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Architecture Recap
Programming with Objects
Conwey’s Law
Organisations which design systems ... are constrained to
produce designs which are copies of the communication
structures of these organisations
From a 1967 paper “How do Committees Invent?”
by Mel Conway
Monolithic Architecture
Traditional Web Application Architecture
All code is built into a single application
that is deployed
Simple to develop, test, deploy, scale
Clear layering: Presentation, Domain,
Data Source
Web Components
Data Source
WAR file = Web
Tomcat = web server
for Java Servlets (web
Monolithic Architecture
▪ Drawbacks
– User interface challenge – old style UI architecture
– Real-time applications (like node.js) don’t fit in easy
– Obstacle to frequent deployment – fear of change
– Overloads your IDE and container – slow build, development
– Obstacle to scaling development teams
– Locks down the technology stack – long term commitment
Technical Debt
Concept in programming that reflects the extra development
work that arises when code that is easy to implement in the
short run is used instead of applying the best overall solution
Small decisions that accumulate over time -
“I’ll fix this later”
Hard to see until any small change is
extremely expensive (CoC = Cost of
Change), and then Conway’s Second Law
If the debt is not repaid, then it will keep on
accumulating interest, making it hard to
implement changes later on
Why does it Happen?
Or maybe… University Teachers that teach about concrete inheritance
Object Oriented progamming is good but can be misused
Architecture - noun
The decomposition of a
product into a collection of
components/modules and
Architecture - verb
Understanding what you
need to build, create a
vision and making the right
A component is a software building block that is
independently replaceable
independently upgradable
Architecture - types
Application Architecture: Application is the focus
System Architecture: Focus on multiple applications across a
number of tiers and technologies
Software Architecture: The combination of application and
system architecture and includes the technical practices to build
the software
Service Oriented Architecture
SOA actually means that components of an application
act as interoperable services, and can be used
independently and recombined into other applications.
Engineering Software as a Service by David Patterson and Armando Fox
In recent years a new term has emerged, Microservices:
The microservice architectural style is an approach to
developing a single application as a suite of small services, each
running in its own process and communicating with lightweight
mechanisms, often an HTTP resource API.
From the Lewis & Fowler article
• Software systems can get complicated
• Abstractions are needed
• Layering provides abstraction by separating computer systems in layers
• Higher layers use services from

lower layers
• Each layer has dedicated tasks

and hides complexity from upper

What is the secret of programming?
Object Oriented Programming
Object Oriented programming can be powerful
One of the best ways for general purpose computing
But, the power of object oriented languages needs to
be used properly!
Programmers tend to forget the power of OO
Object Oriented Programming
Object Oriented Programming
Programming languages with objects
Objects hold data and methods
Object variables (reference) point to objects
Object are instances of classes, created with new
Classes describe the objects
Classes extend other classes – inheritance
Instance variables are encapsulated
Methods manipulate instance variable
Explain these concepts and why they are important in
Object-oriented programming is not about class
inheritance and creating advanced class diagrams
Encapsulation – Hiding data
Interfaces – Hiding implementation
Polymorphism – Flexible and Generic Programming
Object Oriented Programming
Powerful programming - beautiful programming
Right use of polymorphism
Separation of concerns
Separating what varies from what stays the same
Object Oriented Programming
Powerful programming - beatiful programming
Right use of polymorphism
Separation of concerns
Separating what varies from what stays the same
Object Oriented Programming
This is the secret of powerful programming
Powerful programming - beatiful programming
Right use of polymorphism
Separation of concerns
Right use of Polymorphism
Object Oriented Programming
Beautiful programming
Separate Variations Design Principle
Identify the aspects of your
application that vary and separate
them from what stays the same
Every piece of knowledge must have
a single, unambiguous, authoritative
representation within a system
Don’t Repeat Yourself – DRY
Object-oriented programming is not about class inheritance and
creating advanced class diagrams
Encapsulation – Hiding data
Interfaces – Hiding implementation
Polymorphism – Flexible and Generic Programming
Object Oriented Programming
Remember technical dept discussion…
University teachers talking about concreate inheritance?
