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Perl Sopan Shewale,  [email_address]
Hello World – First Program $ cat #!/usr/bin/perl print "Welcome to the world of Perl Programming !"; $ chmod +x $ ./ Welcome to the world of Perl Programming ! $ perl Welcome to the world of Perl Programming ! Make it executable Execute it Another Way to Execute
Another Simple Example – Taking input from user  [sopan@ps3724 tutorial]$ cat #!/usr/bin/perl my $user; print &quot;Please write your name:&quot;; $user = <STDIN>; print &quot;Welcome to the world of perl, You are : $user&quot;;
Simple example – way to execute external command [sopan@ps3724 tutorial]$ cat #!/usr/bin/perl print &quot;Method1:&quot;; my $out1 = system(&quot;df -k&quot;); print &quot;The output of df -k command is : $out1&quot;; Method1: Filesystem  1K-blocks  Used Available Use% Mounted on /dev/hda8  19346964  10931664  7432528  60% / /dev/hda1  101089  14826  81044  16% /boot /dev/hda3  15116868  12328832  2020132  86% /home none  252056  0  252056  0% /dev/shm /dev/hda5  8064272  5384612  2270008  71% /usr /dev/hda6  3020140  307088  2559636  11% /var /dev/hda2  30233928  8830792  19867324  31% /usr/local The output of df -k command is : 0
Simple example – way to execute external command print &quot;Method2:&quot;; my $out2 = `df -k`; print &quot;The output of df -k command is : $out2&quot;; Method2: The output of df -k command is : Filesystem  1K-blocks  Used Available Use% Mounted on /dev/hda8  19346964  10931664  7432528  60% / /dev/hda1  101089  14826  81044  16% /boot /dev/hda3  15116868  12328832  2020132  86% /home none  252056  0  252056  0% /dev/shm /dev/hda5  8064272  5384612  2270008  71% /usr /dev/hda6  3020140  307088  2559636  11% /var /dev/hda2  30233928  8830792  19867324  31% /usr/local [sopan@ps3724 tutorial]$
An introduction to Simple Stuff ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Exercise  ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],gcd (a, b) { if (b < a ) {  swap (a, b);  } While (b) {  r = b % a; a = b; b = r; } return a; }
Directory and File Operations ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Exercise– Write the program to monitor given set of hosts in the network.
Arrays and Functions ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Exercise – long assignement ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],1975:Won:West Indies 1975:Lost:Australia 1979:Won:West Indies 1979:Lost:England 1983:Won:India 1983:Lost:West Indies 1987:Won:Australia 1987:Lost:England 1992:Won:Pakistan 1992:Lost:England 1996:Won:Srilanka 1996:Lost:Australia
grep and map functions ,[object Object],my @result = grep EXPR @input_list; my $count = grep EXPR @input_list; my @input_numbers = (1, 4, 50, 6 14); my @result = grep $_>10, @input_numbers; Transforming Lists with Map  my @input_list = (1, 4, 10, 56, 100); my @result = map  $_ + 100,  @input_list; my @next_result = map ($_, 5*$_), @input_list; my %hash_result =map ($_, $_*$_), @input_list;
Exercise ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Regular Expression ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Regular expression (Cont…) Let us look at the example   if (&quot;Hello  World &quot; =~ /World/) {  print  &quot;It matches&quot;;  }  else  {  print  &quot;It doesn't match&quot;; }  The sense of  =~  is reversed by  !~  operator.
Regular Expression (Cont…) The literal string in the regexp can be replaced by a variable:  $greeting = &quot;World&quot;;  if (&quot;Hello World&quot; =~ /$greeting/) {  print  &quot;It matches&quot;;  } else  {  print  &quot;It doesn't match&quot;; }  Regexp’s are case sensitive
Regular Expression (Cont…) ,[object Object],[object Object],&quot;Hello World&quot; =~ /o/; # matches 'o' in 'Hello'  &quot;That hat is red&quot; =~ /hat/; # matches 'hat' in 'That'  &quot;2+2=4&quot; =~ /2+2/; # doesn't match, + is a metacharacter  &quot;2+2=4&quot; =~ /22/; # matches,  is treated like an ordinary +  Some characters, called  metacharacters , are reserved for use in regexp notation. List is :  {}[]()^$.|*+?
