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C Programming

 OpenGurukul Team
C Programming

 Introduction   2
Introduction : History
1960     ALGOL             In te rn a tion a l G rou p

1967      BCPL
                           Ma rtin R ic h a rd s

            B              Ke n T h om p s on

1972   Traditional C       D e n n is R itc h e

Introduction : Features
Extensive use of function calls
Structured language
Pointer implementation - extensive use of pointers for memory,
array, structures and functions.
C has now become a widely used professional language for
various reasons.
General purpose programming language.
Helps in development of both system as well as application
C is a highly portable language.
This means it can be run on different machines .
Introduction : Program Structure
Preprocessor directives / header files
Type definitions
Function prototypes -- declare function types and variables
  passed to function.
The main() function
Other Functions

Introduction : C program : Example
Program :                           Compilation of C Program
$ cat hello.c                       $ gcc hello.c -o hello
#include <stdio.h>                  $

main()                              Execution of Program

{                                   $ ./hello
                                    Hello World
    printf("Hello Worldn");

Introduction : Input and output
The printf(“control string”, arg_list) is a function to print formatted
Control string contains format specifier(%) and string of characters to
  be printed.
Each % indicates the argument to be substituted in what form it has to
  be printed. e.g. %d is used for integer argument.
e.g,    printf(“the value of x is %d”,x);
The scanf(“control string”, &variable) is just like printf(). It reads input
  instead of writing output.
e.g.    scanf(“%d”, &x);
&-- address of operator.
We can also specify width while displaying data. e.g. %6d will print a
 decimal integer at least 6 characters wide.
For floating point, to point 2 characters after decimal point, use %.2f
Introduction : I/O : Example
Program :
#include <stdio.h>                         OUTPUT :
                                           Enter a number : 10
                                           number = 10
    int x;
    printf("Enter a number : ");
    scanf("%d", &x);
    printf("number = %dn", x);
    return 0;
Single line comment can be specified using //
// single line comment

Multi line comment can be specified using /* */
* Multi line comment 1
* Multi line comment 2

C programming

 Data Types
  Variables   10
Identifiers are names given to the elements such as variables,
arrays and functions that are used in a program
Basically, these identifiers are sequence of alphabets and digits
There are certain rules that govern the formation of identifiers,
based on those rules the following are the VALID and INVALID
identifiers :
Valid identifiers:
      Marks, TOTAL_MARKS , gross_salary_1998, Area_of_circle(), Num[20]

Invalid identifiers:
      8ab, TOTAL MARK, Gross-salary-1997, Area_ _ of _ _ circle

Data Types & Sizes
Data types                                   Qualifiers - unsigned & signed
char - single byte - can store one           applies to char and integer
                                             default may be signed or unsigned (it
int - integer - generally natural size          depends on the platform).
float - for single precision floating
double - for double precision floating
  point                                      unsigned char : 0, 255 (2^8-1)

Qualifiers - short & long                    signed char : -128 (-2^7), +127
short and long provides different
  length of integers.
short int - 2 bytes
long int - 4 bytes (32-bit systems), 8
   bytes(64-bit systems)                             12
Data Types & Sizes

Ty p e                S iz e       Rang e                   fo rm
char                  1 b y te     -1 2 8 to    127         %c     ‘a ’      ‘A ’     ‘# ’    ‘n ’
u n s ig n e d        1 b y te      0    to    255
in t                  2 b y te      -3 2 7 6 8 to           % d -2 5          5       0      -5
u n s ig n e d in t   2 b y te     0 to 6 5 5 3 5           % u 25u                 32768u
lon g in t            4 b y te     -2 1 4 7 4 8 3 6 4 8 to % ld 4 5 l -5 l                40000l
                                   + 2147483647

u n s ig n e d        4 b y te     0 to                     % lu 1 0 0 lu           5 1 lu
lon g                              4294967295
floa t                4 b y te     ± 3 .4 * 1 0 ^ ± 3 8     %f     -3 .5 f     7 .5 f
d ou b le             8 b y te     ± 1 .7 * 1 0 ^ ± 3 0 8   % lf   -3 .5            7 .5
lon g d ou b le       1 0 b y te   ± 3 .4 *                 % L f -3 .5 L           7 .5 L
                                   10^ ± 4932
Data types: Example
#include <stdio.h>                                Output:
int main(void) {                                  sizeof char = 1
printf("sizeof char = %dn", sizeof(char));       sizeof short = 2
printf("sizeof short = %dn", sizeof(short));     sizeof int = 4
printf("sizeof int = %dn", sizeof(int));
                                                  sizeof long = 4
printf("sizeof long = %dn", sizeof(long));
                                                  sizeof float = 4
printf("sizeof float = %dn", sizeof(float));
                                                  sizeof double = 8
printf("sizeof double = %dn", sizeof(double));
return 0;

It is a data name that is used to store a data value.
Variables can take different values at different times during
All the variables must be declared before they are used.

                 int x;      float y;


            x=10;         y=10.5;

Variable Names
There are certain conditions to be followed before the declaration of a
variable :
        . They must begin with a letter
        . Uppercase and lowercase are significant
        . It should not be a keyword
        . White space is not allowed
Examples of valid variable names:
       John value      x1     T_cut
Examples of Invalid variable names:
        123 % 21th (area)
The underscore "_" counts as a letter. It is very useful for readability of
  long variable names.
Don't begin your variable name with "_" as system library routines uses16
  such names.
Variable Names
Names are made up of letters and digits.
First character must be letter.
The underscore "_" counts as a letter. It is very useful for readability of
  long variable names.
Don't begin your variable name with "_" as system library routines uses
  such names.
Traditional practice - use lower case for variable names, use upper case
  for symbolic constants.
Keywords such as if, else, int are reserved. These cannot be used as
  variable names.
Use shorter names for local variables. Use longer names for
  global/external variables.
Variable Declarations
All variables must be declared before use. A declaration announces
   property (data type) of the variable.
The declaration is usually done at the beginning of the block(function)
The declaration must be done before any executable statements in a
  block (function).
A declaration specifies a type and contains a list of one or more
  variables of that type, as in
int lower, upper, step;
A variable may also be initialized in its declaration. If the name is
  followed by an equal signs and an expression, the expression serves
  as an initializer, as in
int i = 0;
The term constant means that it does not change during the execution of
There are four basic types of constants in C
1.Integer constants
2.Floating-point constants
3.Character constants
4.String constants

Comma and blank spaces cannot be included within the constants.
Constants can be preceded by a – or + sign, if desired. If either sign does not
  precede the constant it is assumed to be positive.
The value of a constant cannot exceed specified minimum and maximum
  bounds.                                            19
Constants : Integer : Example
#include <stdio.h>                  Output :
#include <stdlib.h>                 x = 10
int main()                          y = 255
int x = 012;
int y = 0xFF;
printf("x = %dn", x);
printf("y = %dn", y);
return 0;
Constant : Character : Example
#include<stdio.h>                   Output
int main()                          c=x
const char c = 'x';
printf(“c = %cn”, c);
return 0;

Constant : String : Example
#include<stdio.h>                   Output

Int main()                          s = Open Gurukul

const char *s = ”Open Gurukul”;
printf(“s = %sn”, s);
return 0;

C Programming

  Operators   23
An operator is a symbol that tells the compiler to perform specific

Operator are classified into 3 types based upon no. of operands.

Unary operator:       Required only one operand
Binary operator:      Required only two operand
Ternary:              Required only three operand


Unary operator               Binary operator              Ternary operator

 Pre Increment/ Decrement    Arithmetic Operator          Ternary Operator
 Post Increment/ Decrement   Logical Operator
 Size Estimating Operator    Relational Operator
 Address of(&)               Assignment Operator
 Pointer operator(*)         Conditional Operator
 Special Operator             Bit wise Operator

  parenthesis              ( )

     u n a ry             !, + , -, + + , -- (p re in c re m e n t/d e c re m e n t)

  a rith m e tic      *, /, %
  a rith m e tic      +,-

   re la tion a l     <,>,<=,>=
   re la tion a l     = = , !=

  log ic a l a n d    &&
   log ic a l or      ||

  c on d ition a l    ?:                  Ternary

 a s s ig n m e n t   =

        Pos t                                             26
in c re m e n t/d e c + + , --
      re m e n t
Operators : Arithmetic : Example
main() {
   int num1, num2, sum, sub, mul, div;
   scanf("%d %d", &num1, &num2);
   sum = num1 + num2; printf("nsum = %d, ", sum);
   sub = num1 – num2; printf("diff = %d, ", sub);
   mul = num1*num2;        printf(" product = %d, ", mul);
   div = num1 / num2;      printf("division = %dn", div);
OUTPUT : 4 5
  sum = 9, diff = -1, product = 20, division = 0
    The operator which act on the internal bits of respective bytes, are known as
bitwise operator.
   C provides 6 bit wise operators for bit manipulation.

   &    Bitwise and
   |    Bitwise or
   ^    Bitwise exclusive or
   <<   Left shift
   >>   Right shift
   ~    one’s complement

& Bitwise-AND operator
The & operator performs a bitwise AND on two integers.

     a b    a&b
     0   0   0
     0   1   0
     1   0   0
     1   1   1
Example: 2&3
       2   0000000000000010
       3   0000000000000011
    2&3    0000000000000010

| Bitwise-OR operator
 The | (vertical bar) operator performs a bitwise AND on two integers.

     a b     a|b
     0   0     0
     0   1     1
     1   0     1
     1   1     1
Example: 2|3
       2     0000000000000010
       3     0000000000000011
    2|3      0000000000000011

                                                     3                   30
^ Bitwise exclusive-OR operator
 The ^(caret) operator performs a bitwise AND on two integers.

     a b     a^b
     0   0    0
     0   1    1
     1   0    1
     1   1    0
Example: 2^3
       2    0000000000000010
       3    0000000000000011
    2^3      0000000000000001

Operators : Bit-wise : Example
PROGRAM :                           OUTPUT :
int main()
  printf(“%d %d %d”,
        2&3, 2|3, 2^3);
  return 0;

Left Shift
The shift-left operator (<<, or double left) is used to shift the bit
  pattern of a number by a certain number of bits to the left.
Here is an example of shift-left operator:
13 (00001101)
104 (01101000)

Right Shift
The shift-right operator (>>, or double right) is used to shift this bit
  pattern to the opposite direction (right).
Here is another example for the shift-right operator:
52 (00110100)
3 (00000011)

increment operator ++ adds 1 to its operand.
decrement operator -- subtracts 1 from its operand.

It are two types
   1. Pre increment/ Decrement
   2. Post increment/ Decrement

Operators : Pre/Post Inc/Dec : Example
#include <stdio.h>                    Output:
#include <stdlib.h>                              x = 11, y = 10
                                                 x = 10, y = 10
int main() {
                                                 x = 9, y = 10
    int x = 10, y;                               x = 10, y = 10
    y = x++; /* y should have 10, x will be 11 post */
    printf("x = %d, y = %dn", x, y);
    y = --x; /* x will become 10, y will also be 10 */
    printf("x = %d, y = %dn", x, y);
    y = x--; /* y should have 10, x will be 9 post decrement */
    printf("x = %d, y = %dn", x, y);
    y = ++x; /* x will become 10, y will also be 10 */
    printf("x = %d, y = %dn", x, y);
}                                    36
Operators : Assignment

It is used to assign the specific value to the variable or constant.

