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Cloud Native Application
Copyright © 2018. Jinyoung Jang & uEngine-solutions All rights reserved.
강의를 시작하기 전에 - Backchannel
스크립트 복사
자료 공유
강의중 명령모음
강의를 시작하기 전에..
Google Kubernetes Engine
SSH 접속
설정 파일 및 소스코드 편집
SSH – 모든 명령 기본 설치
강의를 시작하기 전에..
Google Kubernetes Engine
SSH 접속
설정 파일 및 소스코드 편집
SSH – 모든 명령 기본 설치
5 에 접속
1년 무상 트라이얼 제공
몇가지 동의에 체크한 후, 계속하기 클릭
카드 번호 입력 (유저 밸리데이션 목적)
메인 화면 도달
프로젝트 생성
프로젝트 생성
프로젝트 생성
자동생성된 프로젝트 ID 를 사용 X
(“수정” 클릭)
프로젝트 ID 입력
(글로벌리 유일한 ID)
쿠버네티스 클러스터 생성
상단의 이 버튼 클릭 >
웹브라우저용 SSH 콘솔이 생김
쿠버네티스 클러스터 생성
상단메뉴 >
Kubernetes Engine >
클러스터 선택
쿠버네티스 클러스터 생성
클러스터 명을 적절히 주고,
Zone = us-central1-a
Region = us-central1
Node = 3
로 설정
혹은, 콘솔에서
▪gcloud config set compute/zone us-central1-a
▪gcloud config set compute/region us-central1 gcloud container clusters create my-first-cluster
스크립트 주소:
URL for sample project
Table of Content
Microservice and SOA
DevOps Project
1. Review for the Domain Problem: A Public Education Service
2. Architecture and Approach Overview
3. Domain Analysis with DDD and Event Storming
4. API Design and Service Decomposition
5. Service Implementation with Spring Boot and Netflix OSS
6. Monolith to Microservices
7. Service Composition with UI, Composite Services, and BPM
8. Implementing DevOps Environment with Kubernetes, Istio and Gitlab
Use cases
Courses Enrollment Process
Domain Class Model
Table of Content
Microservice and SOA
DevOps Project
1. Review for the Domain Problem: A Public Education Service
2. Architecture and Approach Overview
3. Domain Analysis with DDD and Event Storming
4. API Design and Service Decomposition
5. Service Implementation with Spring Boot and Netflix OSS
6. Monolith to Microservices
7. Service Composition with UI, Composite Services, and BPM
8. Implementing DevOps Environment with Kubernetes, Istio and Gitlab
DevOps: Issues
Continuous Delivery
Company Deploy Frequency Deploy Lead Time Reliability Customer
Amazon 23,000 / day Minutes High High
Google 5,500 / day Minutes High High
Netflix 500 / day Minutes High High
Facebook 1 / day Hours High High
Twitter 3 / week Hours High High
Typical enterprise Once every 9 months Months or quarters Low / Medium Low / Medium
출처: 도서 The Phoenix Project
Amazon, Google, Netflix, Facebook, Twitter는 얼마나 자주 배포할까요?
Fail-Fast, Lean, D-thining, DT
Concept Map for MSA
서비스가 죽지 않으면 어떨까?
항상성 (Self-Healing) 이 자동으로
유지되면 어떨까?
자원을 최대한 공유할 수 있을까?
Continuous Delivery &
Zero Downtime Deployment 가 되면
2. 배포 주기
• 매일 마이너 업데이트
• 메이저 업데이트 (매주 화요일 오후)
3. Deployment Pipeline
Supporting Continuous Delivery
4. Canary를 통해서 확신 갖기
• Canary란? 실제 production 환경에서 small subset에서 새로운 코드를 돌려보고 옛
날 코드와 비교해서 새로운 코드가 어떻게 돌아가는 지 보는 것
• Canary 분석 작업(HTTP status code, response time, 실행수, load avg 등이 옛날
코드랑 새로운 코드랑 비교해서 어떻게 다른 지 확인하는 것)은 1000개 이상의
metric을 비교해서 100점 만점에 점수를 주고 일정 점수일 경우만 배포할 수 있음.
Supporting Continuous Delivery
출처 : 2010 architecting for the cloud (
DevOps: Issues
Managing Scalability
Managing Scalability
Workload Distribution
▪IBM Bluemix
▪GE’s Predix
▪Pivotal Web Services
• Cloud Foundry
Workload Distribution
Engine (OSS)
• Warden(Garden)
• Docker • Kubernetes
• Docker SWARM
• Mesos DC/OS
• Google Compute Engine (GKE)
• Azure, Alibaba
• Redhat Open Shift
• Hypervisor • CF version 1
• Engineyard….
• Amazon Beanstalk
DevOps Platforms
Top 9 Rules for Cloud Applications (IBM)
1. Don't code your application directly to a specific topology
2. Don't assume the local file system is permanent
3. Don't keep session state in your application
4. Don't log to the file system
5. Don't assume any specific infrastructure dependency
6. Don't use infrastructure APIs from within your application
7. Don't use obscure protocols
8. Don't rely on OS-specific features
9. Don't manually install your application
DevOps Platform
IBM Bluemix
DevOps Platform
IBM Bluemix – Auto Scaling
DevOps Platform
IBM Bluemix – Zero Downtime
▪수 천개의 팀 그리고 Autonomy
▪마이크로 서비스
▪지속적 배포
▪다양한 플랫폼 (폴리글롯)
▪==> 연간 5천만회 배포
▪시간당 5078회 또는 0.63초당
▪자동화된 DevOps 환경 없이는
Monolithic Architecture
 모든 서비스가 한번에 재배포
 한팀의 반영을 위하여 모든 팀이 대기
 지속적 딜리버리가 어려워
Micro Service Architecture
Contract based, Polyglot Programming
 Separation of Concerns, Parallel Development, Easy Outsourcing
Written in Java
Written in Node
Written in PHP
Jeff Bezos Mandate
1. All teams will henceforth expose their data and functionality through
service interfaces.
2. Teams must communicate with each other through these interfaces.
3. There will be no other form of interprocess communication allowed:
no direct linking, no direct reads of another team's data store, no
shared-memory model, no back-doors whatsoever. The only
communication allowed is via service interface calls over the network.
4. The team must plan and design to be able to expose the interface to
developers in the outside world. No exceptions.
5. Anyone who doesn't do this will be fired.
재무 생산 인사
모놀리씩 마이크로서비스
효과 – 장애 최소화
재무 생산 인사
장애가 전파되며, 수동 복구로 장애 지연 장애가 격리되며, 자동으로 복구됨(이전버전)
재무 생산 인사
효과 – 기능 확장
기존 코드의 수정  Big Impact 신규 마이크로서비스의 추가  Minimal Impact
자율적 기술선택(플랫폼 & 데이터레이아웃)
재무 생산 인사
재무 생산 인사
효과 – 성능 배분
스케일업을 통해서만 확장 수익성 분석의 워크로드에 대한 스케일 아웃 용이
생산 계획
많은 데이터 분석이
필요한 수익성 분석의
워크로드가 급히 요청됨
API Design in REST / MSA
▪ REST MM (Richardson Maturity Model)
▫ Resource Model, Not RPC
▪ Powerful Decoupling with front-end
▪ Tools:
▫ For Java,
▫ JAX-RS Apache CXF
▪ JAX-RS Spring MVC
▪ Spring HATEOAS!
REST Maturity Model
Level 0: Swamp of POX
▪ Use as a RPC, returns full serialized document. e.g. SOAP
<slot start = "1400" end = "1450">
<name>mark jones</name>
<slot start = "1600" end = "1650">
<name>rick jang</name>
Level 1: Resources
Level 1 tackles the question of handling complexity by using divide and
conquer, breaking a large service endpoint down into multiple
<slot id=”http://openslots/1234"/>
<slot id=”http://openslots/1235"/>
# http://openslots/1234
<slot start = "1400" end = "1450">
<doctor id = "mjones"/>
# http://openslots/1235/
<slot start = "1600" end = "1650">
<doctor id = ”rjang"/>
i.e. GET /companies/3/employees/123/address
# http://openslots/1234/doctor
<name>mark jones</name>
# http://doctors/rjones
<name>rick jang</name>
Level 2: HTTP Verbs
Level 2 introduces a standard set of verbs so that we handle similar
situations in the same way, removing unnecessary variation.
Operation HTTP / REST
Create PUT / POST
Read (Retrieve) GET
Update (Modify) PUT / PATCH
Delete (Destroy) DELETE
# POST http://openslots/1234 start=1400 end=1450
# PUT http://openslots/1234 start=1430 end=1450
# PATCH http://openslots/1234 end=1520
# PATCH http://openslots/1234 doctor=http://doctors/rjang
# DELETE http://openslots/1234
Level 3: Hypermedia Controls
<slot id = "1234" doctor = "mjones" start = "1400" end = "1450"/> <patient id = "jsmith"/>
<link rel = "/linkrels/appointment/cancel" uri = "/slots/1234/appointment"/>
<link rel = "/linkrels/appointment/addTest" uri = "/slots/1234/appointment/tests"/>
<link rel = "self" uri = "/slots/1234/appointment"/>
<link rel = "/linkrels/appointment/changeTime" uri =
<link rel = "/linkrels/appointment/updateContactInfo" uri = "/patients/jsmith/contactInfo"/>
<link rel = "/linkrels/help" uri = "/help/appointment"/>
Level 3 introduces discoverability, providing a way of making a protocol more self-
오흐 2시
오후 2시 50분
취소 검사
Example of Aggregate from different data
The Rest of glory - Hateoas
REST API Design Guidelines
▪ REST in Practice, Jim Webber 외
Micro Service Architecture
▪변경된 서비스만 재배포
 Side effect 최소화
 각 서비스에 대한 자유로운 언어, 아키텍처, 아웃소싱 용이
▪병렬 개발, 타임 투 마켓, 린 개발
넷플릭스는 수백개의 마이크로서비스를 운영하고 있는 것으로 유명하다. 각
마이크로서비스간에는 REST 방식의 호출을 통하여 연동되며 이들간의 자동화된 식별과 동적
연동을 위하여 자체적인 플랫폼을 구축했고 이를 Netflix OSS 라는 이름으로 오픈소스화 하였다.
AWS 기반 마이크로 서비스 전환
Gaming Platform
Mobile Apps and
Serverless Microservices
IoT Service
Serverless Microservices
From Monolithic to
Pure Play Video OTT- A
Video & Broadcasting
▪가장 작고 독립적인 서비스로 부터
▪순차적 레거시의 마이크로서비스 전환을
위한 API GW 적용한 “스트랭글러 패턴”
▪서비스 폴백 테스트 및 자동화가 필수 조건
▪새로 추가/변경 필요한 기능부터 분리
▫안정된 레거시는 가능한 손대지 않음
▫적은 리스크 업무 영역부터
▫기술보다 노하우와 팀의 문화 정립 우선시
▪Business Domain 단위 서비스구성
▫팀단위 분리 X, 기술적 단위 분리 X
▫비즈니스 서브 도메인 단위로의 구성
 Separation of Concerns
▪서비스 존재 목적은 재사용되어지는 것
▫표준화된 API I/F
▫자동화된 문서화
Success story & Fail story
▪ 카카오의 Digital Transformation 전략
▫ 레퍼런스 은행의 레거시를 수정하지 않고 REST API 화 (스트랭글러)
▫ 모바일 앱 개발에만 집중
▫ 프로젝트 기간 총 2년 내에 완성
▪ 실패사례 (찾는중, 안알려줌)
▫ 기존의 레거시를 너무 큰 단위로 그대로 도커에 올림
▫ 장애 복구 등 Resilence 를 위한 상황에 전혀 대응하지 못함
Tip: monolithic and MSA
monolithic MSA
(데이터 통합)
Backend 가 주도 Front 가 주도
Database 통합 데이터베이스 서비스 별 데이터베이스
필수 환경 WAS DevOps, PaaS (Grid Engine)
서비스 굵기 업무 비즈니스 기능별 구현 팀별, 10000 라인 이하로?,
Front 기술 JSP, Struts 등 Server-side
MVVM, AJAX 등 Client-side
Container / Packaging WAS / WAR Spring-Boot, Docker
62 Source: pwc
MSA Trade-offs (from Martin Fowler)
▪MSA 는 성공적인 SaaS 의 디자인 패턴:
▪Back-end API 설계가 중요
▫ Aggregation of data from multi micro-services
▪MSA 를 적용하려면 작은 단위의 배포를 위한
운영 자동화 환경이 제공되어야 함
▫ Container Orchestrator
▫ DevOps Platform
Architecture and
Requirements / Check
Category Requirement Solution
& Scalability
24*365 Zero Down time Self-Healing, Horizontally Scale
Minimal Dev-Ops, Dev-Dev team side
effects in deploy time
(more than 100 deploys per day)
Loose coupled design (HATEOAS API,
Service Decomposition), PubSub
Auto Provisioning (by docker
DevOps CI/CD
Scalability &
Multi-channel Support Responsive Web, Chat Bot
Dynamic Service Composition Dynamic Discovery/Composition, BPM
Usability &
Fast browsing, Single Page, DDoS
protection, Inter-microservice integration
Client-side UI rendering, API Gateway,
Circuit Breaker, Event-driven Arch.
Security For all services including 3rd-party ACL Access Token, IAM67
10 Attributes of Cloud Native Applications
1. Packaged as lightweight containers
2. Developed with best-of-breed languages and frameworks
3. Designed as loosely coupled microservices
4. Centered around APIs for interaction and collaboration
5. Architected with a clean separation of stateless and stateful services
6. Isolated from server and operating system dependencies
7. Deployed on self-service, elastic, cloud infrastructure
8. Managed through agile DevOps processes
9. Automated capabilities
10. Defined, policy-driven resource allocation
Architecture Overview
Course Class Customer
Deployment - MSA
• Dynamic Discovery / Binding
• Self Healing / Auto Fail-over
• Load balancing / Cluster
Course Class
Cloud Infra
Container / Orchestrator
Domain-Driven Design
• Use Ubiquitous
Language (Domain
Language) as class
• Service Decomposition
by Sub-Domain:
1. Course Service
2. Customer Service
3. Class Service
4. Subject Matter Expert
Tools covering Web Services Triangle:
Netflix OSS 와 Spring Cloud 의 등장
넷플릭스는 수백개의 마이크로서비스를 운영하고 있는 것으로 유명하다. 각
마이크로서비스간에는 REST 방식의 호출을 통하여 연동되며 이들간의 자동화된 식별과 동적
연동을 위하여 자체적인 플랫폼을 구축했고 이를 Netflix OSS 라는 이름으로 오픈소스화 하였다.
Tools covering Web Services Triangle:
Tools: Evolution of Module Systems
Java Module System Hypervisors Containers
Table of Content
Microservice and SOA
DevOps Project
1. Review for the Domain Problem: A Public Education Service
2. Architecture and Approach Overview
3. Domain Analysis with DDD and Event Storming
4. API Design and Service Decomposition
5. Service Implementation with Spring Boot and Netflix OSS
6. Monolith to Microservices
7. Service Composition with UI, Composite Services, and BPM
8. Implementing DevOps Environment with Kubernetes, Istio and Gitlab
Domain-Driven Design & MSA
▫어떤 단위가 마이크로 서비스가 될 수 있는가?
: Bounded Context  마이크로 서비스 크기 식별
▫서비스를 결합 할 때는 어떻게 결합할 것인가?
: Aggregate  REST 데이터의 Aggregation
▫도메인 이벤트의 식별  Event-driven Architecture 도출
▫잦은 변화에 유연한 설계  동적 서비스 발견과 연동
▫레거시 시스템의 단계적 폐기  모더나이징
▫리팩터링 전략  지속적 딜리버리와 개선
Applicable Practices:
ㄱ. 이벤트 스토밍과 BPMN: 이벤트, 커맨드, 액터, 어그리게이트 식별
ㄴ. UML 과 컨텍스트 맵: 보편언어, 바운디드 컨텍스트 식별
DDD Pattern Applied
DDD: Domain Object Classifications
Classification Description Example
Entity ▪ Objects that have a distinct identity that
runs through time and different
▪ Usually big things like Customer, Ship, Rental
▪ Captures the memory of something
interesting which affects the domain
▪ I go to Babur's for a meal on Tuesday, and pay
by credit card. This might be modeled as an
event, whose event type is 'make purchase',
whose subject is my credit card, and whose
occurred date is Tuesday. If Babur's uses an
old manual system and doesn't transmit the
transaction until Friday, the noticed date would
be Friday.
Service ▪ A standalone operation within the context
of your domain. A Service Object collects
one or more services into an object.
Typically you will have only one instance of
each service object type within your
execution context.
▪ Services are usually accesses to external
resources like Database Connection,
Messaging Gateway, Repository, Product
Modeling Domain Classes and Generate
In UML Modeling Tool
(i.e. Visual Paradigm)
(i.e. Eclipse)
Event Storming
▪이벤트스토밍은 시스템에서 발생하는 이벤트를 중심 (Event-First) 으로 분석하는 기법으로 특히 Non-blocking, Event-driven 한 MSA 기반 시스템을
분석에서 개발까지 필요한 도메인에 대한 탁월하게 빠른 이해를 도모하는데 유리하다.
▪기존의 유즈케이스나 클래스 다이어그래밍 방식은 고객 인터뷰나 엔티티 구조를 인지하는 방식과 다르게 별다른 사전 훈련된 지식과 도구 없이 진행할 수
▪진행과정은 참여자 워크숍 방식의 방법론으로 결과는 스티키 노트를 벽에 붙힌 것으로 결과가 남으며, 오랜지색 스티키 노트들의 연결로 비즈니스
프로세스가 도출되며 이들을 이후 BPMN과 UML 등으로 정재하여 전환할 수 있다.
Event Storming – Event 들을
먼저 도출
과정이등록됨 강의가등록됨
강의가 취소됨
우리 서비스에는 어떤 비즈니스 이벤트들이 발생하는가?
현업이 사용하는 용어를 그대로 사용 (Ubiquitous Language)
용어의 namespace 를 구지 나누려는 노력을 하지 않음
Event Storming – Command
Event를 발생시키는 명령은 무엇인가? UI를 통해? or 시간도래? or 다른 이벤트에 의해?
과정이등록됨 강의가등록됨
강의가 취소됨
에 추가
Event Storming – Entity 도출
• 이름
• 기간
• 비용
• 일정
• 강사
• 고객
• 강의
과정이등록됨 강의가등록됨
강의가 취소됨
에 추가
Event Storming – Sub domains
• 이름
• 기간
• 비용
• 일정
• 강사
• 고객
• 강의
과정이등록됨 강의가등록됨
강의가 취소됨
에 추가
과정강의관리 고객수강관리
변화관리, 우선순위 도출
▪ 스트랭글러
▪ 우선순위 매트릭스
▪ 기존 로그 / 문제 수집  기존 이슈트래커부터 확인필요
Table of Content
Microservice and SOA
DevOps Project
1. Review for the Domain Problem: A Public Education Service
2. Architecture and Approach Overview
3. Domain Analysis with DDD and Event Storming
4. API Design and Service Decomposition
5. Service Implementation with Spring Boot and Netflix OSS
6. Monolith to Microservices
7. Service Composition with UI, Composite Services, and BPM
8. Implementing DevOps Environment with Kubernetes, Istio and Gitlab
Service Implementation
▪ You have Powerful Tool:
Domain-Driven Design and Spring Boot / Spring Data REST
▪ Domain Classes : Entity or Value Object
▪ Resources can be bound to Repositories  Full HATEOAS service can be generated!
▪ Services can be implemented with Resource model firstly
▪ Low-level JAX-RS can be used if not applicable above
Domain-Driven Design and Spring
Well-designed MSADDD
Spring Boot: A MSA Chassis
• Simple Java (POJO)
• Minimal Understanding Of Frameworks and Platforms
(Using Annotations)
• No Server-side GUI rendering
(Only Exposes REST Service)
• No WAS deployment required
(Code is server; Tomcat embedded)
• No XML-based Configuration
Main Application
Domain Classes
Services and Repositories
Lab: Create a Spring boot application
Go to
Set metadata:
- Group:
- Artifact: education
- Dependencies:
 H2
 Rest Repositories
Press “Generate Project”
Extract the downloaded zip file
Build the project:
./mvnw spring-boot:run
Port 충돌시:
./mvnw spring-boot:run -Dserver.port=8081
Running Spring Boot Application
$ mvn spring-boot:run # 혹은 ./mvnw spring-boot:run
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Reactor Build Order:
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building ….
