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Elaboro Academia de Ingles UTEZ
UNIT ONE: Planning a composition
Summary of Punctuation Marks
Punctuation Mark Name Example
full stop or
I like English.
comma I speak English, French and
semi-colon I don't often go swimming; I
prefer to play tennis.
colon You have two choices: finish
the work today or lose the
hyphen This is a rather out-of-date
dash In each town—London, Paris
and Rome—we stayed in
youth hostels.
question mark Where is Shangri-La?
point (AmE)
"Help!" she cried. "I'm
slash, forward
slash or
Please press your browser's
Refresh/Reload button.
backslash C:UsersFilesjse.doc
"I love you," she said.
'I love you,' she said.
apostrophe This is John's car.
underline Have you read War and
I went to Bangkok (my
favourite city) and stayed
there for two weeks.
The newspaper reported that
the hostages [most of them
French] had been released.
ellipsis mark One happy customer wrote:
"This is the best
program...that I have ever
The Basic Grammar Terms
Sometimes we Grammarians speak a language all our own.
Here is a quick translation for the most common terms:
noun: person, place or thing (sister, Sydney, plane)
verb: an action word (flew, visited, toured)
pronoun: a replacement for a noun (he, she, it)
adjective: a word that describes a noun (blond, hot,
adverb: a word that describes a verb (quickly, happily,
preposition: a word that shows the link between two
words (to, toward, against)
conjunction: a word that joins words or ideas (and, but,
article: three specific adjectives. Also the most commonly
used adjectives. (ONLY: a, an, the),163257,en.pdf
How To Write An Essay: 10 Easy Steps
Brief Overview of the 10 Essay Writing Steps
Below are brief summaries of each of the ten steps to writing an essay.
Select the links for more info on any particular step, or use the blue
navigation bar on the left to proceed through the writing steps. How To
Write an Essay can be viewed sequentially, as if going through ten
sequential steps in an essay writing process, or can be explored by
individual topic.
1. Research: Begin the essay writing process by researching your topic,
making yourself an expert. Utilize the internet, the academic databases,
and the library. Take notes and immerse yourself in the words of great
2. Analysis: Now that you have a good knowledge base, start analyzing
the arguments of the essays you're reading. Clearly define the claims,
write out the reasons, the evidence. Look for weaknesses of logic, and
also strengths. Learning how to write an essay begins by learning how to
analyze essays written by others.
3. Brainstorming: Your essay will require insight of your own, genuine
essay-writing brilliance. Ask yourself a dozen questions and answer them.
Meditate with a pen in your hand. Take walks and think and think until you
come up with original insights to write about.
4. Thesis: Pick your best idea and pin it down in a clear assertion that you
can write your entire essay around. Your thesis is your main point,
summed up in a concise sentence that lets the reader know where you're
going, and why. It's practically impossible to write a good essay without a
clear thesis.
5. Outline: Sketch out your essay before straightway writing it out. Use
one-line sentences to describe paragraphs, and bullet points to describe
what each paragraph will contain. Play with the essay's order. Map out
the structure of your argument, and make sure each paragraph is unified.
6. Introduction: Now sit down and write the essay. The introduction should
grab the reader's attention, set up the issue, and lead in to your thesis.
Your intro is merely a buildup of the issue, a stage of bringing your reader
into the essay's argument.
(Note: The title and first paragraph are probably the most important
elements in your essay. This is an essay-writing point that doesn't always
sink in within the context of the classroom. In the first paragraph you
either hook the reader's interest or lose it. Of course your teacher, who's
getting paid to teach you how to write an essay, will read the essay you've
written regardless, but in the real world, readers make up their minds
about whether or not to read your essay by glancing at the title alone.)
7. Paragraphs: Each individual paragraph should be focused on a single
idea that supports your thesis. Begin paragraphs with topic sentences,
support assertions with evidence, and expound your ideas in the clearest,
most sensible way you can. Speak to your reader as if he or she were
sitting in front of you. In other words, instead of writing the essay,
try talking the essay.
8. Conclusion: Gracefully exit your essay by making a quick wrap-up
sentence, and then end on some memorable thought, perhaps a
quotation, or an interesting twist of logic, or some call to action. Is there
something you want the reader to walk away and do? Let him or her know
exactly what.
9. MLA Style: Format your essay according to the correct guidelines for
citation. All borrowed ideas and quotations should be correctly cited in the
body of your text, followed up with a Works Cited (references) page listing
the details of your sources.
10. Language: You're not done writing your essay until you've polished
your language by correcting the grammar, making sentences flow,
incoporating rhythm, emphasis, adjusting the formality, giving it a level-
headed tone, and making other intuitive edits. Proofread until it reads just
how you want it to sound. Writing an essay can be tedious, but you don't
want to bungle the hours of conceptual work you've put into writing your
essay by leaving a few slippy misppallings and pourly wordedd phrazies.
but, however, on the other
hand, yet
indicate CONTRAST
for example, that is indicate ILLUSTRATION
similarly, moreover,
furthermore, in addition
indicate EXTENSION
therefore, consequently, as a
result, thus
then, after that, ultimately indicate THE NEXT STEP
1. Outline Questionnaire
This essay is about:
The essay is introduced by the following interesting statement:
This essay is introduced with the following idea:
The essay will illustrate the above idea by showing that:
o (main point of paragraph 1)
 This is shown by:
o (main point of paragraph 2)
 This is shown by:
o (main point of paragraph 3)
 This is shown by:
To summarize, this essay has shown that:
The lessons that can be learned are:
Essay Examples
Four types of essays exist including: narration, description, exposition,
andargument. Each type has a unique purpose: some tell a story, some
are descriptive and others prevent viewpoints. One of the best ways to
better understand each type of essay is to review examples.
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Types of Essays
Narration is telling a story from a certain viewpoint, and there is usually
a reason for the telling. All narrative essays will have characters, setting,
climax, and most importantly, a plot. The plot is the focus of the story
and is usually revealed chronologically, but there are sometimes flash
forwards and flash backs.
In writing a narrative essay, remember to:
Include sensory and emotional details, so the reader will experience the
story, not just read about it
Have the story support the point you are making, and make reference to
that point in the first sentence.
Write in the first or third person
Descriptive essays have text which describes traits and characteristics of
people, objects, events, feelings, etc in intricate detail.
Whatever is being described will be thoroughly examined. For example,
if you were describing roses, you would explain:
Where they come from
What they look like
What colors they are
How they grow and smell
When you write a descriptive essay, you want to involve the reader’s
senses and emotions. For example, you could say, “I got sleepy” or
describe it like this, "As I was waiting for Santa, my eyelids began to get
heavy, the lights on the tree began to blur with the green branches, and
my head started to drop." The second sentence gives vivid details to
make the reader feel like he is there.
Expository essays can compare, explore and discuss problems, or tell a
story. An exposition essay gives information about various topics to the
reader. It:
In writing an exposition, the text needs to:
Be concise and easy to understand
Give different views on a subject or report on a situation or event
Explain something that may be difficult to understand as you write your
Remember that your purpose is to explain.
In an argumentative essay the writer is trying to convince the reader by
demonstrating the truth or falsity of a topic. The writer’s position will be
backed up with certain kinds of evidence, like statistics or opinions of
The writer is not just giving an opinion, but making an argument for or
against something and supporting that argument with data.
To know how to write an essay in an argumentative way, you have to
research and backup what you say in the text.
A classic format for compositions is the five-paragraph essay. It is not the
only format for writing an essay, of course, but it is a useful model for you to
keep in mind, especially as you begin to develop your composition skills.
The following material is adapted from a handout prepared by Harry
Livermore for his high school English classes at Cook High School in Adel,
Georgia. It is used here with his permission.
Introductory Paragraph
See, first, Writing Introductory Paragraphs for different ways of getting
your reader involved in your essay. The introductory paragraph should also
include the thesis statement, a kind of mini-outline for the paper: it tells the
reader what the essay is about. The last sentence of this paragraph must also
contain a transitional "hook" which moves the reader to the first paragraph of the
body of the paper.
Body — First paragraph:
The first paragraph of the body should contain the strongest argument, most
significant example, cleverest illustration, or an obvious beginning point. The
first sentence of this paragraph should include the "reverse hook" which ties in
with the transitional hook at the end of the introductory paragraph. The topic for
this paragraph should be in the first or second sentence. This topic should relate
to the thesis statement in the introductory paragraph. The last sentence in this
paragraph should include a transitional hook to tie into the second paragraph of
the body.
Body — Second paragraph:
The second paragraph of the body should contain the second strongest
argument, second most significant example, second cleverest illustration, or an
obvious follow up the first paragraph in the body. The first sentence of this
paragraph should include the reverse hook which ties in with the transitional
hook at the end of the first paragraph of the body. The topic for this paragraph
should be in the first or second sentence. This topic should relate to the thesis
statement in the introductory paragraph. The last sentence in this paragraph
should include a transitional hook to tie into the third paragraph of the body.
Body — Third paragraph:
The third paragraph of the body should contain the weakest argument,
weakest example, weakest illustration, or an obvious follow up to the second
paragraph in the body. The first sentence of this paragraph should include the
reverse hook which ties in with the transitional hook at the end of the second
paragraph. The topic for this paragraph should be in the first or second sentence.
This topic should relate to the thesis statement in the introductory paragraph. The
last sentence in this paragraph should include a transitional concluding hook that
signals the reader that this is the final major point being made in this paper. This
hook also leads into the last, or concluding, paragraph.
Concluding paragraph:
This paragraph should include the following:
1. an allusion to the pattern used in the introductory paragraph,
2. a restatement of the thesis statement, using some of the original
language or language that "echoes" the original language. (The
restatement, however, must not be a duplicate thesis statement.)
3. a summary of the three main points from the body of the paper.
4. a final statement that gives the reader signals that the discussion has
come to an end. (This final statement may be a "call to action" in an
persuasive paper.)
Rhetorical Questions
Rhetorical questions are not really questions, but statements given in question
Public speakers often use rhetorical questions in the middle of speeches. Of
course, the audience cannot all answer, but the intent is to engage them in thinking
and consider what answer they would give if they could.
In figures of speech, rhetorical questions are known as Erotema.
Gaining agreement
Rhetorical questions are often intended to make the listener agree with the speaker
as the answer is obviously yes. Even if the listener does not say the word, they will
think it. And once they start agreeing they are more likely to keep doing so.
Is the Pope a Catholic?
Is the sky blue?
Is this a great product?
We use rhetorical questions sometimes when we want to make a statement but are
not confident enough to assert a point. The question format thus allows others to
disagree, but is not necessarily seeking agreement.
Isn't that wonderful? Is it a shade of blue?
Sometimes when you ask questions, you are really asking them of yourself rather
than the other person. this is particularly noticeable when you give the answer
soon after asking the question.
What is that? A bird, I'd say. What type? Maybe an eagle? I think so. What a lovely
flight path.
Multiple questions
When you ask multiple questions at once, you seldom expect them all to be
answered, and perhaps none of them.
They become particularly rhetorical when you do not give time for the other person
to answer.
Where have you been? What time do you think this is? Do you think you can come
home late like this and nobody notice?
Terminating statement
Another way that stopping the other person from answering is to put a statement of
some sort immediately after the question.
There is hence no space for the person to answer the question and they are
directed more by the final statement than the question.
Can you see? Look there!
Why do writers use rhetorical
Rhetoric is a persuasive technique used to convince people verbally. Rhetorical
questions are used in a persuasive argument so that if the writer asks a rhetorical
question, it forces the listener to think of the obvious answer. For example:
"Do you want to clean by picking up tiny individual pieces from the floor? If that is a
no, pick James's vacuum cleaner. It is the most powerful vacuum cleaner ever."
This small paragraph forces the reader/listener to think why would they want to
pick up the pieces from the floor, when they can just use a vacuum cleaner to do
the job. This helps the advertiser to convince their customer to buy their product.
A rhetorical question is one that is asked without expectation of an answer, often
with the implication that the answer is known to the person or group addressed. It
is actually a persuasive argument couched as an unanswered, or unanswerable,
Example : "Are we going to put up with more foolishness from our elected
officials?" (The person speaking implies that the answer should be "no".)
A well-constructed rhetorical question will both direct the listener's thoughts to a
question they hadn't considered, and also have only one sensible answer, being
the one the writer wanted.
How to Describe a Person's Physical Appearance
 Start from the top. Notice the hair on your person of interest. Is it
long, shoulder-length, or short? Does this person wear a distinct
hairstyle? What color is their hair
Look at the person's face. Even identical twins have facial
differences that make every face on earth completely unique. Look for
the following features:
Eyebrows: Are their eyebrows thick or thin, light or dark? Do they
have small eyes or large eyes? Are they deep-set or bulgy? Are
they almond-shaped or round? Do they have long, thick, curly
lashes, or are they sparse, straight or short?
