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Pembelajaran dengan ICT
Integrasi ICT dalam pembelajaran
            Better teacher – better parents
Kresnayana Yahya
Academic Achievement
                         Digital-Age Literacy                  Inventive Thinking

                          Basic, Scientific, Economic           Adaptability, Managing
                         and Technological Literacies        Complexity and Self-Direction

                                                                                                Academic Achievement
Academic Achievement

                                                             Curiosity, Creativity and Risk
                       Visual and Information Literacies                 Taking

                       Multicultural Literacy and Global   Higher-Order Thinking and Sound
                                  Awareness                          Reasoning

                                        21st Century Learning
                       Effective Communication                 High Productivity

                         Teaming, Collaboration and            Prioritizing, Planning and
                            Interpersonal Skills                  Managing for Results

                          Personal, Social and Civic
                               Responsibility              Effective Use of Real-World Tools

                          Interactive Communication        Ability to Produce Relevant, High-
                                                                     Quality Products

                                     Academic Achievement
Equipped for the Future

Is school important?
• APAKAH sekolah
  menentukan masa
• Adakah alternatif lain
  selain sekolah
• Mengapa banyak orang
  hebat meninggalkan
  sekolah dan BERHASIL?

The ‘New’ Teacher?
• ‘unlearn’
• collaboration in the time of competition
• find ways to cater to individual learning
  habits and strategies as never before.
• Exchange ideas with creative and
  relevant problems -solutions

The ‘New’ Teacher
• helps learners construct knowledge for
• encourages multiple perspectives
• uses multiple ICT tools rather than only the
  printed text
• promotes creative and innovative thinking
  over memorisation

Proses belajar menuntut penguasaan
• Kompetensi , pemahaman mendalam dan
  keterpaduan dengan kemampuan bertindak
• Pemanfaatan Informasi harus mampu
  menghasilkan gagasan ( Idea) sampai
  Implementasi tuntas
• Percepatan dan pelipatgandaan aktivitas
  menuntut kerja produktif dengan orientasi
  komersial dan value added yang masif
Existing Frameworks: UNESCO

Integration in stages
— Proses mengintegrasikan ICT
   dalam prosesbelajar mengajar
   berlangsung dalam tahapan yang
   sangat beragam dan sebagai
   spektrum luas dan berlangsung
   tahap demi tahap sesuai dengan
   kondisi belajar. Yakni : Emerging,
   Applying, Infusing, Transforming
— Setiap tahap merupakan proses
   pengembangan yang makin
   mendalam dan mendasar melalui
   pemanfaatan dan
   pengintegrasian technology and
   pedagogy in terms of quality and
Emerging Stage
— Educational establishments just beginning to
  explore the possibilities and consequences of
  using ICT for institutional management and adding
  ICT to the curriculum
— Pedagogically speaking, institutions at this stage are
  still firmly grounded in traditional, teacher-
  centered practice.
Applying Stage
— Administrators and teachers use ICT for tasks
  already carried out in institutional management and
  in the curriculum
— Teachers involve themselves in integrating ICT to
  acquire specific subject skills and knowledge,
  beginning to change their teaching methodology in
  the classroom, and using ICT to support their training
  and professional development
Infusing Stage
— Educational institutions involved in integrating
  or embedding ICT across the curriculum, and
  in employing a range of computer-based
  technologies in laboratories, classrooms, and
  administrative offices.
— The curriculum also begins to merge subject
  areas to reflect real-world applications.
— The teachers use ICT to manage not only the
  learning of their students but also their own
Transforming Stage
— Educational institutions involved in integrating or
  embedding ICT across the curriculum, and in
  employing a range of computer-based technologies in
  laboratories, classrooms, and administrative offices.
— The emphasis changes from teacher-centered to
— Institutions at this stage of ICT4TED development
  have become centers of learning for their
Existing Frameworks: UNESCO
   ICT Teacher Competency Framework
Three approaches for ICT Integration that connect education policy with
   economic development
       Policy & Vision    Technology literacy      Knowledge        Knowledge Creation
        Curriculum &       Basic Knowledge         Knowledge        21st Century Skills
        Assessment                                Application
         Pedagogy              Integrate        Complex Problem     Self Management
                              Technology            Solving
             ICT              Basic Tools        Complex Tools          Pervasive
       Organization &     Standard Classroom Collaborative Groups       Learning
       Administration                                                 Organizations

