, raccoon, beaver, and hell, anything with wings was a delicacy." "Sure, but that was before they invented supermarkets," I said. "Hey, how is Grandpa anyway?" "He's fine, last I heard. He's..." Dad paused to do the math, “85 now. Still gets around, too. Lives in a condo in Orlando." "Give him a call and see if you can get him to come up for a visit." "I'll try, but he's a miserable old fart”, he said, standing up and walking to his bedroom. Laurie stood and walked to the kitchen. Minutes later she emerged. “Nickyyy..." she said, holding a can of whip cream, a jar of maraschino cherries and a banana. Goodnight, everyone. 21
  • 22. Chapter Seven "Paydirt, Nick," Jack said after my cellphone woke me up. I sat up in bed and looked over at Laurie's nude body laying next to me. "Jack, if you saw what I had next to me, you wouldn't blame me for hanging up right now." "She can wait. I'm at the Graces' house. You really need to see what these guys found here. Get out here, like right now." I reluctantly agreed and hung up. Laurie was awake now, and inserted a Lady Jane in my mouth and lit it. She knows me too well. "Have fun, Sherlock," she said grinning. "Get some more whip cream on your way home." I had to park the Firebird three houses away. The Graces' house was a circus of police. Romulus police were present, along with a Detroit police van in the Graces' driveway and several unmarked cars used by detectives. The Ford Expedition wasn't there. Jack was standing in the front yard waiting for me. "Glad to see you could make it,” he said. "You didn't give me much choice," I said with a smirk. He leaned over to me, and started sniffing me. I found this to be rude and completely unacceptable social behavior. "Nick...why do you smell like a banana split?" " didn't give me a chance to take a shower this morning." He shook his head. "Don't wanna know. Anyways, I hated to drag you away from a naked blonde, but I thought you'd want to see this." We walked into the house, and I first noticed several objects laid out on plastic on the living room floor. Most I didn't recognize, but there was no mistaking the long, jagged-edged kitchen knife with blood on it's handle. "Murder weapon?" I asked, pointing at the knife. 'Yep. The lab guys in that van out there already tested the blood on it. It matches Amanda's blood type. A DNA match will take a few weeks." "So where'd you find it?" He pointed at a white plastic bottle. "It was inside the bottle of bleach, to get rid of the bloodstains. That's why a little blood was left on the handle; the knife didn't fit all the way down into the bleach." "Someone tried to clean up the evidence. Do we have Dad to thank for that?" "Could be. There are prints of a thumb and index finger in the blood. We'll hear back about that soon." I took a closer look at everything else laying on the plastic. A pile of clothing, a set of keys, and two small white pieces of paper. Jack caught my glance and handed me a pair of tweezers, which I used to pick up one of the pieces of paper. "Concert tickets. For St. Andrew's Hall, to see the Modern Idiots, on the same night she was killed. The stubs are still attached, so she never went." I picked up the other one, which turned out to be identical. "So Dad stole her tickets?" "I don't think he had them. Those and the keys were found in the pants pocket," he said, holding up the bloodstained blue jeans. "Jack? Those are women's jeans." "Yep, and that's a woman's shirt, socks and shoes. All with bloodstains." "So Dad didn't kill her," I concluded. "Maybe not, but the killer was here, and Mr. Grace knows who the person is. And he still isn't talking." 22
  • 23. "Detective Noble," a man said behind me. "We faxed the prints from the knife to the station, and they came back a perfect match to Mr. Grace." "Good. Have them send everything to the Wayne County D.A.'s office to start the indictment," Jack said and walked out the door. I followed. "So I guess the keys belong to the Escort?" I asked as we stood in the front yard. Jack stared off into the distance as he spoke. "That's a possibility. There's a set of Ford keys on it. They look too old to fit the Expedition.” "Speaking of which, where's Mrs. Grace?" "No idea. She and the truck were gone when we got here this morning." Jack's pocket started ringing, and he pulled out his cellphone and answered it. "Noble...yeah...she what?! When the hell did she... Yesterday?? Fuck, why am I just now finding this out? Well, thanks anyway," and he hung up. "Bad news?" I asked. Nick Stone, Master of the Obvious. "You could say that. Yesterday, when Mrs. Donnell tore ass outta the neighborhood in her husband's purple pimpmobile, she went to the Taylor police station. They said