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Digital Cases GreyPOSSIBLE
Neckermann: Weekend weg activaties
De klantvraag
Neckermann pakte leuk uit tijdens het vroegboekseizoen. Wanneer je vroeg een
zomervakantie boekte bij Neckermann, kreeg je een gratis weekend weg in een
hotel in de Benelux. Neckermann vroeg ons hiervoor een online campagne te
bedenken die aansloot bij de televisie commercial.
Het denkwerk
We wilden iets ontwikkelen waardoor de consumenten niet alleen vroeg gaan
boeken, maar ook op een positieve manier in aanraking komen met het merk
Neckermann. Zodat ze volgend jaar weer terugkomen. En /of hun vrienden op de
actie attenderen. Want die willen vast ook op vakantie.
De oplossing
Het key-element uit de tv-commercial was de gele weekend tas als metafoor voor
een weekendweg. Deze lieten we daarom de hoofdrol spelen in alles wat we
bedachten. Dat resulteerde in een actiepagina waarin we de totale actie aan de
consument uitlegden en diverse middelen die voor traffic naar die pagina moesten
zorgen. Zoals bijvoorbeeld een e-mailing, banners en advertorials. Voor de mensen
die een weekend weg voucher hebben gekregen maakten we een boekingstool en
tot slot hebben we twee specifieke acties gedaan. Eén Hyves activatie en een
Bij de Hyves actie TasMania konden mensen weekendtassen op hun profiel
verzamelen door deze bij andere van hun Hyves account af te pakken. Degene met
de meeste tassen, won een Neckermann Cheque van € 1000,-.
Tassanova was een online spel rondom Valentijnsdag. Door hartjes en gele
Neckermannetjes met tasjes uit de lucht te schieten, scoorde je punten. De prijs was
een romantisch diner voor twee. Meteen een mooi moment om het eens over de
zomervakantie te hebben…
Het resultaat
TasMania en Tassanova waren een groot succes. TasMania had 100.000 unieke
bezoekers in 2 weken, ruim 6.000 deelnemers pikten 45.000 tassen weg op Hyves.
Tassanova werd ruim 118.500 keer gespeeld! De game werd 13.500 keer
uitgespeeld, 8.500 keer opnieuw gespeeld en het aantal highscores was 13.330. We
verzamelden 5.300 unieke e-mailadressen. En niet onbelangrijk: We zaten 3%
boven de salesdoelstellingen.
Splinter cell revelation
De klantvraag
De release van de game Splinter Cell Conviction van 15 april 2010 was aanleiding
voor een pitch van Ubisoft. De game voor Xbox en pc is het zesde deel in de serie
actiespellen van hoge kwaliteit. De basis van het Ubisoft-spel is de gelijknamige
roman van Tom Clancy met Sam Fisher in de hoofdrol.
Het denkwerk
Een spannende nieuwe game, die introduceer je op een originele en innovatieve
manier. Gamers trek je tenslotte niet over de streep met `zomaar‟ advertising. Ze
laten zich graag overhalen door cutting edge promotie en door andere gamers. En
op zo‟n wijze dat je al een voorproefje van de game krijgt die smaakt naar meer.
Zowel qua innovatie als verhaallijn. Dat zijn de pijlers waarop we, als brand
experience, een spel ontwikkelden met de ingrediënten uit Splinter Cell.
De oplossing
Je speelt het spel op de Amsterdamse Wallen, een locatie die perfect past bij het
karakter van de game. De speler is een Third Echelon agent, door het hoofdkantoor
naar Amsterdam gestuurd om de dood van een Third Echelon agenten te
onderzoeken. Gaandeweg komt de speler erachter dat Sam Fisher de agenten
vermoord heeft omdat hij op zoek is naar de moordenaar van zijn dochter. De speler
die alle hints snapt en het spoor goed volgt komt uit bij Sam‟s secret hide out. En
daar wacht een grote verrassing…
Het spel speel je met behulp van Layar op je smartphone. Via je smartphone krijg je
missies, in totaal 6. Die bestaan uit meerkeuzevragen en geluidsfragmenten. Die
gaan over de verschillende locaties waar je naartoe geleid wordt. Het meest
bijzondere: de realiteit wordt, wanneer je om je heen kijkt door je
smartphone, opeens heel anders. Dat komt door Layar, de augmented reality
browser. Door het camerabeeld van het mobieltje is allerlei informatie als laag over
de werkelijkheid toegevoegd. Zo verandert een kale gevel op de Amsterdamse
Wallen ineens in „Sergey‟s Gunshop‟ en in een steegje verderop wordt een crimineel
uit het raam geschoten. Net echt.
Het resultaat
Operation Splinter Cell Revelation is live gegaan in april 2010. De pers was razend
enthousiast! Omgerekend hebben we binnen één week een mediawaarde van rond
de 300.000 euro gerealiseerd. Er zijn artikelen terechtgekomen in de Spits, de Metro
en het Parool en op alle major game sites en blogs.
Energieveilig: brandje maik de boer
De klantvraag is een initiatief van de gezamenlijke netbeheerders en informeert
Nederland over veilig omgaan met energie. Blutarsky werd benaderd om een
bewustwordingscampagne te ontwikkelen voor veilig omgaan met elektrische
kerstversiering tijdens de feestdagen.
Het denkwerk
Hoe maak je zoveel mogelijk mensen bewust van de gevaren van onveilig
energiegebruik? De oplossing zat in de impact van de campagne: we moesten de
gevaren schokkend duidelijk maken. En op zo‟n manier dat de landelijke pers er
aandacht aan zou geven. Dat was de uitdaging.
De oplossing
De meeste mensen wisten gewoonweg niet dat ze dingen verkeerd deden. Een on-
afgerolde haspel gebruiken is bijvoorbeeld echt onveilig. De campagne had dus een
groot bereik nodig om te kunnen slagen. We bedachten daarom een PR-stunt die
veel publiciteit zou opleveren.
