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Elegant Solutions For Everyday
Python Problems
Nina Zakharenko
ℹ There are links in these slides. Follow along ^
This talk is for you if:
— You're an intermediate python programmer
— You're coming to python from another language
— You want to learn about fancy features like: magic
methods, iterators, decorators, and context managers
elegant code?
How do we make code elegant?
We pick the right tool for the job!
Resources for converting from Python 2 -> 3
Beauty is
in the eye of
the beholder
image source
You're used to implementing __str__ and __repr__ --but
there's a whole other world of powerful magic methods!
By implementing a few straightforward methods,
you can make your objects behave like built-ins such as:
— numbers
— lists
— dictionaries
— and more...
class Money:
currency_rates = {
'$': 1,
'€': 0.88,
def __init__(self, symbol, amount):
self.symbol = symbol
self.amount = amount
def __repr__(self):
return '%s%.2f' % (self.symbol, self.amount)
class Money:
currency_rates = {
'$': 1,
'€': 0.88,
def __init__(self, symbol, amount):
self.symbol = symbol
self.amount = amount
def __repr__(self):
return '%s%.2f' % (self.symbol, self.amount)
class Money:
# defined currency_rates, __init__, and repr above...
def convert(self, other):
"""Convert other amount to our currency"""
new_amount = (
other.amount / self.currency_rates[other.symbol]
* self.currency_rates[self.symbol])
return Money(self.symbol, new_amount)
__repr__ in action
>>> soda_cost = Money('$', 5.25)
>>> soda_cost
>>> pizza_cost = Money('€', 7.99)
>>> pizza_cost
class Money:
def __add__(self, other):
""" Add 2 Money instances using '+' """
new_amount = self.amount + self.convert(other).amount
return Money(self.symbol, new_amount)
>>> soda_cost = Money('$', 5.25)
>>> pizza_cost = Money('€', 7.99)
>>> soda_cost + pizza_cost
More on Magic Methods: Dive into Python3 - Special Method Names
>>> soda_cost = Money('$', 5.25)
>>> pizza_cost = Money('€', 7.99)
>>> soda_cost + pizza_cost
>>> pizza_cost + soda_cost
More on Magic Methods: Dive into Python3 - Special Method Names
some magic methods map to built-in functions
class Alphabet:
def __len__(self):
return len(self.letters)
>>> my_alphabet = Alphabet()
>>> len(my_alphabet)
image source
Making classes iterable
— In order to be iterable, a class needs to implement
— __iter__() must return an iterator
— In order to be an iterator a class needs to implement
__next__() which must raise StopIteration when there
are no more items to return
or next() in python2
^ can be confusing at first, but remember these guidelines for making classesGreat explanation of iterable vs. iterator vs. generator
class IterableServer:
services = [
{'active': False, 'protocol': 'ftp', 'port': 21},
{'active': True, 'protocol': 'ssh', 'port': 22},
{'active': True, 'protocol': 'http', 'port': 21},
def __init__(self):
self.current_pos = 0
def __iter__(self): # can return self, because __next__ implemented
return self
def __next__(self):
while self.current_pos < len(
service =[self.current_pos]
self.current_pos += 1
if service['active']:
return service['protocol'], service['port']
raise StopIteration
next = __next__ # optional python2 compatibility
>>> for protocol, port in IterableServer():
print('service %s is running on port %d' % (protocol, port))
service ssh is running on port 22
service http is running on port 21
... not bad
tip: use a generator
when your iterator doesn't need to
maintain a lot of state
class Server:
services = [
{'active': False, 'protocol': 'ftp', 'port': 21},
{'active': True, 'protocol': 'ssh', 'port': 22},
{'active': True, 'protocol': 'http', 'port': 21},
def __iter__(self):
for service in
if service['active']:
yield service['protocol'], service['port']
class Server:
services = [
{'active': False, 'protocol': 'ftp', 'port': 21},
{'active': True, 'protocol': 'ssh', 'port': 22},
{'active': True, 'protocol': 'http', 'port': 21},
def __iter__(self):
for service in
if service['active']:
yield service['protocol'], service['port']
Why does this work?
use single parenthesis ( ) to create a generator
^ technically, a generator expression but I like this term better, and so does Ned Batchelder
>>> my_gen = (num for num in range(1))
>>> my_gen
<generator object <genexpr> at 0x107581bf8>
An iterator must implement __next__()
>>> next(my_gen) # remember __len__() mapped to built-in len()
and raise StopIteration when
there are no more elements
>>> next(my_gen)
... StopIteration Traceback (most recent call last)
For more tools for working with iterators, check out itertools
alias methods
class Word:
def __init__(self, word):
self.word = word
def __repr__(self):
return self.word
def __add__(self, other_word):
return Word('%s %s' % (self.word, other_word))
# Add an alias from method __add__ to the method concat
concat = __add__
When we add an alias from __add__ to concat because
methods are just objects
>>> # remember, concat = __add__
>>> first_name = Word('Max')
>>> last_name = Word('Smith')
>>> first_name + last_name
Max Smith
>>> first_name.concat(last_name)
Max Smith
>>> Word.__add__ == Word.concat
Dog class
>>> class Dog:
sound = 'Bark'
def speak(self):
print(self.sound + '!', self.sound + '!')
