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Sunil Kumar Daha
 Labor : series of events that take place in genital
organs to expel the product of conception (fetus,
placenta, membranes) out of womb through the
vagina into the external world.
 Delivery: the expulsion of viable fetus out of the
uterus (vaginal (spontaneous or aided) or
 spontaneous in onset and at term
 with vertex presentation
 without undue prolongation
 Natural termination with minimal aids
 without having any complications affecting the
health of the mother and/or the baby
 Increases release of oxytocin from maternal
 Promotes synthesis of myometrial receptors for
oxytocin,PGincrease in gap junctions in
myometrial cells
 Stimulates synthesis of myometrial
contraction protein  actinomyosin through
 Increases excitability of myometrial cell
 Initiates and maintain labor
 Major site of production:
Amnion,chorion, decidual cells and
 Enhances gap junction formation
 Triggered by estrogen, glucocorticoids,
separation or rupture of membrane
 Peptide hormone
 Hypothalamus-posterior pituitary
 Fetal production: Maternal serum increase in
second stage of labor
 Oxytocin receptors: Fundal location, increase
during pregnancy
 Actions
1. Stimulate uterine contractions
2. Stimulate PG production from amnion/decidua
 True labor
o Painful contractions at regular
intervals at term
o Contraction frequency,
intensity, duration increases
o Associated with Show
o Progressive effacement and
dilatation of cervix
o Descent of presenting part
o Formation of “bags of water”
o Not relieved by enema/
sedatives (analgesics)
 False labor
o Dull pain confined to
groin and abdomen
o Pain interval doesn’t
o Pain intensity remains
o No cervical dilatation
o No hardening of uterus
o Relieved by enema or
 Marked hypertrophy and hyperplasia of uterine
 Length of uterus + cervix = 35 cm at term
 Uterus assumes pyriform/ ovoid shape
 Cervical canal occluded by thick, tenacious mucus
 Irregular involuntary painless spasmodic uterine
contraction (Braxton-Hicks) throughout pregnancy which
changes during labor
 Pacemaker situated in : tubal ostia  contraction waves
 Pain of contraction distributed along the cutaneous nerve
distribution of T10 –L1
CONTRACTIONo Good synchronization of contraction waves from both
halves of the uterus
o Fundal dominance with gradual diminishing
contraction wave through midzone down to lower
segment in 10-20 sec
o Wave of contraction follow regular pattern
o Upper segment of uterus contracts longer and
stronger than lower part
o Intra-amniotic pressure rises beyond 20mm Hg
during uterine contraction
o Good relaxation occurs in between contraction(intra-
amniotic pressure less than 8)
 Phenomenon of uterus in labor in which muscle
fibers are permanently shortened
 Effects of retraction:
1. Formation of lower uterine segment + dilatation and
effacement of cervix
2. Decent of presenting part  expulsion of fetus
3. Reduce surface area  separation of placenta
4. Effective homeostasis after separation of placenta
 First phase
- latent
- Active
 Second phase
 Propulsive
 Expulsive
 Third phase
 Fourth phase
 Concerned with formation of birth canal
 Main events:
1. Dilatation of cervix
2. Effacement of cervix
3. Lower uterine segment formation
 Uterine contraction and retraction
Longitudinal fiber of upper segment
attach to circular fiber of lower
segment if uterus contracts
canal opens + shortens polarity of
 Fetal axis pressure
o longitudinal lie of fetus  circular
muscles contraction transmitted
from podalic pole to head
o Not in transverse lie
 Bag of membrane
 Vis-a-tergo
“processes by which muscular fibers of cervix pulled
upward and merge with fibers of lower uterine
 Primigravidae: effacement before dilation of
 Multiparae: effacement and dilatation occur at
same time
 Formation of active upper segment and relatively
passive lower segment forms during labor
Friedman’s Curve
 Friedman's Curve describes progress of two variables
over time:
• dilation of cervix
• descent of baby
 Labor is “dysfunctional” when cervix stops dilating or fetal
descent stops or both
 Possible diagnosis of "failure to progress"
 C-section indicated
 May be due to CPD (Cephalo Pelvic Disproportion) or
epidural anesthesia
Friedman’s Curve
“Begins when cervical dilatation is complete and
ends with fetal delivery.”
