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2012 Social Media Strategy Workbook

Soci M edi A ssessm ent W or
                 al    a                  kbook

Success in social media doesn’t come by chance – and it certainly
doesn’t come over night. It all starts with a plan; and this Social
Media Tool will help you formulate the perfect one.
Start with this worksheet. Work through it and identify your goals, find
out where your organization currently sits on the social m edia
spectrum , and learn the challenges you’ll have to overcome and
tactics you’ll have to employ to achieve your objectives and
experience consistent success in social media.

Social M edia Assessment Workbook

 The first step to any strategic plan is defining specific objectives for w hat
  you w ant to achieve.Defining m easureable and targeted objectives is
 also the only w ay to w in over the social m arketing skeptics w ho control
  the budget. The best w ay to accom plish this is to align objectives w ith
     m etrics traceable back to fls such as RO I and sales conversions.
     Later in this w orkbook, you w ill align these objectives w ith target
    audiences and corresponding m etrics. This alignm ent is im portant
 because it enables an organization to m easure its progress in achieving
the objectives and proving RO I w henever practical. Seem ingly obvious,
                          this step is often overlooked.

Com plete the follow ing w orksheet to rank these com m on social m edia objectives.

           R AN K O B J E C T IV E                       CATEG O RY
                               t                        Brand Awareness/ThoughtLeadershi

                    ncreasel ad generati n
                           e           o                Sal s/Lead Generati n
                                                          e               o

                    ncrease sal srevenue
                              e                         Sal s/Lead Generati n
                                                          e               o

                    I prove search engi e ranki gs
                    m                 n       n         Cust m erSupport/Cust m erAdvocacy
                                                           o                o

                    I prove brand orproductreputati n
                    m                             o     Brand Aw areness/ThoughtLeadershi

                    ncrease brand orproductreputati n
                                                  o     Brand Aw areness/ThoughtLeadershi

                    Reduce custom eracquiii n costs
                                        sto             Sal s/Lead Generati n
                                                          e               o

                    I prove publ rel ti ns
                    m          i ao
                               c                        Brand Aw areness/ThoughtLeadershi

                    I provecustom ersupportqualy
                    m                         i
                                              t         Custom erSupport/Custom erAdvocacy

                    Reducecustom ersupportcosts         Custom erSupport/Custom erAdvocacy

Understand & R ank C hallenges
                  Know ing the challenges you are likely to face w hen
               developing a social media strategy can help your prioritize.

           Social Success Strategy - Priority Plan
Please rank the following challenges you are having in achieving
                  your social media objectives.

     R A N K       C h A llEN G E

               Increasing w ebsite traffic through social m edia integration

               Im proving brand aw areness or reputation

               Developing an effective and m ethodical social m arketing strategy

               Achieving or increasing m easurable RO I from social m arketing program s

               Converting social m edia m em bers, follow ers, etc. into paying custom ers

               Achieving or increasing m easurable lead generation from social m arketing

               Im proving search engine ranking positions

               Integrating social m arketing data w ith CRM and other m arketing system s

               Integrating social m edia m onitoring and analytics into a single dashboard

               Recruiting interdepartm ental staff to perform social m arketing activities

               Im proving the quality and cost efficiency of custom er support program s

Social Media Assessment Workbook

                       Evaluate your Obstacles &
                       Optimize Online Exposure
Why aren’t audiences engaging?

Are you using social media channels for “push marketing/PR?”

Are you sharing information that isn’t timely or relevant?

Why can’t you convert fans?

Are you selling a commodity or an experience?

Why do you have an ineffective social m media strategy?

Have you completed audience research?

Do you understand how your market uses social media channels?

Have you tried to align your social media planning with organizational goals and

Why can’t you measure ROI?

Did you set up proper metrics for each tactic and/or campaign?

Do you have analytics set up properly?

Why are you struggling to get budget for social media?

Have you educated management internally?

Have outside resources been brought in for educational purposes?

Are there perceived risk challenges that can be addressed?

Why can’t you find solid social media practitioners?

