sore throat hoarseness of voice removal of objects from nose foreign body nose emergency procedure life saving complications of mucosal disease subdural abscess cholestaetoma complications of attico-antral disease brain abscess referred otalgia ear ache era pain breathing difficulty stridor throat pain cancer lips cancer of tongue cancer of cheeck carcinoma buccal mucosa post cricoid tumors surgical resection pyriform fossa tumors posterior pharyngeal wall tumors chronic pharyngitis acute pharyngitis mucosal disease pus discharge from ear ch som csom squamous disease chronic discharging ear pharyngitis tonsillitis membranous tonsillitis folliculuar tonsilitis invasive fungal sinusitis fungus ball mucormycosis otitis externa diseases otomycosis external ear crusts in nasal cavity greenish nasal discharge nasal obstruction foul nasal smee tb laryngitis vocal polyps vocal nodules adenoidectomy procedure preparing a lecture
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