 Median duration
 50 minutes in primigravida
 20 minutes in multiparous
 Uterine contractions and accompanying expulsive
forces last:
 60-90 seconds and
 recur every 60 seconds
 Propulsive phase:
 Period of full dilation until head touches pelvic floor
 Expulsive phase:
 Since the time mother has irresistible desire to ‘bear
down’ and push until the baby is delivered
 Mean length of 1st and 2nd stage labor
 12 hours in primigravida
 6 hours in multipara
 Includes separation, descent and expulsion of
placenta with its membrane.
 Signs of placental separation:
1. Hardening of uterus
2. Sudden gush of blood
3. Rise of Uterus (because the placenta, having separated, passes
down in the lower uterine segment and vagina)
4. Lengthening of umbilical cord
Signs of placental separation appear within 1-5 minutes within
delivery of newborn.
 The placenta, membranes and umbilical cord
should be examined for completeness and for
 observation: 1 hour after birth of baby
 Laceration of birth canal(vagina and perineum):
 first degree laceration
 Second degree laceration
 third degree laceration
 fourth degree laceration
 Degree of Lacerations
 First degree laceration:
Involved the perineal skin, vaginal mucus membrane but not underlying
fascia and muscle
 2nd degree laceration:
Involve in addition, the fascia and muscle of perineal body but not anal
 3rd degree laceration:
Extent further to involve the anal sphincter
 4th degree laceration:
Laceration extend through the rectum’s mucosa to exposed its lumen
1. Monitoring fetal well-being during labor
 Fetal heart should be monitored every 30 mins in 1st stage
and every 15 mins in 2nd stage of labor
2. Uterine contractions
 to evaluate the frequency, duration, and intensity of uterine
3. Maternal vital signs
 Maternal temperature, pulse, and blood pressure are
evaluated at least every 4 hours
 with prolonged membrane rupture(>18 hours) antimicrobial
administration for prevention of group B streptococcal
infections is recommended
4. Subsequent vaginal examinations
5. Oral intake
 Food should be withheld during active labor and
6. Maternal position
 position that she finds most comfortable, which
will be lateral recumbency most of the time
7. Urinary bladder function
 Bladder distention-avoided, because it can hinder
descent of the fetal presenting parts
LABOR1. Preparation for delivery
 Put the patient in dorsal lithotomy position or lying flat on bed
 Clean the vulva, and perineum with antiseptic solution
 Encourage organized pushing down which she is feeling to do so
2. spontaneous delivery
 With each contraction, perineum bulges increasing
 Ritgen maneuver- when head distends the vulva and perineum
enough to open the vaginal introitus to 25 cm or more
A towel-draped ,gloved hand –used to exert forward pressure on the chin of
fetus through the perineum
 This maneuver allow delivery of head and also favors the neck
extension so that head is delivered with small diameter
 Clearing the nasopharynx:
Once the thorax –delivered and the newborn can inspire
Face quickly wiped and the nares and mouth cleared
 Nuchal cord :
Found in 25% of deliveries and ordinarily no harm
If coil of umbilical cord felt-it should be slipped over the
head if loose enough
If too tight, the loop should be cut between two clamps
 Clamping the cord:
 Umbilical cord is cut between two clamps placed 4 to 5 cm from the foetal
abdomen and later an umbilical cord clamp-applied 2 to 3 cm from the fetal
 Plastic clamp –safe
 Timing of cord clamping:
 If after delivery of the newborn –placed below the level of the vaginal
introitus for 3 min and Fetoplacental circulation – not immediately occluded
by cord clamping, then approx. 80 ml of blood shift from placenta to
neonate this reduces the frequency of iron deficiency anemia later in
STAGE LABOR Delivery of the placenta:
-Traction on the umbilical cord must not be used to pull the placenta
out of uterus.
-uterine inversion is one of the complication associated with delivery
 Manual removal of placenta:
- Adequate analgesia is mandatory and aseptic surgical technique
should be used
-occasionally, placenta will not separate especially common in case
of preterm delivery
-if there is brisk bleeding and the placenta can not be delivered-
 Given before delivery of placenta will decrease blood loss(they
may entrap an undiagnosed, undelivered 2nd twins)
 The spontaneously labouring uterus is typically sensitive to oxytocin
and dosing should be titered to achieved adequate contraction
 After delivery of the foetus, dosing should be fixed
 It should be given as a dilute solution by continuous iv. Infusion or
 10 USP unit i.m. (oral not effective)
 T1/2 3-4 minutes- iv. Infusion (large bolus should not be given)
CVS effect:
 IV bolus of 10 unit of oxytocin caused marked fall in BP with an
abrupt increase in CO.
