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PCT 2015
Innovation Insight
Internal Session
Punchcut // design and Innovation for the connected world
Punchcut // design and Innovation for the connected world
Punchcut // design and Innovation for the connected world 3
Artificial Intelligence
Hal & Her
Human, Robot & Animal Rights
Military Code
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Punchcut // design and Innovation for the connected world

1. the capacity of a computer to perform operations analogous to
learning and decision making in humans.
2. the theory and development of intelligent agents able to
perform tasks that normally require human intelligence, such
as visual perception, speech recognition, decision making, and
translation between languages.
Artificial Intelligence
Punchcut // design and Innovation for the connected world 6
Artificial Intelligence
1. Deduction, Reasoning, Problem Solving
2. Knowledge Representation
3. Planning
4. Learning
5. Motion and Manipulation
6. Natural Language Processing
7. Perception
8. Social Intelligence
9. Creativity
10. General Intelligence
1. Search and Optimization
2. Logic
3. Probabilistics
4. Classifiers and Machine Learning
5. Neural Networks
6. Control Theory
1. Optimal: It is not possible to perform
2. Strong Super-Human: Performs better
than all humans.
3. Super-Human: Performs better than
most humans.
4. Sub-Human: Performs worse than most
For example, performance at checkers is
optimal, performance at chess is super-
human and nearing strong super-human,
and performance at many everyday tasks
(such as recognizing a face or crossing a
room without bumping into something) is
Punchcut // design and Innovation for the connected world
Artificial Intelligence
“We need not decide if a machine can think;
we need only decide if a machine can act as
intelligently as a human being.”
— Alan Turing, 1950
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Artificial Intelligence
Turing Test
Standard Turing Test: A variation of the
imitation game in which the interrogator is
tasked with trying to determine which player
is a computer and which is a human.
The interrogator is limited to using the
responses to written questions in order to
make the determination.
Punchcut // design and Innovation for the connected world 9
Some human behavior
is unintelligent. 

Some intelligent
behavior is inhuman.
1. Total Turing Test: The interrogator can
also test the perceptual abilities of the
subject (requiring computer vision) and
the subject’s ability to manipulate
objects (requiring robotics).
2. Minimum Intelligent Signal Test: Only
binary responses (true/false or yes/no)
are permitted, in order to focus only on
the capacity for thought.
Artificial Intelligence
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Hal & Her
Punchcut // design and Innovation for the connected world 11
2001: A Space Odyssey, 1968
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Her, 2013
Punchcut // design and Innovation for the connected world 13
Hal & Her
How do the Hal 9000 and Samantha 

intelligent agent experiences compare?
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Punchcut // design and Innovation for the connected world 15
1. a system of moral principles.
2. the rules of conduct recognized in respect to a particular class
of human actions or a particular group, culture, etc.
3. moral principles, as of an individual.
4. that branch of philosophy dealing with values relating to
human conduct, with respect to the rightness and wrongness
of certain actions and to the goodness and badness of the
motives and ends of such actions.
1. ethics applied to robotics.
2. the human-centered ethics guiding the design, construction,
use and treatment of robots and other artificially intelligent
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Siri, 2011
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Roomba, 2012
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Elmo, 2010
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Rodney Brooks, 2003
Punchcut // design and Innovation for the connected world
Characteristics of Life
1. Organization: Being structurally composed of one or more cells
(the basic units of life).
2. Metabolism: Transformation of energy by converting
chemicals and energy into cellular components (anabolism)
and decomposing organic matter (catabolism).
3. Growth: Maintenance of a higher rate of anabolism than
4. Homeostasis: Regulation of the internal environment to
maintain a stable, relatively constant state.
5. Response to Stimuli: A response can take many forms, from
the contraction of a unicellular organism to external
chemicals, to complex reactions involving all the senses of
multicellular organisms.
6. Reproduction: The ability to produce new individual organisms,
either asexually from a single parent organism, or sexually
from two parent organisms.
7. Adaptation: The ability to change over time in response to the
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Aspects of Cognition
1. Self-Awareness: The capacity for introspection and the ability to
recognize oneself as an individual separate from the environment
and other individuals.
2. Intentionality: The capacity of the mind to refer to an existent or
nonexistent object.
3. Language: The capacity for acquiring and using complex systems of
4. Memory: The process in which information is encoded, stored, and
5. Intelligence: The capacity for learning, reasoning and understanding;
the acquisition and application of knowledge and skills.
6. Sentience: The ability to feel, perceive, or to experience subjectivity.
7. Sapience: The ability to act with appropriate judgment; wisdom.
8. Creativity: The ability to imagine and create new ideas, forms,
methods, and interpretations; originality.
