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Tractable Higher Order Models in
        Computer Vision
             Carsten Rother
           Sebastian Nowozin

      Microsoft Research Cambridge
830-900     Introduction
900-1000    Models: small cliques
               and special potentials
1000-1030 Tea break
1030-1200 Inference: Relaxation techniques:
            LP, Lagrangian, Dual Decomposition
1200-1230   Models: global potentials and
            global parameters + discussion
A gentle intro to MRFs


z = (R,G,B)n                                x = {0,1}n

 Given z and unknown (latent) variables x :

 P(x|z) =       P(z|x)      P(x)   / P(z)     ~ P(z|x) P(x)
 Posterior      Likelihood    Prior
 Probability       (data-    (data-
               dependent) independent)

Maximium a Posteriori (MAP): x* = argmax P(x|z)
Likelihood      P(x|z) ~ P(z|x) P(x)


        Red                      Red
Likelihood     P(x|z) ~ P(z|x) P(x)

   Log P(zi|xi=0)            P(zi|xi=1)

Maximum likelihood:
x* = argmax P(z|x) =

argmax ∏ P(zi|xi)
   x    xi
Prior                 P(x|z) ~ P(z|x) P(x)

                                        xi             xj

P(x) = 1/f ∏ θij (xi,xj)
                  i,j   Є   N

f = ∑ ∏ θij (xi,xj)             “partition function”
    x   i,j Є N

θij (xi,xj) = exp{-|xi-xj|}                    “ising prior”
                   (exp{-1}=0.36; exp{0}=1)
Pure Prior model: P(x) = 1/f ∏ exp{-|xi-xj|}
                            i,j   Є   N

                                  Solutions with
            Faire Samples
                                  highest probability (mode)

            P(x) = 0.011     P(x) = 0.012     P(x) = 0.012

         Smoothness prior needs the likelihood
Weight prior and likelihood

     w =0                        w =10

    w =40                       w =200

E(x,z,w) =   ∑ θi (xi,zi)   + w∑ θij (xi,xj)
Posterior distribution
 P(x|z) ~ P(z|x) P(x)

“Gibbs” distribution:
P(x|z) = 1/f(z,w) exp{-E(x,z,w)}
E(x,z,w) =   ∑ θi (xi,zi)   + w∑ θij (xi,xj)     Energy
             i                  i,j
                 Unary terms          Pairwise terms

θi (xi,zi) = P(zi|xi=1) xi + P(zi|xi=0) (1-xi) Likelihood
θij (xi,xj) = |xi-xj|   prior
Energy minization
     P(x|z) = 1/f(z,w) exp{-E(x,z,w)}
                     f(z,w) = ∑ exp{-E(x,z,w)}

-log P(x|z) = -log (1/f(z,w)) + E(x,z,w)

        x* = argmin E(x,z,w)        MAP same as minimum Energy

                     MAP; Global min E               ML
Random Field Models for Computer Vision
Model :
   Variables: discrete or continuous?      Combinatorial optimization: e.g. Graph Cut
       If discrete: how many labels?       Message Passing: e.g. BP, TRW
   Space: discrete or continuous?          Iterated Conditional Modes (ICM)
   Dependences between variables?          LP-relaxation: e.g. Cutting-plane
   How many variables?
                                            Problem decomposition + subgradient
   …
                                            …

   2D/3D Image segmentation             Learning:
   Object Recognition                      Exhaustive search (grid search)
   3D reconstruction
                                            Pseudo-Likelihood approximation
   Stereo / optical flow
   Image denoising                         Training in Pieces
   Texture Synthesis                       Max-margin
   Pose estimation                         …
   Panoramic Stitching
   …
Introducing Factor Graphs
Write probability distributions as Graphical model:

       - Direct graphical model
       - Undirected graphical model “traditionally used for MRFs”
       - Factor graphs “best way to visualize the underlying energy”

       - Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning *Bishop ‘08, book, chapter 8+
       - several lectures at the Machine Learning Summer School 2009
         (see video lectures)
Factor Graphs
P(x) ~ θ(x1,x2,x3) θ(x2,x4) θ(x3,x4) θ(x3,x5)          “4 factors”

P(x) ~ exp{-E(x)}                                       Gibbs distribution
E(x) = θ(x1,x2,x3) + θ(x2,x4) + θ(x3,x4) + θ(x3,x5)

     x1           x2
                              variables are in same factor.

     x3           x4


      Factor graph
Definition “Order” x                           x2

 Definition “Order”:
 The arity (number of variables) of
 the largest factor                                  x3       x4

                                                          Factor graph
P(X) ~ θ(x1,x2,x3) θ(x2,x4) θ(x3,x4) θ(x3,x5)
                                                          with order 3
           arity 3              arity 2                            Triple

                                                     x1       x2
• I will use “factor” and “clique” in the same way
• Not fully correct since clique may or may not
   decompose                                         x3       x4
• Definition of “order” same for clique and factor
• Markov Property: Random Field with low-order
Random Fields in Vision

4-connected;           higher(8)-connected;         MRF with               Higher-order MRF
pairwise MRF           pairwise MRF                 global variables

E(x) = ∑ θij (xi,xj)     E(x) = ∑ θij (xi,xj)   E(x) = ∑ θij (xi,xj)   E(x) = ∑ θij (xi,xj)
      i,j Є N4                  i,j Є N8               i,j Є N8             i,j Є N4
    Order 2                    Order 2                 Order 2
                                                                                 Order n
4-connected: Segmentation
               E(x) = ∑ θi (xi,zi) + ∑ θij (xi,xj)
                       i           i,j   Є   N4

                                   Observed variable

                                   Unobserved variable

    xj         xi

Factor graph
4-connected: Segmentation (CRF)
               E(x) = ∑ θi (xi,zi) + ∑ θij (xi,xj,zi,zj)
                           i             i,j   Є   N4

                     zjj          Unobserved
                                  (latent) variable


Factor graph                                                  MRF

               Conditional Random Field (CRF) no pure prior
4-connected: Stereo matching

Image – left(a)    Image – right(b)   Ground truth depth   [Boykov et al. ‘01+

• Images rectified
• Ignore occlusion for now

Energy:                                           di

      E(d): {0,…,D-1}n → R
      Labels: d (depth/shift)
Random Fields in Vision

4-connected;           higher(8)-connected;        MRF with               Higher-order MRF
pairwise MRF           pairwise MRF                global variables

E(x) = ∑ θij (xi,xj)     E(x) = ∑ θij (xi,xj) E(x,) = ∑ θij (xi,xj)   E(x) = ∑ θij (xi,xj)
      i,j Є N4                 i,j Є N8              i,j Є N8              i,j Є N4
    Order 2                    Order 2               Order 2
                                                                                Order n
Highly-connect: Discretization artefacts