 These hemodynamic changes could be dangerous for women
hypovolemic from haemorrhage or those with cardiac disease.
Water intoxication:
 Has antidiuretic action
 With high dose of oxytocin- produce water intoxication if the
oxytocin administered with large volume of electrolyte free aqueous
dextrose solution
 Oxytocin given with NS or ringer solution
2. Ergonovine and methylergonovine:
 Ergot alkaloids
 Stimulation of myometrium contraction
 Given IV (0.1mg),IM or orally(0.25mg)
 They are dangerous for mother and foetus prior to delivery-
tendency of relaxation
 IV administration sometimes initiation of transient hypotension-
severe in gestational hypertension
3. prostaglandins:
 Analogs not used routinely for management of 3rd stage labour
1. Examine the placenta for their completeness,
- anomalies, ( single umbilical arteryMultiple births)
- length, and
- number of vessels in the cord and record the placental weight
 Suture the episiotomy or any laceration
 Estimate blood loss, count swabs, and take cord blood for Hb, blood
group, Rh, bilirubin, and Coomb’s test for Rh negative mother
 Check BP, P, T and firmness of the uterus before transferring the patient
 Allow no food during the first hour, sips of water may be taken
oMade of thin pliable tabular (flat) bones
forming the vault
oCompressible to some extent
oAreas of skull:
o Vertex: quadrangular area bounded
 anteriorly by bregma and coronal sutures
 Posteriorly by lambda and lambdoid suture
 Laterally by lines passing through parietal eminences
o Brow:
 One side anterior fontanels and coronal sutures
 Other side root of nose and supra-orbital ridges of either side
o Face:
 One side root of nose and supra-orbital ridges
 On other side junction of floor of mouth with neck
 Frontal: between the two frontal bones
 Sagittal: between the two parietal
 Two coronal: between the frontal and
parietal bones
 Two lambdoid: between the posterior
margins of the parietal bones and upper
margin of the occipital bone
Diameter Measurement(cm) Attitude of
Suboccipito-bregmatic (nape
of neck to center of bregma)
9.5 cm Complete
Suboccipito-frontal (nape of
neck to ant. end of ant.
fontanelle )
10.5 cm Incomplete
eminence to glabella)
11.5 cm Marked
Mento-verticle (mid point of
chin to highest point on sagittal
14 cm
(13cm in oxford
hand book)
Submento-verticle (junction of
floor of mouth and neck to
highest point on sagittal suture)
11.5 cm Incomplete
Submento-bregmatic (junction
of floor of mouth and neck to
center of bregma)
9.5 cm Complete
a. Biparietal diameter:
i. 9.5 cm
ii. Extends between two parietal eminences
b. Super-subparietal diameter:
i. 8.5 cm
ii. Extends from a point placed below one parietal eminence
to a point placed above other parietal eminence of
opposite side
c. Bitemporal diameter:
i. 8 cm
ii. Distance between antero-inferior ends of coronal suture
d. Bimastoid diameter:
i. 7.5 cm
ii. Distance between tips of mastoid processes
Attitude of head Plane of engagement Circumference
Complete flexion Biparietal-suboccipito-bregmatic
Shape - almost round
27.5 cm
Deflexed Biparietal-occipito-frontal
Shape – oval
34 cm
Incomplete extension Biparietal-mento-vertical
Shape - bigger oval
37.5 cm
Complete extension Biparietal-submento-bregmatic
Shape - almost round
27.5 cm
Circumference of the plane of diameter of engagement
differs according to attitude of head
Circumference of head in different attitude:
“The alteration of the shape of the fore coming head
while passing through the resistant birth passage during
o There is little alteration in size of head as the volume
of content inside skull is incompressible
o An alternation of 4mm in skull diameter commonly
occur during normal delivery
o Disappears within few hours after birth
 Compression of engaging diameter of head with corresponding
elongation of the diameter at right angle to it
Grade 1:
 Bones touching but not overlapping
Grade 2:
 Bones overlapping but easily separated
Grade 3:
 Fixed overlapping of bones
 Slight moulding is inevitable and beneficial
Enables head to pass more easily through the
birth canal
 Extreme moulding may produce  Severe
intracranial disturbance in the form of tearing
of tentorium cerebelli or subdural
 Shape of moulding gives information about
