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Delineation of
Delayed Matrimony
        Based on Natal Horoscope


                  P.V.Ramana Charyulu
          (M.A. Jyotisham (External) in 1999 -2001)

As partial fulfillment of post graduation degree M.A.(Jyotisham)
            Under Potti Sri Ramulu Telugu University,

             Under the departmental guidance of

           Prof. Dr. C.V.B. Subrahmanyam
                                           M.A., M.A., Ph.D.
                 Professor and head of the department
                          Director In-Charge,

            Gorasa Veerabhadra charyulu
                       Department of Jyotisham

Potti Sri Ramulu Telugu University
           Department of Jyotisham
This is to certify that P.V.Ramana Charyulu, has worked for his

Compilation on the topic entitled "Delineation of Delayed Matrimony Based on

Natal Horoscope" in the academic year 2001.

      The above titled Compilation is done under my supervision and

guidance. This Compilation makes a distinct advance on scientific

lines in the above subject and the findings are highly significant at

the evaluation and have considerably contributed to the present

knowledge of the subject.

      I am fully satisfied with his original work and hereby forward

the Compilation for the evaluation of adjudicators.

                                              Prof. Dr. C.V.B. Subrahmanyam
                                                              M.A., M.A., Ph.D.

                                        Professor and head of the department
                                               Director In-Charge, Jyotisham
        By the grace of Lord Sri Venkateswara, I am able to submit this astrological work
"Delayed matrimony a delineation " I pay my respectful homage to my revered father
(late) Sriman P.V. Rangacharyulu alias MANNAR who was there in the field of astrology
for more than four decades. My father initiated me in to this noble science of astrology
and made it a way of thinking.
        I humbly offer my salutations to Dr. Sri. C.V.B. subrhamanyam, M.A., M.A. Ph.D.
Professor and Head of the Department Director in charge Jyotish Vibhaga P.S.R.T
university and to Sri Gorasa Veerabhadracharyulu M.A., Lecturer Jyothishayam.            I
remain thankful for their valuable suggestions and guidance in my study of this M.A.
Jyothisham course and in presenting this paper on delayed marriages.
        This is the place where I could express my heart felt thanks to my friend
Dr.K.Siva Rama Prasad M.D. (Ayurveda) Reader in D.G.M. Ayurvedic Medical College
Gadag, who is a guiding force behind me to accomplish the study of astrology
traditionally and scientifically.

        I pay my respectful homage to the venerable soul of (Late) Sri K. S. Krishna
Murthy, whose system and Readers inculcated in me knowledge and art of predicting
events in natal and Horary horoscopes.

  Veteran astrologers of Hyderabad like Sri P.V.K. Punneswara Rao, Sri V. V. Rao and
Sri Sivala Subrahmanyam influence me and I follow their way of thinking in astrology.

        I am lucky enough to have a lot of near and dear to encourage me in my
astrological pursuits I thank all the people, who encouraged me by extending their moral
support to the noble cause of astrological practice. Finally and forever I remain thankful
to my wife and children for their cooperation.

                                                 Peesapati Venkata Ramana Charyulu
Contents of
"Delineation of Delayed Matrimony Based on Natal Horoscope"
     P.V.Ramana Charyulu, (M.A. Jyotisham (External) in 1999 -2001)

                   Introduction

                   Literary review

                   Data and Observations

                   Discussion and Conclusion

                   Summary

                   References and Bibliography

       Astrology is a science, which deals with planetary effect on human affairs right

from cradle to grave. In this long sojourn one is expected to enjoy or suffer in the

pursuance of the four main endeavors i.e. charthurvidha purusharthas out of which

marriage is the best of all pertains to kama.

       While analyzing a horoscope one is inclined to verify the matrimonial side of the

nativity. Jyotish shastra helps to analyze and consider the nativity with reference to the

four main pillars of the human endeavor, i.e. the Purusharthas namely,

                                                 Dharma

                                                 Artha

                                                 Kama

                                                 Moksha
To achieve the Moksha the ultimate goal of human life one has to accomplish the

other three preceding Purusharthas. One is supposed to enter the Grihastashrama and

contribute to the society by way of generating the human race. Then only a person is

entitled to Vanaprasta. In pursuance to establish the family he has to learn and earn the

Dharma and Artha.

           Jyotish shastra throws light in each and every sphere of human affairs. It helps in

delineating matrimony in ones life. Sociological foundations reveal the institution of the

society is a result of the growth and development of the institution of the marriage.

Prehistoric period

           At one time there was only consummation of matrimonial life among the human

races. And at the another stage there used to be city halls like places, where men and

women used to folk together (Plato).

           Mohanjadaro and Harappa excavations reveal the construction of houses

consists of bedrooms and bathrooms. It proves that in grater India the institution of

marriage as old as 3000 to 5000 BC. In the past Dharmashastra determined as

(+¹]õ´É¹ÉÉÇiɦɴÉäiÉ   EòxªÉÉ )   the age of marriage of a girl as eight years as per the norm.

Scientifically a boy attains Veerya (Shukra - the Semen) from the age of sixteen years.

But "Sharada marriage act" introduced in India prevents early marriages, which was

Imposed by the Smruthi of ancient India.

           It was prescribed by the India marriage act, as the minimum age 18 years for a

girl and 21 years for a boy to have a legal marriage and conjugation.

           There by it is established that a marriage celebrated before to 18 years as early

marriage and beyond 25 years as a delayed marriage. Present study of the randomly

selected horoscopes with the subject of delay in the matrimony is analyzed with common

principles of Jyotish Shastra.
Systems of marriage

           Amongst Aryans there were eight forms of marriage, where as these differ

amongst the other civilized nations. They are viz. Swayamvaram, Gandhrvam,

Rakshasam, Barhaspatyam, Prajapatyam, Manusham, etc. Swayamvaram is practiced

by to select a suitable spouse by their own in the presence of parents if not in the

presence of parents it becomes Gandharvam. Gandharvam can be claimed as love

marriage in the present society. Rakshasam is a forcible matrimony by groom to bride,

resembles the elopement after kidnap.

           Prajapatyam is in vogue in the present society. It is said as the path to produce

children by acceptable methodology of the society and undergone matrimony in the

presence of parents and elders, where both pledge to be together and not deviating the

stipulated Dharma, Artha and Kama, by the society.

           In the present day society also selection of partner could be classified into two

categories one is love marriage and the other is an arranged one. Arrange marriage is

out of negotiations by parents considering caste, colour, creed, education and economic

status etc. Pursuance of modern education and settling down in a profession would be

completed around the age of 25years.

           In the Western world divorce and remarriages are more frequent and prevalent,

where as In the Eastern world it is less frequent and prevalent. Standard works in

Jyotish Shastra attribute the combination and permutation of certain planetary positions

to the -

                          Early marriage

                          Delayed marriage

                          2nd marriage or two marriages (Dvikalatra yoga)

                          3rd marriage or three marriages (thrikalatra yoga)
Early marriages are legally banned and scientifically not advised. Still child

marriages see light here and there in certain sects of the society. 2nd and 3rd marriage on

account of loss or divorce of the spouse are there in the societies but polygamy is

banned by all most all religions except a few in the society.

        Assessment of matrimony in a horoscope helps the native to have a decision

towards determination of education, foreign tour, etc. In case of a tie in between the two

i.e whether to wait for the wedding to come up or to proceed on higher studies pending

matrimonial negotiations.

       Since marriage is a social and biological need is delay in celebration of marriage

naturally leads one into dejection hence astrologer is expected to make through search

in the horoscope and guide the consulting public properly.
Literary review

       Standard works in Jyotish Shastra attribute the combinations and permutations of

certain planetary positions to the early marriage and delay in marriage, second marriage

or two marriages, third marriage or three marriages. Institution of matrimony as been

under going many reforms, as such polygamy or dual marriages is extinct. Except in

case of certain religions and specific conditions. Incidence of divorce and remarriage are

more frequently reported in the western world then in the eastern world.

       In India also in the wake of reforms widow remarriages are encouraged. To cope

up with results of child marriages, now that marriageable age has been fixed as

minimum 18 years for girl and 21 for the boy. Marriages celebrated beyond age of 25

years in either case are classified as delayed marriages.

       Standard principles in the Astrology are applied in the selected horoscopes.

