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Olympic Values:
Respect       Friendship    Excellence
Paralympic Values:
Equality   Inspiration   Determination   Courage
T orch Re lay
‱ T h e F lam e d e live re d f rom
  Gre e ce to th e h ost country
 wh e re it is transf e rre d f rom
 one T orch b e are r to anoth e r
  spre ad ing th e m e s sage of :
            ‱ pe ace
            ‱ unity
         ‱ f rie nd sh ip
F acts

T h e torch will b e carrie d th rough ove r
1 ,000 citie s , towns and village s in th e U K.

T h e torch will b e carrie d b y 8,000 truly
ins pirational pe ople f rom acros s th e U K.

T h e f lam e e nd s its journe y as th e las t
T orch b e are r ligh ts th e Cauld ron at th e
O pe ning Ce re m ony in th e O lym pic S tad ium ,
m ark ing th e of f icial s tart of th e Gam e s .

 T h e F lam e s tays lit until it is put out at
th e Clos ing Ce re m ony, s ignif ying th e e nd of
th e Gam e s .
W atch th e torch re lay live !! -
h ttp://www.b b re lay
T rave ls Brigh ton to
H astings
1 7 th J uly

Going th rough
Little Com m on at
5 pm and s taying
ove rnigh t in
H astings
O lym pic E ve nts
       and ve nue s
T h e re will b e 36 d if f e re nt
s porting activitie s at th e
        2 01 2 O lym pics .
T h e 36 deif f e re nt s ports are :
       Arch ry             Cycling – M ountain Bik e
         Ath le tics            Cycling – Road
        Bad m inton            Cycling – T rack
        Bas k e tb all               D iving
     Be ach Volle yb all        E que s trianis m
          Box ing                   F e ncing
      Canoe S lalom                F ootb all
      Canoe S print         Gym nas tics – Artis tic
      Cycling – BM X        Gym nas tics Rh yth m ic
H and b all             T ae k wond o
          H ock e y                 T e nnis
            J ud o              T ram polining
   M od e rn Pe ntath lon         T riath lon
           Rowing                 Volle yb all
           S ailing              W ate r Polo
         S h ooting            W e igh t Lif ting
        S wim m ing               W re s tling
S ynch ronis e d S wim m ing
      T ab le T e nnis
Be caus e of th e ir ind ivid ual ne e d s e ach of th e se
   activitie s will b e h e ld at d if f e re nt ve nue s.

  F or e x am ple s wim m e rs ne e d a pool, b e ach
volle yb all playe rs ne e d a b e ach , b ox e rs ne e d a

 Can you f ind out th e e x act location f or e ve ry
                      e ve nt?
S om e of th e 36 activitie s will h ave
           m any e ve nts with in e ach cate gory.

  F or e x am ple , 1 of th e 36 s ports is AT H LE T I CS b ut
  with in ath le tics th e re is; 1 00m , 2 00m , 400m , 800m ,
        1 5 00m , 1 1 0m h urd le s , 400m h urd le s , 3000m
s te e ple ch ase , 5 000m , 1 0,000m , 2 0k m walk, 5 0k m walk,
 M arath on, 4x 1 00m re lay, 4x 400m re lay, S h ot, D iscus,
J ave lin, H am m e r, Long Jum p, T riple J um p, H igh Jum p,
              Pole Vault, H e ptath lon, D e cath lon.
W h ich s ub e ve nts are includ e d in:
       Arch e ry              D iving

       Box ing            E que s trianis m

    Cycling – BM X    Gym nas tics – Artis tic
So who are our medal
Can they really win
S hanaze Reade
I t was no surpris e th at s h e was
th e f avourite f or gold wh e n BM X
b e cam e an O lym pic s port in
Be ijing.
H owe ve r, it e nd e d in
d isappointm e nt wh e n in th e s ilve r
m e d al position S h anaz e pus h e d
h ard f or gold b ut e nd e d up
cras h ing out of th e race
altoge th e r.
Bet h Tweddle
Be th is th e m ost
succe s sf ul British
gym nas t of all tim e .
S h e h as won
e ve ryth ing th e re is
to win e x ce pt f or
one th ing...
 (T rack Cycling): Age 2 8.

