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Creating R

Rory Winston


Basics                 Creating R Packages
Creating a

Interfacing                 Rory Winston
With Native

                          February 17, 2011

 Rory Winston                                 Melbourne R User Group
 Creating R Packages
Creating R

Rory Winston

                 1     Outline

Creating a
                 2     Basics

With Native
                 3     Creating a Simple Package

                 4     Interfacing With Native Code

 Rory Winston                                         Melbourne R User Group
 Creating R Packages
R Packages

 Creating R

Rory Winston



Creating a             R’s ”jewel in the crown”
Package                Almost 3,000 packages on CRAN
With Native            Preferred extension mechanism for R

 Rory Winston                                                Melbourne R User Group
 Creating R Packages
Why create a Package?

 Creating R

Rory Winston


Basics                 Keep frequently-used code and data together
Creating a
                       Save repetitive typing and analysis
                       Extend base R functionality
With Native
                       Share analysis with others
                       Package reproducible research

 Rory Winston                                                    Melbourne R User Group
 Creating R Packages
Package Conventions

 Creating R

Rory Winston


Basics                 R follows ”convention over configuration”
Creating a
Simple                 Flexible packaging structure
                       Sensible defaults
With Native
                       Some pedantry: Note that ’package’ and ’library’ are not
                       strictly equivalent

 Rory Winston                                                      Melbourne R User Group
 Creating R Packages
Package Structure

 Creating R

Rory Winston           Basic package structure

Creating a
                   DESCRIPTION       #   Mandatory package metadata
Simple             R/                #   R source files

                   data/             #   Data directory
With Native
                   demo/             #   Demo code
                   man/              #   Package docs (.Rd)
                   po/               #   i18n
                   src/              #   Native (compiled) code
                   tests/            #   Unit tests

 Rory Winston                                                 Melbourne R User Group
 Creating R Packages
Default Loaded Packages

 Creating R

Rory Winston

Outline                Not all packages are loaded by default
                       A basic subset only
Creating a
                       Loading many packages can aversely affect performance
Interfacing            To see packages loaded by default:
With Native
Code             > getOption("defaultPackages")
                 [1] "datasets"   "utils"    "grDevices"
                 [4] "graphics"   "stats"    "methods"

 Rory Winston                                                   Melbourne R User Group
 Creating R Packages
Installed Packages

 Creating R
  Packages       > pkginfo <- installed.packages()
Rory Winston     > class(pkginfo)
                 [1] "matrix"
Basics           > dimnames(pkginfo)[1]
Creating a
Package           [1] "aplpack"       "base"
With Native
                  [3] "boot"          "caret"
Code              [5] "codetools"     "datasets"
                  [7] "distr"         "e1071"
                  [9] "fortunes"      "graphics"
                 [11] "grDevices"     "grid"
                 [13] "highlight"     "inline"
                 [15] "IPSUR"         "iterators"
                 [17] "itertools"     "lotto"
 Rory Winston    [19] "methods"       "neuralnet"    Melbourne R User Group
 Creating R Packages
Installed Packages

 Creating R

Rory Winston

                 > dimnames(pkginfo)[2]

Creating a       [[1]]
Package           [1] "Package"     "LibPath"    "Version"
Interfacing       [4] "Priority"    "Depends"    "Imports"
With Native
Code              [7] "LinkingTo"   "Suggests"   "Enhances"
                 [10] "OS_type"     "License"    "Archs"
                 [13] "Built"

 Rory Winston                                                 Melbourne R User Group
 Creating R Packages
Currently Loaded Packages

 Creating R

Rory Winston


Basics                 To see currently loaded packages:
Creating a
Simple           > (.packages())

Interfacing      [1] "stats"          "graphics"    "grDevices"
With Native
Code             [4] "utils"          "datasets"    "methods"
                 [7] "base"

 Rory Winston                                                     Melbourne R User Group
 Creating R Packages
Simple Package Example

 Creating R

Rory Winston


Basics                 Australian Lotto package
Creating a
                       Some sample data (historical results)
                       Simple functions
With Native
                       Help files
                       Building and checking the package

 Rory Winston                                                  Melbourne R User Group
 Creating R Packages
Creating the Package

 Creating R

Rory Winston


                       Simplest way to create a package in R:
Creating a
                       Create a basic set of functions and data
Interfacing            Use package.skeleton()
With Native
Code                   Modify and add as required