          4-connected           8-connected
           Euclidean             Euclidean

              higher-connectivity can model
                  true Euclidean length
                                              *Boykov et al. ‘03; ‘05+
3D reconstruction

               [Slide credits: Daniel Cremers]
Stereo with occlusion

 E(d): {1,…,D}2n → R
 Each pixel is connected to D pixels in the other image

Ground truth          Stereo with occlusion         Stereo without occlusion
                      *Kolmogrov et al. ‘02+           *Boykov et al. ‘01+
Texture De-noising

Training images       Test image     Test image (60% Noise)

  Result MRF          Result MRF         Result MRF
 4-connected          4-connected        9-connected
 (neighbours)                       (7 attractive; 2 repulsive)
Random Fields in Vision

4-connected;           higher(8)-connected;        MRF with               Higher-order MRF
pairwise MRF           pairwise MRF                global variables

E(x) = ∑ θij (xi,xj)     E(x) = ∑ θij (xi,xj) E(x,) = ∑ θij (xi,xj)   E(x) = ∑ θij (xi,xj)
      i,j Є N4                 i,j Є N8              i,j Є N8              i,j Є N4
    Order 2                    Order 2               Order 2
                                                                                Order n
Reason 4: Use Non-local parameters:
   Interactive Segmentation (GrabCut)

                    *Boykov and Jolly ’01+

                  GrabCut *Rother et al. ’04+
MRF with Global parameters:
         Interactive Segmentation (GrabCut)

 Model jointly segmentation and color model:

 E(x,w): {0,1}n x {GMMs}→ R
 E(x,w) = ∑ θi (xi,w) + ∑ θij (xi,xj)
           i           i,j Є N4

An object is a compact set of colors:

                                               *Rother et al Siggraph ’04+
Latent/Hidden CRFs
• ObjCut Kumar et. al. ‘05, Deformable
  Part Model Felzenszwalb et al., CVPR      “instance
  ’08; PoseCut Bray et al. ’06, LayoutCRF   label”
  Winn et al. ’06

• Hidden variable are never observed                                “parts”
  (either training or test), e.g. parts

• Maximizing over hidden variables

• ML: Deep Belief Networks, Restricted
  Booltzman machine [Hinton et al.]
  (often sampling is done)
                                             [LayoutCRF Winn et al. ’06+
Random Fields in Vision

4-connected;           higher(8)-connected;        MRF with               Higher-order MRF
pairwise MRF           pairwise MRF                global variables

E(x) = ∑ θij (xi,xj)     E(x) = ∑ θij (xi,xj) E(x,) = ∑ θij (xi,xj)   E(x) = ∑ θij (xi,xj)
      i,j Є N4                 i,j Є N8              i,j Є N8              i,j Є N4
    Order 2                    Order 2               Order 2
                                                                                Order n
First Example

        User input       Standard MRF:          with connectivity:
                          Ising prior:               Ising prior:
                            * Smoothing boundary       * Smoothing boundary
                            * Removes noise

E(x) = P(x) + h(x)       with h(x)=   {   ∞ if not 4-connected
                                          0 otherwise
This Tutorial:
1. What higher-order models have been used in vision?
2. How is MAP inference done for those models?
3. Relationship between higher-order MRFs and MRFs with global variables?
                    (very brief summary)
• Message Passing Techniques (BP, TRW, TRW-S)
   – Defined on the factor graph ([Potetz ’07, Lan ‘06+)
   – Can be applied to any model (in theory)
     (higher order, multi-label)

• LP-relaxation: (… more in part III)
   – Relax original problem ({0,1} to [0,1])
     and solve with existing techniques (e.g. sub-gradient)
   – Can be applied any model (dep. on solver used)
   – Connections to TRW (message passing)
                     (very brief summary)
• Dual/Problem Decomposition (… more in part III)
   – Decompose (NP-)hard problem into tractable once.
     Solve with sub-gradient
   – Can be applied any model (dep. on solver used)

• Combinatorial Optimization: (… more in part II)
   –   Binary, Pairwise MRF: Graph cut, BHS (QPBO)
   –   Multiple label, pairwise: move-making; transformation
   –   Binary, higher-order factors: transformation
   –   Multi-label, higher-order factors:
       move-making + transformation
Inference higher-oder models
                 (very brief summary)

• Arbitrary potentials are only tractable for order <7
  (memory, computation time)

• For ≥7 potentials need some structure to be
  exploited in order to make them tractable
Forthcoming book!
Advances in Markov Random Fields for Computer Vision
(Blake, Kohli, Rother)
• MIT Press (probably end of 2010)

• Most topics of this course and much, much more

• Contributors: usual suspects: Editors + Boykov, Kolmogorov,

  Weiss, Freeman, Komodiakis, ....
830-900    Introduction
900-1000   Models: small cliques
              and special potentials
1000-1030 Tea break
1030-1200 Inference: Relaxation techniques:
           LP, Lagrangian, Dual Decomposition
1200-1230 Models: global potentials
                    and discussion
Small cliques (<7)
(and transformation approach)
Optimization: Binary, Pairwise
                         E(x) =   ∑ θi (xi)   +   ∑ θij (xi,xj)        xj ϵ {0,1}
                                  i           i,j Є N

• θij (0,0) + θij (1,1) ≤ θij (0,1) + θij (1,0)
• Condition holds naturally for many vision problems
   (e.g. segmentation: |xi-xj|)
• Graph cut computes efficiently the global optimum
   (~0.5sec for 1MPixel *Boykov, Kolmogorov ‘01+ )

• BHS algorithm (also called QPBO algorithm) ([Borors, Hammer, and Sun ’91,
    Kolmogrov et al. ‘07+)
    Graph cut on a special graph: Output ,0,1,’?’-;
•   Partial optimality (various solutions for ‘?’ nodes)
•   Solves underlying LP-relaxation
•   Quality depends on application (see *Rother et al CVPR ‘07+)
•   Extensions exists QPBOP, QPBOI (see [Rother et al CVPR ’07, Woodford et al. ‘08+)
Optimization: Binary, Pairwise
f(x1,x2) = θ11x1x2 + θ10x1(1-x2) + θ01(1-x1)x2 + θ00(1-x1)(1-x2)
f(x1,x2) = ax1x2 + bx1 + cx2 + d