>>> my_dog = Dog()
>>> my_dog.speak()
Bark! Bark!
read the docs
getattr(object, name, default)
>>> class Dog:
sound = 'Bark'
def speak(self):
print(self.sound + '!', self.sound + '!')
>>> my_dog = Dog()
>>> my_dog.speak()
Bark! Bark!
>>> getattr(my_dog, 'speak')
<bound method Dog.speak of <__main__.Dog object at 0x10b145f28>>
>>> speak_method = getattr(my_dog, 'speak')
>>> speak_method()
Bark! Bark!
read the docs
getattr(object, name, default)
>>> class Dog:
sound = 'Bark'
def speak(self):
print(self.sound + '!', self.sound + '!')
>>> my_dog = Dog()
>>> my_dog.speak()
Bark! Bark!
>>> getattr(my_dog, 'speak')
<bound method Dog.speak of <__main__.Dog object at 0x10b145f28>>
>>> speak_method = getattr(my_dog, 'speak')
>>> speak_method()
Bark! Bark!
read the docs
Example: command line tool with dynamic commands
class Operations:
def say_hi(self, name):
print('Hello,', name)
def say_bye(self, name):
print ('Goodbye,', name)
def default(self, arg):
print ('This operation is not supported.')
if __name__ == '__main__':
operations = Operations()
# let's assume error handling
command, argument = input('> ').split()
getattr(operations, command, operations.default)(argument)
read the docs
$ python
> say_hi Nina
Hello, Nina
> blah blah
This operation is not supported.
additional reading - inverse of getattr() is setattr()
functool.partial(func, *args, **kwargs)
— Return a new partial object which behaves like func
called with args & kwargs
— if more args are passed in, they are appended to args
— if more keyword arguments are passed in, they extend
and override kwargs
read the docs on partials
functool.partial(func, *args, **kwargs)
>>> from functools import partial
>>> basetwo = partial(int, base=2)
>>> basetwo
functools.partial(<class 'int'>, base=2)
>>> basetwo('10010')
read the docs on partials
library I
agithub is a (badly named) REST API client with
transparent syntax which facilitates rapid prototyping
— on any REST API!
— Implemented in 400 lines.
— Add support for any REST API in ~30 lines of code.
— agithub knows everything it needs to about protocol
(REST, HTTP, TCP), but assumes nothing about your
upstream API.
define endpoint url & other connection properties
class GitHub(API):
def __init__(self, token=None, *args, **kwargs):
props = ConnectionProperties(
api_url = kwargs.pop('api_url', ''))
self.setClient(Client(*args, **kwargs))
then, start using the API!
>>> gh = GitHub('token')
>>> status, data = gh.user.repos.get(visibility='public', sort='created')
>>> # ^ Maps to GET /user/repos
>>> data
... ['tweeter', 'snipey', '...']
black magic!
but, how?...
class API:
def __getattr__(self, key):
return IncompleteRequest(self.client).__getattr__(key)
__getitem__ = __getattr__
class IncompleteRequest:
def __getattr__(self, key):
if key in self.client.http_methods:
htmlMethod = getattr(self.client, key)
return partial(htmlMethod, url=self.url)
self.url += '/' + str(key)
return self
__getitem__ = __getattr__
class Client:
http_methods = ('get') # ...
def get(self, url, headers={}, **params):
return self.request('GET', url, None, headers) source:
class API:
def __getattr__(self, key):
return IncompleteRequest(self.client).__getattr__(key)
__getitem__ = __getattr__
class IncompleteRequest:
def __getattr__(self, key):
if key in self.client.http_methods:
htmlMethod = getattr(self.client, key)
return partial(htmlMethod, url=self.url)
self.url += '/' + str(key)
return self
__getitem__ = __getattr__
class Client:
http_methods = ('get') # ...
def get(self, url, headers={}, **params):
return self.request('GET', url, None, headers) source:
class API:
def __getattr__(self, key):
return IncompleteRequest(self.client).__getattr__(key)
__getitem__ = __getattr__
class IncompleteRequest:
def __getattr__(self, key):
if key in self.client.http_methods:
htmlMethod = getattr(self.client, key)
return partial(htmlMethod, url=self.url)
self.url += '/' + str(key)
return self
__getitem__ = __getattr__
class Client:
http_methods = ('get') # ...
def get(self, url, headers={}, **params):
return self.request('GET', url, None, headers) source:
given a non-existant path:
>>> status, data = this.path.doesnt.exist.get()
>>> status
... 404
& because __getitem__ is aliased to __getattr__:
>>> owner, repo = 'nnja', 'tweeter'
>>> status, data = gh.repos[owner][repo].pulls.get()
>>> # ^ Maps to GET /repos/nnja/tweeter/pulls
>>> data
.... # {....}
& new in python 3: async context managers
When should I use one?
