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Letter For Niyas Abbas , A Sri Lankan Interfaith Communicator not obeying
the Imamat of muslims: Lessons for all not understanding the real meaning of
Rope of Allah / Imam of Ummah/Ulil Amr and Upholding Self to the Ulil Amr in
verse 4:59 of the Holy Qur’aan
Niyas, With salam to you, all in the family and neighbourhood, I would like you to
write on the thread without derailing the discussion and sharing your ignorance on
Imam/the Leader of our Time. Instead of sharing about abusive ignorance, you should
have reflected on the admission of Jewish professor and then expanded from there on
to say things that may have contributed in strengthening the truth of continuity of
Islam and continuity of the institution of messengership till the prophet
Muhammad .As a defender of Imamat in the posterity of the prophet PBUH and the
posterity of Imran Abu Talib as a muslim , you should have then argued for unity of
humanity under the Imamat of Kareem Shah Al-Hussaini, the 49 th Imam with Imam
Hadhrat Ali being the first one in aal-e-Imran as per the decree of the Allah SwT in
verse 3:33,34. This is a mandatory condition for being a muslim ,muslima and a
momin and momina believing completely in all the command and precepts of Islam. It
is pretty logical as well and a global imperative as we can see global institutions of
governance needs to have a leader in religious sense among the muslims at least.
Why can not we accept this when this is decreed? We have to have an Imam
following the grant of the prayer of Prophet Abraham PBUH and HP. We must
believe in the grant of the prayer for the prophet Abraham when he prayed for making
Imam among his posterity. Would one be a muslim at all if he does not believe in
clearly communicated facts? Imamat exists in the posterity of prophet Abraham and in
the same posterity, there is the posterity of aal-e-Imraan who are informed to have the
Imamat after the change of the Qibla .Change of the Qibla is not for the structure of
Kaaba from the structure of what is called Dome of Rock. Is it the special masajid that
is Qibla ? No ,it is the change of the decision of Allah SWT for the existence of
Imamat. From the posterity of Abraham in the line of prophet Isaac, it is the change in
the posterity of the elder son Ismail through Imraan Abu Talib and through the
prophet Muhammad PBUH and His Posterity. Posterity of Imran Abu Talib is the one
who are referred last in the verse 3:33,34, there is indeed reference to descendants
upon descendants .So then , we can easily see what is religiously commanded, but it is
indeed unfortunate that majority among the muslims are not aware about the need to
have clear recognition of this fact.
Ours is the age of Imamat that continues in the posterity of aal-e-Imraan following
verse 3:33,34 . Grant of the prayer of prophet Abraham for Imamat in his posterity is
continued through Bibi Fatima and Hadhrat Ali both being the posterity of Abraham
and then a new line is announced for the continuation of the grant through aal-e-
Imraan. Imam Kareem Shah Al Hussaini is recognised the world over except the
‘abtars’ as the direct descendant of the prophet. Being an aal-e-Imraan, he is the
posterity of Fatima Zahera and this is reason, he is an Al-Hussaini.
Do you know who are abtars/posterity less/ tailless?. Please read Sura Kauthar. Yes,
abtars are those who hate the prophet. Your hatred is shown through calling the Imam
a ‘Playboy’ like Mahesh and others who refer to false hadeeth in the compilation of
Bukhari and call the prophet nauzobillah a pedophile. It was this hatred of prophet
that I was explaining to Trishool et all when you instead of joining me came here
denouncing the Imamat. Zinat shared about the Jewish professor admitting that all the
messengers were muslims.
To Trishool, Prem Sadani et all, I was explaining this following the verse 40:78 and
showing them how the hatred to prophet is hatred for all they rever as avatars. Zinat
called them to identify who is Kalki and how long they would be waiting for Kalki
like the Shias who are waiting for Imam Mehdi while not recognising the Imamat of
Kareem Shah Al Hussaini. Here, we then have a convergence of those who do not
recognise the Imamat after the conclusion of the institution of messengership and
prophethood as the prophet PBUH and HF is the seal of prophet and messengers. We
send salam to the prophet and all the messengers. How do we then not identify the
messengers not mentioned as per verse 40:78. We make no distinctions among the
messengers .We also are commanded to believe that all messengers were given the
Book ,thus when discussing with people we need to refer to the common Kitab/ the
Book that was given to all messengers. We have clear references to this in several. In
the interfaith communication, understanding the continuation of the Book along with
the messengership till prophethood is so important. Allah commanded the humanity to
understand and acknowledge this
Not only sending the salam, but loving the kins of prophet is mandatory for all who
call themselves muslims and momins, musli’maat and momi’naat.
How do we love the kins of the prophet for which we have been commanded in verse
42:23?. Loving the kins was commanded for us .Are not there some exception in
following the Tareeqa following the command of Allah SWT .Yes, there are some
and one being the number of women who can be brought in marriage. Of course, you
are not referring to the number of women that Imam married that is in violation of the
Tareeqa of Muhammad. Please explain the violations of the commands of Allah SWT
in the preaching of the Imam Kareem Shah. If you can not then, you will have to
understand how Imam is an Imam following the grant of prayer of prophet Abraham
PBUH, declaration of Hadhrat Ali as Moula of all momins at Ghadir Khum following
the verse 5:67. Yaar, you cannot deny the context of the verses in the holy Qur’aan
and just understand some politically motivation silence of some translators who are
suppressing the description of the context.
Allah SWT fulfils the promises and there is no closure for the grant of the prayer to
prophet. There has to be an Imam in our time, or else we would be then questioned as
to the name of the person who is Imam in line with the grant of the prayer of prophet
Abraham PBUH and HF. Do you have any name?? I have not heard of any while
researching in just order leadership models since 1989. You may look at the some of
the findings in the attached presentation that I am sharing with you and all here.
Denouncing atheistic philosophers, I advocated Islamic framework for definition of
personal identity and engagement with the fellow human beings and the support
systems created as part of our survival equations here on this Earth.
In not recognising Imamat in aal-e-Imraan,you are no different than the atheists,
Jews , Christians, Buddhists and others who do not recognise the prophet .Further,
you are not different than the Jews who did not recognise the Jesus and later prophet
Muhammad PBUH and HF. By the way, Jews also do not recognise the Imamat or
else they would all followed the Imam openly following the grant of the prayer of
prophet Abraham PBUH and HF. How do we get Jews understand about the
messengership and prophethood of the Muhammad PBUH and HF and ask them to
unite with muslims following the Imam if they at all have some respect to the word of
Allah SWT. Would you call them to join Ihsanullah Ihsan or King Abdullah as the
Imam of muslims?? I hope not as you are aware of deficiencies in the faith and
practice of Ihsanullah Ihsan and such as who does not have the authority whose
obedience is commanded by Allah SWT in verse 4:59. By the way, Jews are quite
cool to Imam and they are hardly seen opposing Imam anywhere.
Verse 3:33,34 is clear about Imamat in the line of aal-e-Imran. Allah did choose
Adam PBUH, Noah, Abraham (PBUH and HF) and his posterity and the posterity of
Imraan among all the people for Imamat and Khilafat. Upto prophet Muhammad
Nabuwwat, risalat, Imamat is one and then follows the Wiliyat till the day of
Sharia and Tareeqat from Muhammad PBUH and HF is enshrined in the personality
of Ulil Amr if you believe in verse 4:59 and inferring from the meaning of verse
3:33,34 understanding aal-e-Imraan chosen for Imamat Imam is the Ulil Amr whose
obedience is mandatory and whose love is commanded through verse 42:23. The issue
of leadership of muslims and momins, muslimat and mominaat is decided and
decreed. When, there is a decree, there is not discussion on those matters.
What filth you have seen in the communication of Imam? He is calling for adoption
of Islamic ethics from the rooftop. You should read the speeches of the Imam where
he defines Islamic ethics forming the core of AKDN work. Are you
too much obsessed with the call for adopting the external appearance of the prophet
and want the world to follow the Arab costume first and foremost without realising
that there is no specific reference for this in the holy Qur’aan?
Or, you are under the sway of doctored pictures for making the impression while
ignoring the vast work undertaken by institutions under AKDN whose funding at the
cores consists of the sadaqa and zakaat given by muslims obeying the Imam following
the related verses. Do not you realise this ringing fact from the lives of the muslims
following the Imam ? You should think clearly here with holding the self to be the
ultimate arbiter in this regard as a momin and a muslim.
How blind you can be in not seeing what is clear, so clear to everyone and who do
you think , I am here spending time for making the picture clear regarding the best
practice of Islam that has diverse communities of practice, if we need to recognise the
communities realistically. Muslims ,muslima ,momin and mominat are having diverse
degree of practice with vision of Islam that is either complete or incomplete. Saying
this ,I mean we need to be realistic first and foremost in recognising the communities
of practice of Islam.
How can you be abusive for the Imam, even if you do not understand the Imam as the
Imam of the Ummat-e-muslima. Muslims are not called for abusing and this is the
stance you have been observing so well while discussing with the Buddhists. I have
been observing this too in this discussion despite the fact that some so called
Buddhists have been abusive regarding the prophet PBUH and HF and the name of
Allah SWT. You have not been abusive .
Despite reading abusive comments from people like Mahesh ,Guru et al, you have not
been abusive to Buddha as there I find you like me observing the command for not
abusing religious leaders. Now , following the same standards and the commands, you
must not be abusive to the Imam who is understood as the Imam of the Time ( Leader
of the Time –Imam- e-Zamana) by muslims following him .There are more 16 million
of them following the Imam and they indeed are giving at the rate of 12.5% per
Gulshan Aalani and Qasim Ali Ismail have joined ‘us’ in reneging on the bayat with
the prophet Muhammad and his Wali who lives now in the personality of the Imam .
Do not you hear the Juma Khutba each week when we hear ‘ aatu zil Qurba wal
yatama wal masakeen….?
Giving to Qurba whose love is commanded in verse 42:23 and understood linking the
people of the house of prophet understood from the Muhabila verse is the first duty of
a muslim followed by giving to the orphans and then the poor and indigent. You
should look how a clear command for giving to Qurba is being institutionally
rejecting through translating the word Qurba in some translations to mean nearness.
This is the false translation of the word that exists in the Hindi translation distributed
by Jamaat e Islami Hind. Why this is being done and why kufr is being
institutionalised by Jamaat-e-Islami Hind? So strange that the word Qurba that
related to people who are the nearest to the prophet and they happen to be aal-e-
Imraan as well is being rendered in translation as an abstract noun. Is not this a clear
instance of how devious people could be? Could not the learned Maulana Farooq
Ahmad Khan translating the Urdu to Hindi see this huge error in translation??
Do not you think, you should be conceding the horrendous act of ‘kufr’ of yours
through calling the Imam a ‘playboy’? From the meaning that you have in mind ,you
have indeed indulged in ‘kufr’ through calling the Imam a ‘playboy’ in the sense the
world understands the word. You must either prove, or apologise for making this
horrific utterance for the Imam. If you do not, you have already committed a crime
against Islam for yourself and not for anyone else .The readers having nothing to do
with your utterance. All would be called by their Imam. The word is clear. For Abdul
Wahab, the ideologue of Saudis, Muhammad PBUH was not more than his staff that
he carried than how does he is recognised by the prophet Muhammad PBUH and HF
as part of his Ummah?
How do we hold on to the rope of Allah SWT through attaching to a book or through
entering into allegiance of loving the kins of the prophet PBUH through the Wali??
The Ummah needs a leader, but there is none who claim to be the leader of Ummah,
so what is the logical conclusion then? Yes, we have to recognise the Imam of
Ummah or else we are falsifying the BOOK where grant for Imamat in the posterity
of prophet Abraham is decreed.
Can we falsify the holy Qur’aan through not recognising the Imam?? Certainly NOT.
Well, if you do, then you should be last one to talk about the majesty of Islam, as you
yourself are indulging in kufr with reference to your denial of the presence of an
Imam in all the ages till the Day of Judgement. Mahesh et al would certainly ask you
about your being a Muslim when you do not submit to the command for recognising
the Imamat through the grant of the prayer to Prophet Muhammad, once when he
understands Buddha as one covered through verse 40:78 perhaps among those who
are not mentioned in the holy Qur’aan. Buddha is an intelligent being aware of the
mysteries of temporal and eternal existence. As muslim, we become Buddhas through
being guided to the Light from the darkness.
It is not the pesh-imams of the masajids ,rather the Imam of the Time who will testify
for his followers and seek forgiveness of the sins. Those who pledged allegiance to
the prophet would be testified by the prophet PBUH and HF. Those who follow the
Imam in the aal-e-Imraan would be testified for their obedience by their Imam. It is so
clear, but then you would want to continue rejecting the verse 3:33,34 and follow
Mulla Umar as if he is one who will testify for you. No, No, this is not the case, then
are you sure the prophet Muhammad PBUH and HF would recognise you when you
would not be found obeying the Ulil Amr as per verse 4:59. Have you analysed verse
4:59?? I was just meditating the verse while recalling what Zinat pointed out clearly
analysing the verse and explaining as to who could be the Ulil Amr whose obedience
is commanded by Allah SWT. Is the Ulil Amr among the people all, who have some
authority, or does this refer to those whose authority is sanctioned by Allah SWT .
If you obey yourself assuming that you are the Ulil Amr, then this would be a false
position as you or me would have to account for the moments when we did entertain
Shaitanic thoughts , or would it be anyone who is elected ,selected or nominated
through the instruments of democracy, meritocracy and autocracy. No, you would not
agree to this as then you would have no reason to support Taliban who are rebels to
the authority that is elected. You would be then calling Taliban Kafir then for not
obeying the government of Pakistan and Afghanistan. Do you then agree that groups
like Talibaan and their leader are not Ulil Amr whose obedience is commanded by
Allah SWT?
Logically then, one needs to understand the narrative on Ghadir Khum and understand
the declaration for Hadhrat Ali being the Wali of Ummah .Verse 5:67 is the ringing
affirmation then for completion of deen with the declaration of the leadership of
Ummah .Leadership is declared then, consultation on leadership in this regard is not
the remit granted by Allah SWT as we have this Imamat decreed through grant of the
prayer to prophet Abraham PBUH and HF and then through verse 3:33,34. Who is
then the Imam in our time? Who is claiming this Imamat in the light of this verse??
Do you think Dalai Lama is the one? No, he is not. Do you think, Barakat Hussein
Obama is the one?? He is not the one neither he is claiming this. Who else is claiming
this? None. Do you know anyone? I do not know. I am sure, you would also not claim
having this authority decreed from Allah SWT or else you would not have been
debating with people for following Mullah Umar as the Amir-ul-Momineen. Of
course not here in this conversation where you are indeed correct about following the
tareeqa of Mohammad PBUH ,but you are not correct in holding men like Mulla
Umar to be your spiritual guide.
I do not expect you to be following the deviants and be so narrow-minded and
ignorant about completeness in obedience. You are not an Ulil Amr and none except
the Imam is one. Be clear on this. There is hardly anything in the practice of muslims
following the Imam that is detestable or against the Sharia of Muhammad PBUH HF.
There are some dissimulations for preservation that were the call of the time. Zinat
shared a verse for supporting the case of dissimulation in order to preserve the self on
occasion when there were threats to life. Allah SWT is indeed the protector, but we
are commanded to take the best precaution as well.
In the communication and texts that I have received in defence of the Imamat , I do
not see any reason as to why should muslims not following the Imam should be doing
so, if they call themselves muslims. You have to be a muslim in all respects. Do you
then understand what has come down to us as part of institutionalised rejection of the
meaning of the verse 3:33,34 ;5:67, 4:59??
You need to understand the prayer of prophet Abraham and then recognise that the
fact that Allah SWT did declare closure in verse 3:33, 34 for the posterity of prophet
Abraham in the sense that the prophet Muhammad PBUH was a direct descendant and
then the prayer grant remaining as it is, Allah SWT declared the posterity of aal-e-
Imraan to have Imamat.
You and all of us must notice that the reference to the posterity of aal-e-Imraan comes
later in the verse. With the prophet Muhammad being in the posterity of Prophet
Abraham, it is very logical that posterity of aal-e-Imraan is the posterity of Imraan
Abu Talib and not the Imran related to Mary PBUH and Moses PBUH. Imam Kareem
Shah Al Hussaini is believed to be Imam in this lineage of aal-e-Imraan decreed and
final. Look at the verse here where we are commanded not to be in doubt on matter
where there is a clear decree from Allah SWT and his messenger PBUH and HF.
Now, if you understand the verse about not forming the Shias like people in the earlier
days, it was through holding on the rope of Allah SWT.
Now a flashback in the history of muslims, when this group opposed Hadhrat Ali
were not the ones who were not the ones as Ulil Amr elected democratically through
the votes of the muslims, rather in the case of Yazeed ,it was a clear case of
usurpation and nomination. Do you see there the violation of the command for
consultation considering the fact democratic election becomes the hallmark of muslim
practice in matters where is no clear decree according to those who according to
‘Shia’ perspective did not accept Hadhrat Ali as the successor of temporal and
spiritual authority exercised by the prophet PBUH and HF. How does this aspect of
choosing the leadership play in our time?
Do you really think, King Abdullah has the right to be custodian of the two holy
Mosques? How did they get elected? When was this election held?? How many
muslims participated in this election??
Imam is the inheritor of all that belongs to the prophet not me, you and King
Abdullah. But , here most sending salam to the prophet and to the kins of the prophet,
to the witnesses of Allah, the Siddiqeen would not perhaps feel the monstrous ‘kufr’
in not ensuring that following verse 42:23, the Shia of Muawiya have to be removed
from the member of masjid-e-nabwi. Zinat and other Shias of Ali may not be saying
so, as there are some who derail the discussions through abusing the prophet and his
house. Not being one having any concern for preserving my life through some
dissimulation, I need to say clearly as to what loving the kins of the prophet for King
Abdullah would mean provided he understands the need to follow the commands of
Allah completely.
They have killed Rizana following their laws. President of Sri Lanka recalled the
ambassadors. Following the law of qisas, they could have asked the government of Sri
Lanka to pay for the ‘murder’ of the baby assuming Rizana indeed out of anger
strangulated the baby of her Saudi employer. Why the Saudi government could not
exercise the option of getting blood money from Government of Sri Lanka?
I wish to conclude with the above example coming from the city where the usurpers
of the authority of ahle-e-bait have violated the command for qisas. Now, you should
be clear about the muslims following the Imam as not being the ones who are reported
to be indulging in crude violations of the commands of Allah SWT as they are
following Islam in totality guided by the Light of Allah SWT. I have reviewed
evidences and explanations and find the muslims following the Imam to be best in
practice of the commands of Allah SWT. How many of us are giving at the rate of
12.5% per month? None. How many of us are regular practitioners of salaat in the
midnight? Very few even among the most pious with all external markers and
signifiers displayed abundantly, even though, there is nothing Islamic about the
external appearance except the commands for dressing properly with a strong
command for understanding ‘piety’/taqwa to be the best dress. Where is the filth that
you have seen in the communication of the Imam who declares from the rooftop to
the world and all that Islamic ethics forms the core of the work of Aga Khan
Development Network. Only cognitively blind, deaf and dumb chastised in the holy
Qur’aan innumerable number of times would say that AKDN is standing for filth. The
verse for Jew who said they created impenetrable walls applies to you. The verse for
deaf ,dumb and blind applies to you. You need to repent for abuse of your divinely
gifted intellect is writing words that do not apply for the work and communication of
the Imam of Time. Stand warned for your eternal wellbeing, as even as a humble
muslim doggedly following those who usurped the Khilafat from aal-e- Imraan ,you
would be sure, that you have no knowledge whether you will get the your book of
deeds in your right hand or whether your face would be bright with the Light or
remain in darkness……wamaa adraka mahiya ..narun hamiya..
