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Political parties, socioeconomic
groups and attitudes on immigrants
Evidence from European Social Survey 2002-2014
Olli Kangas & Ilari Kolttola
Starting points of the study
• In Europe there are some 50 million foreign-born residents
• Economic problems, unemployment and austerity
contribute to harshening attitudes about immigration
• In many European countries support for radical right-wing /
populist parties is rising (Norris 2005; Mudde 2007;
Hainsworth 2008)
• The Nordic welfare states are prized for their universal
social policies integrating all residents under the very
same welfare programs
Snakes in the paradise?
• Immigrants and immigration are rising tensions also in the
Nordic hemisphere (Ervasti & Hjerm 2012).
• Is the working-class suffering from ‘a moral panic’ (Svallfors
• the immigrants are seen competitors of working-class jobs and, hence, they are regarded as threat ->
negative attitudes
• At the political and rhetorical level left-wing parties, however,
maintain to have pro-immigration attitudes.
• Question 1: is there a discrepancy between the pro-
immigration party elites and more red-necked and harsher
attitudes among the (male) working-class voters for the left.
• Question 2. Is there a gap in opinions between the white- and
blue-collar voters for different political parties, for the left-wing
parties, in particular.
• Our aim is to analyze tensions in immigration
attitudes between white- and blue-collar voters for
the left.
• Data used are derived from pooled European Social
Survey (ESS) waves 2002-2014.
• The data allow us to statistically analyze how big the
differences in opinions on immigration and immigrants are
between various socio-economic groups voting for the left-
wing parties in Finland and in the other Nordic countries
EGP in Nordic*
I Higher-grade professionals 7,928
II Lower-grade professionals 11,545
III Routine non-manuals 10,370
IV Self-empl. and farmers 3,883
V Skilled workers and manual
VI Unskilled workers 7,933
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
I Higher-grade professionals
II Lower-grade professionals
III Routine non-manuals
IV Self-empl. and farmers
V Skilled workers and manual
VI Unskilled workers
2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014
ESS round
Denmark Finland
Norway Sweden
Immigrants good or bad for your country
(0 good - 10 bad)
2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014
ESS round
Denmark Finland
Norway Sweden
Attitudes on allowing immigrants
(3 allow many- 12 allow few)
For Immigrants good or bad variable three variables were
Immigration bad or good for country's economy,
Country's cultural life undermined or enriched by immigrants,
Immigrants make country worse or better place to live.
For anti-immigrant attitude variable three variables were combined :
Allow many/few immigrants of same race/ethnic group as majority,
Allow many/few immigrants of different race/ethnic group from majority,
Allow many/few immigrants from poorer countries outside Europe
No major changes during 2002-2014
Attitudes on immigration at socioeconomic
groups in Nordic3
2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014
ESS round
I Higher-grade professionals II Lower-grade professionals
III Routine non-manuals IV Self-empl. and farmers
V Skilled workers and manual supervisors VI Unskilled workers
Immigrants good or bad for your country
2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014
ESS round
I Higher-grade professionals II Lower-grade professionals
III Routine non-manuals IV Self-empl. and farmers
V Skilled workers and manual supervisors VI Unskilled workers
Attitudes on allowing immigrants
There is a clear difference among white and blue-collar workers and
it has remained stable.
Political parties, EGP and immigrant attitudes
(immigration good or bad for your country)
*excludes outside values
Source: European Social Survey 2002-2014
0= country mean (4.40 )
Attitudes on immigration in socioeconomic groups voting for different parties in Denmark 2002-2014
I Higher-grade professionals II Lower-grade professionals
III Routine non-manuals IV Self-empl. and farmers
V Skilled workers and manual supervisors VI Unskilled workers
A Social Democrats (Socialdemokraterne)
B Social Liberal Party (Radiakale Venstre)
C Conservative People’s Party (Det Konservative Folkeparti)
F Socialist people's Party (Socialistisk Folkeparti)
O People's Party (Danks Folkeparti)
V Liberal Party (Venstre)
Ø Red-Green Alliance (Enhedslisten)
Kok. (National Coalition Party)
RKP (Swedish People's Party)
Kesk. (Centre Party)
PS (Finns Party)
KD (Christian Democrats)
Vihr. (Green League)
SDP (Social Democratic Party)
Vas. (Left Alliance)
Kok. RKP Kesk. PS. KD Vihr. SDP Vas.