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Downloading:
[INFO] Downloading:
[INFO] Downloading:
Started Application in 11.691 seconds (JVM running for 14.505)
Source code:
$ git clone
Test Generated Services
$ http localhost:8080
HTTP/1.1 200
Content-Type: application/hal+json;charset=UTF-8
Date: Wed, 05 Dec 2018 04:20:52 GMT
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
"_links": {
"profile": {
"href": "http://localhost:8080/profile"
HTTP = success
Entity Class 작성
과정 강의 수강
public class Clazz{
Long id;
String states;
int evaluationRate;
String title;
@ManyToOne @JoinColumn(name="cid")
Course course;
public class Course {
Long id;
String title;
int duration;
String description;
int maxEnrollment;
int minEnrollment;
Double unitPrice;
@OneToMany( cascade = CascadeType.ALL,
fetch = FetchType.EAGER, mappedBy = "course")
List<Clazz> clazzes;
public class Enrollment {
Long id;
Customer customer;
Service Object* 와 API의 생성
Repository Pattern 으로 생성된 것 사용할 수
있는 경우
과정과 강의 API 는 Order Repository 에서
생성된 CRUD actions 들 중 POST Service
를 그대로 사용할 수 있으므로 별도 구현할
필요 없다. 마찬가지 주문서 수정, 삭제도
전체의 약 7~80% 커버
Repository 에서 생성된 API 를 사용 못하는 경우, 별도
Spring MVC Service 로 생성
강사매핑, 지불 등을 위한 백엔드 API 는 Order
Repository 에 생성된 PUT-POST-PATCH-DELETE 중
적합한 것이 없으므로 별도 추가 action URI를 만드는
것이 적합
나머지 2~30% 수준
public interface SharedCalendarService {
@RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET, path="/calendar/{instructorId}/{date}"
Resources getSchedules(@PathVariable("instructorId") Long instructorId,
@PathVariable("date") String date);
public interface CourseRepository extends PagingAndSortingRepository<Course, Long> {
List<Course> findByTitleContaining(@Param("title") String title);
…. 등등등
지불 축하메시
[Tip] SOAP API(WSDL)과 비교
[Tip] RestRepository와 JAX-
RS+Spring MVC 비교
Main Class
public class Application
public static void main(String[] args) {, args);
Test Generated Services
$ http localhost:8080
"_links": {
"clazzDays": {
"href": "http://localhost:8080/clazzDays{?page,size,sort}",
"templated": true
"clazzes": {
"href": "http://localhost:8080/clazzes{?page,size,sort}",
"templated": true
"courses": {
"href": "http://localhost:8080/courses{?page,size,sort}",
"templated": true
"customers": {
"href": "http://localhost:8080/customers{?page,size,sort}",
"templated": true
"instructors": {
"href": "http://localhost:8080/instructors{?page,size,sort}",
"templated": true
} }
Create new course
$ http localhost:8080/courses title="SOA" duration=5 maxEnrollment=50 minEnrollment=10
"_links": {
"self": {
"href": "http://localhost:8080/courses/1"
"courseId": null,
"description": null,
"duration": 5,
"maxEnrollment": 5,
"minEnrollment": 1,
"title": "SOA"
URI of the new course
Create a class of the course
$ http POST localhost:8080/clazzes date=“2018-12-5” course="http://localhost:8080/courses/1"
$ http "http://localhost:8080/courses/1/clazzes"
URI of the SOA course
"_embedded": {
"clazzes": [
"_links": {
"self": {
"href": "http://localhost:8080/clazzes/2"
"evaluationRate": 0,
"states": null
Course is aggregation root
Mapping an instructor to the class
$ http "http://localhost:8080/instructors" firstName="진영" lastName="장” # 강사 등록
$ http "http://localhost:8080/clazzDays" clazz="http://localhost:8080/clazzes/3" date="2012-04-23T18:25:43.511Z”
# 클래스의 일정 등록
# 다른 클래스 하나 더 생성
$ http localhost:8080/clazzes course="http://localhost:8080/courses/1"
$ http "http://localhost:8080/clazzDays" clazz="http://localhost:8080/clazzes/5" date="2012-04-23T18:25:43.511Z”
# 일정이 중복되는 강의로
Mapping an instructor to the class
$ http PATCH "http://localhost:8080/clazzes/3" instructor="http://localhost:8080/instructors/2" #
장진영 강사에게 첫 클래스를 지정
$ http PATCH "http://localhost:8080/clazzes/5" instructor="http://localhost:8080/instructors/2" #
두번째 클래스는 같은 날에 있기 때문에 장진영 강사 일정이 중복되어 오류가 날 것.
$ http "http://localhost:8080/instructors" firstName="상철" lastName="황” # 강사 2 등록
$ http PATCH "http://localhost:8080/clazzes/5" instructor="http://localhost:8080/instructors/8" # 이
요청은 성공 해야 함. 황상철 강사는 일정이 가능하기 때문에...
Enroll in the class and approve the
$ http localhost:8080/customers firstName="진영" lastName="장" #수강생 회원 등록
$ http localhost:8080/enrollments clazz="http://localhost:8080/clazzes/2"
customer="http://localhost:8080/customers/3" #수강 예약
$ http "http://localhost:8080/customers/3/enrollments" #수강 목록 조회
$ http PATCH "http://localhost:8080/enrollments/4" status="approved" #수강 승인
Not applicable to Entity / Repository ?
use “Service”
▪ For Shared Calendar Service, this is not en entity
▪ In this case, we introduce ‘Service’
▪ Define interface first by using JAX-RS (contract)
▪ Uses return type as “ResourceSupport” for HATEOAS link and
loose coupling
Create a Service Interface
public interface SharedCalendarService {
method = RequestMethod.GET,
ResourceSupport getSchedules(
@PathVariable("instructorId") Long instructorId,
@PathVariable("dateStr") String dateStr
Create a Service Implementation
public class SharedCalendarServiceImpl implements SharedCalendarService {
ScheduleRepository scheduleRepository;
public ResourceSupport getSchedules(Long instructorId, String dateStr) {
List<Schedule> schedules = scheduleRepository.findByInstructorIdAndDate(instructorId, date);
return new ScheduleResource(schedules);
Tip: Embedding HATEOAS links
_links: {
”enroll”:{“href”: “http://localhost:8080/clazzes/1/enroll”}
"_links": {
“enrollIn": {
"href": "http://localhost:9992/clazzes/2/enroll"
"clazz": {
"href": "http://localhost:9992/clazzes/2"
"clazzDays": {
"href": "http://localhost:9992/clazzes/2/clazzDays"
"course": {
"href": "http://localhost:9992/clazzes/2/course"
"instructor": {
"href": "http://localhost:9992/clazzes/2/instructor"
Requirements / Check
Category Requirement Solution
& Scalability
24*365 Zero Down time Self-Healing, Horizontally Scale
Minimal Dev-Ops, Dev-Dev team side
effects in deploy time
(more than 100 deploys per day)
Loose coupled design (HATEOAS API,
Service Decomposition), PubSub
Auto Provisioning (by docker
DevOps CI/CD
Scalability &
Multi-channel Support Responsive Web, Chat Bot
Dynamic Service Composition Dynamic Discovery/Composition, BPM
Usability &
Fast browsing, Single Page, DDoS
protection, Inter-microservice integration
Client-side UI rendering, API Gateway,
Circuit Breaker, Event-driven Arch.
Security For all services including 3rd-party ACL Access Token, IAM111
Table of Content
Microservice and SOA
DevOps Project
1. Review for the Domain Problem: A Public Education Service
2. Architecture and Approach Overview
3. Domain Analysis with DDD and Event Storming
4. API Design and Service Decomposition
5. Service Implementation with Spring Boot and Netflix OSS
6. Monolith to Microservices
7. Service Composition with UI, Composite Services, and BPM
8. Implementing DevOps Environment with Kubernetes, Istio and Gitlab
▪From Monolith to Microservices
DDD Pattern Applied
A Sub-domain = A Microservice = A
Spring Boot App
Alpha Code:
Example of Context Map
▪ U: Up-stream
▪ D: Down-stream
▪ AR: Aggregation Root
Context Map – Capstone Project
• Sub-Domains:
1. Core Domains:
Course, Class and Subject
Matter Expert Service
2. Supportive Domains:
Customer Service
• Bounded Context and
Aggregation Root:
1. Course Class
2. Customer Class
3. Class Class
4. SME Class
Services (Spring Boot
(Mongo DB)
강의 일정 발생
MQ (Kafka)
검증: 트랜잭션 검증 매트릭스*
Customer Order Inventory
고객 주문이력 입출고
Customer 가입 CU
주문 R C C U
취소 D C U
입고 C U
출고 C U
119 ACID Transaction Don’t care Eventual Transaction
Domain /
검증: 트랜잭션 유형 결정
ACID Transaction Don’t care Eventual Transaction
▪ 이벤트의 발생 MS 와 Entity 접근의 CUD 가 완전히 동일한 MS
내에서만 벌어지면 ACID Transaction
▪ 이벤트의 발생 MS 와 Entity 접근의 MS 가 R (read) 수준에서만
분산되어 벌어지면 값 참조 호출만으로 문제없음(don’t care)
▪ 이벤트의 발생 MS 와 Entity 접근의 MS 가 CUD 차원에서 걸쳐지면
Eventual Transaction 비용 발생
Project Structure – Capstone Project
<!-- core domain -->
<!-- supportive domain -->
<!-- general services -->
Getting Code:
$ git clone
Sharing Core-Domain Classes
(It doesn’t mean database sharing!)
(shared classes and
Maven depency
Maven depency
Maven depency
Problems in separating services in
▪ JPA Association (i.e. ManyToOne) annotations are not available
for generating HATEOAS links anymore if the associated class
doesn’t have it’s Repository in the same application.
▪ We need to create HATEOAS link by our-selves for every
associations, that is so cumbersome and error-prone.
▪  Let’s Develop a new annotation for RestAssocation!
Changing ORM Relations to REST
public class Course {
@OneToMany( cascade = CascadeType.ALL, fetch = FetchType.EAGER, mappedBy = "course")
List<Clazz> clazzes;
public class Course {
@RestAssociation(serviceId="clazz" path="/clazzes/search/findByCourseId?courseId={courseId}", joinColumn = "courseId")
List<Clazz> clazzes;
NOTE: @RestAssociation annotation is not a spring-related annotation, it’s provided by third-party framework uEngine developed
Tip: Installing HATEOAS Resource
public ResourceProcessor<Resource<?>> resourceProcessorForRestAssociation() {
return new ResourceProcessor<Resource<?>>() {
public Resource<?> process(Resource<?> resource) {
// additional processing only for entities that have rest resources
Map<String, String> links = new HashMap<String, String>();
Field[] fields = resource.getContent().getClass().getDeclaredFields();
for (Field field : fields) {
RestAssociation restAssociation = field.getAnnotation(RestAssociation.class);
if (restAssociation != null && resource.getId() != null) {
String resourceId = resource.getId().getRel();
if (resourceId != null) {
// construct a REST endpoint URL from the annotation properties and entity id
String path = restAssociation.path();
path = evaluatePath(path, resource.getContent());
if (path == null) continue;
if (!path.startsWith("/")) path = "/" + path;
Hints from:
Loose coupling: HATEOAS links are
changed but same usage in API!
▪ Changing URI patterns doesn’t matter!
▪ From consumer’s point of view (i.e. UIs, 3rd-party apps), following the
links, results are always same
$ http localhost:8088/courses/1
"_links": {
”clazzes": {
"href": "http://localhost:8088/courses/1/clazzes"
 “http://localhost:8089/clazzes/findByCourseId?courseId=1”
"maxEnrollment": 5,
"minEnrollment": 1,
"title": "SOA"
Requirements / Check
Category Requirement Solution
& Scalability
24*365 Zero Down time Self-Healing, Horizontally Scale
Minimal Dev-Ops, Dev-Dev team side
effects in deploy time
(more than 100 deploys per day)
Loose coupled design (HATEOAS API,
Service Decomposition), PubSub
Auto Provisioning (by docker
DevOps CI/CD
Scalability &
Multi-channel Support Responsive Web, Chat Bot
Dynamic Service Composition Dynamic Discovery/Composition, BPM
Usability &
Fast browsing, Single Page, DDoS
protection, Inter-microservice integration
Client-side UI rendering, API Gateway,
Circuit Breaker, Event-driven Arch.
Security For all services including 3rd-party ACL Access Token, IAM127
Loose coupled design (HATEOAS API,
Service Decomposition)
Service Registration: EUREKA
Microservice registration configuration
name: clazz
defaultZone: http://localhost:8761/eureka/
enabled: true
Who Am I
부트업 되면서 출생신고할
동사무소(유레카) 주소
Marking Self-registration
public class Application {
public static void main(String[] args) {, args);
Running an Eureka server
public class RegistryServiceApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) {
port: 8761
hostname: localhost
registerWithEureka: false
fetchRegistry: false
Running Registry and Proxy
1. 가장 먼저 실행할 것은 Registry (Eureka 서버) 임. [동사무소]
2. 다음으로 실행할 것은 Proxy (Zuul 서버) 임. [이정표 서비스]
$ cd uengine-proxy-server/
$ mvn spring-boot:run
$ cd uengine-registry-server/
$ mvn spring-boot:run
Running Micro Services in local machine
2. Run and test Class Service
1. Run and test Course Service
$ cd clazz-service/
$ mvn spring-boot:run –Dserver.port=8088
Launch another shell and confirm server is up:
$ http localhost:8088/clazzes
$ cd course-service/
$ mvn spring-boot:run –Dserver.port=8089
Launch another shell and check the server is up:
$ http localhost:8089/courses
Table of Content
Microservice and SOA
DevOps Project
1. Review for the Domain Problem: A Public Education Service
2. Architecture and Approach Overview
3. Domain Analysis with DDD and Event Storming
4. API Design and Service Decomposition
5. Service Implementation with Spring Boot and Netflix OSS
6. Monolith to Microservices
7. Service Composition with UI, Composite Services, and BPM
8. Implementing DevOps Environment with Kubernetes, Istio and Gitlab
Service Composition
with User Interface
▪ Extended Role of Front-end in MSA Architecture: Service
▪ Why MVVM?
▪ W3C Web Components Standard – Domain HTML Tags
▪ Implementation: Polymer and VueJS
▪ Another: ReactJS and Angular2
▪ Micro-service Mashups with Domain Tags: i.e. IBM bluetags
▪ Cross-Origin Resource Sharing
▪ API Gateway (Netflix Zuul)
아마존 닷컴은 다양한 서비스 제공과 효율적인 운영 환경 전환을 위해 분산 서비스 플랫폼으로 전환
2001년 아마존은 주요한 아키텍쳐 변화가 있었는데
기존 모놀리식(Monolitic) 기반에서
서로 다른 어플리케이션 기능을 제공하는
분산 서비스 플랫폼으로 변화 하였습니다.
현재의 Amazon.com의 첫 화면에 들어 온다면,
그 페이지를 생성하기 위해
100여개가 넘는 서비스를 호출하여 만들고 있습니다.
W3C Web Components
style for A
style for B
style for C
element for A
element for B
element for C
script for A
script for B
script for C
style for A
element for A
script for A
style for B
element for B
script for B
style for C
element for C
script for C
<A> <A>
<B> <B> <B>
▪ Custom elements
▪ HTML imports
▪ Template
▪ Shadow DOM
Frameworks supporting Web
• Provides Cohesive Component Model
• Component Composition by HTML
• Dynamic Data Binding
• Responsive Web by Material Design
• Standard
Polymer VueJS
User Interface Design
Responsive Web
Material Design
Custom tag for Domain Class: <course> tag
<h1>Course Management</h1>
<course v-model="courses[index]" v-for='(course, index) in courses'
@change="updateCourse" @remove="removeCourse"
<h2>Add New Course</h2>
<course v-model="newCourse" editMode=true isNew=true
Custom Tag for Domain Class: <class>
<h1>Class Management</h1>
<clazz v-model="clazzes[index]" v-for='(clazz, index) in clazzes'
<clazz v-model="newClazz" editMode=true isNew=true @add="addClazz"></clazz>
Data binding to Domain Class Tags
var courses = [];
var me = this;
backend.$bind("courses", courses);
courses.$load().then(function(courses){ = courses; // set the view's data with the loaded data obtained from backend.
<course v-model="courses[index]" v-for='(course, index) in courses'
@change="updateCourse" @remove="removeCourse"
Tenant UI Customization (Composition)
by Tag composition
Domain HTML Tags
Tenant A
Tenant B
Tenant C
Requirements / Check
Category Requirement Solution
& Scalability
24*365 Zero Down time Self-Healing, Horizontally Scale
Minimal Dev-Ops, Dev-Dev team side
effects in deploy time
(more than 100 deploys per day)
Loose coupled design (HATEOAS API,
Service Decomposition), PubSub
Auto Provisioning (by docker
DevOps CI/CD
Scalability &
Multi-channel Support Responsive Web, Chat Bot
Dynamic Service Composition Dynamic Discovery/Composition, BPM
Usability &
Fast browsing, Single Page, DDoS
protection, Inter-microservice integration
Client-side UI rendering, API Gateway,
Circuit Breaker, Event-driven Arch.
Security For all services including 3rd-party ACL Access Token, IAM145
Oops! CORS Exception?
Accessing Multiple
Microservices from
API Gateway: Edge Service
Acting like “Skin” to access our services :
• Re-Routes to multiple services
• Allows CORS
• Checks ACLs
• Prevent DDOS etc.
Requirements / Check
Category Requirement Solution
& Scalability
24*365 Zero Down time Self-Healing, Horizontally Scale
Minimal Dev-Ops, Dev-Dev team side
effects in deploy time
(more than 100 deploys per day)
Loose coupled design (HATEOAS API,
Service Decomposition), PubSub
Auto Provisioning (by docker
DevOps CI/CD
Scalability &
Multi-channel Support Responsive Web, Chat Bot
Dynamic Service Composition Dynamic Discovery/Composition, BPM
Usability &
Fast browsing, Single Page, DDoS
protection, Inter-microservice integration
Client-side UI rendering, API Gateway,
Circuit Breaker, Event-driven Arch.