    Quadratic Pseudo-Boolean optimization (QPBO): B2 → R

                        Reminder : Encoding for graph-cut

          a cut gives                   s
          a labelling
          (energy)                          Θ11             all weights are positive if
                                                            (re-parameterization to
                                    Θ01 - Θ00               normal form)
                             x1                   x2
                                    Θ10 – Θ11
Optimization: binary, higher-order

f(x1,x2,x3) = θ111x1x2x3 + θ110x1x2(1-x3) + θ101x1(1-x2)x3 + …

f(x1,x2,x3) = ax1x2x3 + bx1x2 + cx2x3… + 1

                         Quadratic polynomial can be done

 Idea: transform 2+ order terms into 2nd order terms
      1. transformation by “substitution”
      2. transformation by “min. selection”
Transformation by “substitution”
   *Rosenberg ’75, Boros and Hammer ’02, Ali et al. ECCV ‘08+

  f(x1,x2,x3) = x1x2x3 + x1x2 + x2

  Auxiliary function:
  D(x1,x2,z) = x1x2 – 2x1z – 2x2z + 3z     z ϵ {0,1}
  It is:
  D(x1,x2,z) = 0 if x1x2 = z
  D(x1,x2,z) > 0 if x1x2 ≠ z

  f(x1,x2,x3) = min g(x1,x2,x3,z) = zx3 + z + x2 + K D(x1,x2,z)
  Since K very large then x1x2 = z

  Apply it recursively ….

      • Doesn’t work in practice *Ishikawa CVPR ‘09+
      • function D is non-submodular and “K enforces this strongly”
Transformation by “min. selection”
 [Freedman and Drineas ’05, Kolmogorov and Zabhi ’04, Ishikawa ’09+

   f(x1,x2,x3) = ax1x2x3

   Useful :
   -x1x2x3 = min –z(x1+x2+x3-2)          z ϵ {0,1}
    - all x1,x2,x3 = 1 then z=1
    - Otherwise z=0


    Case a<0: f(x1,x2,x3) = min –az (x1+x2+x3-2)
    Case a>0: f(x1,x2,x3) = min a{z(x1+x2+x3-1)+(x1x2+x2x3+x3x1)-(x1+x2+x3+1)}
  (similar trick)
Transformation by “min. selection”
 The general case:

 with nd = floor(d-1/2) many new variables w

                                               From *Ishikawa PAMI ’09+
Full Procedure
                               *Ishikawa ‘09+

General 5-order potential:
f(x1,x2,x3) = ax1x2x3x4x5 + bx1x2x3x4 + c x1x2x3x5 + d x1x2x4x5 + …

… transform all 2+ degree terms are only degree 2 terms

 •   Worst case exponential: potential order 5 gives up to 15 new variables.
 •   Probably tractable for up to order 6
 •   May get very hard to solve (non-submodular)
 •   Code available online on Ishikawa’s webpage
Application 1:
         De-noising with Field-of-Experts
                  [Roth and Black ’05, Ishikawa ‘09+

E(X) = ∑ (zi-xi)2 / 2σ2 + ∑ ∑ αk (1+ 0.5(Jk xc)2)
       i                  c k
          Unary                   FoE prior

xc set of nxn patches (here 2x2)
Jk set of filters:

non-convex optimization problem

     How to handle continuous labels in discrete MRF?

                                                        From *Ishikawa PAMI ’09,
                                                        Roth et al ‘05+
Solve with fusion move
       *Lempitsky et al ICCV ’07, ’08, ‘10, Woodford et al. ‘08+

Fusion move optimization:

1. X = arbitrary labelling                                          X’    (use BHS algorithm)

                              initial X’

2. E’(X’) = binary MRF                                ●      =       =
   for fusion with proposal
                                           X’=0           X’=1

3. go to 2) if energy went down                                          “Alpha expansion”

                                           Final X’          X’=1
Application 1:
              De-noising with Field-of-Experts
         [Lempitsky et al ICCV ’07, ’08, ‘10, Woodford et al. ‘08]

Properties of fusion move:

1. Performance depends on performance of BHS algorithm (labelled nodes)
2. Guarantee: E goes not up
3. In practice often labelled nodes. Because:

                 θij (0,0) + θij (1,1) ≤ θij (0,1) + θij (1,0)

                   “often low cost”

                               X’=0            X’=1
   original                                   Pairwise-model

                                                               Result: PSNR/E:

                                                                 “Factor Graph:
                                                                 BP based”

Pairwise-model   TV-norm (continuous model)       FoE              From *Ishikawa PAMI ’09+

Comparison with “substitution”:
Blur & random 0.0002% labelled

                                  From *Ishikawa PAMI ’09+
Application 2: Curvature in stereo
                   *Woodford et al CVPR ‘08+
f(x1,x2,x3) = x1 -2x2 + x3where xi ϵ {0,…,D} depth
Example: slanted plane: f(1,2,3)=0

                image        Pair-wise     Triple terms

                                                  From *Woodford et al. CVPR ’08+
Application 3:
Higher-Order Likelihood for optical flow *Glocker et al. ECCV ‘10+

                        Image 1         Image 2

   • Pair-wise MRF: Likelihood in unaries as NCC cost: approximation error!
   • Higher-order likelihood: done with triple cliques (ideally higher)

                 One image     Bi-layer triangulation   Optical flow

    • Also use 3/4-order term to not penalize any affine motion
Any size, Special potentials
  (and transformation approach)
Label-Cost Potential
        [Hoiem et al. ’07, Delong et al. ’10, Bleyer et al. ‘10+

Image                  Grabcut-style result      With cost for each new label
                                                 *Delong et al. ’10+
                                                 (Same function as [Zhu and Yuille ‘96+)
                         Label cost = 10c
                                                           Label cost = 4c

E(x) = P(x) + ∑ cl [                  p: xp= l ]             E: {1,…,L}n → R
            “pairwise l Є L
                                  “Label cost”
    Basic idea: penalize the complexity of the model
    • Minimum description length (MDL)
    • Bayesian information criterion (BIC)
    • Akaike information criteriorn (AIC)
                                                                      From *Delong et al. ’10+
How is it done …
  In an alpha expansion step:
   a   b     b   c        b    ● a         a     a     a   a
             x’= 0                             x’= 1

example 1: 1      0       1    1       1        a      b   a   a       a    Cost for b: cb

example 2:   0       1    1    0       1        a      a   a   c       a    Cost for b: 0

Formally:        E(x’) = P(x’) +                ∑ (cl – cl Π x’p)
                                                                   p Є Pl

Case a<0: a Πxi = min aw (∑xi - |Pl|+1)                                       Submodular!
                 p Є Pl            w             i

                                                                                 From *Delong et al. ’10+
Application: Model fitting
       *Delong et al. ‘10+

          No MRF
Example: surface-based stereo
                               *Bleyer et al. ‘10+