*excludes outside values
Source: European Social Survey 2002-2014
0= country mean ( 4.04)
Attitudes on immigration in socioeconomic groups voting for different parties in Finland 2002-2014
I Higher-grade professionals II Lower-grade professionals
III Routine non-manuals IV Self-empl. and farmers
V Skilled workers and manual supervisors VI Unskilled workers
Political parties, EGP and immigrant attitudes
(immigration good or bad for your country)
*excludes outside values
Source: European Social Survey 2002-2014
0= country mean ( 3.70)
Attitudes on immigration in socioeconomic groups voting for different parties in Sweden 2002-2014
I Higher-grade professionals II Lower-grade professionals
III Routine non-manuals IV Self-empl. and farmers
V Skilled workers and manual supervisors VI Unskilled Workers
C Center Party (Centerpartiet)
L Liberals ( Liberalerna)
KD Christian Democrats (Kristdemokraterna)
MP Green Party (Miljöpartiet de Gröna)
M Moderate Party (Moderata samlingspartiet)
S Social Democratic Party (Socialdemokratiska
V Left Party (Vänsterpartiet)
SD Sweden Democrats ( Sverigedemokraterna)
SV Socialist Left Party (Sosialistisk Venterparti)
AP Labour Party (Arbeiderpartiet)
V Liberal Party (Venstre)
KRF Christian Democratic Party (Kristelig
SP Center Party (Senterpartiet)
H Conservative Party (Høyre)
FRP Progress Party (Fremskrittspartiet)
*excludes outside values
Source: European Social Survey 2002-2014
0= country mean ( 4.45)
Attitudes on immigration in socioeconomic groups voting for different parties in Norway 2002-2014
I Higher-grade professionals II Lower-grade professionals
III Routine non-manuals IV Self-empl. and farmers
V Skilled workers and manual supervisors VI Unskilled workers
Coa. Swe Cent Finn. KD. Gre. SDP Left.
I Higher-grade professionals II Lower-grade professionals III Routine non-manuals
IV self-empl. And farmers V Skilled workers and manual supervisors VI Unskilled workers
Mean Sd N
Finland 4,04 1,71 13904
Coa. 3,68 1,54 2157
Swe 3,56 1,63 433
Cent 4,22 1,65 1895
Finn. 5,01 1,8 529
KD. 3,94 1,51 291
Gre. 2,88 1,4 888
SDP 4,04 1,62 2052
Left. 3,83 1,79 562
Finnish political parties, immigrant attitudes
and EGP
1 2 3 4 5 6
EGP (6 scale)
Kok. RKP
Kesk. PS.
1 2 3 4 5 6
EGP (6 scale)
KD Vihr.
SDP Vas.
Scale 0-10 ( 10 = Immigrants bad for country)
Immigrant attitudes
Estimated marginal means from robust regression: with control variables (age, feeling on households
income, unemployment, education)
The contrast between EGP classes
(Kok. (National Coalition Party as a reference line)
Kok RKP Kesk. PS KD Vihr. SDP Vas.
I Higher-grade professionals -0.733*** -1.102*** -0.439** -0.351 -0.674 -0.357 -0.401** -0.986***
(0.147) (0.313) (0.154) (0.296) (0.355) (0.198) (0.134) (0.284)
II Lower-grade professionals -0.623*** -1.014*** -0.388** -0.152 -0.430 -0.459* -0.322** -1.050***
(0.149) (0.304) (0.138) (0.297) (0.302) (0.182) (0.113) (0.222)
III Routine non-manuals -0.481** -0.774* -0.036 -0.585* -0.273 -0.008 -0.222* -0.242
(0.155) (0.317) (0.134) (0.275) (0.302) (0.181) (0.112) (0.221)
IV Self-empl. and farmers -0.333* -0.452 0.053 -0.049 -0.084 -0.086 -0.093 -0.278
(0.157) (0.309) (0.117) (0.281) (0.392) (0.260) (0.189) (0.375)
V Skilled workers and manual supervisors 0.044 -0.648 0.159 -0.245 0.181 0.153 0.010 0.067
(0.194) (0.376) (0.148) (0.240) (0.435) (0.262) (0.111) (0.214)
VI Unskilled Workers 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
(.) (.) (.) (.) (.) (.) (.) (.)
age 0.006** -0.004 0.001 -0.005 0.009 0.004 0.001 0.012*
(0.002) (0.005) (0.003) (0.006) (0.006) (0.004) (0.003) (0.005)
No economic problems (Feeling about household's income nowadays) 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
(.) (.) (.) (.) (.) (.) (.) (.)