she attacked two cops with a screwdriver. They arrested her and social services took her son. They say the two officers will live.” I said nothing to this. There was nothing to say. “What do you make of this, Nick?" he asked, pointing back at the Graces' house. "You're the detective, Jack, but I'd say whoever was wearing those clothes killed her, and unless Dad's a cross-dresser, it wasn't him. But Dad did try to get rid of the evidence. Try and find Mom. She may know too, and she looks like the type to crack under pressure. " "There's an APB out on the Expedition, and we're checking driveways of family. It'll take time. Oh, we heard back from the Lexington PD this morning. Our dear Amanda was living there only a month. She moved out two weeks ago. The owner of the building confirmed her identity with our photo." "Sounds like Amanda had some kinda secret life," I said. "Yep. Sounds like if Mr. Grace doesn't talk, and we don't find Mrs. Grace, we're at a dead-end. We have enough to convict Mr. Grace, but I know there's more to this story." I looked back at the Graces' house. How did such a happy family get so incredibly messed up? Geez, even my own isn't this bad! We may be a family of gun-toting drug addicts regularly committing felonies, but we're happy. And we don't slice and gut each other. "How about Tyler Donnell's wife?” I asked. "What about her?" "I think I'd like to talk to her." “We got what we could from her yesterday. What are you thinking?" "I'm thinking she's the only one we can find who's flipped and gone psycho, and lived afterward." "I like your thinking. Let's go." 23
  • 24. Chapter Eight After a call to the Taylor PD, we found out Mrs. Donnell had been moved to the psychiatric ward on the 10th floor of Oakwood Hospital in Dearborn for an evaluation. Since she tried to kill two cops and was now in police custody, she was heavily guarded. "The nurse I talked to on the phone said Mrs. Donnell was sedated for the moment," Jack said in the elevator to the 10th floor. “We may not get much from her till the drugs wear off.” The elevator stopped and the doors opened to reveal a bulletproof glass enclosure around us when we stepped off the elevator. We stood there for several seconds watching the psych ward's foot-traffic. Men and women of all ages walked aimlessly, some carrying cans of Coke or Pepsi, eyes downcast and staring at the floor. An elderly lady sat on a couch, eyes transfixed on the TV mounted on the wall and was crying. The TV wasn't on. A slightly overweight lady in a white coat came to the door of the glass enclosure, took out some keys, unlocked it and let us in. "Good afternoon Detective Noble, Mr. Stone. I'm Dr. Baum, Mrs. Donnell's evaluating psychologist. " "How is she? Can we talk to her yet?" Jack asked. "You can try. Right now she seems to be mumbling incoherently; something about drugs and women. The sedative still has yet to wear off.” Dr. Baum led us down a long hallway. It dead-ended where two police officers stood on each side of a door. Dr. Baum took out her keys, unlocked the door and the three of us entered. Mrs. Donnell was strapped to a hospital bed, bound at her wrists, ankles and forehead. She was thrashing around a bit as if trying to break free, but she wasn't giving it much effort, to suggest she'd been doing this a while and wore herself out. She was mumbling, and Jack and I stepped closer to hear her.. "...cruisin' in mah Benz with a joint I'm tokin', mah bizzle next to me and her tits are smokin'...mah homies can't find me cuz my cellphone's broken!" "What's that, Nick?" Jack asked. "That's Reign Supreme. That song was playing when she started her husband's car." "She was listening to it too on her way to the police station last night," Jack said. "Detective Noble? We both turned to Mrs. Donnell. She was no longer singing or thrashing around. She stared with wide eyes at Jack. "Mrs. Donnell? How do you feel?" Jack asked. "Like shit. Please, call me Penelope." "Alright, Penelope. Do you know why you're here?" "I snapped. I tried to kill some cops, right? I was so pissed at them. I just wanted them to die over and over. I don't know why, because those two cops weren't even there at my house." Jack looked at me and nodded, a signal for me to continue the interview. "Penelope," I said, and she turned her eyes to me, "do you remember what you were doing when this fit of rage hit you?" She rolled her eyes up into her head. I thought she was lapsing back into rap mode, till she spoke. "I was sitting in the Regal in my driveway after you two left. After sitting there for a few minutes, I felt this anger burning in me. I don't really remember anything after that. Is that what happened to Tyler??" I looked back at Jack. I didn't have anything else to ask her. "Get some rest, Penelope," Jack said. We'll be back later to check on you." 24
