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Inventory for Work Attitude and Motivation
(iWAM) Model of Excellence
Identify and Retain Top Talent
to Improve Business Performance
“Mapping the New Landscape of Human Performance”
 what if you knew
  - "What differentiates top performers from their peers in
our organization?“
   - "How can we recruit and select more high performers
for a given role?“
   - "How can we improve the overall performance in a
given role in our organization?“
   - "How can we increase the tenure of our high
Now we can help you answer these questions.
Mapping the New Landscape of Human Performance
What are the Motivational and
Attitudinal Patterns?
The iWAM Assessment measures what we call Motivational and Attitudinal
Patterns (MAPs).They are often called “Metaprograms” in the realm of
cognitive psychology.
These patterns are unconscious filter/translators that are part of how we
construct and confirm our model of the world.
Motivational and Attitudinal Patterns help us manage experiences by:
 Filtering what goes on around us (Admit vs. Block)
 Translating the “Admits” into our sense of “reality”
Since these patterns are a major determinate of what we perceive at any given
time, they impact directly how we interact with ourselves, others, and the
world around us.
Motivational and Attitudinal Patterns are part of our behavioral habits that
impact thinking, decision making, and behaving by helping us manage our
Mapping the New Landscape of Human Performance
Motivation & Attitude at Work
Although Motivational and Attitudinal Patterns (MAPs) are universally shared,
the way we apply them varies from person-to-person and context-to-context
(e.g. work, home).
MAPs do not measure ability! Measuring them in the work context is not about
what people can do, but about what they want to do.
MAPs are very powerful influences on personality, emotions, competencies, and
the resulting behavior from all of these factors. In the end, our behavior is what
determines our work performance!
As a result of the connections and relationships, motivational and attitudinal
patterns turn out to be a major force in predicting performance levels in the
work context.
In spite of their importance, motivational and attitudinal patterns are relatively
“invisible” to the person and “off the radar” of human resource and organization
development specialists in North America.
Mapping the New Landscape of Human Performance
Why are Motivational and
Attitudinal Patterns Important?
 Motivational and Attitudinal Patterns can predict and
explain 45-65% of performance, more than any other
factors do.
 If one knows what is important to perform at high levels
over time in a given role, one can identify individuals with
the key patterns who are likely to do well.
 Also, if one knows the motivational and attitudinal patterns
of a person, one can predict that person's performance
in a specific work context, and also knows how to
motivate (and what will de-motivate) that person, helping
you retain top talent.
Mapping the New Landscape of Human Performance
How Does the iWAM Work?
The roots of the iWAM Assessment are in the field of cognitive
psychology in the study of the relationship between language and
Individuals store in memory and retrieve experience on the basis
of language. Our stored experiences include both facts
(information) and emotions (feelings).
Early research in the field revealed that people who use certain kinds
of language patterns tend to exhibit certain kinds of behavior patterns.
There is a direct link between language and behavior in a
context—similar language manifests in similar behavior!
Mapping the New Landscape of Human Performance
Language, Motivation, and
Words can incite physical and emotional reactions
Words and phrases serve as verbal triggers or “hot buttons”
If a “hot button” is activated by language or a situation,
it can:
 Motivate us to action (get us going) in the desired
 Keep us from being motivated by something; or
 Motivate us in the opposite direction of the desired
Mapping the New Landscape of Human Performance
The Visible and the Invisible
Visible Behavior 10%
Mapping the New Landscape of Human Performance
Work Attitudes
Invisible Factors – 90%
The iWAM
Abilities & Competencies
Basic Assumptions
All behavior is motivated.
Motivation and attitude are not abilities.
Abilities/Competencies determine whether you can do something;
motivation and attitude influence whether you want to do it.
You are not likely to be able to perform an act that requires an
ability you do not have, but you can behave in ways that are
contradictory to your motivational and attitudinal patterns in a
context if you choose to do so—you can override your
predominant desire.
If you are in a situation that requires you to behave, for a long
period of time, in ways that contradict what you want to do, it will
consume more energy than if you were doing what you want to do
and will be de-motivating!
Mapping the New Landscape of Human Performance
MAPs and the Role of Context
“Context” = Frame of reference we put around a situation.
We put different frames around different life situations and
roles (e.g., job, recreation, family, play).
The different frames or contexts may have an impact on our
motivational and attitudinal patterns.
As a result, we may be motivated to behave in different ways in
different situations.