On Tue, Jan 1, 2013 at 1:42 PM, niyas abbas <> wrote:
We have only one thareeqah .... Thareeqah of Muhammed (S). All other thareeqahs
are misguidance .... that leads to hellfire ... If you follow "playboy" Agha Khan ... O
Allah save the humans from his filth ...
From: Zina Khan <>
To: DrMuhammad Mukhtar Alam <>
Cc: Trishool <>; Jimmy jamshaid <>;
ARIF KHAN <>; pakreformer
<>; Riaz Khan <>; S
Turkman <>; ""
<>; ""
<>; Prem Sadani <>;
Mahesh Pathirana <>; Kaukab Siddique
<>; "" <>; jazoo
<>; gulam dean <>; Bahram
Shahmardaan <>; Feroz Phojee <>;
Zaman Khan <>; Khan Riaz <>
Sent: Tuesday, 1 January 2013, 9:53
Subject: Re: Jewish Professor Admits All Prophets Were Muslims
Golden Words of Wisdom ::..Always be steadfast on the sacred "Shari’ah"... The
greater one is obedient to the Shari'ah ...the higher ones attain status in Tariqah
Imam is the "path" (Tariqa)...which leads to "Haqiqa" and it is the path of "those upon
whom Allah has bestowed HIS favours..
Do work for the Religion for the sake of the Religion and do not do it for name and
Engage in feeding food even though it is basic "dhaal and rice"... There is great virtue
and Barakaat in feeding..the poor ...and the disenfranchised...become a "Veiler"
[Sat’taar – one who hides the faults of others].
Hide the faults of the Muslim, may they be religious or worldly.
Duniya is an evil thing. He who is tangled with it keeps on sinking into it. He who
runs away from it , it remains at ones feet..
Du'a (Salat) and Roza are from the essentials....Real religion is to rectify one's
transactions....and do not boast like Jahils.. . When someone visits you, first greet
him ..then feed him and lastly ask him the reason of his visit.
All of you have been given a salvage your own
"akhira"....each has to make his or her own choice...
Allah says clearly in the Quran that HE will replace and substitute those who are
NIGGARDLY and SEDENTARY with those who are better......simply becoming
"sahibzadahs" in name means very little...
O ! Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala save us from becoming such "Sahibzadahs".... In
obedience there is virtue and in innovation [Bid’ah] there is destruction.
Be a follower of the truth... and you will attain salvation. ...fame and self glory breeds
Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala has even given the cursed devil (Satan) powers.
It is only Allah’s (SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala) Mercy that can protect one from the evil of
the devil.
The Spiritual Silsilah is only one that is the Qadiriyyah.
The rest are its tributaries. There is no harm in eating the bread of a miser.
But one must abstain from eating anything from a Man’nan... May Allah SubHanuhu
wa Ta'ala protect us from the favours of a Man’nan.
Doing good deeds is a Toufeeq from Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala and a sign of
Guidance is certainly from Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala but a servant has to make
efforts in doing good deeds.
The beloved Habib SallAllaho Alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallam is not restricted to any
If He (SallAllaho Alaihi wa Sallam) blesses anyone then it is His favour....he is a
Mercy to all mankind...
Safeguard yourself from severe "cold" as it takes its grudge in old age.
Wealth is madness and seek Allah’s (SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala) protection from it as it
take a long time to regain consciousness from it.
Fulfilling lust is a deadly companion and an evil habit.
It is a lethal enemy. Pride and boastfulness destroys the intellect.
Avoid relationship with your opposite specie. Don’t ask Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala
for abundance, If you have reliance (Imam) then there is great abundance of Barkat in
little sustenance.
Knowledge is achieved by seeking it; sitting in the company of the knowledgeable
and also by Divine Inspiration.
Your Prophet is he on whose hands you have initially taken Bay’ah.
Regarding Faydh , take it wherever you find it. Always keep far from dissention and
Goodness is in being kind to the creation of Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala. One must
give charity according to the ones means and ability.
Never behave with severity and harshness as there is no goodness in it. If anyone sits
with justice and patience, then sustenance comes to him from all directions.
If anyone is caught in the net of a Najdi , he sinks to the depths of the ocean .
If he is saved from this then regard it as a gift of a new life.
A poor man is a blessing and not a burden. To educate an evil and incompetent person
is to put the Ummah in discord.
Exercising patience in hardship and misfortune is the key to success. Accept the
excuse or apology of your enemy.
Do not regard your enemy weak and sickness as insignificant. Spiritual culture is not
to hurt the feelings of anyone.
Four things are disastrous to a human;
1) To eat food when not hungry.
2) To habitually take medication
3) To have excessive sex
4) To dig for the faults of others.
He who is kind to creation is in reality engaged in the Love of the Creator
(SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala). People have attained everlasting wealth in Adab and
Do not behave like a mad man in search of sustenance because whatever is destined
for you, you will certainly receive.
Secret charity stops the wrath of Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala.
He who desires the goodwill of creation with good conduct has brightened his face.
He who has good supposition lives a peaceful life.
An intelligent person never leaves four things; patience, thankfulness, peace and
From: DrMuhammad Mukhtar Alam
Thanks you Zinat for sharing this clip. With greetings to salaam to you ,all in the
family and neighbourhood, I request you to share more resources and write ups
explaining men like Trishool,Turkman and such others who are not getting beyond
the linguistic traps in the sense that they are not ready to see that language is just a
language and words are words, it is the meaning that needs to be conveyed and
I would love to view this important video and share more and more with prayers to
Allah SWT for letting the humanity have the grand special guidance that to me is
needed now more than ever considering some of the critical global challenges.
With due apologies, I have changed the subject line as now we have again the
institution of messenger ship of the prophet Muhammad (PBUH and HF), Imamat and
continuity of Islam through the communication of messengers and leadership of
muslims that is in focus.
Be blessed with the best temporally and eternally each moment that is for me is live
moment with hopes and plans for the future.
On Tue, Jan 1, 2013 at 10:13 AM, Zina Khan <> wrote:
Jewish Professor Admits All Prophets Were Muslims
From: DrMuhammad Mukhtar Alam
To: Trishool and in the group
You have to read the stories of people who rejected the messengers in the holy
Qur'aan. You can read them as to what happened to them. Allah SWT tells us that
mightier nations were destroyed and many could not see the light of the day when the
time of wrath came. Of course, this is what would happen to people for whom the
time for respite is over. The Sunnah of Allah SWT/God/../.../ does not change.
Pandavs were not powerful in comparison to Kauravas, but see what happened to
Hating Muhammad is hating Krishna
Hating Muhammad is hating Jesus
Hating Muhammad is hating Moses
Hating Muhammad is hating Abraham/Brahmma and Sara/Saraswati
Hating Muhammad is hating Noah
Hating Muhammad is hating Adam..
What is the blessed tree with branches in the sky??? Now, you have the tree of aal-e-
Hating Muhammad is hating Jesus
Hating Muhammad is hating Jesus
Hating Muhammad is hating Jesus
Hating Muhammad is hating Jesus
On Sun, Dec 30, 2012 at 11:01 PM, Trishool <> wrote:
Dr.M.Mukhtar Alam
To Hussain Khan, Tokyo for his assessments on Tehreek-e-Talibaan Pakistaan.
If you call for getting all violent groups rights to form their own constitution, would
you have any Pakistan left??? Don’t let violent groups dictate terms to you. Practice
Islam , follow the verse that calls for consultation and know well whether all agree to
the laws that you think need to be implemented. Your nation is an Islamic state so
what is the need for the violent group like Taliban who should be in educational
institutions?? Hussain saheb, you have not learnt from the absurdity of statement of
Tehreek-e-Taliban of Pakistan that was issued after the attack on Malala. Why do you
want your children and daughters be killed by these fake Ameer-ul-momineen? I am
saying this because in the statement justifying the attack on Malala, Ihsanullah Ihsan
invoked Khidhr AS who is reported to have murdered a child while on the mission for
educating prophet Moses (PBUH). Are you certifying that Taliban are Khidhr AS?? I
am sure, you would not as you know that Khidhr AS was Khidhr AS and his action of
murdering the child cannot be copied by anyone, simply because ,none can be Khidhr
AS. Then, you should be clear in understanding the absurdity and shaitanic deeds of
Talibaan. No one can adopt the identity of Khidhr AS . Or do you think, you are free
to do so?? Give me a clear answer here. If you don’t hold Talibaan accountable to
their Shaitanic deeds and just be impressed with their call for implementing some
external disputed forms related to Sharia like dress and beard keeping, you would be
indeed doing a disservice to your nation and to the overall cause of Islam that is the
path of truth with patience not through coercion and force except when there are
situations for defending the rights to exist against invasion and attack. TTP has no
right to exist except for being a peaceful democratic group.
In another letter paying tribute to Ghafoor saheb, you are associating with Shamim
Siddiqui sahib when he was in Chittgaon and this way sharing that you were
associated with Jamaat – e-Islami. How come Jamaat e Islami gets itself guided by
such men like Ihsanullah Ihsan??? Have you lost all the respect and honour for the
founder of Jamaat e Islami who would certainly not have endorsed the statement of
Ihsanullah Ihsan. Why you are endorsing the statement of a man who is not aware of
the rights of men and women to education? Whatever little association I have with
Jamaat e Islami here in New Delhi, I know for sure that the Jamaat did not campaign
against rights to education for women. Its spacious compound here in Dawat Nagar
has a masjid where translation of the Qur’aan is read for all attending the Jamaat.
Recently, a Hindi translation has been published for the holy Qur’aan and it is being
given virtually free hadya being just Rs 20,- ( cost of four cups of tea on footpath
shops). Now, there is a restriction for women’s education neither there even can be
any restriction for the education of women. Allah SWT did not place any restriction.
Why do you support Taliban opposing the education just because they want their own
brand of schools/madaris there in the area controlled by them?? How can they be in
control of the region by force when they is a legitimate government looking after the
interests of all engaging democratically through local, state and national governance
Shamim sahib, I would like you to please consider dissociating from men like
Ihsanullah Ihsan who are indeed not the friends of Ummah and humanity in seeking
deaths of children. Here, Hussain Khan sahib should be restricted as well for
associating with Ihsanullah Ihsan who invoked Khidhr AS for attacking Malala.
Alternatively, you could ask all concerned and connected someway or other to those
who could reach Ihsanullah Ihsan that they should demand withdrawal of the
statement justifying attack on Malala invoking Khidhr AS and this false hadeeth
where prophet is reported to have appreciated the murder of a woman by his blind
husband for speaking against the prophet. I am sure you understand that we need to
deal with all those speaking against the prophet through ignoring as well or else lot of
people will have to be killed for their expression of ignorance. But the later is not at
all commanded anywhere in the holy Qur’aan.
For us in India, it is extremely important that Pakistan is at peace with people across
the religions and communities of practice living side by side cooperating in virtues.
For you in Japan as well, it is important to show that you are not on the side of such
men like Ihsanullah Ihsan, who is an enemy of children till such time, he does not
withdraw his statement on behalf of TTP.
TTP ki mazammat karein and sakht mazammat karein ..Ihsanullah Ihsan ki
mazammat karein aur sakht mazammat karein…JIH ke liye main khat copy kar raha
To all supporting atheism or hold the same to be true
All appropriating atheism and having issues with Islam, first need to recognise
themselves as to who they are, where did they take birth, how did they take birth,
where would they go after death.
For the questions related to identity, you would have ready answers related to family,
geography, gender, group . Three Gs of identity are common to all as all exist in
family relationships. Islam is an Arabic word, an abstract noun and the name defined
to the state of submission to natural laws that are given and can not changed. Who can
change the identity of gender? None. Indeed none can change the identity of gender.
With some hormonal therapy some changes can be made, but not much. Submission
to natural laws can not be changed as well. Can one live without eating, drinking,
urinating and relieving of the wastes that body generates after absorbing the nutrients
and so on from the food that is eaten. Islam is indeed about biological functions too.
None can change this. Therefore, all denials in this regard would be simply false
expressions. Now when, Islam is called to be the religion of all, it is reaffirmation of
the essential facts of existence, its story of beginning and end. It is about how life is
lived by us. It is about how, this life needs to be made meaningful. Waking up the
morning and sleeping in the night is a fact, which can not be changed for too long. We
have been shown the path of the blessed ones that you dispute through sharing the
misdeeds of some who were identified as believers, but they were as such believers in
committing the misdeeds. Any affiliated with the muslim community cannot be
responsible for misdeeds of his/her fellow community members and in the same any
atheist can not be accountable for the misdeeds of the fellow atheists. I am not
responsible for your misdeeds and neither you are responsible for mine.Law of the
Land would be applicable to me and you in a similar way and in the same way Laws
of God would be applicable to me and you in the similar way without an iota of
difference. Death can not be changed and everyone must die. Now as an atheist ,you
may think that you would be just another part of the dust and knowing this you would
be hedonist or with some ethical sense for being good for the fellow human beings.
For believers, the Day of Meeting the God is critical fact that shapes his or her life
and therefore this fact of meeting the God as a contented soul is the most important
target for engagements of life. It is this belief in the life of the soul that makes us
engaged here is one of the most critical feature of the difference between me as a
believer in the eternal life of the and you as a non-believer in the journey of the
soul .How can not you feel the life of the soul that is experiencing the engagement
that we having. Is not there anything that is beyond the corporeality though it is clear
that corporeality in itself is nothing if the same is not experienced? We can not deny
the experience of the materialist existence of our life and that we can imagine must
have gone past the ages across the lands for the people across the languages and races.
Striking a Balance: Islamic Way ensures both temporal and Eternal Success
Distinguished members of this forum,
This is with reference to the negative assessments for madarsas of In India
according to an estimate only 4% of the children are going to Madarsa
and graduating from there. The word madarsa is an Arabic word for schools that
muslims have established for imparting education and as a result of low resources,
these are primarily dedicated for religious education among children belonging to
muslim communities in South Asia .It is was pointed out that graduates from madarsa
are generally the ones who are part of the terrorist groups specially in Pakistan.
However , I would like to share that graduates from madaris present a different
picture in India. Many of them diversify and one of the shining example of this is
Maulana Badruddin Ajmal of Markazul Muaarif who worked with Sarva Shiksha
Abhiyan in Assam and heading a political party. A friend of mine Ayub Nadwi,a
graduate from Nadwa is a Professor in Department of Arabic at Jamia Millia Islamia.
Last year, a graduate from Deoband passed UPSC examination. This diversification
has been an established tradition in India and independence movement in India has
many luminaries who graduated from madaris and they became the stalwarts of the
movement who sought independence of the subcontinent culturally and politically
aligning with all the nationalist forces across the communities. Their sacrifices and
contributions in Institution building in monumental and it is obvious to any objective
observer of the history of independence movement. I would like to share a personal
testimony of the history from the words of Maulana Siddique of Mewat who passed
away in 2008. He told me in early 2007 as to how Jamaat e Ulama e Hind organised
meetings for Mahatma Gandhi in order to build the grand alliance of Hindus and
muslims for fighting against the British. I can not forget the words and it is so obvious
that Mahatma Gandhi could not renege on this alliance even when India was
partitioned despite his opposition to the idea.
In the beginning of 1995, I taught English to graduates of Deoband for a while at
Markazul Muarif centre in New Delhi. Promotion of science education is a national
concern here and there are civil society organisations such as Bharat Jan Vigyan Jatha
led by Prof.Anil Sadgopal. Activity based learning (ABL) and several other child
centred approaches are being used for making learning joyful and the new curriculum
framework for teacher education is another initiative for making education more
sensitive and responsive to the needs of children.
Government agencies and civil society organisation across the Muslim nations may
choose to accelerate initiatives for promotion of science education. One of
the examples for this here in India was the organisation of the exhibition of the
contributions to Muslims to knowledge generation that is acknowledged by the
historians of science. At the same time, there are ecological challenges that need to be
responded through making this growth in science within ecological limits and
interfaith common ethical boundaries as there are calls for controls on the
developments in the frontier domains of science such as nanotechnology, robotics and
genetic engineering. Bill Joy, the president of Sun Microsystems made a call in this
regard published in the Wired magazine . Writing primarily from the
perspective of ecological safety, inter-species justice and social inclusion, I
advocate inclusion of ecostrategic concerns in the collective visions of social, cultural,
ethnic and religious groups in order to address deficit in inclusion and ecological
safety. In this regard, I have published a presentation for adoption of Ecostrategics as
a discipline by all the universities, research organisations, think tanks in order to
accelerate generation of synergies in action and bridging gaps in policy and action
across the public and private organisations. The presentation can be read at
Carbon-Neutral practice of salah by Muslims and Muslimas is the best way for
transforming ecologically hostile leisure and this we can argue with all as part of
inter-faith common as well. Salat keep away from vices and for this , I argue for
creation of space at all places. In Britain, I hear there are many offices where Muslims
are provided this time for prayer. Prohibition of usury and adultery and all commands
contribute to ecological safety. Donation/Zakat build community. Islam is perfect. As
a cognitive psychologist, I have analysed diagnostic and prescriptive proposition
across the texts, journals, movements and I understand this much of analysis is not
possible by all. It happened and Allah granted me guidance.
Gulshan Aalani in citing the eternal success is asserting the promise of Allah for the
great success in leading a life with the best Islamic endeavours not ignoring the
rights to Earth. Afghanistan has found a new reserve of minerals, instead of making
all conversation Taliban centric, there is a need to work systematically for
madrassas in order to ensure that curriculum change takes place ensuring inclusion
of disciplines and generate cutting edge research there. Ecologically safe Millennia
have to be ecologically safe and it must be Islamic. Two centuries of dominance of
atheistic philosophers must end for collective temporal, ecological and psychological
wellbeing of all across the lands. If Allah has to permit life to Earth, then indeed there
would be decision for mass guidance in Islam. Let us pray for this more often.
Recognising the limits to the sustainability of the mines based production, I invoke
the interests of the children of 40th century for moderating the consumption
of mines based resources that is now needed even for mitigating the climate change.
Please consider understanding the importance of Islam and Muslims from this
perspective as well. This calls for viewing consumption and production in the last
2000 years and envisage the same in the next 2000 years. We will see the importance
of Islam and only Islam. Let suicide vests not characterise the Ummah of
Muslims and let us see how it is importance to communicate the practice of the
commands of Allah in day to day life. Make all the enterprises reverent. Delete the
influence of anti-Church writers and its extrapolation for Muslims and Islam. There
were reasons for that but we need to extricate Islam and Muslims out of that. It is not
the Muslim who killed Bruno and Galileo. Stephen Hawking did not give us theory of
Dr.Muhammad Mukhtar Alam
Dr.M.Mukhtar Alam
National Forum of Muslim Organisations, New Delhi
Maulana Ilyasi,
All India Imams Organisation
Masjid Kasturba Gandhi Marg, New Delhi
New Delhi-110001
Dear Maulana Ilyasi sahib,
With salam to you, all in the family and neighbourhood after due hamd and sana
for Allah SWT and salam to the prophet PBUH and HF, I would you to recall
the conversation we had regarding the translation of the word Imam in the verse
17:71 of the holy Qur’aan on 8 February 2013 after our meeting with the
Tunisian Sufi Singer who had a word with you regarding the fact that the
Khutba is offered in translation in Urdu or in the language that is understood by
all attending to Jumaa salaat. Here, I am pleased to share a long conversation on
the concept of Imamat that you may like to read for understanding how it is
important to correct translation with those who do not understand Arabic. I
need not repeat again that in the verse 17:71 , the word Imam is referred in
singular and NOT plural. You would know that the Imam for muslims is among
the muslims and appointed by Allah SWT and He is present in all the ages. The
Imam is the Light of Allah SWT in whom we are called to believe as per 68:8.
