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Discutindo Rails
 e Arquiteturas

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Discutindo Rails
 e Arquiteturas
Fabio Akita
Fabio Akita

Anos 80   Fim Anos 90   Século XXI
Anos 80               Fim Anos 90                    Século XXI

Basic                 Pascal                              Java
                  C                   PHP

 dBase                    Delphi           Python         ABAP
                                     ASP           .NET
Como o cliente      Como o Líder de    Como o Analista     Como o Programador   Como o Consultor de
    explicou         Projeto entendeu      desenhou               escreveu        Negócios descreveu

Como o projeto foi   Como Operações     Como o cliente foi                          O que o cliente
                                                             Como foi o suporte
  documentado           instalou            cobrado                                realmente queria
Pattern   PADRÃO

 Pattern   PADRÃO

NÃO é “Standard”!
Christopher Alexander
cada padrão (“pattern”)
representa nosso melhor chute agora ...
  os padrões ainda são hipóteses, ... e
  portanto todos são tentativas, todos
  livres para evoluir sob o impacto de
   novas experiências e observações."

          Christopher Alexander
2 + 2 = 5!
2 + 2 = 5!
2 + 2 = 4!
Aqui estão os fatos. Que   Aqui está a conclusão.
  conclusões podemos        Que fatos podemos
   chegar com eles?         suportar com eles?


          “Long Tail”


D DD Grandes

  DD ”
D ht  Grandes

Ruby on Rails é a melhor forma de desenvolver
qualquer aplicação Web.
Todas as outras formas de desenvolver aplicações
Web são inferiores a Ruby on Rails.
Ruby on Rails é uma das maneiras competentes
de se desenvolver aplicações Web em alguns

(framework web)
gem install rails

rails new nome_do_projeto
gem install rails

rails new nome_do_projeto
gem install rails

rails new nome_do_projeto

      SIM! Via CLI! :-P

       Web Server

   Rack Middlewares



View                Model

       Web Server

   Rack Middlewares



View                Model

       Web Server

   Rack Middlewares



View                Model

       Web Server

   Rack Middlewares



View                Model

       Web Server

   Rack Middlewares



View                Model

       Web Server

   Rack Middlewares



View                Model

       Web Server

   Rack Middlewares



View                Model

       Web Server

   Rack Middlewares



View                Model

       Web Server

   Rack Middlewares



View                Model

       Web Server

   Rack Middlewares



View                Model
Response                Request

           Web Server

     Rack Middlewares



  View                  Model
~30 mil gems

  ~15 GB
bundle install
RubyGems   Library Assembly (DLL)

  Rake            MSBuild

 Bundler          NuGet
> bundle list

Gems included by the bundle:   *   mail (2.2.19)
  * abstract (1.0.0)           *   mime-types (1.16)
  * actionmailer (3.0.7)       *   polyglot (0.3.1)
  * actionpack (3.0.7)         *   rack (1.2.2)
  * activemodel (3.0.7)        *   rack-mount (0.6.14)
  * activerecord (3.0.7)       *   rack-test (0.5.7)
  * activeresource (3.0.7)     *   rails (3.0.7)
  * activesupport (3.0.7)      *   railties (3.0.7)
  * arel (2.0.9)               *   rake (0.8.7)
  * builder (2.1.2)            *   sqlite3 (1.3.3)
  * bundler (1.0.13)           *   thor (0.14.6)
  * erubis (2.6.6)             *   treetop (1.4.9)
  * i18n (0.5.0)               *   tzinfo (0.3.27)
> bundle list

Gems included by the bundle:   *   mail (2.2.19)
  * abstract (1.0.0)           *   mime-types (1.16)
  * actionmailer (3.0.7)       *   polyglot (0.3.1)
  * actionpack (3.0.7)         *   rack (1.2.2)
  * activemodel (3.0.7)        *   rack-mount (0.6.14)
  * activerecord (3.0.7)       *   rack-test (0.5.7)
  * activeresource (3.0.7)     *   rails (3.0.7)
  * activesupport (3.0.7)      *   railties (3.0.7)
  * arel (2.0.9)               *   rake (0.8.7)
  * builder (2.1.2)            *   sqlite3 (1.3.3)
  * bundler (1.0.13)           *   thor (0.14.6)
  * erubis (2.6.6)             *   treetop (1.4.9)
  * i18n (0.5.0)               *   tzinfo (0.3.27)
> rake -T
                           rake   log:clear
rake   about               rake   middleware
rake   db:create           rake   notes
rake   db:drop             rake   notes:custom
rake   db:fixtures:load    rake   rails:template
rake   db:migrate          rake   rails:update
rake   db:migrate:status   rake   routes
rake   db:rollback         rake   secret
rake   db:schema:dump      rake   stats
rake   db:schema:load      rake   test
rake   db:seed             rake   test:recent
rake   db:setup            rake   test:uncommitted
rake   db:structure:dump   rake   time:zones:all
rake   db:version          rake   tmp:clear
rake   doc:app             rake   tmp:create
> rails generate
Usage: rails generate GENERATOR [args] [options]

General options:
  -h, [--help]       #   Print generator's options and usage
  -p, [--pretend]    #   Run but do not make any changes
  -f, [--force]      #   Overwrite files that already exist
  -s, [--skip]       #   Skip files that already exist
  -q, [--quiet]      #   Suppress status output

Please choose a generator below.

