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Prominent Leader
6 Essential Secrets to Command
and Influence
By Stacie A. Walker
The Prominent Leader Within is a free guide.
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Table of Contents
Chapter One:
Defining the Fear of Success
Chapter Two:
Do Prominent Leaders Really Get Lucky?
Chapter Three:
Are Live Events the Key to Success for Top Income Earners?
Chapter Four:
3 Common Traits that Most Leaders Share
Chapter Five:
How To Raise Your Authority as an Up and Coming Leader
Chapter Six:
How Can Business Mentors Save Your Start-up Thousands of Dollars?
About the Author
The Role of Leadership in Your Business
Over the years, I have worked closely with a lot of small business owners, home business owners, and
network marketers. I have consulted them on how to successfully build their business.
The crucial element that stands out like a sore thumb for any successful business owner is
The Prominent Leader Within is a combination of a self assessments, inspirational quotes, and practical
advice to improve your leadership skills today.The contents of this free guide can be applied to your
business life and your personal life.
This guide covers awesome ideas, techniques and practical ways to help you on your journey discover
the prominent leader within YOU!
Some of the content is pretty obvious but you may not be putting them to use at this time in your life.
The priceless information throughout the pages of this guide have been selected to help you to continue
to grow and mature into the leader you are capable of becoming.
Now, let’s get to work and start enhancing your leadership skills!
Stacie Walker
Online Business Strategist | Woman in Leadership Founder
“Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other.” - John F. Kennedy
Chapter One:
Defining the Fear of Success
“The key to successful leadership today is influence, not authority.” - Kenneth Blanchard
According to, fear is defined as “a distressing emotion aroused by impending
danger, evil,pain, etc., whether the threat is real or imagined; the feeling or condition of being
Fear can mean that you are about to experience a painful emotional experience.
Both the fear of failure and the fear of success create an apprehension that something bad is
going to happen.
The fear of failure is the anxiety you feel while anticipating not making your goal, but the fear of
success is a different type of fear.
So, what exactly is the fear of success?
The fear of success is the fear that once you make your goal, something terrible will happen as
a result.
Do you ever feel anxiety while working on your goal?
When you really think about it, that doesn't make sense!
Of course you want to make your goal and you want your accomplished goal to be a success!
What it all comes down to is that you are not afraid of success.
You are afraid of what might happen when you do succeed.
Basically, it boils down to change.
It can be a change with the people you associate with or even a complete change in your
lifestyle. As a leader, others will expect more from you or you will expect more from yourself.
It can seem overwhelming just thinking about what changes will take place once you are in a
leadership position to accomplish your goals.
In order to overcome the fear of success, it is important to identify why you are holding yourself
back from completing your goals.
Write down who you will need to be when you reach your goal and the expectations that come
with it.
Write down what you will lose once you realize your goal, too.
To take it a step further, write down how success will really change your relationship with your
friendships, your family, and your business associates.
Now that you have identified why you are holding yourself back, it will be a revelation that you
can handle the circumstances once your goals are completed.
Once you know you can handle the outcome of completing your goals, then nothing can stop
you from achieving the success you deserve.
You must overcome this fear in order to be an effective leader for your business.
It’s easier than it sounds.
There is so much written about what makes a person a successful leader. I will focus on the
characteristics, traits and actions that, I believe, are essential for improving your leadership
Before you throw in the towel thinking that you will never achieve great leadership, focus on
improving your leadership skills one attribute at a time. It must be understood that people are
born into great leaders; they are made into great leaders.
Anyone can be a leader, especially YOU!
As long as you are willing to learn and practice, you will blossom into the leader
you are meant to be. It will take some time and a lot of patience. There is no way you will be
able to be a successful leader in one night, one month, or even one year.
Being a great leader is an ongoing process.
You will never stop working on improving your leadership skills. You are already a leader if you
are a mom, wife, business owner. You just might not think so at this present moment. Think
about all of the things that would not get done in your household if it was not for your leadership
In business, all you have to do is amplify what you do a home and apply it to your business.
It is essential to work on your personal development every single day!
You will end up making your business better and the world around you will reap the benefits
from your progress to improve your leadership skills. You may not notice it at first, but the
people around your life will see the positive changes in you.
Leaders share a unique vision and guide people to get things done in an emotional manner.
Now, it’s time to complete your self assessment on the next page.
Stop reading, take a break, reflect on this chapter and journal.
Leadership Quality #1
They are teachable and are humble enough to admit they don’t know
Here are some important self-assessment questions. It is recommended for you
truthfully write your answers down.
1.) Do you think of yourself as someone who easily takes charge of a situation?
2.) Do you motivate other people to get things done?
3.) Do you think you are currently a good leader?
4.) What is your definition of a strong leader?
5.) What are your strengths?
Chapter Two:
Do Prominent Leaders Really Get Lucky?
“I must follow the people. Am I not their leader?” - Benjamin Disraeli
It’s annoying to hear others say that someone is successful, popular, or a leader because of
luck. If you think some people are leaders, successful, or popular due to “luck”, you must
change this mindset now.
It’s a way to justify why you aren’t successful.
You have the realize that a lot of work was involved before they arrive at that state.
Prominent leaders do NOT get lucky.
Leaders are not afraid to listen to others and are humble enough to admit that they do not know
it all.
Leaders also surround themselves around the right team of people to get work done and
complete goals.
A Moment of Silence
You have to be able to open your ears and really listen to your team (if you have one), the
people closest to you, and your customers. It is important for you to make a 100% effort to hone
in on your listening skills.
An awesome way to enhance your listening skills is to stay completely silent for an entire 24
I understand doing this exercise may be a challenge for you. Perhaps you think it is impossible
to do. You may have a family to take care of or a business to run.
My suggestion is for you to schedule your moment of silence. Try staying silent for 1 hour within
your 24 hour day.
Sleeping, long commutes, and eating do not count!!! This exercise must be done during the
middle of your busy day and around people.
