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The 7-I Framework
of Development:
The Path to
a Sustainable

by Mohit Sauparn and Vivek Pundir
MBA Class of 2006
Emory University

         for Prof. Jeff Rosensweig’s
         BUS503: Global Macroeconomic Perspectives
Term Paper: The 7-I’s of Development
                                                                  Mohit Sauparn, Vivek Pundir

Term Paper: The 7-I’s of Development

Submitted to: Prof. Jeff Rosensweig
Global Macroeconomic Perspectives


Development is an issue that has bewildered economists for a long time. In fact, even
defining the term is so hairy that they haven’t been able to agree even on that.

Some early economic thought equated development with industrialization and
mechanization. Over time this has given way to talk about sustainable development.

The government of British Columbia, Canada thinks it means “the advancement of the
management and use of natural resources to satisfy human needs and improve the
quality of human life. For development to be sustainable it must take account of social
and ecological factors, as well as economic ones, of the living and non-living resource
base, and of the long-term and short-term advantages and disadvantages of alternative

"In an international context", says InterEnvironment, "(development) refers to
improving the economic and social conditions of poorer countries."

The United Nations Strategy for Disaster Reduction accepts the definition provided by
the 1987 Brundtland Commission: "Development that meets the needs of the present
without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. It
contains within it two key concepts: the concept of "needs", in particular the essential
needs of the world's poor, to which overriding priority should be given; and the idea of
limitations imposed by the state of technology and social organization on the
environment's ability to meet present and the future needs."

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Term Paper: The 7-I’s of Development
                                                                     Mohit Sauparn, Vivek Pundir

We like the definition used by “Botany from Vermont” website in the context of the
development of biological organisms, “Growth and maturation of an organism or some
part of it.” If one replaces “organism” by “nation”, this definition probably conveys, to
a large extent, the concept of development. Admittedly, though, this definition is rather
vague, and does not do much to further the operational understanding of the term.

Having said that, we think that it does give a flavor of the meaning in a “The Fortune at
the Bottom of the Pyramid” sense. Thus, while a society or nation is clearly
underdeveloped if it is severely impaired by economic constraints, economic wealth, of
and by itself, is not a guarantee of development. Wealth is a necessary, but not
sufficient condition, when it comes to development. If the wealth is distributed
extremely unevenly so that while the nation is rich overall, the average citizen lies
under the poverty level, or if the wealth does not translate into health, well-being,
political and civil liberties etc., it is effectively meaningless.

In this context, Prof. Jeff Rosensweig of Emory University has proposed a 7 I’s
framework of development. According to this framework, there are seven essential
components/ pre-requisites of development:

1. Investment – Investment is the first prerequisite for development, and the only way
    to grow the economy. While a consumption binge can inflate growth figures for a
    short while, no development or growth can be sustained without judicious
    investment into productive assets/ capital.

2. Intellectual capital (investment in broad-based education) – While economists have
    gone to great length discussing capital investments, not many (with the exception of
    developmental economists like Nobel-laureate Amartya Sen) have done significant
    work that indicates intellectual capital is often as important as, if not more important
    than, physical capital in the development of a nation.

3. Incentives – While there may be many pieces of the puzzle in place, a nation will
    not develop unless its incentive structure encourages people to work hard, to save,
    to invest etc.

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Term Paper: The 7-I’s of Development
                                                                    Mohit Sauparn, Vivek Pundir

4. Incorrupt society – Corruption can be a huge bugbear for development, and
   according to Prof. Rosensweig, an incorrupt society is an absolute must-have for

5. Infrastructure – Good infrastructure is absolutely essential for the holistic economic
   development of a nation.

6. Information – Information wants to be free. And how freely information can flow in
   the country, in view of legal, regulatory, technical and cultural framework, is an
   indicator of development as well.

7. Internationalization – How integrated the country’s economy is with the rest of the
   world is another factor that affects its stage of development. The higher the
   internationalization, the quicker will the nation develop.

While this framework has sound theoretical basis, and provides a solid prescriptive
formula for nations aspiring to achieve economic growth for the millions mired in
poverty, we are not aware of any empirical study validating it. This paper attempts a
“first cut” empirical study of the framework.


Our methodology is relatively simple. We sought to test a causal relationship between
development and the 7I’s using multivariate regression.

The challenge was to operationalize the 7 I’s so as to be able to devise some sort of
measures for them. While some of these I’s initially appear to be rather touchy-feely,
we believe that it is possible to use hard variables as proxies for these.

