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Metode Penyuluhan Pertanian
Balai Pelatihan Pertanian LEMBANG, 27 Nov 2018
Permentan No 52 tahun 2009 tentang Metode
Penyuluhan Pertanian
• Metode Penyuluhan pertanian adalah =
“cara atau teknik penyampaian materi penyuluhan
agar petani tahun, mau, dan mampu menolong dan
mengorganisasikan dirinya dalam mengakses
informasi pasar, teknologi, permodalan, dan sumber
daya lainnya sebagai usaha untuk meingkatkan
produktivitas, efisiensi usaha, pendapatan, dan dan
kesejahteraannya, serta kesadaran dalam pelestarian
fungsi lingkungan hidup”.
• Teknik komunikasi = pertemuan langsung dan
tidak langsung
• Sasaran = perorangan, kelompok dan juga
• Metode = temu wicara, temu karya, temu lapang
dan temu usaha, juga kaji terap, karya wisata,
kunjungan (rumah dan usaha), kursus tani,
magang, mimbar sarasehan, pemutaran film,
borsur, leaflet, dan lain-lain.
• Dasar pertimbangan metode = tahapan dan
kemampuan adopsi inovasi sasaran.
• Tahapan adopsi inovasi = tahap penumbuhan
perhatian, penumbuhan minat, tahap menilai,
tahap mencoba, dan tahap menetapkan.
The characteristics possessed by
acknowledgeable of:
• the objectives – have them specifically
• the audience – their needs, interests,
abilities, predispositions,
• the message – its contents, validity,
usefulness, importance,
• channels – that will reach the audience;
Interested in:
• the audience and its welfare
• the message and how it can help people
• the results of communication and its
• the communication process,
• the communication channels – their
proper use and limitations;
Prepared to :
•make plan for communication – a
teaching plan,
•acquire communication materials
and equipment,
•make plan for evaluation of
Skilled in :
•selecting message
•treating message
•expressing messages - verbal and
•selection and use of channels,
•understanding the audience,
•collecting evidence of results.
• fail to have ideas to present that are really
useful to the audience,
• fail to give the complete story and show its
relationship to peoples problems,
• fail to appreciate that time and energy are
needed to absorb the materials presented,
• feel that they are clearly understood,
Tahapan adopsi inovasi:
1. Awareness or Knowledge. Through the gradual
accumulation of knowledge, becoming aware
of new ideas.
2. Interest or Persuasion. Seeking out more
information and forming and changing
attitudes about a new idea.
3. Evaluation or Decision. Collecting detailed
information and making judgements about
whether to try something or reject the idea.
4. Trial or Implementation. Testing out or trying
the idea on a small scale.
5. Adoption or Confirmation. Deciding to apply the
innovation comprehensively in preference to
old methods.
6. Reinforcement . Gathering additional
information after whcih simply means adoption
to reconfirm that the right decision has been
Apakah LAKU-SUSI masih relevan?
1. Pendekatan konvensional. LAKUSUSI ini seolah disusun
sebelum keluarnya UU 16-2006.
2. Makna ”kunjungan”? Intinya adalah menciptakan relasi
dan komunikasi yang efektif antara penyuluh dengan
3. Kunjungan penyuluh pada pertemuan selapanan petani.
4. Bagaimana penyuluhan untuk petani yang bukan
ANGGOTA Poktan? (lebih dari 60 persen). Petani tanpa
kelompok berhak terhadap PENGETAHUAN.
5. Bagaimana Lakususi untuk penyuluh swadaya dan swasta.
dan sebelum Permentan 68 juga
6. Bagaimana relasi dan komunikasi ke pelaku usaha (ke
pedagang, ke penjual pupuk, ke pengolah hasil
Dasar pemilihan metode:
1. Cost - budget, and are cost
2. Coverage - reach more than one or
a few farmers
3. Complexity - methods which do
not need a lot of materials, or a lot
of time to plan and implement
4. Skill - capacity to implement
5. Targeting - especially appropriate
to categories of farmers
6. Participation - enable farmers to
participate in the learning process.
