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Hack Tutorial
↳ 吉澤和香奈
↳ カツラじゃありません
↳ 1987/6/30生まれO型
↳ PHPに出会ったのは2012
↳ HNは「wakana」「わかな
(HipHop Virtual Machine)
(HipHop Virtual Machine)
Hack Tutorial(公式)
Exercise 1
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Exercise 2
// ^-- FIXME: replace <?php with <?hh
// A Hack file always starts with <?hh
// ^-- FIXME: replace <?php with <?hh
// A Hack file always starts with <?hh
Exercise 3
// Hack functions are annotated with types.
function my_negation(bool $x): bool {
return !$x;
// FIXME: annotate this function parameter
// and return with the type 'int'.
function add_one(/* TODO */ $x): /* TODO */ {
return $x+1;
// Hack functions are annotated with types.
function my_negation(bool $x): bool {
return !$x;
// FIXME: annotate this function parameter
// and return with the type 'int'.
function add_one(int $x): int {
return $x+1;
Exercise 4
/* Hack errors come in multiple parts.
* Hover over the underlined parts!
function add_one(int $x): int {
return $x+1;
function test(): void {
$my_string = 'hello';
// Some clever code ...
/* Hack errors come in multiple parts.
* Hover over the underlined parts!
function add_one(int $x): int {
return $x+1;
function test(): void {
$my_string = 'hello';
// Some clever code ...
add_one((int) $my_string);
Exercise 5
// Prefixing a type with '?' permits null.
// TODO: fix the type of the parameter $x to permit null.
function f(int $x): void {
function test(): void {
// Prefixing a type with '?' permits null.
// TODO: fix the type of the parameter $x to permit null.
function f(?int $x): void {
function test(): void {
Exercise 6
interface User { public function getName(): string; }
function get_user_name(?User $user): string {
if($user !== null) {
// We checked that $user was not null.
// Its type is now 'User'.
/* TODO: return $user->getName() */
return '<invalid name>';
function test(User $user) {
$name1 = get_user_name($user);
$name2 = get_user_name(null);
interface User { public function getName(): string; }
function get_user_name(?User $user): string {
if($user !== null) {
// We checked that $user was not null.
// Its type is now 'User'.
return $user->getName();
return '<invalid name>';
function test(User $user) {
$name1 = get_user_name($user);
$name2 = get_user_name(null);
Exercise 7
interface User { public function getName(): string; }
// There are many ways to handle null values.
// Throwing an exception is one of them.
function get_user_name(?User $user): string {
if($user === null) {
throw new RuntimeException('Invalid user name');
/* TODO: return $user->getName() */
function test(User $user) {
$name1 = get_user_name($user);
$name2 = get_user_name(null);
interface User { public function getName(): string; }
// There are many ways to handle null values.
// Throwing an exception is one of them.
function get_user_name(?User $user): string {
if($user === null) {
throw new RuntimeException('Invalid user name');
return $user->getName();
function test(User $user) {
$name1 = get_user_name($user);
$name2 = get_user_name(null);
Exercise 8
// Hack introduces new collection types (Vector, Set and Map).
function test(): int {
// Vector is preferred over array(1, 2, 3)
$vector = Vector {1, 2, 3};
$sum = 0;
foreach ($vector as $val) {
$sum += $val;
return $sum;
// Hack introduces new collection types (Vector, Set and Map).
function test(): int {
// Vector is preferred over array(1, 2, 3)
$vector = Vector {1, 2, 3};
$sum = 0;
foreach ($vector as $val) {
$sum += $val;
return $sum;
// Arrayよりも高速なVectorが使えます
Exercise 9
// Hack uses generics for Collection types.
// TODO: fix the return type of the function 'test'
function test(): Vector<string> {
$vector = Vector {1, 2, 3};
return $vector;
// Hack uses generics for Collection types.
