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          Thursday, June 9, 2011  Matrimonial Litigation

             Breakin’ Up is Hard to Do:
               Dividing the Marital Estate
                  and Figuring Alimony
           Robert Vance, CPA, CVA, ABV, CFF, CFP

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             J U N E 8 – 1 1, 2 0 1 1  S A N D I E G O B A Y F R O N T H I L T O N
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          Thursday, June 9, 2011  Matrimonial Litigation

                                                    Breakin’ Up is
                                                       Hard to Do
                                                              Robert Vance,
                                                   CPA, CVA, ABV, CFF, CFP

                  2 0 1 1 A N N U A L C O N S U L T A N T S’ C O N F E R E N C E
                ~ Adversity Brings Opportunity ~ Tomorrow’s Information Today
                ~                              ~
             J U N E 8 – 1 1, 2 0 1 1  S A N D I E G O B A Y F R O N T H I L T O N
Breakin’ Up is Hard to Do:
  Dividing the Marital Estate and Figuring Alimony

What Can You Do?
• Identify
  – Tax Returns
  – Account Statements
  – Creative (NOL C/F, Dissipation)
• Classify
  – Marital v. Separate
  – Transmutation, Commingling
• Quantify
  – Value a Business
  – Value a Pension

Breakin’ Up is Hard to Do:
 Dividing the Marital Estate and Figuring Alimony

What Can You Do?
• Propose a Division
• Figure Alimony Need & Ability to Pay

Breakin’ Up is Hard to Do:
  Dividing the Marital Estate and Figuring Alimony

Dividing the Marital Estate

Supporting Documentation
•General - 5 Years of business & personal tax returns, with W-2s
•Marital Residence - Real estate appraisal
•Mortgage - Payoff or monthly statement
•Checking/Savings Accounts – 24-48 months of bank statements
•Investment Accounts - 24-48 months of monthly/quarterly statements
•Defined Benefit Pension - Vested benefit statement & plan document
•Defined Contrib. Plan/401(k) Savings Plan, etc. - 24-48 months of
•Stock Options - Vested & unvested grant statement & plan document
•IRA - 24-48 months of monthly/quarterly statements

Breakin’ Up is Hard to Do:
  Dividing the Marital Estate and Figuring Alimony

Dividing the Marital Estate

Supporting Documentation
•Vehicles - NADA valuation from Internet
•Other Personal Property - List & estimates from parties; appraisal
Small Business - Business valuation from qualified expert
•Credit Cards - 24-48 months of monthly statements
•Dissipation of Marital Assets - Receipts, canceled checks, CC
statements, depo. excerpts, etc.
•Electronic file copies, including passwords - Quicken and
•Subpoena to all banks that a spouse may use
•Request the entire loan file, including personal financial statements
(“PFS”) and loan applications

Breakin’ Up is Hard to Do:
 Dividing the Marital Estate and Figuring Alimony

The “Marital Balance Sheet”

Factors to Consider
•Spouses’ desire for a particular asset
•Practicality, legality or necessity of one spouse owning an
asset or owing a debt
•Future income earnings from an asset
•Future earning capacity of each spouse
•Concept of offset
•Attorney’s request for an unequal division

Smith v. Smith
Marital Balance Sheet
3/31/11                                                                      Child or
                                                                             Separate                      Proposed Division
 No.                 Description   Title   FMV       Debt       Equity       Account        Marital       Husband        Wife         Notes







       TOTALS                                    0          0            0              0             0             0             0
                                                                   9                                      #DIV/0!       #DIV/0!
Breakin’ Up is Hard to Do:
 Dividing the Marital Estate and Figuring Alimony


2.Numbered lines
3.Numbered pages
4.Group asset and debt categories such as “Real Estate”
and “Retirement”
5.Last 4 digits of account #
6.List debts with secured assets showing the net equity
7.Display property claimed as separate in whole or in part
so as to establish the claim

Breakin’ Up is Hard to Do:
 Dividing the Marital Estate and Figuring Alimony


8.Display the proposed division of each and every item
along with the total net percentage to each spouse
9.Offset the present value of a pension
10.Offset the fair market value of a small business with
other assets

Breakin’ Up is Hard to Do:
 Dividing the Marital Estate and Figuring Alimony

Related Issues & Analyses for the MBS

•Present Valuing a Defined Benefit Plan
•Dissipation Analysis

Smith v. Smith
        Defined Benefit Pension Valuation

        Case Information
        Date of Valuation                     3/31/2011                     Date of Marriage        1/31/1993
        Date of Preparation                   3/31/2011                     Years of Marriage       18.2
        Plan Information
        Employer                              ABC Corporation               Date of Retirement 4/1/2020
        Payout Method                         Straight Life Annuity         Plan Name          ABC Corp. Employee's Pension Plan
        Participant Information
        Participant                           John Smith                    Date of Birth                              3/27/1960
        Sex                                   M                             Age at Valuation Date                      51.0
        Race                                  W                             Vested Percentage                          100.0%
        Date of Hire                          4/2/1990                      Years of Service                           21.0
        Calculations                                                                                                         Notes
           Monthly retirement benefit                                                                    $4,961         a.

            Retirement age used in this calculation                                                       60.0

            Life expectancy at valuation date (1)                                                         28.2          b.
            Number of years to retirement age (deferral period)                                           9.0           c.
            Years of life expectancy beyond retirement age (payout period)                                19.2          d. b. - c. = d.

            Discount rate for payout period (2)                                                          4.50%          e.
            Present value of monthly benefits at retirement date                                        764,473         f. Present value of a.
                                                                                                                             discounted with e.
            Discount rate for deferral period (2)                                                        4.50%          g.
            Expected value of retirement benefits at valuation date                                     514,417         h. Present value of f.
                                                                                                                           discounted with g.
            Ratio of total benefits earned during marriage                                               86.7%          i. Years of marriage /
                                                                                                                           years of service
        Marital value of retirement benefits                                                           $445,828         j. h. x i. = j.

        1) Life Expectancy Tables: "United States Life Tables, 2006", National Vital Statistics Reports, Vol. 58, No. 21, June 28, 2010, National
        Center for Health Statistics; Life Table for white males.
        2) Derived from Federal Reserve Statistical Release; 5 Year average of 20 Year, U.S. Government Securities, Treasury Constant Maturities

Breakin’ Up is Hard to Do:
 Dividing the Marital Estate and Figuring Alimony


Dissipation: “The use of an asset for an illegal or
inequitable purpose, such as a spouse’s use of community
property for personal benefit when a divorce is imminent.”

Black’s Law Dictionary

Breakin’ Up is Hard to Do:
  Dividing the Marital Estate and Figuring Alimony

Tennessee: “Ward Factors”

The Trial Court must consider:

1.Whether the evidence presented at trial supports the alleged purpose
of the various expenditures; and if so,
2.Whether the alleged purpose equates to dissipation under the
     a. The typicality of the expenditure to the marriage
     b. The benefactor of the expenditure, i.e., it is primarily benefited
        the marriage or the sole dissipating spouse
     c. The proximity of the expenditure to the breakdown of the
        marriage; and the amount of the expenditure
     d. The amount of the expenditure

Smith v. Smith
Dissipation of Marital Assets by Husband                                                                  Girlfriend Expenses
3/31/11                                                                                          Clothing                                                           Casino
           Check                                                                                 & Dept. Meals & Loans to                                Athletic   ATM        Cosmetic
  Date      Num             Description                      Memo          Totals      Travel     Stores   Ent.      G'friend     Jewe lry    Misc.      Tickets     Cash      Medical

 10/1/05          Refinance of H's Car          Per H's Depo                    0.00
 10/1/05          Disney World Trip             H's Answers to Interrog.    5,000.00                        5,000.00
10/13/05   1032   Sports Tickets Etc.           Per Answers to Interrog.    2,000.00                                                                     2,000.00
10/24/05   1009   Best Buy                                      43922.00    2,500.00                                                          2,500.00
 11/1/05   1016   Check to Girlfriend                                       2,500.00                                   2,500.00
 11/1/05          Credit Union Loan #12345      Unknown purpose                 0.00
 11/1/05   1045   Sports Tickets Etc.           Per Answers to Interrog.    2,000.00                                                                     2,000.00
11/28/05          Abercrombie And Fitch                                       518.95               518.95
11/28/05          Banana Republic                                             219.58               219.58
 12/6/05          Airline                       Per Answers to Interrog.      503.90    503.90
 12/6/05          Airline                       Per Answers to Interrog.      503.90    503.90
 12/6/05          Airline                       Per Answers to Interrog.      503.90    503.90
12/20/05   1053   Check to Girlfriend                                         415.00                                    415.00
12/27/05          Miguelas Clothing             Girlfriend                    692.65               692.65
12/29/05          Miguelas Clothing             Girlfriend                    127.00               127.00
 1/3/06           Airline                                                     915.14    915.14
 1/3/06           Airline                       Chicago trip                  915.14    915.14
 2/15/06          Cosmetic Dentist Inc.                                     5,000.00                                                                                            5,000.00
 2/15/06          Hair Plugs R Us               Per H's Admission          10,200.00                                                                                           10,200.00
 2/22/06   1123   Check to Girlfriend                                         360.00                                    360.00
 4/10/06   5135   Big Law Firm                                              5,000.00                                                          5,000.00
 4/22/06          Billabong Cabazon                                           166.95               166.95
 5/10/06          Victoria's Secret                                           127.28               127.28
 5/11/06          Barbie Live                   Per Answers to Interrog.      135.55                         135.55
 5/12/06          Atm Cash Withdrawal                                         402.00                                                                                 402.00
 5/12/06          Ticketmaster                  Per Answers to Interrog.    1,021.55                        1,021.55
 5/18/06          Best Buy                                                    924.20                                                                       924.20
 5/19/06          Girlfriend's Diamond Ring     Per H's Depo               20,000.00                                              20,000.00
 5/20/06          ABC Marina                    Per Answers to Interrog.      175.26    175.26
 5/30/06          Marriott Hotels LA                                          578.28    578.28
 6/8/06           Atm Cash Withdrawal                                         400.00                                                                                  400.00
 6/9/06    1130   Cash                                                      1,300.00                                                                                1,300.00
 6/9/06           Infinity                      Per Answers to Interrog.        0.00
 7/10/06          Gap                                                         411.85               411.85
 7/10/06          Victoria's Secret                                           343.05               343.05
 8/9/06           Credit Union Loan #4567       Unknown purpose                 0.00
 8/17/06          Over-the-counter Withdrawal                               6,000.00                                                                                6,000.00
 9/8/06    1283   Cash                                                        800.00                                                                                  800.00
10/16/06          Toyota                        Per Answers to Interrog.        0.00
             2011 ANNUAL CONSULTANTS’ CONFERENCE  JUNE 8 –3,333.792011  SAN DIEGO BAYFRONT HILTON9,302.00
                  Atm Cash Withdrawal
                  Totals                            5,901.47
                                                             11, 6,998.10 3,275.00 20,000.00 7,500.00 4,924.20 400.00
                                                                           76,434.56                                                                                           15,200.00