The choice depends on:
o The message
o The participants
o Available resources
o Complementarity
Ragam metode:
Checklist For An Individual Farm Visit
1. Before the visit:
– if possible, make an
– decide the purpose
of the visit
– review any
information relating
to previous visits
– prepare any
information that
may be required;
– include proposed
visit in work
2. During the visit:
• be punctual and appropriately dressed;
•greet the farmer and members of the
• ask questions about the farm;
• listen to the farmer.s problems and ideas
she / he has for solving them;
• explain any technical information or advice
clearly, and check that the farmer has
• record any problems which cannot be
solved and need to be referred to other
extension partners or senior DAE staff;
• discuss aspects of the farm that are going
• make notes about the farm and visit;
• agree any follow up action and the date
and purpose of the next visit - if required.
3. After the visit:
• make sure the
information obtained
during the visit has been
accurately recorded;
• arrange any follow up
• schedule the next visit for
inclusion in the next work
Keuntungan dan kerugian
kunjungan INDIVIDUAL
• Helps the Extension Agent in building
• Facilitates gaining first hand knowledge of
farm and home.
• Helps in selecting demonstrators and local
• Helps in changing attitude of people.
• Helps in teaching complex practices.
• Facilitates transfer of technology.
• Enhances effectiveness of mass and group
• Facilitates getting feedback information.
•Time consuming and
relatively expensive.
•Has low coverage of
•Extension Agent may
develop favoritism or bias
towards some persons.
Keuntungan dan kerugian KUNJUNGAN
• Enables Extension Agent to have face-to-face
contact with a number of people at a time.
• Enables the Extension Agent to reach a select part
of the target group.
• Facilitates sharing of knowledge and experience
and thereby strengthen learning of the group
• Reach fewer people, but offer more opportunities
for interaction and feedback.
• Satisfies the basic urge of people for social
• Motivate people to accept change due to group
• More effective than mass method in stimulating
• Less expensive than individual method owing to
wider coverage.
•Wide diversity in the interest of
group members may create a
difficult learning situation.
•Holding the meeting may be
regarded as an objective itself.
•Vested interests, power groups and
village factions may hinder free
interaction and decision making by
group members.
Extension Performance Indicators:
.....manajemen penyuluhan perlu
Permentan No 91 tahun 2013 Tentang Pedoman
Evaluasi Kinerja Penyuluh Pertanian
• EVALUASI KINERJA Penyuluh Pertanian adalah “suatu kegiatan yang
dilaksanakan secara sistematis dan berkesinambungan untuk
mengukur tingkat keberhasilan berdasarkan parameter kinerja
Penyuluh Pertanian dalam melaksanakan tugas dan
• Indikator penilaian kinerja = mulai dari persiapan sampai
pelaksanaan, serta evaluasi dan pelaporan.
• Asapek Persiapan:
1. Membuat data potensi wilayah dan agro ekosistem,
2. Memandu (pengawalan dan pendampingan) penyusunan RDKK,
3. Penyusunan programa penyuluhan pertanian desa dan kecamatan,
4. Membuat Rencana Kerja Tahunan Penyuluh Pertanian (RKTPP).
• Pelaksanaan penyuluhan = pelaksanaan penyebaran
materi penyuluhan, penerapan metoda penyuluhan,
peningkatan kapasitas petani, menumbuhkan dan
mengembangkan kelembagaan petani secara kuantitas
dan kualitas, serta keberhasilan peningkatan
produktivitas usaha tani petani.
• Evaluasi kinerja = bulan Oktober - Desember tahun
berjalan, dengan metode Mandiri (Formulir 1.A dan
1.B.). Hasil Evaluasi Kinerja secara Mandiri akan
diverifikasi oleh Tim Evaluasi Kinerja secara berjenjang
di wilayahnya.
