life groups emmaus road sermon on the mount encountering jesus jesus kingdom of god church gatherings worship love struggles build each other bear each other one-another serve each other more of jesus accept each other father's day father in heaven jesus and the father are one heavenly father faithful father prodigal son parable of the prodigal son jerusalem fathers gift church empowered pentecost holy spirit receive the spirit infilling of the spirit open hearts community encounter community mary mother of jesus youth younger generation mothers older women depression disillusion confusion wise builder good tree old covenant vs new covenant bad tree foolish builder narrow gate wide gate the way golden rule father's traits mercy judgment grace seek knock asking judging father give to the poor needs heart trust money lord's prayer intimacy fasting hypocrisy giving prayer new life in christ prophets tetelestai paid in full writings freedom emancipation law these commands commandments terms and conditions old covenant new covenant ekklesia beatitudes discipleship light city on a hill salt greatest love sacrifice humility spiritual gifts living sacrifice transformation
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