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          and the
      Exercise of
     National Power
                                         Major David W. Pendall, U.S. Army
                              Strategic Planner, National Security Agency, Fort Meade, MD

T      HE WORLD is connected globally in societal,
       economic, governmental, and infostructural
and infrastructural terms. As the United States faces
                                                                      Glimpsing the Future
                                                                        We must hold our minds alert and receptive to
                                                                      the application of unglimpsed methods and
21st-century adversaries and national security chal-                  weapons. The next war will be won in the future,
lenges, it must acknowledge these threats as being                    not in the past. We must go on, or we will go
distributed, networked, urban, and different from the                 under.           — General Douglas A. MacArthur1
20th-century, nation-state, and military-power con-
structs it has historically organized against. Acting                    Envision warfare so transformed as to be almost
against such threats in traditional ways will be too                  unrecognizable, even by starry-eyed visionaries. In
costly, slow, and destructive. Adversaries will in-                   the kinetic realm, robots fight robots. In the
creasingly use new forms of warfare, network-                         nonkinetic realm, our chemicals defeat their chemi-
based organizations, and exponentially increased lev-                 cals, and our electrons overwhelm their electrons.
els of destructive effect to wage war.                                Is this possible or plausible?
   Effects-based operations, as a core competency of                     Clearly, future capabilities of combined and stand-
future warfare, will leverage allies’ kinetic and non-                ing joint task forces (SJTF), coupled with special-
kinetic capabilities with global reaching effects. Cur-               ized strike elements, will leverage the power of ki-
rent and future generations of officers, interagency                  netic and nonkinetic weapons in future battlespace.
partners, and the Nation need to understand, en-                      Some battlespace will be located within sprawling
hance, and embrace existing and emerging technolo-                    urban environments and some will be against state
gies and techniques that enable these capabilities.                   and nonstate entities or both. Some of the capabili-
The military must now establish—in the mainstream                     ties used to achieve future desired effects might not
defense community—new doctrine, organizations,                        be classed currently as weapons. Other battlespaces
training, leadership, materiel, and personnel systems                 might be in the spaces between neurons or electrons.
to ensure the Nation is prepared to execute and de-                   The cutting, burning, irradiating, poisoning, piercing,
fend against emerging forms of warfare.                               and concussion effects that enlivened combat in the
                                                                      20th-century will persist, and other forms of engage-
The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do    ment and effects will be added. Some weapons will
not necessarily reflect the position of the Department of the Army,   be nonkinetic and will substitute for some of the fire
the Department of Defense, or any other government office or
agency. — Editor                                                      and maneuver of times past.

20                                                                                January - February 2004   MILITARY REVIEW
   Kinetic weapons, as defined here, are weapons            uniting principles rooted in common value systems,
whose effects are transmitted by the motion of a            profit motives, or cultural bonds.
substance, such as a projectile, a shock wave, or              America’s segmented society, government, mili-
heat. Departing from the conventional definition,           tary, and economy continue to be the most studied
nonkinetic weapons include—                                 in the world. America’s position as the world’s only
      Sticky foams.                                         superpower guarantees this attention. Because
      Graphite bombs.
      Cyber weapons.
      Microwaves.                                                Are other nations . . . limited in response
      Directed energy.                                      if no kinetic shots are fired? Would America
      High-energy radio frequency strikes.                   be in a global war on terrorism today if on
      Calmatives.                                             11 September 2001 al-Qaeda had caused . . .
      Acoustic weapons.                                         banking system shutdowns and massive
      Stink bombs.                                             emergency responder service disruptions
      Antitraction and antireaction chemicals.2              through cyber means? What if these events had
   These items will be transformational once they               occurred over a period of weeks or months
become available, although they are less interesting                  rather than on a single day?
as technologies and more interesting because of their
capacity as surrogates for kinetic fires and traditional    America is so strong in developing military capabili-
maneuver.                                                   ties, its enemies began using asymmetrical strate-
   The attacks of 11 September 2001 illustrate a glo-       gies to avoid U.S. military strength. As long as
bal terrorist group’s ability to conduct swarming at-       America retains such an overmatch in conventional
tacks using the World Wide Web and E-mail for co-           capability, it is unlikely to face opposition from an-
ordination and planning. Terrorists used U.S. soil and      other conventional force. North Korea and China
commercial schools for advanced training, ATM sys-          remain as the only conventional military threats to
tems to access funds, and U.S. airliners as explo-          U.S. military conventional force structure in the mid-
sive projectiles.3 Print, cyber, and televised media        to high-intensity realm.
became a real-time dissemination system for imag-               Multilateral relationships. Just as happens in
ery and battle damage assessment, even offering             business, political and military partnerships and coa-
postoperation-effects analysis for the adversary.           litions form, disintegrate, and reform, the issue at
   Commercial and public goods and services be-             stake becoming the organizing and operating con-
come the means with which to conduct war as well            struct. Today, U.S. forces act as bodyguards for for-
as being the targets of war by nonstate actors,             eign heads of state and help destroy opposition ele-
whether or not they are terrorists, narcotraffickers,       ments.4 Nuclear-armed nation-states offer the United
organized crime figures, or eco-activists. The              States the use of airspace and limited basing rights
emerging standard is to hide in the open, avoid             even as they verbally oppose U.S. actions against
unique signatures, and outsource infrastructure while       other nations in their region and carry out their own
denying its benefits to the adversary.                      war mobilization against nuclear-armed neighbors.5
   Some would argue that Taliban and al-Qaeda               American and Russian military units, foreign affairs
forces operating in Afghanistan massed and orga-            departments, scientists, and nongovernmental orga-
nized in ways akin to a conventional fighting force.        nizations (NGOs) carry out coordinated operations
Certainly, U.S. Armed Forces were innovative in the         within nation-states, acting out of mutual interest.6
use of new technologies and organizing constructs           Every day, foreign hackers attempt cyber attacks or
to dominate the battlespace quickly and achieve             to emplace viral infections against America’s criti-
battlefield success. However, we should not rely on         cal infrastructure. Adversaries working within U.S.
future adversaries to make the mistake of massing           borders continue to plan, plot, and act.
organized conventional-like forces and attempting to            The battlespaces in which the United States en-
fight from fixed positions or from a definable,             gages its adversaries are no longer “over there,” and
targetable geographic base of operations. More              it can no longer defend its interests and provide its
likely, future adversaries will strive for global disper-   citizens security by being “over there.” Defending
sion, operate from networked structures, and avoid          the United States is now as much about local law-
decisive engagements with conventional forces on            enforcement officers patrolling and protecting criti-
land, sea, or air. Adversaries will continue to rely on     cal infrastructure nodes in Omaha, Nebraska, as it

January - February 2004   MILITARY REVIEW                                                                      21
was during World War II when U.S. servicemen               Operations will be overt, covert, and clandestine—
stormed Omaha Beach.                                       simultaneously. One can even envision an e-SOF
   America’s defense must be local, regional, and          component conducting specialized high-risk, high-gain
global. Its economy, workforce, national infrastruc-       activities within the virtual world of U.S. adversar-
tures, foreign policy, national security, and psyche are   ies. Acting within predetermined authority, scale, and
                                                           commander’s intent, 21st-century task forces will
       Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld has                   achieve a range of tactical through strategic effects
indicated a desire for special operators to deploy         with speed, precision, and from near and far.
 to countries on demand, achieve results, and                 A reduced observe-orient-decide-act (OODA)
     then leave as quickly as they entered.                loop at the joint unit-of-action level, enabled by su-
  This might occur with or without host-nation             perbly trained, technology enhanced and empowered
            assistance or approval.                        teams will achieve the results the newest national-
                                                           security strategy envisions.9 The United States will
                                                           engage adversaries in unexpected ways, leveraging
interlinked and interdependent. The Nation’s nation-       new weapons and techniques and deploying forces
ally and globally integrated elements are the              from existing and future—perhaps even commer-
battlespaces and dimensions of 21st-century                cial—platforms to reach remote areas of the world.
warfare. Although America might be first among             The United States will act with effects, rather than
equals, its conscious and unconscious existence            weapons, in mind.
is tightly coupled to experiences shared with its             SOF elements will become more specialized. Elite
global neighbors.                                          conventional forces will take the role of 20th-cen-
   Action elements. Like it or not, preemption is          tury SOF. Twentieth-century conventional (legacy)
recognized as a legitimate form of self-defense. Fu-       forces will transform; deploy rapidly; oppose nation-
ture engagements are merely the branches and se-           state and contrarian forces in politically acceptable
quels flowing from what is being executed today. The       environs; and ultimately remain technologically
variables are the degree of engagement, the meth-          and morally dominant.10
ods of engagement, and how explicitly engagements
become known to those not directly involved. War-          New Patterns and Effects
fare can no longer be characterized as the conven-           Effects-Based Operations, I believe, [is] a
tional forces of a nation-state engaging in the deliv-     sound concept but needs more refinement. We are
ery of munitions and destruction in pitched battles        not ready to go forward yet. . . .
on land, sea, and air. Operations are no longer                          — General William F. Kernan, Commander,
merely focused against an opposing nation-state’s                             U.S. Joint Forces Command11
forces and means to make and sustain the fight.               The traditional military terms of maneuver and
   The U.S. Special Operations Command (SO-                fires might be insufficient for use in the 21st cen-
COM) is to receive a 50 percent increase in annual         tury. Will forces fire and maneuver in the virtual
budget, 4,000 additional operators, and broader re-        realm? How does the concept of positional advan-
sponsibility to act around the globe. Secretary of De-     tage apply against networked, technologically sophis-
fense Donald H. Rumsfeld has indicated a desire            ticated adversaries (nation-states or nonstate ac-
for special operators to deploy to countries on de-        tors)? Will the United States achieve dominant
mand, achieve results, and then leave as quickly as        maneuver and precision engagement against a cyber
they entered.7 This might occur with or without host-      or “de-massified,” cellular enemy attacking critical
nation assistance or approval. In testimony on 12          national (governmental and commercial) infrastruc-
March 2002, General Charles Holland, former                ture and global interests?
SOCOM Commander, ensured Congress that the                    We might have to redefine warfare itself in the
special operations community could execute must-           21st century. If politics are the resolution of conflicts
succeed operations and that such operations would          by peaceful means and war is politics by other
be completed with “absolute certainty and profes-          means, how are we to describe events that are de-
sionalism.”8                                               liberately caused by external actors and that result
   Special Operations Force (SOF) elements, inte-          in massive financial losses; influence shifts across
grated with Department of State, law-enforcement,          sovereign governments and coalitions; major rede-
cyberwarriors, host-nation, and even NGO elements          finition in internal value systems; and changes in
will engage adversaries within the global landscape.       social structures?

