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The Language of Art #1
1. The Venus of Willendorf was a sculpture of a
A. female fertility figure.
B. Buddha.
C. goddess.
D. shaman.
2. Why is the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C.,
said to be the most moving war memorial
ever built?
A. It's a work of art that has the power to touch the emotions of
the spectator.
B. It was designed by a young female architecture student and
not a government committee.
C. It's highly abstract and unlike the realistic memorials that
one sees in parks and town greens around the United States.
D. It's located not far from Frederick Hart's bronze Statue for
Vietnam Veterans Memorial.
3. In which of the following paintings is the technique of
sfumato lighting used?
A. Bonaventura's Saint Francis Preaching to the Birds
B. Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa
C. Manet's Le Déjeuner sur l'herbe
D. Watteau's Return from Cythera
4. Which of the following is a component of every great work of
A. An original vision of the world
B. A realistic presentation of factual material
C. Brushstrokes that clearly define spatial limits
D. Images that are recognized as beautiful
5. Outside of Western culture, the _______ saw art as priceless
during the Middle Ages.
A. Japanese
B. sub-Saharan Africans
C. Russians
D. Chinese
6. _______ creates movement in a piece.
A. Mass
B. Space
C. Light
D. Line
7. The Italian term sprezzatura refers to
A. strong angles with harsh colors.
B. soft light.
C. aloofness and aristocratic refinement and calm.
D. neutral color.
8. What significant compositional feature do Bramante's
Tempietto and a Buddhist mandala have in
A. Vanishing-point perspective unifies both.
B. Both are ordered around a central point.
C. They're both good example of artworks with figure-ground
D. Both feature rectilinear formal elements.
9. Representations of Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa appear in
several twentieth-century artworks,
A. Willem de Kooning's Woman and Bicycle.
B. Saar's The Liberation of Aunt Jemima.
C. Kahlo's The Little Deer.
D. Duchamp's L.H.O.O.Q.
10. Which of the following twentieth-century artists believed in
a philosophy of art that stressed
expressiveness, used colors to communicate emotion, and
maintained that art should hint rather than be
A. Georgia O'Keeffe
B. Andy Warhol
C. Willem de Kooning
D. Jean Baptiste Camille Corot
11. Brunelleschi's experiments with a mirror and a painted copy
of a mirror image of the Florence
baptistery led to his discovery of
A. the rule of divergence in perception.
B. a means of creating the illusion of the third dimension.
C. the principle of optic inversion.
D. multiple-viewpoint perspective.
12. Classical Greek artworks are not usually regarded as
expressions of
A. athletic strength and physical beauty.
B. realism balanced with idealism.
C. a balance of surrealism and rationalism.
D. monumental vigor and spiritual growth.
13. The unique quality of folk art is that it's
A. an artist's quick impression of a subject.
B. more primitive than any other art form.
C. an expression of the artist's experience.
D. created by an untrained artist.
14. The new method of organizing space developed by Georges
Braque and Pablo Picasso is called
A. Minimalism.
B. Impressionism.
C. Cubism.
D. Expressionism.
15. What was one of the techniques Leonardo used to create the
illusion that the Mona Lisa was a real
A. His commitment to precise reality made the figure look real.
B. By not lining up the background on either side, he generated
movement in her shoulders.
C. He used loose, expressive brushstrokes to enliven the figure.
D. He used chiaroscuro to add volume and depth to her body
and light to her eyes.
16. George Caleb Bingham's Raftsmen Playing Cards is an
example of _______ perspective.
A. one-point
B. atmospheric
C. radial
D. foreshortening
17. The main reason an artist creates a piece of art is for
A. monetary rewards.
B. expression of magical thinking.
C. making political statements.
D. self-expression.
18. What is the connection between religion and art?
A. Shamans and priests were the first artists.
B. People believe that art awakens their senses.
C. People express their beliefs in physical forms, such as
statues and paintings.
D. Early civilizations recognized the power of art to touch
human emotions.
19. Works of art that can be viewed from all sides and have
height, width, and depth are
A. abstract.
B. arbitrary.
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C. three-dimensional.
D. two-dimensional.
20. An artist can direct the viewer's attention to a particular
area of a painting by using
A. sympathy of form and color.
B. parallel lines that follow the horizon.
C. crossed lines that converge on one location.
D. a sense of rhythm and movement.
The Artist's Materials and Tools #2
1. Pigment mixed with egg yolks is called
A. fresco.
B. glaze.
C. impasto.
D. tempera.
2. What did Rembrandt van Rijn use on Sleeping Woman to
dilute his wash and add tonal values to his
A. Paint and water
B. Blood and water
C. Ink and water
D. Paste and water
3. Stiff, thick paint that reveals brushstrokes is called
A. impasto.
B. tempera.
C. gouache.
D. glaze.
4. In Japan, animation is known as
A. konnichiwa.
B. anime.
C. o-namae.
D. nihongo hanasemasen.
5. The oldest form of intaglio printmaking is called
A. relief printmaking.
B. wood.
C. engraving.
D. lithograph.
6. It wouldn't have been possible to build a building such as
London's Crystal Palace in the eighteenth
century because
A. iron hadn't yet been developed as a building material.
B. advanced structural construction methods were unknown.
C. appropriate glass-making techniques were not yet known.
D. innovative building techniques weren't encouraged before
7. If Gianlorenzo Bernini's Apollo and Daphne were to be
moved from the Galleria Borghese in Rome
where it now stands into the Ufizzi Gallery, the most ideal place
to install it would be
A. on the west wall of a gallery with other Renaissance marbles.
B. in the center of a gallery.
C. anywhere in a gallery, provided it was with other sixteenth-
century marble statues.
D. on the east wall of a gallery with other Renaissance marbles.
8. What kinds of columns were used in the design of the
A. Adobe
B. Corinthian
C. Doric
D. Arched
9. Which artist used memories of his or her childhood in North
Carolina to create a collage?
A. Barbara Kruger
B. Kiki Smith
C. Romare Bearden
D. William Hogarth
10. Which of the following artists was not involved in the
creation of Saint Peter's Basilica and the Vatican?
A. Carlo Maderno
B. Giacomo della Porta
C. Leonardo da Vinci
D. Michelangelo
11. Which of the following decorative arts and crafts was
regarded as one of the highest forms of art in the
twelfth century by the Chinese?
A. Ceramics
B. Quilting
C. Stained glass
D. Tapestry
12. Modeling a flexible material like clay is a/an _______ type
of sculptural method.
A. additive
B. casting
C. lost wax
D. subtractive
13. The photographs made by the artist _______ are considered
obscene by some.
A. Robert Mapplethorpe
B. Edward Weston
C. Timothy O'Sullivan
D. Dorothea Lange
14. _______ is the artist who invented the mobile.