Object Oriented Programming
Object Oriented Programming
Concrete inheritance did not make it to the list of powerful features of
object oriented programming
In fact, its the most dangerous thing you can do in programs and
needs to be used as such
Directly causes technical debt
It’s extremely easy to violate Liskov’s Principle, make code brittle and
rise the CoC
Object Oriented Programming
Changes the behaviour
Client breaks down
Changes to this class can break MySomeClass
Subtypes must be substitutable for
their base types. Code that uses
references to base class must be
able to use objects of derived
classes without knowing it.
Liskov Substitution Principle
public class Rectangle {
protected int _width;
protected int _height;
public int getWidth() {
return _width;
public int getHeight() {
return _height;
public void setWidth(int width) {
_width = width;
public void setHeight(int height) {
_height = height;
Liskov Substitution Principle
public class Square extends Rectangle {
public void setWidth(int width) {
_width = width;
_height = width;
public void setHeight(int height) {
_height = height;
_width = _height;
Implementation convenience
Liskov Substitution Principle
import junit.framework.Assert;
import org.junit.Test;
public class RectangleTests {
public void areaOfRectangle() {
Rectangle r = new Square();
// Will Fail - r is a square and sets
// width and height equal to each other.
Assert.assertEquals(r.getWidth() * r.getHeight(),10);
Liskov Substitution Principle
Object Oriented Design
Design of classes and interfaces
• Class diagram shows relationships
• Sequence diagrams show flows
Design Patterns
• Reoccurring solutions in design
• “Best practices” – known solutions for common problems
Date day1;
Date day2 = new Date();
System.out.println (new Date ());
String s = new Date().toString ();
day1 null
Date now = new Date();
if (day2.before(now))
System.out.println (day2.toString());
Object created
Object used
Date d = new Date();
Operator new creates memory
String is an exception
Reference variables always point
to some memory or null
day1 null
+getId() : String
-id : int
-name : String
-username : String
-password : String
-email : String
Object obj = new User ();
User u = (User)obj;
Classes extend other classes
• Concrete Inheritance
• Subtype extends supertype
Class contains
• Instance variables
• Methods
Reference variables of type Object points 

to any class
Any supertype can reference subtype
Class methods
▪ Methods can be overridden
– Class extends a class and overrides a method
▪ Methods can be overloaded
– Same method with different parameters
▪ Methods can be
– public – any class can call the method
– private – only available within the class
– protected – only available within the class and extended classes
A) The	
B) The	
C) First	
D) The	
▪ References
– Point to concrete objects
– Must be same type or supertype of concrete object
– Can be interface or abstract class
Object obj = new Date ();
Date d = (Date)obj;
Reference of type Object
Memory space holding object Date
Concrete object of type Date
Left side = type or supertype
or interface og abstract class
right side = concrete class
with memory space
▪ Classes have constructor
– Instantiation methods
– Same name as the class
▪ References
– this – refers to the class
– super – extended class
public Employee (String name,
double salary)
this (name);
this.salary = salary;
public Manager (String name)
super (name, 0.0);
class Point
private int x, y;
public Point ()
x = 0; y = 0;
public Point (int x, int y)
this.x = x; this.y = y;
public void move (intdx, intdy)
public String toString ()
return "(" + x + "," + y + ")";
Class variables
Default constuctor
Overloaded constuctor
this used to refer to the
class variables
Override toString method

of Object
public class Test
public static void main (String[] args)
System.out.println ("Test");
Test test = new Test();
public Test ()
Point p0; // null reference
Point p1 = new Point ();
Point p2 = new Point (1,2);
Object obj = p2;
p0 = (Point)obj;
p0.move (1, 1);
System.out.println("p0=" + p0);
C:java>java Test
p0 p1
A) Call	
B) Call	
C) Call	
D) Call	
Call By Value
▪ Methods use call by value
– Object references are passed by value
– The reference cannot change, but the object can
void changeReferance(Point p)
while (p.x>0) p.x--;
Point p = new Point (42,0);
▪ Classes extend other classes
– Subclasses extend superclasses
▪ Reference variables of super types can reference objects of subtypes
Empolyee e;
e = new Employee(. . .)