Security For all services including 3rd-party ACL Access Token, IAM148
Securing, Routing and Load-balancing
Clazz SME 1Course 1
Course-service: ip1, ip2
Clazz-service: ip3
Sme-service: ip4, ip5
Course 2 SME 2
Ip1:port1/instructors/** Ip2:port2/instructors/**
• Add CORS Header
• Routes actual backend service
• Load Balancing
• Fallback
SME 3 Ip6:port6-1/smes/**
By container orchestrator something
Configuring Netflix Zuul
#application.yml (Spring Cloud)
path: /courses/**
serviceId: course
stripPrefix: false
path: /clazzes/**
serviceId: clazz
stripPrefix: false
#application.yml (kube-DNS)
path: /courses/**
url: http://class-course:8080
stripPrefix: false
path: /clazzes/**
url: http://class-course:8080
stripPrefix: false
Authenticating Microservices
Front-end or 3rd-party Apps
Clazz SMECourse
/courses/** /clazzes/** /instructors/**
• Request Access Token with
Permission scopes
• Acquire Access Token
• Request with Token (Header)
• API Gateway validates the token
• Easy and integrated way to provide
APIs for 3rd Party Apps
Stateless 한 인증 정보 관리
Memory 사용 최적
Zuul API Gateway for Security
▪ Authorizing Microservices with OAuth2 and PreFilter of Zuul
path: /courses/**
serviceId: course-service
stripPrefix: false
- catalog-access/GET
- catalog-manage/POST-PATCH-DELETE
OAuth2 Authorization Server
implemented by Spring Security
Exposing New APIs
▪ Exposing New API from existing microservices
▪ For more complicated services, BPM can be another option
path: /courses/**
serviceId: course-service
stripPrefix: false
- catalog-access/GET
- catalog-manage/POST-PATCH-DELETE
Service Composition:
Inter-microservices Composition
▪ Inter-microservices call requires client-side
discovery and load-balancing
▪ Netflix Ribbon and Eureka
▪ Hiding the transportation layer:
Spring Feign library and JAX-RS
서비스의 호출 방식 2가지
▪ 외부에서
마이크로 서비스 간
(inter-microservice call)
HTTPClient 로 REST 호출 혹은 Event 로 pub/sub
Feign 을 사용, @Autowired 로 proxy 객체리턴 혹은
MOM (Apache Kafka), Spring Cloud Stream
Ribbon 이 Eureka 를 통하여 직접 마이크로
서비스가 로드밸런싱 된 대상을 선택
Hybind 를 사용, 자바스크립트객체와
Resource 바인딩
Zuul 을 경유하여 Eureka 에서 발견된
path 에 따른 서비스가 라우팅
Inter-microservices Call
ScheduleCalendar Clazz
Course: ip1, ip2
Clazz: ip3
ScheduleCalendar: ip4, ip5
Zuul 을 경유하지 않고 직접 내부 IP
로 접근
Use Case
Consumer Code: Clazz
public class Clazz {
SharedCalendarService sharedCalendarService;
public void beforeSave() {
throw new RuntimeException("Instructor can be mapped after adding class days for this class.");
for(ClazzDay clazzDay : getClazzDays()){
List<ClazzDay> schedules = sharedCalendarService.getSchedules(clazzDay.getDate(), getInstructor());
if(schedules!=null && schedules.size() > 0){
throw new RuntimeException("Instructor " + getInstructor().getFirstName() + " already have another class for that time slot.");
Service Interface: mark as @FeignClient
---- Service Id
이걸로, Autowired 시에
public interface SharedCalendarService {
@RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET, path="/calendar/{instructorId}/{date}")
Resources getSchedules(@PathVariable("instructorId") Long instructorId, @PathVariable("date") String date);
Service Interface: mark as @FeignClient
- Kube-DNS 버전
---- url 이 부여되면
우선으로 url 을 직접호출함
@FeignClient(name = "calendar-service”, url=“http://calendar-service:8080”)
public interface SharedCalendarService {
@RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET, path="/calendar/{instructorId}/{date}")
Resources getSchedules(@PathVariable("instructorId") Long instructorId, @PathVariable("date") String date);
Event Publish / Subscribe (PubSub)
Course Clazz
(과정기획일정, 2018-3-5)
(강의일정, 2018-3-6)
Event Queue (i.e. Apache Kafka)
2018-3-6 OOO OOO
2018-3-5 XXX XXXXX
Event Consumer
public class EventListener {
/** version 1. callback version **/
public void handleClazzDay(@Payload ClazzDay clazzDay) {
System.out.println("Received: "+ clazzDay.getDate()); //db 에 저장.
Event Publisher
public void publishEvent() throws JsonProcessingException {
Streams streams = Application.getApplicationContext().getBean(Streams.class);
MessageChannel messageChannel = streams.outboundChannel();
.withPayload(this) // POJO 를 그대로 보낸다.
.setHeader(MessageHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE, MimeTypeUtils.APPLICATION_JSON)
System.out.println("Event published");
Using Kafka: Event Publisher
private KafkaTemplate<String, String> kafkaTemplate;
Schedule schedule = new Schedule(“과정기획일정”, “2018-3-5”);
kafkaTemplate.send("calendar.topic", schedule);
Using Kafka: Event Subscriber
@KafkaListener(topics = "${kafka.topic.calendar}")
public void receive(String payload) throws IOException {
ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
Schedule schedule = objectMapper.readValue(payload, Schedule.class);;
Spring Boot 2.0
: Event Driven
Distributed Transaction Issues
: CQRS and Event-Sourcing
분산 트랜잭션 처리 –
총구매액: 500 총마일리지: 5
총구매액: 600 총마일리지: 6
조회화면서비스구성 (모놀로씩)
Client (Web/Mobile)
Order Mileage
총구매액: 700 총마일리지: 7
분산 트랜잭션 처리 – MS 화,
순차 호출
총구매액: 500 총마일리지: 5
총구매액: 600 총마일리지: 5
총구매액: 600 총마일리지: 6
총구매액: 700 총마일리지: 6
조회화면서비스구성 (클라이언트가 순차 호출)
Client (Web/Mobile)
POST (성공시) - POST
CQRS 를 통한 분산 트랜잭션
총구매액: 500 총마일리지: 5
총구매액: 600 총마일리지: 5
총구매액: 600 총마일리지: 6
총구매액: 700 총마일리지: 6
총구매액: 700 총마일리지: 7
조회화면서비스구성 (CQRS)
Client (Web/Mobile)
여기서 선택의 길을 만남
• 내 서비스에서 데이터 불일치가 얼마나 미션 크리티컬 한가?
• 크리티컬 하다고 응답한다면, 내 서비스의 성능과 확장성에 비하여
크리티컬 한가?
• 성능과 확장성 보다 크리티컬 하다면, 성능과 확장성을 포기할 수 있는가?
• 성공한 내 서비스의 경쟁자들은 무엇을 포기했는가?
•  강력한 의사결정 필요 (무엇으로 태어날 것인가…)
CQRS 를 통한 분산 트랜잭션
처리 – 불일치가 Mission Critical
한 경우
총구매액: 500 총마일리지: 5
총구매액: 600 총마일리지: 5 (PENDING)
총구매액: 600 총마일리지: 6
총구매액: 700 총마일리지: 6 (PENDING)
총구매액: 700 총마일리지: 7
조회화면서비스구성 (CQRS)
(pub, PENDING)
Client (Web/Mobile)
CQRS 를 통한 분산 트랜잭션
처리 – Rollback (Saga Pattern)
총구매액: 500 총마일리지: 5
총구매액: 600 총마일리지: 5 (PENDING)
총구매액: 600 총마일리지: 6
총구매액: 700 총마일리지: 6 (PENDING)
총구매액: 700 총마일리지: 7  실패
조회화면서비스구성 (CQRS)
(pub, PENDING)
Client (Web/Mobile)
총구매액: 600 총마일리지: 6
Resources on Sagas / CQRS
Requirements / Check
Category Requirement Solution
& Scalability
24*365 Zero Down time Self-Healing, Horizontally Scale
Minimal Dev-Ops, Dev-Dev team side
effects in deploy time
(more than 100 deploys per day)
Loose coupled design (HATEOAS API,
Service Decomposition), PubSub
Auto Provisioning (by docker
DevOps CI/CD
Scalability &
Multi-channel Support Responsive Web, Chat Bot
Dynamic Service Composition Dynamic Discovery/Composition, BPM
Usability &
Fast browsing, Single Page, DDoS
protection, Inter-microservice integration
Client-side UI rendering, API Gateway,
Circuit Breaker, Event-driven Arch.
Security For all services including 3rd-party ACL Access Token, IAM176
Service Composition:
Orchestration with BPMN
▪ The highest level of SOA Maturity Model:
Dynamically reconfigurable
▪ Dynamic Application Assembly by Business
Process Modeling (BPMN 2.0)
▪ BPMN 2.0 Tools: Camunda BPM, uEngine5
▪ Cloud Service Brokerage with BPM: Intergration
▪ IBM BPM on Cloud, Mendix and Appian
Book Courses Process
BPMN Tool: Camunda BPM
▪ Full-support of BPMN 2.0
▪ Web based BPMN designer
▪ Micro service architecture based
runtime – Spring boot
▪ Open Source!
BPMN Tool: uEngine 5 BPM
▪ Almost full-support of BPMN 2.0
▪ Web based BPMN designer
▪ Micro service architecture based
runtime – Spring boot
▪ Open Source!
▪ Support Spring Cloud & Netflix
OSS for dynamic discovery &
Service List from EUREKA
▪ Go to
Process Modeling
▪ Go to Enrollment
Process Modeling: Pools from EUREKA
▪ Double-click the title of pool ”Class-Course” or “Class-Class”
▪ Pools can be selected from the service list from EUREKA server
Process Modeling: REST Invocation
▪ Double-click the "Search Courses” task and see the detail settings how to make a REST
Process Execution & Monitoring
▪ Press the execution button
▪ Go to ‘Workspace’ menu
▪ Confirm work-items assigned to me
▪ Complete the task
▪ Confirm process status by
switching the tab to ‘INFO’
▪ Follow the process
Process Modeling: Exposing a REST Service
▪ Go to Enrollment Chatbot
▪ Change the type of start event to ‘Message Start Event’
▪ Set the ‘Service Path’ for the URI of service
▪ Deploying the process will create a new
micro service for accepting the request
to begin the process.
“ 수강신청 수강예약 강의평가
▪Requirement: Chat-bot Interface
Connect the process service with a chatbot
▪ Go to
▪ Create an account or login
▪ 관리  상세설정  공개 설정
▫ 홈 공개 On
▫ 검색허용 On
▫ 노출 허용 On
▪ 스마트채팅  API형  설정하기
▫ 앱 url:
▫ Check the API test
Requirements / Check
Category Requirement Solution
& Scalability
24*365 Zero Down time Self-Healing, Horizontally Scale
Minimal Dev-Ops, Dev-Dev team side
effects in deploy time
(more than 100 deploys per day)
Loose coupled design (HATEOAS API,
Service Decomposition), PubSub
Auto Provisioning (by docker
DevOps CI/CD
Scalability &
Multi-channel Support Responsive Web, Chat Bot
Dynamic Service Composition Dynamic Discovery/Composition, BPM
Usability &
Fast browsing, Single Page, DDoS
protection, Inter-microservice integration
Client-side UI rendering, API Gateway,
Circuit Breaker, Event-driven Arch.
Security For all services including 3rd-party ACL Access Token, IAM189
Table of Content
Microservice and SOA
DevOps Project
1. Review for the Domain Problem: A Public Education Service
2. Architecture and Approach Overview
3. Domain Analysis with DDD and Event Storming
4. API Design and Service Decomposition
5. Service Implementation with Spring Boot and Netflix OSS
6. Monolith to Microservices
7. Service Composition with UI, Composite Services, and BPM
8. Implementing DevOps Environment with Kubernetes, Istio and Gitlab
▪ DevOps Process and Tools
▪ Deploy Strategies
▪ Containers and Orchestrators
▪ Cloud Foundry, Bluemix, and Kubernetes
DevOps toolchain
Devops Deploy Strategies
▪ Recreate: Version A is terminated then version B is rolled out.
▪ Ramped (also known as rolling-update or incremental): Version B is slowly
out and replacing version A.
▪ Blue/Green: Version B is released alongside version A, then the traffic is
to version B.
▪ Canary: Version B is released to a subset of users, then proceed to a full
▪ A/B testing: Version B is released to a subset of users under specific
Fast Rollback Extra Space
Recreate X X X
Ramped O X X Kubernetes
Blue/Green &
O O O Istio
Deploy Strategy: Blue/Green
Now, Green is production
Strategy: Blue/Green
Now, Blue is production
Strategy: Blue/Green
앗, 롤백 요청!
Now, Green is production again
Strategy: Blue/Green
롤백 가능 허용시간 경과  Shutdown Green servers
Deploy NEW-NEW version as Green
Strategy: Blue/Green
Now, Green(NEW-NEW) is production
DevOps Platforms
▪ IBM Bluemix
▪ Heroku
▪ GE’s Predix
▪ Pivotal Web Services
• Cloud Foundry
Workload Distribution Engine
(Container Orchestrator) PaaS
• Warden(Garden)
• Docker • Kubernetes
• Docker SWARM (toy)
• Mesos Marathon (DCOS)
• Google Compute Engine
• Redhat Open Shift
• IBM Bluemix
• Amazon ECS
• Hypervisor • CF version 1
• Engineyard….
• Amazon Beanstalk
Cloud Foundry
▪ Code a Java (or Node.js) app using Spring Boot
▪ Build using Maven
▪ Subscribe to one of Cloud Foundry certified
platforms: Pivotal, Swisscom, IBM, Atos, SAP,
▪ Install Cloud Foundry CLI in your desktop
▪ cf push
▪ cf logs
▪ cf marketplace
▪ cf create-service
▪ cf bind-service
▪ cf scale
MOOC: Introduction to Cloud Foundry
and Cloud Native Software Architecture
DevOps Platform
IBM Bluemix
DevOps Platform
IBM Bluemix – Auto Scaling
DevOps Platform
IBM Bluemix – Zero Downtime Deploy
Production Debugging Tools (APM)
▪ Zipkin
▪ Pinpoint
▪ Elasticsearch ELK
Lab: Running Micro Services in Docker
Executable Jar
Docker Image
Source Code
mvn package -B docker rundocker build
Running apps anywhere and reliably
▪ 개발, 스테이징, 운영에서 최대한 동일하게 동작하기
▫ 죽였다 살려내면 복구되는 (Immutable Image)
▫ 어디서나 실행되는
▫ 그러면서 가벼운 환경
Tools: Evolution of Module Systems
Java Module System Hypervisors Containers
Container 의 간략한 설명
▪Image: a lightweight, stand-alone,
executable package that includes
everything needed to run a piece of
software, including the code, a runtime,
libraries, environment variables, and
config files.
▪Container: a runtime instance of an
image—what the image becomes in
memory when actually executed. It runs
completely isolated from the host
environment by default, only accessing
host files and ports if configured to do so.
VM 과 다른점
▪Higher Share Level but Isolated.
Labtime: 도커 이미지 스크립트
# 기반 이미지
FROM openjdk:8u111-jdk-alpine
# 볼륨 연결
# 애플리케이션 복사
ADD /target/*.jar app.jar
# 포트노출
# 자바 실행
ENTRYPOINT ["java","-Xmx256M","-jar","/app.jar"]
Lab time: Create and push Docker
$ cd course-service
$ docker build -t<projectId>/course:v1 .
$ docker push<projectId>/course:v1
$ cd ../clazz-service
$ docker build -t<projectId>/clazz:v1 .
$ docker push<projectId>/clazz:v1
$ cd ../shared-calendar-service
$ docker build -t<projectId>/shared-cal:v1 .
$ docker push<projectId>/shared-cal:v1
Lab time: Run the app with
docker run -p 8080:80<projectId>/course
Lab time: Basic Commands
Container Orchestration with
▪ Kubernetes Object Model
▪ Users to Pods: Services, Kube-proxy, Service
Discovery, ServiceType
▪ Deploying Stand-Alone Application
▪ Liveness and Readiness
▪ Kubernetes Volume Management
▪ Multi-Tier Application
Master Workers
Kubernetes: 발음하기
미국식: 큐브네리스
영국식: 쿠버네티스
인도식: 꾸-버네띡스
Kubernetes: 쓰기
K8S =
Container-based Application Design
Kubernetes Object Model
(name: serviceId)
Creates / manages
• Keep replica count as
desired (replicas=2)
• Dynamic Service Binding
• e.g. http://serviceId:8080
• Zero-down time deployment
e.g. Blue / Green
• Service Hosting
Responsible for:
Declaration based
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: nginx-deployment
app: nginx
replicas: 2
app: nginx
- name: nginx
image: nginx:1.7.9
- containerPort: 80
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Service
name: nginx-service
app: nginx
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: backend-deployment
app: backend
replicas: 3
app: backend
- name: backend
image: backend:latest
- containerPort: 8080
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Service
name: backend-service
app: backend
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: db-deployment
app: db
replicas: 2
app: db
- name: db
image: mongo
- containerPort: 27017
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Service
name: mongo-service
app: mongo
> my-app.yml> Desired state
Kubernetes Object Model
▪ apiVersion : mentions the API endpoint on the API
server which we want to connect to.
▪ kind : mentions the object type – example
has Deployment.
▪ metadata : has the basic information to objects,
like the name.
▪ spec (spec and spec.template.spec) : defines the desired
state of the deployment. In our example, we want to
make sure that, at any point in time, at least 3
Pods are running, which are created using the Pods
Template defined in spec.template.
▪ spec.template.spec : defines the desired state
of the Pod. The example Pod would be created
using nginx:1.7.9.
Once the object is created, the Kubernetes system attaches
the status field to the object
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: nginx-deployment
app: nginx
replicas: 3
app: nginx
app: nginx
- name: nginx
image: nginx:1.7.9
- containerPort: 80
Deployment object Example
Lab Time: 기본적인 kubectl명령어
▪객체 목록 불러오기
▫ “kubectl get [객체 타입]“
Ex) kubectl get pods : pod 목록 불러온다.
▪객체 삭제하기
▫ “kubectl delete [객체 타입] [객체 이름]”
Ex) “kubectl delete pods wordpress-5bb5dddcff-kwgf8”
▫ “kubectl delete [객체타입,객체타입,…] --all“
Ex) “kubectl delete services,depeloyments,pods –-all”
- 실습 중에 잘못 생성되었거나 초기화가 필요할 경우 사용
▪객체 상세 설명 확인하기
▫ “kubectl describe [객체 타입] [객체 이름] ”
Ex) “kubectl describe service wordpress”
이미지를 통한 어플리케이션 배포
• 현재 작동 중인 pod들이 없는지 확인
▫ kubectl get pods
▪ Nginx이미지 예제로 배포하기
▫ kubectl run first-deployment --image=nginx
▪ 실행된 Pods 확인
▫ kubectl get pods
(검색된 Pod의 이름을 복사한다. (각 pod들은 고유한 이름을 갖는다.)
Pod에 접속하기
▪ 복사된 pod이름으로 접속하기
▫ Kubectl exec -it [복사된 pod 이름] -- /bin/bash
▪ Pod 내에서 접속하기 (위 명령어로 진입후에는 리눅스 명령어를
▫ 해당 경로에 있는 html 파일을 호출하는 어플리케이션이다.
echo Hello nginx
▫ Curl 명령어를 사용하기 위한 업데이트를 한다.
apt-get update
apt-get curl
▫ Curl 명령어로 호출하기
curl localhost
설정 파일을 통한 pod 배포
▪ 아래 내용으로 nano editor 를 이용하여 declarative-pod.yaml 파일을 만든다.
▫ Nginx 이미지를 기반으로 pod를 배포하는 설정파일이다
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: declarative-pod
- name: memory-demo-ctr
image: nginx
웹 편집기 사용
설정 파일을 통한 pod 배포
▪ nano declarative-pod.yaml 파일로 배포를 한다.
▫ kubectl create -f declarative-pod.yaml
( -f 는 파일 경로를 설정해서 배포할 수 있는 옵션이다.)
▪ 배포된 pods들을 검색하여 접속을 해보자
▫ 이름이 설정대로 declarative-pod 로 생성되었다.
kubectl get pods
▫ 접속해보자
kubectl exec -it declarative-pod -- /bin/bash
apt-get update
apt-get install curl
curl localhost
원하는 노드 타입에 pod 몰기
▪Node를 확인하여 label 붙이기
▫kubectl get nodes
kubectl label nodes [노드이름] disktype=ssd
▪Label과 함께 노드 목록을 불러오기
▫kubectl get nodes --show-labels
▪설정 파일생성(오른쪽 내용)
▫nano dev-pod.yaml
▪설정파일을 기반으로 pod 배포
▫kubectl create -f dev-pod.yaml
▪생성된 pod의 상세 내용 확인
▫kubectl get pods -o wide
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: nginx
env: test
- name: nginx
image: nginx
imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
disktype: ssd #여기가 중요
▪A ReplicaSet (rs) is the next-generation ReplicationController.
ReplicaSets support both equality- and set-based selectors,
whereas ReplicationControllers only support equality-based
▪The ReplicaSet will detect that the current state is no longer matching the
desired state.
▫(In the given scenario, the ReplicaSet will create one more Pod)
▪ReplicaSets can be used independently, but they are mostly used by
Deployments to orchestrate the Pod creation, deletion, and updates.
▪A Deployment automatically creates the ReplicaSets, and we do not have to
worry about managing them.
▪Deployment objects provide
declarative updates to Pods and
▪The DeploymentController is part
of the master node's controller
manager, and it makes sure that
the current state always matches
the desired state.
▪In the following example, we
have a Deployment which
a ReplicaSet A. ReplicaSet
A then creates 3 Pods. In each
Pod, one of the containers uses
the nginx:1.7.9 image.
▪Now, in the Deployment, we change the Pods Template and we
update the image for the nginx container
from nginx:1.7.9 to nginx:1.9.1. As have modified the Pods Template,
a new ReplicaSet B gets created. This process is referred to as
a Deployment rollout.
▪A rollout is only triggered when we update the Pods Template for a
deployment. Operations like scaling the deployment do not trigger the
▪Once ReplicaSet B is ready,
the Deployment starts pointing
to it.
▪On top of ReplicaSets,
Deployments provide features
like Deployment recording, with
which, if something goes wrong,
we can rollback to a previously
known state.
Lab time: ReplicaSet
▪ReplicaSet 파일 생성
▫nano frontend.yaml
▪파일을 기반으로 ReplicaSet 배포
▫kubectl create -f frontend.yaml
▪ReplicaSet을 확인
▫kubectl get pods
kubectl describe rs/frontend
▪RsplicaSet을 삭제
▫kubectl delete rs/frontend
(관련된 pod 전부 제거한다.)