You will be surprised at what you will discover.
Really listening to others is a sign of respect and shows that you truly care. You will discover
that you will be able to solve problems with ease.
You will come up with new ideas by observing the environment around you.
Take a Look at the World Around You
Prominent leaders try to better understand their environment and you can do the same.
You have to view the world through a different set of eyes and do your best to look at the things
around you in a different perspective. Just because you have a certain viewpoint on a topic or
situation doesn’t guarantee that others will agree with you.
It’s always a good idea for you to better understand human psychology, human behavior, and
different cultures. We now live in a world where we can connect with people from all over the
Take advantage of the technology that has been invented to study your community and places
outside of your community.
Your Mastermind Equals Leverage
It is true that there is no leader without a team.
Leaders always have a team of people to get things done. They can’t do it all and neither can
you. The prominent leaders you observe making a big difference are doing it with their TEAM.
Creating your own team is probably the most important thing you can do to improve your
leadership skills.
Having a team equals leverage. Your team will help you excel to great heights.
A team is defined as three or more people. Do you know at least two people? I’m sure you do. It
can be your best friend, your family, or a two associates in a community group.
The choice is yours.
Choose your team wisely and make sure they will hold you accountable.
It’s Okay to Humble Yourself
The best leaders are extremely humble individuals. They don’t know everything and are not
ashamed to admit it.
Neither should you.
Perhaps you have been a situation where your peers quickly solved a problem but you
had no clue what to do.
Did you feel embarrassed?
Well, you shouldn’t.
Prominent leaders are always learning because the learning NEVER ends.
Whether it’s your business or personal life, there is always room for improvement for everything
you do.
Having a learning mindset not only helps you become a better leader, it also sends the right
message to others. You set the perfect example for the people you lead.
Now you know the truth about “luck”.
Right now is the best time to experience the same kind of success as the leaders you look up
Remember, success is available to you as long as you are willing to do the work to improve
Now, it’s time to complete your self assessment on the next page.
Stop reading, take a break, reflect on this chapter and journal.
You can do it!
Leadership Quality #2
They intimately connect with people because they are great listeners and
Here are a some important self-assessment questions. It is recommended for you to
write your answers down in a journal because you will need it to track your progress.
1.) Do I think people would consider me a humble person? Why or why not?
2.) What one skill set am I willing to learn now?
3.) Am I crystal clear on my weaknesses?
4.) How much time am I willing to invest in my team?
5.) What am I doing to help my team accomplish their goals?
6.) How effective am I at listening to others?
7.) Am I usually the first person to speak or to listen?
Chapter Three:
Are Live Events the Key to Success for Top Income
“Our chief want is someone who will inspire us to be what we know we could be.” -
Ralph Waldo Emerson
If you want to succeed as a leader in your industry, then attending live events is essential.
Really think about this statement.
If you take a look at the prominent leaders and top income earners within your industry, you will
notice a pattern.
Just about all effective leaders attend live events!
Do some research for yourself. Check out the their profiles on Facebook, Google+, and
You will discover photo album after photo album of all of the live events that they have attended
over the duration of their career.
The photos speak! You can tell they are truly having a blast.
Live events have given them the opportunity to meet other entrepreneurs, prominent leaders,
and top income earners in their industry.
You will also discover that these people attended these live events way before they reached a
prominent status in their industry
Before I continue, let me make something clear...
I am NOT saying only those who succeed as leaders and top income earners within their
industry attend live events.
I know plenty of people who are hermits and make it to the top in the comfort of their homes.
Perhaps you do to.
However, I want you to notice a constant pattern.
The pattern that dominates is this...
People who succeed within their industry don't go to these events just because they are top
earners and prominent leaders.
There is no prerequisite.
They are top earners and leaders BECAUSE they took the time to attend live events.
Live events have helped them focus on their leadership development and business in order to
achieve greater things and new knowledge.
Some things can not be learned alone.
Here is what live events can do for you to enhance your leadership skills:
● You can network with others and build new relationships.
● Stay on top of the latest industry news.
● Acquire new ideas from key speakers and the people you network with during the event.
● Create joint ventures and partnerships with like-minded individuals.
Live events are where the magic happens!
If you go to the right events, then you can rapidly speed up your skill-set. Over the years, I have
witnessed so many lives forever changed for the better due to inspired moments they had at live
Now that the truth has been revealed to you, do you feel left out?
If so, then it’s time to get in on the action!
Attend a live event this month. Personal stories from like-minded people will inspire and
motivate you to achieve your business and personal goals.
You have the opportunity to do exactly what they have done to set them on their personal
path to success.
You have nothing to lose!
If you can’t travel to a live event, then attend a live event on the internet.
Yes, attending a live events via the internet counts:)!
Again, you have nothing to lose!
Now, it’s time to complete your self assessment on the next page.
Stop reading, take a break, reflect on this chapter and journal.
Let’s get started!
Leadership Quality #3
They have the ability to inspire and motivate people to achieve their business and
personal goals.
Here are some important self-assessment questions. It is recommended for you to
truthfully write down your answers.
1.) Do currently I attend live events? Why or why not?
2.) Am I willing to commit to attending three online live events per month?
3.) How can I improve my social skills by attending live events?
Chapter Four:
3 Common Traits that Most Leaders Share
“The very essence of leadership is that you have to have vision. You can’t blow an
uncertain trumpet.” - Theodore M. Hesburgh
Over the years, I have been blessed to work with some of the greatest leaders from different
The awesome thing is that I learned something from each and every one of them. Hopeful they
learned something from me, too.
One thing that I have discovered is that every single leader was unique in their own way come
from different backgrounds.
College graduates. High school dropouts. Recovering drug addicts. Single mothers. College
students fresh out of high school. Computer geeks.
Despite their different backgrounds, all were prominent leaders and making more money
beyond their wildest dreams.
So what do they all have in common?
School of Hard Knocks
The first thing I noticed was that they are intelligent and think outside the box. I am not talking
about book smarts and knowing useless facts.