Is there a perception that social media is for kids?

Are you hiring people w ho don’t have a solid PR or business background?

Social M edia Assessment Workbook

M onit ori ng TargetAu ences & R anki g by
                      di            n
            Social Media Behavi r
                  l           o

A huge part of a successful social m edia strategy is doing the
research up front to determine w ho to monitor, and understand
their role within the industry and social media space. Continuing
to monitor your target audiences w ill help you gain a better
understanding of the audiences in your social space, and what
they are saying about your company, brands and competition.
Monitoring will help you establish more defined metrics that are
aligned to your target market.

Social Media Assessment Workbook

                               What To M oni t or
                              Sampl e Worksheet
Start by creating an inventory of the details, keywords, and people you
 should be m onitoring in the follow ing categories. A sample is below.


  WH AT       D E T A IL S      K E Y W O R D S / P HR A S E S   P E O P L E to W A T C H

      EX:       Marketing             Social M edia              David Meerman Scott
                                   O nline Marketing
   Industry      Social                                          Brian Solis
    Experts     Media PR             Public Relations            Deirdre Breakenridge
                                       Com munity
                                                                 Scott Stratten
                                    Relations Earned             Lee O dden
                                   Marketing Content             Ann Handley
                                        Marketing                Beth Harte
                                     Marketing SEO

Social M edia A ssessment W orkbook

                        Reaching Target Market
Fill in w orksheet w ith the details about the people/groups you are
           trying to reach, and the topics that interest them.
   WH A T             D E TA I L S       K EYWO R D S/   P E O P LE T O
                                          PH R A SES     WATCH

    ndustry Sect rs

    Technol gi s
          o e

    Com pani s



    Servi es

    Key isues

    ndustry experts

    Key em pl yees

Social M edia A ssessm ent W orkbook

Determ ining the likelihood that your brand or search phrase is being discussed, based on
a com parison of how often m entions are m ade.
Determ ining the am ount of positive, neutral and negative com m entary about your
brand or search phrase, or the ratio of positive to negative m entions.

A m easure of few er individuals m entioning your brand or search phrase m ore often as
opposed to m ore individuals m entioning your brand or search phrase few er tim es.

Num ber of unique individuals m entioning your brand or search phrase.
A m easure of unique authors divided by the total num ber of m entions.

Identification and ranking of authors m ost frequently m entioning your brand or search
Ranking of the keyw ords used m ost frequently in searches linking to your brand or
search phrase m entions.
An indicator of subject m atter interest, engagem ent and relevancy.
How often content is being shared is another key indicator of subject m atter
interest, engagem ent and relevancy.
The level of positive, negative or neutral review s about your brand, products or services is
a strong indicator of individual opinion as w ell as an identifier of potential brand am

Social M edia A ssessment W orkbook


Identifying w hich social m edia sites your prospects and custom ers prefer to use, and how
they use them , w ill tell you w hich social m edia platform s to deploy. For exam ple, w ill the
prim ary social netw ork for your technical prospects be a LinkedIn group or a Facebook
brand page? O r does this audience prefer to participate in a privately-branded forum or
discussion group?

Segm enting groups and individuals by their social m edia behavior and influence w ill help
you determ ine content types and topics m ost relevant to targeted
segm ents. M ore on how to segm ent target audiences appears in a later section.

                                  Sour © 2010 M ar i
                                      ce:         ket ngSher Soci M ar i Benchm ar Sur
                                                            pa  al    ket ng      k   vey

Social M edia A ssessment W orkbook

                         Segmenting Your Social
  One of the prim ary benefits of social m edia for m arketing purposes is the viral
   effect – exponentially increasing the reach of the message beyond your
  immediate audience through conversation and content sharing. Understanding
  how different segments of your target audience use social media w ill help you
  determine the audiences to target and the content most likely to be shared with
  friends and peers. This model is an example of an effective, yet simple way to
   segmet target audiences by social behavior and influence. The segments are
  called the Silent Majority, Vocal Minority and Social Authority.