Breakin’ Up is Hard to Do:
  Dividing the Marital Estate and Figuring Alimony

Case Study – The Smiths

Husband - (“money spouse”) – airline pilot – age 51
Wife - (“non-money spouse”) – office worker – age 51
Children, ages 15 and 13
18 year marriage

Major Assets
Marital Residence in TN with 20 years on the mortgage
Rental House in D.C. area
H – Defined Benefit Plan
H – Military Retirement

Smith v. Smith
Marital Balance Sheet - Round 1
3/31/11                                                                                            Child or
                                                                                                   Separate               Proposed Division
 No.                    Description                   Title   FMV       Debt         Equity        Account    Marital    Husband      Wife                        Notes

  1    Rental Property-1234 Maple Cove, D.C.            J     200,000                                                                           Appraisal dated 11/30/10; listed for sale
  2    Estimated Sales Comm. on Rental Prop. Sale       J                (24,000)                                                               Estimated
  3    Estimated Income Tax on Rental Property Sale     J                (35,000)        141,000               141,000      70,500     70,500 Estimated

  4    Marital Residence-4567 Main St., TN              J     250,000                                                                           Appraisal dated 12/15/10; listed for sale
  5    Marital Residence-Mortgage #05-227               J               (119,000)        131,000               131,000                131,000 Statement dated 2/28/11

  6    Checking Account #5689                          H        2,500                      2,500                 2,500       2,500              Statement dated 2/28/11
  7    Checking Account #9876                          W        3,500                      3,500                 3,500                   3,500 Statement dated 2/28/11
  8    Savings Account #1234                            J      11,500                     11,500                11,500      11,500              Statement dated 2/28/11
  9    ABC Corporation Stock-200 shr                   H       20,000                     20,000                20,000      20,000              Statement dated 2/28/11
 10    Amer. Century I #3698                           W       20,000                     20,000                20,000                 20,000 Statement dated 2/28/11
 11    Amer. Century-Money Market #5678                 J      31,000                     31,000                31,000      31,000              Statement dated 2/28/11
 12    Amer. Century-II #6543                           J      36,000                     36,000                36,000                 36,000 Statement dated 2/28/11
 13    Jones Fund #1478                                 J       7,000                      7,000                 7,000                   7,000 Statement dated 2/28/11
 14    Janus-Wordwide #9998                             J       2,000                      2,000                 2,000                   2,000 Statement dated 2/28/11
 15    Janus-Twenty #8889                               J       9,000                      9,000                 9,000                   9,000 Statement dated 2/28/11
 16    eTrade Account #2589                            H        4,000                      4,000                 4,000                   4,000 Statement dated 2/28/11
 17    Aviation Manufacturing Inc.-30% Int.            H      300,000                    300,000               300,000     300,000              Per Valuation performed by FVS, PLC

18   ABC Co. Pension Plan #AB-123              H    514,417                     514,417    (68,589)    445,828      445,828               PV of future benefits as of 3/31/11
19   Military Pension Plan                     H    190,000                     190,000    (20,000)    170,000      170,000               PV of future benefits as of 1/31/11
20   Money Purchase Pension Plan #XY-9876      H    140,000                     140,000                140,000                  140,000 Statement dated 2/28/11
21   Retirement Savings Plan #JK-6543          H    550,000                     550,000                550,000      275,000     275,000 Statement dated 2/28/11
22   IRA #02-3456                              H     11,000                      11,000                 11,000       11,000               Statement dated 2/28/11
23   IRA II #98-7654                           H    122,000                     122,000                122,000      122,000               Statement dated 2/28/11; 25% / 75% Split
24   403b Plan #9876                           W     38,000                      38,000                 38,000                   38,000 Statement dated 2/28/11
25   IRA III #6543                             W     35,000                      35,000                 35,000                   35,000 Statement dated 2/28/11

26   1992 Mercedes                             J     12,000                      12,000                 12,000       12,000               NADA Average retail value as of 1/31/11
27   1999 Toyota                               W      3,200                       3,200                  3,200                    3,200 NADA Average retail value as of 1/31/11
28   2003 Chevrolet PU Truck                   H      8,800                       8,800                  8,800        8,800               NADA Average retail value as of 1/31/11
29   Personal Property                         J     20,000                      20,000                 20,000       10,000      10,000 H & W Estimate
30   Husband's Dissipation of Marital Assets   H     76,435                      76,435                 76,435       76,435               Per Forensic Analysis

30   Visa #4529                                J                 (4,000)         (4,000)                 (4,000)      (4,000)             Statement dated 2/28/11
31   Amex #1234                                W                 (8,500)         (8,500)                 (8,500)      (8,500)             Statement dated 2/28/11
32   Discover #6549                            W                 (9,500)         (9,500)                 (9,500)      (9,500)             Statement dated 2/28/11

     TOTALS                                        2,617,352   (200,000)    2,417,352      (88,589)   2,328,763    1,544,563    784,200
                                                                                                                      66.3%       33.7%

Smith v. Smith
Marital Balance Sheet - Round 2
3/31/11                                                                                            Child or
                                                                                                   Separate               Proposed Division
 No.                    Description                   Title   FMV       Debt         Equity        Account    Marital    Husband      Wife                        Notes

  1    Rental Property-1234 Maple Cove, D.C.            J     200,000                                                                           Appraisal dated 11/30/10; listed for sale
  2    Estimated Sales Comm. on Rental Prop. Sale       J                (24,000)                                                               Estimated
  3    Estimated Income Tax on Rental Property Sale     J                (35,000)        141,000               141,000      70,500     70,500 Estimated

  4    Marital Residence-4567 Main St., TN              J     250,000                                                                           Appraisal dated 12/15/10; listed for sale
  5    Marital Residence-Mortgage #05-227               J               (119,000)        131,000               131,000                131,000 Statement dated 2/28/11

  6    Checking Account #5689                          H        2,500                      2,500                 2,500       2,500              Statement dated 2/28/11
  7    Checking Account #9876                          W        3,500                      3,500                 3,500                   3,500 Statement dated 2/28/11
  8    Savings Account #1234                            J      11,500                     11,500                11,500      11,500              Statement dated 2/28/11
  9    ABC Corporation Stock-200 shr                   H       20,000                     20,000                20,000      20,000              Statement dated 2/28/11
 10    Amer. Century I #3698                           W       20,000                     20,000                20,000                 20,000 Statement dated 2/28/11
 11    Amer. Century-Money Market #5678                 J      31,000                     31,000                31,000      31,000              Statement dated 2/28/11
 12    Amer. Century-II #6543                           J      36,000                     36,000                36,000      36,000              Statement dated 2/28/11
 13    Jones Fund #1478                                 J       7,000                      7,000                 7,000                   7,000 Statement dated 2/28/11
 14    Janus-Wordwide #9998                             J       2,000                      2,000                 2,000                   2,000 Statement dated 2/28/11
 15    Janus-Twenty #8889                               J       9,000                      9,000                 9,000                   9,000 Statement dated 2/28/11
 16    eTrade Account #2589                            H        4,000                      4,000                 4,000                   4,000 Statement dated 2/28/11
 17    Aviation Manufacturing Inc.-30% Int.            H      300,000                    300,000               300,000     150,000    150,000 Per Valuation performed by FVS, PLC

18   ABC Co. Pension Plan #AB-123              H    514,417                     514,417    (68,589)    445,828      445,828                 PV of future benefits as of 3/31/11
19   Military Pension Plan                     H    190,000                     190,000    (20,000)    170,000      170,000                 PV of future benefits as of 1/31/11
20   Money Purchase Pension Plan #XY-9876      H    140,000                     140,000                140,000                   140,000 Statement dated 2/28/11
21   Retirement Savings Plan #JK-6543          H    550,000                     550,000                550,000                   550,000 Statement dated 2/28/11
22   IRA #02-3456                              H     11,000                      11,000                 11,000       11,000                 Statement dated 2/28/11
23   IRA II #98-7654                           H    122,000                     122,000                122,000       30,500       91,500 Statement dated 2/28/11; 25% / 75% Split
24   403b Plan #9876                           W     38,000                      38,000                 38,000                    38,000 Statement dated 2/28/11
25   IRA III #6543                             W     35,000                      35,000                 35,000                    35,000 Statement dated 2/28/11

26   1992 Mercedes                             J     12,000                      12,000                 12,000       12,000                 NADA Average retail value as of 1/31/11
27   1999 Toyota                               W      3,200                       3,200                  3,200                     3,200 NADA Average retail value as of 1/31/11
28   2003 Chevrolet PU Truck                   H      8,800                       8,800                  8,800        8,800                 NADA Average retail value as of 1/31/11
29   Personal Property                         J     20,000                      20,000                 20,000       10,000       10,000 H & W Estimate
30   Husband's Dissipation of Marital Assets   H     76,435                      76,435                 76,435       76,435                 Per Forensic Analysis

30   Visa #4529                                J                 (4,000)         (4,000)                 (4,000)      (4,000)               Statement dated 2/28/11
31   Amex #1234                                W                 (8,500)         (8,500)                 (8,500)      (8,500)               Statement dated 2/28/11
32   Discover #6549                            W                 (9,500)         (9,500)                 (9,500)      (9,500)               Statement dated 2/28/11

     TOTALS                                        2,617,352   (200,000)    2,417,352      (88,589)   2,328,763    1,064,063    1,264,700
                                                                                                                      45.7%        54.3%

Breakin’ Up is Hard to Do:
 Dividing the Marital Estate and Figuring Alimony

Figuring Reasonable Need and the Ability to Pay

•Know your alimony code and case law
•Property Division first
•Alimony second
•Single-month v. multi-year

Smith v. Smith
Wife's Need for Support

Monthly Basis - 1st Year Only

Gross Monthly Income                          3,333
Net Monthly Income After Taxes & Deductions             970
Child Support                                         3,200
Total Monthly Income                                  4,170
Mortgage                                              (1,950)
Monthly Living Expenses                               (7,083)
Shortfall                                             (4,863)
Alimony "Need"                                        5,000
Surplus                                                 137

Breakin’ Up is Hard to Do:
  Dividing the Marital Estate and Figuring Alimony

Single-month flawed for these reasons:
1.Represents a snapshot in time
2.Gross understatement of income by self-employed and commission
or bonus-dependant spouses
3.Use of expense figures that appear to be historical, however the
future expenses will inevitably be different due to new housing
arrangements, additional child care expenses, duplications, and
4.Failure to incorporate the use of investment earnings available from
the divided property
5.Failure to incorporate the use of retirement assets or pensions at
retirement date or for use immediately if necessary
6.Overstatement of monthly expenses after listing those ordered to pay
as temporary support which may end

Breakin’ Up is Hard to Do:
 Dividing the Marital Estate and Figuring Alimony

The Need and the Ability to Pay Analysis

•A simplified, lifetime financial plan covering all of the
remaining years of each spouse’s life expectancy
•A forward-looking projection
•Standard of Living
•Earning Capacity
•If I had a dime for every time I heard the statement
“business is way-off this year” during the pendency of a
divorce, I would be a rich man