While development was a contentious issue, both of us agreed that the best way to think
about sustainable development is to think of purchasing power parity adjusted per capita
gross domestic product as it gives a very good sense of the average standard of living in
the country.

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Term Paper: The 7-I’s of Development
                                                                   Mohit Sauparn, Vivek Pundir

Investment was relatively simple, as there are already several measures of investment.
Our task was simply to choose the one that provided the best explanation of variance
and “goodness of fit”.

For broad-based intellectual development, we thought of several candidates, including
public spending in education as a percentage of GDP, research and development
spending as a percentage of GDP, enrolment in primary schools, etc.

Incentives were the toughest ones to find a proxy for. The only direct way to somehow
measure incentives is to conduct a comprehensive study of all countries, with the
benefit of local knowledge, and then to assign subjective ratings to the incentive
structure using some sort of a composite scale. We simplified that. Incentives are only
as good as their effect. So, we decided to measure incentives in terms of their efficacy –
if a nation saves more, we assume that it incentivizes saving. Similarly, if a nation
works more hours per week then it incentivizes hard-work.

To measure corruption, we turned to the Transparency International’s world corruption
perception index, and used that as a reliable measure of incorrupt society.

Infrastructure was another relatively simple one – roads, rails, airports etc. were all
indicators of the country’s infrastructure. To adjust for sizes, we used density, rather
than absolute numbers.

Information dissemination was a sticky one. We turned to the Freedom House’s report
to figure out how the countries rate on civil liberties (speech, media etc). We also used
the penetration of communication methods like cellphones and landlines as candidates.

For measuring internationalization we simply picked up various measures of
international trade as they relate to the GDP, with the intention of using the one with
most explanatory power in the model.

While we were armed with hard data on these factors, we were aware that our results
would be ballpark results, not the exact numbers since the data were not available for
the same recent period for all parameters, and some data were unavailable for some

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Term Paper: The 7-I’s of Development
                                                                    Mohit Sauparn, Vivek Pundir


After trying several different models, we decided on this model, which we are quite
happy with as it explains over 85% of the variance in PPP-adjusted GDP per capita.

Goodness of fit statistics:

Observations              208.000
Sum of weights            208.000
DF                        198.000
R²                          0.859
Adjusted R²                 0.852
MSE                  12801210.958
RMSE                     3577.878
MAPE                       64.820
DW                          2.005
Cp                         10.000
AIC                      3413.682
SBC                      3447.057
PC                          0.156

The equation for this regression line is as follows:

GDPPCPPP = -8204.53112615424 +61.9373042307306*BAL
+2387.32901048343*CORRUPTION +880.87796966936*R&D%
+30.8696289658526*ENROLGIRLS -56.8623451913472*INFO
+7.83828124045985*CELL -4.17308720949926*SAVING%
+89.0292019987179*FDI% +0.60806418126927*AIRDENS

One variable that we really wanted in the model was the number of work hours per
week, but couldn’t do so as the ILO data that we were able to retrieve had too few data-

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Term Paper: The 7-I’s of Development
                                                                                                                                          Mohit Sauparn, Vivek Pundir

                                            GDPPCPPP / Standardized coefficients
                                                   (95% conf. interval)



   Standardized coefficients









The most amazing thing is that as it turns out, a corruption free society (as indicated by
corruption above) is paramount for economic growth followed closely by free flow of
information (as indicated by cell and negative of info above). The next good thing a
government can do is make the economic climate conducive to foreign direct

Model parameters:

      Source                                Value                 Standard error                      t                 Pr > |t|  Lower bound (95%) Upper bound (95%)
Intercept                                   -8204.531                   2166.061                          -3.788            0.000        -12476.041         -3933.022
BAL                                            61.937                      33.176                          1.867            0.063            -3.486           127.360
CORRUPTION                                   2387.329                    219.421                          10.880         < 0.0001          1954.627          2820.031
R&D%                                          880.878                    520.037                           1.694            0.092          -144.644          1906.400
ENROLGIRLS                                     30.870                      16.008                          1.928            0.055            -0.699            62.439
INFO                                          -56.862                    185.242                          -0.307            0.759          -422.163           308.438
CELL                                             7.838                      0.943                          8.310         < 0.0001             5.978              9.698
SAVING%                                         -4.173                     32.954                         -0.127            0.899           -69.159            60.813
FDI%                                           89.029                      13.152                          6.769         < 0.0001            63.093           114.966
AIRDENS                                          0.608                      1.505                          0.404            0.687            -2.359              3.575

The model is overall quite good. However, as we observe from the T and p values
above, civic liberties, savings as a % of GDP and air flights per sq. km of land aren’t
statistically significant in the model. We believe that a major reason is the lack of good
data on these factors. A dataset that has more data on these should validate the positive
coefficients (we asked our statistical software to estimate missing values – which
explains the low significance).