          Teacher           Digital Literacy    Manage & Guide      Teacher as Model
        Professional                                                    Learner
    Source: UNESCO 2008
Technology Literacy

Increase the technology uptake of
 students, citizens, and the
 workforce by incorporating
 technology skills in the
Knowledge Deepening

Increase the ability of students,
 citizens, and the workforce to use
 knowledge to add value to society
 and the country and the economy
 by applying it to solve complex,
 real-world problems
Knowledge Creation

Increase the ability of students,
 citizens, and the workforce to
 innovate, produce new
 knowledge and benefit from this
Mengapa harus terintegrasi antara
  paedagogy dan technology
— Tuntutan dan sasaran pembelajaran makin beragam,
 kompleks dan membutuhkan kreativitas.

— Perkembangan technology makin cepat dan mengarah
 pada pemanfaatan knowledge base

— Siswa yang lahir sekarang sudah dan akan hanya
 bergantung pada pengembangan Informasi
 sebagai sumber pembelajaran
Proses Belajar Mandiri
— Sangat ditentukan oleh kesiapan belajar yang
  dibangun sejak usia dini
— Mencari Informasi (SEARCH ) sampai memilih dan
  memilah dan mengintegrasikan dengan pengalaman
  yang ada akan membangun KNOWLEDGE baru
— FAKTA dan proses INTEGRASI akan menjadikan
  belajar menjadi suatu proses baru dan tidak tunggal
  serta tidak untuk satu tujuan saja
— Ke unikan dan keunggulan setiap orang mampu jadi
  karya berharga yang tidak harus bersaing dengan satu
Tantangan pekerjaan masadepan
— Ragam, jenis dan kompleksitas pekerjaan masa depan
 tidak ditentukan oleh satu pola, satu standard dan
 satu macam penilaian

— Kekuatan personal seperti : design, art, culture, music,
 performances, leadership tidak perlu standard tapi
 perlu process pengembangan

— Tingkat dan jenjang capaian belajar sangat unik dan
 berbeda setiap orang
                   Financial      virtual learning
                    Support        environment
                                    of a college
                                     or school
                                                 of teachers
                     Prerequisites for           and learners
                         successful                    ↕
                     integration of ICT       New Educational
                             into                 Standards
                   teaching process      Methodolo-
         ICT                             gical theory
    competence                               of ICT
     of teachers                          integration
    and learners                      into problem base
Module Activities                           U
  Theoretical material        Answer        O
    Рpresentation            Questions,     R’
     Video lecture           Take tests     S
     presentation                           S
     Video lecture         Do practically   S
  Practical guidelines     oriented tasks   I
     Useful links                           S
      Problems for                          T
forum/webinar discussion   Collaborative    A
      Useful links          Discussion      N
   Additional material                      C
20th Century Education Model

                       21st century learning
21st century learning
Apa perubahan mendasar
• Pengakuan keberhasilan tidak lagi dilihat secara
  administratip tetapi kompetensi dan kekuatan
  perorangan , secara kultural untuk berperan
• Keberhasilan tidak ditentukan oleh lembaga tetapi
  kompetensi untuk bisa berkarya dan berperan jadi utama
  : performance based
• Logika keilmuan hanya bermanfaat bila ada bukti
  kenyataan ( evidence based- Knowledge base)
• Kekuatan bersaing bukan lagi kepandaian tetapi
  kreativitas dan kecerdasan bertindak
• Integrasi antara keyakinan spiritual lebih utama
  memandu langkah bertindak dan pola hidup
• Keragaman dan kekuatan individu dibutuhkan secara
  mendasar dan mendalam
Perubahan peran
• Sekolah punya tugas mendesain sistim
  pembelajaran yang sesuai dan melakukan
  integrasi belajar dengan sistim dan technologi
  yang melibatkan ICT
• Guru adalah fasilitator yang harus mampu
  menyiapkan – melaksanakan dan memantau
  proses belajar mengajar, memberikan bimbingan
  – monitoring – evaluasi –assessment
• Pembelajar harus punya kesiapan belajar dan
  kemauan terlibat dalam proses belajar –
• Penyedia ICT akan sangat menentukan kemajuan
  pemanfaatan ICT dalam pembelajaran
Model belajar
• Kurikulum dirancang dengan strategi belajar yang
  sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan kekhususan dan
  kepentingan pembelajar
• Keragaman pada setiap pembelajar perlu di
  akomodasikan dan dijadikan sasaran utama kegiatan
• Kecepatan dan tingkat pencapaian setiap anak bisa
  beragam, tetapi kompetensi dasar nya akan sama
• Keterpaduan harus dijamin bahwa pembelajar aktif ada
  interaksi dan ada adaptasi dan pola kerjasama dan ada
  kesempatan setiap orang menemukan cara belajar
Performance Measures Should Help Us

Are W e Doing Things R ight?          Are W e Doing The R ight Things?
         (How?)                                    (What?)