// TODO: fix the return type of the function 'test'
function test(): Vector<string> {
$vector = Vector {“1”, “2”, “3”};
return $vector;
Exercise 10
function vector_add1(Vector<int> $v): Vector<int> {
// Example of lambda expressions.
return $v->map($x ==> $x + 1);
function vector_mult2(Vector<int> $v): Vector<int> {
// TODO: write a function multiplying all the elements by 2
function vector_add1(Vector<int> $v): Vector<int> {
// Example of lambda expressions.
return $v->map($x ==> $x + 1);
function vector_mult2(Vector<int> $v): Vector<int> {
// TODO: write a function multiplying all the elements by 2
return $v->map($x ==> $x * 2);
Exercise 11
* Congratulations!
* You completed the beginner's tutorial.
* Click next to continue in expert mode.
Exercise 12
// All the members of a class must be initialized
class Point {
private float $x;
private float $y;
public function __construct(float $x, float $y) {
$this->x = $x;
// FIXME: initalize the member 'y'
// All the members of a class must be initialized
class Point {
private float $x;
private float $y;
public function __construct(float $x, float $y) {
$this->x = $x;
// FIXME: initalize the member 'y'
$this->y = $y;
Exercise 13
// Check out this new syntax!
// It's shorter and does the same thing ...
class Point {
public function __construct(
private float $x,
private float $y
) {}
// Check out this new syntax!
// It's shorter and does the same thing ...
class Point {
public function __construct(
private float $x,
private float $y
) {}
// このような新しい書き方で今までより短くなります
Exercise 14
// You can create your own generics!
class Store<T> {
public function __construct(private T $data) {}
public function get(): T { return $this->data; }
public function set(T $x): void { $this->data = $x; }
// TODO: fix the return type of the function test
function test(): Store<int> {
$data = 'Hello world!';
$x = new Store($data);
return $x;
// You can create your own generics!
class Store<T> {
public function __construct(private T $data) {}
public function get(): T { return $this->data; }
public function set(T $x): void { $this->data = $x; }
// TODO: fix the return type of the function test
function test(): Store<string> {
$data = 'Hello world!';
$x = new Store($data);
return $x;
Exercise 15
// You can specify constraints on generics.
interface MyInterface {
public function foo(): void;
// TODO: uncomment 'as MyInterface'
// T as MyInterface means any object as long as
// it implements MyInterface
function call_foo<T /* as MyInterface */>(T $x): T {
return $x;
// You can specify constraints on generics.
interface MyInterface {
public function foo(): void;
// TODO: uncomment 'as MyInterface'
// T as MyInterface means any object as long as
// it implements MyInterface
function call_foo<T as MyInterface>(T $x): T {
return $x;
Exercise 16
// The type 'this' always points to the most derived type
class MyBaseClass {
protected int $count = 0;
// TODO: replace 'MyBaseClass' by 'this'
public function add1(): MyBaseClass {
$this->count += 1;
return $this;
class MyDerivedClass extends MyBaseClass {
public function print_count(): void { echo $this->count; }
function test(): void {
$x = new MyDerivedClass();
// The type 'this' always points to the most derived type
class MyBaseClass {
protected int $count = 0;
// TODO: replace 'MyBaseClass' by 'this'
public function add1(): this {
$this->count += 1;
return $this;
class MyDerivedClass extends MyBaseClass {
public function print_count(): void { echo $this->count; }
function test(): void {
$x = new MyDerivedClass();
Exercise 17
// When a type is too long, you can use a type alias.
type Matrix<T> = Vector<Vector<T>>;
function first_row<T>(Matrix<T> $matrix): Vector<T> {
return $matrix[0];
// When a type is too long, you can use a type alias.
type Matrix<T> = Vector<Vector<T>>;
function first_row<T>(Matrix<T> $matrix): Vector<T> {
return $matrix[0];
// タイプが長い時は別名を指定出来ます
Exercise 18
// Tuples represent fixed size arrays.
// TODO: fix the return type.
function my_first_pair((int, bool) $pair): int {
list($_, $result) = $pair;
return $result;
// Tuples represent fixed size arrays.