A. Alexander Calder
B. Robert Smithson
C. Jean Tinguely
D. Joseph Beuys
15. The Eiffel Tower was designed by Gustave Eiffel, who was
A. bridge builder.
B. sculptor.
C. landscape designer.
D. architect.
16. When was acrylic paint first used?
A. 1850s
B. 1300s
C. 1700s
D. 1950s
17. Wood engravings such as those created by Gustave Doré for
Samuel Coleridge's The Rime of the
Ancient Mariner are good examples of
A. relief prints.
B. lithographs.
C. intaglio prints.
D. etchings.
18. Modern Chinese and Japanese artists model the centuries-
old brush techniques after those of
A. Maya Ying Lin.
B. Daguerre.
C. Wu Chen.
D. Zhan Wang.
19. What is the quality of the site upon which the Parthenon was
built that underlines the ancient-Greek
belief that such a building speaks of human intellect, separate
and above earthly concerns?
A. It has direct access to the sea.
B. It's a hill above the city.
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C. It's the oldest district of Athens.
D. It's the site on which Athena was born.
20. A painter combines color pigment with water and brushes it
directly on wet plaster. This technique is
A. oil paint.
B. tempera paint.
C. gouache.
D. fresco.
Ancient, Classical, and Medieval Art #3
1. During the Hellenistic Age, an elaborate style of column,
which was topped with a capital of sprouting
leaves, became popular. This column was called
A. Corinthian.
B. Doric.
C. Ionic.
D. Iambic.
2. A pointed arch, ribbed vaults, exterior buttresses, and stained
glass describe _______ architecture.
A. Classical
B. Gothic
C. Romanesque
D. Byzantine
3. What is the basic shape of a Christian church of the Middle
A. Rhombus
B. Latin cross
C. Quatrefoil
D. Pentagon
4. A pyramid is an Egyptian
A. tomb.
B. catacomb.
C. arena.
D. church.
5. The _______ cathedral is considered to be the most perfect
example of Gothic architecture.
A. Amiens
B. Chartres
C. Notre Dame
D. Sainte Chapelle
6. Which type of artwork developed and flourished during the
Roman Classical period?
A. Mural painting
B. Realistic portrait busts
C. Colorful ceramics
D. Stained-glass windows
7. Greek statues appear more naturalistic, or _______, than
statues of previous cultures, such as those of
the Egyptians.
A. beautiful
B. athletic
C. nude
D. lifelike
8. Mosaics are made of
A. dabs of various colored paints.
B. columns of light.
C. tiny pieces of colored stone or tiles.
D. panels of color.
9. Which of the following types of decoration was often used in
Italian churches during the Middle Ages?
A. Intricate tapestries
B. Stained-glass windows
C. Painted wooden altarpieces
D. Sculpted marble doors
10. What is the opening in the ceiling of the Pantheon called?
A. Rotunda
B. Orifice
C. Oculus
D. Olho
11. The Hagia Sophia in Constantinople is a remarkable
example of
A. a church transformed into a mosque.
B. early Gothic architecture.
C. a mosque that dates from the seventh century.
D. a mosque that was transformed into a church.
12. Which of the following powerful forces does Shiva
Nataraja, Lord of the Dance not symbolize?
A. Conservation
B. Love
C. Destruction
D. Creation
13. A long, rectangular room in a Christian church during the
early Middle Ages was called a
A. nave.
B. transept.
C. trumeau.
D. barrel vault.
14. The _______ is the central pillar of the main doorway of a
Romanesque church.
A. Doric column
B. stupa
C. trumeau
D. mosaic
15. The eastern half of the Roman Empire produced what's
known as ________ art.
A. Byzantine
B. Hindu
C. Islamic
D. Classical
16. Which of the following architectural features is not
typically Gothic?
A. Pointed arch
B. Flying buttress
C. Massive rotunda
D. Ribbed vault
17. A unique architectural feature of the Hagia Sophia is its
A. transept.
B. trumeau.
C. mihrab.
D. minaret.
18. Which of the following warrior tribes did not settle in
England following the fall of the Roman Empire?
A. Saxons
B. Angles
C. Jutes
D. Franks
19. The religious architecture of the early Hindu people was
A. usually built from stone blocks.
B. created by modifying existing Buddhist temples.
C. frequently built with cedar timbers.
D. not so much constructed, but carved.
20. Trade and cultural interaction between the ancient cultures
of Africa, Europe, and Asia were possible
End of exam
because of
A. their proximity to the Mediterranean Sea.
B. advanced linguistic developments in Asia Minor.
C. innovative transportation advances made under Justinian.
D. the Pax Romana, beginning with the birth of the Roman
Renaissance and Baroque Art #4
1. Which one of the following artists invented impasto?
A. Leonardo da Vinci
B. Titian
C. Raphael
D. Donatello
2. What was Vigée-Lebrun best known for?
A. Prints
B. Sculpture
C. Portraits
D. Landscapes
3. Even if we didn't know anything about the artist who created
Giovanni Arnolfini and His Bride, it
would be safe to say, after examining the surfaces represented
in the painting, that it was created by a
_______ European.
A. southern
B. western
C. eastern
D. northern
4. What was the highest goal of the Mannerist artists?
A. Elegance
B. Formal technique
C. Witty social commentary
D. Unique use of color
5. Which one of the following artists was held in high esteem by
the popes?
A. Hans Holbein
B. Andrea Palladio
C. Lorenzo Ghiberti
D. Gianlorenzo Bernini
6. One of the primary consequences of the Council of Trent in
art and architecture was that
A. Catholic art became increasingly two-dimensional.
B. Protestant art became more realistic.
C. Roman Catholic art concerned itself more with the
spectator's emotions.
D. the Catholic church strengthened its position as an art
7. The fact that the figures in Leonardo da Vinci's The Virgin of
the Rocks are arranged in a figure triangle
gives the painting
A. clear market value.
B. immediate viewer appeal.
C. structural strength.
D. a strong sense of immediacy.
8. Pope Julius II originally commissioned Michelangelo to
A. sculpt his tomb.
B. paint the Sistine Chapel.
C. sculpt the Pietà.
D. sculpt the statue of David.
9. One of the most significant achievements of Albrecht Dürer
was to
A. sketch from nature, studying its most delicate details.
B. make the print a fine art form.
C. travel to Italy to study the great works of the Italian
D. write treatises on painting, perspective, and human
10. What was the nickname of the artist Domenikos
A. Titian
B. Fra Domenico
C. El Greco
D. Cimabue
11. Giotto's Lamentation in the Arena Chapel in Padua is
remarkable primarily because
A. of the colors used to convey allegorical meaning.
B. the characters in the painting are presented as individuals.
C. it's one of the first religious oil paintings with real human
D. Giotto painted it in one sitting and made no revisions to the
completed work.
12. What quality do the paintings of Titian possess because of
his use of the impasto technique in painting?
A. Sensuality
B. Restraint
C. Religiosity
D. Piety
13. Bernini's David, unlike Michelangelo's, shows David
A. in motion.
B. at rest.
C. as a thinking man.
D. as a strong Warrior.
14. Which one of the following artists sculpted a statue of
A. Donatello
B. Andrea Palladio
C. Raphael
D. Lorenzo Ghiberti
15. Which artist solved a unique engineering challenge while
still achieving awe-inspiring beauty in regards
to the Dome of the Florence Cathedral?
A. Michelangelo
B. Donatello
C. Brunelleschi
D. Rembrandt
16. Which of the following subjects would lend itself to the use
of the tenebroso manner of painting?
