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Gut Health
Why does my stomach
Our seeds have changed
Genetic Transfers
 In the mid-1970’s, it was discovered that Scientists
could transfer genes from the DNA of one species
in to another. Plants, animals, and other organisms,
including parasites, fungus, bacteria and virus,
could become equipped with new traits through
genetic recombination they could never acquire
naturally and exhibit traits not previously found in
their species or kingdom.
Corporate wars for food control
 The new report investigates how the current
seed patent regime has led to a radical shift to
consolidation and control of global seed
supply and how these patents have abetted
corporations, such as Monsanto, to sue U.S.
farmers for alleged seed patent infringement.
 Since patenting crops, lawsuits protecting
corporations have skyrocketed, causing many
small farmers to loose their farms
Control = monopolies
 As of January 2013, Monsanto, alleging seed patent infringement,
had filed 144 lawsuits involving 410 farmers and 56 small farm
businesses in at least 27 different states.
 Today, three corporations control 53 percent of the global
commercial seed market.
 Seed consolidation has led to market control resulting in dramatic
increases in the price of seeds. From 1995-2011, the average cost to
plant one acre of soybeans has risen 325 percent; for cotton prices
spiked 516 percent and corn seed prices are up by 259 percent.
Seed Giants vs. U.S. Farmers reports a
precipitous drop in seed diversity that
has been cultivated for millennia. As
the report notes: 86% of corn, 88% of
cotton, and 93% of soybeans farmed in
the U.S. are now genetically-
engineered (GE) varieties, making the
option of farming non-GE crops
increasingly difficult.
While agrichemical corporations also claim
that their patented seeds are leading to
environmental improvements, the report
notes that upward of 26 percent more
chemicals per acre were used on GE crops
than on non-GE crops, according to USDA
Lets Look At The History
• Americans get sick more often than any
other industrialized country and are getting
sicker. 63% now with a chronic illness
• Since the mid 1990’s the number of people
that are suffering with 3 or more chronic
illness and today have nearly doubled.
• Infant mortality and life spans have
plunged. ICD-9 is replaced with ICD-10
• Over the last 20 years we are seeing chronic
illness that aren't normal.
Chemicals in Food
Further, in response to an epidemic of weed
resistance to glyphosate, the primary
herbicide used on GE crops, Dow
AgroSciences is seeking USDA approval of
“next generation” corn and soybeans resistant
to 2,4-D, an active ingredient in Agent
Orange. Monsanto is seeking approval for
GE dicamba-resistant soybeans, corn, and
Howdoes the Intestinalenvironment
affectour health?
• There is an estimated 60-
80% of your entire immune
cells that line the gut are
associated with the
lymphoid tissue. 70% of
your antibodies comes
from this tissue.
• The gut can be irritated by
too much or too little of
Dr Michael Marsh
• The ‘Godfather’ of celiac disease and
Gluten-related disorders
• Published a groundbreaking paper in
Gastroenterology in 1992
• Exploring the pathology of celiac disease
• The causes of intestinal permeability
• Genetics and celiac disease
• Immune function of the
intestinal mucosa
Dr Michael Marsh
• GMO Food is increasing the incidence of
Celiac and related abdominal disease
• Gluten proteins are increasing the
incidence of Celiac and related abdominal
• BT Toxins are causing leaky gut and
increasing the incidence of Celiac and
related abdominal disease
Effects of 2 4 D on animals
• Dogs fed 2,4-D exhibited myotonia, vomiting, and weakness;
dogs are more sensitive to chlorophenoxy acid herbicides
• than other animals.14 In addition, dogs and cats have
displayed inappetance, anorexia, ataxia, salivation, diarrhea,
• and convulsions following exposure to 2,4-D, which may
include eating treated grass15 although the potential for this
• unclear.16 Rats demonstrated incoordination, central nervous
system depression and muscular weakness following acute
• oral dosing.3,17 Biochemical analysis of rat tissues suggested
hepatic and muscle damage following acute, subchronic, and
• chronic oral exposures.
Dicamba Resistant Plants
• Dicamba is an older, more toxic herbicide, which
is similar in structure and mode to 2,4-D, a major
component of Agent Orange. It is highly soluble
in water and very mobile so carries a large
groundwater contamination risk. Dicamba is also
very volatile and can drift for miles. Such
volatilization has caused millions of dollars in
damages to growers who have suffered crop
losses due to herbicide drift onto their farms.