Economic problems 0.349* 0.465* 0.288* 0.571** 0.089 0.109 0.183 0.175
(0.142) (0.227) (0.116) (0.213) (0.288) (0.139) (0.111) (0.197)
Less than lower secondary education (ref.) 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
(.) (.) (.) (.) (.) (.) (.) (.)
Lower secondary education completed -0.352* -0.469 -0.316* -0.050 -0.658 0.011 -0.410** -0.016
(0.174) (0.349) (0.140) (0.327) (0.444) (0.400) (0.126) (0.277)
Upper secondary education completed -0.228 -0.612* -0.416*** -0.149 -0.707* -0.367 -0.461*** -0.167
(0.153) (0.305) (0.113) (0.271) (0.319) (0.366) (0.102) (0.209)
Post-secondary non-tertiary education -0.404 -1.038* -0.351 -0.196 -1.178 -0.503 -0.598** 0.058
(0.221) (0.517) (0.265) (0.400) (0.675) (0.414) (0.230) (0.461)
Tertiary education completed -0.447** -0.931** -0.721*** -0.372 -0.713* -0.599 -0.956*** -0.345
(0.154) (0.311) (0.135) (0.314) (0.337) (0.369) (0.124) (0.255)
Non-Unemployed 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
(.) (.) (.) (.) (.) (.) (.) (.)
Unemployed 0.084 1.808*** 0.182 -0.195 0.476 -0.201 0.072 -0.093
(0.191) (0.497) (0.187) (0.336) (0.417) (0.257) (0.165) (0.266)
Men (ref.) 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
(.) (.) (.) (.) (.) (.) (.) (.)
Women 0.029 0.027 -0.102 0.090 -0.227 0.069 0.077 -0.122
(0.071) (0.173) (0.081) (0.196) (0.203) (0.104) (0.079) (0.157)
_cons 4.124*** 5.068*** 4.562*** 5.428*** 4.430*** 3.316*** 4.500*** 3.605***
(0.217) (0.467) (0.209) (0.442) (0.515) (0.425) (0.198) (0.393)
R-squared 0.049 0.127 0.070 0.015 0.071 0.047 0.071 0.121
N 2099 422 1854 521 289 873 2029 558
standard error (in parentheses)
*p<0,005 **p<0.01 *p<0.05
Political support by socioeconomic groups
Kok. RKP Kesk. PS. KD Vihr. SDP Vas.
Routine non-manuals
Self-empl. and farmers
Finnish political parties, immigrant attitudes
and EGP
1 2 3 4
EGP (4 scale)
Kok. RKP
Kesk. PS.
1 2 3 4
EGP (4 scale)
KD Vihr.
SDP Vas.
Scale 0-10 ( 10 = Immigrants bad for country)
Immigrant attitudes
Estimated marginal means from robust regression: with control variables (age, feeling on households income,
unemployment, education)
SDP & Left Alliance
Cent. Lib. KD Green Mod. SDP Left Sdem
I Higher-grade professionals II Lower-grade professionals III Routine non-manuals
IV self-empl. And farmers V Skilled workers and manual supervisors VI Unskilled workers
Mean Sd N
Sweden 3,7 1,91 12030
Cent. 3,62 1,81 592
Lib. 3,26 1,68 936
KD 3,62 1,62 506
Green 2,6 1,53 683
Mod. 3,71 1,8 2539
SDP 3,77 1,83 3216
Left 2,82 1,88 626
Sdem 6,4 1,93 173
Sweden (reference line center party)
Social Democratic Party (Socialdemokratiska Arbetarparty)
& Left Party (Vänsterpartiet)
SDP Soc.lib Con. SOS. Peo. Lib Red-Gre
I Higher-grade professionals II Lower-grade professionals III Routine non-manuals
IV self-empl. And farmers V Skilled workers and manual supervisors VI Unskilled workers
Mean Sd N
Denmark 4,4 2,03 10210
SDP 4,24 1,93 2203
Soc.lib 3,06 1,59 684
Con. 4,33 1,89 623
SOS. 3,5 1,87 914
Peo. 6,31 1,91 766
Lib 4,64 1,86 2529
Red-Gre 3,04 1,88 277
SOS Lab. Lib. KD Cen. Con. Prog.
