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Waste is now a global problem, and one that must be addressed in
order to solve the world's resource and energy challenges. Plastics
are made from limited resources such as petroleum, and huge
advances are being made in the development of technologies to
recycle plastic waste among other resources.
Mechanical recycling methods to make plastic products and
feedstock recycling methods that use plastic as a raw material in the
chemical industry have been widely adopted, and awareness has also
grown recently of the importance of Thermal recycling as a means of
using plastics as an energy source to conserve petroleum resources.
Japan is pursuing measures to create a recycling-
oriented society in order to achieve sustainable
development. Since the Basic Law for Promoting the
Creation of a Recycling-oriented Society was
enacted in 2000, a number of recycling-related laws
have been enacted, come into force, and been
reviewed and amended.
Based on this framework, action to promote the
"three Rs" - i.e. reduction and reuse as well as
recycling of waste has been stepped up to ensure a
more effective use of resources. Meanwhile, the
Ministry of the Environment continues to restrict final
disposal sites and to direct incineration plants and
similar sites that can emit toxins such as dioxins.
Now that these are recognized as safe, the basic
policy stated in the Waste Disposal Law was
amended in May 2005 to say that "first, emission of
waste plastic should be reduced, after which
recycling should be promoted; any remaining waste
plastic should not go to landfill as it is suitable for use
in thermal recovery".
This means that the former two basic categories of
burnable and non-burnable waste are now both
classed as "burnable". Later on in May 2004, the
Tokyo Metropolitan Waste Management Council
delivered a similar response, and finally as of 2008
Tokyo's 23 city wards have started a new sorted
collection which aims to reduce plastic waste landfill
to zero by using plastics as a raw material or for
Then in June 2006 the Container and Packaging Recycling Law
was amended to give thermal recycling limited recognition as a
form of recycling plastic containers and packaging.
The processing of waste plastics has seen huge advances, not
only becoming less burdensome on the environment but also
socially and economically effective and efficient.
In this publication we consider the question of waste from a
number of angles and present the very latest data on processing of
waste plastic and its use as a raw material. Environmental and
waste issues are composed of a great number of factors, which
makes a scientific, multifaceted approach essential to their
The reader, we hope, will find that "An Introduction to
Plastic Recycling" throws light on waste problems and in
particular on the issue of plastic waste.
In the days of old, the generation of waste was such
that it got naturally recycled biodegradable. After
the advent of the industrial revolution, different
types of waste, each with its own environmental
impacts, have come into existence. Waste has
been defined as any product or substance that has
no further use or value for the person or
organization that owns it, and which is, or will be,
discarded. However, what may be discarded by one
party may have value to another (Caulfield, 2009).
The amount of waste generated, and its actual or
potential negative effects on the environment, are
matters of concern to governments and
This project focused on identifying non metal waste
that could make useful products of handmade goods
when combined with the valley adding decoration. The
waste or scraps of different non metals used were
pieces collected from the garbage of the town in Dilla
and Dilla zuriya which scraps of no use to their
The idea was developed out of the quest to find a way
to put back to use the many scraps or wastes that
always end up in landfills. Like all wastes, a waste
material originates from the community via a number
of streams which includes the plastics, textile and
clothes manufacturing industry and their consumers.
Over the past few years, with the application of plastics
used in different goods for environmental and agricultural
practices, there have been major developments in the
systems used to improve modern production and
greenhouses as well as other applications such as bags,
children shoots, pin Kush, flower boots, bed light, boot,
KG learning media, irrigation networks, shade nets, raffia
strings, etc.
In 196-255 tons of plastic and other waist raw materials
were used to make products for the local sector in Dilla
alone. Normally, at the end of their life span, these plastic
materials become waste products, and have a
considerable impact on the environment, due the
problems involved in eliminating them.
Description of usage
 There are always certain
conditions under which a
product can be used
 safely and
 effectively so that the
objectives of the design can be
The general goal of waist to wealth project is to
construct and demonstrate a working the plastic and
other scraps of materials recycling plant which
validates an innovative process, combining the
recycling technology with the transformation
The specific objectives were:
•To eliminate the negative environmental impacts of
discarded plastic such as soil contamination, surface
and groundwater pollution and the visual impact on
the landscape.
•To prevent the accumulation of scraps materials specially
plastic at rubbish impact on the landscape.
•To prevent the accumulation of plastic at rubbish dumps,
increase the life cycle and save resources.
•To observe with the objectives defined in the Community
and Dilla town on waste management.
•To ensure that this behavior makes a contribution towards
the sustainable development of the industry for job creation
in Dilla town.