22                                                                     January - February 2004   MILITARY REVIEW
Iraqi prisoners being released
                           by the 101st Airborne Division,
                           18 May 2003.

US Army

                  The United States should explore its capability to deconstruct the network properties
            of [nonstate adversaries] and limit their attractiveness to new players. A range of human-based
          operations, whether classed as nation building, foreign aid, media campaigns, or PSYOPs, might
              achieve both. A catch-and-release program for suspected operatives might create reluctance
                          or distrust in such suspects and prevent them from further acts.

             Are other nations, as well as the United States,      it should also envision multiple forms of proactive
          limited in response if no kinetic shots are fired?       defense and defeat mechanisms. Maneuver, or the
          Would America be in a global war on terrorism to-        achievement of positional advantage, takes a multi-
          day if on 11 September 2001 al-Qaeda had caused          tude of forms, limiting the adversary’s ability to func-
          multiple airliner crashes, banking system shutdowns,     tion or act in optimal ways, and in effect, might de-
          and massive emergency responder service disrup-          ter the notion entirely. Employing desired effects on
          tions through cyber means? What if these events          adversaries implies the concept of maneuver itself.
          had occurred over a period of weeks or months               America must begin to think, develop, train, and
          rather than on a single day? Certainly the 1993 at-      advance concepts and techniques for new ap-
          tack on the World Trade Center; the 1997 bombing         proaches within the mainstream defense community.
          of the U.S. barracks in Saudi Arabia; the 1998 at-       The Nation must invest in the strategies and ap-
          tacks on the U.S. Embassy in Tanzania and Zaire;         proaches necessary to attack root causes, impose
          and the 2000 attack on the USS Cole did not com-         will, or commit initiative-based warfare (whatever
          pel the Nation to act decisively. Yet, al-Qaeda op-      that means in the collective future), and find ways
          eratives also carried out these events.                  to introduce randomness, ambiguity, and chaos into
             What are the national thresholds and attack-clas-     adversaries’ neural battlespace. America needs to
          sification schemes that will compel national elements    integrate effects-based capabilities as a complement
          of power to respond in the future? How will the          to civil-military-interagency operations as the latest
          United States implement the newest national secu-        national security strategy describes.
          rity strategy in the broader terms and environments         What is critical mass, centers of gravity, or the
          this century presents rather than those of the 20th      new battlespace calculus in the Third Wave envi-
          century?                                                 ronment?12 How does the Nation prevent further
             If the United States accepts that warfare can take    coalescence or collusion of confederated forces
          multiple, interrelated forms in the 21st century, then   against U.S. interests? The Nation should explore

          January - February 2004   MILITARY REVIEW                                                                    23
forces employ precise effects, enabled by exquisite
      [The 9/11] terrorists used U.S. soil              intelligence, they can work in advanced ways within
and commercial schools for advanced training,           the mental and psychological realm of adversaries.
ATM systems to access funds, and U.S. airliners         The results might be measured differently in the 21st
   as explosive projectiles. Print, cyber, and          century—different by orders of magnitude. Ulti-
televised media became a real-time dissemin-            mately, the military will need to achieve an omni-
 ation system for imagery and battle damage             present, persistent effect (like gravity in the physi-
   assessment, even offering postoperation-             cal, terrestrial realm) on the minds and intentions of
       effects analysis for the adversary.              current and future adversaries. Figure 1 frames the
                                                        various dimensions of 21st-century battlespaces.14
the ways and means of increasing replacement            Desired Effects
costs for key adversarial leaders. We should attempt       Today’s cancer drugs are notorious for kill-
to qualify or quantify conditions within an adver-      ing healthy cells along with cancerous ones. A
sary’s network when the loss of network elements        new anticancer approach could offer more of a
and the value proposition cause the adversary’s         precise option: kill just the tumor by choking off
wholesale collapse. The military needs a new lexi-      its blood supplies. The first drugs based on this
con and employment doctrine to describe the tools       approach are now in human trials and, if they
and proxies for the tactics needed to achieve full-     work, could provide a virtually side-effect-free
spectrum dominance.13                                   means of fighting a host of cancers.
   What are the effects of fires in the 21st century?                               — Technology Review15
The military certainly seeks advantages in precision,      Imagine how the Nation would act if it were de-
range, speed, volume, and relative effect to the tar-   nied the ability to protect its vital national interests
get. If U.S. forces can effect targets at will, they    on foreign soil? We now know that al-Qaeda coor-
can change the battlespace calculus for warfare. As     dinated the attack on the United States in Hamburg,

24                                                                  January - February 2004   MILITARY REVIEW
A US Marine is immobil-
                                                                                                             ized during a sticky
                                                                                                             foam demonstration.

Germany. How would we have acted if we had
known where these plots and commitments were
being actualized, although host nations were un-
aware, unprepared, or unwilling to act? What if a
host nation, characterized as a modern, globally con-
nected economy, were to unwittingly harbor a para-
sitic threat but refuse to accept proof that cells ex-
isted within their borders? How would the United
States eliminate the cells and act without creating
great collateral damage in a major urban area and
still create the effect desired on the targeted cells?
   Envision the construct of effects-based operations
applied by or to nonstate adversaries. Operating glo-
bally and within a loose, confederated-network con-
struct, these actors coalesce either for ideological
reasons or for profit motive (perhaps both). The
United States should explore its capability to
deconstruct the network properties of its organiza-
tions and limit their attractiveness to new players.
A range of human-based operations, whether
classed as nationbuilding, foreign aid, media cam-
paigns, or psychological operations (PSYOPs), might
achieve both. A catch-and-release program for sus-
pected operatives might create reluctance or distrust
in such suspects and prevent them from further acts
or, perhaps more important, create distrust in the cell
leaders of these individuals in the future.16 The cap-

tor would determine when to name names and when
to remain silent. Multidisciplined intelligence opera-                  Combining lethal and nonlethal;
tions would help understand and sense adversarial                kinetic and nonkinetic strikes; and engagement
network operations.                                               strategies creates opportunities and reduces
   Long-term foreign assistance through SOF and                        current and future operating costs.
U.S. aid can reduce the numbers of disaffected                    These constructs now allow greater selectivity
people susceptible to adversaries’ value systems and                for physical force employment than at any
the attractiveness of those systems.17 Such opera-                            other time in history.
tions can be goodwill initiatives that might be criti-
cal elements in achieving support from new coali-
tion partners and, as such, provide secure operating             nonkinetic capabilities have the real potential to
bases and airspace usage, such as enjoyed in the                 achieve global pressure, reach, surprise, and perhaps
former Soviet “stan” states north of Afghanistan.                most alarming to adversaries, a unilateral ability to
These operations also affect the capabilities and                act. Once the United States achieves persistent
properties of the adversary’s network, such as those             presence within the neo-cortical layer of an
who would render aid or abet adversaries. As an                  adversary’s psyche, it might, in fact, achieve the true
analogy, adversaries’ software would become incom-               aim of national power.19
patible within U.S. operating systems and servers.                  To attain the outcomes they are charged to
   Effects-based operations, incorporating nonkinetic            achieve, combatant commanders should be armed
tools, perhaps, provide the flexible, scalable options           with a greater range of these options. Combining le-
needed in future environments. Host nations might                thal and nonlethal; kinetic and nonkinetic strikes; and
turn a blind eye if we act judiciously and do not                engagement strategies creates opportunities and re-
cause social or economical disruptions.18 Acting                 duces current and future operating costs. These con-
swiftly and decisively with or without attribution can           structs now allow greater selectivity for physical
also be enhanced using nonkinetic employment. The                force employment than at any other time in history.
asymmetric options realized through kinetic and                  Even better, the United States has the conventional

January - February 2004   MILITARY REVIEW                                                                            25
National Guard troops assist
                       airport security and local law
                       enforcement in San Juan,
                       Puerto Rico, February 2003.