Input          Process                    Output            Outcome

         Input: Resources, including budget and workforce
         Process: Activities, efforts, workflow
         Output: Products and services produced
         Outcome: Results, accomplishments, impacts
entertain     engage


   extend     enhance
ICT and Learning
                                     Where is

                                                                          Pupils take
                                                                           control of
                                                              Extend        learning
                                                           Significantly   Use ICT to

                                                          Synthesis research and
                                                           alter the way

                                                           that teaching manage own
                                          Deeper learning                   learning
                               Enrich                      and learning
                                                Analysis takes place
                                          though the use
                            whiteboards    of ICT based
                                used                         using ICT
                                           teaching and
                            interactively     learning
                           and with wider    resources
            OHPs for data     range of

                 using     resources and                       Edutainment?
            whiteboards as methodologies               Computer assisted learning?
              projection                                 Content based software?
               screens                                       Computer games?

            Passive                pupil engagement                        Active
Evolution of Technology-Based Learning
                Non-Networked                          Networked

  High                                                  Learning-on-Demand
              Based                                        Phase 2004-08
                   Video &                            Phase 2000-03
                                            Early Phase
Medium                                        1997-99
                             Based CBT

                                            Phase 1
          Delivery                                      Phase 2
                                                                      Phase 3

 Source: Morgan Keegan (2000) eLearning – the Engine of the Knowledge Economy
Peran guru bergeser
• GURU bukan lagi sumber ILMU
• GURU hanyalah Fasilitator
• Peran Baru Guru : menjadi designer proses
• Kompetensi ICT menjadikan guru mampu
  mengintegrasikan pokok bahasan, sumber
  belajar, ICT dan cara dan tahapan berproses
• Membangun jejaring dan merancang process
  belajar bagi setiap individu dengan ragam
  interest dan minat serta talentanya
• Harus mampu menjadi fasilitator belajar
  melalui ICT
• Harus mau dan me3nedrima keragaman
  siswa dan tidak menerapkan satu pola
  jawaban lagi
• Kemampuan assesment yang makin
  berwawasan capaian setiap individu
• Tidak perlu membuat acuan keberhasilan
  semua orang dengan standard
Membangun proses belajar
• Yang utama bukan lagi GURU mengajar
  tapi merancang agar SISWA BELAJAR
• Mendorong terjadinya KEMAUAN belajar
  mandiri berkelanjutan
• Life long learning
Demographic Forces Influence
         Consumer Demand
                                Social Forces
   Political                              Demographics
   Legal                     Product

          Finance                                      Technology
                  Price Consumer Distr.
Natural Acctg             Wants

               Monopoly . . . . . . Pure Competition
Mengapa Karakter menentukan?
• Be careful of your thoughts, for your
  thoughts become your words.
• Be careful of your words, for your words
  become your deeds.
• Be careful of your deeds, for your deeds
  become habits.
• Be careful of your habits, for your habits
  become your character.
• Be careful of your character, for your
  character becomes your destiny.
Job Performance

“Can-Do” Factors                      “Will-Do” Factors
  •Knowledge                      X      •Motivation                 =
  •Skills                                •Interest                           Job Performance
  •Aptitudes                             •Personality
Aptitude is a person’s capacity
  to learn or acquire skills

                             Arthur Sherman, George Bohlander, and Scott Snell
                                      “Managing Human Resources”
                                 (South-Western College Publishing, 1996)
Creating a Learning
• Share Objectives
    – Set Goals
•   Modeling
•   Individual Differences
•   Home , Peer, Market place
•   Meaningful Presentation
    – Experience
Why Do We Care?