The Light of Allah is Nurullah is
The Imam/Khalifa in our time appointed by Allah SWT is Kareem Shah Al-
Hussaini. Recognition of Imam in our time is like the recognition of the Imamat
of Adam by angels and jinns except Satan. So ,then we know this way that non
recognition of the Imamat is like rejection of Iblis who was thrown out of the
heaven for not accepting Adam PBUH and not prostrating to him.Allah SWT
commanded all to prostrate to Adam PBUH .All except Iblis did not obey Allah
With the above, I request you to please correct the meaning of the verse 17:71
that is displayed in your masjid. Your response to my suggestion that ‘iska kuch
nahi ho sakta’ while accepting that the translation of word Imam as Imamaun
(peshwaaon) Ayimma in Urdu
With salam to all
Dr.M.Mukhtar Alam
3-A, DDA Flats, Ashok Vihar-III
On Thu, Nov 17, 2011 at 7:51 AM, Zina Khan> wrote:
There is nothing complicated in what I have is as straight forward as it how I unravel is my if you ever believe that I am
writing for only you to read then you are sorely least 5 - 10
thousand people should read it...and this is my aim...or for me it is a sheer waste
of time...
The word Imam (pl. a’imma) is derived from amma, meaning to lead the way,
precede, or to lead by example.
Thus, the Imam means a model, an exemplar, a teacher, a guide or a path.
With the Prophet, the Khatim al-anbiya (seal of the prophets), the cycle of
prophecy (da’irat an-nubuwwa) was closed, but God did not thenceforth leave
His people without guidance on the way to Himself. For the majority, the guide
was the revealed Book.
For these who became known as the Shi’ites, the guide through this world of
divine wisdom (hikma ilahiyya) was and is the infallible Imam.
The Imam is also Wali Allah and is from Allah the closing of the prophetical
cycle heralded the opening of another, i.e., the da’irat al-walaya.
The word Imam is used seven times in singular and five times in plural form in
the Quran.
Anyone who insults and defames the prophet's family, God has this to say to
Sura al Qalam 68:13 says" That they are base-born (illegitimate birth) i.e. they
do not belong to their real father...
Why don't you ask God why HE appointed Imams for mankind?
People cannot choose the Imams nor are they elected (like you do) by mankind....
Imamat is not a new phenomena - nor a concoction ...Imams have been
appointed by God since the time of Adam and Abraham....but Iblis have rejected
them and so they have become Satan now just the way you are !
Abraham was also promoted to be the Imam after he successfully passed the test
God had set for him..."And when his Lord tried Abraham with HIS commands
and he fulfilled them, HE said " Lo I have appointed Thee as the IMAM for
mankind" !
And Allah had placed all the Knowledge and Authority in Adam and ordered all
the angels to submit and bow down ! so this vesting has been there since the time
of Hazrat Adam and Hazrat I said before ..Ignorance is a worst
kind of terrorism and you are so ignorant that it is simply appalling!
An Imam like the prophet is directly appointed by God Himself and people
cannot appoint or elect an Imam !
Hazrat Abraham had prayed to God that his descendants also be made Sura al Baqarah and then read Sura ale Imran...then read Sura al
Maidah and then read the Prophet's hadith ...
both accept this legitimacy !
"O Ali thy flesh is my flesh ....thy blood is my blood ....O ! Ali thou art to me as
Aaron was to Moses..." laloo whom are you following?
"For those who consider me as their Mawla, Ali is their Mawla too.." ! very
conclusive !
"O ! Allah love those who love Ali ! and hate those who hate Ali ! and help those
who help Ali !...."
" I leave two things after me...the Quran and my Ahl al Bayt"...they are tied with
a long Rope...follow both , if you follow BOTH you will never go astray!
The converse is that you have gone astray....and so now you know whom Allah
refers to in Sura al Hamd
--- On Thu, 11/17/11, ghulam yusuf <> wrote:
Date: Thursday, November 17, 2011, 1:36 AM
Dear Zina
Can you kindly write in simpler words what you want to convey. Also can you
cut down the length of your writing to a couple of paragraphs instead of writing
a booklet to answer each question? No one can spare so much time.
We know about your religious knowledge but please make it short.
Ghulam Yusuf
--- On Wed, 16/11/11, Zina Khan <> wrote:
Date: Wednesday, 16 November, 2011, 20:18
The two unprecedented and magnificent things, each of which is weightier than
the heaven and the earth, or rather the entire universe, are the Qur'ân and its
Teacher (the Imam) whom the Prophet appointed as his khalifah or successor. It
is they who are the rope of God which is stretched from the heaven to the earth
to lift the people of the earth to the heaven (Sharh, X, 481)." [Source: Tawil 669:
A Thousand Wisdoms]
12. Lo! We it is Who bring the dead to life. We record that which they send
before (them, and their footprints. And all things We have kept in a Manifest
13. Coin for them a similitude: The people of the city when those sent (from
Allah) came unto them; 14. When We sent unto them twain, and they denied
them both, so We reinforced them with a third, and they said: Lo! we have been
sent unto you. 15. They said: Ye are but mortals like unto
The light of wisdom (the Quran) in the heart of the Holy Prophet is as protected
as the lamp in the glass. Verses 77 to 79 of al Waqi-ah clearly state that the
Quran is a protected book; and no one can touch it save the thoroughly purified,
the Ahl ul Bayt, according to the verse 33 of Ahzab.
Therefore the true interpretation of "light upon light" is the Holy Prophet and
his Ahl ul Bayt. It is further made clear in the next verse.
For "Allah guides whom He wills to His light" see the commentary of al
Baqarah: 256 and 257- he who believes in Allah, indeed, has taken hold of the
firmest handhold (or rope) which will not break off.
Allah brings them out of the darkness into light-It is obvious that those who are
guided unto His light are the thoroughly purified ones.
They alone are the manifestations of the real light.
Those who follow these reflections of the divine light receive guidance from the
grace of Allah to the extent or degree of their sincere attachment to them.
Another proof of how the light, the real existence of the Prophets and Imams is
hidden in the Word , is mentioned in the Qur'an regarding Hazrat Ibrahim:
"And he (Ibrahim) made it (i.e., the Light of Prophethood and Imamat) a Word
enduring among his children, that they may return (to Him)" (43:28). That is
Hazrat Ibrahim entrusted his children with all the attributes and characteristics
of Prophethood and Imamat in the form of a pure and wisdom-filled Word,
which continues in his progeny till the Resurrection. ...and so you guys are out to
lunch..! enjoy !
The spiritual and luminous existence of the Prophet also was hidden in the pure
Word, as God says:
"So keep your duty to Allah, O men of understanding!
O ye who believe! Now Allah has sent down unto you a dhikr (remembrance)
who is a messenger reciting unto you the clear verses of Allah, so that those who
believe and do good deeds may be brought from darkness into light." (65:10-11).
This verse is addressed to "men of understanding" i.e. the Imams of ahl al-bayt,
for they only are on the perfect level of intellect and faith, and the Light of the
Prophet in the form of dhikr, has descended upon them and by the virtue of that,
they are called ahl al-dhikr, the people of remembrance.
This dhikr or Word is the Light of Prophethood and Imamat which contains the
luminous and living realities of the Qur'an.
The path of Muhamad is abundantly clear as crystal - read his Mutawatir
ahadith "Aman al Umma - "Al-Safina" - "Yawm al Dar" - "Al-Manzila" - "Al-
Thaqalyn"...Path of Muhammad will lead to Allah !
13."... On the day when the hypocritical men and the hypocritical women will
say unto those who believe: Look on us that we may borrow from your light! it
will be said: Go back and seek for light!
Then there will separate them a wall wherein is a gate, the inner side whereof
containeth mercy, while the outer side thereof is toward the doom...".
12." On the day when thou (Muhammad) wilt see the believers, men and women,
their light shining forth before them and on their right hands, (and wilt hear it
said unto them. That is the supreme triumph...".
" who would lend me a goodly loan and "he" would multiply it for him and for
him will be a rich reward.." (57:11).......
So first at least return your amanat to God and HIS Prophet !
Ta'wil of word 'Yastanbitûna' (They deduce, discover, they do istinbâat):
"Istinbâat primarily means "to dig a well and bring out water for the first time".
Secondarily it is used in the sense of thinking, reflection, to penetrate deeply
(Qâmûs, p. 77). For instance, istanbata'sh- shay' means to reveal a thing from its
hidden state.
Verse (4:83), in which it is used, clearly means that after the holy Prophet, it is
the ulu'l-amr, the Imams from the progeny of the holy Prophet, who bring out
the inner meaning of the Qur'ânic verses, because it is they who know the ta'wil
(inner meaning) of the Qur'ân." [Source: Tawil 980: A Thousand Wisdoms]
Ta'wil of word 'Muslimah' (The community of the pure Imams):
"A true Muslim is the one who submits himself to God.
In this sense, Hazrat Ibrâhîm and Hazrat Ismâil prayed: "Our Lord! Make us
submitters to You and of our progeny a submitting community (ummatan
muslimah) to You (by true obedience)." (2:128).
This shows that ummatan muslimah is the community of the pure Imâms who
are the progeny of Hazrat Ibrâhîm and Hazrat Ismâil (See Daâ'im, I, 33). "
[Source: Tawil 812: A Thousand Wisdoms] ...and so praying THROUGH them is
the best course to take as Allah recognizes them and their submission and their
voices....and their supplications...
--- On Thu, 11/17/11, Zina Khan <> wrote:
Date: Thursday, November 17, 2011, 1:01 AM
" case of ALI, he could not even prevent/madat his own assassination......."
Would it be reasonable to then say that Uthman destroyed the Quran compiled
earlier on by the previous Caliphs and Allah could not do much nor prevent this
destruction, but watch helplessly and now you do not have the original Quran?
btw...why do you address or send salutations to the prophet after your salat (al-
salamu alaykum ayyuha'l nabiyyu wa rahmatu'llahi wa barakatuhu)? ...are you
giving lip service and showing hypocrisy which is typical in your cults anyway?
What nonsense are you guys spitting from your mouths?
Jesus was put on the cross? Uthman was killed ...Bibi Aeisha was
killed....Khulafa e Rashideen too was destroyed - so then the same question is
being asked of you? Are you both suggesting that neither they nor Allah was able
to prevent all this? that why you pious and good folks then became the
patrons and followers of butchers and murderers....and followed their "sunnah"
and now claim you follow Muhamad's sunnah and Islam?....
Can someone who kills your children and family, ever convince anyone that they
love you and still follows you?...
You are just Jokers!
"And call NOT those who are slain in the way of God "dead"..NAY they are
LIVING....only ye perceive Not..." (Sura al Baqara - Verse 154
" Are you not haughty and arrogant...whenever a Messenger comes to you, some
you have branded liars and some you have killed.."
" And when we took your promise that you would not shed the blood of your
own and would not drive your own from their homes, you then confirmed it, as
you yourselves bear witness..."
"wretched is that for which they have sold themselves, that they should reject
what God has sent down in arrogant jealousy that God should send it down from
divine grace..."
"Wrath upon wrath and for the ungrateful is a humiliating torment.."
Have you guys read Sura Noor? Perhaps you have not understood what it says?
Real knowledge is related to the internal (spiritual) world and is given to a
person who practices his faith.
Now let’s examine this ayah..." WE sent thee NOT save as a MERCY for the
Worlds..." (Sura al Anbiya - verse 107)..
It is clear that Allah personified HIS Mercy through Muhammad ( peace be on
him)...admittedly the Prophet is now no longer with us since almost 1400 years
or so....
I have shown ayat relating to "chastisement" which Allah says HE withheld as
the Prophet was amongst the people...
Now what happens to this blessing of MERCY as the Prophet is no longer with
us? Any idea? Or does that mean that we are now all open to Chastisement and
no mercy?
Is Allah so unjust that all the generations who came after the Prophet's death did
not enjoy the same blessings, the Umma enjoyed during the time of the Prophet?
"In the Sea of the Spirit, swimming is no avail: Noah's ark is the only escape.
Muhammad, that king of the prophets, said, "I am the ship in this Universal
Ocean. I, or that person who has become my true vicegerent in inward vision. (M
IV 3357-59)" [Source: W. C. Chittick,..."
"Seek the people of God! Enter thou among My servants! Enter thou My
Paradise! [Holy Qur'an 89:29-30].
"Mawlâ Ali has said: "Anâ âyâtu'llâhi wa aminu'llâh, i.e. I am Allah's signs and
I am the trustworthy of Allah." (Kawkab, p.208).
Âyât in the sense of the signs of Divine power or miracles, are in four places: (i)
The higher world, (ii) the wise Qur'ân, (iii) the external universe and (iv) the
personal world, but according to the Qur'ân (36:12) all these âyât (signs) are
encompassed in the light of the Imâm-i Mubin.
That is, his light is the higher world, he is the speaking Qur'ân, the quintessence
of the universe and a luminous personal world in true sense." [Source: Tawil 10:
A Thousand Wisdoms]
"The Light that emanates from the Lamp obviously is not the Lamp Itself; but, if
there is no Light, would you know what a Lamp is, and where it stands?
Thus, it is (only) through the Light that you can perceive the lamp; you know the
lamp through the Light."
Holy Quran 4:174 :O - Mankind! Verily, there hath come to you a convincing
proof from your Lord, for we have sent unto you a Light (that is) manifest.64:8
Believe, therefore, in God and His Apostle, and in the Light which He has sent
down, and God is well acquainted with all that ye do. ..."And WE have sent you
a perfect Light AND a Perspicuous Book..."
You Rejected BOTH...and now you are in darkness!!!
And do not be like those who divide and differ after clarifications have come to
them; for theirs is a terrible torment (Sura al Imran)
Ali as an Light and in his Luminosity exists in four places; (1) in this world, he
has a body; (2) in the Spirit world, he is a great soul; (3) in the world of Light
(Jabarut), he is a great light; and (4) in the world of Oneness, he is monoreal (i.e.,
he is at a place where all realities become one reality).
But as you are in breach of your own bayah, you cannot develop relationships
with him at any of these four levels. ....Remember Quran talks of Four Rivers in
paradise and Islam has Four dimensions too...just in case your mullahs haven't
taught you all these basics and so before you even talk of Ali (as), it is important
to first know about the four levels of recognition ...
The light of Allah exists in the form of knowledge, wisdom, rectitude and
guidance, externally and internally, which rising from blessed personality of the
living and present Imam (right from Imam Ali) , illuminates the heavens of the
spiritual hudud and the earths of the physical hudud. This light belongs to the
house of wisdom (i.e. the house of Prophethood or Imamat), the chosen members
of which, are called ahl-i bayt (People of the House), who are like a niche for this
The ancestral nobility of the Prophet and his position in knowledge are like a
lamp, which is like a glittering star, in which the corporeality of the holy Imams
is like the vessel of this miraculous lamp and their spirituality like the oil of the
By the Olive is meant the family of Hazrat Ibrahim and Hazrat
In the oil of this lamp the Universal Soul and the Universal Intellect, i.e. the Holy
Spirit and the ever-pervading Intellect of the Imams, are like the wick and flame.
By fire is meant the miraculous ta'yid (help) and light upon light, means one
Imam after the other." (Source: Recognition of the Imam, Part II, page 13)...and
so it is Only Ali as an light all the way and all the Imams are Ali !!!!
God has sent the rope of His holy light from the higher world to the inhabitants
of the lower world for the purpose that they may all together hold it fast so that
they may be lifted to the higher world (Holy Qur'an 3:103).
Externally the luminous rope of Allah is the holy personality of the Imam of the
time and internally it is his ever-reaching light. The holy light of Ali of the
time !!!
The Light of Imamat Purifies Mu'mins:
"The eternal light (33:46) which has been commanded by God to cleanse and
purify the people of faith (9:103), has already been made the cleanser (mutahhir)
and purifier (muzakki) both externally and internally.
In reality, this cleansing and purification is in the form of (higher spiritual)
knowledge and wisdom.
Thus God has appointed the light of Imamat as the successor of the light of
Prophethood so that it may continue to wash and purify people in the water of
light (higher spiritual knowledge) and this chain will never cease.
It is in such sublime meanings that it is said that the Divine light will continue to
illuminate and that nobody can extinguish it (9:32; 61:8: 57:28). (Source: Fruit of
Paradise, p. 110)
Knowledge ('ilm) Versus Ignorance (jahl):
"... the opposite of knowledge ('ilm) is ignorance (jahl). Thus, in the Wise Qu'ran
just as knowledge has been mentioned so often both directly and in many
examples, so also in the same way ignorance has also been mentioned.
Thus if knowledge is light, then ignorance is darkness whether this comparison is
conceptual or literal; if knowledge is certainty, then ignorance is doubt; if
knowledge is Paradise, then ignorance is Hell; if knowledge is guidance, then
ignorance is deviation; if knowledge is healing, then ignorance is sickness; if by
hearing, speaking and seeing, knowledge is being alluded to then saying that
"they are deaf, dumb and blind" is a condemnation of the ignorant. If the soul
and intellect are cleansed and purified by (higher spiritual) knowledge, then
their impurity and filth lies in ignorance." (Source: Fruit of Paradise, pp. 110-
Light upon Light
The expression "light upon light' (Holy Qur'an 24:35) has great secrets:
a. "Light upon light, that is, after one light there is another light. By this
light are meant the Prophets and Imams, who in their respective times are
mazahir and the lights of the Light of God, while God Himself is the Light
of lights and according to "light upon light" there is unity of lights in the
Imam of the time.
b. Write number one on the tablet of your imagination, then repeat exactly
the same shape on it, a thousand times. Where is the number thousand in
the imagination? There is nothing except the number one. This is the
unity of light upon light.
c. There are four levels of light: light of Divinity (24:35), light of
Prophethood (33:46), light of Imamat (57:28) and light of mu'mins, but
light upon light indicates that all lights become one (as there is a concept
of annihilation and survival with God)." [Source: Sublime Realities, p. 55]
Simultaneous Recognitions of the Holy Imam
"God has praised the Imam in four places: Lâhut (World of Divinity or
Oneness), Jabarut (World of Light or Intellect), Malakut (World of Angels or
Souls) and Nâsut (World of human beings)" [Source: Subtle Realities, p. 5].
Faith is Purified by Light
"Regarding faith there is a Hadith: "Faith is recognition by the heart,
affirmation by the tongue and action with the limbs".
From the above mentioned Hadith, it is clear that without recognition, it is
impossible for faith to become perfect and complete, and recognition is directly
related to light (of the Holy Imam in our foreheads), in whose illumination are
seen and recognized faith and all its accessories.
Therefore, the Wise Qur'an has commanded us to believe in God, the Prophet
and the Light: "So believe in Allah and His Messenger and the Light which We
have revealed" (64:8)." [Source: Rubies Pearls, p. 12]
The Prophet (PBUH&HF) said:
"Verily, Allah, to whom belong Might and Majesty, has placed the progeny of
each Prophet into his backbone (Sulb), and He, Exalted, has placed my progeny
into the backbone of Ali Ibn Abi Talib
Zaid bin Arqam said,
“One day the Messenger of Allah( May Allah exalt his mention) stood up to
deliver a Khutbah at a watering place known as Khumm between Makkah al
Mukarramah and Madinah al Munawwarah. He praised Allah and said, “O
people, I am a human being. I am about to receive a messenger from my Rabb
and I will respond to Allah’s Call, but I am leaving with you Two Weighty
Things: the first is the Book of Allah, in which there is right guidance and light,
so hold fast to the Book of Allah and adhere to it”. He exhorted (us to hold fast)
to the Book of Allah and then said, “The second is the members of my family, I
remind you (to be kind) to the members of my family. I remind you (of your
duties) to the members of my family”. [Sahih Muslim]
Sa’ad bin Abi Waqas said that, When the following verse (of challenge to the
polytheists) was revealed :
“Let us we call our sons and you call your sons,,,, Allah’s Messenger called Ali,
Fatimah, Hassan and Hussain (may Allah be pleased with them) and said, “O’
Allah, they are my family.”[Sahih Muslim]
Narrated Abdullah bin Umar Abu Bakr said, “Show reverence to the Messenger
of Allah (may Allah exalt his mention) by honoring the members of his family”.