                                                                        Delivering effects. Friendly cyber or virtual op-
                                                                     erations live on the same networks and systems as
                                                                     adversaries’ networks and systems. In most cases,
                                                                     both use the same protocols, infrastructures, and plat-
                                                                     forms. They can quickly turn any space into a
                                                                     battlespace. Operations within this battlespace might
                                                                     attempt to sense, attract, deny, disrupt, and manipu-
                                                                     late the enemy at leadership, foot-soldier, and re-
                                                                     source levels. By virtually maneuvering to seize digi-
                                                                     tal instructions; understanding and then seizing
                                                                     cyber-based financial transactions (roughly equating
                                                                     to virtual fires against logistics); and introducing un-
                                                                     certainty to deny confidence in their distributed op-
                                                                     eration security, can the United States achieve ef-
                                                                     fects comparable to lethal direct action against a
                                                                     handful of cells?21
                                                                        Within physical-effects operations, both kinetic and
                                                                     nonkinetic, the military must achieve denial, disrup-
                                                                     tion, defeat, and destruction of the functional ele-
                                                                     ments of the network. Doing so can be character-
                                                           US Army

                                                                     ized as actions against people and materiel.
                                                                        Perhaps these are policy and strategy questions,
     Defending the United States is now                              but the answers to such questions will influence
 as much about local law-enforcement officers                        changes in tactics, in applying military force, and in
patrolling and protecting critical infrastructure                    exercising national power. The military needs to
    nodes in Omaha, Nebraska, as it was                              change the way it fights and the way it uses weap-
 during World War II when U.S. servicemen                            ons systems to create greater options for command-
            stormed Omaha Beach.                                     ers. Since fighting is the failure strategy, the Armed
                                                                     Forces should at least develop and use methods that
                                                                     do not compound this failure.22 As Forrest Gump
overmatch; the scientific and technologic base; and                  might say, Transformation is as Transformation does.
the global reach to make this work.                                     The motivation for adding powerful new tools has
   Time is on the Nation’s side—for the moment.                      never been stronger. For example, the ongoing
However, America does not have a global monopoly                     Israeli-Palestinian conflict rages in the streets.
on research investment, brainpower, and innovation.                  Missiles, tanks, rockets, and suicide bombers destroy
Seventy percent of the world’s research occurs out-                  everything and everyone around them. In such cir-
side of the United States, and 70 percent of U.S.                    cumstances, would we ask how would we fight?
research is commercial. One futures study predicts                   Perhaps the Israeli Defense Force’s (IDF’s) perfor-
orders of magnitude increases in weapons effective-                  mance during the Seven Day War inspired U.S.
ness and availability at orders of magnitude reduced                 General Don Starry to develop AirLand Battle Doc-
costs.20 In short, adversaries will soon be able to cre-             trine, which created conditions for America’s 100-
ate catastrophic effects supporting their intended                   hour victory over Iraq during the Persian Gulf war.23
outcomes at bargain-basement prices.                                 Even so, the IDF is not the model to optimally use
   The important element to take away from this con-                 for carrying out strikes against adversaries in the
struct is that the United States does not yet have a                 21st-century capabilities-based military using effects-
joint, interagency concept of operations to combine                  based operations. The United States will expand the
effects to achieve desired outcomes. The Nation has                  application of new tools in warfare.
not developed a joint, integrated, full-spectrum                        Setting conditions. The U.S. Department of
warfighting doctrine and employment strategy for the                 Defense might soon announce more definitive steps
full scope of effects the military can, currently and                to create the SJTF as exercised in the Millennium
within the near future, bring to bear against adver-                 Challenge 2002 exercise. SJTFs will bring effects-
saries across the scope and spectrum of 21st-cen-                    based targeting strategy more to the forefront. And,
tury conflict.                                                       as SJTFs standup under unified commands, the syn-

26                                                                               January - February 2004   MILITARY REVIEW
ergies of each services’ kinetic and nonkinetic war-          Effects and their potential. If nonkinetic weap-
fare programs might be realized.                            ons, such as antitraction substances, can deny
   The continuous feeds from multiple types of sen-         bridges from enemy use rather than destroying the
sors will provide multidimensional views of the tar-        bridge itself, then what is the compelling rationale
get of interest as well as a persistent contact with        for destruction? Achieving results through the use
the adversary that will further enable decision su-
periority and allow decisionmakers and operators to
determine the optimal timing, tempo, and types of                  Taliban and al-Qaeda forces oper-
effects required to achieve selected outcomes.24             ating in Afghanistan massed and organized in
The military will soon be able to achieve a level of        ways akin to a conventional fighting force. . . .
predictive battle damage assessment through the use            Future adversaries will strive for global
of advanced modeling, allowing ever more precise             dispersion, operate from networked structures,
effects-based targeting.25 This type of targeting and            and avoid decisive engagements. . . .
effects delivery will not be characterized by current       Adversaries will continue to rely on uniting
precision weapons and modifiers, such as Toma-               principles rooted in common value systems,
hawk missiles or the joint direct attack munitions,                profit motives, or cultural bonds.
able to achieve ballistic-effect delivery within a
reduced circular probability of error; it will be char-     of area denial or countermobility agents, rather than
acterized by a new level of precision based on the          artillery-delivered family of scatterable mines or air-
influence of the strike or action delivered on target       delivered antipersonnel, anti-vehicle, target-activated
with predetermined and pre-selected second, third,          minefield systems, would be even better. If preci-
and n-order effects. To be sure, doing so will require      sion-directed, high-energy microwave or acoustic
nonkinetic and kinetic strikes and will continue to         weapons can sense, fix, and disable or destroy ur-
complement each other for achieving outcomes fa-            ban snipers or barricaded enemy squads within
vorable for the Nation.                                     apartment complexes, why should the military focus
   Influencing adversaries, aided by advanced simu-         on attrition-based tactics, albeit with higher technol-
lations, such as influence-net modeling, will provide       ogy, although still “high-touch,” force employments?
even greater insight for preoperational targeting, ef-         Graphite dust bombs and high-energy radio fre-
fects-based strike analysis, and poststrike assess-         quency weapons can destroy enemy command, con-
ments.26 These tools will help us select branches or        trol, communications, computers, and intelligence
sequels or both in near-real time.27 SJTFs with in-         (C4I) systems and power-transfer stations.28 Com-
teragency and coalition components will have great          puter attacks can disrupt a variety of functions ad-
resources and capabilities embedded within                  versaries require across the spectrum of future
decisionmaking and execution frameworks. Com-               war.29 Media broadcast, information operations,
manders can act with a broader range of options,            host-nation support, and foreign aid can reduce tar-
always seeking the best alternative for target effect       geted demographic group acceptance of state and
and national outcomes. Knowledge is the fuel for            nonstate actor anti-American messages and their
operating in the 21st century. Speed and pervasive-         value proposition. If such activities or effects reduce
ness (global reach on demand) of action is the de-          the enemy’s capabilities, support structures, and re-
terminate factor in the outcome.                            source bases, including current manning and future
   When the decision to employ effects is made, pre-        recruits, then employing lethality requires even more
operational and postoperational cost savings will be        selectivity and prejudice.
measurable as well. Selecting the effect-and-employ-           Few question the capabilities and reach of today’s
ment method from the widest possible range of po-           U.S. military. U.S. forces can execute small-scale
tential options reduces vulnerability and the require-      contingencies and dominate a conventional theater
ment to establish robust secure forward bases and           of war on order. Current questions about U.S. strat-
retains national agility and initiative. The military can   egy are not about the ability to win decisively or
act with precise effects, achieve results, and quickly      what projected losses are or will be. Today’s ques-
change battlespace dimensions from one engagement           tions are about the costs of postwar cleanup.
to another. In short, truly integrating effects-based          Practical applications. Applying force requires
operations in support of national-security strategy can     exquisite intelligence down to the operator level
prevent the Nation from becoming mired in lengthy,          provided over a secure, networked C4I structure.
costly force deployments in foreign lands.                  Data and intelligence flow is a key contributor to

January - February 2004   MILITARY REVIEW                                                                      27
the ability to achieve decision superiority and dom-      mander’s intent, tactical forces will shoot, move, and
inance over adversaries.                                  communicate to achieve effects against adversar-
  As the military learns more about the capabilities      ies without the delays of a staff relaying, filtering,
and limitations of the nonkinetic applications of force   and interpreting the current battlespace condition.
                                                             Applying nonkinetic force is scalable and can re-
                                                          duce risks normally associated with the entry of U.S.
  Truly integrating effects-based operations in
                                                          forces. Operational risks are reduced as standoff in-
support of national-security strategy can prevent
                                                          creases (without the corollary loss of precision or
 the Nation from becoming mired in lengthy,
                                                          effect). Nonballistic, if not nonkinetic force, solutions
    costly force deployments in foreign lands.
                                                          enable—wholly or in part—operators to act in close
                                                          or standoff operations to achieve desired effects on
through exercise, simulation, and actual engage-          the target entity, denying mobility and employing
ments, it can expect the coupling of kinetic and          countermobility tools across the spectrum of conflict
nonkinetic weapons with advanced precision-guided         in the physical and the virtual realms. The next step
delivery systems, man-emplaced systems, and               is to explore, define, and develop the proxies for the
human-delivered effects. Sensor links to delivery         physical tactics of warfare that have been so com-
platforms, using knowledge-based applications to          pletely studied, and then train the force to employ
speed information to the point or points of decision,     them in the 21st century.
will reduce the “D” time in the OODA loop, which             Figure 3, a notional example of an execution plan
in effect, will allow us to cycle through engagements     and time line, is a macro look at conducting outcome-
and operational Go/No Go criteria with unprec-            based, effects-based warfare across multiple dimen-
edented speed. Decisions will be enabled at the low-      sions and battlespaces. Figure 3 also shows an arti-
est levels of operation. Given solid operational frame-   ficially compressed timeframe and sequence of
works; an assured, accessible common relevant             effects for descriptive purposes. For a globally net-
operating picture; and sufficiently detailed com-         worked adversary, forces would necessarily plan

28                                                                    January - February 2004   MILITARY REVIEW

January - February 2004   MILITARY REVIEW              29
Special Forces and 3d Infantry Division
                                                                  personnel establish a checkpoint to combat
                                                                  terrorist acts by Iraqi soldiers dressed as
                                                                  civilians, 23 March 2003.