• In March 2001, the Center for Disease Control reported “this
food is responsible for twice the number of illness in the U.S.
compared to estimates just seven years earlier.”
• The rise correlates to the time when Americans have been
eating GM food for 5 years.
• When soy was introduced to the UK, soon soy allergies
skyrocketed 50 percent.
• GMO Corn & Roundup Cause Cancer
• These plants have been modified in laboratories to
enhance desired traits, and to increase resistance to
herbicides, drought tolerance, and disease resistance.
• The FDA has approved production of GM foods.2
• The main crops, soybeans, wheat, and corn are in
hundreds of different foods from vegetable oils and high
fructose corn syrup to supplements and food additives.
Whyshouldyoube concernedabout
• Pesticides are toxic by design
• They are created to kill living organisms-insects, plants, and fungi that are
considered “pests.” Many pesticides pose health dangers to people. These
risks have been confirmed by independent research scientists and physicians
across the world.
• The U.S. and international government agencies have reported that different
pesticides have been linked to a variety of health problem, which are:
• Brain and nervous system toxicity (Increases in neural tissue disease i.e. Alsheimers)
• Cancer
• Hormone disruption including infertility
• Skin, eye and lung irritation (Ashma, COPD allergies)
What’s Happening to Wheat?
• Wheat is selectively bred to bring out certain traits.1
• What happens is that you have certain traits that you want to
produce in wheat.2
• The farmers and the bakers will then pick the best traits and
mix and match them and cross them in hopes to get a wheat
that has the best of both worlds. So the breads are lighter,
they rise more and the muffins are lighter and they use less to
make them.
Round- Up Ready Crops
• Monsanto wants to introduce genetically engineered Round-
Up ready wheat that will be engineered not to die when
sprayed with Round-up herbicide.
• There’s already Round-up ready crops
• Soy
• Corn
• Cotton
• sugar beets
• Alfalfa
Two major categories of GMOs
• Ones that are designed to be sprayed with
herbicide like round-up ready
• The other one are designed to produce
their own toxic insecticide-which kills bugs
by breaking open their stomachs and kills
them and its called Bt toxin.
• Bt toxin comes from the soil bacteria
(Bacillus thuringiensis) The gene is taken
out of the bacterium that normally is used
to spray in a natural bacteriocide , by
organic farmers, where it washes off and
biodegrades. But it kills certain insects
while its active. Then the gene is taken and
put into corn and cotton plants so the
plants become registered pesticides, and
the plants do the killing.
• Bt toxin is in every cell of the plant.
• In the Journal of Applied Toxicology in 2012 they reported
that the biotech industry and the Environmental Protection
Agency said that the Bt toxin was safe for humans and
mammals and that it would only interact with insects. This
was overturned when they took the Bt toxin out of the
genetically modified corn plant and applied it to human
cells. The result was it poked holes in the human cells
causing a leaky gut.
Bt toxin and Babies
• Doctors from Sherbrook University Hospital took blood from
pregnant women and non pregnant women. Who consumed
food with BT toxin genetic material.
• Their result concluded this:
• They found Bt toxin in the blood of 93% of the pregnant
women tested. Two-thirds was in the non-pregnant women.
• Bt Toxin was found in the cord blood of an unborn baby.
GMOs and the Intestine & what
does that mean?
• Intestinal permeability may increase by Bt toxin that pokes
holes in human cells.
• There was a study done of one of the only human studies ever
done with GMOs found that genes can transfer from a
genetically modified crop in to the DNA of gut bacteria and it
might continue to function.
• If you eat a corn chip that is made from corn that produces
this Bt toxin, it has the gene that produces the toxin in the
corn. If that gene ends up in your gut bacteria, transferring
into gut bacteria that live inside your intestines, and if it
continues to function once its there, its now producing the Bt
toxin 24/7.
• This may explain why 93% of pregnant women’s blood had Bt
toxin in their blood.
• Monsanto’s most popular weed killer
• Round up ready crops produced by Monsanto in the seed form.
• Active ingredient is glyphosate, which is an antibiotic. It’s a broad
spectrum antibiotic. It kills the beneficial gut bacteria, but not the E.
coli, salmonella, and botulism bacteria.