If you look at the list of people that I have worked with, you will notice that not all of them are
successful because of a college education.
They seem to have gained their intelligence through personal life experiences and researching
subjects on their own free will.
I truly believe academics are important, but they do not guarantee that you will be a prominent
leader or making a six figure income.
Curiosity Killed the Cat, Not Prominent Leaders
The second thing I noticed is that they are very curious souls and not afraid to test their
When we are young we are curious about EVERYTHING. Then adulthood rears it head and we
no longer want to explore.
The leaders that I have had the privilege of meeting continue to keep the curiosity bug alive.
Leaders have an awesome ability to learn about things unrelated to work. They enjoy exploring
new topics, always asking questions, and are always expanding their education.
Drowning in Passion
The third thing I noticed is that leaders are very passionate about what they do.
One thing that a person can’t fake is passion.
They really care about how their actions affect others. Some leaders are so incredibly
passionate that they literally change the world!
You don’t have to change the world to be passionate about what you do. You can develop a
system that can help others work more effectively. You can inspire people to continue to follow
their dreams.
Now you are aware of three common traits that most effective leaders share. It doesn’t matter
their background, their net worth, or their level of academic education.
It’s important to note that having all three traits is not a guarantee of your success. It’s not that
simple. I wish it was.
Now, it’s time to complete your self assessment on the next page.
Stop reading, take a break, reflect on this chapter and journal.
You are getting better at this!
Leadership Quality #4
They maintain a sense of optimism despite any challenges or current setbacks.
Here are some important self-assessment questions. It is recommended for you to write
your answers down in a journal because you will need it to track your progress.
1.) Do I have these three traits?
2.) What actions can I take to explore subjects outside of work?
3.) What new skill am I willing to learn?
Chapter Five:
How To Raise Your Authority as an Up and Coming
“If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more,
you are a leader.” - John Quincy Adams
It is a fact that we gravitate towards effective leaders or authorities in their industry.
And we are willing to throw our money at them, almost effortlessly.
An effective way to build your authority as an up and coming leader is to take the opportunities
to share your knowledge. You can do this by being a guest speaker, contribute your content to
other websites or blogs, and provide your services for free.
Guest Speaking
Perhaps you would rather amputate a body part than speak in front of a group of people.
I am humble enough to tell you that I am one of those people. I am not yet comfortable with
speaking to a group with over 20 people.
Did you notice I used the word “yet”?
The only way to get over the nervousness and anxiety is to practice. It is time to overcome this
You can start small by volunteering to speak at your local Chamber of Commerce, local
business workshops, business networking meetings, or any type of public event to help you get
more comfortable with public speaking.
If the thought of you speaking in public makes you want to pass out, don’t panic.
There are avenues available to you for your voice to be heard in public.
One excellent idea is to host a weekly radio podcast and interview experts related to your
personal interests or your business industry.
Interviewing experts is probably the most simple technique to earn points to build your
presence as an up and coming leader.
Always remember that the person you interview already has a following.
What a perk!
Don’t be shy. All you have to do is ask.
The majority of interview prospects will most likely say yes, especially if you stress your
willingness to work on their terms and around their schedule.
I took the authority leap and now host my own online radio show. I’m excited that I finally took
another step to enhance my leadership skills by giving my audience another medium to learn
from me.
I always welcome more listeners. In order to make my radio show a valuable resource, I need
your support.
Click Here For Details About the Woman in Leadership Success Show
Volunteer Your Expertise
This second way to enhance your leadership skills and authority may be a challenge for you,
especially if you are a new business owner.
Here it is...
Don’t always charge a fee every time someone needs your assistance.
Trust me on this.
If you are truly passionate about what you do, then following this advice will pay off in the end.
Successful leaders and entrepreneurs generously provide valuable free information to their
They do so without being concerned about how much money they can make from sharing some
of their valuable secrets.
Contribute Original Content
The internet is the perfect medium to get noticed as a leader. Use this medium on a regular
basis from this day forward.
If you write articles or have a blog, then you can monetize the content to raise your authority to
expert status and effective leader.
You can contribute your content to an almost unlimited resource.
The internet.
There are plenty of article directories to submit your original articles. Every article you contribute
will appear in the most popular search engines.
If you would rather use your blog to enhance your authority and leadership skills, then reach out
to other bloggers. Always give your expertise on the blogs and sites you visit on a regular basis.
Do this by leaving comments after every post you read.
Another thing you can do is guest post on relevant sites that are guaranteed to put you in the
spotlight as a leader.
Having your name and your brand displayed in the top search engines easily
builds your credibility.
Since you will be contributing your expertise on several different blogs, it is best to stay
Create an editorial calendar to help keep track of the topics that you would like to publish your
blog. You can also use a calendar to track where and when you make content contributions
Another place to contribute your content and expertise is in relevant online communities.
Here’s a little secret for you...
A rule of thumb is to engage and contribute to communities that you genuinely enjoy.
Think outside the box. Your options are endless for you.
For example, join online communities outside of the business industry.
Oh, by the way, sharing your content does NOT give you a license to spam!
It rubs people the wrong way because it seems as if your only motive is to blast your business.
Doing so is guaranteed to have a negative effect on building a reputable online presence as an
effective leader.
It is okay to promote your business but do it respectively. Follow the rules and regulations of the
communities you join.
In conclusion, the suggestions above should help you climb the “online presence” ladder as a
leader in your industry.
Raising your authority does not have to be a challenge.
You just have to be willing to step up and show the world how valuable you are.
Now, it’s time to complete your self assessment on the next page.
Stop reading, take a break, reflect on this chapter and journal.
Keep it up!
Leadership Quality #5
They help their followers develop and improve their leadership skills by modeling
qualities they would like to see in others.
Here are some important self-assessment questions. It is recommended for you to
truthfully write down your answers because you will need it to track your progress.
1.) Where can I go in my community to work on my public speaking?