Nose: The person's nose can be almost any shape or size. Is it
long or short, turned up or hooked? Is it wide or narrow?
Mouth: Is the mouth wide or small? Does the person have full lips
or thin lips, and is their cupid's-bow on top very defined?
Notice any distinctive features, such as a mole or birthmark, even
a scar or tattoo.
What body shape does this person have? Are they tall or short,
plump, average, stout or lanky? Do they have proportionately long
arms or legs?
Describing a character allows the reader
to picture someone in their mind's eye
This hub will guide you through the reflective process of developing
and describing a character. I will offer you a variety of elements to
consider which affect characterization. As the author you are
responsible for guiding your readers into a stimulating relationship with
the characters you create. By describing a character you are helping
the reader picture someone. Someone whole and with depth.
Describing a Character
Imagine you are writing a narrative. You should want your reader to
feel personally connected to the characteristics and traits of your
subject. Your descriptive words, tone and voice are the writing skills
that will make this happen. You want to be vivid in your portrayal in
order for your reader to capture your personal vision. The beauty of
reading is analyzing the characterization of interesting characters. The
writer is the artist that will illustrate this vision through descriptive and
carefully crafted words. However, you must keep an important step in
mind. You cannot describe a character until you have built the
character. I will guide you through the steps and questions you need to
reflect on as you begin the process of evolving your thoughts into a
character your readers will want to follow, analyze and interpret.
Note - I will use the term "character" for both fictional and non-fictional
subjects. Therefore, you can apply these descriptive techniques in the
development of character descriptions in autobiographies, biographies
and in creative writing.
Characterization: Building the Framework
The Framework of a Character - Don't ignore who, what, when,
where, how and why. The simplicity of these question prompts can
lead to the development of an interesting character. You can choose
how to best use the prompts. Here are some ideas,
Who - Who is the main character and who are the supporting
characters? Who does the character influence?
What - What is the purpose of each of your characters? What
role do they play? What conflicts do they encounter or provoke?
What relationships do each of the characters have? What
abilities or attributes affect the plot? What conflicts do they need
to overcome? What motivates the characters? What internal
conflicts does the character have? What external conflicts does
the character have?
When - When do the various characters emerge into the
storyline? When will your character have an epiphany?
How - How does the reader perceive the character? How do the
characters perceive each other?
Why - Why is each respective character important to the story
line? Why is a character having a conflict? Why do characters
influence each other?
Describing Character Traits and Motivations
Gathering your tools and details -
What makes a person?
• Physical appearance
• Personality traits
• Experiences
• Motivations
• Relationships
• Conflicts
Transforming details into an image...
What does a character look like?
Physical appearance and style of your subject are considered
descriptive - even the mundane. This includes unusual or unique
features. Can you use a simile or metaphor to describe these features?
For example, Her lips were as red as cherries. Her black hair glistened
like a raven. He was a governmental tower with his stoic demeanor
and height.
Consider the following when developing the text for descriptive traits,
• Height - really tall or short - ordinary and common
• Hair length and color - shiny, dull, multi-toned, intense, cropped or
• Freckles, dimples, braces, glasses, prosthetics, hats or canes
• Clothing and style - well dressed, grungy, free spirited, disheveled.
What message or image might the subject be trying to deliver with their
• Movement - is your subject graceful, clumsy or awkward? Or ordinary
and without charm?
• What adjectives best describe your character?
Who is the character? Why is the character important?
Personality traits and experiences are additional character questions
for you to consider when developing a description of a person. Why is
your character the way he or she is? You should consider the cause
and effect of these experiences. (Your who, what, when, where, how
and why questions might be helpful here)
• What makes this person unique?
• How would you describe their personality?
• Does your character have special abilities, virtues or attributes?
• Are there specific physical or mental conflicts that challenge your
character? Examples - Handicaps or disabilities from birth, disabled
war heroes, the emotionally or physically abused traits of a victim.
What experience might your character have had that leads to these
descriptive words? What have they witnessed? What where the
circumstances? Setting? Age?
Examples -
• If you are writing about a homeless child that has witnessed domestic
abuse -His dark eyes flashed violent rippled reflections of
unfortunate wisdom and broken innocence.
• If you were writing about a family matriarch that was nurturing, strong
and influential -Deep furrows created crossroads of wisdom and
strife across her pale skin. The lines softened with her gentle
smile and soothing eyes. Her cane supported the evolution of her
burdens as she caressed the rose in her lush and colorful garden.
Describing how senses
Exploring students'
Students relate stories on
Words help to express how we sense different things. Young
children are trying to determine which words can best explain the
situation. For instance, is boiling water, warm or hot. If you call
something ―hot,‖ does that mean it will hurt you.
Helping a student describe through words helps that student to
express the sense in more detail. Languages throughout the word
use different "sounds" for the same event. English-speaking
people hear "OINK, OINK" from pigs while other languages do not.
1. If you have students with different native languages,
you might want to ask them how they describe animal
2. Have the students use descriptive terms to describe
taste, feel, and sight. For instance, the taste of sour
and sweet or a warm winds verses a cool wind.
3. Prior to this lesson, ask your students to think about
how their senses have helped them discover things
about the world. Let the students give an oral report to
the rest of the class on their "sense" experiences. Give
them some examples of a sense experience that turned
out to be something else.
1. Mary heard a noise that sounded like a baby.
She looked outside to try and find the lost baby.
After a few minutes, Mary found Fuzzy, her cat.
He was hungry and was making a noise that
sounded like a baby.
She used the sense of sound.
2. Bill has a brother who likes to play jokes on
everyone. Bill was watching television when a
weird object touched him. Although Bill wanted to
move away, he knew it was his brother teasing
him. Sure enough, his brother used some wet
spaghetti to scare Bill.
He used the sense of touch.
3. Charlene felt a warm wind against her back. She
heard a moan. She thought it was a ghost. She
turned around and it was the door being opened
by a strong wind.
She used the sense of sound, touch and sight.
OBJECTIVES: Students are read a book on
Exploring the human senses.
Distinguishing different
The senses are part of the nervous system. Touch, smell, sound,
sight, and taste are all controlled by the brain. If the information
cannot get to the brain through the nervous system, there is
something wrong with the network of nerves.
Senses are very important to science. They help a person
investigate. Chemicals are sometimes invisible and we need to use
our smell to detect them. Sight helps us many times, but children
don‘t realize that the other senses are also very important. An
object can look ―cold‖ but when you touch it, the object is really
1. There are many books on senses. You probably have a
favorite one or your library may have one that explains
senses in a clear and enjoyable manner. Go over the
vocabulary words. Have the students repeat the words
several times. Make sure they know what part of the body is
responsible for the senses. The recommended book clearly
summarizes all of the senses.
2. There are some senses that are organs or specific body
part. For example, ears hear sound, eyes can see, a nose
smells, and a tongue can taste. Touch, however, is a very
large organ called the skin. Explain to your students that
there are sensitive parts of the skin. Your fingertips, for
example, are more sensitive than skin on your leg. Ask your
students how they sense things.
The brain however, is the main organ that regulates and
allows our body to interpret all these senses. If the brain is
damaged, it can affect parts of the body that are far from the
3. As you discuss each part of the body, have your students
observe each part. Let the students look into each other's
eyes. Ask them to describe what they see. They will come up
with a list of "discoveries" because although we all have eyes,
we rarely try to describe them. Ask the same questions for
the other parts of the senses including skin, tongue, nose,
and ears. Emphasize that these senses help us discover and
describe the world around us.
Experiencing the
different senses.
Discovering how to
use the senses to
find new things
objects for ―feely‖
Students use their senses to
identify different objects.
The human body has five major senses which operate to gather
information from the world around us, sight, hearing, smell, taste,
and touch. Any stimulus to one of the sense areas is detected by
sensory nerves and is sent to the brain for interpretation.
The eye (an organ) acts like a camera. Human vision is
stereoscopic, which means seeing in three dimensions. When we
look at objects, two slightly different images are transmitted to the
brain, and are merged so the brain can interpret the image that we
see. This allows us to see objects which stand away from the
background, not flat like you see in a photograph.
The ear (an organ) is specially made to receive sound waves that
are sent out by vibrating objects and converts them into sensations
we call sound.
The nose contains the nostrils and organs of smell. The stimulus
that excites smell is chemical, for example onion and garlic give off
different chemical sensations.
The tongue is the organ that controls taste. Taste is also a
chemical stimulus. Things to be tasted must touch the tongue,
sometimes, taste become combined with smell because of the
connection between the mouth and the back of the nose.
Touch is created by stimulating the skin (the largest organ of the
body) through the sensations of touch, pressure, pain, heats and
cold. Discussing senses and actually having the children
experience the different senses requires selecting items that will
"accent" the sensation of that sense. For instance, the sense of
touch is much more exciting if the item being touched cannot be
seen and feels "gooey." If you eliminate some of the other senses
and have the children rely just on one sense, the sensation is much
more acute.
Now that the students have learned about senses, let them use
their newfound knowledge to explore items. You can do this in
several ways, depending on the availability of materials and the
help you get from parents.
1. One way is to make "feely" boxes. Put items in a box
that the students cannot see what the
item is. Try to get objects that have an
unusual feel. Use a box with a hole cut
in the side or use an empty tissue box
and have the students figure out what
they are touching. Have the students
describe the texture. It is more
important to have the students use their senses than
identify the object. (When you finish with the materials,
put them back into their appropriate box. Students will
want to play with the items if you leave them out.)
Students are using the sense of touch and eliminating
the sense of sight. On some of the items you might
have the students shake the box to use the sense of
2. You can blind fold your students and give them samples
of fruit to see if they can determine what the fruit is
(sense of taste). While they are blind folded, bottles of
perfume or flavoring can test the sense of smell.
3. If you have enough help, you can divide the students
into small groups and discuss the following activities.
For instance, one station might have different smells,
for example vanilla, perfume, oil, or any other smells
you would like to introduce. Ask students to pick the
smell that reminds them of cookies (vanilla) or the one
that reminds them of flowers (rose perfume). At
another station, cut up pieces of oranges, apples,
bananas, lemons, or any other fruit. Have students
close their eyes and ask them which one tastes sour
Writing an Accurate Architectural
Description OF A BUILDING
The following items should be included if you choose to write an
architectural description of the
nominated site rather than use the Description Worksheet. You should
be able to describe a
building in a page or less. Be clear and concise in your language, and
be sure that you are
describing the building‘s existing condition rather than its original or
earlier appearance.
Generally, you should move from the macro to the micro – from its
size, style, and use to its
doors, windows, and ornamentation. Use style guides and architectural
dictionaries to help
identify the building‘s architectural style and find the correct
terminology for its component parts.
Here‘s a sample outline to help organize your description:
Basic Outline
1. Begin with a comprehensive overview sentence that captures some
of the building‘s
major features (including number of stories, style, and use).
2. Continue with further description of macro aspects: building shape,
cladding material,
roofing material, and foundation material. Indicate and describe any
between primary (street) facades and secondary (rear and/or side)
3. Begin to focus on specific features: window type, doors and door
surrounds, porches,
chimneys, storefronts, etc., and the location of these elements on the
4. Focus in on any particularly distinctive ornamental features or design
5. Discuss the overall condition of the building materials and features
6. Note any obvious alterations from the building‘s original condition,
for example window
replacement, additions, or changes in the cladding material.
7. Describe the building‘s interior spaces – for a residential structure,
note the number of
bedrooms and bathrooms and the general configuration of the layout.
For commercial,
industrial, or institutional buildings, note the primary ―public‖ spaces
and their uses,
along with the general configuration of the layout. Include a description
of all notable
historic interior features, including built-in furniture, fireplace mantles,
moldings, plumbing fixtures, tilework, flooring materials, etc. If you
don‘t include this
information in your nomination, important interior features may not
receive the
protection they deserve.
8. Describe the building‘s relationship to its site, to the street, or to
adjacent buildings.
Include specific landscaping features, if appropriate.
1. Organize your description from the basic to the specific. The style,
size, and use of the
building should appear in the first sentences.
2. Avoid subjective judgments. You are trying to preserve the building.
Negative comments
could have the opposite effect.
3. Don‘t ―list‖ the building‘s features - try to make the description flow. It
may take several
rewrites before you have a complete description.
Sample Architectural Descriptions
A. Commercial: San Fernando Building
The San Fernando Building is located at the southeast corner of Fourth
and Main Streets. The
reinforced concrete structure consists of eight stories above a
basement. The building has an Eshaped
plan above the first story to allow for light wells. Typical of the Beaux-
Arts style in
which it is rendered, the building is horizontally organized with a base
represented by the first
two stories, a shaft represented by the third through sixth stories, and a
capital represented by the
seventh and eighth stories. The north and west facades face Fourth
and Main Streets respectively
and are nearly identical. The north façade has eight vertical bays, while
there are six bays on the
west façade.
