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Applying Compiler Techniques to Iterate at Blazing Speed @pascallouis
Engineering at kaChing TDD from day one Full regression suite runs in less than 3 minutes Deploy to production 30+ times a day People have written and launched new features during interview process
Agenda Apply Compiler Techniques ? Profit!
Seriously… (Java focused) Software Analysis Anatomy of a compiler Creating meta tests  Leveraging Types Levels of interpretation Descriptors and signatures DRY your code (less bugs, greater reach for experts, higher testability)
Software Analysis Running a series of analyses on the code base. Catch common mistakes due to distracted developers, new hires or bad APIs.
Anatomy of a Compiler Annotated Abstract Syntax Tree Semantic Analysis Intermediate Representation Generation Intermediate Representation Abstract Syntax Tree Syntactic Analysis Optimization Optimized Intermediate  Representation Tokens Lexical Analysis Machine Code Generation Target Code Source Code
int x 1;  int y x + 2; Lexical Analysis IDENT(int) IDENT(x) ASGN NUMBER(1) SEMICOLON IDENT(int) IDENT(y) ASGN IDENT(x) PLUS NUMBER(2) SEMICOLON
IDENT(int) IDENT(x) ASGN NUMBER(1) SEMICOLON IDENT(int) IDENT(y) ASGN IDENT(x) PLUS NUMBER(2) SEMICOLON Syntactic Analysis PROGRAM(   LET(x, int, 1),   LET(y, int, PLUS(x, 2)))
PROGRAM(   LET(x, int, 1),   LET(y, int, PLUS(x, 2))) Semantic Analysis: Symbols PROGRAM(   LET(x, int, 1),   LET(y, int, PLUS(x, 2)))
PROGRAM(   LET(x, int, 1),   LET(y, int, PLUS(x, 2))) Semantic Analysis: Types PROGRAM(   LET(x: int, int, 1: int),   LET(y: int, int, PLUS(x: int, 2: int): int))
Optimizations Simple optimizations can be done on the Abstract Syntax Tree Other optimizations require specialized representations Static Single Assignment form Control Flow Graph
PROGRAM(   LET(x: int, int, 1: int),   LET(y: int, int, PLUS(3: int, 2: int): int)) Constant folding PROGRAM(   LET(x: int, int, 1: int),   LET(y: int, int, 5: int))
int x1 (a1 + b1) / c1;  int y1(a1+ b1) / d1; Common sub-expression elimination int temp  a + b; int x  temp / d; inty  temp / d;
int x1 (a1 + b1) / c1; a2a1 + 1; int y1(a2+ b1) / d1; Common sub-expression elimination intx (a + b) / c; a  a + 1; inty (a + b) / d;
Anatomy of a Compiler Semantic Analysis Intermediate Representation Generation Syntactic Analysis Optimization Lexical Analysis Machine Code Generation
javac Target Code Source Code
PMD Annotated Abstract Syntax Tree Source Code
joeq Intermediate Representation Source Code
scalac Semantic Analysis Intermediate Representation Generation Syntactic Analysis Optimization Lexical Analysis Machine Code Generation
Finding bad code snippets Describe bad code snippets using regular expressions. Analysis done on the source code, before lexical analysis as information such as whitespaces are lost.  Extremely easy to implement.