Need to perform an action before and/or after an
Common scenarios:
— Closing a resource after you're done with it (file,
network connection)
— Perform cleanup before/after a function call
Example Problem: Feature Flags
Turn features of your application on and off easily.
Uses of feature flags:
— A/B Testing
— Rolling Releases
— Show Beta version to users opted-in to Beta Testing
More on Feature Flags
Example - FeatureFlags Class
class FeatureFlags:
""" Example class which stores Feature Flags and their state. """
SHOW_BETA = 'Show Beta version of Home Page'
flags = {
def is_on(cls, name):
return cls.flags[name]
def toggle(cls, name, on):
cls.flags[name] = on
feature_flags = FeatureFlags()
How do we temporarily turn features on and off when
testing flags?
with feature_flag(FeatureFlags.SHOW_BETA):
assert '/beta' == get_homepage_url()
Using Magic Methods __enter__ and __exit__
class feature_flag:
""" Implementing a Context Manager using Magic Methods """
def __init__(self, name, on=True): = name
self.on = on
self.old_value = feature_flags.is_on(name)
def __enter__(self):
feature_flags.toggle(, self.on)
def __exit__(self, *args):
feature_flags.toggle(, self.old_value)
See: contextlib.contextmanager
The be!er way: using the contextmanager decorator
from contextlib import contextmanager
def feature_flag(name, on=True):
old_value = feature_flags.is_on(name)
feature_flags.toggle(name, on)
feature_flags.toggle(name, old_value)
See: contextlib.contextmanager
The be!er way: using the contextmanager decorator
from contextlib import contextmanager
def feature_flag(name, on=True):
""" The easier way to create Context Managers """
old_value = feature_flags.is_on(name)
feature_flags.toggle(name, on) # behavior of __enter__()
feature_flags.toggle(name, old_value) # behavior of __exit__()
See: contextlib.contextmanager
Note: yield?
from contextlib import contextmanager
def feature_flag(name, on=True):
""" The easier way to create Context Managers """
old_value = feature_flags.is_on(name)
feature_flags.toggle(name, on) # behavior of __enter__()
feature_flags.toggle(name, old_value) # behavior of __exit__()
See: contextlib.contextmanager
either implementation
def get_homepage_url():
""" Method that returns the path of the home page we want to display. """
if feature_flags.is_on(FeatureFlags.SHOW_BETA):
return '/beta'
return '/homepage'
def test_homepage_url_with_context_manager():
with feature_flag(FeatureFlags.SHOW_BETA):
# saw the beta homepage...
assert get_homepage_url() == '/beta'
with feature_flag(FeatureFlags.SHOW_BETA, on=False):
# saw the standard homepage...
assert get_homepage_url() == '/homepage'
either implementation
def get_homepage_url():
""" Method that returns the path of the home page we want to display. """
if feature_flags.is_on(FeatureFlags.SHOW_BETA):
return '/beta'
return '/homepage'
def test_homepage_url_with_context_manager():
with feature_flag(FeatureFlags.SHOW_BETA):
assert get_homepage_url() == '/beta'
print('seeing the beta homepage...')
with feature_flag(FeatureFlags.SHOW_BETA, on=False):
assert get_homepage_url() == '/homepage'
print('seeing the standard homepage...')
The simple explanation:
Syntactic sugar that allows modification of an underlying
— Wrap a function in another function.
— Do something:
— before the call
— after the call
— with provided arguments
— modify the return value or arguments
def say_after(hello_function):
def say_nice_to_meet_you(name):
print('It was nice to meet you!')
return say_nice_to_meet_you
def hello(name):
print('Hello', name)
>>> hello('Nina')
Hello Nina
>>> say_after(hello)('Nina')
Hello Nina It was nice to meet you!
— say_after(hello) returns the function
— then we call say_nice_to_meet_you('Nina')
def say_after(hello_function):
def say_nice_to_meet_you(name):
print('It was nice to meet you!')
return say_nice_to_meet_you
def hello(name):
print('Hello', name)
>>> hello('Nina')
Hello Nina It was nice to meet you!