Stylist Maik de Boer ontwierp een speciale kerstetalage in de PC Hooftstraat. Wij
lieten de etalage echter na twee dagen “afbranden”. De oorzaak van de fake brand?
Maik had kerstverlichting onder een kleedje weggestyled met kortsluiting als gevolg.
Zo‟n ontroerend kerstverhaal moest wel media-aandacht creëren.
Daarnaast maakten we een online quiz: Raad `t Gevaar. Hierbij moesten mensen
de gevaren in sfeervolle kerstplaten aanduiden. Wie het „t best deed werd winnaar
van een veilige en energiezuinige kerstverlichtingset met LED-lampjes.
Het resultaat
RTL Boulevard, Koffietijd en Shownieuws besteedden in totaal 22 minuten aan
Maik‟s brand en hiermee bereikten we alleen al ruim 7 miljoen mensen. Daarnaast
was er volop aandacht in De Telegraaf, Metro, De Pers, HP de tijd, Radio 538
talloze blogs en Twitter. De geschatte media waarde van de stunt was ruim €
Slankie: Bracelets
Our client’s briefing
Slankie needed an online activation for their „‟goede gewoonten‟ campaign
(translates as: good habits). Clicks to bricks and vice versa.
Our thinking
Slankie is a brand that has a healthy but tongue in cheek tone-of-voice. And
Slankie cheese spread fits in a healthy foodpattern that just isn‟t like being on a
diet.As long as you live a healthy life, you‟ll be fine. That is the message. So let‟s
promote healthy living
The solution
Every month you could collect on-pack action codes and redeem them online.
Everyone could order a free bracelet and every month a new charm was launched
around a specific good habit. Good habits like „walk you husband‟ or „get off your
sunbed‟. Every month there was social content released around these subjects.
Blogs, youtube-movies, links and more which were all aggregated on a social media
platform which was actively managed by a dedicated community manager.
The result
A complete sell out through out the year. Every month 20.000 charms were ordered
and send via the online shop. There was even a black market for action codes and
Sennheiser: earphone girl
Our client’s briefing
Sennheiser is the biggest name in professional audiobusiness but on the consumer
end thay lack a good and modern brand image. They want to build that image. Their
main consumer product is headphones.
Our thinking
Sennheiser has an iconic headphone. So let‟s use that as a fashion accessory on
someone who has got a good visability. But we cannot afford celebrities for the job
so let‟s use social media to create our own celebrity.
The solution
We created a campaign that features a girl that wants to become famous and will
give anything for that. Of course she is very talented but she also has a
recognisable feature: she wears a headphone all the time. We scouted two girls
(one in Holland and one in Belgium) en we built up their social media presence.
Then we hired two PR-agencies to push these girls in the media: TV-
shows, series, clips and articles.
The result
Both girls gathered a significant base of followers on their social profiles on which
we created photo‟s, blogpostings and we plugged the girls into
events, radioshows, magazines etc using a PR agency. We managed to get the
attention on Dutch national TV and a foto shoot in a big Belgium magazine. They
appeared in videoclips, news footage and managed to get a lot of attention by
journalists and press.
Glen Grant: Clash of the Clans
Our client’s briefing
GlenGrant makes single malt whiskies. Because the brand wants to reach
consumers who do not yet drink whisky, or at least not single malt whisky, they
asked us to devise a social media campaign. The aim of the campaign: to forge a
relationship with their target group and increase their name recognition.
Our thinking
Social media give you the opportunity to actively enter into a dialogue with your user
group: ideal for an established brand that is going to expand its range in the
Netherlands and is looking for high-quality connections with its target group. What‟s
more, with social media you reach large numbers of potential customers in an
appealing way. And all that within a limited budget! Finally, a social media campaign
also shows that a company is moving with the times.
The solution
We developed Clash of the Clans, a quiz for whisky lovers on Facebook. In the quiz
you form a „clan‟ together with friends, and answer the questions together. The
weekly questions are all about whisky and Scotland, so knowledge of all things
relating to whisky comes in handy. Every clan member who answers a question
correctly earns points for the clan. The clan with the most points ultimately wins a
trip to the GlenGrant distillery in Rothes, Scotland. And as well as the top
prize, there‟s also the chance to win a GlenGrant whisky course. So grab your kilt
and gather your clan!
The result
The promotion ran from mid-December 2010 to October 2011. The target group got
keenly involved right away. The concept – the more clan members, the greater the
chance of the top prize – worked wonders, and the advertisements we made for
Facebook enhanced that effect even more.
The aim was to have 2,400 followers by the end of the campaign. Clash of the Clans
achieved 4,405 followers and 289,000 page visits, and the advertisements for the
game on Facebook were displayed 25 million times. In addition, we carried out
research in partnership with the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) social media
taskforce and the MeMo2 research agency into the impact of this Facebook
promotion on the GlenGrant brand. So the GlenGrant case is also an important
showcase for the IAB to determine the value of social media promotions for a brand.
Case in attachment (in Dutch).
Pink Ribbon
Our client’s briefing
Once a year the Pink Ribbon Magazine is released from which 100% of the
revenues is donated to the Brest Cancer charity fund: Pink Ribbon. Brest Cancer
has a huge impact on the lives of women that are confronted with that disease, but
how do you involve healthy women on the subject and make them buy the magazine
and in doing so support Pink Ribbon?
Our thinking
Breast cancer is wide spread and touches nearly everbody in one way or another.
Everyone has a story. Stories of hope. Stories of strength. Let‟s activate those
stories and make that our campaign.
The solution
We started the campaign by asking those effected to write inspiring messages via
our PR widget. For these people could write lines better than we ever could. The
lines became the press and posters. Pictures of brests became the commercial.
Next to that we shot a woman who had a mastectomy. Her line was truly moving.