SEMBILAN indikator keberhasilan kinerja
Penyuluh Pertanian
1. Tersusunnya program penyuluhan pertanian
2. Tersusunnya rencana kerja penyuluhan pertanian
3. Tersedianya data peta wilayah untuk pengembangan teknologi spesifik lokasi
4. Terdiseminasinya informasi teknologi pertanian secara merata dan sesuai
5. Tumbuh kembangnya keberdayaan dan kemandirian petani, kelompok tani,
kelompok usaha, asosiasi dan usaha formal (koperasi dan usaha formal
6. Terwujudnya kemitraan usaha antara petani dengan pengusaha yang saling
7. Terwujudnya akses petani ke lembaga keuangan, informasi sarana produksi
pertanian dan pemasaran
8. Meningkatnya produktifitas agribisnis komoditas unggulan
9. Meningkatnya pendapatan dan kesejahteraan petani
Mengukur kinerja penyuluh:
(a) Single Indicators
1. Awareness Number of farmers aware of Village Extension Worker (percentage)
2. Visit Number of visits by Village Extension Worker to farmers a) twice a month, b) once a month,
and c) no visit (average)
3. Field Meetings Number of meetings of Village Extension Worker with farmers in their fields (percentage)
4. Regularity Number of meetings of Village Extension Worker with farmers on the fixed day (percentage)
5. Field Day Number of field days organized by Village Extension Worker a) in preceding month, b)
quarterly, and c) annually (average)
6. Demonstration Number of a) method demonstrations, b) result demonstrations, and c) method-cum-result
demonstrations organized by Village Extension Worker(i) in preceding month,(ii) quarterly,
and(iii) annually
7. Supervision Number of supervisory visits from Agricultural Extension Officers to Village Extension Worker
in the field per month (average)
8. Research-
Extension Linkage
Number of research-extension linkage workshops organized per month (average)
9. Farmer Training Number of farmers trained in farmers' training centres (institutionalized training courses) per
year (average)
Extension Effectiveness Indicators:
(b) Unitary or Composite Indicators
10. Extension Effectiveness Arithmetic average of selected extension effectiveness indicators,
say, Awareness Indicator (know the Village Extension Worker), Visit
Indicator (number of visits twice a month). Field Indicator (meeting
place at farmers' fields), and Regularity Indicator (visit on the same
day) (Misra, 1994)
(ii) Extension Efficiency Indicators
11. Performance Index Actual number of farmers reached out of the target number which
should be reached (Casley and Lury, 1982, p.7) (percentage)
12. Penetration Index Number of farmers adopting the recommended practice out of the
actual number reached (ibid. p.37) (percentage)
13. Achievement Index Number adopting the recommended practice out of the target
number of farmers (ibid. p.37) (percentage). Note that (13) =(12) x
Extension Productivity Indicators
1. Yield Yield per hectare for main crop(s) (average)
2. Productivity Index Increase in yield over base year compared with base year (percentage)
Extension Capability Indicators:
1. Coverage Area under cultivation per Extension Worker
2. Intensity Number of Farm Families per Extension Worker
3. Competence Number of Graduate Extension Workers out of total number of Extension Workers (percentage)
4. Subject-Matter Specialist Number of Subject-Matter Specialists per hundred Extension Workers
5. Research-Extension Ratio Number of Agricultural Scientists per hundred Extension Workers
6. Monitoring Number of Monitoring Unit Personnel per thousand Extension Workers
7. Gender Ratio Number of Female Extension Personnel out of total number of Extension
Personnel (percentage)
8. Equity Number of Small and Marginal Farmers out of total number of Contact Farmers (percentage)
9. Mass Contact Number of group meetings held per month per Extension Worker in a year(average)
10. Computerization Number of personal computers in Extension Organization per thousand Extension Personnel
11. Print Media Number of leaflets/pamphlets distributed per month per Extension Worker in a year (average)
12. Audio-Visual Media Number of audio-visual (cinema/television) shows organized per month per Extension Worker in a year
13. Training Number of Extension Personnel out of total number of Extension Personnel trained in specialized training
courses in a year (percentage)
14. Finance Budgetary expenditure on Agricultural Extension out of total budgetary expenditure on agriculture per year
15. Investment Expenditure on Agricultural Extension as percentage of Agricultural Gross Domestic Product per year
16. Transport Number of(i) bicycles, (h) motorcycles, and (iii) 4-wheel vehicles, per thousand Extension Workers
Metode penyuluhan pertanian
Dasar pemilihan metode:
Farm Field School (FFS) Farm Business school (FBS)
Mulai 1989, ditemukan di Indonesia Mulai marak tahun 2000-an
Tujuannya = mempromosikan teknik dan
manajemen pengendalian PHT
Memperkuat kapasitas petani dan organisasi
petani dalam menjalankan usaha pertanian
Fokus pada subsistem produksi Pada subsistem pengolahan dan pemasaran
Konsep dan metode = agroekologi, experiential
education dan community development.