I Higher-grade professionals II Lower-grade professionals III Routine non-manuals
IV self-empl. And farmers V Skilled workers and manual supervisors VI Unskilled workers
Mean Sd N
Norway 4,45 1,8 11451
SOS 3,46 1,52 805
Lab. 4,17 1,69 2358
Lib. 3,46 1,53 330
KD 4,69 1,57 610
Cen. 4,56 1,67 459
Con. 4,27 1,61 1606
Prog. 5,78 1,72 1149
Problem for the left?
• Clearly voters are separated among immigrant attitudes
• Polarization strongest on the Left Alliance.
• SDP also in troubles: many working class voters.
• Central party: battle between cities and countryside
• Left Alliance voters are changing (Grönlund & Wass
2015). Where have all the workers gone?
• Cross-cutting party preferences? (Finseraas
2012) How important issue immigrant policies
are to voters/ political parties?

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Political parties, socioeconomic groups and attitudes on immigrants. Evidence from European Social Survey 2002-2014

  • 1. Political parties, socioeconomic groups and attitudes on immigrants Evidence from European Social Survey 2002-2014 Olli Kangas & Ilari Kolttola Kela
  • 2. Starting points of the study • In Europe there are some 50 million foreign-born residents • Economic problems, unemployment and austerity contribute to harshening attitudes about immigration • In many European countries support for radical right-wing / populist parties is rising (Norris 2005; Mudde 2007; Hainsworth 2008) • The Nordic welfare states are prized for their universal social policies integrating all residents under the very same welfare programs
  • 3. Snakes in the paradise? • Immigrants and immigration are rising tensions also in the Nordic hemisphere (Ervasti & Hjerm 2012). • Is the working-class suffering from ‘a moral panic’ (Svallfors 2006) • the immigrants are seen competitors of working-class jobs and, hence, they are regarded as threat -> negative attitudes • At the political and rhetorical level left-wing parties, however, maintain to have pro-immigration attitudes. • Question 1: is there a discrepancy between the pro- immigration party elites and more red-necked and harsher attitudes among the (male) working-class voters for the left. • Question 2. Is there a gap in opinions between the white- and blue-collar voters for different political parties, for the left-wing parties, in particular.
  • 4. Study • Our aim is to analyze tensions in immigration attitudes between white- and blue-collar voters for the left. • Data used are derived from pooled European Social Survey (ESS) waves 2002-2014. • The data allow us to statistically analyze how big the differences in opinions on immigration and immigrants are between various socio-economic groups voting for the left- wing parties in Finland and in the other Nordic countries
  • 5. EGP in Nordic* N I Higher-grade professionals 7,928 II Lower-grade professionals 11,545 III Routine non-manuals 10,370 IV Self-empl. and farmers 3,883 V Skilled workers and manual supervisors 5,359 VI Unskilled workers 7,933 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 I Higher-grade professionals II Lower-grade professionals III Routine non-manuals IV Self-empl. and farmers V Skilled workers and manual supervisors VI Unskilled workers % Nordic Denmark Finland Norway Sweden
  • 6. Nordic 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 ESS round Denmark Finland Norway Sweden Immigrants good or bad for your country (0 good - 10 bad) 5678 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 ESS round Denmark Finland Norway Sweden Attitudes on allowing immigrants (3 allow many- 12 allow few) For Immigrants good or bad variable three variables were combined: Immigration bad or good for country's economy, Country's cultural life undermined or enriched by immigrants, Immigrants make country worse or better place to live. For anti-immigrant attitude variable three variables were combined : Allow many/few immigrants of same race/ethnic group as majority, Allow many/few immigrants of different race/ethnic group from majority, Allow many/few immigrants from poorer countries outside Europe No major changes during 2002-2014
  • 7. Attitudes on immigration at socioeconomic groups in Nordic3 3.5 4 4.5 5 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 ESS round I Higher-grade professionals II Lower-grade professionals III Routine non-manuals IV Self-empl. and farmers V Skilled workers and manual supervisors VI Unskilled workers Immigrants good or bad for your country 5.5 6 6.5 7 7.5 8 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 ESS round I Higher-grade professionals II Lower-grade professionals III Routine non-manuals IV Self-empl. and farmers V Skilled workers and manual supervisors VI Unskilled workers Attitudes on allowing immigrants . There is a clear difference among white and blue-collar workers and it has remained stable.