•To contribute to the overall improvement of waste
management in order to set priorities for the public and
private adoption of environmental actions in favors of
sustainability and the efficient use of a material whose
waste volume is constantly increasing.
The project has successfully achieved its
objectives: a point plastic recycling plant
was constructed and will serve as a means
for the construction of other plastic
recycling plants that employ the
technology in other Ethiopian reigns.
The technical and financial viability of an
innovative process for solving the
problems associated with the disposal of
plastic waste has been proved.
As part of this project, recycled plastic waste to
create products that can reused in the
horticultural industry, greenhouse, using new
generation technology to ensure that the new
products have special properties and are
correctly adapted to the particular characteristics
of the geographical areas in which they will be
used; this is very important in order to ensure
that the original properties of the product are
maintained for as protracted as possible.
The project designed a process that involves
treating the raw material to create the final
product whilst also transforming the material
(single processing).
This was the first time this process, which
efficiently combines recycling technology
with transformation technology, was
implemented in DILLA TVET COLLAGE.
What is design?
 design can have many different definitions.
 generally, “design” is a process for deliberately
creating a product to meet a set of needs.
 requires both
o engineering design and
o product design
 Engineering design focuses on physics, such as
speed, mass and other performance measures
 product design also considers user and
consumers by asking what the user wants in a
What does our “sustainability” mean?
Sustainability means, first and foremost, that
we are building our waist to wealth business in
such a way that it will last and that the jobs
held by our staff and for others living in Dilla
without job will be secure and stable far into
the future.
We do not want to be a brand that literally “sells
out” to investors’ whims or capitalizes off the latest
trends and then fades with passing seasons.
In order to create a sustainable business that does
not depend on aid money and creates long-term job
sustainability for youth and our staff, we focus on
creating a diversified range of high-quality products
that fit what the market demands, while not relying
too heavily on trends.
We have also developed several revenue
streams in different markets to help ensure
consistent sales throughout seasons and
mitigating risk that might occur in different
markets, rather than putting all our “eggs in
one basket.”
Secondly, aims to create an environmentally
sustainable product, meaning that our
products do not create additional harm to the
planet, as well as lessening previous impact
by using waste created by others.
The production of plastics and textiles conventionally
creates a negative environmental impact by
consuming non-renewable resources. For example,
polyester, which accounts for 50 percent of the
world’s textiles and is made from petroleum, takes a
huge amount of energy to produce and also releases
toxins when dumped or incinerated.
At tonal, we have carefully designed a process
wherein we not only make use of pre-consumer
waste created by other garment factories, but also
use every single scrap of our own waste in a unique,
closed-loop process where design and production
are integrated.
This means much less water,
carbon and chemicals are used
and textiles that would have
otherwise ended up in a landfill or
burn quantity are being turned
into beautiful, useful pieces of
clothing. In short, by using a
more conscious process.
 There are three main sources of
o technology,
o market and
o users.
Though in reality, all products are a
combination of more than one source
 Technology
 Innovation can be achieved through a new form of technology,
 either by creating or
 utilising it.
 Inventing a new technology can be slow due to the nature of
research and development and
 is often a risky process financially.
The better option is to think “we have a new
technology, what is it good for?”
 Market:
 Market innovations come from changes in
the market. These changes can be changes
in demographic trends,
such as
 aging baby boomers, or changes in
Example = The Galaxy Tablet was invented when
Samsung’s competitor, Apple, came out with the iPod.
Market innovations.
 Market inspired product designs are often based on
existing product concepts.
 Users:
 Product needs can be found by observing
an individual. It does not necessarily
assume a preexisting concept. While
 observation process can require only a few
participants, the result may not be
Zero waste probably seems like an impossible
goal for many new brands. How did tonal go
about achieving this - was the framework laid
out from the start or is it a gradual reduction
This is not a goal that we aimed to achieve from
the beginning but rather came through learning in
the recycling process of production.
As tonlé’s designer and founder, we had started
our previous brand with the aim of creating a
business that was both environmentally and
socially sustainable.
We felt that it was impossible to have one
without the other. While looking for the most
eco-friendly materials available in Dilla, we
began to see the problem of vast amounts of
waste generated by the industry.
After doing some project we realized that the
most eco-friendly goods were not to use new
goods at all, but to use the waste that was
already being created. As the company grew,
we also became disturbed by the amount of
our own waste that was being thrown away,
leading to our design products using smaller
and smaller scraps.
In Ethiopia, there are considerable numbers of urban poor women
who don’t earn livelihood due to their constraint to stay at home. At
home, they lack relevant skills and resources (both monetary and
business development related) to start micro business of their own.