Keuntungan usaha, pemasaran dan pasar,
survey pasar, membuat laporan pasar,
membangun visi dan tujuan bisnis, memilih
badan usaha, mengenali komponen rencana
bisnis, menyusun rencana bisnis, menyiapkan
tindakan, dan pencatatan.
Dasarnya = agar komunikasi lebih efektif, petani
belajar dengan mengalami langsung
Agar petani pandai, cerdik mensiasati pasar, dan
kuat sebagai pelaku pasar
Latar belakang = tingginya serangan HPT Kenyataan bahwa petani tidak bisa lepas dari
tekanan globalisasi dan komersialisasi, petani
harus berbisnis.
Farm Field School (FFS) Farm Business school (FBS)
Tujuannya = pengendalian HPT, petani belajar
sendiri, mampu melakukan penelitian secara
sederhana dan mendapatkan solusi atas
Agar petani mampu berkompetisi dan mengambil
keuntungan dari pasar.
Proses = peningkatan pengetahuan, belajar
bersama, mencari solusi bersama.
Meningkatkan efisiensi, pendapatan dan
keuntungan, memilih komoditas yg mau ditanam,
mengelola modal dan tenaga kerja, dan
menangani resiko.
Jam pertemuan berkala = sekali seminggu,
sesuai perkembangan tanaman
Tidak bergantung kepada musim dan siklus
pertumbuhan tanaman, bersifat responsive and
Materi = biologi hama, aspek kesisteman, musuh
alami, membuat pestisida nabati, dst
Visi dan perencanaan, pertanian berkelanjutan,
market engagement, nutrisi, gender, dan
Pelatih = penyuluh dan ahli HPT Pelatih = beragam mulai dari teknis sampai
dengan fasilitator pengembangan komunitas,
konsultan pemasaran, dan lain-lain.

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Pelatihan penyuluh lembang 2 (yuti)

  • 1. Metode Penyuluhan Pertanian MODERN Oleh: SYAHYUTI Balai Pelatihan Pertanian LEMBANG, 27 Nov 2018 1
  • 2. Permentan No 52 tahun 2009 tentang Metode Penyuluhan Pertanian • Metode Penyuluhan pertanian adalah = “cara atau teknik penyampaian materi penyuluhan agar petani tahun, mau, dan mampu menolong dan mengorganisasikan dirinya dalam mengakses informasi pasar, teknologi, permodalan, dan sumber daya lainnya sebagai usaha untuk meingkatkan produktivitas, efisiensi usaha, pendapatan, dan dan kesejahteraannya, serta kesadaran dalam pelestarian fungsi lingkungan hidup”.
  • 3. • Teknik komunikasi = pertemuan langsung dan tidak langsung • Sasaran = perorangan, kelompok dan juga massal. • Metode = temu wicara, temu karya, temu lapang dan temu usaha, juga kaji terap, karya wisata, kunjungan (rumah dan usaha), kursus tani, magang, mimbar sarasehan, pemutaran film, borsur, leaflet, dan lain-lain. • Dasar pertimbangan metode = tahapan dan kemampuan adopsi inovasi sasaran. • Tahapan adopsi inovasi = tahap penumbuhan perhatian, penumbuhan minat, tahap menilai, tahap mencoba, dan tahap menetapkan.
  • 4. GOOD COMMUNICATOR are: The characteristics possessed by acknowledgeable of: • the objectives – have them specifically defined, • the audience – their needs, interests, abilities, predispositions, • the message – its contents, validity, usefulness, importance, • channels – that will reach the audience; Interested in: • the audience and its welfare • the message and how it can help people • the results of communication and its evaluation; • the communication process, • the communication channels – their proper use and limitations; Prepared to : •make plan for communication – a teaching plan, •acquire communication materials and equipment, •make plan for evaluation of results, Skilled in : •selecting message •treating message •expressing messages - verbal and written •selection and use of channels, •understanding the audience, •collecting evidence of results.