A. A little girl on a swing in the sun
B. A boating scene on a bright summer day
C. A secret meeting between two conspirators
D. A flower garden in full bloom
17. The use of light and dark to create dramatic contrast is
A. impasto.
B. chiaroscuro.
C. sfumato.
D. tenebroso.
18. Which one of the following led the Protestant Reformation?
A. Martin Luther
B. Pope Julius II
C. Lorenzo Ghiberti
D. Lorenzo de' Medici
19. Which device was not used by Caravaggio to create a
theatrical effect in his paintings?
A. Dramatic gestures
B. Bold brushstrokes
C. Stark lighting
D. Dark shadows
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20. The Villa Rotunda has been a model for architects in every
century since it was built in the 1500s. This
building was designed by
A. da Vinci.
B. Michelangelo.
C. Raphael.
D. Palladio
Neoclassical to Surrealistic Art #5
1. Monet achieved heightened color effects by
A. placing colors side by side rather than mixing them.
B. painting outdoors.
C. using dots of colors.
D. painting only in the sunlight.
2. Which of the following inventions opened new doors for
early twentieth-century artists?
A. Paint tubes
B. Synthetic pigments
C. Air brushes
D. Nylon brushes
3. Which one of the following artists painted The Great Wave?
A. Kitagawa Utamaro
B. Claude Monet
C. Katsushika Hokusai
D. Angelica Kauffmann
4. Which of the following painters was often seen wearing male
A. Rosa Bonheur
B. Paulina Borghese
C. Berthe Morisot
D. Angelica Kauffman
5. Fundamental to the artistic credo and practice of the Fauvist
painters was the belief that
A. academic forms and structures can't be set aside in the name
of color.
B. naturalistic colors take precedence over arbitrary colors.
C. equilibrium in a painting is achieved through the use of
Renaissance perspective.
D. arranging and balancing raw hues can achieve equilibrium
throughout the work.
6. Which of these painters is well known for portraying scenes
of French night life?
A. Gustave Courbet
B. Claude Monet
C. Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec
D. Berthe Morisot
7. Which of the following was true of the Age of Reason?
A. People used science to explain social experiences.
B. People debated the raison d'être.
C. People justified their faith using scientific principles.
D. People valued science over faith.
8. Fine art prints from which of these countries influenced the
development of twentieth-century art?
A. China
B. Tahiti
C. Japan
D. India
9. The artist _______ trained to be a lawyer.
A. Emil Nolde
B. Pablo Picasso
C. Henri Matisse
D. Paul Gauguin
10. Which one of the following artists believed perspective was
a lie?
A. Pierre-Auguste Renoir
B. Claude Monet
C. Paul Cézanne
D. Vincent van Gogh
11. What were Realists inspired by?
A. Political issues
B. Contemporary scientific study
C. Reinterpretation of myths
D. Problems in the world
12. The main objective of Neoclassicism was to
A. glorify God.
B. depict a historical moment.
C. present a moral lesson.
D. present a Bible story.
13. Which of the following artists declared that artists should
"paint things not as they are, but as they feel
A. Édouard Manet
B. Vincent van Gogh
C. Paul Cézanne
D. Pierre-Auguste Renoir
14. Which artist developed the painting method of Pointillism?
A. Seurat
B. Renoir
C. Manet
D. Monet
15. Paul Gauguin left Paris and moved to _______ to paint.
A. America
B. Tahiti
C. England
D. Japan
16. Which subject matter was a specialty of Jacques-Louis
A. Historical events
B. Seascapes
C. Peasant scenes
D. Nature scenes
17. Which French leader was embarrassed by a sculpture of
himself naked?
A. Napoleon
B. Louis XIV
C. Charlemagne
D. Marat
18. In his celebrated "Manifesto of Futurism," Filipo Tomasso
Marinetti expressed the belief that
A. the traditional cultural forms and arts are valueless.
B. painting, but not sculpture, is not to be bound by traditional
art theory.
C. art and technology are independent human expressions.
D. that sculpture should be regarded as the leading art form of
the new century.
19. Which one of the following artists was considered the
"father" of the Impressionist movement?
A. Renoir
B. Degas
C. Monet
D. Manet
20. Which of the following artists painted Still Life with
A. Paul Cézanne
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B. Pierre-Auguste Renoir
C. Vincent van Gogh
D. Claude Monet
Abstract, Nonrepresentational, and Contemporary Art #6
1. Diebenkorn's Ocean Park series is
A. a preservation of the view of a castle for apartment dwellers.
B. handcrafted sculpture that resembles a cornucopia.
C. a study of radiant Southern California light.
D. an integration of new technologies.
2. The Bauhaus was a prime example of _______ Style.
A. American
B. De Stijl
C. International
D. Classical
3. _______ was the artist who used a "drip technique."
A. Willem de Kooning
B. Jackson Pollock
C. Pablo Picasso
D. Robert Rauschenberg
4. During the 1940s and 1950s, the center of Western art was
A. Arles.
B. Paris.
C. New York City.
D. Munich.
5. The sculpture created by which of the following Minimalist
artists is best described as controlled and
A. Donald Judd
B. Claes Oldenburg
C. Pablo Picasso
D. Alberto Giacometti
6. It would be virtually impossible to mount a traveling
exhibition of the works of which of the following
A. Mark Rothko
B. Roy Lichtenstein
C. Christo and Jeanne-Claude
D. Claes Oldenburg
7. With Tim Hawkinson's Überorgan, a work of art the size of a
football field, one can say that it's
A. installation art controlled by a computer.
B. artwork that is difficult to categorize.
C. a rare performance piece.
D. "sound" art.
8. Which one of the following artists was described as one of
the fathers of straight photography?
A. William Henry Fox Talbot
B. Edward Steichen
C. Edward Weston
D. Louis-Jacques-Mandé Daguerre
9. When Vasily Kandinsky composed a painting, his aim was
the expression of
A. line.
B. pathos.
C. shape.
D. energy.
10. Which of the following artists invented collage?
A. Georgia O'Keefe
B. Jackson Pollock
C. Pablo Picasso
D. Willem de Kooning
11. Which of these art forms is not associated with the work of
Georgia O'Keeffe?
A. Still life
B. City nightscape
C. Abstract painting
D. Nature photograph
12. Which of the following artists created paintings in which no
one part or section dominated the others or
could be called the subject, in which everything was intended to
be equal in impact?
A. Hans Hofmann
B. Jackson Pollock
C. Helen Frankenthaler
D. Willem de Kooning
13. Like freestanding sculpture, such as Gianlorenzo Bernini's
Apollo and Daphne, twentieth-century
kinetic sculpture, such as Alexander Calder's La Grande Vitesse
in the Vandenberg Center, Grand Rapids,
A. can be appreciated aesthetically from multiple perspectives.
B. is usually made of marble or alabaster.
C. is made entirely by hand, except for the pediment.
D. is intended to be touched by the spectator, who remains
14. Which of the following statements is an accurate description
of Pop Art?