Women who stay at home have very few available livelihoods to
pursue, e.g. dummy making, stitching, embroidery, bead
sequencing, precious stone scrubbing, quilt making etc.
Most of these livelihoods require skills and resources to start with.
For example, stitching and embroidery require relevant skills and
minimum infrastructure to be pursued as livelihood. On other hand,
livelihoods which require low level of skills and infrastructure e.g.
recycled products, puppet making, vegetable trading and bead
sequencing carry very low incomes.
There is need for exploration of an alternative livelihood
in local areas for women, who are constrained to stay
back at home. Such women cannot practice livelihood as
a construction worker, domestic help or sweeper as
these livelihoods require outdoor activities.
The need is for such a livelihood which is flexible
enough to be pursued from home, apart from being
remunerative enough to be pursued by women for
additional income for family. Recently, such a
business opportunity cropped up when local
Government put a complete ban on use of plastic
carry-bags all over the Gedeo zones.
A notification declared the entire a “plastic carry-bag-
free zone”. The prevention applies to manufacture,
storage, import, sale and transport of plastic carry-
bags. No shopkeeper, retailer, trader, salesperson or
vendor is allowed to supply goods to consumers in
these carry-bags.
With this legislation, using a plastic bag has become
illegal for any use whatever. All of a sudden, with the
out flux of plastic bags in the market, there has arisen
a business opportunity to introduce a substitute to
plastic bag. A cloth bag or paper bag fits well as
substitute for plastic bag, with higher preference to
cloth bag due to its longer durability.
Recycling of plastics should be carried in such a manner to
minimize the pollution level during the process and as a
result to enhance the efficiency of the process and conserve
the energy.
Plastics recycling technologies have been historically
divided into four general types primary, secondary, tertiary
and quaternary.
Primary recycling involves processing of a waste/scrap into
a product with characteristics similar to those of original
Secondary recycling involves processing of
waste/scrap plastics into materials that have
characteristics different from those of original
plastics product.
Tertiary recycling involves the production of basic
chemicals and fuels from plastics waste/scrap as part
of the municipal waste stream or as a segregated
Quaternary recycling retrieves the energy content
of waste/scrap plastics by burning/incineration. This
process is not in use in Ethiopia.
Steps Involved in the Recycling
Selection The recyclers/preprocessors have to
select the waste /scrap which are suitable for
recycling /reprocessing.
Segregation The plastics waste shall be
segregated as per the codes 1-7 mentioned in the
BiS guidelines (IS: 14534:1998).
Processing After selection and segregation of the pre
consumer waste (factory waste) shall be directly
recycled. The post consumer waste (used plastic
waste) shall be washed, shredded, agglomerated,
extruded and granulated
Special Note: “All medical plastics waste and
pickings of toxic contents such as pesticides,
Insecticides shall be segregated separately and may be
processed through Plasma Paralysis Technology
The value chain starts with collection of
scrap. Scrap of materials may be sourced
from factories in Dilla, chefe, wenago, gedeb
It can also be sourced from other factories in
city and outskirts. There are NGOs like
‘balaya, pin, which source ‘used’ bed sheets
sourced from households for cloth bag
manufacturing. At a few NGOs, / scrap is
sourced from scrap market.
Project Indicators
Title Plastic bottles recycling project; clean environment healthy living
Goal / Objective  Collect and recycle the plastic bottles people were throwing away
after operation fen dune.
 Minimize the impact of plastic bottles on the
Duration Start Date
13th December 2023
End Date
20th December 2023
1 week
Contact hours 70*100
7000 hours
Number of volunteers
Non Scouts
After the fire at the distribution center on 4th of
December 2023 a large amount of water bottles
were distributed to the peoples of Dilla’ to
minimize damage caused by the shortage of
After the problem was fixed and clean water was
distributed to the homes of Dilla a large number of
plastic bottles distributed during the crisis were
being dumped as trash.
Due to the potential risk to the environment
caused by these bottles the scout association of
staffs along with the scout groups of male’
organized a water bottle collection project to
reduce these effects.
This project was registered as a community scout environment
project and an earth hour beyond the hour event. Scouts who were
taking part in this event were distributed into groups and were sent
to different areas of the city.
These collection points are:
Collection Stations
Dilla university
Social Center
Media Council
Parking Zone
KG School
Scouts started the project on 13th December
2023. Scouts who were participating in the project
reported to the coordination center. After the
arrival of participants they were divided in to
patrols and sent to the collection points.