Rails:                   observer
  controller             performance_test
  generator              plugin
  helper                 resource
  integration_test       scaffold
  mailer                 scaffold_controller
  migration              session_migration
  model                  stylesheets
> rake middleware                                   Rack
use   ActionDispatch::Static
use   Rack::Lock
use   ActiveSupport::Cache::Strategy::LocalCache
use   Rack::Runtime
use   Rails::Rack::Logger
use   ActionDispatch::ShowExceptions
use   ActionDispatch::RemoteIp
use   Rack::Sendfile
use   ActionDispatch::Callbacks
use   ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::ConnectionManagement
use   ActiveRecord::QueryCache
use   ActionDispatch::Cookies
use   ActionDispatch::Session::CookieStore
use   ActionDispatch::Flash
use   ActionDispatch::ParamsParser
use   Rack::MethodOverride
use   ActionDispatch::Head
use   ActionDispatch::BestStandardsSupport
run   Demo::Application.routes
Response                Request

           Web Server

     Rack Middlewares



  View                  Model
Response                Request

           Web Server

     Rack Middlewares



  View                  Model
Response                Request

           Web Server

     Rack Middlewares             Server Rack:
                        Routes       Thin,
           Controller               Unicorn
  View                  Model
Web Server:
Response                Request
           Web Server

     Rack Middlewares             Server Rack:
                        Routes       Thin,
           Controller               Unicorn
  View                  Model
NginX, Apache, Lighty, IIS

         Reverse Proxy

Mongrel, Thin, Unicorn, Passenger


NginX, Apache, Lighty, IIS

         Reverse Proxy

Mongrel, Thin, Unicorn, Passenger    TidyTDS

                                    SQL Server
                                    SQL Azure
NginX, Apache, Lighty, IIS

         Reverse Proxy

Mongrel, Thin, Unicorn, Passenger


   Web Services (REST, SOAP)
    NginX, Apache, Lighty, IIS

         Reverse Proxy

Mongrel, Thin, Unicorn, Passenger


   Web Services (REST, SOAP)
    NginX, Apache, Lighty, IIS

         Reverse Proxy

Mongrel, Thin, Unicorn, Passenger


   Web Services (REST, SOAP)
    NginX, Apache, Lighty, IIS

         Reverse Proxy

Mongrel, Thin, Unicorn, Passenger


   Web Services (REST, SOAP)
Request   Request   Request     Request      Request   Request

HTTPD     HTTPD     HTTPD        HTTPD       HTTPD     HTTPD

 Rails     Rails     Rails           Rails    Rails     Rails
 App       App       App             App      App       App

Request   Request   Request     Request      Request   Request

HTTPD     HTTPD     HTTPD        HTTPD       HTTPD     HTTPD

 Rails     Rails     Rails           Rails    Rails     Rails
 App       App       App             App      App       App

Request   Request   Request     Request      Request   Request

HTTPD     HTTPD     HTTPD        HTTPD       HTTPD     HTTPD

 Rails     Rails     Rails           Rails    Rails     Rails
 App       App       App             App      App       App

 Mais curto                  RDBMS
Thread Context Switch
Thread Context Switch
$(':checkbox').map(function() {
Eventos Assíncronos
Envio de mensagens
Request   Request   Request     Request      Request   Request

HTTPD     HTTPD     HTTPD        HTTPD       HTTPD     HTTPD

 Rails     Rails     Rails           Rails    Rails     Rails
 App       App       App             App      App       App

Request   Request   Request   Request   Request   Request



Request   Request   Request   Request   Request   Request


                         Machine         “Look Ma!
                                        No Threads!”

Request   Request   Request   Request   Request   Request


                                          5k ~ 10k
                         Machine         “Look Ma!
                                        No Threads!”

Request   Request   Request   Request   Request   Request


                                          5k ~ 10k
      Longas              Event
                         Machine         “Look Ma!
                                        No Threads!”

<script src="">

var pusher = new Pusher('API_KEY');
var myChannel = pusher.subscribe('MEU_CANAL');
<script src="">

var pusher = new Pusher('API_KEY');
var myChannel = pusher.subscribe('MEU_CANAL');
<script src="">

var pusher = new Pusher('API_KEY');
var myChannel = pusher.subscribe('MEU_CANAL');
myChannel.bind('coisa-criada', function(thing) {
  alert('Uma coisa foi criada: ' +;
myChannel.bind('coisa-criada', function(thing) {
  alert('Uma coisa foi criada: ' +;
myChannel.bind('coisa-criada', function(thing) {
  alert('Uma coisa foi criada: ' +;
require 'pusher'

Pusher.app_id = 'APP_ID'
Pusher.key = 'API_KEY'
Pusher.secret = 'SECRET_KEY'

class ThingsController < ApplicationController
  def create
    @thing =[:thing])

require 'pusher'

Pusher.app_id = 'APP_ID'
Pusher.key = 'API_KEY'
Pusher.secret = 'SECRET_KEY'

class ThingsController < ApplicationController
  def create
    @thing =[:thing])

require 'pusher'

Pusher.app_id = 'APP_ID'
Pusher.key = 'API_KEY'
Pusher.secret = 'SECRET_KEY'

class ThingsController < ApplicationController
  def create
    @thing =[:thing])

require 'pusher'

Pusher.app_id = 'APP_ID'
Pusher.key = 'API_KEY'
Pusher.secret = 'SECRET_KEY'

class ThingsController < ApplicationController
  def create
    @thing =[:thing])

Arquitetura de
Altíssima Concorrência
W. Edward Deming
Todos os outros devem trazer dados
Ciclo “Plan-Do-Check-Act”
       (melhoria contínua)

 P A
 D C
Ciclo “Plan-Do-Check-Act”
       (melhoria contínua)