Marriage is celebrated in delayed youth or in improper age is discussed elaborately in

this chapter. First of all we have to know the proper age of marriage rules along with the

delayed. In these rules which are promising the early marriage or at the proper age are

not seen in the horoscope we can draw a conclusion that this leads to the delayed

The rules for the marriage in proper age if (according to Hindu system)

           Moon and Venus occupy the fruitful signs; Taurus - Cancer - scorpion -

             Pieces and Sagittarius

           If the 7th cusp falls in any of these signs

           Jupiter or Venus occupies the houses 2 -7 or 11

           Jupiter is conjoined with Moon in 1 -5 -10 -11

           Venus is conjoined with Moon in 1 -5 -10 -11

           Moon as well as Venus are not aspects by Saturn but are stronger then


           Lord of Lagna is conjoined with the lord of seven in a favorable house

           Lord of Lagna and lord of seven are in 3 - 11 -5 to each other

           Ninth lord or Benefics occupy 2 - 7 - 11 counted from Lagna and Rasi

           Houses 2 - 7 -11 have favorable connections with Benefics

           Benefics in seven and both lord of Lagna and lord of seven are strong

             and well posited

           Venus in his own or exalted sign and lord of seven in beneficial house

           Mercury in seven and Venus conjoined with lord of seven

           Lord of seven in 11 and Venus in 2nd

           Venus is in Lagna and lord of Lagna is in seventh

           If there is a mutual exchange in between lords of one and seven

             (Madanagopala Yoga)

           Jupiter is exalted in seventh house and conjoined with benefics

           Strong Venus in the seventh house

           Lord of seventh, Venus occupies the second house

           Lord of Lagna is in tenth and lord of second in eleven

           Benefics in 1- 2 - 7
 Lord of second and seven in mutual exchange

          Lord of second and seventh in eleventh

Rules for Delayed Marriage

          Saturn either in 1 - 3 - 5 - 7 or 10 th place from lagna

          Saturn does not own beneficial houses

          Mars in eighth house

          If malefic are in seventh bhava receiving the adverse aspect form Jupiter

          If Moon and Saturn conjoined in 1 -2 - 11

          If Mars and Venus are conjoined in 5 - 7 -9 and both receve evil aspect

             from Jupiter

          If the Saturn aspects to the lord of seven and Venus

Determination of the marriage Age

    1     Rahu in 2nd and Venus in3rd                  31-33 years      Venkateswara
    2     Position of the seventh lord in Kendra and   31 years         Venkateswara
    3     Sun Venus and Mars occupies the              31 years         Venkateswara
          duhstana                                                      Divajna
    4     Ketu in seventh house and seventh lord in    31 years         Ramadayalu
          eighth house,
    5     placement of chandra, Budha and Sukra        31 years         Ramadayalu
          in a kendra or kona
    6     Venus In third                               27 to 30 years   Brihat Parashara
    7     Seventh lord in ninth                        27 to 30 years   Brihat Parashara
    8     Venus is in fifth or Rahu in 5th of 9th      31 to 33 years   Brihat     Parashara
    9     8th lord in seventh,                         25 to 33 yrs     Brihat     Parashara
    10    Venus is in the Navamsha of Lagna lord 25 to 33 yrs           Brihat     Parashara
          or in Lagna                                                   Hora
    11    Seventh lordin seventh and 9th lord in 3rd 27 to 30 yrs       Brihat     Parashara
    12    Venus in 2nd in conjunction with Mars        22 to 27 yrs     Jataka Parijatam
Marriage and punaraphoo Dosha as per Krishna Murthy method is defined as

whenever Saturn has got any connection whatsoever with Moon causes delay in


       The present study is a retrospective study of the horoscopes to verify and

establish the principles form standard Astrological texts. Sixteen horoscopes are

collected at the context of delayed marriage and two horoscopes are presented to

compare the early matrimony to delayed marriage. In the study of the matrimony it is

agreed upon the involvement of seventh lord and the occupants. The influence in the

statistical purview is to be established on the basis of scientific methodology in

Astrology. An attempt made in this concern reveals and establishes the good olden

thoughts and affirms of the sages who provide us the treasure of Astrology.

       Apart from the seventh and second lords and the occupants, Jaimini explains the

darakaraka. Of course Parashara also referred the graha karakatwa as such the firmly

incorporated duties of an individual planet to the respective placement. For the marriage

Shukra is the prime karaka and the Kuja and Sani are the pratibandhaka. Thus the date

of the event to fore tell and to evaluate the reasons for the delay in the marriage from the

planetary position through the established rule is very much necessary. Next section

deals with the detailed data and discussed later.
Data and Observation

Chart -01

Chart - 02

Chart -03

Chart -04
Chart - 05

Chart - 06
Chart -07

Chart -08

Chart -09
Chart -10

Chart - 11

Chart -12
Chart -13

Chart -14

Chart - 15
Chart - 16

             Charts showing the early marriage

Chart -17
Chart -18

                                     Table –1
                     Showing the planetary positions from lagna

S.N     I.D. Tag                   Planetary Position from Lagna
                   Lagna   Surya   Chandra   Kuja   Budha   Sukra   Guru   Sani   Rahu   Ketu
  1   31011965       1      10       10       6      10      10      1     11     2      8
  2   28041968       1       1        1       1       1       1      5     12     12      6
  3   28111962       3       6        6       2       6       5      9      8      2      8
  4   08031946       3       9       11       1      10      10      5     1      1      7
  5   10101953       4       3        4       2       4       2     12      4      7      1
  6   17111973       7       2       10       7       1       3      4      9      3      9
  7   02081964       7      10        8       9      11       9      7      5      9      3
  8   12061966      7       11       10      10      11      11     10     6      7      1
  9   23071961      8        9        1      10       8       7      3      3     10      4
 10   18111967       8       1        7       2      12      11     10     5       6     12
 11   09041953      10       3        1       4       2       4      4     10      1      7
 12   08091956       5       1        3       7       2      12      1      4      4     10
 13   22101970      11       9        6       8       9      10      9     3      1      7
 14   29071965      12       5        6       7       6       6      3     12      3      9
 15   10051962      12       2        5       1       3       3     12     11      5     11
 16   05101965       6       1        5       1       3       3     10      6      9     3

 17   03101960      8       11        4       8      12      12      2      2     10      4
 18   19061963      3       1        12       3      12      12     10      8      1      7
Table – 2
                   Showing the planetary positions from Rasi

      ID tag                       Planetary Position from Rasi
N               Chandra   Lagna   Surya   Kuja   Budha   Sukra   Guru   Sani   Rahu   Ketu
 1   31011965     11        1       1      9       1       1      4      2      5     11
 2   28041968      1        1       1      1       1       1      5     12     12     6
 3   28111962      8        3       1      9       1      12      4      3      9      3
 4   08031946      1        3      11      3      12      12      5     3      3      9
 5   10101953      7        4      12     11       1      11      9      1      4     10
 6   17111973      4        7       5     10       4       6      7     12      6     12
 7   02081964      2        7       3      2      11       2     12     10      2      8
 8   12061966      4        7       2      1       2       2      1      9      4     10
 9   23071961      8        8       9     10       8       7      3      3     10      4
10   18111967      2        8       7      8       6       5      4     11     12     6
11   09041953     10       10      3       4       2       4      4     10      1      7
12   08091956      7        5      11      5      12      10     11     2      2      8
13   22101970      4       11       4      3       4       5      4     10      8      2
14   29071965      4       12       1      3       2       2     11      8     11      5
15   10051962      4       12      10      9      11      11      8      7      1      7
16   05101965     10       6       9      11      9       11      6     2       5     11

17   03101960     11       8       8       5      9       9      11     11      7      1
18   19061963     2        3       3       4      1       1      11      9      2      8
Table – 3
        Showing the planetary positions 2nd, 7th & 11th Lordship analysis

                                    2nd, 7th & 11th Lordship analysis

                                                                                                               11th Place

                                                                                                                            the age of
                                                               11th Lord

                                                                           11th Lord

                                                                                                                            Marred at


                                                                                       2nd Place

                                                                                                   7th Place
                   2nd Lord

                              2nd Lord

                                         7th Lord

                                                    7th Lord


S.N    I.D.Tag

 1    31011965     Ku           7        Bu           11       Sa            12         Gu           Ku         Ch,          36
 2    28041968     Sk           1        Sk           1        Sa            12          -            -          -           27
 3    28111962     Ch           5        Gu           9        Ku             2         Ra,           -          -           39
 4    08031946     Ch           11       Gu           5        Ku             1          -          Ke           Ch          29
 5    10101953     Su            3       Sa           4        Sk             2         Sk,         Ra,           -          30
 6    17111973     Ku            7       Ku            7       Su             2         Su          Ku           -           25
 7    02081964     Sk           9        Ku           9        Su            10          -          Gu          Bu           37
 8    12061966     Ku           10       Ku           10       Su            11          -          Ra          Sk,          33
 9    23071961     Gu            3       Sk           7        Bu             8           -         Sk           -           38
10    18111967     Gu           10       Sk           11       Bu            12          Ku         Ch          Sk           29
11    09041953     Sa           10       Ch           1        Ku             4          Bu         Ke           -           29
12    08091956     Bu            2       Sa           4        Bu             2          Bu         Ku           -           26
13    22101970     Gu            9       Su           9        Gu             9           -         Ke           -           30
14    29071965     Ku            7       Bu           6        Gu             3           -         Ku           -           36
15    10051962     Ku            1       Bu           3        Sa            11          Su          -          Sa,          33
16    05101965     Sk           3        Gu           10       Ch             5           -           -          -           36

