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                  DIVYA MISHRA

James Madison said that “Knowledge will forever govern ignorance; and a people who mean to be their own

governors must arm themselves with the power which knowledge gives”. Knowledge is power according to Sir

Francis Bacon. It is the most important resource for the organizations to grow. The knowledge resides in the heads

of knowledge workers. Knowledgeable workers are the most precious resource organizations possess. They are

different from task workers and low skilled workers. Knowledge workers are selected, recruited and trained in a

special manner than the non-knowledge workers. Improving the productivity of knowledge workers and retaining

them is a challenge for organizations today. The research paper focuses on all the mentioned aspects of knowledge

workers. The paper is written with the help of available literature on knowledge workers (from year 1994 – 2010),

newspaper articles, and web articles, my opinion and experience.


Peter Drucker was the first to coin the term, Knowledge Worker in his book “Landmarks of Tomorrow” in 1959.

According to Drucker, “knowledge workers are the people who work differently from the people of industrial and

agricultural age and use their head more than the muscle”. Knowledge workers are the people who are employed

for their knowledge rather than their ability to perform manual labor. They perform best when empowered to

perform with the highest potential and deepest skills. They are an asset rather than a cost for an organization and a

nation. Knowledge is very valuable for organizational performance and by implementing human resource strategy to

develop and create the knowledge, knowledge worker and retain them; a firm can understand how to create,

develop, transfer knowledge and use it effectively to develop a competitive advantage.

Before jumping on the primary topic of this paper, several key definitions should be discussed to provide an

appropriate foundation for the paper. The paper is divided into three sections. The first section defines the key

elements – knowledge, knowledge management and knowledge workers. This section explains the value of

knowledge for the growth and development of firms, knowledge management and its importance to disseminate

knowledge. The paper defines knowledge workers, their characteristics and the difference between them and non-

knowledge workers. The second section of the paper explains how the various aspects of human resource
management – selection, recruitment, and training and performance assessment of knowledge workers are different

from non-knowledge workers. The last section provides a summary of the paper and brings into light the

implications of future research.


Knowledge is defined as the understanding, awareness, or familiarity acquired through study, investigation,

observation or experience over the course of time. It is an individual’s interpretation of information and facts based

on personal experience, skills and competencies. It is characterized by information, capacity and aptitude. From the

perspective of an organization, it is the amount of information about a customer, product, market, success, failure

and processes. It is the amount of information required to function, progress and be accessible within an

organization. Knowledge is the pillar on which the whole organization stands. It is a crucial factor affecting an

organization’s ability to remain competitive and progressive in the global market. Today organizations consider

knowledge as a precious resource and continually develop mechanisms to enhance it. Thus knowledge is definitely a

driving force for the growth of business activities and the growth of nation as well. It is the basic factor required to

be in competition and survive in the global market. Knowledge as an intangible asset on the balance sheet accounts

for organization’s intellectual capital (Uwe M and Remo 1997, Information technology for knowledge


Where there is knowledge, there is a need to manage it. To disseminate this knowledge, there is a new term

“Knowledge Management (KM)”.

Knowledge Management

Although, throughout history, we have always managed our knowledge as best we could, it was the introduction of

some new tools, methods, technologies, processes and strategies that enabled us to think, for the first time,

differently about knowledge, and how to make improvements in the way we manage knowledge, as individual, team

and organization. And then during the early 1990's we started to think more about the processes of identifying,

creating, storing, sharing and applying knowledge. This process of identifying and managing knowledge is called

Knowledge Management.
Knowledge management comprises strategies and processes designed to identify, capture, value, leverage and share

an organization’s intellectual assets to enhance its performance and competitiveness. It is a discipline that enable

individuals, teams, organizations and communities to capture, store, share and apply their knowledge more

collectively and systematically, to achieve their objectives. It is a tool required to manage knowledge and transfer of

knowledge within an organization. Knowledge management is not only about managing the latest technology, tool

or strategy but also managing the knowledge within the company and treating it as the most valuable asset for the

success of the company. Furthermore, knowledge is the driving force in today’s economy, it is very important for

the organizations to find a way to tap into this knowledge base in order to preserve and expand their core


So where this knowledge does resides? Knowledge resides in the people working in the company. It is possessed by

the employees working in the company. Thus the employees with such assets should be valued as an asset. Thus

knowledge management is managing the individual with skills, aptitude and knowledge and valuing them as the

most precious asset (Norzanah Mat Nor, 2005).These individuals are called the “knowledge workers”.

Knowledge Workers

We have evolved from an industrial economy to an information economy. Information economy stands on the pillar

called knowledge worker. Today, knowledge workers play a major role in the success of any organization and

therefore managing them has become as central as managing physical assets.

There are many synonyms for the term “knowledge workers”. The definition of knowledge worker is different from

one author to another. According to Helton “a knowledge worker is somebody who does the non repetitive,

challenging and non routine task and entails substantial levels of cognitive ability”. (Norzanah Mat Nor, 2005).

Knowledge workers are the people who are highly qualified and highly educated. They are the individuals who

possess phenomenal skills and potential, which they acquire from investing time and money in education and

training. They are creative and innovative people who bring novelty in organization. They are the inventor and

discoverer of new technologies and strategies. They are recognized as the “problem identifiers” and “problem

solvers”. They are the people who think for living.

The dictionary says that knowledge workers are those who are “primarily engaged in acquisition, analysis and

manipulation of information as opposed to in production of goods and services”. They are the people who develop
knowledge and make it readily available for others to use it. Knowledge worker may use knowledge to develop

knowledge. They are the products of the information age where the emphasis is on creativity and innovation rather

than on maintaining the status quo. In the new economy every employee is becoming a knowledge worker.

According to Peter Drucker “ Every knowledge worker in modern organization is an "executive" if, by virtue of his

position or knowledge, he is responsible for a contribution that materially affects the capacity of the organization to

perform and to obtain results” .This category of workers include people such as professor, students, scientist,

programmer, engineers, doctors, lawyers. It also includes individuals in the creative field like fashion designers,

musicians, singers, painters. People working in specialized jobs like airline pilot, government officials are also

knowledge workers.

Frances Horribe defined knowledge workers as the individuals who use their brains more than others do. They are

the people who use their heads more than using their hands to produce value. (Norzanah Mat Nor, 2005)

Beaumont and Hunter (2002) categorized knowledge workers into two groups: technical or experts (e.g. scientist,

law experts) and creative employees (e.g. advertising agencies). (Abdul Kadir Rosline, Norzanah Mat Nor, 2005).

Knowledge workers are analytical in thinking. They always ask how, why, what if questions. They have a high

degree of absorption and interpretation of information and knowledge. These kinds of individuals are self reliant,

independent in work and require less guidance and supervision.

In the current economy, they are the horses that pull the plow of economic progress. So if our companies are

becoming more profitable, if our society is becoming more sophisticated and advanced, it is all because these

individuals are working effectively and efficiently. Knowledge workers are the nation’s wealth (Tom .H. Davenport,

2005). According to Drucker “knowledge workers are not labor, they are capital”. Without knowledge workers

there will be no products, no services and no growth.

Alison Kidd in the paper Marks are on knowledge workers (1994) described some secondary characteristic of

knowledge workers other than their primary traits are:

Diversity of output: Companies value knowledge workers for their diversity rather than consistency between

individual outputs. Each knowledge worker provides a different output and it is the variation which makes them

valuable to company. They solve the problems and generate the output largely by using their internal resources

rather than by using external rule and procedures. Since each knowledgeable person has different skills and

creativity which are internal to them, therefore their outputs vary from one another.
Low dependence on filed information: Knowledge workers do not carry much written information with them while

traveling. They have all the knowledge and information fed in their head. They do make notes of their ideas but

many of these notes are discarded one the ideas have been worked out.

Importance of spatial layout and materials: Many Knowledge workers have cluttered desk and floor and then too

they can easily find whatever piece of information they need from the plies of papers. They are seriously disrupted

by any changes made to this apparent “muddle”. Knowledge workers use the physical space like desk or floor as a

temporary holding pattern for their ideas and inputs. It seems that they cannot decide or categorize how they might

use those inputs. And therefore the filing of information is uncomfortable for them.

Whenever knowledge workers return to their thoughts from a break or interruption like a phone call, the first thing

which come in their mind is “where I was”? The layout of the papers and other physical materials on their desk give

them a powerful and immediate clue to return to the thoughts without any delays.