The base of the building is clad in cast concrete, designed to resemble
rusticated stone. There are
two main entrances to the building, one in the third bay from the south
on Main Street and the
other in the fourth bay from the east on Fourth Street. There are three
original storefronts in the
easternmost bays on Fourth Street. The second story windows are set
above spandrel panes with
an incised diamond motif. IN each bay on the second story are three
pivoting windows with a
single transom above. In each bay on the third through eighth stories
are three one-over-one
double-hung sash windows. The bays are separated by simple
rusticated piers, and are set above
diamond incised spandrel panels in the fourth, fifth, and sixth stories. A
denticulated cornice,
punctuated by corbels over the piers, runs above the sixth story. The
upper two stories were
added to the building in 1911. They are distinguished by ornamental
friezes set above the
seventh and eighth stories. A denticulated cornice caps the building.
While the interior of the building has been extensively altered, the T-
shaped, ground floor lobby
remains largely intact.
Passive and Active Voices
Verbs are also said to be either active (The executive committee
approved the new policy) or passive (The new policy was approved by
the executive committee) in voice. In the active voice, the subject and
verb relationship is straightforward: the subject is a be-er or a do-er
and the verb moves the sentence along. In the passive voice, the
subject of the sentence is neither a do-er or a be-er, but is acted upon
by some other agent or by something unnamed (The new policy was
approved). Computerized grammar checkers can pick out a passive
voice construction from miles away and ask you to revise it to a more
active construction. There is nothing inherently wrong with the passive
voice, but if you can say the same thing in the active mode, do so (see
exceptions below). Your text will have more pizzazz as a result, since
passive verb constructions tend to lie about in their pajamas and avoid
actual work.
We find an overabundance of the passive voice in sentences created
by self-protective business interests, magniloquent educators, and
bombastic military writers (who must get weary of this accusation), who
use the passive voice to avoid responsibility for actions taken.
Thus "Cigarette ads were designed to appeal especially to
children" places the burden on the ads — as opposed to "We
designed the cigarette ads to appeal especially to children," in which
"we" accepts responsibility. At a White House press briefing we might
hear that "The President was advised that certain members of
Congress were being audited" rather than "The Head of the Internal
Revenue service advised the President that her agency was auditing
certain members of Congress" because the passive construction
avoids responsibility for advising and for auditing. One further caution
about the passive voice: we should not mix active and passive
constructions in the same sentence: "The executive committee
approved the new policy, and the calendar for next year's meetings
was revised" should be recast as "The executive committee approved
the new policy and revised the calendar for next year's meeting."
Take the quiz (below) as an exercise in recognizing and changing
passive verbs.
The passive voice does exist for a reason, however, and its
presence is not always to be despised. The passive is
particularly useful (even recommended) in two situations:
When it is more important to draw our attention to the
person or thing acted upon: The unidentified victim was
apparently struck during the early morning hours.
When the actor in the situation is not important: The aurora
borealis can be observed in the early morning hours.
The passive voice is especially helpful (and even regarded as
mandatory) in scientific or technical writing or lab reports, where the
actor is not really important but the process or principle being
described is of ultimate importance. Instead of writing "I poured 20 cc
of acid into the beaker," we would write "Twenty cc of acid is/was
poured into the beaker." The passive voice is also useful when
describing, say, a mechanical process in which the details of process
are much more important than anyone's taking responsibility for the
action: "The first coat of primer paint is applied immediately after the
acid rinse."
We use the passive voice to good effect in a paragraph in which we
wish to shift emphasis from what was the object in a first sentence to
what becomes the subject in subsequent sentences.
The executive committee approved an entirely new policy for dealing
with academic suspension and withdrawal. The policy had been written
by a subcommittee on student behavior. If students withdraw from
course work before suspension can take effect, the policy states, a
mark of "IW" . . . .
The paragraph is clearly about this new policy so it is appropriate that
policy move from being the object in the first sentence to being the
subject of the second sentence. The passive voice allows for this
Passive Verb Formation
The passive forms of a verb are created by combining a form of the "to
be verb" with the past participle of the main verb. Other helping verbs
are also sometimes present: "The measure could have been killed in
committee." The passive can be used, also, in various tenses. Let's
take a look at the passive forms of "design."
Tense Subject
Singular Plural
Present The is are designed.
Present perfect
has been have been designed.
was were designed.
Past perfect
had been had been designed.
will be will be designed.
Future perfect
will have
will have
is being are being designed.
Past progressive
was being were being designed.
A sentence cast in the passive voice will not always include an agent
of the action. For instance if a gorilla crushes a tin can, we could say
"The tin can was crushed by the gorilla." But a perfectly good sentence
would leave out the gorilla: "The tin can was crushed." Also, when an
active sentence with an indirect object is recast in the passive, the
indirect object can take on the role of subject in the passive sentence:
Active Professor Villa gave Jorge an A.
Passive An A was given to Jorge by Professor Villa.
Passive Jorge was given an A.
Only transitive verbs (those that take objects) can be transformed into
passive constructions. Furthermore, active sentences containing
certain verbs cannot be transformed into passive structures. To have is
the most important of these verbs. We can say "He has a new car," but
we cannot say "A new car is had by him." We can say "Josefina lacked
finesse," but we cannot say "Finesse was lacked." Here is a brief list of
such verbs*:
resemble look like equal agree with
mean contain hold comprise
lack suit fit become
Verbals in Passive Structures
Verbals or verb forms can also take on features of the passive voice.
An infinitive phrase in the passive voice, for instance, can perform
various functions within a sentence (just like the active forms of the
Subject: To be elected by my peers is a great honor.
Object: That child really likes to be read to by her mother.
Modifier: Grasso was the first woman to be elected governor in
her own right.
The same is true of passive gerunds.
Subject: Being elected by my peers was a great thrill.
Object: I really don't like being lectured to by my boss.
Object of preposition: I am so tired of being lectured to by my
With passive participles, part of the passive construction is often
omitted, the result being a simple modifying participial phrase.
[Having been] designed for off-road performance, the Pathseeker
does not always behave well on paved highways.
Letter to a friend, describing annual day celebration in your
Sourav Pyakurel
City Name
Writing Date
Dear Sitaram
I was glad to receive your letter. It was a pleasure to know that you are
enjoying the winter vacations at your Mamaji‘s place in Lucknow. You
have asked about the annual function held in my school.
Well, the annual function of my school was held on 2nd
Tuesday. A stage was built up. Three big ‗Shamianas‘ were fixed. Our
Education Minister was the Chief Guest for the day. A cultural show
was arranged, in which one-act plays, folk dances and songs were
presented. After the cultural show, the Principal read the Annual
Report. The chief guest distributed prizes to the meritorious students
and the best performers. He praised the efforts made by our school in
preparing the students for the annual function. The function ended after
a tea-party. It was a properly arranged and well managed function.
Convey my regards to your Mamaji, Mamiji and love to Bittu, Neetu
and the little Baby.
Yours sincerely
We are writing this article so as to describe some
of our ceremonies.
There are many kinds of ceremonies:
1)Engagement: This ceremony is the first step before celebrating the
wedding. The way this ceremony is carried out depends on traditions &
customs of the town, but in general, the groom's
family visits the bride's family and they take gifts and flowers with them.
When the guests arrive, the hosts meet them with flowers, milk and
dates and they sit with each other and talk with the bride's parents so
as to agree about the date of the wedding ceremony.
2)Marriage:We celebrate it in a big place, where there are many
guests(from the groom's family, the bride's family& their neighbours) to
whom a music band sings traditional as well as modern songs. People
spend the night dancing and having fun.
Concerning the bride's clothes, she wears traditional ones like
"Takchita, Caftan", and at the end of the ceremony she wears a white
wedding dress like the one we see in most films. The groom
generally wears two types of clothes a traditional "Jellaba" and a
modern suit.
As for meals, guests eat pastilla, meat with dried prunes, chicken,
dessert. They also have tea with
several varieties of cookies…
3)Baptism: Seven days after the baby's birth; the family celebrates it by
inviting relatives, cousins and neighbors and preparing food for them
just like in a wedding.
This is what my students wrote about some of our celebrations:
We are writing this article so as to describe some of our ceremonies.
There are many kinds of ceremonies:
1)Engagement: This ceremony is the first step before celebrating the
wedding. The way this ceremony is carried out depends on traditions &
customs of the town, but in general, the groom's
family visits the bride's family and they take gifts and flowers with them.
When the guests arrive, the hosts meet them with flowers, milk and
dates and they sit with each other and talk with the bride's parents so
as to agree about the date of the wedding ceremony.
2)Marriage:We celebrate it in a big place, where there are many
guests(from the groom's family, the bride's family& their neighbours) to
whom a music band sings traditional as well as modern songs. People
spend the night dancing and having fun.
Concerning the bride's clothes, she wears traditional ones like
"Takchita, Caftan", and at the end of the ceremony she wears a white
wedding dress like the one we see in most films. The groom
generally wears two types of clothes a traditional "Jellaba" and a
modern suit.
As for meals, guests eat pastilla, meat with dried prunes, chicken,
dessert. They also have tea with
several varieties of cookies…
3)Baptism: Seven days after the baby's birth, the family celebrates it by
inviting relatives, cousins and neighbors and preparing food for them
just like in a wedding.
Emotions involve what we call action urges. An important function of
emotions is to prompt behaviors. For example if we feel angry, we may be
prompted to fight. Or if we feel fear, we may be prompted to run or flee.
The action itself, the fighting, or running, or hugging is not part of the emotion,
but the urge to do the action, the feeling that prompts you to do the action, is
considered part of the feeling.
If we feel angry at someone, we may feel an urge to start yelling at them.
That urge is part of the angry feeling. But the fighting is not part of the feeling.
1. Prompting event
Emotions can be either reactions to events in the environment or to
things inside a person. These events and things are called
PROMPTING EVENTS. They prompt, or call forth the emotion. A
person's thoughts, behaviors and physical reactions prompt emotions.
(Recently someone put his hand on the back of my neck, and I felt fear
and anger.) You might have an automatic feeling, without thinking about
it, like "I feel love when I see my cat."
What triggers it or gets it going? Prompting events can be events
happening in the present (an interaction with someone, losing
something, physical illness, financial worries). A prompting event might
also be a memory, a thought, or even another feeling (we feel
ashamed, and then feel angry about feeling ashamed, for example). In
managing our emotions, it is important to be able to recognize
prompting events.
Think of some examples of your own where there is an inside prompting
for a feeling you have
2. Interpretation of an event or experience
Most events outside ourselves don't prompt emotions. It is the
interpretation of the event that prompts the emotion.
Event Interpretation Emotion
Seeing my boyfriend
with my best friend
They must have been
talking about me
My car has a flat tire
Some neighborhood
kid did this
It starts to thunder and
I have heard of people
being killed by lightning
I see Mary at the
concert with Betty after
she promised to go
with me
Mary doesn't care
about me
I see Mary at the
concert with Betty after
she promised to go
with me
Mary is trying to get
back at me
Can you see that the emotion comes after the interpretation is made,
after you have the thought about the reason something is happening?
Think of some examples of your own, and list the event, your interpretation of
the events (what you think about it) and your emotion.
3. Body Changes
Emotions involve body changes such as tensing and relaxing muscles,
changes in heart rate, breathing rate, skin temperature, rises and falls in
blood pressure, etc. The most important of these changes for you to be
aware of are the facial changes - clenched jaw, tightened cheek and
forehead muscles, tightening the muscles around the eyes so that they
open wider or shut more, grinding or clenching teeth, loosening and
tightening around the mouth.
Researchers now believe that changes in the face muscles play an
important part in causing emotions. I noticed years ago, for example,
that stretching out my cheek muscles like in a lion's roar made me cry -
still does.
Be aware of the changes in your facial muscles when you are experiencing
4. Body Response to Emotions
When we experience emotions, there are changes in our bodies.
Sometimes people have trouble sensing their body changes. To
regulate our emotions we have to be pretty good at sensing what is
going on in our bodies. If we have practiced shutting off our body
sensations, this can be difficult. However it is a learned response and
we can unlearn it by practicing something else.
5. Action Urges
An important thing that emotions do is to prompt behaviors. An action
urge may be to fight or attack verbally in anger, or to flee or hide in fear,
What are some action urges that you might have for these emotions?
 Anger
 Fear
 Sadness
 Shame
 Disgust
 Surprise
6. Expression and Communication
One of the most important functions of emotions is to COMMUNICATE.
To communicate something, an emotion has to be expressed.
Sometimes, if we have not learned to express our emotions, we may
think we are communicating but the other person isn't getting it. This
can cause misunderstanding.