position of head occupied in pelvis
o the passage of the widest
diameter of the presenting part
to a level below the plane of the
pelvic inlet
o In the cephalic presentation with a
well-flexed head, the largest
transverse diameter of the fetal
head is the biparietal diameter (9.5
 Engagement can be confirmed clinically
by palpation of the presenting part
abdominally and/or vaginally
 The head is assumed to be engaged if
the leading edge has reached the ischial
spines and there is no significant
molding or scalp edema
 Head in Synclitism: the sagittal suture corresponds
to the diameter of engagement with the head enters
the brim
 Anterior asynclitism: Anterior parietal presentation
 Posterior asynclitism: Posterior parietal presentation
 Mild degree of asynclitism are common but severe
degrees indicate cephalopelvic disproportion
 downward passage of the presenting
part through the pelvis
 The greatest rate of descent occurs during the
deceleration phase of the first stage and during the
second stage of labor
 Forces involved:-
1. Pressure of amniotic fluid
2. Pressure of fundus upon breech with contraction
3. Maternal abdominal muscles
4. Extension and straightening of fetal body
o Occurs passively as the head
o due to resistance related to the shape of bony pelvis
& by the soft tissues of the pelvic floor
o Although flexion of the fetal head onto the chest is
present to some degree in most fetuses antepartum,
complete flexion usually only occurs during the
course of labor
o A deflexed head presents a larger diameter, which
may be too large to negotiate the pelvic bone
o Rotation of the presenting part
from its original position (usually transverse with
regard to the birth canal) to the anteroposterior
position as it
passes through the pelvis
o As with flexion, internal rotation is a passive
movement resulting from the shape of the pelvis
and the resistance of the pelvic floor musculature
o Occurs once the fetus has
descended to the level of the
o This descent brings the base of the occiput into
contact with the inferior margin of the symphysis
o At this point, the birth canal curves upwards
o The fetal head is delivered by extension and
rotates around the symphysis pubis
o After the fetal head deflexes (extends),
it rotates to the correct anatomic
position in relation to the fetal torso;
left or right rotation depends on the
orientation of the fetus
o Passive movement resulting from a release of the
forces exerted on the fetal head by the maternal bony
pelvis and its musculature and mediated by the basal
tone of the fetal musculature
 Cunningham, Williams OBSTETRICS,
24E, McGraw-Hill Education, 2014,
 DC Dutta’s textbook of Obstetrics
Thank you

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Pathophysiology of Normal Labour by Sunil Kumar Daha

  • 2. DEFINITION  Labor : series of events that take place in genital organs to expel the product of conception (fetus, placenta, membranes) out of womb through the vagina into the external world.  Delivery: the expulsion of viable fetus out of the uterus (vaginal (spontaneous or aided) or abdominal
  • 3. NORMAL LABOR/ EUTOCIA  spontaneous in onset and at term  with vertex presentation  without undue prolongation  Natural termination with minimal aids  without having any complications affecting the health of the mother and/or the baby
  • 4.
  • 5. ESTROGEN  Increases release of oxytocin from maternal pituitary  Promotes synthesis of myometrial receptors for oxytocin,PGincrease in gap junctions in myometrial cells  Stimulates synthesis of myometrial contraction protein  actinomyosin through cAMP.  Increases excitability of myometrial cell
  • 6. PROSTAGLANDIN  Initiates and maintain labor  Major site of production: Amnion,chorion, decidual cells and myometrium  Enhances gap junction formation  Triggered by estrogen, glucocorticoids, separation or rupture of membrane
  • 7. OXYTOCIN  Peptide hormone  Hypothalamus-posterior pituitary  Fetal production: Maternal serum increase in second stage of labor  Oxytocin receptors: Fundal location, increase during pregnancy  Actions 1. Stimulate uterine contractions 2. Stimulate PG production from amnion/decidua