— calling the decorated function hello(name)
— is the same as calling an undecorated hello with
closure example
def multiply_by(num):
def do_multiplication(x):
return x * num
return do_multiplication
multiply_by_five = multiply_by(5)
>>> multiply_by_five(4)
decorators that take arguments
def greeting(argument):
def greeting_decorator(greet_function):
def greet(name):
print('It was %s to meet you!' % argument)
return greet
return greeting_decorator
def aloha(name):
print ('Aloha', name)
decorators that take arguments
def say_this_after(argument):
def say_after(hello_function):
def say_after_meeting(name):
print('It was %s to meet you' % argument)
return say_after_meeting
return say_after
def hello(name):
print('Hello', name)
Is the same as calling this on an undecorated function:
say_after_bad = say_this_after('bad')(hello)
losing context with a decorator
def say_bye(func):
def wrapper(name):
print('Bye', name)
return wrapper
def my_name():
""" Say my name"""
>>> my_name.__name__
>>>> my_name.__doc__
# ... empty
solution: use wraps, or wrapt library!
from contextlib import wraps
def say_adios(func):
@wraps(func) # pass in which function to wrap
def wrapper():
return wrapper
def say_max():
""" Says the name Max"""
>>> say_max.__name__
>>> say_max.__doc__
' Says the name Max'
Decorators: Common uses
— logging
— timing
— validation
— rate limiting
— mocking/patching
+ Decorators combined.
As of python 3.2 ContextDecorators are in the standard
library. They're the best of both worlds!
— By using ContextDecorator you can easily write classes
that can be used both as decorators with @ and
context managers with the with statement.
— ContextDecorator is used by contextmanager(), so you
get this functionality
automatically .
— Alternatively, you can write a class that extends from ContextDecorator or uses
ContextDecorator as a mixin, and implements __enter__, __exit__ and __call__
— If you use python2, a backport package is available here: contextlib2
Remember @contextmanager from earlier?
from contextlib import contextmanager
def feature_flag(name, on=True):
old_value = feature_flags.is_on(name)
feature_flags.toggle(name, on)
feature_flags.toggle(name, old_value)
use it as a context manager
def get_homepage_url():
beta_flag_on = feature_flags.is_on(FeatureFlags.SHOW_BETA)
return '/beta' if beta_flag_on else '/homepage'
with feature_flag(FeatureFlags.SHOW_BETA):
assert get_homepage_url() == '/beta'
or use as a decorator
@feature_flag(FeatureFlags.SHOW_BETA, on=False)
def get_profile_page():
beta_flag_on = feature_flags.is_on(FeatureFlags.SHOW_BETA)
return 'beta.html' if beta_flag_on else 'profile.html'
assert get_profile_page() == 'profile.html'
library I
: freezegun lets your python tests ❇ travel
through time! ❇
from freezegun import freeze_time
# use it as a Context Manager
def test():
with freeze_time("2012-01-14"):
assert == datetime.datetime(2012, 1, 14)
assert != datetime.datetime(2012, 1, 14)
# or a decorator
def test():
assert == datetime.datetime(2012, 1, 14)
read the source sometime, it's mind-bending!
Useful when you need lightweight representations of
Create tuple subclasses with named fields.
from collections import namedtuple
CacheInfo = namedtuple(
"CacheInfo", ["hits", "misses", "max_size", "curr_size"])
Giving NamedTuples default values
RoutingRule = namedtuple(
['prefix', 'queue_name', 'wait_time']
(1) By specifying defaults
RoutingRule.__new__.__defaults__ = (None, None, 20)
(2) or with _replace to customize a prototype instance
default_rule = RoutingRule(None, None, 20)
user_rule = default_rule._replace(prefix='user', queue_name='user-queue')
NamedTuples can be subclassed and extended
class Person(namedtuple('Person', ['first_name', 'last_name'])):
""" Stores first and last name of a Person"""
__slots__ = ()
def __str__(self):
return '%s %s' % (self.first_name, self.last_name)
>>> me = Person('nina', 'zakharenko')
>>> str(me)
'nina zakharenko'
>>> me
Person(first_name='nina', last_name='zakharenko')
Use __slots__ = () in your NamedTuples!
— It prevents the creation of instance dictionaries.
— It lowers memory consumption.
— Allows for faster access
"Perfection is achieved, not when
there is nothing more to add, but
when there is nothing left to take
— Antoine de Saint-Exupery
New Tools
— Magic Methods
— make your objects behave like builtins (numbers,
list, dict, etc)
— Method ❇Magic❇
— alias methods
— * getattr
— functool.partial
— ContextManagers
— Close resources
— Decorators
— do something before/after call, modify return value
or validate arguments
— ContextDecorators
— ContextManagers + Decorators combined!