             3D scene explained by a small set of 3D surfaces

Left Image        surfaces                depth      surfaces       depth

                             No Label                       With Label
                             Cost prior                     Cost prior
3DLayout CRF: Recognition and Segmentation
                 [Hoiem et. al ‘07+

              Result s with instance cost
Robust(Soft)            P n   Potts model
  *Kohli et. al. CVPR ‘07, ‘08, PAMI ’08, IJCV ‘09+
Image Segmentation
                                                          n = number of pixels
                                                               E: {0,1}n → R
E(X) =   ∑ ci xi + ∑ dij |xi-xj|                               0 →fg, 1→bg
            i       i,j

    Image                    Unary Cost                     Segmentation

                          [Boykov and Jolly ‘ 01] [Blake et al. ‘04] [Rother et al.`04]
Pn Potts Potentials

 Patch Dictionary

h(Xp) =   {   0    if xi = 0, i ϵ p
              Cmax otherwise
          Cmax  0
                                           [slide credits: Kohli]
Pn Potts Potentials
                                            n = number of pixels
                                               E: {0,1}n → R
                                               0 →fg, 1→bg

E(X) =    ∑ ci xi + ∑ dij |xi-xj| + ∑     hp (Xp)
          i            i,j            p

h(Xp) =   {   0    if xi = 0, i ϵ p
              Cmax otherwise


                                                   [slide credits: Kohli]
Image Segmentation
                                                  n = number of pixels
                                                      E: {0,1}n → R
                                                      0 →fg, 1→bg

E(X) =   ∑ ci xi + ∑ dij |xi-xj| + ∑            hp (Xp)
         i        i,j                       p

Image               Pairwise Segmentation        Final Segmentation

                                                     [slide credits: Kohli]
Recognition and Segmentation

    Image                     One super-         another super-
                              pixelization       pixelization

      Unaries only         Pairwise CRF only        Pn Potts
      TextonBoost         *Shotton et al. ‘06+
   *Shotton et al. ‘06+

                                                               from [Kohli et al. ‘08]
Robust(soft) Pn Potts model

h(xp) =   {   0 if xi = 0, i ϵ p
              f(∑xp) otherwise

          Pn Potts                 Robust Pn Potts

                                             from [Kohli et al. ‘08]
         Recognition and Segmentation

                         Image                One super-     another super-
                                              pixelization   pixelization

   Unaries only         Pairwise CRF only       Pn Potts         robust Pn Potts   robust Pn Potts
   TextonBoost         *Shotton et al. ‘06+                                          (different f)
*Shotton et al. ‘06+

                                                                         From [Kohli et al. ‘08]
Same idea for surface-based stereo
                                    *Bleyer ‘10+

   One input       Ground truth    Stereo with        Stereo with
   image           depth        hard-segmentation   robust Pn Potts

This approach gets best result on
Middlebury Teddy image-pair:
How is it done…
Most general binary function:
                   H (X) = F ( ∑ xi ) concave

                    H (X)

                            0                  ∑ xi
     The transformation is to a submodular pair-wise MRF, hence
     optimization globally optimal

                                                                  [slide credits: Kohli]
Higher order to Quadratic
• Start with Pn Potts model:

             f(x) =    {   0 if all xi = 0
                           C1 otherwise
                                                   x ϵ {0,1}n

      min f(x)        =       min C1a + C1 (1-a) ∑xi
        x                    x,a ϵ {0,1}
      Higher Order                    Quadratic Submodular
        Function                            Function

   ∑xi = 0            f(x) = 0               a=0
   ∑xi > 0            f(x) = C1            a=1
                                                        [slide credits: Kohli]
Higher order to Quadratic

      min f(x)          =             min C1a + C1 (1-a) ∑xi
       x                              x,a ϵ {0,1}
Higher Order Function                               Quadratic Submodular



                    1       2     3
                                                                 [slide credits: Kohli]
Higher order to Quadratic

     min f(x)             =             min C1a + C1 (1-a) ∑xi
      x                                 x,a ϵ {0,1}
   Higher Order                                        Quadratic Submodular
Submodular Function                                          Function


                a=0                              a=1
                                                                  Lower envelop
                                                                   of concave
           C1                                                      functions is

                      1       2     3
                                                                    [slide credits: Kohli]
Higher order to Quadratic

     min f(x)
                          =         min f1 (x)a + f2(x) (1-a)
                                        x,a ϵ {0,1}
   Higher Order                                       Quadratic Submodular
Submodular Function                                         Function


                                             f1(x)               Lower envelop
                                                                  of concave
                                                                  functions is

                      1       2     3
                                                                   [slide credits: Kohli]
Higher order to Quadratic

               min f(x)
                                       =            min f1 (x)a + f2(x) (1-a)
                                                     x,a ϵ {0,1}
        Higher Order                                                      Quadratic Submodular
     Submodular Function                                                        Function

           +                 a=0                                    a=1
                                                           f1(x)                     Lower envelop
          =                                                                           of concave
                                                                                      functions is

                                   1       2        3
Arbitrary concave functions: sum potentials up
(each breakpoint adds a new binary variable) *Vicente et al. ‘09+                      [slide credits: Kohli]
Beyond Pn Potts … soft Pattern-based Potentials
                   *Rother et al. ’08, Komodikis et al. ‘08+

  Motivation: binary image de-noising

                                           Result pairwise-MRF           Higher-order MRF
 Training         Test             with
 Image            Image            noise   (7 attractive; 2 repulsive)

            Higher Order Structure
                 not Preserved
Sparse higher-order functions

 Minimize: E(X) = P(X) +             ∑ hc (Xc)
  Where: hc: {0,1}|c| → R

Higher Order Function (|c| = 10x10 = 100)
 Assigns cost to 2100 possible labellings!

