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Prevalence and Risk Factors for Acute Kidney Injury Associated
with Parenteral Polymyxin B Use

Carlos AC Mendes, José A Cordeiro, and Emmanuel A Burdmann

     olymyxins are a group of closely re-
P    lated antibiotics consisting of polymy-
xin A, B, C, D, and E, but only polymyxin
                                                    BACKGROUND: The main adverse effect of polymyxin B is nephrotoxicity. There
                                                    are few data on polymyxin-associated renal injury.
B and E (colistin) are used in clinical prac-       OBJECTIVE: To assess the prevalence of and risk factors for acute kidney injury
tice due to the high toxicity of the remain-        (AKI) in patients treated with polymyxin B.
ing agents.1 They are cyclic polycationic           METHODS: The studied population included 114 patients who received at least 3
decapeptide, containing a heptapeptide              consecutive days of intravenous polymyxin B and had baseline serum creatinine
ring, a high percentage of 2,4-diaminobu-           (SCr) and at least one further SCr measurement during treatment. AKI was
                                                    defined as an SCr increase to 1.8 mg/dL or greater in patients with baseline SCr
tyric acid, and a fatty acid amide bond.            less than 1.5 mg/dL, or an increase greater than or equal to 50% in baseline SCr
Polymyxins are amphipathic molecules                when it was already greater than or equal to 1.5 mg/dL, or need for dialysis.
that link to the phospholipids and lipo-            RESULTS: AKI developed in 22% of the patients. They were older, had a higher
polysaccharides of the bacterial cellular           baseline SCr, had a higher frequency of baseline SCr greater than or equal to 1.5
envelope. They competitively dislocate              mg/dL, used other nephrotoxic drugs and furosemide more often, and required
calcium and magnesium ions, increasing              vasoactive drugs and mechanical ventilation more frequently. Progression to
                                                    renal failure was significantly more probable when the bacteria were isolated in
the bacterial cellular membrane perme-              the abdomen, catheter, or blood. AKI patients had a higher mortality rate (92% vs
ability and disrupting it, causing bacterial        53%; p < 0.001). Logistic regression identified abnormal baseline SCr (odds ratio
cell death.2,3                                      [OR] 3.51); need for vasoactive drugs (OR 3.03); and abdomen, blood, or catheter
   Polymyxin B is active only against               as the infection site (OR 3.82) as independent risk factors for AKI.
gram-negative bacteria, including most              CONCLUSIONS: Patients who developed AKI had a strikingly elevated mortality
Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains, Acine-              rate. Polymyxin B should be used with extreme caution in patients who have an
                                                    abnormal baseline SCr; use vasoactive drugs; or have abdomen, blood, or
tobacter baumannii, Escherichia coli,
                                                    catheter as the infection site.
Salmonella, Haemophilus, Shigella, Pas-
                                                    KEY WORDS: acute kidney injury, nephrotoxicity, polymyxin B.
teurella, Brucella, Aerobacter aerogenes,
                                                    Ann Pharmacother 2009;43:xxxx.
and Bordetella. Other bacteria, such as
Enterobacter spp. and Stenotrophomonas              Published Online, 3 Nov 2009,, DOI 10.1345/aph.1M277
maltophilia, are less susceptible. Some
bacteria, such as Proteus mirabilis, Ser-
ratia marcescens, Providentia, and Edwardsiella tarda, are               ins remains practically unchanged since its introduction into
naturally resistant.4,5 The bactericidal activity of polymyx-            clinical practice, with only a few cases of bacterial resis-
                                                                         tance reported.6,7
                                                                            In the 1980s, polymyxins were replaced by aminoglyco-
Author information provided at the end of the text.                      sides as the therapy of choice for severe infections by P.                                     The Annals of Pharmacotherapy I 2009 December, Volume 43                          I

                   Copyright © 2009 by Harvey Whitney Books Company. All rights reserved.
CAC Mendes et al.

aeruginosa but were still sometimes used topically or as an      use of angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors or
alternative in resistance to these agents.8 In the 1990s, the    angiotensin receptor blockers; use of diuretics (furosemide,
emergence of bacterial strains resistant to almost all antimi-   hydrochlorothiazide); use of ranitidine; total daily dose of
crobial agents (β-lactams, aminoglycosides, quinolones)6,9,10    polymyxin B; presence of oliguria (<400 mL urine out-
renewed interest in polymyxins.1,11                              put/day) during the administration of the antibiotic; hospi-
   The major adverse effects of polymyxins are nephrotox-        talization site (clinical or surgical intensive care units
icity and neurotoxicity. In animal studies, polymyxin B in-      [ICUs], wards); hypotension (systolic blood pressure <90
duced acute tubular necrosis, albuminuria, urine output de-      mm Hg); use of vasoactive drugs (dopamine, noradrena-
crease, and increase of serum urea and creatinine levels.12      line); use of dobutamine; baseline SCr, highest SCr during
Clinical studies on polymyxin B are scarce, and the preva-       treatment, and SCr after therapy; need and number of dial-
lence of and risk factors for its nephrotoxicity have not        ysis sessions; presence of hyperbilirubinemia, hypo-
been clearly established.                                        kalemia (potassium <3.0 mEq/L), or rhabdomyolysis; cre-
   The objective of this study was to assess the prevalence      atine kinase greater than 2000 mg/dL; mortality after ther-
of and risk factors for acute kidney injury (AKI) associated     apy discontinuation; and hospital mortality or discharge.
with the use of intravenous polymyxin B sulfate in patients
hospitalized at a tertiary university hospital.                      DEFINITION OF ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY

                                                                    AKI was identified in patients with baseline SCr lower
Methods                                                          than 1.5 mg/dL, when SCr levels increased to 1.8 mg/dL
   This study was carried out at a tertiary university hospi-    or greater. In patients with baseline SCr greater than or
tal with 700 beds, Hospital de Base, São José do Rio Preto       equal to 1.5 mg/dL, AKI was identified when SCr levels
Medical School, São José do Rio Preto, Brazil. It was ap-        increased to more than 50% above baseline or there was
proved by the local Ethics Committee (São José do Rio            need for dialysis.13 Patients with baseline SCr greater than
Preto Medical School), which waived the need for in-             4 mg/dL, patients with prerenal AKI (normalization of cre-
formed consent due to its retrospective nature.                  atinine levels within 48 hours after volume replacement or
   Patients using polymyxin B (Bedford Laboratories,             adjustment of cardiac output), those with obstructive renal
Bedford, OH) were identified by the antibiotic dispensing        failure (diagnosed by the clinical picture or by kidney and
                                                                 urinary tract ultrasound), and patients on dialysis were ex-
list of the hospital for 5 consecutive years (2000 –2004).
The indication for the antibiotic was determined by the
patient’s attending physician and by a physician of the
Hospital Infection Control Committee. Patients using             Statistical Analysis
polymyxin B sulfate for at least 3 consecutive days, with           Data are presented as mean ± SD, median (in the case
serum creatinine (SCr) measurement 15 days or less prior         of asymmetric data), or percent (%). The groups with
to treatment start and at least another creatinine measure-      AKI and no AKI were compared by univariate analysis
ment during treatment with polymyxin, were included.             using the χ2 test or Fisher’s exact test or Student’s 2-
Patients with baseline creatinine levels greater than 4.0        tailed nonpaired t-test, according to the kind and fre-
mg/dL or patients undergoing dialysis at the beginning of        quency of the studied variable. The risk factors for the
antibiotic therapy were excluded. In patients undergoing         development of AKI were detected by binary logistic re-
more than one course of therapy with this antibiotic, only       gression. The initial model included all of the variables
the first was considered for the purposes of this study. All     associated with AKI in the univariate analysis: age;
of the patients received the antibiotic by 24-hour continu-      baseline SCr greater than or equal to 1.5 mg/dL and less
ous intravenous infusion diluted in NaCl 0.9%, as recom-         than or equal to 4.0 mg/dL; hypotension; use of dopa-
mended at that time by the Hospital Infection Control            mine, vancomycin, amphotericin B, furosemide, raniti-
Committee.                                                       dine, ACE inhibitors, amikacin, and dobutamine; dia-
   The following hospital chart data were analyzed: sex;         betes; oliguria; mechanical ventilation; and infection site
age; race; estimated weight; clinical or surgical pathology;     (blood, catheter, abdomen). Dopamine and nora-
use of mechanical ventilation; infection site; bacteria re-      drenaline use was considered to be use of vasoactive
sponsible for the infection requiring the use of polymyxin       drugs, and the use of vancomycin, amphotericin B,
B; hospitalization time; hospitalization time to positive cul-   amikacin, iodinated contrast, tacrolimus, cyclosporine,
ture; use of nephrotoxic drugs simultaneously with               and NSAIDs was considered to be a single variable (use
polymyxin B (vancomycin, aminoglycosides, ampho-                 of nephrotoxic drugs). Several models were tested by an
tericin B, cephalothin, iodinated contrast, cyclosporine,        intentional method (nonautomated), and the most ade-
tacrolimus, nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs [NSAIDs]);       quate, according to clinical criteria (ie, including vari-