  • 25. On our way out, Jack exchanged some words with the two officers guarding the door. They talked the usual shop-talk, and he asked about the two injured officers, who were coincidentally downstairs on the third floor. At the glass enclosure, Jack asked Dr. Baum for a copy of her report when it was finished, to which she agreed. In the parking garage Jack finally spoke. "Any thoughts?" "Not really. Just some loose ideas." "Think about it some. Go home, play with the little lady, and I'll call you if something comes up." I agreed, found my Firebird and left. On my way home I pushed all my thoughts of Penelope Donnell and Amanda Grace from my head. My dear lady Jane helped. Thankfully I had not been attacked upon entering the house this time. Though it was now 1pm, Laurie was asleep on the living room floor, arms wrapped around the tranny bong in a huge bear hug. It was a serene and peaceful scene, and I was more than a bit jealous. I went to the kitchen and grabbed a Budweiser from the fridge. Today's mail was laying on the kitchen table where I'd left it this morning. All our bills were deducted automatically from several bank accounts, which left very little in our mailbox each morning. Today was mostly junkmail; advertisements for nearby grocery stores, pizza shops, and a 'Have You Seen Me?' from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. Today's depicted a young black girl, age six, along with an age-progression photo. Sorry Mary Lynn Dauber of Houston Texas, I haven't seen you. Under the immense pile was a light brown 9x12 legal envelope I hadn't noticed this morning. On the front were four 39¢ stamps, and my name and address neatly typed. The envelope was devoid of a return address. My brain suddenly reverted to a crime novel I'd read in which the investigating detective received a letter bomb in the mail, evidently sent by the bad guys. The envelope contained a sheet of C-4 plastic explosives, as thin as paper, attached to a watch battery and triggered by a spring when the envelope was opened. Unfortunately, the detective's wife opened the envelope when he wasn't home, which ultimately disintegrated the front of his house, not to mention his wife. I took the letter into the living room and removed the lampshade from the lamp table near the front door. I held the envelope to, the light, allowing me to see through it. It looked to be empty, except for a lighter outline around the edge, which suggested there was one sheet of paper inside. I found no outlines of a watch battery or a trigger device. "Whatcha lookin' for, Sherlock?" Laurie asked from behind me. "A bomb." “Have you tried HBO?” she asked, and went back to the bong. When I built up the nerve, I finally opened the envelope. I was right. It contained a single sheet of paper. It was mostly empty, but contained one neatly-typed sentence: "It's in the music." I studied the words on the single sheet of paper for several moments, almost expecting the words to change. It's in the music? What's in the music? I assumed it had to do with the Grace and Donnell cases, so I called Jack and told him of the new development, and agreed to drop it off to him later. I returned the sheet of paper to the envelope and wrapped it in a plastic bag. “Nick, I wanna do some more shopping," Laurie demanded. "Again??" 25
  • 26. "Yes, again. Ya got a problem with that?" she not-very-sweetly asked while grabbing me in my frequently grabbed location. "Laurie, don't expect it to work much longer if you keep grabbing it like that." "That's fine," she said, patting her stomach, "I don't need it anymore." "Good, then I can use the can of whip cream with my other girlfriend," I said, which earned me another punch in my already-bruised arm. We drove the 14-mile excursion to the Sears Dept. Store in Lincoln Park, whose parking lot contained, among many other things, an Old Navy, Babies-R-Us, Radio Shack and a Harmony House. We could have found some place closer to horne, but I had a friend to visit afterward. After parking the car near Old Navy, Laurie went first to Babies-R-Us while I walked over to Radio Shack and went in. "Nick!" "Afternoon, Gary," I said to the 400+lb. commission-earning salesman behind the counter. I've been coming here for many years, almost as long as Gary Bowman has been working here. "Anything specific you're looking for?" "Oh you know me, I'm always looking for new toys." At those words, Gary's eyes lit up like a kid at Christmas as a thought popped into his head. "Oh! These came in a month ago! You'll love it!" he said, disappearing into the back of the store. While