To understand someone’s behavior, we have to understand the
context (framework) within which he or she is operating and
the motivational and attitudinal patterns associated with that
Mapping the New Landscape of Human Performance
MAPs and Performance
Performance is impacted by motivation and attitude.
Certain jobs and roles require certain kinds of motivational and
attitudinal patterns.
Assuming you have the ability, the more closely your motivational
and attitudinal patterns match the requirements of a role:
(a) the more you are motivated to perform that role, and
(b) the better you are likely to be in that role.
In working with others, the extent to which you understand your
MAPs in a context and how those MAPs match with or differ from
others’, the more effective you can be in having a successful
relationship and in creating positive outcomes.
Mapping the New Landscape of Human Performance
The Performance Formula
Mapping the New Landscape of Human Performance
‱ The Performance Formula, supported by research, shows that MAPs,
Criteria (that include our values, goals and beliefs), and
Abilities/Competencies interact to create behavior that generates
Results or Outcomes.
‱ The more you understand which factors influence performance in
what ways, the more effective you will be in predicting and managing
performance and results.
‱ MAPs are the key to understanding to what extent and how
motivation and attitude drive performance.
Motivation &
(Values, Goals, & Beliefs)
Abilities &
= Results
= My Reality
& Attitudes
= My Decision
Values, Beliefs
& Goals
Relationships 
Expectations 
Challenges 
Tasks 
Culture of the Country  Environment  Organizational Culture
Background  Demographics  Personality
© 2008-2009 Institute for Work Attitude & Motivation
Abilities &
The Performance Model
The iWAM Assessment
The Inventory for Work Attitude and Motivation (iWAM) is a unique, online
assessment tool that measures motivational and attitudinal patterns (MAPs)
The iWAM consists of 40 questions, each of which has five response alternatives, and is
reported in 48 scales
The iWAM was developed in the United States, is used globally, and is available in multiple
iWAM reports are applicable to individuals, two people, teams, and organizations
iWAM has modeling tools (Model of Excellence) for analyzing and predicting performance
The iWAM can be scheduled, completed, scored, and printed in less than an hour!
Compared to other assessments, the iWAM has a wider range of applications
to improve individual, team, or organizational performance!
The iWAM provides a unique insight and fills a critical void in understanding human behavior
in order to achieve performance goals or find solutions to performance related problems!
Mapping the New Landscape of Human Performance
Examples of Motivational and
Attitudinal Patterns the iWAM
Proactive: Does the individual want to take initiative or make things happen?
Goal Orientation: Does this person want and need goals in his/her work?
Decisions: Does this person want to make her/his own decisions or get input?
Task Orientation: Will he or she look for alternatives or prefer to follow procedures?
World View: Does this person want to see the big picture or pay attention to detail?
Communication: Gives more attention to words (content) or non-verbal behavior?
Work Environment: Does she prefer to work alone or have lots of contact with people?
Responsibility: Does he want sole responsibility or to be more of a team player?
Time Orientation: Is the individual’s attention on the past, present, and/or future?
Convincer Data: What is the best way to provide information to convince this person?
Rules: How much will this person want to follow the rules?To accept diversity?
. . . and much more
Mapping the New Landscape of Human Performance
What makes the iWAM
 No other test measures motivational and attitudinal patterns (MAPs)
 Powerful predictor: 45-65% as opposed to 15-30% or even less like other
factors measured by other tests (e.g. personality)
 Context specific/sensitive results – more applicable in work context and
business environment
 Model of Excellence customized to your organization and role
 A lot more information – 48 categories/patterns measured as opposed to
4 or 8 (it does not “put people in a box”)
 Report options (individual, paired comparison, team reports, etc.)
 Provides interpretive reports and the influence language for MAPs
 Comparison to a standard group, using relative percentages – How do
other people see us? How do the MAPs impact us?
Mapping the New Landscape of Human Performance
iWAM Applications
Recruitment & Selection
Training & Development
Performance Management
Team Development
Conflict Resolution
Coaching & Motivation
Leadership Development
Succession Planning
Organizational Culture Analysis
Persuasive Communication
Mapping the New Landscape of Human Performance
iWAM Model of Excellence
Discover with iWAM what differentiates high performers from others in a
role or organization; and code the results – ideal profile – in an electronic
model, the iWAM Model of Excellence.