 Rory Winston                                                     Melbourne R User Group
 Creating R Packages
The ozlotto Package

 Creating R

Rory Winston


                 Let’s download some sample data for our package:
Creating a
                 $ curl
Interfacing      >
With Native
Code             $ unzip

 Rory Winston                                                    Melbourne R User Group
 Creating R Packages
Load The Data

 Creating R
                 Load the data into R:
Rory Winston     > lotto<-read.table("Tattslotto.txt", sep = ",",
                 +                     fill = TRUE, header = TRUE,
                 +                     col.names = c("number", "date",
                 +                     c(1:6), "supp1", "supp2"),
Creating a
Simple           +                     na.strings=c("-"))
                 > lotto$date <- as.POSIXct(strptime(lotto$date,
With Native      +                     "%Y%m%d"))
                 > head(lotto,4)
                       number         date   X1   X2   X3   X4   X5   X6 supp1 supp2
                 1        101   1981-03-07   33    8   15   20   25    5    11    NA
                 2        102   1981-03-14    1   32   18   19   37   38     4    NA
                 3        103   1981-03-21   20   12   17    1   19   39     2    NA
                 4        104   1981-03-28   34   14    2   18   26   15     4    NA
 Rory Winston                                                             Melbourne R User Group
 Creating R Packages
Some Data

 Creating R

Rory Winston

                 > draws <-[,3:8])
                 > colnames(draws) <- paste("draw", c(1:6))

Creating a
                 > head(draws, 5)
Package                draw 1 draw 2 draw 3 draw 4 draw 5 draw 6
Interfacing      1         33      8     15     20     25      5
With Native
Code             2          1     32     18     19     37     38
                 3         20     12     17      1     19     39
                 4         34     14      2     18     26     15
                 5         14     29      7     18      2     16

 Rory Winston                                               Melbourne R User Group
 Creating R Packages
Some Functions

 Creating R
  Packages       > plot.freqs <- function(x) barplot(cex.names=.6,
Rory Winston     +         table(unlist(x)), col="lightblue",
                 +         las=2, main="Total Draw Frequency")
                 > plot.freqs(draws)

Creating a
Simple                         Total Draw Frequency

With Native            200




 Rory Winston                                           Melbourne R User Group
 Creating R Packages
What’s In The Environment?

 Creating R

Rory Winston



Creating a       > sapply(objects(), function(x) (class(get(x))))
                        draws        lotto   plot.freqs
With Native      "data.frame" "data.frame"   "function"

 Rory Winston                                             Melbourne R User Group
 Creating R Packages
Creating The Package Skeleton

 Creating R

Rory Winston

Outline          > package.skeleton(list=ls(), name="lotto")
Basics           Creating directories ...
Creating a       Creating DESCRIPTION ...
Package          Creating Read-and-delete-me ...
With Native
                 Saving functions and data ...
                 Making help files ...
                 Further steps are described in './lotto/Read-and-delet

 Rory Winston                                           Melbourne R User Group
 Creating R Packages
What’s In The Package?

 Creating R
Rory Winston
Outline          | |-draws.rda
Basics           | |-lotto.rda
Creating a
                 | |-draws.Rd
With Native      | |-lotto-package.Rd
                 | |-lotto.Rd
                 | |-plot.freqs.Rd
                 | |-plot.freqs.R

 Rory Winston                            Melbourne R User Group
 Creating R Packages

 Creating R

Rory Winston


                       Mandatory file (very important!)
Creating a
                       ”Debian Control File” format
Interfacing            Many different fields, see docs for reference
With Native
Code                   Dependencies (and licenses) can use version ranges

 Rory Winston                                                        Melbourne R User Group
 Creating R Packages

 Creating R

Rory Winston
                 Package: lotto
Outline          Type: Package
Basics           Title: OzLotto Example Package
Creating a       Version: 1.0
Package          Date: 2011-02-14
Interfacing      Author: Rory Winston
With Native
Code             Maintainer: Rory Winston <>
                 Description: Simple toy package
                 Depends: R (>= 2.12.0)
                 License: GPL (>=2) | BSD
                 LazyLoad: yes

 Rory Winston                                              Melbourne R User Group
 Creating R Packages
Package Dependencies

 Creating R

Rory Winston

Outline                If your package depends on functionality defined in other
Basics                 packages
Creating a
Simple                 This can be added to the Depends section

                       Package versions can also be specified
With Native
Code                   Example from the highlight package:
                 Depends: R (>= 2.11.0), tools, codetools, utils, parser (>= 0.0-10)