Exploit function structure to transform
        it to a Pairwise function
How this can be done…
 One clique, one pattern:

  hc(x) =
            {   0 if xc = P0
                k otherwise

 hc(x) = min ka + k(1-b) – ka(1-b) + k ∑ (1-a)xi + k ∑ b(1-xi)
            a,b                         i ϵ S0(P0)           i ϵ S1(P0)

Check it:
1. Pattern off => a=1,b=0 (cost k)                       k
2. Patter on => a=0, b=1 (cost 0)
1. Term: “kab” is non-submodular                     k   k
2. Only BP, TRW worked for inference            -k
General Potential:
Add all terms up
Soft multi-label Pattern-based

P1      P2      P3

                             P patterns (multi-label)

                            P soft deviation functions

w1     w2       w3

     Function per clique:

     hc(x) = min {min ka + ∑ wia [xi ≠ Pa(i)] , kmax}
                     a ϵ {1,…,L}    i
How it is done…
Function per clique:
hc(x) = min {min ka + ∑ wia [xi ≠ Pa(i)] , kmax}
                    a ϵ {1,…,L}     i


With a pattern-switching variable z:

hc(xc) = min            f(z) + ∑ g(z,xi)
            z ϵ {1,…,L+1}         iϵc

               ka       if z = a
f(z) =
               kmax if z = L+1

g(z,xi) =
          {       wia if z = a and xi ≠ Pa(i)
                  0 if z = L+1

We use BP for optimization, since
submodular and other solvers inferior
Results: Multi-label

  Training; 256 labels           Test; 256 labels           Test + noise; 256 labels

Pairwise (15 label)      10 10x10 Hard Pattern (15 label) 10 10x10 Soft Pattern (15 label)
(5.6sec; BP 10iter.)     (48sec; BP 10iter.)              (48sec; BP 10iter.)
Standard Patch-based MRFs
[Learning Low-Level Vision, Freeman IJCV ‘04+


                          xj           xl
                     xi          xk

 E(x) = U(x) + P(x)                  E: {1,…,L}n → R
                    measures patch

  Not all labels possible (comparison still to be done)

 Tea break!

