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10 t h O c t o b e r 2 017, M a l mö
# s e arc h s t ar s S E@ p a g e s a u c e
An swe rs are
a vai l abl e t o us l i ke
n eve r be f o re
We all
ask them
# s e arc h s t ar s S E@ p a g e s a u c e
Que st io n s.
# s e arc h s t ar s S E@ p a g e s a u c e
Que st io n s.
An swe rs are
a vai l abl e t o us l i ke
n eve r be f o re
We all
ask them
# s e arc h s t ar s S E@ p a g e s a u c e
Que st io n s.
An swe rs are
a vai l abl e t o us l i ke
n eve r be f o re
We all
ask them
google it
# s e arc h s t ar s S E@ p a g e s a u c e
Que st io n s.
We al l k n ow we h a ve
t h e re po sit o r y o f
know ledg e
Vo i ce s e arc h e s are
more specif ic & more
o f t e n a q u e s t i o n
& Apple
@ p a g e s a u c e
Que st io n s.
# s e arc h s t ar s S E@ p a g e s a u c e
Que st io n s.
We sa y w h at
h e l p we n e e d
google it
h ow -t o -f i x -a-
t o i l e t .co m /
A search =
a question
# s e arc h s t ar s S E@ p a g e s a u c e
Que st io n s.
E ve r y se arc h we
do is a q ue st io n
at is h e ar t
# s e arc h s t ar s S E@ p a g e s a u c e
Que st io n s.
ge t st at .co m/ blo g/
searc h -in t en t -
co nve rsio n -
o p t i m i z at i o n /
mo z .com/blog/segmenting- se arc h-int ent
B ac k i n 2 0 07 …
# s e arc h s t ar s S E@ p a g e s a u c e
Que st io n s.
We h a ve a
q uest ion-based
searc h cult ure
# s e arc h s t ar s S E@ p a g e s a u c e
Que st io n s.
# s e arc h s t ar s S E
We h a ve a
q uest ion-based
searc h cult ure
# s e arc h s t ar s S E@ p a g e s a u c e
Que st io n s.
We h a ve a
q uest ion-based
searc h cult ure
# s e arc h s t ar s S E@ p a g e s a u c e
Que st io n s.
G o o gl e ’s co n t e n t &
SE RP im provements =
be t t e r an swe rs
# s e arc h s t ar s S E@ p a g e s a u c e
Que st io n s.
G o o gl e ’s co n t e n t &
SE RP im provements =
be t t e r an swe rs
# s e arc h s t ar s S E@ p a g e s a u c e
Que st io n s.
G o o gl e ’s co n t e n t &
SE RP im provements =
be t t e r an swe rs
# s e arc h s t ar s S E@ p a g e s a u c e
Que st io n s.
As G oogle t ran slat e s
meaning, we ha ve t o
do t h e same
not pages
# s e arc h s t ar s S E@ p a g e s a u c e
Que st io n s.
T h e key t o k n owi n g
h ow t o bu i l d
ex pe r t co n t e n t
E x pan di n g ex pe r t
key word researc h
Researc h .
# s e arc h s t ar s S E
@ p a g e s a u c e
Researc h .
# s e arc h s t ar s S E
@ p a g e s a u c e
N e e ds, go als,
pro ble ms
& languag e
Researc h .
# s e arc h s t ar s S E@ p a g e s a u c e
o f f e r s .h u bs po t .co m /
pe rso n a-t e m plat e s
Researc h .
# s e arc h s t ar s S E@ p a g e s a u c e
I want to…N ARRATIVE:
So that…G OAL:
CO NTEXT: Using…
T h e i n t e n t
be h in d t h e st o r y
Wh o can t e ac h yo u
yo u ’re au di e n ce ’s
q uest ions?
Researc h .
# s e arc h s t ar s S E@ p a g e s a u c e
C u s t o m e r
s e r v i c e s
S h o p
f l o o r t e a m
S a l e s
t e a m
C o m m o n
i s s u e s
C u s t o m e r
g o a l s
B a r r i e r s
an al y t ics/ sur vey s/
Researc h .
# s e arc h s t ar s S E
@ p a g e s a u c e
Researc h .
# s e arc h s t ar s S E
Can we
@ p a g e s a u c e
T h ey ’ ve go t 9 9
pro ble ms, & I
wan t t o sol ve ‘em
Researc h .
# s e arc h s t ar s S E@ p a g e s a u c e
Use user q uest ion s &
rev i ew s t o f i n d
co mmo n t h e me s
Researc h .
# s e arc h s t ar s S E@ p a g e s a u c e
ge t st at .co m/ blo g/
pe o ple -also -ask/
Researc h .
# s e arc h s t ar s S E@ p a g e s a u c e
also ask…
T h e r i gh t t o o l f o r t h e
job, & dif f erent uses
f o r o u r f a vo u r i t e s
Researc h .
# s e arc h s t ar s S E@ p a g e s a u c e
imf ro mt /
key word-researc h-
n ow /
Researc h .