 Rory Winston                                                         Melbourne R User Group
 Creating R Packages
.RData Files

 Creating R

Rory Winston

                       Data files are stored in .rda format

Creating a             This is a portable, (optionally) compressed representation
Package                Same as save(lotto, file="lotto.rda")
With Native
Code             $ file lotto.rda
                 lotto.rda: gzip compressed data

 Rory Winston                                                       Melbourne R User Group
 Creating R Packages
Help Files - The .Rd Format

 Creating R

Rory Winston           Rd is the ”R documentation format”
Outline                Can be compiled into
Basics                     LTEX;

Creating a                 PDF;
                           ASCII text;
With Native                HTML Help;
                       Functions and data can be documented;
                       Uses a TEX-like markup
                       Many, many options

 Rory Winston                                                  Melbourne R User Group
 Creating R Packages
Sample Documentation for a Function

 Creating R
Rory Winston     alias{plot.freqs}
                 title{Plotting Number Frequencies Across Draws}
Outline          This function produces a bar plot of number
                 frequencies across all six-number draws.
Creating a       usage{plot.freqs(x)}
Simple           arguments{item{x}{
Package          A code{data.frame} where each row corresponds
                 to a separate lottery draw and the columns
Interfacing      represent the numbers drawn in that event, in order.}}
With Native      author{Rory Winston}
Code             seealso{
                 See code{link{draws}}
                 Also see code{link[graphics]{hist}}
                 random.draw <- function() sapply(45:(45-6),
                         function(x) sample(1:x, 1))
                 draws <- t(replicate(random.draw(), n=1000))
                 plot.freqs( draws )

 Rory Winston                                                             Melbourne R User Group
 Creating R Packages
Documenting Data

 Creating R

Rory Winston
                       Note that R will generate doc skeletons for package data
                       The data will be inspected and sample docs created

                       For example:
Creating a
                   A data frame with 1620 observations on the following 10 variables.
Interfacing          item{code{number}}{a numeric vector}
With Native          item{code{date}}{a POSIXct}
Code                 item{code{X1}}{a numeric vector}
                     item{code{X2}}{a numeric vector}
                     item{code{X3}}{a numeric vector}
                     item{code{X4}}{a numeric vector}
                     item{code{X5}}{a numeric vector}
                     item{code{X6}}{a numeric vector}
                     item{code{supp1}}{a numeric vector}
                     item{code{supp2}}{a numeric vector}

 Rory Winston                                                                           Melbourne R User Group
 Creating R Packages
Sample Generated Manual

 Creating R
                                                                         Package ‘lotto’
                                                                                 February 15, 2011
Rory Winston
                       Type Package
                       Title OzLotto Example Package
                       Version 1.0
                       Date 2011-02-14
Creating a             Author Rory Winston
                       Maintainer Rory Winston <>
                       Description Simple toy package
                       Depends R (>= 2.12.0)
With Native
Code                   License GPL (>=2) | BSD
                       LazyLoad yes

                       R topics documented:
                               lotto-package     .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   1
                               draws . . . .     .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   2
                               lotto . . . . .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   3
                               plot.freqs . .    .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   3

                       Index                                                                                                                                                                                     5

                         lotto-package                       Simple Oz Lotto Package

 Rory Winston                                                                                                                                                                                                        Melbourne R User Group
 Creating R Packages Description

                Math in Rd Docs                data(lotto)

                                               A data frame with 1620 observations on the following 10 variables.

                                               number a numeric vector
                                               date a POSIXct
 Creating R                                    X1 a numeric vector
  Packages               Note that Rd supports TEX-like math markup
                                               X2 a numeric vector
                                               X3 a numeric vector
Rory Winston             The math markup will be downgraded to ASCII where
                                               X4 a numeric vector
                                               X5 a numeric vector

                         appropriate           X6 a numeric vector
                                               supp1 a numeric vector
                                               supp2 a numeric vector
Basics                   The text deqn{p(x) = frac{1}{b-a}} becomes (in
Creating a               PDF and console):     data(lotto)
                                               ## maybe str(lotto) ; plot(lotto) ...