Alre ad y th e re igning O lym pic
and W orld 4k m I nd ivid ual
Purs uit ch am pion, W iggins , 2 8,
h as an outs tand ing gold m e d al
ch ance s in th re e e ve nts at th e
Ve lod rom e - th e I nd ivid ual
Purs uit, th e T e am Purs uit and
(T rack Cycling): Age 32
T h e re igning O lym pic 1 k m
tim e trial (k ilo) ch am pion,
H oy h as m ad e an
e x traord inarily s ucce s s f ul
s witch to th e s print e ve nts
af te r h is s pe ciality e ve nt
was d roppe d f rom th e
O lym pic program m e and will
(Yach ting - F inn clas s): Age 31

  Ains lie is th e only Briton
  s till com pe ting wh o h as
  two O lym pic gold m e d als
  to h is nam e . H e won gold
  in th e Las e r in S yd ne y
  and took gold in th e
  h e avie r F inn clas s in
  Ath e ns . H e als o h as a
(Ath le tics ): Age 2 9.

   Gre at Britain' s gre at
   ath le tics h ope at th e Bird s
   N e s t. I f h e jum ps to h is
   pote ntial, I d owu s h ould
   f ollow in th e f oots te p of
   J onath an Ed ward s and win
   th e T riple jum p. U nb e ate n
   th is ye ar in any
Jessica Ennis

Jessica Ennis's coach insists she will
not crumble under the weight of the
nation’s expectations.
Heptathlete Ennis is one of Team GB’s
best gold medal hopes for this
summer’s London Olympics.
Ennis currently holds the highest
ever British score by a female
O lym pic m ascots h ave b e e n a m ajor part
of th e prom otion of th e olym pic gam e s
since 1 972 . M unich 1 972 introd uce th e
f irst olym pic m as cot.

W h y was introd uce d ? T o portray th e
olym pic spirt e spe cially to young pe ople .

T h e m ascot m ust sh ow d is tinctive
ge ograph ical f e ature s , h is tory and
culture unique to th e h os t city.
A t hena and Phevos - - mascot s of t he
2004 Olympic S ummer Games in
A t hens, Greece

T h e love ly O lym pic M ascots, Ath e na and
Ph e vos, with th e ir wh ack ing f e e t, longis h
ne ck s and puny h e ad s, one in d e e p ye llow
and th e oth e r in d e e p b lue , are b as e d on
d olls, th ousand s of ye ars old , f ound at
arch e ological s ite s in Gre e ce . Gre e k
m yth ology h ad it th at Ph e vos and Ath e na
are b roth e r and s is te r, nam e d af te r two
Gre e k god s : Ph e vos , th e god of ligh t and
m us ic, and Ath e na, god d e ss of wisd om
and patron of th e city of Ath e ns.
T h e two m ascots of th e 2 01 2
O lym pics in Lond on E ngland th is
s um m e r sh e d occult s ym b olis m and
num e rology. Also, th e M as cots
provid e an im portant clue
conce rning th e age nd a of th e
I llum inati O ccult. W e nlock and
M and e ville , th e 2 01 2 O lym pic
m ascots, are b iz arre anim ations
s uppos e d ly d e picting two d rops of
s te e l f rom a s te e lwork

Re ad m ore :
h ttp://ad ve ntof d e ce /d e ciph e ri
D e m olition of th e O ld
         Build ings
               T h e O lym pic Village h as
               re s id e ntial apartm e nts f or
               around 1 7,000 ath le te s and
               of f icials d uring th e Gam e s ,
               along with s h ops, re s taurants ,
               m e d ical, m e d ia and le is ure
               f acilitie s , and large are as of
               ope n s pace .
T h e O lym pic Village
                  T h e O lym pic Village is
                  locate d in th e O lym pic
                  Park , with in walk ing
                  d istance of th e ve nue s –
                  e nh ancing th e
                  e x pe rie nce of ath le te s
                  and of f icials wh o will
                  stay th e re d uring th e
                  Gam e s
Building Work Begins