When we arrived to the collection points a large
number of dustbin bags were placed there. After
the arrival of scouts to the collection points people
from nearby houses came to the points with bags
full of plastic bottles.
Other people requested the scouts to come to
their places to take the bottles they have.
Due to these requests a door to door
collection program was started to collect
bottles from people who found it difficult to
bring the bottles to the collection points. Since
a large number of people requested scouts to
come to their houses and collect the bottles
they have, a hotline was created for this
When people called to this staffs leaders and
rovers went to the houses to collect the
bottles from there. After the first hour of
collection we had collected more than 2000
bottles. Scouts finished work at collection
Generally plastics are already one of the most
common parts of the waste stream bottles, plastics
bag, containers, product wraps and other plastics
materials can be recovered and recycled.
Our vision is to build a waste processing company
which in those early days ensured the carful
processing of valuable resources.
We are continually seeking to utilize latest
technologies in breaking down industry barriers.
Our new comer teams able to recover the value in
waste materials that others just aren’t able find.
Waste to wealth thinking outside the box,
getting creative, and getting the job done in
a way that benefits every ones bottom line,
creating sustainable businesses and
sustainable environment.
The Vision of this project also will be to
investigate the usability of recycling waste
materials which were produced by evaluating
Those projects also maintain to the zeros
consumption of waste as well as micro and small
enterprises to be profitable and income generate
using a minimum startup capital.
To create home production work opportunity for
house wife’s.
To protect environmental pollution of scraps in
local tailors and apparel garment industries.
Description of the market
The major ways to segment our market are: -
Geographical segmentation such as area/town, type of
customers, size of total market, description of
competitors, market share for the new business, etc.
As we have conducted a market survey, we have
identified a high demand for our product in Dilla, other
towns in Ethiopia.
From our survey, we conclude that we have no strong
competitors yet in the market especially in the local
No Specific Qualification Quantity Remark
1 manager 1
2 Engineer 1
3 On a daily basis workers 10
Ethical Considerations
The overall process will be carried out in line with the following
ethical grounds:
•Objectivity, balance, empathy and humanity are key values;
•The need to give sufficient information to all participants about
the task (who it is for, its topic, objective, methodology, actual &
potential benefits);
•The need to respect privacy, cultures, knowledge and customs in
the project; but ultimate objectives are not negotiable.
•The need to be gender sensitive, and avoid raising any unrealistic
•The need to respect the privacy and the confidentiality of the
information provided by story tellers, experts and influential
decision makers.
The budget total is equal to the amount of funding which
must be raised from the various funding sources listed in
the financial structure. Financial structures are simply
lists of all the potential funding sources for which your
project qualifies and the amounts of money they could
reasonably be expected to contribute to the financing of
your project. The financial structure of each project will
be flexible until all financing is confirmed. It begins with
a "wish list" - the ideal financing partners.
As some financing sources are confirmed
and others decline to support the project,
the ma must ager lead the financial
structure by adding, changing and
deleting funding sources and their levels
of contribution, in order to meet the
budgetary requirements of the project.
All financing for new projects must be
confirmed before you begin production.
Therefore, all financial partners will be
assured that you have raised sufficient
funds to complete the project as planned.
Each financial source will contribute funds
to the project in different ways, at different
times, and with different expectations.
The recycling process will use these basic
types of financing depending our project
and founding institutions.
Equity (also known as recoupable
loans): The financier is making an
investment in your project.
Loans (or advances): The financier will
expect you to guarantee repayment of the
funds advanced, usually with interest,
whether or not the project is commercially
successful, based on a negotiated payment
Grants: This is the best kind of money as there is no
expectation of repayment. Generally granting bodies
expect credit and recognition for their financial
Interim financing (or bridge financing): This is
usually provided by banks who loan funds to help with
our cash flow.
Advertising & corporate sponsorships: There is no
expectation of revenue-sharing in the project, but of
course your sponsor or advertiser will require visibility
and will expect to reach their target consumers through
the distribution of your new products.
The start-up expenses, provided by the chief executive manager,
prior to day one of operations will be:-
No Items Amount( in
1 Office furnisher
2 Computer
3 Product hand tools, machines and
380,000 birr

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  • 1.
  • 2. INTRODUCTION Waste is now a global problem, and one that must be addressed in order to solve the world's resource and energy challenges. Plastics are made from limited resources such as petroleum, and huge advances are being made in the development of technologies to recycle plastic waste among other resources. Mechanical recycling methods to make plastic products and feedstock recycling methods that use plastic as a raw material in the chemical industry have been widely adopted, and awareness has also grown recently of the importance of Thermal recycling as a means of using plastics as an energy source to conserve petroleum resources.