▫kubectl delete rs/frontend --cascade=false
(ReplicaSet 은 제거하지만 Pod 는 유지)
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: ReplicaSet
name: frontend
app: guestbook
tier: frontend
replicas: 3
tier: frontend
- {key: tier, operator: In, values: [frontend]}
app: guestbook
tier: frontend
- name: php-redis
- containerPort: 80
Deployment 생성
▪설정 파일을 생성
▫nano nginx-deployment.yaml
▪파일을 기반을 배포
▫kubectl create -f nginx-deployment.yaml
▪생성된 deployment 확인
▫kubectl describe deployment nginx-deployment
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: nginx-deployment
app: nginx
app: nginx
app: nginx
- name: nginx
image: nginx:1.7.9
- containerPort: 80
▪Deployment의 replica의 개수를 확인한다.
▫kubectl get pods
▪Deplyment의 이름을 복사한다.
▫kubectl get deployments
▪해당 Deployment의 scale 조정
▫kubectl scale deployments [deployment 이름] --replicas=3
▪변경을 확인
▫kubectl get pods
Deployments 의 변경
▪Deployment 파일을 변경
▫kubectl get deployments nano nginx-deployment.yaml
( spec 아래 항목에 replica: 3 속성을 추가)
▪변경한 파일을 적용
▫kubectl apply -f nginx-deployment.yaml
▪변경 내용을 확인
▫kubectl get pods
▪설정파일에 추가된 replica 속성을 삭제 후 다시 적용
▫nano nginx-deployment.yaml (replica)
▫kubectl apply -f nginx-deployment.yaml
▫kubectl delete pods --all
▫kubectl get pods
Connecting Users to Pods
To access the application, a user/client needs to connect
to the Pods. As Pods are ephemeral in nature, resources
like IP addresses allocated to it cannot be static. Pods
could die abruptly or be rescheduled based on existing
Connecting Users to Pods
▪When user/client is connected to a Pod using its IP address. Unexpectedly,
the Pod to which the user/client is connected can die, and a new Pod is
created by the controller.
▪The new Pod will have a new IP address, which will not be known
automatically to the user/client of the earlier Pod.
▪To overcome this situation, Kubernetes provides a higher-level abstraction
called Service, which logically groups Pods and a policy to access them.
(This grouping is achieved via Labels and Selectors)
▪Using selectors, we can group them into two logical groups: one with 3 Pods, and one
with just one Pod.
▪We can assign a name to the logical grouping, referred to as a Service name.
▪The user/client now connects to a service via the IP address, which forwards the traffic
to one of the Pods attached to it.
▫ The IP address attached to each Service is also known as the ClusterIP for that Service.
▪A service does the load balancing while selecting the Pods for forwarding the data/traffic.
▫If the target port is not defined explicitly, then traffic will be forwarded to Pods on the port on which the Service
receives traffic.
▫A tuple of Pods, IP addresses, along with the targetPort is referred to as a Service endpoint
Service Discovery
As Services are the primary mode of communication in Kubernetes, we need a way to
discover them at runtime.
Kubernetes supports two methods of discovering a Service:
▪Environment Variables
As soon as the Pod starts on any worker node, the kubelet daemon running on that
node adds a set of environment variables in the Pod for all active Services.
Kubernetes has an add-on for DNS, which creates a DNS record for each Service and
its format is like Services within the same
Namespace can reach to other Services with just their name. Pods from other
Namespaces can reach the Service by adding the respective Namespace as a suffix.
EX) namespace2.pod1.
This is the most common and highly recommended solution.
ServiceType: LoadBalancer
▪With the LoadBalancer ServiceType:
▫NodePort and ClusterIP Services are automatically created, and the external load
balancer will route to them
▫The Services are exposed at a static port on each worker node
▫The Service is exposed externally using the underlying cloud provider's load balancer
The LoadBalancer ServiceType will only work if the underlying infrastructure supports the automatic
creation of Load Balancers and have the respective support in Kubernetes, as is the case with the Google
Cloud Platform and AWS.
▪With Services, routing rules are attached to a given Service.
▪They exist for as long as the Service exists.
▪If we can somehow decouple the routing rules from the application,
we can then update our application without worrying about its external
access. This can be done using the Ingress resource.
According to,
"An Ingress is a collection of rules that allow inbound connections to
reach the cluster Services."
▪To allow the inbound connection to reach the cluster Services, Ingress
configures a Layer 7 HTTP load balancer for Services and provides the following:
▫TLS (Transport Layer Security)
▫Name-based virtual hosting
▫Path-based routing
▫Custom rules.
▪With Ingress, users don't connect directly to a Service.
▪Users reach the Ingress endpoint, and, from there, the request is forwarded to
the respective Service.
▪The Ingress resource does not do any request forwarding by itself. It is done
using the Ingress Controller
▪In the example, users requests to both and
would go to the same Ingress endpoint,
and, from there, they would be forwarded
to webserver-blue-svc, and webserver-green-svc,
respectively. (Name-Based Virtual Hosting Ingress rule.)
▪We can also have Fan Out Ingress rules,
in which we send requests like and, which
would be forwarded to
webserver-blue-svc and webserver-green-svc,
apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Ingress
name: web-ingress
namespace: default
- host:
- backend:
serviceName: webserver-blue-svc
servicePort: 80
- host:
- backend:
serviceName: webserver-green-svc
servicePort: 80
Ingress definition example
Ingress Controller
▪An Ingress Controller is an application which watches the Master
Node's API server for changes in the Ingress resources and updates
the Layer 7 Load Balancer accordingly.
▪Kubernetes has different Ingress Controllers, and, if needed, we can
also build our own.
▫GCE L7 Load Balancer and Nginx Ingress Controller are examples of Ingress
▪Start the Ingress Controller with Minikube
▫Minikube v0.14.0 and above ships the Nginx Ingress Controller setup as an add-on.
$ minikube addons enable ingress
Deploy an Ingress Resource
▪Once the Ingress Controller is deployed, we can create an Ingress
resource using the kubectl create command.
▪If we create a webserver-ingress.yaml file with the content that we
saw on the Ingress II page, then, we will use the following command to
create an Ingress resource:
$ kubectl create -f webserver-ingress.yaml
Access Services Using
▪With the Ingress resource we just created, we can access
the webserver-blue-svc or webserver-green-svc services using
the and URLs.
▫As our current setup is on Minikube, we will need to update the host configuration file
(/etc/hosts on Mac and Linux) on our workstation to the Minikube IP for those URLs.
Once this is done, we can open and
on the browser and access the application.
$ cat /etc/hosts localhost
::1 localhost
Liveness and Readiness
▪While we are discussing application deployment, let's talk
about Liveness and Readiness Probes. These probes
are very important, because they allow the kubelet to
control the health of the application running inside a Pod's
▪If a container in the Pod is running, but the application running inside this
container is not responding to our requests, then that container is of no use to
▫This kind of situation can occur, for example, due to application deadlock or memory pressure.
▫In such a case, it is recommended to restart the container to make the application available.
▪Rather than doing it manually, we can use Liveness Probe. Liveness probe
checks on an application's health, and, if for some reason, the health check fails, it
restarts the affected container automatically.
▪Liveness Probes can be set by defining:
▫Liveness command
▫Liveness HTTP request
▫TCP Liveness Probe.
Liveness HTTP Request
▪In the following example, the kubelet sends the HTTP GET request to
the /healthz endpoint of the application, on port 8080.
▪ If that returns a failure, then the kubelet will restart the affected container; otherwise, it
would consider the application to be alive.
path: /healthz
port: 8080
- name: X-Custom-Header
value: Awesome
initialDelaySeconds: 3
periodSeconds: 3
Lab time: Liveness 와 readiness probe
▪exec-liveness 설정파일을 생성
▫nano exec-liveness.yaml
▪파일 설정으로 배포
▫kubectl create –f exec-liveness.yaml
▪내용 확인
▫kubectl describe pod liveness-exec
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
test: liveness
name: liveness-exec
- name: liveness
- /bin/sh
- -c
- touch /tmp/healthy; sleep 30; rm -rf
/tmp/healthy; sleep 600
- cat
- /tmp/healthy
initialDelaySeconds: 5
periodSeconds: 5
Deploying a Public Education
Example for Kubernetes
Running mi-services in the
kubernetes cluster
• 현재 작동 중인 pod들이 없는지 확인
▫kubectl get pods
▪이미지로 배포하기
▪kubectl run course<projectId>/course
▪실행된 Pods 확인
▫kubectl get pods
(검색된 Pod의 이름을 복사한다. (각 pod들은 고유한 이름을 갖는다.)
▪Deployment의 replica의 개수를 확인한다.
▫kubectl get pods
▪Deplyment의 이름을 복사한다.
▫kubectl get deployments
▪해당 Deployment의 scale 조정
▫kubectl scale deployments [deployment 이름] --replicas=3
▪변경을 확인
▫kubectl get pods
Rolling update
▪작동중인 pod와 deployments 확인
▫kubectl get pods
kubectl get deployments
▪새로운 버전의 deployments 배포 및 배포 상태 확인
▫kubectl set image deployment/course<projectId>/course:v2
kubectl rollout status deployment/course
▪변경을 확인
▫kubectl get deployments
kubectl get pods
kubectl describe pods [pod 이름]
▪현재 실행중인 객체들을 확인
▫kubectl get pods
kubectl get deployments -o wide
▪객체를 롤백 처리
▫kubectl rollout undo deployment/course
▪진행을 확인
▫kubectl get deployments -o wide
Service Mesh: Istio
▪ Advanced Service Resilience
▪ Advanced Smart Deployment
▪ Advanced Observability
▪ Advanced Security
Microservices timeline
K8S vs Spring Cloud vs Istio
Advanced Routing & Deployment
▪ Ingress / Egress Gateway
▪ Canary Deploy
▫ 특정 유저의 신상, 지역, 권한, 접근 단말에 따른 다른 버전의 노출
▪AB Testing / Shadow Deploy
▫ 신규 버전의 오류 노출 없는 실질적 테스트
Advanced Resilience
▪ Retry (Kubernetes X, Spring Cloud O)
▫ 서비스간 호출의 실패에 대한 재시도
▪ Circuit Breaking (Spring Cloud O) / Rate Limiting
▫ 인스턴스의 보호
▫ 전체 서비스 장애 차단
▪ Pool Ejection (Spring Cloud / Eureka)
▫ 죽은 인스턴스의 제외
▪ Circuit Breaking + Pool Ejection + Retry = High Resilience
Advanced Security
▪ TLS based Inter-Mi-services Communication
▫ By Auth (신규모듈)
▪ Whitelist and Blacklist
Advanced Observability
▪ Distributed Tracing and Measure
▫ 서비스간 호출의 내용 기록
Istio: Components
Spring Cloud + Netflix
After Istio
1. L7 레이어를 사용, 성능이 높음
2. Code 변경 없이 Cross-cutting 이슈를 다루어줌
3. Polyglot 다양한 언어에 무관하게 적용가능
4. Main 서비스의 재배포 없이 Sidecar 를 관리 가능함
Recommended Book
• Java (Spring Boot) based example
• Source code available
• Concise
• Free
Lab time:
▪ Customer (고객정보서비스)
 Preference (고객선호서비스)
 Recommendation (추천서비스)
▪ 무정지 배포 & 다양한 배포 시나리오
(e.g. 단말, 브라우저별 별도 버전의 배포)
▪ 전체 서비스의 Up-time 유지 방법
단계4: Auto DevOps
 Gitlab CI/CD
 Kubernetes 와의 연동
 Build Runner
 Staging / Production
 Service Expose by Ingress
Deploy Pipeline for Micro Services
Executable Jar
Docker Image
Source Code
mvn package -B docker rundocker build
Gitlab Auto DevOps
Gitlab 은 현존 CI/CD 툴 중 가장 많은 기능과 Production 수준의 기능을 제공함
기존 Gitlab 기능을 Kubernetes 엔진과 강력하게 통합하여 PaaS 의 기능에 근접한 기능 제공을
내어놓게 되는데, 바로 Auto-DevOps 임.
1.Auto Build
2.Auto Test
3.Auto Code Quality
4.Auto SAST (Static Application Security Testing)
5.Auto Dependency Scanning
6.Auto License Management
7.Auto Container Scanning
8.Auto Review Apps
9.Auto DAST (Dynamic Application Security Testing)
10.Auto Deploy
11.Auto Browser Performance Testing
12.Auto Monitoring
플랫폼 별 Boilerplate & Pipeline
Auto generated Docker build script and pipelines (gitlab-ci.yml) for each platform
Kubernetes Cluster 를 빌드
Runner로 활용
Gitlab pods
DevOps Tool Cluster
Application Cluster
(build job)
(build job)
(build job)
Staging pod Production pod
▪코드 체인지 인식
▪컴파일, 빌드와 함께 Kubernetes 에 배포
▪Canary Deploy 를 자동 생성 (메뉴얼 선택)
Install Gitlab on K8S
▪ Helm 을 이용하여 간단히 설치 가능
helm repo add gitlab
helm repo update
helm upgrade --install gitlab gitlab/gitlab 
--timeout 600 
--set global.hosts.externalIP= 
--set gitlab-runner.runners.privileged=true
• 패스워드 확인
kubectl get secret gitlab-gitlab-initial-root-password -ojsonpath={.data.password} | base64 --decode ; echo
Install Helm
curl | bash
# add a service account within a namespace to segregate tiller
kubectl --namespace kube-system create sa tiller
# create a cluster role binding for tiller
kubectl create clusterrolebinding tiller 
--clusterrole cluster-admin 
echo "initialize helm"
# initialized helm within the tiller service account
helm init --service-account tiller
# updates the repos for Helm repo integration
helm repo update
echo "verify helm"
# verify that helm is installed in the cluster
kubectl get deploy,svc tiller-deploy -n kube-system
Requirements / Check
Category Requirement Solution
& Scalability
24*365 Zero Down time Self-Healing, Horizontally Scale
Minimal Dev-Ops, Dev-Dev team side
effects in deploy time
(more than 100 deploys per day)
Loose coupled design (HATEOAS API,
Service Decomposition), PubSub
Auto Provisioning (by docker
DevOps CI/CD
Scalability &
Multi-channel Support Responsive Web, Chat Bot
Dynamic Service Composition Dynamic Discovery/Composition, BPM
Usability &
Fast browsing, Single Page, DDoS
protection, Inter-microservice integration
Client-side UI rendering, API Gateway,
Circuit Breaker, Event-driven Arch.
Security For all services including 3rd-party ACL Access Token, IAM281
Reference MSA Projects
▪ Online Commerce Example:
▪ Commercial Product: uEngine 5 BPMS:
▪ CQRS and Spring 2.0:
Any Question?
You can find me at:

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microservice architecture public education v2

  • 1. Cloud Native Application Development Copyright © 2018. Jinyoung Jang & uEngine-solutions All rights reserved.
  • 2. 강의를 시작하기 전에 - Backchannel 스크립트 복사 자료 공유 의견/질의 강의중 명령모음
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  • 4. 강의를 시작하기 전에.. Google Kubernetes Engine 4 SSH 접속 설정 파일 및 소스코드 편집 SSH – 모든 명령 기본 설치
  • 6. 동의 몇가지 동의에 체크한 후, 계속하기 클릭
  • 7. 카드입력 카드 번호 입력 (유저 밸리데이션 목적)
  • 10. 프로젝트 생성 자동생성된 프로젝트 ID 를 사용 X (“수정” 클릭) 프로젝트 ID 입력 (글로벌리 유일한 ID)
  • 11. 쿠버네티스 클러스터 생성 상단의 이 버튼 클릭 > 웹브라우저용 SSH 콘솔이 생김
  • 12. 쿠버네티스 클러스터 생성 상단메뉴 > Kubernetes Engine > 클러스터 선택
  • 13. 쿠버네티스 클러스터 생성 클러스터 명을 적절히 주고, Zone = us-central1-a Region = us-central1 Node = 3 로 설정
  • 14. 혹은, 콘솔에서 ▪gcloud config set compute/zone us-central1-a ▪gcloud config set compute/region us-central1 gcloud container clusters create my-first-cluster 스크립트 주소: %EC%8B%A4%EC%8A%B5-%EC%8A%A4%ED%81%AC%EB%A6%BD%ED%8A%B8
  • 15. URL for sample project 15
  • 16. “ Table of Content Microservice and SOA Programming+Microservice-Based DevOps Project 1. Review for the Domain Problem: A Public Education Service 2. Architecture and Approach Overview 3. Domain Analysis with DDD and Event Storming 4. API Design and Service Decomposition 5. Service Implementation with Spring Boot and Netflix OSS 6. Monolith to Microservices 7. Service Composition with UI, Composite Services, and BPM 8. Implementing DevOps Environment with Kubernetes, Istio and Gitlab
  • 20. “ Table of Content Microservice and SOA Programming+Microservice-Based DevOps Project 1. Review for the Domain Problem: A Public Education Service 2. Architecture and Approach Overview 3. Domain Analysis with DDD and Event Storming 4. API Design and Service Decomposition 5. Service Implementation with Spring Boot and Netflix OSS 6. Monolith to Microservices 7. Service Composition with UI, Composite Services, and BPM 8. Implementing DevOps Environment with Kubernetes, Istio and Gitlab
  • 21. DevOps: Issues Continuous Delivery 21 Company Deploy Frequency Deploy Lead Time Reliability Customer Responsiveness Amazon 23,000 / day Minutes High High Google 5,500 / day Minutes High High Netflix 500 / day Minutes High High Facebook 1 / day Hours High High Twitter 3 / week Hours High High Typical enterprise Once every 9 months Months or quarters Low / Medium Low / Medium 출처: 도서 The Phoenix Project Amazon, Google, Netflix, Facebook, Twitter는 얼마나 자주 배포할까요?
  • 23. Concept Map for MSA 23 디지털 혁신 MSA Docker DDD Kubernetes Polyglot Fail- Fast!