Example: I am told that for most of my life I did not show any expression
on my face, and it still is not the easiest thing for me. I would feel angry,
hurt and rejected because people did not respond to my feelings, which
I thought were very obvious. Now I understand that people could not tell
what I was feeling and so they did not respond. I find that it works best
for me to tell people what I am feeling, instead of relying just on
my facial expression.
Emotions are expressed by facial expressions, words and actions.
Expressing emotions through behaviors can also cause problems,
because different people interpret behaviors in different ways.
Example: When I am so angry that I am afraid I am going to say
something I will regret, I leave the room. People have interpreted this as
meaning that I am chickening out or I don't care or I am saying "in your
face." I have learned to say that I am leaving to cool down and I will be
back, so people will understand what I am doing.
7. After Effects
Emotions have after effects on our thoughts, our physical function and
our behavior. Sometimes these effects can last quite a while. One after
effect is that an emotion can keep triggering the same emotion over and
Writing in 1st, 2nd and 3rd Person
Here are some tips to help you determine when it is more appropriate
to use 1st person (I/we), 2nd person (you),
or 3rd person (he/she/it/they) in your writing.
Writing from a specific point of view alters the reader's perception of
what you write. It can be confusing to the reader if you shift the point
of view in your writing (meaning starting in the 3rd person, moving to
the 2nd person, then switching back to 3rd). Look at this example of
switching points of view:
Increasing one's [3rd person] workload is taxing on both your [2nd
person] physical and mental health. Unless someone [3rd person] is in
a physically-intensive profession, your [2nd person] body is wasting
away while you [2nd person] are working. Additionally, diet [3rd
person] also suffers as you [2nd person] spend more time at work. No
longer do you [2nd person] have the time to prepare healthy meals at
home or even worse, we [1st person] may not have time to eat at all.
After reading this passage, a reader must wonder who is being
addressed in the passage. Is it the reader? Is it a general audience?
The shifting back and forth confuses the reader. Thus, it is important
to maintain the same point of view in your writing.
You should use particular points of view in particular situations. To
help you with this, keep these three things in mind:
Use 1st person to indicate personal experience, evaluation,
and/or opinion.
Use 2nd person to instruct or address the reader.
Use 3rd person to generalize the experience or situation.
A good idea is to write in 3rd person whenever possible. This way, you
avoid shifting points of view and confusing the reader.
Here are some examples of the same passage written in the three
different points of view. Read them to understand the difference in
tone and purpose.
Also note the grammatical changes in subjects ("I" vs. "increasing" vs.
"increasing workloads"; number (singular vs. plural); and verb tenses
(perfect forms in 1st person "have found"; simple be forms in 2nd
person "is" and "are"; and simple active forms "tax" in 3rd person).
1st person, indicating a personal experience
I have found increasing my workload is taxing on both my
physical and mental health. Unless I am in a physically-intensive
profession, my body is wasting away while I work. Additionally,
my diet has also suffered as I have spent more time at work. No
longer do I have the time to prepare healthy meals at home or
even worse; I sometimes do not have time to eat at all.
2nd person, instructing the reader
Increasing your workload is taxing on both your physical and mental
health. Unless you are in a physically-intensive profession, your body
is wasting away while you are working. Additionally, your diet also
suffers as you spend more time at work. No longer [do you] have the
time to prepare healthy meals at home or even worse, you may not
have time to eat at all.
 3rd person, addressing a general situation
Increasing workloads tax both physical and mental health. Unless a
person is in a physically-intensive profession, a body will waste away
with inactivity. Additionally, diet suffers as more time is spent at work
as people do not have the time to prepare healthy meals or, even
worse, may not have time to eat at all.
Me, Myself and I:
Writing First Person Point of View
by Cheryl Wright
You want to write first person - it's easy, right? Anyone can do it, at
least that's what everyone tells you.
Not quite.
First person narration is becoming more and more popular, and this is
being recognised by many publishers, including some romance
publishers, who are now open to submissions using this point of view
(POV). Silhouette Bombshell are one such publisher.
The trick is to eliminate most of those nasty "I" words that sneak into
your prose unnoticed. Just because the story is being told in first
person, does not forgive starting every (or every other) sentence with
"I". The alternatives are endless.
For example: I glanced at the clock.
Becomes: My eyes darted to the clock.
Or: The constant ticking drew my glance toward the clock.
Reworded, the meaning is not lost, but that repetitive "I" is gone.
Each time you start a sentence with "I", cross it out in red, circle it, or
underline it. Do this every time "I" appears on the page. You will quickly
tire of this no-win game. (Here's your new mantra: nasty, nasty, nasty!)
Another shortfall many authors of first person have, is to make the
reader privy to information not possessed by the narrator. As with most
forms of writing, this unforgivable (and annoying) habit can definitely be
perfected with practice.
An example of this could be:
Tripping as I entered the room, I landed heavily on my knees. His
gentle touch was beyond anything I'd experienced before, but all eyes
looked my way. I was blushing so profusely, he must have thought me
Did you pick the error? The narrator cannot see herself blushing, so
she can't describe it to the reader.
Imagine yourself stepping into a room. It could be a ballroom built in
1820. Notice the beautifully carved ceiling. What about those
magnificent paintings, hung perfectly straight on the wall?
And of course, you would have admired the chandelier; it takes centre
stage above all else, with its two hundred tiny lamps and fifty crystal
You did see the light bouncing off them, didn't you? Of course you did!
Did you also notice the masked man coming up behind you, a gun in
his left hand, and a black bag in his right?
If you did, you must be my mother. As far as I know, she's the only
person in the entire universe to have eyes in the back of her head.
The lesson here, is that a first person narrator cannot see what she
cannot see.
What? I've still not made it clear?
The most important thing (or rule, if you prefer) with writing in first
person, is to visualise yourself as the narrator.
Stand in that doorway to the ballroom. Look down at your Cinderella
dress (if you're a guy, you just became a transvestite - sorry!), look
toward the ceiling, to your left, your right, straight ahead. If you don't
see it through your human eyes, then my friend, it don't exist. (Please
excuse the grammar!)
Mystery writers love this POV, simply because if the protagonist can't
see it, then neither can the reader. It's a legitimate way to hide clues
without actually concealing them. Until the protagonist finds them, the
writer need not have any qualms about concealment.
In some ways, writing first person is akin to writing dialogue. By this I
mean you don't necessarily write dialogue as it sounds in real life. First
person, typically, is not written as we speak it. If we did, most
sentences would start with "I". Therefore, the trick is to learn to turn the
sentence about.
Instead of: I am the happiest today that I have been for ages.
Try: Today I am happy, more than I have been for ages.
Instead of: I leaned down and picked up a perfectly rounded stone.
Try: The stone was perfectly rounded, and I leaned down to pick it up.
Or: Leaning down, I picked up a perfectly rounded stone.
Instead of: I was so hot, and the sweat trickled down my face.
Try: Sweat tricked down my face, because it was so hot.
Or: Sweat trickled down my face.
Or: The heat affected me so much that sweat trickled down my face.
As can be seen from the above examples, substitutes do exist.
Why use first person?
It can evoke a stronger emotional attachment with readers; from the
first instance, the reader connects with the main protagonist. It is
his/her voice, thoughts and feelings being portrayed, therefore, this is
the person the reader is most likely to bond with.
First person can be an extremely powerful tool. Below are two excerpts
- both are the same story, but written in two different POV's.
Omniscient POV:
Kareena spun around as movement behind her disturbed the silence.
Her hands were sweaty, and her heart was beating abnormally fast as
she peered into the dark interior of the room.
"I didn't mean to startle you." It was Mason's voice. Kareena wiped her
damp hands on her track pants.
She turned her back to him, staring out at the ocean again. "You have
a beautiful view, Mason."
"Going somewhere?" he asked casually, glancing at the bag slung over
her shoulder. Mason slowly stepped toward her. "Kareena?"
She turned to face him, her bottom lip pulled in as she stared.
"Don't go -- please." He towered over her, and looked down into her
sparkling eyes.
First Person POV (from Mason's POV):
She stood at the window, staring out across the sea.
Moving forward, my footsteps echoed across the room. "I didn't mean
to startle you," I told her, as she turned to face me.
Kareena rubbed her hands against her clothes. Anyone else would
have realised she'd be nervous, but it was the last thing on my mind.
She turned toward the water again, then spoke. "You have a beautiful
view, Mason," she said.
Small talk -- she was just making small talk. Did she think it would
make the problem go away?
Moving next to her, I noticed her eyes sparkled with unshed tears.
"Kareena, don't go."
The second piece is much more potent. The connection between
reader and narrator (in this case, Mason) is substantially better than
when it was told in omniscient POV.
Why? With only one side of the story being told, Mason's inner
thoughts come through stronger, more commanding. It elicits an
emotion that the first version does not. It's more compelling, more
gripping and convincing.
Next time you sit down to write, consider first person POV, and
whether it might strengthen the story you are trying to tell.
He said... She said...
Examples of Writing in
the Third Person
Writing in the third person gives the writer maximum latitude.
Examples of writing in the third person are everywhere.
It is the most common mode of expression.
Written language communicates in three ways:
First Person, where the speaker expresses his views, as in "I
ate the apple."
Second Person, where the speaker speaks to another, as in
"You ate the apple."
Third Person, where the speaker is speaking about another
person, as in "She ate the apple."
When writing in the third person, the writer necessarily has to consider
all characters in the story or plot. They can certainly be partial to the
main protagonist, but the writer still has to write about the thoughts and
feelings of the other characters as well.
In a sense, most examples of writing in the third person have well-
developed stories and characters because all of them have their say in
the plot. This type of writing adds to the effectiveness of the story.
In contrast, when writers choose to write from the first person point of
view, they speak only from the viewpoint of the main protagonist. There
is no way to know what the other characters are thinking. The
protagonist could make a guess and they could toy with some ideas
but they would still have to be a mind-reading psychic to his readers.
Having said that, many very successful books have been written using
the first person account. One brilliant book that comes to mind is
Harper Lee's "To Kill a Mocking Bird".
Writers will find examples of writing in the third person abound in
the print media and on the Internet. This style of writing is favored
because writers can include so much more when writing in the third
person. They can include facts and discuss multiple viewpoints rather
than the single viewpoint of the first person account. This way, writing
in third person provides creative opportunity for writers, and they can
add more substance to their writing.
Read the following paragraphs. Notice
that this paragraph presents the pros
and cons of a shorter work week.
Introducing a short work week may lead to both positive and negative
affects on society. For workers, the advantages of shortening the work
week include more free time. This will lead to stronger family
relationships, as well as better physical and mental health for all. An
increase in free time should lead to more service sector jobs as people
find ways to enjoy their extra leisure time. What is more, companies
will need to hire more workers to keep production up to past levels of a
standard forty hour work week. All together, these benefits will not only
improve quality of life, but also grow the economy as a whole.
On the other hand, a shorter work week may damage the ability to
compete in the global workplace. Moreover, companies may be
tempted to outsource positions to countries where longer work weeks
are common. Another point is that companies will need to train more
workers to make up for the lost productivity hours. To sum up,
companies will likely have to pay a steep price for shorter work weeks.
In summary, it is clear that there would be a number of positive gains
for individual workers if the work week were shortened. Unfortunately,
this move could easily cause companies to look elsewhere for qualified
staff. In my opinion, the net positive gains outweigh the negative
consequences of such a move towards more free time for all.
Tips for Writing a For and Against Argument
Before you begin, write down at least five positive points, and five
negative points for your argument.
Begin your writing by making a statement about the general
statement about outcome of an action, or the overall situation.
Dedicate the first paragraph to one side of the argument. This
can be either positive or negative. Generally, it is the side with
which you agree.
The second paragraph should contain the other side of the
The final paragraph should shortly summarize both paragraphs,
and provide your own general opinion on the matter.
Helpful Language
Expressing Both Sides
pros and cons
advantages and disadvantages
plus and minus
Providing Additional Arguments
What is more,
In addition to ..., the ...
Not only will ..., but ... will also ...
Showing Contrast
On the other hand,
Although .....,
First of all,
To sum up,
In conclusion,
In summary,
All things considered,
Expressing Your Opinion
In my opinion,
I feel / think that ...