  • 5. POOR COMMUNICATORS are: • fail to have ideas to present that are really useful to the audience, • fail to give the complete story and show its relationship to peoples problems, • fail to appreciate that time and energy are needed to absorb the materials presented, • feel that they are clearly understood,
  • 6.
  • 7.
  • 8. Tahapan adopsi inovasi: 1. Awareness or Knowledge. Through the gradual accumulation of knowledge, becoming aware of new ideas. 2. Interest or Persuasion. Seeking out more information and forming and changing attitudes about a new idea. 3. Evaluation or Decision. Collecting detailed information and making judgements about whether to try something or reject the idea. 4. Trial or Implementation. Testing out or trying the idea on a small scale. 5. Adoption or Confirmation. Deciding to apply the innovation comprehensively in preference to old methods. 6. Reinforcement . Gathering additional information after whcih simply means adoption to reconfirm that the right decision has been made.
  • 9.
  • 10. Apakah LAKU-SUSI masih relevan? 1. Pendekatan konvensional. LAKUSUSI ini seolah disusun sebelum keluarnya UU 16-2006. 2. Makna ”kunjungan”? Intinya adalah menciptakan relasi dan komunikasi yang efektif antara penyuluh dengan petani. 3. Kunjungan penyuluh pada pertemuan selapanan petani. 4. Bagaimana penyuluhan untuk petani yang bukan ANGGOTA Poktan? (lebih dari 60 persen). Petani tanpa kelompok berhak terhadap PENGETAHUAN. 5. Bagaimana Lakususi untuk penyuluh swadaya dan swasta. dan sebelum Permentan 68 juga 6. Bagaimana relasi dan komunikasi ke pelaku usaha (ke pedagang, ke penjual pupuk, ke pengolah hasil pertanian?)
  • 11.
  • 12. Dasar pemilihan metode: 1. Cost - budget, and are cost effective 2. Coverage - reach more than one or a few farmers 3. Complexity - methods which do not need a lot of materials, or a lot of time to plan and implement 4. Skill - capacity to implement 5. Targeting - especially appropriate to categories of farmers 6. Participation - enable farmers to participate in the learning process. The choice depends on: o The message o The participants o Available resources o Complementarity
  • 14. Checklist For An Individual Farm Visit 1. Before the visit: – if possible, make an appointment – decide the purpose of the visit – review any information relating to previous visits – prepare any technical information that may be required; – include proposed visit in work programme. 2. During the visit: • be punctual and appropriately dressed; •greet the farmer and members of the family; • ask questions about the farm; • listen to the farmer.s problems and ideas she / he has for solving them; • explain any technical information or advice clearly, and check that the farmer has understood; • record any problems which cannot be solved and need to be referred to other extension partners or senior DAE staff; • discuss aspects of the farm that are going well; • make notes about the farm and visit; • agree any follow up action and the date and purpose of the next visit - if required.
  • 15. 3. After the visit: • make sure the information obtained during the visit has been accurately recorded; • arrange any follow up action; • schedule the next visit for inclusion in the next work programme
  • 16. Keuntungan dan kerugian kunjungan INDIVIDUAL Advantages: • Helps the Extension Agent in building rapport. • Facilitates gaining first hand knowledge of farm and home. • Helps in selecting demonstrators and local leaders. • Helps in changing attitude of people. • Helps in teaching complex practices. • Facilitates transfer of technology. • Enhances effectiveness of mass and group methods. • Facilitates getting feedback information. Limitations: •Time consuming and relatively expensive. •Has low coverage of audience. •Extension Agent may develop favoritism or bias towards some persons.
  • 17. Keuntungan dan kerugian KUNJUNGAN KELOMPOK: Advantages • Enables Extension Agent to have face-to-face contact with a number of people at a time. • Enables the Extension Agent to reach a select part of the target group. • Facilitates sharing of knowledge and experience and thereby strengthen learning of the group members. • Reach fewer people, but offer more opportunities for interaction and feedback. • Satisfies the basic urge of people for social contacts, • Motivate people to accept change due to group influence. • More effective than mass method in stimulating action. • Less expensive than individual method owing to wider coverage. Limitations •Wide diversity in the interest of group members may create a difficult learning situation. •Holding the meeting may be regarded as an objective itself. •Vested interests, power groups and village factions may hinder free interaction and decision making by group members.