17    03101960     Gu           2        Sk           12       Bu            12         Gu,           -          Su          18
18    19061963     Ch           11       Gu           10       Ku             3          -           Ke            -         15
Table – 4
         Table showing the Navamsha, Sex ratio, Karakatwa and Dasha bhukti

                              Navamsha                                          Other information

                                                                                                                  Marred at the age
                                                                                          Marriage in the
                                                          Sex             Karaka
                                                                                            Dasha of


                                             Aspect to
                                             7th house
                   7th lord

S.N    I.D.Tag                      7th



 1    31011965     Bu             Ra         Ke          +               Gu      Sk     Ra      Su       Bu          36
 2    28041968     Gu              -        Bu, Ch       +               Bu      Sk     Ch      Sk       Sa          27
 3    28111962     Su              -          -          +               Ch      Gu     Ch      Ra       Sk          39
 4    08031946     Sk           Bu, Ra,     Ke, Ku       +               Ch      Sk     Ra      Gu       Sk          29
 5    10101953     Su             Ke        Bu, Ra       +               Sk      Gu     Sa      Bu       Ku          30
 6    17111973     Bu              -           -                +        Ch      Su     Sk      Sa       Ke          25
 7    02081964     Sk              -        Sk, Su       +               Gu      Ch     Ra      Sk       Ke          37
 8    12061966     Ku           Ra, Su       Ke          +               Bu      Sa     Sk      Gu       Sk          33
 9    23071961     Sa              -        Sk, Ch       +               Sk      Sa     Ke      Sa       Gu          38
10    18111967     Sa              -         Ku          +               Ku      Su     Ra      Sk       Ra          29
11    09041953     Bu              -           -         +               Gu      Sa     Ra      Ku       Gu          29
12    08091956     Sa              -        Sa, Sk              +        Ku      Sa     Gu      Ke       Ke          26
13    22101970     Ku             Su         Gu                 +        Sa      Sk     Ke      Su       Su          30
14    29071965     Bu             Ku         Gu          +               Ku      Bu     Ch      Ra       Sa          36
15    10051962     Ch             Sk         Ku          +               Su      Ch     Ke      Ku       Sa          33
16    05101965     Sk             Ke         Ra                 +        Bu      Sk     Gu      Sa       Ke          36
17    03101960     Ku           Ku, Gu       Ra,         +               Ch      Gu     Sa      Ke       Gu          18
18    19061963     Su             Ku           -                +        Sa      Ch     Ch      Su       Bu          15
Table – 5
        Table showing the Venus, Mars and Saturn positions in the Natal Charts

                  Venus Position in                             Mars Position in                          Saturn Position in
                    Natal Chart                                   Natal Chart                                Natal Chart

                                                                                                                                                     Marred at the


S.N    I.D.Tag

                                                                                                                                                        age of








 1    31011965                                        +                                           +                             +                      36
 2    28041968   +                                                                                +      +                                             27
 3    28111962                                  +            +                                                    +                                    39
 4    08031946                                        +                                     +                                                 +        29
 5    10101953                                        +                                           +      +                                             30
 6    17111973                                  +            +                                                                  +                      25
 7    02081964   +                                                                  +                                           +                      37
 8    12061966   +                                                                                +                                           +        33
 9    23071961                          +                             +                                                                       +        38
10    18111967            +                                                                       +               +                                    29
11    09041953   +                                           +                              +            +                                             29
12    08091956                                  +                                                 +                                           +        26
13    22101970                                        +                                     +                                                 +        30
14    29071965                          +                                           +                                                   +              36
15    10051962            +                                                         +                                           +                      33
16    05101965                                        +                                     +                                           +              36
        Total    4        2             2       3     5      3        1             3       4     5      3        2             4       2     5
17    03101960            +                                           +                                                                       +        18
18    19061963            +                                           +                                  +                                             15
Table – 6
                                                        Table showing the Venus, Mars and Saturn Avastas in the Natal Charts

                                 Venus Position in Natal Chart                                                                                      Mars Position in Natal Chart                                                                                      Saturn Position in Natal Chart

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Marred at the
                                                                                                        Great enemy

                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Great enemy

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Great enemy
                 Moola trikona

                                                                                                                                    Moola trikona

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Moola trikona
                                                                       Friend House

                                                                                                                                                                                         Friend House

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Friend House
                                                        Great Friend

                                                                                                                                                                          Great Friend

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Great Friend
                                            Own house

                                                                                                                                                              Own house

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Own house









                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           age of
S.N    I.D.Tag

 1    31011965                                          +                                                                                                                 +                                                                           +                                                                                                                   36
 2    28041968                                                                                  +                                                                         +                                                                                                                                               +                                               27
 3    28111962                              +                                                                                                                                                                                           +                                       +                                                                                         39
 4    08031946                    +                                                                                                                                                                     +                                                                                   +                                                                             29
 5    10101953                                                                        +                                                                                   +                                                                                            +                                                                                                  30
 6    17111973                                                         +                                                            +                                                                                                                                                                                     +                                               25
 7    02081964                                          +                                                                                                                                               +                                             +                                                                                                                   37
 8    12061966                                                                                          +                                                                                                                               +                                                                                           +                                     33
 9    23071961                              +                                                                                                                             +                                                                                                     +                                                                                         38
10    18111967                                                                                                        +                                                                                 +                                                                                                                           +                                     29
11    09041953                                                                                  +                                                             +                                                                                                        +                                                                                                  29
12    08091956                                                                        +                                                                                                  +                                                                                                                                +                                               26
13    22101970                                                         +                                                                                                                                +                                                                                                                                                 +               30
14    29071965                                                                        +                                                                                                                 +                                                                       +                                                                                         36
15    10051962                                          +                                                                                                     +                                                                                                                 +                                                                                         33
16    05101965                                                                                  +                                                             +                                                                                       +                                                                                                                   36
        Total    0                1         2           3              2              3         3       1             1             1               0         3           4              1              5         0       0             2             3                2        4           1              0              3         2       0             1
17    03101960   +                                                                                                                                                                                                +                                                                                                                                                       18
18    19061963                              +                                                                                                                             +                                                                                                                                                         +                                     15
Table 7 -
                       Showing analysis of 2nd, 7th and 11th lord and occupancy in 2nd, 7th and 11th place

             Surya   Chandra      Kuja       Budha       Sukra        Guru         Sani        Rahu          Ketu     Total
2nd Lord       1        2          5           1           3           3             1           -            -         16
Percentage    6.3      12.5       31.3        6.3         18.8        18.8          6.3         0             0        100
              2         0          3            2           1           1            0           1            3
7th Lord       1        1          3           3           3            3           2            -            -        16
Percentage    6.0      6.0        19.0        19.0        19.0         19.0        12.0          0            0       100
              0         1          4            0           1           1            0           2            3
11th Lord     3         1          3           3            1           2           3            -            -        16
Percentage   18.0      6.0        19.0        19.0         6.0         13.0        19.0          0            0       100
              2         2          0            3           2           0            1           0            1

                     Table 8 - Showing analysis of 7th lord and occupancy in 7th place in Navamsha

             Surya   Chandra      Kuja       Budha       Sukra        Guru         Sani        Rahu          Ketu   Total
Lord          2         1          2            4           3           1            3           -            -        16
Occupant      2         0          1            1           1           1            0           3            2
7th Place
aspect        1         2          3            2           3           2            1           2            3
Discussion and conclusion
        On perusal of the example horoscopes delayed matrimony could be

connected to the weak disposition of the lords of 2,7 and 11 and that of karaka

planets Venus and Moon for male and Mars and Jupiter in case of female. At the

present study 16 horoscopes are being included and one of each male and female

horoscopes for the early marriage to rule out the signification's and compare with the

delayed matrimony horoscopes.