The Silent M ajority and Vocal M inority can be characterized as
 information downloaders and information uploaders, respectively.
 These opposing roles are important considerations because, in terms of
 their im pact on friends and peers for marketing purposes, the Silent
M ajority has little influence w hile the Vocal M inority has a strong
 Influence. The Social A uthority is a different breed that often
dominates a niche w ith extraordinary influence. It deserves a one-to-one
relationship approach, just as traditional publicists w ould approach the
editors and subject matter experts in mainstream media.
                                Sour © 2010 M ar i
                                    ce:         ket ngSher Soci M ar i Benchm ar Sur
                                                          pa  al    ket ng      k   vey

Social M edia A ssessm ent W orkbook

                   A financial service
       organization connection segments sample

  BR A N D        KEY TARGET          W HER E D O
                                                    HOW A R E T H E Y U S ING
                   A U DI E NC E                      S O C IAL M E D IA?
 P RODUCT            SOCIAL              WE           W H AT IN T E R E S T S
                       LIVE           FIND T HEM?
                                                           T H E M?

Financi a l     AssetM anagers       Facebook            Sharing brand
 Services       Siil ent M aj rIt y
                            o          Tw itter      information, Lack of
                    Individual I                    Subject to regulations
                I nvest ors Vocal                    Shares relevant and
                                       Tw itter
                    Authority                         timely information,
                                                           Engages in
                    Financi al          Blogs
                Advisors Authority                  conversation around
                                     Facebook            investing, etc.
                                      YouTube       Generates content to
                                                    drive business & SEO ,
                                                     Shares relevant info
                                                            from Asset
                                                        Managers, Etc.

Soci M edi A ssessm ent W or
                 al    a                  kbook

              List your key influencers and targets,
      w here to find them and w hat their key interests are.

   BRA N D /        KEYTARGET                 WHERE DO   HO W A R E T H E Y USING
P R O D U C T / A U DI E N C E / S O C IA l    WE FIND   S O C IA l M E D IA ? W HA T
   S E R V IC E      INF l U E N C E           THEM ?      IN T E R E S T S T HE M ?

                    Silent M ajority

                     Vocal Minority

                    Social Authority

Soci M edi A ssessm ent W or
                              al    a                  kbook

CATEGORY OBJECTIVE                                                                               HOW TO
         WHAT WE                 TO ACHIEVE         BY DOING        WHO TO       WHERE TO
                                   W HAT              WHAT          REACH        FIND THEM       MEASURE
          TO DO

Brand          Prom ot our
                     e          I proved
                                m                 Delivering        Silent        Twitter    Increase
Aw ar ness/
     e         brand            brand                               MinorIty                 dow nloads by...
Thought                         aw ar ness
                                     e            needed                         Facebook
Leader hip
      s        M onitorour                        insights and                               Increase
               brand            I cr ase sear h
                                n e         c     know -how         Prospects                social voice by…
                                engine rankings   Providing                                  Increase placem
               I cr ase aw
               n e                                details about                              ent by...
               ar ness
                 e              I cr ase
                                n e               our products/
                                Web t r af f ic   services                                   Increase sharing
               Est blish usas
                  a             prove br and                                                 by…
               leaders          or product /      Identifying,
                                service                                                      Increase visitors
               Engage in        r eput i i on
                                      at          Listening and                              by....
               com m unities                      engaging
                                I m prove PR                                                 Improve
                                                                                             sentim ent by…
                                                                                             Increase top social
                                                                                             users by…
                                                                                             Improve reviews
                                                                                             and recomm
                                                                                             endations by...