Choose an for and against argument from one of the following themes
Attending College / University
Getting Married
Having Children
Changing Jobs
Write down five positive points and five negative points
Write down an overall statement of the situation (for introduction
and first sentence)
Write down your own personal opinion (for final paragraph)
Summarize both sides in one sentence if possible
Use your notes to write a For and Against Argument using the
helpful langua

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  • 1. UNIVERSIDAD TECNOLÓGICA DEL ESTADO DE ZACATECAS ORGANISMO PÚBLICO DESCENTRALIZADO DEL GOBIERNO DEL ESTADO DE ZACATECAS UTEZ Carr. Zac.- Cd. Cuauhtémoc Km.-5 Cieneguitas, Guadalupe, Zac. C.P. 98601 A.P. No. 90 Tel. y Fax. 01 (492) 92-761-81 al 84 UNIDAD ACADÉMICA DE PINOS Calle González Ortega No. 60 Pinos, Zacatecas Tel. 01(496) 86-402-15 A I E CUADERNILLO ACADÉMICA INGLES III CUATRIMESTRE: MAYO - AGOSTO 2013 Elaboro Academia de Ingles UTEZ
  • 2. UNIT ONE: Planning a composition GRAMMAR (PUNCTUATION MARKS) Summary of Punctuation Marks Punctuation Mark Name Example full stop or period I like English. comma I speak English, French and Thai. semi-colon I don't often go swimming; I prefer to play tennis. colon You have two choices: finish the work today or lose the contract. hyphen This is a rather out-of-date book. dash In each town—London, Paris and Rome—we stayed in youth hostels.
  • 3. question mark Where is Shangri-La? exclamation mark exclamation point (AmE) "Help!" she cried. "I'm drowning!" slash, forward slash or oblique Please press your browser's Refresh/Reload button. backslash C:UsersFilesjse.doc double quotation marks "I love you," she said. single quotation marks 'I love you,' she said. apostrophe This is John's car. underline Have you read War and Peace?
  • 4. underscore round brackets I went to Bangkok (my favourite city) and stayed there for two weeks. square brackets The newspaper reported that the hostages [most of them French] had been released. ellipsis mark One happy customer wrote: "This is the best program...that I have ever seen." LINKS TO OTHER PAGES WITH PUNCTUATION MARKS. GRAMMAR TERMS The Basic Grammar Terms Sometimes we Grammarians speak a language all our own. Here is a quick translation for the most common terms: noun: person, place or thing (sister, Sydney, plane)
  • 5. verb: an action word (flew, visited, toured) pronoun: a replacement for a noun (he, she, it) adjective: a word that describes a noun (blond, hot, stuffy) adverb: a word that describes a verb (quickly, happily, intently) preposition: a word that shows the link between two words (to, toward, against) conjunction: a word that joins words or ideas (and, but, or) article: three specific adjectives. Also the most commonly used adjectives. (ONLY: a, an, the),163257,en.pdf How To Write An Essay: 10 Easy Steps Brief Overview of the 10 Essay Writing Steps Below are brief summaries of each of the ten steps to writing an essay. Select the links for more info on any particular step, or use the blue navigation bar on the left to proceed through the writing steps. How To Write an Essay can be viewed sequentially, as if going through ten
  • 6. sequential steps in an essay writing process, or can be explored by individual topic. 1. Research: Begin the essay writing process by researching your topic, making yourself an expert. Utilize the internet, the academic databases, and the library. Take notes and immerse yourself in the words of great thinkers. 2. Analysis: Now that you have a good knowledge base, start analyzing the arguments of the essays you're reading. Clearly define the claims, write out the reasons, the evidence. Look for weaknesses of logic, and also strengths. Learning how to write an essay begins by learning how to analyze essays written by others. 3. Brainstorming: Your essay will require insight of your own, genuine essay-writing brilliance. Ask yourself a dozen questions and answer them. Meditate with a pen in your hand. Take walks and think and think until you come up with original insights to write about. 4. Thesis: Pick your best idea and pin it down in a clear assertion that you can write your entire essay around. Your thesis is your main point, summed up in a concise sentence that lets the reader know where you're going, and why. It's practically impossible to write a good essay without a clear thesis. 5. Outline: Sketch out your essay before straightway writing it out. Use one-line sentences to describe paragraphs, and bullet points to describe what each paragraph will contain. Play with the essay's order. Map out the structure of your argument, and make sure each paragraph is unified. 6. Introduction: Now sit down and write the essay. The introduction should grab the reader's attention, set up the issue, and lead in to your thesis. Your intro is merely a buildup of the issue, a stage of bringing your reader into the essay's argument. (Note: The title and first paragraph are probably the most important elements in your essay. This is an essay-writing point that doesn't always sink in within the context of the classroom. In the first paragraph you either hook the reader's interest or lose it. Of course your teacher, who's getting paid to teach you how to write an essay, will read the essay you've written regardless, but in the real world, readers make up their minds about whether or not to read your essay by glancing at the title alone.)
  • 7. 7. Paragraphs: Each individual paragraph should be focused on a single idea that supports your thesis. Begin paragraphs with topic sentences, support assertions with evidence, and expound your ideas in the clearest, most sensible way you can. Speak to your reader as if he or she were sitting in front of you. In other words, instead of writing the essay, try talking the essay. 8. Conclusion: Gracefully exit your essay by making a quick wrap-up sentence, and then end on some memorable thought, perhaps a quotation, or an interesting twist of logic, or some call to action. Is there something you want the reader to walk away and do? Let him or her know exactly what. 9. MLA Style: Format your essay according to the correct guidelines for citation. All borrowed ideas and quotations should be correctly cited in the body of your text, followed up with a Works Cited (references) page listing the details of your sources. 10. Language: You're not done writing your essay until you've polished your language by correcting the grammar, making sentences flow, incoporating rhythm, emphasis, adjusting the formality, giving it a level- headed tone, and making other intuitive edits. Proofread until it reads just how you want it to sound. Writing an essay can be tedious, but you don't want to bungle the hours of conceptual work you've put into writing your essay by leaving a few slippy misppallings and pourly wordedd phrazies. but, however, on the other hand, yet indicate CONTRAST for example, that is indicate ILLUSTRATION similarly, moreover, furthermore, in addition indicate EXTENSION therefore, consequently, as a result, thus indicate CONCLUSION then, after that, ultimately indicate THE NEXT STEP
  • 8. 1. Outline Questionnaire This essay is about: The essay is introduced by the following interesting statement: This essay is introduced with the following idea: The essay will illustrate the above idea by showing that: o (main point of paragraph 1)  This is shown by: 1. 2. 3. o (main point of paragraph 2)  This is shown by: 1. 2. 3. o (main point of paragraph 3)  This is shown by: 1. 2. 3. To summarize, this essay has shown that: The lessons that can be learned are: 1. 2. Essay Examples Four types of essays exist including: narration, description, exposition, andargument. Each type has a unique purpose: some tell a story, some are descriptive and others prevent viewpoints. One of the best ways to better understand each type of essay is to review examples. Ads by Google Essay Grammar Checker Improve Grammar In Your Essays & Avoid Plagiarism. It's Fast & Free! Types of Essays Narrative Narration is telling a story from a certain viewpoint, and there is usually a reason for the telling. All narrative essays will have characters, setting, climax, and most importantly, a plot. The plot is the focus of the story
  • 9. and is usually revealed chronologically, but there are sometimes flash forwards and flash backs. In writing a narrative essay, remember to: Include sensory and emotional details, so the reader will experience the story, not just read about it Have the story support the point you are making, and make reference to that point in the first sentence. Write in the first or third person Descriptive Descriptive essays have text which describes traits and characteristics of people, objects, events, feelings, etc in intricate detail. Whatever is being described will be thoroughly examined. For example, if you were describing roses, you would explain: Where they come from What they look like What colors they are How they grow and smell When you write a descriptive essay, you want to involve the reader’s senses and emotions. For example, you could say, “I got sleepy” or describe it like this, "As I was waiting for Santa, my eyelids began to get heavy, the lights on the tree began to blur with the green branches, and my head started to drop." The second sentence gives vivid details to make the reader feel like he is there. Exposition Expository essays can compare, explore and discuss problems, or tell a story. An exposition essay gives information about various topics to the reader. It: Informs Describes Explains
  • 10. In writing an exposition, the text needs to: Be concise and easy to understand Give different views on a subject or report on a situation or event Explain something that may be difficult to understand as you write your essay. Remember that your purpose is to explain. Argumentative In an argumentative essay the writer is trying to convince the reader by demonstrating the truth or falsity of a topic. The writer’s position will be backed up with certain kinds of evidence, like statistics or opinions of experts. The writer is not just giving an opinion, but making an argument for or against something and supporting that argument with data. To know how to write an essay in an argumentative way, you have to research and backup what you say in the text. A classic format for compositions is the five-paragraph essay. It is not the only format for writing an essay, of course, but it is a useful model for you to keep in mind, especially as you begin to develop your composition skills. The following material is adapted from a handout prepared by Harry Livermore for his high school English classes at Cook High School in Adel, Georgia. It is used here with his permission. Introduction: Introductory Paragraph See, first, Writing Introductory Paragraphs for different ways of getting your reader involved in your essay. The introductory paragraph should also include the thesis statement, a kind of mini-outline for the paper: it tells the reader what the essay is about. The last sentence of this paragraph must also
  • 11. contain a transitional "hook" which moves the reader to the first paragraph of the body of the paper. Body: Body — First paragraph: The first paragraph of the body should contain the strongest argument, most significant example, cleverest illustration, or an obvious beginning point. The first sentence of this paragraph should include the "reverse hook" which ties in with the transitional hook at the end of the introductory paragraph. The topic for this paragraph should be in the first or second sentence. This topic should relate to the thesis statement in the introductory paragraph. The last sentence in this paragraph should include a transitional hook to tie into the second paragraph of the body. Body — Second paragraph: The second paragraph of the body should contain the second strongest argument, second most significant example, second cleverest illustration, or an obvious follow up the first paragraph in the body. The first sentence of this paragraph should include the reverse hook which ties in with the transitional hook at the end of the first paragraph of the body. The topic for this paragraph should be in the first or second sentence. This topic should relate to the thesis statement in the introductory paragraph. The last sentence in this paragraph should include a transitional hook to tie into the third paragraph of the body. Body — Third paragraph: The third paragraph of the body should contain the weakest argument, weakest example, weakest illustration, or an obvious follow up to the second paragraph in the body. The first sentence of this paragraph should include the reverse hook which ties in with the transitional hook at the end of the second paragraph. The topic for this paragraph should be in the first or second sentence. This topic should relate to the thesis statement in the introductory paragraph. The last sentence in this paragraph should include a transitional concluding hook that signals the reader that this is the final major point being made in this paper. This hook also leads into the last, or concluding, paragraph.
  • 12. Conclusion: Concluding paragraph: This paragraph should include the following: 1. an allusion to the pattern used in the introductory paragraph, 2. a restatement of the thesis statement, using some of the original language or language that "echoes" the original language. (The restatement, however, must not be a duplicate thesis statement.) 3. a summary of the three main points from the body of the paper. 4. a final statement that gives the reader signals that the discussion has come to an end. (This final statement may be a "call to action" in an persuasive paper.) Rhetorical Questions Rhetorical questions are not really questions, but statements given in question format. Public speakers often use rhetorical questions in the middle of speeches. Of course, the audience cannot all answer, but the intent is to engage them in thinking and consider what answer they would give if they could. In figures of speech, rhetorical questions are known as Erotema. Gaining agreement Rhetorical questions are often intended to make the listener agree with the speaker as the answer is obviously yes. Even if the listener does not say the word, they will think it. And once they start agreeing they are more likely to keep doing so. Is the Pope a Catholic? Is the sky blue? Is this a great product? Hedging We use rhetorical questions sometimes when we want to make a statement but are not confident enough to assert a point. The question format thus allows others to disagree, but is not necessarily seeking agreement.
  • 13. Isn't that wonderful? Is it a shade of blue? Self-talk Sometimes when you ask questions, you are really asking them of yourself rather than the other person. this is particularly noticeable when you give the answer soon after asking the question. What is that? A bird, I'd say. What type? Maybe an eagle? I think so. What a lovely flight path. Multiple questions When you ask multiple questions at once, you seldom expect them all to be answered, and perhaps none of them. They become particularly rhetorical when you do not give time for the other person to answer. Where have you been? What time do you think this is? Do you think you can come home late like this and nobody notice? Terminating statement Another way that stopping the other person from answering is to put a statement of some sort immediately after the question. There is hence no space for the person to answer the question and they are directed more by the final statement than the question. Can you see? Look there! Why do writers use rhetorical questions? Rhetoric is a persuasive technique used to convince people verbally. Rhetorical questions are used in a persuasive argument so that if the writer asks a rhetorical question, it forces the listener to think of the obvious answer. For example: "Do you want to clean by picking up tiny individual pieces from the floor? If that is a no, pick James's vacuum cleaner. It is the most powerful vacuum cleaner ever." This small paragraph forces the reader/listener to think why would they want to pick up the pieces from the floor, when they can just use a vacuum cleaner to do the job. This helps the advertiser to convince their customer to buy their product.