2.) What five blogs can I regularly participate by posting comments and guest posts?
3.) What content do I have that I can share with others?
Chapter Six:
How Can Mentors Save You Thousands of Dollars?
“I cannot give you the formula for success, but I can give you the formula for failure:
which is: Try to please everybody.” - Herbert B. Swope
During the infant stages of building your business, you may assume that you won’t match up to
prominent leaders in your industry.
Are you making this assumption?
Banish the thought right this second!
It is vital for you to realize that true business success is a process and it never happens
So what is the number one difference between you and the big players in your industry?
The difference is that individuals who are very successful have been building their business a lot
longer than you. I do admit, every now and then a business will become an instant success
overnight but that is far from normal.
A majority of excited people will jump into starting a business without the proper knowledge,
training, and resources. The same people will struggle and wonder why they do not succeed.
Eventually they will throw in the towel and unhappily go back to the traditional career.
So why the defeat?
This unfortunate circumstance happens because they did not find a business coach or mentor.
If you want to model anyone, then it should be a successful mentor in your industry.
Business Mentors Can Save Money, Time, and Frustration
The wisest decision you can make as a business owner is to seek out the right leaders to help
you on your entrepreneurial journey. Working with a mentor will drastically reduce your learning
curve and you can learn new ways to build a solid foundation for your business.
Look for someone who is willing to teach you the right way and will keep you on track to reach
your personal goals and business goals.
Mentors tend to be comfortable with telling you the truth. If they think that you need some critical
advice, then they will have no problem giving it to you.
A business mentor can fill in the experience gaps that you are missing. They can give you
specific insights on how to handle challenges that arise in your business.
It is critical to surround yourself around individuals who are more successful than you. Choose
people that share your same goals and desires. You will cut down on months of mistakes, and
mistakes will happen, while building your business.
Do you realize that this will save you thousands of dollars over time?
Choose Your Business Mentors Wisely
If you cannot directly find someone to work within your field, then search elsewhere.
You can choose different business mentors and/or coaches for each area of your life that you
want to improve.
They can be people you personally know, people that have lived before you, or individuals
whom you would like to meet some day.
The choice is yours. No matter who you choose, make it a goal to mirror their examples. Your
mindset and your life will totally change for the better.
Whether you are involved in a small business, home business, or online business, a mentor will
give you the proper training that is essential for successful business building.
A business mentor can reveal the secrets of how to step up and become a valuable leader in
your industry.
When times get rough, your mentor will give you the courage, confidence, and compassion to
improve yourself and help anyone that crosses your path in life.
On a final note, the good news is that successful business owners are no different from you.
They had to endure the same struggles, challenges, and tribulations that we face as
If you don’t have a mentor to model their success, the next step you should take is to find a
successful mentor or coach in your industry.
As long as you are willing to apply the knowledge that you will learn from your coach and/or
mentor, then you are on the right path to reach the level of success that you desire.
Now, it’s time to complete your self assessment on the next page.
Stop reading, take a break, reflect on this chapter and journal.
You can do it!
Leadership Quality #6
They are open-minded and look for new ways to grow, inspire, and motivate others.
Here are some important self-assessment questions. It is recommended for you to
truthfully write down your answers because you will need it to track your progress.
1.) What qualities do I look for in the people I hang out with?
2.) List three positive people who have influenced me.
3.) Why do the above three positive people influence me?
4.) How can I be more like the three positive people who influence me?
You have finally reached the end of this valuable guide. Bravo! Just because you read it
through once doesn’t mean that you are done. You have learned much about yourself and
where you stand with your leadership skills.
Now that you have the knowledge and the awareness to put what you have learned to use.
Be sure to share this information with others.
I suggest that you start all over and read this guide again in a couple of weeks. Continue to
journal and be honest with yourself.
Remember that you will not see results in less than 48 hours. Working on your leadership skills
will be an ongoing process.
I have no doubt in my mind that you can become an influential leader in your industry. Give
yourself some time to succeed as an influential leader.
Don’t be weary to ask for help. There are many people, including myself, who will help you
accomplish your goals.
Now, today is THE day that you release the prominent leader within.
To your success:)
Read more about me on the next page.
About the Author:
Known as a success-driven entrepreneur, Stacie Walker is an Online Business Strategist,
Author, Online Radio Host, and the Founder of the Woman in
Leadership community.
It has been Stacie's mission and purpose to educate you with
establishing a better businessmodel and to assist you with
improving the quality of your personal life.
Stacie loves working with professional leaders and dedicated
entrepreneurs in the small business, home business, and online
business industries.
Stacie believes certain elements are essential to improve your
skill set as a budding entrepreneur and leader in your industry.
A top priority of Stacie is to provide a comfortable place for the novice and the experienced
entrepreneur to get a bit of inspiration, motivation, and business building advice for long term
Stacie lives with her lovely family in San Antonio, Texas. In 2008, she officially said good-bye to
the corporate world and has NEVER looked back.
Follow Me on Twitter: @staciewalker
Like My Facebook Page
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Check out the Testimonials Below
“Stacie is incredibly smart. A true problem solver and critical thinker. If you want a modern day
Einstein, look no further ”
Leon Madkins
Stacie is the definition of grace and kindness. She is an inspiration for women leadership, she
loves her work, it comes from her heart, ”
Ada Bar-Ziv
“Stacie has a unique ability to communicate complex ideas with ease and that is a talent not
many have.”