Breakin’ Up is Hard to Do:
 Dividing the Marital Estate and Figuring Alimony

1.Calculate the remaining life expectancy of each spouse
2.Allow for contributions to retirement plans and/or IRAs based
on past practices
3.Incorporate an investment rate of return on the non-retirement
financial assets
4.Factor in the receipt of child support
5.Figure the new mortgage note or rent based on an
approximation of the pre-divorce standard of living
6.Analyze the personal living expenses – general ledger
7.Calculate federal and state taxes on the projected earnings,
other taxable incomes, itemized deductions and the tax
consequences for paying/receiving alimony

Smith v. Smith
Wife's Need for Support
 (A)     (B)      (C)       (D)        (E)         (F)      (G)       (H)      (I)      (K)           (L)         (M)         (N)          (O)        (P)        (Q)
                   +         -          -           +        +         +        +        =             -           =           -            -          =          =
               Employment                                                       Social               Federal      Net                  Living Exp. Annual     Monthly
                 Earnings           Retirement    Child    Alimony Draws From Security  Total        Income    Disposable   Mortgage      2.5%     (Deficit) (Deficit)
 Year    Age   2.0% COLA    FICA    Deductions   Support   $5,000 Retirement 2.5% COLA Income          Tax      Income      Prin & Int  Inflation or Surplus or Surplus

   1     51       40,000 (3,060) (15,000) 38,400 60,000       0      0 120,340                        (10,297) 110,043 (23,400)          (85,000)      1,643       137
   2     52       40,800 (3,121) (15,000) 25,200 60,000       0      0 107,879                        (10,998)  96,881 (23,400)          (87,125)    (13,644)   (1,137)
   3     53       41,616 (3,184) (15,000) 25,200 60,000       0      0 108,632                        (11,445)  97,188 (23,400)          (89,303)    (15,515)   (1,293)
   4     54       42,448 (3,247) (15,000)      0 60,000       0      0  84,201                        (11,836)  72,365 (23,400)          (77,805)    (28,841)   (2,403)
   5     55       43,297 (3,312) (15,000)      0 60,000       0      0  84,985                        (11,991)  72,994 (23,400)          (79,750)    (30,156)   (2,513)
   6     56       44,163 (3,378) (15,000)      0 60,000       0      0  85,785                        (12,086)  73,698 (23,400)          (81,744)    (31,446)   (2,621)
   7     57       45,046 (3,446) (15,000)      0 60,000       0      0  86,600                        (13,243)  73,358 (23,400)          (83,788)    (33,830)   (2,819)
   8     58       45,947 (3,515) (15,000)      0 60,000       0      0  87,432                        (15,647)  71,785 (23,400)          (85,883)    (37,497)   (3,125)
   9     59       46,866 (3,585) (15,000)      0 60,000       0      0  88,281                        (15,705)  72,576 (23,400)          (88,030)    (38,853)   (3,238)
  10     60       47,804 (3,657) (15,000)      0 60,000       0      0  89,147                        (15,704)  73,443 (23,400)          (90,230)    (40,188)   (3,349)
  11     61            0      0        0       0 60,000  75,000      0 135,000                        (29,303) 105,697 (23,400)          (92,486)    (10,189)     (849)
  12     62            0      0        0       0      0 140,000      0 140,000                        (30,559) 109,441 (23,400)          (94,798)     (8,757)     (730)
  13     63            0      0        0       0      0 140,000      0 140,000                        (30,430) 109,570 (23,400)          (97,168)    (10,999)     (917)
  14     64            0      0        0       0      0 140,000      0 140,000                        (30,259) 109,741 (23,400)          (99,597)    (13,256)   (1,105)
  15     65            0      0        0       0      0 140,000      0 140,000                        (30,041) 109,959 (23,400)         (102,087)    (15,529)   (1,294)
  16     66            0      0        0       0      0 140,000      0 140,000                        (29,775) 110,225 (23,400)         (104,640)    (17,815)   (1,485)
  17     67            0      0        0       0      0 140,000 15,000 155,000                        (33,028) 121,972 (23,400)         (107,256)     (8,684)     (724)
  18     68            0      0        0       0      0 140,000 15,375 155,375                        (32,927) 122,448 (23,400)         (109,937)    (10,889)     (907)
  19     69            0      0        0       0      0 140,000 15,759 155,759                        (32,782) 122,977 (23,400)         (112,685)    (13,108)   (1,092)
  20     70            0      0        0       0      0 140,000 16,153 156,153                        (32,591) 123,562 (23,400)         (115,502)    (15,341)   (1,278)
  21     71            0      0        0       0      0 140,000 16,557 156,557                        (32,351) 124,206       0          (118,390)      5,816       485
  22     72            0      0        0       0      0 140,000 16,971 156,971                        (32,431) 124,540       0          (121,350)      3,191       266
  23     73            0      0        0       0      0 140,000 17,395 157,395                        (32,470) 124,926       0          (124,384)        542        45
  24     74            0      0        0       0      0 140,000 17,830 157,830                        (32,466) 125,365       0          (127,493)     (2,128)     (177)
  25     75            0      0        0       0      0 140,000 18,276 158,276                        (32,415) 125,861       0          (130,680)     (4,820)     (402)
  26     76            0      0        0       0      0 140,000 18,733 158,733                        (32,316) 126,417       0          (133,947)     (7,531)     (628)
  27     77            0      0        0       0      0 140,000 19,201 159,201                        (32,165) 127,036       0          (137,296)    (10,260)     (855)
  28     78            0      0        0       0      0 140,000 19,681 159,681                        (31,959) 127,723       0          (140,729)    (13,006)   (1,084)
  29     79            0      0        0       0      0 140,000 20,173 160,173                        (31,693) 128,481       0          (144,247)    (15,766)   (1,314)
  30     80            0      0        0       0      0 140,000 20,678 160,678                        (31,364) 129,314       0          (147,853)    (18,539)   (1,545)
  31     81
                 ANNUAL CONSULTANTS’ CONFERENCE140,000 21,72411,161,195
                                                        140,000 21,195
                                                           JUNE 8 – 161,724
                                                                        2011                         (30,969) 130,225
                                                                                                      SAN DIEGO BAYFRONT
                                                                                                      (30,504) 131,220
                 437,989    (33,506) (150,000)    88,800                  27 290,703 4,308,986
                                                           660,000 3,015,000                         (823,752) 3,485,234    (468,000) (3,518,072)   (500,837)
Smith v. Smith                                                                Checking Account #5689                              0
Wife's Investment Savings                                                     Checking Account #9876                          3,500
3/31/2011                                                                     Savings Account #1234                               0

                                                                                                                                          See MBS Lines
                                                                              ABC Corporation Stock-200 shr                       0
Allocation:            100%       0%         25%        35%        40%        American Century Accounts                      20,000

Balance at Divorce:   45,500       0       11,375      15,925     18,200      Jones Fund #1478                                7,000
Investment Type:                 Cash     Fixed Inc. Fixed Inc. Equities      Janus-Wordwide #9998                            2,000
Investment Vehicle:   Average 12 Mo. C.D. U.S. Treas. Bond Fund Stock Avg.    Janus-Twenty #8889                              9,000
Return %:              5.7%      1.0%       4.5%        5.0%       7.0%       eTrade Account #2589                            4,000

                                                                                                                          Net Proceeds
                                                                             Annual   Cumulative                Surplus After Sale of Investment
            Year        Age                                                  Return    Return      Draws       or Deficit Rental Prop. Balance

              1         51             0         512       796      1,274      2,582     2,582                    1,643                  49,725
              2         52             0         559       870      1,392      2,821     5,403                  (13,644)                 38,902
              3         53             0         438       681      1,089      2,208     7,611                  (15,515)                 25,595
              4         54             0         288       448        717      1,453     9,064                  (28,841)                 (1,793)
              5         55             0         (20)      (31)       (50)      (101)    8,963                  (30,156)                (32,050)
              6         56             0        (361)     (561)      (897)    (1,819)    7,144                  (31,446)     70,500       5,185
              7         57             0          58        91        145        294     7,438                  (33,830)    150,000     121,649
              8         58             0       1,369     2,129      3,406      6,904    14,342                  (37,497)                 91,056
              9         59             0       1,024     1,593      2,550      5,167    19,509                  (38,853)                 57,370
             10         60             0         645     1,004      1,606      3,255    22,764                  (40,188)                 20,437
             11         61             0         230       358        572      1,160    23,924                  (10,189)                 11,408
             12         62             0         128       200        319        647    24,571                   (8,757)                  3,298
             13         63             0          37        58         92        187    24,758                  (10,999)                 (7,514)
             14         64             0         (85)     (131)      (210)      (426)   24,332                  (13,256)                (21,196)
             15         65             0        (238)     (371)      (593)    (1,202)   23,130                  (15,529)                (37,927)
             16         66             0        (427)     (664)    (1,062)    (2,153)   20,977                  (17,815)                (57,895)
             17         67             0        (651)   (1,013)    (1,621)    (3,285)   17,692                   (8,684)                (69,864)
             18         68             0        (786)   (1,223)    (1,956)    (3,965)   13,727                  (10,889)                (84,718)
             19         69             0        (953)   (1,483)    (2,372)    (4,808)    8,919                  (13,108)               (102,634)
             20         70             0      (1,155)   (1,796)    (2,874)    (5,825)    3,094                  (15,341)               (123,800)
             21         71             0      (1,393)   (2,167)    (3,466)    (7,026)   (3,932)                   5,816                (125,010)
             22         72             0      (1,406)   (2,188)    (3,500)    (7,094) (11,026)                    3,191                (128,913)
             23         73             0      (1,450)   (2,256)    (3,610)    (7,316) (18,342)                      542                (135,687)
             24         74             0      (1,526)   (2,375)    (3,799)    (7,700) (26,042)                   (2,128)               (145,515)
             25         75             0      (1,637)   (2,547)    (4,074)    (8,258) (34,300)                   (4,820)               (158,593)
             26         76             0      (1,784)   (2,775)    (4,441)    (9,000) (43,300)                   (7,531)               (175,124)
             27         77             0      (1,970)   (3,065)    (4,903)    (9,938) (53,238)                  (10,260)               (195,322)
             28         78             0      (2,197)   (3,418)    (5,469)   (11,084) (64,322)                  (13,006)               (219,412)
             29         79             0      (2,468)   (3,840)    (6,144)   (12,452) (76,774)                  (15,766)               (247,630)
             30         80             0      (2,786)   (4,334)    (6,934)   (14,054) (90,828)                  (18,539)               (280,223)
             31         81             0      (3,153)   (4,904)    (7,846)   (15,903) (106,731)                 (21,324)               (317,450)
             32         82             0      (3,571)   (5,555)    (8,889)   28
                                                                             (18,015) (124,746)                 (24,118)               (359,583)
                                                                                                           0   (500,837)    220,500
Smith v. Smith
Wife's Retirement Savings
                                                                             Defined Contribution Plans & IRAs
Allocation:            100%       0%         25%         35%       40%       Money Purchase Pension Plan #XY-9876           140,000