Customer      ProvI de          Improve           M onitoring the   Custom ers
Support/      customer                            com m unity
              support           customer
Customer                        support           Servicing
Advocacy      creat cus t
                  e                               customersthat
              omer               Quality          need help
              advocates         Reduce            Creating
              Other              Customer         customer
                                Support           channels
                                                  proces ses
                                                  T h a n k in g
                                                  loyall f ans
                                                  O ther
Sales/Lead     Generate         I ease
                                ncr      lead     Use
                                gener t n
                                    a io          social media
Gener tion
       a       Ineteresta   t                     channels for
               A le es of the
                 l vl           Reduce            sales and
               sale cycle
                   s            custom er         prom otional
                                acquisition costs campaigns
               Lead gener ti  a                   Coupon
               on               I ncr ase sales offerings
                                    e             Other
               Ot her

Social M edia A ssessment W orkbook

                                  Now it’s your turn.
       Com plete the w orksheet below to align your objectives w ith your audiences.

 CATEGORY OBJECTIVE                                  WHO TO                   HOW TO
          WHAT WE         TO ACHIEVE BY DOING                   WHERE TO
                            W HAT      WHAT          REACH      FIND THEM     MEASURE
           TO DO

Awar ness /

Support /

Sales/ Lead

Social M edia A ssessm ent W orkbook

We’ve highlightted the four main social media platforms – blogs,
m icroblogs, social networks and multimedia / content sharing sites – and the metrics that matter
in each.

Blogs: In term s of m easurem ent, blogs have the advantage of being able to utilize
m any of the traditional Web analytics. As w ith a w ebsite, code can sim ply be added to a blog
to track visitor traffic, source, behavior and other m etrics. How ever, there are m any social m
edia m etrics not applicable to traditional w ebsites that provide a m ore relevant indication of
blogging success:

           – tracking both the num ber and sentim ent of opinions shared
           – grow th trends by em ail or RSS subscription
            – depending on your specific definition
              – an indicator of blog authority
SERPs – search engine ranking position for key term s on m ajor search engines
               – blog ranking in relation to sim ilar categories on blog directories
M icroblogs: W hile m icroblogging refers to the practice of blogging w ith posts of 140 characters
or less, m icroblogs have m ore in com m on w ith social netw orks than blogs. Like social netw orks,
the value and focus of m icroblogs is on the netw ork of friends or follow ers. M etrics are,
therefore, often related to social netw orking:
            – the num ber of those opting-in to or follow ing a m icroblog
                          – the num ber of those follow ing the follow ers
      – referred to as “tw eets” on the m ost predom inant microblog, Tw itter
         – the grow th rate of the follow er netw ork in a given period
         – the ratio of num ber of posts to num ber of followers
Social Networks: As the nam e im plies, social netw orks are prim arily people-focused. How ever,
businesses have learned to adapt the features of social netw orks for the purposes of m arketing.
This trend has not gone unnoticed by netw orks originally intended for personal use, w hich have
transform ed their features into com m ercially- viable m arketing platform s like Facebook Fan
Pages. W hile m etrics are sometimes limited by the data social netw orks decide to share, there is
plenty of tracking-w orthy inform ation available, including:
               – the num ber of fans, group m em bers, contacts, etc.
                  – profile inform ation on com m unity m em bers
          – tracking the click stream from netw orks to content and conversion hubs
             – tracking both the num ber and sentim ent of group discussions
              – usage of widgets and social media applications by the network comm unity

Social M edia A ssessment Workbook

                  M ul t i m edi a Content Shar i ng S ites
       This category covers a num ber of multimedia sharing sites for video,photography, documents,
presentations and audio content. These sites aggregate content and enable you to share it w ithout
having to rely on IT via links posted on blogs, social networks, email campaigns and other
communication channels. When it comes to content sharing, the m etrics that m atter most are related
to the viral impact of content distribution, including

   •             the num ber of content dow nloads

   •               search engine ranking position for key terms on major
                   search engines

   •                       the number of those opting-in to the multimedia
                            content stream

   •                    tracking the click stream from content to

                                       Sour © 2011 M ar i
                                           ce:         ket ngSher Soci M ar i Benchm ar Sur
                                                                 pa  al    ket ng      k   vey

Social M edia A ss essm ent W orkbook

Define the purpose of platforms and brand image goal selected and roll-out
                          Marketing Campaigns.
    HUB S IT E S          P U R P O S E of HUB S IT E              R O l l -O U T


   Note: Your hub site does not have to be a w eb site, it could be a blog or Facebook

Social M edia Assessm ent Workbook









Social M edia A ssessm ent W orkbook

                         Your S a v v y S c h e d u l e Social
                          Site Market ing P l a n
Use this w orksheet to create a tactical plan of action. Be realistic. O ver-comm unicating is
  fine unless you have nothing to say, w hich m ay contribute to losing fans/follow ers.