A. Art that combines the potent psychological content of
Expressionism with an abandonment of any clear reference to
the visual
B. Art created by artists who believe that no kind of subject
matter is more important than any other and who attempt to all
eliminate personal involvement
C. Painting and sculpture that is self-sufficient and has no
subject matter, content, or meaning beyond its presence as an
object in
D. Art created by artists who are interested in rediscovering the
past, not rejecting it, and who aim to speak in clearer images
and see history as a vast menu from which to select
15. Who created art out of platinum, diamonds, and human
A. Damien Hirst
B. Takashi Murakami
C. Matthew Barney
D. Yinka Shonibare
16. Andy Warhol's studio in New York City was known as the
A. Machine.
B. Mansion.
C. Garage.
D. Factory.
17. The vigorous brushstrokes and emotion-laden imagery in the
paintings of Anselm Kiefer are
reminiscent of the paintings of
A. Realism.
B. Neoclassicism.
C. Superrealism.
D. Expressionism.
18. Giuseppe Penone's Cedre de Versailles reveals
A. a landscape from the distant past.
B. African-American ritual objects.
C. shredded body parts.
D. the original slender tree from which a great cedar had grown.
End of exam
19. Which of the following artists incorporated a Super Mario
Bros. game into his/her work?
A. Cory Arcangel
B. Matthew Barney
C. Nam June Paik
D. Damien Hirst
20. Of the following, who was the most famous Pop artist?
A. Claes Oldenburg
B. Roy Lichtenstein
C. Robert Rauschenberg
D. Andy Warhol
Art Appreciation Final Exam #7
1. _______ has the most medieval stained glass windows.
A. China
B. Italy
C. England
D. France
2. Guernica was an important politically charged work. Who
painted it and with what movement is it
A. Henri Matisse and Fauvism
B. Pablo Picasso and Cubism
C. Max Ernst and Dadaism
D. Andy Warhol and Pop art
3. A flat, two-dimensional background that projects into a
relatively shallow three-dimensional space is
called _______ sculpture.
A. kinetic
B. free-standing
C. relief
D. earth
4. Another name for serigraphy is
A. wood engraving.
B. silkscreen printing.
C. metal printmaking.
D. etching.
5. It was considered improper for female artists to study the
nude figure until the _______ century.
A. nineteenth
B. eighteenth
C. twenty-first
D. twentieth
6. Which of the following photographers produced a series of
photos to expose the plight of migrants
around the world?
A. Cindy Sherman
B. Dorothea Lange
C. Sebastião Salgado
D. Sandy Skoglund
7. A/An _______ designer must understand both art and
A. interior
B. industrial
C. graphic
D. environmental
8. Color-Field Painting was associated with what artist?
A. Franz Kline
B. Willem de Kooning
C. Mark Rothko
D. Jackson Pollock
9. Who was one of the founders of Group f/64, named for the
small aperture setting that results in a wide
depth of field and highly detailed images?
A. Dorothea Lange
B. Ansel Adams
C. Cindy Sherman
D. Robert Mapplethorpe
10. _______ vaults were used to construct the nave of the
Church of Sainte-Madeleine in Vézelay in
France in the twelfth century.
A. Barrel
B. Ribbed
C. Groin
D. Pointed
11. In what city is the tomb of Empress Gala Placida?
A. Ravenna
B. Florence
C. Venice
D. Rome
12. Western art culture was founded on and inspired by _______
A. Neolithic
B. Paleolithic
C. Greek
D. French
13. Oil paint can be diluted with an oil medium or solvents such
as turpentine to be made into transparent
A. underpainting.
B. impasto.
C. sfumato.
D. glazes.
14. Which one of the following divisions of the applied and
decorative arts is used to produce primarily
functional items?
A. Fiber
B. Glass
C. Metalwork
D. Ceramics
15. Which of the following groups of artists launched a war on
conventional thinking?
A. Surrealists
B. Dadaists
C. Expressionists
D. Abstracts
16. Impressionism began in what time period and in what
A. Nineteenth-century England
B. Nineteenth-century France
C. Seventeenth-century France
D. Eighteenth-century England
17. In _______ printmaking, only one print is made.
A. aquatint
B. lithograph
C. proof
D. monotype
18. The greatest Italian painter, and one of the most influential
artists of the entire Baroque period of the
seventeenth century, was
A. Michelangelo de Merisi, called Caravaggio.
B. Domenikos Thetokopoulos, known as El Greco.
C. Gianlorenzo Bernini.
D. Artemisia Genteleschi.
19. Which one of the following photographers was a
documentary photographer during the Depression?
A. Dorothea Lange
B. Man Ray
C. Alfred Stieglitz
D. Sandy Skogland
20. Who is attributed for almost single-handedly creating the
Renaissance style of sculpture?
A. Filippo Brunelleschi
B. Donatello
C. Michelangelo
D. Claus Sluter
21. The ratio for ideal proportions is also called the
A. Symmetrical Balance.
B. Atmospheric Perspective.
C. Golden Triangle.
D. Golden Mean.
22. _______ was stolen from the Louvre in 1911 and remained
missing for two years.
A. Liberty Leading the People
B. Venus de Milo
C. Mona Lisa
D. Raft of the Medusa
23. In architecture, a covered walkway is called a/an
A. piazza.
B. arcade.
C. volute.
D. cage.
24. _______ is the birthplace of modern art.
A. Florence
B. Rome
C. New York
D. Paris
25. _______ is the opposite of relief printmaking.
A. Intaglio
B. Etching
C. Metal printmaking
D. Wood engraving
26. What medium did Andrew Wyeth use to paint Christina's
A. Oils
B. Ink
C. Watercolors
D. Tempera paint
27. Action painting was associated with what artist?
A. Salvador Dalí
B. Jackson Pollock
C. Frank Stella
D. Henri Matisse
28. What was one of the most significant achievements of
Albrecht Dürer?
A. He raised commonplace objects in his subjects of fine art.
B. He created the art form known as installation sculpture.
C. He wrote treatises on painting, perspective, and human
D. He made printmaking a fine art form.
29. Mary Cassatt was part of what art movement?
A. Realism
B. Expressionism
C. Feminism
D. Impressionism
30. This artist represents the purist method of Impressionism.
A. Vincent van Gogh
B. Édouard Manet
C. Claude Monet
D. Pierre-Auguste Renoir
31. The French photographer _______ was fascinated by
airplanes and fast cars.
A. Hannah Höch
B. Alfred Stieglitz
C. Henri Cartier-Bresson
D. Jacques-Henri Lartigue
32. What group promotes the rights of women artists?
A. National Endowment of the Arts
B. Guerrilla Girls
C. Abstract Expressionists
D. Postmodernists
33. Who is considered the father of Expressionism?
A. Vincent van Gogh
B. Andy Warhol
C. Paul Cézanne
D. Pablo Picasso
34. Which Renaissance artist created the dome of the Florence
A. Lorenzo Ghiberti
B. Andrea Mantegna
C. Filippo Brunelleschi
D. Donatello
35. ________ shapes are representational shapes that have been
A. Nonrepresentational
B. Organic
C. Geometric
D. Abstract
36. What color is the complement of orange?
A. Purple
B. Red
C. Yellow
D. Blue
37. Kinetic sculpture was associated with what artist?
A. Joseph Beuys
B. Auguste Rodin
C. Alexander Calder
D. Louise Bourgious
38. Throughout the Renaissance, the _______ was used in
paintings as a structural innovation that used
geometric underpinning.