Also we created a micro site where people could make their own to post on Face
Book. The best ones are being screened on giant digital posters at 4 major train
The result
In one month almost 110.000 magazines were sold and nearly 1 million euros were
donated to Pink Ribbon
Lof Magazine: MAXICurling/Smart Times
Our client’s briefing
The magazine Lof campaigns for a better work/life balance for working parents. Many
young fathers could make some improvements in this area. For example, they could
organise the time they spend with their children and on their careers in a smarter way.
We were asked, together with E-mark, to make the fathers of the Netherlands aware of
Our thinking
Lof magazine came to us with a serious subject and an enormous target group. How
could we put the message across, using the internet as the key medium? Our solution:
create an online buzz by wrapping the „smarter working‟ message in humour. In this
way we could attract the target group to a platform packed with relevant information,
including a user-friendly Smart Times test to do a reality check of smarter working
solutions compared with your own lifestyle.
The solution
We wanted to show fathers that it‟s fun to spend time with their children. So we
devised a viral video for a new sport especially for fathers and their babies: Child
Safety Seat Curling. The video shows fathers curling, with their babies in their car
safety seats as curling stones. A well-packaged message, and one that appeals to a
wide range of people and so gets forwarded a lot. Through the viral video we then lead
the working fathers to the online platform There the working fathers
can do the test to see how they can combine work and childcare even better. As well
as gaining new insights, you can also win an iPad. On the platform you can also find
useful tips, convincing testimonials and links to all kinds of regulations that can make
the lives of working parents that little bit easier. We also created an official Child Safety
Seat Curling site for all visitors who Googled the term. On this site you learn that
unfortunately Child Safety Seat Curling doesn‟t really exist, and you are led on to And so it comes full circle.
The result
Within three weeks of the launch of the viral video more than 76,000 people had seen
the film online, had attracted 4,236 visitors and over 300 people
had done the test. The hoax website attracted 2,986 visitors. The viral
video also features in various TV programmes, for example a total of 2,298,000 people
saw it in the popular Dutch shows De Wereld Draait Door and Editie NL. So the Smart
Times campaign exceeded all expectations!
Click the link to watch the viral:
V&D: Shop till you Drop
Our client’s briefing
Communicate the launch of the webshop Make it clear that
V&D now also brings the famous department store to your door with home
deliveries, and introduce the target group (women aged between 30 and
40) to the webshop. And in the meantime, gather as many e-mail
addresses as possible.
Our thinking
An addictive viral game generates a mountain of e-mail addresses, and if
you can also win a great prize then it really takes off! So we immediately
thought of a viral game. And not just any game, but one that‟s played in
the department store itself. And that‟s based on the dream of the target
group: shopping in a department store until it‟s empty! In this way the
target group comes into contact with the many products in the online
store, all of which you can have delivered at home.
The solution
We developed the game „Shop till you drop‟ around an icon that radiates
the department store feeling: the escalator. We recreated part of the
webshop and placed an escalator at its heart. The aim of the game: step
on the escalator, shop online by clicking on items until you have as many
as possible, but keep your balance and don‟t fall off the escalator. If you
win you can keep all your shopping. From coffee to tights and from a bra
to a Nespresso machine: typically department store, typically V&D. By
making the game unlimitedly playable the addictive element was
enhanced even more.
The result
The game attracted 220,000 unique visitors. It was played 1.2 million
times by 60,000 participants. A total of 35,000 new e-mail addresses were
collected. The players came into contact with the range and the webshop
in a fun way, and by winning discount codes they could shop straight
away in the real webshop at lower prices. By asking players about their
favourite shop category (fashion, interiors, etc.) at the start of the game in
a subtle manner, V&D used a fun way to gain useful marketing
information that can be used to tailor future direct marketing promotions to
the customer‟s preferences.
ABSOLUT: Digital presence
Our clients briefing
Think of a social presence hence Facebook environment that is worthy of the ABSOLUT brand
with a focus on high involvement on Facebook. Aiming at 8000 followers for the first period as a
starting point for an online presence for which Grey is entirely responsible. Targets for IPM: 4+ and
TAP: 10% and online activities should cross over to offline activations as well.
Our thinking
The ABSOLUT brand stands for doing things diffently and inspiring creativity. For every creative
expression there is an artist and for every artist there is a road to being succesful. What if we
would take an artist who is just at the beginning of his or her career and starts becoming succesful.
Clearly they have just found a way to stand out from the crowd, so if we follow them and show our
followers their world and let them directly interact with the artist… then you would have an active
community that is inspiring to those who are inspired by the ABSOLUT brand. So we launched
something called: The Hidden World of ABSOLUT.
The Solution
First we followed a fashion designer called Ilja Visser. She would twitter, write blogs, make pictures
and movies of her everyday life as a creative starting out a career in couture. With that content as
a foundation we set out to do activations with the artist and here followers. We did timeline
activations with proven methods, but we also did a specific activation on a Facebook Tab in which
you could claim a spot on an ABSOLUT bottle and win a peace of garment from Ilja Visser. At the
end there was a hidden party with ABSOLUT drinks and ofcourse ilja Visser and her entourage
just for those fans who were Lucky enough to be invited.
Ilja Visser was followed up by Flore Zoë, an art photographer. We used the same formula but in
the case of Flore Zoë we had an activation of followers sending in there own photography projects
to be judged by Flore. The end party was organised around an exposition of the winning
During the summer we entertained our evergrowing Group of followers with entertaining ABSOLUT
content as we are counting down to the activation for the new ABSOLUT ltd. Edition in which the
followers are invited to uniquely design their profiles and win a ticket to the ABSOLUT
EXPRESSIONS party. A colorful party to celibrate the new ltd. Edition also under direction and
creation of Grey.
After that we will focus again on inspirational content starring the hidden world behind succesful
The Result
In the first 7 months we grew from nothing to 6500 followers, very good scores on IPM+ and
talking about percentages (TAP). We used a very small amount of media budget, managed to
attract people online and engage them online and offline. We made good PR on both artists even
reaching the national news and several fashion blogs. We set a base for ABSOLUT to build on
with the next ltd. edition and we have a content history on the timeline which stands out in
originality and that clearly belongs in the ABSOLUT brand heritage.