  • 8.  TRUE AND FALSE LABOR  True labor o Painful contractions at regular intervals at term o Contraction frequency, intensity, duration increases gradually o Associated with Show o Progressive effacement and dilatation of cervix o Descent of presenting part o Formation of “bags of water” o Not relieved by enema/ sedatives (analgesics)  False labor o Dull pain confined to groin and abdomen o Pain interval doesn’t shorten o Pain intensity remains same o No cervical dilatation o No hardening of uterus o Relieved by enema or sedative
  • 9. DURING PREGNANCY…  Marked hypertrophy and hyperplasia of uterine muscles  Length of uterus + cervix = 35 cm at term  Uterus assumes pyriform/ ovoid shape  Cervical canal occluded by thick, tenacious mucus plug
  • 10. UTERINE CONTRACTION IN LABOR  Irregular involuntary painless spasmodic uterine contraction (Braxton-Hicks) throughout pregnancy which changes during labor  Pacemaker situated in : tubal ostia  contraction waves initiate  Pain of contraction distributed along the cutaneous nerve distribution of T10 –L1
  • 11. PATTERN OF CONTRACTIONo Good synchronization of contraction waves from both halves of the uterus o Fundal dominance with gradual diminishing contraction wave through midzone down to lower segment in 10-20 sec o Wave of contraction follow regular pattern o Upper segment of uterus contracts longer and stronger than lower part o Intra-amniotic pressure rises beyond 20mm Hg during uterine contraction o Good relaxation occurs in between contraction(intra- amniotic pressure less than 8)
  • 12. RETRACTION  Phenomenon of uterus in labor in which muscle fibers are permanently shortened  Effects of retraction: 1. Formation of lower uterine segment + dilatation and effacement of cervix 2. Decent of presenting part  expulsion of fetus 3. Reduce surface area  separation of placenta 4. Effective homeostasis after separation of placenta
  • 13. STAGES OF LABOR  First phase - latent - Active  Second phase  Propulsive  Expulsive  Third phase  Fourth phase
  • 14. FIRST STAGE  Concerned with formation of birth canal  Main events: 1. Dilatation of cervix 2. Effacement of cervix 3. Lower uterine segment formation
  • 15. FACTORS RESPONSIBLE IN DILATATION  Uterine contraction and retraction Longitudinal fiber of upper segment attach to circular fiber of lower segment if uterus contracts canal opens + shortens polarity of uterus  Fetal axis pressure o longitudinal lie of fetus  circular muscles contraction transmitted from podalic pole to head o Not in transverse lie  Bag of membrane  Vis-a-tergo
  • 16. EFFACEMENT OF CERVIX “processes by which muscular fibers of cervix pulled upward and merge with fibers of lower uterine segment”  Primigravidae: effacement before dilation of cervix  Multiparae: effacement and dilatation occur at same time
  • 17. LOWER UTERINE SEGMENT  Formation of active upper segment and relatively passive lower segment forms during labor
  • 18. Friedman’s Curve  Friedman's Curve describes progress of two variables over time: • dilation of cervix • descent of baby  Labor is “dysfunctional” when cervix stops dilating or fetal descent stops or both  Possible diagnosis of "failure to progress"  C-section indicated  May be due to CPD (Cephalo Pelvic Disproportion) or epidural anesthesia
  • 20. SECOND STAGE OF LABOR “Begins when cervical dilatation is complete and ends with fetal delivery.”  Median duration  50 minutes in primigravida  20 minutes in multiparous  Uterine contractions and accompanying expulsive forces last:  60-90 seconds and  recur every 60 seconds
  • 21.  Propulsive phase:  Period of full dilation until head touches pelvic floor  Expulsive phase:  Since the time mother has irresistible desire to ‘bear down’ and push until the baby is delivered
  • 22. DURATION OF LABOR  Mean length of 1st and 2nd stage labor  12 hours in primigravida  6 hours in multipara
  • 23. THIRD STAGE OF LABOR  Includes separation, descent and expulsion of placenta with its membrane.  Signs of placental separation: 1. Hardening of uterus 2. Sudden gush of blood 3. Rise of Uterus (because the placenta, having separated, passes down in the lower uterine segment and vagina) 4. Lengthening of umbilical cord Signs of placental separation appear within 1-5 minutes within delivery of newborn.