[Sahih Bukhari]
--- On Sat, 5/21/11, Zina Khan <> wrote:
Date: Saturday, May 21, 2011, 3:49 AM
“Know ye not before whom I stand in prayers and with whom I hold
Also, the Imam’s charity, as frequent and generous as it was and is, may remain
hidden and not always announced.
The Quran says: “And God is not going to chastise them while you are, O
Muhammd among them” (8:33).
It is the universal belief of all the Muslims that the followers of the Prophet are
not going to be doomed with extirpation as was the case with the followers of
other prophets.
The Prophet was a Mercy to the whole world. But on reading the above Quranic
verse, one comes to the conclusion that the privilege is restricted only to the life
time of the Prophet as it reads: “While you are among them.”
The Prophet is admittedly not among us at present, why then do muslims still
enjoy the privilege?
The explanation of this is to be found in another verse:
“And had there not been God averting some people’s (doom) by others, certainly
there would have been pulled down cloisters and churches and synagogues and
mosques in which God’s name is much remembered” (22:40).
This verse makes it clear that there always exists in this world an infallible one
(Imam Abideen) through whose inherent auspiciousness, prayers and
intercession, this world exists.
This infallible one is no other than the Prophet’s progeny.
Ibn Hajar writes, “Inasmuch as the Prophet was a security for the inhabitants of
this earth, the people of his house (ahl al-bayt) are likewise the securities.”
This is further corroborated by the hadith, “If the Imam were to be removed
from this earth, the earth together with its inhabitants would have cleaved
It implies that that the existence of an Imam in every age is necessary and
Imam has helped numerous ones who needed help in many different ways. He is
a friend of the poor, He is also known for his generosity and hospitality to
humanity at large.
The Imamat's survival in the holocaust of Karbala is no less than a miracle in
It proves, however, that Allah wanted to save “Imamah” from extinction...a
proof that it is divinely guided institution...
The gruesome ordeal of Karbala was extremely difficult and arduous.
In the immediate period after Karbala the Imams were treated in a harsh and
unkind manner by the tyrannical powers of the time who even had destroyed the
Khulafa e Rashdeen and murdered TWO caliphs, Umar and Uthman and Bibi
After the grotesque manner in which the members of Imam's family were killed
by Yazid’s forces, how Imam Abideen was put in shackles while travelling from
Kufa to Damascus, a distance of 700 miles on camel back,.. such was the cruelty
of the Yazidi rulers whom you Maherally asses revere today and follow their
In Damascus, as well as in Kufa beforehand, Imam Abideen faced the tyrannical
rulers with enormous courage and fortitude.
Single-handedly he exposed Yazid’s cover up of the butchery that took place in
Karabala, and valiantly brought to mind to those attending the court of Yazid
(as well as the crowd at Jumu’a Salat) of who the family of the Prophet (Ahlul
Bayt) were, and what atrocities took place in Karbala as well.
After all, the gruesome experience of the butchery in Karbala was too daunting
for anyone, let alone for the very tender-hearted Imam.
He wrote, composed and prayed, appealed and beseeched the Almighty.
And this proved to continue throughout his life time, which led to a magnificent
write up of Du’aas, supplications, and the epistle of rights and obligations of
Imam Abideen was so generous, that his enemy (Marwan son of Hakam of Benu
Umayya) requested him to give shelter to his family, to which Imam Abideen did
not hesitate.
As it turned out, he became the host to 400 people of Benu Umayya for several
weeks, feeding them, tending to them, and making every effort for their comfort
(free and without charges).
These were the same folks from the same Benu Umayya who had killed Imam
Abideen’s father and butchered the rest of the family, and slew 8 Sahaabi of the
Prophet (PBUH) and 20 Companions of Imam Ali in Karbala, only one year
The collection of the Du’aas is called “Al-Saheefa Al Sajjadiyah”, also known as
“Zaboor Aali Muhammad”.
These prayers are very compelling and very moving; they helped provide the
necessary guidance to later generations to this day.
Maherally there is nothing you can question or teach us....
MUNAJAAT: (The Whispered Prayer) of the Hopeful:
O Lord!
Which person has come before Thee seeking hospitality, and You have not
received him hospitably?
And who is the one who has dismounted at Thy door hoping for magnanimity,
and to whom You have not shown it?
O Allah who is the asylum of every fleer, the hope of seekers!
O Best Object of hope! O Most Generous Aim for supplication!
O Allah who does not reject His asker or disappoint the expectant!
O Allah whose door is open to His supplicators and whose veil is lifted for those
who hope in Him!
I ask Thee by Thy generosity to show kindness toward me through Thy gifts,
with that which will give serenity to my soul, and through certainty with that
which will make easy for me the afflictions of this world, and life from my insight
the veils of blindness!
By Thy mercy, O Most Merciful of the merciful!
My Lord!
*Thy bounty which Thou hast given me - - strip it not away!
*Thy generosity which Thou hast given me - - strip it not away!
*Thy cover over me through Thy clemency - - tear it not away!
*My ugly acts which Thou hast come to know - - forgive them!
My Lord!
*I seek intercession from Thee with Thee, and
*I seek sanctuary in Thee from Thee!
*I have come to Thee craving Thy beneficence, desiring Thy kindness, …
*So act toward me with the forgiveness and mercy of which Thou art worthy!
*Act not toward me with the chastisement and vengeance of which I am worthy!
*By Thy mercy, O Most Merciful of the merciful!
--- On Fri, 5/20/11, Zina Khan <> wrote:
Date: Friday, May 20, 2011, 11:32 PM least explain to us your understanding of what is "Abideen" ?
The Imams of Ahl al Bayt indeed speak words of knowledge (Ma'rifah).
When Prophet Ibrahim (as) was thrown into fire (by Nimrood), Angel Jibrael
met and asked him if he had any wish to which Prophet Ibrahim (as) replied:
'Indeed but not from you'".
Imams have taught their flock how to worship Allah (SWT) and it is for this
reason that they (as) are known as "Zain ul Abideen" meaning 'the adornment'
or 'the pride of worshippers' and Sayyid al-Sajideen (Leader of those who
The Rightful Imams (as) have taught their flock that whenever they rise to
worship Allah (SWT), two things have to be taken into consideration.
One is the Greatness of Allah (SWT), which should always be in our minds.
And our hearts should be filled with His awe such that our feelings should be
Baynal-Khaufi war-Rajaa (between hope and fear).
Hope for His mercy and fear of His wrath.
Jabir ibn Abdullah al-Ansari (ra) said to the children of Fatema ,
"O son of the Prophet! Allah (SWT) has created Paradise for you and your
followers and HE (SWT) has created Hellfire for your enemies and opponents.
Jabir ibn Abdullah al-Ansari (ra) also said, "O son of the Prophet! Have mercy
upon Muslims.
It is because of the blessings of your presence that Allah (SWT) keeps away all
the hardships and difficulties of the people; and HE (SWT) does not punish them
for their wrongdoings".
The son of Fatema and the Imam of the time (Abideen) (as) replied,
"O Jabir! I shall remain steadfast on the path of my fathers and forefathers until
I meet them." (Ahsan al-Muqaal)
Another Incident:
The Secret Helper of the Poor and Needy
The view common people have towards one who isolates himself from society
and devotes his life solely to performing his religious rituals, such as ablution
(Wudu), praying, supplicating, pilgrimage (Hajj), etc, is a stranger to the society.
Such a person cares nothing about his materialistic and social life, and spends his
life in worship.
The life of Imam "Abideen" (as) however, contradicts this view.
Imam is NOT ignorant of his society, its needs, and the realities of the time.
In fact, in regards to interactions with society, he is a role model in the social and
moral duties.
Imam "Abideen" (as) always remembers the saying of the Prophet (pbuh): that
if a Muslim did not think of the needs of his Muslim brothers then he was not a
Noble Qur'an has repeatedly reminded us about helping the poor and it has
taught us that our help should be only for the sake of Allah (SWT).
(NOT for pressing the boobs of women like some of you do - or coercing the
Gulbabanoos of society to serve you as slaves)
Muslims are told that when giving in charity, they must not follow up their gifts
with reminders of their generosity or with injury, since this act voids their
In this regard, verse 264 of Surah Baqarah says, "O you who believe! Do not
render in vain your Sadaqah (charity) by reminders of your generosity or by
injury, like him who spends his wealth to be seen of men, and he does not believe
in Allah, nor in the Last Day."
This is why when it was dark in the night and all the people are sleeping, Imam "
Abideen" (as) gets up to plead for people... Muhammad Is'haq narrates: Many
of the poor citizens of Madinah had experienced the generosity and kindness of
Imam "Abideen" (as).
Yet, they never found out it was the Imam "Abideen" (as) Ibn Sa'ad who died
around 200 A.H. has narrated: There were many poor people who would come
to the Imam "Abideen" (as) for help, and before they even asked for anything,
the Imam "Abideen" (as) would give them what they wanted.
(Check and see if AKDN is doing the same or not?)
Imam "Abideen" (as) would then say, "Giving charity is received by Allah
(SWT) before it is received by the poor."
Moral: Ignorance of Akbar Maherally is the worst kind of terrorism today !
Imam " Abideen" (as), is very kind and patient person.
That is why Maherally is still barking and loitering the net...otherwise frankly he
is just an ant crawling at the Imam's feet...
Imam usually never gets angry and he always had a smile on his face, because he
is "abideen"
It is narrated that the Prophet (pbuh) has said:
One who pleases his parents has verily pleased Allah (SWT), and one who has
angered his parents has verily angered Allah (SWT).
Akbar Maherally and his Gulshan Maherally have both breached this hidayat of
our Nabi (saw)
It is narrated that the Prophet Mohammed (pbuh) has said:
Two doors of paradise are opened for a person whose day commences when his
parents are pleased with him.
Maherally was disowned by his father....
A person once approached the Prophet Mohammed (pbuh) and said:
It is narrated that Imam Jafar Sadiq (as) has said: "Allah will not accept the
Namaz of the person who stares angrily at his parents, even though they
(parents) may be unjust."
Moral: Maherally is the replica of Iblis !
Imam "Abedeen" (as) and the Shia:
"What do you do when you get something?" Imam "Abedeen" (as) asked the
"We say Alhamdulillah [Praise belongs to Allah (SWT)]," they replied.
"What do you do when something is taken away from you?" Imam Abedeen
(as) asked them.
"We lament a little and come to terms with it," they replied.
"What do you do when you do not receive anything?" Imam Abedeen (as) asked
them further.
"Nothing," they replied.
The Imam "Abideen" said to them...
"Even the dogs of Madinah do that."
Imam Abedeen (as) said.
"When these dogs are given something (food), they wag their tails in
thankfulness (Shukr).
When something is taken away from them, they bark a little and walk away.
When they do not get anything, they walk around the streets." (Like Akbar
Maherally is doing)
"Our Shia are those who say Alhamdulillah [Praise belongs to Allah (SWT)]
when they receive something, when something is taken away and when they
receive nothing." (Ahsanul Qasa)
"Origination is not like the radiation of light from the sun, which depends upon
a material basis, but like intelligence, which is inherent in a nonmaterial and
formless existence"
Quiddity, He transcends being qualified. Thus He is not of two things.
For in order that man be guided through the right path, he should be
enlightened by God's Will or Word.
It is to him, the ever living guide.
In order to show that this Word of God must always be manifested in this world,
the Qur'an says:
"And He made it a word enduring among His posterity."
"And WE have given you abundance of is your insulter who is
without posterity"
"Our Covenant reaches NOT the Unjust (Zalimun)"
Another Qur'anic verse states:
"O men, a proof has now come to you from your Lord:
We have sent down to you a Manifest light."
Proof (burhan) and Manifest light (Nur mubin) are also interpreted allegorically
to denote the Living and Rightful Imam or MAZHAR (epiphany)....a name to be
connected with the notion of rising light expressed in Luke. I, 78. ...
What is the Spiritual Role of the Holy Imam?
"It is reported that the Holy Prophet said to Mawlana Ali:
"You are the patron of this ummat and its Dhu'l-Qarnayn." (al-Majalisu'l-
Mu'ayyadiyyah, I. p 335).
We are aware of the fact that every verse and every sound Hadith which is about
Mawlana Ali, is also related to the Imam of every age.
Because the light of Ali, which is the light of God and the Prophet, continues in
the holy chain of Imamat and nurtures the people spiritually and intellectually.
This patron (i.e., the Holy Imam), who has been appointed by God and the
Prophet, is always present in this world. (Source: Manifestations of Wisdom, p.
What Does It Mean to a Spiritual Child of the Holy Imam?
"In verse (14:36), God, reporting the statement of Hazrat Ibrahim, says:
"Then he who follows me is of me."
That is, he is my spiritual child. The Holy Prophet has said about Salman-i
Farsi: "Salman is of us, the ahl al-bayt".
Imam Ja'far as-Sadiq has said about some of his friends:
"You are from us, the ahl al-bayt".
We should not forget that the means of such a unique and most exalted spiritual
progress are obedience (of all the teachings of the Holy Imam) and (ardent) love
(for the Imam of the Time)."
"He is a minaret and sign of knowledge of the first and the last, and an ocean
which never exhausts (due to usage)." (Kitabu'l-Majalis wa'l-Musa'irat..
What is the Status of the Holy Imam?
"It is said in verse (9:105): "And said: Work: Soon will God observe your work
and His Messenger and the mu'mins."
According to Imam Jafar as-Sadiq, here by mu'mins are meant the Imams
(Da'aimu'l-Islam, I. p. 21)."
"God says in verse (9:119): "O you who believe! Fear God and be with those who
are truthful (sadiqin).
Let us study this verse very carefully: On one side are all those who believe and
on the other, are the truthful ones who are the Imams of the progeny of the
Prophet, as Imam Jafar as-Sadiq says:
"We are the truthful ones".
In such cases, the Holy Qur'an commands that the people of faith should fear
God and follow the truthful ones (i.e., the Holy Imams) and be with them in
knowledge and good deeds." (Source: Manifestations of Wisdom, p. 32).
Maherally will lead you astray....
Peace be upon the pure progeny,
and welcome to their resplendent lights.
I begin with peace upon Adam from whom
came all mankind, whether nomadic or sedentary.
Peace be upon the one who with his staff
overpowered the unbelievers of the tyrant Pharaoh.
Peace be upon Jesus, the Holy Spirit,
who by his coming, bestowed honor on Nazareth.
Peace be upon Muhammad, the chosen,
the one who intercedes in the hereafter.
Peace be upon Ali, the beloved,
and those descended from him, the radiant stars.
Peace be upon you, O Sovereign Lord
of Cairo, and all their gain abides with you.
Allah says:
"Allah did choose Adam and Noah, the family of Abraham, and the family of
Imran above all people- a line of descendants, one succeeding the other; and
Allah heareth and knoweth all things." (Quran 3:33,34)
Ibn Arabi quotes the Prophet as saying in Tafsir al-Quran al-Karim (1:30) that,
"Every man shall be brought together on the day of judgment with what he
If a man loves a stone, he shall be gathered together with it."
Naturally, one who loves Imam, he will be with the Imam in last day.
Thus, the rightful Imams will be witness of their faithful followers and the unjust
will accordingly testify for their followers.
One should therefore hold fast to the rightful Imams for the benefit of his soul,
because those who are unjust Imams will not be able to intercede for their
followers’ actions.
The Quran says: "None shall have the power of intercession, but such who has
received permission (or promise) from (God), the Most Glorious" (19:87) and
"And those whom they call upon besides Him have no authority for intercession,
except he who bears witness of the truth and they (people) know (that)" (43:86).
The Imam is the mazhar (epiphany) of God on earth as the electric bulb is a
device of manifestation of electricity, which itself is invisible.
The bulb plays the same role as the body of the Imam.
Thus, the Imam is held to be the locii of the divine light, which is ever-present in
the world.
"(Remember) the day (hereafter) when We will summon every people with their
Imam (leader-witness) then, whosoever is given his book in his right hand, these
shall read their books and they shall not be dealt with (even) a shred unjustly"
The Imam is the Proof of God (Hujjat Allah) to mankind and the Sign of God
(Ayat Allah) on earth.
Ali bin Abu Talib is reported to have said: "God has no greater sign than me"
(Bihar al-Anwar, 23:206). The Imam is the successor of the Prophet and the
Vicar of God on earth.
Obedience to him is obligatory. Imam Jafar Sadik said: "We are the ones to
whom God has made obedience obligatory.
The people will not prosper unless they recognized us and the people will not be
excused if they are ignorant to us.
He who has recognized us is a believer and he who has denied us is an
unbeliever, and he who has neither recognized nor denied us is in error unless he
returns to the right guidance which God has made obligatory for him. And if he
dies in a state of error, God will do with him what He wishes" (al-Kafi, 1:187).
The ever-presence of an Imam is imperative ....the existence of an Imam in
every age is necessary and indispensable.
The Prophet said, “Ali and his descendants are invested with authority.”
In sum, the Imam of every age is the Hujjatullah (Sign of God), the Noorullah
(Light of God) and Mazhar (Epiphany) of God.
He is Mansus (designated), Ma’sum (infallible) and Afdal an-na’s (the best of
the mankind).
The divine beauty is NOT in the exterior of the human form but rather it is
extrinsic...and so one refers to the "divine verb" that shines through the Imam
who is spiritually elevated and so those like Maherally who criticize are
themselves prone to committing the assimilation of the dissimulation to what it
dissimulates i.e. they being ignorant and bigoted, end up confusing the "Veil"
(Hijab) with the Object that is in reality being "veiled" ...primarily such folks
tend to perceive based on the limitations they suffer from...they are confined to
the appearances of this material world...but the Nooran Mubeen if Allah has sent
as HE says so...has to be apparent in the physical realm because it is something
inherent to the Creation itself and it has to serve as a self disclosure of
is logical ! It is simple!
Letter to Rajinder Sud who did not get out of the linguistic trap for
understanding the universality of Islamic standard established through verse
40:78 and several Others
Rajinder saheb, U are generating too many lies and false generalisations. Before
sending out your mails, I think you just need to scrutinise what you are saying .It
is better to be silent than throw up statements where you will find on second
review that you should have denounced yourself for saying what you said.
Intellectual honesty and realities of the changes in patterns of cognitive structure
demands that one should be ready to denounce oneself when there is a clear cut
case for the same. You are demonstrating your ignorance about the history of
scientific thinking, contribution of muslims in generating knowledge about the
matter. Honest and unbiased historians of science know how the modern science
by founded by muslims, it is only later that we have seen the emergence of
journal known as Christian Science Monitor. Naming of the journal is an
indication that those involved in the exercise of naming the journal wanted to
highlight the contributions of the science being done in the Christian nations.
Muslims liberally learnt from everywhere -India, Greece, China collecting
written materials and worked on the same innovating, refining and constructing
knowledge for the overall wellbeing of the humanity. At this stage, it is not
appropriate to even classify knowledge regarding the objective and the
subjective realities in religions, though, there indeed are faith based measures to
change the cognitive structures of subjective knowledge. For example, learning
to use patience as a virtue and ensure its active functionality in day to day life is
assuredly one of the most important outcomes of the adoption of culture of
prayer, meditation and remembrance. You may choose to review the sets of
stimuli that makes you troubled by muslims and Islam and while you share
about the non-coercive nature of faith based communication or for that matter
any communication. It is well taken and indeed, who agrees to something unless
s/he is not convinced. I think your presumptions lead you to make statements
and this way you are getting in the trap of these presumptions that must be
subjected to reality checks. There are multiple stories across the nations and it is
important to recognise these. Just do a google search and you will find multiple
videos on 9/11 with diverse pictures and some of these are not the version that
you have believed as a truth statement.