Interfacing                                  plot.freqs                 Plotting Number Frequencies Across Draws

With Native
Code                                       Description
                                               This function produces a bar plot of number frequencies across all six-number draws. The uniform
                                               distribution is commonly notated as
                                                                                        p(x) =



                 This function produces xa bar plot data.frame where frequencies toacross all and the
                                                      of number each row corresponds a separate lottery draw
                                                  columns represent the numbers drawn in that event, in order.
                 six-number draws. The uniform distribution is commonly notated as
                                               p(x) = frac{1}{b-a}

 Rory Winston                                                                                                                                     Melbourne R User Group
 Creating R Packages
R CMD check

 Creating R

Rory Winston

                       R CMD check is the first port of call

Basics                 Checks documentation, package structure, runs examples
Creating a             Produces compiled documentation (e.g. PDF) if
Package                appropriate
With Native
                       Basic procedure:
                           Run R CMD check <packagename>
                           Check errors in generated <packagename>.Rcheck dir
                           If any errors, fix up
                           rinse and repeat

 Rory Winston                                                      Melbourne R User Group
 Creating R Packages
Testing The Package

 Creating R

Rory Winston


                       The package can be loaded from a working directory
Creating a
Simple                 instance, if we are in the generated lotto.Rcheck dir:

Interfacing            > library(lib.loc=".", package="lotto")
With Native
Code                   As R CMD check generates a loadable package

 Rory Winston                                                      Melbourne R User Group
 Creating R Packages
Building The Package

 Creating R

Rory Winston


Basics                 A binary package can be built using R CMD build
Creating a
                       This can be installed to a local library
With Native
                       > install.packages(c("lotto_1.0.tar.gz"),

 Rory Winston                                                     Melbourne R User Group
 Creating R Packages
Things To Be Aware Of

 Creating R

Rory Winston

Outline                Namespaces
                       Lazy Loading
Creating a
                       What does the following mean:
Interfacing      > suppressWarnings(dump("AirPassengers",
With Native      +   "", evaluate=FALSE))
                 AirPassengers <-
                 <promise: lazyLoadDBfetch(c(0L, 367L), datafile, compressed,

 Rory Winston                                                         Melbourne R User Group
 Creating R Packages
Interfacing With Native Code

 Creating R

Rory Winston

Outline                Why go native?
Basics                     Speed
Creating a                 Functionality otherwise unavailable
                       Some examples:
With Native            Algorithms in C/C++/Fortran code
                       Speeding up slow R routines
                       Workarounds for R limitations (e.g. shared memory)

 Rory Winston                                                    Melbourne R User Group
 Creating R Packages
Considerations When Using R and C

 Creating R
                       R uses many LISP idioms in the C code
Rory Winston
                           e.g. PROTECT(ans =
Outline                    FirstArg(CAR(sub),CADR(sub)));
Basics                     R itself has many LISP-like features
Creating a
                       > ( + ( sum ( ^ (( : (1,10)),2)),
                       +    ( ^ (( sum ( : (1,10))),2))))
With Native
                       [1] 3410
                       > sum((1:10)^2) + (sum(1:10))^2
                       [1] 3410
                       Garbage collection is also an issue
                       Frequent source of error (even for the R team)

 Rory Winston                                                      Melbourne R User Group
 Creating R Packages
Simple Example

 Creating R
  Packages             R does not have a ’matrix exponentiation’ operator
Rory Winston           Scalar exponentiation only
                                             x11 x12
Basics                                       x21 x22
Creating a
                 > X <- matrix(1:4, 2, 2)
Package          > X^2
With Native           [,1] [,2]
                 [1,]    1    9
                 [2,]    4   16
                 > X %*% X
                        [,1] [,2]
                 [1,]      7   15
                 [2,]     10   22
 Rory Winston                                                     Melbourne R User Group
 Creating R Packages
Creating a New Operator

 Creating R

Rory Winston



Creating a             All operators in R are just functions
Package                Binary operators take two arguments
With Native            We will create a new operator %^%

 Rory Winston                                                  Melbourne R User Group
 Creating R Packages
The Exponentiation Operator

 Creating R

Rory Winston



Creating a

With Native

 Rory Winston                                 Melbourne R User Group
 Creating R Packages
A Better Way (At Least For C++)

 Creating R

Rory Winston


Basics                 Use the Rcpp package
Creating a
                       Lots of examples
                       Clean, ”modern” C++
With Native
                       Manages memory allocation/protection
                       Provides nice syntatic sugar for C++ operations

 Rory Winston                                                     Melbourne R User Group
 Creating R Packages
Building Windows Packages