9. Social Cognition: The encoding, storage, retrieval, and processing of
information relating to social interaction.
Punchcut // design and Innovation for the connected world 22
Punchcut // design and Innovation for the connected world
Three Laws of Robotics

Isaac Asimov (I, Robot), 1942
1. A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction,
allow a human being to come to harm.
2. A robot must obey any orders given to it by human beings,
except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.
3. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such
protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.
0. A robot may not harm humanity, or, by inaction, allow
humanity to come to harm.
Punchcut // design and Innovation for the connected world
Ten Principles of Robot Law

Osamu Tezuka (Astro Boy), 1952
1. Robots are created to serve mankind.
2. Robots shall never injure or kill humans.
3. Robots shall call the human that creates them “father”.
4. Robots can make anything, except money.
5. Robots shall never go abroad without permission.
6. Male and female robots shall never change roles.
7. Robots shall never change their appearance or assume another
identity without permission.
8. Robots created as adults shall never act as children.
9. Robots shall never assemble other robots that have been
scrapped by humans.
10. Robots shall never damage human homes or tools.
Punchcut // design and Innovation for the connected world
“Asimov's rules are neat, but they are also
bullshit. For example, they are in English.
How the heck do you program that?”
— Daniel Wilson, 2009
“People ask me about whether our robots
follow Asimov's laws. There is a simple
reason [they don't]: I can't build Asimov's
laws in them.”
— Rodney Brooks, 2009
Punchcut // design and Innovation for the connected world 26
Human, Robot &
Animal Rights
Punchcut // design and Innovation for the connected world
Human, Robot & Animal Rights
Bill of Rights

United States Constitution, 1789
1. Freedom of Religion, Speech, Press, Assembly, Petition
2. Right to Bear Arms
3. Freedom from Quartering
4. Freedom from Search and Seizure without Probable Cause
5. Freedom from Double Jeopardy, Self-Incrimination,
Deprivation of Life, Liberty or Property without Due Process
and Just Compensation
6. Right to Speedy Public Criminal Trial by Jury with Counsel
7. Right to Civil Trial by Jury in Matters of $20 or More
8. Freedom from Excessive Bail, Fines, Cruel and Unusual
13. Freedom from Slavery
14. Freedom from Discrimination
15. Right to Vote (also 19, 24, 26)
Punchcut // design and Innovation for the connected world
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
United Nations, 1948
1. Freedom and Equality
2. Freedom from
3. Right to Life, Liberty and
4. Freedom from Slavery
5. Freedom from Torture
6. Universal Recognition
before the Law
7. Equality before the Law
8. Protection by the Law
9. Freedom from Arbitrary
10. Right to Trial
11. Innocent Until Proven
12. Right to Privacy
13. Freedom of Movement
14. Right to Seek Asylum
15. Right to a Nationality
16. Right to Marriage and
17. Right to Property
18. Freedom of Thought
19. Freedom of Expression
20. Right to Public Assembly
21. Right to Democracy
22. Right to Social Security
23. Right to Fair Work
24. Right to Rest
25. Right to Food and Shelter
26. Right to Education
27. Copyright
28. International Order
29. Duty to Uphold Rights
30. Freedom from Destruction
of Rights
Human, Robot & Animal Rights
Punchcut // design and Innovation for the connected world
World Robot Declaration
International Robot Fair (Fukuoka, Japan), 2004
Expectations for Next-Generation Robots
1. Next-generation robots will be partners that coexist with human beings.
2. Next-generation robots will assist human beings both physically and
3. Next-generation robots will contribute to the realization of a safe and
peaceful society.
Toward the Creation of New Markets through Next-Generation Robots
1. Resolution of technical issues through the effective use of Special Zones
for Robot Development and Test
2. Promotion of public acceptability of robots through the establishment
of standards and upgrading of the environment
3. Stimulation of adoption through promotion of introduction of robots by
public organizations
4. Dissemination of new technologies related to robots
5. Promotion of the development of robot technology by small enterprises,
and their entry into the robot business. The government and academia
shall provide active support for such efforts.
Human, Robot & Animal Rights
Punchcut // design and Innovation for the connected world
Roboethics Roadmap
EURON, 2006
Human, Robot & Animal Rights
Convention on Roboethics
European Union, 2025
1. Safety: Design of all robots must include provisions for
control of the robot’s autonomy. Operators should be able
to limit robots autonomy in scenarios in which the robots
behavior cannot be guaranteed
2. Security: Design of all robots must include as a minimum
standard the hardware and software keys to avoid illegal
use of the robot.