  • 18. Extension Performance Indicators: .....manajemen penyuluhan perlu lebih KUANTITATIF 18
  • 19. Permentan No 91 tahun 2013 Tentang Pedoman Evaluasi Kinerja Penyuluh Pertanian • EVALUASI KINERJA Penyuluh Pertanian adalah “suatu kegiatan yang dilaksanakan secara sistematis dan berkesinambungan untuk mengukur tingkat keberhasilan berdasarkan parameter kinerja Penyuluh Pertanian dalam melaksanakan tugas dan tanggungjawabnya”. • Indikator penilaian kinerja = mulai dari persiapan sampai pelaksanaan, serta evaluasi dan pelaporan. • Asapek Persiapan: 1. Membuat data potensi wilayah dan agro ekosistem, 2. Memandu (pengawalan dan pendampingan) penyusunan RDKK, 3. Penyusunan programa penyuluhan pertanian desa dan kecamatan, dan 4. Membuat Rencana Kerja Tahunan Penyuluh Pertanian (RKTPP).
  • 20. • Pelaksanaan penyuluhan = pelaksanaan penyebaran materi penyuluhan, penerapan metoda penyuluhan, peningkatan kapasitas petani, menumbuhkan dan mengembangkan kelembagaan petani secara kuantitas dan kualitas, serta keberhasilan peningkatan produktivitas usaha tani petani. • Evaluasi kinerja = bulan Oktober - Desember tahun berjalan, dengan metode Mandiri (Formulir 1.A dan 1.B.). Hasil Evaluasi Kinerja secara Mandiri akan diverifikasi oleh Tim Evaluasi Kinerja secara berjenjang di wilayahnya.
  • 21. SEMBILAN indikator keberhasilan kinerja Penyuluh Pertanian INDIKATOR 1. Tersusunnya program penyuluhan pertanian 2. Tersusunnya rencana kerja penyuluhan pertanian 3. Tersedianya data peta wilayah untuk pengembangan teknologi spesifik lokasi 4. Terdiseminasinya informasi teknologi pertanian secara merata dan sesuai kebutuhan 5. Tumbuh kembangnya keberdayaan dan kemandirian petani, kelompok tani, kelompok usaha, asosiasi dan usaha formal (koperasi dan usaha formal lainnya) 6. Terwujudnya kemitraan usaha antara petani dengan pengusaha yang saling menguntungkan 7. Terwujudnya akses petani ke lembaga keuangan, informasi sarana produksi pertanian dan pemasaran 8. Meningkatnya produktifitas agribisnis komoditas unggulan 9. Meningkatnya pendapatan dan kesejahteraan petani
  • 22. Mengukur kinerja penyuluh: (a) Single Indicators 1. Awareness Number of farmers aware of Village Extension Worker (percentage) 2. Visit Number of visits by Village Extension Worker to farmers a) twice a month, b) once a month, and c) no visit (average) 3. Field Meetings Number of meetings of Village Extension Worker with farmers in their fields (percentage) 4. Regularity Number of meetings of Village Extension Worker with farmers on the fixed day (percentage) 5. Field Day Number of field days organized by Village Extension Worker a) in preceding month, b) quarterly, and c) annually (average) 6. Demonstration Number of a) method demonstrations, b) result demonstrations, and c) method-cum-result demonstrations organized by Village Extension Worker(i) in preceding month,(ii) quarterly, and(iii) annually 7. Supervision Number of supervisory visits from Agricultural Extension Officers to Village Extension Worker in the field per month (average) 8. Research- Extension Linkage Number of research-extension linkage workshops organized per month (average) 9. Farmer Training Number of farmers trained in farmers' training centres (institutionalized training courses) per year (average)
  • 23. Extension Effectiveness Indicators: (b) Unitary or Composite Indicators 10. Extension Effectiveness Arithmetic average of selected extension effectiveness indicators, say, Awareness Indicator (know the Village Extension Worker), Visit Indicator (number of visits twice a month). Field Indicator (meeting place at farmers' fields), and Regularity Indicator (visit on the same day) (Misra, 1994) (ii) Extension Efficiency Indicators 11. Performance Index Actual number of farmers reached out of the target number which should be reached (Casley and Lury, 1982, p.7) (percentage) 12. Penetration Index Number of farmers adopting the recommended practice out of the actual number reached (ibid. p.37) (percentage) 13. Achievement Index Number adopting the recommended practice out of the target number of farmers (ibid. p.37) (percentage). Note that (13) =(12) x (11) Extension Productivity Indicators 1. Yield Yield per hectare for main crop(s) (average) 2. Productivity Index Increase in yield over base year compared with base year (percentage) 23