e = new Manager(. . .)
class Manager extends Employee
{ ... }
public class Employee
private String name;
private double salary;
private Date hireDate;
public Employee()
public Employee(String name, double salary, Date hireDate)
{ = name;
this.salary = salary;
this.hireDate = hireDate;
public Employee(String name)
{ = name;
public String getName()
return name;
public double getSalary()
return salary;
public void setName(String name)
{ = name;
public String toString()
return "Employee: " + getName();
class Manager extends Employee
String title;
double bonus;
public Manager (String name, String title)
super (name);
this.title = title;
public String getTitle ()
return title;
public String toString ()
return "Manager: " + getName() + 

", " + getTitle ();
New variables
New method

public class Test2
public static void main (String[] args)
System.out.println ("Test2");
Test2 test2 = new Test2();
public Test2 ()
Employee e0 = new Employee ("Dilbert");
Employee e1 = new Manager ("Pointy Haired", "Boss");
System.out.println("e0: " + e0);
System.out.println("e1: " + e1);
} C:java>java Test2
e0: Employee: Dilbert
e1: Manager: Pointy Haired, Boss
Dynamic binding
▪ Decision on which method to run is taken at
– The virtual machine uses a method table for each class
Manager m = new Manager();
m.setName(“P.H. Carl”); // Employee.setName
m.setTitle (“Boss”); // Manager.setTitle
Employee e1 = new Manager("Pointy Haired", “Boss");
what method is run?
public class Test1
public static void main(String[] args)
new Test1();
public Test1()
Employee e0 = new Employee ("Dilbert");
Employee e1 = new Manager ("Pointy", "Boss");
class Manager extends Employee
private double bonus;
public void setBonus(double bonus)
this.bonus = bonus;
public double getSalary()
return this.bonus + super.getSalery();
Manager m = new Manager("Fay", "Boss");
Violates the Liskov substitution principle
   // meantime, somewhere else
Employee e = (Employee)something.getEmployees();
System.out.println(e.getSalary()); // should print 100
Think About This!
▪ Why use Concrete Inheritance?
– Powerful implementation approach
– Layered Supertype Pattern
– Enables polymorphism if supertypes are used
– New classes can be added without recompile
▪ But remember
– Object oriented programming is not just about concrete inheritance
– It has to be natural!
– Class hierarchies are rigid
– Not always good to force others to extend
Abstract Classes
▪ Abstract classes put the responsibility of implementation on subclasses
– Classes extending an abstract class must implement the abstract methods
– Can contain both concrete and abstract methods
– Normal classes are concrete classes
▪ Abstract classes cannot be instantiated
▪ Reference variables of abstract types are allowed
– Object must be a concrete class
Abstract Example
abstract class Person
private String name;
public Person(String name)
{ = name;
// get and set methods ...
public abstract String getDescription ();
class Employee extends Person
public String getDescription()
return "Employee called " + super.getName();
} // Person p1 = new Person (); Does not work!
Person p2;
Person p3 = new Employee ("Dilbert");
System.out.println (p3.getDescription());
Abstract method
Must implement
▪ Interface is a class without implementation
– Declaration of how to implement class
– All methods and variables are static final
▪ Classes implement interfaces
– implements keyword
– Must implement all the methods – or be abstract
public interface Comparable
public int compareTo(Object other);
class Employee extends Person implements Comparable
public int compareTo(Object o)
{ ...
public interface Comparable
public int compareTo(Object other);
class Employee extends Person implements Comparable
public int compareTo(Object o)
Employee e = (Employee)o;
return this.getName().compareTo (e.getName());
} ...
Employee[] ale = new Employee[3];
ale[0] = new Employee ("Dilbert");
ale[1] = new Employee ("Wally");
ale[2] = new Employee ("Alice");
for (int j=0; j <ale.length; j++)
System.out.println(ale[j].getName()); Alice
How is this possible?
Think About This!
▪ Class A calls class B -> A depends on B
▪ Class java.util.Arrays calls the Employee.compareTo method
▪ Does Arrays depend on Employee?