Sex ratio

        Usually parents of the prospective bride or bridegroom approach astrologers

on account of unusual delay in celebration of marriage. The natives have approached

well in advance to get married and was educated that the hindrances in their

horoscopes. In spite of the massive trail also the native could not get married and

delayed till the date suggested by the Jyotish principles.

        At the present study the ratio of male and female are (12 male (75%) and 4

female (25%)) 3:1. This certainly shows the influence of the matrimony and

companionship is equally necessary for the both sexes. The graphical representation

is as follows.

    F e m a le

                                                                          M a le

                                     Graph - 1
        Showing the incidences of sex ratio in the random selected horoscopes
Significators in the Natal chart

                  The table -1 shows the detailed analysis of the horoscopes in the

  study. It explains the conditions of the delayed matrimony with respect to that of

  Lagna. Many of the lagnas are not shown its impact on the matrimonial delay as such

  the Tula (18%). Mesha and Vrischika lagna has shown good percentage of the

  natives. In this analysis the lord of the seventh house shows the delay in matrimony

  as explained in sastra. The Kuja and Shani are the planets to hamper the chances of

  getting married early. The graphical representation is as follows with percentage.

                                       M esh a             V r is h a b h a
                       M eena           13%                     0%

  K umbha
     6%                                                                        m it h u n a
 M a ka ra
   6% anu
                                                                              K a rka ta ka
V r is c h ik a
                                                                                S im h a

                                  T u la                         K anya
                                  18%                              6%

                                          Graph - 2
           Showing the Lagna wise representation of the delayed matrimony horoscopes
Rasi representation of delayed matrimony

       In the traditional astrology it is said that the Lagna and Rasi has the same

importance. In fact rasi represents the psyche of an individual. Thus the influence of

the manas is also to be evaluated along with the body i.e. body. When the analysis of

the horoscopes made in detail it has shown the Karkata rasi (30%) which have the

Sani as the seventh lord as signification of the delay in the matrimony. Out of 16

cases dealt 5 cases are of Karkatakam. The graphical representation is as follows.

                             Kumbha            Meena
                               6%               0%
               Makara                                               12%
               Dhanu                                                13%
             Vrischika                                              0%

                              Simaha         Kanya
                                0%            0%

                                      Graph - 3
                   Showing the Rasi involvement in delayed marriage
Lordship analysis

       In deciding the delayed marriage, ownership and occupation of the mars to

the concern houses 2,7 and 11, plays a vital role. The other planet like Saturn is said

as the established planet to delay (Manda Graha) any undertaking, like so the

matrimony. In the samples it is found that the mars have an unbounded influence to

delay the marriage, as it is said in Jyotish as Kuja Dosha when Mars occupies the

2nd, 4th, 7th and 8th and 12th place from either lagna or Rasi. In the present study it

also found that Ketu is also interfered as many as seven Horoscopes signification of

the Matrimony, supporting the "Kujavat Ketu". The graphical representation is as


                                 6.3%                       Surya

              18.8%                                                    Chandra




                                          Graph - 4
                    Showing the second Lord involvement in delayed marriage
               Sani            6%               Chandra
               13%                                6%

   Guru                                                Kuja
   19%                                                18.8%

   19%                                               Budha

                        Graph - 5
 Showing the Seventh Lord involvement in delayed marriage

             Sani                     Surya
             19%                       18%

   Guru                                          Chandra
   13%                                             6%

   Sukra                                           Kuja
    6%                                            18.8%


                       Graph - 6
Showing the eleventh Lord involvement in delayed marriage
Seventh lord in Navamsha

       Traditional horoscope gives the equal importance to the Navamsha along with

natal horoscope to determine the matrimonial concern. The analysis of the 7th lord in

Navamsha charts of the sample shows the significant results. The over all

significance of the 7th lord, 7th occupant and 7th aspect reveal the influence of the

Mars in the delaying the matrimony. The cumulative graphical representation is as

follows. The Ketu and Rahu represent the Kuja and Sani respectively. The

congregated results of the Kuja nd Ketu are 11 (6 + 5) 24% and Rahu and Sani are 9

(4+5) 20%.

                               Ketu               11%
       11%                                                           Chandra


       Guru                                                              Budha
        9%                                                                14%


                                    Graph - 7
              Showing the Navamsha seventh Lord involvement in delayed

       The over all review of this presentation explains Mars as the Pratibandhaka

Planet for the Matrimony. Saturn also places an important role in delaying the

marriage. Whenever a nativity is devoid of benefic connections to lagna and

saptama, well disposition of lords of one and seven, the extent of delay in matrimony

should be carefully assessed with reference to the Vimshottari dasha.

       In this paper extremely delayed marriage (S. No 3) is at the age of 39 years

and on the contrary (S. No 18) at the age of 15 years. In the first case lagna lord

occupies sixth house and the seventh lord in 9th receives special aspect of Mars from

second house. Mars also afflicts Venus and Saturn by his 4th and 7th aspects

respectively. The avastas of Venus, Mars and Saturn are old, infant and adolescent

respectively. There by they are weak in promoting the matrimony. Venus and Saturn

are found in own house, where as debilitated in the second house that is said as

Kutumba. Chart number 18, who got early marriage at the age of 15 is also

remarkable. This horoscope has the Venus in own house and in the avasta of

adolescent. Lagna lord is in 12th in the company of the Venus and Moon where Moon

is in its exaltation and Venus is in his own house. When a fast moving planet

occupies the 12th house approaches the ascendant at the time birth it terminates in to

early marriage. This principle fits perfectly to the above said chart.

       The study and assimilation of innumerable principles or rules may be

intuitively and judiciously applied in assessing events in the horoscope. The methods

and rule available are not exhaustive and requires proper understanding of the

conditions laid down under which the rules are framed by the learned in Astrology.

       Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha are Purusharthas. Jyotish shastra throws

light in each and every sphere of human affairs. It helps in delineating matrimony in

ones life. Sociological foundations reveal the institution of the society is a result of the

growth and development of the institution of the marriage.

       It proves that in grater India the institution of marriage as old as 3000 to 5000

BC. It was prescribed by the India marriage act, as the minimum age 18 years for a

girl and 21 years for a boy to have a legal marriage and conjugation. There by it is

established that a marriage celebrated before to 18 years as early marriage and

beyond 25 years as a delayed marriage. Early marriages are legally banned and

scientifically not advised. Still child marriages see light here and there in certain sects

of the society.

       Standard works in Jyotish Shastra attribute the combinations and

permutations of certain planetary positions to the early marriage and delay in

marriage, second marriage or two marriages, third marriage or three marriages.

Marriages celebrated beyond age of 25 years in either case are classified as delayed


       Lord of Lagna is conjoined with the lord of seven in a favorable house or

Ninth lord or Benefics occupy 2 - 7 - 11 counted from Lagna and Rasi, makes a

person to get marry at reasonable time. Lord of seven in 11 and Venus in 2nd or

Venus is in Lagna and lord of Lagna is in seventh and Strong Venus in the seventh

house or Lord of seventh, Venus occupies the second house makes a person to get

marry at reasonable time.

       If Moon and Saturn conjoined in 1 -2 - 11 or If the Saturn aspects to the lord

of seven and Venus causes Rules for Delayed Marriage.
Sixteen horoscopes are collected at the context of delayed marriage and two

horoscopes are presented to compare the early matrimony to delayed marriage.

       At the present study 16 horoscopes are being included and one of each male

and female horoscopes for the early marriage to rule out the signification's and

compare with the delayed matrimony horoscopes.

       In this Sex ratio, explains the conditions of the delayed matrimony with

respect to that of Lagna and Rasi along with Lordship analysis, and Seventh lord in


       Traditional horoscope gives the equal importance to the Navamsha along with

natal horoscope to determine the matrimonial concern. The over all significance of

the 7th lord, 7th occupant and 7th aspect reveal the influence of the Mars in the

delaying the matrimony. The Ketu and Rahu represent the Kuja and Sani

respectively. Ther by the cumulative effects of them have to be considered while

discussing the matrimony.

       The analysis of the 7th lord in Navamsha charts of the sample shows the

significant results. The over all significance of the 7th lord, 7th occupant and 7th aspect

reveal the influence of the Mars in the delaying the matrimony. Saturn also places an

important role in delaying the marriage. Mars also afflicts Venus and Saturn by his 4th

and 7th aspects respectively.