@CodeSnippets({ @Check(paths = {"src", "srctest"}, snippets = { @Snippet("bif("), @Snippet("super()")     }, @Check(paths = {"srctest"}, snippets = { @Snippet("@Ignores ")     }) }) @RunWith(BadCodeSnippetsRunner.class) public classBadCodeSnippetsTest { }
for(Snippet s : snippets) { if(patterns.get(s).matcher(line).find()) { uses.get(s).add(file);     } }
Forbidden Calls scala>BigDecimal.valueOf(1).equals(BigDecimal.valueOf(1.0)) res1: Boolean = false scala>BigDecimal.valueOf(1).compareTo(BigDecimal.valueOf(1.0)) == 0 res2: Boolean = true
@ForbiddenCalls( { @Check(paths = {"bin"}, forbiddenMethods = { "java.math.BigDecimal#equals(java.lang.Object)",     }) }) @RunWith(ForbiddenCallsTestRunner.class) public class ForbiddenCallsTest { }
Finding Forbidden Calls Must be done after the typed AST is created.   a.equals(b)
voiddoStuff(BigDecimal a, BigDecimal b) { boolean c = a.equals(b);  } Code:    0:	aload_1    1:	aload_2    2:	invokevirtual	#2;    5:	astore_3   6:       return
voiddoStuff(BigDecimal a, BigDecimal b) { boolean c = a.equals(b);  } Code:    0:	aload_1    1:	aload_2 2:	invokevirtual	#2;    5:	astore_3   6:       return 2:0xb6 3:          0x00 4:          0x02
const #2   = Method                  #14.#15; const #14 = class                        #18; const #15 = NameAndType      #19:#20 const #18 = Ascizjava/math/BigDecimal; const#19 = Ascizequals; const #20 = Asciz(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z;
voiddoStuff(BigDecimal a, BigDecimal b) { boolean c = a.equals(b);  } Code:    0:	aload_1    1:	aload_2    2:	invokevirtualjava/math/BigDecimal.equals(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z    5:	astore_3   6:       return
ClassFile {     u4 magic;     u2 minor_version;    u2 major_version;     u2 constant_pool_count; cp_infoconstant_pool[constant_pool_count-1];     u2 access_flags;     u2 this_class;     u2 super_class;     u2 interfaces_count;     u2 interfaces[interfaces_count];     u2 fields_count; field_infofields[fields_count];     u2 methods_count; method_infomethods[methods_count];     u2 attributes_count; attribute_infoattributes[attributes_count]; }
ClassFile {     u4 magic;     u2 minor_version;    u2 major_version;     u2 constant_pool_count; cp_infoconstant_pool[constant_pool_count-1]; u2 access_flags;     u2 this_class;     u2 super_class;     u2 interfaces_count;     u2 interfaces[interfaces_count];     u2 fields_count; field_infofields[fields_count];     u2 methods_count; method_infomethods[methods_count];     u2 attributes_count; attribute_infoattributes[attributes_count]; } const #18 = Ascizjava/math/BigDecimal; const #19 = Ascizequals; const #20 = Asciz(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z;
ClassFile {     u4 magic;     u2 minor_version;    u2 major_version;     u2 constant_pool_count; cp_infoconstant_pool[constant_pool_count-1];     u2 access_flags;     u2 this_class;     u2 super_class;     u2 interfaces_count;     u2 interfaces[interfaces_count];     u2 fields_count; field_infofields[fields_count];     u2 methods_count; method_infomethods[methods_count]; u2 attributes_count; attribute_infoattributes[attributes_count]; } method_info {     u2 access_flags;     u2 name_index;     u2 descriptor_index;     u2 attributes_count; attribute_infoattributes[attributes_count]; }
method_info{     u2 access_flags;     u2 name_index;     u2 descriptor_index;     u2 attributes_count; attribute_info attributes[attributes_count]; } Code_attribute {     u2 attribute_name_index;     u4 attribute_length;     u2 max_stack;     u2 max_locals;     u4 code_length;     u1 code[code_length];     u2 exception_table_length;     {         u2 start_pc;         u2 end_pc;         u2 handler_pc;         u2 catch_type;     } exception_table[exception_table_length];     u2 attributes_count; attribute_infoattributes[attributes_count]; }
Code_attribute {     u2 attribute_name_index;     u4 attribute_length;     u2 max_stack;     u2 max_locals;     u4 code_length;     u1 code[code_length]; u2 exception_table_length;     {         u2 start_pc;         u2 end_pc;         u2 handler_pc;         u2 catch_type;     } exception_table[exception_table_length];     u2 attributes_count; attribute_info attributes[attributes_count]; }  0:	aload_1 1:	aload_2 2:	invokevirtual   #2; 5: 	astore_3 6:	return
ASM @Override publicvoidvisitMethodInsn( intopcode,         String owner,         String name,         String descriptor) {    …. }
ASM @Override publicvoidvisitMethodInsn( intopcode,                            0xb6        String owner, "java.math.BigDecimal"        String name,                          "equals"        String descriptor) {               "(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z"    …. }
Failed Assertion junit.framework.AssertionFailedError:    calls java.math.BigDecimal#equals(java.lang.Object)    on line 273
Visibility Test class Lists {    … @VisibleForTesting static intcomputeArrayListCapacity(int size) { return (int) Math.min(            5L + size + (size / 10), Integer.MAX_VALUE);   } }
Visibility Test class QuoteHttpClientimplementsQuoteClient { @Inject HttpClientclient;    Quote getQuote(Symbol<?> symbol) { return …;   } }
@Visibilities({ @Check(paths = {"bin"}, visibilities = { @Visibility(value = VisibleForTesting.class, intent = PRIVATE), @Visibility(value = Inject.class, intent = PRIVATE)    }) }) @RunWith(VisibilityTestRunner.class) public class VisibilityTest { }
Two Passes Find all classes, fields and methods annotated with the specified annotations. Find all instructions referring to these classes, fields and methods.