   Note: The left hand operand must and should be a variable.

               int x=10;

Operators : Compound Operators

 C om pound     O p e r a t io n P e r f o r m e d
 O p e ra tor
    *=           Mu ltip lic a tion a s s ig n m e n t
    /=            D iv is ion a s s ig n m e n t
    %=            R e m a in d e r a s s ig n m e n t
    +=            Ad d ition a s s ig n m e n t
    -=            S u b tra c tion a s s ig n m e n t
    <<=           L e ft-S h ift a s s ig n m e n t
    >>=           R ig h t s h ift a s s ig n m e n t
   &=             B itw is e -A ND a s s ig n m e n t
   ^=             B itw is e -ex c lu s iv e -O R a s s ig n m e n t
   |=             B itw is e -in c lu s iv e -O R a s s ig n m e n t
Operators : Relational
These operators compare the relation between the specified operands.
If it is true, it will return 1. else returns 0.

Operators Meaning
> Greater than
>= Greater than Equal to
< Lesser than
<= Lesser than Equal to
== Equals
!= Not Equals

Operators : Logical
The operators, generally used in conditional statements.
These operators are used to check between two or more conditions.

Operator         Meaning
 &&             Logical AND
  ||            Logical OR
  !             Logical NOT

&& Logical-AND operator

It perform conditional-AND on two boolean expression.

      a   b      a&&b
    falsefalse false
    falsetrue     false
    true  false false
    true  true    true
Example: 2&&3
          2     true
         3     true
      2&&3     true

|| Logical-OR operator

It perform conditional-OR on two boolean expression.

      a     b      a||b
    false  false false
    false  true     true
    true    false true
    true    true     true
Example:   2&&0
           2      true
           0     false
        2||0     true

! Logical-NOT operator

It performs logical not operation.

       a     !a
     false true
     true false

Example: 2(true)

Operators : Logical : Example
PROGRAM:                                   OUTPUT :
#include<stdio.h>                          ONE
  if (!1)
      printf("NOT ONEn");

Operators : Comma
The comma operator is a binary operator that evaluates its first
operand and discards the result, it then evaluates the second operand and
returns this value (and type).

int a=1, b=2, c=3, i; // not an operator here
i = (a, b); // stores b into i
i = a, b; // stores a into i
i = (a += 2, a + b); // increases a by 2, then stores a+b = 3+2 into i
i = a += 2, a + b; // increases a by 2, then stores a = 3 into i

Operators : Comma : Example
PROGRAM:                                 OUTPUT :
#include <stdio.h>                        i = 2, b =2
#include <stdlib.h>                       i = 1, a =1
 int main()
    int a = 1, b = 2;
    int i;
    i = (a, b); // stores b into i
    printf("i = %d, b =%dn", i, b);
    i = a, b; // stores a into i
    printf("i = %d, a =%dn", i, a);
    return 0;
Defines a conditional expression.
     In the expression
          expr1 ? expr2 : expr3
     the expression expr1 is evaluated first.

  If it is non-zero(true), then the expression expr2 is evaluated, and that is the
  value of conditional expression.

  Otherwise, expr3 is evaluated, and that is the value. Only one of expr2 and
  expr3 is evaluated.

Operators : Ternary : Example
PROGRAM:                                    OUTPUT :
#include <stdio.h>                          Enter first value : 3
#include <stdlib.h>                         Enter second value : 4
main() {                                    Max is : 4
  int a, b, max;
  printf("Enter first value : ");
  scanf("%d", &a);
  printf("Enter second value : ");
  scanf("%d", &b);
  max = (a > b ? a : b);
  printf("Max is : %dn", max);

Operators : sizeof()
The sizeof() operator can be used       PROGRAM :
to figure out size of data type.
                                        #include <stdio.h>
The sizeof() is not a function
whose value determined at run           #include <stdlib.h>
time but rather an operator whose       int main() {
value is determined by compiler,            int i;
    So it can be known as compile           printf("sizeof i = %d,"
   time unary operator.                            "sizeof(int) = %dn" ,
                                                    sizeof (i), sizeof (int));

                                        OUTPUT :
                                         sizeof i = 4, sizeof(int) = 4

C Programming

 Control Flow   50
Control structure : Decisions

Control Flow : If Statement
The if statement used to control the flow of execution of

The general from of a simple if statement is

     if ( test expression )
Control Flow: if Statement : Example
PROGRAM:                                        OUTPUT :
main() {                                        Congratulations!
    int grade = 68;                             You passed!
    if (grade > 60)
        printf(“You passed!”);

Control flow : if else Statements
The if…else statement is an extension of the simple if statement.
The general from is
     if(test expression)
         true-block statement(s)
         false-block statement(s)
     }                                 54
Control flow: if else : Example
PROGRAM :                                       OUTPUT :
main()                                          Sorry you failed
    int grade = 58;
    if (grade > 60) {
        printf(“You passed!”);
    } else {
        printf(“Sorry you failed”);
}                                     55
Control flow : Switch Statement
Switch allows branching on multiple outcomes.

The general form of the switch statement is

    switch (expression)


         case value-1:



         case value-2:





Control flow : Switch : Example
main() {                                      OUTPUT:

    int option = 2;                           B

    switch(option) {
        case 1: printf(“A”);
        case 2: printf(“B”);
         default : printf(“def”);
Looping control structure
while loop
do-while loop
for loop

Control flow : while Statement

The basic format of the while statement is
    while (test condition)
        body of the loop

Control flow : while : Example
PROGRAM:                               OUTPUT :
main() {                               01234
    int X = 0;
    while ( X < 5 ) {
        printf(“ %d ”, X);

Control flow : do while Statement

The do while loop takes the following form :
         body of the loop
    while ( test-condition) ;

Control flow : do while : Example
PROGRAM:                               OUTPUT :
main()                                 01234
    int X = 0;
        printf(“ %d ”, X);
    } while ( X < 5 );
}                     62
Control Flow : For Statement
The general form of the for loop is

 for (initialization; test condition; increment / decrement)
       body of the loop

Control flow : For Loop : Example
PROGRAM:                                OUTPUT:
main()                                  01234
    int i ;
    for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
        printf(“ %d “,i);
C Programming

  Functions   65
Functions : Introduction
A block of statements can be grouped together in curly braces { } and given a
It may take parameters as input and can return a value if needed.
The functions are basic building blocks of modular programming language such
  as c.
Syntax :
return_type function_name(data_type_1 param1, data_type_2 param2, ...)
    return <value>;
If the return type is "void", the function doesn't return any value.
                     Functions : Example
#include <stdio.h>
                                                sum = add(num1, num2);
int sum(int first, int second)
                                                printf("sum is %dn", sum);
    int total;
                                            Output :
    total = first + second ;
                                            sum is 30
    return total;
void main()
    int num1 = 10;
    int num2 = 20;
    int sum;                                     67
Recursion is a programming technique in which function calls
It repeats the same code, and in some ways it is similar to

Recursion Example
PROGRAM:                                         int fact(int n) {

#include <stdio.h>                                   int k;

#include <stdlib.h>                                  if (n == 1) return (1);

int main() {                                         else k = n * fact(n - 1);

    int n, fact;                                     return (k);

    int fact(int);                               }

    printf("nenter the number for which you     Output :
     want to find the factorialn");
                                                 enter the number for which you want to
    scanf("%d", &n);                                find the factorial

    fact = fact(n);                              5

    printf("nthe factorial of the number %d     the factorial of the number 5 is 120
     is %d", n, fact);
    return 0;
Function : Calling a function
While calling a parametrized function, we have to pass some
There are two ways to call a function,
1. Call by Value
2. call by Reference.
The difference between these two is:
In case of Call by value the original data will remain unchanged.
But in case of Call by Reference the address is passed to the function
  as the parameters, So the original data will changed.

Functions : Call by Value : Example
void modify(int,int);
                                                            modify: x=100, y=200
void main() {
                                                            main: x=10, y=20
int x=10, y=20;
printf(“main: x= %d, y= %dn”,x,y);
void modify(int x,int y)
printf(“modify: x= %d, y= %dn”,x,y);
Functions : Call by Reference : Example

Program:                                         Output:
void modify(int *,int *);                        modify: x=100, y=200
void main() {                                    main: x=100, y=200
int x=10, y=20;
printf(“main: x= %d, y= %dn”,x,y);
void modify(int *x,int *y)
printf(“modify: x= %d, y= %dn”,*x,*y);
C Programming

   Arrays   73
Arrays : introduction
1. It is a collection of data of similar data types in a contiguous memory
2. An array can be declared using :
              data_type variable_name[size];
3.data_type can be: int, float, char etc
4. An array elements index or subscript begins with number zero.

Arrays : Example
void main()                                            s = hi

    char s[5]; // declaration of an character Array
    s[0]='h'; //initialization of 1st index of the array
    printf(“s = %s”,s); //to print the string

Arrays : Array Elements
The syntax for an element of an array called a is a[i]
where i = index of the array element.
In memory, one can picture the array id as in the following

Arrays : Initialization
The elements of array can be initialized at the time of declaration
  data_type array_name[array size] = {list of values};
Example : initialize array with size
                int number[3] = {40, 30, 20};
  Will declare an array of size 3.
Will assign 40, 30, 20 to first, second and third element like below.
number[2]=20                             77
Arrays : Initialization without Size
Example :
  initialize array without size (compute automatically)
         int counter[] = {101, 102, 103, 104};
  Will declare the array to contain four elements with initial values
   101, 102, 103 and 104.

Arrays : Example
#include<stdio.h>                                             Output:
#define MAX_CLASS 5                                           students in class 1 : 30
Int main()                                                    students in class 2 : 35
                                                              students in class 3 : 40
    /* initialize while declaring */
                                                              students in class 4 : 45
    int students[MAX_CLASS] = {30, 35, 40, 45,
      50};                                                    students in class 5 : 50
    int class;
    for (class = 0; class < MAX_CLASS; class++)
        printf("students in class %d : %dn", class+1,
Arrays : Multidimensional Array
Often there is a need to store and manipulate two dimensional data
   structure such as matrices & tables.
Syntax: data_type array_name[num_rows][num_columns];
            Example: int holiday[12][31];
Syntax for multidimensional array declaration:
  data_type array_name[s1][s2][s3]…..[sn];
             Example : int holiday[100][12][31];

Arrays : Multidimensional Array : Example
Program:                                             for(int i=0;i<2;i++)
#include<stdio.h>                                        for(int j=0;j<3;j++)
Void main()                                                 Printf(“ x[%d][%d]= %dn“,i,j x[i][j]);
{                                                    }
Int x[2][3]
Int k=1;
                                                     x[0][0] = 1;
for(int i=0;i<2;i++)
                                                     X[0][1] = 2;
    for(int j=0;j<3;j++)
                                                     X[0][2] = 3;
                                                     x[1][0] = 4;
                                                     X[1][1] = 5;
                                                     X[1][2] = 6;
// for printing all the values of the array                                                           81
Arrays : Array as Parameters
1.An array can also be passed to a function as a parameter by using array
  name itself.