GE TIP: New Website
Our clients briefing
GE TIP is a General Electric company that is the biggest trailer
lease and rental company in Europe. Their site had become
outdated and did not bring the right message across anymore as
the business around leasing and rental had grown into a larger
service package that is delivered nowadays. What GE TIP needed
was a new design and a new offering resulting into a new website
to be delivered with a state of the art and comprehensible content
management solution to be operated and maintained by GE TIP
Our thinking
First we analysed the complete offering of services GE TIP has and
how this needed to be structured into a website that can stand the
test of time. We restructured the services proposal, came to a
generic way of structuring these services without losing focus on
the core business of GE TIP: leasing and rental. We worked out a
user experience design and graphic design which was the blue
print for all european branches to deliver content and for Grey to
start the making of several videos about GE TIP for use in the
website that was build under our direction and supervision.
The solution
A Multi-lingual Drupal based entirely new Pan European website
with sparkling content in text, imagery and video. Directly linked to
the Salesforce backoffice and giving new meaning to GE TIP in the
European market and doing justice to the power and offering GE
TIP stands for as the European market leader.
The result for which Grey is entirely responsible
(concept, content, design, video, realisation) and that is the start of
an active online presence under our supervision with much more
projects to come.
Plan: Let Girls be born
Our clients briefing
In underveloped countries like India people want their babies to be boys, because girls
are considered to be of lesser value both socially as economically. As a cause of this
girl foetuses are being aborted by the dozens and illegal practicioners do messy
business. Plan raises money to get the Indian gouvernment to do more about this and
next to that they arrange for birth certificates for girls, so they can use simple things like
healthcare, education or even own a piece of land. We needed to raise awareness
around this issue primary and secondary get people to make donations or at least
transfer them into followers for the Facebook page.
Our thinking
What if a baby in her mothers womb is thinking out loud, hoping she does not become a
girl or else… That is a pretty confronting image, but life in India is a big lottery starting
out with a 50% chance of being worth nothing at birth. This is something we can turn
into a shock effect in commercials and what we can turn into a real lottery online. This
will turn peoples heads, make them think and even make them contribute to the cause
of Plan Nederland.
We came up with a commercial that showed an ultrasound issue of a foetus in her
mothers womb thinking out loud: I hope I am not a girl, then I will be raped. I hope that I
am not a girl, then I will be circumcized. I hope… and then the image goes black and
the heartbeat stops indicating she has been aborted. The commercial ends with the
message that in India each minute a girl foetus is aborted just because she‟s a girl and
an URL is displayed where people can learn more.
On the website we also had an ultrasound image that turned black every minute and
then added one more girl that was aborted while you are watching. A frightening image.
At the end of each day there was a number of 1440 girls aborted diplayed.
If you were online and shocked by the facts presented to you, ofcourse you could
donate immediately and by doing so you could take part in the lottery of life in which you
had to guess the gender of an ultrasound image showing a foetus. This was a real
ultrasound from a woman called Devkumari who was expecting her third child. You
could read all about her on the Facebook page and by taking part in the lottery you
could win the chance of actually doing something worthful in India. Visit Devkumari,
make a reportation and tell the world about what can be done and show them how.
The Result
Primary goal: awareness ++ very good responsive, nominated for Gouden Loekie
Secondary goal: donations +/- people are not eager to donate unless they can „buy‟
something Secondary goal: Facebook followers + are 5000 follwers increase in 1
VARA: Duetteketet
Our clients briefing
Well, there was no briefing. Every once in a while we think of something that
would be great and we then set out to find a customer. So basiscally we asked a
big Dutch broadcaster with the biggest radio show on morning radio that is
strongly focussed on bringing live Music every morning through artists coming in
their studio, how they would enhance that radio show to a social environment,
not by making online radio, but by coming up with a true social format that can
co-exist with the radio show.
Our thinking
TV-formats have set talent shows on the map, but however radio is all about big
audiences and Music, a talent show is just not that interesting without TV. But
with 4 million people listening to that radioshow and with people on social media
oozing with talent and/or ambition, we could clearly think of an interesting cross-
over. So how about recording duets with the live artist, but only one voicing and
let your audience sing in the rest via their webcam as a camduet-karaoke kind
of thing. The radio show will guarantee a proper reach and participants will
deliver content. From great to hilarious. Bring that to Facebook and you will
have a cross-over format and reach another dimension.
Our Solution
There morning show is called Giel, so we came up with Giels Duetteketet, which
translates in something like Giels Camduets. In the Facebook application you
can choose who you want to sing a duet with. You start your webcam and start
the recording and you sing your song. You can see other singers, you can like
and share the ones you like and maybe you will even be invited to the show to
sing a real duet on morning radio. The staff from Giel has a content
management system in which they can feature certain entries and in which they
can moderate content. The entire system was buil don HTML 5, except for the
recording studio that had to be in flash. All entries are rendered into 1 stream of
two combined videos and all content can be managed through the typo3 CMS
which is regulatory for all online projects from VARA.
The Result
To be launched in november 2012
Doxxer: Identity and presence
Our clients briefing
Doxxer is a new service from the main Dutch postal company: PostNL. They
are introducing a digital service that functions as a trusted third party for all
administrative interactions between a company or organisation and consumers.
Doxxer had to be put on the map, to start warming up companies for this
Our thinking
Companies and organisations have a common denominator and that is that they
need the consumer. A lot of them. So whatever we do, we have to do it out of
the viewpoint of the consumer. Furthermore it has to be transparant. Doxxer
tries to reach the digital natives first, so do noit expect them to be ingnorant or
badly informed and take that into consideration.