 Attract more potential high performers by using the motivational language
based on MAPs of top talent
 Match applicants’ iWAM results to Model to help selection decisions (Model
scores and ranks people so you know who to interview first!)
 Match average/low performers’ iWAM results to Model of Excellence to
discover what to train and how to coach for improved performance
Models of Excellence can have a predictive power of 45-65% of a performance rating, more
than other selection tools!
Mapping the New Landscape of Human Performance
"What differentiates
top performers from
their peers in our
"How can we improve the
overall performance of a
certain role in our
How do you use iWAM Model of
Excellence in

Recruitment - Craft the language of a job advertisement so that it matches the Model of
Excellence - i.e. the profile of high-performers - and attract more high-potential candidates
and less low-potential ones.
Selection - Match candidates' iWAM profile to the Model of Excellence, rank them and
interview the best matches first (validate iWAM results in the job interview with questions
the iWAM provides).
Training & Development - Design training content based on the patterns in the Model of
Excellence and choose method and style based on participants' patterns. Use patterns as
goals set in Performance Appraisals.
Coaching - Coach in the areas of strengths as well as low fits to the Model of Excellence,
and use individuals' patterns to determine how to coach for maximum impact.Turn lower
performers into high performers using their motivation patterns.
Motivate and RetainTalent – Revealing the key motivational patterns allows for adjusting
work context to keep top talent motivated and for using the language of motivation to
manage them effectively.The “iWAM Job Clock” reveals when burnout or boredom would
set it in one’s job so that you can prevent it and retain top talent.
Leadership Development & Succession Planning - Create Model of Excellence for
current or desired leadership / management team and use it to identify a pool of high-
potential future leaders and to design development programs and coaching based on the
patterns of the Model.
Mapping the New Landscape of Human Performance
Case Study – Recruitment & Selection :
Improving Hiring to Reduce Turnover
Organization used iWAM Model of Excellence to hire sales
personnel and redesign their recruiting using iWAM’s
suggestions for motivational language.
 100 people used to respond to job ads. Redesigned campaign
attracted 300 candidates!
 Time needed to decide which candidates to invite for
selection: reduced to 50%!
 iWAM reduced staff turnover by more than 62%!
 Return on Investment after 1 year: 1300%!!
Mapping the New Landscape of Human Performance
Case Study – Managing Performance:
Improving Performance in a Call Center
Call Center created iWAM Model of Excellence to benchmark
what drives successful behavior in the position.
The Model was used for:
Identifying high-potential applicants to the Call Center
Creating a training program that helped managers work with lower
performers to behave in ways comparable to top performers
Help managers understand differences in team and its implications
for managing individuals more effectively
Net result of the intervention was 33% increase in revenue
from those who underwent training within the first 6
months following the intervention!
Mapping the New Landscape of Human Performance
Case Study - Peak Performance: A New Approach to
Driving a Sales Organization to the Next Level
Company with 2 business groups created iWAM Models of
Excellence to identify what differentiates high performing
salespeople from peers.
Predictive power of Models 76% and 49%!
Models help in the screening process of applicants, saving time and money,
improving effectiveness of recruiting and hiring
iWAM helped create a strategy to develop existing sales force: Individual feedback
sessions and development plans based on iWAM
Management of Sales Representatives received orientation on how to use iWAM
results for coaching, motivating, and managing effectively – ‘One size does not fit all!’
Significant improvement in the overall performance of the sales organization
Total cost of investment in iWAM by the company
was less than the cost of one hiring mistake!
Mapping the New Landscape of Human Performance
Case Study – Coaching: iWAM to Resolve
Conflict and Help Manage People Effectively
Tom, the senior assistant to the Project manager, once
motivated and productive, now is described as ‘unenthusiastic,
low morale, unable to be coached for high productivity’;
probably no longer capable of holding his position with the
company as senior assistant.
Tom’s goals: to like the job again, become motivated, resolve conflicts
iWAM consultant revealed problem: manager and assistant are motivated by
completely different factors (in fact, opposites!)
Coaching helped understand differences and adjust communication, leading to
improved work relationship.
iWAM made it possible for manager to effectively motivate Tom
again.Tom said his life had turned around, he is back to being
enthusiastic and productive at work.
Mapping the New Landscape of Human Performance
Case Study – Team Development:
Turning Great Individuals into a Great
Talented leadership team in turmoil, working well in dyads, but
when mixed, performance went down.They were unable to
solve difficulties, the President needed help to improve
teamwork and performance.