3. Traceability: Design of all robots must include provisions
for the complete traceability of the robots’ actions, as in an
air craft’s ‘black-box’ system.
4. Identifiability: All robots must be designed with protected
serial and identification numbers.
5. Privacy: Design of all robots potentially dealing with
sensitive personal information must be equipped with
hardware and software systems to encrypt and securely
store this private data.
Robot Ethics Charter
South Korea, 2007
Punchcut // design and Innovation for the connected world
Animal Bill of Rights
Animal Legal Defense Fund, 2007
1. Right of Animals to Freedom from Exploitation, Cruelty,
Neglect and Abuse
2. Right of Laboratory Animals to Freedom from Cruel or
Unnecessary Experiments
3. Right of Farm Animals to an Environment that Satisfies Basic
Physical and Psychological Needs
4. Right of Companion Animals to a Healthy Diet, Protective
Shelter and Adequate Medical Care
5. Right of Wildlife to a Natural Habitat, Ecologically Sufficient to
Normal Existence and Self-Sustaining Population
6. Right of Animals to Representation in Court
“The question is not, Can they
reason? nor, Can they talk? 

but, Can they suffer?”
— Jeremy Bentham, 1789
Human, Robot & Animal Rights
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Rodney Brooks, 2013
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Military Code
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P.W. Singer, 2009
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Daniel Suarez, 2013
Punchcut // design and Innovation for the connected world
Continuum of Force
US Marine Corps Close Combat Manual, 1999
1. Compliant (Cooperative): The subject responds and complies
to verbal commands. Close combat techniques do not apply.
2. Resistant (Passive): The subject resists verbal commands but
complies immediately to any contact controls. Close combat
techniques do not apply.
3. Resistant (Active): The subject initially demonstrates physical
resistance. Use compliance techniques to control the
situation. Level three incorporates close combat techniques to
physically force a subject to comply. Techniques include:
Come-along holds, Soft-handed stunning blows, Pain
compliance through the use of joint manipulation and the use
of pressure points.
4. Assaultive (Bodily Harm): The subject may physically attack,
but does not use a weapon. Use defensive tactics to neutralize
the threat. Defensive tactics include Blocks, Strikes, Kicks,
Enhanced pain compliance procedures, Impact weapon blocks
and blows.
5. Assaultive (Lethal Force): The subject usually has a weapon
and will either kill or injure someone if he/she is not stopped
immediately and brought under control. The subject must be
controlled by the use of deadly force with or without a firearm.
Military Code
Punchcut // design and Innovation for the connected world
Seven Virtues of Bushido (Samurai Moral Code)
Inazo Nitobe (Bushido), 1899
1. Gi (Rectitude): Autonomously reaching a reasoned decision.
2. Yuuki (Courage): Taking one’s decision into action without
regard for personal consequences.
3. Jin (Benevolence): Empathizing with the feelings of others.
4. Rei (Respect): Disciplining oneself to respect procedures that
show respect for the feelings of others.
5. Makoto (Honesty): Absolute commitment to honesty.
6. Meiyo (Honor): Doing nothing to disparage another’s name.
Obeying the precepts.
7. Chuugi (Loyalty): Obeisance to a hierarchy of governance.
Military Code
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Meet David, 2012
Punchcut // design and Innovation for the connected world 40
Theory of Emotion
Robert Plutchik, 1980
1. The concept of emotion is applicable to all evolutionary levels and
applies to all animals including humans.
2. Emotions have an evolutionary history and have evolved various
forms of expression in different species.
3. Emotions served an adaptive role in helping organisms deal with key
survival issues posed by the environment.
4. Despite different forms of expression of emotions in different
species, there are certain common elements, or prototype patterns,
that can be identified.
5. There is a small number of basic, primary, or prototype emotions.
6. All other emotions are mixed or derivative states; that is, they occur
as combinations, mixtures, or compounds of the primary emotions.
7. Primary emotions are hypothetical constructs or idealized states
whose properties and characteristics can only be inferred from
various kinds of evidence.
8. Primary emotions can be conceptualized in terms of pairs of polar
9. All emotions vary in their degree of similarity to one another.
10. Each emotion can exist in varying degrees of intensity or levels of
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Rodney Brooks, 2003
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David Hanson, 2009
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Punchcut // design and Innovation for the connected world
Mechanism of Evolution
Charles Darwin (Origin of Species), 1859
1. Heredity: The transmission of traits from parents to offspring.
2. Mutation: The sudden departure from the parent type in one or
more heritable characteristics, caused by a change in a gene or
a chromosome.