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  • 2. Schedule 830-900 Introduction 900-1000 Models: small cliques and special potentials 1000-1030 Tea break 1030-1200 Inference: Relaxation techniques: LP, Lagrangian, Dual Decomposition 1200-1230 Models: global potentials and global parameters + discussion
  • 3. A gentle intro to MRFs Goal z = (R,G,B)n x = {0,1}n Given z and unknown (latent) variables x : P(x|z) = P(z|x) P(x) / P(z) ~ P(z|x) P(x) Posterior Likelihood Prior Probability (data- (data- dependent) independent) Maximium a Posteriori (MAP): x* = argmax P(x|z) x
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  • 6. Prior P(x|z) ~ P(z|x) P(x) xi xj P(x) = 1/f ∏ θij (xi,xj) i,j Є N f = ∑ ∏ θij (xi,xj) “partition function” x i,j Є N θij (xi,xj) = exp{-|xi-xj|} “ising prior” (exp{-1}=0.36; exp{0}=1)
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  • 9. Posterior distribution P(x|z) ~ P(z|x) P(x) “Gibbs” distribution: P(x|z) = 1/f(z,w) exp{-E(x,z,w)} E(x,z,w) = ∑ θi (xi,zi) + w∑ θij (xi,xj) Energy i i,j Unary terms Pairwise terms θi (xi,zi) = P(zi|xi=1) xi + P(zi|xi=0) (1-xi) Likelihood θij (xi,xj) = |xi-xj| prior
  • 10. Energy minization P(x|z) = 1/f(z,w) exp{-E(x,z,w)} f(z,w) = ∑ exp{-E(x,z,w)} X -log P(x|z) = -log (1/f(z,w)) + E(x,z,w) x* = argmin E(x,z,w) MAP same as minimum Energy X MAP; Global min E ML
  • 11. Random Field Models for Computer Vision Inference: Model :  Variables: discrete or continuous?  Combinatorial optimization: e.g. Graph Cut  If discrete: how many labels?  Message Passing: e.g. BP, TRW  Space: discrete or continuous?  Iterated Conditional Modes (ICM)  Dependences between variables?  LP-relaxation: e.g. Cutting-plane  How many variables?  Problem decomposition + subgradient  …  … Applications:  2D/3D Image segmentation Learning:  Object Recognition  Exhaustive search (grid search)  3D reconstruction  Pseudo-Likelihood approximation  Stereo / optical flow  Image denoising  Training in Pieces  Texture Synthesis  Max-margin  Pose estimation  …  Panoramic Stitching  …
  • 12. Introducing Factor Graphs Write probability distributions as Graphical model: - Direct graphical model - Undirected graphical model “traditionally used for MRFs” - Factor graphs “best way to visualize the underlying energy” References: - Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning *Bishop ‘08, book, chapter 8+ - several lectures at the Machine Learning Summer School 2009 (see video lectures)
  • 13. Factor Graphs P(x) ~ θ(x1,x2,x3) θ(x2,x4) θ(x3,x4) θ(x3,x5) “4 factors” P(x) ~ exp{-E(x)} Gibbs distribution E(x) = θ(x1,x2,x3) + θ(x2,x4) + θ(x3,x4) + θ(x3,x5) unobserved x1 x2 variables are in same factor. x3 x4 x5 Factor graph
  • 14. Definition “Order” x x2 1 Definition “Order”: The arity (number of variables) of the largest factor x3 x4 Factor graph P(X) ~ θ(x1,x2,x3) θ(x2,x4) θ(x3,x4) θ(x3,x5) with order 3 x5 arity 3 arity 2 Triple clique x1 x2 Extras: • I will use “factor” and “clique” in the same way • Not fully correct since clique may or may not decompose x3 x4 • Definition of “order” same for clique and factor • Markov Property: Random Field with low-order Undirected factors/cliques. model x5
  • 15. Random Fields in Vision 4-connected; higher(8)-connected; MRF with Higher-order MRF pairwise MRF pairwise MRF global variables E(x) = ∑ θij (xi,xj) E(x) = ∑ θij (xi,xj) E(x) = ∑ θij (xi,xj) E(x) = ∑ θij (xi,xj) i,j Є N4 i,j Є N8 i,j Є N8 i,j Є N4 +θ(x1,…,xn) Order 2 Order 2 Order 2 Order n
  • 16. 4-connected: Segmentation E(x) = ∑ θi (xi,zi) + ∑ θij (xi,xj) i i,j Є N4 Observed variable Unobserved variable zi xj xi Factor graph
  • 17. 4-connected: Segmentation (CRF) E(x) = ∑ θi (xi,zi) + ∑ θij (xi,xj,zi,zj) i i,j Є N4 Observed variable zjj Unobserved (latent) variable zii z xjj xji Factor graph MRF Conditional Random Field (CRF) no pure prior
  • 18. 4-connected: Stereo matching Image – left(a) Image – right(b) Ground truth depth [Boykov et al. ‘01+ • Images rectified • Ignore occlusion for now Energy: di E(d): {0,…,D-1}n → R Labels: d (depth/shift)
  • 19. Random Fields in Vision 4-connected; higher(8)-connected; MRF with Higher-order MRF pairwise MRF pairwise MRF global variables E(x) = ∑ θij (xi,xj) E(x) = ∑ θij (xi,xj) E(x,) = ∑ θij (xi,xj) E(x) = ∑ θij (xi,xj) i,j Є N4 i,j Є N8 i,j Є N8 i,j Є N4 +θ(x1,…,xn) Order 2 Order 2 Order 2 Order n
  • 20. Highly-connect: Discretization artefacts 4-connected 8-connected Euclidean Euclidean higher-connectivity can model true Euclidean length *Boykov et al. ‘03; ‘05+
  • 21. 3D reconstruction [Slide credits: Daniel Cremers]
  • 22. Stereo with occlusion E(d): {1,…,D}2n → R Each pixel is connected to D pixels in the other image Ground truth Stereo with occlusion Stereo without occlusion *Kolmogrov et al. ‘02+ *Boykov et al. ‘01+
  • 23. Texture De-noising Training images Test image Test image (60% Noise) Result MRF Result MRF Result MRF 4-connected 4-connected 9-connected (neighbours) (7 attractive; 2 repulsive)
  • 24. Random Fields in Vision 4-connected; higher(8)-connected; MRF with Higher-order MRF pairwise MRF pairwise MRF global variables E(x) = ∑ θij (xi,xj) E(x) = ∑ θij (xi,xj) E(x,) = ∑ θij (xi,xj) E(x) = ∑ θij (xi,xj) i,j Є N4 i,j Є N8 i,j Є N8 i,j Є N4 +θ(x1,…,xn) Order 2 Order 2 Order 2 Order n
  • 25. Reason 4: Use Non-local parameters: Interactive Segmentation (GrabCut) *Boykov and Jolly ’01+ GrabCut *Rother et al. ’04+
  • 26. MRF with Global parameters: Interactive Segmentation (GrabCut) w Model jointly segmentation and color model: E(x,w): {0,1}n x {GMMs}→ R E(x,w) = ∑ θi (xi,w) + ∑ θij (xi,xj) i i,j Є N4 An object is a compact set of colors: Red Red *Rother et al Siggraph ’04+
  • 27. Latent/Hidden CRFs “instance” • ObjCut Kumar et. al. ‘05, Deformable Part Model Felzenszwalb et al., CVPR “instance ’08; PoseCut Bray et al. ’06, LayoutCRF label” Winn et al. ’06 • Hidden variable are never observed “parts” (either training or test), e.g. parts • Maximizing over hidden variables • ML: Deep Belief Networks, Restricted Booltzman machine [Hinton et al.] (often sampling is done) [LayoutCRF Winn et al. ’06+
  • 28. Random Fields in Vision 4-connected; higher(8)-connected; MRF with Higher-order MRF pairwise MRF pairwise MRF global variables E(x) = ∑ θij (xi,xj) E(x) = ∑ θij (xi,xj) E(x,) = ∑ θij (xi,xj) E(x) = ∑ θij (xi,xj) i,j Є N4 i,j Є N8 i,j Є N8 i,j Є N4 +θ(x1,…,xn) Order 2 Order 2 Order 2 Order n