  • 24. FOURTH STAGE OF LABOR  The placenta, membranes and umbilical cord should be examined for completeness and for anomalies  observation: 1 hour after birth of baby  Laceration of birth canal(vagina and perineum):  first degree laceration  Second degree laceration  third degree laceration  fourth degree laceration
  • 25.  Degree of Lacerations  First degree laceration: Involved the perineal skin, vaginal mucus membrane but not underlying fascia and muscle  2nd degree laceration: Involve in addition, the fascia and muscle of perineal body but not anal sphincter  3rd degree laceration: Extent further to involve the anal sphincter  4th degree laceration: Laceration extend through the rectum’s mucosa to exposed its lumen
  • 26. MANAGEMENT OF FIRST STAGE LABOR 1. Monitoring fetal well-being during labor  Fetal heart should be monitored every 30 mins in 1st stage and every 15 mins in 2nd stage of labor 2. Uterine contractions  to evaluate the frequency, duration, and intensity of uterine contractions. 3. Maternal vital signs  Maternal temperature, pulse, and blood pressure are evaluated at least every 4 hours  with prolonged membrane rupture(>18 hours) antimicrobial administration for prevention of group B streptococcal infections is recommended 4. Subsequent vaginal examinations
  • 27. CONTD.. 5. Oral intake  Food should be withheld during active labor and delivery 6. Maternal position  position that she finds most comfortable, which will be lateral recumbency most of the time 7. Urinary bladder function  Bladder distention-avoided, because it can hinder descent of the fetal presenting parts
  • 28. MANAGEMENT OF SECOND STAGE LABOR1. Preparation for delivery  Put the patient in dorsal lithotomy position or lying flat on bed  Clean the vulva, and perineum with antiseptic solution  Encourage organized pushing down which she is feeling to do so 2. spontaneous delivery  With each contraction, perineum bulges increasing  Ritgen maneuver- when head distends the vulva and perineum enough to open the vaginal introitus to 25 cm or more A towel-draped ,gloved hand –used to exert forward pressure on the chin of fetus through the perineum  This maneuver allow delivery of head and also favors the neck extension so that head is delivered with small diameter
  • 29. CONT..  Clearing the nasopharynx: Once the thorax –delivered and the newborn can inspire Face quickly wiped and the nares and mouth cleared  Nuchal cord : Found in 25% of deliveries and ordinarily no harm If coil of umbilical cord felt-it should be slipped over the head if loose enough If too tight, the loop should be cut between two clamps
  • 30. CONT...  Clamping the cord:  Umbilical cord is cut between two clamps placed 4 to 5 cm from the foetal abdomen and later an umbilical cord clamp-applied 2 to 3 cm from the fetal abdomen  Plastic clamp –safe  Timing of cord clamping:  If after delivery of the newborn –placed below the level of the vaginal introitus for 3 min and Fetoplacental circulation – not immediately occluded by cord clamping, then approx. 80 ml of blood shift from placenta to neonate this reduces the frequency of iron deficiency anemia later in infancy
  • 31. MANAGEMENT OF THIRD STAGE LABOR Delivery of the placenta: -Traction on the umbilical cord must not be used to pull the placenta out of uterus. -uterine inversion is one of the complication associated with delivery  Manual removal of placenta: - Adequate analgesia is mandatory and aseptic surgical technique should be used -occasionally, placenta will not separate especially common in case of preterm delivery -if there is brisk bleeding and the placenta can not be delivered- indicated
  • 32. CONT... 1.Oxytocin  Given before delivery of placenta will decrease blood loss(they may entrap an undiagnosed, undelivered 2nd twins)  The spontaneously labouring uterus is typically sensitive to oxytocin and dosing should be titered to achieved adequate contraction  After delivery of the foetus, dosing should be fixed  It should be given as a dilute solution by continuous iv. Infusion or im  10 USP unit i.m. (oral not effective)  T1/2 3-4 minutes- iv. Infusion (large bolus should not be given)
  • 33. CONT.. CVS effect:  IV bolus of 10 unit of oxytocin caused marked fall in BP with an abrupt increase in CO.  These hemodynamic changes could be dangerous for women hypovolemic from haemorrhage or those with cardiac disease. Water intoxication:  Has antidiuretic action  With high dose of oxytocin- produce water intoxication if the oxytocin administered with large volume of electrolyte free aqueous dextrose solution  Oxytocin given with NS or ringer solution
  • 34. 2. Ergonovine and methylergonovine:  Ergot alkaloids  Stimulation of myometrium contraction  Given IV (0.1mg),IM or orally(0.25mg)  They are dangerous for mother and foetus prior to delivery- tendency of relaxation  IV administration sometimes initiation of transient hypotension- severe in gestational hypertension 3. prostaglandins:  Analogs not used routinely for management of 3rd stage labour
  • 35. MANAGEMENT OF FOURTH STAGE LABOR 1. Examine the placenta for their completeness, - anomalies, ( single umbilical arteryMultiple births) - length, and - number of vessels in the cord and record the placental weight  Suture the episiotomy or any laceration  Estimate blood loss, count swabs, and take cord blood for Hb, blood group, Rh, bilirubin, and Coomb’s test for Rh negative mother  Check BP, P, T and firmness of the uterus before transferring the patient  Allow no food during the first hour, sips of water may be taken
  • 36.