Difference between Knowledge workers and Task workers

Task workers are those who just make use of the information and data available but do not create new ideas and

knowledge. They are the people who consume information but do not manage and transform it. They are the people

who do the routine and regular jobs and there is no space for creativity and newness in their job. Non –knowledge

workers only make use of the existing information. They create files and documents, process data and edit data.

Task workers do not produce knowledge. This category of workers includes clerks, bank clerk, call centre operator,

nurse and people in supervisor roles: Shop Manager, Bank Manager.

Knowledge workers are different from traditional structured task workers in a number of ways. Knowledge workers

are the creative class whereas the non-knowledge workers are the non-creative class. Task workers have a structured

work pattern. They work from 9 to 5 and perform the same kind of job almost every day. On the other hand, the

work culture of knowledge workers is not so structured. It is rather flexible in nature. They do not follow a routine to

show up at 9 am, being creative and innovative for 8 hours and punch out at 5 pm. For example a software developer

might work from 8 pm to 4am because he/she is most productive during that time slot. Knowledge workers do not

restrict creativity to time. The working habit of such workers is highly variable and flexible. Knowledge workers are

self reliant and do not like to be told what to do. They enjoy a high degree of autonomy. (Davenport, 2005)
Knowledge workers can be differentiated from their structured task worker counterparts in that they are increasingly

mobile in nature, freed by technology and thus location independent. Thus knowledge workers can choose where,

when and especially for whom they work (Ware and Grantham 2007). On the other hand, work of non-knowledge

workers is location dependent. They have to come every day to the work place to perform their duties. For example

a factory worker has to go to the factory to make gadgets or a clerk is bound to go to the office to file documents or

edit documents. Task workers do not have the option of “where, when and for whom” to work.

Specifying the detailed steps and flow of work for task workers is easy. Since they do the routine work, stepwise

explanation of their work is feasible. Knowledge workers on other hand have a flexible work behavior. They do not

perform the routine task. They are creative and innovative. They have an unstructured work pattern. Thus specifying

the detailed steps and flow of knowledge-intensive processes are more difficult. The job of knowledge workers

cannot be reduced to a series of boxes and arrows on a flow chart (Tom .H. Davenport, 2005).

Structured task workers are those who have to perform their duty even if they do not like their job and are

uninspired. For example, factory workers have to make a widget in factory even if they hate their jobs. But in case

of knowledge workers, commitment matters a lot. They have to give head, heart and hand to work. Knowledge

workers have to stand behind what they work on and how they do it.

                             Knowledge worker and Human Resource management

Recruiting Knowledge workers

The role of human resource recruitment is to build a supply of potential new hires that the organization can draw on

if the need arises. Recruitment is a practice carried on by the organization with the primary purpose of identifying

and attracting potential employees. It is the process of identifying and hiring the best qualified candidate (from

outside or within the organization) for a job vacancy, in a most timely and cost effective manner. It thus creates a

buffer between planning and actual selection of new employee.

Organizations use a number of methods to recruit knowledge workers. The corporations most likely use “internal

contacts” or “networking in order to hire new knowledge workers. It commonly happens that when these people

have worked for some time in one company, they are recognized and noticed for their quality of work by the top
management personnel of other company. And when there is a vacancy for such skills, invitation and negotiation

process begins. Sometimes this is done through former bosses. But in most cases the former bosses don’t know. The

advantage of networking or internal contact is that it is a fast process. Someone who has been hired through internal

contacts has gained a good reputation in the previous company and is renowned for his/her expertise within the

company (Norzanah Mat Nor, 2005).

Other recruitment method is advertising in newspaper. Companies also advertise on web called “e-recruitment”. E-

recruitment is also known as internet recruitment. It is an online recruitment where the recruitment is done through

electronic resources. When companies or organizations need people with certain skill, they make a job profile and

advertise that in the newspaper or on the internet. (M.S Rao, 2010)

Organizations also go to the job centers or job agencies to find staff. They are the private employment agencies.

These agencies are like an interface between the people looking for employers and companies looking for new


Corporations also conduct “on the spot” skill test or unconventional interview methods like putting the person on a

drive test for recruitment of knowledge workers. The way a person drives an automobile reflects a lot about person’s


Recruitment of knowledge workers is like picking up gems. It is very crucial for a company to choose the right

people as employees. Recruiting new employees is an organizations most important investment decision and its

most important strategic tool. A knowledge company recruiting new staff can be easily compared to an industrial

company investing in new machinery. The problem of recruitment is that capable new recruits are so hard to find.

Attracting and holding a qualified and skillful employee is most important and central task of the management. The

nature of work is constantly changing. Jobs are becoming more specialized and requiring highly educated, highly

innovative staff to achieve the organization’s goal. The economy is moving constantly from an industrial era “labor

mindset” to a knowledge economy “talent mindset”.

Earlier the employee condition was totally different as compared to the position and situation of employees today.

The whole idea of corporation was coming into picture in the latter half of the 19th century. Earlier there was a

divide between the employer and the employee. The employer was the master and the employee was the slave.

People were more concerned for a good job rather than a good career. Focus was on getting a job and not on making
a good career. Employee was totally dependent on the employer for bread and butter. The employee needed the

corporation more than a corporation needed the employee. Today in the knowledge economy the picture has totally

changed. Now both the employee and the employer need each other almost equally. The workers of today are smart,

knowledgeable and confident. The knowledge workers are more focused on making a good career rather than just

getting a job. They are more concerned for career security rather than job security. They are taking charge of their

career as well as charge of their lives at the same time.

Knowledge workers are the nation’s wealth. They are the irreplaceable resource for any organization. A corporation

cannot afford to lose them. Today the global economy has become very aggressive and competitive. The

corporations have to hold and retain their talented workers because there are competitors waiting to get that talent,

absorb the knowledge from those people, and use it against (Schweyer 2005). According to Sveiby the competition

is so cut throat that wise knowledge organizations treat their skilled and talented staff as customer rather than as

employee sometimes so that they can hold them in their organization. (Abdul Kadir Rosline, Norzanah Mat Nor,


Selecting knowledge workers

There is a very thin line between the selection and recruitment. People often think that both are same. But there is a

difference between selection and recruitment. Noe, Hollenbeck, Gerhart, and Wright differentiate between

recruitment and selection. They contend that recruitment is the process an organization uses to search for job

hopefuls. Selection, by contrast, is the process an organization employs to determine if a job applicant’s skills will

complement the organization’s needs and goals. Organizations use these processes to increase the probability of

hiring individuals who possess the right skills and potential to be successful at their jobs. Jack Welch, the legendary

former CEO at General Electric says “What could possibly be more important than who gets hired? Business is a

game, and as with all games, the team that puts the best people on the field and gets them playing together wins. It’s

that simple”. (Noe, Hollenbeck, Gerhart, Wright, 2006)

The parameters taken into consideration for selecting knowledge workers differ from those for non-knowledge

workers. For example, selection of a factory worker who has to lift heavy items depends on the physical fitness

rather than his educational qualification or the selection of a typist depends on the typing speed rather than his/her
creativity and innovation or the selection of a call centre depends on the communication skills rather than his/her

technical skills. The process of selecting non-knowledge workers is more structured and predefined than knowledge


The first and central step which the selection team should take before hiring knowledge workers is to analyze the

goal of the firm. The selection team should know what the needs of position and business are; what their

organization values; what constitute their ability. The selection of applicants should be based on the demand of

organization. The employers often make error at this crucial stage of selection. They select knowledge workers

either according to the future needs of organization or on the grounds of applicant’s technical expertise. The current

need of the organization is left unrecognized. But looking to the past performance evaluations of the current

employees can give the organizations an insight to the strengths and weaknesses of their staff and the type of

knowledge workers they are attempting to select (Bielski, 2007, Knowledge worker and human resource


The second factor which the employers should keep in mind while selecting knowledge workers is the passion and

commitment of the selected worker towards the job. Task workers or non-knowledge workers have to perform their

duty even if they do not like the job and are uninspired. Dedication and devotion towards the job is not central in

case of task worker. But for knowledge workers, commitment and passion towards job counts a lot. They have to

give their head, heart and hand to the job. Individuals involved in the selection of knowledge worker should be very

alerts and attentive towards passionless and dull candidates. It is the devotion in the knowledge workers that propels

the organizations towards growth and success.