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Term Paper: The 7-I’s of Development
                                                                                                       Mohit Sauparn, Vivek Pundir

Standardized coefficients:

  Source   Value                             Standard error            t            Pr > |t| Lower bound (95%) Upper bound (95%)
BAL             0.086                                  0.046                1.867      0.063            -0.005              0.177
CORRUPTION      0.486                                  0.045               10.880   < 0.0001             0.398              0.574
R&D%            0.052                                  0.031                1.694      0.092            -0.009              0.113
ENROLGIRLS      0.054                                  0.028                1.928      0.055            -0.001              0.110
INFO           -0.011                                  0.035               -0.307      0.759            -0.079              0.058
CELL            0.352                                  0.042                8.310   < 0.0001             0.268              0.435
SAVING%        -0.006                                  0.046               -0.127      0.899            -0.096              0.084
FDI%            0.236                                  0.035                6.769   < 0.0001             0.167              0.305
AIRDENS         0.014                                  0.034                0.404      0.687            -0.053              0.081

Even in terms of standardized coefficients (real coefficients, stripped of units),
corruption-freeness, information flow, and FDI turn out to be the most influential
factors, and these should be the priorities of any developing nation.

                                         GDPPCPPP / Standardized residuals


   Standardized residuals



                                 0   10000   20000   30000     40000        50000     60000    70000




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Term Paper: The 7-I’s of Development
                                                                                                                Mohit Sauparn, Vivek Pundir

                                                   Pred(GDPPCPPP) / Standardized residuals


Standardized residuals



                         -10000            0           10000       20000     30000       40000         50000       60000     70000




                                               Pred(GDPPCPPP) / GDPPCPPP








                         -10000       0        10000      20000     30000   40000    50000     60000    70000

                                                                                                                             Page 8 of 46
Term Paper: The 7-I’s of Development
                                                                                Mohit Sauparn, Vivek Pundir

                            Standardized residuals / GDPPCPPP


                  -4   -3     -2      -1            0   1    2       3      4
                                    Standardized residuals

The residual charts above further strengthen our belief in a good fit, and validate the
model further.

Having said that, we believe that if more data is available, it would be worthwhile to
conduct a factor analysis, and then run an explanatory multivariate regression. The
cleaner data, with more data points, combined with this analysis could lead to the 7I’s
explaining up to 92% of the variance in the standards of living in different countries.

Having gone over the statistical relationship of development and the 7 I’s, we decided
to have a quick look at how GDP growth relates to the PPP-adjusted GDP per-capita.

In the chart below, the bars represent the PPP-adjusted GDP per-capita, and are scaled
to the left y-axis. The line with rhombus data-points represents the GDP growth %, and
is measured on the right y-axis. The data are arranged in descending order of PPP-
adjusted GDP per-capita. The smooth, thick line is a trend-line for GDP growth. While
there are wild variations in GDP growth, the trend-line is unequivocal about the
relationship. There is a clear, non-linear relation between GDP growth and PPP-
adjusted GDP per-capita, and growth peaks around the middle values of PPP-adjusted
GDP per-capita. While the developed nations are slow to grow (matured?), the
“emerging economies” are really driving growth.