• In poultry and cows, it creates a big disbyiosis, a big imbalance in the
• Roundup is being blamed for this epidemic of botulism, because it is
found everywhere. But, usually controlled. Meaning, the botulism is
killing off the good bacteria that helps protect your intestines. So
when you kill the good bacteria you end up with an overgrowth of
botulism and the Bt toxin which is related to death in cows and
sudden death syndrome.
• The end result is you have a gut bacteria overgrowth, of negative gut
bacteria, and that is related to celiac and gluten sensitivity and
creates the leaky gut syndrome.
• One is causing the problem with the gut bacteria. Gut bacteria
are involved with digestion, they convert things into
assimilable levels and produce vitamin K.
• An example of this is, butyrate. This is the fuel for the cells in
our intestines to build new cells, the fastest growing cells in
your body and the inside lining of the intestines. Its like the
snake of a skin. Every three to seven days you have a new
lining to the cells of your intestines. And butyrate is the fuel
that builds those cells, which is produced by the action of the
good bacteria on vegetable fiber.
• If your body doesn't have enough of the good bacteria, you
don’t produce butyrate and then your cells aren't reproducing
good strong cells. It’s like your house is built out of straw
instead of bricks.
• Your risk of colon cancer is at a higher risk. Studies have
shown that low butyrate levels are associated with the
development of colon cancer.
Studies Done on Mice
• Mice that were fed genetically
modified soybeans for eight months
showed damage to their testicle cells,
their pancreatic cells, and their liver
• The pancreas was producing a
reduction of enzymes-starch-reduction
producing enzymes, alpha-amylase by
as much as 77% in two-month old
• Reduced the digestive enzymes that
digest protein, the zymogen granules.
This means that proteins are being left
in the body loner than normal because
they are not being digested by the
protease or the protein-digesting
• They tried to hide this data:
• In their own soy beans there was as much as a seven fold increase in
trypsin inhibitor. Trypsin is important in digestion.
• So having seven folds increase in something inhibits trypsin and you can
interfere with the digestive capability of the intestines.
• Less able to digest proteins. That s like leaving a steak out on the table for
three days.
• Causes gas and bloating. When your gas has a smell to it, that means
proteins aren't being broken down and they are putrefying. Your body
isn't digesting and breaking down efficiently so we don’t get the building
blocks absorbed to rebuild our own muscles and bones.
GMO-Free DietsFor Gastrointestinal
• IBS went away
• Crohn’s disease symptoms went away
• No diarrhea
• No constipation
• No stomach aches
• No bloating or gas
The American Academy of
Environmental Medicine…
• They found in the labs of animals that were fed GMOs they
had gastrointestinal disorders. When they were taken off of
GMOs diarrhea disappeared in 2 days, ulcers were
disappearing, their immune system strengthened.
• The body wants to heal so we have to stop throwing the
irritant into it.
Allergies in the U.S
• Food allergies have skyrocketed since the introduction of
• When you have intestinal permeability caused by exposure to
gluten, you get gaps in the intestinal wall. And then you get
larger molecules called macromolecules getting into the blood
stream before there's been enough time for them to be
digested and broken down into small molecules.
• The immune system doesn't’t recognize this and wants to
fight it off thinking that its not good for you and starts making
antibodies to tomatoes, bananas, avocados and beef and now
GMO foods.
Roundup and Vitamin and
Mineral Absorption
• Glyphosate was originally patented as a broad-spectrum
chelator, meaning that it binds with trace minerals making
them unavailable for digestion and assimilation.
• Food that is sprayed with roundup is nutrient deficient. It is
blocking certain nutrients to being able to absorb into our
bodies. For example, calcium, vitamin B12, manganese, which
is important for allergies and reproduction magnesium.
• Even though you are taking your vitamins and minerals, you
may be compromising the ability to use them by eating GMO
• Choose organic non-GMO foods, vegetables and fruits to
optimize absorption of vitamins and minerals.
• Glyphosate kills the beneficial gut bacteria, which is drenched
in GMO foods.
• The active ingredient in roundup
• Sprayed on grains before harvest: wheat, barley, rye, and
• Fruits, and vegetables are sprayed also.
• Glyphosate dries down the crops to make harvest easy and
more uniform. And penetrates into the food portion of the
Roundupas a HormoneDisrupter
• It affects the endocrine system
• Aromatase, the basis for estrogen and testosterone gets
disrupted through the glyphosate in the roundup.
• The affects that the animals that were fed roundup crops were
the females had more testosterone and the males had more
estrogen. It was an inverse, males were feminizing and
females virlizing.