No offence intended please.
Dr.M.Mukhtar Alam ,Founder of Centre for Ecological Audit, Social Inclusion
and Audit (2007) and International Youth for Humanity (1989) ,member,
International Advisory Council, World Computer Exchange , Executive Director (H), IMEDA, New Delhi ,co-founder of Moral India Mission is a Cognitive
Social Psychologist working in agriculture, rural and social development sector.
He proposed the concepts of eternity index/sustainability index, social inclusion
index, social inclusion audit, ecological intelligence and is currently advancing
the discipline of Ecostrategics for generating responses simultaneously across the
disciplines while spending some time for managing international online network
of leading practitioners in socially inclusive and ecologically safe development
namely Movement for Transition to Post-Carbon Green India and Ecostrategic Communicators for
Carbon-neutral Neighbourhood Leisure

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Understanding Ulil Amr Minkum in verse 4.59: Letter to Niyas Abbas

  • 1. Letter For Niyas Abbas , A Sri Lankan Interfaith Communicator not obeying the Imamat of muslims: Lessons for all not understanding the real meaning of Rope of Allah / Imam of Ummah/Ulil Amr and Upholding Self to the Ulil Amr in verse 4:59 of the Holy Qur’aan Niyas, With salam to you, all in the family and neighbourhood, I would like you to write on the thread without derailing the discussion and sharing your ignorance on Imam/the Leader of our Time. Instead of sharing about abusive ignorance, you should have reflected on the admission of Jewish professor and then expanded from there on to say things that may have contributed in strengthening the truth of continuity of Islam and continuity of the institution of messengership till the prophet Muhammad .As a defender of Imamat in the posterity of the prophet PBUH and the posterity of Imran Abu Talib as a muslim , you should have then argued for unity of humanity under the Imamat of Kareem Shah Al-Hussaini, the 49 th Imam with Imam Hadhrat Ali being the first one in aal-e-Imran as per the decree of the Allah SwT in verse 3:33,34. This is a mandatory condition for being a muslim ,muslima and a momin and momina believing completely in all the command and precepts of Islam. It is pretty logical as well and a global imperative as we can see global institutions of governance needs to have a leader in religious sense among the muslims at least. Why can not we accept this when this is decreed? We have to have an Imam following the grant of the prayer of Prophet Abraham PBUH and HP. We must believe in the grant of the prayer for the prophet Abraham when he prayed for making Imam among his posterity. Would one be a muslim at all if he does not believe in clearly communicated facts? Imamat exists in the posterity of prophet Abraham and in the same posterity, there is the posterity of aal-e-Imraan who are informed to have the Imamat after the change of the Qibla .Change of the Qibla is not for the structure of Kaaba from the structure of what is called Dome of Rock. Is it the special masajid that is Qibla ? No ,it is the change of the decision of Allah SWT for the existence of Imamat. From the posterity of Abraham in the line of prophet Isaac, it is the change in the posterity of the elder son Ismail through Imraan Abu Talib and through the prophet Muhammad PBUH and His Posterity. Posterity of Imran Abu Talib is the one who are referred last in the verse 3:33,34, there is indeed reference to descendants upon descendants .So then , we can easily see what is religiously commanded, but it is indeed unfortunate that majority among the muslims are not aware about the need to have clear recognition of this fact. Ours is the age of Imamat that continues in the posterity of aal-e-Imraan following verse 3:33,34 . Grant of the prayer of prophet Abraham for Imamat in his posterity is continued through Bibi Fatima and Hadhrat Ali both being the posterity of Abraham and then a new line is announced for the continuation of the grant through aal-e- Imraan. Imam Kareem Shah Al Hussaini is recognised the world over except the ‘abtars’ as the direct descendant of the prophet. Being an aal-e-Imraan, he is the posterity of Fatima Zahera and this is reason, he is an Al-Hussaini. Do you know who are abtars/posterity less/ tailless?. Please read Sura Kauthar. Yes, abtars are those who hate the prophet. Your hatred is shown through calling the Imam a ‘Playboy’ like Mahesh and others who refer to false hadeeth in the compilation of Bukhari and call the prophet nauzobillah a pedophile. It was this hatred of prophet that I was explaining to Trishool et all when you instead of joining me came here
  • 2. denouncing the Imamat. Zinat shared about the Jewish professor admitting that all the messengers were muslims. To Trishool, Prem Sadani et all, I was explaining this following the verse 40:78 and showing them how the hatred to prophet is hatred for all they rever as avatars. Zinat called them to identify who is Kalki and how long they would be waiting for Kalki like the Shias who are waiting for Imam Mehdi while not recognising the Imamat of Kareem Shah Al Hussaini. Here, we then have a convergence of those who do not recognise the Imamat after the conclusion of the institution of messengership and prophethood as the prophet PBUH and HF is the seal of prophet and messengers. We send salam to the prophet and all the messengers. How do we then not identify the messengers not mentioned as per verse 40:78. We make no distinctions among the messengers .We also are commanded to believe that all messengers were given the Book ,thus when discussing with people we need to refer to the common Kitab/ the Book that was given to all messengers. We have clear references to this in several. In the interfaith communication, understanding the continuation of the Book along with the messengership till prophethood is so important. Allah commanded the humanity to understand and acknowledge this Not only sending the salam, but loving the kins of prophet is mandatory for all who call themselves muslims and momins, musli’maat and momi’naat. How do we love the kins of the prophet for which we have been commanded in verse 42:23?. Loving the kins was commanded for us .Are not there some exception in following the Tareeqa following the command of Allah SWT .Yes, there are some and one being the number of women who can be brought in marriage. Of course, you are not referring to the number of women that Imam married that is in violation of the Tareeqa of Muhammad. Please explain the violations of the commands of Allah SWT in the preaching of the Imam Kareem Shah. If you can not then, you will have to understand how Imam is an Imam following the grant of prayer of prophet Abraham PBUH, declaration of Hadhrat Ali as Moula of all momins at Ghadir Khum following the verse 5:67. Yaar, you cannot deny the context of the verses in the holy Qur’aan and just understand some politically motivation silence of some translators who are suppressing the description of the context. Allah SWT fulfils the promises and there is no closure for the grant of the prayer to prophet. There has to be an Imam in our time, or else we would be then questioned as to the name of the person who is Imam in line with the grant of the prayer of prophet Abraham PBUH and HF. Do you have any name?? I have not heard of any while researching in just order leadership models since 1989. You may look at the some of the findings in the attached presentation that I am sharing with you and all here. Denouncing atheistic philosophers, I advocated Islamic framework for definition of personal identity and engagement with the fellow human beings and the support systems created as part of our survival equations here on this Earth. In not recognising Imamat in aal-e-Imraan,you are no different than the atheists, Jews , Christians, Buddhists and others who do not recognise the prophet .Further, you are not different than the Jews who did not recognise the Jesus and later prophet Muhammad PBUH and HF. By the way, Jews also do not recognise the Imamat or else they would all followed the Imam openly following the grant of the prayer of
  • 3. prophet Abraham PBUH and HF. How do we get Jews understand about the messengership and prophethood of the Muhammad PBUH and HF and ask them to unite with muslims following the Imam if they at all have some respect to the word of Allah SWT. Would you call them to join Ihsanullah Ihsan or King Abdullah as the Imam of muslims?? I hope not as you are aware of deficiencies in the faith and practice of Ihsanullah Ihsan and such as who does not have the authority whose obedience is commanded by Allah SWT in verse 4:59. By the way, Jews are quite cool to Imam and they are hardly seen opposing Imam anywhere. Verse 3:33,34 is clear about Imamat in the line of aal-e-Imran. Allah did choose Adam PBUH, Noah, Abraham (PBUH and HF) and his posterity and the posterity of Imraan among all the people for Imamat and Khilafat. Upto prophet Muhammad Nabuwwat, risalat, Imamat is one and then follows the Wiliyat till the day of judgement. Sharia and Tareeqat from Muhammad PBUH and HF is enshrined in the personality of Ulil Amr if you believe in verse 4:59 and inferring from the meaning of verse 3:33,34 understanding aal-e-Imraan chosen for Imamat Imam is the Ulil Amr whose obedience is mandatory and whose love is commanded through verse 42:23. The issue of leadership of muslims and momins, muslimat and mominaat is decided and decreed. When, there is a decree, there is not discussion on those matters. What filth you have seen in the communication of Imam? He is calling for adoption of Islamic ethics from the rooftop. You should read the speeches of the Imam where he defines Islamic ethics forming the core of AKDN work. Are you too much obsessed with the call for adopting the external appearance of the prophet and want the world to follow the Arab costume first and foremost without realising that there is no specific reference for this in the holy Qur’aan? Or, you are under the sway of doctored pictures for making the impression while ignoring the vast work undertaken by institutions under AKDN whose funding at the cores consists of the sadaqa and zakaat given by muslims obeying the Imam following the related verses. Do not you realise this ringing fact from the lives of the muslims following the Imam ? You should think clearly here with holding the self to be the ultimate arbiter in this regard as a momin and a muslim. How blind you can be in not seeing what is clear, so clear to everyone and who do you think , I am here spending time for making the picture clear regarding the best practice of Islam that has diverse communities of practice, if we need to recognise the communities realistically. Muslims ,muslima ,momin and mominat are having diverse degree of practice with vision of Islam that is either complete or incomplete. Saying this ,I mean we need to be realistic first and foremost in recognising the communities of practice of Islam. How can you be abusive for the Imam, even if you do not understand the Imam as the Imam of the Ummat-e-muslima. Muslims are not called for abusing and this is the stance you have been observing so well while discussing with the Buddhists. I have been observing this too in this discussion despite the fact that some so called Buddhists have been abusive regarding the prophet PBUH and HF and the name of Allah SWT. You have not been abusive .
  • 4. Despite reading abusive comments from people like Mahesh ,Guru et al, you have not been abusive to Buddha as there I find you like me observing the command for not abusing religious leaders. Now , following the same standards and the commands, you must not be abusive to the Imam who is understood as the Imam of the Time ( Leader of the Time –Imam- e-Zamana) by muslims following him .There are more 16 million of them following the Imam and they indeed are giving at the rate of 12.5% per month. Gulshan Aalani and Qasim Ali Ismail have joined ‘us’ in reneging on the bayat with the prophet Muhammad and his Wali who lives now in the personality of the Imam . Do not you hear the Juma Khutba each week when we hear ‘ aatu zil Qurba wal yatama wal masakeen….? Giving to Qurba whose love is commanded in verse 42:23 and understood linking the people of the house of prophet understood from the Muhabila verse is the first duty of a muslim followed by giving to the orphans and then the poor and indigent. You should look how a clear command for giving to Qurba is being institutionally rejecting through translating the word Qurba in some translations to mean nearness. This is the false translation of the word that exists in the Hindi translation distributed by Jamaat e Islami Hind. Why this is being done and why kufr is being institutionalised by Jamaat-e-Islami Hind? So strange that the word Qurba that related to people who are the nearest to the prophet and they happen to be aal-e- Imraan as well is being rendered in translation as an abstract noun. Is not this a clear instance of how devious people could be? Could not the learned Maulana Farooq Ahmad Khan translating the Urdu to Hindi see this huge error in translation?? Do not you think, you should be conceding the horrendous act of ‘kufr’ of yours through calling the Imam a ‘playboy’? From the meaning that you have in mind ,you have indeed indulged in ‘kufr’ through calling the Imam a ‘playboy’ in the sense the world understands the word. You must either prove, or apologise for making this horrific utterance for the Imam. If you do not, you have already committed a crime against Islam for yourself and not for anyone else .The readers having nothing to do with your utterance. All would be called by their Imam. The word is clear. For Abdul Wahab, the ideologue of Saudis, Muhammad PBUH was not more than his staff that he carried than how does he is recognised by the prophet Muhammad PBUH and HF as part of his Ummah? How do we hold on to the rope of Allah SWT through attaching to a book or through entering into allegiance of loving the kins of the prophet PBUH through the Wali?? The Ummah needs a leader, but there is none who claim to be the leader of Ummah, so what is the logical conclusion then? Yes, we have to recognise the Imam of Ummah or else we are falsifying the BOOK where grant for Imamat in the posterity of prophet Abraham is decreed. Can we falsify the holy Qur’aan through not recognising the Imam?? Certainly NOT. Well, if you do, then you should be last one to talk about the majesty of Islam, as you yourself are indulging in kufr with reference to your denial of the presence of an Imam in all the ages till the Day of Judgement. Mahesh et al would certainly ask you about your being a Muslim when you do not submit to the command for recognising
  • 5. the Imamat through the grant of the prayer to Prophet Muhammad, once when he understands Buddha as one covered through verse 40:78 perhaps among those who are not mentioned in the holy Qur’aan. Buddha is an intelligent being aware of the mysteries of temporal and eternal existence. As muslim, we become Buddhas through being guided to the Light from the darkness. It is not the pesh-imams of the masajids ,rather the Imam of the Time who will testify for his followers and seek forgiveness of the sins. Those who pledged allegiance to the prophet would be testified by the prophet PBUH and HF. Those who follow the Imam in the aal-e-Imraan would be testified for their obedience by their Imam. It is so clear, but then you would want to continue rejecting the verse 3:33,34 and follow Mulla Umar as if he is one who will testify for you. No, No, this is not the case, then are you sure the prophet Muhammad PBUH and HF would recognise you when you would not be found obeying the Ulil Amr as per verse 4:59. Have you analysed verse 4:59?? I was just meditating the verse while recalling what Zinat pointed out clearly analysing the verse and explaining as to who could be the Ulil Amr whose obedience is commanded by Allah SWT. Is the Ulil Amr among the people all, who have some authority, or does this refer to those whose authority is sanctioned by Allah SWT . If you obey yourself assuming that you are the Ulil Amr, then this would be a false position as you or me would have to account for the moments when we did entertain Shaitanic thoughts , or would it be anyone who is elected ,selected or nominated through the instruments of democracy, meritocracy and autocracy. No, you would not agree to this as then you would have no reason to support Taliban who are rebels to the authority that is elected. You would be then calling Taliban Kafir then for not obeying the government of Pakistan and Afghanistan. Do you then agree that groups like Talibaan and their leader are not Ulil Amr whose obedience is commanded by Allah SWT? Logically then, one needs to understand the narrative on Ghadir Khum and understand the declaration for Hadhrat Ali being the Wali of Ummah .Verse 5:67 is the ringing affirmation then for completion of deen with the declaration of the leadership of Ummah .Leadership is declared then, consultation on leadership in this regard is not the remit granted by Allah SWT as we have this Imamat decreed through grant of the prayer to prophet Abraham PBUH and HF and then through verse 3:33,34. Who is then the Imam in our time? Who is claiming this Imamat in the light of this verse?? Do you think Dalai Lama is the one? No, he is not. Do you think, Barakat Hussein Obama is the one?? He is not the one neither he is claiming this. Who else is claiming this? None. Do you know anyone? I do not know. I am sure, you would also not claim having this authority decreed from Allah SWT or else you would not have been debating with people for following Mullah Umar as the Amir-ul-Momineen. Of course not here in this conversation where you are indeed correct about following the tareeqa of Mohammad PBUH ,but you are not correct in holding men like Mulla Umar to be your spiritual guide. I do not expect you to be following the deviants and be so narrow-minded and ignorant about completeness in obedience. You are not an Ulil Amr and none except the Imam is one. Be clear on this. There is hardly anything in the practice of muslims following the Imam that is detestable or against the Sharia of Muhammad PBUH HF.
  • 6. There are some dissimulations for preservation that were the call of the time. Zinat shared a verse for supporting the case of dissimulation in order to preserve the self on occasion when there were threats to life. Allah SWT is indeed the protector, but we are commanded to take the best precaution as well. In the communication and texts that I have received in defence of the Imamat , I do not see any reason as to why should muslims not following the Imam should be doing so, if they call themselves muslims. You have to be a muslim in all respects. Do you then understand what has come down to us as part of institutionalised rejection of the meaning of the verse 3:33,34 ;5:67, 4:59?? You need to understand the prayer of prophet Abraham and then recognise that the fact that Allah SWT did declare closure in verse 3:33, 34 for the posterity of prophet Abraham in the sense that the prophet Muhammad PBUH was a direct descendant and then the prayer grant remaining as it is, Allah SWT declared the posterity of aal-e- Imraan to have Imamat. You and all of us must notice that the reference to the posterity of aal-e-Imraan comes later in the verse. With the prophet Muhammad being in the posterity of Prophet Abraham, it is very logical that posterity of aal-e-Imraan is the posterity of Imraan Abu Talib and not the Imran related to Mary PBUH and Moses PBUH. Imam Kareem Shah Al Hussaini is believed to be Imam in this lineage of aal-e-Imraan decreed and final. Look at the verse here where we are commanded not to be in doubt on matter where there is a clear decree from Allah SWT and his messenger PBUH and HF. Now, if you understand the verse about not forming the Shias like people in the earlier days, it was through holding on the rope of Allah SWT. Now a flashback in the history of muslims, when this group opposed Hadhrat Ali were not the ones who were not the ones as Ulil Amr elected democratically through the votes of the muslims, rather in the case of Yazeed ,it was a clear case of usurpation and nomination. Do you see there the violation of the command for consultation considering the fact democratic election becomes the hallmark of muslim practice in matters where is no clear decree according to those who according to ‘Shia’ perspective did not accept Hadhrat Ali as the successor of temporal and spiritual authority exercised by the prophet PBUH and HF. How does this aspect of choosing the leadership play in our time? Do you really think, King Abdullah has the right to be custodian of the two holy Mosques? How did they get elected? When was this election held?? How many muslims participated in this election?? Imam is the inheritor of all that belongs to the prophet not me, you and King Abdullah. But , here most sending salam to the prophet and to the kins of the prophet, to the witnesses of Allah, the Siddiqeen would not perhaps feel the monstrous ‘kufr’ in not ensuring that following verse 42:23, the Shia of Muawiya have to be removed from the member of masjid-e-nabwi. Zinat and other Shias of Ali may not be saying so, as there are some who derail the discussions through abusing the prophet and his house. Not being one having any concern for preserving my life through some dissimulation, I need to say clearly as to what loving the kins of the prophet for King
  • 7. Abdullah would mean provided he understands the need to follow the commands of Allah completely. They have killed Rizana following their laws. President of Sri Lanka recalled the ambassadors. Following the law of qisas, they could have asked the government of Sri Lanka to pay for the ‘murder’ of the baby assuming Rizana indeed out of anger strangulated the baby of her Saudi employer. Why the Saudi government could not exercise the option of getting blood money from Government of Sri Lanka? I wish to conclude with the above example coming from the city where the usurpers of the authority of ahle-e-bait have violated the command for qisas. Now, you should be clear about the muslims following the Imam as not being the ones who are reported to be indulging in crude violations of the commands of Allah SWT as they are following Islam in totality guided by the Light of Allah SWT. I have reviewed evidences and explanations and find the muslims following the Imam to be best in practice of the commands of Allah SWT. How many of us are giving at the rate of 12.5% per month? None. How many of us are regular practitioners of salaat in the midnight? Very few even among the most pious with all external markers and signifiers displayed abundantly, even though, there is nothing Islamic about the external appearance except the commands for dressing properly with a strong command for understanding ‘piety’/taqwa to be the best dress. Where is the filth that you have seen in the communication of the Imam who declares from the rooftop to the world and all that Islamic ethics forms the core of the work of Aga Khan Development Network. Only cognitively blind, deaf and dumb chastised in the holy Qur’aan innumerable number of times would say that AKDN is standing for filth. The verse for Jew who said they created impenetrable walls applies to you. The verse for deaf ,dumb and blind applies to you. You need to repent for abuse of your divinely gifted intellect is writing words that do not apply for the work and communication of the Imam of Time. Stand warned for your eternal wellbeing, as even as a humble muslim doggedly following those who usurped the Khilafat from aal-e- Imraan ,you would be sure, that you have no knowledge whether you will get the your book of deeds in your right hand or whether your face would be bright with the Light or remain in darkness……wamaa adraka mahiya ..narun hamiya.. On Tue, Jan 1, 2013 at 1:42 PM, niyas abbas <> wrote: We have only one thareeqah .... Thareeqah of Muhammed (S). All other thareeqahs are misguidance .... that leads to hellfire ... If you follow "playboy" Agha Khan ... O Allah save the humans from his filth ... Niyas From: Zina Khan <> To: DrMuhammad Mukhtar Alam <> Cc: Trishool <>; Jimmy jamshaid <>; ARIF KHAN <>; pakreformer <>; Riaz Khan <>; S Turkman <>; "" <>; ""
  • 8. <>; Prem Sadani <>; Mahesh Pathirana <>; Kaukab Siddique <>; "" <>; jazoo <>; gulam dean <>; Bahram Shahmardaan <>; Feroz Phojee <>; Zaman Khan <>; Khan Riaz <> Sent: Tuesday, 1 January 2013, 9:53 Subject: Re: Jewish Professor Admits All Prophets Were Muslims Golden Words of Wisdom ::..Always be steadfast on the sacred "Shari’ah"... The greater one is obedient to the Shari'ah ...the higher ones attain status in Tariqah (Path).. Imam is the "path" (Tariqa)...which leads to "Haqiqa" and it is the path of "those upon whom Allah has bestowed HIS favours.. Do work for the Religion for the sake of the Religion and do not do it for name and fame.. Engage in feeding food even though it is basic "dhaal and rice"... There is great virtue and Barakaat in feeding..the poor ...and the disenfranchised...become a "Veiler" [Sat’taar – one who hides the faults of others]. Hide the faults of the Muslim, may they be religious or worldly. Duniya is an evil thing. He who is tangled with it keeps on sinking into it. He who runs away from it , it remains at ones feet.. Du'a (Salat) and Roza are from the essentials....Real religion is to rectify one's transactions....and do not boast like Jahils.. . When someone visits you, first greet him ..then feed him and lastly ask him the reason of his visit. All of you have been given a salvage your own "akhira"....each has to make his or her own choice... Allah says clearly in the Quran that HE will replace and substitute those who are NIGGARDLY and SEDENTARY with those who are better......simply becoming "sahibzadahs" in name means very little... O ! Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala save us from becoming such "Sahibzadahs".... In obedience there is virtue and in innovation [Bid’ah] there is destruction. Be a follower of the truth... and you will attain salvation. ...fame and self glory breeds discord. Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala has even given the cursed devil (Satan) powers. It is only Allah’s (SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala) Mercy that can protect one from the evil of the devil. The Spiritual Silsilah is only one that is the Qadiriyyah. The rest are its tributaries. There is no harm in eating the bread of a miser. But one must abstain from eating anything from a Man’nan... May Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala protect us from the favours of a Man’nan. Doing good deeds is a Toufeeq from Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala and a sign of acceptance. Guidance is certainly from Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala but a servant has to make efforts in doing good deeds. The beloved Habib SallAllaho Alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallam is not restricted to any humankind. If He (SallAllaho Alaihi wa Sallam) blesses anyone then it is His favour....he is a Mercy to all mankind... Safeguard yourself from severe "cold" as it takes its grudge in old age.