2.The base address of an array is passed to the function.

3.The function can use (1) same name or
                       (2) any other name
   to receive the base address of an array.

4.The function can operate on the array passed as a parameter.

5.The changes made to the array in a function will be visible in other
   places as it is accessed through pointer.

Arrays : Array as Parameter : Example
#include <stdio.h>
void print_students(int students[], int numstuds)                   0:10
{                                                                   1:20
   int i;                                                           2:30
   for (i = 0; i < numstuds; i++)                                   3:432
     printf("%d : %d n", i, students[i]);
#define NUM_TOPPERS 4
int main()
   int toppers_roll_no[NUM_TOPPERS] = {10, 20, 30,432};
   print_students(toppers_roll_no, NUM_TOPPERS);
   return 0;
C Programming

Module : Structure   84
Basics of Structures
A structure is a collection of one or more variables that are
  grouped together under a single name. The data type of
  variables can be same or different.
The structure is used for convenient handling of related data that
  can be grouped together.
The variables that are part of structure are called structure
  members or structure fields.
Syntax :
typedef struct emp {
 int emp_id;
 char emp_name[256];
} emp_t ;
The keyword "struct" is followed by a structure name.
Structures : Access Members/Fields
emp_t e;
   defines a variable 'e' which is a structure of the type 'struct
The structure members / fields are referred using dot operator '.'
  between structure variable and structure field/member.

Structures : Example
/* Example : struct.c */
                                         Output :
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
                                         $ gcc -o struct struct.c
typedef struct emp {
    int emp_id;                          $ ./struct
    char emp_name[256];                  id = 432, name = s k
} emp_t ;                                $
main() {
    emp_t e;
    e.emp_id = 432;
    strcpy(e.emp_name, "S K");
    printf("id = %d, name = %sn",
     e.emp_id, e.emp_name);                     87

Pointers to Structure
The pointer to a structure is declared by preceding the variable
  name with an asterisk in the declaration.
Access struct members using pointers:
   An arrow sign is used to access structure member while
     access the data through a pointer to a structure.
   emp_t *e_p; /* pointer to struct */

Pointers to Structure : Example
/* Example : struct_pointer.c */      main() {
#include <stdio.h>                        emp_t e;
#include <string.h>                       emp_t *e_p; /*ptr to struct */
                                          e.emp_id = 432;
typedef struct emp {                      strcpy(e.emp_name, "sk");
 int emp_id;                              e_p = &e;
 char emp_name[256];                      printf("id = %d, name = %sn",
} emp_t ;                                        e_p->emp_id,
Self-referential Structure
A structure may have a member whose is same as that of a structure itself. Such
   structures are called self-referential.
Self-Referential Structure are one of the most useful features.
They allow you to create data structures that contains references to data of the same
  type as themselves.
Self-referential Structure is used in data structure such as binary tree, linked list, stack,
   Queue etc.
Example : Single linked list is implemented using following data structures
struct node {
int value;
struct node *next;

C Programming

   Pointers   91
Pointers : Introduction
Definition-A pointer is a variable that can hold address of other variables,
  structures and functions.
Syntax :
<variable_type> *<name>;
*(de-referencing operator) symbol is used to indicate the pointers.
 int x=10;
                                                       ptr            x
 int *ptr;      // pointer to an integer
                                                       1000          10
 ptr=&x;        // ptr contains the address of x
                                                       2000          1000
 printf(“the value of x is %d“, *ptr);         // 10

Pointers : Need of Pointers
These are very efficient to handle the arrays.
Pointers allow C to support dynamic memory allocation.
Pointers provide support to create dynamic data structures
  like linked list, stack, queue, etc....
They increase the execution speed, so helps to reduce the
  execution time.
Pointers reduce the length and complexity of the programs.
They help to return multiple values in functions.

Pointers : Declaration & Initialization : Example
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
    int x=5;                                                    *p = 5
    int *p;                                                     &x = 500
    p = &x;                                                     p = 500
    printf(" x= %dn",x); // the value of x
                                                                &p = 600
    printf("*p = %dn",*p); //the value of x
    printf("&x = %un",&x); // the address of x
printf(“ p = %un”,p); // the address of x
printf(“&p = %un”, &p); // the address of the pointer
Pointers : Arithmetic Operation
Pointer variable can be used in arithmetic expressions.
For example if p1 and p2 are properly declared and initialized pointers, then the
  following statements are valid.
y = *p1 * *p2;
sum = sum + *p1;
z = 5* - *p2/p1;
*p2 = *p2 + 10;
C language allows us to add integers to, subtract integers from pointers as well
   as to subtract one pointer from the other,short hand operators with the
   pointers p1+=; sum+=*p2; etc.,
Comparison of pointers such as p1 > p2 , p1==p2 and p1!=p2 are allowed.

Address Arithmetic Example
#include <stdio.h>                             Output:
void main()                                    a = 30, b = 6
{                                              x = 30
int ptr1,ptr2;
int a,b,x;
x=*ptr1+ *ptr2 –6;
printf("na = %d, b = %dn",a,b);
printf("nx = %d”,x);
Pointers : Character pointers in C
In C, string means array of characters. i.e., char a[]=”matsya”;
C does not provide any operators for manipulation of an entire string.
Strings can be manipulated via pointers.
Like 1D arrays, we can use a pointer to access the indivisual characters in a
Generally when we create a string, compiler automatically inserts a null
  character(0) at the end.
Example :
char *cp;
                           m a     t   s   y    a      0
cp = “matsya”;


Pointers : Char pointer : Example
Program:                                           Output:
#include<stdio.h>                                  Mataya
void main()
  char *cptr;
}                               98
Pointers : Pointers to Arrays
Pointer means address in memory.
Array means group of similar elements in a contiguous memory
If we can keep the track of index element of an array, then by
   incrementing the pointer we can obtain the other elements of
   the array.
                      a[0]     a[1]    a[2]

                         1        23      45


Pointers : Pointers to Array : Example
Program :                                                  Output:
# include<stdio.h>                                         a[0] = 1
void main()
                                                           p+0 = 1
                                                           a[1] = 23
int a[]={1,23,45};
                                                           p+1 = 23
int *p, i;
p=&a[0];                                                   a[2] = 45
for(i=0;i<3;i++)                                           p+2 = 45
    printf("a[%d] = %dn",i,a[i]);
Pointers : Command line arguments

main() function has two arguments.
The first is number of command line arguments i.e., int argc
The second is a pointer to an array of character strings that contain the
  arguments one per string i.e., char *argv[]

Command line Argument : Example

Program: cmd.c
                                            bin>tcc cmd.c
                                            bin>cmd.exe this is a program
main(int argc, char *argv[])
                                              this     is   a program
    int i;

C Programming

Input & Output   103
IO : File input & output
The I/O functionality of C is fairly low-level by modern standards; C abstracts all file
  operations into operations on streams of bytes, which may be "input streams" or
  "output streams".
The standard library functions for file input and output are included in the c standard
  library header <stdio.h>
We need a file pointer to read from file and write to a file e.g.:
FILE *fp;
The FILE is an abstract data structure. It includes file descriptor.
Reading from or writing to a file in C requires 3 basic steps:
Open the file.
Do reading/writing.
Close the file.
Opening a file using fopen
A filepointer is used to open a file present using the format,
FILE* fp;
FILE* fopen(char *name, char *mode);
For opening a file
fp = fopen(name of file, mode);
Mode Normal Access
r     Open existing file for "r"eading
w     Open file for "w"riting, destroying the contents; create if necessary
a     "A"ppend at end of file; create if necessary Update Access (for fixed-length
r+ Open existing file for "r"eading & writing
w+ Open file for reading & "w"riting, destroying the contents; create if necessary
a+ Open file for reading & writing -- all writing is "a"ppended to the end of the file; create
   if necessary                                                105
Opening a file using fopen
For checking whether a file exists give
To read and to write a file, getc and putc are used.
getc returns the next character from a file; it needs the file pointer to tell it which file
int getc(FILE *fp)
getc returns the next character from the stream referred to by fp; it returns EOF for end
   of file or error.
putc is an output function :
int putc(int c, FILE *fp)
putc write the character c to the file fp and returns the character written, or EOF if an
   error occurs. getc and putc may be macros instead of functions.

Opening a file using fopen
getchar and putchar can be defined in terms of getc, putc, stdin, and stdout as
# define getchar() getc(stdin)
# define putchar(c) putc((c), stdout)
For formatted input or output of files, the functions fscanf and fprints may be
int fscanf(FILE *fp, char *format, ....)
int fprintf(FILE *fp, char *format, ...)
An example program to read characters from console and write that to file and
  display that onto console console.

Opening a file using fopen Example
#include <stdio.h>                                fp = fopen("INPUT", "r");
#include <stdlib.h>                               while ((c = getc(fp)) != EOF)
int main() {                                        printf("%c", c);
  file* fp;                                       fclose(fp);
  printf("Data inputn");                         return 0;
  fp = fopen("INPUT", "w");                   }
  while ((c = getchar()) != EOF)
     putc(c, fp);
  printf("Data outputn");

Line I/O
char *fgets(char *line, int maxline, FILE *fp)
The standard library provides an input routine fgets to read a line.
fgets reads the next input line from the file fp into the character array line; at
   most maxline-1 characters will be read.
The resulting line is terminated with '0'. Normally fgets returns line; on end of
  file or error is returns NULL.
int fputs(char *line, FILE *fp)
The function fputs writes a string to a file.
It returns EOF if an error occurs, and zero otherwise.
The library functions gets and puts are similar to fgets and fputs, but operate on
  stdin and stdout.
gets deletes the terminal 'n', and puts adds it.
Formatted Output using printf
The output function printf translates internal values to characters.
For example
int printf(char *format, arg1, arg2, ......)
printf converts, formats, and prints its arguments on the standard output under
   the control of the format.
It returns the number of character printed.
Basic Printf Conversions
Character Argument type; Printed as
d, i int; decimal number.
o int; unsigned octal number(without leading zero)
x, X int; unsigned hexadecial number without the leading ox or OX.
Formatted Output using printf
u int; unsigned decimal number.
c int; single character.
s char *; print character from the string until a '0' or the number of characters
   given by the precision.
f double; [-]m.dddddd, where the number of d's is given by the recision
e,E double; print a double in exponential format, rounded, with one digit before
   the decimal point, precision after it. A precision of zero suppresses the
   decimal point.
There will be at least two digits in the exponent, which is printed as 1.23e15 in
  e format, or 1.23E15 in E format.
g, G double; use %e or %E if the exponent is less than -4 or greater than or
   equal to the precision; otherwise use %f.
p void *; pointer
% no argument is converted; print a %                                                111
Formatted Output using printf
A width or precision may be specified as *, in which case the value is computed by
   the converting the next argument. For example, to print at most max characters
   from a string s,
printf("%.*s", max, s);
Example: printf with various effects
The following table shows the effect of a variety of specifications in printing "hello,
:%s: :hello, world:
:%10s: :hello, world:
:%.10s :hello, wor:
:%-10s: :hello, world:
:%.15s: :hello, world:
:%-15s: :hello, world :
:%15.10s: : hello, wor:
:%-15.10s: :hello,wor :
Formatted Input using scanf
scanf syntax:
scanf(datatype *format, ....);
There is also a function sscanf that reads from a string instead of the standard
int sscanf(char *string, char *format, arg1, arg2, ....)
It scans the string according to the format in 'format', and stores the resulting
    values through arg1, arg2, etc.
These arguments must be a pointers.
Basic Scanf Conversions
Character | Input Data | Argument Type
d | decimal integer | int *
u | unsigned decimal integer | unsigned int *
c | character | char *
Formatted Input using scanf
s | character string | char * (pointing to an array of characters large enough for
    the string and a terminating '0' that will be added)
e, f, g | floating point number with optional sign, optional decimal point and
    optional exponent | float *.
o | octal integer | int *
x | hexadecimal integer | int *
% | literal % | no assignment is made