Separated interface
Arrays Employee
Many Faces
▪ Arrays looks at the class as Comparable, while we regard it as Employee
Class Employee
implements Comparable
Class Arrays
Comparable c ...
Arrays does NOT call Employee.compareTo, 

it calls Comaparable.compareTo 

which happens to be Employee Polymorphism = many faces
Object o = new Manager()
Person p = new Manager()
Comparable c = new Manager()
Employee e = new Manager()
Manager m = new Manager() Memory	

Using Interfaces
▪ Interfaces cannot be instantiated
– Variables of interface types can reference objects that implement the
▪ Interface can extend interfaces
public interface Powered extends Movable
double milesPerGallon();
double SPEED_LIMIT = 95;
Comarable c = new Comparable (); // NO!!!
Comarable c = new Employee (); // OK!
Why interfaces?
▪ Why not use abstract classes?
– Only one class can be extended
– Class hierarchies are rigid and not always suitable
▪ Interfaces can improve software design
– Provide abstraction – hide the implementation
– Classes that use interfaces are not dependant on a particular
class Employee extends Person implements Comparable
Example Pattern
▪ Table Data Gateway or Data Access Object provide an interface to
database table
– Decision on what database access methods to use can be configured
▪ Example
public interface TeamDAO extends RuDAO
public void addTeam (Team team);
public Collection getTeams ();
Interface Implementation
Example: Drawing system
public interface Drawable
public void draw ();
public class Rectangle extends Shape
private int h, w;
public Rectangle (int x, int y, int h, int w)
this.x=x; this.y=y; this.h=h; this.w=w;
public void draw ()
System.out.println ("Rectange (x="+x+",y="+y+",h="+h+",w="+w+")");
public abstract class Shape implements Drawable
protected int x,y;
public class Circle extends Shape
private int r;
public Circle(int x, int y, int r)
this.x = x; this.y = y; this.r = r;
public void draw()
System.out.println ("Circle (x="+x+",y="+y+",r="+r+")");
Example: Drawing system
▪ Drawing all objects
– All draw objects implement Drawable
public DrawTest()
List<Drawable> l = new ArrayList<Drawable>();
l.add(new Rectangle(1, 1, 1, 1));
l.add(new Circle(2, 1, 1));
l.add(new Rectangle(8, 4, 1, 1));
for (Drawable d: l)
Rectange (x=1,y=1,h=1,w=1)
Circle (x=2,y=1,r=1)
Rectange (x=8,y=4,h=1,w=1)
Think About This!
▪ All drawing objects in this Layer extend Shape
▪ Shape is abstract and implements Drawable
▪ Client code does not know about the classes that implement Drawable
Shape is Layer Supertype
Shape is Template Method
Generic Programming

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L03 Software Design

  • 2. Agenda Architecture Recap Programming with Objects Classes Interfaces
  • 4. Conwey’s Law Organisations which design systems ... are constrained to produce designs which are copies of the communication structures of these organisations From a 1967 paper “How do Committees Invent?” by Mel Conway
  • 5. Monolithic Architecture Traditional Web Application Architecture All code is built into a single application that is deployed Simple to develop, test, deploy, scale Clear layering: Presentation, Domain, Data Source Tomcat ApacheBrowser WAR Web Components Customer Wallet Data Source DB WAR file = Web ARchive Tomcat = web server for Java Servlets (web components)
  • 6. Monolithic Architecture ▪ Drawbacks – User interface challenge – old style UI architecture – Real-time applications (like node.js) don’t fit in easy – Obstacle to frequent deployment – fear of change – Overloads your IDE and container – slow build, development – Obstacle to scaling development teams – Locks down the technology stack – long term commitment
  • 7. Technical Debt Concept in programming that reflects the extra development work that arises when code that is easy to implement in the short run is used instead of applying the best overall solution Small decisions that accumulate over time - “I’ll fix this later” Hard to see until any small change is extremely expensive (CoC = Cost of Change), and then Conway’s Second Law applies If the debt is not repaid, then it will keep on accumulating interest, making it hard to implement changes later on
  • 8. Why does it Happen? Or maybe… University Teachers that teach about concrete inheritance Object Oriented progamming is good but can be misused
  • 9. Architecture - noun The decomposition of a product into a collection of components/modules and interactions Structure
  • 10. Architecture - verb Understanding what you need to build, create a vision and making the right decisions vision
  • 11. A component is a software building block that is independently replaceable independently upgradable Component
  • 12. Architecture - types Application Architecture: Application is the focus System Architecture: Focus on multiple applications across a number of tiers and technologies Software Architecture: The combination of application and system architecture and includes the technical practices to build the software
  • 13. Service Oriented Architecture SOA actually means that components of an application act as interoperable services, and can be used independently and recombined into other applications. Engineering Software as a Service by David Patterson and Armando Fox
  • 14. Microservices In recent years a new term has emerged, Microservices: The microservice architectural style is an approach to developing a single application as a suite of small services, each running in its own process and communicating with lightweight mechanisms, often an HTTP resource API. From the Lewis & Fowler article
  • 15. Layering • Software systems can get complicated • Abstractions are needed • Layering provides abstraction by separating computer systems in layers • Higher layers use services from
 lower layers • Each layer has dedicated tasks
 and hides complexity from upper
  • 17. What is the secret of programming?