    Motivation                    Opportunity

Performance = f (Ability, Motivation, Opportunity)
• What is the difference between the words:


A Lifelong Skills Strategy

  ...solve               ...plan and
 problems                 organise with

   ...think               The
 critically &                                ...use
 creatively              ability           initiative

                           to learn                                ...lead
                         ..take risks

The Winslow Research Institute

Research results: core behavioral traits
define the high achiever and the leader

Social community
Global warming
Climate Change
Food security
Risk taking
Idea Generation
• reading
• writing
• arithmetic
• responsibility
New Learning Culture
Three arenas for learning: FORMAL, NON-

                      Formal                Informal
                       arena                  arena

Individual Learning Space

                      Formal                Informal
                       arena                  arena

Individual Learning Space
Supporting all forms of learning!

          Formal                      Informal
           arena                        arena

           Formal Centre             Informal
            arena                      arena

Value all learning
Links to providers, stakeholders
Guide, support, tutor
Adult Learning Centres embed learning …

     Guidance                                            Teachers

                                                         Technology support


      Work mates                                         Study guides
                   Study mates         Stimulating
                                 learning environments
ALC embedding learning/elearning …
  Academic support                            Social organisation support
     Guidance                                              Teachers

                                                           Technology support


      Work mates                                           Study guides
                     Study mates         Stimulating
                                   learning environments
Emotional support
“I never try to teach
my students anything.
I only try to create an
environment in which
    they can learn.”
          – Albert Einstein
ALC embedding learning/elearning …
  Academic support                            Social organisation support
     Guidance                                              Teachers

                                                           Technology support


      Work mates                                           Study guides
                     Study mates         Stimulating
                                   learning environments
Emotional support
Apa perubah peran GURU

• A change in the the role of the teacher,
• A change in the proof of learning,
• A change in the proof of assessment,
• A change in the distribution of resources,
• A change in the paradigm of teaching,
• Increased opportunities for showing the
  evidence of learning, and
• The important role in planning and creating
  the learning environment.
Cara siswa belajar juga berubah

 • The way that students learn is changing,
 • What they learn is changing,
 • The context for what they learn is changing,
 • How and with whom they interact is
 • Changing evidence of learning,
 • Increase in critical learning, and
 • Proof of learning is changing.
Old                   New
     Paradigm               Paradigm
       teach by               learn from
• Delivering content     • Being Engaged

• Presenting & Telling   • Doing it your way

• Linear Stories         • Random Access &
                           Exploring Options

• One Thing at a Time    • Multi-tasking

• One size fits all      • Personalized to you

• Face-to-face           • Going Online

                                   © 2007 Marc Prensky
ALC embedding learning/elearning …
  Academic support                            Social organisation support
     Guidance                                              Teachers

                                                           Technology support


      Work mates                                           Study guides
                     Study mates         Stimulating
                                   learning environments
Emotional support
Motivasi guru untuk profesional
• Mau belajar dan berkembang atas inisiatif
• Makin kompeten dalam mengenali kebutuhan
  siswa belajar
• Meningkatkan kemampuan menjadi facilitator,
  motivator dan designer proses belajar
• Improve dan update melalui tersedianya
  beragam hasil, kajian dan software yang
Inisiatif untuk maju dari diri sendiri
• Berhimpunlah, ber asosiasi lah dan majukan diri sendiri
  dengan ber inisiatif
• Berprestasilah , mulailah mengembangkan diri dengan
  keyakinan peran guru makin penting, profesional dan
  perlu maju
• Isilah semua web dengan bahan belajar, panduan
  belajar dan testimoni hasil pembelajaran
• Kembangkan pola pikir baru, jadilah advisor terbaik
  untuk software developer
• Pandulah pengembang bahan belajar dengan content,
  paedagogy dan androgogy
Perlu percepatan
• Bila tidak ada percepatan sampai 2015
  pertambahan sekolah dan pertambahan guru
  tidak akan mampu mempertahankan
  kompetensi yang dibutuhkan ekonomi
• Kebutuhan kompetensi tenaga kerja makin
  tinggi; pengangguran akan makin tinggi,
  kematangan perorangan dan keunggulannya
  jadi taruhan
• Harga dan investasi IT dan pemanfaatannya
  akan makin murah
• Productivity rendah hanya bisa dipercepat
  dengan kompetensi yang meningkat
Our Roles
Ø We are not police
Ø We are not technology pushers
Ø We are not mere trainers

ØWe    are the change agents

What are the top ten things I need to know?
        Where can I get more detail?
             What can I re-use?
              Who can I talk to?