3. Sexual Recombination: The formation of new combinations of
genes by crossing over in chromosomes during reproduction.
4. Natural Selection: The process whereby organisms better
adapted to their environment tend to survive and produce
more offspring.
“It is not the strongest of the
species that survives, nor the
most intelligent that survives. 

It is the one that is the most
adaptable to change.”
— Charles Darwin
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Hod Lipson, 2007
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Dario Floreano, 2011
Punchcut // design and Innovation for the connected world
Evolution of Adaptive Behavior in Robots

Dario Floreano, Laurent Keller, 2010
1. Collision-Free Movement
2. Homing
3. Predator-Prey Strategies
4. Coadaptation of Brain and Body
5. Cooperation and Altruism
Hamilton’s Rule: Altruism can be selected for when rB > C, where C
is the fitness cost to the altruist, B is the fitness benefit to the
beneficiary, and r is their genetic relatedness.
Punchcut // design and Innovation for the connected world 48
Siris, 2011
Punchcut // design and Innovation for the connected world
Artificial Intelligence
1. Artificial Intelligence:
2. Alan Turing:
3. Turing Test:
Hal & Her
5. 2001: A Space Odyssey, 1968:
6. Her, 2013:
8. Ethics:
9. Roboethics:
10. Siri, 2011:
11. Roomba, 2012:
12. Elmo, 2010:
13. Rodney Brooks, 2003:
14. Life:
15. Sentience:
17. Three Laws of Robotics, 1942:
18. Ten Principles of Robot Law, 1952: http://
19. Wired for War, 2009:
Human, Robot & Animal Rights
21. Bill of Rights, 1789:
22. Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1948:
23. World Robot Declaration, 2004:
24. Roboethics Roadmap, 2006:
25. Robot Ethics Charter, 2007:
26. Convention on Roboethics, 2025: http://
27. Animal Bill of Rights, 2007:
28. Jeremy Bentham:
29. Rodney Brooks, 2013:
Military Code
30. P.W. Singer, 2009:
31. Daniel Suarez, 2013:
32. US Marine Corps Continuum of Force, 1999: http://
33. Seven Virtues of Bushido, 1899:
35. Meet David, 2012:
36. Robert Plutchik:
37. Rodney Brooks, 2003:
38. David Hanson, 2009:
40. Charles Darwin:
41. Hod Lipson, 2007:
42. Dario Floreano, 2011:
43. Evolution of Adaptive Behavior in Robots, 2010: http://
44. Siris, 2011:
Punchcut // design and Innovation for the connected world
Punchcut // design and Innovation for the connected world 51Private and confidential. All rights reserved.Punchcut // design and Innovation for the connected world
Punchcut is a human interface design
and innovation company specializing 

in connected products and services. 

We envision, design and realize future
product and service experiences that
engage customers and transform
businesses in a connected world.
thank you
Nate Cox
Senior Director, Solutions

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Punchcut Robotics : Robots Among Us - Culture, Theory & Ethics

  • 1. Punchcut // design and Innovation for the connected world 1 ROBOTS 
 & ETHICS PCT 2015 Innovation Insight Internal Session robotics Punchcut // design and Innovation for the connected world
  • 2. Punchcut // design and Innovation for the connected world P C 2 T
  • 3. Punchcut // design and Innovation for the connected world 3 01 Artificial Intelligence 02 03 04 Hal & Her Roboethics Fiction 05 06 07 Human, Robot & Animal Rights Military Code Emotion 08 Evolution
  • 4. Punchcut // design and Innovation for the connected world 4 Artificial Intelligence 01
  • 5. Punchcut // design and Innovation for the connected world ar•ti•fi•cial 
 in•tel•li•gence noun 1. the capacity of a computer to perform operations analogous to learning and decision making in humans. 2. the theory and development of intelligent agents able to perform tasks that normally require human intelligence, such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision making, and translation between languages. Artificial Intelligence 5
  • 6. Punchcut // design and Innovation for the connected world 6 Artificial Intelligence Goals 1. Deduction, Reasoning, Problem Solving 2. Knowledge Representation 3. Planning 4. Learning 5. Motion and Manipulation 6. Natural Language Processing 7. Perception 8. Social Intelligence 9. Creativity 10. General Intelligence Approaches 1. Search and Optimization 2. Logic 3. Probabilistics 4. Classifiers and Machine Learning 5. Neural Networks 6. Control Theory Metrics 1. Optimal: It is not possible to perform better. 2. Strong Super-Human: Performs better than all humans. 3. Super-Human: Performs better than most humans. 4. Sub-Human: Performs worse than most humans. For example, performance at checkers is optimal, performance at chess is super- human and nearing strong super-human, and performance at many everyday tasks (such as recognizing a face or crossing a room without bumping into something) is sub-human.