I   The Annals of Pharmacotherapy     I   2009 December, Volume 43                                  
Acute Kidney Injury Associated with Parenteral Polymyxin B

ables considered more clinically relevant for AKI devel-                   ment with the study antibiotic ranged from 3 days (mini-
opment), was selected.                                                     mum for assessment of adverse effects) to 43 days, with a
   Dependence analysis (DEPANA) was used for the in-                       median of 11.5 days. The daily mean dose of antibiotic
fection site variable to assess the probability of progression             was 96.7 mg/day (median, 100 mg), ranging from 50 mg
to AKI according to the infection site. DEPANA is similar                  (500,000 U) in patients with abnormal renal function to
to correspondence analysis,14 which could not be used in this              150 mg (1,500,000 U) in patients with normal renal func-
case because AKI has only 2 categories. DEPANA uses                        tion. Mean baseline SCr was 1.04 ± 0.74 mg/dL (0.3–3.7
Hellinger’s distance instead of Pearson’s χ2 divergent for ana-            mg/dL), and the mean highest creatinine level during ther-
lyzing association in contingency tables. It reveals and estab-            apy was 1.59 ± 1.21 mg/dL (0.4–6.4 mg/dL). These data
lishes the hierarchy of latent variables (factors) that explains           are summarized in Table 1. Of these 114 patients, 73
the way the categories of crossed variables associate with                 (64%) simultaneously received other nephrotoxic drugs
each other. Each factor synergistically combines AKI and no                such as vancomycin (n = 55), amphotericin B (n = 23), and
AKI with the categories of infection focuses and explains a                amikacin (n = 29), and 10 received other nephrotoxic
portion of total association (here named total dependence).                drugs (iodinated contrast, 5; NSAIDs, 2; NSAID and gan-
Factor 1, which explains 95.5% of total dependence, per-                   ciclovir, 1; ganciclovir alone, 1; tacrolimus, 1; cyclo-
ceives the difference between AKI and no AKI.                              sporine, 1). Sixty patients (53%) received polymyxin B
   The Minitab software program, version 12.22 (Minitab                    and furosemide simultaneously and 36 patients (32%) re-
Inc., State College, PA, was used.                        ceived ACE inhibitors and polymyxin B simultaneously.
                                                                           Mortality at the end of the treatment was 32.5% (37 pa-
                                                                           tients), and hospital mortality was 61% (70 patients).
Results                                                                       The most frequently found bacteria were P. aeruginosa
   GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE STUDY                                    (83%), followed by A. baumannii (11%). One patient was
   POPULATION                                                              infected by Klebsiella pneumoniae, one patient by Cit-
                                                                           robacter spp., and another by P. aeruginosa and A. bau-
   The hospital charts of 168 patients, who received a total               mannii; in 3 other patients, the antibiotic was administered
of 178 courses of polymyxin B therapy in 5 years, were                     empirically.
studied. One hundred fourteen patients met the inclusion                      The major bacteria isolation sites were: urinary (42%),
criteria, and 54 patients were excluded according to the                   pulmonary (27%), blood (13%), abdominal (8%), soft tis-
study criteria (Figure 1).                                                 sue and bone (5%), and central venous catheter (2%); in
   Most (60%) of the patients were male, the large majority                3%, the infection site was not identified (empirical use of
(92%) were white, and median age was 59 years (range                       antibiotic).
14 –86 y). Most of the studied population consisted of
severely ill patients hospitalized in the ICU and in semi-in-
tensive care units (70% and 8%, respectively) and had
clinical diseases not related to surgical conditions (60%).                             Table 1. Description of Study Population
Mean hospitalization time was 66.5 days (12– 428 days).                                         Pts.,     Mean                Minimum Maximum
The median duration of culture positivity was 26 days.                          Variable         n        ± SD      Median     Value   Value
There was a large variation in the time to detect infection                 Age, y              114     56 ± 18        59         14           86
with multiresistant bacteria after initial hospitalization,                 Hospitalization,    114     66 ± 53        54         12         428
with some patients presenting a positive culture on the first                days

day, whereas in others, a positive culture was obtained                     Hospitalization     111 31.2 ± 25          26           0        139
                                                                             time to positive
only after 140 days of hospitalization. Duration of treat-                   culture, days
                                                                            Duration of         114 12.5 ± 6.3         11.5         3          43
                                                                             therapy, days
                                                                            Creatinine level,
                                                                              baseline          114 1.04 ± 0.74         0.8         0.3         3.7
                                                                              highest           114 1.59 ± 1.21         1.1         0.4         6.4
                                                                              at discharge/      67 1.35 ± 1.15         1           0.3         6.5
                                                                            Dose, mga
                                                                             daily              114 96.7 ± 20.3 100              50b         150
                                                                             total              114 1228 ± 838 1025            1500         6450

                                                                             One milligram = 10,000 units.
                                                                             Dose used for patients with previous renal failure, as defined by the at-
                                                                             tending physicians.
Figure 1. Included and excluded patients. SCr = serum creatininer.                                                        The Annals of Pharmacotherapy          I    2009 December, Volume 43             I
CAC Mendes et al.

                                                                           AKI-RELATED RISK FACTORS
   The prevalence of AKI was 22% (n = 25). Conversely,
78% of patients (n = 89) maintained stable renal function                 The variables significantly and independently associated
during antibiotic administration. In the AKI group, 32% of              with the progression to AKI in patients using intravenous
the patients were oliguric.                                             polymyxin were presence of previously abnormal renal
                                                                        function (OR 3.51; 95% CI 1.11 to 11.2; p = 0.033); use of