  • 9. Wealth is madness and seek Allah’s (SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala) protection from it as it take a long time to regain consciousness from it. Fulfilling lust is a deadly companion and an evil habit. It is a lethal enemy. Pride and boastfulness destroys the intellect. Avoid relationship with your opposite specie. Don’t ask Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala for abundance, If you have reliance (Imam) then there is great abundance of Barkat in little sustenance. Knowledge is achieved by seeking it; sitting in the company of the knowledgeable and also by Divine Inspiration. Your Prophet is he on whose hands you have initially taken Bay’ah. Regarding Faydh , take it wherever you find it. Always keep far from dissention and disunity. Goodness is in being kind to the creation of Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala. One must give charity according to the ones means and ability. Never behave with severity and harshness as there is no goodness in it. If anyone sits with justice and patience, then sustenance comes to him from all directions. If anyone is caught in the net of a Najdi , he sinks to the depths of the ocean . If he is saved from this then regard it as a gift of a new life. A poor man is a blessing and not a burden. To educate an evil and incompetent person is to put the Ummah in discord. Exercising patience in hardship and misfortune is the key to success. Accept the excuse or apology of your enemy. Do not regard your enemy weak and sickness as insignificant. Spiritual culture is not to hurt the feelings of anyone. Four things are disastrous to a human; 1) To eat food when not hungry. 2) To habitually take medication 3) To have excessive sex 4) To dig for the faults of others. He who is kind to creation is in reality engaged in the Love of the Creator (SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala). People have attained everlasting wealth in Adab and enthusiasm. Do not behave like a mad man in search of sustenance because whatever is destined for you, you will certainly receive. Secret charity stops the wrath of Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala. He who desires the goodwill of creation with good conduct has brightened his face. He who has good supposition lives a peaceful life. An intelligent person never leaves four things; patience, thankfulness, peace and solitude. From: DrMuhammad Mukhtar Alam Thanks you Zinat for sharing this clip. With greetings to salaam to you ,all in the family and neighbourhood, I request you to share more resources and write ups explaining men like Trishool,Turkman and such others who are not getting beyond the linguistic traps in the sense that they are not ready to see that language is just a language and words are words, it is the meaning that needs to be conveyed and understood.
  • 10. I would love to view this important video and share more and more with prayers to Allah SWT for letting the humanity have the grand special guidance that to me is needed now more than ever considering some of the critical global challenges. With due apologies, I have changed the subject line as now we have again the institution of messenger ship of the prophet Muhammad (PBUH and HF), Imamat and continuity of Islam through the communication of messengers and leadership of muslims that is in focus. Be blessed with the best temporally and eternally each moment that is for me is live moment with hopes and plans for the future. On Tue, Jan 1, 2013 at 10:13 AM, Zina Khan <> wrote: Jewish Professor Admits All Prophets Were Muslims From: DrMuhammad Mukhtar Alam To: Trishool and in the group You have to read the stories of people who rejected the messengers in the holy Qur'aan. You can read them as to what happened to them. Allah SWT tells us that mightier nations were destroyed and many could not see the light of the day when the time of wrath came. Of course, this is what would happen to people for whom the time for respite is over. The Sunnah of Allah SWT/God/../.../ does not change. Pandavs were not powerful in comparison to Kauravas, but see what happened to Kauravas. Hating Muhammad is hating Krishna Hating Muhammad is hating Jesus Hating Muhammad is hating Moses Hating Muhammad is hating Abraham/Brahmma and Sara/Saraswati Hating Muhammad is hating Noah Hating Muhammad is hating Adam.. What is the blessed tree with branches in the sky??? Now, you have the tree of aal-e- Imraan. Hating Muhammad is hating Jesus Hating Muhammad is hating Jesus Hating Muhammad is hating Jesus Hating Muhammad is hating Jesus On Sun, Dec 30, 2012 at 11:01 PM, Trishool <> wrote: -- -- Dr.M.Mukhtar Alam To Hussain Khan, Tokyo for his assessments on Tehreek-e-Talibaan Pakistaan. If you call for getting all violent groups rights to form their own constitution, would you have any Pakistan left??? Don’t let violent groups dictate terms to you. Practice
  • 11. Islam , follow the verse that calls for consultation and know well whether all agree to the laws that you think need to be implemented. Your nation is an Islamic state so what is the need for the violent group like Taliban who should be in educational institutions?? Hussain saheb, you have not learnt from the absurdity of statement of Tehreek-e-Taliban of Pakistan that was issued after the attack on Malala. Why do you want your children and daughters be killed by these fake Ameer-ul-momineen? I am saying this because in the statement justifying the attack on Malala, Ihsanullah Ihsan invoked Khidhr AS who is reported to have murdered a child while on the mission for educating prophet Moses (PBUH). Are you certifying that Taliban are Khidhr AS?? I am sure, you would not as you know that Khidhr AS was Khidhr AS and his action of murdering the child cannot be copied by anyone, simply because ,none can be Khidhr AS. Then, you should be clear in understanding the absurdity and shaitanic deeds of Talibaan. No one can adopt the identity of Khidhr AS . Or do you think, you are free to do so?? Give me a clear answer here. If you don’t hold Talibaan accountable to their Shaitanic deeds and just be impressed with their call for implementing some external disputed forms related to Sharia like dress and beard keeping, you would be indeed doing a disservice to your nation and to the overall cause of Islam that is the path of truth with patience not through coercion and force except when there are situations for defending the rights to exist against invasion and attack. TTP has no right to exist except for being a peaceful democratic group. In another letter paying tribute to Ghafoor saheb, you are associating with Shamim Siddiqui sahib when he was in Chittgaon and this way sharing that you were associated with Jamaat – e-Islami. How come Jamaat e Islami gets itself guided by such men like Ihsanullah Ihsan??? Have you lost all the respect and honour for the founder of Jamaat e Islami who would certainly not have endorsed the statement of Ihsanullah Ihsan. Why you are endorsing the statement of a man who is not aware of the rights of men and women to education? Whatever little association I have with Jamaat e Islami here in New Delhi, I know for sure that the Jamaat did not campaign against rights to education for women. Its spacious compound here in Dawat Nagar has a masjid where translation of the Qur’aan is read for all attending the Jamaat. Recently, a Hindi translation has been published for the holy Qur’aan and it is being given virtually free hadya being just Rs 20,- ( cost of four cups of tea on footpath shops). Now, there is a restriction for women’s education neither there even can be any restriction for the education of women. Allah SWT did not place any restriction. Why do you support Taliban opposing the education just because they want their own brand of schools/madaris there in the area controlled by them?? How can they be in control of the region by force when they is a legitimate government looking after the interests of all engaging democratically through local, state and national governance institutions? Shamim sahib, I would like you to please consider dissociating from men like Ihsanullah Ihsan who are indeed not the friends of Ummah and humanity in seeking deaths of children. Here, Hussain Khan sahib should be restricted as well for associating with Ihsanullah Ihsan who invoked Khidhr AS for attacking Malala. Alternatively, you could ask all concerned and connected someway or other to those who could reach Ihsanullah Ihsan that they should demand withdrawal of the statement justifying attack on Malala invoking Khidhr AS and this false hadeeth where prophet is reported to have appreciated the murder of a woman by his blind husband for speaking against the prophet. I am sure you understand that we need to
  • 12. deal with all those speaking against the prophet through ignoring as well or else lot of people will have to be killed for their expression of ignorance. But the later is not at all commanded anywhere in the holy Qur’aan. For us in India, it is extremely important that Pakistan is at peace with people across the religions and communities of practice living side by side cooperating in virtues. For you in Japan as well, it is important to show that you are not on the side of such men like Ihsanullah Ihsan, who is an enemy of children till such time, he does not withdraw his statement on behalf of TTP. TTP ki mazammat karein and sakht mazammat karein ..Ihsanullah Ihsan ki mazammat karein aur sakht mazammat karein…JIH ke liye main khat copy kar raha hoon.. To all supporting atheism or hold the same to be true All appropriating atheism and having issues with Islam, first need to recognise themselves as to who they are, where did they take birth, how did they take birth, where would they go after death. For the questions related to identity, you would have ready answers related to family, geography, gender, group . Three Gs of identity are common to all as all exist in family relationships. Islam is an Arabic word, an abstract noun and the name defined to the state of submission to natural laws that are given and can not changed. Who can change the identity of gender? None. Indeed none can change the identity of gender. With some hormonal therapy some changes can be made, but not much. Submission to natural laws can not be changed as well. Can one live without eating, drinking, urinating and relieving of the wastes that body generates after absorbing the nutrients and so on from the food that is eaten. Islam is indeed about biological functions too. None can change this. Therefore, all denials in this regard would be simply false expressions. Now when, Islam is called to be the religion of all, it is reaffirmation of the essential facts of existence, its story of beginning and end. It is about how life is lived by us. It is about how, this life needs to be made meaningful. Waking up the morning and sleeping in the night is a fact, which can not be changed for too long. We have been shown the path of the blessed ones that you dispute through sharing the misdeeds of some who were identified as believers, but they were as such believers in committing the misdeeds. Any affiliated with the muslim community cannot be responsible for misdeeds of his/her fellow community members and in the same any atheist can not be accountable for the misdeeds of the fellow atheists. I am not responsible for your misdeeds and neither you are responsible for mine.Law of the Land would be applicable to me and you in a similar way and in the same way Laws of God would be applicable to me and you in the similar way without an iota of difference. Death can not be changed and everyone must die. Now as an atheist ,you may think that you would be just another part of the dust and knowing this you would be hedonist or with some ethical sense for being good for the fellow human beings. For believers, the Day of Meeting the God is critical fact that shapes his or her life and therefore this fact of meeting the God as a contented soul is the most important target for engagements of life. It is this belief in the life of the soul that makes us engaged here is one of the most critical feature of the difference between me as a believer in the eternal life of the and you as a non-believer in the journey of the soul .How can not you feel the life of the soul that is experiencing the engagement
  • 13. that we having. Is not there anything that is beyond the corporeality though it is clear that corporeality in itself is nothing if the same is not experienced? We can not deny the experience of the materialist existence of our life and that we can imagine must have gone past the ages across the lands for the people across the languages and races. Striking a Balance: Islamic Way ensures both temporal and Eternal Success Distinguished members of this forum, This is with reference to the negative assessments for madarsas of In India according to an estimate only 4% of the children are going to Madarsa and graduating from there. The word madarsa is an Arabic word for schools that muslims have established for imparting education and as a result of low resources, these are primarily dedicated for religious education among children belonging to muslim communities in South Asia .It is was pointed out that graduates from madarsa are generally the ones who are part of the terrorist groups specially in Pakistan. However , I would like to share that graduates from madaris present a different picture in India. Many of them diversify and one of the shining example of this is Maulana Badruddin Ajmal of Markazul Muaarif who worked with Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan in Assam and heading a political party. A friend of mine Ayub Nadwi,a graduate from Nadwa is a Professor in Department of Arabic at Jamia Millia Islamia. Last year, a graduate from Deoband passed UPSC examination. This diversification has been an established tradition in India and independence movement in India has many luminaries who graduated from madaris and they became the stalwarts of the movement who sought independence of the subcontinent culturally and politically aligning with all the nationalist forces across the communities. Their sacrifices and contributions in Institution building in monumental and it is obvious to any objective observer of the history of independence movement. I would like to share a personal testimony of the history from the words of Maulana Siddique of Mewat who passed away in 2008. He told me in early 2007 as to how Jamaat e Ulama e Hind organised meetings for Mahatma Gandhi in order to build the grand alliance of Hindus and muslims for fighting against the British. I can not forget the words and it is so obvious that Mahatma Gandhi could not renege on this alliance even when India was partitioned despite his opposition to the idea. In the beginning of 1995, I taught English to graduates of Deoband for a while at Markazul Muarif centre in New Delhi. Promotion of science education is a national concern here and there are civil society organisations such as Bharat Jan Vigyan Jatha led by Prof.Anil Sadgopal. Activity based learning (ABL) and several other child centred approaches are being used for making learning joyful and the new curriculum framework for teacher education is another initiative for making education more sensitive and responsive to the needs of children. Government agencies and civil society organisation across the Muslim nations may choose to accelerate initiatives for promotion of science education. One of the examples for this here in India was the organisation of the exhibition of the contributions to Muslims to knowledge generation that is acknowledged by the historians of science. At the same time, there are ecological challenges that need to be responded through making this growth in science within ecological limits and
  • 14. interfaith common ethical boundaries as there are calls for controls on the developments in the frontier domains of science such as nanotechnology, robotics and genetic engineering. Bill Joy, the president of Sun Microsystems made a call in this regard published in the Wired magazine . Writing primarily from the perspective of ecological safety, inter-species justice and social inclusion, I advocate inclusion of ecostrategic concerns in the collective visions of social, cultural, ethnic and religious groups in order to address deficit in inclusion and ecological safety. In this regard, I have published a presentation for adoption of Ecostrategics as a discipline by all the universities, research organisations, think tanks in order to accelerate generation of synergies in action and bridging gaps in policy and action across the public and private organisations. The presentation can be read at Carbon-Neutral practice of salah by Muslims and Muslimas is the best way for transforming ecologically hostile leisure and this we can argue with all as part of inter-faith common as well. Salat keep away from vices and for this , I argue for creation of space at all places. In Britain, I hear there are many offices where Muslims are provided this time for prayer. Prohibition of usury and adultery and all commands contribute to ecological safety. Donation/Zakat build community. Islam is perfect. As a cognitive psychologist, I have analysed diagnostic and prescriptive proposition across the texts, journals, movements and I understand this much of analysis is not possible by all. It happened and Allah granted me guidance. Gulshan Aalani in citing the eternal success is asserting the promise of Allah for the great success in leading a life with the best Islamic endeavours not ignoring the rights to Earth. Afghanistan has found a new reserve of minerals, instead of making all conversation Taliban centric, there is a need to work systematically for madrassas in order to ensure that curriculum change takes place ensuring inclusion of disciplines and generate cutting edge research there. Ecologically safe Millennia have to be ecologically safe and it must be Islamic. Two centuries of dominance of atheistic philosophers must end for collective temporal, ecological and psychological wellbeing of all across the lands. If Allah has to permit life to Earth, then indeed there would be decision for mass guidance in Islam. Let us pray for this more often. Recognising the limits to the sustainability of the mines based production, I invoke the interests of the children of 40th century for moderating the consumption of mines based resources that is now needed even for mitigating the climate change. Please consider understanding the importance of Islam and Muslims from this perspective as well. This calls for viewing consumption and production in the last 2000 years and envisage the same in the next 2000 years. We will see the importance of Islam and only Islam. Let suicide vests not characterise the Ummah of Muslims and let us see how it is importance to communicate the practice of the commands of Allah in day to day life. Make all the enterprises reverent. Delete the influence of anti-Church writers and its extrapolation for Muslims and Islam. There were reasons for that but we need to extricate Islam and Muslims out of that. It is not the Muslim who killed Bruno and Galileo. Stephen Hawking did not give us theory of everything. Dr.Muhammad Mukhtar Alam
  • 15. === Dr.M.Mukhtar Alam Coordinator National Forum of Muslim Organisations, New Delhi To Maulana Ilyasi, All India Imams Organisation Masjid Kasturba Gandhi Marg, New Delhi New Delhi-110001 Dear Maulana Ilyasi sahib, With salam to you, all in the family and neighbourhood after due hamd and sana for Allah SWT and salam to the prophet PBUH and HF, I would you to recall the conversation we had regarding the translation of the word Imam in the verse 17:71 of the holy Qur’aan on 8 February 2013 after our meeting with the Tunisian Sufi Singer who had a word with you regarding the fact that the Khutba is offered in translation in Urdu or in the language that is understood by all attending to Jumaa salaat. Here, I am pleased to share a long conversation on the concept of Imamat that you may like to read for understanding how it is important to correct translation with those who do not understand Arabic. I need not repeat again that in the verse 17:71 , the word Imam is referred in singular and NOT plural. You would know that the Imam for muslims is among the muslims and appointed by Allah SWT and He is present in all the ages. The Imam is the Light of Allah SWT in whom we are called to believe as per 68:8. The Light of Allah is Nurullah is The Imam/Khalifa in our time appointed by Allah SWT is Kareem Shah Al- Hussaini. Recognition of Imam in our time is like the recognition of the Imamat of Adam by angels and jinns except Satan. So ,then we know this way that non recognition of the Imamat is like rejection of Iblis who was thrown out of the heaven for not accepting Adam PBUH and not prostrating to him.Allah SWT commanded all to prostrate to Adam PBUH .All except Iblis did not obey Allah SWT. With the above, I request you to please correct the meaning of the verse 17:71 that is displayed in your masjid. Your response to my suggestion that ‘iska kuch nahi ho sakta’ while accepting that the translation of word Imam as Imamaun (peshwaaon) Ayimma in Urdu With salam to all
  • 16. Dr.M.Mukhtar Alam 3-A, DDA Flats, Ashok Vihar-III Delhi-110052 Cell:9968345360 On Thu, Nov 17, 2011 at 7:51 AM, Zina Khan> wrote: There is nothing complicated in what I have is as straight forward as it how I unravel is my if you ever believe that I am writing for only you to read then you are sorely least 5 - 10 thousand people should read it...and this is my aim...or for me it is a sheer waste of time... CONCEPT OF IMAMATE IN HOLY QURAN The word Imam (pl. a’imma) is derived from amma, meaning to lead the way, precede, or to lead by example. Thus, the Imam means a model, an exemplar, a teacher, a guide or a path. With the Prophet, the Khatim al-anbiya (seal of the prophets), the cycle of prophecy (da’irat an-nubuwwa) was closed, but God did not thenceforth leave His people without guidance on the way to Himself. For the majority, the guide was the revealed Book. For these who became known as the Shi’ites, the guide through this world of divine wisdom (hikma ilahiyya) was and is the infallible Imam. The Imam is also Wali Allah and is from Allah the closing of the prophetical cycle heralded the opening of another, i.e., the da’irat al-walaya. The word Imam is used seven times in singular and five times in plural form in the Quran. Anyone who insults and defames the prophet's family, God has this to say to them.. Sura al Qalam 68:13 says" That they are base-born (illegitimate birth) i.e. they do not belong to their real father... Why don't you ask God why HE appointed Imams for mankind? People cannot choose the Imams nor are they elected (like you do) by mankind.... Imamat is not a new phenomena - nor a concoction ...Imams have been appointed by God since the time of Adam and Abraham....but Iblis have rejected them and so they have become Satan now just the way you are ! Abraham was also promoted to be the Imam after he successfully passed the test God had set for him..."And when his Lord tried Abraham with HIS commands and he fulfilled them, HE said " Lo I have appointed Thee as the IMAM for mankind" ! And Allah had placed all the Knowledge and Authority in Adam and ordered all the angels to submit and bow down ! so this vesting has been there since the time of Hazrat Adam and Hazrat I said before ..Ignorance is a worst kind of terrorism and you are so ignorant that it is simply appalling! An Imam like the prophet is directly appointed by God Himself and people cannot appoint or elect an Imam ! Hazrat Abraham had prayed to God that his descendants also be made Sura al Baqarah and then read Sura ale Imran...then read Sura al Maidah and then read the Prophet's hadith ...