• When people where put onto a gluten free diet their hormone
levels leveled out.
• Dr. Emily Linder said, “ based on her clinical experience,
when she removes genetically modified foods as part as
the treatment from gluten sensitivity, recover is faster
and more complete.” She has seen autistic children get
better, allergies disappeared, children that had violent
tempers no longer were a threat. She believes that
genetically engineered organisms in our diet contribute
to the rise of gluten sensitivity in the U.S. population.
Films to watch about GMO
• 1. Dirt: The Movie (2009)
• A funny, thoughtful, and, um grounded look at the fundamental
ingredient vital to everything that feeds us.
• 2. Food Fight (2008)
• An amusing account of modern American ag policy and food culture
that sprouted a counter-revolution among veggie-obsessed Californians.
• 3. Food, Inc. (2008)
• The rock stars of the ethical eating movement — Michael Pollan and Eric
Schlosser — weigh in on all that is wrong in America’s industrialized
food system. Methinks my son summed up this film best: “Sometimes
the scariest films are the ones that are real.”
• 4. Fresh (2009)
• Down with the corporate behemoths of the American food economy
who threaten the country’s food security, livelihood of small farmers,
and our choices as consumers. This documentary features fresh thinking
from urban farming activist Will Allen and sustainable farmer Joel
Films to watch about GMO
• 5. Killer at Large (2008)This film tackles the giant-sized topic of
America’s obesity epidemic with talking heads and the story of a 12-
year-old who undergoes liposuction.
• 6. King Corn (2007)Two friends head to the heartland to learn a
thing or two about how food is farmed and where food comes from.
• 7. Super Size Me (2004)Cult classic with Morgan Spurlock eating his
way to bad health on a month’s worth of Maccas. Required viewing
for fast food fans.
• 8. The Garden (2008)A group of mostly working class, Latino South
Central Farmers fought the good fight — and they’re still at it — for
the basic human need to grow food, in this Academy Award
nominated film.
• 9. The Future of Food (2004)Deborah Koons Garcia reveals the
unappetizing truth about genetically modified foods: Do
youreally know what you’re dishing up for dinner?

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Gut health - Improving digestion and absorption of food

  • 1. Gut Health Why does my stomach hurt?
  • 3. Our seeds have changed
  • 4. Genetic Transfers  In the mid-1970’s, it was discovered that Scientists could transfer genes from the DNA of one species in to another. Plants, animals, and other organisms, including parasites, fungus, bacteria and virus, could become equipped with new traits through genetic recombination they could never acquire naturally and exhibit traits not previously found in their species or kingdom.
  • 5. Corporate wars for food control  The new report investigates how the current seed patent regime has led to a radical shift to consolidation and control of global seed supply and how these patents have abetted corporations, such as Monsanto, to sue U.S. farmers for alleged seed patent infringement.  Since patenting crops, lawsuits protecting corporations have skyrocketed, causing many small farmers to loose their farms
  • 6. Control = monopolies  As of January 2013, Monsanto, alleging seed patent infringement, had filed 144 lawsuits involving 410 farmers and 56 small farm businesses in at least 27 different states.  Today, three corporations control 53 percent of the global commercial seed market.  Seed consolidation has led to market control resulting in dramatic increases in the price of seeds. From 1995-2011, the average cost to plant one acre of soybeans has risen 325 percent; for cotton prices spiked 516 percent and corn seed prices are up by 259 percent.
  • 7. Seed Giants vs. U.S. Farmers reports a precipitous drop in seed diversity that has been cultivated for millennia. As the report notes: 86% of corn, 88% of cotton, and 93% of soybeans farmed in the U.S. are now genetically- engineered (GE) varieties, making the option of farming non-GE crops increasingly difficult.
  • 8. While agrichemical corporations also claim that their patented seeds are leading to environmental improvements, the report notes that upward of 26 percent more chemicals per acre were used on GE crops than on non-GE crops, according to USDA data
  • 9. Lets Look At The History • Americans get sick more often than any other industrialized country and are getting sicker. 63% now with a chronic illness • Since the mid 1990’s the number of people that are suffering with 3 or more chronic illness and today have nearly doubled. • Infant mortality and life spans have plunged. ICD-9 is replaced with ICD-10 • Over the last 20 years we are seeing chronic illness that aren't normal.