   In the AKI group, the baseline SCr was 1.6 ± 1.1 mg/dL
and the highest SCr during treatment was 3.4 ± 1.2 mg/dL               Table 2. Univariate Analysis of Parameters Comparing
(an increase of 103%). In the non-AKI group, the baseline                            Patients With and Without AKI
SCr was 0.9 ± 0.4 mg/dL and the highest SCr was 1.1 ±
                                                                                                       AKI, %    No AKI, %         p
0.5 mg/dL (an increase of 22%).                                                Parameter              (n = 25)     (n = 89)      Value
   The patients who progressed to AKI were older (62 ±             Male                                  57           72         0.18
15 vs 54 ± 19 y in non-AKI; p = 0.02); had higher baseline         Age, y (mean ± SD)                 62 ± 15      54 ± 19       0.02
SCr (1.6 ± 1.1 vs 0.9 ± 0.4 mg/dL; p = 0.002); had more            Abnormal baseline creatininea         40           12         0.001
hypotension (50% vs 27%; p = 0.016); used vasoactive               Mechanical ventilation                92           58         0.002
drugs more often (47% vs 12%; p < 0.001); used more me-            Furosemide use                        80           45         0.001
chanical ventilation (92% vs 58%; p = 0.002); and used             Hypotensionb                          50           27         0.016
more nephrotoxic drugs (88% vs 57%; p = 0.002) and                 Oliguria                              32            1        <0.001
furosemide (80% vs 45%; p = 0.001). DEPANA showed                  Ranitidine use                        84           74         0.3
that progression to renal failure was significantly more           ACE inhibitor use                     20           35         0.16
probable when the bacteria were isolated in the abdomen,           Hypertension                          32           38         0.57

catheter, or blood (p = 0.004), respectively.                      Diabetes mellitus                     32           23         0.4
                                                                   Vancomycin use                        68           43         0.012
   Of the 93 patients with normal baseline renal function
                                                                   Amphotericin B use                    36           16         0.013
(SCr <1.5 mg/dL), 15 (16%) progressed to AKI, whereas
                                                                   Amikacin use                          36           21         0.06
10 of the 21 (47.6%; p = 0.001) patients with previous re-
                                                                   Dobutamine use                        16           10         0.2
nal dysfunction developed AKI.
                                                                   Dopamine use                          52           16        <0.0005
   The AKI and non-AKI groups were similar as to the               Noradrenaline use                     16           10         0.2
presence of diabetes mellitus, respectively (32% vs 23%; p         Other nephrotoxic drugs use           88           57         0.005
= 0.4), hypertension (32% vs 38%; p = 0.57), use of raniti-        Vasoactive drugs use                  47           12         0.0005
dine (84% vs 74%; p = 0.3), dobutamine (16% vs 10%; p                (Nora or Dopa)
= 0.2), and ACE inhibitors (20% vs 35%; p = 0.16). There           Death                                 92           53        <0.0005
was also no difference as to the sex (p = 0.18).                   ACE = angiotensin-converting enzyme; AKI = acute kidney injury.
   The mortality of the patients who progressed to AKI             a
                                                                    Abnormal serum creatinine values defined as greater than or equal
was significantly higher than that of the non-AKI group             to 1.5 mg/dL and less than or equal to 4.0 mg/dL.
                                                                     Systolic blood pressure less than 90 mm Hg.
(92% vs 53%, respectively; p < 0.001). These data are
summarized in Table 2.
   Twelve of the 25 patients with AKI died dur-
ing the treatment and 13 patients completed the
therapy with polymyxin B (between 6 and 33
days). Of these 13, 8 had a baseline SCr less
than 1.5 mg/dL, and 7 of the 8 had a creatinine
measurement after the discontinuation of the an-
tibiotic. Of these 7, only 2 had normalized crea-
tinine levels (SCr <1.5 mg/dL) and they were
the only survivors in this group. Nine patients re-
ceived dialysis. Of these, 8 had abnormal base-
line creatinine values and 1 had normal baseline
   All of the patients with previous renal dys-
function who progressed to AKI and all of the pa-
tients undergoing dialysis died. The progression      Figure 2. Evolution of patients with acute kidney injury. AKI = acute kidney injury;
of the patients with AKI is shown in Figure 2.        BSCr = baseline serum creatinine; SCr = serum creatinine.

I   The Annals of Pharmacotherapy        I   2009 December, Volume 43                                           
Acute Kidney Injury Associated with Parenteral Polymyxin B

vasoactive drugs (OR 3.03; 95% CI 1.02 to 9.04; p = 0.047);                  A limitation of our study, as well as most of the previous
and infection site of abdomen, catheter, or blood (OR 3.82;               ones, is lack of a control group of patients not exposed to
95% CI 1.21 to 12.13; p = 0.023). There was also a trend to               polymyxin B. Considering the use of polymyxin B as sal-
progression into AKI when polymyxin B was given concur-                   vage therapy for multiresistant organisms and the retro-
rently with other nephrotoxic drugs (OR 3.88; 95% CI 0.96                 spective nature of the study, the selection of an adequate
to 15.61; p = 0.057). Table 3 summarizes these data.                      control group was not feasible. It should be acknowledged
   This is one of the few studies assessing the safety of in-             that the majority of patients used other potentially nephro-
travenous polymyxin B sulfate, and to the best of our                     toxic drugs concurrently with polymyxin B and that some
knowledge, it had the largest number of patients so far. In               of the risk factors, such as need for vasoactive drugs, are
the past 10 years, almost all publications have referred to               plausible for any population of critically ill patients. So it is
colistimethate sodium, the sulfated form of polymyxin E                   possible that the observed prevalence of AKI overestimat-
(colistin).15 Colistimethate sodium has supposedly been                   ed the true rate of polymyxin-related AKI.
considered to be less nephrotoxic than polymyxin B. How-                     The association between previous renal failure and
ever, a recent review emphasized that there are more simi-                polymyxin B21 or colistimethate sodium22-24,26,28,34,39 nephro-
larities (mechanism of action, antimicrobial spectrum, clin-              toxicity was previously observed. In contrast, other studies
ical use, toxicity) than differences (chemical structure, an-             did not confirm this result, some using polymyxin B18,19
timicrobial power, dosage, pharmacokinetic properties)                    and others using colistimethate sodium.30,31 One of the pos-
between the 2 drugs.16                                                    sible explanations for the association of previous renal dys-
                                                                          function with AKI in our study might be related to the ad-
Discussion                                                                ministration of an excessive polymyxin B dose in patients
                                                                          with previous renal injury. This excessive dose might be a
   Similar to populations in previous studies, this popula-               result of the lack of experience with the use of this antibi-
tion predominantly included ICU patients.17-20 Of the 114                 otic and of imprecise information for the correction of the
patients studied, 22% developed AKI, whereas in the other                 dose in the manufacturer’s package insert.40 Another factor
studies, the frequency of polymyxin B–associated AKI                      potentially associated with a high incidence of AKI in our
ranged from 6% to 54% (the number of patients analyzed                    patients is an inadequate assessment of the patient’s body
in these studies ranged from 11 to 74).17-21 In studies as-               weight, since it was often estimated by the physician pre-
sessing patients receiving colistimethate sodium, the                     scribing the antibiotics. Many of the patients were in the
prevalence of AKI also ranged broadly, from 0% to                         ICU and could not be weighed. An additional variable that
37%.22-36 This large disparity in data is probably due to the             might have contributed to the development of nephrotoxic-
fact that the studied populations were not homogeneous                    ity is the 24-hour continuous infusion of the drug in pa-
and that definitions for the diagnosis of AKI varied. In our              tients with decreased baseline renal function. This regimen
study, we used an AKI definition previously published by                  was adopted because it was recommended by the Hospital
our group.13 We did not use the more recent definitions for               Infection Control Committee at the time the patients were
AKI, such as RIFLE or AKIN, because they had not yet                      treated. An in vitro experiment suggested that colistin-in-
been published when we started data collection.37,38                      duced cell toxicity is time dependent.41 On the other hand,
   Few studies have assessed the risk factors for AKI in                  a recent study comparing polymyxin B continuous infu-
patients receiving polymyxin B or colistimethate sodium.                  sion and twice-daily administration showed the same fre-
In our study, with logistic regression analysis, we found                 quency of nephrotoxicity in both regimens.42
previous renal dysfunction, use of vasoactive drugs, and                     The use of vasoactive drugs (noradrenaline, dopamine)
site of infection (abdomen, catheter, blood) to be indepen-               indicates the presence of shock and/or hemodynamic insta-
dent variables for risk of AKI.                                           bility. This situation is classically associated with drug
                                                                          nephrotoxicity, since it causes renal hypoperfusion and is-
                                                                          chemia. In fact, many nephrotoxic drugs interfere with the
                                                                          synthesis of energy molecules, increasing the risk of kid-
            Table 3. Logistic Regression Analysis
                                                                          ney injury during an ischemic episode.
                                   Odds                                      Something that was not observed in prior studies was
          Parameter                Ratio     95% CI        p Value
                                                                          the location of infection sites as a risk factor for AKI. The
Baseline serum creatinine          3.51    1.11 to 11.2     0.033
 ≥1.5 mg/dL and ≤4 mg/dL
                                                                          presence of abdominal infection, usually related to major
Vasoactive drug use                3.03    1.02 to 9.04     0.047         pathologies, might lead to a more severe presentation of
 (noradrenaline and/or dopamine)                                          sepsis, which is also a well-known factor in progression to
Infection site                     3.82    1.21 to 12.13    0.023         AKI.43
 (abdomen, catheter, blood)
                                                                             Only 2 of the 25 patients who developed AKI survived,
Other nephrotoxic drug use         3.88    0.96 to 15.61    0.057
                                                                          and they were the only ones who recovered renal function.                                                       The Annals of Pharmacotherapy      I   2009 December, Volume 43          I
CAC Mendes et al.