                                                                                                                          US Army
        SOF elements will become more specialized. Elite conventional forces will take
 the role of 20th-century SOF. Twentieth-century conventional (legacy) forces will transform;
  deploy rapidly; oppose nation-state and contrarian forces in politically acceptable environs;
                 and ultimately remain technologically and morally dominant.

and execute this execution plan in the enemy’s               world, where new threats emerge suddenly, often
matching, mirrored battlespace, and it would be far          without warning, to surprise us. We cannot afford
less linear in the application of effects and even more      not to change, and rapidly, if we hope to live in
customized and decentralized in delivery.                    that world. — Donald H. Rumsfeld31
   What if potential adversaries also have these               Perhaps terrorist organizations best understand
weapons or tools?30 Will the United States engage            effects-based operations. The attacks on 11
in mutually assured disruption? How would we do              September 2001 had less to do with selected tar-
this against nonstate actors? This is the crux of the        gets and more to do with the causation of syner-
concern over rogue nations and terrorists obtaining          gistic effects.32
weapons of mass destruction. These issues certainly            Applying the notion of unrivaled information avail-
affect homeland defense, coalition forming, and mul-         ability to the dimensions of the future battlespace
tinational support. Is this perhaps the Achilles’ Heel       forces us to conclude that future U.S. unified com-
of global giants?                                            manders must act locally, regionally, and globally si-
   The current concept of continuity of operations           multaneously. Yet, they might lack frameworks for
planning; mission and information assurance; and             understanding these intersections—intersections that
critical site and infrastructure protection take on criti-   global businesses already understand.
cal necessity. The Nation’s systems are, perhaps, the          Current stovepipes, also known as doctrinal un-
most vulnerable to network and asymmetric attack,            derpinnings, present in each of the military depart-
given the overwhelming reliance and vast dimen-              ments and armed services, act to prevent potential
sions of U.S. governmental and commercial inter-             synergies at this time. Effects-based operations re-
ests around the globe.                                       quire a full joint doctrine, organization, training, lead-
                                                             ership, materiel, and systems approach to bring this
Imperatives for Transformation                               concept to full potential. This construct should be
   We are fighting the first wars of the 21st cen-           born and bred under a joint organization; matured
tury with a Defense Department that was fash-                over time in joint applied operations; and nurtured
ioned to meet the challenges of the mid-20th                 within the service schools. If 21st-century weapons
century. . . . We have an industrial age organ-              are only subsets of the tools for waging offensive
ization, yet we are living in an information age             and defensive war in the 20th century, then the

30                                                                        January - February 2004    MILITARY REVIEW
military must develop paths and educational systems
to create the master craftsmen of the future. Some-                                               [Effects-based operations] should
where in the ranks, most likely with 5 to 10 years                                           be born and bred under a joint organization;
of service under their belts, are the future unified                                        matured over time in joint applied operations;
commanders and senior defense chiefs who will re-                                              and nurtured within the service schools.
alize the nature of the capabilities resident in many
current prototypes.                                                                         keep defense capabilities rooted in 20th-century war-
   What would the average midcareer officer’s an-                                           fare and lethargic in adopting breakthrough capabili-
swer be if asked, “How do you conduct war?”                                                 ties. The force must not wait until the perfect re-
Would the answer reflect 20th-century doctrine, tac-                                        finement is revealed. Spiral development deprives us
tics, weapons, and systems based on a service’s pa-                                         of that excuse.
rochial view and weapons programs? Or, would the                                               New circumstances require advanced technology;
officer respond with an understanding of today’s re-                                        applied doctrine; modified organization; and ex-
alities of warfare? Could the Nation, faced with the                                        panded and integrated training. Leadership exposure
circumstances Russia faced in October 2002, deal                                            and development to new art forms and tools, with
with the situation more effectively?33 If the Nation                                        prototypical materiel and technical insertion, must
trains mainstream operators in only narrow stove-                                           make their way into the operation force. A spirally
pipes, we will not be able to leverage the total power                                      developed system fielding integrated with inter-
of its capabilities. If warriors only receive training                                      agency, homeland defense, and homeland security,
in the use of hammers, every situation will look like                                       is imperative in the 21st century.
nails.                                                                                         Kinetic-based strikes and the service components
   The military must be prepared to take new tools                                          employing them will not go away. Effects-based op-
and concepts into emerging multidimensional                                                 erations are the future. We must continue to develop
battlespace. A reluctance to act in new ways and a                                          effects-based operations as a joint-interagency con-
hesitation to apply novel tools and techniques will                                         struct from conception to execution. MR

     1. GEN Douglas A. MacArthur, Chief of Staff, 1931.                                     fence Weekly, 8 November 2002, on-line at <
     2. Aaron Zitner, “The Best Defense May Be A Good Offensive Stench,” Los Ange-          jdw/jdw021108_1_n.shtml>.
les Times, 10 November 2002, 1.                                                                19. Richard Szafranski, “Neocortical Warfare? The Acme of Skill,” Military Review
     3. John Arquilla and David Ronfeldt, eds., Networks and Netwars: The Future of         (November 1994): 41-55.
Terror, Crime, and Militancy (Santa Monica, CA: RAND, 2001), 363.                              20. NASA-developed futures briefing. See on-line at <
     4. John F. Burns with James Brooke, “Threats and Responses: Afghanistan; Karzai        bushnell.pdf>. The briefing included the compilation of several futures studies from the
Under Heavy U.S. Guard, Travels to Honor Assassinated Resistance Leader,” New York          CIA, DIA, military departments, academia, and other national-level entities. Future ad-
Times, 8 September 2002, 23.                                                                versaries can hurt the United States swiftly, deeply, and inexpensively with commercial
     5. Celia W. Dugger, “The Indian-Pakistan Tension: News Analysis; Seeking a New         technologies developed outside of the Nation. United States defense research and de-
Ending,” New York Times, 2 January 2002, 1.                                                 velopment efforts alone cannot maintain a technological edge in future warfare. We must
     6. Joby Warrick, “Risky Stash of Uranium Secured,” Washington Post, 23 August          develop and employ new operating constructs and methods of warfare.
2002, 1. The article describes an NGO (nuclear threat initiative, a Sam Nunn-Ted Turner        21. Schwartau, “Asymmetrical Adversaries,” ORBIS (Spring 2000). This article pro-
nonprofit entity) funding and coordinating an American, Russian, and Serbian operation      vides a compilation of information warfare threats to the United States and cybermeans
within Yugoslavia to secure 100 pounds of weapons-grade uranium. This was an effort         of employing asymmetrical attack.
to ensure nonstate actors or criminal elements could not steal the material. The incident      22. Szafranski, 41-55.
illustrates potential interstate agency-NGO operations of the future.                          23. Toffler and Toffler, 48-63.
     7. Rowan Scarborough, “Rumsfeld Bolsters Special Forces; Expands Powers in War            24. The sensors envisioned for the future will have expanded capacity to sense en-
on Terror,” The Washington Times, 6 January 2003, 1.                                        ergy, molecules, digital transactions, and activity patterns from space, cyberspace, land,
     8. GEN Charles R. Holland, statement before the Senate Armed Services Commit-          sea, and air. Examples are “smart dust,” cyber “sniffers,” advanced remote spectral
tee, Subcommittee on Emerging Threats and Capabilities, on the state of Special Op-         sensing, and thermal and seismic sensors, to name a few. Multimodal sensors might
erations Forces, 12 March 2002, on-line at <       defeat any one type of camouflage or concealment tactic. These sensors have been writ-
2002/March/Holland.pdf>, 6.                                                                 ten about in a variety of journals, trade publications, and scientific texts. See also a De-
     9. The OODA loop concept is attributed to the late Colonel John R. Boyd, U.S. Air      fense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) director’s statement to the U.S.
Force, Retired. For a discussion on the OODA concept as a strategic enabler, read           Senate Armed Services Committee, 10 April 2002, for complementary technologies. On-
Boyd, “A Discourse on Winning and Losing,” and related works on-line at <www.d-n-           line at <>.>; The National Security Strategy, on-line at              25. Julie A. Rosen and Wayne L Smith, “Influence Net Modeling for Strategic Plan-
<>.                                                          ning: A Structured Approach to Information Operations,” Preprint-Phalanx (December
   10. See the Department of Defense’s Transformation Study Report, Executive Sum-          2000), on-line at <>.
mary/Transforming Military Operational Capabilities, 27 April 2001, on-line at                 26. Ibid.
<>.                                     27. William M. Arkin, “Mapping the Minds in Iraq’s Regime,” Los Angeles Times, 1
   11. As quoted by the New York Times following Millennium Challenge 2002.                 September 2002. For a defense industry contractor’s support of Influence Net Modeling
   12. Alvin Toffler and Heidi Toffler, War and Anti-War: Survival at the Dawn of the       capabilities, see <>.
Twenty-first Century (Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1993).                                28. Jan S. Breemer, “War As We Knew It: The Real Revolution in Military Affairs/Un-
   13. Weapons as described in this paper are merely the subsets of capabilities em-        derstanding Paralysis in Military Operations,” Occasional Paper 19, Center for Strat-
ployed in 21st-century warfare.                                                             egy and Technology, Air War College (December 2000), 17. See also Brian Bender, “U.S.
   14. Several text references helped to synthesize the thinking and construction of the    Soft Bombs Prove NATO’s Point,” Jane’s Defence Weekly, 12 May 1999, 4.
graphics used in this article. Texts included Global Trends 2015: A Dialogue About the         29. Maryann Lawlor, “National Security Tackles Tough Security Issues,” Signal (Au-
Future with Nongovernmental Experts (Washington, DC: U.S. National Intelligence             gust 2002): 23-26.
Council Publication, December 2000); Toffler and Toffler; Arquilla and Ronfeldt, eds., In      30. Vitaliy N. Tsygichko, ed., “Information Weapons as a New Means of Warfare,” chap
Athena’s Camp: Preparing for Conflict in the Information Age (Santa Monica, CA: RAND,       3, “Information Challenges to National and International Security,” Moscow PIR Center,
1997); Arquilla and Ronfeldt, eds., Networks and Netwars; Winn Schwartau, Informa-          Foreign Broadcast Information Service (FBIS), (Document ID: CEG20020110000313[100],
tion Warfare (New York: Thunder’s Mouth Press, 1994).                                       entry date 10 January 2001, version 3), 69-109. For a Chinese view of future warfare and
   15. Extract: “Choking of Cancer—New drugs kill tumors from inside out,” Technol-         capabilities, see Qiao Liang and Wang Xiangsui, Unrestricted Warfare (Beijing: PLA
ogy Review (July-August 2002).                                                              Literature Arts Publishing House, 1999), translation FBIS.
   16. David E. Kaplan, “Run and Gun,” U.S. News and World Report (30 September                31. Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld, address to the House Armed Services
2002). This article describes the capture of Ramzi Binalshib and a subsequent press         Committee, Washington, D.C., 5 February 2003.
release by the Pentagon indicating he is cooperating with the United States. The use of        32. Szafranski, “Fighting Stupid, Defending Smart,” Aerospace Power Journal (Spring
the public media to name detainees and articulate levels of cooperation are sure to pre-    2002), on-line at <>.
vent reentry into a terrorist cell as a trusted member and most likely limits the further      33. Based on first-hand accounts, the Chechen assault and hostage taking in a Mos-
trust and assignments of close cell associates still at large.                              cow theater could have been a scene from a Hollywood script. What if al-Qaeda had con-
   17. Daniel Pipes and Jonathon Schanzer, “Militant Islam’s New Strongholds,” New          ducted this operation at the Kennedy Center in Washington, D.C.? Would the Nation have
York Post, 22 October 2002.                                                                 had the coordinated defense capability to help local or Federal forces save lives and act
   18. Craig Hoyle and Andrew Koch, “Yemen Drone Strike: Just the Start?” Jane’s De-        against the terrorists?