Every leader on the team filled out the iWAM
Everyone received individual feedback and agreed to participate in a team session
with an iWAM team profile
Team session with consultant explaining what high and low scores in a pattern
meant and how differences might play out in the team
Team discussed their experiences and how the iWAM profiles contributed to
their effectiveness and how they will use this knowledge to improve their
performance in future
Team called iWAM very useful teambuilding tool as well as
personal development exercise!
Mapping the New Landscape of Human Performance
The Institute for
Work Attitude & Motivation
Mapping the New Landscape of Human Performance
2510 South Brentwood Boulevard
Suite 204
St. Louis, Missouri 63144
Phone: +1-314-961-9676
Mobile: +1-314-603-5460
Fax: +1-314-961-9678
For further information on the iWAM, its applications,
and the iWAM Model of Excellence, please contact:

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Improved Selection, Reduced Turnover: Identify and Retain Top Talent

  • 1. Inventory for Work Attitude and Motivation (iWAM) Model of Excellence Identify and Retain Top Talent to Improve Business Performance “Mapping the New Landscape of Human Performance”
  • 2. Imagine
 what if you knew
?   - "What differentiates top performers from their peers in our organization?“    - "How can we recruit and select more high performers for a given role?“    - "How can we improve the overall performance in a given role in our organization?“    - "How can we increase the tenure of our high performers?“ Now we can help you answer these questions. Mapping the New Landscape of Human Performance 2
  • 3. What are the Motivational and Attitudinal Patterns? The iWAM Assessment measures what we call Motivational and Attitudinal Patterns (MAPs).They are often called “Metaprograms” in the realm of cognitive psychology. These patterns are unconscious filter/translators that are part of how we construct and confirm our model of the world. Motivational and Attitudinal Patterns help us manage experiences by:  Filtering what goes on around us (Admit vs. Block)  Translating the “Admits” into our sense of “reality” Since these patterns are a major determinate of what we perceive at any given time, they impact directly how we interact with ourselves, others, and the world around us. Motivational and Attitudinal Patterns are part of our behavioral habits that impact thinking, decision making, and behaving by helping us manage our experiences. Mapping the New Landscape of Human Performance 3
  • 4. Motivation & Attitude at Work Although Motivational and Attitudinal Patterns (MAPs) are universally shared, the way we apply them varies from person-to-person and context-to-context (e.g. work, home). MAPs do not measure ability! Measuring them in the work context is not about what people can do, but about what they want to do. MAPs are very powerful influences on personality, emotions, competencies, and the resulting behavior from all of these factors. In the end, our behavior is what determines our work performance! As a result of the connections and relationships, motivational and attitudinal patterns turn out to be a major force in predicting performance levels in the work context. In spite of their importance, motivational and attitudinal patterns are relatively “invisible” to the person and “off the radar” of human resource and organization development specialists in North America. Mapping the New Landscape of Human Performance 4
  • 5. Why are Motivational and Attitudinal Patterns Important?  Motivational and Attitudinal Patterns can predict and explain 45-65% of performance, more than any other factors do.  If one knows what is important to perform at high levels over time in a given role, one can identify individuals with the key patterns who are likely to do well.  Also, if one knows the motivational and attitudinal patterns of a person, one can predict that person's performance in a specific work context, and also knows how to motivate (and what will de-motivate) that person, helping you retain top talent. Mapping the New Landscape of Human Performance 5
  • 6. How Does the iWAM Work? The roots of the iWAM Assessment are in the field of cognitive psychology in the study of the relationship between language and behavior. Individuals store in memory and retrieve experience on the basis of language. Our stored experiences include both facts (information) and emotions (feelings). Early research in the field revealed that people who use certain kinds of language patterns tend to exhibit certain kinds of behavior patterns. There is a direct link between language and behavior in a context—similar language manifests in similar behavior! Mapping the New Landscape of Human Performance 6
  • 7. Language, Motivation, and Behavior Words can incite physical and emotional reactions Words and phrases serve as verbal triggers or “hot buttons” If a “hot button” is activated by language or a situation, it can:  Motivate us to action (get us going) in the desired direction;  Keep us from being motivated by something; or  Motivate us in the opposite direction of the desired action. Mapping the New Landscape of Human Performance 7
  • 8. The Visible and the Invisible Visible Behavior 10% Mapping the New Landscape of Human Performance 8 Values Motivation Vision Goals Work Attitudes Actions/Words Mission Invisible Factors – 90% The iWAM Preferences Abilities & Competencies