  • 10. Chemicals in Food Further, in response to an epidemic of weed resistance to glyphosate, the primary herbicide used on GE crops, Dow AgroSciences is seeking USDA approval of “next generation” corn and soybeans resistant to 2,4-D, an active ingredient in Agent Orange. Monsanto is seeking approval for GE dicamba-resistant soybeans, corn, and
  • 11. Howdoes the Intestinalenvironment affectour health? • There is an estimated 60- 80% of your entire immune cells that line the gut are associated with the lymphoid tissue. 70% of your antibodies comes from this tissue. • The gut can be irritated by too much or too little of something.
  • 12. Dr Michael Marsh • The ‘Godfather’ of celiac disease and Gluten-related disorders • Published a groundbreaking paper in Gastroenterology in 1992 • Exploring the pathology of celiac disease • The causes of intestinal permeability • Genetics and celiac disease • Immune function of the intestinal mucosa
  • 13. Dr Michael Marsh • GMO Food is increasing the incidence of Celiac and related abdominal disease • Gluten proteins are increasing the incidence of Celiac and related abdominal diseases • BT Toxins are causing leaky gut and increasing the incidence of Celiac and related abdominal disease
  • 14. Effects of 2 4 D on animals • Dogs fed 2,4-D exhibited myotonia, vomiting, and weakness; dogs are more sensitive to chlorophenoxy acid herbicides • than other animals.14 In addition, dogs and cats have displayed inappetance, anorexia, ataxia, salivation, diarrhea, lethargy, • and convulsions following exposure to 2,4-D, which may include eating treated grass15 although the potential for this is • unclear.16 Rats demonstrated incoordination, central nervous system depression and muscular weakness following acute • oral dosing.3,17 Biochemical analysis of rat tissues suggested hepatic and muscle damage following acute, subchronic, and • chronic oral exposures.
  • 15. Dicamba Resistant Plants • Dicamba is an older, more toxic herbicide, which is similar in structure and mode to 2,4-D, a major component of Agent Orange. It is highly soluble in water and very mobile so carries a large groundwater contamination risk. Dicamba is also very volatile and can drift for miles. Such volatilization has caused millions of dollars in damages to growers who have suffered crop losses due to herbicide drift onto their farms.
  • 16. WhatindicationsthatthereareGMfoodsthatare causingproblems? • In March 2001, the Center for Disease Control reported “this food is responsible for twice the number of illness in the U.S. compared to estimates just seven years earlier.” • The rise correlates to the time when Americans have been eating GM food for 5 years. • When soy was introduced to the UK, soon soy allergies skyrocketed 50 percent.
  • 17. • GMO Corn & Roundup Cause Cancer
  • 18. GMO’s • These plants have been modified in laboratories to enhance desired traits, and to increase resistance to herbicides, drought tolerance, and disease resistance. • The FDA has approved production of GM foods.2 • The main crops, soybeans, wheat, and corn are in hundreds of different foods from vegetable oils and high fructose corn syrup to supplements and food additives.
  • 20. Whyshouldyoube concernedabout pesticides? • Pesticides are toxic by design • They are created to kill living organisms-insects, plants, and fungi that are considered “pests.” Many pesticides pose health dangers to people. These risks have been confirmed by independent research scientists and physicians across the world. • The U.S. and international government agencies have reported that different pesticides have been linked to a variety of health problem, which are: • Brain and nervous system toxicity (Increases in neural tissue disease i.e. Alsheimers) • Cancer • Hormone disruption including infertility • Skin, eye and lung irritation (Ashma, COPD allergies)
  • 21. What’s Happening to Wheat? • Wheat is selectively bred to bring out certain traits.1 • What happens is that you have certain traits that you want to produce in wheat.2 • The farmers and the bakers will then pick the best traits and mix and match them and cross them in hopes to get a wheat that has the best of both worlds. So the breads are lighter, they rise more and the muffins are lighter and they use less to make them.
  • 22. Round- Up Ready Crops • Monsanto wants to introduce genetically engineered Round- Up ready wheat that will be engineered not to die when sprayed with Round-up herbicide. • There’s already Round-up ready crops • Soy • Corn • Cotton • sugar beets • Alfalfa
  • 23. Two major categories of GMOs • Ones that are designed to be sprayed with herbicide like round-up ready • The other one are designed to produce their own toxic insecticide-which kills bugs by breaking open their stomachs and kills them and its called Bt toxin. • Bt toxin comes from the soil bacteria (Bacillus thuringiensis) The gene is taken out of the bacterium that normally is used to spray in a natural bacteriocide , by organic farmers, where it washes off and biodegrades. But it kills certain insects while its active. Then the gene is taken and put into corn and cotton plants so the plants become registered pesticides, and the plants do the killing. • Bt toxin is in every cell of the plant.