Error Handling
The second output stream, called stderr, is assigned to a program in the same
  way that stdin and stdout are.
Output written on stderr normally appears on the screen even if the standard
  output is redirected.
fprintf(stderr, format, arguments);
The output produced by fprintf goes onto stderr.
It finds it way to the screen instead of disappearing into an output file.
The program uses the standard library function exit, which terminates program
  execution when it is called.
The argument of exit is available to whatever process called this one, so the
  success or failure of the program can be tested by another program that
  uses this one as a sub process.                                               115
Char I/O
int fgetc(FILE *fp);
The fgetc function is used to read a character from a stream
If successful, fgetc returns the next byte or character from the stream
If unsuccessful, fgetc returns EOF.
behaves similar to fgetc()
it may evaluate its arguments more than once.
int getchar(void);
takes no argument.                           116

equivalent to getc(stdin).
Char I/O
int fputc(int c, FILE *stream);
The fputc function is used to write a character from a stream to the file
If successful, fputc writes the next byte or character from the stream
If unsuccessful, fgetc returns EOF.

C Programming

Module : Strings   118
Strings are defined as an array of characters.
We can used following statement to define a string of 5 characters
char string1[5];
char string2[] = {'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', '0'};
char *string3_p = "ABCD"; /* string literals */
char *string4_p = string2; /* string2 is same as &string2[0] */

String Literals
A string that has been enclosed in double-quotes is called a string literal.
It can be used in place of string variables in the code.
Example :
#include <string.h>
    char *s_p = "hello"; /* "hello" is a string literal */
    printf("%s %sn", s_p, "world"); /* "world" is a string literal */
Output: hello world

String Terminator
A special character '0' is used to indicate the end of the string.
This should be stored as a last character of the string.
It is also called as a string null character.
Example :
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
printf("The character 0 is used to terminate a string.");
return 0;
Output: The character
String format specifier
We must use %s to read & print              Output:
                                            Enter your country name :
Example :
#include <stdio.h>
                                            You belong to india
#include <string.h>
char str[128];
printf("Enter your country name : n");
scanf("%s", str);
printf("You belong to ");
printf("%sn", str);
string length : strlen function
The function strlen() can be used to            Example: Calculate lengh of string
  calculate the length of the string.             literals "Hello World"
It doesn't take into account null-              #include <string.h>
    terminator '0' at the end of the string.
                                                #include <stdio.h>
length = strlen("hello"); /* should set
   length to 5 */                               {
                                                    int length;
                                                    char *message_p = "Hello World";
                                                    length = strlen(message_p);
                                                    printf("length of %s = %dn",
                                                      message_p, length);
                                     of Hello World = 11   123
string copy : strcpy function
We can copy the contents of one            Example : Copy string literal "Hello
  string to another using strcpy()           World" to a string and display it.
                                           #include <string.h>
Syntax :
                                           #include <stdio.h>
char *strcpy(char *dest, const char
  *src);                                   main()
                                               char message[128];
                                               strcpy(message, "Hello World");
                                               printf("%sn", message);
                                           Output: Hello World

string concatenation : strcat function
We can concatenate contents of one            Example :
  string to another using strcat()
  function.                                   #include <string.h>

Syntax :                                      #include <stdio.h>

char *strcat(char *dest, const char *src);    main()
                                                  char message[128];
                                                  strcpy(message, "Hello");
                                                  strcat(message, " ");
                                                  strcat(message, "World");
                                                  printf("%sn", message);
                                              Output:Hello World
string compare : strcmp function
We can compare contents of two string to find if they are equal.
The strcmp() takes "case" of the characters into account.
The strcasecmp() ignores case while comparing.
The return value is 0 when the string are equal.
The return value is non-zero when the string are unequal.
Syntax :
#include <string.h>
int strcmp(const char *s1, const char *s2);
int strcasecmp(const char *s1, const char *s2);

string compare: Example
#include <string.h>              printf("match case, %s == %s, %dn",
                                    s1, s2, strcmp(s1, s2));
#include <stdio.h>
                                  s1 = "Hello";
                                  s2 = "hello";
                                  printf("ignore case, %s == %s, %dn",
char *s1;                           s1, s2, strcasecmp(s1, s2));
char *s2;                        }
s1 = "Hello";                    Output:
s2 = "Hello";                    match case, Hello == Hello, 0
                                 ignore case, Hello == hello, 0

search for string in string : strstr
The function strstr() can be used to search a substring in string.
It returns the pointer that matches the substring.
The NULL pointer is printed as (null) on Linux.

Syntax :
#include <string.h>
char *strstr(const char *haystack, const char *needle);

C Programming

Storage Classes   129
Scope of Variables
A complete C program need not be compiled all at once; the source text of the
   program may be kept in several files, and previously compiled routines may
   be loaded from libraries.
If the variable / function has been defined before it use, no declaration is
Otherwise an implicit (for function) / explicit (for variable) declaration is required
  before its use.
The same rule applies irrespective of the definition of function/variable in same
  source file or another source file.
General rule
- declare all global variables as extern (global) in header file.
- declare all globale functions in header file.
- include the header file in all the source files that needs to access function /
- each function / variable
                                  be defined in any one source file                 130
External Variables
The program can consists of multiple source files (object files).
For such programs, the variables and functions defined in one file
  can be accessed/used in another file.
To ensure that the variables & functions defined in one file are
  accessible in another file, you must prefix them with a keyword
  "extern" (set external scope) at the time of declaration.
Generally, "extern" is required only for variables.
The functions are implicitly assumed to be "extern" by compiler .
The "extern" declarations are generally done in a common header
The extenal (global) variables are initialized to zero by default by
External Variables:Example
Header File : common.h                         Second Source File : second.c
extern int ev; /* explicit extern */           #include "common.h"
void set_ev(int ); /* implicit extern */       main()
First C Source : first.c                       {
#include "common.h"                                printf("ev = %d, ", ev);
int ev; /* definition */                           set_ev(5);
void set_ev(int value)                             printf("ev = %dn", ev);
{                                              }
    ev = value;                                Compliation & Linking :
}                                              $ gcc -o mexec first.c second.c
                                               Output :
                                               ev = 0,
                             ev = 5                 132
Static Variables
Static storage class is declared with the keyword static as the
  class specifier when the variable is defined.
These variables are automatically initialized to zero upon memory
  allocation just as external variables are.
Static automatic variables continue to exist even after the block in
  which they are defined terminates.
Thus, the value of a static variable in a function is retained
  between repeated function calls to the same function.
Static variables may be initialized in their declarations.
Initialization is done only once at compile time when memory is
   allocated for the static variable.

Static Variables : Example
PROGRAM:                              OUTPUT :
#include <stdio.h>                    2
#include <stdlib.h>                   3
void add() {                          4
    static int x = 1;
    printf("%dn", x);
main() {
      add(); // return 2
      add(); // return 3
      add(); // return 4
}                   134
Storage Classes : Register
The register storage class specifier indicates to the compiler that
  the object should be stored in a machine register.
Register storage class are used in the hopes of enhancing
  performance by minimizing access time and are used when the
  variables are frequently used.
An object having the register storage class specifier must be
  defined within a block or declared as a parameter to a function.
Objects with the register storage class specifier have automatic
  storage duration.
Available when entering the loop and value is gone once exited.
A register variable will be declared as follows:
register int i;
D e f a u lt
 TYPE           S cope                             L if e t im e
                                                                        V a lu e

  a u to         b od y                               b od y       G a rb a g e v a lu e

 s ta tic      fu n c tion                         p rog ra m               0

 ex te rn      p rog ra m                          p rog ra m               0

re g is te r     b od y                               b od y       G a rb a g e v a lu e

Storage Classes : Initialization
The static and extern variables are initialized to 0 by compiler
An automatic variable remains uninitialized and it will contain
You can initialize a variable while defining it.

Storage Classes : Initialization :

extern int i ; /* declaration */
extern int j; /* declaration */
int i = 5; /* definition & initialization */
int j; /* definition * initilization to zero */
  static int s = 5 ; /* deinition and initializtion to 5 */
  static int t ; /* definition and initialization to 0 */
  int a;         /* definition and uninitizlied - automatic variable */
  printf("i = %d, j = %d, s = %d, t = %d, a = %dn", i, j, s,t,a);

C Programming

 Miscellaneous   139
The typedef
The typedef statement is used to create a new data type from
  existing data types.
We should not use "#define" to refer to data types.
Syntax :
typedef existing_data_type new_data_type;
Example :
typedef unsigned int u_int;
We can use u_int and s_t to declare variables.
u_int i; /* i is a variable of type unsigned int */
A union is a collection of variables that share the same storage.
The union is allocated large enough to hold the value of the largest variable contained in
A union may only be initialized with a value of the type of its first member.
The base address of all the fields of a union is same as they all share the common
Syntax :
union union_name {
data_type     member;
data_type_1 member1;
data_type_2 member2;


union-name.member : access union fields using union variable

union-pointer->member : access union fields using pointer to
union variable

When Storage space is at premium, it may be necessary to pack several objects into a
  single machine word; one common use is a set of single-bit flags in applications like
  compiler symbol tables.
Imagine a fragment of a compiler that manipulates a symbol table.The most compact
   way to encode such information is a set of one-bit flags in a single char or int.
The usual way this is done to define a set of "masks" corresponding to the relevant bit
  position, as in
 #define KEYWORD 01
 #define EXTERNAL 02
 #define STATIC 04
 enum { KEYWORD = 01 , EXTERNAL = 02 , STATIC = 04 };
The numbers must be powers of two. Then accessing the bits become a matter of "bit-
  fiddling" with the shifting, masking, and complementing operators.
Certain idioms appear frequently:
 flags | = EXTERNAL | STATIC;

turns on the EXTERNAL and STATIC bits in flags, while
 flags &= -(EXTERNAL | STATIC);

turns them off, and
 if((flags & (EXTERNAL | STATIC))==0)....

is true if both bits are off.
A bit-field or field for short, is a set of adjacent bits within a single implementation-defined storage
   unit that we will call a "word".
 struct {

    unsigned int is_keyword : 1;
    unsigned int is_extern : 1;

    unsigned int is_static : 1;
This defines a variable called flags that contains three 1-bit fields. The number following the colon
   represents the field width in bits. The field are declared unsigned int to ensure that they are
   unsigned quantities.                                                144