A few
more              Still
        more                 More
                  More                    More
                            Lessons              Lessons

                 kresnayana yahya 2012
A thought to end!
• “You must be
  the change you
  wish to see in
  the world”
Thank You


            “c” change in classified
                THANK YOU

Kresnayana Yahya
                         Enciety Business Consult   73

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Pembelajaran dengan ict

  • 2. Integrasi ICT dalam pembelajaran Better teacher – better parents Kresnayana Yahya Email: Blog:
  • 3.
  • 4.
  • 5. Academic Achievement Digital-Age Literacy Inventive Thinking Basic, Scientific, Economic Adaptability, Managing and Technological Literacies Complexity and Self-Direction Academic Achievement Academic Achievement Curiosity, Creativity and Risk Visual and Information Literacies Taking Multicultural Literacy and Global Higher-Order Thinking and Sound Awareness Reasoning 21st Century Learning Effective Communication High Productivity Teaming, Collaboration and Prioritizing, Planning and Interpersonal Skills Managing for Results Personal, Social and Civic Responsibility Effective Use of Real-World Tools Interactive Communication Ability to Produce Relevant, High- Quality Products 5 Academic Achievement
  • 6. Equipped for the Future 6
  • 7. Is school important? • APAKAH sekolah menentukan masa depan? • Adakah alternatif lain selain sekolah • Mengapa banyak orang hebat meninggalkan sekolah dan BERHASIL? 7
  • 8. The ‘New’ Teacher? • ‘unlearn’ • collaboration in the time of competition • find ways to cater to individual learning habits and strategies as never before. • Exchange ideas with creative and relevant problems -solutions 8
  • 9. The ‘New’ Teacher • helps learners construct knowledge for themselves • encourages multiple perspectives • uses multiple ICT tools rather than only the printed text • promotes creative and innovative thinking over memorisation 9
  • 10. Proses belajar menuntut penguasaan • Kompetensi , pemahaman mendalam dan keterpaduan dengan kemampuan bertindak • Pemanfaatan Informasi harus mampu menghasilkan gagasan ( Idea) sampai Implementasi tuntas • Percepatan dan pelipatgandaan aktivitas menuntut kerja produktif dengan orientasi komersial dan value added yang masif
  • 11. Existing Frameworks: UNESCO Integration in stages — Proses mengintegrasikan ICT dalam prosesbelajar mengajar berlangsung dalam tahapan yang sangat beragam dan sebagai spektrum luas dan berlangsung tahap demi tahap sesuai dengan kondisi belajar. Yakni : Emerging, Applying, Infusing, Transforming — Setiap tahap merupakan proses pengembangan yang makin mendalam dan mendasar melalui pemanfaatan dan pengintegrasian technology and pedagogy in terms of quality and complexity
  • 12. Emerging Stage — Educational establishments just beginning to explore the possibilities and consequences of using ICT for institutional management and adding ICT to the curriculum — Pedagogically speaking, institutions at this stage are still firmly grounded in traditional, teacher- centered practice.
  • 13. Applying Stage — Administrators and teachers use ICT for tasks already carried out in institutional management and in the curriculum — Teachers involve themselves in integrating ICT to acquire specific subject skills and knowledge, beginning to change their teaching methodology in the classroom, and using ICT to support their training and professional development
  • 14. Infusing Stage — Educational institutions involved in integrating or embedding ICT across the curriculum, and in employing a range of computer-based technologies in laboratories, classrooms, and administrative offices. — The curriculum also begins to merge subject areas to reflect real-world applications. — The teachers use ICT to manage not only the learning of their students but also their own learning
  • 15. Transforming Stage — Educational institutions involved in integrating or embedding ICT across the curriculum, and in employing a range of computer-based technologies in laboratories, classrooms, and administrative offices. — The emphasis changes from teacher-centered to learner-centered. — Institutions at this stage of ICT4TED development have become centers of learning for their communities.