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The 7-I Framework of Development: The Path to a Sustainable Economy
The 7-I Framework of Development: The Path to a Sustainable Economy
The 7-I Framework of Development: The Path to a Sustainable Economy
The 7-I Framework of Development: The Path to a Sustainable Economy
The 7-I Framework of Development: The Path to a Sustainable Economy
The 7-I Framework of Development: The Path to a Sustainable Economy
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The 7-I Framework of Development: The Path to a Sustainable Economy
The 7-I Framework of Development: The Path to a Sustainable Economy
The 7-I Framework of Development: The Path to a Sustainable Economy
The 7-I Framework of Development: The Path to a Sustainable Economy
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The 7-I Framework of Development: The Path to a Sustainable Economy
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The 7-I Framework of Development: The Path to a Sustainable Economy
The 7-I Framework of Development: The Path to a Sustainable Economy
The 7-I Framework of Development: The Path to a Sustainable Economy
The 7-I Framework of Development: The Path to a Sustainable Economy
The 7-I Framework of Development: The Path to a Sustainable Economy
The 7-I Framework of Development: The Path to a Sustainable Economy
The 7-I Framework of Development: The Path to a Sustainable Economy
The 7-I Framework of Development: The Path to a Sustainable Economy
The 7-I Framework of Development: The Path to a Sustainable Economy
The 7-I Framework of Development: The Path to a Sustainable Economy
The 7-I Framework of Development: The Path to a Sustainable Economy
The 7-I Framework of Development: The Path to a Sustainable Economy
The 7-I Framework of Development: The Path to a Sustainable Economy
The 7-I Framework of Development: The Path to a Sustainable Economy
The 7-I Framework of Development: The Path to a Sustainable Economy
The 7-I Framework of Development: The Path to a Sustainable Economy
The 7-I Framework of Development: The Path to a Sustainable Economy
The 7-I Framework of Development: The Path to a Sustainable Economy

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The 7-I Framework of Development: The Path to a Sustainable Economy