  • 25. 항상성 (Self-Healing) 이 자동으로 유지되면 어떨까? 25
  • 26. 자원을 최대한 공유할 수 있을까? 26
  • 27. Continuous Delivery & Zero Downtime Deployment 가 되면 어떨까? 27
  • 28. 28 2. 배포 주기 • 매일 마이너 업데이트 • 메이저 업데이트 (매주 화요일 오후) 3. Deployment Pipeline 출처: Supporting Continuous Delivery Facebook
  • 29. 29 4. Canary를 통해서 확신 갖기 • Canary란? 실제 production 환경에서 small subset에서 새로운 코드를 돌려보고 옛 날 코드와 비교해서 새로운 코드가 어떻게 돌아가는 지 보는 것 • Canary 분석 작업(HTTP status code, response time, 실행수, load avg 등이 옛날 코드랑 새로운 코드랑 비교해서 어떻게 다른 지 확인하는 것)은 1000개 이상의 metric을 비교해서 100점 만점에 점수를 주고 일정 점수일 경우만 배포할 수 있음. 출처: Supporting Continuous Delivery Netflix
  • 30. 출처 : 2010 architecting for the cloud ( DevOps: Issues Managing Scalability
  • 32. ▪IBM Bluemix ▪Heroku ▪GE’s Predix ▪Pivotal Web Services • Cloud Foundry Container Workload Distribution Engine (OSS) PaaS • Warden(Garden) • Docker • Kubernetes • Docker SWARM • Mesos DC/OS • Google Compute Engine (GKE) • AWS EKS • Azure, Alibaba • Redhat Open Shift • Hypervisor • CF version 1 • Engineyard…. • Amazon Beanstalk DevOps DevOps Platforms
  • 33. Top 9 Rules for Cloud Applications (IBM) 33 1 1. Don't code your application directly to a specific topology 2. Don't assume the local file system is permanent 3. Don't keep session state in your application 4. Don't log to the file system 5. Don't assume any specific infrastructure dependency 6. Don't use infrastructure APIs from within your application 7. Don't use obscure protocols 8. Don't rely on OS-specific features 9. Don't manually install your application
  • 35. DevOps Platform IBM Bluemix – Auto Scaling
  • 36. DevOps Platform IBM Bluemix – Zero Downtime Deploy
  • 37. 사례: ▪수 천개의 팀 그리고 Autonomy ▪마이크로 서비스 ▪지속적 배포 ▪다양한 플랫폼 (폴리글롯) ▪==> 연간 5천만회 배포 ▪시간당 5078회 또는 0.63초당 1회 ▪자동화된 DevOps 환경 없이는 운영불가
  • 38. Monolithic Architecture  모든 서비스가 한번에 재배포  한팀의 반영을 위하여 모든 팀이 대기  지속적 딜리버리가 어려워
  • 39. Micro Service Architecture Contract based, Polyglot Programming  Separation of Concerns, Parallel Development, Easy Outsourcing Written in Java Written in Node Written in PHP
  • 40. Jeff Bezos Mandate 1. All teams will henceforth expose their data and functionality through service interfaces. 2. Teams must communicate with each other through these interfaces. 3. There will be no other form of interprocess communication allowed: no direct linking, no direct reads of another team's data store, no shared-memory model, no back-doors whatsoever. The only communication allowed is via service interface calls over the network. … 4. The team must plan and design to be able to expose the interface to developers in the outside world. No exceptions. 5. Anyone who doesn't do this will be fired. 40
  • 42. 효과 – 장애 최소화 프론트엔드 데이터베이스 재무 생산 인사 프론트엔드 데이 터베 이스 재무 데이 터베 이스 생산 데이 터베 이스 인사 장애가 전파되며, 수동 복구로 장애 지연 장애가 격리되며, 자동으로 복구됨(이전버전)
  • 43. Java/J2EE 프론트엔드 데이터베이스 재무 생산 인사 프론트엔드 RDB 재무 (Java/ Tomc at) RDB 생산 (Java/ Spring) RDB 인사 (.NET) 효과 – 기능 확장 수익 성 분석 스키 마 체인 지 No SQL 수익 성 분석 (pytho n) 기존 코드의 수정  Big Impact 신규 마이크로서비스의 추가  Minimal Impact 자율적 기술선택(플랫폼 & 데이터레이아웃)
  • 44. 프론트엔드 데이터베이스 재무 생산 인사 프론트엔드 재무 생산 인사 효과 – 성능 배분 생산 계획 생산 계획 스케일업을 통해서만 확장 수익성 분석의 워크로드에 대한 스케일 아웃 용이 생산 계획 많은 데이터 분석이 필요한 수익성 분석의 워크로드가 급히 요청됨
  • 45. “ 45 API Design in REST / MSA ▪ REST MM (Richardson Maturity Model) ▫ Resource Model, Not RPC ▪ HATEOAS ▪ Powerful Decoupling with front-end ▪ Tools: ▫ For Java, ▫ JAX-RS Apache CXF ▪ JAX-RS Spring MVC ▪ Spring HATEOAS!
  • 47. Level 0: Swamp of POX ▪ Use as a RPC, returns full serialized document. e.g. SOAP 47 <openSlotList> <slot start = "1400" end = "1450"> <doctor> <name>mark jones</name> </doctor> </slot> <slot start = "1600" end = "1650"> <doctor> <name>rick jang</name> </doctor> </slot> </openSlotList>
  • 48. Level 1: Resources Level 1 tackles the question of handling complexity by using divide and conquer, breaking a large service endpoint down into multiple resources. 48 <openSlotList> <slot id=”http://openslots/1234"/> <slot id=”http://openslots/1235"/> </openSlotList> # http://openslots/1234 <slot start = "1400" end = "1450"> <doctor id = "mjones"/> </slot> # http://openslots/1235/ <slot start = "1600" end = "1650"> <doctor id = ”rjang"/> </slot> i.e. GET /companies/3/employees/123/address # http://openslots/1234/doctor <doctor> <name>mark jones</name> </doctor> # http://doctors/rjones <doctor> <name>rick jang</name> </doctor>
  • 49. Level 2: HTTP Verbs Level 2 introduces a standard set of verbs so that we handle similar situations in the same way, removing unnecessary variation. 49 Operation HTTP / REST Create PUT / POST Read (Retrieve) GET Update (Modify) PUT / PATCH Delete (Destroy) DELETE # POST http://openslots/1234 start=1400 end=1450 # PUT http://openslots/1234 start=1430 end=1450 # PATCH http://openslots/1234 end=1520 # PATCH http://openslots/1234 doctor=http://doctors/rjang # DELETE http://openslots/1234
  • 50. Level 3: Hypermedia Controls 50 <appointment> <slot id = "1234" doctor = "mjones" start = "1400" end = "1450"/> <patient id = "jsmith"/> <link rel = "/linkrels/appointment/cancel" uri = "/slots/1234/appointment"/> <link rel = "/linkrels/appointment/addTest" uri = "/slots/1234/appointment/tests"/> <link rel = "self" uri = "/slots/1234/appointment"/> <link rel = "/linkrels/appointment/changeTime" uri = "/doctors/mjones/slots?date=20100104@status=open"/> <link rel = "/linkrels/appointment/updateContactInfo" uri = "/patients/jsmith/contactInfo"/> <link rel = "/linkrels/help" uri = "/help/appointment"/> </appointment> Level 3 introduces discoverability, providing a way of making a protocol more self- documenting. 진료예약정보 오흐 2시 오후 2시 50분 취소 검사 연락처 변경
  • 51. Example of Aggregate from different data sources 51
  • 52. The Rest of glory - Hateoas 52
  • 53. REST API Design Guidelines ▪ best-practices-60e1d954e7c9 ▪ REST in Practice, Jim Webber 외 53
  • 54. Micro Service Architecture ▪변경된 서비스만 재배포  Side effect 최소화 ▪자율성  각 서비스에 대한 자유로운 언어, 아키텍처, 아웃소싱 용이 ▪병렬 개발, 타임 투 마켓, 린 개발
  • 55.
  • 56. Netflix 넷플릭스는 수백개의 마이크로서비스를 운영하고 있는 것으로 유명하다. 각 마이크로서비스간에는 REST 방식의 호출을 통하여 연동되며 이들간의 자동화된 식별과 동적 연동을 위하여 자체적인 플랫폼을 구축했고 이를 Netflix OSS 라는 이름으로 오픈소스화 하였다.
  • 57. AWS 기반 마이크로 서비스 전환 사례 Gaming Platform Mobile Apps and Serverless Microservices IoT Service Serverless Microservices From Monolithic to Microservices Pure Play Video OTT- A Video & Broadcasting
  • 58. ▪가장 작고 독립적인 서비스로 부터 마이그래이션 ▪순차적 레거시의 마이크로서비스 전환을 위한 API GW 적용한 “스트랭글러 패턴” 적용 ▪서비스 폴백 테스트 및 자동화가 필수 조건
  • 59. ▪새로 추가/변경 필요한 기능부터 분리 ▫안정된 레거시는 가능한 손대지 않음 ▫적은 리스크 업무 영역부터 ▫기술보다 노하우와 팀의 문화 정립 우선시 ▪Business Domain 단위 서비스구성 ▫팀단위 분리 X, 기술적 단위 분리 X ▫비즈니스 서브 도메인 단위로의 구성  Separation of Concerns ▫응집도 ▪서비스 존재 목적은 재사용되어지는 것 ▫표준화된 API I/F ▫자동화된 문서화
  • 60. Success story & Fail story ▪ 카카오의 Digital Transformation 전략 ▫ 레퍼런스 은행의 레거시를 수정하지 않고 REST API 화 (스트랭글러) ▫ 모바일 앱 개발에만 집중 ▫ 프로젝트 기간 총 2년 내에 완성 vs. ▪ 실패사례 (찾는중, 안알려줌) ▫ 기존의 레거시를 너무 큰 단위로 그대로 도커에 올림 ▫ 장애 복구 등 Resilence 를 위한 상황에 전혀 대응하지 못함 ▫60
  • 61. Tip: monolithic and MSA 61 monolithic MSA Aggregation (데이터 통합) Backend 가 주도 Front 가 주도 Database 통합 데이터베이스 서비스 별 데이터베이스 필수 환경 WAS DevOps, PaaS (Grid Engine) 서비스 굵기 업무 비즈니스 기능별 구현 팀별, 10000 라인 이하로?, 관심사별 Front 기술 JSP, Struts 등 Server-side rendering MVVM, AJAX 등 Client-side rendering Container / Packaging WAS / WAR Spring-Boot, Docker
  • 63. MSA Trade-offs (from Martin Fowler) 63
  • 64. 64
  • 65. Conclusion ▪MSA 는 성공적인 SaaS 의 디자인 패턴: ▪Back-end API 설계가 중요 ▫ REST MM Level 3 – HATEOAS ▫ Aggregation of data from multi micro-services ▪MSA 를 적용하려면 작은 단위의 배포를 위한 운영 자동화 환경이 제공되어야 함 ▫ Container Orchestrator ▫ DevOps Platform 65
  • 67. Requirements / Check Category Requirement Solution Maintainability & Scalability 24*365 Zero Down time Self-Healing, Horizontally Scale Minimal Dev-Ops, Dev-Dev team side effects in deploy time (more than 100 deploys per day) Loose coupled design (HATEOAS API, Service Decomposition), PubSub Auto Provisioning (by docker containerizing) DevOps CI/CD Scalability & Reusability Multi-channel Support Responsive Web, Chat Bot Dynamic Service Composition Dynamic Discovery/Composition, BPM Usability & Performance Fast browsing, Single Page, DDoS protection, Inter-microservice integration Client-side UI rendering, API Gateway, Circuit Breaker, Event-driven Arch. Security For all services including 3rd-party ACL Access Token, IAM67
  • 68. 10 Attributes of Cloud Native Applications 68 1. Packaged as lightweight containers 2. Developed with best-of-breed languages and frameworks 3. Designed as loosely coupled microservices 4. Centered around APIs for interaction and collaboration 5. Architected with a clean separation of stateless and stateful services 6. Isolated from server and operating system dependencies 7. Deployed on self-service, elastic, cloud infrastructure 8. Managed through agile DevOps processes 9. Automated capabilities 10. Defined, policy-driven resource allocation
  • 70. Deployment - MSA 70 • Dynamic Discovery / Binding • Self Healing / Auto Fail-over • Load balancing / Cluster Course Class Cloud Infra Container / Orchestrator External Dependency Services
  • 72. Domain-Driven Design 72 • Use Ubiquitous Language (Domain Language) as class names • Service Decomposition by Sub-Domain: 1. Course Service 2. Customer Service 3. Class Service 4. Subject Matter Expert Service
  • 73. Tools covering Web Services Triangle: 2000s 73 BPEL4WS
  • 74. Netflix OSS 와 Spring Cloud 의 등장 넷플릭스는 수백개의 마이크로서비스를 운영하고 있는 것으로 유명하다. 각 마이크로서비스간에는 REST 방식의 호출을 통하여 연동되며 이들간의 자동화된 식별과 동적 연동을 위하여 자체적인 플랫폼을 구축했고 이를 Netflix OSS 라는 이름으로 오픈소스화 하였다.
  • 75. Tools covering Web Services Triangle: 2010s 75
  • 76. Tools: Evolution of Module Systems 76 Java Module System Hypervisors Containers
  • 77. “ Table of Content Microservice and SOA Programming+Microservice-Based DevOps Project 1. Review for the Domain Problem: A Public Education Service 2. Architecture and Approach Overview 3. Domain Analysis with DDD and Event Storming 4. API Design and Service Decomposition 5. Service Implementation with Spring Boot and Netflix OSS 6. Monolith to Microservices 7. Service Composition with UI, Composite Services, and BPM 8. Implementing DevOps Environment with Kubernetes, Istio and Gitlab
  • 78. Domain-Driven Design & MSA ▫어떤 단위가 마이크로 서비스가 될 수 있는가? : Bounded Context  마이크로 서비스 크기 식별 ▫서비스를 결합 할 때는 어떻게 결합할 것인가? : Aggregate  REST 데이터의 Aggregation ▫도메인 이벤트의 식별  Event-driven Architecture 도출 ▫잦은 변화에 유연한 설계  동적 서비스 발견과 연동 ▫레거시 시스템의 단계적 폐기  모더나이징 ▫리팩터링 전략  지속적 딜리버리와 개선 DDD for MSA Applicable Practices: ㄱ. 이벤트 스토밍과 BPMN: 이벤트, 커맨드, 액터, 어그리게이트 식별 ㄴ. UML 과 컨텍스트 맵: 보편언어, 바운디드 컨텍스트 식별
  • 80. DDD: Domain Object Classifications 80 Classification Description Example Entity ▪ Objects that have a distinct identity that runs through time and different representations. ▪ Usually big things like Customer, Ship, Rental Agreement. Business Event ▪ Captures the memory of something interesting which affects the domain ▪ I go to Babur's for a meal on Tuesday, and pay by credit card. This might be modeled as an event, whose event type is 'make purchase', whose subject is my credit card, and whose occurred date is Tuesday. If Babur's uses an old manual system and doesn't transmit the transaction until Friday, the noticed date would be Friday. Service ▪ A standalone operation within the context of your domain. A Service Object collects one or more services into an object. Typically you will have only one instance of each service object type within your execution context. ▪ Services are usually accesses to external resources like Database Connection, Messaging Gateway, Repository, Product Factory.
  • 81. Modeling Domain Classes and Generate Code 81 Code Model In UML Modeling Tool (i.e. Visual Paradigm) In IDE (i.e. Eclipse)
  • 82. Event Storming ▪이벤트스토밍은 시스템에서 발생하는 이벤트를 중심 (Event-First) 으로 분석하는 기법으로 특히 Non-blocking, Event-driven 한 MSA 기반 시스템을 분석에서 개발까지 필요한 도메인에 대한 탁월하게 빠른 이해를 도모하는데 유리하다. ▪기존의 유즈케이스나 클래스 다이어그래밍 방식은 고객 인터뷰나 엔티티 구조를 인지하는 방식과 다르게 별다른 사전 훈련된 지식과 도구 없이 진행할 수 있다. ▪진행과정은 참여자 워크숍 방식의 방법론으로 결과는 스티키 노트를 벽에 붙힌 것으로 결과가 남으며, 오랜지색 스티키 노트들의 연결로 비즈니스 프로세스가 도출되며 이들을 이후 BPMN과 UML 등으로 정재하여 전환할 수 있다. vs.
  • 83. Event Storming – Event 들을 먼저 도출 과정이등록됨 강의가등록됨 강사가매핑됨 수강이신청됨 강의일정변경 됨 강의가 취소됨 수강승인됨 지불요청됨 우리 서비스에는 어떤 비즈니스 이벤트들이 발생하는가? 현업이 사용하는 용어를 그대로 사용 (Ubiquitous Language) 용어의 namespace 를 구지 나누려는 노력을 하지 않음
  • 84. Event Storming – Command 도출 과정정보 입력 강의정보 입력 강사매핑 수강정보 등록 일정변경 Event를 발생시키는 명령은 무엇인가? UI를 통해? or 시간도래? or 다른 이벤트에 의해? 강의취소 축하메시 지발송 과정이등록됨 강의가등록됨 강사가매핑됨 수강이신청됨 강의일정변경 됨 강의가 취소됨 수강승인됨 지불요청됨 강사달력 에 추가 취소 안내메일 발송 변경 안내메일 발송
  • 85. Event Storming – Entity 도출 과정 • 이름 • 기간 • 비용 강의 • 일정 • 강사 수강 • 고객 • 강의 과정정보 입력 강의개설 정보입력 강사매핑 수강정보 등록 일정변경 강의취소 축하메시 지발송 과정이등록됨 강의가등록됨 강사가매핑됨 수강이신청됨 강의일정변경 됨 강의가 취소됨 수강승인됨 지불요청됨 강사달력 에 추가 취소 안내메일 발송 변경 안내메일 발송
  • 86. Event Storming – Sub domains 과정 • 이름 • 기간 • 비용 강의 • 일정 • 강사 수강 • 고객 • 강의 과정정보 입력 강의개설 정보입력 강사매핑 수강정보 등록 일정변경 강의취소 축하메시 지발송 과정이등록됨 강의가등록됨 강사가매핑됨 수강이신청됨 강의일정변경 됨 강의가 취소됨 수강승인됨 지불요청됨 강사달력 에 추가 취소 안내메일 발송 변경 안내메일 발송 과정강의관리 고객수강관리 마케팅
  • 87. 변화관리, 우선순위 도출 매트릭스 ▪ 스트랭글러 ▪ 우선순위 매트릭스 ▪ 기존 로그 / 문제 수집  기존 이슈트래커부터 확인필요 ▪ 87
  • 88. “ Table of Content Microservice and SOA Programming+Microservice-Based DevOps Project 1. Review for the Domain Problem: A Public Education Service 2. Architecture and Approach Overview 3. Domain Analysis with DDD and Event Storming 4. API Design and Service Decomposition 5. Service Implementation with Spring Boot and Netflix OSS 6. Monolith to Microservices 7. Service Composition with UI, Composite Services, and BPM 8. Implementing DevOps Environment with Kubernetes, Istio and Gitlab
  • 89. Service Implementation ▪ You have Powerful Tool: Domain-Driven Design and Spring Boot / Spring Data REST ▪ Domain Classes : Entity or Value Object ▪ Resources can be bound to Repositories  Full HATEOAS service can be generated! ▪ Services can be implemented with Resource model firstly ▪ Low-level JAX-RS can be used if not applicable above 89
  • 90. Domain-Driven Design and Spring 90 Well-designed MSADDD
  • 91. Spring Boot: A MSA Chassis 91 • Simple Java (POJO) • Minimal Understanding Of Frameworks and Platforms (Using Annotations) • No Server-side GUI rendering (Only Exposes REST Service) • No WAS deployment required (Code is server; Tomcat embedded) • No XML-based Configuration Main Application Domain Classes Services and Repositories Settings
  • 92. Lab: Create a Spring boot application 92 Go to Set metadata: - Group: - Artifact: education - Dependencies:  H2  Rest Repositories  JPA Press “Generate Project” Extract the downloaded zip file Build the project: ./mvnw spring-boot:run Port 충돌시: ./mvnw spring-boot:run -Dserver.port=8081
  • 93. Running Spring Boot Application 93 $ mvn spring-boot:run # 혹은 ./mvnw spring-boot:run [INFO] Scanning for projects... [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] Reactor Build Order: [INFO] [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] Building …. [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] Downloading: metadata.xml [INFO] Downloading: core/maven-metadata.xml [INFO] Downloading: : Started Application in 11.691 seconds (JVM running for 14.505) Source code: $ git clone
  • 94. Test Generated Services 94 $ http localhost:8080 HATEOAS links HTTP/1.1 200 Content-Type: application/hal+json;charset=UTF-8 Date: Wed, 05 Dec 2018 04:20:52 GMT Transfer-Encoding: chunked { "_links": { "profile": { "href": "http://localhost:8080/profile" } } } HTTP = success
  • 95. Entity Class 작성 과정 강의 수강 @Entity public class Clazz{ @Id @GeneratedValue Long id; String states; int evaluationRate; String title; @ManyToOne @JoinColumn(name="cid") Course course; } @Entity public class Course { @Id @GeneratedValue Long id; String title; int duration; String description; int maxEnrollment; int minEnrollment; Double unitPrice; @OneToMany( cascade = CascadeType.ALL, fetch = FetchType.EAGER, mappedBy = "course") List<Clazz> clazzes; } @Entity public class Enrollment { @Id @GeneratedValue Long id; @OneToOne Customer customer; }
  • 96. Service Object* 와 API의 생성 Repository Pattern 으로 생성된 것 사용할 수 있는 경우 과정과 강의 API 는 Order Repository 에서 생성된 CRUD actions 들 중 POST Service 를 그대로 사용할 수 있으므로 별도 구현할 필요 없다. 마찬가지 주문서 수정, 삭제도 각각 PATCH, DELETE 로 API 생성 전체의 약 7~80% 커버 Repository 에서 생성된 API 를 사용 못하는 경우, 별도 Spring MVC Service 로 생성 강사매핑, 지불 등을 위한 백엔드 API 는 Order Repository 에 생성된 PUT-POST-PATCH-DELETE 중 적합한 것이 없으므로 별도 추가 action URI를 만드는 것이 적합 나머지 2~30% 수준 @Service public interface SharedCalendarService { @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET, path="/calendar/{instructorId}/{date}" Resources getSchedules(@PathVariable("instructorId") Long instructorId, @PathVariable("date") String date); } public interface CourseRepository extends PagingAndSortingRepository<Course, Long> { List<Course> findByTitleContaining(@Param("title") String title); } 과정정보 C.R.U.D 강의정보 C.R.U.D 강사매핑 수강정보 C.R.U.D 일정변경수강취소 …. 등등등 지불 축하메시 지발송
  • 99. Main Class 99 @SpringBootApplication public class Application public static void main(String[] args) {, args); } }
  • 100. Test Generated Services 100 $ http localhost:8080 { "_links": { "clazzDays": { "href": "http://localhost:8080/clazzDays{?page,size,sort}", "templated": true }, "clazzes": { "href": "http://localhost:8080/clazzes{?page,size,sort}", "templated": true }, "courses": { "href": "http://localhost:8080/courses{?page,size,sort}", "templated": true }, "customers": { "href": "http://localhost:8080/customers{?page,size,sort}", "templated": true }, "instructors": { "href": "http://localhost:8080/instructors{?page,size,sort}", "templated": true } } } HATEOAS links
  • 101. Create new course 101 $ http localhost:8080/courses title="SOA" duration=5 maxEnrollment=50 minEnrollment=10 { "_links": { "self": { "href": "http://localhost:8080/courses/1" } }, "courseId": null, "description": null, "duration": 5, "maxEnrollment": 5, "minEnrollment": 1, "title": "SOA" } URI of the new course
  • 102. Create a class of the course 102 $ http POST localhost:8080/clazzes date=“2018-12-5” course="http://localhost:8080/courses/1" $ http "http://localhost:8080/courses/1/clazzes" URI of the SOA course { "_embedded": { "clazzes": [ { "_links": { "self": { "href": "http://localhost:8080/clazzes/2" } }, "evaluationRate": 0, "states": null } ] }, Course is aggregation root
  • 103. Mapping an instructor to the class 103 $ http "http://localhost:8080/instructors" firstName="진영" lastName="장” # 강사 등록 $ http "http://localhost:8080/clazzDays" clazz="http://localhost:8080/clazzes/3" date="2012-04-23T18:25:43.511Z” # 클래스의 일정 등록 # 다른 클래스 하나 더 생성 $ http localhost:8080/clazzes course="http://localhost:8080/courses/1" $ http "http://localhost:8080/clazzDays" clazz="http://localhost:8080/clazzes/5" date="2012-04-23T18:25:43.511Z” # 일정이 중복되는 강의로
  • 104. Mapping an instructor to the class 104 $ http PATCH "http://localhost:8080/clazzes/3" instructor="http://localhost:8080/instructors/2" # 장진영 강사에게 첫 클래스를 지정 $ http PATCH "http://localhost:8080/clazzes/5" instructor="http://localhost:8080/instructors/2" # 두번째 클래스는 같은 날에 있기 때문에 장진영 강사 일정이 중복되어 오류가 날 것. $ http "http://localhost:8080/instructors" firstName="상철" lastName="황” # 강사 2 등록 $ http PATCH "http://localhost:8080/clazzes/5" instructor="http://localhost:8080/instructors/8" # 이 요청은 성공 해야 함. 황상철 강사는 일정이 가능하기 때문에...