  • 8. Political parties, EGP and immigrant attitudes (immigration good or bad for your country) 02468 10 A B C F O V Ø *excludes outside values Source: European Social Survey 2002-2014 0= country mean (4.40 ) Attitudes on immigration in socioeconomic groups voting for different parties in Denmark 2002-2014 I Higher-grade professionals II Lower-grade professionals III Routine non-manuals IV Self-empl. and farmers V Skilled workers and manual supervisors VI Unskilled workers Parties: A Social Democrats (Socialdemokraterne) B Social Liberal Party (Radiakale Venstre) C Conservative People’s Party (Det Konservative Folkeparti) F Socialist people's Party (Socialistisk Folkeparti) O People's Party (Danks Folkeparti) V Liberal Party (Venstre) Ø Red-Green Alliance (Enhedslisten) Parties: Kok. (National Coalition Party) RKP (Swedish People's Party) Kesk. (Centre Party) PS (Finns Party) KD (Christian Democrats) Vihr. (Green League) SDP (Social Democratic Party) Vas. (Left Alliance) 02468 10 Attitudesonimmigrationinsocioeconomicgroups Kok. RKP Kesk. PS. KD Vihr. SDP Vas. *excludes outside values Source: European Social Survey 2002-2014 0= country mean ( 4.04) Attitudes on immigration in socioeconomic groups voting for different parties in Finland 2002-2014 I Higher-grade professionals II Lower-grade professionals III Routine non-manuals IV Self-empl. and farmers V Skilled workers and manual supervisors VI Unskilled workers
  • 9. Political parties, EGP and immigrant attitudes (immigration good or bad for your country) 02468 10 Attitudesonimmigrationinsocioeconomicgroups C L KD MP M S V SD *excludes outside values Source: European Social Survey 2002-2014 0= country mean ( 3.70) Attitudes on immigration in socioeconomic groups voting for different parties in Sweden 2002-2014 I Higher-grade professionals II Lower-grade professionals III Routine non-manuals IV Self-empl. and farmers V Skilled workers and manual supervisors VI Unskilled Workers Parties: C Center Party (Centerpartiet) L Liberals ( Liberalerna) KD Christian Democrats (Kristdemokraterna) MP Green Party (Miljöpartiet de Gröna) M Moderate Party (Moderata samlingspartiet) S Social Democratic Party (Socialdemokratiska Arbetarparty) V Left Party (Vänsterpartiet) SD Sweden Democrats ( Sverigedemokraterna) Parties: SV Socialist Left Party (Sosialistisk Venterparti) AP Labour Party (Arbeiderpartiet) V Liberal Party (Venstre) KRF Christian Democratic Party (Kristelig Folkeparti) SP Center Party (Senterpartiet) H Conservative Party (Høyre) FRP Progress Party (Fremskrittspartiet) 02468 10 SV AP V KRF SP H FRP *excludes outside values Source: European Social Survey 2002-2014 0= country mean ( 4.45) Attitudes on immigration in socioeconomic groups voting for different parties in Norway 2002-2014 I Higher-grade professionals II Lower-grade professionals III Routine non-manuals IV Self-empl. and farmers V Skilled workers and manual supervisors VI Unskilled workers