 P A
 D C
Ciclo “Plan-Do-Check-Act”
       (melhoria contínua)

 P A
 D C
Ciclo “Plan-Do-Check-Act”
       (melhoria contínua)

        P A
        D C
Ciclo “Plan-Do-Check-Act”
       (melhoria contínua)

                      P A
                      D C
Ciclo “Plan-Do-Check-Act”
       (melhoria contínua)

                             P A
                             D C




2007   Ruby on Rails




2008                           6
2007   Ruby on Rails   2.0.0




          2.0.5                3
2008                           6
2007   Ruby on Rails   2.0.0



          2.0.5                3
2008                           6
2007   Ruby on Rails   2.0.0
2011     2.3.11


          2.0.5                3
2008                           6
2007   Ruby on Rails   2.0.0


2010                   3.0.0

          2.0.5                3
2008                           6
2007   Ruby on Rails   2.0.0

2011     2.3.11
2010                   3.0.0

                       2.2.0   Versões!


2007   Ruby on Rails   2.0.0

          Web Server



                      Web Server

Estáticos                         Rails

$blue: #3bbfce;
$margin: 16px;            /* CSS */

.content-navigation {     .content-navigation {
  border-color: $blue;      border-color: #3bbfce;
  color:                    color: #2b9eab;
    darken($blue, 9%);    }
                          .border {
.border {                   padding: 8px;
  padding: $margin / 2;     margin: 8px;
  margin: $margin / 2;      border-color: #3bbfce;
  border-color: $blue;    }
table.hl {               /* CSS */
  margin: 2em 0;
  td.ln {                table.hl {
    text-align: right;     margin: 2em 0;
  }                      }
}                        table.hl td.ln {
                           text-align: right;
li {                     }
  font: {
     family: serif;      li {
     weight: bold;         font-family: serif;
     size: 1.2em;          font-weight: bold;
  }                        font-size: 1.2em;
}                        }
@mixin table-base {
  th {
                          /* CSS */
    text-align: center;
    font-weight: bold;
                          #data {
  td, th {padding: 2px}     float: left;
}                           margin-left: 10px;
@mixin left($dist) {      #data th {
  float: left;              text-align: center;
  margin-left: $dist;       font-weight: bold;
                          #data td, #data th {
#data {
  @include left(10px);      padding: 2px;
  @include table-base;    }
Selector Inheritance
                       /* CSS */

.error {
                       .error, .badError {
  border: 1px #f00;
                         border: 1px #f00;
  background: #fdd;
                         background: #fdd;
.error.intrusion {
  font-size: 1.3em;
  font-weight: bold;
                       .badError.intrusion {
                         font-size: 1.3em;
                         font-weight: bold;
.badError {
  @extend .error;
  border-width: 3px;
                       .badError {
                         border-width: 3px;
class Animal
  constructor: (@name) ->

  move: (meters) ->
    alert @name + " moved " + meters + "m."

class Snake extends Animal
  move: ->
    alert "Slithering..."
    super 5

class Horse extends Animal
  move: ->
    alert "Galloping..."
    super 45

sam = new Snake "Sammy the Python"
tom = new Horse "Tommy the Palomino"

var Animal, Horse, Snake, sam, tom;
                                              var __hasProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,
                                              __extends = function(child, parent) {
                                                 for (var key in parent) { if (,
                                              key)) child[key] = parent[key]; }
                                                 function ctor() { this.constructor = child; }
                                                 ctor.prototype = parent.prototype;
                                                 child.prototype = new ctor;
class Animal                                     child.__super__ = parent.prototype;
  constructor: (@name) ->                        return child;
                                              Animal = (function() {
  move: (meters) ->                              function Animal(name) {
                                           = name;
    alert @name + " moved " + meters + "m."      }
                                                 Animal.prototype.move = function(meters) {
                                                    return alert( + " moved " + meters + "m.");
class Snake extends Animal                       };
                                                 return Animal;
  move: ->                                    })();
    alert "Slithering..."                     Snake = (function() {
                                                 __extends(Snake, Animal);
    super 5                                      function Snake() {
                                                    Snake.__super__.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
class Horse extends Animal                       Snake.prototype.move = function() {
  move: ->                                          return, 5);
    alert "Galloping..."                         };
                                                 return Snake;
    super 45                                  })();
                                              Horse = (function() {
                                                 __extends(Horse, Animal);
sam = new Snake "Sammy the Python"               function Horse() {
tom = new Horse "Tommy the Palomino"                Horse.__super__.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
                                                 Horse.prototype.move = function() {
sam.move()                                          return, 45);
tom.move()                                       };
                                                 return Horse;
                                              sam = new Snake("Sammy the Python");
                                              tom = new Horse("Tommy the Palomino");
Request          Request

   Web Server       Web Server
(Desenvolvimento)   (Produção)


 /app/assets         /public
Request          Request

   Web Server       Web Server
(Desenvolvimento)   (Produção)


 /app/assets         /public
Request          Request

   Web Server       Web Server
(Desenvolvimento)   (Produção)



 /app/assets         /public
Request          Request

   Web Server       Web Server
(Desenvolvimento)   (Produção)