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OpenGurukul : Language : C Programming

  • 1. C Programming By OpenGurukul Team
  • 2. C Programming Introduction 2
  • 3. Introduction : History 1960 ALGOL In te rn a tion a l G rou p 1967 BCPL Ma rtin R ic h a rd s 1970 B Ke n T h om p s on 1972 Traditional C D e n n is R itc h e 3
  • 4. Introduction : Features Extensive use of function calls Structured language Pointer implementation - extensive use of pointers for memory, array, structures and functions. C has now become a widely used professional language for various reasons. General purpose programming language. Helps in development of both system as well as application software. C is a highly portable language. This means it can be run on different machines . 4
  • 5. Introduction : Program Structure Documentation Preprocessor directives / header files Type definitions Function prototypes -- declare function types and variables passed to function. The main() function Other Functions 5
  • 6. Introduction : C program : Example Program : Compilation of C Program $ cat hello.c $ gcc hello.c -o hello #include <stdio.h> $ main() Execution of Program { $ ./hello Hello World printf("Hello Worldn"); $ } 6
  • 7. Introduction : Input and output The printf(“control string”, arg_list) is a function to print formatted output. Control string contains format specifier(%) and string of characters to be printed. Each % indicates the argument to be substituted in what form it has to be printed. e.g. %d is used for integer argument. e.g, printf(“the value of x is %d”,x); The scanf(“control string”, &variable) is just like printf(). It reads input instead of writing output. e.g. scanf(“%d”, &x); Note: &-- address of operator. We can also specify width while displaying data. e.g. %6d will print a decimal integer at least 6 characters wide. 7 For floating point, to point 2 characters after decimal point, use %.2f
  • 8. Introduction : I/O : Example Program : #include <stdio.h> OUTPUT : Enter a number : 10 main() number = 10 { int x; printf("Enter a number : "); scanf("%d", &x); printf("number = %dn", x); return 0; } 8
  • 9. Comments Single line comment can be specified using // // single line comment Multi line comment can be specified using /* */ /* * Multi line comment 1 * Multi line comment 2 */ 9
  • 10. C programming Data Types & Variables 10
  • 11. Identifiers Identifiers are names given to the elements such as variables, arrays and functions that are used in a program Basically, these identifiers are sequence of alphabets and digits There are certain rules that govern the formation of identifiers, based on those rules the following are the VALID and INVALID identifiers : Valid identifiers: Marks, TOTAL_MARKS , gross_salary_1998, Area_of_circle(), Num[20] Invalid identifiers: 8ab, TOTAL MARK, Gross-salary-1997, Area_ _ of _ _ circle 11
  • 12. Data Types & Sizes Data types Qualifiers - unsigned & signed char - single byte - can store one applies to char and integer character default may be signed or unsigned (it int - integer - generally natural size depends on the platform). float - for single precision floating point Range double - for double precision floating point unsigned char : 0, 255 (2^8-1) Qualifiers - short & long signed char : -128 (-2^7), +127 (2^7-1) short and long provides different length of integers. short int - 2 bytes long int - 4 bytes (32-bit systems), 8 bytes(64-bit systems) 12
  • 13. Data Types & Sizes Ty p e S iz e Rang e fo rm char 1 b y te -1 2 8 to 127 %c ‘a ’ ‘A ’ ‘# ’ ‘n ’ u n s ig n e d 1 b y te 0 to 255 char in t 2 b y te -3 2 7 6 8 to % d -2 5 5 0 -5 32767 u n s ig n e d in t 2 b y te 0 to 6 5 5 3 5 % u 25u 32768u lon g in t 4 b y te -2 1 4 7 4 8 3 6 4 8 to % ld 4 5 l -5 l 40000l + 2147483647 u n s ig n e d 4 b y te 0 to % lu 1 0 0 lu 5 1 lu lon g 4294967295 floa t 4 b y te ± 3 .4 * 1 0 ^ ± 3 8 %f -3 .5 f 7 .5 f d ou b le 8 b y te ± 1 .7 * 1 0 ^ ± 3 0 8 % lf -3 .5 7 .5 lon g d ou b le 1 0 b y te ± 3 .4 * % L f -3 .5 L 7 .5 L 10^ ± 4932 13
  • 14. Data types: Example #include <stdio.h> Output: int main(void) { sizeof char = 1 printf("sizeof char = %dn", sizeof(char)); sizeof short = 2 printf("sizeof short = %dn", sizeof(short)); sizeof int = 4 printf("sizeof int = %dn", sizeof(int)); sizeof long = 4 printf("sizeof long = %dn", sizeof(long)); sizeof float = 4 printf("sizeof float = %dn", sizeof(float)); sizeof double = 8 printf("sizeof double = %dn", sizeof(double)); return 0; } 14
  • 15. Variables It is a data name that is used to store a data value. Variables can take different values at different times during execution. All the variables must be declared before they are used. Example: Declaration: int x; float y; Initialization: x=10; y=10.5; 15
  • 16. Variable Names There are certain conditions to be followed before the declaration of a variable : . They must begin with a letter . Uppercase and lowercase are significant . It should not be a keyword . White space is not allowed Examples of valid variable names: John value x1 T_cut Examples of Invalid variable names: 123 % 21th (area) The underscore "_" counts as a letter. It is very useful for readability of long variable names. Don't begin your variable name with "_" as system library routines uses16 such names.
  • 17. Variable Names Names are made up of letters and digits. First character must be letter. The underscore "_" counts as a letter. It is very useful for readability of long variable names. Don't begin your variable name with "_" as system library routines uses such names. Traditional practice - use lower case for variable names, use upper case for symbolic constants. Keywords such as if, else, int are reserved. These cannot be used as variable names. Use shorter names for local variables. Use longer names for global/external variables. 17
  • 18. Variable Declarations All variables must be declared before use. A declaration announces property (data type) of the variable. The declaration is usually done at the beginning of the block(function) The declaration must be done before any executable statements in a block (function). A declaration specifies a type and contains a list of one or more variables of that type, as in int lower, upper, step; A variable may also be initialized in its declaration. If the name is followed by an equal signs and an expression, the expression serves as an initializer, as in int i = 0; 18
  • 19. Constants The term constant means that it does not change during the execution of program There are four basic types of constants in C 1.Integer constants 2.Floating-point constants 3.Character constants 4.String constants Comma and blank spaces cannot be included within the constants. Constants can be preceded by a – or + sign, if desired. If either sign does not precede the constant it is assumed to be positive. The value of a constant cannot exceed specified minimum and maximum bounds. 19
  • 20. Constants : Integer : Example #include <stdio.h> Output : #include <stdlib.h> x = 10 int main() y = 255 { int x = 012; int y = 0xFF; printf("x = %dn", x); printf("y = %dn", y); return 0; } 20
  • 21. Constant : Character : Example #include<stdio.h> Output int main() c=x { const char c = 'x'; printf(“c = %cn”, c); return 0; } 21
  • 22. Constant : String : Example #include<stdio.h> Output Int main() s = Open Gurukul { const char *s = ”Open Gurukul”; printf(“s = %sn”, s); return 0; } 22
  • 23. C Programming Operators 23
  • 24. Operators An operator is a symbol that tells the compiler to perform specific operation. Operator are classified into 3 types based upon no. of operands. Unary operator: Required only one operand Binary operator: Required only two operand Ternary: Required only three operand 24
  • 25. OPERATORS Unary operator Binary operator Ternary operator Pre Increment/ Decrement Arithmetic Operator Ternary Operator Post Increment/ Decrement Logical Operator Size Estimating Operator Relational Operator Address of(&) Assignment Operator Pointer operator(*) Conditional Operator Special Operator Bit wise Operator 25
  • 26. Priority parenthesis ( ) u n a ry !, + , -, + + , -- (p re in c re m e n t/d e c re m e n t) a rith m e tic *, /, % Airthmetic a rith m e tic +,- re la tion a l <,>,<=,>= Relational re la tion a l = = , != log ic a l a n d && Logical log ic a l or || c on d ition a l ?: Ternary a s s ig n m e n t = Pos t 26 in c re m e n t/d e c + + , -- re m e n t
  • 27. Operators : Arithmetic : Example PROGRAM: #include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> main() { int num1, num2, sum, sub, mul, div; scanf("%d %d", &num1, &num2); sum = num1 + num2; printf("nsum = %d, ", sum); sub = num1 – num2; printf("diff = %d, ", sub); mul = num1*num2; printf(" product = %d, ", mul); div = num1 / num2; printf("division = %dn", div); } OUTPUT : 4 5 sum = 9, diff = -1, product = 20, division = 0 27
  • 28. BITWISE OPERATOR The operator which act on the internal bits of respective bytes, are known as bitwise operator. C provides 6 bit wise operators for bit manipulation. & Bitwise and | Bitwise or ^ Bitwise exclusive or << Left shift >> Right shift ~ one’s complement 28
  • 29. & Bitwise-AND operator The & operator performs a bitwise AND on two integers. a b a&b 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 Example: 2&3 2 0000000000000010 3 0000000000000011 2&3 0000000000000010 2 29
  • 30. | Bitwise-OR operator The | (vertical bar) operator performs a bitwise AND on two integers. a b a|b 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 Example: 2|3 2 0000000000000010 3 0000000000000011 2|3 0000000000000011 3 30
  • 31. ^ Bitwise exclusive-OR operator The ^(caret) operator performs a bitwise AND on two integers. a b a^b 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 Example: 2^3 2 0000000000000010 3 0000000000000011 2^3 0000000000000001 1 31
  • 32. Operators : Bit-wise : Example PROGRAM : OUTPUT : 231 #include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> int main() { printf(“%d %d %d”, 2&3, 2|3, 2^3); return 0; } 32
  • 33. Left Shift The shift-left operator (<<, or double left) is used to shift the bit pattern of a number by a certain number of bits to the left. Here is an example of shift-left operator: 13<<3=104 13 (00001101) 104 (01101000) 33
  • 34. Right Shift The shift-right operator (>>, or double right) is used to shift this bit pattern to the opposite direction (right). Here is another example for the shift-right operator: 52>>4=3 52 (00110100) 3 (00000011) 34
  • 35. INCREMENT and DECREMENT OPERATOR increment operator ++ adds 1 to its operand. decrement operator -- subtracts 1 from its operand. It are two types 1. Pre increment/ Decrement 2. Post increment/ Decrement 35
  • 36. Operators : Pre/Post Inc/Dec : Example PROGRAM: #include <stdio.h> Output: #include <stdlib.h> x = 11, y = 10 x = 10, y = 10 int main() { x = 9, y = 10 int x = 10, y; x = 10, y = 10 y = x++; /* y should have 10, x will be 11 post */ printf("x = %d, y = %dn", x, y); y = --x; /* x will become 10, y will also be 10 */ printf("x = %d, y = %dn", x, y); y = x--; /* y should have 10, x will be 9 post decrement */ printf("x = %d, y = %dn", x, y); y = ++x; /* x will become 10, y will also be 10 */ printf("x = %d, y = %dn", x, y); } 36
  • 37. Operators : Assignment It is used to assign the specific value to the variable or constant. Note: The left hand operand must and should be a variable. Example: int x=10; 37
  • 38. Operators : Compound Operators C om pound O p e r a t io n P e r f o r m e d O p e ra tor *= Mu ltip lic a tion a s s ig n m e n t /= D iv is ion a s s ig n m e n t %= R e m a in d e r a s s ig n m e n t += Ad d ition a s s ig n m e n t -= S u b tra c tion a s s ig n m e n t <<= L e ft-S h ift a s s ig n m e n t >>= R ig h t s h ift a s s ig n m e n t &= B itw is e -A ND a s s ig n m e n t ^= B itw is e -ex c lu s iv e -O R a s s ig n m e n t |= B itw is e -in c lu s iv e -O R a s s ig n m e n t 38