Robert Peterson
“Stacie has exceptional business insights. The kind of leader people go to for advice and
Reginald Richardson
“There is a difference between liking a generous spirit and living as one. Stacie brings abundant
generosity to everything she does. ”
Paula Sykora

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The Prominent Leader Within

  • 1. The Prominent Leader Within 6 Essential Secrets to Command and Influence By Stacie A. Walker
  • 2. IMPORTANT NOTICE The Prominent Leader Within is a free guide. Be sure to print out this guide before you read it. Doing so will allow you to take important notes and will give you the opportunity to work on the leadership assessments throughout this guide. Keep in mind that you are more than welcome to share this guide with anyone you think will benefit from the valuable information contained within the pages. You can ONLY give it away as a gift or even include it as part of a package. Selling it as a product is not allowed! The Prominent Leader Within book is copyrighted by Woman in Leadership, LLC. No part of this guide may be copied, altered in any format, sold, or used in a way other than specified above. All in all, it’s perfectly fine to distribute this guide as free content with all internal links unaltered or taken out. There are some affiliate links in this guide that may benefit me financially. This will allow me to provide better services to you through the Woman in Leadership community. I greatly appreciate your support. It’s recommended that when it comes to making important business decisions about info products and services, you should be verified by your own qualified professionals. While reading this free guide, you agree that me, my company, and third party material are not responsible for the success or failure of your business decisions relating to the information in this guide.
  • 3. Table of Contents Introduction Chapter One: Defining the Fear of Success Chapter Two: Do Prominent Leaders Really Get Lucky? Chapter Three: Are Live Events the Key to Success for Top Income Earners? Chapter Four: 3 Common Traits that Most Leaders Share Chapter Five: How To Raise Your Authority as an Up and Coming Leader Chapter Six: How Can Business Mentors Save Your Start-up Thousands of Dollars? Conclusion About the Author Testimonials
  • 4. Introduction: The Role of Leadership in Your Business Over the years, I have worked closely with a lot of small business owners, home business owners, and network marketers. I have consulted them on how to successfully build their business. The crucial element that stands out like a sore thumb for any successful business owner is LEADERSHIP. The Prominent Leader Within is a combination of a self assessments, inspirational quotes, and practical advice to improve your leadership skills today.The contents of this free guide can be applied to your business life and your personal life. This guide covers awesome ideas, techniques and practical ways to help you on your journey discover the prominent leader within YOU! Some of the content is pretty obvious but you may not be putting them to use at this time in your life. The priceless information throughout the pages of this guide have been selected to help you to continue to grow and mature into the leader you are capable of becoming. Now, let’s get to work and start enhancing your leadership skills! Stacie Walker Online Business Strategist | Woman in Leadership Founder “Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other.” - John F. Kennedy
  • 5. Chapter One: Defining the Fear of Success “The key to successful leadership today is influence, not authority.” - Kenneth Blanchard According to, fear is defined as “a distressing emotion aroused by impending danger, evil,pain, etc., whether the threat is real or imagined; the feeling or condition of being afraid.” Fear can mean that you are about to experience a painful emotional experience. Both the fear of failure and the fear of success create an apprehension that something bad is going to happen. The fear of failure is the anxiety you feel while anticipating not making your goal, but the fear of success is a different type of fear. So, what exactly is the fear of success? The fear of success is the fear that once you make your goal, something terrible will happen as a result. Do you ever feel anxiety while working on your goal? When you really think about it, that doesn't make sense! Of course you want to make your goal and you want your accomplished goal to be a success!
  • 6. What it all comes down to is that you are not afraid of success. You are afraid of what might happen when you do succeed. Basically, it boils down to change. It can be a change with the people you associate with or even a complete change in your lifestyle. As a leader, others will expect more from you or you will expect more from yourself. It can seem overwhelming just thinking about what changes will take place once you are in a leadership position to accomplish your goals. In order to overcome the fear of success, it is important to identify why you are holding yourself back from completing your goals. Write down who you will need to be when you reach your goal and the expectations that come with it. Write down what you will lose once you realize your goal, too. To take it a step further, write down how success will really change your relationship with your friendships, your family, and your business associates. Now that you have identified why you are holding yourself back, it will be a revelation that you can handle the circumstances once your goals are completed. Once you know you can handle the outcome of completing your goals, then nothing can stop you from achieving the success you deserve. You must overcome this fear in order to be an effective leader for your business. It’s easier than it sounds. There is so much written about what makes a person a successful leader. I will focus on the characteristics, traits and actions that, I believe, are essential for improving your leadership skills. Before you throw in the towel thinking that you will never achieve great leadership, focus on improving your leadership skills one attribute at a time. It must be understood that people are born into great leaders; they are made into great leaders.
  • 7. Anyone can be a leader, especially YOU! As long as you are willing to learn and practice, you will blossom into the leader you are meant to be. It will take some time and a lot of patience. There is no way you will be able to be a successful leader in one night, one month, or even one year. Being a great leader is an ongoing process. You will never stop working on improving your leadership skills. You are already a leader if you are a mom, wife, business owner. You just might not think so at this present moment. Think about all of the things that would not get done in your household if it was not for your leadership skills. In business, all you have to do is amplify what you do a home and apply it to your business. It is essential to work on your personal development every single day! You will end up making your business better and the world around you will reap the benefits from your progress to improve your leadership skills. You may not notice it at first, but the people around your life will see the positive changes in you. Leaders share a unique vision and guide people to get things done in an emotional manner. Now, it’s time to complete your self assessment on the next page. Stop reading, take a break, reflect on this chapter and journal. Yay!
  • 8. Leadership Quality #1 They are teachable and are humble enough to admit they don’t know everything. Here are some important self-assessment questions. It is recommended for you truthfully write your answers down. 1.) Do you think of yourself as someone who easily takes charge of a situation? 2.) Do you motivate other people to get things done? 3.) Do you think you are currently a good leader? 4.) What is your definition of a strong leader? 5.) What are your strengths?
  • 9. Chapter Two: Do Prominent Leaders Really Get Lucky? “I must follow the people. Am I not their leader?” - Benjamin Disraeli It’s annoying to hear others say that someone is successful, popular, or a leader because of luck. If you think some people are leaders, successful, or popular due to “luck”, you must change this mindset now. It’s a way to justify why you aren’t successful. You have the realize that a lot of work was involved before they arrive at that state. Prominent leaders do NOT get lucky. Leaders are not afraid to listen to others and are humble enough to admit that they do not know it all. Leaders also surround themselves around the right team of people to get work done and complete goals.