     Ugli er

 /app/assets         /public

ERB                    .erb, .rhtml
Interpolated String    .str

Erubis                 .erb, .rhtml, .erubis   erubis

Haml                   .haml                   haml

Sass                   .sass
Scss                   .scss

Less CSS               .less                   less

Builder                .builder                builder

Liquid                 .liquid                 liquid

RDiscount                                      rdiscount

Redcarpet                                      redcarpet

BlueCloth              .markdown, .mkd, .md    bluecloth

Kramdown                                       kramdown

Maruku                                         maruku

RedCloth               .textile                redcloth

RDoc                   .rdoc                   rdoc

Radius                 .radius                 radius

Markaby                .mab                    markaby

Nokogiri               .nokogiri               nokogiri

CoffeeScript           .coffee                 coffee-script

Creole (Wiki markup)   .creole                 creole
Rails 3.1:
Release Candidate
   (may 2011)
3 e 4 de Novembro
Pedro Franceschi
15 anos

Pedro Franceschi
9 anos

Pedro Franceschi
6 anos

Pedro Franceschi
Pedro Franceschi

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Ähnlich wie 09 - Fábio Akita - Além do rails (20)

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Introduction to Rails - presented by Arman Ortega
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Mehr von DNAD

LT 07 - Glauber de Almeida - DRY
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LT 07 - Glauber de Almeida - DRYDNAD
LT 06 - Douglas Aguiar - Quem nao se comunica se trumbica
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LT 02 - Rodrigo Kumpera - Rodando c sharp
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LT 01 - Rodrigo Yoshima - Business vsarchitecture
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LT 04 - Denis Ferrari - Como lidar com as dificuldades da primeira sprint - dnad
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02a - Leandro Daniel - Examinando a arquitetura evolucionária
02a -  Leandro Daniel - Examinando a arquitetura evolucionária02a -  Leandro Daniel - Examinando a arquitetura evolucionária
02a - Leandro Daniel - Examinando a arquitetura evolucionáriaDNAD
07 - Osvaldo Daibert - Cenários para cache de dados distribuidos
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07 - Osvaldo Daibert - Cenários para cache de dados distribuidosDNAD
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08 - Otavio Pecego - Arquitetura e nuvem: o que muda?DNAD
06 - Giovanni Bassi - CQS, CQRS, DDD, DbC, DDDD
06 - Giovanni Bassi - CQS, CQRS, DDD, DbC, DDDD06 - Giovanni Bassi - CQS, CQRS, DDD, DbC, DDDD
06 - Giovanni Bassi - CQS, CQRS, DDD, DbC, DDDDDNAD
05 - Waldemir Cambiucci - Matriz de habilidades de um arquiteto TI
05 - Waldemir Cambiucci - Matriz de habilidades de um arquiteto TI05 - Waldemir Cambiucci - Matriz de habilidades de um arquiteto TI
05 - Waldemir Cambiucci - Matriz de habilidades de um arquiteto TIDNAD
02c - Vinicius Quaiato - Over Patternization, YAGNI, KISS
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02c - Vinicius Quaiato - Over Patternization, YAGNI, KISSDNAD
02b - Elemar Jr. - Examinando a Arquitetura Evolucionária
02b  - Elemar Jr. - Examinando a Arquitetura Evolucionária02b  - Elemar Jr. - Examinando a Arquitetura Evolucionária
02b - Elemar Jr. - Examinando a Arquitetura EvolucionáriaDNAD
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04 - Felipe Oliveira - Think Decoupled! (SOA)DNAD
01 - Giovanni Bassi - Keynote
01 - Giovanni Bassi - Keynote01 - Giovanni Bassi - Keynote
01 - Giovanni Bassi - KeynoteDNAD

Mehr von DNAD (14)

LT 07 - Glauber de Almeida - DRY
LT 07 - Glauber de Almeida - DRYLT 07 - Glauber de Almeida - DRY
LT 07 - Glauber de Almeida - DRY
LT 06 - Douglas Aguiar - Quem nao se comunica se trumbica
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LT 06 - Douglas Aguiar - Quem nao se comunica se trumbica
LT 02 - Rodrigo Kumpera - Rodando c sharp
LT 02 - Rodrigo Kumpera - Rodando c sharpLT 02 - Rodrigo Kumpera - Rodando c sharp
LT 02 - Rodrigo Kumpera - Rodando c sharp
LT 01 - Rodrigo Yoshima - Business vsarchitecture
LT 01 - Rodrigo Yoshima - Business vsarchitectureLT 01 - Rodrigo Yoshima - Business vsarchitecture
LT 01 - Rodrigo Yoshima - Business vsarchitecture
LT 04 - Denis Ferrari - Como lidar com as dificuldades da primeira sprint - dnad
LT 04 - Denis Ferrari - Como lidar com as dificuldades da primeira sprint - dnadLT 04 - Denis Ferrari - Como lidar com as dificuldades da primeira sprint - dnad
LT 04 - Denis Ferrari - Como lidar com as dificuldades da primeira sprint - dnad
02a - Leandro Daniel - Examinando a arquitetura evolucionária
02a -  Leandro Daniel - Examinando a arquitetura evolucionária02a -  Leandro Daniel - Examinando a arquitetura evolucionária
02a - Leandro Daniel - Examinando a arquitetura evolucionária
07 - Osvaldo Daibert - Cenários para cache de dados distribuidos
07  - Osvaldo Daibert - Cenários para cache de dados distribuidos07  - Osvaldo Daibert - Cenários para cache de dados distribuidos
07 - Osvaldo Daibert - Cenários para cache de dados distribuidos
08 - Otavio Pecego - Arquitetura e nuvem: o que muda?
08 - Otavio Pecego - Arquitetura e nuvem: o que muda?08 - Otavio Pecego - Arquitetura e nuvem: o que muda?
08 - Otavio Pecego - Arquitetura e nuvem: o que muda?
06 - Giovanni Bassi - CQS, CQRS, DDD, DbC, DDDD
06 - Giovanni Bassi - CQS, CQRS, DDD, DbC, DDDD06 - Giovanni Bassi - CQS, CQRS, DDD, DbC, DDDD
06 - Giovanni Bassi - CQS, CQRS, DDD, DbC, DDDD
05 - Waldemir Cambiucci - Matriz de habilidades de um arquiteto TI
05 - Waldemir Cambiucci - Matriz de habilidades de um arquiteto TI05 - Waldemir Cambiucci - Matriz de habilidades de um arquiteto TI
05 - Waldemir Cambiucci - Matriz de habilidades de um arquiteto TI
02c - Vinicius Quaiato - Over Patternization, YAGNI, KISS
02c - Vinicius Quaiato - Over Patternization, YAGNI, KISS02c - Vinicius Quaiato - Over Patternization, YAGNI, KISS
02c - Vinicius Quaiato - Over Patternization, YAGNI, KISS
02b - Elemar Jr. - Examinando a Arquitetura Evolucionária
02b  - Elemar Jr. - Examinando a Arquitetura Evolucionária02b  - Elemar Jr. - Examinando a Arquitetura Evolucionária
02b - Elemar Jr. - Examinando a Arquitetura Evolucionária
04 - Felipe Oliveira - Think Decoupled! (SOA)
04 - Felipe Oliveira - Think Decoupled! (SOA)04 - Felipe Oliveira - Think Decoupled! (SOA)
04 - Felipe Oliveira - Think Decoupled! (SOA)
01 - Giovanni Bassi - Keynote
01 - Giovanni Bassi - Keynote01 - Giovanni Bassi - Keynote
01 - Giovanni Bassi - Keynote