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Regular Expression (Cont…) %vi  simple_grep  #!/usr/bin/perl  $regexp =  shift ;  while (<>) {  print  if /$regexp/; } &quot;housekeeper&quot; =~ /keeper/; # matches  &quot;housekeeper&quot; =~ /^keeper/; # doesn't match  &quot;housekeeper&quot; =~ /keeper$/; # matches  &quot;housekeeper&quot; =~ /keeper$/; # matches  &quot;keeper&quot; =~ /^keep$/; # doesn't match &quot;keeper&quot; =~ /^keeper$/; # matches &quot;&quot; =~ /^$/; # ^$ matches an empty string  Grep Kind of example
Using character classes ,[object Object],[object Object],$x = 'bcr';  /[$x]at/; # matches 't', 'bat, 'cat', or 'rat'  /item[0-9]/; # matches 'item0' or ... or 'item9'  /[0-9bx-z]aa/; # matches '0aa', ..., '9aa', /cat/; # matches 'cat'  /[bcr]at/; # matches 'bat, 'cat', or 'rat'  /item[0123456789]/; # matches 'item0' or ... or 'item9‘ &quot;abc&quot; =~ /[cab]/; # matches 'a'  In the last statement, even though 'c' is the first character in the class, 'a‘ matches because the first character position in the string is the earliest point at which the regexp can match.  Regular Expression (Cont…)
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Regular Expression (Cont…)
Matching this or that ,[object Object],&quot;cats and dogs&quot; =~ /cat|dog|bird/;  # matches &quot;cat&quot;  &quot;cats and dogs&quot; =~ /dog|cat|bird/;  # matches &quot;cat&quot; Regular Expression (Cont…)
Grouping things and hierarchical matching ,[object Object],[object Object],/(a|b)b/; # matches 'ab' or 'bb‘ /(ac|b)b/; # matches 'acb' or 'bb'  /(^a|b)c/; # matches 'ac' at start of string or 'bc' anywhere  /(a|[bc])d/; # matches 'ad', 'bd', or 'cd'  /house(cat|)/; # matches either 'housecat' or 'house‘ /house(cat(s|)|)/; # matches either 'housecats' or 'housecat' or  # 'house'. Note groups can be nested.  /(19|20|)/; # match years 19xx, 20xx, or the Y2K problem, xx  &quot;20&quot; =~ /(19|20|)/; # matches the null alternative '()', # because '20' can't match  Regular Expression (Cont…)
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],&quot;abcde&quot; =~ /(abd|abc)(df|d|de)/;  Regular Expression (Cont…)
[1].  Start with the first letter in the string 'a'. [2].  Try the first alternative in the first group 'abd'. [3].  Match 'a' followed by 'b'. So far so good. [4].  'd' in the regexp doesn't match 'c' in the string – a dead end. So backtrack  two characters and pick the second alternative in the first group 'abc'. [5].  Match 'a' followed by 'b' followed by 'c'. We are on a roll and have satisfied the first group. Set $1 to 'abc'. [6].  Move on to the second group and pick the first alternative 'df'. [7].  Match the 'd'. [8].  'f' in the regexp doesn't match 'e' in the string, so a dead end. Backtrack  one character and pick the second alternative in the second group 'd'. [9].  'd' matches. The second grouping is satisfied, so set $2 to 'd'. [10].  We are at the end of the regexp, so we are done! We have matched 'abcd' out of the string &quot;abcde&quot;. Regular Expression (Cont…)
Extracting Matches ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],# extract hours, minutes, seconds  if ($time =~ /():():()/) {  # match hh:mm:ss format  $hours = $1;  $minutes = $2;  $seconds = $3;  }  Regular Expression (Cont…)
Matching Repetitions ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Regular Expression (Cont…)
A few Principles ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Regular Expression (Cont…)
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],A few Principles Regular Expression (Cont…)
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],$x = &quot;The programming republic of Perl&quot;;  $x =~ /^(.+)(e|r)(.*)$/;  # matches,  # $1 = 'The programming republic of Pe'  # $2 = 'r'  # $3 = 'l'  Regular Expression (Cont…)
Exercise  ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Regular Expression – Match the positive Integer ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Question:  Determine whether a string contains a positive integer. Discussion:
Hashes ,[object Object],[object Object],my %fruit;  $fruit{&quot;red&quot;} = &quot;apple&quot;; $fruit{&quot;orange} = &quot;orange&quot;;  $fruit{&quot;purple&quot;} = &quot;grape&quot;;  %fruit = (&quot;red&quot;, &quot;apple&quot;, &quot;orange&quot;, &quot;orange&quot;, &quot;purple&quot;, &quot;grape&quot;);  %fruit = (          &quot;red&quot; => &quot;apple&quot;,          &quot;orange&quot; => &quot;orange&quot;,          &quot;purple&quot; => &quot;grape&quot;,  );
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Functions on Hashes #vi my %fruit = (          &quot;red&quot; => &quot;apple&quot;,          &quot;orange&quot; => &quot;orange&quot;,          &quot;purple&quot; => &quot;grape&quot;,  ); for (keys %fruit) { print “$_ : $fruit{$_} ”; } Why use Hash?  Write a program which takes the input the city/capital name and returns the country name by Using Arrays and Hashes or  any other method. So you know why use Hashes.