  • 16. Existing Frameworks: UNESCO ICT Teacher Competency Framework Three approaches for ICT Integration that connect education policy with economic development Policy & Vision Technology literacy Knowledge Knowledge Creation Deepening Curriculum & Basic Knowledge Knowledge 21st Century Skills Assessment Application Pedagogy Integrate Complex Problem Self Management Technology Solving ICT Basic Tools Complex Tools Pervasive Technology Organization & Standard Classroom Collaborative Groups Learning Administration Organizations Teacher Digital Literacy Manage & Guide Teacher as Model Professional Learner Development Source: UNESCO 2008
  • 17. Technology Literacy Increase the technology uptake of students, citizens, and the workforce by incorporating technology skills in the curriculum
  • 18. Knowledge Deepening Increase the ability of students, citizens, and the workforce to use knowledge to add value to society and the country and the economy by applying it to solve complex, real-world problems
  • 19. Knowledge Creation Increase the ability of students, citizens, and the workforce to innovate, produce new knowledge and benefit from this knowledge
  • 20. Mengapa harus terintegrasi antara paedagogy dan technology — Tuntutan dan sasaran pembelajaran makin beragam, kompleks dan membutuhkan kreativitas. — Perkembangan technology makin cepat dan mengarah pada pemanfaatan knowledge base — Siswa yang lahir sekarang sudah dan akan hanya bergantung pada pengembangan Informasi sebagai sumber pembelajaran
  • 21. Proses Belajar Mandiri — Sangat ditentukan oleh kesiapan belajar yang dibangun sejak usia dini — Mencari Informasi (SEARCH ) sampai memilih dan memilah dan mengintegrasikan dengan pengalaman yang ada akan membangun KNOWLEDGE baru — FAKTA dan proses INTEGRASI akan menjadikan belajar menjadi suatu proses baru dan tidak tunggal serta tidak untuk satu tujuan saja — Ke unikan dan keunggulan setiap orang mampu jadi karya berharga yang tidak harus bersaing dengan satu standard
  • 22. Tantangan pekerjaan masadepan — Ragam, jenis dan kompleksitas pekerjaan masa depan tidak ditentukan oleh satu pola, satu standard dan satu macam penilaian — Kekuatan personal seperti : design, art, culture, music, performances, leadership tidak perlu standard tapi perlu process pengembangan — Tingkat dan jenjang capaian belajar sangat unik dan berbeda setiap orang
  • 23. Interactive Financial virtual learning Support environment of a college or school Motivation School/college of teachers necessary Prerequisites for and learners infrastructure successful ↕ integration of ICT New Educational into Standards teaching process Methodolo- ICT gical theory competence of ICT of teachers integration and learners into problem base learning
  • 24. T Module Activities U T Theoretical material Answer O Рpresentation Questions, R’ Video lecture Take tests S Webinars A presentation S Video lecture Do practically S Practical guidelines oriented tasks I Useful links S S Problems for T forum/webinar discussion Collaborative A Useful links Discussion N Additional material C E
  • 25. 20th Century Education Model 21st century learning
  • 27. Apa perubahan mendasar • Pengakuan keberhasilan tidak lagi dilihat secara administratip tetapi kompetensi dan kekuatan perorangan , secara kultural untuk berperan • Keberhasilan tidak ditentukan oleh lembaga tetapi kompetensi untuk bisa berkarya dan berperan jadi utama : performance based • Logika keilmuan hanya bermanfaat bila ada bukti kenyataan ( evidence based- Knowledge base) • Kekuatan bersaing bukan lagi kepandaian tetapi kreativitas dan kecerdasan bertindak • Integrasi antara keyakinan spiritual lebih utama memandu langkah bertindak dan pola hidup • Keragaman dan kekuatan individu dibutuhkan secara mendasar dan mendalam
  • 28. Perubahan peran • Sekolah punya tugas mendesain sistim pembelajaran yang sesuai dan melakukan integrasi belajar dengan sistim dan technologi yang melibatkan ICT • Guru adalah fasilitator yang harus mampu menyiapkan – melaksanakan dan memantau proses belajar mengajar, memberikan bimbingan – monitoring – evaluasi –assessment • Pembelajar harus punya kesiapan belajar dan kemauan terlibat dalam proses belajar – mengajar. • Penyedia ICT akan sangat menentukan kemajuan pemanfaatan ICT dalam pembelajaran
  • 29. Model belajar • Kurikulum dirancang dengan strategi belajar yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan kekhususan dan kepentingan pembelajar • Keragaman pada setiap pembelajar perlu di akomodasikan dan dijadikan sasaran utama kegiatan belajar • Kecepatan dan tingkat pencapaian setiap anak bisa beragam, tetapi kompetensi dasar nya akan sama • Keterpaduan harus dijamin bahwa pembelajar aktif ada interaksi dan ada adaptasi dan pola kerjasama dan ada kesempatan setiap orang menemukan cara belajar terpandu