Polymyxin therapy was not discontinued in these 2 pa-                Financial disclosure: Dr. Burdmann is partially supported by grants
                                                                     from the National Council for Scientific and Technological Develop-
tients upon onset of renal dysfunction. They received                ment (CNPq, Brazil).
polymyxin B (1,000,000 units/day) for 25 and 35 days, re-            Part of this work was presented at the American Society of Nephrol-
spectively. Other studies showed the recovery of renal               ogy meeting in 2006 and published as an abstract in the Journal of
function in most of the patients who survived after drug             the American Society of Nephrology, 2006;17:164A.
administration discontinuation, but causal links among sur-
vival, withdrawal of a drug, and renal function improve-             References
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Acute Kidney Injury Associated with Parenteral Polymyxin B

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29. Falagas ME, Rizos M, Bliziotis IA, Rellos K, Kasiakou SK, Michalo-                toxicidad, pero hay pocos datos sobre lesión renal asociada a polimixinas.
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    tion of intravenous colistin (abstract). BMC Infect Dis 2005;5:1.                 los factores de riesgo para insuficiencia renal aguda (IRA) en pacientes
    DOI 10.1186/1471-2334-5-1                                                         tratados con polimixina B.
30. Falagas ME, Fragoulis KN, Kasiakou SK, Sermaidis GJ, Michalopoulos A.             MÉTODOS: La población de estudio incluyó 114 pacientes que han recibido
    Nephrotoxicity of intravenous colistin: a prospective evaluation. Int J An-       por lo menos 3 días consecutivos de polimixina B intravenoso y tenían
    timicrob Agents 2005;26:504-7. DOI 10.1016/j.ijantimicag.2005.09.004              creatinina sérica basal (SCr) y al mínimo otra creatinina sérica durante el
31. Kasiakou SK, Michalopoulos A, Soteriades ES, Samonis G, Sermaides
                                                                                      tratamiento. IRA fue definida cuando la SCr presentase aumento de más
                                                                                      que 1.8 mg/dL en pacientes con SCr basal < 1.5 mg/dL o si hubiese au-
    GJ, Falagas ME. Combination therapy with intravenous colistin for man-
                                                                                      mento ≥50% en la SCr si la SCr basal ya presentase valor > 1.8 mg/dL o
    agement of infections due to multidrug-resistant Gram-negative bacteria           también si hubiese necesidad de diálisis.
    in patients without cystic fibrosis. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 2005;
                                                                                      RESULTADOS: IRA se desarrollo en 22% de los pacientes. Esos pacientes
    49:3136-46. DOI 10.1128/AAC.49.8.3136-3146.2005
                                                                                      eran más viejos, presentaban una creatinina sérica basal más elevada,
32. Kallel H, Bahloul M, Hergafi L, et al. Colistin as a salvage therapy for noso-    una mayor frecuencia de SCr basal ≥1.5, usaron otras drogas nefro-
    comial infections caused by multidrug-resistant bacteria in the ICU. Int J        tóxicas y furosemida más frecuentemente, utilizaron más drogas vaso-
    Antimicrob Agents 2006;28:366-9. DOI 10.1016/j.ijantimicag.2006.07.008            activas y ventilación mecánica, y los sitios de infección más frecuentes
33. Hachem RY, Chemaly RF, Ahmar CA, et al. Colistin is effective in treat-           fueron el abdomen, sangre y catéteres intravenosos. Los pacientes que
    ment of infections caused by multidrug-resistant Pseudomonas aerugi-              evolucionaron para IRA han tenido mayor mortalidad (92 vs 53%; p <
    nosa in cancer patients. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 2007;51:905-11.              0.0005). Regresión logística identificó SCr basal alterada (OR 3.71),
    DOI 10.1128/AAC.01015-06                                                          necesidad de drogas vasoactivas (OR 4.38) y sitios de infección en el
34. Pintado V, San Miguel LG, Grill F, et al. Intravenous colistin sulphome-
                                                                                      abdomen, sangre o catéter (OR 3.06) como factores de riesgo independi-
                                                                                      entes para evolución para IRA.
    thate sodium for therapy of infections due to multidrug-resistant Gram-
    negative bacteria. J Infect 2008;56:185-90.                                       CONCLUSIONES: Pacientes que desarrollaron IRA han tenido una elevada

    DOI 10.1016/j.jinf.2008.01.003                                                    mortalidad. Polimixina B debe ser utilizada con mucha precaución en
                                                                                      pacientes con SCr alterada, en los que presentan necesidad de uso de
35. Oliveira MS, Prado GV, Costa SF, Grinbaum RS, Levin AS. Ampi-
                                                                                      drogas vasoactivas y cuando el foco de infección está localizado en el
    cillin/sulbactam compared with polymyxins for the treatment of infec-             abdomen, sangre, y catéter.
    tions caused by carbapenem-resistant Acinetobacter spp. J Antimicrob
    Chemother 2008;61:1369-75. DOI 10.1093/jac/dkn128                                                                       Traducido por Emmanuel A Burdmann                                                                   The Annals of Pharmacotherapy           I   2009 December, Volume 43             I
CAC Mendes et al.

La Prévalence et les Facteurs de Risque Associés à une Atteinte                RÉSULTATS:   Une toxicité rénale aigue a été notée chez 22% des patients
Rénale Induite par la Polymyxine B                                             de l’étude. L’observation du profil de ces patients a permis l’identifica-
                                                                               tion de certaines caractéristiques communes: un âge élevé, une valeur
CAC Mendes, JA Cordeiro, et EA Burdmann                                        prétraitement élevée de la créatinine sérique, la présence plus fréquente
Ann Pharmacother 2009;43:xxxx.                                                 d’une ventilation artificielle, l’identification d’un site d’infection [qu’il
                                                                               soit au niveau abdominal, sanguin ou mécanique (cathéter)], et l’utilisation
                                                                               accrue de furosémide, de médicaments ayant des effets néphrotoxiques
RÉSUMÉ                                                                         ou de médicaments vasoactifs. Les patients chez qui une néphrotoxicité
INTRODUCTION:    La néphrotoxicité constitue le principal effet indésirable    était documentée avaient une plus grande mortalité (92% vs 53%; p <
relié à l’administration parentérale de la polyxymine B. Peu d’informations    0.0005). Une analyse de régression logistique a permis d’identifier les
sont toutefois disponibles quant à la prévalence et les facteurs de risque     facteurs de risque indépendants suivants: une valeur élevée prétraitement de
associés à une telle toxicité.                                                 la créatinine sérique (rapport des cotes de 3.71), la présence de médi-
                                                                               caments vasoactifs (rapport des cotes de 4.38) et l’identification d’un
OBJECTIF: L’objectif de cette étude était d’évaluer la prévalence et les       site d’infection [abdominal, sanguin ou mécanique (cathéter)- rapport
facteurs de risque associés à la néphrotoxicité induite par l’utilisation de   des cotes de 3.06].
la polymyxine B.
                                                                               CONCLUSIONS: Les patients qui développent une néphrotoxicité suite à
MÉTHODOLOGIE: Une population de 114 patients ayant reçu la polymyxine          l’administration parentérale de la polymyxine B ont un plus haut taux de
B sur 3 jours consécutifs et plus ont été inclus dans cette étude rétro-       mortalité. La polymyxine B devrait être utilisée avec prudence chez les
spective. Tous les patients devaient avoir une valeur documentée pré-          patients dont les valeurs prétraitement de la créatinine sérique sont élevées,
traitement de leur créatinine sérique ainsi qu’au moins une autre valeur       chez les patients requérant l’utilisation concomitante de médicaments
durant le traitement. Une toxicité rénale aigue était définie par une aug-     vasoactifs ou chez qui une infection d’origine abdominale, sanguine ou
mentation de la créatinine sérique de 1.8 mg/dL chez les patients dont la      mécanique (cathéter) a été diagnostiquée.
créatinine prétraitement était inférieure à 1.5 mg/dL ou une augmentation
de 50% de la valeur prétraitement de la créatinine sérique pour tous les                                                           Traduit par Sylvie Robert
autres patients.