Individuals involved in the selection process should conduct “Comprehensive Structured interviews” in which the

candidates are asked job-related questions, situational question, job knowledge and job simulation questions under

different scenario. Such interviews focusing on the job knowledge in various situations provide an idea about the

candidate’s current level of tacit knowledge (personal knowledge embedded in individual experiences) as well as

explicit knowledge (formal knowledge packaged as information). Thus the selection team should focus on selecting

applicants who possess tacit knowledge and can use that effectively to generate explicit knowledge.
The selection team should not only focus on the job skills or intelligence but also on the persona of the candidates.

An organization can grow and succeed only when its staff is not only technically skilled and highly educated but

also smart and passionate. When the selection team follows an intelligent selection process, the likelihood of

selecting the right candidate becomes very high.

Training knowledge workers

Training is defined as an organized activity aimed at imparting information or instructions to improve the recipient’s

performance in the work or job and at the same time help him/her to attain a required level of knowledge and skill. It

consists of the activities designed to facilitate the learning and development of new and existing skills, and to

improve the performance of specific tasks or roles.

In the words of Hatten and Rosenthal “knowledge and technology is constantly changing. Knowledge is subject to

rapid and abrupt shifts” (Norzanah Mat Nor, 2005). Technology is advancing every day and therefore keeping the

knowledge worker within the organization updated with the latest technology and advancement is a must.

Corporations know it very well that if they do not periodically upgrade their employee’s skill and knowledge, they

will be out of the market. It is found that after recruiting the knowledge workers who know their job really well, it is

very important to train them periodically in order for them to adjust and cope with the needs of the company faster.

As a continuous process, training is also important for worker’s career enhancement and development. When the

employees do not get an opportunity of self enhancement, they might leave the job. The company might encounter a

great loss of talent when such knowledgeable workers leave them. Thus training is considered as one of the key

factors in the successful implementation of knowledge management, as well as a success factor for companies.

Continual development of the knowledge workers is very important for the organizations if they hope to stay

competitive in the ever changing economy. This development of knowledge workers can be achieved through

effective training and developmental programs. (Olivier Serrate, 2008)

The central issue is how to develop appropriate training and education program and strategies for these knowledge

workers so as to attract and retain them, maximize their performance and thereby enhance the intellectual capital of

the enterprises as a whole (APO,2004Training knowledge worker).
Traditionally, training programs were organized and implemented so that the employees could acquire the necessary

skills to do their jobs. These acquired skills were the possession of the people taking the training. Some of the

traditional training methods are job rotation, “in-basket” exercises and other task-oriented methods. But training

becomes successful only when individuals participating in it share the acquired knowledge and skills with each

other. According to Steyn the social nature of learning allows people to meet, interact and share information which

is very valuable for any organization. This kind of training is known as the informal training as individuals meet

each other, interact and share their ideas and knowledge. The informal nature of the training breaks the ice between

the trainees, speeds up the learning process and enhances the efficiency of the training method. Along with the

training, the knowledge workers also need to have a continued education in order to be up on the latest advances in

their fields. According to Drucker “knowledge workers have two needs, formal education and continuing education

which are both designed to increase their skill sets”.

Training becomes even more important during unstable economic time when companies try to gain ground wherever

they can. At this time the trained and well educated knowledge workers can help the organizations to survive as well

as stay competitive. Knowledge training of knowledge workers helps them develop a better understanding of certain

jobs and strengthen their confidence. This high confidence pushes them to perform to their highest potential. The

lack of understanding resulting from lack of training is very costly for companies in terms of money, time, customer

relations and business reputation. (Mary Clarke. 2009)

Training of task workers is different from the training of knowledge workers. Training of a non-knowledge worker

is more of learning to operate a new machine or learning to use a new software or tool. Since there job is structured

and lacks newness, continual training is not so necessary. Formal education and continual education is a must for

knowledge workers but not for non-knowledge workers. Training of knowledge workers bridges the gap between

the skill requirement and skill availability. The rapid innovation impacting the workplace makes it necessary for the

knowledge workers to upgrade their knowledge and skills. Training motivates them and enhances their productivity.

Retaining and holding knowledge workers “A challenge for organizations”

Knowledge workers are the capital and the most precious resource for any organization. They are the backbone of an

organization. So a firm cannot afford to lose them. Today there is cut throat competition in the knowledge economy.
Every organization wants the best staff to be in the competition. There is a huge demand for such workers in every

organization. (Richard Jayen, 2006). According to Drucker “performance of knowledge based industries depends on

organizations attracting, holding, and motivating knowledge workers”.

Knowledge can be divided into two types: 1) Explicit knowledge and 2) Tacit knowledge. Explicit knowledge is

articulated knowledge, expressed and recorded as words, numbers, and codes, mathematical and scientific formulae.

It is easy to communicate, store and distribute. This knowledge is found in books, on the web and other visual and

oral means. Tacit knowledge on the other hand resides in the brain of the people. Tacit knowledge is tied to an

individual and is very difficult if not impossible to articulate. In the words of Droege & Hoobler, “tacit knowledge is

the information about work processes and products that individuals hold above and beyond what the organization

has documented”. The explicit knowledge can grow and sustain only through a rich background of tacit knowledge

(Uwe Borghoff, 1997). Thus when employees leave the firm, explicit knowledge remains (to some extent), but the

tacit knowledge associated with the employees is lost (Richard Jayen, 2006). Thus holding and retaining these

knowledge workers is the biggest and hardest challenge faced by the business firms today.

A manager can use human resource practices such as developmental assignments and formal training opportunities

to create new tacit and explicit knowledge, and to reduce tacit knowledge loss by reducing employee turnover. The

organization can create an enclave within itself which is an independent section made up of knowledge team where

the knowledge workers have a degree of interdependence. This section satisfies the knowledge worker desire to

work in autonomy and interdependence allows these knowledge workers to interact with each other, supplement

each other’s expertise to analyze complex problem. (Richard Jayen, 2006). This interaction and socialization among

the knowledge workers with different specialties prepares a platform for innovation and creation of new tacit

knowledge and leads to reduced turnover of knowledge workers. This practice allows the organization to retain the

tacit knowledge of the workers and to retain any related competitive advantage. It also leads to increased

productivity and greater job satisfaction. Employers can also keep knowledge workers motivated by providing them

technology and resources to perform cutting edge researches. It for this reason that Google give its employees 20%

of their time to pursue ideas they believe are important; interact and socialize with each other and perform their own

researches (Davenport, 2005).
Training and developmental programs can also help employers to retain knowledge workers. Continual training is

very necessary for knowledge workers to upgrade their skill and expertise. Training leads to career enhancement and

skill development; which ultimately leads to job satisfaction and results in decreased job turnover.

Improving Productivity/Performance of Knowledge Workers

Companies that seek competitive advantage through employees must be able to manage the behavior and results of

all the employees (Noe, Hollenbeck, Gerhart, Wright, 2006). And managing the behavior and results of the

employees is framed as “Performance Management”. Noe and group defined performance management as “the

means through which managers ensure that employees’ activities and outputs are congruent with the organization’s

goal”. It is central to gaining competitive advantage. Performance measures help companies focus on operational

excellence and development of employees. The effective measurement of performance of knowledge worker to

improve their productivity is a challenge to the human resource management. According to Drucker “What's

measured improves”. Knowledge workers do not perform routine task. Their work behavior is flexible and

unpredictable. The job of knowledge workers cannot be reduced to a series of boxes and arrows on a flow chart.

Measuring knowledge workers’ performance is hard because they cannot be observed while performing. Managers

may not be able to determine whether or not they are working effectively. It is for this reason that performance

measurement for this class of workers is difficult. Traditional workers on the other hand have a routine job and have

a definite work pattern. So their performance is measurable. For example, a factory worker who made maximum

number of widget with minimum defects is considered an excellent performer.

Creativity and innovation, the biggest asset of knowledge workers cannot be quantified into units. One of the

characteristics of knowledge workers mentioned above is “diversity of output”. Each knowledge worker provides a

different output. Each person accomplishes the work in his or her own way. It becomes difficult for the managers to

judge as whose work is right and whose not, further complicating the process. Comparative approach of

performance measurement cannot be used in this case as it compares one knowledge worker with the other and lacks

feedback mechanism.