  • 17. " INNAL QUR'AN ONZILLA ALA SAB'ATU AHROFIN MA MINHA HARFON ILLA WALLAHU ZAHERON WA BATANON WA INNA ALI IBNE ABI TALIB, INDAHU MINHO ZAHERO WAL BATIN"...Shia's and Sunnis both accept this legitimacy ! "O Ali thy flesh is my flesh ....thy blood is my blood ....O ! Ali thou art to me as Aaron was to Moses..." laloo whom are you following? "For those who consider me as their Mawla, Ali is their Mawla too.." ! very conclusive ! "O ! Allah love those who love Ali ! and hate those who hate Ali ! and help those who help Ali !...." " I leave two things after me...the Quran and my Ahl al Bayt"...they are tied with a long Rope...follow both , if you follow BOTH you will never go astray! The converse is that you have gone astray....and so now you know whom Allah refers to in Sura al Hamd --- On Thu, 11/17/11, ghulam yusuf <> wrote: Date: Thursday, November 17, 2011, 1:36 AM Dear Zina Can you kindly write in simpler words what you want to convey. Also can you cut down the length of your writing to a couple of paragraphs instead of writing a booklet to answer each question? No one can spare so much time. We know about your religious knowledge but please make it short. Ghulam Yusuf --- On Wed, 16/11/11, Zina Khan <> wrote: Date: Wednesday, 16 November, 2011, 20:18 The two unprecedented and magnificent things, each of which is weightier than the heaven and the earth, or rather the entire universe, are the Qur'ân and its Teacher (the Imam) whom the Prophet appointed as his khalifah or successor. It is they who are the rope of God which is stretched from the heaven to the earth to lift the people of the earth to the heaven (Sharh, X, 481)." [Source: Tawil 669: A Thousand Wisdoms] 12. Lo! We it is Who bring the dead to life. We record that which they send before (them, and their footprints. And all things We have kept in a Manifest Imam. 13. Coin for them a similitude: The people of the city when those sent (from Allah) came unto them; 14. When We sent unto them twain, and they denied them both, so We reinforced them with a third, and they said: Lo! we have been sent unto you. 15. They said: Ye are but mortals like unto The light of wisdom (the Quran) in the heart of the Holy Prophet is as protected as the lamp in the glass. Verses 77 to 79 of al Waqi-ah clearly state that the Quran is a protected book; and no one can touch it save the thoroughly purified, the Ahl ul Bayt, according to the verse 33 of Ahzab. Therefore the true interpretation of "light upon light" is the Holy Prophet and
  • 18. his Ahl ul Bayt. It is further made clear in the next verse. For "Allah guides whom He wills to His light" see the commentary of al Baqarah: 256 and 257- he who believes in Allah, indeed, has taken hold of the firmest handhold (or rope) which will not break off. Allah brings them out of the darkness into light-It is obvious that those who are guided unto His light are the thoroughly purified ones. They alone are the manifestations of the real light. Those who follow these reflections of the divine light receive guidance from the grace of Allah to the extent or degree of their sincere attachment to them. Another proof of how the light, the real existence of the Prophets and Imams is hidden in the Word , is mentioned in the Qur'an regarding Hazrat Ibrahim: "And he (Ibrahim) made it (i.e., the Light of Prophethood and Imamat) a Word enduring among his children, that they may return (to Him)" (43:28). That is Hazrat Ibrahim entrusted his children with all the attributes and characteristics of Prophethood and Imamat in the form of a pure and wisdom-filled Word, which continues in his progeny till the Resurrection. ...and so you guys are out to lunch..! enjoy ! The spiritual and luminous existence of the Prophet also was hidden in the pure Word, as God says: "So keep your duty to Allah, O men of understanding! O ye who believe! Now Allah has sent down unto you a dhikr (remembrance) who is a messenger reciting unto you the clear verses of Allah, so that those who believe and do good deeds may be brought from darkness into light." (65:10-11). This verse is addressed to "men of understanding" i.e. the Imams of ahl al-bayt, for they only are on the perfect level of intellect and faith, and the Light of the Prophet in the form of dhikr, has descended upon them and by the virtue of that, they are called ahl al-dhikr, the people of remembrance. This dhikr or Word is the Light of Prophethood and Imamat which contains the luminous and living realities of the Qur'an. The path of Muhamad is abundantly clear as crystal - read his Mutawatir ahadith "Aman al Umma - "Al-Safina" - "Yawm al Dar" - "Al-Manzila" - "Al- Thaqalyn"...Path of Muhammad will lead to Allah ! 13."... On the day when the hypocritical men and the hypocritical women will say unto those who believe: Look on us that we may borrow from your light! it will be said: Go back and seek for light! Then there will separate them a wall wherein is a gate, the inner side whereof containeth mercy, while the outer side thereof is toward the doom...". 12." On the day when thou (Muhammad) wilt see the believers, men and women, their light shining forth before them and on their right hands, (and wilt hear it said unto them. That is the supreme triumph...". " who would lend me a goodly loan and "he" would multiply it for him and for him will be a rich reward.." (57:11)....... So first at least return your amanat to God and HIS Prophet ! Ta'wil of word 'Yastanbitûna' (They deduce, discover, they do istinbâat): "Istinbâat primarily means "to dig a well and bring out water for the first time". Secondarily it is used in the sense of thinking, reflection, to penetrate deeply (Qâmûs, p. 77). For instance, istanbata'sh- shay' means to reveal a thing from its
  • 19. hidden state. Verse (4:83), in which it is used, clearly means that after the holy Prophet, it is the ulu'l-amr, the Imams from the progeny of the holy Prophet, who bring out the inner meaning of the Qur'ânic verses, because it is they who know the ta'wil (inner meaning) of the Qur'ân." [Source: Tawil 980: A Thousand Wisdoms] Ta'wil of word 'Muslimah' (The community of the pure Imams): "A true Muslim is the one who submits himself to God. In this sense, Hazrat Ibrâhîm and Hazrat Ismâil prayed: "Our Lord! Make us submitters to You and of our progeny a submitting community (ummatan muslimah) to You (by true obedience)." (2:128). This shows that ummatan muslimah is the community of the pure Imâms who are the progeny of Hazrat Ibrâhîm and Hazrat Ismâil (See Daâ'im, I, 33). " [Source: Tawil 812: A Thousand Wisdoms] ...and so praying THROUGH them is the best course to take as Allah recognizes them and their submission and their voices....and their supplications... --- On Thu, 11/17/11, Zina Khan <> wrote: Date: Thursday, November 17, 2011, 1:01 AM " case of ALI, he could not even prevent/madat his own assassination......." Would it be reasonable to then say that Uthman destroyed the Quran compiled earlier on by the previous Caliphs and Allah could not do much nor prevent this destruction, but watch helplessly and now you do not have the original Quran? btw...why do you address or send salutations to the prophet after your salat (al- salamu alaykum ayyuha'l nabiyyu wa rahmatu'llahi wa barakatuhu)? ...are you giving lip service and showing hypocrisy which is typical in your cults anyway? What nonsense are you guys spitting from your mouths? Jesus was put on the cross? Uthman was killed ...Bibi Aeisha was killed....Khulafa e Rashideen too was destroyed - so then the same question is being asked of you? Are you both suggesting that neither they nor Allah was able to prevent all this? that why you pious and good folks then became the patrons and followers of butchers and murderers....and followed their "sunnah" and now claim you follow Muhamad's sunnah and Islam?.... Can someone who kills your children and family, ever convince anyone that they love you and still follows you?... You are just Jokers! "And call NOT those who are slain in the way of God "dead"..NAY they are LIVING....only ye perceive Not..." (Sura al Baqara - Verse 154 " Are you not haughty and arrogant...whenever a Messenger comes to you, some you have branded liars and some you have killed.." " And when we took your promise that you would not shed the blood of your own and would not drive your own from their homes, you then confirmed it, as you yourselves bear witness..." "wretched is that for which they have sold themselves, that they should reject what God has sent down in arrogant jealousy that God should send it down from divine grace..." "Wrath upon wrath and for the ungrateful is a humiliating torment.." Have you guys read Sura Noor? Perhaps you have not understood what it says? Real knowledge is related to the internal (spiritual) world and is given to a
  • 20. person who practices his faith. Now let’s examine this ayah..." WE sent thee NOT save as a MERCY for the Worlds..." (Sura al Anbiya - verse 107).. It is clear that Allah personified HIS Mercy through Muhammad ( peace be on him)...admittedly the Prophet is now no longer with us since almost 1400 years or so.... I have shown ayat relating to "chastisement" which Allah says HE withheld as the Prophet was amongst the people... Now what happens to this blessing of MERCY as the Prophet is no longer with us? Any idea? Or does that mean that we are now all open to Chastisement and no mercy? Is Allah so unjust that all the generations who came after the Prophet's death did not enjoy the same blessings, the Umma enjoyed during the time of the Prophet? "In the Sea of the Spirit, swimming is no avail: Noah's ark is the only escape. Muhammad, that king of the prophets, said, "I am the ship in this Universal Ocean. I, or that person who has become my true vicegerent in inward vision. (M IV 3357-59)" [Source: W. C. Chittick,..." "Seek the people of God! Enter thou among My servants! Enter thou My Paradise! [Holy Qur'an 89:29-30]. "Mawlâ Ali has said: "Anâ âyâtu'llâhi wa aminu'llâh, i.e. I am Allah's signs and I am the trustworthy of Allah." (Kawkab, p.208). Âyât in the sense of the signs of Divine power or miracles, are in four places: (i) The higher world, (ii) the wise Qur'ân, (iii) the external universe and (iv) the personal world, but according to the Qur'ân (36:12) all these âyât (signs) are encompassed in the light of the Imâm-i Mubin. That is, his light is the higher world, he is the speaking Qur'ân, the quintessence of the universe and a luminous personal world in true sense." [Source: Tawil 10: A Thousand Wisdoms] "The Light that emanates from the Lamp obviously is not the Lamp Itself; but, if there is no Light, would you know what a Lamp is, and where it stands? Thus, it is (only) through the Light that you can perceive the lamp; you know the lamp through the Light." Holy Quran 4:174 :O - Mankind! Verily, there hath come to you a convincing proof from your Lord, for we have sent unto you a Light (that is) manifest.64:8 Believe, therefore, in God and His Apostle, and in the Light which He has sent down, and God is well acquainted with all that ye do. ..."And WE have sent you a perfect Light AND a Perspicuous Book..." You Rejected BOTH...and now you are in darkness!!! And do not be like those who divide and differ after clarifications have come to them; for theirs is a terrible torment (Sura al Imran) Ali as an Light and in his Luminosity exists in four places; (1) in this world, he has a body; (2) in the Spirit world, he is a great soul; (3) in the world of Light (Jabarut), he is a great light; and (4) in the world of Oneness, he is monoreal (i.e., he is at a place where all realities become one reality). But as you are in breach of your own bayah, you cannot develop relationships with him at any of these four levels. ....Remember Quran talks of Four Rivers in paradise and Islam has Four dimensions too...just in case your mullahs haven't taught you all these basics and so before you even talk of Ali (as), it is important to first know about the four levels of recognition ...
  • 21. The light of Allah exists in the form of knowledge, wisdom, rectitude and guidance, externally and internally, which rising from blessed personality of the living and present Imam (right from Imam Ali) , illuminates the heavens of the spiritual hudud and the earths of the physical hudud. This light belongs to the house of wisdom (i.e. the house of Prophethood or Imamat), the chosen members of which, are called ahl-i bayt (People of the House), who are like a niche for this light. The ancestral nobility of the Prophet and his position in knowledge are like a lamp, which is like a glittering star, in which the corporeality of the holy Imams is like the vessel of this miraculous lamp and their spirituality like the oil of the Olive. By the Olive is meant the family of Hazrat Ibrahim and Hazrat Muhammad. In the oil of this lamp the Universal Soul and the Universal Intellect, i.e. the Holy Spirit and the ever-pervading Intellect of the Imams, are like the wick and flame. By fire is meant the miraculous ta'yid (help) and light upon light, means one Imam after the other." (Source: Recognition of the Imam, Part II, page 13)...and so it is Only Ali as an light all the way and all the Imams are Ali !!!! God has sent the rope of His holy light from the higher world to the inhabitants of the lower world for the purpose that they may all together hold it fast so that they may be lifted to the higher world (Holy Qur'an 3:103). Externally the luminous rope of Allah is the holy personality of the Imam of the time and internally it is his ever-reaching light. The holy light of Ali of the time !!! The Light of Imamat Purifies Mu'mins: "The eternal light (33:46) which has been commanded by God to cleanse and purify the people of faith (9:103), has already been made the cleanser (mutahhir) and purifier (muzakki) both externally and internally. In reality, this cleansing and purification is in the form of (higher spiritual) knowledge and wisdom. Thus God has appointed the light of Imamat as the successor of the light of Prophethood so that it may continue to wash and purify people in the water of light (higher spiritual knowledge) and this chain will never cease. It is in such sublime meanings that it is said that the Divine light will continue to illuminate and that nobody can extinguish it (9:32; 61:8: 57:28). (Source: Fruit of Paradise, p. 110) Knowledge ('ilm) Versus Ignorance (jahl): "... the opposite of knowledge ('ilm) is ignorance (jahl). Thus, in the Wise Qu'ran just as knowledge has been mentioned so often both directly and in many examples, so also in the same way ignorance has also been mentioned. Thus if knowledge is light, then ignorance is darkness whether this comparison is conceptual or literal; if knowledge is certainty, then ignorance is doubt; if knowledge is Paradise, then ignorance is Hell; if knowledge is guidance, then ignorance is deviation; if knowledge is healing, then ignorance is sickness; if by hearing, speaking and seeing, knowledge is being alluded to then saying that "they are deaf, dumb and blind" is a condemnation of the ignorant. If the soul
  • 22. and intellect are cleansed and purified by (higher spiritual) knowledge, then their impurity and filth lies in ignorance." (Source: Fruit of Paradise, pp. 110- 111) Light upon Light The expression "light upon light' (Holy Qur'an 24:35) has great secrets: a. "Light upon light, that is, after one light there is another light. By this light are meant the Prophets and Imams, who in their respective times are mazahir and the lights of the Light of God, while God Himself is the Light of lights and according to "light upon light" there is unity of lights in the Imam of the time. b. Write number one on the tablet of your imagination, then repeat exactly the same shape on it, a thousand times. Where is the number thousand in the imagination? There is nothing except the number one. This is the unity of light upon light. c. There are four levels of light: light of Divinity (24:35), light of Prophethood (33:46), light of Imamat (57:28) and light of mu'mins, but light upon light indicates that all lights become one (as there is a concept of annihilation and survival with God)." [Source: Sublime Realities, p. 55] Simultaneous Recognitions of the Holy Imam "God has praised the Imam in four places: Lâhut (World of Divinity or Oneness), Jabarut (World of Light or Intellect), Malakut (World of Angels or Souls) and Nâsut (World of human beings)" [Source: Subtle Realities, p. 5]. Faith is Purified by Light "Regarding faith there is a Hadith: "Faith is recognition by the heart, affirmation by the tongue and action with the limbs". From the above mentioned Hadith, it is clear that without recognition, it is impossible for faith to become perfect and complete, and recognition is directly related to light (of the Holy Imam in our foreheads), in whose illumination are seen and recognized faith and all its accessories. Therefore, the Wise Qur'an has commanded us to believe in God, the Prophet and the Light: "So believe in Allah and His Messenger and the Light which We have revealed" (64:8)." [Source: Rubies Pearls, p. 12] The Prophet (PBUH&HF) said: "Verily, Allah, to whom belong Might and Majesty, has placed the progeny of each Prophet into his backbone (Sulb), and He, Exalted, has placed my progeny into the backbone of Ali Ibn Abi Talib (al-Tabarani)..... Zaid bin Arqam said, “One day the Messenger of Allah( May Allah exalt his mention) stood up to deliver a Khutbah at a watering place known as Khumm between Makkah al Mukarramah and Madinah al Munawwarah. He praised Allah and said, “O people, I am a human being. I am about to receive a messenger from my Rabb
  • 23. and I will respond to Allah’s Call, but I am leaving with you Two Weighty Things: the first is the Book of Allah, in which there is right guidance and light, so hold fast to the Book of Allah and adhere to it”. He exhorted (us to hold fast) to the Book of Allah and then said, “The second is the members of my family, I remind you (to be kind) to the members of my family. I remind you (of your duties) to the members of my family”. [Sahih Muslim] Sa’ad bin Abi Waqas said that, When the following verse (of challenge to the polytheists) was revealed : “Let us we call our sons and you call your sons,,,, Allah’s Messenger called Ali, Fatimah, Hassan and Hussain (may Allah be pleased with them) and said, “O’ Allah, they are my family.”[Sahih Muslim] Narrated Abdullah bin Umar Abu Bakr said, “Show reverence to the Messenger of Allah (may Allah exalt his mention) by honoring the members of his family”. [Sahih Bukhari] --- On Sat, 5/21/11, Zina Khan <> wrote: Date: Saturday, May 21, 2011, 3:49 AM “Know ye not before whom I stand in prayers and with whom I hold discourse?” Also, the Imam’s charity, as frequent and generous as it was and is, may remain hidden and not always announced. The Quran says: “And God is not going to chastise them while you are, O Muhammd among them” (8:33). It is the universal belief of all the Muslims that the followers of the Prophet are not going to be doomed with extirpation as was the case with the followers of other prophets. The Prophet was a Mercy to the whole world. But on reading the above Quranic verse, one comes to the conclusion that the privilege is restricted only to the life time of the Prophet as it reads: “While you are among them.” The Prophet is admittedly not among us at present, why then do muslims still enjoy the privilege? The explanation of this is to be found in another verse: “And had there not been God averting some people’s (doom) by others, certainly there would have been pulled down cloisters and churches and synagogues and mosques in which God’s name is much remembered” (22:40). This verse makes it clear that there always exists in this world an infallible one (Imam Abideen) through whose inherent auspiciousness, prayers and intercession, this world exists.