  • 7. Punchcut // design and Innovation for the connected world Artificial Intelligence “We need not decide if a machine can think; we need only decide if a machine can act as intelligently as a human being.” — Alan Turing, 1950 7
  • 8. Punchcut // design and Innovation for the connected world Artificial Intelligence Turing Test Standard Turing Test: A variation of the imitation game in which the interrogator is tasked with trying to determine which player is a computer and which is a human. The interrogator is limited to using the responses to written questions in order to make the determination. 8
  • 9. Punchcut // design and Innovation for the connected world 9 Some human behavior is unintelligent. 
 Some intelligent behavior is inhuman. 1. Total Turing Test: The interrogator can also test the perceptual abilities of the subject (requiring computer vision) and the subject’s ability to manipulate objects (requiring robotics). 2. Minimum Intelligent Signal Test: Only binary responses (true/false or yes/no) are permitted, in order to focus only on the capacity for thought. Artificial Intelligence
  • 10. Punchcut // design and Innovation for the connected world 10 Hal & Her 02
  • 11. Punchcut // design and Innovation for the connected world 11 2001: A Space Odyssey, 1968
  • 12. Punchcut // design and Innovation for the connected world 12 Her, 2013
  • 13. Punchcut // design and Innovation for the connected world 13 Hal & Her How do the Hal 9000 and Samantha 
 intelligent agent experiences compare? Name/Identity Appearance Voice Behavior Role/Directive
  • 14. Punchcut // design and Innovation for the connected world 14 Roboethics 03
  • 15. Punchcut // design and Innovation for the connected world 15 eth•ics noun 1. a system of moral principles. 2. the rules of conduct recognized in respect to a particular class of human actions or a particular group, culture, etc. 3. moral principles, as of an individual. 4. that branch of philosophy dealing with values relating to human conduct, with respect to the rightness and wrongness of certain actions and to the goodness and badness of the motives and ends of such actions. Roboethics ro•bo•eth•ics noun 1. ethics applied to robotics. 2. the human-centered ethics guiding the design, construction, use and treatment of robots and other artificially intelligent beings.
  • 16. Punchcut // design and Innovation for the connected world 16 Siri, 2011
  • 17. Punchcut // design and Innovation for the connected world 17 Roomba, 2012
  • 18. Punchcut // design and Innovation for the connected world 18 Elmo, 2010
  • 19. Punchcut // design and Innovation for the connected world 19 Rodney Brooks, 2003
  • 20. Punchcut // design and Innovation for the connected world Characteristics of Life 1. Organization: Being structurally composed of one or more cells (the basic units of life). 2. Metabolism: Transformation of energy by converting chemicals and energy into cellular components (anabolism) and decomposing organic matter (catabolism). 3. Growth: Maintenance of a higher rate of anabolism than catabolism. 4. Homeostasis: Regulation of the internal environment to maintain a stable, relatively constant state. 5. Response to Stimuli: A response can take many forms, from the contraction of a unicellular organism to external chemicals, to complex reactions involving all the senses of multicellular organisms. 6. Reproduction: The ability to produce new individual organisms, either asexually from a single parent organism, or sexually from two parent organisms. 7. Adaptation: The ability to change over time in response to the environment. Roboethics 20
  • 21. Punchcut // design and Innovation for the connected world Aspects of Cognition 1. Self-Awareness: The capacity for introspection and the ability to recognize oneself as an individual separate from the environment and other individuals. 2. Intentionality: The capacity of the mind to refer to an existent or nonexistent object. 3. Language: The capacity for acquiring and using complex systems of communication. 4. Memory: The process in which information is encoded, stored, and retrieved. 5. Intelligence: The capacity for learning, reasoning and understanding; the acquisition and application of knowledge and skills. 6. Sentience: The ability to feel, perceive, or to experience subjectivity. 7. Sapience: The ability to act with appropriate judgment; wisdom. 8. Creativity: The ability to imagine and create new ideas, forms, methods, and interpretations; originality. 9. Social Cognition: The encoding, storage, retrieval, and processing of information relating to social interaction. Roboethics 21
  • 22. Punchcut // design and Innovation for the connected world 22 Fiction 04
  • 23. Punchcut // design and Innovation for the connected world Three Laws of Robotics
 Isaac Asimov (I, Robot), 1942 1. A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm. 2. A robot must obey any orders given to it by human beings, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law. 3. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law. 0. A robot may not harm humanity, or, by inaction, allow humanity to come to harm. Fiction 23
  • 24. Punchcut // design and Innovation for the connected world Fiction Ten Principles of Robot Law