— Iterators & Generators
— Loop over your objects
— yield
— NamedTuple
— Lightweight classes
Don't be
a mindless
Use these
tools to be
an elegant

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Elegant Solutions For Everyday Python Problems - PyCon Canada 2017

  • 1. Elegant Solutions For Everyday Python Problems Nina Zakharenko @nnja ℹ There are links in these slides. Follow along ^
  • 2. This talk is for you if: — You're an intermediate python programmer — You're coming to python from another language — You want to learn about fancy features like: magic methods, iterators, decorators, and context managers slides: @nnja
  • 4. How do we make code elegant? We pick the right tool for the job! Resources for converting from Python 2 -> 3
  • 5. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder
  • 7. You're used to implementing __str__ and __repr__ --but there's a whole other world of powerful magic methods! By implementing a few straightforward methods, you can make your objects behave like built-ins such as: — numbers — lists — dictionaries — and more... @nnja
  • 8. class Money: currency_rates = { '$': 1, '€': 0.88, } def __init__(self, symbol, amount): self.symbol = symbol self.amount = amount def __repr__(self): return '%s%.2f' % (self.symbol, self.amount) @nnja
  • 9. class Money: currency_rates = { '$': 1, '€': 0.88, } def __init__(self, symbol, amount): self.symbol = symbol self.amount = amount def __repr__(self): return '%s%.2f' % (self.symbol, self.amount) @nnja
  • 10. class Money: # defined currency_rates, __init__, and repr above... def convert(self, other): """Convert other amount to our currency""" new_amount = ( other.amount / self.currency_rates[other.symbol] * self.currency_rates[self.symbol]) return Money(self.symbol, new_amount) @nnja
  • 11. __repr__ in action >>> soda_cost = Money('$', 5.25) >>> soda_cost $5.25 >>> pizza_cost = Money('€', 7.99) >>> pizza_cost €7.99 @nnja
  • 12. class Money: def __add__(self, other): """ Add 2 Money instances using '+' """ new_amount = self.amount + self.convert(other).amount return Money(self.symbol, new_amount) @nnja
  • 13. >>> soda_cost = Money('$', 5.25) >>> pizza_cost = Money('€', 7.99) >>> soda_cost + pizza_cost $14.33 More on Magic Methods: Dive into Python3 - Special Method Names
  • 14. >>> soda_cost = Money('$', 5.25) >>> pizza_cost = Money('€', 7.99) >>> soda_cost + pizza_cost $14.33 >>> pizza_cost + soda_cost €12.61 More on Magic Methods: Dive into Python3 - Special Method Names @nnja
  • 15. some magic methods map to built-in functions class Alphabet: letters = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' def __len__(self): return len(self.letters) >>> my_alphabet = Alphabet() >>> len(my_alphabet) 26 @nnja
  • 17. Making classes iterable — In order to be iterable, a class needs to implement __iter__() — __iter__() must return an iterator — In order to be an iterator a class needs to implement __next__() which must raise StopIteration when there are no more items to return or next() in python2 ^ can be confusing at first, but remember these guidelines for making classesGreat explanation of iterable vs. iterator vs. generator
  • 18. class IterableServer: services = [ {'active': False, 'protocol': 'ftp', 'port': 21}, {'active': True, 'protocol': 'ssh', 'port': 22}, {'active': True, 'protocol': 'http', 'port': 21}, ] def __init__(self): self.current_pos = 0 def __iter__(self): # can return self, because __next__ implemented return self def __next__(self): while self.current_pos < len( service =[self.current_pos] self.current_pos += 1 if service['active']: return service['protocol'], service['port'] raise StopIteration next = __next__ # optional python2 compatibility @nnja
  • 19. >>> for protocol, port in IterableServer(): print('service %s is running on port %d' % (protocol, port)) service ssh is running on port 22 service http is running on port 21 ... not bad @nnja
  • 20. tip: use a generator when your iterator doesn't need to maintain a lot of state @nnja
  • 21. class Server: services = [ {'active': False, 'protocol': 'ftp', 'port': 21}, {'active': True, 'protocol': 'ssh', 'port': 22}, {'active': True, 'protocol': 'http', 'port': 21}, ] def __iter__(self): for service in if service['active']: yield service['protocol'], service['port'] @nnja
  • 22. class Server: services = [ {'active': False, 'protocol': 'ftp', 'port': 21}, {'active': True, 'protocol': 'ssh', 'port': 22}, {'active': True, 'protocol': 'http', 'port': 21}, ] def __iter__(self): for service in if service['active']: yield service['protocol'], service['port'] @nnja
  • 23. Why does this work? use single parenthesis ( ) to create a generator comprehension ^ technically, a generator expression but I like this term better, and so does Ned Batchelder >>> my_gen = (num for num in range(1)) >>> my_gen <generator object <genexpr> at 0x107581bf8> @nnja