ASM @Override publicAnnotationVisitorvisitAnnotation(    String descriptor,  booleanvisible) {     … }
ASM @Override publicAnnotationVisitorvisitAnnotation(    String descriptor,      "Lcom/google/common/annotations/VisibleForTesting;" booleanvisible) {      false     … }
booleanisVisibleBy( ParsedElement location, ParsedClasscurrentClass) {     Annotation annotation= annotations.get(location); if(annotation != null) {        …     } else { returntrue; // let's trust the compiler :) } }
Failed Assertion junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: com.kaching.account. ApplicationUploader#upload()    refers to @VisibleForTesting method com.kaching.account.Customer#getState() on line 149
Java 5+ Type System Primitives Objects Generics Wildcards Intersection types
Erasure Object eraser() {returnnewArrayList<String>();} Object obj = eraser(); // impossible to recover that obj is a listof string
Compiled classes $ cat; interfaceMustBeSerializable<T extendsSerializable> {} $cat class Value {} classExtendsMustBeSerializableimplementsMustBeSerializable<Value> {}
Compiled classes $ $rm $ls  $javac -cp . type parameter Value is not within its bound classExtendsMustBeSerializableimplementsMustBeSerializable<Value> {}                                                               ^ 1 error
Compiled classes Compiler must write type information in class file for proper semantics When compiling other classes, need to read those type information and check against those contracts
Taking a peek at classes $javap -v MustBeSerializable | grep -A 1 'Signature;' const #3 = Asciz        Signature; const #4 = Asciz        <T::Ljava/io/Serializable;>Ljava/lang/Object;;
Signatures Primitives B for byte, C for char, D for double, … Objects Lclassname; such as Ljava/lang/String; Arrays [B for byte[], [[D for double[][] Void V … 8 pages of documentation
With ASM org.objectweb.asm.signature.* org.objectweb.asm.Type
With Reflection java.lang.reflect.Type Class GenericArrayType(Type component) ParametrizedType(Type raw, Type[] arguments) TypeVariable(Type[] bounds, Sting name) WildcardType(    Type[] lowerBounds, Type[] upperBounds)
Some Examples String.class          Class<String> List<Integer> ParametrizedType(List.class, Integer.class) List<int[]> ParametrizedType(List.class, GenericArrayType(int.class))
Some Examples Map<? extends Shape, ? super Area> ParametrizedType(Map.class, {WildcardType({}, Shape.class),WildcardType(Area.class, {})        })
With Reflection java.lang.Class getGenericSuperclass() getGenericInterfaces()
Concrete Examples Unification Just-In-Time Providers
Unification MyClassimplements Callable<String> { … MyClass.class    .getGenericInterfaces()[0]    .getActualTypeArguments()[0] String.class!