  • 3. Japan is pursuing measures to create a recycling- oriented society in order to achieve sustainable development. Since the Basic Law for Promoting the Creation of a Recycling-oriented Society was enacted in 2000, a number of recycling-related laws have been enacted, come into force, and been reviewed and amended. Based on this framework, action to promote the "three Rs" - i.e. reduction and reuse as well as recycling of waste has been stepped up to ensure a more effective use of resources. Meanwhile, the Ministry of the Environment continues to restrict final disposal sites and to direct incineration plants and similar sites that can emit toxins such as dioxins.
  • 4. Now that these are recognized as safe, the basic policy stated in the Waste Disposal Law was amended in May 2005 to say that "first, emission of waste plastic should be reduced, after which recycling should be promoted; any remaining waste plastic should not go to landfill as it is suitable for use in thermal recovery". This means that the former two basic categories of burnable and non-burnable waste are now both classed as "burnable". Later on in May 2004, the Tokyo Metropolitan Waste Management Council delivered a similar response, and finally as of 2008 Tokyo's 23 city wards have started a new sorted collection which aims to reduce plastic waste landfill to zero by using plastics as a raw material or for
  • 5. Then in June 2006 the Container and Packaging Recycling Law was amended to give thermal recycling limited recognition as a form of recycling plastic containers and packaging. The processing of waste plastics has seen huge advances, not only becoming less burdensome on the environment but also socially and economically effective and efficient. In this publication we consider the question of waste from a number of angles and present the very latest data on processing of waste plastic and its use as a raw material. Environmental and waste issues are composed of a great number of factors, which makes a scientific, multifaceted approach essential to their solution. The reader, we hope, will find that "An Introduction to Plastic Recycling" throws light on waste problems and in particular on the issue of plastic waste.
  • 6. BACKGROUND TO THE PROJECT In the days of old, the generation of waste was such that it got naturally recycled biodegradable. After the advent of the industrial revolution, different types of waste, each with its own environmental impacts, have come into existence. Waste has been defined as any product or substance that has no further use or value for the person or organization that owns it, and which is, or will be, discarded. However, what may be discarded by one party may have value to another (Caulfield, 2009). The amount of waste generated, and its actual or potential negative effects on the environment, are matters of concern to governments and
  • 7. This project focused on identifying non metal waste that could make useful products of handmade goods when combined with the valley adding decoration. The waste or scraps of different non metals used were pieces collected from the garbage of the town in Dilla and Dilla zuriya which scraps of no use to their owners. The idea was developed out of the quest to find a way to put back to use the many scraps or wastes that always end up in landfills. Like all wastes, a waste material originates from the community via a number of streams which includes the plastics, textile and clothes manufacturing industry and their consumers.
  • 8. Over the past few years, with the application of plastics used in different goods for environmental and agricultural practices, there have been major developments in the systems used to improve modern production and greenhouses as well as other applications such as bags, children shoots, pin Kush, flower boots, bed light, boot, KG learning media, irrigation networks, shade nets, raffia strings, etc. In 196-255 tons of plastic and other waist raw materials were used to make products for the local sector in Dilla alone. Normally, at the end of their life span, these plastic materials become waste products, and have a considerable impact on the environment, due the problems involved in eliminating them.
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  • 12. Design Description of usage  There are always certain conditions under which a product can be used  safely and  effectively so that the objectives of the design can be achieved.  DESCIPTION OF USAGE
  • 13. OBJECTIVES The general goal of waist to wealth project is to construct and demonstrate a working the plastic and other scraps of materials recycling plant which validates an innovative process, combining the recycling technology with the transformation technology. The specific objectives were: •To eliminate the negative environmental impacts of discarded plastic such as soil contamination, surface and groundwater pollution and the visual impact on the landscape.
  • 14. •To prevent the accumulation of scraps materials specially plastic at rubbish impact on the landscape. •To prevent the accumulation of plastic at rubbish dumps, increase the life cycle and save resources. •To observe with the objectives defined in the Community and Dilla town on waste management. •To ensure that this behavior makes a contribution towards the sustainable development of the industry for job creation in Dilla town. •To contribute to the overall improvement of waste management in order to set priorities for the public and private adoption of environmental actions in favors of sustainability and the efficient use of a material whose waste volume is constantly increasing.
  • 15. OVERALL OBJECTIVES RESULTS TO BE COMEING The project has successfully achieved its objectives: a point plastic recycling plant was constructed and will serve as a means for the construction of other plastic recycling plants that employ the technology in other Ethiopian reigns. The technical and financial viability of an innovative process for solving the problems associated with the disposal of plastic waste has been proved.