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09 - Fábio Akita - Além do rails

  • 1. Discutindo Rails e Arquiteturas a apresentação já vai começar ...
  • 2. Discutindo Rails e Arquiteturas
  • 4. Fabio Akita @akitaonrails 1990
  • 5. Anos 80 Fim Anos 90 Século XXI
  • 6. Anos 80 Fim Anos 90 Século XXI Perl Basic Pascal Java C PHP dBase Delphi Python ABAP III Ruby Clipper ASP .NET ObjC VB6
  • 7.
  • 8.
  • 9.
  • 10.
  • 11.
  • 13.
  • 14.
  • 15. Como o cliente Como o Líder de Como o Analista Como o Programador Como o Consultor de explicou Projeto entendeu desenhou escreveu Negócios descreveu Como o projeto foi Como Operações Como o cliente foi O que o cliente Como foi o suporte documentado instalou cobrado realmente queria
  • 17.
  • 18. LOL
  • 21.
  • 22.
  • 23. Pattern PADRÃO
  • 24. STANDARD Pattern PADRÃO Default
  • 26.
  • 27.
  • 30.
  • 31.
  • 32.
  • 33.
  • 34. cada padrão (“pattern”) representa nosso melhor chute agora ... os padrões ainda são hipóteses, ... e portanto todos são tentativas, todos livres para evoluir sob o impacto de novas experiências e observações." Christopher Alexander
  • 35.
  • 36. 2 + 2 = 5!
  • 37. 2 + 2 = 5!
  • 38. 2 + 2 = 4!
  • 39.
  • 40.
  • 41.
  • 42.
  • 43.
  • 44. Aqui estão os fatos. Que Aqui está a conclusão. conclusões podemos Que fatos podemos chegar com eles? suportar com eles?
  • 45.
  • 46.
  • 47.
  • 48.
  • 49.
  • 50.
  • 51.
  • 52.
  • 53.
  • 54.
  • 55.
  • 56. 80
  • 57. 20 80
  • 58. 20 80 “Long Tail”
  • 59.
  • 61.
  • 62. Pequenos (Startups?) Grandes (Enterprisey?)
  • 63. Pequenos (Startups?) D DD Grandes (Enterprisey?)
  • 64. Pequenos (Startups?) DD ” D ht Grandes “Lig (Enterprisey?)
  • 65. Pequenos (Startups?) Grandes (Enterprisey?)
  • 66.
  • 68.
  • 69. Ruby on Rails é a melhor forma de desenvolver qualquer aplicação Web.
  • 70.
  • 71. Todas as outras formas de desenvolver aplicações Web são inferiores a Ruby on Rails.
  • 72.
  • 73. Ruby on Rails é uma das maneiras competentes de se desenvolver aplicações Web em alguns cenários.
  • 74. 1994 (linguagem) 2004 (framework web)
  • 75. 1.8.7 1.9.2 1.9.3-dev 2.3.11 3.0.7 3.1-RC1
  • 76. 1.8.7 1.9.2 1.9.3-dev 2.3.11 3.0.7 3.1-RC1
  • 77. 1.8.7 1.9.2 1.9.3-dev 2.3.11 3.0.7 3.1-RC1
  • 78. 1.8.7 1.9.2 1.9.3-dev 2.3.11 3.0.7 3.1-RC1
  • 79.
  • 80. gem install rails rails new nome_do_projeto
  • 81. gem install rails rails new nome_do_projeto
  • 82. gem install rails rails new nome_do_projeto SIM! Via CLI! :-P
  • 83. Request Web Server Rack Middlewares Routes Controller View Model
  • 84. Request Web Server Rack Middlewares Routes Controller View Model
  • 85. Request Web Server Rack Middlewares Routes Controller View Model
  • 86. Request Web Server Rack Middlewares Routes Controller View Model
  • 87. Request Web Server Rack Middlewares Routes Controller View Model
  • 88. Request Web Server Rack Middlewares Routes Controller View Model
  • 89. Request Web Server Rack Middlewares Routes Controller View Model
  • 90. Request Web Server Rack Middlewares Routes Controller View Model
  • 91. Request Web Server Rack Middlewares Routes Controller View Model
  • 92. Request Web Server Rack Middlewares Routes Controller View Model
  • 93. Response Request Web Server Rack Middlewares Routes Controller View Model
  • 94.
  • 95.
  • 96. ~30 mil gems ~15 GB
  • 97.
  • 99. RubyGems Library Assembly (DLL) Rake MSBuild Bundler NuGet
  • 100. > bundle list Gems included by the bundle: * mail (2.2.19) * abstract (1.0.0) * mime-types (1.16) * actionmailer (3.0.7) * polyglot (0.3.1) * actionpack (3.0.7) * rack (1.2.2) * activemodel (3.0.7) * rack-mount (0.6.14) * activerecord (3.0.7) * rack-test (0.5.7) * activeresource (3.0.7) * rails (3.0.7) * activesupport (3.0.7) * railties (3.0.7) * arel (2.0.9) * rake (0.8.7) * builder (2.1.2) * sqlite3 (1.3.3) * bundler (1.0.13) * thor (0.14.6) * erubis (2.6.6) * treetop (1.4.9) * i18n (0.5.0) * tzinfo (0.3.27)