A. foursquare theorem
B. base line
C. figure triangle
D. horizon line
39. What artistic development is characterized by unique
compositions, S-like shapes, elegance, and a lack
of emotion?
A. Modernism
B. Baroque
C. Rococo
D. Mannerism
40. Which one of the following statements is not true about the
Hagia Sophia in Constantinople?
A. It was influenced by Roman architecture.
End of exam
B. It was a church that was transformed into a mosque.
C. It was originally built in the eighth century.
D. It was built by Justinian.

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The Language of Art #11. The Venus of Willendorf was a sculpture.docx

  • 1. The Language of Art #1 1. The Venus of Willendorf was a sculpture of a A. female fertility figure. B. Buddha. C. goddess. D. shaman. 2. Why is the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C., said to be the most moving war memorial ever built? A. It's a work of art that has the power to touch the emotions of the spectator. B. It was designed by a young female architecture student and not a government committee. C. It's highly abstract and unlike the realistic memorials that one sees in parks and town greens around the United States. D. It's located not far from Frederick Hart's bronze Statue for Vietnam Veterans Memorial. 3. In which of the following paintings is the technique of sfumato lighting used? A. Bonaventura's Saint Francis Preaching to the Birds B. Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa C. Manet's Le Déjeuner sur l'herbe D. Watteau's Return from Cythera 4. Which of the following is a component of every great work of art? A. An original vision of the world B. A realistic presentation of factual material C. Brushstrokes that clearly define spatial limits D. Images that are recognized as beautiful 5. Outside of Western culture, the _______ saw art as priceless during the Middle Ages. A. Japanese B. sub-Saharan Africans C. Russians
  • 2. D. Chinese 6. _______ creates movement in a piece. A. Mass B. Space C. Light D. Line 7. The Italian term sprezzatura refers to A. strong angles with harsh colors. B. soft light. C. aloofness and aristocratic refinement and calm. D. neutral color. 8. What significant compositional feature do Bramante's Tempietto and a Buddhist mandala have in common? A. Vanishing-point perspective unifies both. B. Both are ordered around a central point. C. They're both good example of artworks with figure-ground ambiguity. D. Both feature rectilinear formal elements. 9. Representations of Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa appear in several twentieth-century artworks, including A. Willem de Kooning's Woman and Bicycle. B. Saar's The Liberation of Aunt Jemima. C. Kahlo's The Little Deer. D. Duchamp's L.H.O.O.Q. 10. Which of the following twentieth-century artists believed in a philosophy of art that stressed expressiveness, used colors to communicate emotion, and maintained that art should hint rather than be dogmatic? A. Georgia O'Keeffe B. Andy Warhol C. Willem de Kooning D. Jean Baptiste Camille Corot 11. Brunelleschi's experiments with a mirror and a painted copy
  • 3. of a mirror image of the Florence baptistery led to his discovery of A. the rule of divergence in perception. B. a means of creating the illusion of the third dimension. C. the principle of optic inversion. D. multiple-viewpoint perspective. 12. Classical Greek artworks are not usually regarded as expressions of A. athletic strength and physical beauty. B. realism balanced with idealism. C. a balance of surrealism and rationalism. D. monumental vigor and spiritual growth. 13. The unique quality of folk art is that it's A. an artist's quick impression of a subject. B. more primitive than any other art form. C. an expression of the artist's experience. D. created by an untrained artist. 14. The new method of organizing space developed by Georges Braque and Pablo Picasso is called A. Minimalism. B. Impressionism. C. Cubism. D. Expressionism. 15. What was one of the techniques Leonardo used to create the illusion that the Mona Lisa was a real person? A. His commitment to precise reality made the figure look real. B. By not lining up the background on either side, he generated movement in her shoulders. C. He used loose, expressive brushstrokes to enliven the figure. D. He used chiaroscuro to add volume and depth to her body and light to her eyes. 16. George Caleb Bingham's Raftsmen Playing Cards is an example of _______ perspective. A. one-point B. atmospheric
  • 4. C. radial D. foreshortening 17. The main reason an artist creates a piece of art is for A. monetary rewards. B. expression of magical thinking. C. making political statements. D. self-expression. 18. What is the connection between religion and art? A. Shamans and priests were the first artists. B. People believe that art awakens their senses. C. People express their beliefs in physical forms, such as statues and paintings. D. Early civilizations recognized the power of art to touch human emotions. 19. Works of art that can be viewed from all sides and have height, width, and depth are A. abstract. B. arbitrary. End of exam C. three-dimensional. D. two-dimensional. 20. An artist can direct the viewer's attention to a particular area of a painting by using A. sympathy of form and color. B. parallel lines that follow the horizon. C. crossed lines that converge on one location. D. a sense of rhythm and movement. The Artist's Materials and Tools #2 1. Pigment mixed with egg yolks is called A. fresco. B. glaze. C. impasto. D. tempera.
  • 5. 2. What did Rembrandt van Rijn use on Sleeping Woman to dilute his wash and add tonal values to his drawing? A. Paint and water B. Blood and water C. Ink and water D. Paste and water 3. Stiff, thick paint that reveals brushstrokes is called A. impasto. B. tempera. C. gouache. D. glaze. 4. In Japan, animation is known as A. konnichiwa. B. anime. C. o-namae. D. nihongo hanasemasen. 5. The oldest form of intaglio printmaking is called A. relief printmaking. B. wood. C. engraving. D. lithograph. 6. It wouldn't have been possible to build a building such as London's Crystal Palace in the eighteenth century because A. iron hadn't yet been developed as a building material. B. advanced structural construction methods were unknown. C. appropriate glass-making techniques were not yet known. D. innovative building techniques weren't encouraged before 1850. 7. If Gianlorenzo Bernini's Apollo and Daphne were to be moved from the Galleria Borghese in Rome where it now stands into the Ufizzi Gallery, the most ideal place to install it would be A. on the west wall of a gallery with other Renaissance marbles. B. in the center of a gallery.
  • 6. C. anywhere in a gallery, provided it was with other sixteenth- century marble statues. D. on the east wall of a gallery with other Renaissance marbles. 8. What kinds of columns were used in the design of the Parthenon? A. Adobe B. Corinthian C. Doric D. Arched 9. Which artist used memories of his or her childhood in North Carolina to create a collage? A. Barbara Kruger B. Kiki Smith C. Romare Bearden D. William Hogarth 10. Which of the following artists was not involved in the creation of Saint Peter's Basilica and the Vatican? A. Carlo Maderno B. Giacomo della Porta C. Leonardo da Vinci D. Michelangelo 11. Which of the following decorative arts and crafts was regarded as one of the highest forms of art in the twelfth century by the Chinese? A. Ceramics B. Quilting C. Stained glass D. Tapestry 12. Modeling a flexible material like clay is a/an _______ type of sculptural method. A. additive B. casting C. lost wax D. subtractive 13. The photographs made by the artist _______ are considered obscene by some.