  • 39. Operators : Relational These operators compare the relation between the specified operands. If it is true, it will return 1. else returns 0. Operators Meaning > Greater than >= Greater than Equal to < Lesser than <= Lesser than Equal to == Equals != Not Equals 39
  • 40. Operators : Logical The operators, generally used in conditional statements. These operators are used to check between two or more conditions. Operator Meaning && Logical AND || Logical OR ! Logical NOT 40
  • 41. && Logical-AND operator It perform conditional-AND on two boolean expression. a b a&&b falsefalse false falsetrue false true false false true true true Example: 2&&3 2 true 3 true 2&&3 true 1 41
  • 42. || Logical-OR operator It perform conditional-OR on two boolean expression. a b a||b false false false false true true true false true true true true Example: 2&&0 2 true 0 false 2||0 true 1 42
  • 43. ! Logical-NOT operator It performs logical not operation. a !a false true true false Example: 2(true) !2->false->0 43
  • 44. Operators : Logical : Example PROGRAM: OUTPUT : #include<stdio.h> ONE #include<stdlib.h> main() { if (!1) printf("NOT ONEn"); else printf("ONEn"); } 44
  • 45. Operators : Comma The comma operator is a binary operator that evaluates its first operand and discards the result, it then evaluates the second operand and returns this value (and type). int a=1, b=2, c=3, i; // not an operator here i = (a, b); // stores b into i i = a, b; // stores a into i i = (a += 2, a + b); // increases a by 2, then stores a+b = 3+2 into i i = a += 2, a + b; // increases a by 2, then stores a = 3 into i 45
  • 46. Operators : Comma : Example PROGRAM: OUTPUT : #include <stdio.h> i = 2, b =2 #include <stdlib.h> i = 1, a =1 int main() { int a = 1, b = 2; int i; i = (a, b); // stores b into i printf("i = %d, b =%dn", i, b); i = a, b; // stores a into i printf("i = %d, a =%dn", i, a); return 0; } 46
  • 47. TERNARY OPERATOR Defines a conditional expression. In the expression expr1 ? expr2 : expr3 the expression expr1 is evaluated first. If it is non-zero(true), then the expression expr2 is evaluated, and that is the value of conditional expression. Otherwise, expr3 is evaluated, and that is the value. Only one of expr2 and expr3 is evaluated. 47
  • 48. Operators : Ternary : Example PROGRAM: OUTPUT : #include <stdio.h> Enter first value : 3 #include <stdlib.h> Enter second value : 4 main() { Max is : 4 int a, b, max; printf("Enter first value : "); scanf("%d", &a); printf("Enter second value : "); scanf("%d", &b); max = (a > b ? a : b); printf("Max is : %dn", max); } 48
  • 49. Operators : sizeof() The sizeof() operator can be used PROGRAM : to figure out size of data type. #include <stdio.h> The sizeof() is not a function whose value determined at run #include <stdlib.h> time but rather an operator whose int main() { value is determined by compiler, int i; So it can be known as compile printf("sizeof i = %d," time unary operator. "sizeof(int) = %dn" , sizeof (i), sizeof (int)); } OUTPUT : sizeof i = 4, sizeof(int) = 4 49
  • 50. C Programming Control Flow 50
  • 51. Control structure : Decisions If-statement If-else-statement switch-statement 51
  • 52. Control Flow : If Statement The if statement used to control the flow of execution of statement. The general from of a simple if statement is if ( test expression ) { statement-block; } 52
  • 53. Control Flow: if Statement : Example PROGRAM: OUTPUT : main() { Congratulations! int grade = 68; You passed! if (grade > 60) { printf(“congratulations!”); printf(“You passed!”); } } 53
  • 54. Control flow : if else Statements The if…else statement is an extension of the simple if statement. The general from is if(test expression) { true-block statement(s) } else { false-block statement(s) } 54
  • 55. Control flow: if else : Example PROGRAM : OUTPUT : main() Sorry you failed { int grade = 58; if (grade > 60) { printf(“congratulations!”); printf(“You passed!”); } else { printf(“Sorry you failed”); } } 55
  • 56. Control flow : Switch Statement Switch allows branching on multiple outcomes. The general form of the switch statement is switch (expression) { case value-1: block-1 break; case value-2: block-2 break; …… default: default-block 56 break;
  • 57. Control flow : Switch : Example PROGRAM: main() { OUTPUT: int option = 2; B switch(option) { case 1: printf(“A”); break; case 2: printf(“B”); break; default : printf(“def”); break; } 57 }
  • 58. Looping control structure while loop do-while loop for loop 58
  • 59. Control flow : while Statement The basic format of the while statement is while (test condition) { body of the loop } 59
  • 60. Control flow : while : Example PROGRAM: OUTPUT : main() { 01234 int X = 0; while ( X < 5 ) { printf(“ %d ”, X); X++; } } 60
  • 61. Control flow : do while Statement The do while loop takes the following form : do { body of the loop } while ( test-condition) ; 61
  • 62. Control flow : do while : Example PROGRAM: OUTPUT : main() 01234 { int X = 0; do { printf(“ %d ”, X); X++; } while ( X < 5 ); } 62
  • 63. Control Flow : For Statement The general form of the for loop is for (initialization; test condition; increment / decrement) { body of the loop } 63
  • 64. Control flow : For Loop : Example PROGRAM: OUTPUT: main() 01234 { int i ; for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { printf(“ %d “,i); } } 64
  • 65. C Programming Functions 65
  • 66. Functions : Introduction A block of statements can be grouped together in curly braces { } and given a name. It may take parameters as input and can return a value if needed. The functions are basic building blocks of modular programming language such as c. Syntax : return_type function_name(data_type_1 param1, data_type_2 param2, ...) { statement1; statement2; return <value>; } 66 If the return type is "void", the function doesn't return any value.
  • 67. Program: Functions : Example #include <stdio.h> sum = add(num1, num2); int sum(int first, int second) printf("sum is %dn", sum); { } int total; Output : total = first + second ; sum is 30 return total; } void main() { int num1 = 10; int num2 = 20; int sum; 67
  • 68. Recursion Recursion is a programming technique in which function calls itself. It repeats the same code, and in some ways it is similar to looping. 68
  • 69. Recursion Example PROGRAM: int fact(int n) { #include <stdio.h> int k; #include <stdlib.h> if (n == 1) return (1); int main() { else k = n * fact(n - 1); int n, fact; return (k); int fact(int); } printf("nenter the number for which you Output : want to find the factorialn"); enter the number for which you want to scanf("%d", &n); find the factorial fact = fact(n); 5 printf("nthe factorial of the number %d the factorial of the number 5 is 120 is %d", n, fact); return 0; 69 }
  • 70. Function : Calling a function While calling a parametrized function, we have to pass some values. There are two ways to call a function, 1. Call by Value 2. call by Reference. The difference between these two is: In case of Call by value the original data will remain unchanged. But in case of Call by Reference the address is passed to the function as the parameters, So the original data will changed. 70
  • 71. Functions : Call by Value : Example Program: Output: void modify(int,int); modify: x=100, y=200 void main() { main: x=10, y=20 int x=10, y=20; modify(x,y); printf(“main: x= %d, y= %dn”,x,y); } void modify(int x,int y) { x=100; y=200; printf(“modify: x= %d, y= %dn”,x,y); } 71
  • 72. Functions : Call by Reference : Example Program: Output: void modify(int *,int *); modify: x=100, y=200 void main() { main: x=100, y=200 int x=10, y=20; modify(&x,&y); printf(“main: x= %d, y= %dn”,x,y); } void modify(int *x,int *y) { *x=100; *y=200; printf(“modify: x= %d, y= %dn”,*x,*y); 72 }
  • 73. C Programming Arrays 73
  • 74. Arrays : introduction 1. It is a collection of data of similar data types in a contiguous memory location. 2. An array can be declared using : data_type variable_name[size]; 3.data_type can be: int, float, char etc 4. An array elements index or subscript begins with number zero. 74
  • 75. Arrays : Example Program: Output: #include<stdio.h> void main() s = hi { char s[5]; // declaration of an character Array s[0]='h'; //initialization of 1st index of the array s[1]='i'; s[2]='0'; printf(“s = %s”,s); //to print the string } 75
  • 76. Arrays : Array Elements The syntax for an element of an array called a is a[i] where i = index of the array element. In memory, one can picture the array id as in the following diagram: 76
  • 77. Arrays : Initialization The elements of array can be initialized at the time of declaration Syntax: data_type array_name[array size] = {list of values}; Example : initialize array with size int number[3] = {40, 30, 20}; Will declare an array of size 3. Will assign 40, 30, 20 to first, second and third element like below. number[0]=40, number[1]=30, number[2]=20 77
  • 78. Arrays : Initialization without Size Example : initialize array without size (compute automatically) int counter[] = {101, 102, 103, 104}; Will declare the array to contain four elements with initial values 101, 102, 103 and 104. 78
  • 79. Arrays : Example Program: #include<stdio.h> Output: #define MAX_CLASS 5 students in class 1 : 30 Int main() students in class 2 : 35 { students in class 3 : 40 /* initialize while declaring */ students in class 4 : 45 int students[MAX_CLASS] = {30, 35, 40, 45, 50}; students in class 5 : 50 int class; for (class = 0; class < MAX_CLASS; class++) { printf("students in class %d : %dn", class+1, students[class]); 79 }
  • 80. Arrays : Multidimensional Array Often there is a need to store and manipulate two dimensional data structure such as matrices & tables. Syntax: data_type array_name[num_rows][num_columns]; Example: int holiday[12][31]; Syntax for multidimensional array declaration: data_type array_name[s1][s2][s3]…..[sn]; Example : int holiday[100][12][31]; 80
  • 81. Arrays : Multidimensional Array : Example Program: for(int i=0;i<2;i++) #include<stdio.h> for(int j=0;j<3;j++) Void main() Printf(“ x[%d][%d]= %dn“,i,j x[i][j]); { } Int x[2][3] Output: Int k=1; x[0][0] = 1; for(int i=0;i<2;i++) X[0][1] = 2; for(int j=0;j<3;j++) X[0][2] = 3; { x[1][0] = 4; x[i][j]=k; X[1][1] = 5; k++; X[1][2] = 6; } // for printing all the values of the array 81
  • 82. Arrays : Array as Parameters 1.An array can also be passed to a function as a parameter by using array name itself. 2.The base address of an array is passed to the function. 3.The function can use (1) same name or (2) any other name to receive the base address of an array. 4.The function can operate on the array passed as a parameter. 5.The changes made to the array in a function will be visible in other places as it is accessed through pointer. 82
  • 83. Arrays : Array as Parameter : Example PROGRAM: Output: #include <stdio.h> void print_students(int students[], int numstuds) 0:10 { 1:20 int i; 2:30 for (i = 0; i < numstuds; i++) 3:432 { printf("%d : %d n", i, students[i]); } } #define NUM_TOPPERS 4 int main() { int toppers_roll_no[NUM_TOPPERS] = {10, 20, 30,432}; print_students(toppers_roll_no, NUM_TOPPERS); return 0; } 83
  • 84. C Programming Module : Structure 84
  • 85. Basics of Structures A structure is a collection of one or more variables that are grouped together under a single name. The data type of variables can be same or different. The structure is used for convenient handling of related data that can be grouped together. The variables that are part of structure are called structure members or structure fields. Syntax : typedef struct emp { int emp_id; char emp_name[256]; } emp_t ; 85 The keyword "struct" is followed by a structure name.