  • 101. > bundle list Gems included by the bundle: * mail (2.2.19) * abstract (1.0.0) * mime-types (1.16) * actionmailer (3.0.7) * polyglot (0.3.1) * actionpack (3.0.7) * rack (1.2.2) * activemodel (3.0.7) * rack-mount (0.6.14) * activerecord (3.0.7) * rack-test (0.5.7) * activeresource (3.0.7) * rails (3.0.7) * activesupport (3.0.7) * railties (3.0.7) * arel (2.0.9) * rake (0.8.7) * builder (2.1.2) * sqlite3 (1.3.3) * bundler (1.0.13) * thor (0.14.6) * erubis (2.6.6) * treetop (1.4.9) * i18n (0.5.0) * tzinfo (0.3.27)
  • 102. > rake -T rake log:clear rake about rake middleware rake db:create rake notes rake db:drop rake notes:custom rake db:fixtures:load rake rails:template rake db:migrate rake rails:update rake db:migrate:status rake routes rake db:rollback rake secret rake db:schema:dump rake stats rake db:schema:load rake test rake db:seed rake test:recent rake db:setup rake test:uncommitted rake db:structure:dump rake time:zones:all rake db:version rake tmp:clear rake doc:app rake tmp:create
  • 103. > rails generate Usage: rails generate GENERATOR [args] [options] General options: -h, [--help] # Print generator's options and usage -p, [--pretend] # Run but do not make any changes -f, [--force] # Overwrite files that already exist -s, [--skip] # Skip files that already exist -q, [--quiet] # Suppress status output Please choose a generator below. Rails: observer controller performance_test generator plugin helper resource integration_test scaffold mailer scaffold_controller migration session_migration model stylesheets
  • 104. > rake middleware Rack Middlewares use ActionDispatch::Static use Rack::Lock use ActiveSupport::Cache::Strategy::LocalCache use Rack::Runtime use Rails::Rack::Logger use ActionDispatch::ShowExceptions use ActionDispatch::RemoteIp use Rack::Sendfile use ActionDispatch::Callbacks use ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::ConnectionManagement use ActiveRecord::QueryCache use ActionDispatch::Cookies use ActionDispatch::Session::CookieStore use ActionDispatch::Flash use ActionDispatch::ParamsParser use Rack::MethodOverride use ActionDispatch::Head use ActionDispatch::BestStandardsSupport run Demo::Application.routes
  • 105. Response Request Web Server Rack Middlewares Routes Controller View Model
  • 106. Response Request Web Server Rack Middlewares Routes Controller View Model
  • 107. Response Request Web Server Application Rack Middlewares Server Rack: Mongrel, Routes Thin, Passenger, Controller Unicorn View Model
  • 108. Web Server: NginX Response Request Apache Web Server Application Rack Middlewares Server Rack: Mongrel, Routes Thin, Passenger, Controller Unicorn View Model
  • 109. NginX, Apache, Lighty, IIS Reverse Proxy Mongrel, Thin, Unicorn, Passenger ActiveRecord/DataMapper RDBMS/NoSQL
  • 110. NginX, Apache, Lighty, IIS Reverse Proxy Mongrel, Thin, Unicorn, Passenger TidyTDS ActiveRecord/DataMapper SQL Server SQL Azure RDBMS/NoSQL
  • 111. NginX, Apache, Lighty, IIS Reverse Proxy Mongrel, Thin, Unicorn, Passenger ActiveRecord/DataMapper ActiveResource/RestClient/Savon WCF RDBMS/NoSQL Web Services (REST, SOAP)
  • 112. HAProxy NginX, Apache, Lighty, IIS Reverse Proxy Mongrel, Thin, Unicorn, Passenger ActiveRecord/DataMapper ActiveResource/RestClient/Savon RDBMS/NoSQL Web Services (REST, SOAP)
  • 113. HAProxy NginX, Apache, Lighty, IIS Varnish Reverse Proxy Mongrel, Thin, Unicorn, Passenger ActiveRecord/DataMapper ActiveResource/RestClient/Savon RDBMS/NoSQL Web Services (REST, SOAP)
  • 114. HAProxy NginX, Apache, Lighty, IIS Varnish Reverse Proxy Mongrel, Thin, Unicorn, Passenger ActiveRecord/DataMapper ActiveResource/RestClient/Savon Memcache RDBMS/NoSQL Web Services (REST, SOAP)
  • 115. Request Request Request Request Request Request HTTPD HTTPD HTTPD HTTPD HTTPD HTTPD Rails Rails Rails Rails Rails Rails App App App App App App RDBMS
  • 116. Request Request Request Request Request Request HTTPD HTTPD HTTPD HTTPD HTTPD HTTPD Rails Rails Rails Rails Rails Rails App App App App App App RDBMS
  • 117. Request Request Request Request Request Request HTTPD HTTPD HTTPD HTTPD HTTPD HTTPD Rails Rails Rails Rails Rails Rails App App App App App App Mais curto RDBMS possível!
  • 120.
  • 121.
  • 122. $(':checkbox').map(function() { return; }).get().join(',');