I   The Annals of Pharmacotherapy               I   2009 December, Volume 43                                                    

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Polimixina b y falla renal

  • 1. RESEARCH REPORTS Nephrology Prevalence and Risk Factors for Acute Kidney Injury Associated with Parenteral Polymyxin B Use Carlos AC Mendes, José A Cordeiro, and Emmanuel A Burdmann olymyxins are a group of closely re- P lated antibiotics consisting of polymy- xin A, B, C, D, and E, but only polymyxin BACKGROUND: The main adverse effect of polymyxin B is nephrotoxicity. There are few data on polymyxin-associated renal injury. B and E (colistin) are used in clinical prac- OBJECTIVE: To assess the prevalence of and risk factors for acute kidney injury tice due to the high toxicity of the remain- (AKI) in patients treated with polymyxin B. ing agents.1 They are cyclic polycationic METHODS: The studied population included 114 patients who received at least 3 decapeptide, containing a heptapeptide consecutive days of intravenous polymyxin B and had baseline serum creatinine ring, a high percentage of 2,4-diaminobu- (SCr) and at least one further SCr measurement during treatment. AKI was defined as an SCr increase to 1.8 mg/dL or greater in patients with baseline SCr tyric acid, and a fatty acid amide bond. less than 1.5 mg/dL, or an increase greater than or equal to 50% in baseline SCr Polymyxins are amphipathic molecules when it was already greater than or equal to 1.5 mg/dL, or need for dialysis. that link to the phospholipids and lipo- RESULTS: AKI developed in 22% of the patients. They were older, had a higher polysaccharides of the bacterial cellular baseline SCr, had a higher frequency of baseline SCr greater than or equal to 1.5 envelope. They competitively dislocate mg/dL, used other nephrotoxic drugs and furosemide more often, and required calcium and magnesium ions, increasing vasoactive drugs and mechanical ventilation more frequently. Progression to renal failure was significantly more probable when the bacteria were isolated in the bacterial cellular membrane perme- the abdomen, catheter, or blood. AKI patients had a higher mortality rate (92% vs ability and disrupting it, causing bacterial 53%; p < 0.001). Logistic regression identified abnormal baseline SCr (odds ratio cell death.2,3 [OR] 3.51); need for vasoactive drugs (OR 3.03); and abdomen, blood, or catheter Polymyxin B is active only against as the infection site (OR 3.82) as independent risk factors for AKI. gram-negative bacteria, including most CONCLUSIONS: Patients who developed AKI had a strikingly elevated mortality Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains, Acine- rate. Polymyxin B should be used with extreme caution in patients who have an abnormal baseline SCr; use vasoactive drugs; or have abdomen, blood, or tobacter baumannii, Escherichia coli, catheter as the infection site. Salmonella, Haemophilus, Shigella, Pas- KEY WORDS: acute kidney injury, nephrotoxicity, polymyxin B. teurella, Brucella, Aerobacter aerogenes, Ann Pharmacother 2009;43:xxxx. and Bordetella. Other bacteria, such as Enterobacter spp. and Stenotrophomonas Published Online, 3 Nov 2009,, DOI 10.1345/aph.1M277 maltophilia, are less susceptible. Some bacteria, such as Proteus mirabilis, Ser- ratia marcescens, Providentia, and Edwardsiella tarda, are ins remains practically unchanged since its introduction into naturally resistant.4,5 The bactericidal activity of polymyx- clinical practice, with only a few cases of bacterial resis- tance reported.6,7 In the 1980s, polymyxins were replaced by aminoglyco- Author information provided at the end of the text. sides as the therapy of choice for severe infections by P. The Annals of Pharmacotherapy I 2009 December, Volume 43 I Copyright © 2009 by Harvey Whitney Books Company. All rights reserved.
  • 2. CAC Mendes et al. aeruginosa but were still sometimes used topically or as an use of angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors or alternative in resistance to these agents.8 In the 1990s, the angiotensin receptor blockers; use of diuretics (furosemide, emergence of bacterial strains resistant to almost all antimi- hydrochlorothiazide); use of ranitidine; total daily dose of crobial agents (β-lactams, aminoglycosides, quinolones)6,9,10 polymyxin B; presence of oliguria (<400 mL urine out- renewed interest in polymyxins.1,11 put/day) during the administration of the antibiotic; hospi- The major adverse effects of polymyxins are nephrotox- talization site (clinical or surgical intensive care units icity and neurotoxicity. In animal studies, polymyxin B in- [ICUs], wards); hypotension (systolic blood pressure <90 duced acute tubular necrosis, albuminuria, urine output de- mm Hg); use of vasoactive drugs (dopamine, noradrena- crease, and increase of serum urea and creatinine levels.12 line); use of dobutamine; baseline SCr, highest SCr during Clinical studies on polymyxin B are scarce, and the preva- treatment, and SCr after therapy; need and number of dial- lence of and risk factors for its nephrotoxicity have not ysis sessions; presence of hyperbilirubinemia, hypo- been clearly established. kalemia (potassium <3.0 mEq/L), or rhabdomyolysis; cre- The objective of this study was to assess the prevalence atine kinase greater than 2000 mg/dL; mortality after ther- of and risk factors for acute kidney injury (AKI) associated apy discontinuation; and hospital mortality or discharge. with the use of intravenous polymyxin B sulfate in patients hospitalized at a tertiary university hospital. DEFINITION OF ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY AKI was identified in patients with baseline SCr lower Methods than 1.5 mg/dL, when SCr levels increased to 1.8 mg/dL This study was carried out at a tertiary university hospi- or greater. In patients with baseline SCr greater than or tal with 700 beds, Hospital de Base, São José do Rio Preto equal to 1.5 mg/dL, AKI was identified when SCr levels Medical School, São José do Rio Preto, Brazil. It was ap- increased to more than 50% above baseline or there was proved by the local Ethics Committee (São José do Rio need for dialysis.13 Patients with baseline SCr greater than Preto Medical School), which waived the need for in- 4 mg/dL, patients with prerenal AKI (normalization of cre- formed consent due to its retrospective nature. atinine levels within 48 hours after volume replacement or Patients using polymyxin B (Bedford Laboratories, adjustment of cardiac output), those with obstructive renal Bedford, OH) were identified by the antibiotic dispensing failure (diagnosed by the clinical picture or by kidney and urinary tract ultrasound), and patients on dialysis were ex- list of the hospital for 5 consecutive years (2000 –2004). cluded. The indication for the antibiotic was determined by the patient’s attending physician and by a physician of the Hospital Infection Control Committee. Patients using Statistical Analysis polymyxin B sulfate for at least 3 consecutive days, with Data are presented as mean ± SD, median (in the case serum creatinine (SCr) measurement 15 days or less prior of asymmetric data), or percent (%). The groups with to treatment start and at least another creatinine measure- AKI and no AKI were compared by univariate analysis ment during treatment with polymyxin, were included. using the χ2 test or Fisher’s exact test or Student’s 2- Patients with baseline creatinine levels greater than 4.0 tailed nonpaired t-test, according to the kind and fre- mg/dL