                         2012                                 WEEK/ FR EQ U EN C Y
 T A C T IC   / TA SK     RESO URCE   1   2   3   4   5   6     7   8   9   10   11   12   13

M i obl
  cr oggi

Soci N et or ng
   al    w ki

M ul i edi Content Shar ng
   tm    a             i


2012 Social Media Strategy Workbook
        Office: 949-800-7088

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Socially savvy marketing social workbook

  • 1. 2012 Social Media Strategy Workbook Social
  • 2. Soci M edi A ssessm ent W or al a kbook Success in social media doesn’t come by chance – and it certainly doesn’t come over night. It all starts with a plan; and this Social Media Tool will help you formulate the perfect one. Start with this worksheet. Work through it and identify your goals, find out where your organization currently sits on the social m edia spectrum , and learn the challenges you’ll have to overcome and tactics you’ll have to employ to achieve your objectives and experience consistent success in social media.
  • 3. Social M edia Assessment Workbook The first step to any strategic plan is defining specific objectives for w hat you w ant to achieve.Defining m easureable and targeted objectives is also the only w ay to w in over the social m arketing skeptics w ho control the budget. The best w ay to accom plish this is to align objectives w ith m etrics traceable back to fls such as RO I and sales conversions. Later in this w orkbook, you w ill align these objectives w ith target audiences and corresponding m etrics. This alignm ent is im portant because it enables an organization to m easure its progress in achieving the objectives and proving RO I w henever practical. Seem ingly obvious, this step is often overlooked.
  • 4. Com plete the follow ing w orksheet to rank these com m on social m edia objectives. R AN K O B J E C T IV E CATEG O RY ncreasewebsietraffic t Brand Awareness/ThoughtLeadershi p I ncreasel ad generati n e o Sal s/Lead Generati n e o I ncrease sal srevenue e Sal s/Lead Generati n e o I prove search engi e ranki gs m n n Cust m erSupport/Cust m erAdvocacy o o I prove brand orproductreputati n m o Brand Aw areness/ThoughtLeadershi p I ncrease brand orproductreputati n o Brand Aw areness/ThoughtLeadershi p Reduce custom eracquiii n costs sto Sal s/Lead Generati n e o I prove publ rel ti ns m i ao c Brand Aw areness/ThoughtLeadershi p I provecustom ersupportqualy m i t Custom erSupport/Custom erAdvocacy Reducecustom ersupportcosts Custom erSupport/Custom erAdvocacy
  • 5. Understand & R ank C hallenges Know ing the challenges you are likely to face w hen developing a social media strategy can help your prioritize. Social Success Strategy - Priority Plan Please rank the following challenges you are having in achieving your social media objectives. R A N K C h A llEN G E Increasing w ebsite traffic through social m edia integration Im proving brand aw areness or reputation Developing an effective and m ethodical social m arketing strategy Achieving or increasing m easurable RO I from social m arketing program s Converting social m edia m em bers, follow ers, etc. into paying custom ers Achieving or increasing m easurable lead generation from social m arketing Im proving search engine ranking positions Integrating social m arketing data w ith CRM and other m arketing system s Integrating social m edia m onitoring and analytics into a single dashboard Recruiting interdepartm ental staff to perform social m arketing activities Im proving the quality and cost efficiency of custom er support program s
  • 6. Social Media Assessment Workbook Evaluate your Obstacles & Optimize Online Exposure Why aren’t audiences engaging? Are you using social media channels for “push marketing/PR?” Are you sharing information that isn’t timely or relevant? Why can’t you convert fans? Are you selling a commodity or an experience? Why do you have an ineffective social m media strategy? Have you completed audience research? Do you understand how your market uses social media channels? Have you tried to align your social media planning with organizational goals and objectives? Why can’t you measure ROI? Did you set up proper metrics for each tactic and/or campaign? Do you have analytics set up properly? Why are you struggling to get budget for social media? Have you educated management internally? Have outside resources been brought in for educational purposes? Are there perceived risk challenges that can be addressed? Why can’t you find solid social media practitioners? Is there a perception that social media is for kids? Are you hiring people w ho don’t have a solid PR or business background?