  • 105. Enroll in the class and approve the enrollment 105 $ http localhost:8080/customers firstName="진영" lastName="장" #수강생 회원 등록 $ http localhost:8080/enrollments clazz="http://localhost:8080/clazzes/2" customer="http://localhost:8080/customers/3" #수강 예약 $ http "http://localhost:8080/customers/3/enrollments" #수강 목록 조회 $ http PATCH "http://localhost:8080/enrollments/4" status="approved" #수강 승인
  • 106. Not applicable to Entity / Repository ? use “Service” ▪ For Shared Calendar Service, this is not en entity ▪ In this case, we introduce ‘Service’ ▪ Define interface first by using JAX-RS (contract) ▪ Uses return type as “ResourceSupport” for HATEOAS link and loose coupling 106
  • 107. Create a Service Interface 107 public interface SharedCalendarService { @RequestMapping( method = RequestMethod.GET, path="/instructors/{instructorId}/schedule/{date}” ) ResourceSupport getSchedules( @PathVariable("instructorId") Long instructorId, @PathVariable("dateStr") String dateStr ); }
  • 108. Create a Service Implementation 108 @Component public class SharedCalendarServiceImpl implements SharedCalendarService { @Autowired ScheduleRepository scheduleRepository; @Override public ResourceSupport getSchedules(Long instructorId, String dateStr) { List<Schedule> schedules = scheduleRepository.findByInstructorIdAndDate(instructorId, date); return new ScheduleResource(schedules); } }
  • 109. Tip: Embedding HATEOAS links 109 If(clazz.getStatus().equals(OPEN)) add( linkTo( methodOn(EnrollService.class).enroll(clazz.getId()) ).withRel(”enroll") ); { … _links: { ”enroll”:{“href”: “http://localhost:8080/clazzes/1/enroll”} }) ); Code: base/blob/master/process- service/src/main/java/org/uengine/five/service/
  • 110. 110 { "_links": { “enrollIn": { "href": "http://localhost:9992/clazzes/2/enroll" }, "clazz": { "href": "http://localhost:9992/clazzes/2" }, "clazzDays": { "href": "http://localhost:9992/clazzes/2/clazzDays" }, "course": { "href": "http://localhost:9992/clazzes/2/course" }, "instructor": { "href": "http://localhost:9992/clazzes/2/instructor" },
  • 111. Requirements / Check Category Requirement Solution Maintainability & Scalability 24*365 Zero Down time Self-Healing, Horizontally Scale Minimal Dev-Ops, Dev-Dev team side effects in deploy time (more than 100 deploys per day) Loose coupled design (HATEOAS API, Service Decomposition), PubSub Auto Provisioning (by docker containerizing) DevOps CI/CD Scalability & Reusability Multi-channel Support Responsive Web, Chat Bot Dynamic Service Composition Dynamic Discovery/Composition, BPM Usability & Performance Fast browsing, Single Page, DDoS protection, Inter-microservice integration Client-side UI rendering, API Gateway, Circuit Breaker, Event-driven Arch. Security For all services including 3rd-party ACL Access Token, IAM111 HATEOAS API
  • 112. “ Table of Content Microservice and SOA Programming+Microservice-Based DevOps Project 1. Review for the Domain Problem: A Public Education Service 2. Architecture and Approach Overview 3. Domain Analysis with DDD and Event Storming 4. API Design and Service Decomposition 5. Service Implementation with Spring Boot and Netflix OSS 6. Monolith to Microservices 7. Service Composition with UI, Composite Services, and BPM 8. Implementing DevOps Environment with Kubernetes, Istio and Gitlab
  • 113. “ ▪From Monolith to Microservices 113 
  • 115. A Sub-domain = A Microservice = A Spring Boot App 115 Source: Alpha Code:
  • 116. Example of Context Map ▪ U: Up-stream ▪ D: Down-stream ▪ AR: Aggregation Root 116
  • 117. Context Map – Capstone Project 117 • Sub-Domains: 1. Core Domains: Course, Class and Subject Matter Expert Service 2. Supportive Domains: Customer Service • Bounded Context and Aggregation Root: 1. Course Class 2. Customer Class 3. Class Class 4. SME Class SHARED KERNEL CONFORMIST SHARED KERNEL SHARED KERNEL U D U D CONFORMIST
  • 118. Services (Spring Boot Applications) Course (Mongo DB) Marketing Class (H2) Customer (Redis) Calendar 강사 스케쥴 확인 (REST) 강사 스케쥴 등록 (Sub) 강의 일정 발생 (Pub) MQ (Kafka) 광고 메일 발송 (Sub)
  • 119. 검증: 트랜잭션 검증 매트릭스* Customer Order Inventory 고객 주문이력 입출고 이력 재고량 Customer 가입 CU Order 주문 R C C U 취소 D C U Inventory 입고 C U 출고 C U 119 ACID Transaction Don’t care Eventual Transaction Domain / Entities Domain/ Command
  • 120. 검증: 트랜잭션 유형 결정 120 ACID Transaction Don’t care Eventual Transaction ▪ 이벤트의 발생 MS 와 Entity 접근의 CUD 가 완전히 동일한 MS 내에서만 벌어지면 ACID Transaction ▪ 이벤트의 발생 MS 와 Entity 접근의 MS 가 R (read) 수준에서만 분산되어 벌어지면 값 참조 호출만으로 문제없음(don’t care) ▪ 이벤트의 발생 MS 와 Entity 접근의 MS 가 CUD 차원에서 걸쳐지면 Eventual Transaction 비용 발생
  • 121. Project Structure – Capstone Project 121 <modules> <module>shared-model</module> <!-- core domain --> <module>course</module> <module>clazz</module> <module>sme</module> <!-- supportive domain --> <module>customer</module> <module>calendar</module> <!-- general services --> <module>proxy-service</module> <module>registry-service</module> </modules> Getting Code: $ git clone management-msa.git
  • 122. Sharing Core-Domain Classes (It doesn’t mean database sharing!) 122 Shared-kernel (shared classes and interfaces) Course Clazz SME Maven depency Maven depency Maven depency
  • 123. Problems in separating services in Spring-data-rest: ▪ JPA Association (i.e. ManyToOne) annotations are not available for generating HATEOAS links anymore if the associated class doesn’t have it’s Repository in the same application. ▪ We need to create HATEOAS link by our-selves for every associations, that is so cumbersome and error-prone. ▪  Let’s Develop a new annotation for RestAssocation! 123
  • 124. Changing ORM Relations to REST Association 124 @Entity public class Course { @OneToMany( cascade = CascadeType.ALL, fetch = FetchType.EAGER, mappedBy = "course") List<Clazz> clazzes; } @Entity public class Course { @RestAssociation(serviceId="clazz" path="/clazzes/search/findByCourseId?courseId={courseId}", joinColumn = "courseId") List<Clazz> clazzes; } NOTE: @RestAssociation annotation is not a spring-related annotation, it’s provided by third-party framework uEngine developed
  • 125. Tip: Installing HATEOAS Resource Processor 125 @Bean public ResourceProcessor<Resource<?>> resourceProcessorForRestAssociation() { return new ResourceProcessor<Resource<?>>() { @Override public Resource<?> process(Resource<?> resource) { // additional processing only for entities that have rest resources Map<String, String> links = new HashMap<String, String>(); Field[] fields = resource.getContent().getClass().getDeclaredFields(); for (Field field : fields) { RestAssociation restAssociation = field.getAnnotation(RestAssociation.class); if (restAssociation != null && resource.getId() != null) { String resourceId = resource.getId().getRel(); if (resourceId != null) { // construct a REST endpoint URL from the annotation properties and entity id String path = restAssociation.path(); path = evaluatePath(path, resource.getContent()); if (path == null) continue; if (!path.startsWith("/")) path = "/" + path; Code: oss/metaworks4/blob/master/src/main/java/org/metaworks/springboot /configuration/ Hints from: entities-to-external-rest-resources-in-spring-data-rest/
  • 126. Loose coupling: HATEOAS links are changed but same usage in API! ▪ Changing URI patterns doesn’t matter! ▪ From consumer’s point of view (i.e. UIs, 3rd-party apps), following the links, results are always same 126 $ http localhost:8088/courses/1 { "_links": { ”clazzes": { "href": "http://localhost:8088/courses/1/clazzes"  “http://localhost:8089/clazzes/findByCourseId?courseId=1” } }, "maxEnrollment": 5, "minEnrollment": 1, "title": "SOA" }
  • 127. Requirements / Check Category Requirement Solution Maintainability & Scalability 24*365 Zero Down time Self-Healing, Horizontally Scale Minimal Dev-Ops, Dev-Dev team side effects in deploy time (more than 100 deploys per day) Loose coupled design (HATEOAS API, Service Decomposition), PubSub Auto Provisioning (by docker containerizing) DevOps CI/CD Scalability & Reusability Multi-channel Support Responsive Web, Chat Bot Dynamic Service Composition Dynamic Discovery/Composition, BPM Usability & Performance Fast browsing, Single Page, DDoS protection, Inter-microservice integration Client-side UI rendering, API Gateway, Circuit Breaker, Event-driven Arch. Security For all services including 3rd-party ACL Access Token, IAM127 Loose coupled design (HATEOAS API, Service Decomposition)
  • 129. Microservice registration configuration 129 #application.yml spring: application: name: clazz eureka: client: serviceUrl: defaultZone: http://localhost:8761/eureka/ healthcheck: enabled: true Who Am I 부트업 되면서 출생신고할 동사무소(유레카) 주소
  • 130. Marking Self-registration 130 @SpringCloudApplication @EnableEurekaClient public class Application { public static void main(String[] args) {, args); } }
  • 131. Running an Eureka server 131 @SpringBootApplication @EnableEurekaServer public class RegistryServiceApplication { public static void main(String[] args) { …. } } #application.yml server: port: 8761 eureka: instance: hostname: localhost client: registerWithEureka: false fetchRegistry: false serviceUrl: defaultZone: http://${eureka.instance.hostname}:${server.port}/eureka/
  • 132. Running Registry and Proxy 132 1. 가장 먼저 실행할 것은 Registry (Eureka 서버) 임. [동사무소] 2. 다음으로 실행할 것은 Proxy (Zuul 서버) 임. [이정표 서비스] $ cd uengine-proxy-server/ $ mvn spring-boot:run $ cd uengine-registry-server/ $ mvn spring-boot:run
  • 133. Running Micro Services in local machine 133 2. Run and test Class Service 1. Run and test Course Service $ cd clazz-service/ $ mvn spring-boot:run –Dserver.port=8088 Launch another shell and confirm server is up: $ http localhost:8088/clazzes $ cd course-service/ $ mvn spring-boot:run –Dserver.port=8089 Launch another shell and check the server is up: $ http localhost:8089/courses
  • 134. “ Table of Content Microservice and SOA Programming+Microservice-Based DevOps Project 1. Review for the Domain Problem: A Public Education Service 2. Architecture and Approach Overview 3. Domain Analysis with DDD and Event Storming 4. API Design and Service Decomposition 5. Service Implementation with Spring Boot and Netflix OSS 6. Monolith to Microservices 7. Service Composition with UI, Composite Services, and BPM 8. Implementing DevOps Environment with Kubernetes, Istio and Gitlab
  • 135. “ 135 Service Composition with User Interface ▪ Extended Role of Front-end in MSA Architecture: Service Aggregation ▪ Why MVVM? ▪ W3C Web Components Standard – Domain HTML Tags ▪ Implementation: Polymer and VueJS ▪ Another: ReactJS and Angular2 ▪ Micro-service Mashups with Domain Tags: i.e. IBM bluetags ▪ Cross-Origin Resource Sharing ▪ API Gateway (Netflix Zuul)
  • 136. 아마존 닷컴은 다양한 서비스 제공과 효율적인 운영 환경 전환을 위해 분산 서비스 플랫폼으로 전환 하였습니다. 2001년 아마존은 주요한 아키텍쳐 변화가 있었는데 기존 모놀리식(Monolitic) 기반에서 서로 다른 어플리케이션 기능을 제공하는 분산 서비스 플랫폼으로 변화 하였습니다. 현재의 Amazon.com의 첫 화면에 들어 온다면, 그 페이지를 생성하기 위해 100여개가 넘는 서비스를 호출하여 만들고 있습니다.
  • 137. W3C Web Components 137 <style> style for A style for B style for C </style> <html> element for A element for B element for C </html> <script> script for A script for B script for C </script> #A.html <style> style for A </style> <html> element for A </html> <script> script for A </script> #B.html <style> style for B </style> <html> element for B </html> <script> script for B </script> #C.html <style> style for C </style> <html> element for C </html> <script> script for C </script> #index.html <A> <A> <B> <B> <B> <C> ▪ Custom elements ▪ HTML imports ▪ Template ▪ Shadow DOM
  • 139. Frameworks supporting Web Components 139 • Provides Cohesive Component Model • Component Composition by HTML markup • Dynamic Data Binding • Responsive Web by Material Design • Standard Polymer VueJS
  • 140. User Interface Design 140 Responsive Web Material Design
  • 141. Custom tag for Domain Class: <course> tag 141 <template> <div> <h1>Course Management</h1> <course v-model="courses[index]" v-for='(course, index) in courses' @change="updateCourse" @remove="removeCourse" @classes="jumpToClasses"></course> <h2>Add New Course</h2> <course v-model="newCourse" editMode=true isNew=true @add="addCourse"></course> </div> </template>
  • 142. Custom Tag for Domain Class: <class> tag 142 <template> <div> <h1>Class Management</h1> <clazz v-model="clazzes[index]" v-for='(clazz, index) in clazzes' @remove="removeClazz"></clazz> <clazz v-model="newClazz" editMode=true isNew=true @add="addClazz"></clazz> </div> </template>
  • 143. Data binding to Domain Class Tags 143 <script> var courses = []; var me = this; backend.$bind("courses", courses); courses.$load().then(function(courses){ = courses; // set the view's data with the loaded data obtained from backend. }); </script> <course v-model="courses[index]" v-for='(course, index) in courses' @change="updateCourse" @remove="removeCourse" @classes="jumpToClasses"></course>
  • 144. Tenant UI Customization (Composition) by Tag composition 144 Domain HTML Tags <clazz> <course> <instructor> <clazz-day> …. Tenant A Tenant B Tenant C
  • 145. Requirements / Check Category Requirement Solution Maintainability & Scalability 24*365 Zero Down time Self-Healing, Horizontally Scale Minimal Dev-Ops, Dev-Dev team side effects in deploy time (more than 100 deploys per day) Loose coupled design (HATEOAS API, Service Decomposition), PubSub Auto Provisioning (by docker containerizing) DevOps CI/CD Scalability & Reusability Multi-channel Support Responsive Web, Chat Bot Dynamic Service Composition Dynamic Discovery/Composition, BPM Usability & Performance Fast browsing, Single Page, DDoS protection, Inter-microservice integration Client-side UI rendering, API Gateway, Circuit Breaker, Event-driven Arch. Security For all services including 3rd-party ACL Access Token, IAM145
  • 146. 146 Oops! CORS Exception? Accessing Multiple Microservices from outside
  • 147. 147 API Gateway: Edge Service Acting like “Skin” to access our services : • Re-Routes to multiple services • Allows CORS • Checks ACLs • Prevent DDOS etc.