                                                                                                                                      See MBS Lines
Balance at Divorce:   854,500      0       213,625     299,075   341,800     Retirement Savings Plan #JK-6543               550,000
Investment Type:                 Cash     Fixed Inc. Fixed Inc. Equities     IRA #02-3456                                         0

Investment Vehicle:   Average 12 Mo. C.D. U.S. Treas. Bond Fund Stock Avg.   IRA II #98-7654                                 91,500
Return %:              5.7%      1.0%       4.5%        5.0%       7.0%      403b Plan #9876                                 38,000
                                                                             IRA III #6543                                   35,000

                                                                             Annual    Cumulative                        Investment
            Year        Age                                                  Return     Return Contribution Distribution Balance

              1         51             0      9,613     14,954     23,926     48,493      48,493    15,000          0      917,993
              2         52             0     10,327     16,065     25,704     52,096     100,589    15,000          0      985,089
              3         53             0     11,082     17,239     27,582     55,903     156,492    15,000          0    1,055,992
              4         54             0     11,880     18,480     29,568     59,928     216,420    15,000          0    1,130,920
              5         55             0     12,723     19,791     31,666     64,180     280,600    15,000          0    1,210,100
              6         56             0     13,614     21,177     33,883     68,674     349,274    15,000          0    1,293,774
              7         57             0     14,555     22,641     36,226     73,422     422,696    15,000          0    1,382,196
              8         58             0     15,550     24,188     38,701     78,439     501,135    15,000          0    1,475,635
              9         59             0     16,601     25,824     41,318     83,743     584,878    15,000          0    1,574,378
             10         60             0     17,712     27,552     44,083     89,347     674,225    15,000          0    1,678,725
             11         61             0     18,886     29,378     47,004     95,268     769,493         0    (75,000)   1,698,993
             12         62             0     19,114     29,732     47,572     96,418     865,911         0   (140,000)   1,655,411
             13         63             0     18,623     28,970     46,352     93,945     959,856         0   (140,000)   1,609,356
             14         64             0     18,105     28,164     45,062     91,331   1,051,187         0   (140,000)   1,560,687
             15         65             0     17,558     27,312     43,699     88,569   1,139,756         0   (140,000)   1,509,256
             16         66             0     16,979     26,412     42,259     85,650   1,225,406         0   (140,000)   1,454,906
             17         67             0     16,368     25,461     40,737     82,566   1,307,972         0   (140,000)   1,397,472
             18         68             0     15,722     24,456     39,129     79,307   1,387,279         0   (140,000)   1,336,779
             19         69             0     15,039     23,394     37,430     75,863   1,463,142         0   (140,000)   1,272,642
             20         70             0     14,317     22,271     35,634     72,222   1,535,364         0   (140,000)   1,204,864
             21         71             0     13,555     21,085     33,736     68,376   1,603,740         0   (140,000)   1,133,240
             22         72             0     12,749     19,832     31,731     64,312   1,668,052         0   (140,000)   1,057,552
             23         73             0     11,897     18,507     29,611     60,015   1,728,067         0   (140,000)     977,567
             24         74             0     10,998     17,107     27,372     55,477   1,783,544         0   (140,000)     893,044
             25         75             0     10,047     15,628     25,005     50,680   1,834,224         0   (140,000)     803,724
             26         76             0      9,042     14,065     22,504     45,611   1,879,835         0   (140,000)     709,335
             27         77             0      7,980     12,413     19,861     40,254   1,920,089         0   (140,000)     609,589
             28         78             0      6,858     10,668     17,068     34,594   1,954,683         0   (140,000)     504,183
             29         79             0      5,672      8,823     14,117     28,612   1,983,295         0   (140,000)     392,795
             30         80             0      4,419      6,874     10,998     22,291   2,005,586         0   (140,000)     275,086
             31         81             0      3,095      4,814      7,702     15,611   2,021,197         0   (140,000)     150,697
             32         82             0      1,695      2,637      4,220      8,552   2,029,749         0   (140,000)      19,249
                                                                             29                    150,000 (3,015,000)
Smith v. Smith
Husband's Ability to Pay Support
 (A)     (B)    (C)         (D)          (E)         (F)        (G)           (H)         (I)        (J)         (K)           (L)         (M)         (N)         (O)          (P)        (Q)
                 +           -            -           -          -              +          +          +           -             +           =           -           -            =          =
            ABC & Military                                                  Defined Def. Benefit               Federal
             Employment                                                    Contribution  Plans      Social     & State                    Net                    Living        Annual    Monthly
              Earnings                 401(k)                   Child        Plans      & Military Security    Income       Draws From Disposable    Mortgage   Expenses      (Deficit)  (Deficit)
 Year   Age 2.0% COLA      FICA       Deductions   Alimony     Support       Draw        Draw* 2.5% COLA         Tax        Investments Income        or Rent 2.5% Inflation or Surplus or Surplus

  1      51      215,000    (8,958)     (15,000)    (60,000)    (38,400)           0           0         0       (28,315)            0      64,327    (28,354)    (63,516)     (27,542)     (2,295)
  2      52      217,150    (8,989)     (15,000)    (60,000)    (25,200)           0           0         0       (27,781)            0      80,180    (28,354)    (65,104)     (13,278)     (1,107)
  3      53      190,000    (8,595)     (15,000)    (60,000)    (25,200)           0      14,412         0       (24,319)            0      71,297    (28,354)    (66,731)     (23,788)     (1,982)
  4      54      191,900    (8,623)     (15,000)    (60,000)          0            0      14,412         0       (24,762)            0      97,927    (28,354)    (68,400)       1,174          98
  5      55      193,819    (8,651)     (15,000)    (60,000)          0            0      14,412         0       (25,570)            0      99,010    (28,354)    (70,110)         546          46
  6      56      195,757    (8,679)     (15,000)    (60,000)          0            0      14,412         0       (27,480)            0      99,010    (28,354)    (71,863)      (1,206)       (101)
  7      57      197,715    (8,707)     (15,000)    (60,000)          0            0      14,412         0       (28,297)            0     100,122    (28,354)    (73,659)      (1,890)       (158)
  8      58      199,692    (8,736)     (15,000)    (60,000)          0            0      14,412         0       (31,480)            0      98,888    (28,354)    (75,501)      (4,966)       (414)
  9      59      201,689    (8,765)     (15,000)    (60,000)          0            0      14,412         0       (32,360)            0      99,976    (28,354)    (77,388)      (5,766)       (481)
  10     60      203,706    (8,794)     (15,000)    (60,000)          0            0      14,412         0       (33,228)            0     101,096    (28,354)    (79,323)      (6,580)       (548)
  11     61            0         0            0     (60,000)          0       42,500     146,412         0       (29,534)            0      99,378    (28,354)    (81,306)     (10,281)       (857)
  12     62            0         0            0           0           0       42,500     146,412         0       (48,114)            0     140,798    (28,354)    (83,338)      29,106       2,426
  13     63            0         0            0           0           0       42,500     146,412         0       (49,101)            0     139,811    (28,354)    (85,422)      26,035       2,170
  14     64            0         0            0           0           0       42,500     146,412         0       (50,063)            0     138,849    (28,354)    (87,558)      22,938       1,912
  15     65            0         0            0           0           0       42,500     146,412         0       (50,999)            0     137,913    (28,354)    (89,746)      19,813       1,651
  16     66            0         0            0           0           0       42,500     146,412         0       (51,910)            0     137,002          0     (91,990)      45,012       3,751
  17     67            0         0            0           0           0       42,500     146,412    18,000       (58,372)            0     148,540          0     (94,290)      54,250       4,521
  18     68            0         0            0           0           0       42,500     146,412    18,450       (60,147)            0     147,215          0     (96,647)      50,568       4,214
  19     69            0         0            0           0           0       42,500     146,412    18,911       (61,931)            0     145,892          0     (99,063)      46,829       3,902
  20     70            0         0            0           0           0       42,500     146,412    19,384       (63,726)            0     144,570          0    (101,540)      43,030       3,586
  21     71            0         0            0           0           0       42,500     146,412    19,869       (65,531)            0     143,250          0    (104,078)      39,171       3,264
  22     72            0         0            0           0           0       42,500     146,412    20,365       (67,346)            0     141,931          0    (106,680)      35,251       2,938
  23     73            0         0            0           0           0       42,500     146,412    20,874       (69,172)            0     140,615          0    (109,347)      31,267       2,606
  24     74            0         0            0           0           0       42,500     146,412    21,396       (71,009)            0     139,300          0    (112,081)      27,219       2,268
  25     75            0         0            0           0           0       42,500     146,412    21,931       (72,856)            0     137,987          0    (114,883)      23,104       1,925
  26     76            0         0            0           0           0       42,500     146,412    22,480       (74,713)            0     136,678          0    (117,755)      18,923       1,577
  27     77            0         0            0           0           0       42,500     146,412    23,042       (76,581)            0     135,372          0    (120,699)      14,673       1,223
  28     78            0         0            0           0           0       42,500     146,412    23,618       (78,459)            0     134,070          0    (123,716)      10,354         863
               2,006,427   (87,497)    (150,000)   (660,000)    (88,800)     765,000   2,750,712   248,320    (1,383,157)            0   3,401,005   (425,304) (2,531,735)     443,966

Smith v. Smith
Net Worth Accumulation of Marital Assets
                                                                                                                  Net Worth Accumulation
                                                   Husband                   Wife
                                                                                                                      of Marital Assets
                                             Estimated Estimated    Estimated Estimated
                                               Value     Value        Value       Value
                                             At Divorce At Death    At Divorce At Death         $2,500,000

Marital Residence Equity - 2% Appreciation          0          0     131,000    518,249                                                        $2,087,424

New Home - 2% Appreciation                          0    609,358           0           0

Investment Assets                             321,500   1,435,242    266,000    (359,583)
Retirement Assets                             657,328     42,824     854,500     19,249                                      $1,264,700

Other Assets & Debts                           85,235          0      13,200           0                     $1,064,063


                                             1,064,063 2,087,424    1,264,700   177,915
                                                 45.7%     92.1%        54.3%      7.9%


                                                                                                                      At Divorce                      At Death
                                                                                                             Husband's Total Marital Assets   Wife's Total Marital Assets


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Divorce Property Division and Alimony Needs Analysis - "Breakin' Up is Hard to Do" - Presentation at the 2011 NACVA Annual Conference