  • 123.
  • 124.
  • 126.
  • 127.
  • 128.
  • 129.
  • 130.
  • 131.
  • 133. Request Request Request Request Request Request HTTPD HTTPD HTTPD HTTPD HTTPD HTTPD Rails Rails Rails Rails Rails Rails App App App App App App RDBMS
  • 134. Request Request Request Request Request Request NginX Event Machine RDBMS
  • 135. Request Request Request Request Request Request NginX Event Machine “Look Ma! No Threads!” RDBMS
  • 136. Request Request Request Request Request Request NginX 5k ~ 10k conexões Event Machine “Look Ma! No Threads!” RDBMS
  • 137. Request Request Request Request Request Request NginX 5k ~ 10k conexões Conexões Longas Event Machine “Look Ma! No Threads!” RDBMS
  • 138.
  • 139. <script src=""> </script> <script> var pusher = new Pusher('API_KEY'); var myChannel = pusher.subscribe('MEU_CANAL'); </script>
  • 140. <script src=""> </script> <script> var pusher = new Pusher('API_KEY'); var myChannel = pusher.subscribe('MEU_CANAL'); </script>
  • 141. <script src=""> </script> <script> var pusher = new Pusher('API_KEY'); var myChannel = pusher.subscribe('MEU_CANAL'); </script>
  • 142. myChannel.bind('coisa-criada', function(thing) { alert('Uma coisa foi criada: ' +; });
  • 143. myChannel.bind('coisa-criada', function(thing) { alert('Uma coisa foi criada: ' +; });
  • 144. myChannel.bind('coisa-criada', function(thing) { alert('Uma coisa foi criada: ' +; });
  • 145. require 'pusher' Pusher.app_id = 'APP_ID' Pusher.key = 'API_KEY' Pusher.secret = 'SECRET_KEY' class ThingsController < ApplicationController def create @thing =[:thing]) if Pusher['MEU_CANAL'].trigger('coisa-criada', @thing.attributes) end end end
  • 146. require 'pusher' Pusher.app_id = 'APP_ID' Pusher.key = 'API_KEY' Pusher.secret = 'SECRET_KEY' class ThingsController < ApplicationController def create @thing =[:thing]) if Pusher['MEU_CANAL'].trigger('coisa-criada', @thing.attributes) end end end
  • 147. require 'pusher' Pusher.app_id = 'APP_ID' Pusher.key = 'API_KEY' Pusher.secret = 'SECRET_KEY' class ThingsController < ApplicationController def create @thing =[:thing]) if Pusher['MEU_CANAL'].trigger('coisa-criada', @thing.attributes) end end end
  • 148. require 'pusher' Pusher.app_id = 'APP_ID' Pusher.key = 'API_KEY' Pusher.secret = 'SECRET_KEY' class ThingsController < ApplicationController def create @thing =[:thing]) if Pusher['MEU_CANAL'].trigger('coisa-criada', @thing.attributes) end end end
  • 150. (
  • 152.
  • 153. IN GOD WE TRUST Todos os outros devem trazer dados
  • 154.
  • 156. Ciclo “Plan-Do-Check-Act” (melhoria contínua) P A D C
  • 157. Ciclo “Plan-Do-Check-Act” (melhoria contínua) P A D C STANDARD
  • 158. Ciclo “Plan-Do-Check-Act” (melhoria contínua) P A D C
  • 159. Ciclo “Plan-Do-Check-Act” (melhoria contínua) P A D C
  • 160. Ciclo “Plan-Do-Check-Act” (melhoria contínua) P A D C
  • 161. Ciclo “Plan-Do-Check-Act” (melhoria contínua) P A D C
  • 162. )
  • 163.
  • 164.
  • 165.
  • 166.
  • 167.
  • 168.
  • 169.
  • 170. Perl
  • 171.
  • 172. Python
  • 173.
  • 174. PHP
  • 175.
  • 176. Ruby
  • 177. OMG!
  • 178. 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 Ruby on Rails
  • 179. 2011 2010 2009 2.0.5 2008 6 2007 Ruby on Rails 2.0.0
  • 180. 2011 2010 2009 2.1.2 2.0.5 3 2.1.0 2008 6 2007 Ruby on Rails 2.0.0
  • 181. 2011 2010 2.2.3 2009 2.1.2 4 2.2.0 2.0.5 3 2.1.0 2008 6 2007 Ruby on Rails 2.0.0
  • 182. 2011 2.3.11 2010 2.2.3 12 2009 2.3.0 2.1.2 4 2.2.0 2.0.5 3 2.1.0 2008 6 2007 Ruby on Rails 2.0.0
  • 183. 3.0.7 2.3.11 8 2011 2010 3.0.0 2.2.3 12 2009 2.3.0 2.1.2 4 2.2.0 2.0.5 3 2.1.0 2008 6 2007 Ruby on Rails 2.0.0
  • 184. 3.0.7 2011 2.3.11 2010 3.0.0 2.2.3 2009 2.1.2 2.3.0 31 2.2.0 Versões! 2.0.5 2.1.0 2008 2007 Ruby on Rails 2.0.0
  • 185.
  • 186. Request Web Server Rails App /public/stylesheets
  • 187. Request Web Server Arquivos Estáticos Rails App /public/stylesheets
  • 188.
  • 189. Variáveis $blue: #3bbfce; $margin: 16px; /* CSS */ .content-navigation { .content-navigation { border-color: $blue; border-color: #3bbfce; color: color: #2b9eab; darken($blue, 9%); } } .border { .border { padding: 8px; padding: $margin / 2; margin: 8px; margin: $margin / 2; border-color: #3bbfce; border-color: $blue; } }