# s e arc h s t ar s S E@ p a g e s a u c e
toolbox al-funnel
Researc h .
# s e arc h s t ar s S E
Use the
@ p a g e s a u c e ofu-bofu
Key words t h at
classify a t o pic
Researc h .
@ p a g e s a u c e h-
an al y t ics-c h ro me
Researc h .
# s e arc h s t ar s S E@ p a g e s a u c e
Researc h .
# s e arc h s t ar s S E@ p a g e s a u c e
F i n d ex pl i ci t &
im plied q uestions
an swe r t h e m
F i n d ex pl i ci t &
im plied q uestions
Researc h .
# s e arc h s t ar s S E@ p a g e s a u c e
an swe r t h e m
h t t p:/ / f ro .gg/ an swe r-
t h e -public-use s
Researc h .
@ p a g e s a u c e
mo z .com /explorer/
key word/
Researc h .
# s e arc h s t ar s S E@ p a g e s a u c e
questions or y
Researc h .
# s e arc h s t ar s S E@ p a g e s a u c e
t o o l s/ f aqf ox /
Researc h .
# s e arc h s t ar s S E@ p a g e s a u c e
User q uest ion s f or
long-t ai l ideas
Researc h .
# s e arc h s t ar s S E@ p a g e s a u c e
inf init esugg
Researc h .
# s e arc h s t ar s S E@ p a g e s a u c e
key wordt
Use modif iers &
wildcards (*)
imf ro mt /
bigf o o t -st rat e gy /
Researc h .
# s e arc h s t ar s S E
@ p a g e s a u c e
semr ush .com
Researc h .
# s e arc h s t ar s S E@ p a g e s a u c e
searc h me t r
sist r
t o o l f e ast .co m
Let’s get
semr ush .com
Researc h .
# s e arc h s t ar s S E@ p a g e s a u c e
searc h me t r
sist r
t o o l f e ast .co m
Let’s get
L e ar n fro m wh at i s
wor king f or o t her
re s o u rce s
Researc h .
# s e arc h s t ar s S E
@ p a g e s a u c e
ah re m
T h e re ’s n o * r i gh t *
wa y t o do t h is
Researc h .
# s e arc h s t ar s S E
100 1000
@ p a g e s a u c e
Fre sh t o pi cs o ur
audie n ce ask
Researc h .
# s e arc h s t ar s S E
@ p a g e s a u c e
An swe rs.
# s e arc h s t ar s S E@ p a g e s a u c e
answers ualit y -
ph an t o m
An swe rs.
@ p a g e s a u c e
We are l o o k i n g t o
build o ur E - A - T
quality h-rat er-
an al y sis
An swe rs.
# s e arc h s t ar s S E@ p a g e s a u c e
Relevant , useful &
co m pre h e n sive = q ualit y
connections opic-
mo dell i ng -intro
An swe rs.
# s e arc h s t ar s S E@ p a g e s a u c e
mo z .com /blog/
7 - advan ce d- s e o -
co n ce p t s
Better on-
page SEO
link-assi st
websit e-audit or/
Wh at ’s t h e be st
pro duct page an d
inf o you can provide?
# s e arc h s t ar s S E
@ p a g e s a u c e
An swe rs.
An swe rs.
# s e arc h s t ar s S E@ p a g e s a u c e
co py h ac ke m/
wr it e-copy -amaz on-
rev i ew - m i n i n g/
An swe rs.
@ p a g e s a u c e
with UGC
Ask your audie n ce
f o r a m o re
co m pre h e n sive an swe r
An swe rs.
# s e arc h s t ar s S E@ p a g e s a u c e
Useful, educat ion al,
inspirational or
e n t e r t ai n i n g
An swe rs.
@ p a g e s a u c e
74 % i n cre as e i n
user underst anding
An swe rs.
@ p a g e s a u c e
for the
An swe rs.
# s e arc h s t ar s S E@ p a g e s a u c e
for the
An swe rs.
# s e arc h s t ar s S E@ p a g e s a u c e
for the
An swe rs.
# s e arc h s t ar s S E@ p a g e s a u c e
D o n ’ t l e t m ac h i n e s
int er pre t
An swe rs.
# s e arc h s t ar s S E@ p a g e s a u c e
A slow an swe r
is no t a
go o d an swe r
# s e arc h s t ar s S E@ p a g e s a u c e
Know your audience’s
perspective, goals & problems
Research their questions
(actual & implied)
Build your content around
answering the question
# s e arc h s t ar s S E@ p a g e s a u c e
In summar y.
can you
# s e arc h s t ar s S E@ p a g e s a u c e
In summar y.
can you
# s e arc h s t ar s S E
charlie@ rchstars17

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Selling The Answers - October 2017

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  • 62. # s e arc h s t ar s S E@ p a g e s a u c e 1 Know your audience’s perspective, goals & problems 2 3 Research their questions (actual & implied) Build your content around answering the question
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