  • 30. Performance Measures Should Help Us Decide: Are W e Doing Things R ight? Are W e Doing The R ight Things? (How?) (What?) Input Process Output Outcome Input: Resources, including budget and workforce Process: Activities, efforts, workflow Output: Products and services produced Outcome: Results, accomplishments, impacts
  • 31. entertain engage enthuse embed e-learning? exchange empower enrich extend enhance
  • 32. ICT and Learning Where is Deep Empower embedded? ?? Pupils take Evaluation control of Extend learning Significantly Use ICT to Enhance Synthesis research and alter the way learning that teaching manage own Deeper learning learning Enrich and learning Analysis takes place though the use whiteboards of ICT based used using ICT teaching and Exchange Exchange Application interactively learning and with wider resources OHPs for data range of projectors, Comprehension teaching Shallow using resources and Edutainment? whiteboards as methodologies Computer assisted learning? projection Content based software? Knowledge screens Computer games? Passive pupil engagement Active
  • 33. Evolution of Technology-Based Learning Transition Non-Networked Networked High Learning-on-Demand Classroom- Based Phase 2004-08 Lectures Intermediate Video & Phase 2000-03 Audio Tapes Non- Early Phase Medium 1997-99 Network Based CBT Phase 1 Effective Delivery Phase 2 Phase 3 Cost Low Time Source: Morgan Keegan (2000) eLearning – the Engine of the Knowledge Economy
  • 34. Peran guru bergeser • GURU bukan lagi sumber ILMU • GURU hanyalah Fasilitator • Peran Baru Guru : menjadi designer proses belajar • Kompetensi ICT menjadikan guru mampu mengintegrasikan pokok bahasan, sumber belajar, ICT dan cara dan tahapan berproses • Membangun jejaring dan merancang process belajar bagi setiap individu dengan ragam interest dan minat serta talentanya
  • 35. GURU • Harus mampu menjadi fasilitator belajar melalui ICT • Harus mau dan me3nedrima keragaman siswa dan tidak menerapkan satu pola jawaban lagi • Kemampuan assesment yang makin berwawasan capaian setiap individu • Tidak perlu membuat acuan keberhasilan semua orang dengan standard
  • 36. Membangun proses belajar • Yang utama bukan lagi GURU mengajar tapi merancang agar SISWA BELAJAR berkelanjutan • Mendorong terjadinya KEMAUAN belajar mandiri berkelanjutan • Life long learning
  • 37. Demographic Forces Influence Consumer Demand Social Forces Personnel Political Demographics Legal Product Needs Finance Technology Price Consumer Distr. Natural Acctg Wants Resources Promotion Production Monopoly . . . . . . Pure Competition Economics
  • 38. Mengapa Karakter menentukan? • Be careful of your thoughts, for your thoughts become your words. • Be careful of your words, for your words become your deeds. • Be careful of your deeds, for your deeds become habits. • Be careful of your habits, for your habits become your character. • Be careful of your character, for your character becomes your destiny.
  • 40. Job Performance “Can-Do” Factors “Will-Do” Factors •Knowledge X •Motivation = •Skills •Interest Job Performance •Aptitudes •Personality Characteristics Aptitude is a person’s capacity to learn or acquire skills Arthur Sherman, George Bohlander, and Scott Snell “Managing Human Resources” (South-Western College Publishing, 1996)
  • 41. Creating a Learning Environment • Share Objectives – Set Goals • Modeling • Individual Differences • Home , Peer, Market place • Meaningful Presentation – Experience
  • 42. Why Do We Care? Ability PERFORMANCE Motivation Opportunity Performance = f (Ability, Motivation, Opportunity)
  • 43. Question? • What is the difference between the words: INSTRUCT CONSTRUCT
  • 44. A Lifelong Skills Strategy ...solve ...plan and problems organise with others ...think The critically & ...use creatively ability initiative to learn ...lead ..take risks 44
  • 45. The Winslow Research Institute Research results: core behavioral traits define the high achiever and the leader SELF - CONFIDENCE MENTAL -TOUGHNESS CONCEPTUAL THINKING AMBITION TO ACHIEVE
  • 46. Social Learning Social community Home Facebook Friendster Twitter Tagged
  • 47. Environtmental Learning Global warming Climate Change Food security Energy Water
  • 48. Entrepreneurial Learning Risk taking Idea Generation Leadership
  • 49. 4R • reading • writing • arithmetic • responsibility