Davenport in “Mysterious art and science of knowledge worker performance” brought the five issues related to the

performance of knowledge workers as 1) Determinants of knowledge worker performance are unclear. 2) Many
organizations resist that the idea of segmentation of knowledge workers is necessary to improve performance. 3) No

one seems to own the problem of performance of knowledge worker 4) Companies are experimenting heavily with

the workplace redesign but they are not learning much 5) There is great reluctance to alter knowledge worker. The

knowledge workers themselves resist changing, as there is no sure-fire formula of success in the creative processes.

Davenport suggested to segment knowledge workers according to the complexity of their work and level of

interdependence to enhance their productivity.

Making knowledgeable workers perform is not a matter to encourage them to perform harder or more skillfully.

They are dedicated and devoted towards their job. Thus the objective of the managers/supervisors should be to

remove the obstacles to performance and streamline efforts into the areas which contribute to the growth of

knowledge workers. To accomplish this there is a need to bring a change in the culture, structure and style of

management of organizations so that talent of knowledge workers can flourish. In this way the knowledgeable

employees understand, identify with and learn how their performance can be enhanced (Olivier Serrat, 2008).

The organizations must improve their processes to improve the performance of knowledge workers. The role of the

supervisors and managers should be molded in order to maximize the productivity of knowledge workers. The

relationship between the manager and worker should be changed from boss-employee to coach-trainee relationship.

Knowledge workers require knowledge trainers/managers not bosses. Managers should emphasis more on the

training, learning and development of knowledge worker. This would help those workers learn new skills and

sharpen the existing capabilities. It is very important for the knowledge workers to understand their company’s

specific performance goals, industry direction and how their performance relates to those factors. It is the

responsibility of the managers to clarify these factors to the workers. Therefore the better the managers perform their

job, the greater is the performance of the employees.

The managers should evaluate their knowledge worker’s performance based on the results and output i.e. “result

approach”. The result approach focuses on managing the objective, measurable results of job or work group. This

approach assumes that subjectivity can be eliminated from the measurement process and that results are the closest

indicator of one’s performance and contribution to organizational effectiveness (Noe,2006).Under the result

approach come MBO (Management by objective). In the MBO system, the top management team first defines the

company’s strategic goals and objectives and passes on the strategy to the next layer of management. This goal
setting process cascades down the organization so that all the managers and employees set the goals and the timeline

to achieve it. The objectives in MBO are clearly defined and sometimes difficult to achieve. When a goal becomes

challenging, it motivates the knowledge workers to work harder and try harder to enhance their productivity. MBO

also includes ongoing tracking and feedback in the process to reach objectives (Noe, Hollenbeck, Gerhart, Wright

Human resource management). Thus MBO aims to enhance the productivity by aligning the objective of the

knowledge workers with the goals of organization.

Another appropriate and feasible method to measure and improve the performance of the knowledge workers is 360

degree feedback system. Through this process employees receive confidential and anonymous feedback from the

people who work around them. This group of people includes the manager, peer, subordinate and sometimes

customers. The results of this process show that self-evaluation is different from evaluation by others. Thus the 360

degree survey provides the knowledge workers a better understanding of their strengths and weaknesses. These

performance measurement process/methods are appropriate for measuring and improving the productivity of

knowledge workers which in turn helps the organization in achieving its strategic goals.

Performance assessment is beneficial for both - organizations and knowledge workers. The advantage for the

knowledge workers is that they become aware of their level of performance, their strengths and weaknesses and

sometime passion. For the firms, these assessments help in identifying the top employees of the company. The top

employees are the knowledgeable employees i.e. people who have mastered in their work, are consistent and reliable

and source of motivation and knowledge for other employees. The discovery of these knowledgeable employees is

vital for the employers especially when they have to take difficult lay-off decisions. It helps employers to retain the

cream layer of the organization. Identifying knowledge workers is also important because they are the people who

pass the knowledge and experience to the new employees when the company hire again. (Mary Clarke. 2009)

The other benefit of performance assessment is that it helps organizations to improve, redesign and rebuild their

existing training programs for the knowledge workers. The results of performance appraisal reveal the weaknesses

of the staff, which can be due to a poor training program and so executives can shape the training programs and

make them more specific and effective in future.
Performance measurement of task workers or non knowledge workers is easier compared to that of knowledge

workers, as the performance of task workers can be quantified to some extent. Since all the work of knowledge

workers usually takes place in their heads and cannot be seen, it becomes difficult to measure their creativity and

innovation. But it does not mean that performance assessment cannot be done for the knowledge workers. The

performance measurement of knowledge workers is difficult but not impossible. But this could be made possible by

developing innovative measurement techniques. Developing an accurate method to measure the performance of

knowledge with accuracy is a challenge today for organizations.


In the words of Mary Clarke, CEO Cognisco “In today’s world where knowledge is power, it should come as no

surprise that the most valuable asset for any business is the knowledge of its employees. And within our current

knowledge –based economy, competent and confident employees are the foundation for a successful business”.

Knowledge workers are the irreplaceable assets for organizations. They are the catalysts speeding up the growth

process. Knowledge workers possess the wealth of knowledge and experience. They are skilled, highly educated,

smart, confident, creative and innovative. They are the people who think outside the box. Knowledge workers can be

more valuable to an organization than its CEO.

This paper brings into light the value and necessity of knowledge workers for organizations. It represents the

characteristics of knowledge workers and differentiates them from non-knowledge workers. Non-knowledge

workers were the past; knowledge workers are the present of the knowledge economy. This paper represents an

overview of how the practice of human resource management is altered when dealing with a special class of

employees i.e. knowledge workers. The human resource practices of recruitment, selection, retention, training,

performance assessment are now changing in nature according to the demand of economy. The knowledge workers

are recruited and selected differently from task workers. The training and performance appraisal methods are also

different from non-knowledge workers. The paper focuses on different ways of recruiting and selecting knowledge

workers; different methods of training and performance assessments and their importance.

Improving the productivity of knowledge workers is a challenge for organizations today. Since their work is location

independent, intangible, creative and innovative; it cannot be quantified and hence difficult to measure. Although
this paper provides some solutions to this problem but a lot more has to be done in this field. Therefore performance

assessment of knowledge workers is a subject of further research. Another big challenge for the organizations is

retaining knowledge workers. Organizations always try hard to hold knowledge workers as there are competitors in

the market waiting for a chance to grab this special class of workers. Because of this aggressive competition outside,

employers treat these workers in special ways like high salary and special reward. They are sometimes valued more

than customers and CEO. The paper proposes some solutions to retain these special employees. But it is still a topic

of deep research. Therefore future researches might propose more profitable and meaningful solutions to the

challenges posed.

In the words of Peter Drucker “"We know now that the source of wealth is something specifically human:

knowledge. If we apply knowledge to tasks we already know how to do, we call it 'productivity'. If we apply

knowledge to tasks that are new and different we call it 'innovation'." Only knowledge allows us to achieve these two

goals”. Thus the true winners in the present world are the people who win knowledge over ignorance, apply

knowledge to create knowledge and spread knowledge i.e. Knowledge Workers.

Further Research

The research paper raises a number of questions for further research. Some of them are as follows:

    1) How should the human resource managers develop tools and techniques to assess the performance of

         knowledge workers?

    2) With the changing nature of jobs today and need of information, data and knowledge in almost every job, is

         everyone is a knowledge worker today?

Abdul Kadir Rosline and Norzanah Mat Nor. 2005. Managing Knowledge Workers in A Knowledge-Based
Economy: The Changing Role of Human Resource Management in the Msc Status Companies, Malaysia. Cardiff
Business School, Wales UK.

Alison Kidd. 1994. The Marks are on the knowledge workers. Human Factors in Computing Systems. Boston.

Asian Productivity Organization. 2004. Training Knowledge Workers

Bindu Sridhar. 2004.       Knowledge worker- the epitome of success. Retrieved April 17, 2010 from

Bowerm. 2005. What's in a name? The Information Worker, The Knowledge Worker and The Structured Task
Worker. Retrieved April 15, 2010 from

Casimir C. Barczyk and Rebecca H. Stankowski. 2010. Knowledge Workers and Human Resource Management.
Purdue University Calumet.

Davis Tan. 2002. Knowledge Workers, the New Workforce

Klara Nelson, Joseph E. McCann. 2003. Designing for knowledge worker retention and organization
performance. Journal of management and marketing research.