or patients undergoing dialysis at the beginning of quency of the studied variable. The risk factors for the antibiotic therapy were excluded. In patients undergoing development of AKI were detected by binary logistic re- more than one course of therapy with this antibiotic, only gression. The initial model included all of the variables the first was considered for the purposes of this study. All associated with AKI in the univariate analysis: age; of the patients received the antibiotic by 24-hour continu- baseline SCr greater than or equal to 1.5 mg/dL and less ous intravenous infusion diluted in NaCl 0.9%, as recom- than or equal to 4.0 mg/dL; hypotension; use of dopa- mended at that time by the Hospital Infection Control mine, vancomycin, amphotericin B, furosemide, raniti- Committee. dine, ACE inhibitors, amikacin, and dobutamine; dia- The following hospital chart data were analyzed: sex; betes; oliguria; mechanical ventilation; and infection site age; race; estimated weight; clinical or surgical pathology; (blood, catheter, abdomen). Dopamine and nora- use of mechanical ventilation; infection site; bacteria re- drenaline use was considered to be use of vasoactive sponsible for the infection requiring the use of polymyxin drugs, and the use of vancomycin, amphotericin B, B; hospitalization time; hospitalization time to positive cul- amikacin, iodinated contrast, tacrolimus, cyclosporine, ture; use of nephrotoxic drugs simultaneously with and NSAIDs was considered to be a single variable (use polymyxin B (vancomycin, aminoglycosides, ampho- of nephrotoxic drugs). Several models were tested by an tericin B, cephalothin, iodinated contrast, cyclosporine, intentional method (nonautomated), and the most ade- tacrolimus, nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs [NSAIDs]); quate, according to clinical criteria (ie, including vari- I The Annals of Pharmacotherapy I 2009 December, Volume 43
  • 3. Acute Kidney Injury Associated with Parenteral Polymyxin B ables considered more clinically relevant for AKI devel- ment with the study antibiotic ranged from 3 days (mini- opment), was selected. mum for assessment of adverse effects) to 43 days, with a Dependence analysis (DEPANA) was used for the in- median of 11.5 days. The daily mean dose of antibiotic fection site variable to assess the probability of progression was 96.7 mg/day (median, 100 mg), ranging from 50 mg to AKI according to the infection site. DEPANA is similar (500,000 U) in patients with abnormal renal function to to correspondence analysis,14 which could not be used in this 150 mg (1,500,000 U) in patients with normal renal func- case because AKI has only 2 categories. DEPANA uses tion. Mean baseline SCr was 1.04 ± 0.74 mg/dL (0.3–3.7 Hellinger’s distance instead of Pearson’s χ2 divergent for ana- mg/dL), and the mean highest creatinine level during ther- lyzing association in contingency tables. It reveals and estab- apy was 1.59 ± 1.21 mg/dL (0.4–6.4 mg/dL). These data lishes the hierarchy of latent variables (factors) that explains are summarized in Table 1. Of these 114 patients, 73 the way the categories of crossed variables associate with (64%) simultaneously received other nephrotoxic drugs each other. Each factor synergistically combines AKI and no such as vancomycin (n = 55), amphotericin B (n = 23), and AKI with the categories of infection focuses and explains a amikacin (n = 29), and 10 received other nephrotoxic portion of total association (here named total dependence). drugs (iodinated contrast, 5; NSAIDs, 2; NSAID and gan- Factor 1, which explains 95.5% of total dependence, per- ciclovir, 1; ganciclovir alone, 1; tacrolimus, 1; cyclo- ceives the difference between AKI and no AKI. sporine, 1). Sixty patients (53%) received polymyxin B The Minitab software program, version 12.22 (Minitab and furosemide simultaneously and 36 patients (32%) re- Inc., State College, PA, was used. ceived ACE inhibitors and polymyxin B simultaneously. Mortality at the end of the treatment was 32.5% (37 pa- tients), and hospital mortality was 61% (70 patients). Results The most frequently found bacteria were P. aeruginosa GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE STUDY (83%), followed by A. baumannii (11%). One patient was POPULATION infected by Klebsiella pneumoniae, one patient by Cit- robacter spp., and another by P. aeruginosa and A. bau- The hospital charts of 168 patients, who received a total mannii; in 3 other patients, the antibiotic was administered of 178 courses of polymyxin B therapy in 5 years, were empirically. studied. One hundred fourteen patients met the inclusion The major bacteria isolation sites were: urinary (42%), criteria, and 54 patients were excluded according to the pulmonary (27%), blood (13%), abdominal (8%), soft tis- study criteria (Figure 1). sue and bone (5%), and central venous catheter (2%); in Most (60%) of the patients were male, the large majority 3%, the infection site was not identified (empirical use of (92%) were white, and median age was 59 years (range antibiotic). 14 –86 y). Most of the studied population consisted of severely ill patients hospitalized in the ICU and in semi-in- tensive care units (70% and 8%, respectively) and had clinical diseases not related to surgical conditions (60%). Table 1. Description of Study Population Mean hospitalization time was 66.5 days (12– 428 days). Pts., Mean Minimum Maximum The median duration of culture positivity was 26 days. Variable n ± SD Median Value Value There was a large variation in the time to detect infection Age, y 114 56 ± 18 59 14 86 with multiresistant bacteria after initial hospitalization, Hospitalization, 114 66 ± 53 54 12 428 with some patients presenting a positive culture on the first days day, whereas in others, a positive culture was obtained Hospitalization 111 31.2 ± 25 26 0 139 time to positive only after 140 days of hospitalization. Duration of treat- culture, days Duration of 114 12.5 ± 6.3 11.5 3 43 therapy, days Creatinine level, mg/dL baseline 114 1.04 ± 0.74 0.8 0.3 3.7 highest 114 1.59 ± 1.21 1.1 0.4 6.4 at discharge/ 67 1.35 ± 1.15 1 0.3 6.5 death Dose, mga daily 114 96.7 ± 20.3 100 50b 150 total 114 1228 ± 838 1025 1500 6450 a One milligram = 10,000 units. b Dose used for patients with previous renal failure, as defined by the at- tending physicians. Figure 1. Included and excluded patients. SCr = serum creatininer. The Annals of Pharmacotherapy I 2009 December, Volume 43 I
