netskills strategic content alliance scamore jisc rdfa metadata semantic web online responsibilities web of data metrics social media policy twitter blogs bookmarks facebook podcasts engaging your audience participation youtube flickr promotional strategies session 6 of 8 session 4 of 8 using the social web online reputation management internet growth iwmw2011 workshop webmasters effectiveness process people technology rework tactics for success work smarter lessons learnt actions open graph protocol dbpedia rdf context open linked data rdf triples open data microformats structure sparql meaning session 5 of 8 w3c guidelines content strategy f shape reading pattern inverted pyramid roles related to content ajax server capability the importance of structure rss javascript social networking accessibility css3 identifying audience keyword selection html5 css google analytics robotstxt sitemap google guidelines wolfram alpha extracting knowledge cloud computing internet of things structured data session 1 of 4 session 2 of 4 session 3 of 4 session 4 of 4 session 2 of 8 conventional seo overview session 7 of 8 development strategy workshop roundup session 8 of 8 session 1 of 8 session 3 of 8 introduction priority issues preamble target audience social media seo guidelines audience seo tools search engine optimisation 2010 social networking sites emerging technologies
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