Mary Clarke. 2009. The importance of knowledge development in a recession. Retrieved April 11, 2010 from

M.S. Rao. 2010. E-recruitment- Problems and Prospects. Retrieved                 April   15,   2010      from

Noe, Hollenbeck, Gerhart, Wright, 2006. Human resource management “Gaining a competitive advantage”.

Norzanah Mat Nor. 2004. Managing Knowledge Workers: A Study of Multimedia Super Corridor’s Status
Companies in Malaysia. Cardiff Business School, Wales UK.

Olivier Serrat. 2008. Managing Knowledge Workers.

Richard L. Jayne. 2006. Knowledge Worker: Human Resource Strategy to Achieve a Competitive Advantage.
St. Ambrose University, Davenport, Iowa

Thomas H. Davenport. 2005. Thinking for a living. Boston: Harvard Business School.

Thomas H. Davenport, Robert J.Thomas and Susan Cantrell 2002. The Mysterious Art and Science of
Knowledge Worker Performance.

Thomas H. Davenport . 1995. Improving knowledge worker performance.
Tom Davenport. 2005. The Importance of Knowledge Workers in a Global Economy. . Retrieved April 11, 2010

Uwe M. Borghoff and Remo Pareschi. 1997. Information Technology for Knowledge Management. Journal of
Universal Computer Science. Rank Xerox Research Centre, Grenoble Laboratory.

Culture, Job Design, and Recruitment Policy. Retrieved April 8, 2010 from

Definition of Training retrieved April 5, 2010 from

Definition of Training retrieved April 5, 2010 from

Definition of 360 Degree feedback system retrieved April 18, 2010 from

Definition      of      Knowledge          Management       retrieved          April       7,       2010     from

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Knowledge worker, Human Resource Management