  • 86. Structures : Access Members/Fields emp_t e; defines a variable 'e' which is a structure of the type 'struct emp'. The structure members / fields are referred using dot operator '.' between structure variable and structure field/member. structure_name.member Example e.emp_name 86
  • 87. Structures : Example /* Example : struct.c */ Output : #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> $ gcc -o struct struct.c typedef struct emp { int emp_id; $ ./struct char emp_name[256]; id = 432, name = s k } emp_t ; $ main() { emp_t e; e.emp_id = 432; strcpy(e.emp_name, "S K"); printf("id = %d, name = %sn", e.emp_id, e.emp_name); 87 }
  • 88. Pointers to Structure The pointer to a structure is declared by preceding the variable name with an asterisk in the declaration. Access struct members using pointers: An arrow sign is used to access structure member while access the data through a pointer to a structure. pointer_to_structure_variable->structure_member_name Example: emp_t *e_p; /* pointer to struct */ e_p->emp_id e_p->emp_name 88
  • 89. Pointers to Structure : Example /* Example : struct_pointer.c */ main() { #include <stdio.h> emp_t e; #include <string.h> emp_t *e_p; /*ptr to struct */ e.emp_id = 432; typedef struct emp { strcpy(e.emp_name, "sk"); int emp_id; e_p = &e; char emp_name[256]; printf("id = %d, name = %sn", } emp_t ; e_p->emp_id, e_p->emp_name); } 89
  • 90. Self-referential Structure A structure may have a member whose is same as that of a structure itself. Such structures are called self-referential. Self-Referential Structure are one of the most useful features. They allow you to create data structures that contains references to data of the same type as themselves. Self-referential Structure is used in data structure such as binary tree, linked list, stack, Queue etc. Example : Single linked list is implemented using following data structures struct node { int value; struct node *next; }; 90
  • 91. C Programming Pointers 91
  • 92. Pointers : Introduction Definition-A pointer is a variable that can hold address of other variables, structures and functions. Syntax : <variable_type> *<name>; *(de-referencing operator) symbol is used to indicate the pointers. Example: int x=10; ptr x int *ptr; // pointer to an integer 1000 10 ptr=&x; // ptr contains the address of x 2000 1000 printf(“the value of x is %d“, *ptr); // 10 92
  • 93. Pointers : Need of Pointers These are very efficient to handle the arrays. Pointers allow C to support dynamic memory allocation. Pointers provide support to create dynamic data structures like linked list, stack, queue, etc.... They increase the execution speed, so helps to reduce the execution time. Pointers reduce the length and complexity of the programs. They help to return multiple values in functions. 93
  • 94. Pointers : Declaration & Initialization : Example Program: #include <stdio.h> Output: int main() x=5 { int x=5; *p = 5 int *p; &x = 500 p = &x; p = 500 printf(" x= %dn",x); // the value of x &p = 600 printf("*p = %dn",*p); //the value of x printf("&x = %un",&x); // the address of x printf(“ p = %un”,p); // the address of x printf(“&p = %un”, &p); // the address of the pointer } 94
  • 95. Pointers : Arithmetic Operation Pointer variable can be used in arithmetic expressions. For example if p1 and p2 are properly declared and initialized pointers, then the following statements are valid. y = *p1 * *p2; sum = sum + *p1; z = 5* - *p2/p1; *p2 = *p2 + 10; C language allows us to add integers to, subtract integers from pointers as well as to subtract one pointer from the other,short hand operators with the pointers p1+=; sum+=*p2; etc., Comparison of pointers such as p1 > p2 , p1==p2 and p1!=p2 are allowed. 95
  • 96. Address Arithmetic Example Program: #include <stdio.h> Output: void main() a = 30, b = 6 { x = 30 int ptr1,ptr2; int a,b,x; a=30;b=6; ptr1=&a; ptr2=&b; x=*ptr1+ *ptr2 –6; printf("na = %d, b = %dn",a,b); printf("nx = %d”,x); 96 }
  • 97. Pointers : Character pointers in C In C, string means array of characters. i.e., char a[]=”matsya”; C does not provide any operators for manipulation of an entire string. Strings can be manipulated via pointers. Like 1D arrays, we can use a pointer to access the indivisual characters in a string. Generally when we create a string, compiler automatically inserts a null character(0) at the end. Example : char *cp; m a t s y a 0 cp = “matsya”; cp 97
  • 98. Pointers : Char pointer : Example Program: Output: #include<stdio.h> Mataya void main() { char *cptr; cptr=“Matsya”; printf(“%s”,cptr); while(*cptr!=‘0’) { if(*cptr==‘s’) *cptr=‘a’; printf(“%c”,*cptr); cptr++; } } 98
  • 99. Pointers : Pointers to Arrays Pointer means address in memory. Array means group of similar elements in a contiguous memory location. If we can keep the track of index element of an array, then by incrementing the pointer we can obtain the other elements of the array. a[0] a[1] a[2] 1 23 45 p 99
  • 100. Pointers : Pointers to Array : Example Program : Output: # include<stdio.h> a[0] = 1 void main() p+0 = 1 { a[1] = 23 int a[]={1,23,45}; p+1 = 23 int *p, i; p=&a[0]; a[2] = 45 for(i=0;i<3;i++) p+2 = 45 { printf("a[%d] = %dn",i,a[i]); printf("p+%d=%dn",i,*(p+i)); } } 100
  • 101. Pointers : Command line arguments main() function has two arguments. The first is number of command line arguments i.e., int argc The second is a pointer to an array of character strings that contain the arguments one per string i.e., char *argv[] 101
  • 102. Command line Argument : Example Program: cmd.c bin>tcc cmd.c #include<stdio.h> bin>cmd.exe this is a program main(int argc, char *argv[]) Output: { this is a program int i; for(i=1;i<argc;i++) { printf(“%8s”,argv[i]); } } 102
  • 103. C Programming Input & Output 103
  • 104. IO : File input & output The I/O functionality of C is fairly low-level by modern standards; C abstracts all file operations into operations on streams of bytes, which may be "input streams" or "output streams". stdio.h The standard library functions for file input and output are included in the c standard library header <stdio.h> Type We need a file pointer to read from file and write to a file e.g.: FILE *fp; The FILE is an abstract data structure. It includes file descriptor. Functions Reading from or writing to a file in C requires 3 basic steps: Open the file. Do reading/writing. 104 Close the file.
  • 105. Opening a file using fopen A filepointer is used to open a file present using the format, FILE* fp; FILE* fopen(char *name, char *mode); For opening a file fp = fopen(name of file, mode); Mode Normal Access r Open existing file for "r"eading w Open file for "w"riting, destroying the contents; create if necessary a "A"ppend at end of file; create if necessary Update Access (for fixed-length records) r+ Open existing file for "r"eading & writing w+ Open file for reading & "w"riting, destroying the contents; create if necessary a+ Open file for reading & writing -- all writing is "a"ppended to the end of the file; create if necessary 105
  • 106. Opening a file using fopen For checking whether a file exists give fopen(filename)=NULL; To read and to write a file, getc and putc are used. getc returns the next character from a file; it needs the file pointer to tell it which file int getc(FILE *fp) getc returns the next character from the stream referred to by fp; it returns EOF for end of file or error. putc is an output function : int putc(int c, FILE *fp) putc write the character c to the file fp and returns the character written, or EOF if an error occurs. getc and putc may be macros instead of functions. 106
  • 107. Opening a file using fopen getchar and putchar can be defined in terms of getc, putc, stdin, and stdout as follows: # define getchar() getc(stdin) # define putchar(c) putc((c), stdout) For formatted input or output of files, the functions fscanf and fprints may be used. int fscanf(FILE *fp, char *format, ....) int fprintf(FILE *fp, char *format, ...) An example program to read characters from console and write that to file and display that onto console console. 107
  • 108. Opening a file using fopen Example #include <stdio.h> fp = fopen("INPUT", "r"); #include <stdlib.h> while ((c = getc(fp)) != EOF) int main() { printf("%c", c); file* fp; fclose(fp); printf("Data inputn"); return 0; fp = fopen("INPUT", "w"); } while ((c = getchar()) != EOF) putc(c, fp); fclose(fp); printf("Data outputn"); 108
  • 109. Line I/O fgets char *fgets(char *line, int maxline, FILE *fp) The standard library provides an input routine fgets to read a line. fgets reads the next input line from the file fp into the character array line; at most maxline-1 characters will be read. The resulting line is terminated with '0'. Normally fgets returns line; on end of file or error is returns NULL. fputs int fputs(char *line, FILE *fp) The function fputs writes a string to a file. It returns EOF if an error occurs, and zero otherwise. The library functions gets and puts are similar to fgets and fputs, but operate on stdin and stdout. gets deletes the terminal 'n', and puts adds it. 109
  • 110. Formatted Output using printf The output function printf translates internal values to characters. For example int printf(char *format, arg1, arg2, ......) printf converts, formats, and prints its arguments on the standard output under the control of the format. It returns the number of character printed. Basic Printf Conversions -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Character Argument type; Printed as -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- d, i int; decimal number. o int; unsigned octal number(without leading zero) x, X int; unsigned hexadecial number without the leading ox or OX. 110
  • 111. Formatted Output using printf u int; unsigned decimal number. c int; single character. s char *; print character from the string until a '0' or the number of characters given by the precision. f double; [-]m.dddddd, where the number of d's is given by the recision e,E double; print a double in exponential format, rounded, with one digit before the decimal point, precision after it. A precision of zero suppresses the decimal point. There will be at least two digits in the exponent, which is printed as 1.23e15 in e format, or 1.23E15 in E format. g, G double; use %e or %E if the exponent is less than -4 or greater than or equal to the precision; otherwise use %f. p void *; pointer % no argument is converted; print a % 111
  • 112. Formatted Output using printf A width or precision may be specified as *, in which case the value is computed by the converting the next argument. For example, to print at most max characters from a string s, printf("%.*s", max, s); Example: printf with various effects The following table shows the effect of a variety of specifications in printing "hello, world". :%s: :hello, world: :%10s: :hello, world: :%.10s :hello, wor: :%-10s: :hello, world: :%.15s: :hello, world: :%-15s: :hello, world : :%15.10s: : hello, wor: 112 :%-15.10s: :hello,wor :
  • 113. Formatted Input using scanf scanf syntax: scanf(datatype *format, ....); There is also a function sscanf that reads from a string instead of the standard input: int sscanf(char *string, char *format, arg1, arg2, ....) It scans the string according to the format in 'format', and stores the resulting values through arg1, arg2, etc. These arguments must be a pointers. Basic Scanf Conversions Character | Input Data | Argument Type d | decimal integer | int * u | unsigned decimal integer | unsigned int * 113 c | character | char *
  • 114. Formatted Input using scanf s | character string | char * (pointing to an array of characters large enough for the string and a terminating '0' that will be added) e, f, g | floating point number with optional sign, optional decimal point and optional exponent | float *. o | octal integer | int * x | hexadecimal integer | int * % | literal % | no assignment is made 114