  • 16. As part of this project, recycled plastic waste to create products that can reused in the horticultural industry, greenhouse, using new generation technology to ensure that the new products have special properties and are correctly adapted to the particular characteristics of the geographical areas in which they will be used; this is very important in order to ensure that the original properties of the product are maintained for as protracted as possible.
  • 17. The project designed a process that involves treating the raw material to create the final product whilst also transforming the material (single processing). This was the first time this process, which efficiently combines recycling technology with transformation technology, was implemented in DILLA TVET COLLAGE.
  • 18. DESIGN AND THE CONCEPT DEVELOPMENT PROCESS What is design?  design can have many different definitions.  generally, “design” is a process for deliberately creating a product to meet a set of needs.  requires both o engineering design and o product design  Engineering design focuses on physics, such as speed, mass and other performance measures  product design also considers user and consumers by asking what the user wants in a product.
  • 19. OTHER VIEWS OBJECTIVES OF OUR WAIST TO WEALTH PROJECT What does our “sustainability” mean? Sustainability means, first and foremost, that we are building our waist to wealth business in such a way that it will last and that the jobs held by our staff and for others living in Dilla without job will be secure and stable far into the future.
  • 20. * We do not want to be a brand that literally “sells out” to investors’ whims or capitalizes off the latest trends and then fades with passing seasons. In order to create a sustainable business that does not depend on aid money and creates long-term job sustainability for youth and our staff, we focus on creating a diversified range of high-quality products that fit what the market demands, while not relying too heavily on trends.
  • 21. We have also developed several revenue streams in different markets to help ensure consistent sales throughout seasons and mitigating risk that might occur in different markets, rather than putting all our “eggs in one basket.” Secondly, aims to create an environmentally sustainable product, meaning that our products do not create additional harm to the planet, as well as lessening previous impact by using waste created by others.
  • 22. The production of plastics and textiles conventionally creates a negative environmental impact by consuming non-renewable resources. For example, polyester, which accounts for 50 percent of the world’s textiles and is made from petroleum, takes a huge amount of energy to produce and also releases toxins when dumped or incinerated. At tonal, we have carefully designed a process wherein we not only make use of pre-consumer waste created by other garment factories, but also use every single scrap of our own waste in a unique, closed-loop process where design and production are integrated.
  • 23. This means much less water, carbon and chemicals are used and textiles that would have otherwise ended up in a landfill or burn quantity are being turned into beautiful, useful pieces of clothing. In short, by using a more conscious process.
  • 24. WAYS TO INNOVATE  There are three main sources of innovation: o technology, o market and o users. Though in reality, all products are a combination of more than one source
  • 25.  Technology  Innovation can be achieved through a new form of technology,  either by creating or  utilising it.  Inventing a new technology can be slow due to the nature of research and development and  is often a risky process financially. The better option is to think “we have a new technology, what is it good for?”
  • 26.  Market:  Market innovations come from changes in the market. These changes can be changes in demographic trends, such as  aging baby boomers, or changes in competitors. Example = The Galaxy Tablet was invented when Samsung’s competitor, Apple, came out with the iPod. Market innovations.  Market inspired product designs are often based on existing product concepts.
  • 27.  Users:  Product needs can be found by observing an individual. It does not necessarily assume a preexisting concept. While  observation process can require only a few participants, the result may not be representative
  • 28. Zero waste probably seems like an impossible goal for many new brands. How did tonal go about achieving this - was the framework laid out from the start or is it a gradual reduction process? This is not a goal that we aimed to achieve from the beginning but rather came through learning in the recycling process of production. As tonlé’s designer and founder, we had started our previous brand with the aim of creating a business that was both environmentally and socially sustainable.
  • 29. We felt that it was impossible to have one without the other. While looking for the most eco-friendly materials available in Dilla, we began to see the problem of vast amounts of waste generated by the industry. After doing some project we realized that the most eco-friendly goods were not to use new goods at all, but to use the waste that was already being created. As the company grew, we also became disturbed by the amount of our own waste that was being thrown away, leading to our design products using smaller and smaller scraps.
  • 30. OUR PROJECT ON BUSINESS PERSPECTIVE In Ethiopia, there are considerable numbers of urban poor women who don’t earn livelihood due to their constraint to stay at home. At home, they lack relevant skills and resources (both monetary and business development related) to start micro business of their own. Women who stay at home have very few available livelihoods to pursue, e.g. dummy making, stitching, embroidery, bead sequencing, precious stone scrubbing, quilt making etc. Most of these livelihoods require skills and resources to start with. For example, stitching and embroidery require relevant skills and minimum infrastructure to be pursued as livelihood. On other hand, livelihoods which require low level of skills and infrastructure e.g. recycled products, puppet making, vegetable trading and bead sequencing carry very low incomes.