  • 37. FETAL SKULL oMade of thin pliable tabular (flat) bones forming the vault oCompressible to some extent oAreas of skull: Vertex Brow Face
  • 38. o Vertex: quadrangular area bounded  anteriorly by bregma and coronal sutures  Posteriorly by lambda and lambdoid suture  Laterally by lines passing through parietal eminences o Brow:  One side anterior fontanels and coronal sutures  Other side root of nose and supra-orbital ridges of either side o Face:  One side root of nose and supra-orbital ridges  On other side junction of floor of mouth with neck
  • 39. SUTURES  Frontal: between the two frontal bones  Sagittal: between the two parietal bones  Two coronal: between the frontal and parietal bones  Two lambdoid: between the posterior margins of the parietal bones and upper margin of the occipital bone
  • 40. Diameter Measurement(cm) Attitude of head Presentatio n Suboccipito-bregmatic (nape of neck to center of bregma) 9.5 cm Complete flexion Vertex Suboccipito-frontal (nape of neck to ant. end of ant. fontanelle ) 10.5 cm Incomplete flexion Vertex Occipito-frontal(occipital eminence to glabella) 11.5 cm Marked deflexion Vertex Mento-verticle (mid point of chin to highest point on sagittal suture) 14 cm (13cm in oxford hand book) Partial extension Brow Submento-verticle (junction of floor of mouth and neck to highest point on sagittal suture) 11.5 cm Incomplete extension Face Submento-bregmatic (junction of floor of mouth and neck to center of bregma) 9.5 cm Complete extension Face ANTERO-POSTERIOR DIAMETER OF HEAD THAT MAY ENGAGE
  • 41. a. Biparietal diameter: i. 9.5 cm ii. Extends between two parietal eminences b. Super-subparietal diameter: i. 8.5 cm ii. Extends from a point placed below one parietal eminence to a point placed above other parietal eminence of opposite side c. Bitemporal diameter: i. 8 cm ii. Distance between antero-inferior ends of coronal suture d. Bimastoid diameter: i. 7.5 cm ii. Distance between tips of mastoid processes TRANSVERSE DIAMETER CONCERNED IN MECHANISM OF LABOR
  • 42. Attitude of head Plane of engagement Circumference Complete flexion Biparietal-suboccipito-bregmatic Shape - almost round 27.5 cm Deflexed Biparietal-occipito-frontal Shape – oval 34 cm Incomplete extension Biparietal-mento-vertical Shape - bigger oval 37.5 cm Complete extension Biparietal-submento-bregmatic Shape - almost round 27.5 cm CIRCUMFERENCE Circumference of the plane of diameter of engagement differs according to attitude of head Circumference of head in different attitude:
  • 43. MOULDING “The alteration of the shape of the fore coming head while passing through the resistant birth passage during labor” o There is little alteration in size of head as the volume of content inside skull is incompressible o An alternation of 4mm in skull diameter commonly occur during normal delivery o Disappears within few hours after birth
  • 44.  MECHANISM:  Compression of engaging diameter of head with corresponding elongation of the diameter at right angle to it  GRADING OF MOULDING Grade 1:  Bones touching but not overlapping Grade 2:  Bones overlapping but easily separated Grade 3:  Fixed overlapping of bones
  • 45. IMPORTANCE OF MOULDING  Slight moulding is inevitable and beneficial Enables head to pass more easily through the birth canal  Extreme moulding may produce  Severe intracranial disturbance in the form of tearing of tentorium cerebelli or subdural haemorrhage  Shape of moulding gives information about position of head occupied in pelvis
  • 47. o the passage of the widest diameter of the presenting part to a level below the plane of the pelvic inlet o In the cephalic presentation with a well-flexed head, the largest transverse diameter of the fetal head is the biparietal diameter (9.5 cm) ENGAGEMENT
  • 48.  Engagement can be confirmed clinically by palpation of the presenting part abdominally and/or vaginally  The head is assumed to be engaged if the leading edge has reached the ischial spines and there is no significant molding or scalp edema
  • 49.  Head in Synclitism: the sagittal suture corresponds to the diameter of engagement with the head enters the brim  Anterior asynclitism: Anterior parietal presentation  Posterior asynclitism: Posterior parietal presentation  Mild degree of asynclitism are common but severe degrees indicate cephalopelvic disproportion PRESENTATION
  • 50.  downward passage of the presenting part through the pelvis  The greatest rate of descent occurs during the deceleration phase of the first stage and during the second stage of labor  Forces involved:- 1. Pressure of amniotic fluid 2. Pressure of fundus upon breech with contraction 3. Maternal abdominal muscles 4. Extension and straightening of fetal body DESCENT