  • 24. • In the Journal of Applied Toxicology in 2012 they reported that the biotech industry and the Environmental Protection Agency said that the Bt toxin was safe for humans and mammals and that it would only interact with insects. This was overturned when they took the Bt toxin out of the genetically modified corn plant and applied it to human cells. The result was it poked holes in the human cells causing a leaky gut.
  • 25. Bt toxin and Babies • Doctors from Sherbrook University Hospital took blood from pregnant women and non pregnant women. Who consumed food with BT toxin genetic material. • Their result concluded this: • They found Bt toxin in the blood of 93% of the pregnant women tested. Two-thirds was in the non-pregnant women. • Bt Toxin was found in the cord blood of an unborn baby.
  • 26. GMOs and the Intestine & what does that mean? • Intestinal permeability may increase by Bt toxin that pokes holes in human cells. • There was a study done of one of the only human studies ever done with GMOs found that genes can transfer from a genetically modified crop in to the DNA of gut bacteria and it might continue to function. • If you eat a corn chip that is made from corn that produces this Bt toxin, it has the gene that produces the toxin in the corn. If that gene ends up in your gut bacteria, transferring into gut bacteria that live inside your intestines, and if it continues to function once its there, its now producing the Bt toxin 24/7. • This may explain why 93% of pregnant women’s blood had Bt toxin in their blood.
  • 27. Roundup • Monsanto’s most popular weed killer • Round up ready crops produced by Monsanto in the seed form. • Active ingredient is glyphosate, which is an antibiotic. It’s a broad spectrum antibiotic. It kills the beneficial gut bacteria, but not the E. coli, salmonella, and botulism bacteria. • In poultry and cows, it creates a big disbyiosis, a big imbalance in the bacteria. • Roundup is being blamed for this epidemic of botulism, because it is found everywhere. But, usually controlled. Meaning, the botulism is killing off the good bacteria that helps protect your intestines. So when you kill the good bacteria you end up with an overgrowth of botulism and the Bt toxin which is related to death in cows and sudden death syndrome. • The end result is you have a gut bacteria overgrowth, of negative gut bacteria, and that is related to celiac and gluten sensitivity and creates the leaky gut syndrome.
  • 28. HowdoesGMOsreducethecapacityfordigestion? • One is causing the problem with the gut bacteria. Gut bacteria are involved with digestion, they convert things into assimilable levels and produce vitamin K. • An example of this is, butyrate. This is the fuel for the cells in our intestines to build new cells, the fastest growing cells in your body and the inside lining of the intestines. Its like the snake of a skin. Every three to seven days you have a new lining to the cells of your intestines. And butyrate is the fuel that builds those cells, which is produced by the action of the good bacteria on vegetable fiber. • If your body doesn't have enough of the good bacteria, you don’t produce butyrate and then your cells aren't reproducing good strong cells. It’s like your house is built out of straw instead of bricks. • Your risk of colon cancer is at a higher risk. Studies have shown that low butyrate levels are associated with the development of colon cancer.
  • 29. Studies Done on Mice • Mice that were fed genetically modified soybeans for eight months showed damage to their testicle cells, their pancreatic cells, and their liver cells. • The pancreas was producing a reduction of enzymes-starch-reduction producing enzymes, alpha-amylase by as much as 77% in two-month old mice. • Reduced the digestive enzymes that digest protein, the zymogen granules. This means that proteins are being left in the body loner than normal because they are not being digested by the protease or the protein-digesting enzymes.
  • 30. Monsanto'sSoybeanStudy • They tried to hide this data: • In their own soy beans there was as much as a seven fold increase in trypsin inhibitor. Trypsin is important in digestion. • So having seven folds increase in something inhibits trypsin and you can interfere with the digestive capability of the intestines. • Less able to digest proteins. That s like leaving a steak out on the table for three days. • Causes gas and bloating. When your gas has a smell to it, that means proteins aren't being broken down and they are putrefying. Your body isn't digesting and breaking down efficiently so we don’t get the building blocks absorbed to rebuild our own muscles and bones.