  • 31. UNDERLYING PRINCIPLE There is need for exploration of an alternative livelihood in local areas for women, who are constrained to stay back at home. Such women cannot practice livelihood as a construction worker, domestic help or sweeper as these livelihoods require outdoor activities. The need is for such a livelihood which is flexible enough to be pursued from home, apart from being remunerative enough to be pursued by women for additional income for family. Recently, such a business opportunity cropped up when local Government put a complete ban on use of plastic carry-bags all over the Gedeo zones.
  • 32. A notification declared the entire a “plastic carry-bag- free zone”. The prevention applies to manufacture, storage, import, sale and transport of plastic carry- bags. No shopkeeper, retailer, trader, salesperson or vendor is allowed to supply goods to consumers in these carry-bags. With this legislation, using a plastic bag has become illegal for any use whatever. All of a sudden, with the out flux of plastic bags in the market, there has arisen a business opportunity to introduce a substitute to plastic bag. A cloth bag or paper bag fits well as substitute for plastic bag, with higher preference to cloth bag due to its longer durability.
  • 33. OPTIONS FOR PLASTIC WASTE RECYCLING OF PLASTICS THROUGH ENVIRONMENTALLY Recycling of plastics should be carried in such a manner to minimize the pollution level during the process and as a result to enhance the efficiency of the process and conserve the energy. Plastics recycling technologies have been historically divided into four general types primary, secondary, tertiary and quaternary. Primary recycling involves processing of a waste/scrap into a product with characteristics similar to those of original product.
  • 34. Secondary recycling involves processing of waste/scrap plastics into materials that have characteristics different from those of original plastics product. Tertiary recycling involves the production of basic chemicals and fuels from plastics waste/scrap as part of the municipal waste stream or as a segregated waste. Quaternary recycling retrieves the energy content of waste/scrap plastics by burning/incineration. This process is not in use in Ethiopia.
  • 35. Steps Involved in the Recycling Process Selection The recyclers/preprocessors have to select the waste /scrap which are suitable for recycling /reprocessing. Segregation The plastics waste shall be segregated as per the codes 1-7 mentioned in the BiS guidelines (IS: 14534:1998).
  • 36. Processing After selection and segregation of the pre consumer waste (factory waste) shall be directly recycled. The post consumer waste (used plastic waste) shall be washed, shredded, agglomerated, extruded and granulated Special Note: “All medical plastics waste and pickings of toxic contents such as pesticides, Insecticides shall be segregated separately and may be processed through Plasma Paralysis Technology (PPT)”
  • 37. VALUE CHAIN The value chain starts with collection of scrap. Scrap of materials may be sourced from factories in Dilla, chefe, wenago, gedeb etc. It can also be sourced from other factories in city and outskirts. There are NGOs like ‘balaya, pin, which source ‘used’ bed sheets sourced from households for cloth bag manufacturing. At a few NGOs, / scrap is sourced from scrap market.
  • 38. LIFE GENPLAST - INTEGRATED RECYCLING PLANT FOR AGRICULTURAL PLASTICS Project Indicators Title Plastic bottles recycling project; clean environment healthy living Goal / Objective  Collect and recycle the plastic bottles people were throwing away after operation fen dune.  Minimize the impact of plastic bottles on the environment. Duration Start Date 13th December 2023 End Date 20th December 2023 Duration 1 week Contact hours 70*100 7000 hours Number of volunteers involved Scouts 68 Non Scouts 2 Total 70
  • 39. After the fire at the distribution center on 4th of December 2023 a large amount of water bottles were distributed to the peoples of Dilla’ to minimize damage caused by the shortage of water. After the problem was fixed and clean water was distributed to the homes of Dilla a large number of plastic bottles distributed during the crisis were being dumped as trash. Due to the potential risk to the environment caused by these bottles the scout association of staffs along with the scout groups of male’ organized a water bottle collection project to reduce these effects.
  • 40. This project was registered as a community scout environment project and an earth hour beyond the hour event. Scouts who were taking part in this event were distributed into groups and were sent to different areas of the city. These collection points are: Collection Stations Dilla university Social Center Hotels Media Council Carnival Stadium School Parking Zone KG School Collages
  • 41. Scouts started the project on 13th December 2023. Scouts who were participating in the project reported to the coordination center. After the arrival of participants they were divided in to patrols and sent to the collection points. When we arrived to the collection points a large number of dustbin bags were placed there. After the arrival of scouts to the collection points people from nearby houses came to the points with bags full of plastic bottles. Other people requested the scouts to come to their places to take the bottles they have.