  • 9. Basic Assumptions All behavior is motivated. Motivation and attitude are not abilities. Abilities/Competencies determine whether you can do something; motivation and attitude influence whether you want to do it. You are not likely to be able to perform an act that requires an ability you do not have, but you can behave in ways that are contradictory to your motivational and attitudinal patterns in a context if you choose to do so—you can override your predominant desire. If you are in a situation that requires you to behave, for a long period of time, in ways that contradict what you want to do, it will consume more energy than if you were doing what you want to do and will be de-motivating! Mapping the New Landscape of Human Performance 9
  • 10. MAPs and the Role of Context “Context” = Frame of reference we put around a situation. We put different frames around different life situations and roles (e.g., job, recreation, family, play). The different frames or contexts may have an impact on our motivational and attitudinal patterns. As a result, we may be motivated to behave in different ways in different situations. To understand someone’s behavior, we have to understand the context (framework) within which he or she is operating and the motivational and attitudinal patterns associated with that context. Mapping the New Landscape of Human Performance 10
  • 11. MAPs and Performance Performance is impacted by motivation and attitude. Certain jobs and roles require certain kinds of motivational and attitudinal patterns. Assuming you have the ability, the more closely your motivational and attitudinal patterns match the requirements of a role: (a) the more you are motivated to perform that role, and (b) the better you are likely to be in that role. In working with others, the extent to which you understand your MAPs in a context and how those MAPs match with or differ from others’, the more effective you can be in having a successful relationship and in creating positive outcomes. Mapping the New Landscape of Human Performance 11
  • 12. The Performance Formula Mapping the New Landscape of Human Performance 12 ‱ The Performance Formula, supported by research, shows that MAPs, Criteria (that include our values, goals and beliefs), and Abilities/Competencies interact to create behavior that generates Results or Outcomes. ‱ The more you understand which factors influence performance in what ways, the more effective you will be in predicting and managing performance and results. ‱ MAPs are the key to understanding to what extent and how motivation and attitude drive performance. Motivation & Attitudes X Criteria (Values, Goals, & Beliefs) X Abilities & Competencies = Results
  • 13. = My Reality Motivation & Attitudes I n t e r p r e t Emotions = My Decision Values, Beliefs & Goals E v a l u a t e Context (Role/Job) Relationships  Expectations  Challenges  Tasks  Culture of the Country  Environment  Organizational Culture Background  Demographics  Personality © 2008-2009 Institute for Work Attitude & Motivation Abilities & Competencies A c t The Performance Model
  • 14. The iWAM Assessment The Inventory for Work Attitude and Motivation (iWAM) is a unique, online assessment tool that measures motivational and attitudinal patterns (MAPs) The iWAM consists of 40 questions, each of which has five response alternatives, and is reported in 48 scales The iWAM was developed in the United States, is used globally, and is available in multiple languages iWAM reports are applicable to individuals, two people, teams, and organizations iWAM has modeling tools (Model of Excellence) for analyzing and predicting performance The iWAM can be scheduled, completed, scored, and printed in less than an hour! Compared to other assessments, the iWAM has a wider range of applications to improve individual, team, or organizational performance! The iWAM provides a unique insight and fills a critical void in understanding human behavior in order to achieve performance goals or find solutions to performance related problems! Mapping the New Landscape of Human Performance 14
  • 15. Examples of Motivational and Attitudinal Patterns the iWAM Measures Proactive: Does the individual want to take initiative or make things happen? Goal Orientation: Does this person want and need goals in his/her work? Decisions: Does this person want to make her/his own decisions or get input? Task Orientation: Will he or she look for alternatives or prefer to follow procedures? World View: Does this person want to see the big picture or pay attention to detail? Communication: Gives more attention to words (content) or non-verbal behavior? Work Environment: Does she prefer to work alone or have lots of contact with people? Responsibility: Does he want sole responsibility or to be more of a team player? Time Orientation: Is the individual’s attention on the past, present, and/or future? Convincer Data: What is the best way to provide information to convince this person? Rules: How much will this person want to follow the rules?To accept diversity? . . . and much more
! Mapping the New Landscape of Human Performance 15