  • 14. A rhetorical question is one that is asked without expectation of an answer, often with the implication that the answer is known to the person or group addressed. It is actually a persuasive argument couched as an unanswered, or unanswerable, question. Example : "Are we going to put up with more foolishness from our elected officials?" (The person speaking implies that the answer should be "no".) A well-constructed rhetorical question will both direct the listener's thoughts to a question they hadn't considered, and also have only one sensible answer, being the one the writer wanted. How to Describe a Person's Physical Appearance ADJECTIVES CONNECTORS  Start from the top. Notice the hair on your person of interest. Is it long, shoulder-length, or short? Does this person wear a distinct hairstyle? What color is their hair Look at the person's face. Even identical twins have facial differences that make every face on earth completely unique. Look for the following features: Eyebrows: Are their eyebrows thick or thin, light or dark? Do they have small eyes or large eyes? Are they deep-set or bulgy? Are they almond-shaped or round? Do they have long, thick, curly lashes, or are they sparse, straight or short? Nose: The person's nose can be almost any shape or size. Is it long or short, turned up or hooked? Is it wide or narrow?
  • 15. Mouth: Is the mouth wide or small? Does the person have full lips or thin lips, and is their cupid's-bow on top very defined? Notice any distinctive features, such as a mole or birthmark, even a scar or tattoo. What body shape does this person have? Are they tall or short, plump, average, stout or lanky? Do they have proportionately long arms or legs? Describing a character allows the reader to picture someone in their mind's eye This hub will guide you through the reflective process of developing and describing a character. I will offer you a variety of elements to consider which affect characterization. As the author you are responsible for guiding your readers into a stimulating relationship with the characters you create. By describing a character you are helping the reader picture someone. Someone whole and with depth. Describing a Character Imagine you are writing a narrative. You should want your reader to feel personally connected to the characteristics and traits of your subject. Your descriptive words, tone and voice are the writing skills that will make this happen. You want to be vivid in your portrayal in order for your reader to capture your personal vision. The beauty of reading is analyzing the characterization of interesting characters. The writer is the artist that will illustrate this vision through descriptive and carefully crafted words. However, you must keep an important step in mind. You cannot describe a character until you have built the character. I will guide you through the steps and questions you need to reflect on as you begin the process of evolving your thoughts into a character your readers will want to follow, analyze and interpret.
  • 16. Note - I will use the term "character" for both fictional and non-fictional subjects. Therefore, you can apply these descriptive techniques in the development of character descriptions in autobiographies, biographies and in creative writing. Characterization: Building the Framework The Framework of a Character - Don't ignore who, what, when, where, how and why. The simplicity of these question prompts can lead to the development of an interesting character. You can choose how to best use the prompts. Here are some ideas, Who - Who is the main character and who are the supporting characters? Who does the character influence? What - What is the purpose of each of your characters? What role do they play? What conflicts do they encounter or provoke? What relationships do each of the characters have? What abilities or attributes affect the plot? What conflicts do they need to overcome? What motivates the characters? What internal conflicts does the character have? What external conflicts does the character have? When - When do the various characters emerge into the storyline? When will your character have an epiphany? How - How does the reader perceive the character? How do the characters perceive each other? Why - Why is each respective character important to the story line? Why is a character having a conflict? Why do characters influence each other? Describing Character Traits and Motivations Gathering your tools and details - What makes a person?
  • 17. • Physical appearance • Personality traits • Experiences • Motivations • Relationships • Conflicts Transforming details into an image... What does a character look like? Physical appearance and style of your subject are considered descriptive - even the mundane. This includes unusual or unique features. Can you use a simile or metaphor to describe these features? For example, Her lips were as red as cherries. Her black hair glistened like a raven. He was a governmental tower with his stoic demeanor and height. Consider the following when developing the text for descriptive traits, • Height - really tall or short - ordinary and common • Hair length and color - shiny, dull, multi-toned, intense, cropped or long • Freckles, dimples, braces, glasses, prosthetics, hats or canes • Clothing and style - well dressed, grungy, free spirited, disheveled. What message or image might the subject be trying to deliver with their style? • Movement - is your subject graceful, clumsy or awkward? Or ordinary and without charm? • What adjectives best describe your character?
  • 18. Who is the character? Why is the character important? Personality traits and experiences are additional character questions for you to consider when developing a description of a person. Why is your character the way he or she is? You should consider the cause and effect of these experiences. (Your who, what, when, where, how and why questions might be helpful here) • What makes this person unique? • How would you describe their personality? • Does your character have special abilities, virtues or attributes? • Are there specific physical or mental conflicts that challenge your character? Examples - Handicaps or disabilities from birth, disabled war heroes, the emotionally or physically abused traits of a victim. What experience might your character have had that leads to these descriptive words? What have they witnessed? What where the circumstances? Setting? Age? Examples - • If you are writing about a homeless child that has witnessed domestic abuse -His dark eyes flashed violent rippled reflections of unfortunate wisdom and broken innocence. • If you were writing about a family matriarch that was nurturing, strong and influential -Deep furrows created crossroads of wisdom and strife across her pale skin. The lines softened with her gentle smile and soothing eyes. Her cane supported the evolution of her burdens as she caressed the rose in her lush and colorful garden. ADJECTIVES:
  • 19. UNIT TWO OBJECTIVES: Describing how senses feel. Exploring students' senses. VOCABULARY: feel hear senses sight smell touch Students relate stories on feelings. BACKGROUND: Words help to express how we sense different things. Young children are trying to determine which words can best explain the situation. For instance, is boiling water, warm or hot. If you call something ―hot,‖ does that mean it will hurt you. Helping a student describe through words helps that student to express the sense in more detail. Languages throughout the word use different "sounds" for the same event. English-speaking people hear "OINK, OINK" from pigs while other languages do not. PROCEDURE: 1. If you have students with different native languages, you might want to ask them how they describe animal sounds.
  • 20. 2. Have the students use descriptive terms to describe taste, feel, and sight. For instance, the taste of sour and sweet or a warm winds verses a cool wind. 3. Prior to this lesson, ask your students to think about how their senses have helped them discover things about the world. Let the students give an oral report to the rest of the class on their "sense" experiences. Give them some examples of a sense experience that turned out to be something else. EXAMPLES: 1. Mary heard a noise that sounded like a baby. She looked outside to try and find the lost baby. After a few minutes, Mary found Fuzzy, her cat. He was hungry and was making a noise that sounded like a baby. She used the sense of sound. 2. Bill has a brother who likes to play jokes on everyone. Bill was watching television when a weird object touched him. Although Bill wanted to move away, he knew it was his brother teasing him. Sure enough, his brother used some wet spaghetti to scare Bill. He used the sense of touch. 3. Charlene felt a warm wind against her back. She heard a moan. She thought it was a ghost. She turned around and it was the door being opened by a strong wind. She used the sense of sound, touch and sight. OBJECTIVES: Students are read a book on senses.
  • 21. Exploring the human senses. Distinguishing different senses. VOCABULARY: senses sight smell sound taste touch BACKGROUND: The senses are part of the nervous system. Touch, smell, sound, sight, and taste are all controlled by the brain. If the information cannot get to the brain through the nervous system, there is something wrong with the network of nerves. Senses are very important to science. They help a person investigate. Chemicals are sometimes invisible and we need to use our smell to detect them. Sight helps us many times, but children don‘t realize that the other senses are also very important. An object can look ―cold‖ but when you touch it, the object is really ―hot.‖ PROCEDURE: 1. There are many books on senses. You probably have a favorite one or your library may have one that explains senses in a clear and enjoyable manner. Go over the vocabulary words. Have the students repeat the words several times. Make sure they know what part of the body is responsible for the senses. The recommended book clearly summarizes all of the senses. 2. There are some senses that are organs or specific body part. For example, ears hear sound, eyes can see, a nose
  • 22. smells, and a tongue can taste. Touch, however, is a very large organ called the skin. Explain to your students that there are sensitive parts of the skin. Your fingertips, for example, are more sensitive than skin on your leg. Ask your students how they sense things. The brain however, is the main organ that regulates and allows our body to interpret all these senses. If the brain is damaged, it can affect parts of the body that are far from the brain. 3. As you discuss each part of the body, have your students observe each part. Let the students look into each other's eyes. Ask them to describe what they see. They will come up with a list of "discoveries" because although we all have eyes, we rarely try to describe them. Ask the same questions for the other parts of the senses including skin, tongue, nose, and ears. Emphasize that these senses help us discover and describe the world around us. JECTIVES: Experiencing the different senses. Discovering how to use the senses to find new things VOCABULARY: feel hear senses sight smell touch MATERIALS: objects for ―feely‖ Students use their senses to identify different objects.
  • 23. boxes BACKGROUND: The human body has five major senses which operate to gather information from the world around us, sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch. Any stimulus to one of the sense areas is detected by sensory nerves and is sent to the brain for interpretation. The eye (an organ) acts like a camera. Human vision is stereoscopic, which means seeing in three dimensions. When we look at objects, two slightly different images are transmitted to the brain, and are merged so the brain can interpret the image that we see. This allows us to see objects which stand away from the background, not flat like you see in a photograph. The ear (an organ) is specially made to receive sound waves that are sent out by vibrating objects and converts them into sensations we call sound. The nose contains the nostrils and organs of smell. The stimulus that excites smell is chemical, for example onion and garlic give off different chemical sensations. The tongue is the organ that controls taste. Taste is also a chemical stimulus. Things to be tasted must touch the tongue, sometimes, taste become combined with smell because of the connection between the mouth and the back of the nose. Touch is created by stimulating the skin (the largest organ of the body) through the sensations of touch, pressure, pain, heats and cold. Discussing senses and actually having the children experience the different senses requires selecting items that will "accent" the sensation of that sense. For instance, the sense of touch is much more exciting if the item being touched cannot be seen and feels "gooey." If you eliminate some of the other senses and have the children rely just on one sense, the sensation is much more acute. PROCEDURE:
  • 24. Now that the students have learned about senses, let them use their newfound knowledge to explore items. You can do this in several ways, depending on the availability of materials and the help you get from parents. 1. One way is to make "feely" boxes. Put items in a box that the students cannot see what the item is. Try to get objects that have an unusual feel. Use a box with a hole cut in the side or use an empty tissue box and have the students figure out what they are touching. Have the students describe the texture. It is more important to have the students use their senses than identify the object. (When you finish with the materials, put them back into their appropriate box. Students will want to play with the items if you leave them out.) Students are using the sense of touch and eliminating the sense of sight. On some of the items you might have the students shake the box to use the sense of sound. 2. You can blind fold your students and give them samples of fruit to see if they can determine what the fruit is (sense of taste). While they are blind folded, bottles of perfume or flavoring can test the sense of smell. 3. If you have enough help, you can divide the students into small groups and discuss the following activities. For instance, one station might have different smells, for example vanilla, perfume, oil, or any other smells you would like to introduce. Ask students to pick the smell that reminds them of cookies (vanilla) or the one that reminds them of flowers (rose perfume). At another station, cut up pieces of oranges, apples, bananas, lemons, or any other fruit. Have students close their eyes and ask them which one tastes sour (lemon).
  • 25. Writing an Accurate Architectural Description OF A BUILDING The following items should be included if you choose to write an architectural description of the nominated site rather than use the Description Worksheet. You should be able to describe a building in a page or less. Be clear and concise in your language, and be sure that you are describing the building‘s existing condition rather than its original or earlier appearance. Generally, you should move from the macro to the micro – from its size, style, and use to its doors, windows, and ornamentation. Use style guides and architectural dictionaries to help identify the building‘s architectural style and find the correct terminology for its component parts. Here‘s a sample outline to help organize your description: Basic Outline 1. Begin with a comprehensive overview sentence that captures some of the building‘s major features (including number of stories, style, and use). 2. Continue with further description of macro aspects: building shape, cladding material, roofing material, and foundation material. Indicate and describe any differentiation between primary (street) facades and secondary (rear and/or side) facades. 3. Begin to focus on specific features: window type, doors and door surrounds, porches, chimneys, storefronts, etc., and the location of these elements on the facades. 4. Focus in on any particularly distinctive ornamental features or design details 5. Discuss the overall condition of the building materials and features 6. Note any obvious alterations from the building‘s original condition, for example window replacement, additions, or changes in the cladding material.