  • 42. Due to these requests a door to door collection program was started to collect bottles from people who found it difficult to bring the bottles to the collection points. Since a large number of people requested scouts to come to their houses and collect the bottles they have, a hotline was created for this purpose. When people called to this staffs leaders and rovers went to the houses to collect the bottles from there. After the first hour of collection we had collected more than 2000 bottles. Scouts finished work at collection points.
  • 43. THE VISION Generally plastics are already one of the most common parts of the waste stream bottles, plastics bag, containers, product wraps and other plastics materials can be recovered and recycled. Our vision is to build a waste processing company which in those early days ensured the carful processing of valuable resources. We are continually seeking to utilize latest technologies in breaking down industry barriers. Our new comer teams able to recover the value in waste materials that others just aren’t able find.
  • 44. Waste to wealth thinking outside the box, getting creative, and getting the job done in a way that benefits every ones bottom line, creating sustainable businesses and sustainable environment. The Vision of this project also will be to investigate the usability of recycling waste materials which were produced by evaluating scraps.
  • 45. Those projects also maintain to the zeros consumption of waste as well as micro and small enterprises to be profitable and income generate using a minimum startup capital. To create home production work opportunity for house wife’s. To protect environmental pollution of scraps in local tailors and apparel garment industries.
  • 46. MARKETANALYSIS Description of the market The major ways to segment our market are: - Geographical segmentation such as area/town, type of customers, size of total market, description of competitors, market share for the new business, etc. As we have conducted a market survey, we have identified a high demand for our product in Dilla, other towns in Ethiopia. From our survey, we conclude that we have no strong competitors yet in the market especially in the local market.
  • 47. ORGANIZATION, SAFFING and ETHICAL CONSIDERATIONS STAFFING No Specific Qualification Quantity Remark 1 manager 1 2 Engineer 1 3 On a daily basis workers 10
  • 48. Ethical Considerations The overall process will be carried out in line with the following ethical grounds: •Objectivity, balance, empathy and humanity are key values; •The need to give sufficient information to all participants about the task (who it is for, its topic, objective, methodology, actual & potential benefits); •The need to respect privacy, cultures, knowledge and customs in the project; but ultimate objectives are not negotiable. •The need to be gender sensitive, and avoid raising any unrealistic expectation; •The need to respect the privacy and the confidentiality of the information provided by story tellers, experts and influential decision makers.
  • 49. BUDGETING OR FINANICIAL STRUCTURE AND START UP FINACING BUDGETING OR FINANICIAL STRUCTURE The budget total is equal to the amount of funding which must be raised from the various funding sources listed in the financial structure. Financial structures are simply lists of all the potential funding sources for which your project qualifies and the amounts of money they could reasonably be expected to contribute to the financing of your project. The financial structure of each project will be flexible until all financing is confirmed. It begins with a "wish list" - the ideal financing partners.
  • 50. As some financing sources are confirmed and others decline to support the project, the ma must ager lead the financial structure by adding, changing and deleting funding sources and their levels of contribution, in order to meet the budgetary requirements of the project. All financing for new projects must be confirmed before you begin production.
  • 51. Therefore, all financial partners will be assured that you have raised sufficient funds to complete the project as planned. Each financial source will contribute funds to the project in different ways, at different times, and with different expectations. The recycling process will use these basic types of financing depending our project and founding institutions.
  • 52. Equity (also known as recoupable loans): The financier is making an investment in your project. Loans (or advances): The financier will expect you to guarantee repayment of the funds advanced, usually with interest, whether or not the project is commercially successful, based on a negotiated payment schedule.
  • 53. Grants: This is the best kind of money as there is no expectation of repayment. Generally granting bodies expect credit and recognition for their financial contributions. Interim financing (or bridge financing): This is usually provided by banks who loan funds to help with our cash flow. Advertising & corporate sponsorships: There is no expectation of revenue-sharing in the project, but of course your sponsor or advertiser will require visibility and will expect to reach their target consumers through the distribution of your new products.
  • 54. START-UP EXPENSES The start-up expenses, provided by the chief executive manager, prior to day one of operations will be:- No Items Amount( in Birr) Remark 1 Office furnisher 100,000 2 Computer 80000 3 Product hand tools, machines and equipments 200000 Total 380,000 birr