References # Create some variables  $a = &quot;mama mia&quot;;  @array = (10, 20);  %hash = (&quot;laurel&quot; => &quot;hardy&quot;, &quot;nick&quot; => &quot;nora&quot;); # Now create references to them  $ra = a;  # $ra now &quot;refers&quot; to (points to) $a  $rarray = array;  $rhash = hash;  #You can create references to constant scalars in a similar fashion: $ra = 0;  $rs = amp;quot;hello world&quot;;
References ,[object Object],#Look nicely: @array = (10, 20); $ra = array; is similar to $ra =[10, 20] # Notice the square braces. %hash = (&quot;laurel&quot; => &quot;hardy&quot;, &quot;nick&quot; => &quot;nora&quot;);  $rhash = hash is similar to $rhash = { “laurel”=>”hardy”, “nick” => “nora” }; $ra = a; # First take a reference to $a  $$ra += 2; # instead of $a += 2;  print $$ra; # instead of print $a  $rarray = array; push (@array , &quot;a&quot;, 1, 2); # Using the array as a whole  push (@$rarray, &quot;a&quot;, 1, 2); # Indirectly using the ref. to the array  $rhash = hash; print $hash{&quot;key1&quot;}; # Ordinary hash lookup print  $$rhash{&quot;key1&quot;}; # hash replaced by $rhash
[object Object],$rarray = array;  print $rarray->[1] ; # The &quot;visually clean&quot; way  $rhash = hash;  print $rhash->{&quot;k1&quot;}; #instead of ........  print $$rhash{&quot;k1&quot;}; # or  print ${$rhash}{&quot;k1&quot;};  References
Subroutines ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],#Defining subroutine: sub mysubroutinename { #### code to do that } ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Modules ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Modules (Cont…)  Package SayHello; sub hello_package { return “Hello, Welcome to the world of Modules”; } 1;
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],use and require – what is that?
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
CGI  ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Example: Count Click Script #!/usr/bin/perl ######################### ## Author: Sopan Shewale ## Company: Persistent Systems Pvt Ltd ## This script is created for giving demo on click count. ## The Script is support to display increse/decrease  ##click's, handles back button of browser, does not  ##handle reload stuff. ## also it's based on sessions. ######################## use strict; use warnings; use CGI; use CGI::Session; use CGI::Cookie; my $q = new CGI(); my $sessionid = $q->cookie(&quot;CGISESSID&quot;) || undef; my $session = new CGI::Session(undef, $sessionid, {Directory=>'/tmp'}); $sessionid = $session->id(); my $cookie = new CGI::Cookie(-name=>'CGISESSID',  -value=>$sessionid, -path=>&quot;/&quot;); print $q->header('text/html', -cookie=>$cookie); print $q->start_html(&quot;Welcome to Click Count Demo&quot;); print &quot;<h1>Welcome to Click Count Demo</h1>&quot;; my $count = $session->param('count');  ## count-is click count variable if(!defined($count)) { $session->param('count', 0);  $count=0;}  ### if session is first time created, set count=0 $session->param('count', $count); $count = $session->param('count'); #print &quot;<h1>The Click Count is: $count &quot;; ## Form stuff print $q->startform(-method=>'POST'); print $q->submit( -name=>&quot;Increase&quot;, -value=>'Increase1'); print $q->submit( -name=>&quot;Decrease&quot;, -value=>'Decrease1'); print $q->endform();