              "Delineation of Delayed Matrimony
                 Based on Natal Horoscope"

         P.V.Ramana Charyulu, (M.A. Jyotisham (External) in 1999 -2001)

 Bhavartha Ratnakaramu, (Telugu) by Madhura Krishnamurthy Sastry, Published

   by Jyotisha vijnana Kendram, Rajamundry, 1982

 Brihajjatakam (Telugu), by Upadrasta Kameswar Rao, Published by Gollapudi

   Veraswamy Sons, Rajamundry, 1991

 Brihat Parashara Hora shastram, (Telugu) by Kambhampati Ramagopala

   Krishnamurthy, Published by Gollapudi Veraswamy Sons, Rajamundry, 1991

 Jataka Parijatam (Telugu), by Upadrasta Kameswar Rao, Published by Gollapudi

   Veraswamy Sons, Rajamundry, 1991

 Jyotisha Parichayam (Telugu) by Ch.V.B.Subrahmanyam, Published by Satyasai

   Grandhamala, Hyderabad

 Jyotisha Sarvaswam (Telugu), by Divakaruni Venkata Subba Rao, published by

   Sri Venkateswara Jyotisha Granthamala Madras, 1972

 Marriage marred life and children by K. S. Krishna Myrthy, published by Krishna

   Myrthy publications, Madras, 1993 sixth edition

 Phala Depika (Telugu), by Upadrasta Kameswar Rao, Published by Gollapudi

   Veraswamy Sons, Rajamundry, 1991

 Purohita Darshini (Jatakalankaramu) (Telugu) by Gorasa Verabhadracharyulu,

   published by Sri Gayatri Jyotishalayam, Hyderabad, 1991

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Delayed matrimony pvr

  • 1. Delineation of Delayed Matrimony Based on Natal Horoscope By P.V.Ramana Charyulu (M.A. Jyotisham (External) in 1999 -2001) As partial fulfillment of post graduation degree M.A.(Jyotisham) Under Potti Sri Ramulu Telugu University, Hyderabad Under the departmental guidance of Prof. Dr. C.V.B. Subrahmanyam M.A., M.A., Ph.D. Professor and head of the department Director In-Charge, Jyotisham Gorasa Veerabhadra charyulu M.A., Lecturer Department of Jyotisham Potti Sri Ramulu Telugu University Department of Jyotisham 1999-2001
  • 2. This is to certify that P.V.Ramana Charyulu, has worked for his Compilation on the topic entitled "Delineation of Delayed Matrimony Based on Natal Horoscope" in the academic year 2001. The above titled Compilation is done under my supervision and guidance. This Compilation makes a distinct advance on scientific lines in the above subject and the findings are highly significant at the evaluation and have considerably contributed to the present knowledge of the subject. I am fully satisfied with his original work and hereby forward the Compilation for the evaluation of adjudicators. Prof. Dr. C.V.B. Subrahmanyam M.A., M.A., Ph.D. Professor and head of the department Director In-Charge, Jyotisham
  • 3. Acknowledgement By the grace of Lord Sri Venkateswara, I am able to submit this astrological work "Delayed matrimony a delineation " I pay my respectful homage to my revered father (late) Sriman P.V. Rangacharyulu alias MANNAR who was there in the field of astrology for more than four decades. My father initiated me in to this noble science of astrology and made it a way of thinking. I humbly offer my salutations to Dr. Sri. C.V.B. subrhamanyam, M.A., M.A. Ph.D. Professor and Head of the Department Director in charge Jyotish Vibhaga P.S.R.T university and to Sri Gorasa Veerabhadracharyulu M.A., Lecturer Jyothishayam. I remain thankful for their valuable suggestions and guidance in my study of this M.A. Jyothisham course and in presenting this paper on delayed marriages. This is the place where I could express my heart felt thanks to my friend Dr.K.Siva Rama Prasad M.D. (Ayurveda) Reader in D.G.M. Ayurvedic Medical College Gadag, who is a guiding force behind me to accomplish the study of astrology traditionally and scientifically. I pay my respectful homage to the venerable soul of (Late) Sri K. S. Krishna Murthy, whose system and Readers inculcated in me knowledge and art of predicting events in natal and Horary horoscopes. Veteran astrologers of Hyderabad like Sri P.V.K. Punneswara Rao, Sri V. V. Rao and Sri Sivala Subrahmanyam influence me and I follow their way of thinking in astrology. I am lucky enough to have a lot of near and dear to encourage me in my astrological pursuits I thank all the people, who encouraged me by extending their moral support to the noble cause of astrological practice. Finally and forever I remain thankful to my wife and children for their cooperation. Peesapati Venkata Ramana Charyulu
  • 4. Contents of "Delineation of Delayed Matrimony Based on Natal Horoscope" By P.V.Ramana Charyulu, (M.A. Jyotisham (External) in 1999 -2001)  Introduction  Literary review  Data and Observations  Discussion and Conclusion  Summary  References and Bibliography
  • 5. Introduction Astrology is a science, which deals with planetary effect on human affairs right from cradle to grave. In this long sojourn one is expected to enjoy or suffer in the pursuance of the four main endeavors i.e. charthurvidha purusharthas out of which marriage is the best of all pertains to kama. While analyzing a horoscope one is inclined to verify the matrimonial side of the nativity. Jyotish shastra helps to analyze and consider the nativity with reference to the four main pillars of the human endeavor, i.e. the Purusharthas namely,  Dharma  Artha  Kama  Moksha
  • 6. To achieve the Moksha the ultimate goal of human life one has to accomplish the other three preceding Purusharthas. One is supposed to enter the Grihastashrama and contribute to the society by way of generating the human race. Then only a person is entitled to Vanaprasta. In pursuance to establish the family he has to learn and earn the Dharma and Artha. Jyotish shastra throws light in each and every sphere of human affairs. It helps in delineating matrimony in ones life. Sociological foundations reveal the institution of the society is a result of the growth and development of the institution of the marriage. Prehistoric period At one time there was only consummation of matrimonial life among the human races. And at the another stage there used to be city halls like places, where men and women used to folk together (Plato). Mohanjadaro and Harappa excavations reveal the construction of houses consists of bedrooms and bathrooms. It proves that in grater India the institution of marriage as old as 3000 to 5000 BC. In the past Dharmashastra determined as (+¹]õ´É¹ÉÉÇiɦɴÉäiÉ EòxªÉÉ ) the age of marriage of a girl as eight years as per the norm. Scientifically a boy attains Veerya (Shukra - the Semen) from the age of sixteen years. But "Sharada marriage act" introduced in India prevents early marriages, which was Imposed by the Smruthi of ancient India. It was prescribed by the India marriage act, as the minimum age 18 years for a girl and 21 years for a boy to have a legal marriage and conjugation. There by it is established that a marriage celebrated before to 18 years as early marriage and beyond 25 years as a delayed marriage. Present study of the randomly selected horoscopes with the subject of delay in the matrimony is analyzed with common principles of Jyotish Shastra.
  • 7. Systems of marriage Amongst Aryans there were eight forms of marriage, where as these differ amongst the other civilized nations. They are viz. Swayamvaram, Gandhrvam, Rakshasam, Barhaspatyam, Prajapatyam, Manusham, etc. Swayamvaram is practiced by to select a suitable spouse by their own in the presence of parents if not in the presence of parents it becomes Gandharvam. Gandharvam can be claimed as love marriage in the present society. Rakshasam is a forcible matrimony by groom to bride, resembles the elopement after kidnap. Prajapatyam is in vogue in the present society. It is said as the path to produce children by acceptable methodology of the society and undergone matrimony in the presence of parents and elders, where both pledge to be together and not deviating the stipulated Dharma, Artha and Kama, by the society. In the present day society also selection of partner could be classified into two categories one is love marriage and the other is an arranged one. Arrange marriage is out of negotiations by parents considering caste, colour, creed, education and economic status etc. Pursuance of modern education and settling down in a profession would be completed around the age of 25years. In the Western world divorce and remarriages are more frequent and prevalent, where as In the Eastern world it is less frequent and prevalent. Standard works in Jyotish Shastra attribute the combination and permutation of certain planetary positions to the -  Early marriage  Delayed marriage  2nd marriage or two marriages (Dvikalatra yoga)  3rd marriage or three marriages (thrikalatra yoga)
