cloudstack cloud computing docker buildacloud cloud iaas kubernetes open source big data container apache libcloud api python application programming interface sdn serverless mesos apache cloudstack kvm xen nicira ceph bigdata cli amazon elastic compute cloud standards hadoop openflow aws object store security lambda kubecon machine swarm compose composition orchestration clustering cern world tour public clouds coreos abstraction riakcs spark apache software foundation trends and adoption map-reduce committer community contributing opensource image management use cases usharesoft billing continuous integration apache foundation build and test metering apalia ikoula opendaylight openstack open networking foundation quantum neutron opennebula devops linuxtag configuration management hack saltstack java clients python clients jclouds whirr deltacloud network overlay virtual networks glusterfs hypervisor paas saas gsoc summer of code google students hdfs sandbox git version control languages translation transifex java vendor lock-in international organization for standardization ogf $100k openvswitch s3 configuration ec2 cloud platform grid
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