 Creating R

Rory Winston

Outline                R is reasonably Unix-centric
Basics                 Perl no longer required for most tasks
Creating a
Simple                 Some tools support (e.g. LTEX) also assumed

                       Packages can be compiled with Visual Studio
With Native
Code                   The mingw compiler and other supporting tools can be
                       downloaded from:


 Rory Winston                                                    Melbourne R User Group
 Creating R Packages
Further Reading

 Creating R

Rory Winston



Creating a             R CMD <command> -help
Package                The R documentation
With Native            Mailing Lists

 Rory Winston                                  Melbourne R User Group
 Creating R Packages

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Creating R Packages

  • 1. Creating R Packages Rory Winston Outline Basics Creating R Packages Creating a Simple Package Interfacing Rory Winston With Native Code February 17, 2011 Rory Winston Melbourne R User Group Creating R Packages
  • 2. Creating R Packages Rory Winston Outline 1 Outline Basics Creating a Simple 2 Basics Package Interfacing With Native Code 3 Creating a Simple Package 4 Interfacing With Native Code Rory Winston Melbourne R User Group Creating R Packages
  • 3. R Packages Creating R Packages Rory Winston Outline Basics Creating a R’s ”jewel in the crown” Simple Package Almost 3,000 packages on CRAN Interfacing With Native Preferred extension mechanism for R Code Rory Winston Melbourne R User Group Creating R Packages
  • 4. Why create a Package? Creating R Packages Rory Winston Outline Basics Keep frequently-used code and data together Creating a Simple Save repetitive typing and analysis Package Extend base R functionality Interfacing With Native Code Share analysis with others Package reproducible research Rory Winston Melbourne R User Group Creating R Packages
  • 5. Package Conventions Creating R Packages Rory Winston Outline Basics R follows ”convention over configuration” Creating a Simple Flexible packaging structure Package Sensible defaults Interfacing With Native Code Some pedantry: Note that ’package’ and ’library’ are not strictly equivalent Rory Winston Melbourne R User Group Creating R Packages
  • 6. Package Structure Creating R Packages Rory Winston Basic package structure Outline Basics mypackage/ Creating a DESCRIPTION # Mandatory package metadata Simple R/ # R source files Package Interfacing data/ # Data directory With Native Code demo/ # Demo code man/ # Package docs (.Rd) po/ # i18n src/ # Native (compiled) code tests/ # Unit tests Rory Winston Melbourne R User Group Creating R Packages
  • 7. Default Loaded Packages Creating R Packages Rory Winston Outline Not all packages are loaded by default Basics A basic subset only Creating a Simple Package Loading many packages can aversely affect performance Interfacing To see packages loaded by default: With Native Code > getOption("defaultPackages") [1] "datasets" "utils" "grDevices" [4] "graphics" "stats" "methods" Rory Winston Melbourne R User Group Creating R Packages
  • 8. Installed Packages Creating R Packages > pkginfo <- installed.packages() Rory Winston > class(pkginfo) Outline [1] "matrix" Basics > dimnames(pkginfo)[1] Creating a Simple [[1]] Package [1] "aplpack" "base" Interfacing With Native [3] "boot" "caret" Code [5] "codetools" "datasets" [7] "distr" "e1071" [9] "fortunes" "graphics" [11] "grDevices" "grid" [13] "highlight" "inline" [15] "IPSUR" "iterators" [17] "itertools" "lotto" Rory Winston [19] "methods" "neuralnet" Melbourne R User Group Creating R Packages
  • 9. Installed Packages Creating R Packages Rory Winston Outline > dimnames(pkginfo)[2] Basics Creating a [[1]] Simple Package [1] "Package" "LibPath" "Version" Interfacing [4] "Priority" "Depends" "Imports" With Native Code [7] "LinkingTo" "Suggests" "Enhances" [10] "OS_type" "License" "Archs" [13] "Built" Rory Winston Melbourne R User Group Creating R Packages
  • 10. Currently Loaded Packages Creating R Packages Rory Winston Outline Basics To see currently loaded packages: Creating a Simple > (.packages()) Package Interfacing [1] "stats" "graphics" "grDevices" With Native Code [4] "utils" "datasets" "methods" [7] "base" Rory Winston Melbourne R User Group Creating R Packages