T h e re are 1 1 re s id e ntial plots , e ach m ad e up of f ive to s e ve n
b locks b uilt around com m unal s quare s and courtyard s , with
wate r f e ature s acce ntuating th e clos e ne s s of th e Rive r Le a.
Each apartm e nt provid e s com f ortab le accom m od ation and
s tate -of -th e -art com m unications f acilitie s , includ ing inte rne t
acce s s and wire le s s ne twork ing
Construction From The Air

T h e Village also includ e s a ‘Village Plaz a’ wh e re
ath le te s can m e e t with f rie nd s and f am ily. T h e plan
re tains Lond on' s trad ition of b uild ing h om e s around
com m unal s quare s and courtyard s, with wate r f e ature s

Af te r th e Gam e s , th e O lym pic Village will b e a lasting le gacy
of e s s e ntial ne w h ous ing f or e as t Lond on. I t will b e
trans f orm e d into 2 ,81 8 ne w h om e s , includ ing 1 ,379 af f ord ab le
h om e s and h ous e s f or s ale and re nt, and will cre ate a ne w
re s id e ntial quarte r to b e k nown as E as t Village
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  • 1.
  • 2. Olympic Values: Respect Friendship Excellence
  • 3. Paralympic Values: Equality Inspiration Determination Courage
  • 4.
  • 5.
  • 6.
  • 7.
  • 8.
  • 9. T orch Re lay ‱ T h e F lam e d e live re d f rom Gre e ce to th e h ost country wh e re it is transf e rre d f rom one T orch b e are r to anoth e r spre ad ing th e m e s sage of : ‱ pe ace ‱ unity ‱ f rie nd sh ip
  • 10. F acts T h e torch will b e carrie d th rough ove r 1 ,000 citie s , towns and village s in th e U K. T h e torch will b e carrie d b y 8,000 truly ins pirational pe ople f rom acros s th e U K. T h e f lam e e nd s its journe y as th e las t T orch b e are r ligh ts th e Cauld ron at th e O pe ning Ce re m ony in th e O lym pic S tad ium , m ark ing th e of f icial s tart of th e Gam e s . T h e F lam e s tays lit until it is put out at th e Clos ing Ce re m ony, s ignif ying th e e nd of th e Gam e s .
  • 11. W atch th e torch re lay live !! - h ttp://www.b b re lay T rave ls Brigh ton to H astings 1 7 th J uly Going th rough Little Com m on at 5 pm and s taying ove rnigh t in H astings
  • 12. O lym pic E ve nts and ve nue s T h e re will b e 36 d if f e re nt s porting activitie s at th e 2 01 2 O lym pics .
  • 13. T h e 36 deif f e re nt s ports are : Arch ry Cycling – M ountain Bik e Ath le tics Cycling – Road Bad m inton Cycling – T rack Bas k e tb all D iving Be ach Volle yb all E que s trianis m Box ing F e ncing Canoe S lalom F ootb all Canoe S print Gym nas tics – Artis tic Cycling – BM X Gym nas tics Rh yth m ic
  • 14. H and b all T ae k wond o H ock e y T e nnis J ud o T ram polining M od e rn Pe ntath lon T riath lon Rowing Volle yb all S ailing W ate r Polo S h ooting W e igh t Lif ting S wim m ing W re s tling S ynch ronis e d S wim m ing T ab le T e nnis
  • 15. Be caus e of th e ir ind ivid ual ne e d s e ach of th e se activitie s will b e h e ld at d if f e re nt ve nue s. F or e x am ple s wim m e rs ne e d a pool, b e ach volle yb all playe rs ne e d a b e ach , b ox e rs ne e d a ring. Can you f ind out th e e x act location f or e ve ry e ve nt?