  • 4. CAC Mendes et al. PREVALENCE OF AKI IN THE STUDY POPULATION LOGISTIC REGRESSION FOR THE IDENTIFICATION OF AKI-RELATED RISK FACTORS The prevalence of AKI was 22% (n = 25). Conversely, 78% of patients (n = 89) maintained stable renal function The variables significantly and independently associated during antibiotic administration. In the AKI group, 32% of with the progression to AKI in patients using intravenous the patients were oliguric. polymyxin were presence of previously abnormal renal function (OR 3.51; 95% CI 1.11 to 11.2; p = 0.033); use of COMPARISON BETWEEN THE AKI AND NON-AKI GROUPS In the AKI group, the baseline SCr was 1.6 ± 1.1 mg/dL and the highest SCr during treatment was 3.4 ± 1.2 mg/dL Table 2. Univariate Analysis of Parameters Comparing (an increase of 103%). In the non-AKI group, the baseline Patients With and Without AKI SCr was 0.9 ± 0.4 mg/dL and the highest SCr was 1.1 ± AKI, % No AKI, % p 0.5 mg/dL (an increase of 22%). Parameter (n = 25) (n = 89) Value The patients who progressed to AKI were older (62 ± Male 57 72 0.18 15 vs 54 ± 19 y in non-AKI; p = 0.02); had higher baseline Age, y (mean ± SD) 62 ± 15 54 ± 19 0.02 SCr (1.6 ± 1.1 vs 0.9 ± 0.4 mg/dL; p = 0.002); had more Abnormal baseline creatininea 40 12 0.001 hypotension (50% vs 27%; p = 0.016); used vasoactive Mechanical ventilation 92 58 0.002 drugs more often (47% vs 12%; p < 0.001); used more me- Furosemide use 80 45 0.001 chanical ventilation (92% vs 58%; p = 0.002); and used Hypotensionb 50 27 0.016 more nephrotoxic drugs (88% vs 57%; p = 0.002) and Oliguria 32 1 <0.001 furosemide (80% vs 45%; p = 0.001). DEPANA showed Ranitidine use 84 74 0.3 that progression to renal failure was significantly more ACE inhibitor use 20 35 0.16 probable when the bacteria were isolated in the abdomen, Hypertension 32 38 0.57 catheter, or blood (p = 0.004), respectively. Diabetes mellitus 32 23 0.4 Vancomycin use 68 43 0.012 Of the 93 patients with normal baseline renal function Amphotericin B use 36 16 0.013 (SCr <1.5 mg/dL), 15 (16%) progressed to AKI, whereas Amikacin use 36 21 0.06 10 of the 21 (47.6%; p = 0.001) patients with previous re- Dobutamine use 16 10 0.2 nal dysfunction developed AKI. Dopamine use 52 16 <0.0005 The AKI and non-AKI groups were similar as to the Noradrenaline use 16 10 0.2 presence of diabetes mellitus, respectively (32% vs 23%; p Other nephrotoxic drugs use 88 57 0.005 = 0.4), hypertension (32% vs 38%; p = 0.57), use of raniti- Vasoactive drugs use 47 12 0.0005 dine (84% vs 74%; p = 0.3), dobutamine (16% vs 10%; p (Nora or Dopa) = 0.2), and ACE inhibitors (20% vs 35%; p = 0.16). There Death 92 53 <0.0005 was also no difference as to the sex (p = 0.18). ACE = angiotensin-converting enzyme; AKI = acute kidney injury. The mortality of the patients who progressed to AKI a Abnormal serum creatinine values defined as greater than or equal was significantly higher than that of the non-AKI group to 1.5 mg/dL and less than or equal to 4.0 mg/dL. b Systolic blood pressure less than 90 mm Hg. (92% vs 53%, respectively; p < 0.001). These data are summarized in Table 2. Twelve of the 25 patients with AKI died dur- ing the treatment and 13 patients completed the therapy with polymyxin B (between 6 and 33 days). Of these 13, 8 had a baseline SCr less than 1.5 mg/dL, and 7 of the 8 had a creatinine measurement after the discontinuation of the an- tibiotic. Of these 7, only 2 had normalized crea- tinine levels (SCr <1.5 mg/dL) and they were the only survivors in this group. Nine patients re- ceived dialysis. Of these, 8 had abnormal base- line creatinine values and 1 had normal baseline creatinine. All of the patients with previous renal dys- function who progressed to AKI and all of the pa- tients undergoing dialysis died. The progression Figure 2. Evolution of patients with acute kidney injury. AKI = acute kidney injury; of the patients with AKI is shown in Figure 2. BSCr = baseline serum creatinine; SCr = serum creatinine. I The Annals of Pharmacotherapy I 2009 December, Volume 43
  • 5. Acute Kidney Injury Associated with Parenteral Polymyxin B vasoactive drugs (OR 3.03; 95% CI 1.02 to 9.04; p = 0.047); A limitation of our study, as well as most of the previous and infection site of abdomen, catheter, or blood (OR 3.82; ones, is lack of a control group of patients not exposed to 95% CI 1.21 to 12.13; p = 0.023). There was also a trend to polymyxin B. Considering the use of polymyxin B as sal- progression into AKI when polymyxin B was given concur- vage therapy for multiresistant organisms and the retro- rently with other nephrotoxic drugs (OR 3.88; 95% CI 0.96 spective nature of the study, the selection of an adequate to 15.61; p = 0.057). Table 3 summarizes these data. control group was not feasible. It should be acknowledged This is one of the few studies assessing the safety of in- that the majority of patients used other potentially nephro- travenous polymyxin B sulfate, and to the best of our toxic drugs concurrently with polymyxin B and that some knowledge, it had the largest number of patients so far. In of the risk factors, such as need for vasoactive drugs, are the past 10 years, almost all publications have referred to plausible for any population of critically ill patients. So it is colistimethate sodium, the sulfated form of polymyxin E possible that the observed prevalence of AKI overestimat- (colistin).15 Colistimethate sodium has supposedly been ed the true rate of polymyxin-related AKI. considered to be less nephrotoxic than polymyxin B. How- The association between previous renal failure and ever, a recent review emphasized that there are more simi- polymyxin B21 or colistimethate sodium22-24,26,28,34,39 nephro- larities (mechanism of action, antimicrobial spectrum, clin- toxicity was previously observed. In contrast, other studies ical use, toxicity) than differences (chemical structure, an- did not confirm this result, some using polymyxin B18,19 timicrobial power, dosage, pharmacokinetic properties) and others using colistimethate sodium.30,31 One of the pos- between the 2 drugs.16 sible explanations for the association of previous renal dys- function with AKI in our study might be related to the ad- Discussion ministration of an excessive polymyxin B dose in patients with previous renal injury. This excessive dose might be a Similar to populations in previous studies, this popula- result of the lack of experience with the use of this antibi- tion predominantly included ICU patients.17-20 Of the 114 otic and of imprecise information for the correction of the patients studied, 22% developed AKI, whereas in the other dose in the manufacturer’s package insert.40 Another factor studies, the frequency of polymyxin B–associated AKI potentially associated with a high incidence of AKI in our ranged from 6% to 54% (the number of patients analyzed patients is an inadequate assessment of the patient’s body in these studies ranged from 11 to 74).17-21 In studies as- weight, since it was often estimated by the physician pre- sessing patients receiving colistimethate sodium, the scribing the antibiotics. Many of the patients were in the prevalence of AKI also ranged broadly, from 0% to ICU and could not be weighed. An additional variable that 37%.22-36 This large disparity in data is probably due to the might have contributed to the development of nephrotoxic- fact that the studied populations were not homogeneous ity is the 24-hour continuous infusion of the drug in pa- and that definitions for the diagnosis of AKI varied. In our tients with decreased baseline renal function. This regimen study, we used an AKI definition previously published by was adopted because it was recommended by the Hospital our group.13 We did not use the more recent definitions for Infection Control Committee at the time the patients were AKI, such as RIFLE or AKIN, because they had not yet treated. An in vitro experiment suggested that colistin-in- been published when we started data collection.37,38 duced cell toxicity is time dependent.41 On the other hand, Few studies have assessed the risk factors for AKI in a recent study comparing polymyxin B continuous infu- patients receiving polymyxin B or colistimethate sodium. sion and twice-daily administration showed the same fre- In our study, with logistic regression analysis, we found quency of nephrotoxicity in both regimens.42 previous renal dysfunction, use of vasoactive drugs, and The use of vasoactive drugs (noradrenaline, dopamine) site of infection (abdomen, catheter, blood) to be indepen- indicates the presence of shock and/or hemodynamic insta- dent variables for risk of AKI. bility. This situation is classically associated with drug nephrotoxicity, since it causes renal hypoperfusion and is- chemia. In fact, many nephrotoxic drugs interfere with the synthesis of energy molecules, increasing the risk of kid- Table 3. Logistic Regression Analysis ney injury during an ischemic episode. Odds Something that was not observed in prior studies was Parameter Ratio 95% CI p Value the location of infection sites as a risk factor for AKI. The Baseline serum creatinine 3.51 1.11 to 11.2 0.033 ≥1.5 mg/dL and ≤4 mg/dL presence of abdominal infection, usually related to major Vasoactive drug use 3.03 1.02 to 9.04 0.047 pathologies, might lead to a more severe presentation of (noradrenaline and/or dopamine) sepsis, which is also a well-known factor in progression to Infection site 3.82 1.21 to 12.13 0.023 AKI.43 (abdomen, catheter, blood) Only 2 of the 25 patients who developed AKI survived, Other nephrotoxic drug use 3.88 0.96 to 15.61 0.057 and they were the only ones who recovered renal function. The Annals of Pharmacotherapy I 2009 December, Volume 43 I