  • 1. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF CERTIFIED VALUATION ANALYSTS  INSTITUTE OF BUSINESS APPRAISERS Thursday, June 9, 2011  Matrimonial Litigation Breakin’ Up is Hard to Do: Dividing the Marital Estate and Figuring Alimony Robert Vance, CPA, CVA, ABV, CFF, CFP 2 0 1 1 A N N U A L C O N S U L T A N T S’ C O N F E R E N C E ~ Adversity Brings Opportunity ~ Tomorrow’s Information Today ~ ~ J U N E 8 – 1 1, 2 0 1 1  S A N D I E G O B A Y F R O N T H I L T O N
  • 2. • Please set pagers, cell phones, etc. on vibrate mode or turn them off. • Please complete and hand in the Presenter Evaluation forms. • Don’t forget to complete your CPA Attestation Form. Add your Membership Number (located on your name badge) and sign it. Keep the white copy for your records. Turn in the yellow copy at the Registration Desk.
  • 3. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF CERTIFIED VALUATION ANALYSTS  INSTITUTE OF BUSINESS APPRAISERS Thursday, June 9, 2011  Matrimonial Litigation Breakin’ Up is Hard to Do Robert Vance, CPA, CVA, ABV, CFF, CFP 2 0 1 1 A N N U A L C O N S U L T A N T S’ C O N F E R E N C E ~ Adversity Brings Opportunity ~ Tomorrow’s Information Today ~ ~ J U N E 8 – 1 1, 2 0 1 1  S A N D I E G O B A Y F R O N T H I L T O N
  • 4. Breakin’ Up is Hard to Do: Dividing the Marital Estate and Figuring Alimony D◦I◦V◦O◦R◦C◦E What Can You Do? • Identify – Tax Returns – Account Statements – Creative (NOL C/F, Dissipation) • Classify – Marital v. Separate – Transmutation, Commingling • Quantify – Value a Business – Value a Pension 2011 ANNUAL CONSULTANTS’ CONFERENCE  JUNE 8 – 11, 2011  SAN DIEGO BAYFRONT HILTON 4
  • 5. Breakin’ Up is Hard to Do: Dividing the Marital Estate and Figuring Alimony D◦I◦V◦O◦R◦C◦E What Can You Do? • Propose a Division • Figure Alimony Need & Ability to Pay 2011 ANNUAL CONSULTANTS’ CONFERENCE  JUNE 8 – 11, 2011  SAN DIEGO BAYFRONT HILTON 5
  • 6. Breakin’ Up is Hard to Do: Dividing the Marital Estate and Figuring Alimony Dividing the Marital Estate Supporting Documentation •General - 5 Years of business & personal tax returns, with W-2s •Marital Residence - Real estate appraisal •Mortgage - Payoff or monthly statement •Checking/Savings Accounts – 24-48 months of bank statements checks •Investment Accounts - 24-48 months of monthly/quarterly statements •Defined Benefit Pension - Vested benefit statement & plan document •Defined Contrib. Plan/401(k) Savings Plan, etc. - 24-48 months of statements •Stock Options - Vested & unvested grant statement & plan document •IRA - 24-48 months of monthly/quarterly statements 2011 ANNUAL CONSULTANTS’ CONFERENCE  JUNE 8 – 11, 2011  SAN DIEGO BAYFRONT HILTON 6
  • 7. Breakin’ Up is Hard to Do: Dividing the Marital Estate and Figuring Alimony Dividing the Marital Estate Supporting Documentation •Vehicles - NADA valuation from Internet •Other Personal Property - List & estimates from parties; appraisal Small Business - Business valuation from qualified expert •Credit Cards - 24-48 months of monthly statements •Dissipation of Marital Assets - Receipts, canceled checks, CC statements, depo. excerpts, etc. •Electronic file copies, including passwords - Quicken and QuickBooks •Subpoena to all banks that a spouse may use •Request the entire loan file, including personal financial statements (“PFS”) and loan applications 2011 ANNUAL CONSULTANTS’ CONFERENCE  JUNE 8 – 11, 2011  SAN DIEGO BAYFRONT HILTON 7
  • 8. Breakin’ Up is Hard to Do: Dividing the Marital Estate and Figuring Alimony The “Marital Balance Sheet” Factors to Consider •Spouses’ desire for a particular asset •Practicality, legality or necessity of one spouse owning an asset or owing a debt •Future income earnings from an asset •Future earning capacity of each spouse •Concept of offset •Attorney’s request for an unequal division 2011 ANNUAL CONSULTANTS’ CONFERENCE  JUNE 8 – 11, 2011  SAN DIEGO BAYFRONT HILTON 8
  • 9. Smith v. Smith Marital Balance Sheet 3/31/11 Child or Separate Proposed Division No. Description Title FMV Debt Equity Account Marital Husband Wife Notes REAL ESTATE 1 2 3 4 5 6 CASH & INVESTMENTS 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 RETIREMENT 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 PERSONAL PROPERTY 26 27 28 29 30 OTHER DEBTS 30 31 2011 ANNUAL CONSULTANTS’ CONFERENCE  JUNE 8 – 11, 2011  SAN DIEGO BAYFRONT HILTON 32 TOTALS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 #DIV/0! #DIV/0!
  • 10. Breakin’ Up is Hard to Do: Dividing the Marital Estate and Figuring Alimony Construction 1.Excel 2.Numbered lines 3.Numbered pages 4.Group asset and debt categories such as “Real Estate” and “Retirement” 5.Last 4 digits of account # 6.List debts with secured assets showing the net equity 7.Display property claimed as separate in whole or in part so as to establish the claim 2011 ANNUAL CONSULTANTS’ CONFERENCE  JUNE 8 – 11, 2011  SAN DIEGO BAYFRONT HILTON 10
  • 11. Breakin’ Up is Hard to Do: Dividing the Marital Estate and Figuring Alimony Construction 8.Display the proposed division of each and every item along with the total net percentage to each spouse 9.Offset the present value of a pension 10.Offset the fair market value of a small business with other assets 2011 ANNUAL CONSULTANTS’ CONFERENCE  JUNE 8 – 11, 2011  SAN DIEGO BAYFRONT HILTON 11
  • 12. Breakin’ Up is Hard to Do: Dividing the Marital Estate and Figuring Alimony Related Issues & Analyses for the MBS •Present Valuing a Defined Benefit Plan •Dissipation Analysis 2011 ANNUAL CONSULTANTS’ CONFERENCE  JUNE 8 – 11, 2011  SAN DIEGO BAYFRONT HILTON 12
  • 13. Smith v. Smith Defined Benefit Pension Valuation 3/31/11 Case Information Date of Valuation 3/31/2011 Date of Marriage 1/31/1993 Date of Preparation 3/31/2011 Years of Marriage 18.2 Plan Information Employer ABC Corporation Date of Retirement 4/1/2020 Payout Method Straight Life Annuity Plan Name ABC Corp. Employee's Pension Plan Participant Information Participant John Smith Date of Birth 3/27/1960 Sex M Age at Valuation Date 51.0 Race W Vested Percentage 100.0% Date of Hire 4/2/1990 Years of Service 21.0 Calculations Notes Monthly retirement benefit $4,961 a. Retirement age used in this calculation 60.0 Life expectancy at valuation date (1) 28.2 b. Number of years to retirement age (deferral period) 9.0 c. Years of life expectancy beyond retirement age (payout period) 19.2 d. b. - c. = d. Discount rate for payout period (2) 4.50% e. Present value of monthly benefits at retirement date 764,473 f. Present value of a. discounted with e. Discount rate for deferral period (2) 4.50% g. Expected value of retirement benefits at valuation date 514,417 h. Present value of f. discounted with g. Ratio of total benefits earned during marriage 86.7% i. Years of marriage / years of service Marital value of retirement benefits $445,828 j. h. x i. = j. 1) Life Expectancy Tables: "United States Life Tables, 2006", National Vital Statistics Reports, Vol. 58, No. 21, June 28, 2010, National Center for Health Statistics; Life Table for white males. 2) Derived from Federal Reserve Statistical Release; 5 Year average of 20 Year, U.S. Government Securities, Treasury Constant Maturities 2011 ANNUAL CONSULTANTS’ CONFERENCE  JUNE 8 – 11, 2011  SAN DIEGO BAYFRONT HILTON 13
  • 14. Breakin’ Up is Hard to Do: Dividing the Marital Estate and Figuring Alimony Dissipation Dissipation: “The use of an asset for an illegal or inequitable purpose, such as a spouse’s use of community property for personal benefit when a divorce is imminent.” Black’s Law Dictionary 2011 ANNUAL CONSULTANTS’ CONFERENCE  JUNE 8 – 11, 2011  SAN DIEGO BAYFRONT HILTON 14
  • 15. Breakin’ Up is Hard to Do: Dividing the Marital Estate and Figuring Alimony Tennessee: “Ward Factors” The Trial Court must consider: 1.Whether the evidence presented at trial supports the alleged purpose of the various expenditures; and if so, 2.Whether the alleged purpose equates to dissipation under the circumstances a. The typicality of the expenditure to the marriage b. The benefactor of the expenditure, i.e., it is primarily benefited the marriage or the sole dissipating spouse c. The proximity of the expenditure to the breakdown of the marriage; and the amount of the expenditure d. The amount of the expenditure 2011 ANNUAL CONSULTANTS’ CONFERENCE  JUNE 8 – 11, 2011  SAN DIEGO BAYFRONT HILTON 15