  • 2. Abstract James Madison said that “Knowledge will forever govern ignorance; and a people who mean to be their own governors must arm themselves with the power which knowledge gives”. Knowledge is power according to Sir Francis Bacon. It is the most important resource for the organizations to grow. The knowledge resides in the heads of knowledge workers. Knowledgeable workers are the most precious resource organizations possess. They are different from task workers and low skilled workers. Knowledge workers are selected, recruited and trained in a special manner than the non-knowledge workers. Improving the productivity of knowledge workers and retaining them is a challenge for organizations today. The research paper focuses on all the mentioned aspects of knowledge workers. The paper is written with the help of available literature on knowledge workers (from year 1994 – 2010), newspaper articles, and web articles, my opinion and experience. Introduction Peter Drucker was the first to coin the term, Knowledge Worker in his book “Landmarks of Tomorrow” in 1959. According to Drucker, “knowledge workers are the people who work differently from the people of industrial and agricultural age and use their head more than the muscle”. Knowledge workers are the people who are employed for their knowledge rather than their ability to perform manual labor. They perform best when empowered to perform with the highest potential and deepest skills. They are an asset rather than a cost for an organization and a nation. Knowledge is very valuable for organizational performance and by implementing human resource strategy to develop and create the knowledge, knowledge worker and retain them; a firm can understand how to create, develop, transfer knowledge and use it effectively to develop a competitive advantage. Before jumping on the primary topic of this paper, several key definitions should be discussed to provide an appropriate foundation for the paper. The paper is divided into three sections. The first section defines the key elements – knowledge, knowledge management and knowledge workers. This section explains the value of knowledge for the growth and development of firms, knowledge management and its importance to disseminate knowledge. The paper defines knowledge workers, their characteristics and the difference between them and non- knowledge workers. The second section of the paper explains how the various aspects of human resource
  • 3. management – selection, recruitment, and training and performance assessment of knowledge workers are different from non-knowledge workers. The last section provides a summary of the paper and brings into light the implications of future research. Knowledge Knowledge is defined as the understanding, awareness, or familiarity acquired through study, investigation, observation or experience over the course of time. It is an individual’s interpretation of information and facts based on personal experience, skills and competencies. It is characterized by information, capacity and aptitude. From the perspective of an organization, it is the amount of information about a customer, product, market, success, failure and processes. It is the amount of information required to function, progress and be accessible within an organization. Knowledge is the pillar on which the whole organization stands. It is a crucial factor affecting an organization’s ability to remain competitive and progressive in the global market. Today organizations consider knowledge as a precious resource and continually develop mechanisms to enhance it. Thus knowledge is definitely a driving force for the growth of business activities and the growth of nation as well. It is the basic factor required to be in competition and survive in the global market. Knowledge as an intangible asset on the balance sheet accounts for organization’s intellectual capital (Uwe M and Remo 1997, Information technology for knowledge Management). Where there is knowledge, there is a need to manage it. To disseminate this knowledge, there is a new term “Knowledge Management (KM)”. Knowledge Management Although, throughout history, we have always managed our knowledge as best we could, it was the introduction of some new tools, methods, technologies, processes and strategies that enabled us to think, for the first time, differently about knowledge, and how to make improvements in the way we manage knowledge, as individual, team and organization. And then during the early 1990's we started to think more about the processes of identifying, creating, storing, sharing and applying knowledge. This process of identifying and managing knowledge is called Knowledge Management.
  • 4. Knowledge management comprises strategies and processes designed to identify, capture, value, leverage and share an organization’s intellectual assets to enhance its performance and competitiveness. It is a discipline that enable individuals, teams, organizations and communities to capture, store, share and apply their knowledge more collectively and systematically, to achieve their objectives. It is a tool required to manage knowledge and transfer of knowledge within an organization. Knowledge management is not only about managing the latest technology, tool or strategy but also managing the knowledge within the company and treating it as the most valuable asset for the success of the company. Furthermore, knowledge is the driving force in today’s economy, it is very important for the organizations to find a way to tap into this knowledge base in order to preserve and expand their core competencies. So where this knowledge does resides? Knowledge resides in the people working in the company. It is possessed by the employees working in the company. Thus the employees with such assets should be valued as an asset. Thus knowledge management is managing the individual with skills, aptitude and knowledge and valuing them as the most precious asset (Norzanah Mat Nor, 2005).These individuals are called the “knowledge workers”. Knowledge Workers We have evolved from an industrial economy to an information economy. Information economy stands on the pillar called knowledge worker. Today, knowledge workers play a major role in the success of any organization and therefore managing them has become as central as managing physical assets. There are many synonyms for the term “knowledge workers”. The definition of knowledge worker is different from one author to another. According to Helton “a knowledge worker is somebody who does the non repetitive, challenging and non routine task and entails substantial levels of cognitive ability”. (Norzanah Mat Nor, 2005). Knowledge workers are the people who are highly qualified and highly educated. They are the individuals who possess phenomenal skills and potential, which they acquire from investing time and money in education and training. They are creative and innovative people who bring novelty in organization. They are the inventor and discoverer of new technologies and strategies. They are recognized as the “problem identifiers” and “problem solvers”. They are the people who think for living. The dictionary says that knowledge workers are those who are “primarily engaged in acquisition, analysis and manipulation of information as opposed to in production of goods and services”. They are the people who develop
  • 5. knowledge and make it readily available for others to use it. Knowledge worker may use knowledge to develop knowledge. They are the products of the information age where the emphasis is on creativity and innovation rather than on maintaining the status quo. In the new economy every employee is becoming a knowledge worker. According to Peter Drucker “ Every knowledge worker in modern organization is an "executive" if, by virtue of his position or knowledge, he is responsible for a contribution that materially affects the capacity of the organization to perform and to obtain results” .This category of workers include people such as professor, students, scientist, programmer, engineers, doctors, lawyers. It also includes individuals in the creative field like fashion designers, musicians, singers, painters. People working in specialized jobs like airline pilot, government officials are also knowledge workers. Frances Horribe defined knowledge workers as the individuals who use their brains more than others do. They are the people who use their heads more than using their hands to produce value. (Norzanah Mat Nor, 2005) Beaumont and Hunter (2002) categorized knowledge workers into two groups: technical or experts (e.g. scientist, law experts) and creative employees (e.g. advertising agencies). (Abdul Kadir Rosline, Norzanah Mat Nor, 2005). Knowledge workers are analytical in thinking. They always ask how, why, what if questions. They have a high degree of absorption and interpretation of information and knowledge. These kinds of individuals are self reliant, independent in work and require less guidance and supervision. In the current economy, they are the horses that pull the plow of economic progress. So if our companies are becoming more profitable, if our society is becoming more sophisticated and advanced, it is all because these individuals are working effectively and efficiently. Knowledge workers are the nation’s wealth (Tom .H. Davenport, 2005). According to Drucker “knowledge workers are not labor, they are capital”. Without knowledge workers there will be no products, no services and no growth. Alison Kidd in the paper Marks are on knowledge workers (1994) described some secondary characteristic of knowledge workers other than their primary traits are: Diversity of output: Companies value knowledge workers for their diversity rather than consistency between individual outputs. Each knowledge worker provides a different output and it is the variation which makes them valuable to company. They solve the problems and generate the output largely by using their internal resources rather than by using external rule and procedures. Since each knowledgeable person has different skills and creativity which are internal to them, therefore their outputs vary from one another.
  • 6. Low dependence on filed information: Knowledge workers do not carry much written information with them while traveling. They have all the knowledge and information fed in their head. They do make notes of their ideas but many of these notes are discarded one the ideas have been worked out. Importance of spatial layout and materials: Many Knowledge workers have cluttered desk and floor and then too they can easily find whatever piece of information they need from the plies of papers. They are seriously disrupted by any changes made to this apparent “muddle”. Knowledge workers use the physical space like desk or floor as a temporary holding pattern for their ideas and inputs. It seems that they cannot decide or categorize how they might use those inputs. And therefore the filing of information is uncomfortable for them. Whenever knowledge workers return to their thoughts from a break or interruption like a phone call, the first thing which come in their mind is “where I was”? The layout of the papers and other physical materials on their desk give them a powerful and immediate clue to return to the thoughts without any delays. Difference between Knowledge workers and Task workers Task workers are those who just make use of the information and data available but do not create new ideas and knowledge. They are the people who consume information but do not manage and transform it. They are the people who do the routine and regular jobs and there is no space for creativity and newness in their job. Non –knowledge workers only make use of the existing information. They create files and documents, process data and edit data. Task workers do not produce knowledge. This category of workers includes clerks, bank clerk, call centre operator, nurse and people in supervisor roles: Shop Manager, Bank Manager. Knowledge workers are different from traditional structured task workers in a number of ways. Knowledge workers are the creative class whereas the non-knowledge workers are the non-creative class. Task workers have a structured work pattern. They work from 9 to 5 and perform the same kind of job almost every day. On the other hand, the work culture of knowledge workers is not so structured. It is rather flexible in nature. They do not follow a routine to show up at 9 am, being creative and innovative for 8 hours and punch out at 5 pm. For example a software developer might work from 8 pm to 4am because he/she is most productive during that time slot. Knowledge workers do not restrict creativity to time. The working habit of such workers is highly variable and flexible. Knowledge workers are self reliant and do not like to be told what to do. They enjoy a high degree of autonomy. (Davenport, 2005)
  • 7. Knowledge workers can be differentiated from their structured task worker counterparts in that they are increasingly mobile in nature, freed by technology and thus location independent. Thus knowledge workers can choose where, when and especially for whom they work (Ware and Grantham 2007). On the other hand, work of non-knowledge workers is location dependent. They have to come every day to the work place to perform their duties. For example a factory worker has to go to the factory to make gadgets or a clerk is bound to go to the office to file documents or edit documents. Task workers do not have the option of “where, when and for whom” to work. Specifying the detailed steps and flow of work for task workers is easy. Since they do the routine work, stepwise explanation of their work is feasible. Knowledge workers on other hand have a flexible work behavior. They do not perform the routine task. They are creative and innovative. They have an unstructured work pattern. Thus specifying the detailed steps and flow of knowledge-intensive processes are more difficult. The job of knowledge workers cannot be reduced to a series of boxes and arrows on a flow chart (Tom .H. Davenport, 2005). Structured task workers are those who have to perform their duty even if they do not like their job and are uninspired. For example, factory workers have to make a widget in factory even if they hate their jobs. But in case of knowledge workers, commitment matters a lot. They have to give head, heart and hand to work. Knowledge workers have to stand behind what they work on and how they do it. Knowledge worker and Human Resource management Recruiting Knowledge workers The role of human resource recruitment is to build a supply of potential new hires that the organization can draw on if the need arises. Recruitment is a practice carried on by the organization with the primary purpose of identifying and attracting potential employees. It is the process of identifying and hiring the best qualified candidate (from outside or within the organization) for a job vacancy, in a most timely and cost effective manner. It thus creates a buffer between planning and actual selection of new employee. Organizations use a number of methods to recruit knowledge workers. The corporations most likely use “internal contacts” or “networking in order to hire new knowledge workers. It commonly happens that when these people have worked for some time in one company, they are recognized and noticed for their quality of work by the top