  • 51. o Occurs passively as the head descends o due to resistance related to the shape of bony pelvis & by the soft tissues of the pelvic floor o Although flexion of the fetal head onto the chest is present to some degree in most fetuses antepartum, complete flexion usually only occurs during the course of labor o A deflexed head presents a larger diameter, which may be too large to negotiate the pelvic bone FLEXION
  • 52. o Rotation of the presenting part from its original position (usually transverse with regard to the birth canal) to the anteroposterior position as it passes through the pelvis o As with flexion, internal rotation is a passive movement resulting from the shape of the pelvis and the resistance of the pelvic floor musculature INTERNAL ROTATION
  • 53. o Occurs once the fetus has descended to the level of the introitus o This descent brings the base of the occiput into contact with the inferior margin of the symphysis pubis o At this point, the birth canal curves upwards o The fetal head is delivered by extension and rotates around the symphysis pubis EXTENSION
  • 54. o After the fetal head deflexes (extends), it rotates to the correct anatomic position in relation to the fetal torso; left or right rotation depends on the orientation of the fetus o Passive movement resulting from a release of the forces exerted on the fetal head by the maternal bony pelvis and its musculature and mediated by the basal tone of the fetal musculature EXTERNAL ROTATION
  • 55.  Cunningham, Williams OBSTETRICS, 24E, McGraw-Hill Education, 2014,  DC Dutta’s textbook of Obstetrics References

Hinweis der Redaktion

  2. Bags of water: detached membrane with liquor that presents below the presenting part; almost certain sign of labor False pain/ suurious labor is usual in primimother, 1-2 weeks prior to labor, may be due to stretching of cervix or lower uterine segment Prelabor: lightening (good sign:presenting part sinks to true pelvis) + false pain + ripening of cervix (soft, effaced, dilatable)
  3. Myometrial hypoxia during contraction Stretching of peritoneum over fundus Stretching of cervix during dilatation Stretching of ligaments surrounding uterus Compression of nerve ganglion
  4. Normal polarity of uterus: contraction starts from the fallopian tube  fundus contracts more than lower segment  when fundus contracts to push fetus, lower segment and cervix dialate in response to force Bag of membrane:—The membranes (amnion and chorion) are attached loosely to the decidua lining the uterine cavity except over the internal os. In vertex presentation, the girdle of contact of the head (that part of the circumference of the head which first comes in contact with the pelvic brim) being spherical, may well fit with the wall of the lower uterine segment. Thus, the amniotic cavity is divided into two compartments (Fig. 12.5). The part above the girdle of contact contains the fetus with bulk of the liquor called hindwaters and the one below it containing small amount of liquor called forewaters. With the onset of labor, the membranes attached to the lower uterine segment are detached and with the rise of intrauterine pressure during contractions there is herniation of the membranes through the cervical canal. There is ball-valve like action by the well flexed head. Uterine contractions generate hydrostatic pressure in the forewaters that in turn dilate the cervical canal like a wedge. When the bag of forewater is absent (PROM) the pressure of the presenting part pushes the cervix centrifugally Vis- a-tergo: The final phase of dilatation and retraction of the cervix is achieved by downward thrust of the presenting part of the fetus and upward pull of the cervix over the lower segment. This phenomenon is lacking in transverse lie where a thin cervical rim fails to disappear.
  5. The Ritgen maneuver is an obstetric procedure used by midwives and doctors in order to control the delivery of the fetal head. It involves applying an upward pressure from the coccygeal region to extend the head during actual delivery, thereby protecting the musculature of theperineum.
  6. Delayed cord clamping until 1 min after birth increase the newborn HB conc. 2.2g/dl compared with clamping with in 60 sec. Early cord clamping reduced the risk of phototherapy by 40%
  7. Placental delivery is recommended to prevent postpartum hemorrhage United States Pharmacopeia: Abbreviated USP
  8.  The cardinal movements of labor refer to changes in the position of the fetal head during its passage through the birth canal (figure 5). Because of asymmetry in both the shape of the fetal head and the maternal bony pelvis, such rotations are required if the fetus is to successfully negotiate the birth canal.