  • 16. Smith v. Smith Dissipation of Marital Assets by Husband Girlfriend Expenses 3/31/11 Clothing Casino Check & Dept. Meals & Loans to Athletic ATM Cosmetic Date Num Description Memo Totals Travel Stores Ent. G'friend Jewe lry Misc. Tickets Cash Medical 10/1/05 Refinance of H's Car Per H's Depo 0.00 10/1/05 Disney World Trip H's Answers to Interrog. 5,000.00 5,000.00 10/13/05 1032 Sports Tickets Etc. Per Answers to Interrog. 2,000.00 2,000.00 10/24/05 1009 Best Buy 43922.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 11/1/05 1016 Check to Girlfriend 2,500.00 2,500.00 11/1/05 Credit Union Loan #12345 Unknown purpose 0.00 11/1/05 1045 Sports Tickets Etc. Per Answers to Interrog. 2,000.00 2,000.00 11/28/05 Abercrombie And Fitch 518.95 518.95 11/28/05 Banana Republic 219.58 219.58 12/6/05 Airline Per Answers to Interrog. 503.90 503.90 12/6/05 Airline Per Answers to Interrog. 503.90 503.90 12/6/05 Airline Per Answers to Interrog. 503.90 503.90 12/20/05 1053 Check to Girlfriend 415.00 415.00 12/27/05 Miguelas Clothing Girlfriend 692.65 692.65 12/29/05 Miguelas Clothing Girlfriend 127.00 127.00 1/3/06 Airline 915.14 915.14 1/3/06 Airline Chicago trip 915.14 915.14 2/15/06 Cosmetic Dentist Inc. 5,000.00 5,000.00 2/15/06 Hair Plugs R Us Per H's Admission 10,200.00 10,200.00 2/22/06 1123 Check to Girlfriend 360.00 360.00 4/10/06 5135 Big Law Firm 5,000.00 5,000.00 4/22/06 Billabong Cabazon 166.95 166.95 5/10/06 Victoria's Secret 127.28 127.28 5/11/06 Barbie Live Per Answers to Interrog. 135.55 135.55 5/12/06 Atm Cash Withdrawal 402.00 402.00 5/12/06 Ticketmaster Per Answers to Interrog. 1,021.55 1,021.55 5/18/06 Best Buy 924.20 924.20 5/19/06 Girlfriend's Diamond Ring Per H's Depo 20,000.00 20,000.00 5/20/06 ABC Marina Per Answers to Interrog. 175.26 175.26 5/30/06 Marriott Hotels LA 578.28 578.28 6/8/06 Atm Cash Withdrawal 400.00 400.00 6/9/06 1130 Cash 1,300.00 1,300.00 6/9/06 Infinity Per Answers to Interrog. 0.00 7/10/06 Gap 411.85 411.85 7/10/06 Victoria's Secret 343.05 343.05 8/9/06 Credit Union Loan #4567 Unknown purpose 0.00 8/17/06 Over-the-counter Withdrawal 6,000.00 6,000.00 9/8/06 1283 Cash 800.00 800.00 10/16/06 Toyota Per Answers to Interrog. 0.00 11/22/06 2011 ANNUAL CONSULTANTS’ CONFERENCE  JUNE 8 –3,333.792011  SAN DIEGO BAYFRONT HILTON9,302.00 Atm Cash Withdrawal Totals 5,901.47 11, 6,998.10 3,275.00 20,000.00 7,500.00 4,924.20 400.00 400.00 76,434.56 15,200.00 16
  • 17. Breakin’ Up is Hard to Do: Dividing the Marital Estate and Figuring Alimony Case Study – The Smiths Personal Husband - (“money spouse”) – airline pilot – age 51 Wife - (“non-money spouse”) – office worker – age 51 Children, ages 15 and 13 18 year marriage Major Assets Marital Residence in TN with 20 years on the mortgage Rental House in D.C. area H – Defined Benefit Plan H – Military Retirement 2011 ANNUAL CONSULTANTS’ CONFERENCE  JUNE 8 – 11, 2011  SAN DIEGO BAYFRONT HILTON 17
  • 18. Smith v. Smith Marital Balance Sheet - Round 1 3/31/11 Child or Separate Proposed Division No. Description Title FMV Debt Equity Account Marital Husband Wife Notes REAL ESTATE 1 Rental Property-1234 Maple Cove, D.C. J 200,000 Appraisal dated 11/30/10; listed for sale 2 Estimated Sales Comm. on Rental Prop. Sale J (24,000) Estimated 3 Estimated Income Tax on Rental Property Sale J (35,000) 141,000 141,000 70,500 70,500 Estimated 4 Marital Residence-4567 Main St., TN J 250,000 Appraisal dated 12/15/10; listed for sale 5 Marital Residence-Mortgage #05-227 J (119,000) 131,000 131,000 131,000 Statement dated 2/28/11 CASH & INVESTMENTS 6 Checking Account #5689 H 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 Statement dated 2/28/11 7 Checking Account #9876 W 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 Statement dated 2/28/11 8 Savings Account #1234 J 11,500 11,500 11,500 11,500 Statement dated 2/28/11 9 ABC Corporation Stock-200 shr H 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 Statement dated 2/28/11 10 Amer. Century I #3698 W 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 Statement dated 2/28/11 11 Amer. Century-Money Market #5678 J 31,000 31,000 31,000 31,000 Statement dated 2/28/11 12 Amer. Century-II #6543 J 36,000 36,000 36,000 36,000 Statement dated 2/28/11 13 Jones Fund #1478 J 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 Statement dated 2/28/11 14 Janus-Wordwide #9998 J 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 Statement dated 2/28/11 15 Janus-Twenty #8889 J 9,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 Statement dated 2/28/11 16 eTrade Account #2589 H 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 Statement dated 2/28/11 17 Aviation Manufacturing Inc.-30% Int. H 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 Per Valuation performed by FVS, PLC 2011 ANNUAL CONSULTANTS’ CONFERENCE  JUNE 8 – 11, 2011  SAN DIEGO BAYFRONT HILTON 18
  • 19. RETIREMENT 18 ABC Co. Pension Plan #AB-123 H 514,417 514,417 (68,589) 445,828 445,828 PV of future benefits as of 3/31/11 19 Military Pension Plan H 190,000 190,000 (20,000) 170,000 170,000 PV of future benefits as of 1/31/11 20 Money Purchase Pension Plan #XY-9876 H 140,000 140,000 140,000 140,000 Statement dated 2/28/11 21 Retirement Savings Plan #JK-6543 H 550,000 550,000 550,000 275,000 275,000 Statement dated 2/28/11 22 IRA #02-3456 H 11,000 11,000 11,000 11,000 Statement dated 2/28/11 23 IRA II #98-7654 H 122,000 122,000 122,000 122,000 Statement dated 2/28/11; 25% / 75% Split 24 403b Plan #9876 W 38,000 38,000 38,000 38,000 Statement dated 2/28/11 25 IRA III #6543 W 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 Statement dated 2/28/11 PERSONAL PROPERTY 26 1992 Mercedes J 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 NADA Average retail value as of 1/31/11 27 1999 Toyota W 3,200 3,200 3,200 3,200 NADA Average retail value as of 1/31/11 28 2003 Chevrolet PU Truck H 8,800 8,800 8,800 8,800 NADA Average retail value as of 1/31/11 29 Personal Property J 20,000 20,000 20,000 10,000 10,000 H & W Estimate 30 Husband's Dissipation of Marital Assets H 76,435 76,435 76,435 76,435 Per Forensic Analysis OTHER DEBTS 30 Visa #4529 J (4,000) (4,000) (4,000) (4,000) Statement dated 2/28/11 31 Amex #1234 W (8,500) (8,500) (8,500) (8,500) Statement dated 2/28/11 32 Discover #6549 W (9,500) (9,500) (9,500) (9,500) Statement dated 2/28/11 TOTALS 2,617,352 (200,000) 2,417,352 (88,589) 2,328,763 1,544,563 784,200 66.3% 33.7% 2011 ANNUAL CONSULTANTS’ CONFERENCE  JUNE 8 – 11, 2011  SAN DIEGO BAYFRONT HILTON 19
  • 20. Smith v. Smith Marital Balance Sheet - Round 2 3/31/11 Child or Separate Proposed Division No. Description Title FMV Debt Equity Account Marital Husband Wife Notes REAL ESTATE 1 Rental Property-1234 Maple Cove, D.C. J 200,000 Appraisal dated 11/30/10; listed for sale 2 Estimated Sales Comm. on Rental Prop. Sale J (24,000) Estimated 3 Estimated Income Tax on Rental Property Sale J (35,000) 141,000 141,000 70,500 70,500 Estimated 4 Marital Residence-4567 Main St., TN J 250,000 Appraisal dated 12/15/10; listed for sale 5 Marital Residence-Mortgage #05-227 J (119,000) 131,000 131,000 131,000 Statement dated 2/28/11 CASH & INVESTMENTS 6 Checking Account #5689 H 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 Statement dated 2/28/11 7 Checking Account #9876 W 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 Statement dated 2/28/11 8 Savings Account #1234 J 11,500 11,500 11,500 11,500 Statement dated 2/28/11 9 ABC Corporation Stock-200 shr H 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 Statement dated 2/28/11 10 Amer. Century I #3698 W 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 Statement dated 2/28/11 11 Amer. Century-Money Market #5678 J 31,000 31,000 31,000 31,000 Statement dated 2/28/11 12 Amer. Century-II #6543 J 36,000 36,000 36,000 36,000 Statement dated 2/28/11 13 Jones Fund #1478 J 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 Statement dated 2/28/11 14 Janus-Wordwide #9998 J 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 Statement dated 2/28/11 15 Janus-Twenty #8889 J 9,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 Statement dated 2/28/11 16 eTrade Account #2589 H 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 Statement dated 2/28/11 17 Aviation Manufacturing Inc.-30% Int. H 300,000 300,000 300,000 150,000 150,000 Per Valuation performed by FVS, PLC 2011 ANNUAL CONSULTANTS’ CONFERENCE  JUNE 8 – 11, 2011  SAN DIEGO BAYFRONT HILTON 20