  • 16. S om e of th e 36 activitie s will h ave m any e ve nts with in e ach cate gory. F or e x am ple , 1 of th e 36 s ports is AT H LE T I CS b ut with in ath le tics th e re is; 1 00m , 2 00m , 400m , 800m , 1 5 00m , 1 1 0m h urd le s , 400m h urd le s , 3000m s te e ple ch ase , 5 000m , 1 0,000m , 2 0k m walk, 5 0k m walk, M arath on, 4x 1 00m re lay, 4x 400m re lay, S h ot, D iscus, J ave lin, H am m e r, Long Jum p, T riple J um p, H igh Jum p, Pole Vault, H e ptath lon, D e cath lon.
  • 17. W h ich s ub e ve nts are includ e d in: Arch e ry D iving Box ing E que s trianis m Cycling – BM X Gym nas tics – Artis tic
  • 18. So who are our medal hopefuls? Can they really win gold?
  • 19. S hanaze Reade I t was no surpris e th at s h e was th e f avourite f or gold wh e n BM X b e cam e an O lym pic s port in Be ijing. H owe ve r, it e nd e d in d isappointm e nt wh e n in th e s ilve r m e d al position S h anaz e pus h e d h ard f or gold b ut e nd e d up cras h ing out of th e race altoge th e r.
  • 20. Bet h Tweddle Be th is th e m ost succe s sf ul British gym nas t of all tim e . S h e h as won e ve ryth ing th e re is to win e x ce pt f or one th ing...
  • 21. BRA DLEY WI GGI NS (T rack Cycling): Age 2 8. Alre ad y th e re igning O lym pic and W orld 4k m I nd ivid ual Purs uit ch am pion, W iggins , 2 8, h as an outs tand ing gold m e d al ch ance s in th re e e ve nts at th e Ve lod rom e - th e I nd ivid ual Purs uit, th e T e am Purs uit and
  • 22. CHRI S HOY (T rack Cycling): Age 32 T h e re igning O lym pic 1 k m tim e trial (k ilo) ch am pion, H oy h as m ad e an e x traord inarily s ucce s s f ul s witch to th e s print e ve nts af te r h is s pe ciality e ve nt was d roppe d f rom th e O lym pic program m e and will
  • 23. BEN A I NS LI E (Yach ting - F inn clas s): Age 31 Ains lie is th e only Briton s till com pe ting wh o h as two O lym pic gold m e d als to h is nam e . H e won gold in th e Las e r in S yd ne y and took gold in th e h e avie r F inn clas s in Ath e ns . H e als o h as a
  • 24. PHI LI PS I DOWU (Ath le tics ): Age 2 9. Gre at Britain' s gre at ath le tics h ope at th e Bird s N e s t. I f h e jum ps to h is pote ntial, I d owu s h ould f ollow in th e f oots te p of J onath an Ed ward s and win th e T riple jum p. U nb e ate n th is ye ar in any
  • 25. Jessica Ennis (Heptathlon) Jessica Ennis's coach insists she will not crumble under the weight of the nation’s expectations. Heptathlete Ennis is one of Team GB’s best gold medal hopes for this summer’s London Olympics. Ennis currently holds the highest ever British score by a female Heptathlete.
  • 26. O lym pic m ascots h ave b e e n a m ajor part of th e prom otion of th e olym pic gam e s since 1 972 . M unich 1 972 introd uce th e f irst olym pic m as cot. W h y was introd uce d ? T o portray th e olym pic spirt e spe cially to young pe ople . T h e m ascot m ust sh ow d is tinctive ge ograph ical f e ature s , h is tory and culture unique to th e h os t city.
  • 27. A t hena and Phevos - - mascot s of t he 2004 Olympic S ummer Games in A t hens, Greece T h e love ly O lym pic M ascots, Ath e na and Ph e vos, with th e ir wh ack ing f e e t, longis h ne ck s and puny h e ad s, one in d e e p ye llow and th e oth e r in d e e p b lue , are b as e d on d olls, th ousand s of ye ars old , f ound at arch e ological s ite s in Gre e ce . Gre e k m yth ology h ad it th at Ph e vos and Ath e na are b roth e r and s is te r, nam e d af te r two Gre e k god s : Ph e vos , th e god of ligh t and m us ic, and Ath e na, god d e ss of wisd om and patron of th e city of Ath e ns.