January - February 2004                MILITARY REVIEW                                                                                                                            31

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Pendall Ebo National Power

  • 1. Effects-Based Operations and the Exercise of National Power Major David W. Pendall, U.S. Army Strategic Planner, National Security Agency, Fort Meade, MD T HE WORLD is connected globally in societal, economic, governmental, and infostructural and infrastructural terms. As the United States faces Glimpsing the Future We must hold our minds alert and receptive to the application of unglimpsed methods and 21st-century adversaries and national security chal- weapons. The next war will be won in the future, lenges, it must acknowledge these threats as being not in the past. We must go on, or we will go distributed, networked, urban, and different from the under. — General Douglas A. MacArthur1 20th-century, nation-state, and military-power con- structs it has historically organized against. Acting Envision warfare so transformed as to be almost against such threats in traditional ways will be too unrecognizable, even by starry-eyed visionaries. In costly, slow, and destructive. Adversaries will in- the kinetic realm, robots fight robots. In the creasingly use new forms of warfare, network- nonkinetic realm, our chemicals defeat their chemi- based organizations, and exponentially increased lev- cals, and our electrons overwhelm their electrons. els of destructive effect to wage war. Is this possible or plausible? Effects-based operations, as a core competency of Clearly, future capabilities of combined and stand- future warfare, will leverage allies’ kinetic and non- ing joint task forces (SJTF), coupled with special- kinetic capabilities with global reaching effects. Cur- ized strike elements, will leverage the power of ki- rent and future generations of officers, interagency netic and nonkinetic weapons in future battlespace. partners, and the Nation need to understand, en- Some battlespace will be located within sprawling hance, and embrace existing and emerging technolo- urban environments and some will be against state gies and techniques that enable these capabilities. and nonstate entities or both. Some of the capabili- The military must now establish—in the mainstream ties used to achieve future desired effects might not defense community—new doctrine, organizations, be classed currently as weapons. Other battlespaces training, leadership, materiel, and personnel systems might be in the spaces between neurons or electrons. to ensure the Nation is prepared to execute and de- The cutting, burning, irradiating, poisoning, piercing, fend against emerging forms of warfare. and concussion effects that enlivened combat in the 20th-century will persist, and other forms of engage- The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do ment and effects will be added. Some weapons will not necessarily reflect the position of the Department of the Army, be nonkinetic and will substitute for some of the fire the Department of Defense, or any other government office or agency. — Editor and maneuver of times past. 20 January - February 2004 MILITARY REVIEW
  • 2. EFFECTS-BASED OPERATIONS Kinetic weapons, as defined here, are weapons uniting principles rooted in common value systems, whose effects are transmitted by the motion of a profit motives, or cultural bonds. substance, such as a projectile, a shock wave, or America’s segmented society, government, mili- heat. Departing from the conventional definition, tary, and economy continue to be the most studied nonkinetic weapons include— in the world. America’s position as the world’s only Sticky foams. superpower guarantees this attention. Because Graphite bombs. Cyber weapons. Microwaves. Are other nations . . . limited in response Directed energy. if no kinetic shots are fired? Would America High-energy radio frequency strikes. be in a global war on terrorism today if on Calmatives. 11 September 2001 al-Qaeda had caused . . . Acoustic weapons. banking system shutdowns and massive Stink bombs. emergency responder service disruptions Antitraction and antireaction chemicals.2 through cyber means? What if these events had These items will be transformational once they occurred over a period of weeks or months become available, although they are less interesting rather than on a single day? as technologies and more interesting because of their capacity as surrogates for kinetic fires and traditional America is so strong in developing military capabili- maneuver. ties, its enemies began using asymmetrical strate- The attacks of 11 September 2001 illustrate a glo- gies to avoid U.S. military strength. As long as bal terrorist group’s ability to conduct swarming at- America retains such an overmatch in conventional tacks using the World Wide Web and E-mail for co- capability, it is unlikely to face opposition from an- ordination and planning. Terrorists used U.S. soil and other conventional force. North Korea and China commercial schools for advanced training, ATM sys- remain as the only conventional military threats to tems to access funds, and U.S. airliners as explo- U.S. military conventional force structure in the mid- sive projectiles.3 Print, cyber, and televised media to high-intensity realm. became a real-time dissemination system for imag- Multilateral relationships. Just as happens in ery and battle damage assessment, even offering business, political and military partnerships and coa- postoperation-effects analysis for the adversary. litions form, disintegrate, and reform, the issue at Commercial and public goods and services be- stake becoming the organizing and operating con- come the means with which to conduct war as well struct. Today, U.S. forces act as bodyguards for for- as being the targets of war by nonstate actors, eign heads of state and help destroy opposition ele- whether or not they are terrorists, narcotraffickers, ments.4 Nuclear-armed nation-states offer the United organized crime figures, or eco-activists. The States the use of airspace and limited basing rights emerging standard is to hide in the open, avoid even as they verbally oppose U.S. actions against unique signatures, and outsource infrastructure while other nations in their region and carry out their own denying its benefits to the adversary. war mobilization against nuclear-armed neighbors.5 Some would argue that Taliban and al-Qaeda American and Russian military units, foreign affairs forces operating in Afghanistan massed and orga- departments, scientists, and nongovernmental orga- nized in ways akin to a conventional fighting force. nizations (NGOs) carry out coordinated operations Certainly, U.S. Armed Forces were innovative in the within nation-states, acting out of mutual interest.6 use of new technologies and organizing constructs Every day, foreign hackers attempt cyber attacks or to dominate the battlespace quickly and achieve to emplace viral infections against America’s criti- battlefield success. However, we should not rely on cal infrastructure. Adversaries working within U.S. future adversaries to make the mistake of massing borders continue to plan, plot, and act. organized conventional-like forces and attempting to The battlespaces in which the United States en- fight from fixed positions or from a definable, gages its adversaries are no longer “over there,” and targetable geographic base of operations. More it can no longer defend its interests and provide its likely, future adversaries will strive for global disper- citizens security by being “over there.” Defending sion, operate from networked structures, and avoid the United States is now as much about local law- decisive engagements with conventional forces on enforcement officers patrolling and protecting criti- land, sea, or air. Adversaries will continue to rely on cal infrastructure nodes in Omaha, Nebraska, as it January - February 2004 MILITARY REVIEW 21
  • 3. was during World War II when U.S. servicemen Operations will be overt, covert, and clandestine— stormed Omaha Beach. simultaneously. One can even envision an e-SOF America’s defense must be local, regional, and component conducting specialized high-risk, high-gain global. Its economy, workforce, national infrastruc- activities within the virtual world of U.S. adversar- tures, foreign policy, national security, and psyche are ies. Acting within predetermined authority, scale, and commander’s intent, 21st-century task forces will Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld has achieve a range of tactical through strategic effects indicated a desire for special operators to deploy with speed, precision, and from near and far. to countries on demand, achieve results, and A reduced observe-orient-decide-act (OODA) then leave as quickly as they entered. loop at the joint unit-of-action level, enabled by su- This might occur with or without host-nation perbly trained, technology enhanced and empowered assistance or approval. teams will achieve the results the newest national- security strategy envisions.9 The United States will engage adversaries in unexpected ways, leveraging interlinked and interdependent. The Nation’s nation- new weapons and techniques and deploying forces ally and globally integrated elements are the from existing and future—perhaps even commer- battlespaces and dimensions of 21st-century cial—platforms to reach remote areas of the world. warfare. Although America might be first among The United States will act with effects, rather than equals, its conscious and unconscious existence weapons, in mind. is tightly coupled to experiences shared with its SOF elements will become more specialized. Elite global neighbors. conventional forces will take the role of 20th-cen- Action elements. Like it or not, preemption is tury SOF. Twentieth-century conventional (legacy) recognized as a legitimate form of self-defense. Fu- forces will transform; deploy rapidly; oppose nation- ture engagements are merely the branches and se- state and contrarian forces in politically acceptable quels flowing from what is being executed today. The environs; and ultimately remain technologically variables are the degree of engagement, the meth- and morally dominant.10 ods of engagement, and how explicitly engagements become known to those not directly involved. War- New Patterns and Effects fare can no longer be characterized as the conven- Effects-Based Operations, I believe, [is] a tional forces of a nation-state engaging in the deliv- sound concept but needs more refinement. We are ery of munitions and destruction in pitched battles not ready to go forward yet. . . . on land, sea, and air. Operations are no longer — General William F. Kernan, Commander, merely focused against an opposing nation-state’s U.S. Joint Forces Command11 forces and means to make and sustain the fight. The traditional military terms of maneuver and The U.S. Special Operations Command (SO- fires might be insufficient for use in the 21st cen- COM) is to receive a 50 percent increase in annual tury. Will forces fire and maneuver in the virtual budget, 4,000 additional operators, and broader re- realm? How does the concept of positional advan- sponsibility to act around the globe. Secretary of De- tage apply against networked, technologically sophis- fense Donald H. Rumsfeld has indicated a desire ticated adversaries (nation-states or nonstate ac- for special operators to deploy to countries on de- tors)? Will the United States achieve dominant mand, achieve results, and then leave as quickly as maneuver and precision engagement against a cyber they entered.7 This might occur with or without host- or “de-massified,” cellular enemy attacking critical nation assistance or approval. In testimony on 12 national (governmental and commercial) infrastruc- March 2002, General Charles Holland, former ture and global interests? SOCOM Commander, ensured Congress that the We might have to redefine warfare itself in the special operations community could execute must- 21st century. If politics are the resolution of conflicts succeed operations and that such operations would by peaceful means and war is politics by other be completed with “absolute certainty and profes- means, how are we to describe events that are de- sionalism.”8 liberately caused by external actors and that result Special Operations Force (SOF) elements, inte- in massive financial losses; influence shifts across grated with Department of State, law-enforcement, sovereign governments and coalitions; major rede- cyberwarriors, host-nation, and even NGO elements finition in internal value systems; and changes in will engage adversaries within the global landscape. social structures? 22 January - February 2004 MILITARY REVIEW