he was gone I looked around. I took a closer look at the display model of a Tandy computer. Tandy? Didn't they go out of business in the early 90's? Way to hold on to a lost cause. "Check this out, Nick," he said when he returned. He was holding a plain plastic box that had a couple switches, a phone jack, and a six-inch phone cord hanging out. "You plug it into a phone line, and it broadcasts the phone call on a 2.4GHz frequency. Say your daughter has her own phone line. Plug this in and find out what she talks about with that guy that picked her up in his '78 Camaro last night." "Great analogy, Gary. So what's it run on? How often do you change the batteries?" "Never!" Gary said with an evil grin. "That's the beauty of it. It runs off the 45 volts from the phone line. It broadcasts up to 2500 feet, and you just use a police scanner to listen to it." "Sold. Guess I'll need a scanner too huh?" I asked, though he'd already grabbed a box from under the counter. “It's from Uniden. Picks up everything from police to aircraft to cellphones. Might even pick up little green men from Mars, if you have the right frequency.” “You're a hell of a salesman, Gary,” I said, handing him my credit card and topping off the order with ten rechargeable batteries. I left Radio Shack and went next door to Harmony House with a morbid curiosity. It didn't take long to locate Reign Supreme's' only CD. It was this month's featured group, and was prominently displayed on a rack near the front entrance. I grabbed one and continued my search. The Modern Idiots CD was a much harder find. I eventually found it falsely categorized under Rock/Alternative. The shelves were probably stocked by some trendy poseur who wouldn't know punk if it dropped in his lap and bit his tallywhacker off. And for this horrible injustice, it just might. I made my way back to the front counter, which was armed with a blonde girl of maybe 16. She wore big gold hoop earrings and too much make-up. I interrupted her as she lip-synced to Blink 182's 'Small Things'. Probably thinks it's punk. She probably stocks these shelves herself. 26
  • 27. I took a chance and posed my question to her. I handed her the two CDs and asked, “What would you say these two CDs have in common?" After a good long look, she said, "Hmm. One's rap, one's rock?" Slapping my forehead, I said, "Good girl! But no, that's a difference, not a similarity. Wanna give it one more try?" She took another look, longer this time, as if the album covers might've changed in the last ten seconds. "They're both square?" "Ahh, touché my dear," I said, handing her my credit card. I hid the Radio Shack bag in the backseat and put the Modern Idiots CD in the CD player. I went through three songs waiting for Laurie to finish shopping. “What in hell is that?” she asked when she got in the car. "Modern Idiots. Punk music. It's what Amanda Grace listened to." She glared at me. "You wanna fuck her, don't you..." I shook my head. That's twice now I've been accused of being a necrophiliac. It seemed like a long trip to the Mobil gas station in Dearborn Heights, though it was only a few miles away. Time seemed to slow down with Laurie's negative comments on punk music. Girls wouldn't understand anyway. The Mobil gas station at the corner of Van Born and Pelham is owned by my old friend, Hamoud Bazzi. Since I lived only a few blocks from here for many years, Hamoud, or 'Moody' as everyone called him, was like a second father to me. He was born in Lebanon, moved to New York in the late 70's then moved to Michigan 15 years ago. In my youth, I use to do ‘odd-jobs’ for him. Most of the time, that meant cutting the gas hoses from the pumps at the other two gas stations occupying that intersection for the purpose of subduing the competition. Now that I'm older, Moody has become a source for things I can't normally find anywhere else; anything from cable descramblers to explosives. He also likes to give me relationship advice, though I never really ask for it. "Kaifhalak, habibi! [Welcome, friend!]" I said, walking into the gas station. I walked to the counter, where Moody stood staring at me. For several seconds he said nothing. He slowly broke into a smile and yelled at the top of his lungs. "HOW DA HELL AH YOU NICK!!!" I'd been ready for one of his usual outbursts, and already had my hands over my ears. He only does this when there's no one else in the store. "Haven't you retired yet?" I asked. "I'm never gonna retire. You told me that yourself." "Yes I did, but damn, I thought I was kidding." "I told you next to you bring Laurie, ah? You makin-a-babies yet?" At that moment Laurie walked in. She said she wanted to wait in the car, but I knew she wouldn't. Moody had always treated her like a daughter, but Laurie wasn't use to having a dad -- not one that actually cared about her anyway. With instant recognition, Moody ran from behind the counter and gave Laurie a huge bear-hug. "LAURIE!! WUZZUP BEBBIE?!!" Laurie said nothing; just smiled. She wasn't use to this. Arabic people have a fierce closeness to their family, and since Moody treated us like his own, that also included us. "Laurie. When you gonna make bebbies, ah?" She looked down and put a hand on her stomach. "In about six months." A huge grin took Moody's face. "No shit?? You make-a me grandfather?" "Aren't you already a grandfather?" Laurie asked, referring to his three biological grandchildren. 27