  • 10. Finland 0.00% 5.00% 10.00% 15.00% 20.00% 25.00% 30.00% 35.00% 40.00% Coa. Swe Cent Finn. KD. Gre. SDP Left. Finland I Higher-grade professionals II Lower-grade professionals III Routine non-manuals IV self-empl. And farmers V Skilled workers and manual supervisors VI Unskilled workers Mean Sd N Finland 4,04 1,71 13904 Coa. 3,68 1,54 2157 Swe 3,56 1,63 433 Cent 4,22 1,65 1895 Finn. 5,01 1,8 529 KD. 3,94 1,51 291 Gre. 2,88 1,4 888 SDP 4,04 1,62 2052 Left. 3,83 1,79 562
  • 11. Finnish political parties, immigrant attitudes and EGP 23456 1 2 3 4 5 6 EGP (6 scale) Kok. RKP Kesk. PS. 23456 1 2 3 4 5 6 EGP (6 scale) KD Vihr. SDP Vas. Scale 0-10 ( 10 = Immigrants bad for country) Immigrant attitudes Estimated marginal means from robust regression: with control variables (age, feeling on households income, unemployment, education)
  • 12. The contrast between EGP classes (Kok. (National Coalition Party as a reference line)
  • 13. Kok RKP Kesk. PS KD Vihr. SDP Vas. I Higher-grade professionals -0.733*** -1.102*** -0.439** -0.351 -0.674 -0.357 -0.401** -0.986*** (0.147) (0.313) (0.154) (0.296) (0.355) (0.198) (0.134) (0.284) II Lower-grade professionals -0.623*** -1.014*** -0.388** -0.152 -0.430 -0.459* -0.322** -1.050*** (0.149) (0.304) (0.138) (0.297) (0.302) (0.182) (0.113) (0.222) III Routine non-manuals -0.481** -0.774* -0.036 -0.585* -0.273 -0.008 -0.222* -0.242 (0.155) (0.317) (0.134) (0.275) (0.302) (0.181) (0.112) (0.221) IV Self-empl. and farmers -0.333* -0.452 0.053 -0.049 -0.084 -0.086 -0.093 -0.278 (0.157) (0.309) (0.117) (0.281) (0.392) (0.260) (0.189) (0.375) V Skilled workers and manual supervisors 0.044 -0.648 0.159 -0.245 0.181 0.153 0.010 0.067 (0.194) (0.376) (0.148) (0.240) (0.435) (0.262) (0.111) (0.214) VI Unskilled Workers 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 (.) (.) (.) (.) (.) (.) (.) (.) age 0.006** -0.004 0.001 -0.005 0.009 0.004 0.001 0.012* (0.002) (0.005) (0.003) (0.006) (0.006) (0.004) (0.003) (0.005) No economic problems (Feeling about household's income nowadays) 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 (.) (.) (.) (.) (.) (.) (.) (.) Economic problems 0.349* 0.465* 0.288* 0.571** 0.089 0.109 0.183 0.175 (0.142) (0.227) (0.116) (0.213) (0.288) (0.139) (0.111) (0.197) Less than lower secondary education (ref.) 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 (.) (.) (.) (.) (.) (.) (.) (.) Lower secondary education completed -0.352* -0.469 -0.316* -0.050 -0.658 0.011 -0.410** -0.016 (0.174) (0.349) (0.140) (0.327) (0.444) (0.400) (0.126) (0.277) Upper secondary education completed -0.228 -0.612* -0.416*** -0.149 -0.707* -0.367 -0.461*** -0.167 (0.153) (0.305) (0.113) (0.271) (0.319) (0.366) (0.102) (0.209) Post-secondary non-tertiary education -0.404 -1.038* -0.351 -0.196 -1.178 -0.503 -0.598** 0.058 (0.221) (0.517) (0.265) (0.400) (0.675) (0.414) (0.230) (0.461) Tertiary education completed -0.447** -0.931** -0.721*** -0.372 -0.713* -0.599 -0.956*** -0.345 (0.154) (0.311) (0.135) (0.314) (0.337) (0.369) (0.124) (0.255) Non-Unemployed 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 (.) (.) (.) (.) (.) (.) (.) (.) Unemployed 0.084 1.808*** 0.182 -0.195 0.476 -0.201 0.072 -0.093 (0.191) (0.497) (0.187) (0.336) (0.417) (0.257) (0.165) (0.266) Men (ref.) 