Our Solution
We built a proposition, a website and informative video‟s around Daan, a digital
native. Both from the consumers viewpoint as from the business viewpoint the
cases and examples are the same so it is completely transparant wht is in it for
both sides. We built an HTML 5 website and embedded Vimeo and Slideshare
content, so social media was incorporated right from the start and thus we
already start building Doxxer Social Capital.
The Result
The first resultas are very promising. Comapnies and organisations have
responded positively to the propositions and are willing to participate. Next steps
are a bêta-test and a big Twitter campaign.

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Grey possible cases_digital

  • 2. Neckermann: Weekend weg activaties De klantvraag Neckermann pakte leuk uit tijdens het vroegboekseizoen. Wanneer je vroeg een zomervakantie boekte bij Neckermann, kreeg je een gratis weekend weg in een hotel in de Benelux. Neckermann vroeg ons hiervoor een online campagne te bedenken die aansloot bij de televisie commercial. Het denkwerk We wilden iets ontwikkelen waardoor de consumenten niet alleen vroeg gaan boeken, maar ook op een positieve manier in aanraking komen met het merk Neckermann. Zodat ze volgend jaar weer terugkomen. En /of hun vrienden op de actie attenderen. Want die willen vast ook op vakantie. De oplossing Het key-element uit de tv-commercial was de gele weekend tas als metafoor voor een weekendweg. Deze lieten we daarom de hoofdrol spelen in alles wat we bedachten. Dat resulteerde in een actiepagina waarin we de totale actie aan de consument uitlegden en diverse middelen die voor traffic naar die pagina moesten zorgen. Zoals bijvoorbeeld een e-mailing, banners en advertorials. Voor de mensen die een weekend weg voucher hebben gekregen maakten we een boekingstool en tot slot hebben we twee specifieke acties gedaan. Eén Hyves activatie en een valentijnscampagne. Bij de Hyves actie TasMania konden mensen weekendtassen op hun profiel verzamelen door deze bij andere van hun Hyves account af te pakken. Degene met de meeste tassen, won een Neckermann Cheque van € 1000,-. Tassanova was een online spel rondom Valentijnsdag. Door hartjes en gele Neckermannetjes met tasjes uit de lucht te schieten, scoorde je punten. De prijs was een romantisch diner voor twee. Meteen een mooi moment om het eens over de zomervakantie te hebben… Het resultaat TasMania en Tassanova waren een groot succes. TasMania had 100.000 unieke bezoekers in 2 weken, ruim 6.000 deelnemers pikten 45.000 tassen weg op Hyves. Tassanova werd ruim 118.500 keer gespeeld! De game werd 13.500 keer uitgespeeld, 8.500 keer opnieuw gespeeld en het aantal highscores was 13.330. We verzamelden 5.300 unieke e-mailadressen. En niet onbelangrijk: We zaten 3% boven de salesdoelstellingen.
  • 3. Splinter cell revelation De klantvraag De release van de game Splinter Cell Conviction van 15 april 2010 was aanleiding voor een pitch van Ubisoft. De game voor Xbox en pc is het zesde deel in de serie actiespellen van hoge kwaliteit. De basis van het Ubisoft-spel is de gelijknamige roman van Tom Clancy met Sam Fisher in de hoofdrol. Het denkwerk Een spannende nieuwe game, die introduceer je op een originele en innovatieve manier. Gamers trek je tenslotte niet over de streep met `zomaar‟ advertising. Ze laten zich graag overhalen door cutting edge promotie en door andere gamers. En op zo‟n wijze dat je al een voorproefje van de game krijgt die smaakt naar meer. Zowel qua innovatie als verhaallijn. Dat zijn de pijlers waarop we, als brand experience, een spel ontwikkelden met de ingrediënten uit Splinter Cell. De oplossing Je speelt het spel op de Amsterdamse Wallen, een locatie die perfect past bij het karakter van de game. De speler is een Third Echelon agent, door het hoofdkantoor naar Amsterdam gestuurd om de dood van een Third Echelon agenten te onderzoeken. Gaandeweg komt de speler erachter dat Sam Fisher de agenten vermoord heeft omdat hij op zoek is naar de moordenaar van zijn dochter. De speler die alle hints snapt en het spoor goed volgt komt uit bij Sam‟s secret hide out. En daar wacht een grote verrassing… Het spel speel je met behulp van Layar op je smartphone. Via je smartphone krijg je missies, in totaal 6. Die bestaan uit meerkeuzevragen en geluidsfragmenten. Die gaan over de verschillende locaties waar je naartoe geleid wordt. Het meest bijzondere: de realiteit wordt, wanneer je om je heen kijkt door je smartphone, opeens heel anders. Dat komt door Layar, de augmented reality browser. Door het camerabeeld van het mobieltje is allerlei informatie als laag over de werkelijkheid toegevoegd. Zo verandert een kale gevel op de Amsterdamse Wallen ineens in „Sergey‟s Gunshop‟ en in een steegje verderop wordt een crimineel uit het raam geschoten. Net echt. Het resultaat Operation Splinter Cell Revelation is live gegaan in april 2010. De pers was razend enthousiast! Omgerekend hebben we binnen één week een mediawaarde van rond de 300.000 euro gerealiseerd. Er zijn artikelen terechtgekomen in de Spits, de Metro en het Parool en op alle major game sites en blogs.