  • 1. The 7-I Framework of Development: The Path to a Sustainable Economy by Mohit Sauparn and Vivek Pundir MBA Class of 2006 Emory University for Prof. Jeff Rosensweig’s BUS503: Global Macroeconomic Perspectives
  • 2. Term Paper: The 7-I’s of Development Mohit Sauparn, Vivek Pundir Term Paper: The 7-I’s of Development Submitted to: Prof. Jeff Rosensweig Global Macroeconomic Perspectives INTRODUCTION Development is an issue that has bewildered economists for a long time. In fact, even defining the term is so hairy that they haven’t been able to agree even on that. Some early economic thought equated development with industrialization and mechanization. Over time this has given way to talk about sustainable development. The government of British Columbia, Canada thinks it means “the advancement of the management and use of natural resources to satisfy human needs and improve the quality of human life. For development to be sustainable it must take account of social and ecological factors, as well as economic ones, of the living and non-living resource base, and of the long-term and short-term advantages and disadvantages of alternative actions.” "In an international context", says InterEnvironment, "(development) refers to improving the economic and social conditions of poorer countries." The United Nations Strategy for Disaster Reduction accepts the definition provided by the 1987 Brundtland Commission: "Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. It contains within it two key concepts: the concept of "needs", in particular the essential needs of the world's poor, to which overriding priority should be given; and the idea of limitations imposed by the state of technology and social organization on the environment's ability to meet present and the future needs." Page 1 of 46
  • 3. Term Paper: The 7-I’s of Development Mohit Sauparn, Vivek Pundir We like the definition used by “Botany from Vermont” website in the context of the development of biological organisms, “Growth and maturation of an organism or some part of it.” If one replaces “organism” by “nation”, this definition probably conveys, to a large extent, the concept of development. Admittedly, though, this definition is rather vague, and does not do much to further the operational understanding of the term. Having said that, we think that it does give a flavor of the meaning in a “The Fortune at the Bottom of the Pyramid” sense. Thus, while a society or nation is clearly underdeveloped if it is severely impaired by economic constraints, economic wealth, of and by itself, is not a guarantee of development. Wealth is a necessary, but not sufficient condition, when it comes to development. If the wealth is distributed extremely unevenly so that while the nation is rich overall, the average citizen lies under the poverty level, or if the wealth does not translate into health, well-being, political and civil liberties etc., it is effectively meaningless. In this context, Prof. Jeff Rosensweig of Emory University has proposed a 7 I’s framework of development. According to this framework, there are seven essential components/ pre-requisites of development: 1. Investment – Investment is the first prerequisite for development, and the only way to grow the economy. While a consumption binge can inflate growth figures for a short while, no development or growth can be sustained without judicious investment into productive assets/ capital. 2. Intellectual capital (investment in broad-based education) – While economists have gone to great length discussing capital investments, not many (with the exception of developmental economists like Nobel-laureate Amartya Sen) have done significant work that indicates intellectual capital is often as important as, if not more important than, physical capital in the development of a nation. 3. Incentives – While there may be many pieces of the puzzle in place, a nation will not develop unless its incentive structure encourages people to work hard, to save, to invest etc. Page 2 of 46
  • 4. Term Paper: The 7-I’s of Development Mohit Sauparn, Vivek Pundir 4. Incorrupt society – Corruption can be a huge bugbear for development, and according to Prof. Rosensweig, an incorrupt society is an absolute must-have for development. 5. Infrastructure – Good infrastructure is absolutely essential for the holistic economic development of a nation. 6. Information – Information wants to be free. And how freely information can flow in the country, in view of legal, regulatory, technical and cultural framework, is an indicator of development as well. 7. Internationalization – How integrated the country’s economy is with the rest of the world is another factor that affects its stage of development. The higher the internationalization, the quicker will the nation develop. While this framework has sound theoretical basis, and provides a solid prescriptive formula for nations aspiring to achieve economic growth for the millions mired in poverty, we are not aware of any empirical study validating it. This paper attempts a “first cut” empirical study of the framework. METHODO LOGY Our methodology is relatively simple. We sought to test a causal relationship between development and the 7I’s using multivariate regression. The challenge was to operationalize the 7 I’s so as to be able to devise some sort of measures for them. While some of these I’s initially appear to be rather touchy-feely, we believe that it is possible to use hard variables as proxies for these. While development was a contentious issue, both of us agreed that the best way to think about sustainable development is to think of purchasing power parity adjusted per capita gross domestic product as it gives a very good sense of the average standard of living in the country. Page 3 of 46