// TODO: fix the return type.
function my_first_pair((int, bool) $pair): int {
list($result, $_) = $pair;
return $result;
Exercise 19
// Shapes can be used for arrays with constant string keys.
type my_shape = shape(
'field1' => int,
'field2' => bool,
function first_shape(): my_shape {
$result = shape('field1' => 1);
// TODO: set 'field2' to the value true
// on $result to complete the shape.
return $result;
// Shapes can be used for arrays with constant string keys.
type my_shape = shape(
'field1' => int,
'field2' => bool,
function first_shape(): my_shape {
$result = my_shape(1, true);
// TODO: set 'field2' to the value true
// on $result to complete the shape.
return $result;
Exercise 20
// You can specify the types of functions too.
function apply_int<T>((function(int): T) $callback, int $value): T {
// TODO: return $callback($value)
// You can specify the types of functions too.
function apply_int<T>((function(int): T) $callback, int $value): T {
return $callback($value);
Exercise 21
// XHP is useful to build html (or xml) elements.
// The escaping is done automatically, it is important to avoid
// security issues (XSS attacks).
function build_paragraph(string $text, string $style): :div {
<div style={$style}>
// XHP is useful to build html (or xml) elements.
// The escaping is done automatically, it is important to avoid
// security issues (XSS attacks).
function build_paragraph(string $text, string $style): :div {
<div style={$style}>
// XHP記法でHTMLまたはXMLを構築することにより、クロスサイトスクリプティング対
Exercise 22
/* Opaque types let you hide the representation of a type.
* The definition below introduces the new type 'user_id'
* that will only be compatible with 'int' within this file.
* Outside of this file, 'user_id' becomes "opaque"; it won't
* be compatible with 'int' anymore.
newtype user_id = int;
function make_user_id(int $x): user_id {
// Do some checks ...
return $x;
// You should only use this function for rendering
function user_id_to_int(user_id $x): int {
return $x;
/* Opaque types let you hide the representation of a type.
* The definition below introduces the new type 'user_id'
* that will only be compatible with 'int' within this file.
* Outside of this file, 'user_id' becomes "opaque"; it won't
* be compatible with 'int' anymore.
newtype user_id = int;
function make_user_id(int $x): user_id {
// Do some checks ...
return $x;
// You should only use this function for rendering
function user_id_to_int(user_id $x): int {
return $x;
// user_idタイプを作る事により、このファイルで型を管理し、他のファイルではuser_id型になります
Exercise 23
class MyBaseClass {
// TODO: fix the typo in the name of the method.
public function get_uuser(): MyUser {
return new MyUser();
class MyDerivedClass extends MyBaseClass {
/* <<Override>> is used to specify that get_user has been inherited.
* When that's not the case, Hack gives an error.
<<Override>> public function get_user(): MyUser {
return new MyUser();
class MyBaseClass {
// TODO: fix the typo in the name of the method.
public function get_user(): MyUser {
return new MyUser();
class MyDerivedClass extends MyBaseClass {
/* <<Override>> is used to specify that get_user has been inherited.
* When that's not the case, Hack gives an error.
<<Override>> public function get_user(): MyUser {
return new MyUser();
Exercise 24
class C { protected function bar(): void {} }
interface I { public function foo(): void; }
// 'require' lets you specify what the trait needs to work properly.
trait T {
// The class using the trait must extend 'C'
require extends C;
// TODO: uncomment the next line to fix the error
// require implements I;
public function do_stuff(): void {
$this->bar(); // We can access bar because we used "require extends"
class C { protected function bar(): void {} }
interface I { public function foo(): void; }
// 'require' lets you specify what the trait needs to work properly.
trait T {
// The class using the trait must extend 'C'
require extends C;
// TODO: uncomment the next line to fix the error
require implements I;
public function do_stuff(): void {
$this->bar(); // We can access bar because we used "require extends"
// Congratulations! You are done!