  • 24. This infallible one is no other than the Prophet’s progeny. Ibn Hajar writes, “Inasmuch as the Prophet was a security for the inhabitants of this earth, the people of his house (ahl al-bayt) are likewise the securities.” This is further corroborated by the hadith, “If the Imam were to be removed from this earth, the earth together with its inhabitants would have cleaved asunder.” It implies that that the existence of an Imam in every age is necessary and indispensable. Imam has helped numerous ones who needed help in many different ways. He is a friend of the poor, He is also known for his generosity and hospitality to humanity at large. The Imamat's survival in the holocaust of Karbala is no less than a miracle in itself. It proves, however, that Allah wanted to save “Imamah” from extinction...a proof that it is divinely guided institution... The gruesome ordeal of Karbala was extremely difficult and arduous. In the immediate period after Karbala the Imams were treated in a harsh and unkind manner by the tyrannical powers of the time who even had destroyed the Khulafa e Rashdeen and murdered TWO caliphs, Umar and Uthman and Bibi Aeisha... After the grotesque manner in which the members of Imam's family were killed by Yazid’s forces, how Imam Abideen was put in shackles while travelling from Kufa to Damascus, a distance of 700 miles on camel back,.. such was the cruelty of the Yazidi rulers whom you Maherally asses revere today and follow their TEXTS ! In Damascus, as well as in Kufa beforehand, Imam Abideen faced the tyrannical rulers with enormous courage and fortitude. Single-handedly he exposed Yazid’s cover up of the butchery that took place in Karabala, and valiantly brought to mind to those attending the court of Yazid (as well as the crowd at Jumu’a Salat) of who the family of the Prophet (Ahlul Bayt) were, and what atrocities took place in Karbala as well. After all, the gruesome experience of the butchery in Karbala was too daunting for anyone, let alone for the very tender-hearted Imam. He wrote, composed and prayed, appealed and beseeched the Almighty. And this proved to continue throughout his life time, which led to a magnificent write up of Du’aas, supplications, and the epistle of rights and obligations of man.
  • 25. Imam Abideen was so generous, that his enemy (Marwan son of Hakam of Benu Umayya) requested him to give shelter to his family, to which Imam Abideen did not hesitate. As it turned out, he became the host to 400 people of Benu Umayya for several weeks, feeding them, tending to them, and making every effort for their comfort (free and without charges). These were the same folks from the same Benu Umayya who had killed Imam Abideen’s father and butchered the rest of the family, and slew 8 Sahaabi of the Prophet (PBUH) and 20 Companions of Imam Ali in Karbala, only one year before!! The collection of the Du’aas is called “Al-Saheefa Al Sajjadiyah”, also known as “Zaboor Aali Muhammad”. These prayers are very compelling and very moving; they helped provide the necessary guidance to later generations to this day. Maherally there is nothing you can question or teach us.... MUNAJAAT: (The Whispered Prayer) of the Hopeful: O Lord! Which person has come before Thee seeking hospitality, and You have not received him hospitably? And who is the one who has dismounted at Thy door hoping for magnanimity, and to whom You have not shown it? O Allah who is the asylum of every fleer, the hope of seekers! O Best Object of hope! O Most Generous Aim for supplication! O Allah who does not reject His asker or disappoint the expectant! O Allah whose door is open to His supplicators and whose veil is lifted for those who hope in Him! I ask Thee by Thy generosity to show kindness toward me through Thy gifts, with that which will give serenity to my soul, and through certainty with that which will make easy for me the afflictions of this world, and life from my insight the veils of blindness! By Thy mercy, O Most Merciful of the merciful! ANOTHER MUNAJAAT My Lord! *Thy bounty which Thou hast given me - - strip it not away!
  • 26. *Thy generosity which Thou hast given me - - strip it not away! *Thy cover over me through Thy clemency - - tear it not away! *My ugly acts which Thou hast come to know - - forgive them! My Lord! *I seek intercession from Thee with Thee, and *I seek sanctuary in Thee from Thee! *I have come to Thee craving Thy beneficence, desiring Thy kindness, … *So act toward me with the forgiveness and mercy of which Thou art worthy! *Act not toward me with the chastisement and vengeance of which I am worthy! *By Thy mercy, O Most Merciful of the merciful! --- On Fri, 5/20/11, Zina Khan <> wrote: Date: Friday, May 20, 2011, 11:32 PM least explain to us your understanding of what is "Abideen" ? The Imams of Ahl al Bayt indeed speak words of knowledge (Ma'rifah). When Prophet Ibrahim (as) was thrown into fire (by Nimrood), Angel Jibrael met and asked him if he had any wish to which Prophet Ibrahim (as) replied: 'Indeed but not from you'". Imams have taught their flock how to worship Allah (SWT) and it is for this reason that they (as) are known as "Zain ul Abideen" meaning 'the adornment' or 'the pride of worshippers' and Sayyid al-Sajideen (Leader of those who prostrate). The Rightful Imams (as) have taught their flock that whenever they rise to worship Allah (SWT), two things have to be taken into consideration. One is the Greatness of Allah (SWT), which should always be in our minds. And our hearts should be filled with His awe such that our feelings should be Baynal-Khaufi war-Rajaa (between hope and fear). Hope for His mercy and fear of His wrath. Jabir ibn Abdullah al-Ansari (ra) said to the children of Fatema , "O son of the Prophet! Allah (SWT) has created Paradise for you and your followers and HE (SWT) has created Hellfire for your enemies and opponents. Jabir ibn Abdullah al-Ansari (ra) also said, "O son of the Prophet! Have mercy upon Muslims.
  • 27. It is because of the blessings of your presence that Allah (SWT) keeps away all the hardships and difficulties of the people; and HE (SWT) does not punish them for their wrongdoings". The son of Fatema and the Imam of the time (Abideen) (as) replied, "O Jabir! I shall remain steadfast on the path of my fathers and forefathers until I meet them." (Ahsan al-Muqaal) Another Incident: The Secret Helper of the Poor and Needy The view common people have towards one who isolates himself from society and devotes his life solely to performing his religious rituals, such as ablution (Wudu), praying, supplicating, pilgrimage (Hajj), etc, is a stranger to the society. Such a person cares nothing about his materialistic and social life, and spends his life in worship. The life of Imam "Abideen" (as) however, contradicts this view. Imam is NOT ignorant of his society, its needs, and the realities of the time. In fact, in regards to interactions with society, he is a role model in the social and moral duties. Imam "Abideen" (as) always remembers the saying of the Prophet (pbuh): that if a Muslim did not think of the needs of his Muslim brothers then he was not a Muslim. Noble Qur'an has repeatedly reminded us about helping the poor and it has taught us that our help should be only for the sake of Allah (SWT). (NOT for pressing the boobs of women like some of you do - or coercing the Gulbabanoos of society to serve you as slaves) Muslims are told that when giving in charity, they must not follow up their gifts with reminders of their generosity or with injury, since this act voids their charity. In this regard, verse 264 of Surah Baqarah says, "O you who believe! Do not render in vain your Sadaqah (charity) by reminders of your generosity or by injury, like him who spends his wealth to be seen of men, and he does not believe in Allah, nor in the Last Day." This is why when it was dark in the night and all the people are sleeping, Imam " Abideen" (as) gets up to plead for people... Muhammad Is'haq narrates: Many
  • 28. of the poor citizens of Madinah had experienced the generosity and kindness of Imam "Abideen" (as). Yet, they never found out it was the Imam "Abideen" (as) Ibn Sa'ad who died around 200 A.H. has narrated: There were many poor people who would come to the Imam "Abideen" (as) for help, and before they even asked for anything, the Imam "Abideen" (as) would give them what they wanted. (Check and see if AKDN is doing the same or not?) Imam "Abideen" (as) would then say, "Giving charity is received by Allah (SWT) before it is received by the poor." Moral: Ignorance of Akbar Maherally is the worst kind of terrorism today ! Imam " Abideen" (as), is very kind and patient person. That is why Maherally is still barking and loitering the net...otherwise frankly he is just an ant crawling at the Imam's feet... Imam usually never gets angry and he always had a smile on his face, because he is "abideen" It is narrated that the Prophet (pbuh) has said: One who pleases his parents has verily pleased Allah (SWT), and one who has angered his parents has verily angered Allah (SWT). Akbar Maherally and his Gulshan Maherally have both breached this hidayat of our Nabi (saw) It is narrated that the Prophet Mohammed (pbuh) has said: Two doors of paradise are opened for a person whose day commences when his parents are pleased with him. Maherally was disowned by his father.... A person once approached the Prophet Mohammed (pbuh) and said: It is narrated that Imam Jafar Sadiq (as) has said: "Allah will not accept the Namaz of the person who stares angrily at his parents, even though they (parents) may be unjust." Moral: Maherally is the replica of Iblis ! Imam "Abedeen" (as) and the Shia: "What do you do when you get something?" Imam "Abedeen" (as) asked the Sh'ias?.
  • 29. "We say Alhamdulillah [Praise belongs to Allah (SWT)]," they replied. "What do you do when something is taken away from you?" Imam Abedeen (as) asked them. "We lament a little and come to terms with it," they replied. "What do you do when you do not receive anything?" Imam Abedeen (as) asked them further. "Nothing," they replied. The Imam "Abideen" said to them... "Even the dogs of Madinah do that." Imam Abedeen (as) said. "When these dogs are given something (food), they wag their tails in thankfulness (Shukr). When something is taken away from them, they bark a little and walk away. When they do not get anything, they walk around the streets." (Like Akbar Maherally is doing) "Our Shia are those who say Alhamdulillah [Praise belongs to Allah (SWT)] when they receive something, when something is taken away and when they receive nothing." (Ahsanul Qasa) "Origination is not like the radiation of light from the sun, which depends upon a material basis, but like intelligence, which is inherent in a nonmaterial and formless existence" Quiddity, He transcends being qualified. Thus He is not of two things. For in order that man be guided through the right path, he should be enlightened by God's Will or Word. It is to him, the ever living guide. In order to show that this Word of God must always be manifested in this world, the Qur'an says: "And He made it a word enduring among His posterity." "And WE have given you abundance of is your insulter who is without posterity"
  • 30. "Our Covenant reaches NOT the Unjust (Zalimun)" Another Qur'anic verse states: "O men, a proof has now come to you from your Lord: We have sent down to you a Manifest light." Proof (burhan) and Manifest light (Nur mubin) are also interpreted allegorically to denote the Living and Rightful Imam or MAZHAR (epiphany)....a name to be connected with the notion of rising light expressed in Luke. I, 78. ... What is the Spiritual Role of the Holy Imam? "It is reported that the Holy Prophet said to Mawlana Ali: "You are the patron of this ummat and its Dhu'l-Qarnayn." (al-Majalisu'l- Mu'ayyadiyyah, I. p 335). We are aware of the fact that every verse and every sound Hadith which is about Mawlana Ali, is also related to the Imam of every age. Because the light of Ali, which is the light of God and the Prophet, continues in the holy chain of Imamat and nurtures the people spiritually and intellectually. This patron (i.e., the Holy Imam), who has been appointed by God and the Prophet, is always present in this world. (Source: Manifestations of Wisdom, p. 33). What Does It Mean to a Spiritual Child of the Holy Imam? "In verse (14:36), God, reporting the statement of Hazrat Ibrahim, says: "Then he who follows me is of me." That is, he is my spiritual child. The Holy Prophet has said about Salman-i Farsi: "Salman is of us, the ahl al-bayt". Imam Ja'far as-Sadiq has said about some of his friends: "You are from us, the ahl al-bayt". We should not forget that the means of such a unique and most exalted spiritual progress are obedience (of all the teachings of the Holy Imam) and (ardent) love (for the Imam of the Time)." "He is a minaret and sign of knowledge of the first and the last, and an ocean which never exhausts (due to usage)." (Kitabu'l-Majalis wa'l-Musa'irat.. What is the Status of the Holy Imam?
  • 31. "It is said in verse (9:105): "And said: Work: Soon will God observe your work and His Messenger and the mu'mins." According to Imam Jafar as-Sadiq, here by mu'mins are meant the Imams (Da'aimu'l-Islam, I. p. 21)." "God says in verse (9:119): "O you who believe! Fear God and be with those who are truthful (sadiqin). Let us study this verse very carefully: On one side are all those who believe and on the other, are the truthful ones who are the Imams of the progeny of the Prophet, as Imam Jafar as-Sadiq says: "We are the truthful ones". In such cases, the Holy Qur'an commands that the people of faith should fear God and follow the truthful ones (i.e., the Holy Imams) and be with them in knowledge and good deeds." (Source: Manifestations of Wisdom, p. 32). Maherally will lead you astray.... Peace be upon the pure progeny, and welcome to their resplendent lights. I begin with peace upon Adam from whom came all mankind, whether nomadic or sedentary. Peace be upon the one who with his staff overpowered the unbelievers of the tyrant Pharaoh. Peace be upon Jesus, the Holy Spirit, who by his coming, bestowed honor on Nazareth. Peace be upon Muhammad, the chosen, the one who intercedes in the hereafter. Peace be upon Ali, the beloved, and those descended from him, the radiant stars. Peace be upon you, O Sovereign Lord of Cairo, and all their gain abides with you. Allah says: "Allah did choose Adam and Noah, the family of Abraham, and the family of Imran above all people- a line of descendants, one succeeding the other; and Allah heareth and knoweth all things." (Quran 3:33,34)
  • 32. Ibn Arabi quotes the Prophet as saying in Tafsir al-Quran al-Karim (1:30) that, "Every man shall be brought together on the day of judgment with what he loves. If a man loves a stone, he shall be gathered together with it." Naturally, one who loves Imam, he will be with the Imam in last day. Thus, the rightful Imams will be witness of their faithful followers and the unjust will accordingly testify for their followers. One should therefore hold fast to the rightful Imams for the benefit of his soul, because those who are unjust Imams will not be able to intercede for their followers’ actions. The Quran says: "None shall have the power of intercession, but such who has received permission (or promise) from (God), the Most Glorious" (19:87) and also: "And those whom they call upon besides Him have no authority for intercession, except he who bears witness of the truth and they (people) know (that)" (43:86). The Imam is the mazhar (epiphany) of God on earth as the electric bulb is a device of manifestation of electricity, which itself is invisible. The bulb plays the same role as the body of the Imam. Thus, the Imam is held to be the locii of the divine light, which is ever-present in the world. "(Remember) the day (hereafter) when We will summon every people with their Imam (leader-witness) then, whosoever is given his book in his right hand, these shall read their books and they shall not be dealt with (even) a shred unjustly" (17:71). The Imam is the Proof of God (Hujjat Allah) to mankind and the Sign of God (Ayat Allah) on earth. Ali bin Abu Talib is reported to have said: "God has no greater sign than me" (Bihar al-Anwar, 23:206). The Imam is the successor of the Prophet and the Vicar of God on earth. Obedience to him is obligatory. Imam Jafar Sadik said: "We are the ones to whom God has made obedience obligatory. The people will not prosper unless they recognized us and the people will not be excused if they are ignorant to us. He who has recognized us is a believer and he who has denied us is an unbeliever, and he who has neither recognized nor denied us is in error unless he
  • 33. returns to the right guidance which God has made obligatory for him. And if he dies in a state of error, God will do with him what He wishes" (al-Kafi, 1:187). The ever-presence of an Imam is imperative ....the existence of an Imam in every age is necessary and indispensable. The Prophet said, “Ali and his descendants are invested with authority.” In sum, the Imam of every age is the Hujjatullah (Sign of God), the Noorullah (Light of God) and Mazhar (Epiphany) of God. He is Mansus (designated), Ma’sum (infallible) and Afdal an-na’s (the best of the mankind). The divine beauty is NOT in the exterior of the human form but rather it is extrinsic...and so one refers to the "divine verb" that shines through the Imam who is spiritually elevated and so those like Maherally who criticize are themselves prone to committing the assimilation of the dissimulation to what it dissimulates i.e. they being ignorant and bigoted, end up confusing the "Veil" (Hijab) with the Object that is in reality being "veiled" ...primarily such folks tend to perceive based on the limitations they suffer from...they are confined to the appearances of this material world...but the Nooran Mubeen if Allah has sent as HE says so...has to be apparent in the physical realm because it is something inherent to the Creation itself and it has to serve as a self disclosure of is logical ! It is simple! ==================================== Letter to Rajinder Sud who did not get out of the linguistic trap for understanding the universality of Islamic standard established through verse 40:78 and several Others Rajinder saheb, U are generating too many lies and false generalisations. Before sending out your mails, I think you just need to scrutinise what you are saying .It is better to be silent than throw up statements where you will find on second review that you should have denounced yourself for saying what you said. Intellectual honesty and realities of the changes in patterns of cognitive structure demands that one should be ready to denounce oneself when there is a clear cut case for the same. You are demonstrating your ignorance about the history of scientific thinking, contribution of muslims in generating knowledge about the matter. Honest and unbiased historians of science know how the modern science by founded by muslims, it is only later that we have seen the emergence of journal known as Christian Science Monitor. Naming of the journal is an indication that those involved in the exercise of naming the journal wanted to highlight the contributions of the science being done in the Christian nations. Muslims liberally learnt from everywhere -India, Greece, China collecting written materials and worked on the same innovating, refining and constructing knowledge for the overall wellbeing of the humanity. At this stage, it is not appropriate to even classify knowledge regarding the objective and the subjective realities in religions, though, there indeed are faith based measures to change the cognitive structures of subjective knowledge. For example, learning to use patience as a virtue and ensure its active functionality in day to day life is
  • 34. assuredly one of the most important outcomes of the adoption of culture of prayer, meditation and remembrance. You may choose to review the sets of stimuli that makes you troubled by muslims and Islam and while you share about the non-coercive nature of faith based communication or for that matter any communication. It is well taken and indeed, who agrees to something unless s/he is not convinced. I think your presumptions lead you to make statements and this way you are getting in the trap of these presumptions that must be subjected to reality checks. There are multiple stories across the nations and it is important to recognise these. Just do a google search and you will find multiple videos on 9/11 with diverse pictures and some of these are not the version that you have believed as a truth statement. No offence intended please. -- Dr.M.Mukhtar Alam ,Founder of Centre for Ecological Audit, Social Inclusion and Audit (2007) and International Youth for Humanity (1989) ,member, International Advisory Council, World Computer Exchange , Executive Director (H), IMEDA, New Delhi ,co-founder of Moral India Mission is a Cognitive Social Psychologist working in agriculture, rural and social development sector. He proposed the concepts of eternity index/sustainability index, social inclusion index, social inclusion audit, ecological intelligence and is currently advancing the discipline of Ecostrategics for generating responses simultaneously across the disciplines while spending some time for managing international online network of leading practitioners in socially inclusive and ecologically safe development namely Movement for Transition to Post-Carbon Green India and Ecostrategic Communicators for Carbon-neutral Neighbourhood Leisure Tel:09968345380