  • 18. Object Oriented Programming Object Oriented programming can be powerful One of the best ways for general purpose computing But, the power of object oriented languages needs to be used properly! Programmers tend to forget the power of OO
  • 20. Object Oriented Programming Programming languages with objects Objects hold data and methods Object variables (reference) point to objects Object are instances of classes, created with new Classes describe the objects Classes extend other classes – inheritance Instance variables are encapsulated Methods manipulate instance variable
  • 21. EXERCISE Explain these concepts and why they are important in programming Encapsulation Interfaces Polymorphism
  • 22. Object-oriented programming is not about class inheritance and creating advanced class diagrams Remember Encapsulation – Hiding data Interfaces – Hiding implementation Polymorphism – Flexible and Generic Programming Object Oriented Programming
  • 23. Powerful programming - beautiful programming Right use of polymorphism Separation of concerns Separating what varies from what stays the same Object Oriented Programming
  • 24. Powerful programming - beatiful programming Right use of polymorphism Separation of concerns Separating what varies from what stays the same Object Oriented Programming This is the secret of powerful programming
  • 25. Powerful programming - beatiful programming Right use of polymorphism Separation of concerns Right use of Polymorphism Object Oriented Programming Beautiful programming
  • 26. Separate Variations Design Principle Identify the aspects of your application that vary and separate them from what stays the same
  • 27. Every piece of knowledge must have a single, unambiguous, authoritative representation within a system Don’t Repeat Yourself – DRY
  • 28. Object-oriented programming is not about class inheritance and creating advanced class diagrams Remember Encapsulation – Hiding data Interfaces – Hiding implementation Polymorphism – Flexible and Generic Programming Object Oriented Programming
  • 29. Remember technical dept discussion… University teachers talking about concreate inheritance? Object Oriented Programming
  • 30. Object Oriented Programming Concrete inheritance did not make it to the list of powerful features of object oriented programming In fact, its the most dangerous thing you can do in programs and needs to be used as such Directly causes technical debt It’s extremely easy to violate Liskov’s Principle, make code brittle and rise the CoC
  • 31. Object Oriented Programming Client SomeClass MySomeClass inherits Changes the behaviour Client breaks down uses Changes to this class can break MySomeClass
  • 32. Subtypes must be substitutable for their base types. Code that uses references to base class must be able to use objects of derived classes without knowing it. Liskov Substitution Principle
  • 33. public class Rectangle { protected int _width; protected int _height; public int getWidth() { return _width; } public int getHeight() { return _height; } public void setWidth(int width) { _width = width; } public void setHeight(int height) { _height = height; } } Liskov Substitution Principle
  • 34. public class Square extends Rectangle { public void setWidth(int width) { _width = width; _height = width; } public void setHeight(int height) { _height = height; _width = _height; } } Implementation convenience Liskov Substitution Principle
  • 35. import junit.framework.Assert; import org.junit.Test; public class RectangleTests { @Test public void areaOfRectangle() { Rectangle r = new Square(); r.setWidth(5); r.setHeight(2); // Will Fail - r is a square and sets // width and height equal to each other. Assert.assertEquals(r.getWidth() * r.getHeight(),10); } } Liskov Substitution Principle
  • 36. Object Oriented Design Design of classes and interfaces • Class diagram shows relationships • Sequence diagrams show flows Design Patterns • Reoccurring solutions in design • “Best practices” – known solutions for common problems