1. WordPressを移行してみる
2. Hackで書き直す
3. ベンチマークを取って比較する
アップデート出来なくなるのでコピーで作業します (;´Д`)

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Hack tutorial

  • 2. 自己紹介 ↳ 吉澤和香奈 ↳ カツラじゃありません ↳ 1987/6/30生まれO型 ↳ PHPに出会ったのは2012 年の夏です ↳ HNは「wakana」「わかな だょ〜」「ブ〜バ〜」等、気 分により多数あります
  • 14. /***************************************************/ /****************** Hack Tutorial ******************/ /***************************************************/ /************ Click 'Next' to get started! *********/
  • 16. <?php // ^-- FIXME: replace <?php with <?hh // A Hack file always starts with <?hh
  • 17. <?hh // ^-- FIXME: replace <?php with <?hh // A Hack file always starts with <?hh
  • 19. <?hh // Hack functions are annotated with types. function my_negation(bool $x): bool { return !$x; } // FIXME: annotate this function parameter // and return with the type 'int'. function add_one(/* TODO */ $x): /* TODO */ { return $x+1; }
  • 20. <?hh // Hack functions are annotated with types. function my_negation(bool $x): bool { return !$x; } // FIXME: annotate this function parameter // and return with the type 'int'. function add_one(int $x): int { return $x+1; }
  • 22. <?hh /* Hack errors come in multiple parts. * Hover over the underlined parts! */ function add_one(int $x): int { return $x+1; } function test(): void { $my_string = 'hello'; // Some clever code ... add_one($my_string); }
  • 23. <?hh /* Hack errors come in multiple parts. * Hover over the underlined parts! */ function add_one(int $x): int { return $x+1; } function test(): void { $my_string = 'hello'; // Some clever code ... add_one((int) $my_string); }
  • 25. <?hh // Prefixing a type with '?' permits null. // TODO: fix the type of the parameter $x to permit null. function f(int $x): void { var_dump($x); } function test(): void { f(123); f(null); }
  • 26. <?hh // Prefixing a type with '?' permits null. // TODO: fix the type of the parameter $x to permit null. function f(?int $x): void { var_dump($x); } function test(): void { f(123); f(null); }
  • 28. <?hh interface User { public function getName(): string; } function get_user_name(?User $user): string { if($user !== null) { // We checked that $user was not null. // Its type is now 'User'. /* TODO: return $user->getName() */ } return '<invalid name>'; } function test(User $user) { $name1 = get_user_name($user); $name2 = get_user_name(null); }
  • 29. <?hh interface User { public function getName(): string; } function get_user_name(?User $user): string { if($user !== null) { // We checked that $user was not null. // Its type is now 'User'. return $user->getName(); } return '<invalid name>'; } function test(User $user) { $name1 = get_user_name($user); $name2 = get_user_name(null); }
  • 31. <?hh interface User { public function getName(): string; } // There are many ways to handle null values. // Throwing an exception is one of them. function get_user_name(?User $user): string { if($user === null) { throw new RuntimeException('Invalid user name'); } /* TODO: return $user->getName() */ } function test(User $user) { $name1 = get_user_name($user); $name2 = get_user_name(null); }
  • 32. <?hh interface User { public function getName(): string; } // There are many ways to handle null values. // Throwing an exception is one of them. function get_user_name(?User $user): string { if($user === null) { throw new RuntimeException('Invalid user name'); } return $user->getName(); } function test(User $user) { $name1 = get_user_name($user); $name2 = get_user_name(null); }
  • 34. <?hh // Hack introduces new collection types (Vector, Set and Map). function test(): int { // Vector is preferred over array(1, 2, 3) $vector = Vector {1, 2, 3}; $sum = 0; foreach ($vector as $val) { $sum += $val; } return $sum; }
  • 35. <?hh // Hack introduces new collection types (Vector, Set and Map). function test(): int { // Vector is preferred over array(1, 2, 3) $vector = Vector {1, 2, 3}; $sum = 0; foreach ($vector as $val) { $sum += $val; } return $sum; } // Arrayよりも高速なVectorが使えます
  • 37. <?hh // Hack uses generics for Collection types. // TODO: fix the return type of the function 'test' function test(): Vector<string> { $vector = Vector {1, 2, 3}; return $vector; }
  • 38. <?hh // Hack uses generics for Collection types. // TODO: fix the return type of the function 'test' function test(): Vector<string> { $vector = Vector {“1”, “2”, “3”}; return $vector; }