  • 8. Early marriages are legally banned and scientifically not advised. Still child marriages see light here and there in certain sects of the society. 2nd and 3rd marriage on account of loss or divorce of the spouse are there in the societies but polygamy is banned by all most all religions except a few in the society. Assessment of matrimony in a horoscope helps the native to have a decision towards determination of education, foreign tour, etc. In case of a tie in between the two i.e whether to wait for the wedding to come up or to proceed on higher studies pending matrimonial negotiations. Since marriage is a social and biological need is delay in celebration of marriage naturally leads one into dejection hence astrologer is expected to make through search in the horoscope and guide the consulting public properly.
  • 9. Literary review Standard works in Jyotish Shastra attribute the combinations and permutations of certain planetary positions to the early marriage and delay in marriage, second marriage or two marriages, third marriage or three marriages. Institution of matrimony as been under going many reforms, as such polygamy or dual marriages is extinct. Except in case of certain religions and specific conditions. Incidence of divorce and remarriage are more frequently reported in the western world then in the eastern world. In India also in the wake of reforms widow remarriages are encouraged. To cope up with results of child marriages, now that marriageable age has been fixed as minimum 18 years for girl and 21 for the boy. Marriages celebrated beyond age of 25 years in either case are classified as delayed marriages. Standard principles in the Astrology are applied in the selected horoscopes. Marriage is celebrated in delayed youth or in improper age is discussed elaborately in this chapter. First of all we have to know the proper age of marriage rules along with the delayed. In these rules which are promising the early marriage or at the proper age are not seen in the horoscope we can draw a conclusion that this leads to the delayed marriage.
  • 10. The rules for the marriage in proper age if (according to Hindu system)  Moon and Venus occupy the fruitful signs; Taurus - Cancer - scorpion - Pieces and Sagittarius  If the 7th cusp falls in any of these signs  Jupiter or Venus occupies the houses 2 -7 or 11  Jupiter is conjoined with Moon in 1 -5 -10 -11  Venus is conjoined with Moon in 1 -5 -10 -11  Moon as well as Venus are not aspects by Saturn but are stronger then Saturn  Lord of Lagna is conjoined with the lord of seven in a favorable house  Lord of Lagna and lord of seven are in 3 - 11 -5 to each other  Ninth lord or Benefics occupy 2 - 7 - 11 counted from Lagna and Rasi  Houses 2 - 7 -11 have favorable connections with Benefics  Benefics in seven and both lord of Lagna and lord of seven are strong and well posited  Venus in his own or exalted sign and lord of seven in beneficial house  Mercury in seven and Venus conjoined with lord of seven  Lord of seven in 11 and Venus in 2nd  Venus is in Lagna and lord of Lagna is in seventh  If there is a mutual exchange in between lords of one and seven (Madanagopala Yoga)  Jupiter is exalted in seventh house and conjoined with benefics  Strong Venus in the seventh house  Lord of seventh, Venus occupies the second house  Lord of Lagna is in tenth and lord of second in eleven  Benefics in 1- 2 - 7
  • 11.  Lord of second and seven in mutual exchange  Lord of second and seventh in eleventh Rules for Delayed Marriage  Saturn either in 1 - 3 - 5 - 7 or 10 th place from lagna  Saturn does not own beneficial houses  Mars in eighth house  If malefic are in seventh bhava receiving the adverse aspect form Jupiter  If Moon and Saturn conjoined in 1 -2 - 11  If Mars and Venus are conjoined in 5 - 7 -9 and both receve evil aspect from Jupiter  If the Saturn aspects to the lord of seven and Venus Determination of the marriage Age 1 Rahu in 2nd and Venus in3rd 31-33 years Venkateswara Divajna 2 Position of the seventh lord in Kendra and 31 years Venkateswara Divajna 3 Sun Venus and Mars occupies the 31 years Venkateswara duhstana Divajna 4 Ketu in seventh house and seventh lord in 31 years Ramadayalu eighth house, 5 placement of chandra, Budha and Sukra 31 years Ramadayalu in a kendra or kona 6 Venus In third 27 to 30 years Brihat Parashara Hora 7 Seventh lord in ninth 27 to 30 years Brihat Parashara Hora 8 Venus is in fifth or Rahu in 5th of 9th 31 to 33 years Brihat Parashara Hora 9 8th lord in seventh, 25 to 33 yrs Brihat Parashara Hora 10 Venus is in the Navamsha of Lagna lord 25 to 33 yrs Brihat Parashara or in Lagna Hora 11 Seventh lordin seventh and 9th lord in 3rd 27 to 30 yrs Brihat Parashara Hora 12 Venus in 2nd in conjunction with Mars 22 to 27 yrs Jataka Parijatam
  • 12. Marriage and punaraphoo Dosha as per Krishna Murthy method is defined as whenever Saturn has got any connection whatsoever with Moon causes delay in marriage. The present study is a retrospective study of the horoscopes to verify and establish the principles form standard Astrological texts. Sixteen horoscopes are collected at the context of delayed marriage and two horoscopes are presented to compare the early matrimony to delayed marriage. In the study of the matrimony it is agreed upon the involvement of seventh lord and the occupants. The influence in the statistical purview is to be established on the basis of scientific methodology in Astrology. An attempt made in this concern reveals and establishes the good olden thoughts and affirms of the sages who provide us the treasure of Astrology. Apart from the seventh and second lords and the occupants, Jaimini explains the darakaraka. Of course Parashara also referred the graha karakatwa as such the firmly incorporated duties of an individual planet to the respective placement. For the marriage Shukra is the prime karaka and the Kuja and Sani are the pratibandhaka. Thus the date of the event to fore tell and to evaluate the reasons for the delay in the marriage from the planetary position through the established rule is very much necessary. Next section deals with the detailed data and discussed later.
  • 13. Data and Observation Chart -01 Chart - 02 Chart -03 Chart -04
  • 16. Chart -10 Chart - 11 Chart -12
  • 18. Chart - 16 Charts showing the early marriage Chart -17
  • 19. Chart -18 Table –1 Showing the planetary positions from lagna S.N I.D. Tag Planetary Position from Lagna Lagna Surya Chandra Kuja Budha Sukra Guru Sani Rahu Ketu 1 31011965 1 10 10 6 10 10 1 11 2 8 2 28041968 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 12 12 6 3 28111962 3 6 6 2 6 5 9 8 2 8 4 08031946 3 9 11 1 10 10 5 1 1 7 5 10101953 4 3 4 2 4 2 12 4 7 1 6 17111973 7 2 10 7 1 3 4 9 3 9 7 02081964 7 10 8 9 11 9 7 5 9 3 8 12061966 7 11 10 10 11 11 10 6 7 1 9 23071961 8 9 1 10 8 7 3 3 10 4 10 18111967 8 1 7 2 12 11 10 5 6 12 11 09041953 10 3 1 4 2 4 4 10 1 7 12 08091956 5 1 3 7 2 12 1 4 4 10 13 22101970 11 9 6 8 9 10 9 3 1 7 14 29071965 12 5 6 7 6 6 3 12 3 9 15 10051962 12 2 5 1 3 3 12 11 5 11 16 05101965 6 1 5 1 3 3 10 6 9 3 17 03101960 8 11 4 8 12 12 2 2 10 4 18 19061963 3 1 12 3 12 12 10 8 1 7