  • 31. GMO-Free DietsFor Gastrointestinal Disorders • IBS went away • Crohn’s disease symptoms went away • No diarrhea • No constipation • No stomach aches • No bloating or gas
  • 32. The American Academy of Environmental Medicine… • They found in the labs of animals that were fed GMOs they had gastrointestinal disorders. When they were taken off of GMOs diarrhea disappeared in 2 days, ulcers were disappearing, their immune system strengthened. • The body wants to heal so we have to stop throwing the irritant into it.
  • 33. Allergies in the U.S • Food allergies have skyrocketed since the introduction of GMOs. • When you have intestinal permeability caused by exposure to gluten, you get gaps in the intestinal wall. And then you get larger molecules called macromolecules getting into the blood stream before there's been enough time for them to be digested and broken down into small molecules. • The immune system doesn't’t recognize this and wants to fight it off thinking that its not good for you and starts making antibodies to tomatoes, bananas, avocados and beef and now GMO foods.
  • 34. Roundup and Vitamin and Mineral Absorption • Glyphosate was originally patented as a broad-spectrum chelator, meaning that it binds with trace minerals making them unavailable for digestion and assimilation. • Food that is sprayed with roundup is nutrient deficient. It is blocking certain nutrients to being able to absorb into our bodies. For example, calcium, vitamin B12, manganese, which is important for allergies and reproduction magnesium. • Even though you are taking your vitamins and minerals, you may be compromising the ability to use them by eating GMO foods. • Choose organic non-GMO foods, vegetables and fruits to optimize absorption of vitamins and minerals.
  • 35. WouldYouLikeGlyphosateWithThat? • Glyphosate kills the beneficial gut bacteria, which is drenched in GMO foods. • The active ingredient in roundup • Sprayed on grains before harvest: wheat, barley, rye, and lentils • Fruits, and vegetables are sprayed also. • Glyphosate dries down the crops to make harvest easy and more uniform. And penetrates into the food portion of the crop.
  • 36. Roundupas a HormoneDisrupter • It affects the endocrine system • Aromatase, the basis for estrogen and testosterone gets disrupted through the glyphosate in the roundup. • The affects that the animals that were fed roundup crops were the females had more testosterone and the males had more estrogen. It was an inverse, males were feminizing and females virlizing. • When people where put onto a gluten free diet their hormone levels leveled out.
  • 37. • Dr. Emily Linder said, “ based on her clinical experience, when she removes genetically modified foods as part as the treatment from gluten sensitivity, recover is faster and more complete.” She has seen autistic children get better, allergies disappeared, children that had violent tempers no longer were a threat. She believes that genetically engineered organisms in our diet contribute to the rise of gluten sensitivity in the U.S. population.
  • 38. Films to watch about GMO • 1. Dirt: The Movie (2009) • A funny, thoughtful, and, um grounded look at the fundamental ingredient vital to everything that feeds us. • 2. Food Fight (2008) • An amusing account of modern American ag policy and food culture that sprouted a counter-revolution among veggie-obsessed Californians. • 3. Food, Inc. (2008) • The rock stars of the ethical eating movement — Michael Pollan and Eric Schlosser — weigh in on all that is wrong in America’s industrialized food system. Methinks my son summed up this film best: “Sometimes the scariest films are the ones that are real.” • 4. Fresh (2009) • Down with the corporate behemoths of the American food economy who threaten the country’s food security, livelihood of small farmers, and our choices as consumers. This documentary features fresh thinking from urban farming activist Will Allen and sustainable farmer Joel Salatin.
  • 39. Films to watch about GMO • 5. Killer at Large (2008)This film tackles the giant-sized topic of America’s obesity epidemic with talking heads and the story of a 12- year-old who undergoes liposuction. • 6. King Corn (2007)Two friends head to the heartland to learn a thing or two about how food is farmed and where food comes from. • 7. Super Size Me (2004)Cult classic with Morgan Spurlock eating his way to bad health on a month’s worth of Maccas. Required viewing for fast food fans. • 8. The Garden (2008)A group of mostly working class, Latino South Central Farmers fought the good fight — and they’re still at it — for the basic human need to grow food, in this Academy Award nominated film. • 9. The Future of Food (2004)Deborah Koons Garcia reveals the unappetizing truth about genetically modified foods: Do youreally know what you’re dishing up for dinner?