  • 21. RETIREMENT 18 ABC Co. Pension Plan #AB-123 H 514,417 514,417 (68,589) 445,828 445,828 PV of future benefits as of 3/31/11 19 Military Pension Plan H 190,000 190,000 (20,000) 170,000 170,000 PV of future benefits as of 1/31/11 20 Money Purchase Pension Plan #XY-9876 H 140,000 140,000 140,000 140,000 Statement dated 2/28/11 21 Retirement Savings Plan #JK-6543 H 550,000 550,000 550,000 550,000 Statement dated 2/28/11 22 IRA #02-3456 H 11,000 11,000 11,000 11,000 Statement dated 2/28/11 23 IRA II #98-7654 H 122,000 122,000 122,000 30,500 91,500 Statement dated 2/28/11; 25% / 75% Split 24 403b Plan #9876 W 38,000 38,000 38,000 38,000 Statement dated 2/28/11 25 IRA III #6543 W 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 Statement dated 2/28/11 PERSONAL PROPERTY 26 1992 Mercedes J 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 NADA Average retail value as of 1/31/11 27 1999 Toyota W 3,200 3,200 3,200 3,200 NADA Average retail value as of 1/31/11 28 2003 Chevrolet PU Truck H 8,800 8,800 8,800 8,800 NADA Average retail value as of 1/31/11 29 Personal Property J 20,000 20,000 20,000 10,000 10,000 H & W Estimate 30 Husband's Dissipation of Marital Assets H 76,435 76,435 76,435 76,435 Per Forensic Analysis OTHER DEBTS 30 Visa #4529 J (4,000) (4,000) (4,000) (4,000) Statement dated 2/28/11 31 Amex #1234 W (8,500) (8,500) (8,500) (8,500) Statement dated 2/28/11 32 Discover #6549 W (9,500) (9,500) (9,500) (9,500) Statement dated 2/28/11 TOTALS 2,617,352 (200,000) 2,417,352 (88,589) 2,328,763 1,064,063 1,264,700 45.7% 54.3% 2011 ANNUAL CONSULTANTS’ CONFERENCE  JUNE 8 – 11, 2011  SAN DIEGO BAYFRONT HILTON 21
  • 22. Breakin’ Up is Hard to Do: Dividing the Marital Estate and Figuring Alimony Figuring Reasonable Need and the Ability to Pay Alimony •Know your alimony code and case law •Property Division first •Alimony second •Single-month v. multi-year 2011 ANNUAL CONSULTANTS’ CONFERENCE  JUNE 8 – 11, 2011  SAN DIEGO BAYFRONT HILTON 22
  • 23. Smith v. Smith Wife's Need for Support 3/31/11 Monthly Basis - 1st Year Only Gross Monthly Income 3,333 Net Monthly Income After Taxes & Deductions 970 Child Support 3,200 Total Monthly Income 4,170 Mortgage (1,950) Monthly Living Expenses (7,083) Shortfall (4,863) Alimony "Need" 5,000 Surplus 137 2011 ANNUAL CONSULTANTS’ CONFERENCE  JUNE 8 – 11, 2011  SAN DIEGO BAYFRONT HILTON 23
  • 24. Breakin’ Up is Hard to Do: Dividing the Marital Estate and Figuring Alimony Single-month flawed for these reasons: 1.Represents a snapshot in time 2.Gross understatement of income by self-employed and commission or bonus-dependant spouses 3.Use of expense figures that appear to be historical, however the future expenses will inevitably be different due to new housing arrangements, additional child care expenses, duplications, and INFLATION 4.Failure to incorporate the use of investment earnings available from the divided property 5.Failure to incorporate the use of retirement assets or pensions at retirement date or for use immediately if necessary 6.Overstatement of monthly expenses after listing those ordered to pay as temporary support which may end 2011 ANNUAL CONSULTANTS’ CONFERENCE  JUNE 8 – 11, 2011  SAN DIEGO BAYFRONT HILTON 24
  • 25. Breakin’ Up is Hard to Do: Dividing the Marital Estate and Figuring Alimony The Need and the Ability to Pay Analysis •A simplified, lifetime financial plan covering all of the remaining years of each spouse’s life expectancy •A forward-looking projection •Standard of Living •Earning Capacity •If I had a dime for every time I heard the statement “business is way-off this year” during the pendency of a divorce, I would be a rich man 2011 ANNUAL CONSULTANTS’ CONFERENCE  JUNE 8 – 11, 2011  SAN DIEGO BAYFRONT HILTON 25
  • 26. Breakin’ Up is Hard to Do: Dividing the Marital Estate and Figuring Alimony Steps 1.Calculate the remaining life expectancy of each spouse 2.Allow for contributions to retirement plans and/or IRAs based on past practices 3.Incorporate an investment rate of return on the non-retirement financial assets 4.Factor in the receipt of child support 5.Figure the new mortgage note or rent based on an approximation of the pre-divorce standard of living 6.Analyze the personal living expenses – general ledger 7.Calculate federal and state taxes on the projected earnings, other taxable incomes, itemized deductions and the tax consequences for paying/receiving alimony 2011 ANNUAL CONSULTANTS’ CONFERENCE  JUNE 8 – 11, 2011  SAN DIEGO BAYFRONT HILTON 26
  • 27. Smith v. Smith Wife's Need for Support 3/31/11 (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) (G) (H) (I) (K) (L) (M) (N) (O) (P) (Q) + - - + + + + = - = - - = = Personal Employment Social Federal Net Living Exp. Annual Monthly Earnings Retirement Child Alimony Draws From Security Total Income Disposable Mortgage 2.5% (Deficit) (Deficit) Year Age 2.0% COLA FICA Deductions Support $5,000 Retirement 2.5% COLA Income Tax Income Prin & Int Inflation or Surplus or Surplus 1 51 40,000 (3,060) (15,000) 38,400 60,000 0 0 120,340 (10,297) 110,043 (23,400) (85,000) 1,643 137 2 52 40,800 (3,121) (15,000) 25,200 60,000 0 0 107,879 (10,998) 96,881 (23,400) (87,125) (13,644) (1,137) 3 53 41,616 (3,184) (15,000) 25,200 60,000 0 0 108,632 (11,445) 97,188 (23,400) (89,303) (15,515) (1,293) 4 54 42,448 (3,247) (15,000) 0 60,000 0 0 84,201 (11,836) 72,365 (23,400) (77,805) (28,841) (2,403) 5 55 43,297 (3,312) (15,000) 0 60,000 0 0 84,985 (11,991) 72,994 (23,400) (79,750) (30,156) (2,513) 6 56 44,163 (3,378) (15,000) 0 60,000 0 0 85,785 (12,086) 73,698 (23,400) (81,744) (31,446) (2,621) 7 57 45,046 (3,446) (15,000) 0 60,000 0 0 86,600 (13,243) 73,358 (23,400) (83,788) (33,830) (2,819) 8 58 45,947 (3,515) (15,000) 0 60,000 0 0 87,432 (15,647) 71,785 (23,400) (85,883) (37,497) (3,125) 9 59 46,866 (3,585) (15,000) 0 60,000 0 0 88,281 (15,705) 72,576 (23,400) (88,030) (38,853) (3,238) 10 60 47,804 (3,657) (15,000) 0 60,000 0 0 89,147 (15,704) 73,443 (23,400) (90,230) (40,188) (3,349) 11 61 0 0 0 0 60,000 75,000 0 135,000 (29,303) 105,697 (23,400) (92,486) (10,189) (849) 12 62 0 0 0 0 0 140,000 0 140,000 (30,559) 109,441 (23,400) (94,798) (8,757) (730) 13 63 0 0 0 0 0 140,000 0 140,000 (30,430) 109,570 (23,400) (97,168) (10,999) (917) 14 64 0 0 0 0 0 140,000 0 140,000 (30,259) 109,741 (23,400) (99,597) (13,256) (1,105) 15 65 0 0 0 0 0 140,000 0 140,000 (30,041) 109,959 (23,400) (102,087) (15,529) (1,294) 16 66 0 0 0 0 0 140,000 0 140,000 (29,775) 110,225 (23,400) (104,640) (17,815) (1,485) 17 67 0 0 0 0 0 140,000 15,000 155,000 (33,028) 121,972 (23,400) (107,256) (8,684) (724) 18 68 0 0 0 0 0 140,000 15,375 155,375 (32,927) 122,448 (23,400) (109,937) (10,889) (907) 19 69 0 0 0 0 0 140,000 15,759 155,759 (32,782) 122,977 (23,400) (112,685) (13,108) (1,092) 20 70 0 0 0 0 0 140,000 16,153 156,153 (32,591) 123,562 (23,400) (115,502) (15,341) (1,278) 21 71 0 0 0 0 0 140,000 16,557 156,557 (32,351) 124,206 0 (118,390) 5,816 485 22 72 0 0 0 0 0 140,000 16,971 156,971 (32,431) 124,540 0 (121,350) 3,191 266 23 73 0 0 0 0 0 140,000 17,395 157,395 (32,470) 124,926 0 (124,384) 542 45 24 74 0 0 0 0 0 140,000 17,830 157,830 (32,466) 125,365 0 (127,493) (2,128) (177) 25 75 0 0 0 0 0 140,000 18,276 158,276 (32,415) 125,861 0 (130,680) (4,820) (402) 26 76 0 0 0 0 0 140,000 18,733 158,733 (32,316) 126,417 0 (133,947) (7,531) (628) 27 77 0 0 0 0 0 140,000 19,201 159,201 (32,165) 127,036 0 (137,296) (10,260) (855) 28 78 0 0 0 0 0 140,000 19,681 159,681 (31,959) 127,723 0 (140,729) (13,006) (1,084) 29 79 0 0 0 0 0 140,000 20,173 160,173 (31,693) 128,481 0 (144,247) (15,766) (1,314) 30 80 0 0 0 0 0 140,000 20,678 160,678 (31,364) 129,314 0 (147,853) (18,539) (1,545) 31 81 32 2011 82 ANNUAL CONSULTANTS’ CONFERENCE140,000 21,72411,161,195 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 140,000 21,195  JUNE 8 – 161,724 2011  (30,969) 130,225 SAN DIEGO BAYFRONT (30,504) 131,220 0 0 (151,549) HILTON (155,338) (21,324) (24,118) (1,777) (2,010) 437,989 (33,506) (150,000) 88,800 27 290,703 4,308,986 660,000 3,015,000 (823,752) 3,485,234 (468,000) (3,518,072) (500,837)