Unification But if we have MyClassextendsAbstractCallable<String> { …AbstractCallable<T> implements Callable<T> { … Unification.getActualTypeArgument(MyClass.class, Callable.class, 0);
Unification – Want to Try? class MergeOfIntegerAndStringextends Merge<Integer, String> {} class Merge<K, V>  implementsOneTypeParam<Map<K, V>> {}  interfaceOneTypeParam<T>
Guice class QuoteHttpClientimplementsQuoteClient { @Inject HttpClientclient;     Quote getQuote(Symbol<?> symbol) { return …;     } }
Providers bind(Repository.class)    .toProvider(new Provider<Repository>() {        Repository get() {            return new RepositoryImpl(…);        }    });
Tedious Providers bind(new TypeLiteral<Marshaller<User>>() {})    .toProvider(new Provider<…>() {        Marshaller<User> get() {            return TwoLattes                  .createMarshaller(User.class);        }    });
It’s get tedious… @Inject Marshaller<User>@Inject Marshaller<Portfolio> @Inject Marshaller<Watchlist> …. ,[object Object]
TwoLatter.createMarshaller(Foo.class),[object Object]
Just-In-Time Providers Pattern matching on typesMarshaller<?> is a pattern forMarshaller<User>, Marshaller<Portfolio>, … Can be arbitrary complex, including wildcards, intersection types etc.
Tools PMD Javassist FindBugs Joeq Guice
References JVM spec Class File spec Super Type Tokens Unifying Type Parameters in Java Type Safe Bit Fields Using Higher Kinded Types

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Applying Compiler Techniques to Iterate At Blazing Speed

  • 1. Applying Compiler Techniques to Iterate at Blazing Speed @pascallouis
  • 2. Engineering at kaChing TDD from day one Full regression suite runs in less than 3 minutes Deploy to production 30+ times a day People have written and launched new features during interview process
  • 3. Agenda Apply Compiler Techniques ? Profit!
  • 4. Seriously… (Java focused) Software Analysis Anatomy of a compiler Creating meta tests Leveraging Types Levels of interpretation Descriptors and signatures DRY your code (less bugs, greater reach for experts, higher testability)
  • 5. Software Analysis Running a series of analyses on the code base. Catch common mistakes due to distracted developers, new hires or bad APIs.
  • 6. Anatomy of a Compiler Annotated Abstract Syntax Tree Semantic Analysis Intermediate Representation Generation Intermediate Representation Abstract Syntax Tree Syntactic Analysis Optimization Optimized Intermediate Representation Tokens Lexical Analysis Machine Code Generation Target Code Source Code
  • 7. int x 1; int y x + 2; Lexical Analysis IDENT(int) IDENT(x) ASGN NUMBER(1) SEMICOLON IDENT(int) IDENT(y) ASGN IDENT(x) PLUS NUMBER(2) SEMICOLON
  • 8. IDENT(int) IDENT(x) ASGN NUMBER(1) SEMICOLON IDENT(int) IDENT(y) ASGN IDENT(x) PLUS NUMBER(2) SEMICOLON Syntactic Analysis PROGRAM( LET(x, int, 1), LET(y, int, PLUS(x, 2)))
  • 9. PROGRAM( LET(x, int, 1), LET(y, int, PLUS(x, 2))) Semantic Analysis: Symbols PROGRAM( LET(x, int, 1), LET(y, int, PLUS(x, 2)))
  • 10. PROGRAM( LET(x, int, 1), LET(y, int, PLUS(x, 2))) Semantic Analysis: Types PROGRAM( LET(x: int, int, 1: int), LET(y: int, int, PLUS(x: int, 2: int): int))
  • 11. Optimizations Simple optimizations can be done on the Abstract Syntax Tree Other optimizations require specialized representations Static Single Assignment form Control Flow Graph
  • 12. PROGRAM( LET(x: int, int, 1: int), LET(y: int, int, PLUS(3: int, 2: int): int)) Constant folding PROGRAM( LET(x: int, int, 1: int), LET(y: int, int, 5: int))
  • 13. int x1 (a1 + b1) / c1; int y1(a1+ b1) / d1; Common sub-expression elimination int temp  a + b; int x  temp / d; inty  temp / d;
  • 14. int x1 (a1 + b1) / c1; a2a1 + 1; int y1(a2+ b1) / d1; Common sub-expression elimination intx (a + b) / c; a  a + 1; inty (a + b) / d;
  • 15. Anatomy of a Compiler Semantic Analysis Intermediate Representation Generation Syntactic Analysis Optimization Lexical Analysis Machine Code Generation
  • 16. javac Target Code Source Code
  • 17. PMD Annotated Abstract Syntax Tree Source Code
  • 19. scalac Semantic Analysis Intermediate Representation Generation Syntactic Analysis Optimization Lexical Analysis Machine Code Generation
  • 20. Finding bad code snippets Describe bad code snippets using regular expressions. Analysis done on the source code, before lexical analysis as information such as whitespaces are lost. Extremely easy to implement.