  • 4. Energieveilig: brandje maik de boer De klantvraag is een initiatief van de gezamenlijke netbeheerders en informeert Nederland over veilig omgaan met energie. Blutarsky werd benaderd om een bewustwordingscampagne te ontwikkelen voor veilig omgaan met elektrische kerstversiering tijdens de feestdagen. Het denkwerk Hoe maak je zoveel mogelijk mensen bewust van de gevaren van onveilig energiegebruik? De oplossing zat in de impact van de campagne: we moesten de gevaren schokkend duidelijk maken. En op zo‟n manier dat de landelijke pers er aandacht aan zou geven. Dat was de uitdaging. De oplossing De meeste mensen wisten gewoonweg niet dat ze dingen verkeerd deden. Een on- afgerolde haspel gebruiken is bijvoorbeeld echt onveilig. De campagne had dus een groot bereik nodig om te kunnen slagen. We bedachten daarom een PR-stunt die veel publiciteit zou opleveren. Stylist Maik de Boer ontwierp een speciale kerstetalage in de PC Hooftstraat. Wij lieten de etalage echter na twee dagen “afbranden”. De oorzaak van de fake brand? Maik had kerstverlichting onder een kleedje weggestyled met kortsluiting als gevolg. Zo‟n ontroerend kerstverhaal moest wel media-aandacht creëren. Daarnaast maakten we een online quiz: Raad `t Gevaar. Hierbij moesten mensen de gevaren in sfeervolle kerstplaten aanduiden. Wie het „t best deed werd winnaar van een veilige en energiezuinige kerstverlichtingset met LED-lampjes. Het resultaat RTL Boulevard, Koffietijd en Shownieuws besteedden in totaal 22 minuten aan Maik‟s brand en hiermee bereikten we alleen al ruim 7 miljoen mensen. Daarnaast was er volop aandacht in De Telegraaf, Metro, De Pers, HP de tijd, Radio 538 talloze blogs en Twitter. De geschatte media waarde van de stunt was ruim € 250.000,-.
  • 5. Slankie: Bracelets Our client’s briefing Slankie needed an online activation for their „‟goede gewoonten‟ campaign (translates as: good habits). Clicks to bricks and vice versa. Our thinking Slankie is a brand that has a healthy but tongue in cheek tone-of-voice. And Slankie cheese spread fits in a healthy foodpattern that just isn‟t like being on a diet.As long as you live a healthy life, you‟ll be fine. That is the message. So let‟s promote healthy living The solution Every month you could collect on-pack action codes and redeem them online. Everyone could order a free bracelet and every month a new charm was launched around a specific good habit. Good habits like „walk you husband‟ or „get off your sunbed‟. Every month there was social content released around these subjects. Blogs, youtube-movies, links and more which were all aggregated on a social media platform which was actively managed by a dedicated community manager. The result A complete sell out through out the year. Every month 20.000 charms were ordered and send via the online shop. There was even a black market for action codes and charms.
  • 6. Sennheiser: earphone girl Our client’s briefing Sennheiser is the biggest name in professional audiobusiness but on the consumer end thay lack a good and modern brand image. They want to build that image. Their main consumer product is headphones. Our thinking Sennheiser has an iconic headphone. So let‟s use that as a fashion accessory on someone who has got a good visability. But we cannot afford celebrities for the job so let‟s use social media to create our own celebrity. The solution We created a campaign that features a girl that wants to become famous and will give anything for that. Of course she is very talented but she also has a recognisable feature: she wears a headphone all the time. We scouted two girls (one in Holland and one in Belgium) en we built up their social media presence. Then we hired two PR-agencies to push these girls in the media: TV- shows, series, clips and articles. The result Both girls gathered a significant base of followers on their social profiles on which we created photo‟s, blogpostings and we plugged the girls into events, radioshows, magazines etc using a PR agency. We managed to get the attention on Dutch national TV and a foto shoot in a big Belgium magazine. They appeared in videoclips, news footage and managed to get a lot of attention by journalists and press.
  • 7. Glen Grant: Clash of the Clans Our client’s briefing GlenGrant makes single malt whiskies. Because the brand wants to reach consumers who do not yet drink whisky, or at least not single malt whisky, they asked us to devise a social media campaign. The aim of the campaign: to forge a relationship with their target group and increase their name recognition. Our thinking Social media give you the opportunity to actively enter into a dialogue with your user group: ideal for an established brand that is going to expand its range in the Netherlands and is looking for high-quality connections with its target group. What‟s more, with social media you reach large numbers of potential customers in an appealing way. And all that within a limited budget! Finally, a social media campaign also shows that a company is moving with the times. The solution We developed Clash of the Clans, a quiz for whisky lovers on Facebook. In the quiz you form a „clan‟ together with friends, and answer the questions together. The weekly questions are all about whisky and Scotland, so knowledge of all things relating to whisky comes in handy. Every clan member who answers a question correctly earns points for the clan. The clan with the most points ultimately wins a trip to the GlenGrant distillery in Rothes, Scotland. And as well as the top prize, there‟s also the chance to win a GlenGrant whisky course. So grab your kilt and gather your clan! The result The promotion ran from mid-December 2010 to October 2011. The target group got keenly involved right away. The concept – the more clan members, the greater the chance of the top prize – worked wonders, and the advertisements we made for Facebook enhanced that effect even more. The aim was to have 2,400 followers by the end of the campaign. Clash of the Clans achieved 4,405 followers and 289,000 page visits, and the advertisements for the game on Facebook were displayed 25 million times. In addition, we carried out research in partnership with the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) social media taskforce and the MeMo2 research agency into the impact of this Facebook promotion on the GlenGrant brand. So the GlenGrant case is also an important showcase for the IAB to determine the value of social media promotions for a brand. Case in attachment (in Dutch).