  • 148. Requirements / Check Category Requirement Solution Maintainability & Scalability 24*365 Zero Down time Self-Healing, Horizontally Scale Minimal Dev-Ops, Dev-Dev team side effects in deploy time (more than 100 deploys per day) Loose coupled design (HATEOAS API, Service Decomposition), PubSub Auto Provisioning (by docker containerizing) DevOps CI/CD Scalability & Reusability Multi-channel Support Responsive Web, Chat Bot Dynamic Service Composition Dynamic Discovery/Composition, BPM Usability & Performance Fast browsing, Single Page, DDoS protection, Inter-microservice integration Client-side UI rendering, API Gateway, Circuit Breaker, Event-driven Arch. Security For all services including 3rd-party ACL Access Token, IAM148
  • 149. Securing, Routing and Load-balancing 149 Front-End API GW (ZUUL) Clazz SME 1Course 1 EUREKA****** Course-service: ip1, ip2 Clazz-service: ip3 Sme-service: ip4, ip5 Course 2 SME 2 Ip1:port1/instructors/** Ip2:port2/instructors/** Ip3:port3-1/clazzes/** Ip4:port4-1/smes/** Ip5:port5-1/smes/** • Add CORS Header • Routes actual backend service • Load Balancing • Fallback SME 3 Ip6:port6-1/smes/** By container orchestrator something
  • 150. 150 Configuring Netflix Zuul #application.yml (Spring Cloud) zuul: routes: courses: path: /courses/** serviceId: course stripPrefix: false clazzes: path: /clazzes/** serviceId: clazz stripPrefix: false #application.yml (kube-DNS) zuul: routes: courses: path: /courses/** url: http://class-course:8080 stripPrefix: false clazzes: path: /clazzes/** url: http://class-course:8080 stripPrefix: false
  • 151. Authenticating Microservices 151 Front-end or 3rd-party Apps API GW (ZUUL) Clazz SMECourse EUREKA /courses/** /clazzes/** /instructors/** IAM (Oauth token provider) 1 2 3 • Request Access Token with Permission scopes • Acquire Access Token • Request with Token (Header) • API Gateway validates the token • Easy and integrated way to provide APIs for 3rd Party Apps Stateless 한 인증 정보 관리 Memory 사용 최적
  • 152. 152 Zuul API Gateway for Security ▪ Authorizing Microservices with OAuth2 and PreFilter of Zuul zuul: routes: courses: path: /courses/** serviceId: course-service stripPrefix: false iam-scopes: - catalog-access/GET - catalog-manage/POST-PATCH-DELETE cloud/blob/master/uengine-cloud- zuul/src/main/java/org/uengine/zuul/pre/
  • 153. 153 OAuth2 Authorization Server implemented by Spring Security • • •
  • 154. 154 Exposing New APIs ▪ Exposing New API from existing microservices ▪ For more complicated services, BPM can be another option zuul: routes: courses: path: /courses/** serviceId: course-service stripPrefix: false iam-scopes: - catalog-access/GET - catalog-manage/POST-PATCH-DELETE
  • 155. “ 155 Service Composition: Inter-microservices Composition ▪ Inter-microservices call requires client-side discovery and load-balancing ▪ Netflix Ribbon and Eureka ▪ Hiding the transportation layer: Spring Feign library and JAX-RS
  • 156. 서비스의 호출 방식 2가지 ▪ 외부에서 156 마이크로 서비스 간 (inter-microservice call) HTTPClient 로 REST 호출 혹은 Event 로 pub/sub Feign 을 사용, @Autowired 로 proxy 객체리턴 혹은 MOM (Apache Kafka), Spring Cloud Stream Ribbon 이 Eureka 를 통하여 직접 마이크로 서비스가 로드밸런싱 된 대상을 선택 AJAX 로 REST 호출 Hybind 를 사용, 자바스크립트객체와 Resource 바인딩 Zuul 을 경유하여 Eureka 에서 발견된 path 에 따른 서비스가 라우팅
  • 157. Inter-microservices Call 157 Front-end API GW (ZUUL) ScheduleCalendar Clazz Course EUREKA Course: ip1, ip2 Clazz: ip3 ScheduleCalendar: ip4, ip5 Ribbon Zuul 을 경유하지 않고 직접 내부 IP 로 접근
  • 159. Consumer Code: Clazz 159 @Entity public class Clazz { @Autowired SharedCalendarService sharedCalendarService; @PrePersist public void beforeSave() { if(getInstructor()!=null){ if(getClazzDays()==null) throw new RuntimeException("Instructor can be mapped after adding class days for this class."); for(ClazzDay clazzDay : getClazzDays()){ List<ClazzDay> schedules = sharedCalendarService.getSchedules(clazzDay.getDate(), getInstructor()); if(schedules!=null && schedules.size() > 0){ throw new RuntimeException("Instructor " + getInstructor().getFirstName() + " already have another class for that time slot."); } } } } }
  • 160. Service Interface: mark as @FeignClient - EUREKA 버전 160 ---- Service Id 이걸로, Autowired 시에 식별됨 @FeignClient("calendar") public interface SharedCalendarService { @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET, path="/calendar/{instructorId}/{date}") Resources getSchedules(@PathVariable("instructorId") Long instructorId, @PathVariable("date") String date); }
  • 161. Service Interface: mark as @FeignClient - Kube-DNS 버전 161 ---- url 이 부여되면 우선으로 url 을 직접호출함 @FeignClient(name = "calendar-service”, url=“http://calendar-service:8080”) public interface SharedCalendarService { @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET, path="/calendar/{instructorId}/{date}") Resources getSchedules(@PathVariable("instructorId") Long instructorId, @PathVariable("date") String date); }
  • 162. Event Publish / Subscribe (PubSub) 162 Course Clazz Shared Calendar pub (과정기획일정, 2018-3-5) pub (강의일정, 2018-3-6) Event Queue (i.e. Apache Kafka) sub 2018-3-6 OOO OOO 2018-3-5 XXX XXXXX ….
  • 163. Event Consumer 163 @Component public class EventListener { /** version 1. callback version **/ @StreamListener(Streams.INPUT) public void handleClazzDay(@Payload ClazzDay clazzDay) { System.out.println("Received: "+ clazzDay.getDate()); //db 에 저장. } }
  • 164. Event Publisher 164 @PrePersist public void publishEvent() throws JsonProcessingException { Streams streams = Application.getApplicationContext().getBean(Streams.class); MessageChannel messageChannel = streams.outboundChannel(); messageChannel.send(MessageBuilder .withPayload(this) // POJO 를 그대로 보낸다. .setHeader(MessageHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE, MimeTypeUtils.APPLICATION_JSON) .build()); System.out.println("Event published"); }
  • 165. Using Kafka: Event Publisher 165 @Autowired private KafkaTemplate<String, String> kafkaTemplate; Schedule schedule = new Schedule(“과정기획일정”, “2018-3-5”); kafkaTemplate.send("calendar.topic", schedule); 참고:
  • 166. Using Kafka: Event Subscriber 166 @KafkaListener(topics = "${kafka.topic.calendar}") public void receive(String payload) throws IOException { ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper(); Schedule schedule = objectMapper.readValue(payload, Schedule.class);; }
  • 167. Spring Boot 2.0 : Event Driven 167
  • 168. Distributed Transaction Issues : CQRS and Event-Sourcing 168 https://justhackem.wordpress.c om/2016/09/17/what-is-cqrs/ microservices-aggregates- events-cqrs-part-1-richardson
  • 169. 분산 트랜잭션 처리 – Monolothic 총구매액: 500 총마일리지: 5 총구매액: 600 총마일리지: 6 Consistent In-consistent 조회화면서비스구성 (모놀로씩) Mileage (MongoDB) Order (MySQL) Client (Web/Mobile) POST Order Mileage 총구매액: 700 총마일리지: 7
  • 170. 분산 트랜잭션 처리 – MS 화, 순차 호출 총구매액: 500 총마일리지: 5 총구매액: 600 총마일리지: 5 총구매액: 600 총마일리지: 6 총구매액: 700 총마일리지: 6 Consistent In-consistent 조회화면서비스구성 (클라이언트가 순차 호출) Mileage (MongoDB) Order (MySQL) Client (Web/Mobile) POST (성공시) - POST
  • 171. CQRS 를 통한 분산 트랜잭션 처리 총구매액: 500 총마일리지: 5 총구매액: 600 총마일리지: 5 총구매액: 600 총마일리지: 6 총구매액: 700 총마일리지: 6 총구매액: 700 총마일리지: 7 Consistent In-consistent 조회화면서비스구성 (CQRS) Mileage (MongoDB) Order (MySQL) Kafka OrderPlaced (pub) OrderPlaced (sub) Client (Web/Mobile) POST
  • 172. 여기서 선택의 길을 만남 • 내 서비스에서 데이터 불일치가 얼마나 미션 크리티컬 한가? • 크리티컬 하다고 응답한다면, 내 서비스의 성능과 확장성에 비하여 크리티컬 한가? • 성능과 확장성 보다 크리티컬 하다면, 성능과 확장성을 포기할 수 있는가? • 성공한 내 서비스의 경쟁자들은 무엇을 포기했는가? •  강력한 의사결정 필요 (무엇으로 태어날 것인가…)
  • 173. CQRS 를 통한 분산 트랜잭션 처리 – 불일치가 Mission Critical 한 경우 총구매액: 500 총마일리지: 5 총구매액: 600 총마일리지: 5 (PENDING) 총구매액: 600 총마일리지: 6 총구매액: 700 총마일리지: 6 (PENDING) 총구매액: 700 총마일리지: 7 Consistent In-consistent 조회화면서비스구성 (CQRS) Mileage (MongoDB) Order (MySQL) Kafka OrderPlaced (pub, PENDING) OrderPlaced (sub) Client (Web/Mobile) POST All-done (pub) All-done (sub, CLEAR PENDING)
  • 174. CQRS 를 통한 분산 트랜잭션 처리 – Rollback (Saga Pattern) 총구매액: 500 총마일리지: 5 총구매액: 600 총마일리지: 5 (PENDING) 총구매액: 600 총마일리지: 6 총구매액: 700 총마일리지: 6 (PENDING) 총구매액: 700 총마일리지: 7  실패 Consistent In-consistent 조회화면서비스구성 (CQRS) Mileage (MongoDB) Order (MySQL) Kafka OrderPlaced (pub, PENDING) OrderPlaced (sub) Client (Web/Mobile) POST All-done (pub) FAILED (sub, DELETE or CANCEL) FAILED (pub) If~else 총구매액: 600 총마일리지: 6
  • 175. Resources on Sagas / CQRS ▪ ▪ change-data-events-from-mysql-to-kafka-using- debezium/?fbclid=IwAR33Spb4jPBNI6VNHuCxd u_BxpWdzOLzMvbCtHHvJrRmJPfiEoXwM1qW YBs 175
  • 176. Requirements / Check Category Requirement Solution Maintainability & Scalability 24*365 Zero Down time Self-Healing, Horizontally Scale Minimal Dev-Ops, Dev-Dev team side effects in deploy time (more than 100 deploys per day) Loose coupled design (HATEOAS API, Service Decomposition), PubSub Auto Provisioning (by docker containerizing) DevOps CI/CD Scalability & Reusability Multi-channel Support Responsive Web, Chat Bot Dynamic Service Composition Dynamic Discovery/Composition, BPM Usability & Performance Fast browsing, Single Page, DDoS protection, Inter-microservice integration Client-side UI rendering, API Gateway, Circuit Breaker, Event-driven Arch. Security For all services including 3rd-party ACL Access Token, IAM176
  • 177. “ 177 Service Composition: Orchestration with BPMN ▪ The highest level of SOA Maturity Model: Dynamically reconfigurable ▪ Dynamic Application Assembly by Business Process Modeling (BPMN 2.0) ▪ BPMN 2.0 Tools: Camunda BPM, uEngine5 ▪ Cloud Service Brokerage with BPM: Intergration CSB ▪ IBM BPM on Cloud, Mendix and Appian /soa-maturity-models/
  • 179. BPMN Tool: Camunda BPM ▪ Full-support of BPMN 2.0 ▪ Web based BPMN designer ▪ Micro service architecture based runtime – Spring boot ▪ Open Source! 179
  • 180. BPMN Tool: uEngine 5 BPM ▪ Almost full-support of BPMN 2.0 ▪ Web based BPMN designer ▪ Micro service architecture based runtime – Spring boot ▪ Open Source! ▪ Support Spring Cloud & Netflix OSS for dynamic discovery & binding 180
  • 181. Service List from EUREKA ▪ Go to 181
  • 182. Process Modeling ▪ Go to Enrollment 182
  • 183. Process Modeling: Pools from EUREKA ▪ Double-click the title of pool ”Class-Course” or “Class-Class” ▪ Pools can be selected from the service list from EUREKA server 183
  • 184. Process Modeling: REST Invocation ▪ Double-click the "Search Courses” task and see the detail settings how to make a REST invocation: 184 CLASS-COURSE
  • 185. Process Execution & Monitoring ▪ Press the execution button ▪ Go to ‘Workspace’ menu ▪ Confirm work-items assigned to me ▪ Complete the task ▪ Confirm process status by switching the tab to ‘INFO’ ▪ Follow the process 185
  • 186. Process Modeling: Exposing a REST Service ▪ Go to Enrollment Chatbot ▪ Change the type of start event to ‘Message Start Event’ ▪ Set the ‘Service Path’ for the URI of service ▪ Deploying the process will create a new micro service for accepting the request to begin the process. 186
  • 187. “ 수강신청 수강예약 강의평가 ▪Requirement: Chat-bot Interface
  • 188. Connect the process service with a chatbot interface ▪ Go to ▪ Create an account or login ▪ 관리  상세설정  공개 설정 ▫ 홈 공개 On ▫ 검색허용 On ▫ 노출 허용 On ▪ 스마트채팅  API형  설정하기 ▫ 앱 url: enroll ▫ Check the API test 188
  • 189. Requirements / Check Category Requirement Solution Maintainability & Scalability 24*365 Zero Down time Self-Healing, Horizontally Scale Minimal Dev-Ops, Dev-Dev team side effects in deploy time (more than 100 deploys per day) Loose coupled design (HATEOAS API, Service Decomposition), PubSub Auto Provisioning (by docker containerizing) DevOps CI/CD Scalability & Reusability Multi-channel Support Responsive Web, Chat Bot Dynamic Service Composition Dynamic Discovery/Composition, BPM Usability & Performance Fast browsing, Single Page, DDoS protection, Inter-microservice integration Client-side UI rendering, API Gateway, Circuit Breaker, Event-driven Arch. Security For all services including 3rd-party ACL Access Token, IAM189
  • 190. “ Table of Content Microservice and SOA Programming+Microservice-Based DevOps Project 1. Review for the Domain Problem: A Public Education Service 2. Architecture and Approach Overview 3. Domain Analysis with DDD and Event Storming 4. API Design and Service Decomposition 5. Service Implementation with Spring Boot and Netflix OSS 6. Monolith to Microservices 7. Service Composition with UI, Composite Services, and BPM 8. Implementing DevOps Environment with Kubernetes, Istio and Gitlab
  • 191. “ 191 DevOps ▪ DevOps Process and Tools ▪ Deploy Strategies ▪ Containers and Orchestrators ▪ Cloud Foundry, Bluemix, and Kubernetes
  • 193. Devops Deploy Strategies ▪ ▪ Recreate: Version A is terminated then version B is rolled out. ▪ Ramped (also known as rolling-update or incremental): Version B is slowly rolled out and replacing version A. ▪ Blue/Green: Version B is released alongside version A, then the traffic is switched to version B. ▪ Canary: Version B is released to a subset of users, then proceed to a full rollout. ▪ A/B testing: Version B is released to a subset of users under specific condition.193
  • 194. 비교 194 Zero-down- time Fast Rollback Extra Space Required Supported Platform Recreate X X X Ramped O X X Kubernetes Blue/Green & Canary O O O Istio
  • 195. Deploy Strategy: Blue/Green 195 Now, Green is production
  • 197. Strategy: Blue/Green 197 앗, 롤백 요청! Now, Green is production again
  • 198. Strategy: Blue/Green 198 롤백 가능 허용시간 경과  Shutdown Green servers Deploy NEW-NEW version as Green NEW-NEW VERSION
  • 199. Strategy: Blue/Green 199 Now, Green(NEW-NEW) is production NEW-NEW VERSION
  • 200. DevOps DevOps Platforms ▪ IBM Bluemix ▪ Heroku ▪ GE’s Predix ▪ Pivotal Web Services • Cloud Foundry Container Workload Distribution Engine (Container Orchestrator) PaaS • Warden(Garden) • Docker • Kubernetes • Docker SWARM (toy) • Mesos Marathon (DCOS) • Google Compute Engine • Redhat Open Shift • IBM Bluemix • Amazon ECS • Hypervisor • CF version 1 • Engineyard…. • Amazon Beanstalk
  • 201. “ 201 Cloud Foundry ▪ Code a Java (or Node.js) app using Spring Boot ▪ Build using Maven ▪ Subscribe to one of Cloud Foundry certified platforms: Pivotal, Swisscom, IBM, Atos, SAP, Huawei ▪ Install Cloud Foundry CLI in your desktop ▪ cf push ▪ cf logs ▪ cf marketplace ▪ cf create-service ▪ cf bind-service ▪ cf scale lfs132x?utm_source=training&utm_medium=eml# MOOC: Introduction to Cloud Foundry and Cloud Native Software Architecture
  • 203. DevOps Platform IBM Bluemix – Auto Scaling
  • 204. DevOps Platform IBM Bluemix – Zero Downtime Deploy
  • 205. Production Debugging Tools (APM) ▪ Zipkin ▪ Pinpoint ▪ Elasticsearch ELK 205
  • 206. Lab: Running Micro Services in Docker 206 Executable Jar Docker Image (template) Docker Container (instance) Source Code mvn package -B docker rundocker build
  • 207. Running apps anywhere and reliably ▪ 개발, 스테이징, 운영에서 최대한 동일하게 동작하기 위해서는 ▫ 죽였다 살려내면 복구되는 (Immutable Image) ▫ 어디서나 실행되는 ▫ 그러면서 가벼운 환경
  • 208. Tools: Evolution of Module Systems 208 Java Module System Hypervisors Containers
  • 209. Container 의 간략한 설명 ▪Image: a lightweight, stand-alone, executable package that includes everything needed to run a piece of software, including the code, a runtime, libraries, environment variables, and config files. ▪Container: a runtime instance of an image—what the image becomes in memory when actually executed. It runs completely isolated from the host environment by default, only accessing host files and ports if configured to do so. 209
  • 210. VM 과 다른점 ▪Higher Share Level but Isolated. 210
  • 211. Labtime: 도커 이미지 스크립트 # 기반 이미지 FROM openjdk:8u111-jdk-alpine # 볼륨 연결 VOLUME /tmp # 애플리케이션 복사 ADD /target/*.jar app.jar # 포트노출 EXPOSE 8080 # 자바 실행 ENTRYPOINT ["java","-Xmx256M","-jar","/app.jar"] 211
  • 212. Lab time: Create and push Docker images $ cd course-service $ docker build -t<projectId>/course:v1 . $ docker push<projectId>/course:v1 … $ cd ../clazz-service $ docker build -t<projectId>/clazz:v1 . $ docker push<projectId>/clazz:v1 … $ cd ../shared-calendar-service $ docker build -t<projectId>/shared-cal:v1 . $ docker push<projectId>/shared-cal:v1 212
  • 213. Lab time: Run the app with Docker docker run -p 8080:80<projectId>/course 213
  • 214. Lab time: Basic Commands 214
  • 215. “ 215 Container Orchestration with Kubernetes ▪ Kubernetes Object Model ▪ Users to Pods: Services, Kube-proxy, Service Discovery, ServiceType ▪ Deploying Stand-Alone Application ▪ Liveness and Readiness ▪ Kubernetes Volume Management ▪ Multi-Tier Application d=IwAR2y8nBOfi0ehHysOx- MtxSzDXzpv77sWnBg_pUEyIprE2fpMYuxBl3spq8
  • 217. Kubernetes: 발음하기 217 미국식: 큐브네리스 영국식: 쿠버네티스 인도식: 꾸-버네띡스
  • 219. Container-based Application Design 219
  • 220. Kubernetes Object Model Service (name: serviceId) Deployment ReplicaSet (Blue) redirects Creates / manages Pod Contai ner Contai ner Pod Contai ner Contai ner ReplicaSet (Green) Pod Contai ner Contai ner Pod Contai ner Contai ner • Keep replica count as desired (replicas=2) • Dynamic Service Binding • e.g. http://serviceId:8080 • Zero-down time deployment e.g. Blue / Green • Service Hosting Responsible for: http://serviceId:8080
  • 221. Declaration based configuration apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: nginx-deployment labels: app: nginx spec: replicas: 2 … template: metadata: labels: app: nginx spec: containers: - name: nginx image: nginx:1.7.9 ports: - containerPort: 80 --- apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Service metadata: name: nginx-service labels: app: nginx --- apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: backend-deployment labels: app: backend spec: replicas: 3 … template: metadata: labels: app: backend spec: containers: - name: backend image: backend:latest ports: - containerPort: 8080 --- apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Service metadata: name: backend-service labels: app: backend --- apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: db-deployment labels: app: db spec: replicas: 2 … template: metadata: labels: app: db spec: containers: - name: db image: mongo ports: - containerPort: 27017 --- apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Service metadata: name: mongo-service labels: app: mongo > my-app.yml> Desired state
  • 222. Kubernetes Object Model ▪ apiVersion : mentions the API endpoint on the API server which we want to connect to. ▪ kind : mentions the object type – example has Deployment. ▪ metadata : has the basic information to objects, like the name. ▪ spec (spec and spec.template.spec) : defines the desired state of the deployment. In our example, we want to make sure that, at any point in time, at least 3 Pods are running, which are created using the Pods Template defined in spec.template. ▪ spec.template.spec : defines the desired state of the Pod. The example Pod would be created using nginx:1.7.9. Once the object is created, the Kubernetes system attaches the status field to the object apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: nginx-deployment labels: app: nginx spec: replicas: 3 selector: matchLabels: app: nginx template: metadata: labels: app: nginx spec: containers: - name: nginx image: nginx:1.7.9 ports: - containerPort: 80 Deployment object Example
  • 223. Lab Time: 기본적인 kubectl명령어 ▪객체 목록 불러오기 ▫ “kubectl get [객체 타입]“ Ex) kubectl get pods : pod 목록 불러온다. ▪객체 삭제하기 ▫ “kubectl delete [객체 타입] [객체 이름]” Ex) “kubectl delete pods wordpress-5bb5dddcff-kwgf8” ▫ “kubectl delete [객체타입,객체타입,…] --all“ Ex) “kubectl delete services,depeloyments,pods –-all” - 실습 중에 잘못 생성되었거나 초기화가 필요할 경우 사용 ▪객체 상세 설명 확인하기 ▫ “kubectl describe [객체 타입] [객체 이름] ” Ex) “kubectl describe service wordpress”
  • 224. 이미지를 통한 어플리케이션 배포 • 현재 작동 중인 pod들이 없는지 확인 ▫ kubectl get pods ▪ Nginx이미지 예제로 배포하기 ▫ kubectl run first-deployment --image=nginx ▪ 실행된 Pods 확인 ▫ kubectl get pods (검색된 Pod의 이름을 복사한다. (각 pod들은 고유한 이름을 갖는다.)