  • 16. What makes the iWAM unique?  No other test measures motivational and attitudinal patterns (MAPs)  Powerful predictor: 45-65% as opposed to 15-30% or even less like other factors measured by other tests (e.g. personality)  Context specific/sensitive results – more applicable in work context and business environment  Model of Excellence customized to your organization and role  A lot more information – 48 categories/patterns measured as opposed to 4 or 8 (it does not “put people in a box”)  Report options (individual, paired comparison, team reports, etc.)  Provides interpretive reports and the influence language for MAPs  Comparison to a standard group, using relative percentages – How do other people see us? How do the MAPs impact us? Mapping the New Landscape of Human Performance 16
  • 17. iWAM Applications Recruitment & Selection Training & Development Performance Management Team Development Conflict Resolution Coaching & Motivation Leadership Development Succession Planning Organizational Culture Analysis Persuasive Communication Mapping the New Landscape of Human Performance 17
  • 18. iWAM Model of Excellence Discover with iWAM what differentiates high performers from others in a role or organization; and code the results – ideal profile – in an electronic model, the iWAM Model of Excellence.  Attract more potential high performers by using the motivational language based on MAPs of top talent  Match applicants’ iWAM results to Model to help selection decisions (Model scores and ranks people so you know who to interview first!)  Match average/low performers’ iWAM results to Model of Excellence to discover what to train and how to coach for improved performance Models of Excellence can have a predictive power of 45-65% of a performance rating, more than other selection tools! Mapping the New Landscape of Human Performance 18 "What differentiates top performers from their peers in our organization?" "How can we improve the overall performance of a certain role in our organization?“ or
  • 19. How do you use iWAM Model of Excellence in
 Recruitment - Craft the language of a job advertisement so that it matches the Model of Excellence - i.e. the profile of high-performers - and attract more high-potential candidates and less low-potential ones. Selection - Match candidates' iWAM profile to the Model of Excellence, rank them and interview the best matches first (validate iWAM results in the job interview with questions the iWAM provides). Training & Development - Design training content based on the patterns in the Model of Excellence and choose method and style based on participants' patterns. Use patterns as goals set in Performance Appraisals. Coaching - Coach in the areas of strengths as well as low fits to the Model of Excellence, and use individuals' patterns to determine how to coach for maximum impact.Turn lower performers into high performers using their motivation patterns. Motivate and RetainTalent – Revealing the key motivational patterns allows for adjusting work context to keep top talent motivated and for using the language of motivation to manage them effectively.The “iWAM Job Clock” reveals when burnout or boredom would set it in one’s job so that you can prevent it and retain top talent. Leadership Development & Succession Planning - Create Model of Excellence for current or desired leadership / management team and use it to identify a pool of high- potential future leaders and to design development programs and coaching based on the patterns of the Model. Mapping the New Landscape of Human Performance 19
  • 20. Case Study – Recruitment & Selection : Improving Hiring to Reduce Turnover Organization used iWAM Model of Excellence to hire sales personnel and redesign their recruiting using iWAM’s suggestions for motivational language.  100 people used to respond to job ads. Redesigned campaign attracted 300 candidates!  Time needed to decide which candidates to invite for selection: reduced to 50%!  iWAM reduced staff turnover by more than 62%!  Return on Investment after 1 year: 1300%!! Mapping the New Landscape of Human Performance 20
  • 21. Case Study – Managing Performance: Improving Performance in a Call Center Call Center created iWAM Model of Excellence to benchmark what drives successful behavior in the position. The Model was used for: Identifying high-potential applicants to the Call Center Creating a training program that helped managers work with lower performers to behave in ways comparable to top performers Help managers understand differences in team and its implications for managing individuals more effectively Net result of the intervention was 33% increase in revenue from those who underwent training within the first 6 months following the intervention! Mapping the New Landscape of Human Performance 21
  • 22. Case Study - Peak Performance: A New Approach to Driving a Sales Organization to the Next Level Company with 2 business groups created iWAM Models of Excellence to identify what differentiates high performing salespeople from peers. Predictive power of Models 76% and 49%! Models help in the screening process of applicants, saving time and money, improving effectiveness of recruiting and hiring iWAM helped create a strategy to develop existing sales force: Individual feedback sessions and development plans based on iWAM Management of Sales Representatives received orientation on how to use iWAM results for coaching, motivating, and managing effectively – ‘One size does not fit all!’ Significant improvement in the overall performance of the sales organization Total cost of investment in iWAM by the company was less than the cost of one hiring mistake! Mapping the New Landscape of Human Performance 22