  • 20. Table – 2 Showing the planetary positions from Rasi S. ID tag Planetary Position from Rasi N Chandra Lagna Surya Kuja Budha Sukra Guru Sani Rahu Ketu 1 31011965 11 1 1 9 1 1 4 2 5 11 2 28041968 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 12 12 6 3 28111962 8 3 1 9 1 12 4 3 9 3 4 08031946 1 3 11 3 12 12 5 3 3 9 5 10101953 7 4 12 11 1 11 9 1 4 10 6 17111973 4 7 5 10 4 6 7 12 6 12 7 02081964 2 7 3 2 11 2 12 10 2 8 8 12061966 4 7 2 1 2 2 1 9 4 10 9 23071961 8 8 9 10 8 7 3 3 10 4 10 18111967 2 8 7 8 6 5 4 11 12 6 11 09041953 10 10 3 4 2 4 4 10 1 7 12 08091956 7 5 11 5 12 10 11 2 2 8 13 22101970 4 11 4 3 4 5 4 10 8 2 14 29071965 4 12 1 3 2 2 11 8 11 5 15 10051962 4 12 10 9 11 11 8 7 1 7 16 05101965 10 6 9 11 9 11 6 2 5 11 17 03101960 11 8 8 5 9 9 11 11 7 1 18 19061963 2 3 3 4 1 1 11 9 2 8
  • 21. Table – 3 Showing the planetary positions 2nd, 7th & 11th Lordship analysis 2nd, 7th & 11th Lordship analysis 11th Place the age of 11th Lord 11th Lord Marred at occupant occupant occupant 2nd Place 7th Place 2nd Lord 2nd Lord 7th Lord 7th Lord Place Place Place S.N I.D.Tag 1 31011965 Ku 7 Bu 11 Sa 12 Gu Ku Ch, 36 Bu, Su 2 28041968 Sk 1 Sk 1 Sa 12 - - - 27 3 28111962 Ch 5 Gu 9 Ku 2 Ra, - - 39 Ku 4 08031946 Ch 11 Gu 5 Ku 1 - Ke Ch 29 5 10101953 Su 3 Sa 4 Sk 2 Sk, Ra, - 30 Ku 6 17111973 Ku 7 Ku 7 Su 2 Su Ku - 25 7 02081964 Sk 9 Ku 9 Su 10 - Gu Bu 37 8 12061966 Ku 10 Ku 10 Su 11 - Ra Sk, 33 Su, Bu 9 23071961 Gu 3 Sk 7 Bu 8 - Sk - 38 10 18111967 Gu 10 Sk 11 Bu 12 Ku Ch Sk 29 11 09041953 Sa 10 Ch 1 Ku 4 Bu Ke - 29 12 08091956 Bu 2 Sa 4 Bu 2 Bu Ku - 26 13 22101970 Gu 9 Su 9 Gu 9 - Ke - 30 14 29071965 Ku 7 Bu 6 Gu 3 - Ku - 36 15 10051962 Ku 1 Bu 3 Sa 11 Su - Sa, 33 Ke 16 05101965 Sk 3 Gu 10 Ch 5 - - - 36 17 03101960 Gu 2 Sk 12 Bu 12 Gu, - Su 18 Sa 18 19061963 Ch 11 Gu 10 Ku 3 - Ke - 15
  • 22. Table – 4 Table showing the Navamsha, Sex ratio, Karakatwa and Dasha bhukti Navamsha Other information Marred at the age Marriage in the Sex Karaka Dasha of occupant Aspect to 7th house 7th lord S.N I.D.Tag 7th of Female Antara Bhukti Dasha Atma Male Dara 1 31011965 Bu Ra Ke + Gu Sk Ra Su Bu 36 2 28041968 Gu - Bu, Ch + Bu Sk Ch Sk Sa 27 3 28111962 Su - - + Ch Gu Ch Ra Sk 39 4 08031946 Sk Bu, Ra, Ke, Ku + Ch Sk Ra Gu Sk 29 Gu 5 10101953 Su Ke Bu, Ra + Sk Gu Sa Bu Ku 30 6 17111973 Bu - - + Ch Su Sk Sa Ke 25 7 02081964 Sk - Sk, Su + Gu Ch Ra Sk Ke 37 8 12061966 Ku Ra, Su Ke + Bu Sa Sk Gu Sk 33 9 23071961 Sa - Sk, Ch + Sk Sa Ke Sa Gu 38 10 18111967 Sa - Ku + Ku Su Ra Sk Ra 29 11 09041953 Bu - - + Gu Sa Ra Ku Gu 29 12 08091956 Sa - Sa, Sk + Ku Sa Gu Ke Ke 26 13 22101970 Ku Su Gu + Sa Sk Ke Su Su 30 14 29071965 Bu Ku Gu + Ku Bu Ch Ra Sa 36 15 10051962 Ch Sk Ku + Su Ch Ke Ku Sa 33 16 05101965 Sk Ke Ra + Bu Sk Gu Sa Ke 36 17 03101960 Ku Ku, Gu Ra, + Ch Gu Sa Ke Gu 18 18 19061963 Su Ku - + Sa Ch Ch Su Bu 15
  • 23. Table – 5 Table showing the Venus, Mars and Saturn positions in the Natal Charts Venus Position in Mars Position in Saturn Position in Natal Chart Natal Chart Natal Chart Marred at the Adolescence Adolescence Adolescence S.N I.D.Tag age of Youth Youth Youth Infant Infant Infant Dead Dead Dead Old Old Old 1 31011965 + + + 36 2 28041968 + + + 27 3 28111962 + + + 39 4 08031946 + + + 29 5 10101953 + + + 30 6 17111973 + + + 25 7 02081964 + + + 37 8 12061966 + + + 33 9 23071961 + + + 38 10 18111967 + + + 29 11 09041953 + + + + 29 12 08091956 + + + 26 13 22101970 + + + 30 14 29071965 + + + 36 15 10051962 + + + 33 16 05101965 + + + 36 Total 4 2 2 3 5 3 1 3 4 5 3 2 4 2 5 17 03101960 + + + 18 18 19061963 + + + 15
  • 24. Table – 6 Table showing the Venus, Mars and Saturn Avastas in the Natal Charts Venus Position in Natal Chart Mars Position in Natal Chart Saturn Position in Natal Chart Marred at the Great enemy Great enemy Great enemy Moola trikona Moola trikona Moola trikona Friend House Friend House Friend House Great Friend Great Friend Great Friend Own house Own house Own house Debilitated Debilitated Debilitated Exalted Exalted Exalted Neutral Neutral Neutral Enemy Enemy Enemy age of S.N I.D.Tag 1 31011965 + + + 36 2 28041968 + + + 27 3 28111962 + + + 39 4 08031946 + + + 29 5 10101953 + + + 30 6 17111973 + + + 25 7 02081964 + + + 37 8 12061966 + + + 33 9 23071961 + + + 38 10 18111967 + + + 29 11 09041953 + + + 29 12 08091956 + + + 26 13 22101970 + + + 30 14 29071965 + + + 36 15 10051962 + + + 33 16 05101965 + + + 36 Total 0 1 2 3 2 3 3 1 1 1 0 3 4 1 5 0 0 2 3 2 4 1 0 3 2 0 1 17 03101960 + + 18 18 19061963 + + + 15 +
  • 25. Table 7 - Showing analysis of 2nd, 7th and 11th lord and occupancy in 2nd, 7th and 11th place Surya Chandra Kuja Budha Sukra Guru Sani Rahu Ketu Total 2nd Lord 1 2 5 1 3 3 1 - - 16 Percentage 6.3 12.5 31.3 6.3 18.8 18.8 6.3 0 0 100 2nd 2 0 3 2 1 1 0 1 3 Occupant 7th Lord 1 1 3 3 3 3 2 - - 16 Percentage 6.0 6.0 19.0 19.0 19.0 19.0 12.0 0 0 100 7th 0 1 4 0 1 1 0 2 3 Occupant 11th Lord 3 1 3 3 1 2 3 - - 16 Percentage 18.0 6.0 19.0 19.0 6.0 13.0 19.0 0 0 100 11th 2 2 0 3 2 0 1 0 1 Occupant Table 8 - Showing analysis of 7th lord and occupancy in 7th place in Navamsha Surya Chandra Kuja Budha Sukra Guru Sani Rahu Ketu Total 7th Lord 2 1 2 4 3 1 3 - - 16 7th Occupant 2 0 1 1 1 1 0 3 2 7th Place aspect 1 2 3 2 3 2 1 2 3
  • 26.
  • 27. Discussion and conclusion On perusal of the example horoscopes delayed matrimony could be connected to the weak disposition of the lords of 2,7 and 11 and that of karaka planets Venus and Moon for male and Mars and Jupiter in case of female. At the present study 16 horoscopes are being included and one of each male and female horoscopes for the early marriage to rule out the signification's and compare with the delayed matrimony horoscopes. Sex ratio Usually parents of the prospective bride or bridegroom approach astrologers on account of unusual delay in celebration of marriage. The natives have approached well in advance to get married and was educated that the hindrances in their horoscopes. In spite of the massive trail also the native could not get married and delayed till the date suggested by the Jyotish principles. At the present study the ratio of male and female are (12 male (75%) and 4 female (25%)) 3:1. This certainly shows the influence of the matrimony and companionship is equally necessary for the both sexes. The graphical representation is as follows. F e m a le 25% M a le 75% Graph - 1 Showing the incidences of sex ratio in the random selected horoscopes
  • 28. Significators in the Natal chart The table -1 shows the detailed analysis of the horoscopes in the study. It explains the conditions of the delayed matrimony with respect to that of Lagna. Many of the lagnas are not shown its impact on the matrimonial delay as such the Tula (18%). Mesha and Vrischika lagna has shown good percentage of the natives. In this analysis the lord of the seventh house shows the delay in matrimony as explained in sastra. The Kuja and Shani are the planets to hamper the chances of getting married early. The graphical representation is as follows with percentage. M esh a V r is h a b h a M eena 13% 0% 13% K umbha 6% m it h u n a 13% M a ka ra 6% anu Dh 0% K a rka ta ka 6% V r is c h ik a 13% S im h a 6% T u la K anya 18% 6% Graph - 2 Showing the Lagna wise representation of the delayed matrimony horoscopes
  • 29. Rasi representation of delayed matrimony In the traditional astrology it is said that the Lagna and Rasi has the same importance. In fact rasi represents the psyche of an individual. Thus the influence of the manas is also to be evaluated along with the body i.e. body. When the analysis of the horoscopes made in detail it has shown the Karkata rasi (30%) which have the Sani as the seventh lord as signification of the delay in the matrimony. Out of 16 cases dealt 5 cases are of Karkatakam. The graphical representation is as follows. Kumbha Meena 6% 0% Mesha Makara 12% 13% Vrishabha Dhanu 13% 0% Mithuna Vrischika 0% 13% Tula Karkataka 13% 30% Simaha Kanya 0% 0% Graph - 3 Showing the Rasi involvement in delayed marriage