 Osamu Tezuka (Astro Boy), 1952 1. Robots are created to serve mankind. 2. Robots shall never injure or kill humans. 3. Robots shall call the human that creates them “father”. 4. Robots can make anything, except money. 5. Robots shall never go abroad without permission. 6. Male and female robots shall never change roles. 7. Robots shall never change their appearance or assume another identity without permission. 8. Robots created as adults shall never act as children. 9. Robots shall never assemble other robots that have been scrapped by humans. 10. Robots shall never damage human homes or tools. 24
  • 25. Punchcut // design and Innovation for the connected world Fiction 25 “Asimov's rules are neat, but they are also bullshit. For example, they are in English. How the heck do you program that?” — Daniel Wilson, 2009 “People ask me about whether our robots follow Asimov's laws. There is a simple reason [they don't]: I can't build Asimov's laws in them.” — Rodney Brooks, 2009
  • 26. Punchcut // design and Innovation for the connected world 26 05 Human, Robot & Animal Rights
  • 27. Punchcut // design and Innovation for the connected world Human, Robot & Animal Rights Bill of Rights
 United States Constitution, 1789 1. Freedom of Religion, Speech, Press, Assembly, Petition 2. Right to Bear Arms 3. Freedom from Quartering 4. Freedom from Search and Seizure without Probable Cause 5. Freedom from Double Jeopardy, Self-Incrimination, Deprivation of Life, Liberty or Property without Due Process and Just Compensation 6. Right to Speedy Public Criminal Trial by Jury with Counsel 7. Right to Civil Trial by Jury in Matters of $20 or More 8. Freedom from Excessive Bail, Fines, Cruel and Unusual Punishment 13. Freedom from Slavery 14. Freedom from Discrimination 15. Right to Vote (also 19, 24, 26) 27
  • 28. Punchcut // design and Innovation for the connected world Universal Declaration of Human Rights United Nations, 1948 1. Freedom and Equality 2. Freedom from Discrimination 3. Right to Life, Liberty and Security 4. Freedom from Slavery 5. Freedom from Torture 6. Universal Recognition before the Law 7. Equality before the Law 8. Protection by the Law 9. Freedom from Arbitrary Detention 10. Right to Trial 11. Innocent Until Proven Guilty 12. Right to Privacy 13. Freedom of Movement 14. Right to Seek Asylum 15. Right to a Nationality 16. Right to Marriage and Family 17. Right to Property 18. Freedom of Thought 19. Freedom of Expression 20. Right to Public Assembly 21. Right to Democracy 22. Right to Social Security 23. Right to Fair Work 24. Right to Rest 25. Right to Food and Shelter 26. Right to Education 27. Copyright 28. International Order 29. Duty to Uphold Rights 30. Freedom from Destruction of Rights 28 Human, Robot & Animal Rights
  • 29. Punchcut // design and Innovation for the connected world World Robot Declaration International Robot Fair (Fukuoka, Japan), 2004 Expectations for Next-Generation Robots 1. Next-generation robots will be partners that coexist with human beings. 2. Next-generation robots will assist human beings both physically and psychologically. 3. Next-generation robots will contribute to the realization of a safe and peaceful society. Toward the Creation of New Markets through Next-Generation Robots 1. Resolution of technical issues through the effective use of Special Zones for Robot Development and Test 2. Promotion of public acceptability of robots through the establishment of standards and upgrading of the environment 3. Stimulation of adoption through promotion of introduction of robots by public organizations 4. Dissemination of new technologies related to robots 5. Promotion of the development of robot technology by small enterprises, and their entry into the robot business. The government and academia shall provide active support for such efforts. 29 Human, Robot & Animal Rights
  • 30. Punchcut // design and Innovation for the connected world Roboethics Roadmap EURON, 2006 Human, Robot & Animal Rights Convention on Roboethics European Union, 2025 1. Safety: Design of all robots must include provisions for control of the robot’s autonomy. Operators should be able to limit robots autonomy in scenarios in which the robots behavior cannot be guaranteed 2. Security: Design of all robots must include as a minimum standard the hardware and software keys to avoid illegal use of the robot. 3. Traceability: Design of all robots must include provisions for the complete traceability of the robots’ actions, as in an air craft’s ‘black-box’ system. 4. Identifiability: All robots must be designed with protected serial and identification numbers. 5. Privacy: Design of all robots potentially dealing with sensitive personal information must be equipped with hardware and software systems to encrypt and securely store this private data. 30 Robot Ethics Charter South Korea, 2007
  • 31. Punchcut // design and Innovation for the connected world Animal Bill of Rights Animal Legal Defense Fund, 2007 1. Right of Animals to Freedom from Exploitation, Cruelty, Neglect and Abuse 2. Right of Laboratory Animals to Freedom from Cruel or Unnecessary Experiments 3. Right of Farm Animals to an Environment that Satisfies Basic Physical and Psychological Needs 4. Right of Companion Animals to a Healthy Diet, Protective Shelter and Adequate Medical Care 5. Right of Wildlife to a Natural Habitat, Ecologically Sufficient to Normal Existence and Self-Sustaining Population 6. Right of Animals to Representation in Court “The question is not, Can they reason? nor, Can they talk? 