  • 24. An iterator must implement __next__() >>> next(my_gen) # remember __len__() mapped to built-in len() 0 and raise StopIteration when there are no more elements >>> next(my_gen) ... StopIteration Traceback (most recent call last) For more tools for working with iterators, check out itertools
  • 26. alias methods class Word: def __init__(self, word): self.word = word def __repr__(self): return self.word def __add__(self, other_word): return Word('%s %s' % (self.word, other_word)) # Add an alias from method __add__ to the method concat concat = __add__ @nnja
  • 27. When we add an alias from __add__ to concat because methods are just objects >>> # remember, concat = __add__ >>> first_name = Word('Max') >>> last_name = Word('Smith') >>> first_name + last_name Max Smith >>> first_name.concat(last_name) Max Smith >>> Word.__add__ == Word.concat True @nnja
  • 28. Dog class >>> class Dog: sound = 'Bark' def speak(self): print(self.sound + '!', self.sound + '!') >>> my_dog = Dog() >>> my_dog.speak() Bark! Bark! read the docs
  • 29. getattr(object, name, default) >>> class Dog: sound = 'Bark' def speak(self): print(self.sound + '!', self.sound + '!') >>> my_dog = Dog() >>> my_dog.speak() Bark! Bark! >>> getattr(my_dog, 'speak') <bound method Dog.speak of <__main__.Dog object at 0x10b145f28>> >>> speak_method = getattr(my_dog, 'speak') >>> speak_method() Bark! Bark! read the docs
  • 30. getattr(object, name, default) >>> class Dog: sound = 'Bark' def speak(self): print(self.sound + '!', self.sound + '!') >>> my_dog = Dog() >>> my_dog.speak() Bark! Bark! >>> getattr(my_dog, 'speak') <bound method Dog.speak of <__main__.Dog object at 0x10b145f28>> >>> speak_method = getattr(my_dog, 'speak') >>> speak_method() Bark! Bark! read the docs
  • 31. Example: command line tool with dynamic commands class Operations: def say_hi(self, name): print('Hello,', name) def say_bye(self, name): print ('Goodbye,', name) def default(self, arg): print ('This operation is not supported.') if __name__ == '__main__': operations = Operations() # let's assume error handling command, argument = input('> ').split() getattr(operations, command, operations.default)(argument) read the docs
  • 32. Output $ python > say_hi Nina Hello, Nina > blah blah This operation is not supported. ✨ additional reading - inverse of getattr() is setattr()
  • 33. functool.partial(func, *args, **kwargs) — Return a new partial object which behaves like func called with args & kwargs — if more args are passed in, they are appended to args — if more keyword arguments are passed in, they extend and override kwargs read the docs on partials
  • 34. functool.partial(func, *args, **kwargs) >>> from functools import partial >>> basetwo = partial(int, base=2) >>> basetwo functools.partial(<class 'int'>, base=2) >>> basetwo('10010') 18 read the docs on partials
  • 35. library I ! : agithub is a (badly named) REST API client with transparent syntax which facilitates rapid prototyping — on any REST API! — Implemented in 400 lines. — Add support for any REST API in ~30 lines of code. — agithub knows everything it needs to about protocol (REST, HTTP, TCP), but assumes nothing about your upstream API. @nnja
  • 36. define endpoint url & other connection properties class GitHub(API): def __init__(self, token=None, *args, **kwargs): props = ConnectionProperties( api_url = kwargs.pop('api_url', '')) self.setClient(Client(*args, **kwargs)) self.setConnectionProperties(props) then, start using the API! >>> gh = GitHub('token') >>> status, data = gh.user.repos.get(visibility='public', sort='created') >>> # ^ Maps to GET /user/repos >>> data ... ['tweeter', 'snipey', '...']
  • 38. class API: def __getattr__(self, key): return IncompleteRequest(self.client).__getattr__(key) __getitem__ = __getattr__ class IncompleteRequest: def __getattr__(self, key): if key in self.client.http_methods: htmlMethod = getattr(self.client, key) return partial(htmlMethod, url=self.url) else: self.url += '/' + str(key) return self __getitem__ = __getattr__ class Client: http_methods = ('get') # ... def get(self, url, headers={}, **params): return self.request('GET', url, None, headers) source:
  • 39. class API: def __getattr__(self, key): return IncompleteRequest(self.client).__getattr__(key) __getitem__ = __getattr__ class IncompleteRequest: def __getattr__(self, key): if key in self.client.http_methods: htmlMethod = getattr(self.client, key) return partial(htmlMethod, url=self.url) else: self.url += '/' + str(key) return self __getitem__ = __getattr__ class Client: http_methods = ('get') # ... def get(self, url, headers={}, **params): return self.request('GET', url, None, headers) source:
  • 40. class API: def __getattr__(self, key): return IncompleteRequest(self.client).__getattr__(key) __getitem__ = __getattr__ class IncompleteRequest: def __getattr__(self, key): if key in self.client.http_methods: htmlMethod = getattr(self.client, key) return partial(htmlMethod, url=self.url) else: self.url += '/' + str(key) return self __getitem__ = __getattr__ class Client: http_methods = ('get') # ... def get(self, url, headers={}, **params): return self.request('GET', url, None, headers) source:
  • 41. given a non-existant path: >>> status, data = this.path.doesnt.exist.get() >>> status ... 404 & because __getitem__ is aliased to __getattr__: >>> owner, repo = 'nnja', 'tweeter' >>> status, data = gh.repos[owner][repo].pulls.get() >>> # ^ Maps to GET /repos/nnja/tweeter/pulls >>> data .... # {....}
  • 42. Context Managers & new in python 3: async context managers
  • 43. When should I use one? Need to perform an action before and/or after an operation. Common scenarios: — Closing a resource after you're done with it (file, network connection) — Perform cleanup before/after a function call @nnja
  • 44. Example Problem: Feature Flags Turn features of your application on and off easily. Uses of feature flags: — A/B Testing — Rolling Releases — Show Beta version to users opted-in to Beta Testing Program More on Feature Flags
  • 45. Example - FeatureFlags Class class FeatureFlags: """ Example class which stores Feature Flags and their state. """ SHOW_BETA = 'Show Beta version of Home Page' flags = { SHOW_BETA: True } @classmethod def is_on(cls, name): return cls.flags[name] @classmethod def toggle(cls, name, on): cls.flags[name] = on feature_flags = FeatureFlags() @nnja
  • 46. How do we temporarily turn features on and off when testing flags? Want: with feature_flag(FeatureFlags.SHOW_BETA): assert '/beta' == get_homepage_url() @nnja
  • 47. Using Magic Methods __enter__ and __exit__ class feature_flag: """ Implementing a Context Manager using Magic Methods """ def __init__(self, name, on=True): = name self.on = on self.old_value = feature_flags.is_on(name) def __enter__(self): feature_flags.toggle(, self.on) def __exit__(self, *args): feature_flags.toggle(, self.old_value) See: contextlib.contextmanager
  • 48. The be!er way: using the contextmanager decorator from contextlib import contextmanager @contextmanager def feature_flag(name, on=True): old_value = feature_flags.is_on(name) feature_flags.toggle(name, on) yield feature_flags.toggle(name, old_value) See: contextlib.contextmanager
  • 49. The be!er way: using the contextmanager decorator from contextlib import contextmanager @contextmanager def feature_flag(name, on=True): """ The easier way to create Context Managers """ old_value = feature_flags.is_on(name) feature_flags.toggle(name, on) # behavior of __enter__() yield feature_flags.toggle(name, old_value) # behavior of __exit__() See: contextlib.contextmanager
  • 50. Note: yield? from contextlib import contextmanager @contextmanager def feature_flag(name, on=True): """ The easier way to create Context Managers """ old_value = feature_flags.is_on(name) feature_flags.toggle(name, on) # behavior of __enter__() yield feature_flags.toggle(name, old_value) # behavior of __exit__() See: contextlib.contextmanager
  • 51. either implementation def get_homepage_url(): """ Method that returns the path of the home page we want to display. """ if feature_flags.is_on(FeatureFlags.SHOW_BETA): return '/beta' else: return '/homepage' def test_homepage_url_with_context_manager(): with feature_flag(FeatureFlags.SHOW_BETA): # saw the beta homepage... assert get_homepage_url() == '/beta' with feature_flag(FeatureFlags.SHOW_BETA, on=False): # saw the standard homepage... assert get_homepage_url() == '/homepage' @nnja
  • 52. either implementation def get_homepage_url(): """ Method that returns the path of the home page we want to display. """ if feature_flags.is_on(FeatureFlags.SHOW_BETA): return '/beta' else: return '/homepage' def test_homepage_url_with_context_manager(): with feature_flag(FeatureFlags.SHOW_BETA): assert get_homepage_url() == '/beta' print('seeing the beta homepage...') with feature_flag(FeatureFlags.SHOW_BETA, on=False): assert get_homepage_url() == '/homepage' print('seeing the standard homepage...') @nnja
  • 53. Decorators The simple explanation: Syntactic sugar that allows modification of an underlying function. @nnja
  • 54. Recap! Decorators: — Wrap a function in another function. — Do something: — before the call — after the call — with provided arguments — modify the return value or arguments @nnja
  • 55. def say_after(hello_function): def say_nice_to_meet_you(name): hello_function(name) print('It was nice to meet you!') return say_nice_to_meet_you def hello(name): print('Hello', name) >>> hello('Nina') Hello Nina >>> say_after(hello)('Nina') Hello Nina It was nice to meet you! — say_after(hello) returns the function say_nice_to_meet_you — then we call say_nice_to_meet_you('Nina') @nnja
  • 56. def say_after(hello_function): def say_nice_to_meet_you(name): hello_function(name) print('It was nice to meet you!') return say_nice_to_meet_you @say_after def hello(name): print('Hello', name) >>> hello('Nina') Hello Nina It was nice to meet you! — calling the decorated function hello(name) — is the same as calling an undecorated hello with say_after(hello)('Nina') @nnja
  • 57. closure example def multiply_by(num): def do_multiplication(x): return x * num return do_multiplication multiply_by_five = multiply_by(5) >>> multiply_by_five(4) 20 @nnja