  • 7. A. Robert Mapplethorpe B. Edward Weston C. Timothy O'Sullivan D. Dorothea Lange 14. _______ is the artist who invented the mobile. A. Alexander Calder B. Robert Smithson C. Jean Tinguely D. Joseph Beuys 15. The Eiffel Tower was designed by Gustave Eiffel, who was a/an A. bridge builder. B. sculptor. C. landscape designer. D. architect. 16. When was acrylic paint first used? A. 1850s B. 1300s C. 1700s D. 1950s 17. Wood engravings such as those created by Gustave Doré for Samuel Coleridge's The Rime of the Ancient Mariner are good examples of A. relief prints. B. lithographs. C. intaglio prints. D. etchings. 18. Modern Chinese and Japanese artists model the centuries- old brush techniques after those of A. Maya Ying Lin. B. Daguerre. C. Wu Chen. D. Zhan Wang. 19. What is the quality of the site upon which the Parthenon was built that underlines the ancient-Greek belief that such a building speaks of human intellect, separate
  • 8. and above earthly concerns? A. It has direct access to the sea. B. It's a hill above the city. End of exam C. It's the oldest district of Athens. D. It's the site on which Athena was born. 20. A painter combines color pigment with water and brushes it directly on wet plaster. This technique is called A. oil paint. B. tempera paint. C. gouache. D. fresco. Ancient, Classical, and Medieval Art #3 1. During the Hellenistic Age, an elaborate style of column, which was topped with a capital of sprouting leaves, became popular. This column was called A. Corinthian. B. Doric. C. Ionic. D. Iambic. 2. A pointed arch, ribbed vaults, exterior buttresses, and stained glass describe _______ architecture. A. Classical B. Gothic C. Romanesque D. Byzantine 3. What is the basic shape of a Christian church of the Middle Ages? A. Rhombus B. Latin cross C. Quatrefoil D. Pentagon
  • 9. 4. A pyramid is an Egyptian A. tomb. B. catacomb. C. arena. D. church. 5. The _______ cathedral is considered to be the most perfect example of Gothic architecture. A. Amiens B. Chartres C. Notre Dame D. Sainte Chapelle 6. Which type of artwork developed and flourished during the Roman Classical period? A. Mural painting B. Realistic portrait busts C. Colorful ceramics D. Stained-glass windows 7. Greek statues appear more naturalistic, or _______, than statues of previous cultures, such as those of the Egyptians. A. beautiful B. athletic C. nude D. lifelike 8. Mosaics are made of A. dabs of various colored paints. B. columns of light. C. tiny pieces of colored stone or tiles. D. panels of color. 9. Which of the following types of decoration was often used in Italian churches during the Middle Ages? A. Intricate tapestries B. Stained-glass windows C. Painted wooden altarpieces D. Sculpted marble doors 10. What is the opening in the ceiling of the Pantheon called?
  • 10. A. Rotunda B. Orifice C. Oculus D. Olho 11. The Hagia Sophia in Constantinople is a remarkable example of A. a church transformed into a mosque. B. early Gothic architecture. C. a mosque that dates from the seventh century. D. a mosque that was transformed into a church. 12. Which of the following powerful forces does Shiva Nataraja, Lord of the Dance not symbolize? A. Conservation B. Love C. Destruction D. Creation 13. A long, rectangular room in a Christian church during the early Middle Ages was called a A. nave. B. transept. C. trumeau. D. barrel vault. 14. The _______ is the central pillar of the main doorway of a Romanesque church. A. Doric column B. stupa C. trumeau D. mosaic 15. The eastern half of the Roman Empire produced what's known as ________ art. A. Byzantine B. Hindu C. Islamic D. Classical 16. Which of the following architectural features is not typically Gothic?
  • 11. A. Pointed arch B. Flying buttress C. Massive rotunda D. Ribbed vault 17. A unique architectural feature of the Hagia Sophia is its A. transept. B. trumeau. C. mihrab. D. minaret. 18. Which of the following warrior tribes did not settle in England following the fall of the Roman Empire? A. Saxons B. Angles C. Jutes D. Franks 19. The religious architecture of the early Hindu people was A. usually built from stone blocks. B. created by modifying existing Buddhist temples. C. frequently built with cedar timbers. D. not so much constructed, but carved. 20. Trade and cultural interaction between the ancient cultures of Africa, Europe, and Asia were possible End of exam because of A. their proximity to the Mediterranean Sea. B. advanced linguistic developments in Asia Minor. C. innovative transportation advances made under Justinian. D. the Pax Romana, beginning with the birth of the Roman Empire. Renaissance and Baroque Art #4 1. Which one of the following artists invented impasto? A. Leonardo da Vinci B. Titian C. Raphael
  • 12. D. Donatello 2. What was Vigée-Lebrun best known for? A. Prints B. Sculpture C. Portraits D. Landscapes 3. Even if we didn't know anything about the artist who created Giovanni Arnolfini and His Bride, it would be safe to say, after examining the surfaces represented in the painting, that it was created by a _______ European. A. southern B. western C. eastern D. northern 4. What was the highest goal of the Mannerist artists? A. Elegance B. Formal technique C. Witty social commentary D. Unique use of color 5. Which one of the following artists was held in high esteem by the popes? A. Hans Holbein B. Andrea Palladio C. Lorenzo Ghiberti D. Gianlorenzo Bernini 6. One of the primary consequences of the Council of Trent in art and architecture was that A. Catholic art became increasingly two-dimensional. B. Protestant art became more realistic. C. Roman Catholic art concerned itself more with the spectator's emotions. D. the Catholic church strengthened its position as an art censor. 7. The fact that the figures in Leonardo da Vinci's The Virgin of the Rocks are arranged in a figure triangle
  • 13. gives the painting A. clear market value. B. immediate viewer appeal. C. structural strength. D. a strong sense of immediacy. 8. Pope Julius II originally commissioned Michelangelo to A. sculpt his tomb. B. paint the Sistine Chapel. C. sculpt the Pietà. D. sculpt the statue of David. 9. One of the most significant achievements of Albrecht Dürer was to A. sketch from nature, studying its most delicate details. B. make the print a fine art form. C. travel to Italy to study the great works of the Italian Renaissance. D. write treatises on painting, perspective, and human proportions. 10. What was the nickname of the artist Domenikos Theotokopoulos? A. Titian B. Fra Domenico C. El Greco D. Cimabue 11. Giotto's Lamentation in the Arena Chapel in Padua is remarkable primarily because A. of the colors used to convey allegorical meaning. B. the characters in the painting are presented as individuals. C. it's one of the first religious oil paintings with real human figures. D. Giotto painted it in one sitting and made no revisions to the completed work. 12. What quality do the paintings of Titian possess because of his use of the impasto technique in painting? A. Sensuality B. Restraint
  • 14. C. Religiosity D. Piety 13. Bernini's David, unlike Michelangelo's, shows David A. in motion. B. at rest. C. as a thinking man. D. as a strong Warrior. 14. Which one of the following artists sculpted a statue of David? A. Donatello B. Andrea Palladio C. Raphael D. Lorenzo Ghiberti 15. Which artist solved a unique engineering challenge while still achieving awe-inspiring beauty in regards to the Dome of the Florence Cathedral? A. Michelangelo B. Donatello C. Brunelleschi D. Rembrandt 16. Which of the following subjects would lend itself to the use of the tenebroso manner of painting? A. A little girl on a swing in the sun B. A boating scene on a bright summer day C. A secret meeting between two conspirators D. A flower garden in full bloom 17. The use of light and dark to create dramatic contrast is called A. impasto. B. chiaroscuro. C. sfumato. D. tenebroso. 18. Which one of the following led the Protestant Reformation? A. Martin Luther B. Pope Julius II C. Lorenzo Ghiberti