  • 115. Error Handling stderr The second output stream, called stderr, is assigned to a program in the same way that stdin and stdout are. Output written on stderr normally appears on the screen even if the standard output is redirected. fprintf(stderr, format, arguments); The output produced by fprintf goes onto stderr. It finds it way to the screen instead of disappearing into an output file. exit The program uses the standard library function exit, which terminates program execution when it is called. The argument of exit is available to whatever process called this one, so the success or failure of the program can be tested by another program that uses this one as a sub process. 115
  • 116. Char I/O fgetc() int fgetc(FILE *fp); The fgetc function is used to read a character from a stream If successful, fgetc returns the next byte or character from the stream If unsuccessful, fgetc returns EOF. getc() macro behaves similar to fgetc() it may evaluate its arguments more than once. getchar() int getchar(void); function takes no argument. 116 equivalent to getc(stdin).
  • 117. Char I/O fputc() int fputc(int c, FILE *stream); The fputc function is used to write a character from a stream to the file If successful, fputc writes the next byte or character from the stream If unsuccessful, fgetc returns EOF. 117
  • 118. C Programming Module : Strings 118
  • 119. Strings Strings are defined as an array of characters. We can used following statement to define a string of 5 characters char string1[5]; char string2[] = {'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', '0'}; char *string3_p = "ABCD"; /* string literals */ char *string4_p = string2; /* string2 is same as &string2[0] */ 119
  • 120. String Literals A string that has been enclosed in double-quotes is called a string literal. It can be used in place of string variables in the code. Example : #include <string.h> main() { char *s_p = "hello"; /* "hello" is a string literal */ printf("%s %sn", s_p, "world"); /* "world" is a string literal */ } Output: hello world 120
  • 121. String Terminator A special character '0' is used to indicate the end of the string. This should be stored as a last character of the string. It is also called as a string null character. Example : #include <stdio.h> int main(void) { printf("The character 0 is used to terminate a string."); return 0; } Output: The character 121
  • 122. String format specifier We must use %s to read & print Output: strings. Enter your country name : Example : india #include <stdio.h> You belong to india #include <string.h> main() { char str[128]; printf("Enter your country name : n"); scanf("%s", str); printf("You belong to "); printf("%sn", str); 122 }
  • 123. string length : strlen function The function strlen() can be used to Example: Calculate lengh of string calculate the length of the string. literals "Hello World" It doesn't take into account null- #include <string.h> terminator '0' at the end of the string. #include <stdio.h> Example: main() length = strlen("hello"); /* should set length to 5 */ { int length; char *message_p = "Hello World"; length = strlen(message_p); printf("length of %s = %dn", message_p, length); } Output:length of Hello World = 11 123
  • 124. string copy : strcpy function We can copy the contents of one Example : Copy string literal "Hello string to another using strcpy() World" to a string and display it. function. #include <string.h> Syntax : #include <stdio.h> char *strcpy(char *dest, const char *src); main() { char message[128]; strcpy(message, "Hello World"); printf("%sn", message); } Output: Hello World 124
  • 125. string concatenation : strcat function We can concatenate contents of one Example : string to another using strcat() function. #include <string.h> Syntax : #include <stdio.h> char *strcat(char *dest, const char *src); main() { char message[128]; strcpy(message, "Hello"); strcat(message, " "); strcat(message, "World"); printf("%sn", message); } Output:Hello World 125
  • 126. string compare : strcmp function We can compare contents of two string to find if they are equal. The strcmp() takes "case" of the characters into account. The strcasecmp() ignores case while comparing. The return value is 0 when the string are equal. The return value is non-zero when the string are unequal. Syntax : #include <string.h> int strcmp(const char *s1, const char *s2); int strcasecmp(const char *s1, const char *s2); 126
  • 127. string compare: Example #include <string.h> printf("match case, %s == %s, %dn", s1, s2, strcmp(s1, s2)); #include <stdio.h> s1 = "Hello"; main() s2 = "hello"; { printf("ignore case, %s == %s, %dn", char *s1; s1, s2, strcasecmp(s1, s2)); char *s2; } s1 = "Hello"; Output: s2 = "Hello"; match case, Hello == Hello, 0 ignore case, Hello == hello, 0 127
  • 128. search for string in string : strstr The function strstr() can be used to search a substring in string. It returns the pointer that matches the substring. The NULL pointer is printed as (null) on Linux. Syntax : #include <string.h> char *strstr(const char *haystack, const char *needle); 128
  • 129. C Programming Storage Classes 129
  • 130. Scope of Variables A complete C program need not be compiled all at once; the source text of the program may be kept in several files, and previously compiled routines may be loaded from libraries. If the variable / function has been defined before it use, no declaration is required. Otherwise an implicit (for function) / explicit (for variable) declaration is required before its use. The same rule applies irrespective of the definition of function/variable in same source file or another source file. General rule - declare all global variables as extern (global) in header file. - declare all globale functions in header file. - include the header file in all the source files that needs to access function / variable. - each function / variable be defined in any one source file 130
  • 131. External Variables The program can consists of multiple source files (object files). For such programs, the variables and functions defined in one file can be accessed/used in another file. To ensure that the variables & functions defined in one file are accessible in another file, you must prefix them with a keyword "extern" (set external scope) at the time of declaration. Generally, "extern" is required only for variables. The functions are implicitly assumed to be "extern" by compiler . The "extern" declarations are generally done in a common header file. The extenal (global) variables are initialized to zero by default by compiler. 131
  • 132. External Variables:Example Header File : common.h Second Source File : second.c extern int ev; /* explicit extern */ #include "common.h" void set_ev(int ); /* implicit extern */ main() First C Source : first.c { #include "common.h" printf("ev = %d, ", ev); int ev; /* definition */ set_ev(5); void set_ev(int value) printf("ev = %dn", ev); { } ev = value; Compliation & Linking : } $ gcc -o mexec first.c second.c Output : ev = 0, ev = 5 132
  • 133. Static Variables Static storage class is declared with the keyword static as the class specifier when the variable is defined. These variables are automatically initialized to zero upon memory allocation just as external variables are. Static automatic variables continue to exist even after the block in which they are defined terminates. Thus, the value of a static variable in a function is retained between repeated function calls to the same function. Static variables may be initialized in their declarations. Initialization is done only once at compile time when memory is allocated for the static variable. 133
  • 134. Static Variables : Example PROGRAM: OUTPUT : #include <stdio.h> 2 #include <stdlib.h> 3 void add() { 4 static int x = 1; x++; printf("%dn", x); } main() { add(); // return 2 add(); // return 3 add(); // return 4 } 134
  • 135. Storage Classes : Register Variables The register storage class specifier indicates to the compiler that the object should be stored in a machine register. Register storage class are used in the hopes of enhancing performance by minimizing access time and are used when the variables are frequently used. An object having the register storage class specifier must be defined within a block or declared as a parameter to a function. Objects with the register storage class specifier have automatic storage duration. Available when entering the loop and value is gone once exited. A register variable will be declared as follows: register int i; 135
  • 136. D e f a u lt TYPE S cope L if e t im e V a lu e a u to b od y b od y G a rb a g e v a lu e s ta tic fu n c tion p rog ra m 0 ex te rn p rog ra m p rog ra m 0 re g is te r b od y b od y G a rb a g e v a lu e 136
  • 137. Storage Classes : Initialization The static and extern variables are initialized to 0 by compiler An automatic variable remains uninitialized and it will contain garbage. You can initialize a variable while defining it. 137
  • 138. Storage Classes : Initialization : Example extern int i ; /* declaration */ extern int j; /* declaration */ int i = 5; /* definition & initialization */ int j; /* definition * initilization to zero */ main() { static int s = 5 ; /* deinition and initializtion to 5 */ static int t ; /* definition and initialization to 0 */ int a; /* definition and uninitizlied - automatic variable */ printf("i = %d, j = %d, s = %d, t = %d, a = %dn", i, j, s,t,a); } 138
  • 139. C Programming Module Miscellaneous 139
  • 140. The typedef The typedef statement is used to create a new data type from existing data types. We should not use "#define" to refer to data types. Syntax : typedef existing_data_type new_data_type; Example : typedef unsigned int u_int; NOTES : We can use u_int and s_t to declare variables. u_int i; /* i is a variable of type unsigned int */ 140
  • 141. Union A union is a collection of variables that share the same storage. The union is allocated large enough to hold the value of the largest variable contained in it. A union may only be initialized with a value of the type of its first member. The base address of all the fields of a union is same as they all share the common storage. Syntax : union union_name { data_type member; data_type_1 member1; data_type_2 member2; }; 141
  • 142. Union:Access union-name.member : access union fields using union variable union-pointer->member : access union fields using pointer to union variable Example: 142
  • 143. Bit-fields When Storage space is at premium, it may be necessary to pack several objects into a single machine word; one common use is a set of single-bit flags in applications like compiler symbol tables. Imagine a fragment of a compiler that manipulates a symbol table.The most compact way to encode such information is a set of one-bit flags in a single char or int. The usual way this is done to define a set of "masks" corresponding to the relevant bit position, as in #define KEYWORD 01 #define EXTERNAL 02 #define STATIC 04 or enum { KEYWORD = 01 , EXTERNAL = 02 , STATIC = 04 }; The numbers must be powers of two. Then accessing the bits become a matter of "bit- fiddling" with the shifting, masking, and complementing operators. 143
  • 144. Bit-fields Certain idioms appear frequently: flags | = EXTERNAL | STATIC; turns on the EXTERNAL and STATIC bits in flags, while flags &= -(EXTERNAL | STATIC); turns them off, and if((flags & (EXTERNAL | STATIC))==0).... is true if both bits are off. A bit-field or field for short, is a set of adjacent bits within a single implementation-defined storage unit that we will call a "word". struct { unsigned int is_keyword : 1; unsigned int is_extern : 1; unsigned int is_static : 1; This defines a variable called flags that contains three 1-bit fields. The number following the colon represents the field width in bits. The field are declared unsigned int to ensure that they are unsigned quantities. 144