  • 11. Simple Package Example Creating R Packages Rory Winston Outline Basics Australian Lotto package Creating a Simple Some sample data (historical results) Package Simple functions Interfacing With Native Code Help files Building and checking the package Rory Winston Melbourne R User Group Creating R Packages
  • 12. Creating the Package Creating R Packages Rory Winston Outline Basics Simplest way to create a package in R: Creating a Simple Package Create a basic set of functions and data Interfacing Use package.skeleton() With Native Code Modify and add as required Rory Winston Melbourne R User Group Creating R Packages
  • 13. The ozlotto Package Creating R Packages Rory Winston Outline Basics Let’s download some sample data for our package: Creating a Simple $ curl Package Interfacing > With Native Code $ unzip Rory Winston Melbourne R User Group Creating R Packages
  • 14. Load The Data Creating R Packages Load the data into R: Rory Winston > lotto<-read.table("Tattslotto.txt", sep = ",", + fill = TRUE, header = TRUE, Outline + col.names = c("number", "date", Basics + c(1:6), "supp1", "supp2"), Creating a Simple + na.strings=c("-")) Package > lotto$date <- as.POSIXct(strptime(lotto$date, Interfacing With Native + "%Y%m%d")) Code > head(lotto,4) number date X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 supp1 supp2 1 101 1981-03-07 33 8 15 20 25 5 11 NA 2 102 1981-03-14 1 32 18 19 37 38 4 NA 3 103 1981-03-21 20 12 17 1 19 39 2 NA 4 104 1981-03-28 34 14 2 18 26 15 4 NA Rory Winston Melbourne R User Group Creating R Packages
  • 15. Some Data Creating R Packages Rory Winston > draws <-[,3:8]) Outline > colnames(draws) <- paste("draw", c(1:6)) Basics Creating a > head(draws, 5) Simple Package draw 1 draw 2 draw 3 draw 4 draw 5 draw 6 Interfacing 1 33 8 15 20 25 5 With Native Code 2 1 32 18 19 37 38 3 20 12 17 1 19 39 4 34 14 2 18 26 15 5 14 29 7 18 2 16 Rory Winston Melbourne R User Group Creating R Packages
  • 16. Some Functions Creating R Packages > plot.freqs <- function(x) barplot(cex.names=.6, Rory Winston + table(unlist(x)), col="lightblue", + las=2, main="Total Draw Frequency") Outline > plot.freqs(draws) Basics Creating a Simple Total Draw Frequency Package Interfacing With Native 200 Code 150 100 50 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 Rory Winston Melbourne R User Group Creating R Packages
  • 17. What’s In The Environment? Creating R Packages Rory Winston Outline Basics Creating a > sapply(objects(), function(x) (class(get(x)))) Simple Package draws lotto plot.freqs Interfacing With Native "data.frame" "data.frame" "function" Code Rory Winston Melbourne R User Group Creating R Packages
  • 18. Creating The Package Skeleton Creating R Packages Rory Winston Outline > package.skeleton(list=ls(), name="lotto") Basics Creating directories ... Creating a Creating DESCRIPTION ... Simple Package Creating Read-and-delete-me ... Interfacing With Native Saving functions and data ... Code Making help files ... Done. Further steps are described in './lotto/Read-and-delet Rory Winston Melbourne R User Group Creating R Packages
  • 19. What’s In The Package? Creating R Packages lotto/ Rory Winston |~data/ Outline | |-draws.rda Basics | |-lotto.rda Creating a Simple |~man/ Package | |-draws.Rd Interfacing With Native | |-lotto-package.Rd Code | |-lotto.Rd | |-plot.freqs.Rd |~R/ | |-plot.freqs.R |-DESCRIPTION |-Read-and-delete-me Rory Winston Melbourne R User Group Creating R Packages
  • 20. Editing the DESCRIPTION Creating R Packages Rory Winston Outline Basics Mandatory file (very important!) Creating a Simple Package ”Debian Control File” format Interfacing Many different fields, see docs for reference With Native Code Dependencies (and licenses) can use version ranges Rory Winston Melbourne R User Group Creating R Packages
  • 21. Example DESCRIPTION Creating R Packages Rory Winston Package: lotto Outline Type: Package Basics Title: OzLotto Example Package Creating a Version: 1.0 Simple Package Date: 2011-02-14 Interfacing Author: Rory Winston With Native Code Maintainer: Rory Winston <> Description: Simple toy package Depends: R (>= 2.12.0) License: GPL (>=2) | BSD LazyLoad: yes Rory Winston Melbourne R User Group Creating R Packages
  • 22. Package Dependencies Creating R Packages Rory Winston Outline If your package depends on functionality defined in other Basics packages Creating a Simple This can be added to the Depends section Package Interfacing Package versions can also be specified With Native Code Example from the highlight package: Depends: R (>= 2.11.0), tools, codetools, utils, parser (>= 0.0-10) Rory Winston Melbourne R User Group Creating R Packages