  • 38. Objects Date day1; Date day2 = new Date(); System.out.println (new Date ()); String s = new Date().toString (); day1 null day2 Date Date now = new Date(); if (day2.before(now)) { System.out.println (day2.toString()); } before tostring ... Object created Object used
  • 39. Objects Date d = new Date(); Operator new creates memory String is an exception Reference variables always point to some memory or null day1 null day2 Date before tostring ... Can  be  any  supertype  or   interface  of  the  concrete  class Must  be  a  concrete  class
  • 40. Classes Object +getId() : String -id : int -name : String -username : String -password : String -email : String User Object obj = new User (); User u = (User)obj; supertype subtype Classes extend other classes • Concrete Inheritance • Subtype extends supertype Class contains • Instance variables • Methods Reference variables of type Object points 
 to any class Any supertype can reference subtype
  • 41. Class methods ▪ Methods can be overridden – Class extends a class and overrides a method ▪ Methods can be overloaded – Same method with different parameters ▪ Methods can be – public – any class can call the method – private – only available within the class – protected – only available within the class and extended classes
  • 42. Class  A  inherits  class  B.  A  overwrites  method  f.  Variable  b  is  created  like   this:     B  b  =  new  A();   What  happens  when  this  line  is  run:     b.f();   A) The  method  in  A  is  run   B) The  method  in  B  is  run   C) First  the  method  in  B  is  run,  then  the  method  in  A   D) The  new  statement  is  illegal  and  does  not  compile     QUIZ
  • 43. Classes ▪ References – Point to concrete objects – Must be same type or supertype of concrete object – Can be interface or abstract class Object obj = new Date (); Date d = (Date)obj; Dateobj Reference of type Object Memory space holding object Date Concrete object of type Date Left side = type or supertype or interface og abstract class right side = concrete class with memory space
  • 44. Constructors ▪ Classes have constructor – Instantiation methods – Same name as the class ▪ References – this – refers to the class – super – extended class public Employee (String name, double salary) { this (name); this.salary = salary; } public Manager (String name) { super (name, 0.0); ... }
  • 45. class Point { private int x, y; public Point () { x = 0; y = 0; } public Point (int x, int y) { this.x = x; this.y = y; } public void move (intdx, intdy) { x+=dx;y+=dy; } public String toString () { return "(" + x + "," + y + ")"; } } Example Class variables Default constuctor Overloaded constuctor this used to refer to the class variables Override toString method
 of Object
  • 46. Example public class Test { public static void main (String[] args) { System.out.println ("Test"); Test test = new Test(); } public Test () { Point p0; // null reference Point p1 = new Point (); Point p2 = new Point (1,2); Object obj = p2; p0 = (Point)obj; p0.move (1, 1); System.out.println("p0=" + p0); } } C:java>javac C:java>java Test Test p0=(2,3) p0 p1 x=0 y=0 p2 x=1 y=2 obj x=2 y=3
  • 47. Java  uses  this  method  to  pass  objects  reference  to  methods   A) Call  by  reference   B) Call  by  value   C) Call  by  method  reference   D) Call  by  value  reference   QUIZ
  • 48. Call By Value ▪ Methods use call by value – Object references are passed by value – The reference cannot change, but the object can x: y: 42 0 Point void changeReferance(Point p) { while (p.x>0) p.x--; } p Point p = new Point (42,0); changeReferance(p); System.out.println(p.x); Reference  p  to  Point Local  copy  of  a  reference   p  to  Point   p  is  same  as  this.p p
  • 49. Inheritance ▪ Classes extend other classes – Subclasses extend superclasses ▪ Reference variables of super types can reference objects of subtypes Empolyee e; e = new Employee(. . .) e = new Manager(. . .) class Manager extends Employee { ... } Polymorphism Employee Manager extends