  • 24. Extension Capability Indicators: 1. Coverage Area under cultivation per Extension Worker 2. Intensity Number of Farm Families per Extension Worker 3. Competence Number of Graduate Extension Workers out of total number of Extension Workers (percentage) 4. Subject-Matter Specialist Number of Subject-Matter Specialists per hundred Extension Workers 5. Research-Extension Ratio Number of Agricultural Scientists per hundred Extension Workers 6. Monitoring Number of Monitoring Unit Personnel per thousand Extension Workers 7. Gender Ratio Number of Female Extension Personnel out of total number of Extension Personnel (percentage) 8. Equity Number of Small and Marginal Farmers out of total number of Contact Farmers (percentage) 9. Mass Contact Number of group meetings held per month per Extension Worker in a year(average) 10. Computerization Number of personal computers in Extension Organization per thousand Extension Personnel 11. Print Media Number of leaflets/pamphlets distributed per month per Extension Worker in a year (average) 12. Audio-Visual Media Number of audio-visual (cinema/television) shows organized per month per Extension Worker in a year (average) 13. Training Number of Extension Personnel out of total number of Extension Personnel trained in specialized training courses in a year (percentage) 14. Finance Budgetary expenditure on Agricultural Extension out of total budgetary expenditure on agriculture per year (percentage) 15. Investment Expenditure on Agricultural Extension as percentage of Agricultural Gross Domestic Product per year 16. Transport Number of(i) bicycles, (h) motorcycles, and (iii) 4-wheel vehicles, per thousand Extension Workers 24
  • 27. Farm Field School (FFS) Farm Business school (FBS) Mulai 1989, ditemukan di Indonesia Mulai marak tahun 2000-an Tujuannya = mempromosikan teknik dan manajemen pengendalian PHT Memperkuat kapasitas petani dan organisasi petani dalam menjalankan usaha pertanian Fokus pada subsistem produksi Pada subsistem pengolahan dan pemasaran hasil Konsep dan metode = agroekologi, experiential education dan community development. Keuntungan usaha, pemasaran dan pasar, survey pasar, membuat laporan pasar, membangun visi dan tujuan bisnis, memilih badan usaha, mengenali komponen rencana bisnis, menyusun rencana bisnis, menyiapkan tindakan, dan pencatatan. Dasarnya = agar komunikasi lebih efektif, petani belajar dengan mengalami langsung Agar petani pandai, cerdik mensiasati pasar, dan kuat sebagai pelaku pasar Latar belakang = tingginya serangan HPT Kenyataan bahwa petani tidak bisa lepas dari tekanan globalisasi dan komersialisasi, petani harus berbisnis.
  • 28. Farm Field School (FFS) Farm Business school (FBS) Tujuannya = pengendalian HPT, petani belajar sendiri, mampu melakukan penelitian secara sederhana dan mendapatkan solusi atas permasalahannya. Agar petani mampu berkompetisi dan mengambil keuntungan dari pasar. Proses = peningkatan pengetahuan, belajar bersama, mencari solusi bersama. Meningkatkan efisiensi, pendapatan dan keuntungan, memilih komoditas yg mau ditanam, mengelola modal dan tenaga kerja, dan menangani resiko. Jam pertemuan berkala = sekali seminggu, sesuai perkembangan tanaman Tidak bergantung kepada musim dan siklus pertumbuhan tanaman, bersifat responsive and interactive. Materi = biologi hama, aspek kesisteman, musuh alami, membuat pestisida nabati, dst Visi dan perencanaan, pertanian berkelanjutan, market engagement, nutrisi, gender, dan monitoring. Pelatih = penyuluh dan ahli HPT Pelatih = beragam mulai dari teknis sampai dengan fasilitator pengembangan komunitas, konsultan pemasaran, dan lain-lain.