  • 10. A Moment of Silence You have to be able to open your ears and really listen to your team (if you have one), the people closest to you, and your customers. It is important for you to make a 100% effort to hone in on your listening skills. An awesome way to enhance your listening skills is to stay completely silent for an entire 24 hours. I understand doing this exercise may be a challenge for you. Perhaps you think it is impossible to do. You may have a family to take care of or a business to run. My suggestion is for you to schedule your moment of silence. Try staying silent for 1 hour within your 24 hour day. Sleeping, long commutes, and eating do not count!!! This exercise must be done during the middle of your busy day and around people. You will be surprised at what you will discover. Really listening to others is a sign of respect and shows that you truly care. You will discover that you will be able to solve problems with ease. You will come up with new ideas by observing the environment around you. Take a Look at the World Around You Prominent leaders try to better understand their environment and you can do the same. You have to view the world through a different set of eyes and do your best to look at the things around you in a different perspective. Just because you have a certain viewpoint on a topic or situation doesn’t guarantee that others will agree with you. It’s always a good idea for you to better understand human psychology, human behavior, and different cultures. We now live in a world where we can connect with people from all over the world.
  • 11. Take advantage of the technology that has been invented to study your community and places outside of your community. Your Mastermind Equals Leverage It is true that there is no leader without a team. Leaders always have a team of people to get things done. They can’t do it all and neither can you. The prominent leaders you observe making a big difference are doing it with their TEAM. Creating your own team is probably the most important thing you can do to improve your leadership skills. Having a team equals leverage. Your team will help you excel to great heights. A team is defined as three or more people. Do you know at least two people? I’m sure you do. It can be your best friend, your family, or a two associates in a community group. The choice is yours. Choose your team wisely and make sure they will hold you accountable. It’s Okay to Humble Yourself The best leaders are extremely humble individuals. They don’t know everything and are not ashamed to admit it. Neither should you. Perhaps you have been a situation where your peers quickly solved a problem but you had no clue what to do.
  • 12. Did you feel embarrassed? Well, you shouldn’t. Prominent leaders are always learning because the learning NEVER ends. Whether it’s your business or personal life, there is always room for improvement for everything you do. Having a learning mindset not only helps you become a better leader, it also sends the right message to others. You set the perfect example for the people you lead. Now you know the truth about “luck”. Right now is the best time to experience the same kind of success as the leaders you look up to. Remember, success is available to you as long as you are willing to do the work to improve yourself. Now, it’s time to complete your self assessment on the next page. Stop reading, take a break, reflect on this chapter and journal. You can do it!
  • 13. Leadership Quality #2 They intimately connect with people because they are great listeners and communicators. Here are a some important self-assessment questions. It is recommended for you to write your answers down in a journal because you will need it to track your progress. 1.) Do I think people would consider me a humble person? Why or why not? 2.) What one skill set am I willing to learn now? 3.) Am I crystal clear on my weaknesses? 4.) How much time am I willing to invest in my team? 5.) What am I doing to help my team accomplish their goals?
  • 14. 6.) How effective am I at listening to others? 7.) Am I usually the first person to speak or to listen?
  • 15. Chapter Three: Are Live Events the Key to Success for Top Income Earners? “Our chief want is someone who will inspire us to be what we know we could be.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson If you want to succeed as a leader in your industry, then attending live events is essential. Really think about this statement. If you take a look at the prominent leaders and top income earners within your industry, you will notice a pattern. Just about all effective leaders attend live events! Do some research for yourself. Check out the their profiles on Facebook, Google+, and Instagram. You will discover photo album after photo album of all of the live events that they have attended over the duration of their career. The photos speak! You can tell they are truly having a blast.
  • 16. Live events have given them the opportunity to meet other entrepreneurs, prominent leaders, and top income earners in their industry. You will also discover that these people attended these live events way before they reached a prominent status in their industry Before I continue, let me make something clear... I am NOT saying only those who succeed as leaders and top income earners within their industry attend live events. I know plenty of people who are hermits and make it to the top in the comfort of their homes. Perhaps you do to. However, I want you to notice a constant pattern. The pattern that dominates is this... People who succeed within their industry don't go to these events just because they are top earners and prominent leaders. There is no prerequisite. They are top earners and leaders BECAUSE they took the time to attend live events. Live events have helped them focus on their leadership development and business in order to achieve greater things and new knowledge. Some things can not be learned alone.
  • 17. Here is what live events can do for you to enhance your leadership skills: ● You can network with others and build new relationships. ● Stay on top of the latest industry news. ● Acquire new ideas from key speakers and the people you network with during the event. ● Create joint ventures and partnerships with like-minded individuals. Live events are where the magic happens! If you go to the right events, then you can rapidly speed up your skill-set. Over the years, I have witnessed so many lives forever changed for the better due to inspired moments they had at live events. Now that the truth has been revealed to you, do you feel left out? If so, then it’s time to get in on the action! Attend a live event this month. Personal stories from like-minded people will inspire and motivate you to achieve your business and personal goals. You have the opportunity to do exactly what they have done to set them on their personal path to success. You have nothing to lose! If you can’t travel to a live event, then attend a live event on the internet. Yes, attending a live events via the internet counts:)! Again, you have nothing to lose! Now, it’s time to complete your self assessment on the next page. Stop reading, take a break, reflect on this chapter and journal. Let’s get started!
  • 18. Leadership Quality #3 They have the ability to inspire and motivate people to achieve their business and personal goals. Here are some important self-assessment questions. It is recommended for you to truthfully write down your answers. 1.) Do currently I attend live events? Why or why not? 2.) Am I willing to commit to attending three online live events per month? 3.) How can I improve my social skills by attending live events?