  • 28. Smith v. Smith Checking Account #5689 0 Wife's Investment Savings Checking Account #9876 3,500 3/31/2011 Savings Account #1234 0 See MBS Lines ABC Corporation Stock-200 shr 0 Allocation: 100% 0% 25% 35% 40% American Century Accounts 20,000 6-16 Balance at Divorce: 45,500 0 11,375 15,925 18,200 Jones Fund #1478 7,000 Investment Type: Cash Fixed Inc. Fixed Inc. Equities Janus-Wordwide #9998 2,000 Investment Vehicle: Average 12 Mo. C.D. U.S. Treas. Bond Fund Stock Avg. Janus-Twenty #8889 9,000 Return %: 5.7% 1.0% 4.5% 5.0% 7.0% eTrade Account #2589 4,000 45,500 Net Proceeds Annual Cumulative Surplus After Sale of Investment Year Age Return Return Draws or Deficit Rental Prop. Balance 1 51 0 512 796 1,274 2,582 2,582 1,643 49,725 2 52 0 559 870 1,392 2,821 5,403 (13,644) 38,902 3 53 0 438 681 1,089 2,208 7,611 (15,515) 25,595 4 54 0 288 448 717 1,453 9,064 (28,841) (1,793) 5 55 0 (20) (31) (50) (101) 8,963 (30,156) (32,050) 6 56 0 (361) (561) (897) (1,819) 7,144 (31,446) 70,500 5,185 7 57 0 58 91 145 294 7,438 (33,830) 150,000 121,649 8 58 0 1,369 2,129 3,406 6,904 14,342 (37,497) 91,056 9 59 0 1,024 1,593 2,550 5,167 19,509 (38,853) 57,370 10 60 0 645 1,004 1,606 3,255 22,764 (40,188) 20,437 11 61 0 230 358 572 1,160 23,924 (10,189) 11,408 12 62 0 128 200 319 647 24,571 (8,757) 3,298 13 63 0 37 58 92 187 24,758 (10,999) (7,514) 14 64 0 (85) (131) (210) (426) 24,332 (13,256) (21,196) 15 65 0 (238) (371) (593) (1,202) 23,130 (15,529) (37,927) 16 66 0 (427) (664) (1,062) (2,153) 20,977 (17,815) (57,895) 17 67 0 (651) (1,013) (1,621) (3,285) 17,692 (8,684) (69,864) 18 68 0 (786) (1,223) (1,956) (3,965) 13,727 (10,889) (84,718) 19 69 0 (953) (1,483) (2,372) (4,808) 8,919 (13,108) (102,634) 20 70 0 (1,155) (1,796) (2,874) (5,825) 3,094 (15,341) (123,800) 21 71 0 (1,393) (2,167) (3,466) (7,026) (3,932) 5,816 (125,010) 22 72 0 (1,406) (2,188) (3,500) (7,094) (11,026) 3,191 (128,913) 23 73 0 (1,450) (2,256) (3,610) (7,316) (18,342) 542 (135,687) 24 74 0 (1,526) (2,375) (3,799) (7,700) (26,042) (2,128) (145,515) 25 75 0 (1,637) (2,547) (4,074) (8,258) (34,300) (4,820) (158,593) 26 76 0 (1,784) (2,775) (4,441) (9,000) (43,300) (7,531) (175,124) 27 77 0 (1,970) (3,065) (4,903) (9,938) (53,238) (10,260) (195,322) 28 78 0 (2,197) (3,418) (5,469) (11,084) (64,322) (13,006) (219,412) 29 79 0 (2,468) (3,840) (6,144) (12,452) (76,774) (15,766) (247,630) 2011 ANNUAL CONSULTANTS’ CONFERENCE  JUNE 8 – 11, 2011  SAN DIEGO BAYFRONT HILTON 30 80 0 (2,786) (4,334) (6,934) (14,054) (90,828) (18,539) (280,223) 31 81 0 (3,153) (4,904) (7,846) (15,903) (106,731) (21,324) (317,450) 32 82 0 (3,571) (5,555) (8,889) 28 (18,015) (124,746) (24,118) (359,583) 0 (500,837) 220,500
  • 29. Smith v. Smith Wife's Retirement Savings 3/31/2011 Defined Contribution Plans & IRAs Allocation: 100% 0% 25% 35% 40% Money Purchase Pension Plan #XY-9876 140,000 See MBS Lines Balance at Divorce: 854,500 0 213,625 299,075 341,800 Retirement Savings Plan #JK-6543 550,000 Investment Type: Cash Fixed Inc. Fixed Inc. Equities IRA #02-3456 0 17-24 Investment Vehicle: Average 12 Mo. C.D. U.S. Treas. Bond Fund Stock Avg. IRA II #98-7654 91,500 Return %: 5.7% 1.0% 4.5% 5.0% 7.0% 403b Plan #9876 38,000 IRA III #6543 35,000 854,500 Annual Cumulative Investment Year Age Return Return Contribution Distribution Balance 1 51 0 9,613 14,954 23,926 48,493 48,493 15,000 0 917,993 2 52 0 10,327 16,065 25,704 52,096 100,589 15,000 0 985,089 3 53 0 11,082 17,239 27,582 55,903 156,492 15,000 0 1,055,992 4 54 0 11,880 18,480 29,568 59,928 216,420 15,000 0 1,130,920 5 55 0 12,723 19,791 31,666 64,180 280,600 15,000 0 1,210,100 6 56 0 13,614 21,177 33,883 68,674 349,274 15,000 0 1,293,774 7 57 0 14,555 22,641 36,226 73,422 422,696 15,000 0 1,382,196 8 58 0 15,550 24,188 38,701 78,439 501,135 15,000 0 1,475,635 9 59 0 16,601 25,824 41,318 83,743 584,878 15,000 0 1,574,378 10 60 0 17,712 27,552 44,083 89,347 674,225 15,000 0 1,678,725 11 61 0 18,886 29,378 47,004 95,268 769,493 0 (75,000) 1,698,993 12 62 0 19,114 29,732 47,572 96,418 865,911 0 (140,000) 1,655,411 13 63 0 18,623 28,970 46,352 93,945 959,856 0 (140,000) 1,609,356 14 64 0 18,105 28,164 45,062 91,331 1,051,187 0 (140,000) 1,560,687 15 65 0 17,558 27,312 43,699 88,569 1,139,756 0 (140,000) 1,509,256 16 66 0 16,979 26,412 42,259 85,650 1,225,406 0 (140,000) 1,454,906 17 67 0 16,368 25,461 40,737 82,566 1,307,972 0 (140,000) 1,397,472 18 68 0 15,722 24,456 39,129 79,307 1,387,279 0 (140,000) 1,336,779 19 69 0 15,039 23,394 37,430 75,863 1,463,142 0 (140,000) 1,272,642 20 70 0 14,317 22,271 35,634 72,222 1,535,364 0 (140,000) 1,204,864 21 71 0 13,555 21,085 33,736 68,376 1,603,740 0 (140,000) 1,133,240 22 72 0 12,749 19,832 31,731 64,312 1,668,052 0 (140,000) 1,057,552 23 73 0 11,897 18,507 29,611 60,015 1,728,067 0 (140,000) 977,567 24 74 0 10,998 17,107 27,372 55,477 1,783,544 0 (140,000) 893,044 25 75 0 10,047 15,628 25,005 50,680 1,834,224 0 (140,000) 803,724 26 76 0 9,042 14,065 22,504 45,611 1,879,835 0 (140,000) 709,335 27 77 0 7,980 12,413 19,861 40,254 1,920,089 0 (140,000) 609,589 28 78 0 6,858 10,668 17,068 34,594 1,954,683 0 (140,000) 504,183 29 79 0 5,672 8,823 14,117 28,612 1,983,295 0 (140,000) 392,795 30 80 0 4,419 6,874 10,998 22,291 2,005,586 0 (140,000) 275,086 2011 ANNUAL CONSULTANTS’ CONFERENCE  JUNE 8 – 11, 2011  SAN DIEGO BAYFRONT HILTON 31 81 0 3,095 4,814 7,702 15,611 2,021,197 0 (140,000) 150,697 32 82 0 1,695 2,637 4,220 8,552 2,029,749 0 (140,000) 19,249 29 150,000 (3,015,000)
  • 30. Smith v. Smith Husband's Ability to Pay Support 3/31/11 (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) (G) (H) (I) (J) (K) (L) (M) (N) (O) (P) (Q) + - - - - + + + - + = - - = = ABC & Military Defined Def. Benefit Federal Employment Contribution Plans Social & State Net Living Annual Monthly Earnings 401(k) Child Plans & Military Security Income Draws From Disposable Mortgage Expenses (Deficit) (Deficit) Year Age 2.0% COLA FICA Deductions Alimony Support Draw Draw* 2.5% COLA Tax Investments Income or Rent 2.5% Inflation or Surplus or Surplus 1 51 215,000 (8,958) (15,000) (60,000) (38,400) 0 0 0 (28,315) 0 64,327 (28,354) (63,516) (27,542) (2,295) 2 52 217,150 (8,989) (15,000) (60,000) (25,200) 0 0 0 (27,781) 0 80,180 (28,354) (65,104) (13,278) (1,107) 3 53 190,000 (8,595) (15,000) (60,000) (25,200) 0 14,412 0 (24,319) 0 71,297 (28,354) (66,731) (23,788) (1,982) 4 54 191,900 (8,623) (15,000) (60,000) 0 0 14,412 0 (24,762) 0 97,927 (28,354) (68,400) 1,174 98 5 55 193,819 (8,651) (15,000) (60,000) 0 0 14,412 0 (25,570) 0 99,010 (28,354) (70,110) 546 46 6 56 195,757 (8,679) (15,000) (60,000) 0 0 14,412 0 (27,480) 0 99,010 (28,354) (71,863) (1,206) (101) 7 57 197,715 (8,707) (15,000) (60,000) 0 0 14,412 0 (28,297) 0 100,122 (28,354) (73,659) (1,890) (158) 8 58 199,692 (8,736) (15,000) (60,000) 0 0 14,412 0 (31,480) 0 98,888 (28,354) (75,501) (4,966) (414) 9 59 201,689 (8,765) (15,000) (60,000) 0 0 14,412 0 (32,360) 0 99,976 (28,354) (77,388) (5,766) (481) 10 60 203,706 (8,794) (15,000) (60,000) 0 0 14,412 0 (33,228) 0 101,096 (28,354) (79,323) (6,580) (548) 11 61 0 0 0 (60,000) 0 42,500 146,412 0 (29,534) 0 99,378 (28,354) (81,306) (10,281) (857) 12 62 0 0 0 0 0 42,500 146,412 0 (48,114) 0 140,798 (28,354) (83,338) 29,106 2,426 13 63 0 0 0 0 0 42,500 146,412 0 (49,101) 0 139,811 (28,354) (85,422) 26,035 2,170 14 64 0 0 0 0 0 42,500 146,412 0 (50,063) 0 138,849 (28,354) (87,558) 22,938 1,912 15 65 0 0 0 0 0 42,500 146,412 0 (50,999) 0 137,913 (28,354) (89,746) 19,813 1,651 16 66 0 0 0 0 0 42,500 146,412 0 (51,910) 0 137,002 0 (91,990) 45,012 3,751 17 67 0 0 0 0 0 42,500 146,412 18,000 (58,372) 0 148,540 0 (94,290) 54,250 4,521 18 68 0 0 0 0 0 42,500 146,412 18,450 (60,147) 0 147,215 0 (96,647) 50,568 4,214 19 69 0 0 0 0 0 42,500 146,412 18,911 (61,931) 0 145,892 0 (99,063) 46,829 3,902 20 70 0 0 0 0 0 42,500 146,412 19,384 (63,726) 0 144,570 0 (101,540) 43,030 3,586 21 71 0 0 0 0 0 42,500 146,412 19,869 (65,531) 0 143,250 0 (104,078) 39,171 3,264 22 72 0 0 0 0 0 42,500 146,412 20,365 (67,346) 0 141,931 0 (106,680) 35,251 2,938 23 73 0 0 0 0 0 42,500 146,412 20,874 (69,172) 0 140,615 0 (109,347) 31,267 2,606 24 74 0 0 0 0 0 42,500 146,412 21,396 (71,009) 0 139,300 0 (112,081) 27,219 2,268 25 75 0 0 0 0 0 42,500 146,412 21,931 (72,856) 0 137,987 0 (114,883) 23,104 1,925 26 76 0 0 0 0 0 42,500 146,412 22,480 (74,713) 0 136,678 0 (117,755) 18,923 1,577 27 77 0 0 0 0 0 42,500 146,412 23,042 (76,581) 0 135,372 0 (120,699) 14,673 1,223 28 78 0 0 0 0 0 42,500 146,412 23,618 (78,459) 0 134,070 0 (123,716) 10,354 863 2,006,427 (87,497) (150,000) (660,000) (88,800) 765,000 2,750,712 248,320 (1,383,157) 0 3,401,005 (425,304) (2,531,735) 443,966 2011 ANNUAL CONSULTANTS’ CONFERENCE  JUNE 8 – 11, 2011  SAN DIEGO BAYFRONT HILTON 30
  • 31. Smith v. Smith Net Worth Accumulation of Marital Assets 3/31/11 Net Worth Accumulation Husband Wife of Marital Assets Estimated Estimated Estimated Estimated Value Value Value Value At Divorce At Death At Divorce At Death $2,500,000 Marital Residence Equity - 2% Appreciation 0 0 131,000 518,249 $2,087,424 New Home - 2% Appreciation 0 609,358 0 0 $2,000,000 Investment Assets 321,500 1,435,242 266,000 (359,583) $1,500,000 Retirement Assets 657,328 42,824 854,500 19,249 $1,264,700 Other Assets & Debts 85,235 0 13,200 0 $1,064,063 W N h $1,000,000 o r e t 1,064,063 2,087,424 1,264,700 177,915 45.7% 92.1% 54.3% 7.9% $500,000 $177,915 $0 At Divorce At Death Husband's Total Marital Assets Wife's Total Marital Assets 2011 ANNUAL CONSULTANTS’ CONFERENCE  JUNE 8 – 11, 2011  SAN DIEGO BAYFRONT HILTON 31