  • 225. Pod에 접속하기 ▪ 복사된 pod이름으로 접속하기 ▫ Kubectl exec -it [복사된 pod 이름] -- /bin/bash ▪ Pod 내에서 접속하기 (위 명령어로 진입후에는 리눅스 명령어를 받는다) ▫ 해당 경로에 있는 html 파일을 호출하는 어플리케이션이다. echo Hello nginx ▫ Curl 명령어를 사용하기 위한 업데이트를 한다. apt-get update apt-get curl ▫ Curl 명령어로 호출하기 curl localhost
  • 226. 설정 파일을 통한 pod 배포 ▪ 아래 내용으로 nano editor 를 이용하여 declarative-pod.yaml 파일을 만든다. ▫ Nginx 이미지를 기반으로 pod를 배포하는 설정파일이다 apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: name: declarative-pod spec: containers: - name: memory-demo-ctr image: nginx
  • 228. 설정 파일을 통한 pod 배포 ▪ nano declarative-pod.yaml 파일로 배포를 한다. ▫ kubectl create -f declarative-pod.yaml ( -f 는 파일 경로를 설정해서 배포할 수 있는 옵션이다.) ▪ 배포된 pods들을 검색하여 접속을 해보자 ▫ 이름이 설정대로 declarative-pod 로 생성되었다. kubectl get pods ▫ 접속해보자 kubectl exec -it declarative-pod -- /bin/bash apt-get update apt-get install curl curl localhost
  • 229. 원하는 노드 타입에 pod 몰기 ▪Node를 확인하여 label 붙이기 ▫kubectl get nodes kubectl label nodes [노드이름] disktype=ssd ▪Label과 함께 노드 목록을 불러오기 ▫kubectl get nodes --show-labels ▪설정 파일생성(오른쪽 내용) ▫nano dev-pod.yaml ▪설정파일을 기반으로 pod 배포 ▫kubectl create -f dev-pod.yaml ▪생성된 pod의 상세 내용 확인 ▫kubectl get pods -o wide apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: name: nginx labels: env: test spec: containers: - name: nginx image: nginx imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent nodeSelector: disktype: ssd #여기가 중요
  • 230. ReplicaSets ▪A ReplicaSet (rs) is the next-generation ReplicationController. ReplicaSets support both equality- and set-based selectors, whereas ReplicationControllers only support equality-based Selectors.
  • 231. ReplicaSets ▪The ReplicaSet will detect that the current state is no longer matching the desired state. ▫(In the given scenario, the ReplicaSet will create one more Pod) ▪ReplicaSets can be used independently, but they are mostly used by Deployments to orchestrate the Pod creation, deletion, and updates. ▪A Deployment automatically creates the ReplicaSets, and we do not have to worry about managing them.
  • 232. Deployments ▪Deployment objects provide declarative updates to Pods and ReplicaSets. ▪The DeploymentController is part of the master node's controller manager, and it makes sure that the current state always matches the desired state. ▪In the following example, we have a Deployment which creates a ReplicaSet A. ReplicaSet A then creates 3 Pods. In each Pod, one of the containers uses the nginx:1.7.9 image.
  • 233. Deployments ▪Now, in the Deployment, we change the Pods Template and we update the image for the nginx container from nginx:1.7.9 to nginx:1.9.1. As have modified the Pods Template, a new ReplicaSet B gets created. This process is referred to as a Deployment rollout. ▪A rollout is only triggered when we update the Pods Template for a deployment. Operations like scaling the deployment do not trigger the deployment.
  • 234. Deployments ▪Once ReplicaSet B is ready, the Deployment starts pointing to it. ▪On top of ReplicaSets, Deployments provide features like Deployment recording, with which, if something goes wrong, we can rollback to a previously known state.
  • 235. Lab time: ReplicaSet ▪ReplicaSet 파일 생성 ▫nano frontend.yaml ▪파일을 기반으로 ReplicaSet 배포 ▫kubectl create -f frontend.yaml ▪ReplicaSet을 확인 ▫kubectl get pods kubectl describe rs/frontend ▪RsplicaSet을 삭제 ▫kubectl delete rs/frontend (관련된 pod 전부 제거한다.) ▫kubectl delete rs/frontend --cascade=false (ReplicaSet 은 제거하지만 Pod 는 유지) apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: ReplicaSet metadata: name: frontend labels: app: guestbook tier: frontend spec: replicas: 3 selector: matchLabels: tier: frontend matchExpressions: - {key: tier, operator: In, values: [frontend]} template: metadata: labels: app: guestbook tier: frontend spec: containers: - name: php-redis image: ports: - containerPort: 80
  • 236. Deployment 생성 ▪설정 파일을 생성 ▫nano nginx-deployment.yaml ▪파일을 기반을 배포 ▫kubectl create -f nginx-deployment.yaml ▪생성된 deployment 확인 ▫kubectl describe deployment nginx-deployment apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: nginx-deployment labels: app: nginx spec: selector: matchLabels: app: nginx template: metadata: labels: app: nginx spec: containers: - name: nginx image: nginx:1.7.9 ports: - containerPort: 80
  • 237. Scaling ▪Deployment의 replica의 개수를 확인한다. ▫kubectl get pods ▪Deplyment의 이름을 복사한다. ▫kubectl get deployments ▪해당 Deployment의 scale 조정 ▫kubectl scale deployments [deployment 이름] --replicas=3 ▪변경을 확인 ▫kubectl get pods
  • 238. Deployments 의 변경 ▪Deployment 파일을 변경 ▫kubectl get deployments nano nginx-deployment.yaml ( spec 아래 항목에 replica: 3 속성을 추가) ▪변경한 파일을 적용 ▫kubectl apply -f nginx-deployment.yaml ▪변경 내용을 확인 ▫kubectl get pods ▪설정파일에 추가된 replica 속성을 삭제 후 다시 적용 ▫nano nginx-deployment.yaml (replica) ▫kubectl apply -f nginx-deployment.yaml ▫kubectl delete pods --all ▫kubectl get pods
  • 239. Connecting Users to Pods To access the application, a user/client needs to connect to the Pods. As Pods are ephemeral in nature, resources like IP addresses allocated to it cannot be static. Pods could die abruptly or be rescheduled based on existing requirements.
  • 240. Connecting Users to Pods ▪When user/client is connected to a Pod using its IP address. Unexpectedly, the Pod to which the user/client is connected can die, and a new Pod is created by the controller. ▪The new Pod will have a new IP address, which will not be known automatically to the user/client of the earlier Pod. ▪To overcome this situation, Kubernetes provides a higher-level abstraction called Service, which logically groups Pods and a policy to access them. (This grouping is achieved via Labels and Selectors)
  • 241. Services ▪Using selectors, we can group them into two logical groups: one with 3 Pods, and one with just one Pod. ▪We can assign a name to the logical grouping, referred to as a Service name. ▪The user/client now connects to a service via the IP address, which forwards the traffic to one of the Pods attached to it. ▫ The IP address attached to each Service is also known as the ClusterIP for that Service. ▪A service does the load balancing while selecting the Pods for forwarding the data/traffic. ▫If the target port is not defined explicitly, then traffic will be forwarded to Pods on the port on which the Service receives traffic. ▫A tuple of Pods, IP addresses, along with the targetPort is referred to as a Service endpoint
  • 242. Service Discovery As Services are the primary mode of communication in Kubernetes, we need a way to discover them at runtime. Kubernetes supports two methods of discovering a Service: ▪Environment Variables As soon as the Pod starts on any worker node, the kubelet daemon running on that node adds a set of environment variables in the Pod for all active Services. ▪DNS Kubernetes has an add-on for DNS, which creates a DNS record for each Service and its format is like Services within the same Namespace can reach to other Services with just their name. Pods from other Namespaces can reach the Service by adding the respective Namespace as a suffix. EX) namespace2.pod1. This is the most common and highly recommended solution.
  • 243. ServiceType: LoadBalancer ▪With the LoadBalancer ServiceType: ▫NodePort and ClusterIP Services are automatically created, and the external load balancer will route to them ▫The Services are exposed at a static port on each worker node ▫The Service is exposed externally using the underlying cloud provider's load balancer feature. The LoadBalancer ServiceType will only work if the underlying infrastructure supports the automatic creation of Load Balancers and have the respective support in Kubernetes, as is the case with the Google Cloud Platform and AWS.
  • 244. Ingress ▪With Services, routing rules are attached to a given Service. ▪They exist for as long as the Service exists. ▪If we can somehow decouple the routing rules from the application, we can then update our application without worrying about its external access. This can be done using the Ingress resource. According to, "An Ingress is a collection of rules that allow inbound connections to reach the cluster Services."
  • 245. Ingress ▪To allow the inbound connection to reach the cluster Services, Ingress configures a Layer 7 HTTP load balancer for Services and provides the following: ▫TLS (Transport Layer Security) ▫Name-based virtual hosting ▫Path-based routing ▫Custom rules.
  • 246. Ingress ▪With Ingress, users don't connect directly to a Service. ▪Users reach the Ingress endpoint, and, from there, the request is forwarded to the respective Service. ▪The Ingress resource does not do any request forwarding by itself. It is done using the Ingress Controller
  • 247. Ingress ▪In the example, users requests to both and would go to the same Ingress endpoint, and, from there, they would be forwarded to webserver-blue-svc, and webserver-green-svc, respectively. (Name-Based Virtual Hosting Ingress rule.) ▪We can also have Fan Out Ingress rules, in which we send requests like and, which would be forwarded to webserver-blue-svc and webserver-green-svc, respectively. apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1 kind: Ingress metadata: name: web-ingress namespace: default spec: rules: - host: http: paths: - backend: serviceName: webserver-blue-svc servicePort: 80 - host: http: paths: - backend: serviceName: webserver-green-svc servicePort: 80 Ingress definition example
  • 248. Ingress Controller ▪An Ingress Controller is an application which watches the Master Node's API server for changes in the Ingress resources and updates the Layer 7 Load Balancer accordingly. ▪Kubernetes has different Ingress Controllers, and, if needed, we can also build our own. ▫GCE L7 Load Balancer and Nginx Ingress Controller are examples of Ingress Controllers. ▪Start the Ingress Controller with Minikube ▫Minikube v0.14.0 and above ships the Nginx Ingress Controller setup as an add-on. $ minikube addons enable ingress
  • 249. Deploy an Ingress Resource ▪Once the Ingress Controller is deployed, we can create an Ingress resource using the kubectl create command. ▪If we create a webserver-ingress.yaml file with the content that we saw on the Ingress II page, then, we will use the following command to create an Ingress resource: $ kubectl create -f webserver-ingress.yaml
  • 250. Access Services Using Ingress ▪With the Ingress resource we just created, we can access the webserver-blue-svc or webserver-green-svc services using the and URLs. ▫As our current setup is on Minikube, we will need to update the host configuration file (/etc/hosts on Mac and Linux) on our workstation to the Minikube IP for those URLs. Once this is done, we can open and on the browser and access the application. $ cat /etc/hosts localhost ::1 localhost
  • 251. Liveness and Readiness Probes ▪While we are discussing application deployment, let's talk about Liveness and Readiness Probes. These probes are very important, because they allow the kubelet to control the health of the application running inside a Pod's container.
  • 252. Liveness ▪If a container in the Pod is running, but the application running inside this container is not responding to our requests, then that container is of no use to us. ▫This kind of situation can occur, for example, due to application deadlock or memory pressure. ▫In such a case, it is recommended to restart the container to make the application available. ▪Rather than doing it manually, we can use Liveness Probe. Liveness probe checks on an application's health, and, if for some reason, the health check fails, it restarts the affected container automatically. ▪Liveness Probes can be set by defining: ▫Liveness command ▫Liveness HTTP request ▫TCP Liveness Probe.
  • 253. Liveness HTTP Request ▪In the following example, the kubelet sends the HTTP GET request to the /healthz endpoint of the application, on port 8080. ▪ If that returns a failure, then the kubelet will restart the affected container; otherwise, it would consider the application to be alive. livenessProbe: httpGet: path: /healthz port: 8080 httpHeaders: - name: X-Custom-Header value: Awesome initialDelaySeconds: 3 periodSeconds: 3
  • 254. Lab time: Liveness 와 readiness probe ▪exec-liveness 설정파일을 생성 ▫nano exec-liveness.yaml ▪파일 설정으로 배포 ▫kubectl create –f exec-liveness.yaml ▪내용 확인 ▫kubectl describe pod liveness-exec apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: labels: test: liveness name: liveness-exec spec: containers: - name: liveness image: args: - /bin/sh - -c - touch /tmp/healthy; sleep 30; rm -rf /tmp/healthy; sleep 600 livenessProbe: exec: command: - cat - /tmp/healthy initialDelaySeconds: 5 periodSeconds: 5
  • 255. Deploying a Public Education Example for Kubernetes
  • 256. Running mi-services in the kubernetes cluster • 현재 작동 중인 pod들이 없는지 확인 ▫kubectl get pods ▪이미지로 배포하기 ▪kubectl run course<projectId>/course ▪실행된 Pods 확인 ▫kubectl get pods (검색된 Pod의 이름을 복사한다. (각 pod들은 고유한 이름을 갖는다.)
  • 257. Scaling ▪Deployment의 replica의 개수를 확인한다. ▫kubectl get pods ▪Deplyment의 이름을 복사한다. ▫kubectl get deployments ▪해당 Deployment의 scale 조정 ▫kubectl scale deployments [deployment 이름] --replicas=3 ▪변경을 확인 ▫kubectl get pods
  • 258. Rolling update ▪작동중인 pod와 deployments 확인 ▫kubectl get pods kubectl get deployments ▪새로운 버전의 deployments 배포 및 배포 상태 확인 ▫kubectl set image deployment/course<projectId>/course:v2 kubectl rollout status deployment/course ▪변경을 확인 ▫kubectl get deployments kubectl get pods kubectl describe pods [pod 이름]
  • 259. Rollback ▪현재 실행중인 객체들을 확인 ▫kubectl get pods kubectl get deployments -o wide ▪객체를 롤백 처리 ▫kubectl rollout undo deployment/course ▪진행을 확인 ▫kubectl get deployments -o wide
  • 260. “ 260 Service Mesh: Istio ▪ Advanced Service Resilience ▪ Advanced Smart Deployment ▪ Advanced Observability ▪ Advanced Security GfYpeAAU1Vdut4Q6XB0EHFv40EL7D3xkOoP22JCav 7QmnZSE
  • 262. K8S vs Spring Cloud vs Istio
  • 263. Advanced Routing & Deployment Strategy ▪ Ingress / Egress Gateway ▪ Canary Deploy ▫ 특정 유저의 신상, 지역, 권한, 접근 단말에 따른 다른 버전의 노출 ▪AB Testing / Shadow Deploy ▫ 신규 버전의 오류 노출 없는 실질적 테스트
  • 264. Advanced Resilience ▪ Retry (Kubernetes X, Spring Cloud O) ▫ 서비스간 호출의 실패에 대한 재시도 ▪ Circuit Breaking (Spring Cloud O) / Rate Limiting ▫ 인스턴스의 보호 ▫ 전체 서비스 장애 차단 ▪ Pool Ejection (Spring Cloud / Eureka) ▫ 죽은 인스턴스의 제외 ▪ Circuit Breaking + Pool Ejection + Retry = High Resilience
  • 265. Advanced Security ▪ TLS based Inter-Mi-services Communication ▫ By Auth (신규모듈) ▪ Whitelist and Blacklist
  • 266. Advanced Observability ▪ Distributed Tracing and Measure ▫ 서비스간 호출의 내용 기록
  • 268. Spring Cloud + Netflix
  • 269. After Istio 좋은점: 1. L7 레이어를 사용, 성능이 높음 2. Code 변경 없이 Cross-cutting 이슈를 다루어줌 3. Polyglot 다양한 언어에 무관하게 적용가능 4. Main 서비스의 재배포 없이 Sidecar 를 관리 가능함
  • 270. Recommended Book • Java (Spring Boot) based example • Source code available • Concise • Free
  • 271. Lab time: ▪ Customer (고객정보서비스)  Preference (고객선호서비스)  Recommendation (추천서비스) ▪ 무정지 배포 & 다양한 배포 시나리오 (e.g. 단말, 브라우저별 별도 버전의 배포) ▪ 전체 서비스의 Up-time 유지 방법
  • 272. 단계4: Auto DevOps  Gitlab CI/CD  Kubernetes 와의 연동  Build Runner  Staging / Production  Service Expose by Ingress
  • 273. Deploy Pipeline for Micro Services 273 Executable Jar Docker Image (template) Docker Container (instance) Source Code mvn package -B docker rundocker build
  • 274. Gitlab Auto DevOps Gitlab 은 현존 CI/CD 툴 중 가장 많은 기능과 Production 수준의 기능을 제공함 기존 Gitlab 기능을 Kubernetes 엔진과 강력하게 통합하여 PaaS 의 기능에 근접한 기능 제공을 내어놓게 되는데, 바로 Auto-DevOps 임. 1.Auto Build 2.Auto Test 3.Auto Code Quality 4.Auto SAST (Static Application Security Testing) 5.Auto Dependency Scanning 6.Auto License Management 7.Auto Container Scanning 8.Auto Review Apps 9.Auto DAST (Dynamic Application Security Testing) 10.Auto Deploy 11.Auto Browser Performance Testing 12.Auto Monitoring
  • 275. 플랫폼 별 Boilerplate & Pipeline Auto generated Docker build script and pipelines (gitlab-ci.yml) for each platform
  • 276. Kubernetes Cluster 를 빌드 Runner로 활용 Gitlab pods DevOps Tool Cluster Application Cluster (Kubernetes) Runner (build job) Runner (build job) Runner (build job) Staging pod Production pod Ingress 빌드명령 배포명령
  • 277. 자동배포 ▪코드 체인지 인식 ▪컴파일, 빌드와 함께 Kubernetes 에 배포 ▪Canary Deploy 를 자동 생성 (메뉴얼 선택)
  • 279. Install Gitlab on K8S ▪ Helm 을 이용하여 간단히 설치 가능 helm repo add gitlab helm repo update helm upgrade --install gitlab gitlab/gitlab --timeout 600 --set --set global.hosts.externalIP= --set --set gitlab-runner.runners.privileged=true • 패스워드 확인 kubectl get secret gitlab-gitlab-initial-root-password -ojsonpath={.data.password} | base64 --decode ; echo
  • 280. Install Helm curl | bash # add a service account within a namespace to segregate tiller kubectl --namespace kube-system create sa tiller # create a cluster role binding for tiller kubectl create clusterrolebinding tiller --clusterrole cluster-admin --serviceaccount=kube-system:tiller echo "initialize helm" # initialized helm within the tiller service account helm init --service-account tiller # updates the repos for Helm repo integration helm repo update echo "verify helm" # verify that helm is installed in the cluster kubectl get deploy,svc tiller-deploy -n kube-system 7f07f43c536e
  • 281. Requirements / Check Category Requirement Solution Maintainability & Scalability 24*365 Zero Down time Self-Healing, Horizontally Scale Minimal Dev-Ops, Dev-Dev team side effects in deploy time (more than 100 deploys per day) Loose coupled design (HATEOAS API, Service Decomposition), PubSub Auto Provisioning (by docker containerizing) DevOps CI/CD Scalability & Reusability Multi-channel Support Responsive Web, Chat Bot Dynamic Service Composition Dynamic Discovery/Composition, BPM Usability & Performance Fast browsing, Single Page, DDoS protection, Inter-microservice integration Client-side UI rendering, API Gateway, Circuit Breaker, Event-driven Arch. Security For all services including 3rd-party ACL Access Token, IAM281
  • 282. Reference MSA Projects ▪ Online Commerce Example: ▪ Commercial Product: uEngine 5 BPMS: ▪ CQRS and Spring 2.0: microservices-spring-cloud.html 282
  • 283. THANKS! Any Question? You can find me at: 283