  • 23. .RData Files Creating R Packages Rory Winston Outline Data files are stored in .rda format Basics Creating a This is a portable, (optionally) compressed representation Simple Package Same as save(lotto, file="lotto.rda") Interfacing With Native Code $ file lotto.rda lotto.rda: gzip compressed data Rory Winston Melbourne R User Group Creating R Packages
  • 24. Help Files - The .Rd Format Creating R Packages Rory Winston Rd is the ”R documentation format” Outline Can be compiled into Basics LTEX; A Creating a PDF; Simple Package HTML; Interfacing ASCII text; With Native HTML Help; Code etc. Functions and data can be documented; Uses a TEX-like markup Many, many options Rory Winston Melbourne R User Group Creating R Packages
  • 25. Sample Documentation for a Function Creating R Packages name{plot.freqs} Rory Winston alias{plot.freqs} title{Plotting Number Frequencies Across Draws} description{ Outline This function produces a bar plot of number frequencies across all six-number draws. Basics } Creating a usage{plot.freqs(x)} Simple arguments{item{x}{ Package A code{data.frame} where each row corresponds to a separate lottery draw and the columns Interfacing represent the numbers drawn in that event, in order.}} With Native author{Rory Winston} Code seealso{ See code{link{draws}} Also see code{link[graphics]{hist}} } examples{ random.draw <- function() sapply(45:(45-6), function(x) sample(1:x, 1)) draws <- t(replicate(random.draw(), n=1000)) plot.freqs( draws ) } Rory Winston Melbourne R User Group Creating R Packages
  • 26. Documenting Data Creating R Packages Rory Winston Note that R will generate doc skeletons for package data The data will be inspected and sample docs created Outline Basics For example: Creating a format{ Simple A data frame with 1620 observations on the following 10 variables. Package describe{ Interfacing item{code{number}}{a numeric vector} With Native item{code{date}}{a POSIXct} Code item{code{X1}}{a numeric vector} item{code{X2}}{a numeric vector} item{code{X3}}{a numeric vector} item{code{X4}}{a numeric vector} item{code{X5}}{a numeric vector} item{code{X6}}{a numeric vector} item{code{supp1}}{a numeric vector} item{code{supp2}}{a numeric vector} } } Rory Winston Melbourne R User Group Creating R Packages
  • 27. Sample Generated Manual Creating R Packages Package ‘lotto’ February 15, 2011 Rory Winston Type Package Title OzLotto Example Package Outline Version 1.0 Basics Date 2011-02-14 Creating a Author Rory Winston Simple Maintainer Rory Winston <> Package Description Simple toy package Interfacing Depends R (>= 2.12.0) With Native Code License GPL (>=2) | BSD LazyLoad yes R topics documented: lotto-package . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 draws . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 lotto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 plot.freqs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Index 5 lotto-package Simple Oz Lotto Package Rory Winston Melbourne R User Group Creating R Packages Description
  • 28. Usage Math in Rd Docs data(lotto) Format A data frame with 1620 observations on the following 10 variables. number a numeric vector date a POSIXct Creating R X1 a numeric vector Packages Note that Rd supports TEX-like math markup X2 a numeric vector X3 a numeric vector Rory Winston The math markup will be downgraded to ASCII where X4 a numeric vector X5 a numeric vector Outline appropriate X6 a numeric vector supp1 a numeric vector supp2 a numeric vector Basics The text deqn{p(x) = frac{1}{b-a}} becomes (in Examples Creating a PDF and console): data(lotto) ## maybe str(lotto) ; plot(lotto) ... Simple Package Interfacing plot.freqs Plotting Number Frequencies Across Draws With Native Code Description This function produces a bar plot of number frequencies across all six-number draws. The uniform distribution is commonly notated as 1 p(x) = b−a Usage plot.freqs(x) Arguments This function produces xa bar plot data.frame where frequencies toacross all and the A of number each row corresponds a separate lottery draw columns represent the numbers drawn in that event, in order. six-number draws. The uniform distribution is commonly notated as p(x) = frac{1}{b-a} Rory Winston Melbourne R User Group Creating R Packages