  • 28. "Yeah! But I be grandfather again!" I'm pretty sure you can only become a grandfather once, but I knew better than to argue logic with a 50-year-old Lebanese. "So, how's the police business, Nick? Moody asked. "Eh? How'd you know about that?" "The news, Nick! What, you think I don't watch anything but al Jazeera? Who's your buddy I saw you with?" "He's my flight instructor," I said with a grin. His face was one of confusion, that quickly turned to an evil grin. "Hey Nicky, you wanna uhh...take care of something for me?" I knew what he meant. Another odd-job. "Sure, Moody. Want something blown up?" "Oh nooo, This's bigger! Much bigger!" Moody and I went over the plans in private while Laurie smoked a lady in the storage room and ate frozen pizza and Doritos. In the Arabic culture, women are not included in conversations of serious business. I didn't agree with it, but I respect the culture. "He's here Nick," Moody said, pointing out the window. "Let me know when the job's done, aight?" I looked at him incredulously. "If ya wanna know when it's done, watch the news!" I said with a smirk as Laurie and I walked out. Abdo, one of Moody's many sons-in-law was parked next to my car. I went to his window and he handed me a dufflebag of the things I would need. I shook his hand and got in the Firebird, where Laurie was waiting for me, full of questions. "What kinda job are you suppose to do for him?" Laurie asked. I said nothing. She most likely wouldn't approve. "Damnit Nick, are you gonna blow something up? Kill someone??" Still I said nothing. I really didn't want her to know. I called ahead and told Jack I'd be outside the police station in fifteen minutes and to wait for me outside. I really didn't want to go inside a police station if I didn't have to. From my car, I handed Jack the brown envelope, still wrapped in plastic. He looked at the envelope without taking the letter out. “What did they letter say?” Jack asked. "It's in the music." "What is?" "How would I know? I'm not a detective," I said with a smirk. "Okay, I'll have it checked for prints, but don't hold your breath. Someone went to a lot of trouble to put it together, and probably used gloves." "I dunno Jack, it sounds like someone's trying to help the investigation. Can't imagine why they would want to hide their identity from us." "Let's hope so. It's a dead-end without prints." "What about DNA? They could've licked the envelope." "Possibly, but it would have to go to Lansing, and you know how long that takes." "Do what you can with it and let me know," I said and left. The drive home was a quiet one. Laurie was obviously still mad at me for not telling her about Moody's request. I'd soon fix that. I had several cans of whip cream at home. Tonight would be a great night. 28
  • 29. Chapter Nine "Nick, I'm in prison." I looked at the clock next to my bed. It was noon. "Jack?!" I said into my cellphone. Did he say 'prison' or did I dream that? "Yep, it's me. I'm at the Jackson State Prison." "Good God, Jack, what'd you do??" "Nothing!, I'm not incarcerated," he said, and took a deep sigh. "We got another one. A bad one. Feel like a road trip?" Ugh. Actually I didn't. I really felt like wrapping myself around Laurie's naked sleeping body and going back to sleep. But that's not what I said. "You owe me, Jack," I said, looking over at my naked Laurie. "You owe me big," and I hung up. I felt Laurie rollover and slide her hand up my back. "Another one?" "Yep, another bad one, he says. It's in Jackson." "Oooh, can I go??" she asked. "Seriously?" "Yeah! Sounds like fun!" she giggled as she climbed out of bed. The 175-mile stretch of 1-94 between Detroit and Jackson was traveled rather quickly, despite the freeway construction. Laurie and I argued about baby names, which actually made the time go faster. It's a fight we always enjoyed. I'd passed the entrance to the prison twice before finally finding it. The guard at the main gate made a phone call when I told him my name. He opened the gate, then