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Falagas ME, Rizos M, Bliziotis IA, Rellos K, Kasiakou SK, Michalo- toxicidad, pero hay pocos datos sobre lesión renal asociada a polimixinas. poulos A. Toxicity after prolonged (more than four weeks) administra- OBJETIVO: El objetivo principal de ese estudio fue evaluar la frecuencia y tion of intravenous colistin (abstract). BMC Infect Dis 2005;5:1. los factores de riesgo para insuficiencia renal aguda (IRA) en pacientes DOI 10.1186/1471-2334-5-1 tratados con polimixina B. 30. Falagas ME, Fragoulis KN, Kasiakou SK, Sermaidis GJ, Michalopoulos A. MÉTODOS: La población de estudio incluyó 114 pacientes que han recibido Nephrotoxicity of intravenous colistin: a prospective evaluation. Int J An- por lo menos 3 días consecutivos de polimixina B intravenoso y tenían timicrob Agents 2005;26:504-7. DOI 10.1016/j.ijantimicag.2005.09.004 creatinina sérica basal (SCr) y al mínimo otra creatinina sérica durante el 31. Kasiakou SK, Michalopoulos A, Soteriades ES, Samonis G, Sermaides tratamiento. IRA fue definida cuando la SCr presentase aumento de más que 1.8 mg/dL en pacientes con SCr basal < 1.5 mg/dL o si hubiese au- GJ, Falagas ME. Combination therapy with intravenous colistin for man- mento ≥50% en la SCr si la SCr basal ya presentase valor > 1.8 mg/dL o agement of infections due to multidrug-resistant Gram-negative bacteria también si hubiese necesidad de diálisis. in patients without cystic fibrosis. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 2005; RESULTADOS: IRA se desarrollo en 22% de los pacientes. Esos pacientes 49:3136-46. DOI 10.1128/AAC.49.8.3136-3146.2005 eran más viejos, presentaban una creatinina sérica basal más elevada, 32. Kallel H, Bahloul M, Hergafi L, et al. Colistin as a salvage therapy for noso- una mayor frecuencia de SCr basal ≥1.5, usaron otras drogas nefro- comial infections caused by multidrug-resistant bacteria in the ICU. Int J tóxicas y furosemida más frecuentemente, utilizaron más drogas vaso- Antimicrob Agents 2006;28:366-9. DOI 10.1016/j.ijantimicag.2006.07.008 activas y ventilación mecánica, y los sitios de infección más frecuentes 33. Hachem RY, Chemaly RF, Ahmar CA, et al. Colistin is effective in treat- fueron el abdomen, sangre y catéteres intravenosos. Los pacientes que ment of infections caused by multidrug-resistant Pseudomonas aerugi- evolucionaron para IRA han tenido mayor mortalidad (92 vs 53%; p < nosa in cancer patients. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 2007;51:905-11. 0.0005). Regresión logística identificó SCr basal alterada (OR 3.71), DOI 10.1128/AAC.01015-06 necesidad de drogas vasoactivas (OR 4.38) y sitios de infección en el 34. Pintado V, San Miguel LG, Grill F, et al. Intravenous colistin sulphome- abdomen, sangre o catéter (OR 3.06) como factores de riesgo independi- entes para evolución para IRA. thate sodium for therapy of infections due to multidrug-resistant Gram- negative bacteria. J Infect 2008;56:185-90. CONCLUSIONES: Pacientes que desarrollaron IRA han tenido una elevada DOI 10.1016/j.jinf.2008.01.003 mortalidad. Polimixina B debe ser utilizada con mucha precaución en pacientes con SCr alterada, en los que presentan necesidad de uso de 35. Oliveira MS, Prado GV, Costa SF, Grinbaum RS, Levin AS. Ampi- drogas vasoactivas y cuando el foco de infección está localizado en el cillin/sulbactam compared with polymyxins for the treatment of infec- abdomen, sangre, y catéter. tions caused by carbapenem-resistant Acinetobacter spp. J Antimicrob Chemother 2008;61:1369-75. DOI 10.1093/jac/dkn128 Traducido por Emmanuel A Burdmann The Annals of Pharmacotherapy I 2009 December, Volume 43 I
  • 8. CAC Mendes et al. La Prévalence et les Facteurs de Risque Associés à une Atteinte RÉSULTATS: Une toxicité rénale aigue a été notée chez 22% des patients Rénale Induite par la Polymyxine B de l’étude. L’observation du profil de ces patients a permis l’identifica- tion de certaines caractéristiques communes: un âge élevé, une valeur CAC Mendes, JA Cordeiro, et EA Burdmann prétraitement élevée de la créatinine sérique, la présence plus fréquente Ann Pharmacother 2009;43:xxxx. d’une ventilation artificielle, l’identification d’un site d’infection [qu’il soit au niveau abdominal, sanguin ou mécanique (cathéter)], et l’utilisation accrue de furosémide, de médicaments ayant des effets néphrotoxiques RÉSUMÉ ou de médicaments vasoactifs. Les patients chez qui une néphrotoxicité INTRODUCTION: La néphrotoxicité constitue le principal effet indésirable était documentée avaient une plus grande mortalité (92% vs 53%; p < relié à l’administration parentérale de la polyxymine B. Peu d’informations 0.0005). Une analyse de régression logistique a permis d’identifier les sont toutefois disponibles quant à la prévalence et les facteurs de risque facteurs de risque indépendants suivants: une valeur élevée prétraitement de associés à une telle toxicité. la créatinine sérique (rapport des cotes de 3.71), la présence de médi- caments vasoactifs (rapport des cotes de 4.38) et l’identification d’un OBJECTIF: L’objectif de cette étude était d’évaluer la prévalence et les site d’infection [abdominal, sanguin ou mécanique (cathéter)- rapport facteurs de risque associés à la néphrotoxicité induite par l’utilisation de des cotes de 3.06]. la polymyxine B. CONCLUSIONS: Les patients qui développent une néphrotoxicité suite à MÉTHODOLOGIE: Une population de 114 patients ayant reçu la polymyxine l’administration parentérale de la polymyxine B ont un plus haut taux de B sur 3 jours consécutifs et plus ont été inclus dans cette étude rétro- mortalité. La polymyxine B devrait être utilisée avec prudence chez les spective. Tous les patients devaient avoir une valeur documentée pré- patients dont les valeurs prétraitement de la créatinine sérique sont élevées, traitement de leur créatinine sérique ainsi qu’au moins une autre valeur chez les patients requérant l’utilisation concomitante de médicaments durant le traitement. Une toxicité rénale aigue était définie par une aug- vasoactifs ou chez qui une infection d’origine abdominale, sanguine ou mentation de la créatinine sérique de 1.8 mg/dL chez les patients dont la mécanique (cathéter) a été diagnostiquée. créatinine prétraitement était inférieure à 1.5 mg/dL ou une augmentation de 50% de la valeur prétraitement de la créatinine sérique pour tous les Traduit par Sylvie Robert autres patients. I The Annals of Pharmacotherapy I 2009 December, Volume 43