  • 7. Social M edia Assessment Workbook M onit ori ng TargetAu ences & R anki g by di n Social Media Behavi r l o A huge part of a successful social m edia strategy is doing the research up front to determine w ho to monitor, and understand their role within the industry and social media space. Continuing to monitor your target audiences w ill help you gain a better understanding of the audiences in your social space, and what they are saying about your company, brands and competition. Monitoring will help you establish more defined metrics that are aligned to your target market.
  • 8. Social Media Assessment Workbook What To M oni t or Sampl e Worksheet Start by creating an inventory of the details, keywords, and people you should be m onitoring in the follow ing categories. A sample is below. SAMPLE WH AT D E T A IL S K E Y W O R D S / P HR A S E S P E O P L E to W A T C H EX: Marketing Social M edia David Meerman Scott O nline Marketing Industry Social Brian Solis Experts Media PR Public Relations Deirdre Breakenridge Com munity Scott Stratten Relations Earned Lee O dden Marketing Content Ann Handley Marketing Beth Harte Word-of-Mouth Marketing SEO
  • 9. Social M edia A ssessment W orkbook Reaching Target Market w Fill in w orksheet w ith the details about the people/groups you are trying to reach, and the topics that interest them. WH A T D E TA I L S K EYWO R D S/ P E O P LE T O PH R A SES WATCH I ndustry Sect rs o Technol gi s o e Com pani s e Brands Product s Servi es c Key isues s I ndustry experts Key em pl yees o
  • 10. Social M edia A ssessm ent W orkbook • Determ ining the likelihood that your brand or search phrase is being discussed, based on a com parison of how often m entions are m ade. • Determ ining the am ount of positive, neutral and negative com m entary about your brand or search phrase, or the ratio of positive to negative m entions. A m easure of few er individuals m entioning your brand or search phrase m ore often as opposed to m ore individuals m entioning your brand or search phrase few er tim es. Num ber of unique individuals m entioning your brand or search phrase. • A m easure of unique authors divided by the total num ber of m entions. • Identification and ranking of authors m ost frequently m entioning your brand or search phrase. • Ranking of the keyw ords used m ost frequently in searches linking to your brand or search phrase m entions. • An indicator of subject m atter interest, engagem ent and relevancy. • How often content is being shared is another key indicator of subject m atter interest, engagem ent and relevancy. • The level of positive, negative or neutral review s about your brand, products or services is a strong indicator of individual opinion as w ell as an identifier of potential brand am bassadors.
  • 11. Social M edia A ssessment W orkbook â–Ş Identifying w hich social m edia sites your prospects and custom ers prefer to use, and how they use them , w ill tell you w hich social m edia platform s to deploy. For exam ple, w ill the prim ary social netw ork for your technical prospects be a LinkedIn group or a Facebook brand page? O r does this audience prefer to participate in a privately-branded forum or discussion group? â—Ź Segm enting groups and individuals by their social m edia behavior and influence w ill help you determ ine content types and topics m ost relevant to targeted segm ents. M ore on how to segm ent target audiences appears in a later section. Sour © 2010 M ar i ce: ket ngSher Soci M ar i Benchm ar Sur pa al ket ng k vey Social