  • 15. D. Lorenzo de' Medici 19. Which device was not used by Caravaggio to create a theatrical effect in his paintings? A. Dramatic gestures B. Bold brushstrokes C. Stark lighting D. Dark shadows End of exam 20. The Villa Rotunda has been a model for architects in every century since it was built in the 1500s. This building was designed by A. da Vinci. B. Michelangelo. C. Raphael. D. Palladio Neoclassical to Surrealistic Art #5 1. Monet achieved heightened color effects by A. placing colors side by side rather than mixing them. B. painting outdoors. C. using dots of colors. D. painting only in the sunlight. 2. Which of the following inventions opened new doors for early twentieth-century artists? A. Paint tubes B. Synthetic pigments C. Air brushes D. Nylon brushes 3. Which one of the following artists painted The Great Wave? A. Kitagawa Utamaro B. Claude Monet C. Katsushika Hokusai D. Angelica Kauffmann 4. Which of the following painters was often seen wearing male
  • 16. attire? A. Rosa Bonheur B. Paulina Borghese C. Berthe Morisot D. Angelica Kauffman 5. Fundamental to the artistic credo and practice of the Fauvist painters was the belief that A. academic forms and structures can't be set aside in the name of color. B. naturalistic colors take precedence over arbitrary colors. C. equilibrium in a painting is achieved through the use of Renaissance perspective. D. arranging and balancing raw hues can achieve equilibrium throughout the work. 6. Which of these painters is well known for portraying scenes of French night life? A. Gustave Courbet B. Claude Monet C. Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec D. Berthe Morisot 7. Which of the following was true of the Age of Reason? A. People used science to explain social experiences. B. People debated the raison d'être. C. People justified their faith using scientific principles. D. People valued science over faith. 8. Fine art prints from which of these countries influenced the development of twentieth-century art? A. China B. Tahiti C. Japan D. India 9. The artist _______ trained to be a lawyer. A. Emil Nolde B. Pablo Picasso C. Henri Matisse D. Paul Gauguin
  • 17. 10. Which one of the following artists believed perspective was a lie? A. Pierre-Auguste Renoir B. Claude Monet C. Paul Cézanne D. Vincent van Gogh 11. What were Realists inspired by? A. Political issues B. Contemporary scientific study C. Reinterpretation of myths D. Problems in the world 12. The main objective of Neoclassicism was to A. glorify God. B. depict a historical moment. C. present a moral lesson. D. present a Bible story. 13. Which of the following artists declared that artists should "paint things not as they are, but as they feel them"? A. Édouard Manet B. Vincent van Gogh C. Paul Cézanne D. Pierre-Auguste Renoir 14. Which artist developed the painting method of Pointillism? A. Seurat B. Renoir C. Manet D. Monet 15. Paul Gauguin left Paris and moved to _______ to paint. A. America B. Tahiti C. England D. Japan 16. Which subject matter was a specialty of Jacques-Louis David? A. Historical events
  • 18. B. Seascapes C. Peasant scenes D. Nature scenes 17. Which French leader was embarrassed by a sculpture of himself naked? A. Napoleon B. Louis XIV C. Charlemagne D. Marat 18. In his celebrated "Manifesto of Futurism," Filipo Tomasso Marinetti expressed the belief that A. the traditional cultural forms and arts are valueless. B. painting, but not sculpture, is not to be bound by traditional art theory. C. art and technology are independent human expressions. D. that sculpture should be regarded as the leading art form of the new century. 19. Which one of the following artists was considered the "father" of the Impressionist movement? A. Renoir B. Degas C. Monet D. Manet 20. Which of the following artists painted Still Life with Apples? A. Paul Cézanne End of exam B. Pierre-Auguste Renoir C. Vincent van Gogh D. Claude Monet Abstract, Nonrepresentational, and Contemporary Art #6 1. Diebenkorn's Ocean Park series is
  • 19. A. a preservation of the view of a castle for apartment dwellers. B. handcrafted sculpture that resembles a cornucopia. C. a study of radiant Southern California light. D. an integration of new technologies. 2. The Bauhaus was a prime example of _______ Style. A. American B. De Stijl C. International D. Classical 3. _______ was the artist who used a "drip technique." A. Willem de Kooning B. Jackson Pollock C. Pablo Picasso D. Robert Rauschenberg 4. During the 1940s and 1950s, the center of Western art was A. Arles. B. Paris. C. New York City. D. Munich. 5. The sculpture created by which of the following Minimalist artists is best described as controlled and logical? A. Donald Judd B. Claes Oldenburg C. Pablo Picasso D. Alberto Giacometti 6. It would be virtually impossible to mount a traveling exhibition of the works of which of the following artists? A. Mark Rothko B. Roy Lichtenstein C. Christo and Jeanne-Claude D. Claes Oldenburg 7. With Tim Hawkinson's Überorgan, a work of art the size of a football field, one can say that it's A. installation art controlled by a computer.
  • 20. B. artwork that is difficult to categorize. C. a rare performance piece. D. "sound" art. 8. Which one of the following artists was described as one of the fathers of straight photography? A. William Henry Fox Talbot B. Edward Steichen C. Edward Weston D. Louis-Jacques-Mandé Daguerre 9. When Vasily Kandinsky composed a painting, his aim was the expression of A. line. B. pathos. C. shape. D. energy. 10. Which of the following artists invented collage? A. Georgia O'Keefe B. Jackson Pollock C. Pablo Picasso D. Willem de Kooning 11. Which of these art forms is not associated with the work of Georgia O'Keeffe? A. Still life B. City nightscape C. Abstract painting D. Nature photograph 12. Which of the following artists created paintings in which no one part or section dominated the others or could be called the subject, in which everything was intended to be equal in impact? A. Hans Hofmann B. Jackson Pollock C. Helen Frankenthaler D. Willem de Kooning 13. Like freestanding sculpture, such as Gianlorenzo Bernini's Apollo and Daphne, twentieth-century
  • 21. kinetic sculpture, such as Alexander Calder's La Grande Vitesse in the Vandenberg Center, Grand Rapids, Michigan, A. can be appreciated aesthetically from multiple perspectives. B. is usually made of marble or alabaster. C. is made entirely by hand, except for the pediment. D. is intended to be touched by the spectator, who remains stationary. 14. Which of the following statements is an accurate description of Pop Art? A. Art that combines the potent psychological content of Expressionism with an abandonment of any clear reference to the visual world B. Art created by artists who believe that no kind of subject matter is more important than any other and who attempt to all but eliminate personal involvement C. Painting and sculpture that is self-sufficient and has no subject matter, content, or meaning beyond its presence as an object in space D. Art created by artists who are interested in rediscovering the past, not rejecting it, and who aim to speak in clearer images and see history as a vast menu from which to select 15. Who created art out of platinum, diamonds, and human teeth? A. Damien Hirst B. Takashi Murakami C. Matthew Barney D. Yinka Shonibare 16. Andy Warhol's studio in New York City was known as the A. Machine. B. Mansion. C. Garage. D. Factory.