  • 4. Iraqi prisoners being released by the 101st Airborne Division, 18 May 2003. US Army The United States should explore its capability to deconstruct the network properties of [nonstate adversaries] and limit their attractiveness to new players. A range of human-based operations, whether classed as nation building, foreign aid, media campaigns, or PSYOPs, might achieve both. A catch-and-release program for suspected operatives might create reluctance or distrust in such suspects and prevent them from further acts. Are other nations, as well as the United States, it should also envision multiple forms of proactive limited in response if no kinetic shots are fired? defense and defeat mechanisms. Maneuver, or the Would America be in a global war on terrorism to- achievement of positional advantage, takes a multi- day if on 11 September 2001 al-Qaeda had caused tude of forms, limiting the adversary’s ability to func- multiple airliner crashes, banking system shutdowns, tion or act in optimal ways, and in effect, might de- and massive emergency responder service disrup- ter the notion entirely. Employing desired effects on tions through cyber means? What if these events adversaries implies the concept of maneuver itself. had occurred over a period of weeks or months America must begin to think, develop, train, and rather than on a single day? Certainly the 1993 at- advance concepts and techniques for new ap- tack on the World Trade Center; the 1997 bombing proaches within the mainstream defense community. of the U.S. barracks in Saudi Arabia; the 1998 at- The Nation must invest in the strategies and ap- tacks on the U.S. Embassy in Tanzania and Zaire; proaches necessary to attack root causes, impose and the 2000 attack on the USS Cole did not com- will, or commit initiative-based warfare (whatever pel the Nation to act decisively. Yet, al-Qaeda op- that means in the collective future), and find ways eratives also carried out these events. to introduce randomness, ambiguity, and chaos into What are the national thresholds and attack-clas- adversaries’ neural battlespace. America needs to sification schemes that will compel national elements integrate effects-based capabilities as a complement of power to respond in the future? How will the to civil-military-interagency operations as the latest United States implement the newest national secu- national security strategy describes. rity strategy in the broader terms and environments What is critical mass, centers of gravity, or the this century presents rather than those of the 20th new battlespace calculus in the Third Wave envi- century? ronment?12 How does the Nation prevent further If the United States accepts that warfare can take coalescence or collusion of confederated forces multiple, interrelated forms in the 21st century, then against U.S. interests? The Nation should explore January - February 2004 MILITARY REVIEW 23
  • 5. forces employ precise effects, enabled by exquisite [The 9/11] terrorists used U.S. soil intelligence, they can work in advanced ways within and commercial schools for advanced training, the mental and psychological realm of adversaries. ATM systems to access funds, and U.S. airliners The results might be measured differently in the 21st as explosive projectiles. Print, cyber, and century—different by orders of magnitude. Ulti- televised media became a real-time dissemin- mately, the military will need to achieve an omni- ation system for imagery and battle damage present, persistent effect (like gravity in the physi- assessment, even offering postoperation- cal, terrestrial realm) on the minds and intentions of effects analysis for the adversary. current and future adversaries. Figure 1 frames the various dimensions of 21st-century battlespaces.14 the ways and means of increasing replacement Desired Effects costs for key adversarial leaders. We should attempt Today’s cancer drugs are notorious for kill- to qualify or quantify conditions within an adver- ing healthy cells along with cancerous ones. A sary’s network when the loss of network elements new anticancer approach could offer more of a and the value proposition cause the adversary’s precise option: kill just the tumor by choking off wholesale collapse. The military needs a new lexi- its blood supplies. The first drugs based on this con and employment doctrine to describe the tools approach are now in human trials and, if they and proxies for the tactics needed to achieve full- work, could provide a virtually side-effect-free spectrum dominance.13 means of fighting a host of cancers. What are the effects of fires in the 21st century? — Technology Review15 The military certainly seeks advantages in precision, Imagine how the Nation would act if it were de- range, speed, volume, and relative effect to the tar- nied the ability to protect its vital national interests get. If U.S. forces can effect targets at will, they on foreign soil? We now know that al-Qaeda coor- can change the battlespace calculus for warfare. As dinated the attack on the United States in Hamburg, 24 January - February 2004 MILITARY REVIEW
  • 6. A US Marine is immobil- ized during a sticky foam demonstration. Germany. How would we have acted if we had known where these plots and commitments were being actualized, although host nations were un- aware, unprepared, or unwilling to act? What if a host nation, characterized as a modern, globally con- nected economy, were to unwittingly harbor a para- sitic threat but refuse to accept proof that cells ex- isted within their borders? How would the United States eliminate the cells and act without creating great collateral damage in a major urban area and still create the effect desired on the targeted cells? Envision the construct of effects-based operations applied by or to nonstate adversaries. Operating glo- bally and within a loose, confederated-network con- struct, these actors coalesce either for ideological reasons or for profit motive (perhaps both). The United States should explore its capability to deconstruct the network properties of its organiza- tions and limit their attractiveness to new players. A range of human-based operations, whether classed as nationbuilding, foreign aid, media cam- paigns, or psychological operations (PSYOPs), might achieve both. A catch-and-release program for sus- pected operatives might create reluctance or distrust in such suspects and prevent them from further acts or, perhaps more important, create distrust in the cell leaders of these individuals in the future.16 The cap- USMC tor would determine when to name names and when to remain silent. Multidisciplined intelligence opera- Combining lethal and nonlethal; tions would help understand and sense adversarial kinetic and nonkinetic strikes; and engagement network operations. strategies creates opportunities and reduces Long-term foreign assistance through SOF and current and future operating costs. U.S. aid can reduce the numbers of disaffected These constructs now allow greater selectivity people susceptible to adversaries’ value systems and for physical force employment than at any the attractiveness of those systems.17 Such opera- other time in history. tions can be goodwill initiatives that might be criti- cal elements in achieving support from new coali- tion partners and, as such, provide secure operating nonkinetic capabilities have the real potential to bases and airspace usage, such as enjoyed in the achieve global pressure, reach, surprise, and perhaps former Soviet “stan” states north of Afghanistan. most alarming to adversaries, a unilateral ability to These operations also affect the capabilities and act. Once the United States achieves persistent properties of the adversary’s network, such as those presence within the neo-cortical layer of an who would render aid or abet adversaries. As an adversary’s psyche, it might, in fact, achieve the true analogy, adversaries’ software would become incom- aim of national power.19 patible within U.S. operating systems and servers. To attain the outcomes they are charged to Effects-based operations, incorporating nonkinetic achieve, combatant commanders should be armed tools, perhaps, provide the flexible, scalable options with a greater range of these options. Combining le- needed in future environments. Host nations might thal and nonlethal; kinetic and nonkinetic strikes; and turn a blind eye if we act judiciously and do not engagement strategies creates opportunities and re- cause social or economical disruptions.18 Acting duces current and future operating costs. These con- swiftly and decisively with or without attribution can structs now allow greater selectivity for physical also be enhanced using nonkinetic employment. The force employment than at any other time in history. asymmetric options realized through kinetic and Even better, the United States has the conventional January - February 2004 MILITARY REVIEW 25