  • 29. R CMD check Creating R Packages Rory Winston R CMD check is the first port of call Outline Basics Checks documentation, package structure, runs examples Creating a Produces compiled documentation (e.g. PDF) if Simple Package appropriate Interfacing With Native Basic procedure: Code Run R CMD check <packagename> Check errors in generated <packagename>.Rcheck dir If any errors, fix up rinse and repeat Rory Winston Melbourne R User Group Creating R Packages
  • 30. Testing The Package Creating R Packages Rory Winston Outline Basics The package can be loaded from a working directory Creating a Simple instance, if we are in the generated lotto.Rcheck dir: Package Interfacing > library(lib.loc=".", package="lotto") With Native Code As R CMD check generates a loadable package Rory Winston Melbourne R User Group Creating R Packages
  • 31. Building The Package Creating R Packages Rory Winston Outline Basics A binary package can be built using R CMD build Creating a Simple <packagename> Package This can be installed to a local library Interfacing With Native Code > install.packages(c("lotto_1.0.tar.gz"), repos=NULL) Rory Winston Melbourne R User Group Creating R Packages
  • 32. Things To Be Aware Of Creating R Packages Rory Winston Outline Namespaces Basics Lazy Loading Creating a Simple Package What does the following mean: Interfacing > suppressWarnings(dump("AirPassengers", With Native + "", evaluate=FALSE)) Code AirPassengers <- <promise: lazyLoadDBfetch(c(0L, 367L), datafile, compressed, envhook)> Rory Winston Melbourne R User Group Creating R Packages
  • 33. Interfacing With Native Code Creating R Packages Rory Winston Outline Why go native? Basics Speed Creating a Functionality otherwise unavailable Simple Package Some examples: Interfacing With Native Algorithms in C/C++/Fortran code Code Speeding up slow R routines Workarounds for R limitations (e.g. shared memory) Rory Winston Melbourne R User Group Creating R Packages
  • 34. Considerations When Using R and C Creating R Packages R uses many LISP idioms in the C code Rory Winston e.g. PROTECT(ans = Outline FirstArg(CAR(sub),CADR(sub))); Basics R itself has many LISP-like features Creating a Simple > ( + ( sum ( ^ (( : (1,10)),2)), Package + ( ^ (( sum ( : (1,10))),2)))) Interfacing With Native Code [1] 3410 > sum((1:10)^2) + (sum(1:10))^2 [1] 3410 Garbage collection is also an issue Frequent source of error (even for the R team) Rory Winston Melbourne R User Group Creating R Packages
  • 35. Simple Example Creating R Packages R does not have a ’matrix exponentiation’ operator Rory Winston Scalar exponentiation only n Outline x11 x12 Basics x21 x22 Creating a Simple > X <- matrix(1:4, 2, 2) Package > X^2 Interfacing With Native [,1] [,2] Code [1,] 1 9 [2,] 4 16 > X %*% X [,1] [,2] [1,] 7 15 [2,] 10 22 Rory Winston Melbourne R User Group Creating R Packages
  • 36. Creating a New Operator Creating R Packages Rory Winston Outline Basics Creating a All operators in R are just functions Simple Package Binary operators take two arguments Interfacing With Native We will create a new operator %^% Code Rory Winston Melbourne R User Group Creating R Packages
  • 37. The Exponentiation Operator Creating R Packages Rory Winston Outline Basics Creating a Simple Package Interfacing With Native Code Rory Winston Melbourne R User Group Creating R Packages
  • 38. A Better Way (At Least For C++) Creating R Packages Rory Winston Outline Basics Use the Rcpp package Creating a Simple Lots of examples Package Clean, ”modern” C++ Interfacing With Native Code Manages memory allocation/protection Provides nice syntatic sugar for C++ operations Rory Winston Melbourne R User Group Creating R Packages
  • 39. Building Windows Packages Creating R Packages Rory Winston Outline R is reasonably Unix-centric Basics Perl no longer required for most tasks Creating a Simple Some tools support (e.g. LTEX) also assumed A Package Interfacing Packages can be compiled with Visual Studio With Native Code The mingw compiler and other supporting tools can be downloaded from: Rory Winston Melbourne R User Group Creating R Packages
  • 40. Further Reading Creating R Packages Rory Winston Outline Basics Creating a R CMD <command> -help Simple Package The R documentation Interfacing With Native Mailing Lists Code Rory Winston Melbourne R User Group Creating R Packages