  • 58. decorators that take arguments def greeting(argument): def greeting_decorator(greet_function): def greet(name): greet_function(name) print('It was %s to meet you!' % argument) return greet return greeting_decorator @greeting('bad') def aloha(name): print ('Aloha', name) @nnja
  • 59. decorators that take arguments def say_this_after(argument): def say_after(hello_function): def say_after_meeting(name): hello_function(name) print('It was %s to meet you' % argument) return say_after_meeting return say_after @say_this_after('bad') def hello(name): print('Hello', name) Is the same as calling this on an undecorated function: say_after_bad = say_this_after('bad')(hello) say_after_bad('Nina') @nnja
  • 60. losing context with a decorator def say_bye(func): def wrapper(name): func() print('Bye', name) return wrapper @say_bye def my_name(): """ Say my name""" print('Nina') >>> my_name.__name__ 'wrapper' >>>> my_name.__doc__ # ... empty @nnja
  • 61. solution: use wraps, or wrapt library! from contextlib import wraps def say_adios(func): @wraps(func) # pass in which function to wrap def wrapper(): func() print('Adios!') return wrapper @say_adios def say_max(): """ Says the name Max""" print('Max') >>> say_max.__name__ 'say_max' >>> say_max.__doc__ ' Says the name Max' @nnja
  • 62. Decorators: Common uses — logging — timing — validation — rate limiting — mocking/patching @nnja
  • 64. As of python 3.2 ContextDecorators are in the standard library. They're the best of both worlds! — By using ContextDecorator you can easily write classes that can be used both as decorators with @ and context managers with the with statement. — ContextDecorator is used by contextmanager(), so you get this functionality ✨ automatically . — Alternatively, you can write a class that extends from ContextDecorator or uses ContextDecorator as a mixin, and implements __enter__, __exit__ and __call__ — If you use python2, a backport package is available here: contextlib2 @nnja
  • 65. Remember @contextmanager from earlier? from contextlib import contextmanager @contextmanager def feature_flag(name, on=True): old_value = feature_flags.is_on(name) feature_flags.toggle(name, on) yield feature_flags.toggle(name, old_value) @nnja
  • 66. use it as a context manager def get_homepage_url(): beta_flag_on = feature_flags.is_on(FeatureFlags.SHOW_BETA) return '/beta' if beta_flag_on else '/homepage' with feature_flag(FeatureFlags.SHOW_BETA): assert get_homepage_url() == '/beta' or use as a decorator @feature_flag(FeatureFlags.SHOW_BETA, on=False) def get_profile_page(): beta_flag_on = feature_flags.is_on(FeatureFlags.SHOW_BETA) return 'beta.html' if beta_flag_on else 'profile.html' assert get_profile_page() == 'profile.html' @nnja
  • 67. library I ! : freezegun lets your python tests ❇ travel through time! ❇ from freezegun import freeze_time # use it as a Context Manager def test(): with freeze_time("2012-01-14"): assert == datetime.datetime(2012, 1, 14) assert != datetime.datetime(2012, 1, 14) # or a decorator @freeze_time("2012-01-14") def test(): assert == datetime.datetime(2012, 1, 14) read the source sometime, it's mind-bending! @nnja
  • 68. NamedTuple Useful when you need lightweight representations of data. Create tuple subclasses with named fields. @nnja
  • 69. Example from collections import namedtuple CacheInfo = namedtuple( "CacheInfo", ["hits", "misses", "max_size", "curr_size"]) @nnja
  • 70. Giving NamedTuples default values RoutingRule = namedtuple( 'RoutingRule', ['prefix', 'queue_name', 'wait_time'] ) (1) By specifying defaults RoutingRule.__new__.__defaults__ = (None, None, 20) (2) or with _replace to customize a prototype instance default_rule = RoutingRule(None, None, 20) user_rule = default_rule._replace(prefix='user', queue_name='user-queue') @nnja
  • 71. NamedTuples can be subclassed and extended class Person(namedtuple('Person', ['first_name', 'last_name'])): """ Stores first and last name of a Person""" __slots__ = () def __str__(self): return '%s %s' % (self.first_name, self.last_name) >>> me = Person('nina', 'zakharenko') >>> str(me) 'nina zakharenko' >>> me Person(first_name='nina', last_name='zakharenko') @nnja
  • 72. Tip Use __slots__ = () in your NamedTuples! — It prevents the creation of instance dictionaries. — It lowers memory consumption. — Allows for faster access @nnja
  • 73. "Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away." — Antoine de Saint-Exupery @nnja
  • 74. New Tools — Magic Methods — make your objects behave like builtins (numbers, list, dict, etc) — Method ❇Magic❇ — alias methods — * getattr — functool.partial @nnja
  • 75. — ContextManagers — Close resources — Decorators — do something before/after call, modify return value or validate arguments — ContextDecorators — ContextManagers + Decorators combined! @nnja
  • 76. — Iterators & Generators — Loop over your objects — yield — NamedTuple — Lightweight classes @nnja
  • 78. Use these tools to be an elegant Pythonista! @nnja