  • 29. First Example User input Standard MRF: with connectivity: Ising prior: Ising prior: * Smoothing boundary * Smoothing boundary * Removes noise E(x) = P(x) + h(x) with h(x)= { ∞ if not 4-connected 0 otherwise This Tutorial: 1. What higher-order models have been used in vision? 2. How is MAP inference done for those models? 3. Relationship between higher-order MRFs and MRFs with global variables?
  • 30. Inference (very brief summary) • Message Passing Techniques (BP, TRW, TRW-S) – Defined on the factor graph ([Potetz ’07, Lan ‘06+) – Can be applied to any model (in theory) (higher order, multi-label) • LP-relaxation: (… more in part III) – Relax original problem ({0,1} to [0,1]) and solve with existing techniques (e.g. sub-gradient) – Can be applied any model (dep. on solver used) – Connections to TRW (message passing)
  • 31. Inference (very brief summary) • Dual/Problem Decomposition (… more in part III) – Decompose (NP-)hard problem into tractable once. Solve with sub-gradient – Can be applied any model (dep. on solver used) • Combinatorial Optimization: (… more in part II) – Binary, Pairwise MRF: Graph cut, BHS (QPBO) – Multiple label, pairwise: move-making; transformation – Binary, higher-order factors: transformation – Multi-label, higher-order factors: move-making + transformation
  • 32. Inference higher-oder models (very brief summary) • Arbitrary potentials are only tractable for order <7 (memory, computation time) • For ≥7 potentials need some structure to be exploited in order to make them tractable
  • 33. Forthcoming book! Advances in Markov Random Fields for Computer Vision (Blake, Kohli, Rother) • MIT Press (probably end of 2010) • Most topics of this course and much, much more • Contributors: usual suspects: Editors + Boykov, Kolmogorov, Weiss, Freeman, Komodiakis, ....
  • 34. Schedule 830-900 Introduction 900-1000 Models: small cliques and special potentials 1000-1030 Tea break 1030-1200 Inference: Relaxation techniques: LP, Lagrangian, Dual Decomposition 1200-1230 Models: global potentials and discussion
  • 35. Small cliques (<7) (and transformation approach)
  • 36. Optimization: Binary, Pairwise E(x) = ∑ θi (xi) + ∑ θij (xi,xj) xj ϵ {0,1} i i,j Є N Submodular: • θij (0,0) + θij (1,1) ≤ θij (0,1) + θij (1,0) • Condition holds naturally for many vision problems (e.g. segmentation: |xi-xj|) • Graph cut computes efficiently the global optimum (~0.5sec for 1MPixel *Boykov, Kolmogorov ‘01+ ) Non-Submolduar: • BHS algorithm (also called QPBO algorithm) ([Borors, Hammer, and Sun ’91, Kolmogrov et al. ‘07+) Graph cut on a special graph: Output ,0,1,’?’-; • Partial optimality (various solutions for ‘?’ nodes) • Solves underlying LP-relaxation • Quality depends on application (see *Rother et al CVPR ‘07+) • Extensions exists QPBOP, QPBOI (see [Rother et al CVPR ’07, Woodford et al. ‘08+)
  • 37. Optimization: Binary, Pairwise f(x1,x2) = θ11x1x2 + θ10x1(1-x2) + θ01(1-x1)x2 + θ00(1-x1)(1-x2) f(x1,x2) = ax1x2 + bx1 + cx2 + d Quadratic Pseudo-Boolean optimization (QPBO): B2 → R Reminder : Encoding for graph-cut a cut gives s a labelling (energy) Θ11 all weights are positive if submodular (re-parameterization to Θ01 - Θ00 normal form) x1 x2 Θ10 – Θ11 Θ00 t
  • 38. Optimization: binary, higher-order f(x1,x2,x3) = θ111x1x2x3 + θ110x1x2(1-x3) + θ101x1(1-x2)x3 + … f(x1,x2,x3) = ax1x2x3 + bx1x2 + cx2x3… + 1 Quadratic polynomial can be done Idea: transform 2+ order terms into 2nd order terms Methods: 1. transformation by “substitution” 2. transformation by “min. selection”
  • 39. Transformation by “substitution” *Rosenberg ’75, Boros and Hammer ’02, Ali et al. ECCV ‘08+ f(x1,x2,x3) = x1x2x3 + x1x2 + x2 Auxiliary function: D(x1,x2,z) = x1x2 – 2x1z – 2x2z + 3z z ϵ {0,1} It is: D(x1,x2,z) = 0 if x1x2 = z D(x1,x2,z) > 0 if x1x2 ≠ z “Substitution”: f(x1,x2,x3) = min g(x1,x2,x3,z) = zx3 + z + x2 + K D(x1,x2,z) z Since K very large then x1x2 = z Apply it recursively …. Problem: • Doesn’t work in practice *Ishikawa CVPR ‘09+ • function D is non-submodular and “K enforces this strongly”
  • 40. Transformation by “min. selection” [Freedman and Drineas ’05, Kolmogorov and Zabhi ’04, Ishikawa ’09+ f(x1,x2,x3) = ax1x2x3 Useful : -x1x2x3 = min –z(x1+x2+x3-2) z ϵ {0,1} z Check: - all x1,x2,x3 = 1 then z=1 - Otherwise z=0 Transform: Case a<0: f(x1,x2,x3) = min –az (x1+x2+x3-2) z Case a>0: f(x1,x2,x3) = min a{z(x1+x2+x3-1)+(x1x2+x2x3+x3x1)-(x1+x2+x3+1)} z (similar trick)
  • 41. Transformation by “min. selection” The general case: with nd = floor(d-1/2) many new variables w From *Ishikawa PAMI ’09+
  • 42. Full Procedure *Ishikawa ‘09+ General 5-order potential: f(x1,x2,x3) = ax1x2x3x4x5 + bx1x2x3x4 + c x1x2x3x5 + d x1x2x4x5 + … … transform all 2+ degree terms are only degree 2 terms • Worst case exponential: potential order 5 gives up to 15 new variables. • Probably tractable for up to order 6 • May get very hard to solve (non-submodular) • Code available online on Ishikawa’s webpage
  • 43. Application 1: De-noising with Field-of-Experts [Roth and Black ’05, Ishikawa ‘09+ z E(X) = ∑ (zi-xi)2 / 2σ2 + ∑ ∑ αk (1+ 0.5(Jk xc)2) i c k Unary FoE prior liklihood x xc set of nxn patches (here 2x2) Jk set of filters: non-convex optimization problem How to handle continuous labels in discrete MRF? From *Ishikawa PAMI ’09, Roth et al ‘05+
  • 44. Solve with fusion move *Lempitsky et al ICCV ’07, ’08, ‘10, Woodford et al. ‘08+ Fusion move optimization: 1. X = arbitrary labelling X’ (use BHS algorithm) initial X’ 2. E’(X’) = binary MRF ● = = for fusion with proposal X’=0 X’=1 3. go to 2) if energy went down “Alpha expansion” Final X’ X’=1
  • 45. Application 1: De-noising with Field-of-Experts [Lempitsky et al ICCV ’07, ’08, ‘10, Woodford et al. ‘08] Properties of fusion move: 1. Performance depends on performance of BHS algorithm (labelled nodes) 2. Guarantee: E goes not up 3. In practice often labelled nodes. Because: θij (0,0) + θij (1,1) ≤ θij (0,1) + θij (1,0) “often low cost” X’=0 X’=1
  • 46. noisy Results original Pairwise-model Result: PSNR/E: “Factor Graph: BP based” Pairwise-model TV-norm (continuous model) FoE From *Ishikawa PAMI ’09+
  • 47. Results Comparison with “substitution”: Blur & random 0.0002% labelled From *Ishikawa PAMI ’09+
  • 48. Application 2: Curvature in stereo *Woodford et al CVPR ‘08+ f(x1,x2,x3) = x1 -2x2 + x3where xi ϵ {0,…,D} depth Example: slanted plane: f(1,2,3)=0 image Pair-wise Triple terms From *Woodford et al. CVPR ’08+