  • 50. public class Employee { private String name; private double salary; private Date hireDate; public Employee() { } public Employee(String name, double salary, Date hireDate) { = name; this.salary = salary; this.hireDate = hireDate; } public Employee(String name) { = name; }
  • 51. public String getName() { return name; } public double getSalary() { return salary; } public void setName(String name) { = name; } public String toString() { return "Employee: " + getName(); } }
  • 52. class Manager extends Employee { String title; double bonus; public Manager (String name, String title) { super (name); this.title = title; } public String getTitle () { return title; } public String toString () { return "Manager: " + getName() + 
 ", " + getTitle (); } } New variables New method Overridden 
  • 53. What  does  this  program  print? public class Test2 { public static void main (String[] args) { System.out.println ("Test2"); Test2 test2 = new Test2(); } public Test2 () { Employee e0 = new Employee ("Dilbert"); Employee e1 = new Manager ("Pointy Haired", "Boss"); System.out.println("e0: " + e0); System.out.println("e1: " + e1); } } C:java>java Test2 Test2 e0: Employee: Dilbert e1: Manager: Pointy Haired, Boss EXERCISE
  • 54. Dynamic binding ▪ Decision on which method to run is taken at runtime – The virtual machine uses a method table for each class Manager m = new Manager(); m.setName(“P.H. Carl”); // Employee.setName m.setTitle (“Boss”); // Manager.setTitle Employee e1 = new Manager("Pointy Haired", “Boss"); e1.getTitle(); what method is run?
  • 55. What  does  this  program  print? public class Test1 { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("Test1"); new Test1(); } public Test1() { Employee e0 = new Employee ("Dilbert"); Employee e1 = new Manager ("Pointy", "Boss"); System.out.println(e1.getTitle(); } } Trick  question!   Does  not  compile  since  getTitle  is  not  in  Employee EXERCISE
  • 56. class Manager extends Employee { private double bonus; public void setBonus(double bonus) { this.bonus = bonus; } public double getSalary() { return this.bonus + super.getSalery(); } Manager m = new Manager("Fay", "Boss"); m.setBonus(200); Violates the Liskov substitution principle WHAT IS POSSIBLE WRONG WITH THIS?       // meantime, somewhere else Employee e = (Employee)something.getEmployees(); m.setSalary(100); System.out.println(e.getSalary()); // should print 100 ATH
  • 57. Think About This! ▪ Why use Concrete Inheritance? – Powerful implementation approach – Layered Supertype Pattern – Enables polymorphism if supertypes are used – New classes can be added without recompile ▪ But remember – Object oriented programming is not just about concrete inheritance – It has to be natural! – Class hierarchies are rigid – Not always good to force others to extend
  • 58. Abstract Classes ▪ Abstract classes put the responsibility of implementation on subclasses – Classes extending an abstract class must implement the abstract methods – Can contain both concrete and abstract methods – Normal classes are concrete classes ▪ Abstract classes cannot be instantiated ▪ Reference variables of abstract types are allowed – Object must be a concrete class
  • 59. Abstract Example abstract class Person { private String name; public Person(String name) { = name; } // get and set methods ... public abstract String getDescription (); } class Employee extends Person { public String getDescription() { return "Employee called " + super.getName(); } } // Person p1 = new Person (); Does not work! Person p2; Person p3 = new Employee ("Dilbert"); System.out.println (p3.getDescription()); Key  Concept:  Polymorphism Abstract method Must implement
  • 61. Interfaces ▪ Interface is a class without implementation – Declaration of how to implement class – All methods and variables are static final ▪ Classes implement interfaces – implements keyword – Must implement all the methods – or be abstract
  • 62. Interfaces public interface Comparable { public int compareTo(Object other); } class Employee extends Person implements Comparable { public int compareTo(Object o) { ...