  • 21. @CodeSnippets({ @Check(paths = {"src", "srctest"}, snippets = { @Snippet("bif("), @Snippet("super()") }, @Check(paths = {"srctest"}, snippets = { @Snippet("@Ignores ") }) }) @RunWith(BadCodeSnippetsRunner.class) public classBadCodeSnippetsTest { }
  • 22. for(Snippet s : snippets) { if(patterns.get(s).matcher(line).find()) { uses.get(s).add(file); } }
  • 23. Forbidden Calls scala>BigDecimal.valueOf(1).equals(BigDecimal.valueOf(1.0)) res1: Boolean = false scala>BigDecimal.valueOf(1).compareTo(BigDecimal.valueOf(1.0)) == 0 res2: Boolean = true
  • 24. @ForbiddenCalls( { @Check(paths = {"bin"}, forbiddenMethods = { "java.math.BigDecimal#equals(java.lang.Object)", }) }) @RunWith(ForbiddenCallsTestRunner.class) public class ForbiddenCallsTest { }
  • 25. Finding Forbidden Calls Must be done after the typed AST is created. a.equals(b)
  • 26. voiddoStuff(BigDecimal a, BigDecimal b) { boolean c = a.equals(b); } Code: 0: aload_1 1: aload_2 2: invokevirtual #2; 5: astore_3 6: return
  • 27. voiddoStuff(BigDecimal a, BigDecimal b) { boolean c = a.equals(b); } Code: 0: aload_1 1: aload_2 2: invokevirtual #2; 5: astore_3 6: return 2:0xb6 3: 0x00 4: 0x02
  • 28. const #2 = Method #14.#15; const #14 = class #18; const #15 = NameAndType #19:#20 const #18 = Ascizjava/math/BigDecimal; const#19 = Ascizequals; const #20 = Asciz(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z;
  • 29. voiddoStuff(BigDecimal a, BigDecimal b) { boolean c = a.equals(b); } Code: 0: aload_1 1: aload_2 2: invokevirtualjava/math/BigDecimal.equals(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z 5: astore_3 6: return
  • 30. ClassFile { u4 magic; u2 minor_version; u2 major_version; u2 constant_pool_count; cp_infoconstant_pool[constant_pool_count-1]; u2 access_flags; u2 this_class; u2 super_class; u2 interfaces_count; u2 interfaces[interfaces_count]; u2 fields_count; field_infofields[fields_count]; u2 methods_count; method_infomethods[methods_count]; u2 attributes_count; attribute_infoattributes[attributes_count]; }
  • 31. ClassFile { u4 magic; u2 minor_version; u2 major_version; u2 constant_pool_count; cp_infoconstant_pool[constant_pool_count-1]; u2 access_flags; u2 this_class; u2 super_class; u2 interfaces_count; u2 interfaces[interfaces_count]; u2 fields_count; field_infofields[fields_count]; u2 methods_count; method_infomethods[methods_count]; u2 attributes_count; attribute_infoattributes[attributes_count]; } const #18 = Ascizjava/math/BigDecimal; const #19 = Ascizequals; const #20 = Asciz(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z;
  • 32. ClassFile { u4 magic; u2 minor_version; u2 major_version; u2 constant_pool_count; cp_infoconstant_pool[constant_pool_count-1]; u2 access_flags; u2 this_class; u2 super_class; u2 interfaces_count; u2 interfaces[interfaces_count]; u2 fields_count; field_infofields[fields_count]; u2 methods_count; method_infomethods[methods_count]; u2 attributes_count; attribute_infoattributes[attributes_count]; } method_info { u2 access_flags; u2 name_index; u2 descriptor_index; u2 attributes_count; attribute_infoattributes[attributes_count]; }
  • 33. method_info{ u2 access_flags; u2 name_index; u2 descriptor_index; u2 attributes_count; attribute_info attributes[attributes_count]; } Code_attribute { u2 attribute_name_index; u4 attribute_length; u2 max_stack; u2 max_locals; u4 code_length; u1 code[code_length]; u2 exception_table_length; { u2 start_pc; u2 end_pc; u2 handler_pc; u2 catch_type; } exception_table[exception_table_length]; u2 attributes_count; attribute_infoattributes[attributes_count]; }