  • 12. Social M edia A ssessment W orkbook Segmenting Your Social Connections One of the prim ary benefits of social m edia for m arketing purposes is the viral effect – exponentially increasing the reach of the message beyond your immediate audience through conversation and content sharing. Understanding how different segments of your target audience use social media w ill help you determine the audiences to target and the content most likely to be shared with friends and peers. This model is an example of an effective, yet simple way to segmet target audiences by social behavior and influence. The segments are called the Silent Majority, Vocal Minority and Social Authority. The Silent M ajority and Vocal M inority can be characterized as information downloaders and information uploaders, respectively. These opposing roles are important considerations because, in terms of their im pact on friends and peers for marketing purposes, the Silent M ajority has little influence w hile the Vocal M inority has a strong Influence. The Social A uthority is a different breed that often dominates a niche w ith extraordinary influence. It deserves a one-to-one relationship approach, just as traditional publicists w ould approach the editors and subject matter experts in mainstream media. Sour © 2010 M ar i ce: ket ngSher Soci M ar i Benchm ar Sur pa al ket ng k vey
  • 13. Social M edia A ssessm ent W orkbook A financial service organization connection segments sample worksheet BR A N D KEY TARGET W HER E D O HOW A R E T H E Y U S ING A U DI E NC E S O C IAL M E D IA? P RODUCT SOCIAL WE W H AT IN T E R E S T S S E R V IC E INFL U E NCE LIVE FIND T HEM? T H E M? M AR KET E D Financi a l AssetM anagers Facebook Sharing brand Services Siil ent M aj rIt y o Tw itter information, Lack of conversation, (Ex:Vanguard) Individual I Subject to regulations Facebook, I nvest ors Vocal Shares relevant and Tw itter Authority timely information, Forums Engages in Financi al Blogs Advisors Authority conversation around Facebook investing, etc. YouTube Generates content to drive business & SEO , Shares relevant info from Asset Managers, Etc.
  • 14. Soci M edi A ssessm ent W or al a kbook List your key influencers and targets, w here to find them and w hat their key interests are. BRA N D / KEYTARGET WHERE DO HO W A R E T H E Y USING P R O D U C T / A U DI E N C E / S O C IA l WE FIND S O C IA l M E D IA ? W HA T S E R V IC E INF l U E N C E THEM ? IN T E R E S T S T HE M ? M A R K ETED ACHIEVED Silent M ajority Vocal Minority Social Authority
  • 15. Soci M edi A ssessm ent W or al a kbook CATEGORY OBJECTIVE HOW TO WHAT WE TO ACHIEVE BY DOING WHO TO WHERE TO W HAT WHAT REACH FIND THEM MEASURE WANT TO DO Brand Prom ot our e I proved m Delivering Silent Twitter Increase Aw ar ness/ e brand brand MinorIty dow nloads by... Thought aw ar ness e needed Facebook Leader hip s M onitorour insights and Increase brand I cr ase sear h n e c know -how Prospects social voice by… engine rankings Providing Increase placem I cr ase aw n e details about ent by... ar ness e I cr ase n e our products/ Web t r af f ic services Increase sharing Est blish usas a prove br and by… leaders or product / Identifying, service Increase visitors Engage in r eput i i on at Listening and by.... com m unities engaging I m prove PR Improve sentim ent by… Increase top social users by… Improve reviews and recomm endations by... Customer ProvI de Improve M onitoring the Custom ers Support/ customer com m unity support customer Customer support Servicing Advocacy creat cus t e customersthat omer Quality need help advocates Reduce Creating Other Customer customer service Support channels costs response proces ses T h a n k in g loyall f ans O ther Sales/Lead Generate I ease ncr lead Use gener t n a io social media Gener tion a Ineteresta t channels for A le es of the l vl Reduce sales and sale cycle s custom er prom otional acquisition costs campaigns Lead gener ti a Coupon on I ncr ase sales offerings e Other revenue Ot her
  • 16. Social M edia A ssessment W orkbook Now it’s your turn. Com plete the w orksheet below to align your objectives w ith your audiences. CATEGORY OBJECTIVE WHO TO HOW TO WHAT WE TO ACHIEVE BY DOING WHERE TO W HAT WHAT REACH FIND THEM MEASURE WANT TO DO Brand Awar ness / e Thought Leadership Customer Support / Customer Advocacy Sales/ Lead Generation