  • 8. management personnel of other company. And when there is a vacancy for such skills, invitation and negotiation process begins. Sometimes this is done through former bosses. But in most cases the former bosses don’t know. The advantage of networking or internal contact is that it is a fast process. Someone who has been hired through internal contacts has gained a good reputation in the previous company and is renowned for his/her expertise within the company (Norzanah Mat Nor, 2005). Other recruitment method is advertising in newspaper. Companies also advertise on web called “e-recruitment”. E- recruitment is also known as internet recruitment. It is an online recruitment where the recruitment is done through electronic resources. When companies or organizations need people with certain skill, they make a job profile and advertise that in the newspaper or on the internet. (M.S Rao, 2010) Organizations also go to the job centers or job agencies to find staff. They are the private employment agencies. These agencies are like an interface between the people looking for employers and companies looking for new employees. Corporations also conduct “on the spot” skill test or unconventional interview methods like putting the person on a drive test for recruitment of knowledge workers. The way a person drives an automobile reflects a lot about person’s personality. Recruitment of knowledge workers is like picking up gems. It is very crucial for a company to choose the right people as employees. Recruiting new employees is an organizations most important investment decision and its most important strategic tool. A knowledge company recruiting new staff can be easily compared to an industrial company investing in new machinery. The problem of recruitment is that capable new recruits are so hard to find. Attracting and holding a qualified and skillful employee is most important and central task of the management. The nature of work is constantly changing. Jobs are becoming more specialized and requiring highly educated, highly innovative staff to achieve the organization’s goal. The economy is moving constantly from an industrial era “labor mindset” to a knowledge economy “talent mindset”. Earlier the employee condition was totally different as compared to the position and situation of employees today. The whole idea of corporation was coming into picture in the latter half of the 19th century. Earlier there was a divide between the employer and the employee. The employer was the master and the employee was the slave. People were more concerned for a good job rather than a good career. Focus was on getting a job and not on making
  • 9. a good career. Employee was totally dependent on the employer for bread and butter. The employee needed the corporation more than a corporation needed the employee. Today in the knowledge economy the picture has totally changed. Now both the employee and the employer need each other almost equally. The workers of today are smart, knowledgeable and confident. The knowledge workers are more focused on making a good career rather than just getting a job. They are more concerned for career security rather than job security. They are taking charge of their career as well as charge of their lives at the same time. Knowledge workers are the nation’s wealth. They are the irreplaceable resource for any organization. A corporation cannot afford to lose them. Today the global economy has become very aggressive and competitive. The corporations have to hold and retain their talented workers because there are competitors waiting to get that talent, absorb the knowledge from those people, and use it against (Schweyer 2005). According to Sveiby the competition is so cut throat that wise knowledge organizations treat their skilled and talented staff as customer rather than as employee sometimes so that they can hold them in their organization. (Abdul Kadir Rosline, Norzanah Mat Nor, 2005). Selecting knowledge workers There is a very thin line between the selection and recruitment. People often think that both are same. But there is a difference between selection and recruitment. Noe, Hollenbeck, Gerhart, and Wright differentiate between recruitment and selection. They contend that recruitment is the process an organization uses to search for job hopefuls. Selection, by contrast, is the process an organization employs to determine if a job applicant’s skills will complement the organization’s needs and goals. Organizations use these processes to increase the probability of hiring individuals who possess the right skills and potential to be successful at their jobs. Jack Welch, the legendary former CEO at General Electric says “What could possibly be more important than who gets hired? Business is a game, and as with all games, the team that puts the best people on the field and gets them playing together wins. It’s that simple”. (Noe, Hollenbeck, Gerhart, Wright, 2006) The parameters taken into consideration for selecting knowledge workers differ from those for non-knowledge workers. For example, selection of a factory worker who has to lift heavy items depends on the physical fitness rather than his educational qualification or the selection of a typist depends on the typing speed rather than his/her
  • 10. creativity and innovation or the selection of a call centre depends on the communication skills rather than his/her technical skills. The process of selecting non-knowledge workers is more structured and predefined than knowledge workers. The first and central step which the selection team should take before hiring knowledge workers is to analyze the goal of the firm. The selection team should know what the needs of position and business are; what their organization values; what constitute their ability. The selection of applicants should be based on the demand of organization. The employers often make error at this crucial stage of selection. They select knowledge workers either according to the future needs of organization or on the grounds of applicant’s technical expertise. The current need of the organization is left unrecognized. But looking to the past performance evaluations of the current employees can give the organizations an insight to the strengths and weaknesses of their staff and the type of knowledge workers they are attempting to select (Bielski, 2007, Knowledge worker and human resource management). The second factor which the employers should keep in mind while selecting knowledge workers is the passion and commitment of the selected worker towards the job. Task workers or non-knowledge workers have to perform their duty even if they do not like the job and are uninspired. Dedication and devotion towards the job is not central in case of task worker. But for knowledge workers, commitment and passion towards job counts a lot. They have to give their head, heart and hand to the job. Individuals involved in the selection of knowledge worker should be very alerts and attentive towards passionless and dull candidates. It is the devotion in the knowledge workers that propels the organizations towards growth and success. Individuals involved in the selection process should conduct “Comprehensive Structured interviews” in which the candidates are asked job-related questions, situational question, job knowledge and job simulation questions under different scenario. Such interviews focusing on the job knowledge in various situations provide an idea about the candidate’s current level of tacit knowledge (personal knowledge embedded in individual experiences) as well as explicit knowledge (formal knowledge packaged as information). Thus the selection team should focus on selecting applicants who possess tacit knowledge and can use that effectively to generate explicit knowledge.
  • 11. The selection team should not only focus on the job skills or intelligence but also on the persona of the candidates. An organization can grow and succeed only when its staff is not only technically skilled and highly educated but also smart and passionate. When the selection team follows an intelligent selection process, the likelihood of selecting the right candidate becomes very high. Training knowledge workers Training is defined as an organized activity aimed at imparting information or instructions to improve the recipient’s performance in the work or job and at the same time help him/her to attain a required level of knowledge and skill. It consists of the activities designed to facilitate the learning and development of new and existing skills, and to improve the performance of specific tasks or roles. In the words of Hatten and Rosenthal “knowledge and technology is constantly changing. Knowledge is subject to rapid and abrupt shifts” (Norzanah Mat Nor, 2005). Technology is advancing every day and therefore keeping the knowledge worker within the organization updated with the latest technology and advancement is a must. Corporations know it very well that if they do not periodically upgrade their employee’s skill and knowledge, they will be out of the market. It is found that after recruiting the knowledge workers who know their job really well, it is very important to train them periodically in order for them to adjust and cope with the needs of the company faster. As a continuous process, training is also important for worker’s career enhancement and development. When the employees do not get an opportunity of self enhancement, they might leave the job. The company might encounter a great loss of talent when such knowledgeable workers leave them. Thus training is considered as one of the key factors in the successful implementation of knowledge management, as well as a success factor for companies. Continual development of the knowledge workers is very important for the organizations if they hope to stay competitive in the ever changing economy. This development of knowledge workers can be achieved through effective training and developmental programs. (Olivier Serrate, 2008) The central issue is how to develop appropriate training and education program and strategies for these knowledge workers so as to attract and retain them, maximize their performance and thereby enhance the intellectual capital of the enterprises as a whole (APO,2004Training knowledge worker).
  • 12. Traditionally, training programs were organized and implemented so that the employees could acquire the necessary skills to do their jobs. These acquired skills were the possession of the people taking the training. Some of the traditional training methods are job rotation, “in-basket” exercises and other task-oriented methods. But training becomes successful only when individuals participating in it share the acquired knowledge and skills with each other. According to Steyn the social nature of learning allows people to meet, interact and share information which is very valuable for any organization. This kind of training is known as the informal training as individuals meet each other, interact and share their ideas and knowledge. The informal nature of the training breaks the ice between the trainees, speeds up the learning process and enhances the efficiency of the training method. Along with the training, the knowledge workers also need to have a continued education in order to be up on the latest advances in their fields. According to Drucker “knowledge workers have two needs, formal education and continuing education which are both designed to increase their skill sets”. Training becomes even more important during unstable economic time when companies try to gain ground wherever they can. At this time the trained and well educated knowledge workers can help the organizations to survive as well as stay competitive. Knowledge training of knowledge workers helps them develop a better understanding of certain jobs and strengthen their confidence. This high confidence pushes them to perform to their highest potential. The lack of understanding resulting from lack of training is very costly for companies in terms of money, time, customer relations and business reputation. (Mary Clarke. 2009) Training of task workers is different from the training of knowledge workers. Training of a non-knowledge worker is more of learning to operate a new machine or learning to use a new software or tool. Since there job is structured and lacks newness, continual training is not so necessary. Formal education and continual education is a must for knowledge workers but not for non-knowledge workers. Training of knowledge workers bridges the gap between the skill requirement and skill availability. The rapid innovation impacting the workplace makes it necessary for the knowledge workers to upgrade their knowledge and skills. Training motivates them and enhances their productivity. Retaining and holding knowledge workers “A challenge for organizations” Knowledge workers are the capital and the most precious resource for any organization. They are the backbone of an organization. So a firm cannot afford to lose them. Today there is cut throat competition in the knowledge economy.