  • 19. Chapter Four: 3 Common Traits that Most Leaders Share “The very essence of leadership is that you have to have vision. You can’t blow an uncertain trumpet.” - Theodore M. Hesburgh Over the years, I have been blessed to work with some of the greatest leaders from different industries. The awesome thing is that I learned something from each and every one of them. Hopeful they learned something from me, too. One thing that I have discovered is that every single leader was unique in their own way come from different backgrounds. College graduates. High school dropouts. Recovering drug addicts. Single mothers. College students fresh out of high school. Computer geeks. Despite their different backgrounds, all were prominent leaders and making more money beyond their wildest dreams. So what do they all have in common?
  • 20. School of Hard Knocks The first thing I noticed was that they are intelligent and think outside the box. I am not talking about book smarts and knowing useless facts. If you look at the list of people that I have worked with, you will notice that not all of them are successful because of a college education. They seem to have gained their intelligence through personal life experiences and researching subjects on their own free will. I truly believe academics are important, but they do not guarantee that you will be a prominent leader or making a six figure income. Curiosity Killed the Cat, Not Prominent Leaders The second thing I noticed is that they are very curious souls and not afraid to test their boundaries. When we are young we are curious about EVERYTHING. Then adulthood rears it head and we no longer want to explore. The leaders that I have had the privilege of meeting continue to keep the curiosity bug alive. Leaders have an awesome ability to learn about things unrelated to work. They enjoy exploring new topics, always asking questions, and are always expanding their education.
  • 21. Drowning in Passion The third thing I noticed is that leaders are very passionate about what they do. One thing that a person can’t fake is passion. They really care about how their actions affect others. Some leaders are so incredibly passionate that they literally change the world! You don’t have to change the world to be passionate about what you do. You can develop a system that can help others work more effectively. You can inspire people to continue to follow their dreams. Now you are aware of three common traits that most effective leaders share. It doesn’t matter their background, their net worth, or their level of academic education. It’s important to note that having all three traits is not a guarantee of your success. It’s not that simple. I wish it was. Now, it’s time to complete your self assessment on the next page. Stop reading, take a break, reflect on this chapter and journal. You are getting better at this!
  • 22. Leadership Quality #4 They maintain a sense of optimism despite any challenges or current setbacks. Here are some important self-assessment questions. It is recommended for you to write your answers down in a journal because you will need it to track your progress. 1.) Do I have these three traits? 2.) What actions can I take to explore subjects outside of work? 3.) What new skill am I willing to learn?
  • 23. Chapter Five: How To Raise Your Authority as an Up and Coming Leader “If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.” - John Quincy Adams It is a fact that we gravitate towards effective leaders or authorities in their industry. And we are willing to throw our money at them, almost effortlessly. An effective way to build your authority as an up and coming leader is to take the opportunities to share your knowledge. You can do this by being a guest speaker, contribute your content to other websites or blogs, and provide your services for free. Guest Speaking Perhaps you would rather amputate a body part than speak in front of a group of people. I am humble enough to tell you that I am one of those people. I am not yet comfortable with speaking to a group with over 20 people. Did you notice I used the word “yet”?
  • 24. The only way to get over the nervousness and anxiety is to practice. It is time to overcome this fear! You can start small by volunteering to speak at your local Chamber of Commerce, local business workshops, business networking meetings, or any type of public event to help you get more comfortable with public speaking. If the thought of you speaking in public makes you want to pass out, don’t panic. There are avenues available to you for your voice to be heard in public. One excellent idea is to host a weekly radio podcast and interview experts related to your personal interests or your business industry. Interviewing experts is probably the most simple technique to earn points to build your presence as an up and coming leader. Always remember that the person you interview already has a following. What a perk! Don’t be shy. All you have to do is ask. The majority of interview prospects will most likely say yes, especially if you stress your willingness to work on their terms and around their schedule. I took the authority leap and now host my own online radio show. I’m excited that I finally took another step to enhance my leadership skills by giving my audience another medium to learn from me. I always welcome more listeners. In order to make my radio show a valuable resource, I need your support. Click Here For Details About the Woman in Leadership Success Show
  • 25. Volunteer Your Expertise This second way to enhance your leadership skills and authority may be a challenge for you, especially if you are a new business owner. Here it is... Don’t always charge a fee every time someone needs your assistance. Trust me on this. If you are truly passionate about what you do, then following this advice will pay off in the end. Successful leaders and entrepreneurs generously provide valuable free information to their followers. They do so without being concerned about how much money they can make from sharing some of their valuable secrets. Contribute Original Content The internet is the perfect medium to get noticed as a leader. Use this medium on a regular basis from this day forward. If you write articles or have a blog, then you can monetize the content to raise your authority to expert status and effective leader. You can contribute your content to an almost unlimited resource. The internet. There are plenty of article directories to submit your original articles. Every article you contribute will appear in the most popular search engines. If you would rather use your blog to enhance your authority and leadership skills, then reach out to other bloggers. Always give your expertise on the blogs and sites you visit on a regular basis.
  • 26. Do this by leaving comments after every post you read. Another thing you can do is guest post on relevant sites that are guaranteed to put you in the spotlight as a leader. Having your name and your brand displayed in the top search engines easily builds your credibility. Since you will be contributing your expertise on several different blogs, it is best to stay organized. Create an editorial calendar to help keep track of the topics that you would like to publish your blog. You can also use a calendar to track where and when you make content contributions online. Another place to contribute your content and expertise is in relevant online communities. Here’s a little secret for you... A rule of thumb is to engage and contribute to communities that you genuinely enjoy. Think outside the box. Your options are endless for you. For example, join online communities outside of the business industry. Oh, by the way, sharing your content does NOT give you a license to spam! It rubs people the wrong way because it seems as if your only motive is to blast your business. Doing so is guaranteed to have a negative effect on building a reputable online presence as an effective leader. It is okay to promote your business but do it respectively. Follow the rules and regulations of the communities you join.
  • 27. In conclusion, the suggestions above should help you climb the “online presence” ladder as a leader in your industry. Raising your authority does not have to be a challenge. You just have to be willing to step up and show the world how valuable you are. Now, it’s time to complete your self assessment on the next page. Stop reading, take a break, reflect on this chapter and journal. Keep it up!