Example: Count Click Script (Cont…) ## Which button is being pressed my $which_button = $q->param('Increase'); if(defined ($which_button)) { print &quot;Increase pressed&quot;; $count = increase_count($count);  ## Increase the count since increase button is clicked $session->param('count', $count); }else { $which_button=$q->param('Decrease'); if(defined($which_button)){ print &quot;Decrease pressed&quot;; $count = decrease_count($count);  ## Decrease the count since decrease button is clicked $session->param('count', $count); } else {print &quot;You have not pressed any button,  seems you are typing/re-typing the same URL&quot;; } } $count = $session->param('count'); print &quot;<h1>The Click Count is: $count &quot;; print $q->end_html(); ## increases the count by 1 sub increase_count { my $number = shift; $number = $number +1; return $number; } ## decreases the count by 1 sub decrease_count { my $number = shift; $number = $number -1; return $number; }
Using eval ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
bin:  view, edit, search etc tools:  mailnotify template:  Templates (view.tmpl), also has skin related data lib:  modules and required libraries, plugin code data:  webs directories (e.g. Main,TWiki) and each directory inside contains the topics from that web. The topics are companied by there version history pub:  Attachments of the topics and commonly shared data
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],TWiki (Cont…)
TWiki (Cont…) ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],TWiki (Cont…)
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],TWiki (Cont…)
[object Object],%HELLO{format=“Dear $first $last, $brWelcome to the world of TWiki” first=“Hari” last=“Sadu”}%  Dear Hari Sadu, Welcome to the world of TWiki This should get expanded to:
Database Connectivity   ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Exercise ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
References ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
References (Cont…) ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object]

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Perl Presentation

  • 1. Perl Sopan Shewale, [email_address]
  • 2. Hello World – First Program $ cat #!/usr/bin/perl print &quot;Welcome to the world of Perl Programming !&quot;; $ chmod +x $ ./ Welcome to the world of Perl Programming ! $ perl Welcome to the world of Perl Programming ! Make it executable Execute it Another Way to Execute
  • 3. Another Simple Example – Taking input from user [sopan@ps3724 tutorial]$ cat #!/usr/bin/perl my $user; print &quot;Please write your name:&quot;; $user = <STDIN>; print &quot;Welcome to the world of perl, You are : $user&quot;;
  • 4. Simple example – way to execute external command [sopan@ps3724 tutorial]$ cat #!/usr/bin/perl print &quot;Method1:&quot;; my $out1 = system(&quot;df -k&quot;); print &quot;The output of df -k command is : $out1&quot;; Method1: Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on /dev/hda8 19346964 10931664 7432528 60% / /dev/hda1 101089 14826 81044 16% /boot /dev/hda3 15116868 12328832 2020132 86% /home none 252056 0 252056 0% /dev/shm /dev/hda5 8064272 5384612 2270008 71% /usr /dev/hda6 3020140 307088 2559636 11% /var /dev/hda2 30233928 8830792 19867324 31% /usr/local The output of df -k command is : 0
  • 5. Simple example – way to execute external command print &quot;Method2:&quot;; my $out2 = `df -k`; print &quot;The output of df -k command is : $out2&quot;; Method2: The output of df -k command is : Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on /dev/hda8 19346964 10931664 7432528 60% / /dev/hda1 101089 14826 81044 16% /boot /dev/hda3 15116868 12328832 2020132 86% /home none 252056 0 252056 0% /dev/shm /dev/hda5 8064272 5384612 2270008 71% /usr /dev/hda6 3020140 307088 2559636 11% /var /dev/hda2 30233928 8830792 19867324 31% /usr/local [sopan@ps3724 tutorial]$
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  • 14. Regular expression (Cont…) Let us look at the example if (&quot;Hello World &quot; =~ /World/) { print &quot;It matches&quot;; } else { print &quot;It doesn't match&quot;; } The sense of =~ is reversed by !~ operator.