  • 13. Every organization wants the best staff to be in the competition. There is a huge demand for such workers in every organization. (Richard Jayen, 2006). According to Drucker “performance of knowledge based industries depends on organizations attracting, holding, and motivating knowledge workers”. Knowledge can be divided into two types: 1) Explicit knowledge and 2) Tacit knowledge. Explicit knowledge is articulated knowledge, expressed and recorded as words, numbers, and codes, mathematical and scientific formulae. It is easy to communicate, store and distribute. This knowledge is found in books, on the web and other visual and oral means. Tacit knowledge on the other hand resides in the brain of the people. Tacit knowledge is tied to an individual and is very difficult if not impossible to articulate. In the words of Droege & Hoobler, “tacit knowledge is the information about work processes and products that individuals hold above and beyond what the organization has documented”. The explicit knowledge can grow and sustain only through a rich background of tacit knowledge (Uwe Borghoff, 1997). Thus when employees leave the firm, explicit knowledge remains (to some extent), but the tacit knowledge associated with the employees is lost (Richard Jayen, 2006). Thus holding and retaining these knowledge workers is the biggest and hardest challenge faced by the business firms today. A manager can use human resource practices such as developmental assignments and formal training opportunities to create new tacit and explicit knowledge, and to reduce tacit knowledge loss by reducing employee turnover. The organization can create an enclave within itself which is an independent section made up of knowledge team where the knowledge workers have a degree of interdependence. This section satisfies the knowledge worker desire to work in autonomy and interdependence allows these knowledge workers to interact with each other, supplement each other’s expertise to analyze complex problem. (Richard Jayen, 2006). This interaction and socialization among the knowledge workers with different specialties prepares a platform for innovation and creation of new tacit knowledge and leads to reduced turnover of knowledge workers. This practice allows the organization to retain the tacit knowledge of the workers and to retain any related competitive advantage. It also leads to increased productivity and greater job satisfaction. Employers can also keep knowledge workers motivated by providing them technology and resources to perform cutting edge researches. It for this reason that Google give its employees 20% of their time to pursue ideas they believe are important; interact and socialize with each other and perform their own researches (Davenport, 2005).
  • 14. Training and developmental programs can also help employers to retain knowledge workers. Continual training is very necessary for knowledge workers to upgrade their skill and expertise. Training leads to career enhancement and skill development; which ultimately leads to job satisfaction and results in decreased job turnover. Improving Productivity/Performance of Knowledge Workers Companies that seek competitive advantage through employees must be able to manage the behavior and results of all the employees (Noe, Hollenbeck, Gerhart, Wright, 2006). And managing the behavior and results of the employees is framed as “Performance Management”. Noe and group defined performance management as “the means through which managers ensure that employees’ activities and outputs are congruent with the organization’s goal”. It is central to gaining competitive advantage. Performance measures help companies focus on operational excellence and development of employees. The effective measurement of performance of knowledge worker to improve their productivity is a challenge to the human resource management. According to Drucker “What's measured improves”. Knowledge workers do not perform routine task. Their work behavior is flexible and unpredictable. The job of knowledge workers cannot be reduced to a series of boxes and arrows on a flow chart. Measuring knowledge workers’ performance is hard because they cannot be observed while performing. Managers may not be able to determine whether or not they are working effectively. It is for this reason that performance measurement for this class of workers is difficult. Traditional workers on the other hand have a routine job and have a definite work pattern. So their performance is measurable. For example, a factory worker who made maximum number of widget with minimum defects is considered an excellent performer. Creativity and innovation, the biggest asset of knowledge workers cannot be quantified into units. One of the characteristics of knowledge workers mentioned above is “diversity of output”. Each knowledge worker provides a different output. Each person accomplishes the work in his or her own way. It becomes difficult for the managers to judge as whose work is right and whose not, further complicating the process. Comparative approach of performance measurement cannot be used in this case as it compares one knowledge worker with the other and lacks feedback mechanism. Davenport in “Mysterious art and science of knowledge worker performance” brought the five issues related to the performance of knowledge workers as 1) Determinants of knowledge worker performance are unclear. 2) Many
  • 15. organizations resist that the idea of segmentation of knowledge workers is necessary to improve performance. 3) No one seems to own the problem of performance of knowledge worker 4) Companies are experimenting heavily with the workplace redesign but they are not learning much 5) There is great reluctance to alter knowledge worker. The knowledge workers themselves resist changing, as there is no sure-fire formula of success in the creative processes. Davenport suggested to segment knowledge workers according to the complexity of their work and level of interdependence to enhance their productivity. Making knowledgeable workers perform is not a matter to encourage them to perform harder or more skillfully. They are dedicated and devoted towards their job. Thus the objective of the managers/supervisors should be to remove the obstacles to performance and streamline efforts into the areas which contribute to the growth of knowledge workers. To accomplish this there is a need to bring a change in the culture, structure and style of management of organizations so that talent of knowledge workers can flourish. In this way the knowledgeable employees understand, identify with and learn how their performance can be enhanced (Olivier Serrat, 2008). The organizations must improve their processes to improve the performance of knowledge workers. The role of the supervisors and managers should be molded in order to maximize the productivity of knowledge workers. The relationship between the manager and worker should be changed from boss-employee to coach-trainee relationship. Knowledge workers require knowledge trainers/managers not bosses. Managers should emphasis more on the training, learning and development of knowledge worker. This would help those workers learn new skills and sharpen the existing capabilities. It is very important for the knowledge workers to understand their company’s specific performance goals, industry direction and how their performance relates to those factors. It is the responsibility of the managers to clarify these factors to the workers. Therefore the better the managers perform their job, the greater is the performance of the employees. The managers should evaluate their knowledge worker’s performance based on the results and output i.e. “result approach”. The result approach focuses on managing the objective, measurable results of job or work group. This approach assumes that subjectivity can be eliminated from the measurement process and that results are the closest indicator of one’s performance and contribution to organizational effectiveness (Noe,2006).Under the result approach come MBO (Management by objective). In the MBO system, the top management team first defines the company’s strategic goals and objectives and passes on the strategy to the next layer of management. This goal
  • 16. setting process cascades down the organization so that all the managers and employees set the goals and the timeline to achieve it. The objectives in MBO are clearly defined and sometimes difficult to achieve. When a goal becomes challenging, it motivates the knowledge workers to work harder and try harder to enhance their productivity. MBO also includes ongoing tracking and feedback in the process to reach objectives (Noe, Hollenbeck, Gerhart, Wright Human resource management). Thus MBO aims to enhance the productivity by aligning the objective of the knowledge workers with the goals of organization. Another appropriate and feasible method to measure and improve the performance of the knowledge workers is 360 degree feedback system. Through this process employees receive confidential and anonymous feedback from the people who work around them. This group of people includes the manager, peer, subordinate and sometimes customers. The results of this process show that self-evaluation is different from evaluation by others. Thus the 360 degree survey provides the knowledge workers a better understanding of their strengths and weaknesses. These performance measurement process/methods are appropriate for measuring and improving the productivity of knowledge workers which in turn helps the organization in achieving its strategic goals. Performance assessment is beneficial for both - organizations and knowledge workers. The advantage for the knowledge workers is that they become aware of their level of performance, their strengths and weaknesses and sometime passion. For the firms, these assessments help in identifying the top employees of the company. The top employees are the knowledgeable employees i.e. people who have mastered in their work, are consistent and reliable and source of motivation and knowledge for other employees. The discovery of these knowledgeable employees is vital for the employers especially when they have to take difficult lay-off decisions. It helps employers to retain the cream layer of the organization. Identifying knowledge workers is also important because they are the people who pass the knowledge and experience to the new employees when the company hire again. (Mary Clarke. 2009) The other benefit of performance assessment is that it helps organizations to improve, redesign and rebuild their existing training programs for the knowledge workers. The results of performance appraisal reveal the weaknesses of the staff, which can be due to a poor training program and so executives can shape the training programs and make them more specific and effective in future.
  • 17. Performance measurement of task workers or non knowledge workers is easier compared to that of knowledge workers, as the performance of task workers can be quantified to some extent. Since all the work of knowledge workers usually takes place in their heads and cannot be seen, it becomes difficult to measure their creativity and innovation. But it does not mean that performance assessment cannot be done for the knowledge workers. The performance measurement of knowledge workers is difficult but not impossible. But this could be made possible by developing innovative measurement techniques. Developing an accurate method to measure the performance of knowledge with accuracy is a challenge today for organizations. Conclusion In the words of Mary Clarke, CEO Cognisco “In today’s world where knowledge is power, it should come as no surprise that the most valuable asset for any business is the knowledge of its employees. And within our current knowledge –based economy, competent and confident employees are the foundation for a successful business”. Knowledge workers are the irreplaceable assets for organizations. They are the catalysts speeding up the growth process. Knowledge workers possess the wealth of knowledge and experience. They are skilled, highly educated, smart, confident, creative and innovative. They are the people who think outside the box. Knowledge workers can be more valuable to an organization than its CEO. This paper brings into light the value and necessity of knowledge workers for organizations. It represents the characteristics of knowledge workers and differentiates them from non-knowledge workers. Non-knowledge workers were the past; knowledge workers are the present of the knowledge economy. This paper represents an overview of how the practice of human resource management is altered when dealing with a special class of employees i.e. knowledge workers. The human resource practices of recruitment, selection, retention, training, performance assessment are now changing in nature according to the demand of economy. The knowledge workers are recruited and selected differently from task workers. The training and performance appraisal methods are also different from non-knowledge workers. The paper focuses on different ways of recruiting and selecting knowledge workers; different methods of training and performance assessments and their importance. Improving the productivity of knowledge workers is a challenge for organizations today. Since their work is location independent, intangible, creative and innovative; it cannot be quantified and hence difficult to measure. Although
  • 18. this paper provides some solutions to this problem but a lot more has to be done in this field. Therefore performance assessment of knowledge workers is a subject of further research. Another big challenge for the organizations is retaining knowledge workers. Organizations always try hard to hold knowledge workers as there are competitors in the market waiting for a chance to grab this special class of workers. Because of this aggressive competition outside, employers treat these workers in special ways like high salary and special reward. They are sometimes valued more than customers and CEO. The paper proposes some solutions to retain these special employees. But it is still a topic of deep research. Therefore future researches might propose more profitable and meaningful solutions to the challenges posed. In the words of Peter Drucker “"We know now that the source of wealth is something specifically human: knowledge. If we apply knowledge to tasks we already know how to do, we call it 'productivity'. If we apply knowledge to tasks that are new and different we call it 'innovation'." Only knowledge allows us to achieve these two goals”. Thus the true winners in the present world are the people who win knowledge over ignorance, apply knowledge to create knowledge and spread knowledge i.e. Knowledge Workers. Further Research The research paper raises a number of questions for further research. Some of them are as follows: 1) How should the human resource managers develop tools and techniques to assess the performance of knowledge workers? 2) With the changing nature of jobs today and need of information, data and knowledge in almost every job, is everyone is a knowledge worker today?
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