  • 7. National Guard troops assist airport security and local law enforcement in San Juan, Puerto Rico, February 2003. Delivering effects. Friendly cyber or virtual op- erations live on the same networks and systems as adversaries’ networks and systems. In most cases, both use the same protocols, infrastructures, and plat- forms. They can quickly turn any space into a battlespace. Operations within this battlespace might attempt to sense, attract, deny, disrupt, and manipu- late the enemy at leadership, foot-soldier, and re- source levels. By virtually maneuvering to seize digi- tal instructions; understanding and then seizing cyber-based financial transactions (roughly equating to virtual fires against logistics); and introducing un- certainty to deny confidence in their distributed op- eration security, can the United States achieve ef- fects comparable to lethal direct action against a handful of cells?21 Within physical-effects operations, both kinetic and nonkinetic, the military must achieve denial, disrup- tion, defeat, and destruction of the functional ele- ments of the network. Doing so can be character- US Army ized as actions against people and materiel. Perhaps these are policy and strategy questions, Defending the United States is now but the answers to such questions will influence as much about local law-enforcement officers changes in tactics, in applying military force, and in patrolling and protecting critical infrastructure exercising national power. The military needs to nodes in Omaha, Nebraska, as it was change the way it fights and the way it uses weap- during World War II when U.S. servicemen ons systems to create greater options for command- stormed Omaha Beach. ers. Since fighting is the failure strategy, the Armed Forces should at least develop and use methods that do not compound this failure.22 As Forrest Gump overmatch; the scientific and technologic base; and might say, Transformation is as Transformation does. the global reach to make this work. The motivation for adding powerful new tools has Time is on the Nation’s side—for the moment. never been stronger. For example, the ongoing However, America does not have a global monopoly Israeli-Palestinian conflict rages in the streets. on research investment, brainpower, and innovation. Missiles, tanks, rockets, and suicide bombers destroy Seventy percent of the world’s research occurs out- everything and everyone around them. In such cir- side of the United States, and 70 percent of U.S. cumstances, would we ask how would we fight? research is commercial. One futures study predicts Perhaps the Israeli Defense Force’s (IDF’s) perfor- orders of magnitude increases in weapons effective- mance during the Seven Day War inspired U.S. ness and availability at orders of magnitude reduced General Don Starry to develop AirLand Battle Doc- costs.20 In short, adversaries will soon be able to cre- trine, which created conditions for America’s 100- ate catastrophic effects supporting their intended hour victory over Iraq during the Persian Gulf war.23 outcomes at bargain-basement prices. Even so, the IDF is not the model to optimally use The important element to take away from this con- for carrying out strikes against adversaries in the struct is that the United States does not yet have a 21st-century capabilities-based military using effects- joint, interagency concept of operations to combine based operations. The United States will expand the effects to achieve desired outcomes. The Nation has application of new tools in warfare. not developed a joint, integrated, full-spectrum Setting conditions. The U.S. Department of warfighting doctrine and employment strategy for the Defense might soon announce more definitive steps full scope of effects the military can, currently and to create the SJTF as exercised in the Millennium within the near future, bring to bear against adver- Challenge 2002 exercise. SJTFs will bring effects- saries across the scope and spectrum of 21st-cen- based targeting strategy more to the forefront. And, tury conflict. as SJTFs standup under unified commands, the syn- 26 January - February 2004 MILITARY REVIEW
  • 8. EFFECTS-BASED OPERATIONS ergies of each services’ kinetic and nonkinetic war- Effects and their potential. If nonkinetic weap- fare programs might be realized. ons, such as antitraction substances, can deny The continuous feeds from multiple types of sen- bridges from enemy use rather than destroying the sors will provide multidimensional views of the tar- bridge itself, then what is the compelling rationale get of interest as well as a persistent contact with for destruction? Achieving results through the use the adversary that will further enable decision su- periority and allow decisionmakers and operators to determine the optimal timing, tempo, and types of Taliban and al-Qaeda forces oper- effects required to achieve selected outcomes.24 ating in Afghanistan massed and organized in The military will soon be able to achieve a level of ways akin to a conventional fighting force. . . . predictive battle damage assessment through the use Future adversaries will strive for global of advanced modeling, allowing ever more precise dispersion, operate from networked structures, effects-based targeting.25 This type of targeting and and avoid decisive engagements. . . . effects delivery will not be characterized by current Adversaries will continue to rely on uniting precision weapons and modifiers, such as Toma- principles rooted in common value systems, hawk missiles or the joint direct attack munitions, profit motives, or cultural bonds. able to achieve ballistic-effect delivery within a reduced circular probability of error; it will be char- of area denial or countermobility agents, rather than acterized by a new level of precision based on the artillery-delivered family of scatterable mines or air- influence of the strike or action delivered on target delivered antipersonnel, anti-vehicle, target-activated with predetermined and pre-selected second, third, minefield systems, would be even better. If preci- and n-order effects. To be sure, doing so will require sion-directed, high-energy microwave or acoustic nonkinetic and kinetic strikes and will continue to weapons can sense, fix, and disable or destroy ur- complement each other for achieving outcomes fa- ban snipers or barricaded enemy squads within vorable for the Nation. apartment complexes, why should the military focus Influencing adversaries, aided by advanced simu- on attrition-based tactics, albeit with higher technol- lations, such as influence-net modeling, will provide ogy, although still “high-touch,” force employments? even greater insight for preoperational targeting, ef- Graphite dust bombs and high-energy radio fre- fects-based strike analysis, and poststrike assess- quency weapons can destroy enemy command, con- ments.26 These tools will help us select branches or trol, communications, computers, and intelligence sequels or both in near-real time.27 SJTFs with in- (C4I) systems and power-transfer stations.28 Com- teragency and coalition components will have great puter attacks can disrupt a variety of functions ad- resources and capabilities embedded within versaries require across the spectrum of future decisionmaking and execution frameworks. Com- war.29 Media broadcast, information operations, manders can act with a broader range of options, host-nation support, and foreign aid can reduce tar- always seeking the best alternative for target effect geted demographic group acceptance of state and and national outcomes. Knowledge is the fuel for nonstate actor anti-American messages and their operating in the 21st century. Speed and pervasive- value proposition. If such activities or effects reduce ness (global reach on demand) of action is the de- the enemy’s capabilities, support structures, and re- terminate factor in the outcome. source bases, including current manning and future When the decision to employ effects is made, pre- recruits, then employing lethality requires even more operational and postoperational cost savings will be selectivity and prejudice. measurable as well. Selecting the effect-and-employ- Few question the capabilities and reach of today’s ment method from the widest possible range of po- U.S. military. U.S. forces can execute small-scale tential options reduces vulnerability and the require- contingencies and dominate a conventional theater ment to establish robust secure forward bases and of war on order. Current questions about U.S. strat- retains national agility and initiative. The military can egy are not about the ability to win decisively or act with precise effects, achieve results, and quickly what projected losses are or will be. Today’s ques- change battlespace dimensions from one engagement tions are about the costs of postwar cleanup. to another. In short, truly integrating effects-based Practical applications. Applying force requires operations in support of national-security strategy can exquisite intelligence down to the operator level prevent the Nation from becoming mired in lengthy, provided over a secure, networked C4I structure. costly force deployments in foreign lands. Data and intelligence flow is a key contributor to January - February 2004 MILITARY REVIEW 27
  • 9. the ability to achieve decision superiority and dom- mander’s intent, tactical forces will shoot, move, and inance over adversaries. communicate to achieve effects against adversar- As the military learns more about the capabilities ies without the delays of a staff relaying, filtering, and limitations of the nonkinetic applications of force and interpreting the current battlespace condition. Applying nonkinetic force is scalable and can re- duce risks normally associated with the entry of U.S. Truly integrating effects-based operations in forces. Operational risks are reduced as standoff in- support of national-security strategy can prevent creases (without the corollary loss of precision or the Nation from becoming mired in lengthy, effect). Nonballistic, if not nonkinetic force, solutions costly force deployments in foreign lands. enable—wholly or in part—operators to act in close or standoff operations to achieve desired effects on through exercise, simulation, and actual engage- the target entity, denying mobility and employing ments, it can expect the coupling of kinetic and countermobility tools across the spectrum of conflict nonkinetic weapons with advanced precision-guided in the physical and the virtual realms. The next step delivery systems, man-emplaced systems, and is to explore, define, and develop the proxies for the human-delivered effects. Sensor links to delivery physical tactics of warfare that have been so com- platforms, using knowledge-based applications to pletely studied, and then train the force to employ speed information to the point or points of decision, them in the 21st century. will reduce the “D” time in the OODA loop, which Figure 3, a notional example of an execution plan in effect, will allow us to cycle through engagements and time line, is a macro look at conducting outcome- and operational Go/No Go criteria with unprec- based, effects-based warfare across multiple dimen- edented speed. Decisions will be enabled at the low- sions and battlespaces. Figure 3 also shows an arti- est levels of operation. Given solid operational frame- ficially compressed timeframe and sequence of works; an assured, accessible common relevant effects for descriptive purposes. For a globally net- operating picture; and sufficiently detailed com- worked adversary, forces would necessarily plan 28 January - February 2004 MILITARY REVIEW