  • 190. Nesting table.hl { /* CSS */ margin: 2em 0; td.ln { table.hl { text-align: right; margin: 2em 0; } } } table.hl td.ln { text-align: right; li { } font: { family: serif; li { weight: bold; font-family: serif; size: 1.2em; font-weight: bold; } font-size: 1.2em; } }
  • 191. Mixins @mixin table-base { th { /* CSS */ text-align: center; font-weight: bold; #data { } td, th {padding: 2px} float: left; } margin-left: 10px; } @mixin left($dist) { #data th { float: left; text-align: center; margin-left: $dist; font-weight: bold; } } #data td, #data th { #data { @include left(10px); padding: 2px; @include table-base; } }
  • 192. Selector Inheritance /* CSS */ .error { .error, .badError { border: 1px #f00; border: 1px #f00; background: #fdd; background: #fdd; } } .error.intrusion { font-size: 1.3em; .error.intrusion, font-weight: bold; .badError.intrusion { } font-size: 1.3em; font-weight: bold; .badError { } @extend .error; border-width: 3px; .badError { } border-width: 3px; }
  • 193.
  • 194. class Animal constructor: (@name) -> move: (meters) -> alert @name + " moved " + meters + "m." class Snake extends Animal move: -> alert "Slithering..." super 5 class Horse extends Animal move: -> alert "Galloping..." super 45 sam = new Snake "Sammy the Python" tom = new Horse "Tommy the Palomino" sam.move() tom.move()
  • 195. var Animal, Horse, Snake, sam, tom; var __hasProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, __extends = function(child, parent) { for (var key in parent) { if (, key)) child[key] = parent[key]; } function ctor() { this.constructor = child; } ctor.prototype = parent.prototype; child.prototype = new ctor; class Animal child.__super__ = parent.prototype; constructor: (@name) -> return child; }; Animal = (function() { move: (meters) -> function Animal(name) { = name; alert @name + " moved " + meters + "m." } Animal.prototype.move = function(meters) { return alert( + " moved " + meters + "m."); class Snake extends Animal }; return Animal; move: -> })(); alert "Slithering..." Snake = (function() { __extends(Snake, Animal); super 5 function Snake() { Snake.__super__.constructor.apply(this, arguments); } class Horse extends Animal Snake.prototype.move = function() { alert("Slithering..."); move: -> return, 5); alert "Galloping..." }; return Snake; super 45 })(); Horse = (function() { __extends(Horse, Animal); sam = new Snake "Sammy the Python" function Horse() { tom = new Horse "Tommy the Palomino" Horse.__super__.constructor.apply(this, arguments); } Horse.prototype.move = function() { alert("Galloping..."); sam.move() return, 45); tom.move() }; return Horse; })(); sam = new Snake("Sammy the Python"); tom = new Horse("Tommy the Palomino"); sam.move(); tom.move(); loadrun
  • 196.
  • 197.
  • 198. 102
  • 199. Request Request Web Server Web Server (Desenvolvimento) (Produção) Rails App /app/assets /public
  • 200. Request Request Web Server Web Server (Desenvolvimento) (Produção) Rails Sprockets App /app/assets /public
  • 201. Request Request Web Server Web Server (Desenvolvimento) (Produção) Rails Sprockets App Tilt /app/assets /public
  • 202. Request Request Web Server Web Server (Desenvolvimento) (Produção) Rails Sprockets App Tilt Ugli er /app/assets /public
  • 203. ENGINE FILE EXTENSIONS REQUIRED LIBRARIES ERB .erb, .rhtml none Interpolated String .str Erubis .erb, .rhtml, .erubis erubis Haml .haml haml Sass .sass sass Scss .scss Less CSS .less less Builder .builder builder Liquid .liquid liquid RDiscount rdiscount Redcarpet redcarpet BlueCloth .markdown, .mkd, .md bluecloth Kramdown kramdown Maruku maruku RedCloth .textile redcloth RDoc .rdoc rdoc Radius .radius radius Markaby .mab markaby Nokogiri .nokogiri nokogiri CoffeeScript .coffee coffee-script Creole (Wiki markup) .creole creole
  • 205.
  • 206.
  • 207.
  • 208.
  • 209.
  • 210. RubyConf Brasil 3 e 4 de Novembro
  • 212. Pedro Franceschi @pedroh96
  • 216. Pedro Franceschi @pedroh96
  • 217.
  • 218.
  • 219.
  • 220.
  • 222. Obrigado!