  • 15. Regular Expression (Cont…) The literal string in the regexp can be replaced by a variable: $greeting = &quot;World&quot;; if (&quot;Hello World&quot; =~ /$greeting/) { print &quot;It matches&quot;; } else { print &quot;It doesn't match&quot;; } Regexp’s are case sensitive
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  • 23. [1]. Start with the first letter in the string 'a'. [2]. Try the first alternative in the first group 'abd'. [3]. Match 'a' followed by 'b'. So far so good. [4]. 'd' in the regexp doesn't match 'c' in the string – a dead end. So backtrack two characters and pick the second alternative in the first group 'abc'. [5]. Match 'a' followed by 'b' followed by 'c'. We are on a roll and have satisfied the first group. Set $1 to 'abc'. [6]. Move on to the second group and pick the first alternative 'df'. [7]. Match the 'd'. [8]. 'f' in the regexp doesn't match 'e' in the string, so a dead end. Backtrack one character and pick the second alternative in the second group 'd'. [9]. 'd' matches. The second grouping is satisfied, so set $2 to 'd'. [10]. We are at the end of the regexp, so we are done! We have matched 'abcd' out of the string &quot;abcde&quot;. Regular Expression (Cont…)
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  • 33. References # Create some variables $a = &quot;mama mia&quot;; @array = (10, 20); %hash = (&quot;laurel&quot; => &quot;hardy&quot;, &quot;nick&quot; => &quot;nora&quot;); # Now create references to them $ra = a; # $ra now &quot;refers&quot; to (points to) $a $rarray = array; $rhash = hash; #You can create references to constant scalars in a similar fashion: $ra = 0; $rs = amp;quot;hello world&quot;;
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  • 45. Example: Count Click Script #!/usr/bin/perl ######################### ## Author: Sopan Shewale ## Company: Persistent Systems Pvt Ltd ## This script is created for giving demo on click count. ## The Script is support to display increse/decrease ##click's, handles back button of browser, does not ##handle reload stuff. ## also it's based on sessions. ######################## use strict; use warnings; use CGI; use CGI::Session; use CGI::Cookie; my $q = new CGI(); my $sessionid = $q->cookie(&quot;CGISESSID&quot;) || undef; my $session = new CGI::Session(undef, $sessionid, {Directory=>'/tmp'}); $sessionid = $session->id(); my $cookie = new CGI::Cookie(-name=>'CGISESSID', -value=>$sessionid, -path=>&quot;/&quot;); print $q->header('text/html', -cookie=>$cookie); print $q->start_html(&quot;Welcome to Click Count Demo&quot;); print &quot;<h1>Welcome to Click Count Demo</h1>&quot;; my $count = $session->param('count'); ## count-is click count variable if(!defined($count)) { $session->param('count', 0); $count=0;} ### if session is first time created, set count=0 $session->param('count', $count); $count = $session->param('count'); #print &quot;<h1>The Click Count is: $count &quot;; ## Form stuff print $q->startform(-method=>'POST'); print $q->submit( -name=>&quot;Increase&quot;, -value=>'Increase1'); print $q->submit( -name=>&quot;Decrease&quot;, -value=>'Decrease1'); print $q->endform();
  • 46. Example: Count Click Script (Cont…) ## Which button is being pressed my $which_button = $q->param('Increase'); if(defined ($which_button)) { print &quot;Increase pressed&quot;; $count = increase_count($count); ## Increase the count since increase button is clicked $session->param('count', $count); }else { $which_button=$q->param('Decrease'); if(defined($which_button)){ print &quot;Decrease pressed&quot;; $count = decrease_count($count); ## Decrease the count since decrease button is clicked $session->param('count', $count); } else {print &quot;You have not pressed any button, seems you are typing/re-typing the same URL&quot;; } } $count = $session->param('count'); print &quot;<h1>The Click Count is: $count &quot;; print $q->end_html(); ## increases the count by 1 sub increase_count { my $number = shift; $number = $number +1; return $number; } ## decreases the count by 1 sub decrease_count { my $number = shift; $number = $number -1; return $number; }
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  • 49. TWiki
  • 50. bin: view, edit, search etc tools: mailnotify template: Templates (view.tmpl), also has skin related data lib: modules and required libraries, plugin code data: webs directories (e.g. Main,TWiki) and each directory inside contains the topics from that web. The topics are companied by there version history pub: Attachments of the topics and commonly shared data
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