  • 51. Three arenas for learning: FORMAL, NON- FORMAL, INFORMAL Formal Informal arena arena Non-formal arena ILS Individual Learning Space
  • 52. SELF DIRECTED LEARNERS Formal Informal arena arena Non-formal arena ILS Individual Learning Space
  • 53. Supporting all forms of learning! Learning Centre Formal Informal arena arena Non-formal arena
  • 54. Learning Formal Centre Informal arena arena Non-formal arena Value all learning Links to providers, stakeholders Guide, support, tutor
  • 55. Adult Learning Centres embed learning … Individual Validation studyplans Guidance Teachers Tutoring Technology support Active Leadership Work mates Study guides Study mates Stimulating learning environments
  • 56. ALC embedding learning/elearning … Academic support Social organisation support Individual Validation studyplans Guidance Teachers Tutoring Technology support Active Leadership Work mates Study guides Study mates Stimulating learning environments Emotional support
  • 57.
  • 58. “I never try to teach my students anything. I only try to create an environment in which they can learn.” – Albert Einstein
  • 59. ALC embedding learning/elearning … Academic support Social organisation support Individual Validation studyplans Guidance Teachers Tutoring Technology support Active Leadership Work mates Study guides Study mates Stimulating learning environments Emotional support
  • 60. Apa perubah peran GURU • A change in the the role of the teacher, • A change in the proof of learning, • A change in the proof of assessment, • A change in the distribution of resources, • A change in the paradigm of teaching, • Increased opportunities for showing the evidence of learning, and • The important role in planning and creating the learning environment. (
  • 61. Cara siswa belajar juga berubah • The way that students learn is changing, • What they learn is changing, • The context for what they learn is changing, • How and with whom they interact is changing, • Changing evidence of learning, • Increase in critical learning, and • Proof of learning is changing.
  • 63. Old New Paradigm Paradigm teach by learn from • Delivering content • Being Engaged • Presenting & Telling • Doing it your way • Linear Stories • Random Access & Exploring Options • One Thing at a Time • Multi-tasking • One size fits all • Personalized to you • Face-to-face • Going Online © 2007 Marc Prensky
  • 64. ALC embedding learning/elearning … Academic support Social organisation support Individual Validation studyplans Guidance Teachers Tutoring Technology support Active Leadership Work mates Study guides Study mates Stimulating learning environments Emotional support
  • 65. Motivasi guru untuk profesional • Mau belajar dan berkembang atas inisiatif sendiri • Makin kompeten dalam mengenali kebutuhan siswa belajar • Meningkatkan kemampuan menjadi facilitator, motivator dan designer proses belajar • Improve dan update melalui tersedianya beragam hasil, kajian dan software yang tersedia
  • 66. Inisiatif untuk maju dari diri sendiri • Berhimpunlah, ber asosiasi lah dan majukan diri sendiri dengan ber inisiatif • Berprestasilah , mulailah mengembangkan diri dengan keyakinan peran guru makin penting, profesional dan perlu maju • Isilah semua web dengan bahan belajar, panduan belajar dan testimoni hasil pembelajaran • Kembangkan pola pikir baru, jadilah advisor terbaik untuk software developer • Pandulah pengembang bahan belajar dengan content, paedagogy dan androgogy
  • 68. Perlu percepatan • Bila tidak ada percepatan sampai 2015 pertambahan sekolah dan pertambahan guru tidak akan mampu mempertahankan kompetensi yang dibutuhkan ekonomi • Kebutuhan kompetensi tenaga kerja makin tinggi; pengangguran akan makin tinggi, kematangan perorangan dan keunggulannya jadi taruhan • Harga dan investasi IT dan pemanfaatannya akan makin murah • Productivity rendah hanya bisa dipercepat dengan kompetensi yang meningkat
  • 69. Our Roles Ø We are not police Ø We are not technology pushers Ø We are not mere trainers ØWe are the change agents 69
  • 70. What are the top ten things I need to know? Where can I get more detail? What can I re-use? Who can I talk to? A few Even more Still more More More More Lessons Lessons Lessons Learned kresnayana yahya 2012
  • 71. A thought to end! • “You must be the change you wish to see in the world”
  • 72. Thank You Action “c” change in classified
  • 73. END OF SLIDES THANK YOU Kresnayana Yahya Email: Blog: Enciety Business Consult 73