  • 5. Term Paper: The 7-I’s of Development Mohit Sauparn, Vivek Pundir Investment was relatively simple, as there are already several measures of investment. Our task was simply to choose the one that provided the best explanation of variance and “goodness of fit”. For broad-based intellectual development, we thought of several candidates, including public spending in education as a percentage of GDP, research and development spending as a percentage of GDP, enrolment in primary schools, etc. Incentives were the toughest ones to find a proxy for. The only direct way to somehow measure incentives is to conduct a comprehensive study of all countries, with the benefit of local knowledge, and then to assign subjective ratings to the incentive structure using some sort of a composite scale. We simplified that. Incentives are only as good as their effect. So, we decided to measure incentives in terms of their efficacy – if a nation saves more, we assume that it incentivizes saving. Similarly, if a nation works more hours per week then it incentivizes hard-work. To measure corruption, we turned to the Transparency International’s world corruption perception index, and used that as a reliable measure of incorrupt society. Infrastructure was another relatively simple one – roads, rails, airports etc. were all indicators of the country’s infrastructure. To adjust for sizes, we used density, rather than absolute numbers. Information dissemination was a sticky one. We turned to the Freedom House’s report to figure out how the countries rate on civil liberties (speech, media etc). We also used the penetration of communication methods like cellphones and landlines as candidates. For measuring internationalization we simply picked up various measures of international trade as they relate to the GDP, with the intention of using the one with most explanatory power in the model. While we were armed with hard data on these factors, we were aware that our results would be ballpark results, not the exact numbers since the data were not available for the same recent period for all parameters, and some data were unavailable for some nations. Page 4 of 46
  • 6. Term Paper: The 7-I’s of Development Mohit Sauparn, Vivek Pundir AN AL YSI S After trying several different models, we decided on this model, which we are quite happy with as it explains over 85% of the variance in PPP-adjusted GDP per capita. Goodness of fit statistics: Observations 208.000 Sum of weights 208.000 DF 198.000 R² 0.859 Adjusted R² 0.852 MSE 12801210.958 RMSE 3577.878 MAPE 64.820 DW 2.005 Cp 10.000 AIC 3413.682 SBC 3447.057 PC 0.156 The equation for this regression line is as follows: GDPPCPPP = -8204.53112615424 +61.9373042307306*BAL +2387.32901048343*CORRUPTION +880.87796966936*R&D% +30.8696289658526*ENROLGIRLS -56.8623451913472*INFO +7.83828124045985*CELL -4.17308720949926*SAVING% +89.0292019987179*FDI% +0.60806418126927*AIRDENS One variable that we really wanted in the model was the number of work hours per week, but couldn’t do so as the ILO data that we were able to retrieve had too few data- points. Page 5 of 46
  • 7. Term Paper: The 7-I’s of Development Mohit Sauparn, Vivek Pundir GDPPCPPP / Standardized coefficients (95% conf. interval) CORRUPTION 0.7 0.6 0.5 Standardized coefficients CELL 0.4 FDI% 0.3 ENROLGIRLS 0.2 AIRDENS R&D% BAL 0.1 0 SAVING% INFO -0.1 -0.2 Variable The most amazing thing is that as it turns out, a corruption free society (as indicated by corruption above) is paramount for economic growth followed closely by free flow of information (as indicated by cell and negative of info above). The next good thing a government can do is make the economic climate conducive to foreign direct investment. Model parameters: Source Value Standard error t Pr > |t| Lower bound (95%) Upper bound (95%) Intercept -8204.531 2166.061 -3.788 0.000 -12476.041 -3933.022 BAL 61.937 33.176 1.867 0.063 -3.486 127.360 CORRUPTION 2387.329 219.421 10.880 < 0.0001 1954.627 2820.031 R&D% 880.878 520.037 1.694 0.092 -144.644 1906.400 ENROLGIRLS 30.870 16.008 1.928 0.055 -0.699 62.439 INFO -56.862 185.242 -0.307 0.759 -422.163 308.438 CELL 7.838 0.943 8.310 < 0.0001 5.978 9.698 SAVING% -4.173 32.954 -0.127 0.899 -69.159 60.813 FDI% 89.029 13.152 6.769 < 0.0001 63.093 114.966 AIRDENS 0.608 1.505 0.404 0.687 -2.359 3.575 The model is overall quite good. However, as we observe from the T and p values above, civic liberties, savings as a % of GDP and air flights per sq. km of land aren’t statistically significant in the model. We believe that a major reason is the lack of good data on these factors. A dataset that has more data on these should validate the positive coefficients (we asked our statistical software to estimate missing values – which explains the low significance). Page 6 of 46
  • 8. Term Paper: The 7-I’s of Development Mohit Sauparn, Vivek Pundir Standardized coefficients: Source Value Standard error t Pr > |t| Lower bound (95%) Upper bound (95%) BAL 0.086 0.046 1.867 0.063 -0.005 0.177 CORRUPTION 0.486 0.045 10.880 < 0.0001 0.398 0.574 R&D% 0.052 0.031 1.694 0.092 -0.009 0.113 ENROLGIRLS 0.054 0.028 1.928 0.055 -0.001 0.110 INFO -0.011 0.035 -0.307 0.759 -0.079 0.058 CELL 0.352 0.042 8.310 < 0.0001 0.268 0.435 SAVING% -0.006 0.046 -0.127 0.899 -0.096 0.084 FDI% 0.236 0.035 6.769 < 0.0001 0.167 0.305 AIRDENS 0.014 0.034 0.404 0.687 -0.053 0.081 Even in terms of standardized coefficients (real coefficients, stripped of units), corruption-freeness, information flow, and FDI turn out to be the most influential factors, and these should be the priorities of any developing nation. GDPPCPPP / Standardized residuals 4 3 Standardized residuals 2 1 0 0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 -1 -2 -3 GDPPCPPP Page 7 of 46
  • 9. Term Paper: The 7-I’s of Development Mohit Sauparn, Vivek Pundir Pred(GDPPCPPP) / Standardized residuals 4 3 Standardized residuals 2 1 0 -10000 0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 -1 -2 -3 Pred(GDPPCPPP) Pred(GDPPCPPP) / GDPPCPPP 70000 60000 50000 40000 GDPPCPPP 30000 20000 10000 0 -10000 0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 -10000 Pred(GDPPCPPP) Page 8 of 46
  • 10. Term Paper: The 7-I’s of Development Mohit Sauparn, Vivek Pundir Standardized residuals / GDPPCPPP Obs196 Obs181 Obs166 Obs151 Obs136 Observations Obs121 Obs106 Obs91 Obs76 Obs61 Obs46 Obs31 Obs16 Obs1 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 Standardized residuals The residual charts above further strengthen our belief in a good fit, and validate the model further. Having said that, we believe that if more data is available, it would be worthwhile to conduct a factor analysis, and then run an explanatory multivariate regression. The cleaner data, with more data points, combined with this analysis could lead to the 7I’s explaining up to 92% of the variance in the standards of living in different countries. Having gone over the statistical relationship of development and the 7 I’s, we decided to have a quick look at how GDP growth relates to the PPP-adjusted GDP per-capita. In the chart below, the bars represent the PPP-adjusted GDP per-capita, and are scaled to the left y-axis. The line with rhombus data-points represents the GDP growth %, and is measured on the right y-axis. The data are arranged in descending order of PPP- adjusted GDP per-capita. The smooth, thick line is a trend-line for GDP growth. While there are wild variations in GDP growth, the trend-line is unequivocal about the relationship. There is a clear, non-linear relation between GDP growth and PPP- adjusted GDP per-capita, and growth peaks around the middle values of PPP-adjusted GDP per-capita. While the developed nations are slow to grow (matured?), the “emerging economies” are really driving growth. Page 9 of 46