  • 34. Code_attribute { u2 attribute_name_index; u4 attribute_length; u2 max_stack; u2 max_locals; u4 code_length; u1 code[code_length]; u2 exception_table_length; { u2 start_pc; u2 end_pc; u2 handler_pc; u2 catch_type; } exception_table[exception_table_length]; u2 attributes_count; attribute_info attributes[attributes_count]; } 0: aload_1 1: aload_2 2: invokevirtual #2; 5: astore_3 6: return
  • 35. ASM @Override publicvoidvisitMethodInsn( intopcode, String owner, String name, String descriptor) { …. }
  • 36. ASM @Override publicvoidvisitMethodInsn( intopcode, 0xb6 String owner, "java.math.BigDecimal" String name, "equals" String descriptor) { "(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z" …. }
  • 37. Failed Assertion junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: calls java.math.BigDecimal#equals(java.lang.Object) on line 273
  • 38. Visibility Test class Lists { … @VisibleForTesting static intcomputeArrayListCapacity(int size) { return (int) Math.min( 5L + size + (size / 10), Integer.MAX_VALUE); } }
  • 39. Visibility Test class QuoteHttpClientimplementsQuoteClient { @Inject HttpClientclient; Quote getQuote(Symbol<?> symbol) { return …; } }
  • 40. @Visibilities({ @Check(paths = {"bin"}, visibilities = { @Visibility(value = VisibleForTesting.class, intent = PRIVATE), @Visibility(value = Inject.class, intent = PRIVATE) }) }) @RunWith(VisibilityTestRunner.class) public class VisibilityTest { }
  • 41. Two Passes Find all classes, fields and methods annotated with the specified annotations. Find all instructions referring to these classes, fields and methods.
  • 42. ASM @Override publicAnnotationVisitorvisitAnnotation( String descriptor, booleanvisible) { … }
  • 43. ASM @Override publicAnnotationVisitorvisitAnnotation( String descriptor, "Lcom/google/common/annotations/VisibleForTesting;" booleanvisible) { false … }
  • 44. booleanisVisibleBy( ParsedElement location, ParsedClasscurrentClass) { Annotation annotation= annotations.get(location); if(annotation != null) { … } else { returntrue; // let's trust the compiler :) } }
  • 45. Failed Assertion junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: com.kaching.account. ApplicationUploader#upload() refers to @VisibleForTesting method com.kaching.account.Customer#getState() on line 149
  • 46. Java 5+ Type System Primitives Objects Generics Wildcards Intersection types
  • 47. Erasure Object eraser() {returnnewArrayList<String>();} Object obj = eraser(); // impossible to recover that obj is a listof string
  • 48. Compiled classes $ cat; interfaceMustBeSerializable<T extendsSerializable> {} $cat class Value {} classExtendsMustBeSerializableimplementsMustBeSerializable<Value> {}
  • 49. Compiled classes $ $rm $ls $javac -cp . type parameter Value is not within its bound classExtendsMustBeSerializableimplementsMustBeSerializable<Value> {} ^ 1 error
  • 50. Compiled classes Compiler must write type information in class file for proper semantics When compiling other classes, need to read those type information and check against those contracts
  • 51. Taking a peek at classes $javap -v MustBeSerializable | grep -A 1 'Signature;' const #3 = Asciz Signature; const #4 = Asciz <T::Ljava/io/Serializable;>Ljava/lang/Object;;
  • 53. Signatures Primitives B for byte, C for char, D for double, … Objects Lclassname; such as Ljava/lang/String; Arrays [B for byte[], [[D for double[][] Void V … 8 pages of documentation