  • 28. Leadership Quality #5 They help their followers develop and improve their leadership skills by modeling qualities they would like to see in others. Here are some important self-assessment questions. It is recommended for you to truthfully write down your answers because you will need it to track your progress. 1.) Where can I go in my community to work on my public speaking? 2.) What five blogs can I regularly participate by posting comments and guest posts? 3.) What content do I have that I can share with others?
  • 29. Chapter Six: How Can Mentors Save You Thousands of Dollars? “I cannot give you the formula for success, but I can give you the formula for failure: which is: Try to please everybody.” - Herbert B. Swope During the infant stages of building your business, you may assume that you won’t match up to prominent leaders in your industry. Are you making this assumption? Banish the thought right this second! It is vital for you to realize that true business success is a process and it never happens overnight. So what is the number one difference between you and the big players in your industry? The difference is that individuals who are very successful have been building their business a lot longer than you. I do admit, every now and then a business will become an instant success overnight but that is far from normal. A majority of excited people will jump into starting a business without the proper knowledge, training, and resources. The same people will struggle and wonder why they do not succeed. Eventually they will throw in the towel and unhappily go back to the traditional career. So why the defeat?
  • 30. This unfortunate circumstance happens because they did not find a business coach or mentor. If you want to model anyone, then it should be a successful mentor in your industry. Business Mentors Can Save Money, Time, and Frustration The wisest decision you can make as a business owner is to seek out the right leaders to help you on your entrepreneurial journey. Working with a mentor will drastically reduce your learning curve and you can learn new ways to build a solid foundation for your business. Look for someone who is willing to teach you the right way and will keep you on track to reach your personal goals and business goals. Mentors tend to be comfortable with telling you the truth. If they think that you need some critical advice, then they will have no problem giving it to you. A business mentor can fill in the experience gaps that you are missing. They can give you specific insights on how to handle challenges that arise in your business. It is critical to surround yourself around individuals who are more successful than you. Choose people that share your same goals and desires. You will cut down on months of mistakes, and mistakes will happen, while building your business. Do you realize that this will save you thousands of dollars over time? Choose Your Business Mentors Wisely If you cannot directly find someone to work within your field, then search elsewhere. You can choose different business mentors and/or coaches for each area of your life that you want to improve. They can be people you personally know, people that have lived before you, or individuals whom you would like to meet some day. The choice is yours. No matter who you choose, make it a goal to mirror their examples. Your mindset and your life will totally change for the better.
  • 31. Whether you are involved in a small business, home business, or online business, a mentor will give you the proper training that is essential for successful business building. A business mentor can reveal the secrets of how to step up and become a valuable leader in your industry. When times get rough, your mentor will give you the courage, confidence, and compassion to improve yourself and help anyone that crosses your path in life. On a final note, the good news is that successful business owners are no different from you. They had to endure the same struggles, challenges, and tribulations that we face as entrepreneurs. If you don’t have a mentor to model their success, the next step you should take is to find a successful mentor or coach in your industry. As long as you are willing to apply the knowledge that you will learn from your coach and/or mentor, then you are on the right path to reach the level of success that you desire. Now, it’s time to complete your self assessment on the next page. Stop reading, take a break, reflect on this chapter and journal. You can do it!
  • 32. Leadership Quality #6 They are open-minded and look for new ways to grow, inspire, and motivate others. Here are some important self-assessment questions. It is recommended for you to truthfully write down your answers because you will need it to track your progress. 1.) What qualities do I look for in the people I hang out with? 2.) List three positive people who have influenced me. 3.) Why do the above three positive people influence me? 4.) How can I be more like the three positive people who influence me?
  • 33. Conclusion You have finally reached the end of this valuable guide. Bravo! Just because you read it through once doesn’t mean that you are done. You have learned much about yourself and where you stand with your leadership skills. Now that you have the knowledge and the awareness to put what you have learned to use. Be sure to share this information with others. I suggest that you start all over and read this guide again in a couple of weeks. Continue to journal and be honest with yourself. Remember that you will not see results in less than 48 hours. Working on your leadership skills will be an ongoing process. I have no doubt in my mind that you can become an influential leader in your industry. Give yourself some time to succeed as an influential leader. Don’t be weary to ask for help. There are many people, including myself, who will help you accomplish your goals. Now, today is THE day that you release the prominent leader within. To your success:) Read more about me on the next page.
  • 34. About the Author: Known as a success-driven entrepreneur, Stacie Walker is an Online Business Strategist, Author, Online Radio Host, and the Founder of the Woman in Leadership community. It has been Stacie's mission and purpose to educate you with establishing a better businessmodel and to assist you with improving the quality of your personal life. Stacie loves working with professional leaders and dedicated entrepreneurs in the small business, home business, and online business industries. Stacie believes certain elements are essential to improve your skill set as a budding entrepreneur and leader in your industry. A top priority of Stacie is to provide a comfortable place for the novice and the experienced entrepreneur to get a bit of inspiration, motivation, and business building advice for long term success. Stacie lives with her lovely family in San Antonio, Texas. In 2008, she officially said good-bye to the corporate world and has NEVER looked back. Follow Me on Twitter: @staciewalker Like My Facebook Page Please leave a comment at: Check out the Testimonials Below
  • 35. Testimonials “Stacie is incredibly smart. A true problem solver and critical thinker. If you want a modern day Einstein, look no further ” Leon Madkins Stacie is the definition of grace and kindness. She is an inspiration for women leadership, she loves her work, it comes from her heart, ” Ada Bar-Ziv “Stacie has a unique ability to communicate complex ideas with ease and that is a talent not many have.” Robert Peterson “Stacie has exceptional business insights. The kind of leader people go to for advice and counsel.” Reginald Richardson “There is a difference between liking a generous spirit and living as one. Stacie brings abundant generosity to everything she does. ” Paula Sykora