  • 23. Case Study – Coaching: iWAM to Resolve Conflict and Help Manage People Effectively Tom, the senior assistant to the Project manager, once motivated and productive, now is described as ‘unenthusiastic, low morale, unable to be coached for high productivity’; probably no longer capable of holding his position with the company as senior assistant. Tom’s goals: to like the job again, become motivated, resolve conflicts iWAM consultant revealed problem: manager and assistant are motivated by completely different factors (in fact, opposites!) Coaching helped understand differences and adjust communication, leading to improved work relationship. iWAM made it possible for manager to effectively motivate Tom again.Tom said his life had turned around, he is back to being enthusiastic and productive at work. Mapping the New Landscape of Human Performance 23
  • 24. Case Study – Team Development: Turning Great Individuals into a Great Team Talented leadership team in turmoil, working well in dyads, but when mixed, performance went down.They were unable to solve difficulties, the President needed help to improve teamwork and performance. Every leader on the team filled out the iWAM Everyone received individual feedback and agreed to participate in a team session with an iWAM team profile Team session with consultant explaining what high and low scores in a pattern meant and how differences might play out in the team Team discussed their experiences and how the iWAM profiles contributed to their effectiveness and how they will use this knowledge to improve their performance in future Team called iWAM very useful teambuilding tool as well as personal development exercise! Mapping the New Landscape of Human Performance 24
  • 25. The Institute for Work Attitude & Motivation Mapping the New Landscape of Human Performance 25 2510 South Brentwood Boulevard Suite 204 St. Louis, Missouri 63144 Phone: +1-314-961-9676 Mobile: +1-314-603-5460 Fax: +1-314-961-9678 For further information on the iWAM, its applications, and the iWAM Model of Excellence, please contact:

Hinweis der Redaktion

  1. Here, we fill in the gap between Context and Outcomes with the elements and flow of the human performance process that takes place literally hundreds or even thousands of times per day. The entire process we are about to describe is seemingly instantaneous and is largely driven by routines we have established over time. Two things occur in the first stage called “Interpret”. This stage converts our external “Experience” to an internal “Reality.” First, experience is filtered. Not all of what’s occurring in the individual’s context is being processed at the cognitive level. Think, for a moment about body sensations. If you are sitting down, notice the pressure of the chair or sofa on various parts of your anatomy. Two minutes ago, unless you have a pain or discomfort that is bothering in that part of your anatomy, you were probably not aware of those sensations. Your brain literally “filtered them out” so that you were not overloaded with more sensations than you can process. The brain filters literally thousands of sensations from the feeling of your tongue in your mouth, your foot in your shoe, or the touch of clothes on your skin. Because of this filtering process, you are able to focus attention on this presentation. The same thing happens with experience around you in your work. Your sensors and brain do not process all of the experience. Some of it gets “filtered out.” That which is not filtered is “interpreted.” That is, the experience is translated from an external event to an internal reality largely on the basis of the attitudinal and motivational patterns that are part of Stage 1. As we move to Stage 2, the “Reality” created in Stage 1 is compared to the individual’s “Criteria” – Values, Beliefs, and Goals. Your criteria help define what’s important to you. Using the comparison, a judgment is made about whether the experience aligns with values, matches beliefs, or is related to goals. The resulting decision affects whether one moves to action and the possible alternative actions that are desirable in this situation. Stage 3 is labeled “Performance.” This is where the individual takes action in response to the evaluation of experience. The content for this stage consists of our knowledge and skills—collectively referred to as our competencies. Competencies are the pool of resources on which we draw to take action and which are visible indicators of our performance. There is one more facet in the model. This is the component labeled “emotions.” As you can see, emotion is connected to all three stages of the performance process. The arrows indicate that the flow of energy can be in either direction. The effect of experience on the patterns in the Interpretation process can impact emotions in a positive or negative manner. In a positive sense, we call it motivation; the negative aspect would be what we might call “turning us off.” Conversely, certain emotional states have been shown to affect our motivational and attitudinal patterns. Researchers have found, for example, that under conditions of threat or high stress, certain patterns shift in a predictable direction. The same is true for the Evaluation Stage and the Performance Stage of the process. The Performance Model is the broad framework for the interpretation and application of the iWAM to various HR, Coaching, and Consulting activities ranging from recruiting and development to succession planning as well as for work with teams and entire organizations . . . As we are “mapping the new landscape of human performance.”