  • 49. Application 3: Higher-Order Likelihood for optical flow *Glocker et al. ECCV ‘10+ Image 1 Image 2 • Pair-wise MRF: Likelihood in unaries as NCC cost: approximation error! • Higher-order likelihood: done with triple cliques (ideally higher) One image Bi-layer triangulation Optical flow • Also use 3/4-order term to not penalize any affine motion
  • 50. Any size, Special potentials (and transformation approach)
  • 51. Label-Cost Potential [Hoiem et al. ’07, Delong et al. ’10, Bleyer et al. ‘10+ Image Grabcut-style result With cost for each new label *Delong et al. ’10+ (Same function as [Zhu and Yuille ‘96+) Label cost = 10c Label cost = 4c E(x) = P(x) + ∑ cl [ p: xp= l ] E: {1,…,L}n → R E “pairwise l Є L “Label cost” MRF” Basic idea: penalize the complexity of the model • Minimum description length (MDL) • Bayesian information criterion (BIC) • Akaike information criteriorn (AIC) From *Delong et al. ’10+
  • 52. How is it done … In an alpha expansion step: a b b c b ● a a a a a x’= 0 x’= 1 example 1: 1 0 1 1 1 a b a a a Cost for b: cb x’ example 2: 0 1 1 0 1 a a a c a Cost for b: 0 x’ Formally: E(x’) = P(x’) + ∑ (cl – cl Π x’p) p Є Pl lЄL Case a<0: a Πxi = min aw (∑xi - |Pl|+1) Submodular! p Є Pl w i From *Delong et al. ’10+
  • 53. Application: Model fitting *Delong et al. ‘10+ No MRF
  • 54. Example: surface-based stereo *Bleyer et al. ‘10+ 3D scene explained by a small set of 3D surfaces Left Image surfaces depth surfaces depth No Label With Label Cost prior Cost prior
  • 55. Example: 3DLayout CRF: Recognition and Segmentation [Hoiem et. al ‘07+ Result s with instance cost
  • 56. Robust(Soft) P n Potts model *Kohli et. al. CVPR ‘07, ‘08, PAMI ’08, IJCV ‘09+
  • 57. Image Segmentation n = number of pixels E: {0,1}n → R E(X) = ∑ ci xi + ∑ dij |xi-xj| 0 →fg, 1→bg i i,j Image Unary Cost Segmentation [Boykov and Jolly ‘ 01] [Blake et al. ‘04] [Rother et al.`04]
  • 58. Pn Potts Potentials Patch Dictionary (Tree) h(Xp) = { 0 if xi = 0, i ϵ p Cmax otherwise p Cmax  0 [slide credits: Kohli]
  • 59. Pn Potts Potentials n = number of pixels E: {0,1}n → R 0 →fg, 1→bg E(X) = ∑ ci xi + ∑ dij |xi-xj| + ∑ hp (Xp) i i,j p h(Xp) = { 0 if xi = 0, i ϵ p Cmax otherwise p [slide credits: Kohli]
  • 60. Image Segmentation n = number of pixels E: {0,1}n → R 0 →fg, 1→bg E(X) = ∑ ci xi + ∑ dij |xi-xj| + ∑ hp (Xp) i i,j p Image Pairwise Segmentation Final Segmentation [slide credits: Kohli]
  • 61. Application: Recognition and Segmentation Image One super- another super- pixelization pixelization Unaries only Pairwise CRF only Pn Potts TextonBoost *Shotton et al. ‘06+ *Shotton et al. ‘06+ from [Kohli et al. ‘08]
  • 62. Robust(soft) Pn Potts model h(xp) = { 0 if xi = 0, i ϵ p f(∑xp) otherwise p p Pn Potts Robust Pn Potts from [Kohli et al. ‘08]
  • 63. Application: Recognition and Segmentation Image One super- another super- pixelization pixelization Unaries only Pairwise CRF only Pn Potts robust Pn Potts robust Pn Potts TextonBoost *Shotton et al. ‘06+ (different f) *Shotton et al. ‘06+ From [Kohli et al. ‘08]
  • 64. Same idea for surface-based stereo *Bleyer ‘10+ One input Ground truth Stereo with Stereo with image depth hard-segmentation robust Pn Potts This approach gets best result on Middlebury Teddy image-pair:
  • 65. How is it done… Most general binary function: H (X) = F ( ∑ xi ) concave H (X) 0 ∑ xi The transformation is to a submodular pair-wise MRF, hence optimization globally optimal [slide credits: Kohli]
  • 66. Higher order to Quadratic • Start with Pn Potts model: f(x) = { 0 if all xi = 0 C1 otherwise x ϵ {0,1}n min f(x) = min C1a + C1 (1-a) ∑xi x x,a ϵ {0,1} Higher Order Quadratic Submodular Function Function ∑xi = 0 f(x) = 0 a=0 ∑xi > 0 f(x) = C1 a=1 [slide credits: Kohli]
  • 67. Higher order to Quadratic min f(x) = min C1a + C1 (1-a) ∑xi x x,a ϵ {0,1} Higher Order Function Quadratic Submodular Function C1∑xi C1 1 2 3 ∑xi [slide credits: Kohli]
  • 68. Higher order to Quadratic min f(x) = min C1a + C1 (1-a) ∑xi x x,a ϵ {0,1} Higher Order Quadratic Submodular Submodular Function Function C1∑xi a=0 a=1 Lower envelop of concave C1 functions is concave 1 2 3 ∑xi [slide credits: Kohli]
  • 69. Higher order to Quadratic min f(x) x = min f1 (x)a + f2(x) (1-a) x,a ϵ {0,1} Higher Order Quadratic Submodular Submodular Function Function f2(x) f1(x) Lower envelop of concave functions is concave 1 2 3 ∑xi [slide credits: Kohli]
  • 70. Higher order to Quadratic min f(x) x = min f1 (x)a + f2(x) (1-a) x,a ϵ {0,1} Higher Order Quadratic Submodular Submodular Function Function f2(x) + a=0 a=1 f1(x) Lower envelop = of concave functions is concave 1 2 3 ∑xi Arbitrary concave functions: sum potentials up (each breakpoint adds a new binary variable) *Vicente et al. ‘09+ [slide credits: Kohli]
  • 71. Beyond Pn Potts … soft Pattern-based Potentials *Rother et al. ’08, Komodikis et al. ‘08+ Motivation: binary image de-noising Result pairwise-MRF Higher-order MRF Training Test with 9-connected Image Image noise (7 attractive; 2 repulsive) Higher Order Structure not Preserved
  • 72. Sparse higher-order functions Minimize: E(X) = P(X) + ∑ hc (Xc) c Where: hc: {0,1}|c| → R Higher Order Function (|c| = 10x10 = 100) Assigns cost to 2100 possible labellings! Exploit function structure to transform it to a Pairwise function
  • 73. How this can be done… One clique, one pattern: hc(x) = { 0 if xc = P0 k otherwise P0 hc(x) = min ka + k(1-b) – ka(1-b) + k ∑ (1-a)xi + k ∑ b(1-xi) a,b i ϵ S0(P0) i ϵ S1(P0) Check it: 1. Pattern off => a=1,b=0 (cost k) k 2. Patter on => a=0, b=1 (cost 0) k Problem: 1. Term: “kab” is non-submodular k k 2. Only BP, TRW worked for inference -k k General Potential: Add all terms up
  • 74. Soft multi-label Pattern-based P1 P2 P3 P patterns (multi-label) P soft deviation functions w1 w2 w3 Function per clique: hc(x) = min {min ka + ∑ wia [xi ≠ Pa(i)] , kmax} a ϵ {1,…,L} i
  • 75. How it is done… Function per clique: hc(x) = min {min ka + ∑ wia [xi ≠ Pa(i)] , kmax} a ϵ {1,…,L} i z With a pattern-switching variable z: hc(xc) = min f(z) + ∑ g(z,xi) z ϵ {1,…,L+1} iϵc { ka if z = a f(z) = kmax if z = L+1 g(z,xi) = { wia if z = a and xi ≠ Pa(i) 0 if z = L+1 We use BP for optimization, since submodular and other solvers inferior
  • 76. Results: Multi-label Training; 256 labels Test; 256 labels Test + noise; 256 labels Pairwise (15 label) 10 10x10 Hard Pattern (15 label) 10 10x10 Soft Pattern (15 label) (5.6sec; BP 10iter.) (48sec; BP 10iter.) (48sec; BP 10iter.)
  • 77. Standard Patch-based MRFs [Learning Low-Level Vision, Freeman IJCV ‘04+ Multi-label xj xl xi xk E(x) = U(x) + P(x) E: {1,…,L}n → R measures patch overlap Not all labels possible (comparison still to be done)