  • 54. With ASM org.objectweb.asm.signature.* org.objectweb.asm.Type
  • 55. With Reflection java.lang.reflect.Type Class GenericArrayType(Type component) ParametrizedType(Type raw, Type[] arguments) TypeVariable(Type[] bounds, Sting name) WildcardType( Type[] lowerBounds, Type[] upperBounds)
  • 56. Some Examples String.class Class<String> List<Integer> ParametrizedType(List.class, Integer.class) List<int[]> ParametrizedType(List.class, GenericArrayType(int.class))
  • 57. Some Examples Map<? extends Shape, ? super Area> ParametrizedType(Map.class, {WildcardType({}, Shape.class),WildcardType(Area.class, {}) })
  • 58. With Reflection java.lang.Class getGenericSuperclass() getGenericInterfaces()
  • 59. Concrete Examples Unification Just-In-Time Providers
  • 60. Unification MyClassimplements Callable<String> { … MyClass.class .getGenericInterfaces()[0] .getActualTypeArguments()[0] String.class!
  • 61. Unification But if we have MyClassextendsAbstractCallable<String> { …AbstractCallable<T> implements Callable<T> { … Unification.getActualTypeArgument(MyClass.class, Callable.class, 0);
  • 62. Unification – Want to Try? class MergeOfIntegerAndStringextends Merge<Integer, String> {} class Merge<K, V> implementsOneTypeParam<Map<K, V>> {} interfaceOneTypeParam<T>
  • 63. Guice class QuoteHttpClientimplementsQuoteClient { @Inject HttpClientclient; Quote getQuote(Symbol<?> symbol) { return …; } }
  • 64. Providers bind(Repository.class) .toProvider(new Provider<Repository>() { Repository get() { return new RepositoryImpl(…); } });
  • 65. Tedious Providers bind(new TypeLiteral<Marshaller<User>>() {}) .toProvider(new Provider<…>() { Marshaller<User> get() { return TwoLattes .createMarshaller(User.class); } });
  • 66.
  • 67.
  • 68. Just-In-Time Providers Pattern matching on typesMarshaller<?> is a pattern forMarshaller<User>, Marshaller<Portfolio>, … Can be arbitrary complex, including wildcards, intersection types etc.
  • 69. Tools PMD Javassist FindBugs Joeq Guice
  • 70. References JVM spec Class File spec Super Type Tokens Unifying Type Parameters in Java Type Safe Bit Fields Using Higher Kinded Types

Hinweis der Redaktion

  1. A token is a string of characters, categorized according to the rules as a symbol.
  2. Abstract interpretation
  3. n compiler design, static single assignment form (often abbreviated as SSA form or simply SSA) is an intermediate representation (IR) in which every variable is assigned exactly once. Existing variables in the original IR are split into versions, new variables typically indicated by the original name with a subscript, so that every definition gets its own version
  4. In functional language compilers, such as those for Scheme, ML and Haskell, continuation-passing style (CPS) is generally used where one might expect to find SSA in a compiler for Fortran or C. SSA is formally equivalent to a well-behaved subset of CPS
  5. A token is a string of characters, categorized according to the rules as a symbol.
  6. A token is a string of characters, categorized according to the rules as a symbol.
  7. A token is a string of characters, categorized according to the rules as a symbol.
  8. A token is a string of characters, categorized according to the rules as a symbol.
  9. A token is a string of characters, categorized according to the rules as a symbol.
  10. Internal name of the method’s owner class, method’s name and method’s descriptor.
  11. Pretty tricky