directed me to the visitor's parking lot. I had a creepy feeling passing through the double razorwire fences, and it almost made me think twice about my felonious habits. Almost. We were met at the prison's main entrance by Jack, and a very tall, well-dressed black man, who introduced himself as the JSP Warden, Bernard Tolson. We were led into the building and through the maze of hallways and stairs, finally emerging outside again. "Why's it so quiet?" Laurie asked. "I always imagined prisons to be louder." "All the housing units are on lockdown, since it happened this morning," Warden Tolson said. "Since what happened?" I asked. "You'll see, Nick," Jack said. "The recreation yard's this way." We walked down a long sidewalk past what we were told were housing units. From the sidewalk we could see several faces staring at us through barred windows. Warden Tolson noticed us staring back at the faces. "Normally you'd see more of them, but 70% of our population was at the yard this morning.” I still didn't understand what had happened. "Are they still there?" The warden looked at me dumbfounded. "Of course they are! They're not going anywhere. Least not on their own." I was beginning to see the picture the warden was painting for me, but it got much clearer when we entered the recreation yard's main gate. Laurie turned an even paler shade of white, though I didn't think that was possible. I clenched my stomach and remembered I hadn't eaten breakfast. Thankfully. "How many?" I asked. "The count's not in yet. Maybe 800," Jack said. 29
  • 30. Laurie and I ventured off on our own, slowly meandering through the field of bloody corpses. They were everywhere. Thirty or so lay on the basketball courts, and hundreds more lay in pools of blood wearing soccer and football jerseys; others in shorts and t-shirts. Many clutched sharp metal objects covered in blood. The weapon-bearing inmates received the least of the damage. Those without weapons were horribly mutilated: abdomens were torn open, eyes ripped out, and a few had been completely stripped of flesh and organs, so that all that remained were blood-covered skeletons. Laurie and I hadn't wandered very far before turning back. "Nick, is this what those other scenes were like?" Laurie asked. "Similar, but not on such a grand scale as this." We found our way back to Jack and Warden Tolson, and I posed the question to him that was burning in my mind. "What were they doing before this happened?" "Well, as you can see, some were playing basketball, others played soccer or football, the rest were walking or running the track. Then, for whatever reason, they all started attacking each other at the same time." "In my short little walk," I said to the warden, "I counted 23 shanks, out of maybe 40 inmates. Are shanks prison-issue now?" I saw the warden's eyebrows drop in a frown. "No, Mr. Stone, they are NOT prison-issue. We do what we can to control the contraband, but we can only do so much." Another diplomatically bureaucratically bullshit story. What did he think we were, news reporters?? Within the recreation yard was a small building with a fenced-in patio. Through windows I could see exercise bikes inside, along with treadmills and weight benches. but What caught my eye was the mass of audio equipment and musical instruments sitting inside the fenced-in patio. Guitars lay on the ground, a keyboard was left on a stand, parts of a drum set were loosely scattered, and two towers of speakers, standing ten feet high, were still buzzing. "Live music?" I asked, pointing at the equipment. "They call themselves Razorwire. They were playing when all this happened." I had already figured that by the disarray of the equipment. But I still had other questions. "How long have they been playing outside like this?" "They've played five times at the rec yard. Three times at a bar over by the Jackson Airport." “You let them out for that?" I asked. "Sure. They're given furloughs for it. They go out with eight guards, play for a few hours and come back. They've never given us any trouble." "So they're doing pretty well then?" I asked. "Oh, they're doing great. They just got signed a month ago." "Signed? Forgive me Warden, I'm not up on the lingo." He frowned. "They signed a contract with a record label, which got their music published." "So they have their own CDs?" "Sure do. First CD off the press was sent to them a week ago." I looked at Jack, who shrugged. He knew about as much about what was going on as I did, which wasn't much. "Can we talk to these Razorwire guys?" I asked. "Sure, I can arrange that," Warden Tolson said, and went off to say some words into a walkie-talkie. "What are you thinking, Nick?" "It's in the music, Jack..." 30