  • 63. Example public interface Comparable { public int compareTo(Object other); } class Employee extends Person implements Comparable { public int compareTo(Object o) { Employee e = (Employee)o; return this.getName().compareTo (e.getName()); } ... Employee[] ale = new Employee[3]; ale[0] = new Employee ("Dilbert"); ale[1] = new Employee ("Wally"); ale[2] = new Employee ("Alice"); Arrays.sort(ale); for (int j=0; j <ale.length; j++) System.out.println(ale[j].getName()); Alice Dilbert Wally How is this possible?
  • 64. Think About This! ▪ Class A calls class B -> A depends on B ▪ Class java.util.Arrays calls the Employee.compareTo method ▪ Does Arrays depend on Employee? Polymorphism Separated interface <interface> Comparable Arrays Employee implements calls
  • 65. Many Faces ▪ Arrays looks at the class as Comparable, while we regard it as Employee Class Employee implements Comparable { ... compare Class Arrays ... sort(Object[] { Comparable c ... Test... Arrays.sort(persons Arrays does NOT call Employee.compareTo, 
 it calls Comaparable.compareTo 
 which happens to be Employee Polymorphism = many faces
  • 66. Objects class  Employee  extends  Person abstract  class  Person  implements  Comparable class  Manager  extends  Employee Object o = new Manager() Person p = new Manager() Comparable c = new Manager() Employee e = new Manager() Manager m = new Manager() Memory  for  Manager reference Must  be   concrete  class Can  be  any  
  • 67. Using Interfaces ▪ Interfaces cannot be instantiated – Variables of interface types can reference objects that implement the interface ▪ Interface can extend interfaces public interface Powered extends Movable { double milesPerGallon(); double SPEED_LIMIT = 95; } Comarable c = new Comparable (); // NO!!! Comarable c = new Employee (); // OK!
  • 68. Why interfaces? ▪ Why not use abstract classes? – Only one class can be extended – Class hierarchies are rigid and not always suitable ▪ Interfaces can improve software design – Provide abstraction – hide the implementation – Classes that use interfaces are not dependant on a particular implementation class Employee extends Person implements Comparable { ...
  • 69. Example Pattern ▪ Table Data Gateway or Data Access Object provide an interface to database table – Decision on what database access methods to use can be configured ▪ Example public interface TeamDAO extends RuDAO { public void addTeam (Team team); public Collection getTeams (); } Client Code Interface Implementation
  • 70. Example: Drawing system public interface Drawable { public void draw (); } public class Rectangle extends Shape { private int h, w; public Rectangle (int x, int y, int h, int w) { this.x=x; this.y=y; this.h=h; this.w=w; } public void draw () { System.out.println ("Rectange (x="+x+",y="+y+",h="+h+",w="+w+")"); } } public abstract class Shape implements Drawable { protected int x,y; } public class Circle extends Shape { private int r; public Circle(int x, int y, int r) { this.x = x; this.y = y; this.r = r; } public void draw() { System.out.println ("Circle (x="+x+",y="+y+",r="+r+")"); } }
  • 71. Example: Drawing system ▪ Drawing all objects – All draw objects implement Drawable public DrawTest() { List<Drawable> l = new ArrayList<Drawable>(); l.add(new Rectangle(1, 1, 1, 1)); l.add(new Circle(2, 1, 1)); l.add(new Rectangle(8, 4, 1, 1)); for (Drawable d: l) { d.draw(); } } Rectange (x=1,y=1,h=1,w=1) Circle (x=2,y=1,r=1) Rectange (x=8,y=4,h=1,w=1)
  • 72. Think About This! ▪ All drawing objects in this Layer extend Shape ▪ Shape is abstract and implements Drawable ▪ Client code does not know about the classes that implement Drawable Shape is Layer Supertype Shape is Template Method Generic Programming
  • 73. X  extends  Y.  Which  is  true?         A)  Correct  if  and  only  if  X  is  a  class  and  Y  is  an  interface   B)  Correct  if  and  only  if  X  is  an  interface  and  Y  is  a  class   C)  Correct  if  X  and  Y  are  either  both  classes  or  both  interfaces   D)  Correct  for  all  combinations  of  X  and  Y  being  classes  and/or  interfaces.     QUIZ