  • 8. Pink Ribbon Our client’s briefing Once a year the Pink Ribbon Magazine is released from which 100% of the revenues is donated to the Brest Cancer charity fund: Pink Ribbon. Brest Cancer has a huge impact on the lives of women that are confronted with that disease, but how do you involve healthy women on the subject and make them buy the magazine and in doing so support Pink Ribbon? Our thinking Breast cancer is wide spread and touches nearly everbody in one way or another. Everyone has a story. Stories of hope. Stories of strength. Let‟s activate those stories and make that our campaign. The solution We started the campaign by asking those effected to write inspiring messages via our PR widget. For these people could write lines better than we ever could. The lines became the press and posters. Pictures of brests became the commercial. Next to that we shot a woman who had a mastectomy. Her line was truly moving. Also we created a micro site where people could make their own to post on Face Book. The best ones are being screened on giant digital posters at 4 major train stations. The result In one month almost 110.000 magazines were sold and nearly 1 million euros were donated to Pink Ribbon
  • 9. Lof Magazine: MAXICurling/Smart Times Our client’s briefing The magazine Lof campaigns for a better work/life balance for working parents. Many young fathers could make some improvements in this area. For example, they could organise the time they spend with their children and on their careers in a smarter way. We were asked, together with E-mark, to make the fathers of the Netherlands aware of this. Our thinking Lof magazine came to us with a serious subject and an enormous target group. How could we put the message across, using the internet as the key medium? Our solution: create an online buzz by wrapping the „smarter working‟ message in humour. In this way we could attract the target group to a platform packed with relevant information, including a user-friendly Smart Times test to do a reality check of smarter working solutions compared with your own lifestyle. The solution We wanted to show fathers that it‟s fun to spend time with their children. So we devised a viral video for a new sport especially for fathers and their babies: Child Safety Seat Curling. The video shows fathers curling, with their babies in their car safety seats as curling stones. A well-packaged message, and one that appeals to a wide range of people and so gets forwarded a lot. Through the viral video we then lead the working fathers to the online platform There the working fathers can do the test to see how they can combine work and childcare even better. As well as gaining new insights, you can also win an iPad. On the platform you can also find useful tips, convincing testimonials and links to all kinds of regulations that can make the lives of working parents that little bit easier. We also created an official Child Safety Seat Curling site for all visitors who Googled the term. On this site you learn that unfortunately Child Safety Seat Curling doesn‟t really exist, and you are led on to And so it comes full circle. The result Within three weeks of the launch of the viral video more than 76,000 people had seen the film online, had attracted 4,236 visitors and over 300 people had done the test. The hoax website attracted 2,986 visitors. The viral video also features in various TV programmes, for example a total of 2,298,000 people saw it in the popular Dutch shows De Wereld Draait Door and Editie NL. So the Smart Times campaign exceeded all expectations! Click the link to watch the viral:
  • 10. V&D: Shop till you Drop Our client’s briefing Communicate the launch of the webshop Make it clear that V&D now also brings the famous department store to your door with home deliveries, and introduce the target group (women aged between 30 and 40) to the webshop. And in the meantime, gather as many e-mail addresses as possible. Our thinking An addictive viral game generates a mountain of e-mail addresses, and if you can also win a great prize then it really takes off! So we immediately thought of a viral game. And not just any game, but one that‟s played in the department store itself. And that‟s based on the dream of the target group: shopping in a department store until it‟s empty! In this way the target group comes into contact with the many products in the online store, all of which you can have delivered at home. The solution We developed the game „Shop till you drop‟ around an icon that radiates the department store feeling: the escalator. We recreated part of the webshop and placed an escalator at its heart. The aim of the game: step on the escalator, shop online by clicking on items until you have as many as possible, but keep your balance and don‟t fall off the escalator. If you win you can keep all your shopping. From coffee to tights and from a bra to a Nespresso machine: typically department store, typically V&D. By making the game unlimitedly playable the addictive element was enhanced even more. The result The game attracted 220,000 unique visitors. It was played 1.2 million times by 60,000 participants. A total of 35,000 new e-mail addresses were collected. The players came into contact with the range and the webshop in a fun way, and by winning discount codes they could shop straight away in the real webshop at lower prices. By asking players about their favourite shop category (fashion, interiors, etc.) at the start of the game in a subtle manner, V&D used a fun way to gain useful marketing information that can be used to tailor future direct marketing promotions to the customer‟s preferences.
  • 11. ABSOLUT: Digital presence Our clients briefing Think of a social presence hence Facebook environment that is worthy of the ABSOLUT brand with a focus on high involvement on Facebook. Aiming at 8000 followers for the first period as a starting point for an online presence for which Grey is entirely responsible. Targets for IPM: 4+ and TAP: 10% and online activities should cross over to offline activations as well. Our thinking The ABSOLUT brand stands for doing things diffently and inspiring creativity. For every creative expression there is an artist and for every artist there is a road to being succesful. What if we would take an artist who is just at the beginning of his or her career and starts becoming succesful. Clearly they have just found a way to stand out from the crowd, so if we follow them and show our followers their world and let them directly interact with the artist… then you would have an active community that is inspiring to those who are inspired by the ABSOLUT brand. So we launched something called: The Hidden World of ABSOLUT. The Solution First we followed a fashion designer called Ilja Visser. She would twitter, write blogs, make pictures and movies of her everyday life as a creative starting out a career in couture. With that content as a foundation we set out to do activations with the artist and here followers. We did timeline activations with proven methods, but we also did a specific activation on a Facebook Tab in which you could claim a spot on an ABSOLUT bottle and win a peace of garment from Ilja Visser. At the end there was a hidden party with ABSOLUT drinks and ofcourse ilja Visser and her entourage just for those fans who were Lucky enough to be invited. Ilja Visser was followed up by Flore Zoë, an art photographer. We used the same formula but in the case of Flore Zoë we had an activation of followers sending in there own photography projects to be judged by Flore. The end party was organised around an exposition of the winning participants. During the summer we entertained our evergrowing Group of followers with entertaining ABSOLUT content as we are counting down to the activation for the new ABSOLUT ltd. Edition in which the followers are invited to uniquely design their profiles and win a ticket to the ABSOLUT EXPRESSIONS party. A colorful party to celibrate the new ltd. Edition also under direction and creation of Grey. After that we will focus again on inspirational content starring the hidden world behind succesful creatives. The Result In the first 7 months we grew from nothing to 6500 followers, very good scores on IPM+ and talking about percentages (TAP). We used a very small amount of media budget, managed to attract people online and engage them online and offline. We made good PR on both artists even reaching the national news and several fashion blogs. We set a base for ABSOLUT to build on with the next ltd. edition and we have a content history on the timeline which stands out in originality and that clearly belongs in the ABSOLUT brand heritage.