  • 11. Special Forces and 3d Infantry Division personnel establish a checkpoint to combat terrorist acts by Iraqi soldiers dressed as civilians, 23 March 2003. US Army SOF elements will become more specialized. Elite conventional forces will take the role of 20th-century SOF. Twentieth-century conventional (legacy) forces will transform; deploy rapidly; oppose nation-state and contrarian forces in politically acceptable environs; and ultimately remain technologically and morally dominant. and execute this execution plan in the enemy’s world, where new threats emerge suddenly, often matching, mirrored battlespace, and it would be far without warning, to surprise us. We cannot afford less linear in the application of effects and even more not to change, and rapidly, if we hope to live in customized and decentralized in delivery. that world. — Donald H. Rumsfeld31 What if potential adversaries also have these Perhaps terrorist organizations best understand weapons or tools?30 Will the United States engage effects-based operations. The attacks on 11 in mutually assured disruption? How would we do September 2001 had less to do with selected tar- this against nonstate actors? This is the crux of the gets and more to do with the causation of syner- concern over rogue nations and terrorists obtaining gistic effects.32 weapons of mass destruction. These issues certainly Applying the notion of unrivaled information avail- affect homeland defense, coalition forming, and mul- ability to the dimensions of the future battlespace tinational support. Is this perhaps the Achilles’ Heel forces us to conclude that future U.S. unified com- of global giants? manders must act locally, regionally, and globally si- The current concept of continuity of operations multaneously. Yet, they might lack frameworks for planning; mission and information assurance; and understanding these intersections—intersections that critical site and infrastructure protection take on criti- global businesses already understand. cal necessity. The Nation’s systems are, perhaps, the Current stovepipes, also known as doctrinal un- most vulnerable to network and asymmetric attack, derpinnings, present in each of the military depart- given the overwhelming reliance and vast dimen- ments and armed services, act to prevent potential sions of U.S. governmental and commercial inter- synergies at this time. Effects-based operations re- ests around the globe. quire a full joint doctrine, organization, training, lead- ership, materiel, and systems approach to bring this Imperatives for Transformation concept to full potential. This construct should be We are fighting the first wars of the 21st cen- born and bred under a joint organization; matured tury with a Defense Department that was fash- over time in joint applied operations; and nurtured ioned to meet the challenges of the mid-20th within the service schools. If 21st-century weapons century. . . . We have an industrial age organ- are only subsets of the tools for waging offensive ization, yet we are living in an information age and defensive war in the 20th century, then the 30 January - February 2004 MILITARY REVIEW
  • 12. EFFECTS-BASED OPERATIONS military must develop paths and educational systems to create the master craftsmen of the future. Some- [Effects-based operations] should where in the ranks, most likely with 5 to 10 years be born and bred under a joint organization; of service under their belts, are the future unified matured over time in joint applied operations; commanders and senior defense chiefs who will re- and nurtured within the service schools. alize the nature of the capabilities resident in many current prototypes. keep defense capabilities rooted in 20th-century war- What would the average midcareer officer’s an- fare and lethargic in adopting breakthrough capabili- swer be if asked, “How do you conduct war?” ties. The force must not wait until the perfect re- Would the answer reflect 20th-century doctrine, tac- finement is revealed. Spiral development deprives us tics, weapons, and systems based on a service’s pa- of that excuse. rochial view and weapons programs? Or, would the New circumstances require advanced technology; officer respond with an understanding of today’s re- applied doctrine; modified organization; and ex- alities of warfare? Could the Nation, faced with the panded and integrated training. Leadership exposure circumstances Russia faced in October 2002, deal and development to new art forms and tools, with with the situation more effectively?33 If the Nation prototypical materiel and technical insertion, must trains mainstream operators in only narrow stove- make their way into the operation force. A spirally pipes, we will not be able to leverage the total power developed system fielding integrated with inter- of its capabilities. If warriors only receive training agency, homeland defense, and homeland security, in the use of hammers, every situation will look like is imperative in the 21st century. nails. Kinetic-based strikes and the service components The military must be prepared to take new tools employing them will not go away. Effects-based op- and concepts into emerging multidimensional erations are the future. We must continue to develop battlespace. A reluctance to act in new ways and a effects-based operations as a joint-interagency con- hesitation to apply novel tools and techniques will struct from conception to execution. MR NOTES 1. GEN Douglas A. MacArthur, Chief of Staff, 1931. fence Weekly, 8 November 2002, on-line at < 2. Aaron Zitner, “The Best Defense May Be A Good Offensive Stench,” Los Ange- jdw/jdw021108_1_n.shtml>. les Times, 10 November 2002, 1. 19. Richard Szafranski, “Neocortical Warfare? The Acme of Skill,” Military Review 3. John Arquilla and David Ronfeldt, eds., Networks and Netwars: The Future of (November 1994): 41-55. Terror, Crime, and Militancy (Santa Monica, CA: RAND, 2001), 363. 20. NASA-developed futures briefing. See on-line at < 4. John F. Burns with James Brooke, “Threats and Responses: Afghanistan; Karzai bushnell.pdf>. The briefing included the compilation of several futures studies from the Under Heavy U.S. Guard, Travels to Honor Assassinated Resistance Leader,” New York CIA, DIA, military departments, academia, and other national-level entities. Future ad- Times, 8 September 2002, 23. versaries can hurt the United States swiftly, deeply, and inexpensively with commercial 5. Celia W. Dugger, “The Indian-Pakistan Tension: News Analysis; Seeking a New technologies developed outside of the Nation. United States defense research and de- Ending,” New York Times, 2 January 2002, 1. velopment efforts alone cannot maintain a technological edge in future warfare. We must 6. Joby Warrick, “Risky Stash of Uranium Secured,” Washington Post, 23 August develop and employ new operating constructs and methods of warfare. 2002, 1. The article describes an NGO (nuclear threat initiative, a Sam Nunn-Ted Turner 21. Schwartau, “Asymmetrical Adversaries,” ORBIS (Spring 2000). This article pro- nonprofit entity) funding and coordinating an American, Russian, and Serbian operation vides a compilation of information warfare threats to the United States and cybermeans within Yugoslavia to secure 100 pounds of weapons-grade uranium. This was an effort of employing asymmetrical attack. to ensure nonstate actors or criminal elements could not steal the material. The incident 22. Szafranski, 41-55. illustrates potential interstate agency-NGO operations of the future. 23. Toffler and Toffler, 48-63. 7. Rowan Scarborough, “Rumsfeld Bolsters Special Forces; Expands Powers in War 24. The sensors envisioned for the future will have expanded capacity to sense en- on Terror,” The Washington Times, 6 January 2003, 1. ergy, molecules, digital transactions, and activity patterns from space, cyberspace, land, 8. GEN Charles R. Holland, statement before the Senate Armed Services Commit- sea, and air. Examples are “smart dust,” cyber “sniffers,” advanced remote spectral tee, Subcommittee on Emerging Threats and Capabilities, on the state of Special Op- sensing, and thermal and seismic sensors, to name a few. Multimodal sensors might erations Forces, 12 March 2002, on-line at < defeat any one type of camouflage or concealment tactic. These sensors have been writ- 2002/March/Holland.pdf>, 6. ten about in a variety of journals, trade publications, and scientific texts. See also a De- 9. The OODA loop concept is attributed to the late Colonel John R. Boyd, U.S. Air fense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) director’s statement to the U.S. Force, Retired. For a discussion on the OODA concept as a strategic enabler, read Senate Armed Services Committee, 10 April 2002, for complementary technologies. On- Boyd, “A Discourse on Winning and Losing,” and related works on-line at <www.d-n- line at <>.>; The National Security Strategy, on-line at 25. Julie A. Rosen and Wayne L Smith, “Influence Net Modeling for Strategic Plan- <>. ning: A Structured Approach to Information Operations,” Preprint-Phalanx (December 10. See the Department of Defense’s Transformation Study Report, Executive Sum- 2000), on-line at <>. mary/Transforming Military Operational Capabilities, 27 April 2001, on-line at 26. Ibid. <>. 27. William M. Arkin, “Mapping the Minds in Iraq’s Regime,” Los Angeles Times, 1 11. As quoted by the New York Times following Millennium Challenge 2002. September 2002. For a defense industry contractor’s support of Influence Net Modeling 12. Alvin Toffler and Heidi Toffler, War and Anti-War: Survival at the Dawn of the capabilities, see <>. Twenty-first Century (Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1993). 28. Jan S. Breemer, “War As We Knew It: The Real Revolution in Military Affairs/Un- 13. Weapons as described in this paper are merely the subsets of capabilities em- derstanding Paralysis in Military Operations,” Occasional Paper 19, Center for Strat- ployed in 21st-century warfare. egy and Technology, Air War College (December 2000), 17. See also Brian Bender, “U.S. 14. Several text references helped to synthesize the thinking and construction of the Soft Bombs Prove NATO’s Point,” Jane’s Defence Weekly, 12 May 1999, 4. graphics used in this article. Texts included Global Trends 2015: A Dialogue About the 29. Maryann Lawlor, “National Security Tackles Tough Security Issues,” Signal (Au- Future with Nongovernmental Experts (Washington, DC: U.S. National Intelligence gust 2002): 23-26. Council Publication, December 2000); Toffler and Toffler; Arquilla and Ronfeldt, eds., In 30. Vitaliy N. Tsygichko, ed., “Information Weapons as a New Means of Warfare,” chap Athena’s Camp: Preparing for Conflict in the Information Age (Santa Monica, CA: RAND, 3, “Information Challenges to National and International Security,” Moscow PIR Center, 1997); Arquilla and Ronfeldt, eds., Networks and Netwars; Winn Schwartau, Informa- Foreign Broadcast Information Service (FBIS), (Document ID: CEG20020110000313[100], tion Warfare (New York: Thunder’s Mouth Press, 1994). entry date 10 January 2001, version 3), 69-109. For a Chinese view of future warfare and 15. Extract: “Choking of Cancer—New drugs kill tumors from inside out,” Technol- capabilities, see Qiao Liang and Wang Xiangsui, Unrestricted Warfare (Beijing: PLA ogy Review (July-August 2002). Literature Arts Publishing House, 1999), translation FBIS. 16. David E. Kaplan, “Run and Gun,” U.S. News and World Report (30 September 31. Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld, address to the House Armed Services 2002). This article describes the capture of Ramzi Binalshib and a subsequent press Committee, Washington, D.C., 5 February 2003. release by the Pentagon indicating he is cooperating with the United States. The use of 32. Szafranski, “Fighting Stupid, Defending Smart,” Aerospace Power Journal (Spring the public media to name detainees and articulate levels of cooperation are sure to pre- 2002), on-line at <>. vent reentry into a terrorist cell as a trusted member and most likely limits the further 33. Based on first-hand accounts, the Chechen assault and hostage taking in a Mos- trust and assignments of close cell associates still at large. cow theater could have been a scene from a Hollywood script. What if al-Qaeda had con- 17. Daniel Pipes and Jonathon Schanzer, “Militant Islam’s New Strongholds,” New ducted this operation at the Kennedy Center in Washington, D.C.? Would the Nation have York Post, 22 October 2002. had the coordinated defense capability to help local or Federal forces save lives and act 18. Craig Hoyle and Andrew Koch, “Yemen Drone Strike: Just the Start?” Jane’s De- against the terrorists? January - February 2004 MILITARY REVIEW 31