 but, Can they suffer?” — Jeremy Bentham, 1789 31 Human, Robot & Animal Rights
  • 32. Punchcut // design and Innovation for the connected world 32 Rodney Brooks, 2013
  • 33. Punchcut // design and Innovation for the connected world 33 Military Code 06
  • 34. Punchcut // design and Innovation for the connected world 34 P.W. Singer, 2009
  • 35. Punchcut // design and Innovation for the connected world 35 Daniel Suarez, 2013
  • 36. Punchcut // design and Innovation for the connected world Continuum of Force US Marine Corps Close Combat Manual, 1999 1. Compliant (Cooperative): The subject responds and complies to verbal commands. Close combat techniques do not apply. 2. Resistant (Passive): The subject resists verbal commands but complies immediately to any contact controls. Close combat techniques do not apply. 3. Resistant (Active): The subject initially demonstrates physical resistance. Use compliance techniques to control the situation. Level three incorporates close combat techniques to physically force a subject to comply. Techniques include: Come-along holds, Soft-handed stunning blows, Pain compliance through the use of joint manipulation and the use of pressure points. 4. Assaultive (Bodily Harm): The subject may physically attack, but does not use a weapon. Use defensive tactics to neutralize the threat. Defensive tactics include Blocks, Strikes, Kicks, Enhanced pain compliance procedures, Impact weapon blocks and blows. 5. Assaultive (Lethal Force): The subject usually has a weapon and will either kill or injure someone if he/she is not stopped immediately and brought under control. The subject must be controlled by the use of deadly force with or without a firearm. Military Code 36
  • 37. Punchcut // design and Innovation for the connected world Seven Virtues of Bushido (Samurai Moral Code) Inazo Nitobe (Bushido), 1899 1. Gi (Rectitude): Autonomously reaching a reasoned decision. 2. Yuuki (Courage): Taking one’s decision into action without regard for personal consequences. 3. Jin (Benevolence): Empathizing with the feelings of others. 4. Rei (Respect): Disciplining oneself to respect procedures that show respect for the feelings of others. 5. Makoto (Honesty): Absolute commitment to honesty. 6. Meiyo (Honor): Doing nothing to disparage another’s name. Obeying the precepts. 7. Chuugi (Loyalty): Obeisance to a hierarchy of governance. Military Code 37
  • 38. Punchcut // design and Innovation for the connected world 38 Emotion 07
  • 39. Punchcut // design and Innovation for the connected world 39 Meet David, 2012
  • 40. Punchcut // design and Innovation for the connected world 40 Theory of Emotion Robert Plutchik, 1980 1. The concept of emotion is applicable to all evolutionary levels and applies to all animals including humans. 2. Emotions have an evolutionary history and have evolved various forms of expression in different species. 3. Emotions served an adaptive role in helping organisms deal with key survival issues posed by the environment. 4. Despite different forms of expression of emotions in different species, there are certain common elements, or prototype patterns, that can be identified. 5. There is a small number of basic, primary, or prototype emotions. 6. All other emotions are mixed or derivative states; that is, they occur as combinations, mixtures, or compounds of the primary emotions. 7. Primary emotions are hypothetical constructs or idealized states whose properties and characteristics can only be inferred from various kinds of evidence. 8. Primary emotions can be conceptualized in terms of pairs of polar opposites. 9. All emotions vary in their degree of similarity to one another. 10. Each emotion can exist in varying degrees of intensity or levels of arousal. Emotion
  • 41. Punchcut // design and Innovation for the connected world 41 Rodney Brooks, 2003
  • 42. Punchcut // design and Innovation for the connected world 42 David Hanson, 2009
  • 43. Punchcut // design and Innovation for the connected world 43 Evolution 08
  • 44. Punchcut // design and Innovation for the connected world Mechanism of Evolution Charles Darwin (Origin of Species), 1859 1. Heredity: The transmission of traits from parents to offspring. 2. Mutation: The sudden departure from the parent type in one or more heritable characteristics, caused by a change in a gene or a chromosome. 3. Sexual Recombination: The formation of new combinations of genes by crossing over in chromosomes during reproduction. 4. Natural Selection: The process whereby organisms better adapted to their environment tend to survive and produce more offspring. Evolution 44 “It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. 