  • 40. <?hh function vector_add1(Vector<int> $v): Vector<int> { // Example of lambda expressions. return $v->map($x ==> $x + 1); } function vector_mult2(Vector<int> $v): Vector<int> { // TODO: write a function multiplying all the elements by 2 }
  • 41. <?hh function vector_add1(Vector<int> $v): Vector<int> { // Example of lambda expressions. return $v->map($x ==> $x + 1); } function vector_mult2(Vector<int> $v): Vector<int> { // TODO: write a function multiplying all the elements by 2 return $v->map($x ==> $x * 2); }
  • 43. /* * Congratulations! * You completed the beginner's tutorial. * * Click next to continue in expert mode. */
  • 45. <?hh // All the members of a class must be initialized class Point { private float $x; private float $y; public function __construct(float $x, float $y) { $this->x = $x; // FIXME: initalize the member 'y' } }
  • 46. <?hh // All the members of a class must be initialized class Point { private float $x; private float $y; public function __construct(float $x, float $y) { $this->x = $x; // FIXME: initalize the member 'y' $this->y = $y; } }
  • 48. <?hh // Check out this new syntax! // It's shorter and does the same thing ... class Point { public function __construct( private float $x, private float $y ) {} }
  • 49. <?hh // Check out this new syntax! // It's shorter and does the same thing ... class Point { public function __construct( private float $x, private float $y ) {} } // このような新しい書き方で今までより短くなります
  • 51. <?hh // You can create your own generics! class Store<T> { public function __construct(private T $data) {} public function get(): T { return $this->data; } public function set(T $x): void { $this->data = $x; } } // TODO: fix the return type of the function test function test(): Store<int> { $data = 'Hello world!'; $x = new Store($data); return $x; }
  • 52. <?hh // You can create your own generics! class Store<T> { public function __construct(private T $data) {} public function get(): T { return $this->data; } public function set(T $x): void { $this->data = $x; } } // TODO: fix the return type of the function test function test(): Store<string> { $data = 'Hello world!'; $x = new Store($data); return $x; }
  • 54. <?hh // You can specify constraints on generics. interface MyInterface { public function foo(): void; } // TODO: uncomment 'as MyInterface' // T as MyInterface means any object as long as // it implements MyInterface function call_foo<T /* as MyInterface */>(T $x): T { $x->foo(); return $x; }
  • 55. <?hh // You can specify constraints on generics. interface MyInterface { public function foo(): void; } // TODO: uncomment 'as MyInterface' // T as MyInterface means any object as long as // it implements MyInterface function call_foo<T as MyInterface>(T $x): T { $x->foo(); return $x; }
  • 57. <?hh // The type 'this' always points to the most derived type class MyBaseClass { protected int $count = 0; // TODO: replace 'MyBaseClass' by 'this' public function add1(): MyBaseClass { $this->count += 1; return $this; } } class MyDerivedClass extends MyBaseClass { public function print_count(): void { echo $this->count; } } function test(): void { $x = new MyDerivedClass(); $x->add1()->print_count(); }
  • 58. <?hh // The type 'this' always points to the most derived type class MyBaseClass { protected int $count = 0; // TODO: replace 'MyBaseClass' by 'this' public function add1(): this { $this->count += 1; return $this; } } class MyDerivedClass extends MyBaseClass { public function print_count(): void { echo $this->count; } } function test(): void { $x = new MyDerivedClass(); $x->add1()->print_count(); }
  • 60. <?hh // When a type is too long, you can use a type alias. type Matrix<T> = Vector<Vector<T>>; function first_row<T>(Matrix<T> $matrix): Vector<T> { return $matrix[0]; }
  • 61. <?hh // When a type is too long, you can use a type alias. type Matrix<T> = Vector<Vector<T>>; function first_row<T>(Matrix<T> $matrix): Vector<T> { return $matrix[0]; } // タイプが長い時は別名を指定出来ます
  • 63. <?hh // Tuples represent fixed size arrays. // TODO: fix the return type. function my_first_pair((int, bool) $pair): int { list($_, $result) = $pair; return $result; }
  • 64. <?hh // Tuples represent fixed size arrays. // TODO: fix the return type. function my_first_pair((int, bool) $pair): int { list($result, $_) = $pair; return $result; }