  • 22. 17. The vigorous brushstrokes and emotion-laden imagery in the paintings of Anselm Kiefer are reminiscent of the paintings of A. Realism. B. Neoclassicism. C. Superrealism. D. Expressionism. 18. Giuseppe Penone's Cedre de Versailles reveals A. a landscape from the distant past. B. African-American ritual objects. C. shredded body parts. D. the original slender tree from which a great cedar had grown. End of exam 19. Which of the following artists incorporated a Super Mario Bros. game into his/her work? A. Cory Arcangel B. Matthew Barney C. Nam June Paik D. Damien Hirst 20. Of the following, who was the most famous Pop artist? A. Claes Oldenburg B. Roy Lichtenstein C. Robert Rauschenberg D. Andy Warhol Art Appreciation Final Exam #7 1. _______ has the most medieval stained glass windows. A. China B. Italy C. England D. France 2. Guernica was an important politically charged work. Who
  • 23. painted it and with what movement is it associated? A. Henri Matisse and Fauvism B. Pablo Picasso and Cubism C. Max Ernst and Dadaism D. Andy Warhol and Pop art 3. A flat, two-dimensional background that projects into a relatively shallow three-dimensional space is called _______ sculpture. A. kinetic B. free-standing C. relief D. earth 4. Another name for serigraphy is A. wood engraving. B. silkscreen printing. C. metal printmaking. D. etching. 5. It was considered improper for female artists to study the nude figure until the _______ century. A. nineteenth B. eighteenth C. twenty-first D. twentieth 6. Which of the following photographers produced a series of photos to expose the plight of migrants around the world? A. Cindy Sherman B. Dorothea Lange C. Sebastião Salgado D. Sandy Skoglund 7. A/An _______ designer must understand both art and engineering. A. interior B. industrial C. graphic
  • 24. D. environmental 8. Color-Field Painting was associated with what artist? A. Franz Kline B. Willem de Kooning C. Mark Rothko D. Jackson Pollock 9. Who was one of the founders of Group f/64, named for the small aperture setting that results in a wide depth of field and highly detailed images? A. Dorothea Lange B. Ansel Adams C. Cindy Sherman D. Robert Mapplethorpe 10. _______ vaults were used to construct the nave of the Church of Sainte-Madeleine in Vézelay in France in the twelfth century. A. Barrel B. Ribbed C. Groin D. Pointed 11. In what city is the tomb of Empress Gala Placida? A. Ravenna B. Florence C. Venice D. Rome 12. Western art culture was founded on and inspired by _______ art. A. Neolithic B. Paleolithic C. Greek D. French 13. Oil paint can be diluted with an oil medium or solvents such as turpentine to be made into transparent A. underpainting. B. impasto. C. sfumato.
  • 25. D. glazes. 14. Which one of the following divisions of the applied and decorative arts is used to produce primarily functional items? A. Fiber B. Glass C. Metalwork D. Ceramics 15. Which of the following groups of artists launched a war on conventional thinking? A. Surrealists B. Dadaists C. Expressionists D. Abstracts 16. Impressionism began in what time period and in what country? A. Nineteenth-century England B. Nineteenth-century France C. Seventeenth-century France D. Eighteenth-century England 17. In _______ printmaking, only one print is made. A. aquatint B. lithograph C. proof D. monotype 18. The greatest Italian painter, and one of the most influential artists of the entire Baroque period of the seventeenth century, was A. Michelangelo de Merisi, called Caravaggio. B. Domenikos Thetokopoulos, known as El Greco. C. Gianlorenzo Bernini. D. Artemisia Genteleschi. 19. Which one of the following photographers was a documentary photographer during the Depression? A. Dorothea Lange B. Man Ray
  • 26. C. Alfred Stieglitz D. Sandy Skogland 20. Who is attributed for almost single-handedly creating the Renaissance style of sculpture? A. Filippo Brunelleschi B. Donatello C. Michelangelo D. Claus Sluter 21. The ratio for ideal proportions is also called the A. Symmetrical Balance. B. Atmospheric Perspective. C. Golden Triangle. D. Golden Mean. 22. _______ was stolen from the Louvre in 1911 and remained missing for two years. A. Liberty Leading the People B. Venus de Milo C. Mona Lisa D. Raft of the Medusa 23. In architecture, a covered walkway is called a/an A. piazza. B. arcade. C. volute. D. cage. 24. _______ is the birthplace of modern art. A. Florence B. Rome C. New York D. Paris 25. _______ is the opposite of relief printmaking. A. Intaglio B. Etching C. Metal printmaking D. Wood engraving 26. What medium did Andrew Wyeth use to paint Christina's World?
  • 27. A. Oils B. Ink C. Watercolors D. Tempera paint 27. Action painting was associated with what artist? A. Salvador Dalí B. Jackson Pollock C. Frank Stella D. Henri Matisse 28. What was one of the most significant achievements of Albrecht Dürer? A. He raised commonplace objects in his subjects of fine art. B. He created the art form known as installation sculpture. C. He wrote treatises on painting, perspective, and human proportions. D. He made printmaking a fine art form. 29. Mary Cassatt was part of what art movement? A. Realism B. Expressionism C. Feminism D. Impressionism 30. This artist represents the purist method of Impressionism. A. Vincent van Gogh B. Édouard Manet C. Claude Monet D. Pierre-Auguste Renoir 31. The French photographer _______ was fascinated by airplanes and fast cars. A. Hannah Höch B. Alfred Stieglitz C. Henri Cartier-Bresson D. Jacques-Henri Lartigue 32. What group promotes the rights of women artists? A. National Endowment of the Arts B. Guerrilla Girls C. Abstract Expressionists
  • 28. D. Postmodernists 33. Who is considered the father of Expressionism? A. Vincent van Gogh B. Andy Warhol C. Paul Cézanne D. Pablo Picasso 34. Which Renaissance artist created the dome of the Florence Cathedral? A. Lorenzo Ghiberti B. Andrea Mantegna C. Filippo Brunelleschi D. Donatello 35. ________ shapes are representational shapes that have been simplified. A. Nonrepresentational B. Organic C. Geometric D. Abstract 36. What color is the complement of orange? A. Purple B. Red C. Yellow D. Blue 37. Kinetic sculpture was associated with what artist? A. Joseph Beuys B. Auguste Rodin C. Alexander Calder D. Louise Bourgious 38. Throughout the Renaissance, the _______ was used in paintings as a structural innovation that used geometric underpinning. A. foursquare theorem B. base line C. figure triangle D. horizon line 39. What artistic development is characterized by unique
  • 29. compositions, S-like shapes, elegance, and a lack of emotion? A. Modernism B. Baroque C. Rococo D. Mannerism 40. Which one of the following statements is not true about the Hagia Sophia in Constantinople? A. It was influenced by Roman architecture. End of exam B. It was a church that was transformed into a mosque. C. It was originally built in the eighth century. D. It was built by Justinian.