  • 30. Lordship analysis In deciding the delayed marriage, ownership and occupation of the mars to the concern houses 2,7 and 11, plays a vital role. The other planet like Saturn is said as the established planet to delay (Manda Graha) any undertaking, like so the matrimony. In the samples it is found that the mars have an unbounded influence to delay the marriage, as it is said in Jyotish as Kuja Dosha when Mars occupies the 2nd, 4th, 7th and 8th and 12th place from either lagna or Rasi. In the present study it also found that Ketu is also interfered as many as seven Horoscopes signification of the Matrimony, supporting the "Kujavat Ketu". The graphical representation is as follows. Sani 6.3% Surya 6.3% Guru 18.8% Chandra 12.5% Kuja 31.3% Sukra 18.8% Budha 6.3% Graph - 4 Showing the second Lord involvement in delayed marriage
  • 31. Surya Sani 6% Chandra 13% 6% Guru Kuja 19% 18.8% Sukra 19% Budha 19% Graph - 5 Showing the Seventh Lord involvement in delayed marriage Sani Surya 19% 18% Guru Chandra 13% 6% Sukra Kuja 6% 18.8% Budha 19% Graph - 6 Showing the eleventh Lord involvement in delayed marriage
  • 32. Seventh lord in Navamsha Traditional horoscope gives the equal importance to the Navamsha along with natal horoscope to determine the matrimonial concern. The analysis of the 7th lord in Navamsha charts of the sample shows the significant results. The over all significance of the 7th lord, 7th occupant and 7th aspect reveal the influence of the Mars in the delaying the matrimony. The cumulative graphical representation is as follows. The Ketu and Rahu represent the Kuja and Sani respectively. The congregated results of the Kuja nd Ketu are 11 (6 + 5) 24% and Rahu and Sani are 9 (4+5) 20%. Surya Ketu 11% 11% Rahu 11% Chandra 7% Kuja 13.0% Sani 9% Guru Budha 9% 14% Sukra 15% Graph - 7 Showing the Navamsha seventh Lord involvement in delayed i
  • 33. Conclusion The over all review of this presentation explains Mars as the Pratibandhaka Planet for the Matrimony. Saturn also places an important role in delaying the marriage. Whenever a nativity is devoid of benefic connections to lagna and saptama, well disposition of lords of one and seven, the extent of delay in matrimony should be carefully assessed with reference to the Vimshottari dasha. In this paper extremely delayed marriage (S. No 3) is at the age of 39 years and on the contrary (S. No 18) at the age of 15 years. In the first case lagna lord occupies sixth house and the seventh lord in 9th receives special aspect of Mars from second house. Mars also afflicts Venus and Saturn by his 4th and 7th aspects respectively. The avastas of Venus, Mars and Saturn are old, infant and adolescent respectively. There by they are weak in promoting the matrimony. Venus and Saturn are found in own house, where as debilitated in the second house that is said as Kutumba. Chart number 18, who got early marriage at the age of 15 is also remarkable. This horoscope has the Venus in own house and in the avasta of adolescent. Lagna lord is in 12th in the company of the Venus and Moon where Moon is in its exaltation and Venus is in his own house. When a fast moving planet occupies the 12th house approaches the ascendant at the time birth it terminates in to early marriage. This principle fits perfectly to the above said chart. The study and assimilation of innumerable principles or rules may be intuitively and judiciously applied in assessing events in the horoscope. The methods and rule available are not exhaustive and requires proper understanding of the conditions laid down under which the rules are framed by the learned in Astrology.
  • 34. Summary Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha are Purusharthas. Jyotish shastra throws light in each and every sphere of human affairs. It helps in delineating matrimony in ones life. Sociological foundations reveal the institution of the society is a result of the growth and development of the institution of the marriage. It proves that in grater India the institution of marriage as old as 3000 to 5000 BC. It was prescribed by the India marriage act, as the minimum age 18 years for a girl and 21 years for a boy to have a legal marriage and conjugation. There by it is established that a marriage celebrated before to 18 years as early marriage and beyond 25 years as a delayed marriage. Early marriages are legally banned and scientifically not advised. Still child marriages see light here and there in certain sects of the society. Standard works in Jyotish Shastra attribute the combinations and permutations of certain planetary positions to the early marriage and delay in marriage, second marriage or two marriages, third marriage or three marriages. Marriages celebrated beyond age of 25 years in either case are classified as delayed marriages. Lord of Lagna is conjoined with the lord of seven in a favorable house or Ninth lord or Benefics occupy 2 - 7 - 11 counted from Lagna and Rasi, makes a person to get marry at reasonable time. Lord of seven in 11 and Venus in 2nd or Venus is in Lagna and lord of Lagna is in seventh and Strong Venus in the seventh house or Lord of seventh, Venus occupies the second house makes a person to get marry at reasonable time. If Moon and Saturn conjoined in 1 -2 - 11 or If the Saturn aspects to the lord of seven and Venus causes Rules for Delayed Marriage.
  • 35. Sixteen horoscopes are collected at the context of delayed marriage and two horoscopes are presented to compare the early matrimony to delayed marriage. At the present study 16 horoscopes are being included and one of each male and female horoscopes for the early marriage to rule out the signification's and compare with the delayed matrimony horoscopes. In this Sex ratio, explains the conditions of the delayed matrimony with respect to that of Lagna and Rasi along with Lordship analysis, and Seventh lord in Navamsha. Traditional horoscope gives the equal importance to the Navamsha along with natal horoscope to determine the matrimonial concern. The over all significance of the 7th lord, 7th occupant and 7th aspect reveal the influence of the Mars in the delaying the matrimony. The Ketu and Rahu represent the Kuja and Sani respectively. Ther by the cumulative effects of them have to be considered while discussing the matrimony. The analysis of the 7th lord in Navamsha charts of the sample shows the significant results. The over all significance of the 7th lord, 7th occupant and 7th aspect reveal the influence of the Mars in the delaying the matrimony. Saturn also places an important role in delaying the marriage. Mars also afflicts Venus and Saturn by his 4th and 7th aspects respectively.
  • 36. Bibliography "Delineation of Delayed Matrimony Based on Natal Horoscope" By P.V.Ramana Charyulu, (M.A. Jyotisham (External) in 1999 -2001)  Bhavartha Ratnakaramu, (Telugu) by Madhura Krishnamurthy Sastry, Published by Jyotisha vijnana Kendram, Rajamundry, 1982  Brihajjatakam (Telugu), by Upadrasta Kameswar Rao, Published by Gollapudi Veraswamy Sons, Rajamundry, 1991  Brihat Parashara Hora shastram, (Telugu) by Kambhampati Ramagopala Krishnamurthy, Published by Gollapudi Veraswamy Sons, Rajamundry, 1991  Jataka Parijatam (Telugu), by Upadrasta Kameswar Rao, Published by Gollapudi Veraswamy Sons, Rajamundry, 1991  Jyotisha Parichayam (Telugu) by Ch.V.B.Subrahmanyam, Published by Satyasai Grandhamala, Hyderabad  Jyotisha Sarvaswam (Telugu), by Divakaruni Venkata Subba Rao, published by Sri Venkateswara Jyotisha Granthamala Madras, 1972  Marriage marred life and children by K. S. Krishna Myrthy, published by Krishna Myrthy publications, Madras, 1993 sixth edition  Phala Depika (Telugu), by Upadrasta Kameswar Rao, Published by Gollapudi Veraswamy Sons, Rajamundry, 1991  Purohita Darshini (Jatakalankaramu) (Telugu) by Gorasa Verabhadracharyulu, published by Sri Gayatri Jyotishalayam, Hyderabad, 1991