  • 26. 7. Describe the building‘s interior spaces – for a residential structure, note the number of bedrooms and bathrooms and the general configuration of the layout. For commercial, industrial, or institutional buildings, note the primary ―public‖ spaces and their uses, along with the general configuration of the layout. Include a description of all notable historic interior features, including built-in furniture, fireplace mantles, decorative moldings, plumbing fixtures, tilework, flooring materials, etc. If you don‘t include this information in your nomination, important interior features may not receive the protection they deserve. 8. Describe the building‘s relationship to its site, to the street, or to adjacent buildings. Include specific landscaping features, if appropriate. 1. Organize your description from the basic to the specific. The style, size, and use of the building should appear in the first sentences. 2. Avoid subjective judgments. You are trying to preserve the building. Negative comments could have the opposite effect. 3. Don‘t ―list‖ the building‘s features - try to make the description flow. It may take several rewrites before you have a complete description. Sample Architectural Descriptions A. Commercial: San Fernando Building The San Fernando Building is located at the southeast corner of Fourth and Main Streets. The reinforced concrete structure consists of eight stories above a basement. The building has an Eshaped plan above the first story to allow for light wells. Typical of the Beaux- Arts style in which it is rendered, the building is horizontally organized with a base represented by the first two stories, a shaft represented by the third through sixth stories, and a capital represented by the
  • 27. seventh and eighth stories. The north and west facades face Fourth and Main Streets respectively and are nearly identical. The north façade has eight vertical bays, while there are six bays on the west façade. The base of the building is clad in cast concrete, designed to resemble rusticated stone. There are two main entrances to the building, one in the third bay from the south on Main Street and the other in the fourth bay from the east on Fourth Street. There are three original storefronts in the easternmost bays on Fourth Street. The second story windows are set above spandrel panes with an incised diamond motif. IN each bay on the second story are three pivoting windows with a single transom above. In each bay on the third through eighth stories are three one-over-one double-hung sash windows. The bays are separated by simple rusticated piers, and are set above diamond incised spandrel panels in the fourth, fifth, and sixth stories. A denticulated cornice, punctuated by corbels over the piers, runs above the sixth story. The upper two stories were added to the building in 1911. They are distinguished by ornamental friezes set above the seventh and eighth stories. A denticulated cornice caps the building. While the interior of the building has been extensively altered, the T- shaped, ground floor lobby remains largely intact. Passive and Active Voices Verbs are also said to be either active (The executive committee approved the new policy) or passive (The new policy was approved by the executive committee) in voice. In the active voice, the subject and verb relationship is straightforward: the subject is a be-er or a do-er and the verb moves the sentence along. In the passive voice, the subject of the sentence is neither a do-er or a be-er, but is acted upon
  • 28. by some other agent or by something unnamed (The new policy was approved). Computerized grammar checkers can pick out a passive voice construction from miles away and ask you to revise it to a more active construction. There is nothing inherently wrong with the passive voice, but if you can say the same thing in the active mode, do so (see exceptions below). Your text will have more pizzazz as a result, since passive verb constructions tend to lie about in their pajamas and avoid actual work. We find an overabundance of the passive voice in sentences created by self-protective business interests, magniloquent educators, and bombastic military writers (who must get weary of this accusation), who use the passive voice to avoid responsibility for actions taken. Thus "Cigarette ads were designed to appeal especially to children" places the burden on the ads — as opposed to "We designed the cigarette ads to appeal especially to children," in which "we" accepts responsibility. At a White House press briefing we might hear that "The President was advised that certain members of Congress were being audited" rather than "The Head of the Internal Revenue service advised the President that her agency was auditing certain members of Congress" because the passive construction avoids responsibility for advising and for auditing. One further caution about the passive voice: we should not mix active and passive constructions in the same sentence: "The executive committee approved the new policy, and the calendar for next year's meetings was revised" should be recast as "The executive committee approved the new policy and revised the calendar for next year's meeting." Take the quiz (below) as an exercise in recognizing and changing passive verbs. The passive voice does exist for a reason, however, and its presence is not always to be despised. The passive is particularly useful (even recommended) in two situations: When it is more important to draw our attention to the person or thing acted upon: The unidentified victim was apparently struck during the early morning hours. When the actor in the situation is not important: The aurora borealis can be observed in the early morning hours.
  • 29. The passive voice is especially helpful (and even regarded as mandatory) in scientific or technical writing or lab reports, where the actor is not really important but the process or principle being described is of ultimate importance. Instead of writing "I poured 20 cc of acid into the beaker," we would write "Twenty cc of acid is/was poured into the beaker." The passive voice is also useful when describing, say, a mechanical process in which the details of process are much more important than anyone's taking responsibility for the action: "The first coat of primer paint is applied immediately after the acid rinse." We use the passive voice to good effect in a paragraph in which we wish to shift emphasis from what was the object in a first sentence to what becomes the subject in subsequent sentences. The executive committee approved an entirely new policy for dealing with academic suspension and withdrawal. The policy had been written by a subcommittee on student behavior. If students withdraw from course work before suspension can take effect, the policy states, a mark of "IW" . . . . The paragraph is clearly about this new policy so it is appropriate that policy move from being the object in the first sentence to being the subject of the second sentence. The passive voice allows for this transition.† Passive Verb Formation The passive forms of a verb are created by combining a form of the "to be verb" with the past participle of the main verb. Other helping verbs are also sometimes present: "The measure could have been killed in committee." The passive can be used, also, in various tenses. Let's take a look at the passive forms of "design." Tense Subject Auxiliary Past Participle Singular Plural Present The is are designed.
  • 30. car/cars Present perfect The car/cars has been have been designed. Past The car/cars was were designed. Past perfect The car/cars had been had been designed. Future The car/cars will be will be designed. Future perfect The car/cars will have been will have been designed. Present progressive The car/cars is being are being designed. Past progressive The car/cars was being were being designed. A sentence cast in the passive voice will not always include an agent of the action. For instance if a gorilla crushes a tin can, we could say "The tin can was crushed by the gorilla." But a perfectly good sentence would leave out the gorilla: "The tin can was crushed." Also, when an active sentence with an indirect object is recast in the passive, the indirect object can take on the role of subject in the passive sentence: Active Professor Villa gave Jorge an A. Passive An A was given to Jorge by Professor Villa.
  • 31. Passive Jorge was given an A. Only transitive verbs (those that take objects) can be transformed into passive constructions. Furthermore, active sentences containing certain verbs cannot be transformed into passive structures. To have is the most important of these verbs. We can say "He has a new car," but we cannot say "A new car is had by him." We can say "Josefina lacked finesse," but we cannot say "Finesse was lacked." Here is a brief list of such verbs*: resemble look like equal agree with mean contain hold comprise lack suit fit become Verbals in Passive Structures Verbals or verb forms can also take on features of the passive voice. An infinitive phrase in the passive voice, for instance, can perform various functions within a sentence (just like the active forms of the infinitive). Subject: To be elected by my peers is a great honor. Object: That child really likes to be read to by her mother. Modifier: Grasso was the first woman to be elected governor in her own right. The same is true of passive gerunds. Subject: Being elected by my peers was a great thrill. Object: I really don't like being lectured to by my boss. Object of preposition: I am so tired of being lectured to by my boss. With passive participles, part of the passive construction is often omitted, the result being a simple modifying participial phrase.
  • 32. [Having been] designed for off-road performance, the Pathseeker does not always behave well on paved highways. Letter to a friend, describing annual day celebration in your school Sourav Pyakurel Articles Address City Name Writing Date Dear Sitaram I was glad to receive your letter. It was a pleasure to know that you are enjoying the winter vacations at your Mamaji‘s place in Lucknow. You have asked about the annual function held in my school. Well, the annual function of my school was held on 2nd January, Tuesday. A stage was built up. Three big ‗Shamianas‘ were fixed. Our Education Minister was the Chief Guest for the day. A cultural show was arranged, in which one-act plays, folk dances and songs were presented. After the cultural show, the Principal read the Annual Report. The chief guest distributed prizes to the meritorious students and the best performers. He praised the efforts made by our school in preparing the students for the annual function. The function ended after a tea-party. It was a properly arranged and well managed function. Convey my regards to your Mamaji, Mamiji and love to Bittu, Neetu and the little Baby. Yours sincerely
  • 33. We are writing this article so as to describe some of our ceremonies. There are many kinds of ceremonies: 1)Engagement: This ceremony is the first step before celebrating the wedding. The way this ceremony is carried out depends on traditions & customs of the town, but in general, the groom's family visits the bride's family and they take gifts and flowers with them. When the guests arrive, the hosts meet them with flowers, milk and dates and they sit with each other and talk with the bride's parents so as to agree about the date of the wedding ceremony. 2)Marriage:We celebrate it in a big place, where there are many guests(from the groom's family, the bride's family& their neighbours) to whom a music band sings traditional as well as modern songs. People spend the night dancing and having fun. Concerning the bride's clothes, she wears traditional ones like "Takchita, Caftan", and at the end of the ceremony she wears a white wedding dress like the one we see in most films. The groom generally wears two types of clothes a traditional "Jellaba" and a modern suit. As for meals, guests eat pastilla, meat with dried prunes, chicken, dessert. They also have tea with several varieties of cookies… 3)Baptism: Seven days after the baby's birth; the family celebrates it by inviting relatives, cousins and neighbors and preparing food for them just like in a wedding. This is what my students wrote about some of our celebrations: We are writing this article so as to describe some of our ceremonies. There are many kinds of ceremonies:
  • 34. 1)Engagement: This ceremony is the first step before celebrating the wedding. The way this ceremony is carried out depends on traditions & customs of the town, but in general, the groom's family visits the bride's family and they take gifts and flowers with them. When the guests arrive, the hosts meet them with flowers, milk and dates and they sit with each other and talk with the bride's parents so as to agree about the date of the wedding ceremony. 2)Marriage:We celebrate it in a big place, where there are many guests(from the groom's family, the bride's family& their neighbours) to whom a music band sings traditional as well as modern songs. People spend the night dancing and having fun. Concerning the bride's clothes, she wears traditional ones like "Takchita, Caftan", and at the end of the ceremony she wears a white wedding dress like the one we see in most films. The groom generally wears two types of clothes a traditional "Jellaba" and a modern suit. As for meals, guests eat pastilla, meat with dried prunes, chicken, dessert. They also have tea with several varieties of cookies… 3)Baptism: Seven days after the baby's birth, the family celebrates it by inviting relatives, cousins and neighbors and preparing food for them just like in a wedding.
  • 35. UNIT THREE Emotions involve what we call action urges. An important function of emotions is to prompt behaviors. For example if we feel angry, we may be prompted to fight. Or if we feel fear, we may be prompted to run or flee. The action itself, the fighting, or running, or hugging is not part of the emotion, but the urge to do the action, the feeling that prompts you to do the action, is considered part of the feeling. If we feel angry at someone, we may feel an urge to start yelling at them. That urge is part of the angry feeling. But the fighting is not part of the feeling. 1. Prompting event Emotions can be either reactions to events in the environment or to things inside a person. These events and things are called PROMPTING EVENTS. They prompt, or call forth the emotion. A person's thoughts, behaviors and physical reactions prompt emotions. (Recently someone put his hand on the back of my neck, and I felt fear and anger.) You might have an automatic feeling, without thinking about it, like "I feel love when I see my cat." What triggers it or gets it going? Prompting events can be events happening in the present (an interaction with someone, losing something, physical illness, financial worries). A prompting event might also be a memory, a thought, or even another feeling (we feel ashamed, and then feel angry about feeling ashamed, for example). In managing our emotions, it is important to be able to recognize prompting events.
  • 36. Think of some examples of your own where there is an inside prompting for a feeling you have 2. Interpretation of an event or experience Most events outside ourselves don't prompt emotions. It is the interpretation of the event that prompts the emotion. Event Interpretation Emotion Seeing my boyfriend with my best friend They must have been talking about me Anger My car has a flat tire Some neighborhood kid did this Anger It starts to thunder and lightning I have heard of people being killed by lightning Fear
  • 37. I see Mary at the concert with Betty after she promised to go with me Mary doesn't care about me Sadness I see Mary at the concert with Betty after she promised to go with me Mary is trying to get back at me Anger Can you see that the emotion comes after the interpretation is made, after you have the thought about the reason something is happening? Think of some examples of your own, and list the event, your interpretation of the events (what you think about it) and your emotion. 3. Body Changes Emotions involve body changes such as tensing and relaxing muscles, changes in heart rate, breathing rate, skin temperature, rises and falls in blood pressure, etc. The most important of these changes for you to be aware of are the facial changes - clenched jaw, tightened cheek and forehead muscles, tightening the muscles around the eyes so that they open wider or shut more, grinding or clenching teeth, loosening and tightening around the mouth.
  • 38. Researchers now believe that changes in the face muscles play an important part in causing emotions. I noticed years ago, for example, that stretching out my cheek muscles like in a lion's roar made me cry - still does. Be aware of the changes in your facial muscles when you are experiencing emotions. 4. Body Response to Emotions When we experience emotions, there are changes in our bodies. Sometimes people have trouble sensing their body changes. To regulate our emotions we have to be pretty good at sensing what is going on in our bodies. If we have practiced shutting off our body sensations, this can be difficult. However it is a learned response and we can unlearn it by practicing something else. 5. Action Urges An important thing that emotions do is to prompt behaviors. An action urge may be to fight or attack verbally in anger, or to flee or hide in fear, etc.