  • 17. Social M edia A ssessm ent W orkbook We’ve highlightted the four main social media platforms – blogs, m icroblogs, social networks and multimedia / content sharing sites – and the metrics that matter in each. Blogs: In term s of m easurem ent, blogs have the advantage of being able to utilize m any of the traditional Web analytics. As w ith a w ebsite, code can sim ply be added to a blog to track visitor traffic, source, behavior and other m etrics. How ever, there are m any social m edia m etrics not applicable to traditional w ebsites that provide a m ore relevant indication of blogging success: – tracking both the num ber and sentim ent of opinions shared – grow th trends by em ail or RSS subscription – depending on your specific definition – an indicator of blog authority SERPs – search engine ranking position for key term s on m ajor search engines – blog ranking in relation to sim ilar categories on blog directories M icroblogs: W hile m icroblogging refers to the practice of blogging w ith posts of 140 characters or less, m icroblogs have m ore in com m on w ith social netw orks than blogs. Like social netw orks, the value and focus of m icroblogs is on the netw ork of friends or follow ers. M etrics are, therefore, often related to social netw orking: – the num ber of those opting-in to or follow ing a m icroblog – the num ber of those follow ing the follow ers – referred to as “tw eets” on the m ost predom inant microblog, Tw itter – the grow th rate of the follow er netw ork in a given period – the ratio of num ber of posts to num ber of followers Social Networks: As the nam e im plies, social netw orks are prim arily people-focused. How ever, businesses have learned to adapt the features of social netw orks for the purposes of m arketing. This trend has not gone unnoticed by netw orks originally intended for personal use, w hich have transform ed their features into com m ercially- viable m arketing platform s like Facebook Fan Pages. W hile m etrics are sometimes limited by the data social netw orks decide to share, there is plenty of tracking-w orthy inform ation available, including: – the num ber of fans, group m em bers, contacts, etc. – profile inform ation on com m unity m em bers – tracking the click stream from netw orks to content and conversion hubs – tracking both the num ber and sentim ent of group discussions – usage of widgets and social media applications by the network comm unity
  • 18. Social M edia A ssessment Workbook M ul t i m edi a Content Shar i ng S ites This category covers a num ber of multimedia sharing sites for video,photography, documents, presentations and audio content. These sites aggregate content and enable you to share it w ithout having to rely on IT via links posted on blogs, social networks, email campaigns and other communication channels. When it comes to content sharing, the m etrics that m atter most are related to the viral impact of content distribution, including • the num ber of content dow nloads • search engine ranking position for key terms on major search engines • the number of those opting-in to the multimedia content stream • tracking the click stream from content to conversion Sour © 2011 M ar i ce: ket ngSher Soci M ar i Benchm ar Sur pa al ket ng k vey
  • 19. Social M edia A ss essm ent W orkbook Define the purpose of platforms and brand image goal selected and roll-out Marketing Campaigns. HUB S IT E S P U R P O S E of HUB S IT E R O l l -O U T SPOKE SITE S P URPOSE of S PO KE S IT E R O l l -O U T Note: Your hub site does not have to be a w eb site, it could be a blog or Facebook Social
  • 20. Social M edia Assessm ent Workbook â—Ź â—Ź â—Ź â—Ź â—Ź â—Ź â—Ź â—Ź
  • 21. Social M edia A ssessm ent W orkbook Your S a v v y S c h e d u l e Social Site Market ing P l a n Use this w orksheet to create a tactical plan of action. Be realistic. O ver-comm unicating is fine unless you have nothing to say, w hich m ay contribute to losing fans/follow ers. 2012 WEEK/ FR EQ U EN C Y T A C T IC / TA SK RESO URCE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Bloggi ng M i obl cr oggi ng Soci N et or ng al w ki M ul i edi Content Shar ng tm a i O TH ER Social
  • 22. 2012 Social Media Strategy Workbook Office: 949-800-7088 Email: