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Chapter 3 Stacks and Queues 3.1 Templates in C++ 3.2 The Stack Abstract Data Type 3.3 The Queue Abstract Data Type 3.4 Subtyping and Inheritance in C++ 3.5 A Mazing Problem 3.6 Evaluation of Expressions 3.7 Multiple Stacks and Queues
3.1 Templates in C++ ,[object Object],3.1.1 Templates Functions ,[object Object]
A template may be viewed as a variable that can be instantiated to any data type, irrespective of whether this data type is a fundamental C++ type or a user-defined type.
template  又稱為  parameterized type.
3.1 Templates in C++ template  < class  KeyType> void  sort(KeyType *a,  int  n) {  //  作非遞減排序 for  ( int  i = 0; i < n; i++) { int  j = i; for  ( int  k = i + 1; k < n; k++)   // 找出最小元素位置 if  (a[k] < a[ j]) j = k;  KeyType temp = a[i]; a[i] = a[j]; a[j] = temp; } }  // Program 3.1 Selection sort using templates
3.1 Templates in C++ float  farray[100]; int  intarray[250]; ... sort(farray, 100); sort(intarray, 250); ,[object Object]
若  KeyType  是基本資料結構,則如此寫已足夠;若是  KeyType  是程式設計者自訂的資料結構,就需要針對  <  作運算子重載,也需要對  =  作運算子重載或給  copy constructor 。
3.1 Templates in C++ 3.1.2 Using Templates to Represent Container Classes ,[object Object],template  < class  Type> class  Bag { public : Bag( int  MaxSize = DefaultSize); ~Bag(); void  Add( const  Type&); Type *Delete(Type&); Boolean IsFull(); Boolean IsEmpty(); private : void  Full(); void  Emplty(); Type *array; int  MaxSize; int  top; };
3.1 Templates in C++ template  < class  Type> Bag<Type>::Bag( int  MaxBagSize): MaxSize(MaxBagSize) { array =  new  Type[MaxSize]; top = -1; } template  < class  Type> Bag<Type>::~Bag() { delete  [] array; } template  < class  Type> void  Bag<Type>::Add( const  Type& x) { if (IsFull()) Full(); else  array[++top] = x; }  // 定義在類別外面的成員函式,每一個函式都加上  template <class Type> 宣告方法 Bag < int > a(3); Bag <Rectangle> r(10);
D A B C 3.2 The Stack Abstract Data Type ,[object Object]
Stack : Last-In-First-Out(LIFO) list
A  stack  is an ordered list in which insertions and deletions are made at one end called the  top .  例如:插入  A,B,C,D ,刪除一個元素。
令  S = (a 0 , a 1 , ..., a n-1 ) , a 0  is bottom, a n-1  is top, a i  is on top of a i-1 , 0 < i < n.
3.2 The Stack Abstract Data Type ,[object Object],fp main previous frame pointer return address local variables fp a1
3.2 The Stack Abstract Data Type template  < class   KeyType> class  Stack {  // objects: A finite ordered list of zero or more elements public : Stack ( int  MaxStackSize = DefaultSize); Boolean IsFull();  // return TRUE if Stack is full; FALSE otherwise Boolean IsEmpty();  // return TRUE if Stack is empty; FALSE otherwise void  Add(const  KeyType &); // if IsFull(), return 0;  // else insert an element to the top of the Stack KeyType  *Delete( KeyType &);  // if IsEmpty(), then return 0; // else remove and return a pointer to the top element };  // Abstract data type Stack , member function  的部份
3.2 The Stack Abstract Data Type template  < class   KeyType> class  Stack{  // data member  的部份 ... private : int   top; KeyType  *stack; int   MaxSize; }; template  < class   KeyType>  // 建構子 Stack <KeyType> :: Stack  ( int  MaxStackSize):MaxSize(MaxStackSize) {  stack =  new   KeyType [MaxSize]; top = -1; }
3.2 The Stack Abstract Data Type template  < class   KeyType > inline  Boolean Stack< KeyType >:: IsFull (){  if (top == MaxSize – 1)  return  TRUE;  else   return  FALSE; } template  < class   KeyType > inline  Boolean Stack< KeyType >:: IsEmpty (){  if  (top == -1)  return  TRUE;  else   return  FALSE;  }
3.2 The Stack Abstract Data Type template  < class   KeyType> void  Stack< KeyType >:: Add ( const   KeyType& x ){  // add x to stack if ( IsFull() ) StackFull(); else  stack[++top] =  x ;  } template  < class  KeyType> KeyType* Stack<Keytype>:: Delete (KeyType& x) {  // Remove top element from stack  if  (IsEmpty() ) { StackEmpty(); return  0;} x  = stack[top--];  return ( & x  ); }
Exercises 3.2  2. Consider the railroad switching network given in Figure 3.3. Raidroad cars numbered 1, 2, 3, ..., n are initially in the top right track segment (in this order, left to right). Railroad cars can be moved into the vertical track segment one at a time from either of the horizontal segments and then moved from the vertical segment to any one of the horizontal segments. The vertical segment operates as a stack as new cars enter at the top and cars depart the vertical segment from the top. For instance, if n = 3, we could move car 1 into the vertical segment, move 2 in, move 3 in, and then take the cars out producing the new order 3, 2, 1. For n = 3 and 4 what are the possible permutations of the cars that can be obtained? Are any permutations not possible ?
3.3 The Queue Abstract Data Type ,[object Object]
First-In-First-Out (FIFO)
Example  ,[object Object]
a 0  is the front element, a n-1  is the rear element,
a i  is behind a i-1 , 1  ≤  i  ≤  n. B C D E A f r r r r r f
3.3 The Queue Abstract Data Type ,[object Object]
資料成員: private : int  front, rear; KeyType *queue; int  MaxSize; ,[object Object],template  < class  KeyType> Queue<KeyType>:: Queue ( int  Max):MaxSize(Max) { queue =  new  KeyType[MaxSize]; front = rear = -1; }
3.3 The Queue Abstract Data Type ,[object Object],template  < class  KeyType> inline  Boolean Queue<KeyType>:: IsFull () { if  (rear == MaxSize – 1)  return  TRUE; else   return  FALSE; }  // 未必真的滿,因  front  很可能大於  -1 template  < class  KeyType> inline  Boolean Queue<KeyType>:: IsEmpty () { if (front == rear)  return  TRUE; else   return  FALSE; }
3.3 The Queue Abstract Data Type ,[object Object],template  < class  KeyType> void  Queue<KeyType>:: Add ( const  KeyType& x) { if  (IsFull()) QueueFull(); else  queue[++rear] = x; } template  < class  KeyType> KeyType* Queue<KeyType>:: Delete (KeyType& x) { if (IsEmpty()) {QueueEmpty();  return  0;} x = queue[++front]; return  x; }
3.3 The Queue Abstract Data Type Figure 3.5 Insertion and deletion from a queue front  rear  Q[0]  [1]  [2]  [3]  [4]  [5]  [6]...  Comments -1  -1  queue  empty  initial -1  0 J1   J1 joins Q -1 1 J1  J2   J2 joins Q -1  2 J1  J2  J3   J3 joins Q 0 2   J2  J3   J1 leaves Q 0  3  J2  J3  J4   J4 joins Q 1 3  J3  J4   J2 leaves Q front  rear  Q[0]  [1]  [2]  ...... [n-1]   Next Operation -1  n-1  J1  J2  J3  ......  Jn initial state 0  n-1   J2  J3  ......  Jn delete J1 -1 n-1   J2  J3  J4  ......  Jn+1 add Jn+1   (J2 through   Jn are moved) 0  n-1   J3  J4  ......  Jn+1 delete J2 -1 n-1   J3  J4  J5  ......  Jn+2 add Jn+2 Figure 3.6 Queue example
3.3 The Queue Abstract Data Type ,[object Object],J4 J3 J2 J1 [4] [3] [2] [1] [0] [n-1] [n-2] [n-3] [n-4] [n-5] front = 0, rear = 4 J4 J3 J2 J1 [4] [3] [2] [1] [0] [n-1] [n-2] [n-3] [n-4] [n-5] front = n-4, rear = 0
3.3 The Queue Abstract Data Type ,[object Object],template  < class   KeyType > void  Queue< KeyType >:: Add  ( const   KeyType& x ) // add x to the circular queue { int   newrear=(rear+1)% MaxSize; if  ( front == newrear)  QueueFull(); else   queue[rear = newrear] =  x ; }  //  先用餘數運算算出新的  rear  值。 ,[object Object]
3.3 The Queue Abstract Data Type ,[object Object],template  < class   KeyType > KeyType  *Queue< KeyType >:: Delete  ( KeyType &  x ) // remove front element from queue { if  ( front == rear ) {  QueueEmpty(); return 0; } front = (front + 1) % MaxSize; x  = queue[front];  return  & x ; } ,[object Object]
3.4 Subtyping and Inheritance in C++ ,[object Object]
A data object of Type B IS- A data object of Type A if B is more specialized than A or A is more general than B. The set of all objects of Type B is a subset of the set of all objects of Type A.
Stack IS-A Bag or Stack is a subtype of Bag.
C++ provides a mechanism to express the IS-A relationship called  public inheritance .
class  Stack: public  Bag {  // Bag  是  base class, Stack  是  derived class Stack( int  MaxSize = DefaultSize); ~Stack(); int * Delete( int &); }
3.4 Subtyping and Inheritance in C++ class  Bag { public : Bag( int  MaxSize = DefaultSize); virtual  ~Bag(); virtual   void  Add( int ); virtual   int * Delete( int &); virtual  Boolean IsFull(); virtual  Boolean IsEmpty(); protected : virtual   void  Full(); virtual   void  Empty(); int  *array, MaxSize, top; }; class  Stack:  public  Bag {  Stack( int  MaxSize = DefaultSize); ~Stack(); int * Delete( int &); }
3.4 Subtyping and Inheritance in C++ ,[object Object]
Another important consequence of public inheritance is that inherited members have the same level of access in the derived class as they did in the base class. Stack::Stack ( int  MaxStackSize) :Bag(MaxStackSize) { } Stack::~Stack() { }  //  直接呼叫  Bag  的解構子 int * Stack::Delete( int & x) { if  (IsEmpty()) {Empty();  return  0;} x = array[top--]; return  &x; }
3.4 Subtyping and Inheritance in C++ Bag b(3); Stack s(3);  //Stack  裡面的建構子 b.Add(1); b.Add(2); b.Add(3);  // 使用 Bag::Add s.Add(1); s.Add(2); s.Add(3);  // 使用 Bag::Add int  x; b.Delete(x);  // 呼叫 Bag::Delete s.Delete(x); // 呼叫 Stack::Delete ,使用 Bag::IsEmpty, Bag::Empty ,[object Object]
3.5 Amazing Problem ,[object Object]
可用程式來模擬,只是理論上,程式應該第二次就可以將完全正確的路徑記起來。 entrance  exit
3.5 Amazing Problem ,[object Object],[object Object]
maze[i][j] = 0  代表可走的路徑
maze[i][j] = 1  代表不可走的路徑 , blocked path
maze[1][1]  是入口 (entrance) ,而  maze[m][p]  是出口 (exit) ,[object Object]
3.5 Amazing Problem X 西北 NW 北 N 東北 NE 東 E 東南 S E 南 S 西南 SW 西 W [ i – 1 ][ j – 1 ] [ i - 1 ][ j ] [ i - 1 ][ j + 1 ] [ i ][ j + 1 ] [ i + 1 ][ j + 1 ] [ i + 1 ][ j ] [ i + 1 ][ j – 1 ] [ i ][ j – 1 ] [ i ][ j ]

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  • 1. Chapter 3 Stacks and Queues 3.1 Templates in C++ 3.2 The Stack Abstract Data Type 3.3 The Queue Abstract Data Type 3.4 Subtyping and Inheritance in C++ 3.5 A Mazing Problem 3.6 Evaluation of Expressions 3.7 Multiple Stacks and Queues
  • 2.
  • 3. A template may be viewed as a variable that can be instantiated to any data type, irrespective of whether this data type is a fundamental C++ type or a user-defined type.
  • 4. template 又稱為 parameterized type.
  • 5. 3.1 Templates in C++ template < class KeyType> void sort(KeyType *a, int n) { // 作非遞減排序 for ( int i = 0; i < n; i++) { int j = i; for ( int k = i + 1; k < n; k++) // 找出最小元素位置 if (a[k] < a[ j]) j = k; KeyType temp = a[i]; a[i] = a[j]; a[j] = temp; } } // Program 3.1 Selection sort using templates
  • 6.
  • 7. 若 KeyType 是基本資料結構,則如此寫已足夠;若是 KeyType 是程式設計者自訂的資料結構,就需要針對 < 作運算子重載,也需要對 = 作運算子重載或給 copy constructor 。
  • 8.
  • 9. 3.1 Templates in C++ template < class Type> Bag<Type>::Bag( int MaxBagSize): MaxSize(MaxBagSize) { array = new Type[MaxSize]; top = -1; } template < class Type> Bag<Type>::~Bag() { delete [] array; } template < class Type> void Bag<Type>::Add( const Type& x) { if (IsFull()) Full(); else array[++top] = x; } // 定義在類別外面的成員函式,每一個函式都加上 template <class Type> 宣告方法 Bag < int > a(3); Bag <Rectangle> r(10);
  • 10.
  • 12. A stack is an ordered list in which insertions and deletions are made at one end called the top . 例如:插入 A,B,C,D ,刪除一個元素。
  • 13. 令 S = (a 0 , a 1 , ..., a n-1 ) , a 0 is bottom, a n-1 is top, a i is on top of a i-1 , 0 < i < n.
  • 14.
  • 15. 3.2 The Stack Abstract Data Type template < class KeyType> class Stack { // objects: A finite ordered list of zero or more elements public : Stack ( int MaxStackSize = DefaultSize); Boolean IsFull(); // return TRUE if Stack is full; FALSE otherwise Boolean IsEmpty(); // return TRUE if Stack is empty; FALSE otherwise void Add(const KeyType &); // if IsFull(), return 0; // else insert an element to the top of the Stack KeyType *Delete( KeyType &); // if IsEmpty(), then return 0; // else remove and return a pointer to the top element }; // Abstract data type Stack , member function 的部份
  • 16. 3.2 The Stack Abstract Data Type template < class KeyType> class Stack{ // data member 的部份 ... private : int top; KeyType *stack; int MaxSize; }; template < class KeyType> // 建構子 Stack <KeyType> :: Stack ( int MaxStackSize):MaxSize(MaxStackSize) { stack = new KeyType [MaxSize]; top = -1; }
  • 17. 3.2 The Stack Abstract Data Type template < class KeyType > inline Boolean Stack< KeyType >:: IsFull (){ if (top == MaxSize – 1) return TRUE; else return FALSE; } template < class KeyType > inline Boolean Stack< KeyType >:: IsEmpty (){ if (top == -1) return TRUE; else return FALSE; }
  • 18. 3.2 The Stack Abstract Data Type template < class KeyType> void Stack< KeyType >:: Add ( const KeyType& x ){ // add x to stack if ( IsFull() ) StackFull(); else stack[++top] = x ; } template < class KeyType> KeyType* Stack<Keytype>:: Delete (KeyType& x) { // Remove top element from stack if (IsEmpty() ) { StackEmpty(); return 0;} x = stack[top--]; return ( & x ); }
  • 19. Exercises 3.2 2. Consider the railroad switching network given in Figure 3.3. Raidroad cars numbered 1, 2, 3, ..., n are initially in the top right track segment (in this order, left to right). Railroad cars can be moved into the vertical track segment one at a time from either of the horizontal segments and then moved from the vertical segment to any one of the horizontal segments. The vertical segment operates as a stack as new cars enter at the top and cars depart the vertical segment from the top. For instance, if n = 3, we could move car 1 into the vertical segment, move 2 in, move 3 in, and then take the cars out producing the new order 3, 2, 1. For n = 3 and 4 what are the possible permutations of the cars that can be obtained? Are any permutations not possible ?
  • 20.
  • 22.
  • 23. a 0 is the front element, a n-1 is the rear element,
  • 24. a i is behind a i-1 , 1 ≤ i ≤ n. B C D E A f r r r r r f
  • 25.
  • 26.
  • 27.
  • 28.
  • 29. 3.3 The Queue Abstract Data Type Figure 3.5 Insertion and deletion from a queue front rear Q[0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]... Comments -1 -1 queue empty initial -1 0 J1 J1 joins Q -1 1 J1 J2 J2 joins Q -1 2 J1 J2 J3 J3 joins Q 0 2 J2 J3 J1 leaves Q 0 3 J2 J3 J4 J4 joins Q 1 3 J3 J4 J2 leaves Q front rear Q[0] [1] [2] ...... [n-1] Next Operation -1 n-1 J1 J2 J3 ...... Jn initial state 0 n-1 J2 J3 ...... Jn delete J1 -1 n-1 J2 J3 J4 ...... Jn+1 add Jn+1 (J2 through Jn are moved) 0 n-1 J3 J4 ...... Jn+1 delete J2 -1 n-1 J3 J4 J5 ...... Jn+2 add Jn+2 Figure 3.6 Queue example
  • 30.
  • 31.
  • 32.
  • 33.
  • 34. A data object of Type B IS- A data object of Type A if B is more specialized than A or A is more general than B. The set of all objects of Type B is a subset of the set of all objects of Type A.
  • 36. Stack IS-A Bag or Stack is a subtype of Bag.
  • 37. C++ provides a mechanism to express the IS-A relationship called public inheritance .
  • 38. class Stack: public Bag { // Bag 是 base class, Stack 是 derived class Stack( int MaxSize = DefaultSize); ~Stack(); int * Delete( int &); }
  • 39. 3.4 Subtyping and Inheritance in C++ class Bag { public : Bag( int MaxSize = DefaultSize); virtual ~Bag(); virtual void Add( int ); virtual int * Delete( int &); virtual Boolean IsFull(); virtual Boolean IsEmpty(); protected : virtual void Full(); virtual void Empty(); int *array, MaxSize, top; }; class Stack: public Bag { Stack( int MaxSize = DefaultSize); ~Stack(); int * Delete( int &); }
  • 40.
  • 41. Another important consequence of public inheritance is that inherited members have the same level of access in the derived class as they did in the base class. Stack::Stack ( int MaxStackSize) :Bag(MaxStackSize) { } Stack::~Stack() { } // 直接呼叫 Bag 的解構子 int * Stack::Delete( int & x) { if (IsEmpty()) {Empty(); return 0;} x = array[top--]; return &x; }
  • 42.
  • 43.
  • 46.
  • 47. maze[i][j] = 0 代表可走的路徑
  • 48. maze[i][j] = 1 代表不可走的路徑 , blocked path
  • 49.
  • 50. 3.5 Amazing Problem X 西北 NW 北 N 東北 NE 東 E 東南 S E 南 S 西南 SW 西 W [ i – 1 ][ j – 1 ] [ i - 1 ][ j ] [ i - 1 ][ j + 1 ] [ i ][ j + 1 ] [ i + 1 ][ j + 1 ] [ i + 1 ][ j ] [ i + 1 ][ j – 1 ] [ i ][ j – 1 ] [ i ][ j ]
  • 51. 3.5 Amazing Problem q move[q].a move[q].b N -1 0 NE -1 1 E 0 1 SE 1 1 S 1 0 SW 1 -1 W 0 -1 NW -1 -1
  • 52.
  • 53. 可以用 maze[m+2][p+2] 的陣列來模擬迷宮,最外圈全部都設為 1 ,這樣就不用考慮邊緣的情形。
  • 54.
  • 55. 3.5 Amazing Problem initialize stack to the maze entrance coordinates and direction east; while ( stack is not empty) { ( i , j , dir ) = coordinates and direction deleted from top of stack ; while (there are more moves) { ( g , h ) = coordinates of next move; if (( g == m ) && ( h == p )) success; if (! maze [ g ][ h ]) && (! mark [ g ][ h ]) { // 有路走且尚未走過 mark [ g ][ h ] = 1; dir = next direction to try; add( i , j , dir ) to top of stack ; i = g; j = h; dir = north ; } } } cout << &quot;no path found&quot; << endl;
  • 56.