  • 66. <?hh // Shapes can be used for arrays with constant string keys. type my_shape = shape( 'field1' => int, 'field2' => bool, ); function first_shape(): my_shape { $result = shape('field1' => 1); // TODO: set 'field2' to the value true // on $result to complete the shape. return $result; }
  • 67. <?hh // Shapes can be used for arrays with constant string keys. type my_shape = shape( 'field1' => int, 'field2' => bool, ); function first_shape(): my_shape { $result = my_shape(1, true); // TODO: set 'field2' to the value true // on $result to complete the shape. return $result; }
  • 69. <?hh // You can specify the types of functions too. function apply_int<T>((function(int): T) $callback, int $value): T { // TODO: return $callback($value) }
  • 70. <?hh // You can specify the types of functions too. function apply_int<T>((function(int): T) $callback, int $value): T { return $callback($value); }
  • 72. <?hh // XHP is useful to build html (or xml) elements. // The escaping is done automatically, it is important to avoid // security issues (XSS attacks). function build_paragraph(string $text, string $style): :div { return <div style={$style}> <p>{$text}</p> </div>; }
  • 73. <?hh // XHP is useful to build html (or xml) elements. // The escaping is done automatically, it is important to avoid // security issues (XSS attacks). function build_paragraph(string $text, string $style): :div { return <div style={$style}> <p>{$text}</p> </div>; } // XHP記法でHTMLまたはXMLを構築することにより、クロスサイトスクリプティング対 策が実現できます
  • 75. <?hh /* Opaque types let you hide the representation of a type. * * The definition below introduces the new type 'user_id' * that will only be compatible with 'int' within this file. * Outside of this file, 'user_id' becomes "opaque"; it won't * be compatible with 'int' anymore. */ newtype user_id = int; function make_user_id(int $x): user_id { // Do some checks ... return $x; } // You should only use this function for rendering function user_id_to_int(user_id $x): int { return $x; }
  • 76. <?hh /* Opaque types let you hide the representation of a type. * * The definition below introduces the new type 'user_id' * that will only be compatible with 'int' within this file. * Outside of this file, 'user_id' becomes "opaque"; it won't * be compatible with 'int' anymore. */ newtype user_id = int; function make_user_id(int $x): user_id { // Do some checks ... return $x; } // You should only use this function for rendering function user_id_to_int(user_id $x): int { return $x; } // user_idタイプを作る事により、このファイルで型を管理し、他のファイルではuser_id型になります
  • 78. <?hh class MyBaseClass { // TODO: fix the typo in the name of the method. public function get_uuser(): MyUser { return new MyUser(); } } class MyDerivedClass extends MyBaseClass { /* <<Override>> is used to specify that get_user has been inherited. * When that's not the case, Hack gives an error. */ <<Override>> public function get_user(): MyUser { return new MyUser(); } }
  • 79. <?hh class MyBaseClass { // TODO: fix the typo in the name of the method. public function get_user(): MyUser { return new MyUser(); } } class MyDerivedClass extends MyBaseClass { /* <<Override>> is used to specify that get_user has been inherited. * When that's not the case, Hack gives an error. */ <<Override>> public function get_user(): MyUser { return new MyUser(); } }
  • 81. <?hh class C { protected function bar(): void {} } interface I { public function foo(): void; } // 'require' lets you specify what the trait needs to work properly. trait T { // The class using the trait must extend 'C' require extends C; // TODO: uncomment the next line to fix the error // require implements I; public function do_stuff(): void { $this->bar(); // We can access bar because we used "require extends" $this->foo(); } }
  • 82. <?hh class C { protected function bar(): void {} } interface I { public function foo(): void; } // 'require' lets you specify what the trait needs to work properly. trait T { // The class using the trait must extend 'C' require extends C; // TODO: uncomment the next line to fix the error require implements I; public function do_stuff(): void { $this->bar(); // We can access bar because we used "require extends" $this->foo(); } }
  • 84. 次回やりたいこと 1. WordPressを移行してみる 2. Hackで書き直す 3. ベンチマークを取って比較する アップデート出来なくなるのでコピーで作業します (;´Д`)