 It is the one that is the most adaptable to change.” — Charles Darwin
  • 45. Punchcut // design and Innovation for the connected world 45 Hod Lipson, 2007
  • 46. Punchcut // design and Innovation for the connected world 46 Dario Floreano, 2011
  • 47. Punchcut // design and Innovation for the connected world Evolution of Adaptive Behavior in Robots
 Dario Floreano, Laurent Keller, 2010 1. Collision-Free Movement 2. Homing 3. Predator-Prey Strategies 4. Coadaptation of Brain and Body 5. Cooperation and Altruism Hamilton’s Rule: Altruism can be selected for when rB > C, where C is the fitness cost to the altruist, B is the fitness benefit to the beneficiary, and r is their genetic relatedness. Evolution 47
  • 48. Punchcut // design and Innovation for the connected world 48 Siris, 2011
  • 49. Punchcut // design and Innovation for the connected world Artificial Intelligence 1. Artificial Intelligence: Artificial_intelligence 2. Alan Turing: 3. Turing Test: Hal & Her 5. 2001: A Space Odyssey, 1968: v=6MMmYyIZlC4 6. Her, 2013: Roboethics 8. Ethics: 9. Roboethics: 10. Siri, 2011: 11. Roomba, 2012: 12. Elmo, 2010: 13. Rodney Brooks, 2003: rodney_brooks_on_robots.html 14. Life: 15. Sentience: Fiction 17. Three Laws of Robotics, 1942: asimovs-three-laws-of-robotics/ 18. Ten Principles of Robot Law, 1952: http:// 19. Wired for War, 2009: id=AJuowQmtbU4C&lpg=PP1&pg=PA423#v=onepage&q&f=false Human, Robot & Animal Rights 21. Bill of Rights, 1789: bill_of_rights_transcript.html 22. Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1948: documents/udhr/ 23. World Robot Declaration, 2004: releases/world-robot-declaration-from-international-robot-fair-2004- organizing-office-154289895.html 24. Roboethics Roadmap, 2006: docs/ROBOETHICS%20ROADMAP%20Rel2.1.1.pdf 25. Robot Ethics Charter, 2007: contributions/slides/Shim_icra%2007_ppt.pdf 26. Convention on Roboethics, 2025: http:// convention-on-roboethics-2025/ 27. Animal Bill of Rights, 2007: 5154/t/3755/petition.jsp?petition_KEY=82 28. Jeremy Bentham: 29. Rodney Brooks, 2013: rodney_brooks_why_we_will_rely_on_robots.html Military Code 30. P.W. Singer, 2009: pw_singer_on_robots_of_war.html 31. Daniel Suarez, 2013: daniel_suarez_the_kill_decision_shouldn_t_belong_to_a_robot.html 32. US Marine Corps Continuum of Force, 1999: http:// engagement/ 33. Seven Virtues of Bushido, 1899: terasems-macro-bushido-principles/ Emotion 35. Meet David, 2012: 36. Robert Plutchik: 37. Rodney Brooks, 2003: rodney_brooks_on_robots.html 38. David Hanson, 2009: david_hanson_robots_that_relate_to_you.html Evolution 40. Charles Darwin: 41. Hod Lipson, 2007: hod_lipson_builds_self_aware_robots.html 42. Dario Floreano, 2011: 43. Evolution of Adaptive Behavior in Robots, 2010: http:// 1000292 44. Siris, 2011: Sources 49
  • 50. Punchcut // design and Innovation for the connected world S L 50
  • 51. Punchcut // design and Innovation for the connected world 51Private and confidential. All rights reserved.Punchcut // design and Innovation for the connected world @punchcut Punchcut is a human interface design and innovation company specializing 
 in connected products and services. 
 We envision, design and realize future product and service experiences that engage customers and transform businesses in a connected world. thank you Nate Cox Senior Director, Solutions PUNCHCUT