  • 57. 用 mark[m+2][p+2] 來記錄是否走過, initialize 為 0 ,走過就設為 1
  • 58. maze[1][1] 與 maze[m][p] 都為 0 。
  • 59. 要將前面的演算法實作出來,還需要一個 stack ,這個 stack 最多有 mp 個元素 ( 最長路徑的長度,每個位置都放到 stack 中 ) ,實際上可能沒那麼多,但可能到 m/2 (p – 2) + 2
  • 60. Stack 的每一項可定義如下: struct items { int x, y, dir; };
  • 61. void path( int m, int p) { mark[1][1] = 1; Stack<items> stack(m*p); items temp; temp.x = 1; temp.y = 1; temp.dir = E; stack.Add(temp); while (!stack.IsEmpty()) { temp = *stack.Delete(temp); int i = temp.x; int j = temp.y; int d = temp.dir; while (d < 8) { int g = i + move[d].a; int h = j + move[d].b; if ((g == m) && (h == p)) { cout << stack; cout << i << &quot; &quot; << j << endl; cout << m << &quot; &quot; << p << endl; return ; } if ((!maze[g][h]) && (!mark[g][h])) { mark[g][h] = 1; temp.x = i; temp.y = j; temp.dir = d + 1; stack.Add(temp); i = g; j = h; d = N; } else d++; } } cout << &quot;no path in maze&quot; << endl; }
  • 62.
  • 63. 裡面的 while 迴圈最多跑八次,每次都是 constant time ,因此整個 while 迴圈是 constant time 。
  • 64. 外面的 while 迴圈最多就是每個點都放到 stack 一次,因此 time complexity 就是 O(mp) 。
  • 65. 真正作老鼠走迷宮的實驗時,可以在出口的地方放 cheese ,用以吸引老鼠跑快一點,用電腦模擬如何將這種變因考慮在內呢?有辦法找到最短路徑嗎?
  • 66. 參考習題: 2. What is the maximum path length from start to finish for any maze of dimensions m * p?
  • 67.
  • 68. Operators: +, –, *, /, %, >, < , ==, >=, <=, !=, &&, ||, !, ...
  • 70.
  • 71.
  • 72.
  • 73.
  • 74. Postfix: A B / C – D E * + A C * –
  • 75.
  • 76.
  • 77.
  • 78. 2.Move all operators so that they replace their corresponding right parentheses.
  • 79.
  • 80. 將每個括號裡的部份都改成 postfix ,即為 AB/ C– DE* + AC* –
  • 81.
  • 82.
  • 83.
  • 84. Behaves as an operator with low priority when it is in stack, in-stack priority ( isp ) = 8
  • 85.
  • 87. 將 infix 轉成 postfix 的時間複雜度為 O(n) , n 為 token 數。
  • 88. void postfix(expression e) { Stack<token> stack; token y; stack.Add('#'); for (token x = NextToken(e); x != '#'; x = NextToken(e)) { if (x is an operand) cout << x; else if (x == ')' ) for (y = *stack.Delete(y); y != '('; y = *stack.Delete(y)) cout << y; else { for (y = *stack.Delete(y); isp(y) <= icp(x); y = *stack.Delete(y)) cout << y; stack.Add(y); stack.Add(x); } } while (!stack.IsEmpty()) cout << *stack.Delete(y); }
  • 89.
  • 90. – A + B – C + D
  • 91. A * –B + C
  • 92. (A + B) * D + E / (F + A * D) + C
  • 93. A && B || C || ! (E > F) // 用 C++ 的 precedence
  • 94. !(A && ! ((B < C) || (C > D))) || (C < E)
  • 95.
  • 96. Write an algorithm to evaluate a prefix expression e. (hint: Scan e right to left and assume that the leftmost token of e is '# ')
  • 97. Write an algorithm to transform an infix expression e into its prefix equivalent. Assume that the input expression e begins with a '# ' and that the prefix expression should begin with a '# '.
  • 98.
  • 99. 若有 n 個 stacks 放在同一個陣列,就只好將 M[m] 切成 n 等份,如下圖。 M 0  m/n – 1   2m/n – 1  m – 1 b[0] b[1] b[2] b[n] t[0] t[1] t[2]
  • 100.
  • 101. 3.7 Multiple Stacks and Queues b[0] t[0] b[1] t[1] b[i] t[i] b[i+1] t[i+1] b[i+2] t[j] b[j+1] b[n]