  • 39. What are some action urges that you might have for these emotions?  Anger  Fear  Sadness  Shame  Disgust  Surprise 6. Expression and Communication One of the most important functions of emotions is to COMMUNICATE. To communicate something, an emotion has to be expressed. Sometimes, if we have not learned to express our emotions, we may think we are communicating but the other person isn't getting it. This can cause misunderstanding. Example: I am told that for most of my life I did not show any expression on my face, and it still is not the easiest thing for me. I would feel angry, hurt and rejected because people did not respond to my feelings, which I thought were very obvious. Now I understand that people could not tell what I was feeling and so they did not respond. I find that it works best for me to tell people what I am feeling, instead of relying just on my facial expression. Emotions are expressed by facial expressions, words and actions. Expressing emotions through behaviors can also cause problems, because different people interpret behaviors in different ways. Example: When I am so angry that I am afraid I am going to say something I will regret, I leave the room. People have interpreted this as meaning that I am chickening out or I don't care or I am saying "in your face." I have learned to say that I am leaving to cool down and I will be
  • 40. back, so people will understand what I am doing. 7. After Effects Emotions have after effects on our thoughts, our physical function and our behavior. Sometimes these effects can last quite a while. One after effect is that an emotion can keep triggering the same emotion over and over. Writing in 1st, 2nd and 3rd Person Here are some tips to help you determine when it is more appropriate to use 1st person (I/we), 2nd person (you), or 3rd person (he/she/it/they) in your writing. Writing from a specific point of view alters the reader's perception of what you write. It can be confusing to the reader if you shift the point of view in your writing (meaning starting in the 3rd person, moving to the 2nd person, then switching back to 3rd). Look at this example of switching points of view: Increasing one's [3rd person] workload is taxing on both your [2nd person] physical and mental health. Unless someone [3rd person] is in a physically-intensive profession, your [2nd person] body is wasting away while you [2nd person] are working. Additionally, diet [3rd person] also suffers as you [2nd person] spend more time at work. No longer do you [2nd person] have the time to prepare healthy meals at home or even worse, we [1st person] may not have time to eat at all. After reading this passage, a reader must wonder who is being addressed in the passage. Is it the reader? Is it a general audience? The shifting back and forth confuses the reader. Thus, it is important to maintain the same point of view in your writing.
  • 41. You should use particular points of view in particular situations. To help you with this, keep these three things in mind: Use 1st person to indicate personal experience, evaluation, and/or opinion. Use 2nd person to instruct or address the reader. Use 3rd person to generalize the experience or situation. A good idea is to write in 3rd person whenever possible. This way, you avoid shifting points of view and confusing the reader. Here are some examples of the same passage written in the three different points of view. Read them to understand the difference in tone and purpose. Also note the grammatical changes in subjects ("I" vs. "increasing" vs. "increasing workloads"; number (singular vs. plural); and verb tenses (perfect forms in 1st person "have found"; simple be forms in 2nd person "is" and "are"; and simple active forms "tax" in 3rd person). 1st person, indicating a personal experience I have found increasing my workload is taxing on both my physical and mental health. Unless I am in a physically-intensive profession, my body is wasting away while I work. Additionally, my diet has also suffered as I have spent more time at work. No longer do I have the time to prepare healthy meals at home or even worse; I sometimes do not have time to eat at all. 2nd person, instructing the reader Increasing your workload is taxing on both your physical and mental health. Unless you are in a physically-intensive profession, your body is wasting away while you are working. Additionally, your diet also suffers as you spend more time at work. No longer [do you] have the time to prepare healthy meals at home or even worse, you may not have time to eat at all.  3rd person, addressing a general situation
  • 42. Increasing workloads tax both physical and mental health. Unless a person is in a physically-intensive profession, a body will waste away with inactivity. Additionally, diet suffers as more time is spent at work as people do not have the time to prepare healthy meals or, even worse, may not have time to eat at all. Me, Myself and I: Writing First Person Point of View by Cheryl Wright You want to write first person - it's easy, right? Anyone can do it, at least that's what everyone tells you. Not quite. First person narration is becoming more and more popular, and this is being recognised by many publishers, including some romance publishers, who are now open to submissions using this point of view (POV). Silhouette Bombshell are one such publisher. The trick is to eliminate most of those nasty "I" words that sneak into your prose unnoticed. Just because the story is being told in first person, does not forgive starting every (or every other) sentence with "I". The alternatives are endless. For example: I glanced at the clock. Becomes: My eyes darted to the clock. Or: The constant ticking drew my glance toward the clock. Reworded, the meaning is not lost, but that repetitive "I" is gone. Each time you start a sentence with "I", cross it out in red, circle it, or underline it. Do this every time "I" appears on the page. You will quickly tire of this no-win game. (Here's your new mantra: nasty, nasty, nasty!) Another shortfall many authors of first person have, is to make the reader privy to information not possessed by the narrator. As with most forms of writing, this unforgivable (and annoying) habit can definitely be
  • 43. perfected with practice. An example of this could be: Tripping as I entered the room, I landed heavily on my knees. His gentle touch was beyond anything I'd experienced before, but all eyes looked my way. I was blushing so profusely, he must have thought me insane. Did you pick the error? The narrator cannot see herself blushing, so she can't describe it to the reader. Imagine yourself stepping into a room. It could be a ballroom built in 1820. Notice the beautifully carved ceiling. What about those magnificent paintings, hung perfectly straight on the wall? And of course, you would have admired the chandelier; it takes centre stage above all else, with its two hundred tiny lamps and fifty crystal droplets. You did see the light bouncing off them, didn't you? Of course you did! Did you also notice the masked man coming up behind you, a gun in his left hand, and a black bag in his right? If you did, you must be my mother. As far as I know, she's the only person in the entire universe to have eyes in the back of her head. The lesson here, is that a first person narrator cannot see what she cannot see. What? I've still not made it clear? The most important thing (or rule, if you prefer) with writing in first person, is to visualise yourself as the narrator. Stand in that doorway to the ballroom. Look down at your Cinderella dress (if you're a guy, you just became a transvestite - sorry!), look toward the ceiling, to your left, your right, straight ahead. If you don't see it through your human eyes, then my friend, it don't exist. (Please
  • 44. excuse the grammar!) Mystery writers love this POV, simply because if the protagonist can't see it, then neither can the reader. It's a legitimate way to hide clues without actually concealing them. Until the protagonist finds them, the writer need not have any qualms about concealment. In some ways, writing first person is akin to writing dialogue. By this I mean you don't necessarily write dialogue as it sounds in real life. First person, typically, is not written as we speak it. If we did, most sentences would start with "I". Therefore, the trick is to learn to turn the sentence about. Instead of: I am the happiest today that I have been for ages. Try: Today I am happy, more than I have been for ages. Instead of: I leaned down and picked up a perfectly rounded stone. Try: The stone was perfectly rounded, and I leaned down to pick it up. Or: Leaning down, I picked up a perfectly rounded stone. Instead of: I was so hot, and the sweat trickled down my face. Try: Sweat tricked down my face, because it was so hot. Or: Sweat trickled down my face. Or: The heat affected me so much that sweat trickled down my face. As can be seen from the above examples, substitutes do exist. Why use first person? It can evoke a stronger emotional attachment with readers; from the first instance, the reader connects with the main protagonist. It is his/her voice, thoughts and feelings being portrayed, therefore, this is the person the reader is most likely to bond with. First person can be an extremely powerful tool. Below are two excerpts - both are the same story, but written in two different POV's.
  • 45. Omniscient POV: Kareena spun around as movement behind her disturbed the silence. Her hands were sweaty, and her heart was beating abnormally fast as she peered into the dark interior of the room. "I didn't mean to startle you." It was Mason's voice. Kareena wiped her damp hands on her track pants. She turned her back to him, staring out at the ocean again. "You have a beautiful view, Mason." "Going somewhere?" he asked casually, glancing at the bag slung over her shoulder. Mason slowly stepped toward her. "Kareena?" She turned to face him, her bottom lip pulled in as she stared. "Don't go -- please." He towered over her, and looked down into her sparkling eyes. First Person POV (from Mason's POV): She stood at the window, staring out across the sea. Moving forward, my footsteps echoed across the room. "I didn't mean to startle you," I told her, as she turned to face me. Kareena rubbed her hands against her clothes. Anyone else would have realised she'd be nervous, but it was the last thing on my mind. She turned toward the water again, then spoke. "You have a beautiful view, Mason," she said. Small talk -- she was just making small talk. Did she think it would make the problem go away? Moving next to her, I noticed her eyes sparkled with unshed tears.
  • 46. "Kareena, don't go." The second piece is much more potent. The connection between reader and narrator (in this case, Mason) is substantially better than when it was told in omniscient POV. Why? With only one side of the story being told, Mason's inner thoughts come through stronger, more commanding. It elicits an emotion that the first version does not. It's more compelling, more gripping and convincing. Next time you sit down to write, consider first person POV, and whether it might strengthen the story you are trying to tell. He said... She said... Examples of Writing in the Third Person Writing in the third person gives the writer maximum latitude. Examples of writing in the third person are everywhere. It is the most common mode of expression. Written language communicates in three ways: First Person, where the speaker expresses his views, as in "I ate the apple." Second Person, where the speaker speaks to another, as in "You ate the apple." Third Person, where the speaker is speaking about another person, as in "She ate the apple." When writing in the third person, the writer necessarily has to consider all characters in the story or plot. They can certainly be partial to the main protagonist, but the writer still has to write about the thoughts and feelings of the other characters as well. In a sense, most examples of writing in the third person have well- developed stories and characters because all of them have their say in the plot. This type of writing adds to the effectiveness of the story.
  • 47. In contrast, when writers choose to write from the first person point of view, they speak only from the viewpoint of the main protagonist. There is no way to know what the other characters are thinking. The protagonist could make a guess and they could toy with some ideas but they would still have to be a mind-reading psychic to his readers. Having said that, many very successful books have been written using the first person account. One brilliant book that comes to mind is Harper Lee's "To Kill a Mocking Bird". Writers will find examples of writing in the third person abound in the print media and on the Internet. This style of writing is favored because writers can include so much more when writing in the third person. They can include facts and discuss multiple viewpoints rather than the single viewpoint of the first person account. This way, writing in third person provides creative opportunity for writers, and they can add more substance to their writing. Read the following paragraphs. Notice that this paragraph presents the pros and cons of a shorter work week. Introducing a short work week may lead to both positive and negative affects on society. For workers, the advantages of shortening the work week include more free time. This will lead to stronger family relationships, as well as better physical and mental health for all. An increase in free time should lead to more service sector jobs as people find ways to enjoy their extra leisure time. What is more, companies will need to hire more workers to keep production up to past levels of a standard forty hour work week. All together, these benefits will not only improve quality of life, but also grow the economy as a whole. On the other hand, a shorter work week may damage the ability to compete in the global workplace. Moreover, companies may be tempted to outsource positions to countries where longer work weeks are common. Another point is that companies will need to train more workers to make up for the lost productivity hours. To sum up, companies will likely have to pay a steep price for shorter work weeks.
  • 48. In summary, it is clear that there would be a number of positive gains for individual workers if the work week were shortened. Unfortunately, this move could easily cause companies to look elsewhere for qualified staff. In my opinion, the net positive gains outweigh the negative consequences of such a move towards more free time for all. Tips for Writing a For and Against Argument Before you begin, write down at least five positive points, and five negative points for your argument. Begin your writing by making a statement about the general statement about outcome of an action, or the overall situation. Dedicate the first paragraph to one side of the argument. This can be either positive or negative. Generally, it is the side with which you agree. The second paragraph should contain the other side of the argument. The final paragraph should shortly summarize both paragraphs, and provide your own general opinion on the matter. Helpful Language Expressing Both Sides pros and cons advantages and disadvantages plus and minus Providing Additional Arguments
  • 49. What is more, In addition to ..., the ... Further, Not only will ..., but ... will also ... Showing Contrast However, On the other hand, Although ....., Unfortunately, Ordering First of all, Then, Next, Finally, Summarizing To sum up, In conclusion, In summary, All things considered, Expressing Your Opinion In my opinion, I feel / think that ... Personally, Exercise Choose an for and against argument from one of the following themes Attending College / University Getting Married Having Children Changing Jobs Moving
  • 50. Write down five positive points and five negative points Write down an overall statement of the situation (for introduction and first sentence) Write down your own personal opinion (for final paragraph) Summarize both sides in one sentence if possible Use your notes to write a For and Against Argument using the helpful langua