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 (.) (.) (.) (.) (.) (.) (.) (.) Women 0.029 0.027 -0.102 0.090 -0.227 0.069 0.077 -0.122 (0.071) (0.173) (0.081) (0.196) (0.203) (0.104) (0.079) (0.157) _cons 4.124*** 5.068*** 4.562*** 5.428*** 4.430*** 3.316*** 4.500*** 3.605*** (0.217) (0.467) (0.209) (0.442) (0.515) (0.425) (0.198) (0.393) R-squared 0.049 0.127 0.070 0.015 0.071 0.047 0.071 0.121 N 2099 422 1854 521 289 873 2029 558 standard error (in parentheses) *p<0,005 **p<0.01 *p<0.05
  • 14. Political support by socioeconomic groups 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Kok. RKP Kesk. PS. KD Vihr. SDP Vas. Professionals Routine non-manuals Self-empl. and farmers Workers
  • 15. Finnish political parties, immigrant attitudes and EGP 23456 1 2 3 4 EGP (4 scale) Kok. RKP Kesk. PS. 23456 1 2 3 4 EGP (4 scale) KD Vihr. SDP Vas. Scale 0-10 ( 10 = Immigrants bad for country) Immigrant attitudes Estimated marginal means from robust regression: with control variables (age, feeling on households income, unemployment, education)
  • 16. SDP & Left Alliance
  • 17. Sweden 0.00% 5.00% 10.00% 15.00% 20.00% 25.00% 30.00% 35.00% 40.00% 45.00% Cent. Lib. KD Green Mod. SDP Left Sdem Sweden I Higher-grade professionals II Lower-grade professionals III Routine non-manuals IV self-empl. And farmers V Skilled workers and manual supervisors VI Unskilled workers Mean Sd N Sweden 3,7 1,91 12030 Cent. 3,62 1,81 592 Lib. 3,26 1,68 936 KD 3,62 1,62 506 Green 2,6 1,53 683 Mod. 3,71 1,8 2539 SDP 3,77 1,83 3216 Left 2,82 1,88 626 Sdem 6,4 1,93 173
  • 19. Sweden (reference line center party)
  • 20. Social Democratic Party (Socialdemokratiska Arbetarparty) & Left Party (Vänsterpartiet)
  • 21. Denmark 0.00% 5.00% 10.00% 15.00% 20.00% 25.00% 30.00% 35.00% 40.00% SDP Soc.lib Con. SOS. Peo. Lib Red-Gre Denmark I Higher-grade professionals II Lower-grade professionals III Routine non-manuals IV self-empl. And farmers V Skilled workers and manual supervisors VI Unskilled workers Mean Sd N Denmark 4,4 2,03 10210 SDP 4,24 1,93 2203 Soc.lib 3,06 1,59 684 Con. 4,33 1,89 623 SOS. 3,5 1,87 914 Peo. 6,31 1,91 766 Lib 4,64 1,86 2529 Red-Gre 3,04 1,88 277
  • 24. Norway 0.00% 5.00% 10.00% 15.00% 20.00% 25.00% 30.00% 35.00% 40.00% SOS Lab. Lib. KD Cen. Con. Prog. Norway I Higher-grade professionals II Lower-grade professionals III Routine non-manuals IV self-empl. And farmers V Skilled workers and manual supervisors VI Unskilled workers Mean Sd N Norway 4,45 1,8 11451 SOS 3,46 1,52 805 Lab. 4,17 1,69 2358 Lib. 3,46 1,53 330 KD 4,69 1,57 610 Cen. 4,56 1,67 459 Con. 4,27 1,61 1606 Prog. 5,78 1,72 1149
  • 27. Problem for the left? • Clearly voters are separated among immigrant attitudes • Polarization strongest on the Left Alliance. • SDP also in troubles: many working class voters. • Central party: battle between cities and countryside • Left Alliance voters are changing (Grönlund & Wass 2015). Where have all the workers gone? • Cross-cutting party preferences? (Finseraas 2012) How important issue immigrant policies are to voters/ political parties?