  • 12. GE TIP: New Website Our clients briefing GE TIP is a General Electric company that is the biggest trailer lease and rental company in Europe. Their site had become outdated and did not bring the right message across anymore as the business around leasing and rental had grown into a larger service package that is delivered nowadays. What GE TIP needed was a new design and a new offering resulting into a new website to be delivered with a state of the art and comprehensible content management solution to be operated and maintained by GE TIP themselves. Our thinking First we analysed the complete offering of services GE TIP has and how this needed to be structured into a website that can stand the test of time. We restructured the services proposal, came to a generic way of structuring these services without losing focus on the core business of GE TIP: leasing and rental. We worked out a user experience design and graphic design which was the blue print for all european branches to deliver content and for Grey to start the making of several videos about GE TIP for use in the website that was build under our direction and supervision. The solution A Multi-lingual Drupal based entirely new Pan European website with sparkling content in text, imagery and video. Directly linked to the Salesforce backoffice and giving new meaning to GE TIP in the European market and doing justice to the power and offering GE TIP stands for as the European market leader. The result for which Grey is entirely responsible (concept, content, design, video, realisation) and that is the start of an active online presence under our supervision with much more projects to come.
  • 13. Plan: Let Girls be born Our clients briefing In underveloped countries like India people want their babies to be boys, because girls are considered to be of lesser value both socially as economically. As a cause of this girl foetuses are being aborted by the dozens and illegal practicioners do messy business. Plan raises money to get the Indian gouvernment to do more about this and next to that they arrange for birth certificates for girls, so they can use simple things like healthcare, education or even own a piece of land. We needed to raise awareness around this issue primary and secondary get people to make donations or at least transfer them into followers for the Facebook page. Our thinking What if a baby in her mothers womb is thinking out loud, hoping she does not become a girl or else… That is a pretty confronting image, but life in India is a big lottery starting out with a 50% chance of being worth nothing at birth. This is something we can turn into a shock effect in commercials and what we can turn into a real lottery online. This will turn peoples heads, make them think and even make them contribute to the cause of Plan Nederland. Solution We came up with a commercial that showed an ultrasound issue of a foetus in her mothers womb thinking out loud: I hope I am not a girl, then I will be raped. I hope that I am not a girl, then I will be circumcized. I hope… and then the image goes black and the heartbeat stops indicating she has been aborted. The commercial ends with the message that in India each minute a girl foetus is aborted just because she‟s a girl and an URL is displayed where people can learn more. On the website we also had an ultrasound image that turned black every minute and then added one more girl that was aborted while you are watching. A frightening image. At the end of each day there was a number of 1440 girls aborted diplayed. If you were online and shocked by the facts presented to you, ofcourse you could donate immediately and by doing so you could take part in the lottery of life in which you had to guess the gender of an ultrasound image showing a foetus. This was a real ultrasound from a woman called Devkumari who was expecting her third child. You could read all about her on the Facebook page and by taking part in the lottery you could win the chance of actually doing something worthful in India. Visit Devkumari, make a reportation and tell the world about what can be done and show them how. The Result Primary goal: awareness ++ very good responsive, nominated for Gouden Loekie Secondary goal: donations +/- people are not eager to donate unless they can „buy‟ something Secondary goal: Facebook followers + are 5000 follwers increase in 1 month
  • 14. VARA: Duetteketet Our clients briefing Well, there was no briefing. Every once in a while we think of something that would be great and we then set out to find a customer. So basiscally we asked a big Dutch broadcaster with the biggest radio show on morning radio that is strongly focussed on bringing live Music every morning through artists coming in their studio, how they would enhance that radio show to a social environment, not by making online radio, but by coming up with a true social format that can co-exist with the radio show. Our thinking TV-formats have set talent shows on the map, but however radio is all about big audiences and Music, a talent show is just not that interesting without TV. But with 4 million people listening to that radioshow and with people on social media oozing with talent and/or ambition, we could clearly think of an interesting cross- over. So how about recording duets with the live artist, but only one voicing and let your audience sing in the rest via their webcam as a camduet-karaoke kind of thing. The radio show will guarantee a proper reach and participants will deliver content. From great to hilarious. Bring that to Facebook and you will have a cross-over format and reach another dimension. Our Solution There morning show is called Giel, so we came up with Giels Duetteketet, which translates in something like Giels Camduets. In the Facebook application you can choose who you want to sing a duet with. You start your webcam and start the recording and you sing your song. You can see other singers, you can like and share the ones you like and maybe you will even be invited to the show to sing a real duet on morning radio. The staff from Giel has a content management system in which they can feature certain entries and in which they can moderate content. The entire system was buil don HTML 5, except for the recording studio that had to be in flash. All entries are rendered into 1 stream of two combined videos and all content can be managed through the typo3 CMS which is regulatory for all online projects from VARA. The Result To be launched in november 2012
  • 15. Doxxer: Identity and presence Our clients briefing Doxxer is a new service from the main Dutch postal company: PostNL. They are introducing a digital service that functions as a trusted third party for all administrative interactions between a company or organisation and consumers. Doxxer had to be put on the map, to start warming up companies for this proposition. Our thinking Companies and organisations have a common denominator and that is that they need the consumer. A lot of them. So whatever we do, we have to do it out of the viewpoint of the consumer. Furthermore it has to be transparant. Doxxer tries to reach the digital natives first, so do noit expect them to be ingnorant or badly informed and take that into consideration. Our Solution We built a proposition, a website and informative video‟s around Daan, a digital native. Both from the consumers viewpoint as from the business viewpoint the cases and examples are the same so it is completely transparant wht is in it for both sides. We built an HTML 5 website and embedded Vimeo and Slideshare content, so social media was incorporated right from the start and thus we already start building Doxxer Social Capital. The Result The first resultas are very promising. Comapnies and organisations have responded positively to the propositions and are willing to participate. Next steps are a bêta-test and a big Twitter campaign.