  • 28. T h e two m ascots of th e 2 01 2 O lym pics in Lond on E ngland th is s um m e r sh e d occult s ym b olis m and num e rology. Also, th e M as cots provid e an im portant clue conce rning th e age nd a of th e I llum inati O ccult. W e nlock and M and e ville , th e 2 01 2 O lym pic m ascots, are b iz arre anim ations s uppos e d ly d e picting two d rops of s te e l f rom a s te e lwork Re ad m ore : h ttp://ad ve ntof d e ce /d e ciph e ri
  • 29. D e m olition of th e O ld Build ings T h e O lym pic Village h as re s id e ntial apartm e nts f or around 1 7,000 ath le te s and of f icials d uring th e Gam e s , along with s h ops, re s taurants , m e d ical, m e d ia and le is ure f acilitie s , and large are as of ope n s pace .
  • 30. T h e O lym pic Village T h e O lym pic Village is locate d in th e O lym pic Park , with in walk ing d istance of th e ve nue s – e nh ancing th e e x pe rie nce of ath le te s and of f icials wh o will stay th e re d uring th e Gam e s
  • 31. Building Work Begins T h e re are 1 1 re s id e ntial plots , e ach m ad e up of f ive to s e ve n b locks b uilt around com m unal s quare s and courtyard s , with wate r f e ature s acce ntuating th e clos e ne s s of th e Rive r Le a. Each apartm e nt provid e s com f ortab le accom m od ation and s tate -of -th e -art com m unications f acilitie s , includ ing inte rne t acce s s and wire le s s ne twork ing
  • 32. Construction From The Air T h e Village also includ e s a ‘Village Plaz a’ wh e re ath le te s can m e e t with f rie nd s and f am ily. T h e plan re tains Lond on' s trad ition of b uild ing h om e s around com m unal s quare s and courtyard s, with wate r f e ature s
  • 33. Perfection!!! Af te r th e Gam e s , th e O lym pic Village will b e a lasting le gacy of e s s e ntial ne w h ous ing f or e as t Lond on. I t will b e trans f orm e d into 2 ,81 8 ne w h om e s , includ ing 1 ,379 af f ord ab le h om e s and h ous e s f or s ale and re nt, and will cre ate a ne w re s id e ntial quarte r to b e k nown as E as t Village

Hinweis der Redaktion

  1. The resources are differentiated by age, but schools and colleges can dip in and out of different age groups according to the needs of individual students. All resources are designed to cater for different learning styles, and all are supported by comprehensive educator guidance notes and extension ideas. Content complies with accessibility guidelines. All the preparation is done for you, you have access to a wide range of resources that enhance current curriculum requirements and good practice.
  2. Olympic mascots have been a major part of the promotion of the olympic games since 1972. Munich 1972 introduce the first olympic mascot. Why was introduced ? To portray the olympic spirt especially to young people. The mascot must show distinctive geographical features, history and culture unique to the host city.
  3. Athena and Phevos -- mascots of the 2004 Olympic Summer Games in Athens, Greece The lovely Olympic Mascots, Athena and Phevos, with their whacking feet, longish necks and puny heads, one in deep yellow and the other in deep blue, are based on dolls, thousands of years old, found at archeological sites in Greece. Greek mythology had it that Phevos and Athena are brother and sister, named after two Greek gods: Phevos, the god of light and music, and Athena, goddess of wisdom and patron of the city of Athens.